12 WANT-ADS Want re-cUtl at any tlnif, but lo Insure) rtxr clasHlfiratlon must re presented before 12 o'clock m. for I lie evening ttlifinn and before 7:30 fur morning and Sunday editions. Want ada received after such hour will have their first Insertion nnder the bending "Too Iate o Classify." VSII KATF.J4 Mm WANT ADS. IU:;iX ll CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 H fenta per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent In sertion! Kach invertion made on odd d), 1H rents per word. $150 per line per month. Itates aply to either The Daily or Sunday Itee. Always count six word to a line. ' Want ads for The Itee may be left at any of the following drug stores- one Is your "corner druggist" they re all branch offices for The Itee and four ad will be inserted Jnt as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Dee building. Heventeeth and Farnam streets. Alharh, V. C. 4th ami Farnam. Hauin Pmi 'o.. LWl NMSth St. Rnranek. S. A., 1402 South 16th St. Benson I'harmacv, Benson. Neb. Femls Psrk I'hsrmacy. sad and Cumins. Hlake-Bradlsh. 216 Wirrirtn Ave. Clifton Hill 1'harniacy, 221S Military Ava. Caughlln, C. II., 6ih and Fierce Sts. Crlaiey rharmacv, 2th and l.ake St, t'ooney l'harmacy. 221:1 South ICth St. Ormak, Etnll, 12ti4- South lth St. Elder. T. It., 2'2 Leavenworth 8t. Foster A Arnoll. S13 North Hf.th St. Freytag, J. J., 1914 North 24th Ht. Fregger Drug Co., i2M North lSlh St. Florence Drue- Co.. Florence. Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. reenouRti, li. A., 1 South MKh St. Orecnouah., O. A., loth and Hickory Sta. Oolden l'harmacy, 24th and Ieaven worth. Hay-den. Wlillam, M Farnam Ht. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1S01 8. th Ava. Hlnierlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam t. Hoist, John, ?4 North lh fit. Ifuff, A. L., 2324 Leavenworth fit. Jolnnmn Drug Co., 24th and Spauldlng. King. I, ft.. 22.18 Farnam Ft. Kountze Place Pharmacy, X04 N. 34th St. Mares, Fred L, 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Dnig Co., lfOl N. 24th Ft Peyton Pharmacy, T South lfith St. Saratoga Drug Co , 24th and A me Ava. M.-hsefer's Cut Price Drug IS to re. 19th and Chicago 8t. Kchsefer. August, 231 North 1th Rt. Schmidt, J. li , 24th and Cumin Rt. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND rrNRRAI, NOTICES MORRIKSEr-Wtlllam. aged 28 years, died at Waicott. la., January SO. 1911. Funeral Friday morning from residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mor rissey, 1H07 Isard atreet, St 8:M o'clock, to Holy Family church at o'clock. Inter ment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. CARD Of THANKS. Ws wish to express our thanks to our friends for their kindness and floral offer Ings In the bereavement of the lues of hus band and father. MIlK. PETER LAM 311 AND RELA TIVES. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to. our friends for the kindness and floral offerings during the sickness and death of our dear mother. Children of Wilhelmia Helse. I- BIRT1IS AM) DGATI19. Births H. B. and Louisa Lemere, 4824 Dav enport, girl; James and Dora Newland, j17 Grant, girl; Frank and Virginia WeJck, 3419 Parker, boy; John and Theresa Fltsgerald, 4b 11 Underwood, boy; John and Grace Mont-' gomery, Omaha General hospital, girl; H. W. and Lenoia Ellsworth, Fourth and Ban croft, boy;. James and Toole Clifton, 1728 South Fourteenth, boy; Charles and Mary Kuncl, 1901 Bouth Sixteenth, boy; Harry and Mamie Vlekera, 251& Templeton. girl. Deaths Vaclav Hchmltt. 70, Douglas county hospital: Emma Holqulat, 62, 2H31 Caaa avenue; Edward Powers, 1, KM Chi cago; Howard Jean Butler, 22, 1302 Ames avenue; Mrs. Mary Crawford, 70,' 2WI Char las. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., t v ... w. i. v. m. . - v w, xniV, lS-ltxS. K. T. Burro wes Co., rustless door V win. dow screens. Sua Brandeis Ttie. Bldg. D. low. Oil YOU PAIiADISEl Sounds good, doesn't ItT Happiness su preme when you burn our PAHAJJ188 COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our advloa and burn Paradise. Will save ou 1 1.60 to 12 00 ton. Both 'phones. J. W. iULiFUHD. feu Cumin 8U ILLUSTRATIONS from actual photo graphs make the best advertising you can buy; eur work Is the best; photographs tor any purpose. Commercial PnotoMramuo Miudiu, sue Boston btore Bldg., lod. A-iooe. MISS A. HOLLAND Wishes to announce greatly reduced pricea during the months of January and February; a.jo, select, new sprtag tailoring material Included in this offer. Suits sua Psxtun block. Tel. Douglas 304. MONEY KAlt, In luuii ts MV"S) CVUaaU aaaV UNION LOAN CO. Zimmerman & Crows Furniture Co., 17U Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said I E. T. Farnawortb, Att'y. 40f Be Bids!. DOUGLAS Prtatlng Co., Tel. Douglas B44. Drs. 61a be u go. Mares wlah to announos the removal of their dental edicts to rooms tl-41 City National Bank Bldg. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas senger. J. K. Kennedy, tX 8. 13th. D. a7. VIRGINIA DARE WINE. ?So a large bottle. Klein Liquor House. 621 N. Uth cfc DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all t!0 orders. Catalogue free, tiherman A Mc Conaell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. EDEOTiLEIi'Y rj aigaxsk uua ta oonoseuoa. Ill a. nib sit. MAOOARD Van A fetoraga Pack, man store and shlu H. U. good. D. lu. Bi42s. CYNIC AND PHILANTHROPIST! I LISTEN. V My back la broken, body lifeless from we let Sown. I earned ll.Ouo for Infante Home last fall. Your rnageslne order this fall will earn SS.OuO for charily, the Inter est of this money will provide for my de cline and later pay a nurse's wages, or endow a hospital cot forever. IS) subscrip tions to the Lad lee Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns first fl.ooj. Pries AIM each. Either counts, whether new or renewal. Do get them In. Writs for complete cstalogue and story, "a Broken Back." Phone Douglas 71X Gor don, ths atagaslns ataa Omaha. Ol'S DOMINOUEZ. former manager of the First National Bank barber shop, has opened the most elegantly fitted barber shop in Omaha and cordially lav ties your patronage, opca week days I a. m. to t SO V. ui. ; tvaturdays until p. m.; Hunday. I so a. m. to U in. Tenth Floor New Omaha National Bank Bldg. PT. TINO Corner 10th and Do.iglas lUAllim Excelsior Plating Works Will plats snd r novete your Jewelry, sil verware, or anything which la metal Telephone Douglas ItosU. LYNCH BK0S. 'LUH,r?NaANO REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jacaaoa SL IX 1471 BARICEU BK0S. PAINT CO. Vtut. 4710. Ind. A-3S2L luH Farnam Bt. dteni'tl outfits; A atyles; picture framing at moderate prti-es; glase. well paprr. Hi I'AHKI A Fl'Ll LINE (F SlltRWIN' ttlMUf" PAINTS. BRASS PoLKSH MgClD VENKtK AND ALL BRANDS OF F1AJOH WAX. MRS. CHARLES C 11 UN GATE, china firlug. I7u Biandeis Bldg. Tel. Web. to, a. WAUAFH CLKAK1XQ CO . Ladles snd dents ilvlkes cleaned it repaired, lad. UiA.t ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) FIHLIC MAKKKT srll. Nut and lump coal, t" IK); Coke, t i0 per ton. Partridge-Thomson Co.. In Public Market, 110 Harney, Douglas Ml, Ind. A-S42. J0ILN ANiTTLEKfHxru..Cr??5,r LUXITS thf; peer vou lik. "Urfi.jo 1.2 bouth 24th Bt Douglas 1S, Red SKii, Independent. F-1J77 1LER GRAND HOTEL I urkish liatLt Finest In ihe wen.. aSta Howard Sua Alfred Jones, refreshment, music and service, 431S Jackson. 11. UsJ. lad. A-2W7. ALADDIN lamps and supplies. Saratoga Drug Co.. 4th and Ames Ave. Web. 118. Duffy Bolsnd. UndertaJrs. Tyler 1671 Kosher Dclicatesson All kinds of smnked meats A Fish delivered dally. Davs Kuklin. TM X. 18th. D. am OOOI MERCHANTS LUNCH JETE'S 1302 Douglas Street OC B. H. Cols Sign Co.. D. 87CS. 1311 Farnam. .CHINA decorating for clubs a specialty. Miss M. R. Emfg. 33t Biandela Theater. DAVID COLE CREAMERT COMPANY. HORNBY Blue Trlnt Co.. 61lBee Bidir. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKK.INS, Il S. 1ST II, UPSTAIR TWENTY per cent lee than Onuha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth snd L 8t.. South Omaha. MASONRY contractor, Healy, Wsb. 1241. B. F. Wurn. optician. 443 Brandeis Bldg. Filters, filter repair. 1310 Howard. D. 8913 MReV M. Y. IRWIN. S4fl Brandeis theater China decorating and filing. Kanter cards. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of retiring DRUMM0ND Corner 18tb and Harney St. MAXWELL runshmit, 2-cyllnder, 14-h. p., top, lamps, etc., 13.4. Phone D. 6739. Auto Impairing rLVTar" CALLS DAY OH NIGHT. The Paxton atltchell Co., 201O-16 Harney. D. 7K24; A-2011. FOR SALE Mjdel 10 Bulok roadster, equipped with Pres-to-lite tank sad ex haust whistle. Call Harney sw2 OUR line of Sd-hand tires are bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co., 2124 Farnam St. Auto Painting ;mphi did it.- ANDREW MURPHYSoT Jckson! .t?1!53 for Hat OI automoblls bargains H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co., Omaha. WJUTE or Prices. THE INTERSTATE AUTOMOBILE CO.. 31U-31i S. lbth St. AUTOMOBILE owners, attention! Writs ror our plan whereby you can secure your ....., supplies ana accessories at trade discounts and save averaKe of KtU per cent. Goods will be sent allowing ex gjnlnatlon. Full particulars mailed upon request. The Geyer Sales Company. Day BUSINESS CHANCES ' TO GET In or out of business call on OANGESTAD. 404 Bes Bldg. Tel. D. J347. SEEING THINGS. To ths best advantaga Is the result of proper care and attention of your eyes. Our knowledge of ths eye is baaed on 19 jrrs, of fitting glasses. Consultation free. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 8. 16th St. 1 HAVE the sale of a good green house property that is located In a town of l&oot people. It has been well taken cars of and Is earning from $12,000 to $15,000 each and every year. The owner wkhes to sell and retire and will sell everything connected with the business. The value of this prop erty is 320.000, but In order to make a sale will discount Is 40 per cent. For further particulars write me. Box Z)i. Sioux City, la FOR SALE Good livery and feed barn, auto la connection. Huppert at Qatea. Maywood, Neb. TAILORING business for sale; $160 will buy my weU equipped tailor ehop in one of the best cities in Wyoming; employ 3 hands; poor health reason for selling. Ad dress Bog (77, Lander. Wyo. CASADY F" fta. Loans and . " Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent, yulck returns, b. VV corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. Las' RMil.T. r.lfl.ll.anl I .. I . . .4 1 . .... , '' niyiuuiii( ouiiaing Cin iMUd IMJln In. !. .ill! II . ... . win c 1 1 cneap for cash. Inquire 2321 Vinton St., opposite Vwl IWi 1st FAR A 1 .10 PaaI k.i. t - ' s-viniyirnr, new fixtura. Inaulr att uoi m ?tk a a.n. Omaha. " LETTER of Inquiry will glvs you Infor mation conoernlng an exceptional location for exclusive dry goods, or clothing and gents' furnishings, or a sener.i unr. - Ad dress Sam A. Clark ft Co., (Real Estate!. FayettevUls, Ajk. '' PARTNER WANTED. If taken at once. I ntfmr nn. r.r ti. t--. C n l wr 1 1 1 1 1 1 f ( t n u n i. . . .ii .1 i. . . . f C . Kiaiuiig to pur chase a one-half Interest In one of the IT "7T . , iowa,-snown as lh. UnU Char . . . . . . . " - " nuuirsn V IIM, U, y II. son. Prop., Mason City. Ia. FOR SALE A moving plotura atitupment ivervthtnir rea.-tv li .ur, ni,K. ... i i everything good as new for $416, or will trade for equity in a house In Omaha or South Omaha, or will sell with small pay ment down. .Inquire 628 Bes Bldg. FOR SAT.R fa-see TId,,. si ,r...... (Ore.) -orchard; 14 acres bearing apples; juiu vnj limns, gooa proposition' 17 SOO stock drugs In Twin Falls. Idaho country Terms on both. For particulars address Lock Boa 42. AsWand. Ors. THrp i-.. . ------ - 111 ...i in . iihth oppor tunities in certral and northern British Columbia along the I nes of three trans continental and other railroads bulldinjr ' ll I m . . wttMr an. I I 1. . . , . - . ' "-- . iiu nvii inruurv or au.vv KW acres of ths finest grain, fruit and iiiuiii isuu. .iu.vw.vuv acres or rich mineral, timber and coal land will de velop with mavelous rapidity. Fort Georee Is th. vi,rinhl.l . . I. " " " ' ' i n ine line of all railroads bulidina; and projected and at .... ji.ih.muu vi i.tiw nines or navigable waterways. You can get In now before ths railroad and share In the profits by In vesting ss little ss 10 per month. Let us send you a free oopy of "British Columbia Bulletin of Information," containing up-to-date news of investment opportunities in this vast, new snd rich country, also synopsis of government lsnfl, mining, tim ber and coal laws, etc. Send you name and address today. Natural Resources Se- eiiftv fn I i .1 L .. .... ... i . ... . . 642 Bower Building, Vancouver, B. C. OPPORTUNITY OPENS ITS DOORS BUT , ONCE IN A LIFETIME. THIS MAY BE YOUR DOOR: A highly aucceafull youna manufacturttic oonovrn. making a Hue of goooa used in very home, with au eutablUhed trade. wishing to double or treble their output and to settle permanently In Omaha, where there Is no coniDotiUoa in Iowa. Nibruki. Colorado and (south Dakota, where SO per cent of their goods are sold. Where now located they are upon leased ground and without trackage. A permanent home, grounds and builduia- reuuira d,n- Uonal capital. . The management does not ask a d.iilVe nf bonus, knowing they have the very beat and latest equipped manuiactunng p. am, with wise and conservative uiaiiagnnetit, their future is esrured and will be eaiuUMed with future) profits. This company has the backing of ths Omaha Cuinuiorcial club and a uiiuit.tr of Omaha cuiiens who know them in a buol neee way. The management would consider tbs ap plication of a good office man with caMial and two or three traveling men with finan cial intereki. A llmltod amount of stock will be said to cover cost of building and muvlna aflJ every facility will be ottered ts the bourst investigator. If you are looking for a purely speculative proportion. d n't investigate this, we want to deal oniy with men of affaire and those who can analyse a proposition that means success for the Investor. Address Horn 8 7V4. Bes. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PARTNER WANTED in real eMato business, can show an In come that has everaice.1 over $1 o0 per month tor the paM two veers. tTxik In JJ.'oo last month. Established In Oninha 5 years ago. Have more than I can prop erly look after, so If I ran Ret a good, congenial, live hustler, I will sell him a full Vt interest for fno. This Is a money Ketter and will stand Investigation, but un less you mean business don't answer. Ad dress P 7u3. Bee. FOR PALE A good paying tailor shop; very reasonable price. K"3 Farnam Kt. Inquire D. Cooper, 318 North Mth atreet. FOR SALE Pool hall; nine tables; fins location. l.'lS Farnam; very reasonable price; good reasons for selling. PRINCILE leaves for Rocky Ford, Colo., Tuesday. Feb. 7. Go to 99 Merchant's hotel and he will tell you about his country. Ha handles nothing but Improved Irrigated farms, with water rights. TO BUY-3ELL OR TRADE 9EB THS MIDLAND CO.. 74 BRANDEIS BLDG. CASH for general store. P 688. Bee. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, balr dressing, balr goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 233 DR ROY. UVK Farnam SC Douglas 6497. DANCING Misses Simpson ft Cotl. W. 14H1. W. MORAND S. loth and Harney. Doug. 2961. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACII. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 103S. DR. HORTON-627 City Nat. Bank Bldg. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective sgc. Inc.. bonded. 4iS-9 Paxton llk. D. 1319, Ind. A-131. CAPT. T. CORMCK. S17 KARBACH Blk. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING: satiefae tlon guaranteed; reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESHMAKINO by day. Webster 871S. EDUCATIONAL Y. W.C. A. Second Term Opens Feb. G. GENERAL LITERATURE. LANGUAGES, GRAMMAR. ARITHMETIC, ORATORY. ASTRONOMY, PAINTING, ORCHESTRA. SEWING I STENOGRAPHY DICTATION. PLAIN SEWING, DRESSMAKING, SHIRT WAISTS, MILLINERY. TEXTILE STUDY, JUNIOR CLASSES. COOKING COURSE I COURSE II COURSE HI DINNER CLASS. LUNCHEON COURSE. PRACTICAL COOKERY, . BOYLES COLLEGE , Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any time. Business. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service end Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent. Omaha. Nsb. Y. W. C. A. Millinery 14 lessons, beginning February 6. Monday, 2:00 and 4.30 p. m $4.00 Tuesday, 7:15 and p. m $3.00 ATTENTION . BEFORE DECIDING UPON A SCHOOL know that The VAN SANT SCHOOL has for twenty years held ths highest known record among business schools for per centage of success among its graduates. Wead Bldg., S. W. Cor. 18th and Farnam. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance BRANDEIS" cut flower dept.; new store. L. Henderson. U1 Farnam. Douglas 1211 A. DON AG HUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001 HESS ft SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1&J Harney. Douglas SOO. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12u-120S Douglas bt. Both phones. FURNACES c'ean'O- repaired, lath HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageats aaleseasea. LADIES To demonstrate . house to house. Salary and carfare. W. G. Carr, Room 325. 210 131 h St. Heaeekeepere and Danatsatlva. OIRL for general housework; must be good cook; no washing and Ironing. Mrs T. C. Byrne. Uo3 California. WANTED Housekeeper; middle-aged woman preferred. Tel. Webster 14J4. WlVTW:nTKrt ffii-la fur t.n,rnl l. . ... work: references reouired. Phone Oou 62. 224 N. 18th St. WANTED A good girl for general house work, German or Bohemian preferred. UuS Park Ave. WANTED A competent gill for general housework. 62nd and Military Ave. WANTED Housekeeper, middle preferred. 2ta Chicago 1st. aged WANTED A nice young girl to cars for children, good borne. 1AJ0 Sherman Ave. LADIES wanted, take work home, ap plying transfers. 416 Brandeis Theater. WANTED Girl to h!p with housework. 4166 Cess St. WANTED A competent girl for house work, plain cooking. 17U8 Lake St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 128 So. 3MO SI- WANTED A competent girl for house work, three In family. Mrs. W. W. Fisher, L'lO F St., So. Omaha. WANTED A middle aged German wo man, with or without family, to keep house for two men on farm mils weat Ralston, Route t. So. Omaha WANTED First class cook. Mrs. Frank Colpetaer. lis So. 26th Ave. WANTED Women for general house, work on farm, work not very heavy, Mrs at. 11. Ferrin. North bend. Neb. WANTED A first class cook. S011 Doug las St. WANTED A competent girl for general nousewora. tan ei. . . umana. WANTED-Aa experienced elrl f..p a.. eral housework, small family. IMS Georgia Avs. WANTED A girl about 11 to cars for children and help a lib housework. 4i4 Douglas St. WANTED Oood girl for general house work, email family, ao laundry. 1417 N. lth Bt.- HELP WANTED FEMALE Hnaeekreper aad Donifitlre t ust'4, WANTED A competent girl for general housework. lJn N. 4:nd St. WANTKIj-An experienced plrl for gen eral housework. Lli N. 20th M., So. Omaha. YOUNO women criming tj Omaha as ftrsrgers are Invite! to visit the Young Women's Christian association building st St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Union station. WANTED Nurse girl, 18 to 20 veara old; of good education. Apply 313 Chicago St. HELP WANTED MALE WE HAVE salesmen a posit loss opes here you can earn good money wblle studying our course. Practical School oi Salesmanship Drawer T-S7. Cleveland. O. SPECIALTY salesmen; best proposition offered; entirely new; either men or women; only live ones reply. Address C 708. Bee. WANTED AGENTS Active agents are making from $1(1 to $15 per day selling the Ideal Rope Machine direct to the farmers. 1 want to locate snme agent, a man of good standing In the community where he lives. In each snd every state. Nebraska. South Dakota, North Dakota. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas Call on or write The Ideal Rop.- Machine Co.. Sioux City. la Lock Box 33. I HAVE four first class general agents' contracts, salary and commission, to place with first class producers, men who can handle an agency force. I want four men who can do things. The contrscts will be msde by a well established old line eastern life Insure nee company, lth four compe tent producers for Nebraska. Write me, giving age, experience, present employment, etc W 688, Bee. SALESMAN To retail our unique new wall map of Nebraska, with IMil Index; townships named; sectionnl lines shown; slse. 36 x 48 Inches: good salesmen char $'0 to $15 per day. Write today. encloHlns roc for sample. Nathan 8. Lee. Manager, Bethany, Neb. WANTED Resident representative to sell our "Bestyet" Men's Nainsook under wear on commission. Apply by mail, slul Ing what other lines you represent. Phoe nix Mfg. Co., 71 W. German St.. Balti more, Md. Clerical and Office. We can use several first-class traveling salesmen, bookkeeper, stenographers and clerks. Jf you are looking for a position oh) not fail to see us at once. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASS N. INC, OMAHA. Estah. 8 years. KANSAS CITY. 7f2-8-4-& .New York Life Bid. Factory and 'trades. Drug Stores Oman). Joba. Knlest. Bee Bldg TAIIjOR wanted at Fort Omaha. Call at Post Exchange. lllaeellaaeoaa. TOtT are wanted ror a fvMnment r.oi tlon. $) a month. Writs for list of posi tions opea. Franklin Institute, Dept 2o-C. Rochester, N. T. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCK for electric railway motormen nd conductors. 10 to 40 years old. tou to $100 a- month; na experience necessary; fine opportunity; no trlks; writs Immediately for application blank, enclosing stamp. AJdreaa, Y-ftg, care of Bes. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and o; citlsens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to recrult L1?, offcr. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la 130 North loth St.. Lincoln, Neb.; 110 East 3d St.. Grand Island, Nsb. WANTED-Men to prepare for automo nils business; practical nop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work In large touring cars. We Invite your Investigation. National Auto Train ing Ass n.. offlcs t28 Brandeis Theater Bldg RAILWAY Mail Clerks Wanted-A verago salary. $1,100; alternate weeks off with full psy; preparation fres for coming Omsba seminations Franklin Institute, Deot 03-C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED At ones 50 to 100 Italians or Greeks with foreman to clean the Leavitt sugar factory brick. Address J. J. Funk. Fremont. Nt. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE Experienced canvassers can make big quick money; city or country territory. Apply Wallace, 412 Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard Sts. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRTfF! 4 UEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made from ths best MATERIAL MONEY CAN BUY CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue barn, rear Mliyrd hotel. D. 4096. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, white breast and bobtailed; $ years old; big collar on neck; was last seen at 15th and Leaven worth, 6 p m., Friday. Call A. C. Slurs, bturs Brewing Co., receive reward. LOST Lad y ' a gold nose glasses, with chain and gold halruln attached. Do not know where lost. 1 eleohone Mrs S P Swlnney, Douglas 5702; liberal reward. ' LOST Brlndle. female. Boston hnit rier. Spike collar: locked. Reward 2115 Jones. iMuglas 7300. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sis.; special attention paid to confine ment oases: sll treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day snd night. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best reru edy for itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; 50c postpaid: samples free. Sher man & McContieil Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALAIIV AMI 4M4A1 InXs. $$WlWllWt4MlLlUUr W'MUJUUI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NO MORE HIGH KATES !NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. $ This is a new firm, organized by ths $ $ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $ $ OMAHA TO LOAN $ $ $10 to $500 $ $ to any honest person owning HOI'S li- $ $ HOLD GooDB. PLANUS, etc., OK $ I holding a salaried position, at ths I $ rate of $ $ PER CENT PER YEAR. $ $ JUST THINK. YOU PAY $ $ SOc Interest on $10 for one year. $ $ $1 hi Interest on $26 for one year. $ $ $3.00 interest on $60 for one year. $ $ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PitoPOR- $ $ TION. 1 $ EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $ 1 Reasonable Appraisement Charges. $ $ INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, $ $ ROOM 2o4. WITHNKLL BI.ImJ. $ $ N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. $ $ Doug. UH6. $ uuiiimnsiwuuwuiuuiuwmnujuiHiul WEDO"WHAT A BANK WONT DO. Ws make loans on furniture, pianos and teams, la any amount fruiu $5 to $lu0 fur any leu lb f tUua up U one year and al low you to pay It back in small weekly or monthly payments. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Reom U, ArUagto Blk.. ifll Dodge. Phvbes: Douglas $-S. lull. A-i. MONEY TO LOAN "alary and battels outlnr. DO YOU NEED MCNEY? We will lonn you money on your furni ture, piano, live stork or anv other se curity Ht LOWER KATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1356. Ind. A-IX IX Bee Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and iet us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. KM Paxton Block. Tet. Douglas 1411. A-141L money loaned salaried peopt.r. Women keeping housb and OTHERS, wlthcut security! eeey payments, office In principal cities. Tolmsn. Roods 101 New Omaha Natloaal Hank Uldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, Dodge Street, iephone Red sua. MOVING STORAGE. CLEANING EXPRESSMEN ft DELIVERY CO.-Mor Ifg; furniture packing, fireproof storags. City offlcs tit 8. 17th. Doug. M; Ind. B-1341. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. clean lour carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners w -. in. Ju . l.tn. Jqui. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Hooms. THE IRVINO. 2102 Leavenworth stree- THE BACHEDORS. American rates. Single, $ to $40; double. $6H to $'SV 6t. James. 414 8. 13; aim. beat, fres bath. Am., $1.23 up; wkly., 16 up; meals, t4c. STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking; rates reasonable, by day or week; meals. 2Tic; half block west of pjntonice r.". 1 Dodge. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooma, suitable for 3 or 4. 10S N. 26th St. ATTRACTIVE tront room with large al cove) walking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglas 3$ft. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking distance from downtown; best of home cooking. 123 S. 2uth Ave. Tel., Doug. 89. FOR RENT Nicely furnished f front room, desirable for three gentlemen, good board. 2tilo Harney St. NICE room and board for two or three gentlemen, reasonable. 2614 Cuming St. FOR RENT Large south room, desirable for two or three board. 132 S. Vith Ave FOR RENT Nice steam heated room, board. 1714 Nicholas St. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms, board. 171U Chicago St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, neat, home cooking. J112 Douglas. VERY nice modern room, good board. 710 6. 18th St.- FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,"weTl heated, boaid if desired. FINE large room suitable for two. 1918 Cass. Douglas 1476. WALKING distance, two very desirable rooms. In private home; one block from car ilne. 2104 Webster. ' Red 6S11. KsrnUhed Kownse. i Nice south, single room, furnished. 2213 uougias et. A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen in West Farnam district. In private family, excellent bed; hot and oold water all the tlms. Harney 831. WE have three warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 1C1 N. istb st ELEGANT FRONT room, private family walking distance reasonable. 537 S. 2 Ave' TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6975 Ml N. 20th St. FOR RENTTwo nleely furnished rooms i$$ a ltd at ' EXTRA warm front room, nicely fur nished; hot water all the time. Uu7 Dodge. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room strictly modern; walking distance. 230s Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6401. TWO very desirable heated rooms in a new private horns; fine residence district continuous bot and cold water: tma hm,! use of phone) genileuieu preferred uLl . .. i. kit ,1 . wui Bfc ONE large and one small room; Hirht heat and bath, lelephons Tyler 142J. kiij tJapltol avenue. -.T DCC. In tarn Haalv i rooms; furnace heat 510 North 30ta at v -I .m ' r li nn llmialaa KTjr DEWEY European Hotel, lath A Farnam. PLEASANT, warm front room; private home; tine location, on car llneeauy walk ing distance; modern; fins for one gentle man. 233 N. th. STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dls Unco. 41s a 24th Avs. $ per weeii and up. TeL Inn. A IMS. AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture: strictly modern. US N. jut .... sign on house. TWO large, pelasant rooms, strictly mod ern; Harney car; walking distance. 2U N. 15th DESIRABLE modern room; private fam ily; good location. '31 N. 31st Ave. NICELY furnished room; mod.; close In. 531 S. 22d St DELORIE Hotel. $10 N. 17th. Steam Heat. NICE pleasant room desirable for one or two young ladles. 1810 Capital Ava. NICE large parlor,,, suitable fur two ladies or gentlemen, well heated. 616 N. loth St. Doug. 16S. BEST location In the city; easy walking distance; choice, well kept room, suitable for two. Modern residence. Hell phone. Reasonable. 810 North 24th street. LARGE front room with alcove; on car line. 120 North 26th. FURNISHED room and board near de pots. Home cooking. 11M South 11th St. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 706 S. 18th St. VERY desirnhle rooms, continuous hot and cold water; H block from two car lines. 2411 Capitol avenue. Wi St. Mary'a. aecond floor: strictly first class furnlHhed rooms: modern and elegantly furnished; for gentlemen only. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water heat, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St. STRICTLY modern room; walking dis tance; housekeeping privileges, if desired. 548 b. 26th Ave. STRICTLY modern furnished room: en tlemeu only: half block from postofflcs. r. mo. jjougias si. VERY pleasant alcove suite. Tel. Doug las tf4. NICELY furnUhtd front room with al cove, all modern: suitable fir two or three. W S. 19th. Douglas 7811. FURNISHED, stesm heated-room, pri vate (amlly. for gentlemun; walking dis tance. h2 8. 2ih St. CLOSE In rooms, strictly modern, D15 Cipltol Ave. Douglas 4SU6. LARGE, warm front room, in prlvats home, desirable for two, strictly modern, walking distance, on 24th St. car line. 2M N. 21. Red 4232. $10 Nicely furnished smsll room, for one or two gentlemen: furnace heat; gas, bath, plenty hot water; telephone; also large parlor, with piano, flit: light housekeeping privileges. 2503 St. Mary's Ave. CLObE IN Two nice furnished rooms in vil.aU family, $2 and $150. til N. il.t. FRONT room, private entrance, for ons or two gentlemen, til 8. 2utn St. PLEASANT east front rooms suitable for to, $Jt par week. 12 8. lelh bt. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished MiMimi NICE large parlor, well heated, suitable for two ladies or gentlrmrn: also 2 aiuali rooms. M6 N. lsith St., Douglas .VMS. FURNISHED room at bargain; strlctlv modern; walking distance. Phone H. 3341. HKAI'TIFUU.Y furnished rooms In frame, new brick flat; close In: board If ds sird. Telephone Tyler li'.JS or MS South ll'tli St Mrs. VV. F. Eagan. KW So. ll'th St. ELKt.ANTLY furnished front room; hot water heat, telephone In room, electricity and gas; suitable for one or two gentle men; also smaller room. 62t 8. 17th Are. PLEASANT, modern ' sleeping rooms. In rival family, one block from car line. Mrs. Mlron Embree, 814 Hickory St. FOR RENT Nloely furnished smith room, desirable for two. 2f77 Harney St. NICE private home, young lady to room and be companion, rent cheap, fine place, walking distance. LlU Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Fine housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1124 Jackson St. (SUITE nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1444 N. 17th St. Doug. 2121. FOR RENT Small, nicely Heated room. 17113 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, one block from car line. 2218 Grace St. TWO rooms In private residence; no sign; near Omaha club; new house, newlv fur nished; strictly modern: electric lights; hot water heat; best beds; responsible business men desired. 2120 Douglas. Tyler 1228. LARGE front room, also smaller rooms at $x. In private home. Strictly modern. bli N. f.d. 2T2 HARNEY, nicely furnished sleeping room; convenient to bath; strictly modern. NEATLY furnished room, all modern, nicely heated, private home, walking dis tance. SOO So. 2f.th Ave. Red 7956 FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping room, warm, bath on same floor. 2M Harney St. FOR RENT Nice warm room, pleasant location, walk In distance. 117 So. 2Mh St. FOR RENTTwo nicely furnished rooms, private family. 617 N. 21st St. ' STEAM heated hooms, good location, luoi Farnatn St. FOR RENT-Two nicely furnished rooms. l.ft Leuvrnworth. FOR Pl?VTrv,.l 1.1- . ... - .-.j...- iniipiiiD I I 1 ' 11 1 IUUIII, lUf nished if desired. 217 So. 2Tjth St. FOR RENT-Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping, ltilfi Howard St. FOR n 1TMT)J,,I1 1 L.II-J cm rooms. 1817 Leavenworth St. FOR RENTTwo nlcelv furnished rooma. board if desired. 1615 Burt St. FOR Rh:vt-wim cm i. .i i.. furnished. 1S13 Capitol Ave. FOR nvvTvi.i,. .. i..u-j j - ; . ....-i.. iiiininiii'ii muuem room, good location. 2573 St. Mary's Ave. FOR REliT-Urr. ..,nn.. ... desirable location. 2324 Harney St. J-OR RENT Nlcelv furnlsheil hated rooms. 1817 Capitol Ave. well --f- r I Ml 1(1'. 1 Vfonlu .M.nl.l,. - modern, convenient to town. 209 So. 25th Ol, F,?P RKN'T-Llght. comfortable rooms, walking distance. 1919 Cass St. Hatela and Apartmeats. VICELT FURNISH1TD ROOMS n- c tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 S. lltk nt DODGE HOTEL 13th aV Dodge; all out ride rooms, steam heat: special week rate 8UITES-$55 up; meal book, $...50. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Har. KL 1042 Geo. Ave. Aaiartasenta aad Flats. $3rh0-FOUR-ROOM apt., t blks east side park cars Harney THE Genoa, 3S30 Cans; just completed; apartments; 5 rooms each; bath, storage, gaa ranges, refrigerators, telephone, water, heat; strictly flrst-cluKs: best residence neighborhood; janitor will show you, GROUND floo , 5-room, steam heated flat, the Dunsany, 10th and pierce ets , sl per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 40 Biandela Theater Bldg. CENTRAL All modern, 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. $18 00 7-room modern flat. 1MB N. Mth St til'Ktalrs. Inquire 4W S. 10th St. Call WeL 1977. FOR RENT Choice e-room flat, near high school, $22.50. 7-room cottage, 31st and Jackson; reduced to $20. Tel. owner. Red 6204. $4fl.0t a-room apartment with kitchen and bath: partly finished. C. F. Helium, new Hamilton apartment, 710. Telephone. Bed 7W0. CLOSE IN First Class Ebcation J.102 Howard New S-room brick; living room, dining room and kitchen on lirst floor; two bedrooms anil buth on second; oak finish and floor; gas range, shades and curtain rods; hot and cold water In laundry. Tear lawn, with iron fence. Va cant February 1, $:;7.50. ERNEST SWEET, 1M CITY NAT. BANK MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 5-rootn brick apartment In city; elec tric lights, continuous hot and cold water; steam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price, $50. Two4ilock from heart of city. 11-677, Bee. Faraiaaed lloaarkeepiaaj Hooane. TWO rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping: laundry privileges. 17'T Dodge. HOUSEKEEPING, small sleeping rooms, 171.' Jackson street. TWO strictly modern housekeeping rooms in private family. 1510 North 17th street. Webster 12:'.4. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, heated front parlor. 121 Cass St. well FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, for hotibckeeping. 22.7 Dodge St. FOR RENT Three nice rooms, heated, main flour. 3.0 N. 20th St. steam L;sten! "Please take our ad out of your Help Wanted columns. We have received so many replies now that we do not know what to do with all of them. "Thanking you.-', Yours truly, "N. W. DEER1NG & SON, Hardware "Atlantic, Iowa Here is the ad: Young nian to work In Hardware ttorct. Some experience. 8teady job. $40 ' per month first year. N. W. Deerlng & Son. Atlantic, la. . Quick results. This ia the distinguishing feature of Bee Want ads. t They go to the right place. They tell the right story. They are reliable. They convince. v That's all but it's enough. OFFERED r0R KENT .-ralsbed lloeseUreplna Roams, TWi". 1-nrvHr-ri. fur rn -Mi-Mi room for llfh himaak 4"ni n u : tirlvste family: walking dis tance for Jo a week. Including gas, heat; laundry free. 219 8. 21th Avs. 'Phone Har ney nl 11. FOR RENT Nice steam heated house keeping rooms. S4o2 So. J4th St. FOR RENT Two very nice rooms fof housekeeping. 23 N. S3nd St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma for light housekeeping. 1407 Chicago St. t GOOD heated rooms, an car line, near Ames and 24th. Tel. Web. Ml. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished steam heated housekeeping rooms. 71$ N. lnth St FOR RENT Modern light housekeeping rooms, lttti Oass St. FOR RKNT-One large modern, wall heated room. 000 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Twt rooms, furnished or unfurnished, desirable for housekeeping. 1716 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 1K18 Webster St. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, nice location. '6 Dodge SU EUR RENT FAirnlshed rooms for light housekeeping, walking distance. Jfc70 Leav enworth St. FOR RENTTwo large rooms for llgnt housekeeping rooms, for ens or two ladles. 2620 Davenport St. i FINE ROOM-For light housekeeping rooms. 2113 Douglas St FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones St. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms fr housekeeping. 2021 California St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms. 1114 Chicago st FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing, does in. 113 B. 24th St. ROOMS for smsll family; $8 per mnta. 2869 Spalding St. Inquire grocery store. tlafaratshed Raasas. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroom floor; 2403 Cass; convenient to two car lines; re fere noes THREE-ROOM housekeeping apartment In brick flat, $18 per month. ."018 Davenport Bt LARGE pleasant unfurnished nom with wardrobe. 603 N. I7tn. FOR RENTTwo unfurnished rooma, good location. 624 8. 20th St. FOR RENT Two rooms, partly modem, good location. 5213 Charles St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooma. walking distance, good location, till How ard St. FOR RENTTwo unfurnished wsU heated rooma 614 8. 29th St. FOUR modern housekeeping rooms, refer ences required. 2220 Burt St. , lloases and Cot la ares. PRACTICALLY new i-roora and bath: only $15. Tel Web. 1651. ... -. . . .-' . uiunri i. r i m . .hi nai . beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2306 South 3?d Ave. Rent only $25 per mo. Telephone Douglas 4040. FINE It-room, modern house, S704 Call" forma. Houaes.Ina Rtngwalt Braodels Th. Bldg. NEW, rooms, all modern except heat, 2601 S. 20th Ave., 1 block south of Central boulevard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler 1&7. COTTAGE. 14(6 N. 26th 8t. Tel7liarn'y60u4 LllfVlU Mill.... --... . Houses So- the, .tfr. Bes Bldg. THIRTY-SECOND and Poppleton. s-rooiu modern brick flat. WRIGHT A LASBURY, lu bo. 10th St Phone Douglas 111 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. iMuilsitH. ' City Office. 214 So. 17 St.. Bes Eidg. y STRICTLY first-class modern (-room house; very fine. 1513 North 28th. $17.00. SIX-ROOM modern house; Just decorated; strictly first-class; corner; south front 24S4 Seward, $25.00. FIVE-ROOM modern house; very fine; south front; corner. ,202 Seward. $17.00. l it, $3. 1220 Burt Tel. Harney MM. FERRIN Exp. Storage. 1511 Cap.. D. tl3J Om. Van A Stor. Co. packs, moves, stores Om. Van & Storage Co. packs moves, stores houaehold goods. Fireproof storage; N04 H. 10th. Branch, 3U9 8. 17th TeL D. 4143. A-1336 7-ROOM house, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful Turner Park. Cor. Dodge and 8. Central Boulevard. Inquire 3UI Dodge or Geo. McHride. county surveyor, MARCH 1st, a-room, modern residence. Park Ave., large lawn. Phone Harney 4y4. 2024 Maple, 7-r., all mod., new furnace, newly painted, good location, $26. 17X4 Ctitario, fi-r., mod. ex. heat, $11 2701 Bristol, 6-r., new, all mod., $22.50. 2112:! Caldwell. -r.. mod. ex. beat, $17.50. 1105 liriKKx, 5-r.. C. W. and gaa, $16. HI. 'I No. 27th Ave., 4-r., part moid, $15. 2724 Miami, 5-r.. new, mod. ex. heat, $21. B1RKETT A TEBBEN9, 423 Bee Bldg. D. 4754. A-1754. 6 ROOM house, "IB No. S3d St.; bath, gas. $10. Water paid. Harney HM. , glares aad Offices. , IN new building, corner of 11th and Far nam Sts.. an entlrs floor, 44x132. Suitable for jrbolng or light factory purposes. Ail modern, both passenger and freight ele vator aervlce. Sea J. A. Freeland, Ult Kar ri am Bt. HEATED room for barber ahop la new brick building at 32d and Arbor St Ex cellent location for good barber. D. J. Hughes, Harney' 40252501 8. 32d Ava TO LEASE, term of years. Fins corner, 132x132, near main poatoffice. Address, Y-24, care Bee office. FOR RENT Offlcs room. 3i. located on top fir or, facing court. f!0 square feet In cluding vault rents for '$35 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. DESK room, both phones; uss of steno grapher if desired. 882 Brandeis Bldg. r