Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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i I
. i r mi Ai.J
iYiany lniugs askuu
Opening; of New Enterprise Will Be I
Civic Celebration. j
Wit ( Impair Mr Trranrrr Srrl
rlnnalr Mr I. at Her Home
m DnnlrrD e for t.
l.nala Tnarnf )
Announcement a mn! yesterday tint
the Prnn Pmk Mineral Sprint;.. rnmpnv
Intend opening the now bath house at
Twenty-rifth ami O tr'et., February 12
The. occasion u IM be tna'lo a i-t vU; celebra
tion ami in keeping with thin a'e t of the
function. It will Ijp il-clare1 that the
ground about thr si rin have been turned
Into a public park. This Is the Intention
Of the company. Ii Is now offering the
building at Twenty-firm and T streets for
sale, ami when they have been cleared off
th ground will he laid out a a public
I'urkcru' Hnwllna l.rnaar.
The following; Ranie have been played in
the I'ackera leanne at tlarlow'a bowling
Jst. 2d. T.d. Total.
Tanner Ill l.:i; 174 421
Utern lf:t p?i il1 4M
Heyer nr. i:,7 w 4;s
Manning 147 l.'w K.7 4iV
Humpert 1:14 l:w 4M
"idS (G!l 777 2.1
Koch ....
Hlmpard .,
Tlnnt . . .
Tlehn .
I'arker .
Tex ....
St afford
3d. Total.
2. 204
3d. Total.
Fifty Employei Get Promotions
Superintendent West Explains
Outcome of the Trouble.
K. I. Went. siiiei intendent of tlie Sixth,
or meitrrn. division of the railway mail
sets Ice, nrrlxrd In the city yeMerday. It
was thi iiKht that hi iimilnn tnlRht have
Home connection with the recent trouble
of the mall clerk", but Superintendent
WcM vs not-that he H here simply on
M" reitular Inspection vIMI.
VV. J. Mettl .n. eiilef clerk at Omaha,
received a letter jesterday In which pro
motion.'' foi fifty railway clerks on the
Miiha- iRden lines were practically as
sured. The promotion meana an Increase
In pay of 1100 a year. All vacancies have
also been ordered filled.
That tiie prcmotlons were coming; and
on t hp way before the men Mated then
demand" and grievances and that the
trouble was not serloii" at all was about
lie kIM of what Superintendent WcM had
to say yeMerday.
"It was hut natural and reKular that
the men should have done what they did,"
said Mr. West, referring to the petition
made recently by the Omaha-l Rden
cUrks. "but they were more afraid of
what mlsht happen than what did hap
pen. "Although we worked for a time under
difficulties for the reoganlsatlon of the
service and the men were Milfted here
and there, the weMern men did not suffer
very much.
"The men at the heads of departments
in Washington ar always willing to do
what they can. The vacancies will be
filled as soon as possible and the num
ber of entra hours reduced to a minimum.
An for extra pay for extra houra. that Is
out of the question. The pay of the mall
clerks Is set by congress and they work
so many days a year, not so many hours."
Varied and Interesting Are the Many
tiiinil In ItnotBa at nilltorlnm rrote
I rmrnl Manufacture In Its Many
n the Writ.
Concrete Wins Favor
by Numerous Uses
in Widening Field
Firms Have Mixtures that Give
Blocks Any Color Desired With
out Injuring Cement.
.6.-V7 fittl 2.036
Lang 103
lleffner 14
Powell H.7
Tombrlnk Ml
3d. Total.
741 2.18i
6!H 752
Maarlc t ll (iosalp.
Fifty-nine births riccurred during the
month of January and twenty-seven deaths.
The Alpha Glee club will give a card
rarty Friday afternoon and evening at the
Odd Follows- hall.
1rs. E. 1 Roggen. wife of the deputy
city -treasurer la seriously 111 at her home,
Twenty-third and A streets.
T. B. Scott, the old time horseshoer has
purchased an Interest In the Jack Murphy
horseshoeing business on Twenty-fifth
The funeral of Mrs. Johanna Franks will
be held Friday morning at ft. Agne'
. church. The Interment will be In St. Mary's
R. A. Carpenter, formerly city clerk of
South Omaha, but now a resident of BU
llnes, Mont., Is in the city for a visit of a
few days.
The Ladlea' Aid aoclety of St. Luke'a
Lutheran church will meet this afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Umlburg, 602 North
Sixteenth street.
Mrs. Clarence Kwell and Mrs. Dare will
entertain the ladles of the First Methodist
church this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Dare, 71S North Twenty-third street.
The Ladles' Missionary society of the
Vnlted Presbyterian church will meet Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas
I'arks, 1020 North Twenty-first street.
Five prominent South Omaha bowlers
Ben Hull. J. J. Fitzgerald, John Brlggs,
J'aul t'hadd and Allen Dudley leave today
to represent the Jetters team at tha Na
tional Bowling tournament at St. Louis.
Tlis Cement Show In the Auditorium,
whli h opened es:erdny for a aesslon of
three days, contains a large number of
Interesting exhibits which drew many visi
tor for the opening hours. Cement blocks,
cement roping, machinery for making
the blnrka and stones, concrete mixers,
heaiittful marble and hundreds of other
artlclra and machinery pertaining to the
L-eat Industry of cement manufacture
are well arranged In the spacious Audi
torium. So large are aome of the exhibits
that they have been carried to the base
ment of the building.
The following firms are occupying booths
at the show and receiving visitors who
are interested in learning about the ma
chinery, stones etc.:
Ideal Cement Company.
The Ideal Cement company of Omaha
Is Interested In showing visitors how beauty
and durability may" be combined In mak
ing a home of cement blocks. The exhibit
of this company Is one of the attrac
tive features of the Cement Show. Groups
of people crowded about this booth on
the opening day of the show to see Just
what could be done with cement atones
In building houses.
Perfection Stone Company.
"That Is one of the best dlsplaya 1 have
seen In the west, said a visitor to tne
Cement Bhow Just after he had inspected
the display of the Perfection Cement com
pany. This concern Is showing how the
blocks are produced and telling vhdtors
Just what they desire to know. The pro
cess which Is employed In the manufacture
of blocks Is explained In detail, so a vlatt
tr thlM tinntii ttt Arini-atinnnl And Instructive
SOUND FLOATS IN ETHER to .id and young.
South Omaha Stone Manafaotorlnsj
People who are not "up" on things
pertaining to cement manufacture will find
the exhibit of the South Omaha Stone
Manufacturing company Just the place
In which to learn what they ought to know,
This company makes a specialty of water
proof blocks and will be highly pleased
to ehow visitors what can be done with
the stones. The have a process for manu
facturing these stones which creates a
great demand for their goods.
Wireless Telephony SnbJect nf Talk
by Expert at Koiatie Memo
rial Caoreta.
Uttl Work Has Been. Done by the
Barllngrton Darin- the
Wireless telephones are no longer things
to dream of. for. according to Frederick
H. Mlllener of the T'nlon Pacific railroad,
who spoke Wednesday night upon wireless
communication at the Kountse Memorial
church, they are aa practicable as any
of the present day Inventions. He ad
mltted. however, that they could never
compete with the telephones now In use
while depending upon coal made electricity
He asserted that when, with the conserva
tion of energy, the streams of the country
were harnessed and cheap primary power
was to be had, that they would be In opera
tion everywhere. He then. In an elemen
tary manner, explained something of its
working principle.
First Dr. Mlllener told something of the
operation of wireless telegraphy. With an
Instrument before him he explained the
principle of vibration. Ha said few vibra
tions, say several thousand per second.
made a musical note, but that when many
thousands of vibrations a second were
produced no sound resulted, but sent
powerful waves through the ether. In
struments tuned to the same vibration per
aecond receive these vibrations at points
far distant and thus Is communication ef
fected. In the same way, he said, could
words be made to float upon these vlbra
tlons, Just as a chip of wood floats upon
water, all that is necessary being Instru
ments to put the words upon the vibrations
and Instruments to receive them.
Noble Bros.. Contractors of Cement
Noble Bros, are specialists In arranging
cement driveways, copings, steps and other
fixtures that are needed In making lawns
and grounds beautiful. They are an Omaha
firm, being located at 1223 South Four
teenth street. Their telephone Is Douglas
3345. They will be glad to explain the de
tails of their work to any who wish to call
upon or write them.
Work on the Burlington freight terminal
la Omaha will be resumed March 1. accord
ing to announcements made by Q. W.
, Holdrege, general manager. The road has
tiot been doing much work on the depot
since cold weather began because the
froaen ground made grading difficult.
Ona of the big freight houses is three-
fifths completed now and freight can be
moved Into It. The contract for the re-
' mainder of the terminal buildings has not
been let. but the laying of tracks will pro-
reed In the spring, being done by the Bur
tlcgton Itself.
City Cooaell, aa Board of Rqaallsa-
tloa. Accede to Protest by
. Property Owner.
illllam Baaman Chosen President
Society nets BIsT Share of
i meeting of the German society of
thai high school, held Wednesday afternoon,
officers were elected for the second half
of the school year. William Bauman, who
haa been a member of the aoclety fur four
years and has been on several Important
comhtltters in the society, was elected
precedent, Augusta Mengedoht, who wa
fornterly treasurer, was elected vice president-
The other officers who were elected
are i Kdward Perkins, treaaurer; Edith
Hamilton and Karl Moore, sergeants-at-arniS.
and Anna Caaberg. critic.
Tb German society succeeded in getting
U full share of the February fi eshiueti.
It received about thirty new members to
the roll, thus making the membership over
eighty members. Another play, otmllar to
' the one given In Dereml.ei . will be given
in March, and plans are being formulated
for it.
Plans for assessment for the opening of
Thirty-sixth street, south from Wright
avenue, were rejected by the city council;
sitting aa a board of equalization yesterday
afternoon, and tha city engineer was or
dered to prepare new plans.
The action followed a protest filed by
J. Herman Krlttenbrlnk. who owns prop
erty in the vicinity of Thirty-sixth street
and Wright avenue. In substantiation of
his protest. Mr. Krlttenbrlnk contended
that when he bought his property Thirty
sixth street waa excepted and for that
reason he should not be assessed. His
point was well taken, according to the
board of equalisation.
Protests from property owners along
Cass avenue, between Thirty-sixth street
and Thirty-eighth avenue, asking that the
city atand one-third of the grading of this
strip, were placed on file.
All other plana were approved by the
Mlaa Tamer of lllah School to Kater
taia Tcrealy-rivc Members of
About twenty-five members of the home
economics department of the Woman
club will be guests of Miss Turner of the
Omaha High school at the sohool. M. IV
Cameron and Mrs. J. K. Burnett are to be
among the number, and will first visit the
various clasxe In domestic science. A
luncheon will be served by the women, as
sisted by a few of the domestic science
girls. Mis Burnett is in favor of a four
yeara course in domestic science In high
schools, and has Interested herself In the
work at tlia Omaha llii;h school. At pres
ent, owing to the crowded conditions of the
school and to the lack of space, the course
la only one year. Miss Turner, head of the
domestic science at the school, has been
urging at least a two-years4 course for
several years, and a two-yeara' course may
be possible by next year.
Two-Mlnnte Schedalo Daring Rash
Hoars -More Car on
Other Lines.
New street car aervlce of the Omaha
Street ltallway company went Into effect
today. A two-minute schedule will be
kept up on the Park line from S p. m. to
8.30 p. m., and from 7 a. m. to S:40 a. m.
relieving the congestion on the Park line
at these times.
Ext 1-4 cars are being run by the company
In greater nitmbere than ever before in
the mornings and evenings In attempting
to relieve the crowded condltiona of all
the "Inea.
"With this new service and the large
number of extra cars we are running we
hope that the condition of the aervlce will
be Improved," said It. A. Leussler, aa-
slstant general manager of the company.
Dundee Cement Stone Works.
If you are interested In a more beautiful
Omaha, you ahould visit the Dundee Ce
ment Stone works at Its booths. Nos. 6 and
7. This firm has a display that will at
tract a great deal of attention during the
Cement ahow. , Many large stones and
blocks are on exhibit. In addition to Inter
esting features that have been arranged
to show visitors what can be done through
the use of cement In buildings.
The Omaha Concrete Stone Company
Showing a large number of pretty block
and featuring stones for beautiful dwell
Inga and substantial buildings, the Omaha
Concrete Stone company Is located in one
of the large booths of the Auditorium. It
Is anxious to show visitors just what blocks
are being used now and how the cement
block Industry haa -Improved during the
last few years.
Iat ton-Bo vrnian Hardware Company.
The display of Patton-Bowman company,
1615 Farnam street, was too large for the
main booth space on the main floor, so
additional room was engaged in the base
ment of the Auditorium, where the Smith
and Chicago concrete mixing machinery
are shown. Sterling wheelbarrowa and C.
H. and K. pumps also are displayed In the
basement. Both the Smith and Chicago
mixers are made In ateam and hand power
aixea. Success haa crowned the sales of
these machines during the last year. The
latest models are being displayed In the
exhibit of the Patton-Bowman company,
so that any who wish to see what the best
grade cement mixers can do, will find It
an entertaining trip to go to the basement
of the Auditorium and view this display.
Tha Smith street paving mixer is on of
ths machines featured by this firm. The
Chicago concrete mixer has the two funda
mental requirements of good mixing: first,
a constant turning of tha batch; and, sec
ond, a continual lateral Interchange of
materials between th ends of the drum.
increasing popularity of concrete a bund
ing material has forced n widening of the
field of competition among the various con
cerns engaged in the output of, i-einrnl
stones and blocks, and ith this expansion
ha come belter products, higher clrfss
workmanship and the aim for goods that
will outdistance ether sellers.
This situation In the concrete building
trade now see firm that build houses
which combine strength, durability and
beauty. When the cement block manufac
ture was in It Infancy the buildings
erected with these stone were not what
were called pretty. They were not at all
pleasing to the eye and many who wished
to use cement block In their buildings
were led to turn to brick and wood be
cause they wanted handsome house.
Creators of the concrete stone realized
that their Industry would never be able to
expand a great deal unless they devised
ways by which concrete bouse could com
bine all the attributes of buildings con
structed of other materials.
Faithful work among the cement manu
facturer haa brought the end at which
they aimed, and today fliey stand ready
to compete with all building material
firms. They can produce homes, stores and
other structures that are Just a beatitlful
as any that are made of wood or brick.
Progressive concrete manufacturers have
ben troubled about breaking the monotony
of the color that cheapen the looks of
I imon block or stucco walls, - and now
It seems that they have devised ways fur
overcoming this obstacle. Artificial colors,
which were extensively used, failed, as
the color would not atand. Pebble dash
and other facings are new used. White
cement and white silica are also used.
Some companies produce an aggregate, by
the use of which almost any color desired
may be brought out In the concrete. This
aggregate Is a natural colored silica
Producers of these colors declare they
will not fade. The coloring process la not
Injurious to the. cement and will not In
any way affect the durability of the struc
tures. Buildings can be erected of any
color desired.
Dealers In cement blocks who are exhibit
ing their ware at the Cement Show have
pictures and figures to prove the relative
value of their goods. Many beautiful
buildings, constructed of cement blocks,
have been photographed. These pictures
are on exhibit at the Auditorium In book
lets Issued by the various firms.
Th cement blocks are made in such
forms and grades today that they can
be used to advantage, both In the city and
on the farm. Circle blocks are employed
In the building of silos. The t'nlted States
government has used the stones and built
the walls at the I'nlted States military
prison in Leavenworth of them.
Exhibitors at the Cement Show will be
glad to show prospective home builders
facts and figures on tha cost of construc
tion of buildings. They are ready to an
swer any questions pertaining to the man
ufacture and sale of cement blocks.
Dealers' Association Holds First
Meeting at Auditorium.
(.ntherlna Ilea Ins Action Snrroanded
hy Preparations for Nearly Com
pleted Show David Colo
Makes Address.
Various sounds of bustle and confusion
In the final setting up of the machinery
and cement exhibits delayed the meeting of
the Mid-West Cement Dealers' association
at the Auditorium several hours Wednes
day. Seversl short speeches were made
and the secretary read his report Just be
fore noon. Despite the handicap of the
unquiet surroundings th session was well
Five hundred members of the association
were In attendance and aeventy-four com
plete exhibits were In place. Throngs of
visitors went to the Auditorium at all hours
of the opening day. Inspecting th many
unique and original displays set before
them. There are machines rsnglng in slse
from a 9.000-pound paving engine down to
the latest model wheelbarrows for the
hauling of cement to be seen in th long
line of booths. Prettily designed concrete
walls, fences, pedestals, foundations and
fronts of houses figure in the general dis
play. I
President David Cole of th Commercial
club delivered the speech of welcome to
the association in the early part of the aft
ernoon. The response waa made by Presi
dent H. C. McCord of th cement dealers'
K. E. Schenk of Waterloo, la., and G. F.
Llllle were listed as speakers during the
rest of the afternoon. Secretary Peter
Palmer reiterated his announcement of
Tuesday that In all probability the attend
ance would run up to 8,000 persons by
Concrete on the Farm.
A miniature farm, which has been trans
ported over 15.000 miles and has been in
spected by 6.009.000 people, serves as one of
the most Interesting exhibits. This ex
hlblt Is the property of the Atlas company
of New York, and represents all the dif
ferent uses to which concrete may be put.
The exhibit is a panoramic repltca of a
farm entirely equipped With concrete bullii
Inge, walks, fences and green houses it
Is designed In perfect scale after th"
August Belmont and the Oedney farms of
Whit Plains. N. V.
Another exhibit of ronsldei able Interest
Is that of the Twentieth Century Manufac
turing company. This Is a collection of
concret working tool, ahlcn make It pos
sible for a workman lo stnnd erect and
carry out all th operations of leveling and
finishing a ground pavement surface.
When all the various machines In the
shew are set In operation at once, the
scene la on of prodlgioua liveliness, the
Auditorium veritably being changed Into a
big manufacturing plant. Big concrete
blocks are molded, pressed snd finished,
the concret Itself Is mixed and small
strip of temporary pavements are laid
by the different exhibitors.
An education of the most complete sort
Is given In the science of cement and con
crete manufacture.
Mar Hot Have T.ero Weather
th Indications Are for
Saow Flnrrlea.
Th cold wav which arrived laat night In
Omaha from the northwest will be moder
ate and not of long duration, according to
the belief of Weather Observer Welsh.
"Th temperature at 1 o'clock Wednesday
nlsht waa 23 degrees above sero." he
stated, "and we can have a decided drop In
temneratur without reaching severe
weather. It would appear from the re
ports I have at hand that th present
cold wave will reach Its depth here about
Friday, but I do not bellev that the tem
peratur will go below sero.
"Coming with the cold wav will be
snow flurries, but the precipitation will
probably not be sufficient to do any good.
Th fact Is that a precipitation of rain
or snow Is badly needed in the winter
wheat country In this territory to Insure
a good crop next season. Of course there
Is plenty of time for rain and snow, hut
for every dey of delay the chances of
sufficient moisture are lessened. It Is my
opinion that we will not have much anow
with the coming cold wave, for In this
country heavy snows are not the rul with
rurhlng drops In temperature."
Mrs. Hull Secures
Divorce from Husband
Decree is Granted Durintf Noon Hour
by Judge Day Mr. Hull Makes
No Defense.
Mary Ludlngton Hull s grunted a
divorce from C. W. Hull, the coat man,
Wednesday noon by Jnilne Day, th
ground being cruelly, not physical, but
mental. Few spectators vcrs present at
the heaung as the hour was noon, when
the court house la piactl.-ally vacated.
Mrs. Hull was accompanied to the court
room by her frtther. Dr. Horace l.uillncton,
and brother. Dr. Paul l.inlington, and By
ron 11. Hurbank, her attorney, Mr. Hull
did not appear In court, but wa tepie-
sented by Attorney F. A. Brognn. Dr. Paul
Ludlngton took the stand and told of ob
serving the coldness between .Mr Hull and
hi sister and also of having witnessed
ninny acts of tingallnnlness.
Mrs. Hull told of a long campaign of
coldness on the part of her husband and
of many act which mortified and humili
ated her. She told of his gallant lcar1ng
toward other women in her presence and
that once when she reproached him for his
attention to others, lie itplied: "If you
don't like It. don't look."
No resistance was made to the granting
of the divorce by Mr. Hull. The decree
stales that the matter of alimony anil
property division was settled by agree
ment January 24.
A Guarantee of Business Prosperity
Th Be Advertising Columns.
Formal Reception In City National
Bank Balldlna to Be Kept' Ip
for Another Week.
Monhelt's new hair dressing and manicur
ing parlors In the-City National 'Bank
building will continue the formal opening
another week. Each patron, in the new
place, is provided with a private room while
having work done and the facilities are such
aa to accommodate a large patronage. The
whole equipment of the place fulfils the
most modern ideas on sanitation. Glass
manicure tables ar used; all Instruments
are sterilised after using and the air is
sterilised. Monhelt 'has been in business
in Omaha more than twenty years.
Visit our
beautiful display
at the
Ita worth your time.
Twenty-Seven More Blrlha Bepnrled
This Year Than In Jannnry
of Last enr.
During th month ef January 212 births
were reported to the health commissioner's
office. Of this number 11 were white
males and two negro males. Ninety-one
whit females were born.
During the month of January, into, lvs
births were reported, ninety-six males and
eighty-nine females.
Cement Stone Company
Interstate Investment and
Development Company
One of thn most educational and ')
scientific exhibits at the Cement Show
Is that of the Interstate Investment
and Development Company, of Charles
City, Iowa. This firm Is showing vis
itors how the cement products appear
in the raw material and are displaying
various forms that are educational
and interesting for the visitors. Mar
ble and lithographic stones from the
Iowa quarries are included in the exhibit.
The booth of this company is In
charge of Clement Ij. Webster, of
Charles City. He Is ready to show ,
visitors what wonderful products his
company is turning out. Mr. Webster
Is president of this company.
The local exhibits of this company
contain many of the features that
made the display such an attractive
affair at some of the recent exposi
tions. During the opening day of the
Cement Show the booth of the inter
state Investment and Development
Company was surrounded by a crowd
that was anxious to see the stones and '
blocks and hear to what uses these
can be put.
Investment aad
meat Company.
Featuring an exhibit of raw materials
and marble and llthographlo stones from
Iowa quarries, ths Interstate Investment
and Development company haa on of the
most interesting displays In the show. This
concern haa. had great auccess with Ha
exhibits st other shows and brings to
Omaha many features that never have
been showed here before. The plant of th
company is located at Charles City, la.
Patton-Bowman Hardware Co.,
Smith Concrete Machinery P. and F. Corbin Building Hardware q
Sterling Wheelbarrows C. II. ani . rumps, Saw Rigs and Hoists g
We can figure on any size job of Builders' Hardware and Contractor' Equipment 1
Exhibits Mala Floor aad Basement Aud.torium OUK EXHIBIT T80 LAR5E FOR HAH
Three Fraaklln Tasl Service Ml
chines Mlshtly Scorched Balld-
Ingr Saffer Equally.
Mr and Mis If. K Mevrra will leave
tills arternoon for New Orleans to be gone
about ten days.
Asuistant City Attorney I. J. Dunn will
linve tor hl farm in Sarpv county this
afiernoon where he will spend t lie) le
niailidVr of the eek recuperating. Mr.
Huiin expects to be at his desk nut later
than Saturday morning
Fire partially destroyed the garage of
the Franklin taxi service. Twenty-fifth and
Leavenworth atreets. at :30 o'clock last
night, damaging the building and three
automobiles to the amount of tl.OflO. Q. E.
Douglas, manager of the garage, waa un
able to tell the cause of the blaze. Several
tanks of gasoline in th building were
burned, but no explosion took place.
William Pfelffer, owner of the building,
estimated his loss at V).
Are you interested in more durable,
more beautiful homes and grounds?
TT7 VT.TT SDT? Be Sure to visit the
lr IUU IXVUi beautiful exhibit of
The Omaha Concrete Stone
In better and more
durable roads and the
v most practical sewer
piping and manholes
manufactured should
visit the exhibit of the
Wilson Reinforced
Concrete Company
Nebraska City, Neb.
Harden Bros.
Bay Two
Hayden Brothers secure the bankrupt
stock of women's. - mUses and children's
shoes of I'crklns, Hardy & Co., Derry. N.
11 for about Wc on the dollar; alao the
nun's and boys' shoes from Moody, Kmer
son A. I'o., I'oMan. Mass. Goods ar
early all here end will b offered to
Omaha buyer Saturday, Feb. 4th. A shoe
bargala opportunity lung to be remem
bered. lolh theae concerns made a ape
elalty of shoes for best city trade, and
locks are all new. Ktylrs good. See wia
diw dlHiday. ' 1'repare to com Saturday.
iu asvir bad a btlr bargain chance.
Every prospective home builder
should visit our exhibit
at the Auditorium
It ivill show you how to combine
beauty and durability.
Ideal Cement Stone Company
Omaha, Nebraska.
Olfice Tel. So. 1133.
Factory Tel. So. 801.
South Omaha
Stone Manufacturing Co.
J. II. SAUNDERS. Manager.
Res. 2514 I St root.
Tal. South 625.
Main Offica2314 M Streot.
Factory 2Sth and J Straot.
Wittrproof blodi aor specialtr; iIm facd ia cokn South Omaha, Neb. j
BBOOSSBtSt SRGEnSna&Sn9nSnC9 jBggQrQBjgantgnaB"'
Me Your Homes Beautiful
We are specialists in arranging
lawns, driveways, copings, steps,
and other fixtures that go to make
your grounds more attractive.
Call or Phone Us.
Contractors ol Cement Work
Phone: Doaglas 33IS 1223 South 14th street
Cement construction means a more beau
tiful as well as a more durable Omaha
Every man and woman in Omaha should visit our beautiful exhibit and get acquainted
with ub and th possibilities we place at their disposal
6 an J 7
Dundee Cement Stone Work S Auditorii