Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1911, Page 2, Image 3

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    2 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. FERRTTAKY 1. 1011. . ... ,1
Penator PartMn;" 2-nday baa bll law
H. F. M. It a amended to allow county
boards to regulate country playing and
cities nd towni run settle the quest Ion
for thrmeelve. ' Vern democrats In the
committee voted for the Mil and six re
puhllcsns saatnst It.
not n
hi r
not ti s r
lirnasraaa'a mil Halelwar Aw
Pay Is Pwloe.
From a Ft aft Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Jan. Sl.-(Preclal.)-Tn the
houM four bllla were recommended by
tandtnc committees for Indefinite poet-
n. K S. by Honham-Approprlates 2 K ( d aftrn0on In a rullna: by Ju
for marking the Oreaon trail In re- ' .,. ti
i . l i upholding the contention of tr
rinr Itemmcd statement of. amount Of
material us-d svlthin ten days of date of
cipiiiy as a conmtion to filing mechan
ic s Hen.
H. K. 27. by itaaartt of uffaio Kale
the maximum school district tax from
U to a milla. Emergency.
II. K. ,a. by bvaiin of Adams-Amends
the anti-treaty .aw tiy providing tor a
im luie on I ne saloon keeper ana ranrel
lation of license whether the case ! ap
Naied or not, the butKllng to be barred
Ipnn houalnK V ealwin for two year.
H. H. . by Urueber of Thayer frovldee
tliat every hotel must provide every .room
with a nianllla rui-e fire escape.
II. R. 0. by Konhani l Jefferaotl
Applies the present jur drawing system to
counties oetween U.IXJ and NI.UU) and pro-
rhurge ot drawing the Jury panels in
. i l i . 1 . Iiiiln. iln.1 I
pnnement tnia mornina. n i" ",r,M nut live.
no protest was entered by their authors.
On one, by Evans of Adams, the author
moved not to concur and a tilt occurred
between him and Quewkenbush whether
court reporter now receive more wages
than they earn ' rightfully. The objection
of Evans to having bis bill killed wai met
with a hearty negative by tha house, and
the bill was put to sleep
The house adjourned at noon to get Its
breath and took an hour longer recess In
order that any mejnbers wishing to do so
might view the models for the Lincoln
monument, which are on display at the
art hall.
The following . -reports Vere made from
standing committees:
II. n. 121. by Hatfield of I-ancaster, pro
hibiting count yattorneys and their deputies
from engaging la tire general practice of
law while serving In office. Recommended
for Indefinite postponement and no ob
jection rained.
If. R. lfij, by Grossman of iJouglaa, to
ralie th epay of precinct assessors from 13
to t". a day. Recommended for Indefinite
postponement and report accepted.
II. It. 7. by Evans of Adams, cutting
down court reporters' fees from 10 cents per
luS words to 6 cents. Recommended for
Indefllte postponement and report accepted
by house.. '
H R. M. by Sanborn of Sarpy, appropriat
ing 146.000 for a hog cholera serum plant at
tha atate farm. Recommended to pass a
mended and report accepted.
H. R. .'!. by Clark of Cherry, approprlst
ing iift.aio tor a heating piani
Baling: is Against Admission of
Brewers' Account Books.
Qaeetloai mt Rlasatt In Ksaselsjallosi af
I.edgera Itroasjht t'a l-oa
Wraaale hy Attoraeya la
the rase.
Rivers and Harbors
Bill Passes Senate,
Carrying 536,000,000
Bailey Says the Domestic Affairs of
Texas Are None of Barton's
bt asks
M. n. 302 by Quackentaush of -Nemaha
Itemovea from the powers of village boards
the right to grade from lot line to curb
line lor street Improvement.
II. R. , by yuackenbush Proposed
constitutional amendment providing for the
flverecall of public officials, requires a 26
per cent petition to submit the question
to an election. If the officer does not re
aign In five days.
II. R. H, by Taylor of Hitchcock and
Hansen of Buffalo I'rovldea for teaching
agriculture In county high schools and ap
propriates ll.WW of atate funds for earn
county high achool teaching agriculture.
H. R. , by Mockett of tnoait;r-AP-proprlatfa
tiS.tjOO for the erection of a state
sanatorium for the treatment of Indigent
consumptlvea and the appointment by the
governor of a auperlntendent at a aalary
of I2.&00 a year to be paid by tha countlea
from which patients come.
Sifw Senate Bllla. , . .
The following bllla wera lnlrooured hi
the senate today:
B. F. IM by Bartos Provides penalty ot
I2O0 for violation of law renting to train
service and a penalty ot SW for failure to
move live stock according to law.
8. F. lfe by Lee Allowa Judgea to grant
orders for attachment for unliquidated
claims agalnat foreign corporations and
non-resldenta In addition to attachments
that now may Issue on contract. Judgment
or decree. Judge ahall state amount far
which attachment Is granted.
8. F. ItW bv Horton Provides that, prop
erty of Illegitimate person shall descend to
husband or wife in same manner as prop
erty of a legitimate. Present law "provides
descent to mother of Illegitimate.
B. K. 161 by Horton Provides that, hus
band or wife for whom no provision has
been made In a will shall have the same
rights to property of deceased aa If there
hud been no will.
B. F. Wi by Placek Authorises cities of
the second class and villages to require by
ordinance the lighting of railroad tracks
within their Hmlte. (
8. F. lt bv Hoagland Provides for con
stitutional amendment for recall of public
officers. Requires 25 per cent petition In
which reasons shall be atated. If resigna
tion does not follow in five days svecial
I election shall be held within twenty days
Much argument and legal halr-spllttlng In
theOonahue ouster case terminated yester-
dge Evans
pholdlng the contention of the defense
that the account books of a third party
were not admissible as evidence.
The point was raised when the state at
tempted to bring In the books of William J.
Roekoff. liquor dealer, to show the hand
ling of the business.
WASHINGTON. Jsn. 11. -After three
hours of consideration the senate today
passed the rlvera and harbora bill, carry
ing appropriations aggregating about
900. TOO.
While the bill was under consideration
Senators Burton and Halley engaged In
their annual debate over the policy of
Improving the harbora at Beaumont and
Orange, Tex., so as to accommodate ocean
going vessels. Mr. Burton criticised the
provision because ot the Inland character
of tha two towns. He Intimated also that
At 1:30 o'clock the state started to argue I the harbora were desired as a means of
for a beating plant at the
Chadron Normal. Recommended for pas
sage as amended In amount and report ac
cept ed.
H. H. 64. by dandy of Custer, prohibits
the use of township road funds for pay
ments -of damages of rights-of-way laid out
by county commissioner. Reoommended
for passage aa amended and report ac
cepted. '
H. It. 2, by Rastman of Franklin, appro
priating ino.rti -for an agricultural school
In the south waat. Recommended for In
definite postponement and report over
turned by, house, bill being placed on gen
eral file.
II. H. LI. bv Grossman of Douglas, re- i t.,.ii hoiint mum it. r.uu of recall In
peals th egsrnishment law. which allows 10 : 2Kt words and defendant may use words
per cent oi tne wagea or me nrnu ui i n defending course. Other candidates may
family to be taken for debt. Recommended
to pas without amendment and report ac
cepted. roi.owlng thp tioun rccesa the house
convened at S 'clock.v
The Colton resolution, which was taken
up, waa litld over, until ,February , when
It will again be up fof consideration.
Gait of Clay., callnd .tip his resolution on
road regulation and fought for It with
considerable (" vigor. He . was opposed by
various members wlioj rharged It with
being manifestly unfair. On a roll call
vota the resolution was turned down de
cisively, eighty-four being against It and
seven for It. . .
Norton of Polk, whoa resolution was
also laid over at . Monday's session, waa
called, up and threshid out at length. The
resolution called for the appointment of
a committee of three to act with a almllar
committee from the senate to atudy all
of the proposed road legislation now be-
fore the leglalatare and 'o submit a gen
eral comprehensive setpf, road lawa was
adopted.;, ::. .
Little other' business waa transacted and
a'to listening to a message from the sen
ate relating to bills passed by that body
. yesterday-the lio'uao-.-adjourned until -W
o'clock tills morning. '
be named at this election, the one receiv
ing the highest vote to be declared elected.
Onlv one recall allowed during an official's
term unless petitioners pay entire coat of
second special election Into treasury
8. F. 1B4 by Wilcox Repeals law requir
ing each achool district to set aside 10 cents
per capita for the purchase Of - books for
school libraries.
X. F. I by Bartos Takes away from
state political conventions the right to ex
nrpM themselves on constitutional amend
ments. - y . lillCX
whether books of account are admissible
evidence In an action between third parties.
Before the argument had proceeded far
new and more complex questions arose.
.ate In the afternoon the depositions of
Fred Kavan and Harry Stone were, read,
over the objection of the respondent. These
related the atory of alleged violations and
of the calling of the attention of Chief
Donahue to such violations.
The second technicality to claim the at
tention of the court waa whether books of
account when they become memoranda of
an action In which a witness participated
can become evidence when the books ara
the property of a person other than tha
Again lengthy argument was held upon
question In these circumstances, namely,
whether any person other than the owner
can have the privilege of examining the
The last question to come before the
court was whether a deposition o fa wit
ness who testified to facts occurring In 1909
can be read In evidence 1 nthls caae.
At the adjournment ot court the question
had practically narrowed down to whether
books which have become memoranda can
be offered In evidence or can be examined
by any person other than the owner, when
the books are the property of neither party
to the case.
Judge Evans' rulings on the various ques
tions were as follows: Books of account of
account o fa third person, aa such, are not
competent evidence in action between
strangers; books of account may become
memoranda from which witness's memory
may be refreshed, although owned by a
stranger to the action other than the witness.
All of this argument arose over the at
tempt while William J. Boekhoff, a retail
tlquor dealer, waa on the' stand, to compel
the witness to produce his books In court.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
-LINCOLN, Jan. SI. (Special.) A session
of "who's a grafter?" conversation was
pulled off In a quiet corner of the. house
chamber yesterday by W. Z. Taylor, rep
resentative from Hitchcock and auftdry
countlea, and Trenmora Cone, chief clerk
of the 190R session of the house. Taylor,
besides fathering innumerable bllla for the
protection, of wild and domestic ' animals,
is foater father for. the school lande sale
bill of Nordgran of Hamilton. Cone hap
pens to be opposing the school lands bill
and Is visiting tha session to. work against I
It among other Ihfnga. . He walked over to
Taylor uU, and 'remarked that bllM
was a '-measure designed ''for the delight
and benefit of land grabbers and real estate
"Who's a grafter?" asked Taylor, and
started In on a list of things which he
accused Mr. Cone of having .dfie during
... .. , , ' LLI.i 1 1.
that gentleman a service aa cmei imr
Meaaare t Let Large Cltlea Xsaie
. Orra Charter if Goea Through.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 31.-(Snecial.)-The sen-
ata passed by unanimous yote of tha mem-; wnlch nad tn emaln chanoaaa a aole
bera present . Senator Keagan's bill for a I ..
coftatltutlonal amendment to permit qiWes j ..jugt waU a minute." Interrupted Cone,
of mora than M Inhabitants to iraine ..n, tp you what Peauy happened when
and adopt their own cJiarlere. The vote , WM fhM cl(.rK,.. Wtien he got through
stiMHl: Ayes. 29; naya, none; absent . inere i th hl( nlMol.y of his career. Taylor
was no discussion of the bll itoaay. ,mned In amazed appreciation,:
just as ma morning session ot ine senate i .. . ,W(1 a wonder
opened Senator Buhrman of St. Ubory re
ceived notice' that ills mother had died.
He left Immediately for her home.
Aa recommended for passage In the sen
ate Lee's bill prohibiting the use of con
veyances for ovtera on election day, pri
mary or general, has been amended so
that it has little force. The bill still per
mits political committees to employ con
veyances and th candidate ia culpable only
if he consents to the usa of conveyances on
bla own account.
The committee on miscellaneous cor
porations reported the following bllla (or
passage Tuesday:
8. F. M. by Tlbbetla Allowing corpora
tions to hold and . enforce liens In this
H. t". SL by Taaner Against wire tap
ping. S. F. 86, by- Ollla Giving telephone com
panlea power to mortgage, sell or lease
H. F. 7, by Ollts Allowing telephone and
telegraph companies to condemn right-of-way.
'. F. M, by Ollla Defining co-operative
associations and allowing Incorporation.
The Judiciary committee reported for gen
eral file 8. K. . by Lee, forbidding candi
date to hire conveyances tor voters on
election day.
. B. F. S. by Kelleck Vtuletlng title of cor
porutlona to lands acquired from foreign
hetra to real eetate.
8. K. I. by Tlbbetla Quieting title of In
nocent purchasers to lands acquired from
foreign heir to real estate.
"Mr. Cone."
If l had been telling that atory I couldn'
have done It half ao well nor made K half
so bad . Whatever your Dualneas was you
certainly understood It."
Senator Kemp of Polk. Merrick', and
Nance counties promises to b th orator
of th session In th senate. He la pos
aeaaed of a high-pitched., clear voice, ex
preeslv gestures and "eyes that apeak Ilk
a trumpet." On the bill of his own making
for a constitutional convention h apok
twice and th galleries throbbed on both
occasions. The only objection to Benator
Kemp's ability as a speaker Is the spirit
of emulation he arouses in hi colleagues,
who Insist upon trying to Imitate hi mas
terly period and even his thunderous ex
clamatlon points. . '
Some people may doubt th quietness of
the state house grounds, but th fact that
a man slept under a tree last nlgtlt and
waa unmolested and undisturbed .until
o'clock tills morning show that It Is not
pandemonium. He waa finally dislodged
by an employ of th senate chamber. He
murmured something about "West ' Lin
coin" and rose to make hi uasteadyr wa
toward the city.
regulating freight rate In the Lone Star
tate. V
Mr. Bailey took exception to the Ohio
senator' reflections ' upon the domestic
affair of hi state and asserted that this
matter waa "none of the senator'a nor of
Ohio' buslnesa.1'
Th course "of the board of army en
gineer In pronouncing against the two
projects on th ground of commercial un
desirability waa severely condemned by Mr.
Bailey. H said senators and represent a
tlvea desiring, certain Improvements were
compelled to stand outside committee room
door with hat In hand and wait while
army engineers were allowed to shape af
fairs for their own atate. He admonished
the senator favorable to a tariff commis
sion to take warning by the experience
1th th board of .engineer. The time
would come, he said, when congress would
simply register the decrees of the com
mission aa It now registered the decrees of
tha army hoard. He also contended for
the right of the senator and membera from
any given state to, say what river and
harbor Improvement are necessary within
Its border.
Colorado Representative Starts B
for Mrs. Cooke, Former apertn
tendent of Schools.
DENVER, Jan. 31. --A woman was given
vote for United States senator In the
Colorado legislature today, Representative
McKenzle of Custer county, casting hi
ballot for Mrs. Katherlne M. Cooke, former
stat superintendent of public schools. No
election resulted from today's joint ballot
which resulted:
Democrata: Adams, JO; Martin, Z; Maupln,
; O'Donnoll. 4; Shafroth, 1; Speer. 26
Taylor, t; Thomas, 4; Ward. 6. Cooke, 1.
m Republican: Dawson, U Dowdy, 1; Vail
1; Northrutt!" SO.
s V-. - I
Canadlaa Official Who Took Package
t'OBitalalaar I-arere Sam lirres
der to Police.
SYDNEY. Jan ll.-After having eluded
the police and postal authorities for several
weeks, William O'Neill, th postmaster at
Waterford, a small town near here, gave
himself up yesterday to answer to the
charge of stealing from the malls
package containing 17,500 In cash. Th
money belonged to th Waterford branch
of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Th Water
ford agent of the bank addressed the
package to the Sydney branch of th bank
and registered It at the Waterford post
office. The package did not arrive at
Sydney and when an investigation was
begun It waa found that O'Neill was miss
ing. 'A few daya later O'Neill gave th
package to a clergyman in Truro, request
ing that It be delievered to th Truro
branch of the bank. O'Neill then disap
peared again, but returned to Cap Breton
and surrendered to the authorities.
Five Circuit Judges
Confirmed by Senate
Senator Bristow Demands Separate
Vote in Case of Walter I.
Smith of Iowa.
Visiting; Nurse Iclls Story of the
Rounds of a Day.
Missions of Mercy Carry Her lato
Scenes of nislres In Many Qaar
tera lassie the Asssal
Report. .
WASHINGTON. Jan. Sl.-Flve of Presi
dent Taft's appointments of United States
circuit court Judge were confirmed by the
senate today. They Include William H
Hunt of Montana, against whom a fight
was made by Montana land owners; Rob
ert W. . Archbald of Pennsylvania, Julian
W. Mack of Illinois and John Emmt-tt
Carland of South Dakota, who were named
as additional Judges to serve on the new
commerce court. .
The other confirmation was that of Rep
resentative Walter I. Smith, who was
named to succeed Judge Willis Vande
vanter, who waa promoted to the supreme
court of the Vnted States. Frank H.
Rudkln was also confirmed as United
States Judge ' for th eastern district of
Washington. V
Notwithstanding . th content made
anal net Judge Hunt by' the committee on
Judiciary, confirmation was not opposed
In executive session of. the senate today. .
In the case of Judge Smith of Iowa a
separate vote was demanded by Benator
Bristow, . but, ,j the. Kansas senator was
the only member, recorded agalnri th con
flrmation. -a v.H v
, fJoOitii .now. fflaadsv lnvh. vay of the
organisation, of thcommeree court. Mar
tin A. Knapp, former, chairman of the
interstate comjmcrce commission, who waa
named as. th presiding Judge of th new
tribunal, waa confirmed before th holi
day recess.
Senatorial Courtesy Scores Point.
WASHINGTON, Jan. Jl.-The senate to
day rejected the reappointment of Fred
Harper to bo collector of customa at Seat
tie. Wash. Matt Pile, a brother of Senator
Piles, was a candidate for collector. Sen
ator Piles told the senate that Harper was
objtctlonable to him and adverse action
was taken.
The story of a typical dsr with a visit
ing nurse Is told by Miss Lotilxe McPher
snn. president of the Visiting Nurse assoc
iation, In the fourteenth annual report
Just Issued.
The story begins with the nurse's first
call at o'clock to a mother and her baby,
and tells of her ministration there. Next
there Is a typhoid case to be ministered to.
There Is then a visit In response to a call
frnm the truant officer.
"Two little boys, brothers, have been ab
sent, and on Investigation, the association
haa been asked to take them In charge,
there being no medical Inspection of
schools here, more's the shame to us," the
report recites. The nurse finds them at
home and after questioning the mother and
boys themselves, she suspects adenoids In
one case and defective sight In the other,
and makes arrangements to take them to
be examined tha following flay.
"Now It Is nearly noon, and as It chances
to be one of the dispensary days at the
Social Settlement, the nurse goes down to
see what the hour will bring forth.
"One woman, with a badly burned hand.
Is there to hav It dressed; another has
been coming in for weeks to have the
broken veins In her leg bandaged and soon
will need no further care; a baby la
brought, whose eyes are In a dreadful con
dition, and under the doctor's direction,
the nurse cleanses them and Instructs the
mother how to guard against the other
children being Infected. One man comes
whose crushed hand Is almost healed, and
after giving him his final dressing, the
dispensary is closed.
"The duties of the nurse In this neigh
borhood, however, are not over, because
It happens to be Thursday, and In , tha
evening the nurse will return for her class
of eight or ten mothers who come to learn,
by demonstration, the simple helps In ear
ing for the sick-how to give baths to fever
patients, what to do In cases of sudden
falntness. tr of bad burns or cuts, and so
on-a very useful part of the day s work.
"The afternoon Is the one set aside for
visiting chronic patients. One old wm.n
with a broken hip. which will not heal, Is
alone all day while her son works; but she
haa managed to have her clean clothes and
her kettle of hot water ready, and the
nurse gives her the bath she so much
loves, and combs her white hair in two
long braids-such lovely, wavy hair on a
frail, wasted little body.
"The next visit Is made to a mother who
is aying or tuberculosis, it... h.
qmi R in
telligence of the family is shown by the
way the nurse's former instructions have
been followed-lpts of fresh air. as much
sunshine as possible, everything clean, and
the patient herself taking every precaution
mii 10 pass the dreadful plague along to
those about her. Yet the famllv i. iiv i
need, and the nurse leaves behind her,
eggs, and milk honey for several days.
me siternoon Is nearly over now. but
an emergency call has come In from one
oi m iron roundrle wher a man has
been badly hurt. Th nurse hurries to the
nome address given, finds the doctor al
ready there, and assists him at th nee
essary but unexpected amputation of a
finger, and the dressing of minor Injuries.
She finds also, a sick child in the house,
whom the doctor pronounce to hav sev
eral typhoid ymptomB; so th usual pre
caution are foIlowd-th cblld W riven a
um ana put to bed supperless to see what
th morning will bring forth.
Th sun la (Inking as the nurse climb.
pn a crowded car for home. She t...
stand, and her bag weighs a great deal at
ie ena ot tne day. and her feet seem sev
" smaii, ana ner sympathy Is
exhausted; but her rest must be all th.
more peaceful for tha weary burden th
ueen aoie to lighten."
promise, which she brought axsinxt Frank I
achott. a rlcn (iernisn tarnier of Knortea,
KachoH s defense Is to be n neral denial
ui Airs. Voting s alienations.
KOHT lxJIMJK The Western pa- j
eentjer tation and interlocking switch
equipment si rioinei s caught me from j
crossed electric wires ami mini
gioumt In torty-five minutes, the loss be
ing tlinatm t n.t.M. I lie interlocking
sil n equipment mas worth between ei.vw
and H.WU.
FOHT lHJlHlK-Th little son and daukh- ,
ter of Mr. Hnd Mrs. K. K. Miitth lie pre
cariousiy near death because of poisoning
trom milk. Doctors are working witit ,
them In an ettort to save their lives ,
fo other cases ot txilsoninn have been re- ;
ported. altnouKH the poisoned milk was
procured trom a local milk dealer.
GUINNKI.U-Kev. I'erclval F. Maiston ot j
the ivew Kngland Congregational churcn ,
ct Chicago has accepted tne call of the
First ongrenatlonai church ot this city j
and plana to ie here iy .Marcn IS. He is -
i, vears of axe, a grauuate oi igin
college and Andover Seminary, and this
Is his fourth pastorate. Hi only on
graduates In June from Bowdoln.
FOHT DOlUK-The Grieg Mandskor. a
musical organisation of Scandinavians,
which came to lit" here many years ago,
Is planning a big reunion tor the latter
part of February and expects former mem
bers, now scattered all over the country,
to come for the event. It will be largely
iniiHiial and much outside talent of note
will assist on th program. Thei will also
be a
FOHT IHJDGB Whil an obliging shoe
clerk went to the rear of a local store to
fasten buttons on old shoes for a woman
who had Just purchased and put on an
expensive new pair, and had another pair
of line dress shoes under her arm, the
customer" disappeared. The shoe clei k
Is planning to leave stranne purchasers
unshod, hereafter, when he goes away to
make repairs.
DKN1SON The case of F.. F. Escher, a
farmer living near Manning. asking
damages from Carroll county lor mjuries
sustained bv falling with his team through
a bridge, Is on trial in district court on a
change of venue. He claims both physical
and mental disability from the fall. A
Crawford county Jury gave him large
damages in a former trial, a verdict after
wards reversed by the supreme court. Kx
Attorney Generai Dyers haa been the at
torney for Kscher In all trials and Is here
now. He la assisted by Conner bally.
Iteiarnihrr the Name.
Foley's Honey and Taf for all coughs
and colds, for crop, bronchitis, hoarseness
and for racking la grippe coughs. No opi
ate. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all
President Bend Namea of Several
Men for New Position In
Federal Service.
WASHINGTON, Jan. St. President Taft
today sent to the senate, among other,
the following nomination:
Colonel Wlllan P. Diddle, to be com
mandant of the United Htates Marine
The president named th following for
Colonel Robert K. Bvans, to be briga
dier general.
First lieutenant Albert K Rhoades, to
be captain In the Coast Artillery corps.
Cvrus H. Williamson, to be postmaster
at Watertown, S. D.
Piles Cnreal la to 14 Daya.
Your druggist will refund money If pnio
Ointment falls to cur any case or itching,
Blind. Bleeding or Protruding ma in
to 14 day. Sue
The Weather
For Nebraska Unsettled, with local rains
or snow; colder.
For Iowa Unsettled. -
Shipper" Bulletin Prepare forty-eight
hour shipments north for temperature of
5 to 10 above xero: east. 10 to lfi above
west for IK to SO above. Shipments south
can be mad with safety.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg,
S a. m S5
( a. m 3
T a. m 8
S a. m
Ja. m
a. m
11 a. m
, Menenrcs Introdsoed lowor B4 jr
j of Leglalatare..
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOIN." Neb.r Jan. SI (Special.) Th
following bill were Introduced In the house
today :
H, R. thA, by Gallagher of Thurston Pro
vides for legalizing Indian marriages.
H R. tea, by Hardin of Harlan Provides
that .tests lot grain shall be by taking a
ertlcai section from top to bottom ot
wagvn boa or bin.
H. U. iiS7. by Prince of Hall Provide
that admiafclon to th bar upon graduation
from a law act. col ahall be limited to grad
uation from st hools having a three-year
day -couraei or four year-nig lit course. He
Th senate Is not keeping up Its share of
legislation this session and la now thlrty
flv bills behind tha record at this time two
year ago. Senator Volpp. author of thab,Ul
to Increas the pay of stat senators and
msk their terms for four years, .was .an
other man to; hav trouble wlOlth. leg!-.,
latlve reference' bureau; because be did hot
make hla wishes clearly known. He asked
th refer nee librarian to draw up th bill
for hm and found after th bill had been
Introduced that it provided for the future
of both hour and senate while Volpp
wanted to give the boost only to th sen
ators, leaving the house member to, raise
their own salaries. The bill will - be
amended in the senate to give the house
this prlvtleg In providing for ,thelr own
salaries. '
Bloodhooads Helping; Unravel I'n-
. sisal Incident at Stanford,
' lieatneky,'.
, STANFORD, Ky., Jan. 31. Th coffin
containing th body of George B. Saufley,
who was a prominent lawyer, wa found
above his grave In th Stanford cemetery
early today. Whether th body haa been
removed from the casket has not yet been
ascertained aa the authorities refuse to
allow anyone to approach It, until th ar
rival of bloodhounds. These will be put
on the trail cf the persons who hoisted
the box from beneath the ground.
mov tjrovltdon that such school muet be
a member of the Association of American1 We have no good authority for th. to! schools. I lowing account of whv A.-A Ualt of Clay
ASShat XrVTl toear7;r.nd" !ry ,",dUMa W"P7 , blil
write the English language and be cltlsi-ns i " " " i"""i'"? ul"'"' " me
of th Untied States. j committee, but It can be given as the rea-
II. R r bv McKlssIck of Cage- Pro-. , for Mr- r,mV hatred of newspapers I
vide that license fee on automobile shall ' . . . .. ,., , . . w '
be paid to the counties at a rat. of 2i cents j U a ,rue ' "uh ' at happened ,
by th horse power, th county clear to out In Clay county during tba campaign, j
retain the first cents. I Mr. Gait is a farmer and visitor upon the !
J1' w 3T '.w, MoArJI "f. I"'";1 WMfarm are Infrequent. Upon one occasion a;
Huasett of Buffalo Re-enacts snd broad- , . , , ... . . v
ens librarv law. twrmlttlng precincts to or- I neighbor and his wife dropped In upon the
ganlxe andj maiataln libraries. Gaits and although they' were entertained
H. Hl. by Mejer of Nuckolls, by re- . , dinner, they were not pleased at lomt
queet Providing for the publication of per- . . . .... . . .. vrorty assessments of o or more Imagined or real neglect and left the Gait
lue, to be pant for out vl the county nome outnara. as couniry gossip travels
atnttial fund. Kmcratmy.
H. H 2;-'. by lloaHHlsky of Saline-Provides
tor (tamping th net weight of
bread oa ane and two pound loaves after
baking, penally for violation.
II. n. fc-rt. bv Mcrdle of Douglas arid
Dauett of Buffalo Providing tor a levy of
2 mill by -townships for library purpose.
11. it bv McKlselck of Gage-Provides
for the formation of health Insurance cam
psnle" F.mergency.
H. H. ?i, by Hs" f Hutlcr Provide
that trtiattes ! .ho.l dHtrl-is containing
Miore'llian W chdren most be able to
rat anil nrlixnt iauuaav.
It became bruited about that Gait was not
willing to serve his guests With the best
things of his larder, particularly straw
berries, and over this trivial matter a story
grew which assumed such proportions that
it finally got into th newspapers, became
rrofoaed Amendment to Part Food
Measnre la Favorably
WASHINGTON, Jan. SI Th proposed
amendment to the pur food law to re
quire the net weight or measure of the
contents of a package to be stamped on
It label advanced the first step toward
enactment today when th house committee-on
Interstate commerce gave It a favor
able report. Th proposed amendment was
Introduced by Representative Mann of Illi
nois, i
It m &o
1 p. m 50
t p. m ti
t p. m 6:1
4 p. m 63
6 p. m M
p. m M
7 p. m..... 6;
8 p. m ia
.... . ttreord.
OMAHA. Jan. Si. Official record of teni
mature a la. precipitation compared with
the corresponding period of the last three
years. . isu. vjw. 1. ikon.
Highest today , M 34 2
Lowest today S4 H t
Mean temperature 4 25 14 IS
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .23
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and compared with the last two years:
Normal in-ipcature il uegrees
Exceaa of the day 23
Total excess sine March 1 167
Nutiua. i. k.ii-u. v.. i... Uk! inciiea
jieilci.iuy lor t.-u 01 inches
Totl pree'.p. i'C ' I. It 7 Inches
Deficiency Sine March 1. 1910. .15.18 Inches
Excess for cor. period. 1910 S. 13 inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1909.. S. 24 Inches
Keporta from ftatloua ul T p. nt.
Station and State ' Temp. High. Raln-
of Weather 7 p. m. Today, fall.
Don't Wait
ror Spring to coma, but begin to build
IP ycur system now by cleaanslng your
oloou of those impurities that hav o
eumulated lu it during th winter.
To build up the system now will hlp
fou through th udden change of
weather at this season and very likely
tave you frcm serious sickness later.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
a the medlclr to tke It purine th
b.ood and give strength and vigor.
Get t tcday In usual liquid form or
chocolattd tablet called Slarsatabs.
im on Person Indicates His
Name Is W. J. A. Morrlsey, Snp.
poaedly from Here.
25c Angel Food Taffy,
per pound . ; -j . J5
60c "Princess Sweets" Choco
late, per pound...., 30
Try our Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Nuff aed.'
leth and raraam Bta.
(4 Alma tha deli-
O difficult to
obtaia tn airy
other way.
iAvr.xvruKT, la.. Jan. M.-The body of
me man round badly maneled on the Rock
island tracks, near Davenport, haa been
Identified as that of W. J. A. Morrlsev
of Omaha, from a letter found in his
Th Omaha city directory doe not con
tain th name of W. J. A. Morrlsey.
Dr. Hamraell Die of Pnenmonln and
ttoy Killed by Ballet.
WEBSTER CITY, Is.. Jan. Sl.-(Rpecial
Telegram.) While th nurse was taking
his puis early this morning. Dr. 8. M.
Rummell, city physician, passed away. He
had been suffering from pneumonia, and
waa low. but his passing cam most un
expectedly. He had been city physician
here for many years and wa prominent
over th stat.
Raymond Kallen, who accidentally hot
himself trying to force a cartridge Into a
21-caIlber rifle, died at the hospital last
night. The bullet entered his abdomen.
The lad wa 16 year old.
Cheyenne, cloudy f2
lavenport. clear 44
Denver, cloudy 62
Dea Moines, cloudy 44
Dodge L'lty, part cloudy....
I ander, raining
North Platte, cloudy 6
Omaha, cloudy 62
pueblo, cloudy v i2
Rapid City, cloudy 42 ' 52
Salt I.ake City, cloudy.... 48 W
Santa Fe, cloudy So 6H
Sheridan, cloudy 11 4
Sioux City, cloudy 60 M
'I' inuicatea uace oi precipiianun
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster
Iowa City Pioneer Mardered.
IOWA CITY, la-, Jan. SI. Joseph Hun
ter, a pioneer of Iowa City, has been
found murdered In Idaho City, Idaho, ao
cordlng to a dispatch received by hi
brother. Lemuel and George, of this place.
No details of the crime are given.
i -1 el. U
" r""- n m
cream ; fragrant, pleasant
and harmless.
If you have a red, blotch
ed, pimply, coarse skin,
apply a generous coating
of it to-night, and notice
the effect to-morrow.
Oat It at any A.D.S.
Drag Star.
Look tor tbenkrn.
Ht4pc- toothaeh
wbiiber th!f la a
raTity or not. Wr
du up or .ate 1U
K? It in thchouM
forirviKrn:ea). Jmi
UUotm dou't do U
A Saxlt Afair.
itUldrutfuU, li ceiii, oc b nuU.
Dent's Corn Cum aSTiS?
C. S. DENT A CO.. Detroit. Mick.
Iowa Neva Kote.
OELWEIN Fred Orats. a switch, engi
neer employed her by the Oreat Western,
waa caught between two locomotives and
crushed to death last night.
DKNISON Sheriff Cumlngs now has In
Jail C. S. Carbaugh wanted on a charge of
deserting his invalid wife and running I
away with his slmor-in-law, a girl Is!
years oi age.
FORT rniDGEa. M. Thummel, a stud
ent. Is leaving his temporary pastorate In
the Swedish Bethlehem church here and
goes this week to HoardvHIe, Neb., to
fill a pulpit there. Rev. N. Gibson of
lloardvllle haa accepted the Fort 1 lodge
MAHSHALLTOWN Alleging that he
asked her to marry him and that sh ac
cepted. - then that he broke hla promise
and married another rr whom she had
introduced htm. Mm. Anna C. Young, a
I'H'hlng young widow of this city, went on
the witness stand today to prove her case
for 16.0) damages fur alleged breach of
Asthma Catarrh
1 i 1
Rarkarne, Hneamatlsut, sleeplessness
Result from disordered kidneys Foley
Kidney Pills have helped others, they will
help you. Mrs. J. B. Miller. By recuse, N
Y . says: "For a long time I suffered with
kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had se-
I a . i a .11 ..a
almost an Issue In th c.mpalgn. and was vr MC"1 "
an everlasting source of exasperation to After taking two bottlea of Foley Kidney
Mr. Gait. Hen. he wants newspapers to : n,V backach Is gone and wher I
be held to exact authority lor every state- used to lie awake with rheumatic pains 1
ruent. We are not say Ins. however, mho now slp In comfort. Foley Kidney Pills
told this story as th rsaaoj) for Mr.-GaH's ' did wonderful thing tor me." . Try them
now. Sold by all druggists
Thcro la Only Ono .
That lo
Loizotivo Bromo Quinine
useu rwr world err to omiz a oolo in one oat.
JSTHSUSMie isr .
tmt escil uuisnl fcf Sfea
csial Uoutin, vitkaul 4cxis lbs wsnack nuk
iiiif. Vk will Htcia Ml minf jttn.
TS air natc4 raily siirilc, lalr
wlik kiuik, sikH kiMtsiag ty. miaea
Ik Mr ikreal, Meet ui couk,aarii im
fal sigtu. CrmlMl w is'siaalila M naikara
wlik yuiig ckUlraa aa s te nfmn trim
Um4 osl far settrlnf'- 'm'm.
for lk lrillia tkrcal.
Tv ar ain
rear iniM
loc la
Vp Cresolen Co.
U Certlaa! St., N. V.
try CroalcM SalU i
Kit I kiaat Tilcl IT f
umi Ureal. Jfr
Mlreais, Ji,,
54 iT.f 1
540.00 Suits
to Order for
To make room for Spring Good
and to keep our workmen busy we
have reduced the price on all Fall
and Winter Suitings and Overcoating.
$50 Sulla to Order
$45 Suits to Order
$36 Suits to Order
$40 Suits to Order ,
$30 Sulta to Order
...... :W
, 920
....... r-w
Perfect fit, good work and good
strong linings guaranteed. -
Extra Panta to order. $5.00,
Tailoring Co.-
804-.1UA South lOtb 8kn
Near Kaniini, - -' '
Tlilll III iUH'iiBi'H""
Mas. Winsi.ow's SootmikA Svlt t ha beee.
ued tor over HIXTY YEAR hy MIT.LINK of
MOTHHK8 for their CHlLi'RKN WUII.K
ROOTHKS the t'HIM). 80FTKNt the Ot'MS,
a the b5t remedy lor 1IARKHU:A. It l sh
aotutcly hsrmlew. Be sure snd sk lor "Mr.
Winalow's Soothing 8yrap," snd Uk so othaw
kiod. Twenty-five cenls a bottle.
Ousy Business Men Like
the Boston Lunch , V
,X. affords them a place to
eat that la scrupulously clean
and splendidly provisioned.
Simplified service and mod-,
erate prices.. No attempt at
style but a world of effort at
wholesomenesa. Just, the
kind of n place for a busy
man to lunch that's why. so .
many do. Better try it your-.
The Boston Lunch
1612 Fai-nam Street.
1408 Karnnni Street '
14 (HI Ilottglas 'Htreet,
Removal Notice
MOaTHErrst xaxs aoons ,.
asts xazx smsasiit a . ss-
KOTID rOH 1411 TAM- ,
tanouxo FX.OOS crrr wa-
ArPOIsTTatKKTa ' O S X "
DOVOIVASI 8333 OB A-a33S. '
'tbi SABronra rawvu-
ZXTBA XYXSTTB . .- -Toalg-bt
Chorus . Coat
rb. 1 Waltsinc oontsst la-
wblcb Ballah will take part.
Z,adU' Wk Day llatln,
Oommenotnr Thursday, Teb. a, 3.-4.
ui cow rciCBsa , .
This Afternoon, SSo to 9100
Tonlajht, SB to fl.BO
Interpretive Dancer ,
Thursday, rrlday, Saturday atatioes
and Evsulna" .
Iric &Oo to Sa.OO. Mat. BOo to (1.60
Meat Biwday VitU Wednesday. , .
Beats oa Bale Thursday ' 7 :
Prto, as to SI-AO. stat. Bo to I1JO'
B-n. fto, 4 p. m., Mm. Oasal.
Ahrara remember tha full name.
tot this slna-uir oa Try bos.
tlllANU 71 DAYS
H Arablods.Cuo ton ". 4, from N. Y.
S-OOupiJ includes Hiiore
i:verytlilris AniPIIT Trips. Guides.
Strictly First UlilClJ I I'rlvers.
c a h h. WSSSawsa f M Ktr
includes Mrioi-lra. hnaln.
Alair, tireeve. Turke,
Tha Holy ltml. Ksypt. Tti
N-iia lialv. Tin. Kiviera. Kte.
Hound World and .In Koropesn Toars.
W. . BOCK, iU '"",' bt , linha
ravasisv O. vi-avv. Tiuiea iiia New Yi-rfe
Doufla 11. " as cent.
Mat. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
XV A LASO and Mer BsoUnt Couv
pany In th Z,aua;habi Comedy.,
Beat Wk th Society Comsdr of
Vi T win. r
ASvaaoad TaudsTUl. Matinee every
day Every svenljis 1.16. Hub
sian Imperial Liancer. Hart Coot A
to., Alexander and Hcott. ' J arrow,
Fred blnser, Maieana, Nevaro -aad
Mareena, Marlo-Aldo Trio, Kluodioma.
lirplieuni Concert Orchestra.
Foster snd i'uK, Buckiey and Moore,
Urletta and Taylor. Kramer and Wll
lard and rOSTSB ABO rOSTSS. ,
Tnre shows aUy, a US, 7i5 and S:SQ.
Dally Matinee 10 Cants.
-QaUlA'l yUB CBSTTKm."-
Dally Mat la-aa-ao
.aV,!K.. biobhow
lula Hheldon ilastinits Wnallty Chorus'
Fstra-;eo. ArmstronK. the Hapi.y 4'happy
AaAlas' Din Mattae Sry Week Day.
Bet, si if at Oauy, A-nv CuuKat, ltta, am
U. H. " bl i:olai.d of Doujjlaa-R- J