THE 1 TTA. TTHTnspAV. FEBRUARY 2, Wit. 5 i B IVANT--ADS Want ads rcceivwJ at any time, but to Insure proper classification must Ik? prwit1 be for 12 o'clock m. for j the evening edition and before 7;30 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after ant-h hours will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Iate to CUsslfj.' CARII RATES FOR WANT AIS. Tt t:u 1' IiA II CI.A HS I KI CA TH X 4 ne Insertion, 1 H rents per word and 1 rent per word for rwh subsequent In ertlon. Karh Insertion made on odd daj-a, l cents per word. $1.50 per line per month. IUtte apply to either The Dally or Sunday Ilee. Always count alx words to line. Want as? a for The flee may he left at any of the following drug stores one la your "corner druKgUt" they re all branch office for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The IVee building, Seventeetfi and Farnam afreets. Albsch W. C. toth and Farnam. Fanm Drug Co., Will N. ISth St. Reranek. S. A., 1402 South 18th Ft. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. pern Is Park Hiarmary, SM and Cuming. piako-Brsdlsh. 28111 Hharman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava. Csoghlln. C. R-, th and Pierce Sta. Crlssey Pharmacy, J4th and Lake Sta. Cooney Pharmacy. 223J South 16th St. Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 Houth lsth fit. Fhler. P. II., 2802 Ieavenworth St. Foster A Arnoldl, 218 North 2Mh St. Freytsg. J. J., 114 Norta 24th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1302 North ISth St. Florence. Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Fharmaey, Park A vs. and Pacific. Oreenouarh, O. A., 106 South 10th Ht. Oreenouah. O. A., loth and Hickory Pts. Golden Pharmacy. 24th and Lesvenworth. J lav-den. William, 2P20 Farnam St. HanKom Park Pharmacy. 1501 8. 20th Ave. liinterlong Drug Co., Hat Ave. and Far tiam St. Hoist, John, H North 1th St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Johanann Drug Co.. 24th and Spauldlng. King, H. S., 223 Karnam St. Vointre Place Pharmacy, (W4 N. 24th St. Meres, Fred L.. 2019 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1"2 N. 24th St. Peyton Pharmacy, 726 South lth St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Rchaefer'e Cut Price Drug Store, lth and Chicago Sta. Schaefer, August. 231 North lth St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. nntm asd pckkral jsoticks SCHMIDT Victor, died January 31, 10:45 p. m.. In hla 79th year. Funeral service from Hulse Rlepen's undertaking parlora, 709 S. Ifith St.. Thurs day. Feb. 2 at II p. m. Friends Invited Burial at Evergreen cemetery. Victor Schmidt waa born In Germany, hum reamed in Oiriana for forty yeara and waa In the employ of the Union Pacific railway for many yeara In the switch yarda. SOl'THWORTH-Mra. Rhoda, at the real dence of her daughter, Mra. Parker Con Jlt. aged 86 years and one month. Mra. houthworth had been a resident of Omaha alnce lM and leaves one other daughter, Mil Hattle Bates, and two grandchil dren, Onmer and Miss Augustine South worth. Burial will be at Little Sioux, la. CARD OF THANKS, We wish to express our gratitude to our many kind friends, especially to Mrs. F.ast and family, to Miss Ureist, the prin cipal, and to the teachers and pupils of the Madison school, and to the members of the several lodges to which we belong, for their kindness during his alnkness and for the beautiful flowers at the funeral of our dealy loved son, Elmer Johnson. MR. and MRS. WILLIAM JOHNSON. BIRTHS AND DKATI19. ' . Plrtha Mr. and Mra. Stephen Mahre, Twenty-first and Dorcas streets, boy; Stephen and Cells Delor, K18 North Seven teenth street, boy; P. and Lucia Marches?, 2727 South Twelfth street, boy; Karl and Jennie Sallander, 8543 North Thlrty-acventli street, boy; W. B. and Francea Wlthereli, 2HXi South Eighth street, girl; Hans and Minnie Nelsen. 411 Walnut street, girl; Charles snd Maud Thatcher, 4241 Douglas street, girl; Sidney and Anna llovek. i(i27 Harney, girl; Foley and I-oulse Diillsco. 1114 William street, boy; Robert and Mary Maper, 242:1 Cuming atreet, boy; Ueorge and Mra. Mechan, 2:106 Dewey avenue, boy. leaths Ella Tlbblte, 30 yeara, Douglas county hospital. A. R. Fratt, KI yeara, im4 Bluff street, Florence; Bertha Turner, 32 years, 1124 Capitol avenue; Nannie B. James. Vi years; 619H North Sixteenth atreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES , The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Peter Athena. Council Bluffs 2J Pauline Coxad. Council Bluffs 19 David F. Simons. Fort Crook, Yileb ..29 UolUlo Van Dusen, Omaha li Bert Scott. Red Oak, la 2d Pom.i I Nemilck. Red Oak, la 27 Gottlob Krebs. Rich Hill. Mo 21 Clara Aiitirexen, Millard, Neb 22 Edar H. Snlffen. Omaha 26 Guitrude M. Folle, Omaha 23 Edward T. Iiowe, Fort Crook, Neb at Uutli Granger, Fort Crook. Neb IS Henry W. Wllehek. Fort Crook, Neb 22 Jennie M. Steffen, Fort Calhoun, Neb.... 20 William U. Hoover, Kansas City, Mo 42 Luoile E. Dlinmlck, Omaha 31 Fred paasch. Klkhorn. Neb SO Annie Ylllwok, Klkhorn, Neb 24 Henry Rubens, Omaha 24 Mina Schwalm, Omaha 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN embalmers. 1614 Chicago. D. 1659, tt-ldbt.' ' E. T. Burro wea Co., rustless door it win dow screens. ItOtf Brandela The. Bldg. U. 10M. COAL At out pricea. ALL KINDS. We save you 5oc to t 50 a ton. Quantity and quality guaranteed ItOoENBLATT 8 CUT PRKU COAL CO LS3 NICHOLAS ST. BOTH 'PHONES. OU YOU PAltADISE! Pounds good, doesn't UT Happiness su. freine- when you burn our PARAD1SB COAL, lo cut down your coal LIU take ur advice and burn Paradise, Will save you tl.W to 2 0t ton. Botb 'phones. J. W. BEDFORD. Sbw Cuming St. IU.USTRATIONS from actual photo-itn-spha make the beat advertising vou can bu ; our work Is the beat; piiol'ogrephs lor any purpo. Commercial 1 nolo,! umc fetufliu, M Boston Stole Bld., lnd. A-Jioo. MUSS A. HOLLAND TV'lshea to announce greatly reduced prices during the months of January and February; a'.io, select, new apring tailoring material Included In thla after. Suite 2Ua laxtall block. Tel. Douglas 3049. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE. In sums u sun. 110 bee Bldg. UNION LOAN Ol. E. T. Farnsworth, Att'y. 436 Bee Bldg. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 644. Drs. felabaush At Mares wish to announce the leilioval ot their dental offices to rooms fea tit City National Back Bldg. ELEVATORS REPAIRED. freiBht. pas euger. J. R. Kennedy, lot 8. 13lh. D. 2997. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 7&c a large tin; is. Klein Liquor House i22 N. Utn St. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all I 'I oriers. Catalogue free. Sherman 4 Mc toniieil Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. EDKOTIIEKY i? SU cigais. Cats In connection. 1U S. W(b Ml. MAii;HI Van A Storage, pack, move, stut snd snip H. H. gtxxii. D. lti. U-HX ANNOUNCEMENTS tConttnued CTN1C AND PHILANTHROPIST! LISTEN. My bsck Is broken, body lifeless from i waiet down 1 (mwl i .' lor inrsnia llama laat fall. Your roagaslne order thia fail will pirn $S.M tor charity, the Inter est of this money will provide for my de cline and later pay a nurae an, or endow a hospital cot foreve.. 14 suuscrip tiuns to the l-adlea Horn Journal end In Saturday Evening Post earns first $l.iu. Price tl.OO ea h. Elilier count, whether ' new or renewal. lo get thein In. Write tor eomplte catalogue an.i story, a Broken Hack." Phone Douglaa iltO. Gor don, ilia Mazarine Man Omaha. LYNCH liKUfc. '-SaANO REPAIR WORK. liOS Jackson ol. U. 1417. Ol'S IiuMINOl'KZ. former manager of the First jNatlonal tianK harbtr ahop, has opened the most eicaantiy fitted barter Ump In uniBhu and coraially Invitee your patronagT. Open week days 8 a. m. to :&) p. in.; haturuaya until A p. tn.; Sunday, ::) a. m. to 1 to. 't enth 1-lour New Omaha National Bank Bldg. PI TIVfJ Corner 10th and I.iouglas 1 i--J-AAtJ Kxcelslor Plating Works Will plate ano r'-novat? your jewelry, all verware, or anything which la metal. Telephone Douglas :r"). liAKivER 'Mi6s.Taint ca" LHwg. 47&0. Ind. A-::i. P'arnani St. Stencil outfits; 6 styles; picture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper. WE CARRY A LINK OF HUfcliWIN W11,LIAM8 PAINTS. BRASS POLISH. Llyl'ID VENKBK AND ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. PUBLIC MARK KT special. Nut and lump coal. i.u0; Coke, per ton. Partridge-Thomson Co., In Public Market, 1610 Harney, Douglas 5642; lnd. A-3MJ. DISOLUTION NOTICE. The plumbing firm of Ryks & Doyle have mutually agreed to desolve partner ship. On Feb. 1 B. W. Ryks will continue at L'420 N. 24th St, and O. V. Doyle at il8 Larlmore Ave. YOUK PICTURE too. Tou can get pictures 3u minutes alter they are taken. Bring the baby down. Look for the blue light at night. Paxton Hiu. dlo, 14UH Farnam. Open 10 a. ru. to 12 p. m, 1-'UAUO 82i4 Bouth 24th 6t. Douglas la89. Red 3!hU; Independent. F-1377. 1'urkiell Hatha Finest In :he west. U XatU Ulh Howard Sta. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co., 1715 Leavenworth. Get our plau. Nuf said! MRS. CHARLES C. HUNOATE. china tiring. 870 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Web. oSia. Alfred Jones, refreshment, muata and Service. 431t Jackson. H. 1853. lnd. A-2347. ALADDIN lamps and supplies. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Web. 11. WABASH CLEANING CO.. Ladies and Oents" clothes cleaned & repaired. Ind. B6472. Duffy & Boland, Undertakers. Tyler 1C78. Kosher Delicatessen All kinds of smoked meats & Fish delivered dally. Dane Kuklin. 72o4 No. 16th. D. 2S73. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH JETE S 1302 Douglas Street. 0C. S. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 376S. 1316 Farnam. CHINA decorating for clubs a specialty. Miss M. R. Kmig, 236 Brandeis Theater. DAVID COLE CREAMERT COMPANY. HORNBY Blue Print Co., D18 Bee Bldg. EAT KO61IER HOME COOKING. ARKLNS. 31 S. 15TH. UPSTAIRS. TWENTY per cent less thnn Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Uts., South Omaha. MASONRY contractor, Healy, Web. 124L B. F. Wurn. optician. 443 Brandeis Bldg. Filters, filter repsirr.. 1310 Howard. D. 391!. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN. 340 Brandeis theater. China decorating and firing. Easter cards. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. SKID' Into a post. "TEAR" your top. And bring It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner lMh and Harney Sts. MAXWELL runabout, 2-cy Under, 14-h. p.. top, lamps, etc., 3o0. Phone D. 5739. Antr lfprvtirfno" Expert mechanics. Auto xiepainng kelief car on CALLS DAY Oil NIGHT. The Paxton Milchei: Co.. &10-1 Harney. D. is24; A-20U. FOR SALE Model 10 Buick roadster, equipped with Pres-to-lite tank and ex haust whittle. Call Harney 992. . OUR line of 2d-hand tires are bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co., 2124 Farnam si. Auto Paintinc "murphy did it." nulu 1 amk,uB Get our prices now. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. WRITE for Hat ot automobile bargains H. E. Fredrickson Auto Co., Omaha. WRITE for prices. THE INTERSTATE AUTOMOBILE CO., S10-312 S. 16th St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S367. SEEING THINGS. To the best sdvantage Is the result of proper care ana attention or your eyes. Our knowledge of the eye Is based on 19 yrs. of fitting glsaaea. Consultation free. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 8. 16th St. 1 I HAVE the sale of a good arreen house property that Is located In a town of 15,0n0 people. 11 naa Dcen wen taken care of and ta earning from $12,000 to 115.000 each and every year. The owner wishes to sell and retire and will aell everything connected with the business. The. value of thla prop erty Is S2O.O0O, but In order to make a aale will discount ia 40 per cent. For further particulars write me. Box 2ys, Sioux City, Ia FOR SALE Good livery and feed barn, auto In connection. Ruppert 4k Gates. 2.eywood, Neb. TO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDLAND CO.. 674 BRANDEIS BLDG. C-VSADY Co- H1 Relate. Loans an .lunw x jn.url,nc Ust your prop erty for sale or reut. Quick returns, a. W. tamer 14th and Douglas, .Tel. Doug. 15M WANTED Reliable partv to take half store room In desirable 16th St. location: must be a line that would go well with Jewelry buslneas. N 7ol, Bee. SMALL restaurant. Including hullrlln. on leased ground for sale: will aell cheap for cash. Inquire-2421 Vinton St., opposite car iiam. COLORADO SPRINGS' best paying room ing I'ouae; 26 icomb. modern. Poatoffice box t-2. Colorado Springe, Colo. FOR SALE Pool hall, complete, new fixtures. Inquire at 106 N. 24th St., South Omaha. LETTER of Inquiry will give you Infor mation concerning an exceptional location for exclusive dry goods, or clothing and gents' furnishings, or a general store. Ad drexa Sam A. Clark & Co., iKeal Estate). Fayettevlile. Arl:. FOR SALE 20-acre Rogue River Vallev (Ore.) orchard: 14 acres bearing apples; joins cltv II rails; good proposition: $7ti stock drugs in Twin Falls. Idaho country. Terms on both. For particulars address Lock Box 42. Ashland, Ore. PRINGLK leaves for Rockv Ford C.l. Tuesday, Feb. 7. Go to 99 Merchant's and he will tell you about his country. He nannies Homing out Improved Irrigated minis, wiiii nkirr nKnia, FOR SALE A good pavinar tailor .h,. very reasonable price. I3 Farnam St. iiKiuire it. 1 ooper. s: ."Surlli lub atreet FtR 8AI.K-Pool hall; nine tables; fine location. 1218 Farnam; very reasonable price; aoou reasona fop seinng. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. THERE are wonderful Investment oppor tunities In centra I snd northern British folium. in Ikti4 ih' 1 na 01 Hire imn contineni.ii anil i.thir rai n ads binldmit. 1 Ins vast. rc-.v ano rich teirltory :i)0 (i acres of the finest grain, fruit and mlxeo tarminx liri'i. ,.'... mcii a of ru n m.neisl. t:inlcr snd coal land will ue velop with mavelnus rapidity. Fort G.'orne is th" geoarspMlral center on the lin of all r.illrosds bunding and protected urn! at 1 h junction of t.OM miles of n.iv.nable waterways. You ran t in nw before the railroad and share in the pioflu b." in vesting as little ss HO per month Let us send you a free copy 01 "Ht it'Sh Columbia Bulletin of 'nforniHtion. ' containing up-to-rlate news of mvesime-nt opi'or.ur.liles In this vit, new and rich country, also avnot'B.s rf governrp nt Ian.!, mlnlnu. tim ber and coal laws, etc Send you 1 ame ai.d addres.i today. Natural Re-ouices S. cur.ty Co.. Ltd., I'am 110 rayllal, ti'iOO".). 542 Bower Bui d'r.g. Vancouver, B. C. PARTNER WANTED In real eMate bujine's. ian show an ln loma that nas avernRd over Sl.Ono per month lor the psxt mo yesrs. (Took In 2.0iio lait month. Established In Omaha 6 .vai ago. Have more than I can prop erly look after, so If I tan get a good, congenial, live hustler. I will sell him a full H Interest for rnn. This Is a money getter and will stand Investigation, hut un less you mian business don't answer. Ad dress P 703, Hee. CA8H for general store. P C8. Bee. TAILORING business for sale: IISJ will buy my well equipped tailor shop In one of the best cities in Wyoming; employ 3 hands; poor health reason for selling. Ad dress Box 677, Lander. Wyo. SMALL hotel for aale In thriving little town of 2,000. A snap If taken at once. airs. U. A. Herrlck, Shelton, Neb. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dreaslng. hair goods. City Nat. Bk. 1). 1333 DR. ROY. 150S Farnam St. Douglas 47. DANCING Mlaaes Simpson ft Coll. W. 2431. W. SG30. MORAND'S. 15th and Harney. Doug. 2964. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACH. 3d floor, Paxton. D. 103a. DR. Hnp.TON-27 City Net Bsnk Bldg. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Deteotlve age.. Inc.. bonded. 42S- Paxton blk. D. 1319. Ind. A -1310. CAPT. T. CORM CK, 817 KARBACH Blk, L. E SROWN. 613 Paxton Blk. Doug. S784. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; sstlsfse tlon guaranteed; reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 3718. EDUCATIONAL Y. W. C A. Second Term Opens Feb. 6. GENERAL LITERATURE. ORATORY. LANGUAGES. ASTRONOMY. GRAMMAR, PAINTING. ARITHMETIC. ORCHESTRA. STENOGRAPHY DICTATION. SEWING PLAIN SEWING. DRESSMAKING. SHIRT WAI8T8, MILLINERY, TEXTILE STUDY. JUNIOR CLASSES. COOKING COURSE I DINNER CLASS. COURSE II LUNCHEON COURSE. COURSE III PRACTICAL COOKERY. BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any time. Buslneas, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent. Omaha. Neb. Y. W. C. A., Millinery 14 lessons, beginning February 6. Monday, 2:00 and 4:30 p. m $4.00 Tuesday, 7:16 and 9:15 p. m $3.00 ATTENTION BEFORE DECIDING UPON A SCHOOL know that The VAN 8ANT SCHOOL has for twenty years held the highest known record among buslneas schools for per centage of success among Its graduates. Wead Bldg., S. W. Cor. 18th and Farnam. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrancs. BRANDEIS" cut flower, dept.; new store. L. Henderson. 161$ Farnam. Douglas 1211 A. DONAGHUE. 1907 Farnam, D. 1001; A-1001 HESS St 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. .1. H. BATH, 162S Harney. Dougla 3000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank beat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12vs-lJUl Louglas ht. Both phones. FURNACES !ln1- repaired. 18th HELP WANTED FEMALE HoaeekecBers aad Domestics. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; no washing and Ironing. Mrs. T. C. Byrne. 2103 California. WANTED A good girl for general house work, German or Bohemian preferred. 1308 Park Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 62nd and Military Ave. WANTED Housekeeper, middle aged preferred. 2S3& Chicago St. WANTED A nice young girl to care for children, good home. 1SJ0 Sherman Ave. LADIES wanted., take work home, ap plying transfers. 410 Brandela Theater. WANTED Girl to help with housework. 4156 Cass St. WANTED A competent girl for house work, plain cooking. 1708 Lake St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 128 So. 3Mh St. WANTED A competent girl for house work, three In family. Mrs. W. W. Fisher, 221 F St.. 8o. Omaha. WANTED "a" good girl for general housework, four In family. Mrs. Geo. Squlrea, till! So. 37th St. WANTE1 A middle aged German wo man, with or without family, to keep house for two men on farm "r mile west Ralaton, Route 2. So. Omaha. WANTED First class cook. Mrs. Frank Colpetier. 118 So. ISth Ave. WANTED Woman for general house work on farm, work not Very heavy. Mrs. K. 11. Ferrin. North Bend. Neb. WANTKIXA first class cook. 201$ Doug las St- WANTED A competent girl for general housework, 2302 F St. 8. O. Omaha. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 139 N. 12nd St. HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaarkeesera and Domestics .oat'4. WA NTF.I) An uprrlenced girl for gen eral housework, small family. 149 Georgia Ave WANTED A girl about Is to care for rhlldren and help Kh houseaork. 4224 1 Kiuglas M. V.NTF.I Good girl for general hous work, small lain II v, no laundry. 1417 N. 19th St. WANTEI An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1212 N. S-'th St., So. Omaha. M Isreltaneoaa. WANTED-White girls to wait on tables. Apply at Candy L'ept . Brandeis Stores. lot NO women coming to Omaha as atiargers are Invited to visit the Young Women's christian association building at rt. Mary's Ave. snd 17th St.. where the will lie directed to suitable boarding place ii Otherwise nrslsted. lxok lor our ll' i ir's sld at toe Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, Saleaaaaea and Milleltara. WE HAVE salesmen s positions open where vou can earn good money while studying our course, piacilcal school ( balet.mansnip Drawer T il. Cleveland, o WANTED AGENTS Active agents are making Irom io to $15 per day. selling the Ideal Rope Machine direct to the larmers. 1 want to Ideate some agent, a man of good atanulng In. the community where he lives. In each snd every stale. Nebraska, South Dakota. North Dakota. Minnesota. Iowa, Missouri und Kansas. Call on or write The Ideal Rope Machine Co., Sioux City, la. lAck Box 363. I HAVE four first class general agents' contracts, salary and commission, to place with first class producers, men who can handle an agency force. 1 want four men who can do things. The contracts will be made by a well established old line eastern life Insurance company, with four compe tent producers for Nebraska. Write me, giving age, experience, presit employment, etc. W 8S, Bee. WANTED Specialty salesman to sell the best line of high grade smok ing tobacco for lows territory. I want a hustler who can get the busi ness; for such a man there is an ex ceptional opening. Order takers, booze fighters and dead ones don't answer. P. O. Box 4 46, Omaha, Neb. SALESMAN To retail our unique new wall map of Nebraska, with 1S1W index; townships named; aectlonnl lines shown; slxe. 36x48 Inches: good salesmen clear Sl'l to $15 per day. Write today, enclosing fiOc for aample. Nathan S. Lee, Manager, Bethany, Neb. WANTED Resident representative to seli our "Beatyet" Men's Nainsook under wear on commission. Apply by mall, stat ing what other lines you represent. Phoe nix Mfg. Co., 716 W. German St., Balti more, Md. Boys. WANTED A boy to hold oopy. Apply composing room, Omaha Daily Bee. Clerical aad Office. Sec'y Com. Club. S. D $150 Exp. Bank Bookkeeper $ 7u Two Traveling Salesmen, young men, cigars $ 7B Traveling Grocery Salesman $ to Collector $66 Bookkeeper and Stenographer $ S Stenographer t 66 Jewelry Clerk $ 50 Price Clerk, Electrical goods $ 60 AVESTERN REF. & BOND A88 N. INC., Omaha Estah. 8 years Kansas City. 752-3-4-6 New York Life Bldg. WANTED An experienced, sober and re liable hotel clerk about 36 years old, for permanent position as assistant manager. Hotel Stanford. Factory anal Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat, Bee Bids. WANTED First -elaaa. sheet metal work ers; wages, 40 cents per hour. Hunt Schuets Co., Sioux City, Ia. EXPERIENCED baker at once. 618 Bo. Tenth St. 4- VOrKn man tnw tllni.nv tBhllahmnt must be experienced and know how to take measures. . Dundee woolen Mills, 409 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia. TAIIOR wanted at Fort Omaha. Call at Post Exchange. WANTED First class Job printer. Jacob North & Co., Lincoln, Neb. M lacelliaaeoaa. TOU are wanted Tor a government posi tion. S&0 a month. Write for list of posi tions open. Franklin institute, Dept 20S-C. Rochester, N. T. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCH for electric railway raotormen and conductors, $0 to 40 years old, $60 to $1( a month; no experience necessary; fins opportunity; no strike; write immediately lor application blank, enclosing stamp. Address, -Ua, care of Ilea. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work In large touring carg. Ws Invite your Investigation. National Auto Train ing Ass'n., olflcs S28 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; commission paid for bringing students; wages In finishing department; experience In shops Saturdays; first work on free customers; all practical; instructions with charts and diagrams saves years; our grsdustes always send for our help; posi tions waiting; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. MEN under SS, mall service. ' I. 8. &, 120 Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted Avcrags sslsry. $1,100; alternate weeks off with full pay; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept 3-C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED At once 60 to 100 Italians or Greeks with foreman to clean the Leavttt sugar factory brick. Address J. J. Funk. Fremont, Neb. HELP WANTED HALB OR FEMALE IIOUS E-T O-H O U 8 E canvassers csn make 16 cents on each 40-cent sale. Apply 412. Webster-Sunderland building, 16th and Howard Sta. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICEA HEAVY TEAMING GEARS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made from the best MATERIAL MONEY CAN BUY. CE.NTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1U7 Fau-nauB WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue bam. rear Millard hotel. D. aOssi. LOST AND FOUND I38T Boston bull terrier, white breast and bobtalled; I yeara old; big collar on neck; was last seen at 16th and Leaven worth, 6 p in., Friday. Call A. C. Stors, btori Brewing Co., receive reward. IXiST Sunday afternoon, between 1 and 2 o'clock, a small aeal skin collar; between Dodge and Twentieth and Leavenworth. Reward If returned to 201 So. Twenty-fifth avenue. LOST Brindle, female. Boston bull ter rier. Spike collar; locked. Reward, 2416 Jones. Douglas 7300. I.OST Routs book No. .22 somewhere be tween th snd 10th on Capitol Ave. or Dodge Et. Finder will receive reward. Ala mlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 112 Farnam 8t. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sis.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone lHuglas 1117. Cslls answered day aad night. MEDICAL (Continued HAZEL LEAF PILE t 'ONES Mest rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; Wo T'ostpsld : samples free Sher ma n A McConneil Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY A.VD CIIATIKI.S. NOTI C E TO Tl I E PUKLIC 1 '"V I f V I 1 1 I IllOtt 11 I MM -C1 I, .D lUlMU'i Illvill n A li'.n f $ m:w company. new plans, t $ This Is a new firm, organlred by the f t LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA TO MIAN I !0 to $-i0 f to any honest person owning HOUSE- I t HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc.. OR t $ holding a salaried position, at the I rate of I 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. JUST THINK. YOU PAY - S I fiflc Interest on $1" for one year. I I $1.50 Interest on $2" for one year. t $ S3 . interest on v for one vear. $ t ALL OTHER SUMS IN'PROPOR- f TION. $ $ EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1 Reasonable Appraisement Charges. I t INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY. $ I ROOM 2H. W ITH NELL BLDG. I N. E. Cor. ISth nnd Harney. I Doug. 5045. $ I Are you short ot funds? Do you need MONK; Y ? If so and you nave a PERMANENT POSITION, cr own FURNITURE, PIANO, FIXTURES. HORSES. WAGONS, etc.. we will gladly advance you what money you need. Our rates the lowest, terms the easiest snd s SQUARE DEAL guaranteed. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 1616 FARNAM ST.. ROOM 107. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. $08 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14U. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, wltbcut security; easy payments. Office In W principal cities. Tolman. Room K New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DO YOU NEED MCNEY? We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1366. Ind. A-1356. 220 Bee Bldg. READY MONEY $10 UP QUICKLY Confidential, courteous, square deal. Low est rates. Largest Rebates. No advance fee or APPRAISAL CHARGES. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Room 215, Second Floor Board of Trade Building. Tel. Doug. 225; Ind. A-107L Call or write Loans made In Benson, Florence and Council Bluffs. We Do What a Bank Won't Do We make loans on furniture, pianos and teams, in any amount from $3 to $100 for any length of time up to one year and al low you to pay It back In small weekly or monthly payments. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 11, Arlington Blk., 1511ft Dodge. Phones: Douglas 2466. Ind. A -24. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W f! FlATATT IM Dodge 8treet. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mov-log; furniture peeking, fireproof storage. City office 111 8. 17tb. Doug. 394; Ind. B-U41. OMAHA VAN 4k STORAGE CO. eleaas jour carpets oa your floors; electric vacuum cleaners sua w. liuh; ape a. utn, :oug. 41t OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms. THE BACHELORS, American rates. Single. $35 to $40; double, $68 to $06. THE IRVINCJ. 2102 Leavenworth street 8t James, 41( 8. II; stm. heat, free bath; Am., $1.26 up; wkly., $6 up; meals, 25c. STRICTLY modern rooms, with horns cooking; rates reasonable, by day or week; meals, 26c; half block west of postoffica. 1751 Dodge. ATTRACTIVE tront room with large al cove; walking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglas 5388. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking) distance from downtown; beat of home cooking. 123 8. 26th Ave. Tel., Doug. $982. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, desirable for three gentlemen, good board. 2010 Harney St. NICE room and board for two or three gentlemen, reasonable. 2614 Cuming St. FOR RENT Large south room, desirable for two or three board. 132 8. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Nice steam heated room, board. 1714 Nicholas St. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms, board. 1710 Chicago St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, neat, home cooking. $112 Douglas. VERY nlcs modern room, good board. 710 8. 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, well heated, board If desired. FINE large room suitable for two. 1918 Casa. Douglas 1476. WALKING distance, two very desirable rooms. In private home: one block from car line. 2104 Webster. Red 6811. Farmlshed Rooms. Nice south, single room, furnished. 2218 Douglas St. A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen In West Farnam district, tn private family, excellent bed; hot and cold water all the time. Harney 83L WE have tbrea warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th St. ELEGANT FRONT room, private family: walking distance! reasonable. 637 8. 26 Ave TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webster l7l Ct N. 80th at FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms B. X2d 8L EXTRA warm front room, nicely fur nished; hot water all the time. 17V7 Dodge. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room strictly modern; walking distance. 23o Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglaa 6401. TWO very desirable heated rooms In a pew private home; fine residence district continuous hot and cold water; line bath use ot phons; gentlemen preferred, lit N. SOlb St. ONE lsrge and one small room; light heat and bath. Tslephone Tyler 142C. a,l$ Capitol avenue. CLOSB In, two newly fiimiahed tront oonia; furnace heat. 610 North 20th att ;o sign. 'Phons Douglas 662. rooms No sign DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. ciitikANT. warm front room: home; fine location, on car line; easy walk ing distance; modern: fine for one gentle man. 2X4 N. th. man STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dis tance. 418 a 24th Ave. U per week and up. TeL lnd. A Ss&s. AN elegant large front room; fine fur niture; strictly modern. $20 N. 2oib; no sign on house- TWO large, pelasant rooms, strictly mod ern; Harney car; walking distance. 212 N. 26ih. DESIRABLE modern room; private fam ily; good location. 181 N. flat Ava OFFERED FOR RENT FaraUhrd Hvntn onttaeeal. NICELY furnished room; mod.; closs In. iC.l 8. 22d St. DELORIE Hotel. 110 N. 17th. Steam Heat. ELEGANTLY furr.lehed roome. house kaeplng privileges If desired: good beat good bath, close In. 2411 Dodge. NICE pleasant room desirable for one or two young ladles. 1M0 Capital Ave. CLOSE IN. one large room desirable for two; slso one anmller mom; gentlemen preferred. References. 210 North l!th St. NEATLY furnished room, with or with out board. 702 N. 21. NICE large parlnr, suitable for two tHdles or gentlemen, well heated. S16 N. lfth St. Doug. 1S68. REST location In the city; easy walking distance; choice, well kept room, suitable for two. Modern residence. Hell phone. Rcasonsble. 310 North 24th street. LARGE front room with alcove; on car line. 12o North 26th. FURNISHED room and board near de pots. Home cooking. 12.T3 South 11th St. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 70S S. lMh St. VERY desirable rooms, continuous hot and cold water; H block from two car lines. 2411 Capitol avenue. ITOl'i St. Mary's, second floor; strictly first class furnished rooms; modern snd elegantly furnished; for gentlemen only. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water heat, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St. STRICTLY modern room; walking dis tance; housekeeping privileges, If desired. 648 S. 26th Ave. STRICTLY modern furnished room; gen tlemen only; hslf block from postofflce. L21 N. 17th. Douglas 61M. VERY pleasant alcove suite. Tel. Doug laa 3634. NICELY furnished front room with al cove, all modern: suitable for two or three. 506 S. 19th. Douglas 7811. FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. 602 8. 28th St. ELEGANTLY furnished front room; hot water heat, telephone In room, electricity and gaa; auitahle for one or two gentle men; also smaller room. 628 8. 17th Ave. PLEASANT east front rooms, suitable tor two; $3.b0 per week. 612 8. 18th St. PLEASANT, modern sleeping rooms. In private family, one block from car line. Mrs. MIron Embree, 814 Hickory St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished south room, desirable for two. 2677 Harney St. NICE private home, young lavdy to room and be companion, rent cheap, fine place, walking distance. 2316 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Fine housekeeping and Bleeping rooms. 1124 Jackson St. 8UITE nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1444 N. 17th St. Doug. 2121. FOR RENT Small, nicely heated room. 2313 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, one block from car line. 2218 Grace St. TWO rooms In private residence; no sign; near Omaha club; new house, newly fur nished; strictly modern; electric lights; hot water heat: best beds; responsible business men desired. 2125 Douglas. Tyler 1228. LARGE front room, also smaller rooms at $8, In private home. Strictly modern. 616 N. 23d. 26X2 HARNEY, nicely furnished sleeping room; convenient to bath; strictly modern. NEATLY furnished room, all modern. nicely heated, private home, walking dis tance, euti bo. atn Ave. km 7vm FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeplag room, warm, bath on sams floor. 2&o2 Harney St. FOR RENT Nice warm room, pleasant location, walking distance. 117 Bo. 26 tb St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, private family. 617 N. 21st St. STEAM heated hooms, good location. 1506 Farnam St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms 1705 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Desirable front room, fur nished If desired. 217 So. 26th St. FOR RENT Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1616 Howard 6t. FOR RENT Suite of steam heated, mod ern rooms. 1817 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, board If dealred. 1616 Burt St. FOR RENT Nice South rooms, nicely furnished. 1813 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern room, good location. 2673 St. Mary's Ave FOR RENT Large sunny, warm rooms, desirable location. 2324 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished. well heated rooms. 1817 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, modern, convenient to town. 200 So. 26th St.- FOR RENT Light, comfortable rooms, walking distance. 11 Cass St. Hotel aad Aaetrtmcats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM8 for sen tkroen. THUD CHATHAM. 110 6. Uth St DODGE HOTEL Uth 4k Dodge; all out aide rooms, steam heat; special week rats SUITEB-J55 up; meal book, $6.60. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Har. 661. 1042 Geo. Ave. Apartmausts aad Flats. An elegant (-room apartment main floor, steam heated; strictly modern; reasonable. 216 N. 22nd. Inquire 320 N. 20th. (20.00-FOUR-ROOM apt. t blka east side park cars. Harney $881 GROUND floot. 6-room, steam heated flat the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce Sta., $22 per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 408 Brandeis Theater Bldg. CENTRAL All modern, 4-room flat 220 N. 23d. lis ;-roem modens flat IsM N. lita L. tpaiair. U.yulr ws at. ma etc. Call Wea, trn. FOR RENT Choice 6-room flat, near high school, $22.50. 7-room cottage, 31st and Jackson; reduced to $20. Tel. owner, Red 6264. Faratsfeed Hoaselaeeplagr Rooms. TWO rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping; laundry privileges. 1707 Dodge. TWO strictly modern housekeeping rooms in private family. 1610 North Lth street, Webster 1204. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, well heated front psrlor. lsll Cass St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 2227 Dodge St. FOR RENT Three nice rooms, steam heated, main floor. 320 N. 20th St. TWO modern, furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family; walking dis tance, for $6 a week, Including gaa, heat; laundry free. Jl 8. 29th Ave. Phone Har ney 6111. FOR RENT Nice steam heated house keeping rooms. 3402 So. 24tb St. FOR RENT Two very nlcs rooms for housekeeping. 622 N. 22nd St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1407 Chicago St. , i . 2 GOOD heated rooms, on ear line, near Ames and 24th. Tel. Web. 6i22. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished steam heated housekeeping rooms. 712 N. ltitu St - FOR RENT Modern light housekeeping rooms. 1624 Cass St. FOR RENT One lsrge modern, bated room. N, 23d St. well OFFERED 0K KENT I'smlKhril llowsrkeeplsia Hooms. FOR RENT -Two rooms, fnrnlxhc or unfurnished, desirable tor housekeeping. 2715 Dewey Ave CIjOSE IN Two nice furnished rooms In private ramlly. $2 anil f N. $10-Nicely furnished small room, for one, or two gentlemen: furna.c ln;it; gi', hath, plentv hot water; telrphone; also larne parlor, with piano. $!; light housekeeping privileges. 2'"6 St. Mary's Avs. FOR RENT-Three nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. liilS Wehster St . FOR RENT-Furnished housekeeping rooms, nice location. 2isi Dodge St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, walking distance. 2C70 Leav enworth St. FOR RENT -Two largo rooms for light housekeeping rooms, for one or two ladles. 2620 Davenport St. FINE ROOM- For light housekeeping rooms. 2113 Douglas St. FOR RENT-Desirable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma for housekeeping. 2021 California St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms. 2114 Chicago St. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing, close In. Ill 6. 24th St. ROOMS for small family; $s per month. 2S68 Spalding St. Inquire grocery store. I a tarnished Rooms. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorsted ; on bathroon floor; C402 Cass; convenient to two csr lines; references. THREE-ROOM housekeuplng apartment In brick flat, $18 per month. M18 Davenport St. TWO modern rooms, gaa range, shades. 2208 N. ISth St. LARGE plessant unfurnished room with wardrobe. 603 N. 17th. FOR RENT Two unfurnished good location. 624 S. 20lh St. FOR RENT Two rooms, rnrtly modern, good location. 2213 Charles 8t.- FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, wslking distance, good location. 2713 How ard St FOR RENT Two unfurnished rell heated rooms. 614 P. 29th St. FOUR modern housekeeping rooms, refer ences required. 2220 Burt St. Hoaara and Cottages. PRACTICALLY new 6-room and bath; only $16. Tel. Web. 16SL 6-ROOM cottage: modern excfcpt furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2206 South 32d Ave. Rent only $26 per mo. Telephone Douglaa 4040. HOUSE 10 rooms, modern. 42 Caldwell St.; $30 month. FINS -room, mod era house. 2704 Call forma. Houses.Ins. Rlngwalt Brandela Th. Bldg. NEW, 6 rooms, all modern except heat. 26D1 8. 20th Ave., 1 block south of Central boulevard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler 1637. COTTAGE, 1406 N. 26th St. Tel. Harn'y 6064 TTnnaoa In all parts of the city. 1JUUSCS crelgh Sons Co., Bee BM4-. THIRTY-SECOND and Poppleton, 8-room modern brick flat. WRIGHT ft LASBURY, 606 60. 16th St Phone Douglaa 163. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas $14. City Office, tl 80. 17 St. Bea Bldg. - LIBERAL DIBCOtfNTB On some of these If taken at one. IVr., mod., close, 2712 Caldwell. $26. 7- r., mod., close. 1325 B. 27th. $26. . 9-r., mod., choice, 2416 Sherman Ara., (28. 8- r., mod., close. 1647 N. 17th, $16. 5r., mod., close, 839 8. 24th. $14. 6-r., mod., good as new, 58 N. 81st., $16. 6-r., partly mod., close, 1623 Marcy, $15. 6-r., city water, 724 Bancroft, $10. RUSSELL ft M K1TRICK, 432 Ramge Bldg., 16th and Harney Sta. S-R., $30. (220 Burt. TeL Harney ttM. $22.60 g-room, modern except heat, (861 Charles, barn; fine neighborhood, block to ear. C. M. Rylander, 864 Omaha National. FERRIN Exp. ft Storage. 1511 Cap.. D. 2132 Om. Van ft Stor. Co. packs, moves, stores Ora. Van ft Storage Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage; 804 . 16th. Branch, 800 8. 17th Tel. D. 4163. A-1335 7-ROOM house, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful Turner Park. Cor. Dodge and 8. Central Boulevard. Inquire 3c If Dodge or Geo. McBrlde, oounty surveyor. FOR RENT Four room cottage at 2t! avenue and Douglas street. $L2 a month Apply to D. L. Thomas, 412 Bee bldg. MARCH 1st, 8-room, modern residence Park Ave., large lawn. Phone Harney f.ot . 2718 RUGGLE8 ST., 6-r., mod., $1. 2o33 Emmet St.. 6-r., part mod., $15. J. W. RASP CO. D. 1663, A-2653. lorea aad Offices. ...ll.l 144k .4 MPt new vuuuiua. - -. ' liu ro nam 8ts., an entire floor, 44x132. Sultabla for Jobbing or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger and freight ele-' vator service. See J. A. Freeland, 1116 Far nam St HEATED room for barber shop In new b..,lllnw t'jA mnii, tit V.V. POUR MUIIUIIIB atfc " ' -" cellent location for good barber. D. J. riugnes, narney wwo s a. u ivv. TO LEA8E, term of years. Fine corner, 1(2x132, near main postofflce. Address, Y-24, cars Bee office. 8TORE ROOM, 2012 Farnam. FOR RENT Office room, 63$, located on top floor; facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault: rents for $26 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. DESK room, both phones; uss of steno- pjhrJfeslr8 82BrsndeiBBldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Foraltar. f MUST sacrifice high grade weathered oak dining room and library furniture mahogany chair, rugs, bed room set Ice chest, gaa range, before leaving towi Phone liarney 4U. 401 N. 81st St Tysewrltcra. BUT sn L. C. Bmlth ft Bros, typewriter. B. F. 8wanaon Co., Distributers. 1316 Far nam St RENT an Oliver Typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 291. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. Maaleal laatraaicata, CHFtAP, slightly used Pianola, piano player, tall at J J Farnam. I'hone Douglas 632. 30 rolls of muNlo. alt see lie aeons. SECOND-HAND MOTORS LK-BRON. 813 SOUTH 12TH 8T. About 40 feet of 28-Inch diameter No. W gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 46-lnca. elbows and T. '1 his was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe Is In good condition. The Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tablea. Ws lead the world In cheap bar fixturea; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth ht FOR SALE One Parker Bros, hammer less. 10 gauge, twist barrel, shot gun, and leather case. $40. One Parker Bros, ham mer gun. lu-gauge and leather case, $12 u One Smith si Weston, (8 caliber, hammer less revolver. $10. Addreas L 614. caie Bee. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will aell for bo cents each They are fine for rain water or ashes Cali at press room, Be Publishing Co. SAFES Overstocked with second ITiTnd aafes. sll sixes and makes; bargains American Supply Co , 1110 harnam St COAL WO-$160 del d. Kindling. D $4 1 It (V 'it V;