7 n TI1R 8lKK: OMAHA, TIUKSI'AV. FKI'.IU.'AIiY mil. n a n a h a a n a a e a a a n ci n n a m ws m Dig Sale Events Thursday 1ST ' V 0 a mm b j x4 We Art tot the COT- ta. Th Haw Models Arc Hart. Many Extraordinary Bargains Prepared Specially for Thursday Ssf Mercerized Novelties, 15c Yd. Come early for first choice of this new, erfect lot of waist and lress lengths, 'highest grade mercerized novelties as shown in our 16th street window. Fancy Panama suitings, woven poplins, novelty diagonal effect?, New English voiles and fancy foreign weaves in blue, green, brown, red, pink, lavender, tan shades, also black and while. "Will make stylish waists and suits for early spring wear. 25c and 35c would be placing the value very low Thursday in basement, at, yard HOC 0 a a a m a a a HIV BFKIJTO UTTLK BOOKS are here I Ladles' lost Journal Pattern trr"a- each cop j at. L taf ? .Y) sir ?a n u ii f re-- iv i a Hi .v x 0 ti, B i ! - ! ! I n 5 B B Fancy Silks at 25c Yd. ICLn, Fine Boft, rich, lustrous silk fabrics for fancy waists, evening and dress wear. Newest light and dark colorings, n beau tiful line with rich satin figures and dots in same shades, also light blue, junk, butter, nile, rose and gfi others. Fabrics worth up to 65c yd., in fT$ (T 26 and 27-inch widths basement, at, yard. ' , , -r Exquisite Embroideries specially Priced 27-inch fine French batiste . embroidered flouncings, elegant baby Irish laces and combination Japanese blind embroid ered effects twenty new designs to select from many worth $1.50 yard, while they last, rfiain em- Q C3 broidery dept., at, yard Hosiery Women's mercerized lisle finished and Maco cotton hosiery, double heels and toes, also children's ribbed cotton and wool 0.L school hose, at, pair , , , 1 2 Handkerchiefs Women's Pure Irish IJnen Hand kerchiefs to H-lnch hems many worth 12 V4c each Thurs day only, on sale at, O 1 each t2 1 A SPECIAL SALE OF CORSETS Including some of our best makes all late models in plain coutil and fancy silk broche. This is a clean- flj up sale. The values are up to $5.00, at V DAILY NOON MUSIC ALES IN OUR ASSEMBLY ROOM On Pompeian Room Balcony All shoppers are cordially invited to attend our noon recitals. No admission fee is charged, and the programs are given by various Omaha singers of promi nence. 'Miss Helen Kerns, the talented blind girl, will sing at the Musical Thursday noon. IRAN-DEIS STORES B B 0 0 B B N B n a All Our Tailored Coats and Suits for Women Are Now Priced for Quich Disposal These great "End of the Season" Ladles Winttr Apparel Sales come right at a time when your every day garments, first begins to show signs of hard wear. Many of Omaha's best, well dressed women take advantage of thtse big price reductions, to buy a bran.l new and "extremely well made suit or coat. Just so their high stand ard of dress may be maintained until the new spring styles come to view. These suits are built full of taste and refinement, In a de pendable way, of choice fabrics and In styles that make them good for more than one seacon of course they're the "Fews" but nil sizes are here. Any Cloth Coat or Suit, worth to $45.00. now $15.00 Adt Wool or Voile Dress Skirt, now at HALF I'RH'K Any Pony Fur Coat, a good Investment at OXK-TIUHI) OFF Here's a "Clean-Cut" Saving, 1 75 Boy's Suits to 54, Thursday & This sale spells opportunity to every mother of a boy, whose age is between 6 and 16 years. They are the "Fews" of our regular lines that sell all year to $4.00. We've taken every garment and put them in one great group and repriced them for a big, quick disposal sale. Choice of our entire lines, worth to $4.00, Thursday at , . You'll need to be here early If you wanl a careful selection, for hundreds of Omaha mothers have been watching for this sale. Yon can afford an 8 o'clock trip for these Thursday. $1.75 ta a a B The Nsw Ginghinn and Tissue Are Ready Every pattern Is Just a pretty and dainty as It can be, and there are hundreds of new patterns to choose from. Our fine Domestics and new French Ginghams exceeds anything ever offered to our friends before. The colors are exquisite, hardly a shade that Is not represented, and there are Mb, medium and little plaids, stripes' of different widths, checks or varluus kinds and plain colors. The Glng-hams are offered at such prices as: 97 Inches wide par yard, at ... , 19 He and 154 37 Indies wlda per yard, at ISO and a Bo 99-lnch Qenuln Egyptian Tisanes 95e THOBBDATB OKI BFXCXAXr- 50 pieces of our best Serpentine Crepe, in pietty kimono patterns, also good draperle patterns Thursday ia, 18c values go at....... '. " H 1 1 ai in Our New Wall Papers are here Specials for Thursday All nur 25c and 35c Varnish Gilt Paper, In parlor designs, repriced for Thursday, per roll ISHo All our 43c Non-fadeabfe Oatmeal Papers, In figure and striped de sign; Thursday, per roll. .970 Kitchen Granites and Blocks, 10c kind, per roll, Thursday ,4 20c Kxclualve Grape Pattern, for dining room walls; special at, ' per roll ; . ; . . ,10o All 7 c to 12Hc per- roll Bed , Room Paper, a large variety of stripe and floral designs; spe cial Thursday at .40 See This Wonderful Collection of Italian "Original" Paintings That are now being displayed In our Art Department, by the well know. Italian Painting Importer, Francesco 8. C'apparellt. Noted Italian artists furnish us with their original paintings, the most wonderful collection of Italian scenes and character studies on canvas, tapestry and boards ever shown In tho west. Such color ings are a rarity. . They're on sale at from $10.00 up to saoo.oo. There's only a few In our llth street window. . Be the display Second Floor. R 9 a n o i 1 H H b ft B n P i B fc . G li D &i 0 H li n a H J ft n a a a y a m a n M! i a fa B fa D a $ a a a H D Pa Route's Neighbor is springing SPRING SHOES ("In der Winter time") - TilEV ARE HERE those handsome DEW TAJf , DUX.I, and riTIST COLT SHOES ; OXFORDS for SPRING made np with all the quality, oharao ter and Individuality that yon always find In every pair we offer to the trade, but particularly In thee NEW STYLES for 31911 at 53.50, $4.00 and $4.50 sold only at SPECIAL SHOEI 314 South 15th St. We commence eaoh season with a new fresh stook that's why this la a "Busy tittle Store In a Big City." Id. 8. T. DAIRY CONDITIONS IN OMAHA Health Commiiiioner Connell Makes Public Dairy Report. MANY DAIRIES ARE IMPROVED Ma ItaT Beea Hefnaed L, teeners to DUtrlbat Milk laitll Their Places Are Cleaned I'p aad Milk Is Better. Health Commissioner Connell has made public the scoring for January which Dairy Inspector Bossle has made of the dairies around Omaha which supply milk to this city. Eighty-eight dairies were scored, of which seventy-four were retail and four teen wholesale, and the score cards used were those of the Department of Agricul ture of the United States. In December the dairymen wers notified that beginning January 1, the Inspector of dairies would score each dairy supplying Omaha with milk and were notified that the result would be published In an effort to belter the milk supply of Omaha. ; The system of scoring . consists of these subjects: Health and comfort of cows location, construction and cleanliness of stables; location, construction and cleanli ness of milk house; cleanliness of utensils; .food of cows and handling of milk, , 81 x licenses have been refused and the proprietors of the places will be given until February t to better the conditions of the dairies, after which Dr. Connell says he proposes to b(gin action against the proprietors to force them to clean up their Onirics. ' lr. Connell says that many of the dairy men have Improved the conditions of their dairies wonderfully since the systematic crusade as started, and that th report for next month should show remarkably Improved conditions. The certified milk producers charge ll'i crnts a quart for their milk because of the extra precautions they take. trrtirted Milk Pradacrrs. Kriealand Farm Dairy ArwooU Dairy Retail Dalrlra. Ole Jensen. Pleasant Hill Dairy...., .M. I'elerxm. Pt-teraon I 'airy .' Jollies Milkard, Central Dairy Mweiisun iiios., W eat Pacific Dairy J. (-nxiiKard : hiiHt l ClirlsUr.son James Andertton..., mis Si.Knai.iii, singard Dairy J t Ji'i'person. Klgin Dairy...... "... Martin Jenxeii. Nebraska Dairy. '. l.urten At I lirMenen ,. t-i enaon A Aaard. Omaha Dairy Mm J. A. jnuniton, r.liutvood Park B. P. Sorenaen, Center Street Dairy,.., 62.5 E. Corneer, Melrse Hill Dairy 61.11 Christ Frost 61.9 H. Ellensen til. 9 I'eter Jensen, Eagle Dairy 61.8 W. Anderson, Excelsior Dairy 61.4 P. Nielsen n.i Norgard & Co.. Union Sanitary Dairy.. 6U.6 J. Clausen i.6 Marlon Jensen ; 69.9 A. FJellln, FJellln Dairy 59.8 P. N. Hanaen 69.0 N. K. Nelson. Carter Park Dairy 69.0 Oscar Andersoni Lincoln Avenue Dairy 6S C. D. ChrlBtensen 68.5 Frank Vaad. City Dairy &S.3 Kimborg Hroa.. West Uwn Dairy H.! A. F,verson, Carter Lake Dairy 6S.0 Christ Peterson 67.9 Fred Qitter, Nebraska Dairy 66 6 C. M. Jacobsen 66.6 Chris Jorgtmsen, Walnut Hill Dairy.... 66.3 Morris l.evich oj.b Carl F. Hansen G5.R N. K. Hoist 56.4 N'eldArberg & Darsen Sn.4 Anton Christensen, Sanitary Daily. 65,0 Charles Post 54.8 J. Nelson 64.0 C. Peterson. JerseyvMlle Dairy 54.0 A. M. Larson, River View Park Dairy. 53.9 Irs Nelson. Haraurl Christensen Carl H. Jensen. Western Dairy.. II. Knudsen. Knudsen Dairy C. A. Hansen Peterson Pros Chris Darsen, Alma Dairy Wholesale Dairies. Alamlto Dairy Farm C. R. Power. 6X3 53.6 62 8 52.7 52 5 62.3 61.8 60.7 3U.7 John Hechel 6.3 N. Volovitch... William Damke J. Klton Frank Good v.... B. Dandholdt A... O. C. Murman Harry Post Herman Paulsen Fred Rosacker H. Rapp Peter Jensen 29.3 31 5 46.2 46.7 61.0 V.. 3 67.8 49 7 50.3 , 57.7 41. 3 1.7 91.0 74 69 5 Mi I 66.6 Ml 65.0 6S.8 66.7 tvj 5 w.4 65. J 64.5 1 airy J I'eterson. Peterson Dairy ( hrist 'hriKtensen John Christensen niter a Jensen Cliarlen Jeimen .lames Jriieii, t'onaumers' Dairy 4'. H. HowlfV.iWert Hairy ( hiiMtmen 4k Joliunon. l.tkeShlc Dairy 6J.S J. P. Jfl.nH.in. KprniK Garden Dairy.... 64 O Mr, t'hilstine Nelson i: NeKeiio.i. an t ii it iro Dairy... mlirtv Andirixin. I'uritan Dairy... ,vx,-i Carlxon. Keyaton I'any Kantnel Koren&en U. P. Hvnacu Ml 54 2 64 3 64.0 64 0 6:1.7 6.1 1 63 3 63 0 6J 6-1 6J 1 62 t (4.6 License Not Taxable, is Sears' Decision Liquor Permit Under Slocumb Law Cannot Be Assessed, Say, the Judge. License to sell Intoxieatlng liquor und?r the Slocumb 'aw are not taxable, according to a decision rendered by Judge Pear In district court Wednesday. Tills decision was rendered In an appeal taken from the same decision made by the Board of Equalisation by the Retail Liquor Dealers association In the care of the license of David H. Harding, saloon keeper. The assessor taxed the license. The saloon keepers gained a favorable finding from the Hoard ot Equalization and now seek by a series of appeals througli the courts to aatabllsh the nontaxable status of the liquor license beond ques tion through a series of decisions similar to that returned by Judge .Stars. For this purpose of confirmation an appeal will be taken from the decision of Judge Sears to tin atate supreme court by C. E. Fields of tho Liquor Men's league. 2 5i It Will Be Summer Day After Tomorrow If you start today for Florida via the new C. & E. I. train de luxe. Florida the land of cocoanuts and pineapples, the land of warm salt water and fragrant night breezes, the land of golf among the palm trees Where motor records are made. View that most surprising industry, the ostrich farm, for Florida is the land where hats grow. Excursion Fares to Florida Via Frisco Lines These reduced round trip fares are now la effect via Frisco Lines from Kansas City daily, ticket being good to return at any time up to June l, mil: Jacksonville West Palm Beach Tampa Pt. Augustine Palaika Ilanrtow $41. M so. so 4 10 41.00 4 SO MM Sanford $4t.lS Cicala 44 IS Miami 44 SO St. Petersburg S4.10 Delaud 4S.M Horaesrekera' tickets are also on sale the flrat and third Tues days of each month at reduced fares. The Southeastern Limited leaves Kansas City at 6:15 P. M. daily: one day and two nights of rapid travel brings you to Jacksonville tbe second mo ru in The newest electric lighted steam heated drawing room Pullmans; perfectly equipped oliservatlon-librsry cars Delirious Kred Harvey meals. Ijei me send you the beautiful Frisco Lines booklets and tell you about Florida and Cuba. J. C. L0VRE1N, . Divisiea Patitager Afsat FRISCO LINES JeactWa Bailsiaf, Kaatas City, Ma. Tslepksss Richer Than Cobalt or Coenr df Alcnc are some of the stlver-letad min ing district along tbe Una of the Grand Trunk Pacific Transconti nental railroad. A am all portion of this terri tory has produced to date 60. 000,000 In gold. Let ua send you free of cost tbe "British Columbia Bulletin of Information," giving synopsis of the land, mining, timber and other laws and up-to-date infor mation of fortune-making oppor tunities for investment. It tells you how you can share In tbe tremendous development which li starting along the Una of three great transcontinental railways that are opening up 80, 000,000 acres of rich agricultural and fruit land and 60,000,000 acres of tbe richest timber, coal and mineral land In British Col umbia, known aa the Fort Gorge district. Write today. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd., Paid up Capital tlle.OOs Joint Owners and Sola Agents Fort Oeorge Townslte, (543) Bower Building, Vancouver, B. O. ' , District Bales solicitor, W. O. DAVIDSOW, 358 Hew Omaha national Bank Building, Omaha, Beb. Beautiful Tooth There are but few people who have ' them, (lood Teeth every one might have If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. Ihsj Quickest, easiest and least painful are. the only methods employed by us and hundreus of our patkeula. both In and cut of tho city, will gladly tell you about Ilia good dental work and our np-to-datol ways of doing things. Crowns and bridge wcik from $6.00 per tooth. Platea that, fit from $4.00 to $12.60. Painless extrac- , tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed , wltbout hurting you. Work warrar.ied , ten yeara DR. BRADBURY, THE DENTIST IT years aasoe location. isoa rerun Thoum D. 1759 Good Time? j Laet nlgHt eatiag big dinner ia oftea j the maker of a BAD TODAY. Why notf ; Over-eatiag meana extra work for the I stomach and bowels. You've got ta ! suffer V you dont help nature unload j with CASCARBTS. "Tkty work wUls i you slp" you're O. K. In the A. M. J Tonight'a the nigbt to take car of to morrow. M CASCAKSTa-Me bra week's trees. Bitot. All droit (fists. Bla-Sst seller ta the woe Id MilUaa heme a aoats A Horrible Ilralk I results from decaying lungs, t'ure coughs and weak lungs with Dr. King's New Discovery. Wc and tl.vO. iur sale by lie, toa Drug Co. SECOND SEMESTER OPENS AT UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Ksrullairul shuns a Large lavrease (Ittr the Same Period of Last tear. The beginning of the second semester at the t'nlversity of Omaha finds all of last aemestt-r's students and four new ones en rolled, this make the total attendance fifty-eight aa against twjrjty-tme, the total number at the same time ' last year.-There are piosjictis lliat before the end of, (He Hk a fiw more will take up work in the new institution. A few more studies were added to the curriculum. The branches now offf-red ar I.atin, Oreek. Oernian. French, modern, medlval and sacred his tory, English literature. Including course In freshman work, Shakespeare and fiction; geometry, trigonometry, analytical and de scriptive geometry, physics, general and analytical chemistry, biology, geology, do mestic science, iwychology, economics, oral expression, sacred literature. At present the old Redlck home is the only building uxed fur class rooms and with nearly aixty students enrolled It Is rather crowded, but, by utilizing every Inch of (pace available It will do until the gym nasium la completed, it Is probable that by the first of April it may also be used. In this building there are eight rooms that eventually will be used bl athletic directors abich a 111 be temporarily used for class rooms. After completion the gymnasium proper will be used as an assembly hall until another building Is erected. Rolfablo Dontiotry AT Taft's Denial Roims BUILDING PERMITS GAINING! Janaarr of This Year Shows a Sab alaallal Iaerease Over 4 Last Vrar. A Guarantee of Busineas Prosperity Tbs Bee Advertising Columns. Permits to the amount of $r2.TO0 were Issued by Building Inspector Withnel dur ing Hi month of January. This Is an in crease of about 12 per cent over the -r- 1 mits issued In January, 1910. One year ago perndta to the amount of t-T.g'O were is sued. I.at month's permits were swelled by the one taken out by the Fairmont Creamery company for $10u,(i'0 and one by the Parker company for the erection of apartments at Eighteenth and Parnam streets to cost $7 . Watch far ths Big Sals of Fins Shoes U ,fli n my:- u.Wi..i ii nt.f.'.. LKMCIi SI 1 A.t J... ,5! Matchless ; 1 Shoe Bargains Embroidery Sale Extraordinary Thursday wo will hold the neatest bargain sale of high grade Kmbroiderios ever known in Omaha. Sample lines of America's greatest importers the fin-"1 est quality high grade Novelty Embroideries complete matched sets of finest St. Gall and Planner goods, in beauti ful combinations of Irish crochet and Swiss embroidery on the Shier batiste cloth. 54-inch Flounoings, 27-inch Flounc ings, 18-inch Flouncings, 13-inch Demi-Flouncings; 3 to 5 inch Galloons and Hands all to match. YOU SAVE FULLY 33H By Making Your Purchases Here Thursday. 40c Bands for 29c 50c Galloons for 35c $1.00 Demi Flouncings G5 $2.00 Flouncings.... $1.25 $2.50 Flouncings."... $1.50 $3.00 Flouncings $2.00 $4.00 Flouncings $3.25 $5.00 Flounoings $3.75 $fi.00 Flouncings $4.25 $7.00 Flouncings $4.50 Allover Embroideries 49c, 79c, $1.00, $1.50 Regular values up to $2.50. Corset Cover Embroideries and Flouncings, full 18-inch wide, worth 25c a yard; nt, ler yard 10o Fancy Wide Bands Beauti ful patterns, regular 25c and 35o a, yard values, at, per yard :15c 5 and 6 yd. Strips Embroideries, yard, 30, 5c, iy2c and 10c Odd Sets of Fine Embroideries at Just Half Price. New Bamboo Shade in Flouncings and Bands Don't Miss It. - Come Early Thursday. Tell Your Friends of the Great Opportunity. Waists wonn $3.50 to $7.50 at $1.50 zrrS -ra " Waists Worth $3.50 to $7.50 at $1.50 Astonishing Waist Bargains Thursday Our buyer secured the entire stock of a well known N. Ti manufacturer of fine waists, who needed the money, at a small part of their actual worth and we're going to give our customers the benefit Thursday. Stock ooiir sists of fine White and Cream Net Waists, Silk Waists, all colors and black, colored chiffon waists, in very desirable shades, etc.; made to sell at $3.50 to $7.50; all at, choice. . . Nothing to equal these bargains ever before shown in Omaha. Qualities in each material the very best. Come early Thursday get first choice. $-nso U aa-aaaaaa Crowd Bringing Bargains Thursday in iho Busy Oonsstic Room Dreu Glnghame 12 Ho quality, good assortment; on aal Thuraday, yd., 7J Irish Linen Oaah 15c quality, all linen, very heavy, 10 yard limit, at, yard, 9 AT 10 A. M. One case of genuine Lonsdale Muslin, while it lasta at, yard 04 No mall orders filled No dealers sold at this sale Lock wood Sheeting, 72 ins, wide, 10 yd. limit, Thursday, yd., 20 Unbleached Lockwood Sheeting, yd....l8 Muslin Underwear 3 Great Specials Thursday; Gowns, Skirts and Com bination Suits in fine cam bric or nainsook, trimmed with lacea, embroideries and dainty wash ribbons, well made, full cut, values to $2.00, at 49c 75c Quality lluaslera Sizes 34 to 44, special, at 25 Coutil Coraeta Medium and long, hip models, great snap at, choice 49a Special bargains In Warner, Kabo, fl.RO KIP GLOVES 25c Special purchase of ladles' Kid Mocha and Cape Ulovea in black, white and colors. Som slightly soiled, fl and f 1.6 values to close at, choice 25 r. at u., w. a ana lnomson uiotq Fitting Corsets, Thursday, up from J); 26 TO 60 HKK CENT SAVED BT TilAlUNO AT HA YUEN'S. 21 Ids. btst OranVilated fcugar. . 11.00 iH lb. sack last Hili i'ateiit flour at 10 i.?vrv auric euaranleed. 10 Hars Wamond C or Beat 'Km aii boup j0 ibs. Heat White or Yellow Corn- mal 10 His. best Hoi lad Breakfaat Oat meal 160 16o 260 lfc E II. anrut .lAIII.ll Rl. . Miallon rani Fancy Tabla Hyrup..30c I .r .. H. cans rm " r ifZ m Kluaoa. ik wJlPr Hl'TTICIl AND K.'i'iM Alte- ouuu IXIWN. Kbih-v No. 1 1'i.unti-y Creamery Bti.'ter, per lb.... ;',S2 I-ani-v No. 1 Dairy Butter. !er lb..IJo Kam'y No. 1 Dairy Holl Butter per pound ilS tiood Country Butter, per lb . .ldc The best strictly freh Egs". noth- Ina; finer for fcOc duien, our price 23c 1. cans Fancy Tabla Syrup. 17 '0 Cairo is. Turulpa or hhallota tor.lne KreHh Spinach, er peck 200 I. arse Cucumbers, ea Ii 7So 2 Hunt ties Frenh 1'araley ....... . 6o r I van aiii'nuD, tvr ill. ....... .,lu Fane Jersey riweet I'otaloea, lb.2o Fancy lireiin Peppers, o for )0c .....,..... ,j .1-.. i s, High Grado Wash Qoodo New Irish Dimities, fine patterns, fast colors 18 New Irish Printed Linne Fine Cloth, entirely Dew, quality soft finish; couie and examine it 18 New Flouncings, in batiste, very fine patterns, entirely new 25 Foulards, per yard : 1SH. 15S 18 "d 25 Batiste, per yard 10 12' and 15 See our very large variety of French Percales and Percartuers at 10 Read the Eig February Grocer f Opening Sale for Thursday BIO HlUHUANn NAVEL, ORANliK ..it 1 O A L. I .. Nothing healthier to eat, and cheap er than apples. A special car for Thursday. 112 alse, per dozen , 30c 12b iUe, per dozen 260 lf.0-176 slsa, par dozen 2uo 20 alee, IDC dozen 16c HA Yl'KN'S KKKill VF.flKTABI.K MtlCKS 18 TI1K TALK OK OMAHA. 1 lb. llntm Fresh Mualirootns. . . . ibc Fai'Cy Wax, or Or ten Beans, par pound lQo 3 Bunches Fresh Hothouse Rad ishes o t heads frh lelluce 6o I iirne Bunches Frasli Beets. ButulaKs. BnetH, Turnips, Car rots, or l'ursnlps, per lb .ISO DON'T FORGET ii imr iinuntrnei rineT it Shi lli4iUE.ua riuai PAYO 4 1 M