THE BEE: OMATTA. WTTDNESDAT, FEBRUARY 1, 1911. 10 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Situation Highly Unfavorable to the Bulla. EUROPE IS WILL SUPPLIED m Cree Seals, of Hqaator Is S Poorlne; In Cask DrmaiA len- tlaaea Mht tern Is Mark Wfitfi. OMAHA. Jan. !1. 1111 Rnltlsh advice In hi-t has proved dis appointing In every respect. Receipts of both winter end spring wheat have 1n rressrd nine the opening of the new year and stotaire at all receiving points Is full and rash markela havo become soft and on the decline. other exporting countries are supplying Europe with all the wheat needed and Jut now the flood of new wheal has started from soulh of Ihe enustor. These are tha conditions which nave upset the null amp.lgn and forced values to lireak. Horn reaction at times may oc cur but. on the whole, conditions do not warrant any steadv advance until a much better rash demand makes a disposition for a large accumulation of wheat stocks. Tha Intu strenKth and stubbornness In corn has finally developed unexpected weakness due to' the break In wheat and partly because the movement to primary markets keens heavy with no adequate shipping demand to offset the stock ae ciimiilations. About the only merit corn ha Is lis bit feedlnir value. Primary wheat receipts were PsT.OnO bush els and shipments were SlIVOiO bushels. s-alnst receipts last year of 7N0.O0 bushels and shipments of Snj.oOO bushels. Primary corn receipts were I.TOI.lW bush els end shipments were 351 0" bushels, gainst receipts Inst year of M20.0ri0 bush els and shipments of 4M,nnO bushels. Clearance were 3X4.000 bushels of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to S1.000 bushels. Liverpool closed lower on wheat and nd to Hd lower on corn. The following cash salea were reported: WHEAT No. 4 bard: 1 car (oats mixed). Sc. No grade: 1 car (oats mixed), fiio. Rejected: 1 car, 81Hc COILV-No. 3 white: 4 ears. 4c. No. 4 white: 1 cars Sttiic: t cars. 3?C. No. S color: 1 car, 4iic. No. 8 yellow: 1 oar, 42Vic; I cars. 4tlc: 2 cars. WVo. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 33c. No. I mixed: 14 cars, 8340. No. 4 yellow: 1 oar, 3c. OATS No. 2 white: 1 cars. ic: No. 4 while: 1 car. 2Sec. No. S yellow: 1 car, 2Vc; 1 car, 29Vc llmlbi fasti Prices. WHBAT No. 2 hard. SWaflHc; No. I ban!. fntiOc: No. 4 hard. Ib'tiKv. rejected hard. 74Vu5c; No. t prlng, 90ay3c; No. 3 spring. Uiiffllc. CORN No. 2 white, 3077i0' ; No. 8 white. JHtf4ftc; No. 4 white, 3IH;'Hc; No. 8 color, Kiu40c; No. 2 yellow, 89&404c: No. 3 yellow, wyti'Mc; No. 4 yellow, 2X'iH ttol No. 2. SOMtrtoc; No. 8. !ftHc; No. 4, 3DytfA9c; no grade. 3T5J.T9C. OAT8No. 2 white, OHi'QMc; standard, V(r30c; No. t white, IfflW-Wc: No. S white, 2IW.I&29-V; No. 4 white. 2H4a2H'4n; No. 3 yellow, 29VtffC9c; No. 4 yellow, 2814 fj 39V,c UARLKT-No. 3, 7rv&c; No. 4. W&lQc; No. 1 feed, 568Mo: rejected, 63rQOOo. RYE-No. 2, 79(aSlc; No. 3. 7S(&79c. ' larlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago :U 629 Minneapolis 225 Omaha 10 38 Imluth v 77 tc Innrr. Nn 2 mixed. No. $. 43c; No 2 white. 43V-: No I. 43c. IA T-l rioliansed. ch..ce timothy, .won? 14 60. cbowe prairie. $12.00 Hl'TTKH-l 'reamery. 24c; firsts. lie; sec onds lc; parking stock, lie. KUttS Kxtras, 21c; firsts, 3Br; seconds, U'c. Itaceipta. rinipmems. Wheat, bu iliw M Corn, bu 7fXI Oats, bu I.WW 10000 MCW YORK RRXF.KAL JslaHKET ( notation Vartnaa NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 'S'A'?;- ,5 .OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET r'.ui f the Day Commodities. NKW YORK, Jan. 31 FLOUR Pull; spring patenta. lfi.1BM3 40; winter straights. $4 20714.30: winter patents, $4.40U4ft5; spring clears, $4 (.KiM ;.; winter extras. No. 1, $.1.4t.cu3.70; No. 2, H 2f.-Q3.40; Kansas straights. f4 an-i4.7,"i. Rye flour, steadv; fair to good, $(.2ir.i4.:: choice to fancy. $4 toy 4 60. buck wheat flour, quiet; American, 72c, c. I. f.. New York; Canadian, 66 '-c, c. I. f., New York, for export. roRNMEA! Hteadv; fine white and yellow, ll.2iri1.2u; coarse, fl.1231.15; kiln dried. 12. WHKAT Snot market, steady: No. 1 red, Sc elevator, and !Wo f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Imluth. II 18 r. o. b. arloat. Futures market was nervous and slightly higher on covering, due to the recent decline and on steadier rabies and lighter receipts, closing o net higher. May, Si.fl0ri1.0IS; closed, V July, ll.0ufcl.001; closed, ll.OOH. Re ceipts. 43,20) bu.; shipments, 23.8!3 bu. CORN Knot market, steady; New No. 2. 52Hc f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing unchanged. May closed. 67V,c. Receipts, W.000 bu. ; ship ments. 7.1,H7ii bu. oAT-.KKit market assy; standard white, 37Hc; No. 2. 3Hc; No. 8, 87c. and No. 4. 8s'iO. Kuturea market was without transactions, closing -to to TkC net lower. May, closed 3!'; July. 3Sc. Receipts, 58.475 bu. HOPS Steady; stste, common to choice, li'lu, 30o2!ic; li9. livable. Pacific coaat, 18l, WilZtc; 1909, 14!jll7c. HAY-yulet: prime, ll.UHc; No. 1, tl.068 1.07'i; No. 2, ; No. 8. 80c. HIIiKS steaiiy; Central America, 30H 21c; Bogota, 22c liKATHKR Firm: hemlock, firsts. 23'4 M-.'c; seconds, 21Viie23c; thlrcls, l20c; re jects, w,tllc. PROVISIONS Pork, quiet; mess, $22.60 23.0U: family, 2S.00iS 24.50; short clears, Ji.tKnii 22.00. Beef, steady; mess, l14.otr914.Sa; family, 16.50ro 17.00; beef hams. IZi.Wy 27.5a Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.. S12.a0f& 13.50; pickled hams. 812 12.75. Iard, steady; middle west prime. JlO.Ofi'o) 10. IS; refined, barely steady; continent, $10 0; South America, $11.40; compound, J8.37'.flS.r,2i1. TAl.liOW Quiet; prime city. hhds.. 1a HI'TTKR Creamery Mpecials, 23c; extras, 7X,Zry,c; third to firsts, lv,423c; creamery held third to special, 'Ul.c; state dairy common to finest, 17'325c; process, second to special, lwtisic; Imitation creamery first, isr&lc; factory held. lSVi17Vo; current make, K.yl7c. CFIEKSK Steady; skims, 3o;i2o. KliGS Steady; frexh gathered, selected extras, 2:iVf(i24c; firsts, 224c; seconds, 20 422c; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, lxijlc; No. Z. likylic; refrigerator firsts, l&17Hc; seconds, 16rgl6V4c; western gathered white, 2X1 1 32c. L'UrLTRY Dressed , quiet; western chick ens, 131,4(6 lSVic; fowls, 14W16c; turkeys, lU24c. Oats 300 11 CHICAGO ftRAIX AND PROVISIONS Fcatnres of Ihe Trading and Closing I'rlces un Hoard ( Trad. CHICAGO. Jan. 31. Speculators caused a slight advance In wheat today through bu) lug for a rally, which they asserted was due to follow the recant 7-cent decline. The market closed steady at a net (galn of a shade to '(-. Corn finished Uc to Sc up, oats off Vic to He -nl provlslona to 17xc down, except that in January pork a month end squeeze put up the price $2 a barrel and for rlba dO oents. The wheat market waa a nervous, but narrow affair from the start. The bull hkIh received aid from tha fact that prim ary receipts were lighter. There was also taik of Hessian fly in Illinois. On behalf of the bears, it was urged that the west and ihe southwest were burdened with cash wheat, both Omaha and Kansas City having sold considerable No. 2 hard to come to Chicago. Friends of higher prices, however, derived aatlsfaction from an unexpected decrease in tha world'! available supply. For the May delivery fluctuations during the session ran from fc.Nc to W40 with the cloue W,-c up at W. Selling lor accounts led to a little re action. The close was steady with May at !. a net gain of wnuc. Corn waa strengthened by an authoritative estimate reducing the Argentine surplus K.Oiio,i0 bushels. May ranged between 4:i'S9n:'c and IfS'li'. closing firm at 4!o ; a net rise of c. Cash corn waa steady. No. 2 yellow finished at 47(u47'c. The fact that country sales and con signments were smaller helped sustain the market. The close was firm with May Vc pet higher at 49V:. Oals were weak on account of big re ceipts. High snd low polnta for May were 34c and J3',c, with last salea Vdfio net lower at 33vjj!Bc. A small open Interest produced flurries In January pork, and ribs, the outcome being an ad Nance of $2 in one and W cenls in another. Hog products otherwise dragged lower, pork iHc. to 17c lard 'ie to 17VSO, and rlba a nickel to 7ij0. Prices in Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain company, 708 Brandeis building, Omuha. Telephone Douglas 2473. Month. I Open. I HigU. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I I May...Ji, July...!iW.'3' Sept...il22Vl Coiii 1 1 M ay . . . 1 49a 1 44frV 4!)$j July. A,W)-,-lfl uOS! 4l Wall Street Intemted in Improye ment of Karri man System. SHOWS EXISTING CONFIDENCE Karalaaa of t ailed Stales Steel Cor porallnaj for Year Make KWTer able Comparison with Pre vious Years. NKW YORK. Jan. .11 The financial com munity was Intel ested chiefly today In tlie announcement that the Hsrrlman com panies would expend $7fi.0dO.0iO In the Im provement of that system In completing the double tracking of the lines from the Missouri river to Han Francisco and in double tracking portions of the Oregon Short Line. The decision of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific managements to under take so Important a project at this time was accepted as a significant expression of confidence In present and prospective conditions. The Hsrrlman project and the quarterly report of the United State Steel corpora tion which came out after the close of the market were the noteworthy features of the day. The statement of the steel cor poration for the final quarter of 1910 shows earnings of $26,991,000. with net earnings of $2O,4.;2.000. At first the statement would seem dis appointing. In that the gross showing for the month was several millions below ex liectatlons, this being partly due to the low returns for the last month of the year. Earnings for the year, however, ag gregate $141,144,000, making a very favor able comparison with those of 1WI9 and IMS. which war $131,491,000 and $81,845,000, respectively. Htrength of the Hill stocks was asso ciated with developments of a favorable nature in the affairs of that system, in cluding the practical completion of the subsidiary line in Washington and Ore gon, owned Jointly by the Northern Pa cific and Great Northern, which Is ex pected to add materially to tha resources of these companiea. Covering by short Interests was a ma terial factor in today's rise in prices and was due no doubt to uneasiness over the readiness with which certain active Is sues hsve been absorbed recently. This is especially true of Southern Pacific, Northern Pacific, United States Steel and Reading. Kile's report showed an Increase In operating Income of $W).000, due, however, to- reduction of operating expenses, the gross revenue having fallen off slightly. The Omaha line reported an Increase of $146,000 in net revenues for last month. Bonds were firm; total sales, par value. $3.427,0ii0. United States Ss, registered, ad vanced H on call. Number of sales and leading; quotations on stocks were aa follows: galea. Hlih. Low. CIo. . .. )" I'm t M ! t l'l 1! ... II 1ft II 1 ) 10 t'-t l""4j Kt n l"i tr n M UVtj 4 79 ti M li'lH Kir-US KjHr-Mr..n (Slnul Clljrl H rM Nh Srhoit s. Iowa Portland 4rnrnt 11 hsnnaa flty 4a iMn.) School grnnetr Pultrjtnc 1 ( Kansaa Citv, Mttro r Orient pra. Kanaaa r,Tt. Mist(-o r Orient com.. I,von (rmntT Hal V warranta Nbrak lntl Feerling Nnnte tVwntr (Neb 9 warranra. Omaha (! I7 imiaha Vta'er ie. ! Cmaha Sr. fly M. Illl Omaha A '. B. St. Rr. ts. II2 Omaha C. it Br aid. I a. a... Omaha C. B. St. Rf com VnH-n stork Tarrlt attrrk Hi rati. n tb ) Water a New York Money MarVel. NEW YORK, Jan. 31 MONK Y On cell slesdy at 2S'd2S per cent; ruling rate. 2S per cent; closing bid. 2S per cent; offered n 2 per cent. Time loans steady; sixty days, 2ai per cent: ninety days, 8 per cent: six months, 3VrfS per cent. PRIMK MKRCAN fll,K PAPKR 434S per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 831o-d 4 327 for slxtv-dsv bills and at M M for demand. Commercial bills. $4.K2md 4 821. SILVER Bar, KV; Mexican dollars. 460. HON DS Government, steady; railroad, firmer. Closing quotatlona on bonds today were as follows: lon Inter. M. If. 4H.. ...1 'Japan 4a rw ...lO: no 4Sa ' ...10?i K. V. Co. lat la 71 ...llf.SU 8. 4a ...US' I- N. nn. 4a Mi ... 77 H M.. K. A T. lat 4a.. tlv, ...loj'ri do sen. 4VU t Am. T. A T. a. 4.l(7i. Mltwourt PaclMa 4a.. Am. Tobaaro 4a X.1U ao rr. aa do Sa lorju N. Rra. of Mai. 4s S ms N. V. C. gen. ISa. Ii4 t do dab. 4a NVi 1W N. Y.. N. H. H. Ill ct. a Wi 4V4j N. W. jit con. 4a. M" do rr. ia Vr, tt Nnrthern Pacific 4a..1"04 nr, do Is 70S 3'Ore. 8. I. rfdg. 4s.. IS 10?s Penn. tn. tHa (11 II. tt do ran. 4a 104 lt Readlni gen. 4a I7H 1"! 8. U. A 8. V. fg. 4a SJii t' do gen. Sa 71 14 Bt. L. 8. W. eon. 4a. 77 15', do lat. gold 4a Vr, i Haab'd A. U ad), f. 77 , IW So. Pacini! col. 4s WEATHER 1 THE GRAIN BELT llalns on Pacific Coast and In South westColder lc re Wednesday. OMAHA. Jan. 31 The eastern disturbance continues to move slowly off the upper At lantic coast. ' An area of low pressure ex tends from the Pacific coast east over the mountains to the central vsrtieys. and Is accompanied by rains on the Paclflo slope, and In the southwest, and Is causing gen erally cloudy and somewhat unsettled weather throughout the mountains and east over the valleys. The movement of the eastern disturbance off the upper Atlantlo coast ts followed by much colder weather in the Atlantic states, and temperatures are lower everywhere east of the IMssls sisslpl river, except In the upper lake region. The weather Is very much warmer in the upper lag region, the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, and Is warmer generally west of the moun tain region. An area of high pressure, ac companied by a rapid and decided fall In temperature. Is moving over the extreme northwest, and the extension of this high down over the valleys will bring colder weather to this vicinity by Wednesday, with probably fair tonight and Wednesday. 19U 1910 1909 1908 Iiowest last night fS IS I 4 Precipitation 00 .00 i .04) .22 Normal temperature today SI degrees Ief. In rainfall since March 1..16.1U Inches Excess cor. period, 1910 6. It Inches Def. corresponding period. 1908... 6.22 Inches It. A. WELCH. Local Forecaster. Allli-rhalmers sfd Amalgamated Copper American Atrrlcultural American Beet Sugar American can American Car A Foundry. American Cottrxi (Ml Am. Hide A Leather pfd.. Amarlcan lea Securities. ... American Llnaeed American Locomotive Am. Smalt. A Ref'ng Am. Smelt. A Rrn. pfd. Am. 8tel Fndrtea ex-dtv. American Sugar Refining. American Tel, A Tel Amarlcan Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Aicblaon ex-div Atchiaon pfd Atlantic Coast Line 9UI 93',, BT.'x 9 r49f,?i IBltSJ'VSItllW.i July Uai May... July... 8ept... Tork Jan.... May... July... Ijii.i .. Jan.... May... July... Hi in. Jan.... May... July... fii'Sl 61! &t:il 92 il:i(iti2 494! 4W f7i 50! elVGl'VuVa S3!4ra'74 34 33UtTk!3SVi1iS WV33Vul 23 00 I 27HI 17 72 96 9 W 70 10 90 77H 80 26 00 IX 371 17 76 10 00 9 82 70 11 60 9 K2V, M 33.l 23 IN) 1 22 Si! 17 tio 96 76 t lio 10 90 9 76 I 66 83 s:it; Xi 82?;32tiv 26 no 18 30 17 67 82 KOH 70 11 60 77 V no 23 00 18 S7V, 17 85 10 00 2Vi 72 10 90 9 826 bu St. I.ouls General Market. ST. LOITIS. Jan. 11. WHKAT Higher; May, &c; July, 9ro; cash lower; track, No. 2 red. 9Sc(h$1.01V4; No. 2 hard. 94c$l 01. CORN Higher; May. 4H'fi48c; July. 49c; cash stronger; track, No. I, 44Vic; No 2 white, 4dV)C OATS Lower: May, 32V4c; cash lower; track, No. 2. J2V4c; No. 2 white, 83Q34& RYE I lull at 82c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4.50 dffi.00; extra fancy and straight, $4.003 4 40; hard winter clears. $3 .SOifi'3.75. SEED Timothy, $6.00rfl9.50. CORN MEAI $2.30. BRAN yulet; sacked, east track, $1.10(9 is. HAY Steady; timothy, $10tKSyi8.50; pral- ri". i 1 10. vv. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $21.00. Lard, lower; prime steam, 19.55f( 9.75. Pry salt meats, unchanged: boxed, extra shorts. lOTic; clear ribs, 10c; short clears, oc. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 12c; clear ribs. 12c; short clears. 12')iC. POULTRY Firm; chickens, UMc: springs. 13c: turkevs, 16V-c; ducks. 16c; geese Sc. BUTTER Sreadv: creamery, SPffirjC. KGOS-Lower; 20c. Receipts. Shlmenls. 8 000 10.l , 69 0HO , 60,000 1 Out) M 0110 , 61,000 67.000 400 7.BWI 7110 IH W 700 'i.oo J"0 em 6 100 "aoo 4.100 100 100 1,3110 le.i'io ao 8.000 I.2D0 l.(0 1,100 too too 83 H 4 4IS Tt 554 OH 'ii" 12 414 78", 106 ns i, 32 8r4j lt4j 103 12.1 14 S3S 77H sous 83 fl ft 41 Mi Mr 00 ii 41 78 106 ill! Hi 14414 4H 12 Vi 3rl lo.-' 108 120 10S w 77H 81 H ,W0 lot 8 Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu vallable aplles of firaln. NEW YORK. Jan. Sl.-Speclal cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies as compared with previ ous account: Wheat United States, east Rockies, de crease. 346.0011 bu.T .Canada, decrease. 2OO.O11O ! Vnitad Baltimore A Ohio.... Bathlcham Rteal Brooklyn Rapid Trmnalt.. Oinadlaa Pacific Oentral Ueatbar Central Leather pfd Central of Now jeraay.... Cheaapaake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago, (it. weaiern new Cb leaaxe" Ot. Weatarn pfd... ITblcaro A Northwestern.. Chicago, Mil. A Bt. Paul.. C. C. C. A Bt. uouia.... tWorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern rConsoitdatad Oaa Com Produata nelaware A Hudaon Denver A Rio Oranda fHmTar A Rio Orande pfd. iDiatlllers' BscurttlM Brie Krla 1st pfd -. Kris Zd pfd Doners! Elaetrla Great Northern pfd Oreat North am Ore. ctfa. . llltnola central Intarborougn Mai lnlerborough Mat. pfd.... International Hamatar Inter. Marina p'd International Papar International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City Southern Kaniaa Olty Boutbern pfd. Laclede Oaa LouiaTtlle A Naahrille.... Minneapolia A Bt. Loula... VI., Bt. P. A Bault Bla. M. Mlaaouri, Kanaaa A Texas. Mo, Kan. A Taxaa pld... Mlaaouri Pacific National BrSfult NatlonalSaad Nail. Rra. ot Max td prd. New York Ontral N. Y., Ontario A West.. Norfolk A Weatarn North American Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People a Gaa Pittsburg. V. C. A Bt. It Pittsburg Coal ; Phased Bteal Oar 800 USi SS Pullman Palace Car ex-dlv Railway Bteal Spring Heading 7,00 Republic Btael 1.1 Republic Bleal pfd JO0 Kock Island Co Hock island On. pfd (00 St. L. A 8 r. 3d pld... KiO 8t. Louis Southwaslem 8l" St. Loula Boutbweatern pld 1.500 gloaa-Ulietfleld . A 1 Southern Pacific 14. J 00 Southern Railway l.iJOO Soulharn Railway ptd 1.500 Tennaasae Cr,pper J"" Texas A Pacific 1W Toledo, St. Uiula A West. ) Solado, 8t. L. A W. pfd. 60") tmlon Pacific $4. ("J Inlon Pacific bid 4O0 tinltad Stat Realty I nlted Btatea Rubber Htataa steal.. no 1.M0 1.700 9.2U0 l.ioo 400 4,700 f00 200 10O 100 ion 1,1110 700 100 400 7,100 1,700 200 600 1.700 80O "t.ion TOO 100 1,200 200 1,600 8,700 100 "auo 109 S. loo tr0 100 HO 7,700 I'OO 4,301 0 rr.sro 1) U.loo 24 48 Si 147 f 14.1 H 13H 1IHH SO "4 70Mi 8H 2V 48 8714 164 12H oh 187 H 1H 64 14 U 'is, 40 174 34 7 112? 146 3'i 36H MH 61 67 87 H 11H 42 V, 107 H 72H 124 21 128H 28H 47 147 129 68 142H WH 1M son 70 V, S44 '4 47H 8714 lf-4 127 B0 137H 1H t:i4 1UH '12 ' 40 lin "T4 7 112H 144H U4 'ii'.H i4 6"H 12S 67 87H 11-1. 42H 107 724, 141 H 20 1S7-4 Cash quotatlona were as follows: K LOU It lie-sy; winter patents. 4.2tKf 4 75; straights, H.0tii4 f.S; spring stiaights, ,4 5ivn4.70; baiters. H.u0a5.00. KYbT No. 2. 824c. BAKLEY Feed or mixing, 66i-7uc; fair to choice malting, Hijj'Wc. SEEI18 Klax. No. i southwestern, 12 55; No. 1 northwestern, $2.o. Timothy, IIO.jO'J. 10 i0. Clover, 814 7.7. I 'UO VISIONS Pork, mess, per bbl., J20.2j (.I20.!i0i ljiid. per 100 lbs.. I.S2V. Short l itre, sides (loose). $0 irn io.o2-. short clear tides (boned). Il0.u 10.621. Total uleaiaucea of wheat and flour were f.iual to 01,000 bu. Primary receipls were bu.. cumpared with 7-iOOou bu. the con espundtng day a year ago. The world's tnlbie supply, aa shown by litadsireei'a, decreased WC.OOO bu. EHitiuated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 37 cars; corn. Jtt cars; oats. 216 cars; hog, :iii.0ii0 beaui. v'hlcago Uah Prices WHKAT: No. 2 red, rMii'.c; No. 8 red. e'.'.tlrc; No. 2 hard, KitiWo; No- Tiard, H2ic; No. 1 north ern spring. 11 WHU 1-OJ; No. 2 noritiern spring, ll.Uial ; No. t sprlug, $l.Vu 1.04. t'OKN No. 2 cash, 46W'tf47u; No. s cash. 444(46c; No. 2 white, 4.!((i4Ac; No. 3 while 44H'itSc: No. 2 yellow. 47ji4,m,c; No. I yellow, 44-Vu-4.'c. OATS: No. 2 cash. 32c, No. 2 White. UNdMr; ! wiuir .m -- ajc. No. 4 while. 31W32C; stardaid, S2ij32-o. HUTTEH Uieainerles, 17'ui.c; (, ,0 tg 22c. i-.iIOS Weak; receipts, 5.i cases; at mark, rases Included. UjlSK', firsts. 214c; l.rlnie firsts. 22'jC. l-oTATOKS Eay; choice to fancy, 4Hc; fair to good. 42 0 45c. IH1 I. Tit V Steady; turkeys, live dreed, JH"- heus. live. 13.-; dreased. ortoss. I1e. lie; diesised, 12c. t'llEESK Steady; dslwlee, lDc; Iwins, l.Vac; Young Americas, l5'i)liK'; long horns, l.4c. V EAI- Steady ; 50 to 60-lh. w eights. Hlc; fft to iu-lh. weighls. lo'ic, sf, to 110-lb. weights, II 4 arlot Ueceipts. Tiwlay Wheat, thirty- one; corn. b, a(s. -1i0. Enllmate.l tumor- old. -1W. V Ul. . lr. it.., .ui.i,. , ol :i. bu. Total. United States and Canada, de crease. 640.000 bu. Afloat, for and In Eu rope, decrease, 100.000 bu. Total American and European supply, decrease. 646.000. t orn I nlted states and Canada. Increase. 1.4W.0O0 bu. Outs United States and Canada, Increase. 740 000. The leading decreases and Increases re ported this week follow: Decreases Chicago. private elevators, ?fit!.noo bu.; Portland. Me.. 127,0i"O bu.; Ixuls vllle, 72.000 bu.; Fort Worth. 67.O0O bu.; Dal las. 56.000 bu. Increases Chattanooga, frft.ono bu.; Minne apolis, private elevators. BO.O11O bu. 4tti lire, lc; Minneapolis Grsls Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. Jl. WHEAT Ms v, II . 03.U1. Of.1 ; July. $1,037,: cash. No. 1 hard; S1.04S; No. 1 northern. fl.ult'.ktrl.Om; No. 2 northern, DUHKSl.oJ's: No. 3. WcD 1.0014. FLAX Closed at 12.64. COItN No. 1 yellow. 43fl'43. OATS No. 3 white. SCfouOi-,.-. RYE No. 2. 7Sc. BKAN In loo-lb. sacks, J2.0iVii 22.50. FIOUll First patents. l4.BTs1i6.ln: second patents. fl.TiS 0r first clears, $3-3093. 76; second clears, 12. 1.7'n 2 75. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan 31 BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 29c; nearby prints, am-. EdUS Steady; Pennsylvania and other nearbv firsts, free cases. 24c at mark; cur rent receipts In returnable cases. ;:tc at mark; western firsts, free rases. 24c at mark; current receipts. 23c at mark. i iii'.f.M.T-rtcay; .M York, lull creams, fancy September. lSlfec; October. 14Vul.'c; fair to good. 14nl4'c. pfd. Ohem. Vnitad Stales Steel 1 tasi Coppar Viigliila-l'arollns Wabasli Wabash pfd Western Msryland Weatlnghouse Blactrla. . . . Western t'nlon Wheeling A Laka Erie.... Lahlgh Valley Tuial as las for the day, too 117. 10 (MS) l.frOO 1,300 1074 84 1, H 83 1 4"4 4!-4 30 8 12014 2sH 27 4 234 61 H 178H SDH 'iiii .H 120 4M4 7H 166 H 4S 8 J? 4 41 2u4 8 14 119S 28 8M4 27 H 2314 61 174 S3 7 llSti 44 "i 800 toH 200 1I0 200 M 76 4 7H 741 t 4N.200 abaraa. 18 3 41 '4 H 66 1014 2314 2(.H . 12 41 V, 7H 106 14 4514 ll 144'. 4H 31V, 88' 1H "2 1224 1"H 1.1 77H ICS 31 H KUH 83 23 484 147 H 13.1 H 66 67 141 18H lfil son TO 3r4H 47H SS IIH 1 64 11 17 1SH 4014 lH 84 ti'4 112H 27 138 iH 61 iH 1 wh 37 H 111 42 10 72 VI 2 l'.'8Mi loo '4 SB 18 82 160W 167 S 34',, 82 S4 42 '4 7H 6114 11HH 2i 3 27H 22 177'a Hi 7 4H 79'4 11 45 ; lb Wr4 6oia 7S 75 6 179'4 V. a. ret. 2s, rag. do coupon V. 8. Sa, reg do ooupon ... V. S. 4a. reg..., do coupon .... Allla-rbKl. lat Am. Agrl. Armour A Co. 4a., Atchiaon gsn. 4a no ct, 4a So ev. 6a. A a. C. L. lat 4a B A O. 4a do 3a do S. W. Ia Pr.w. Tt. cy. 4s.... HVntraJ of a. 6a.. Central Leatbar la.. C. el N. J. gan. sa. Chea. A O. 4a do or. 4ls C. A Alton 8a C, B A Q. )t. 4S. do can. 4a C, M. A 81. P. Cattle Are Slow at Study to Lower Price t. HOGS ITVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Fat keep. Iot to a little Kaeler Than Monday, Willi l.nasfca Skow n Decline ef About Fifteen rente. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. SL ltl. Sheep (K l 12.01 ) n.o:.i 10.421 1.670 19.671 6.15 6.27 Receipts were: Cattle lloirs Official Monday S.4 l.bol Est 1ms te Tuesday 7.0O) ll.MsJ Two days this week . . . .12 4 Bame days last w eek ... .13.322 13.2 Kame dava I weeks atTo.-ll.5 11. 3 Heme days S weeks atro. .1S.0(7 17.112 Rnme days 4 weeks ago.. .05 Hams dava last vear 7.110 10.2)10 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date aa compared with last 'cr: 111 110. Tno. Pec. .- M 5S3 S3 3o4 15.9 170.SO2 177,184 1(53.214 122.774 40.440 fr.iinariiis i,:- ..a.nws the average prices on hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I 1U je.ltJt.l8X.l8W.l8X.l. l ! ... t 41 1 ! ... t M I tM ... t 40 TI ill ... t 6 87 N ... T 4.1 8 ... M :i . . ta n ur ... t f-6 M MTU 14 ?tn ... t 6S IJ rl ... t T ri ... 7 M 14 I" ... 7 46 tl 81 ... t 61 6 MO ... 1 tf It ! ... Ill I Ml ... 1 16 4 4 ... IK .! 14 ... I 4 U ' . . 1 M II ... T 46 61 TIO T M 28 !M ... I W M ...... If4 ... IH 14 t"8 ... t 6" M. 1 ... 1 6 I 2F-! ... T 60 fl ton f n 41 Ma ... t 60 It ... T Jft a lit ... T 60 sr 4 7 ao ao !t ... t SO I ... t 70 ! ... T 60 74 ll ... T m tn 114 ... 1 60 It til ... 7 n 74 147 ... 1 60 14 Ill ... t m 41 841 ... 1 Ml M J17 ... T aa 78 tM ... 7 to 3 174 ... t SO 24 24 ... T 50 14 1M ... f 80 Cattle Hogs . Bheep The Jan. Ian. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 7 C, R. I. A P. col. 4s 74 do ct. 4a Us do r' 4a M-S do R. K. lat ret. 4a dr. Clrlo. industrial Sa... 78 Bo. PsIIwst 6a. Colo. Midland 4s.... 7 do gen. 4a C. A 8. ref.-ext. 4s a t'nton Pscirio 4a. lela. A Hud. t. 4a 8M4 do ct. n. A K. O. 4a do ref. 6a.... niatlllera '6a... Erie prior lien do gen. 4s.... do cv. 4a, aeries A :t do lat -ref. 4a.. 3 IT. 8. Rubber Sa.. 77 I'. 8. Steal Id 6s. ,107 ... 77 ...100 ...)0 ... ...los. ...106 85s4va (titni 0S..1O1H 76 Vt'ahash 1st 6 do llt-eit. 4a do cr. 4a. series B. 70 Western Md. 4a...., Oon. Kleetrla ct. 6s. 149 Waat. Elec. ct. 6a., ill. csnt. 1st ret. 4a. P7 wis. Ca rural 4a..., Inter. Met. 4'4a 78 -I Uld. Otfared. ,.10i. (14 n M Boston Closing; Stofke. BOSTON, Jan. 31 Closing quotatlona on stocks were as follows: Alloues Amal. Cnppar...... A. Z. I A 8 Arlsona Com , Atlantic , B. A C. C. A 8. Butte Coalition... Cal. A Arizona... tal. A Heels.... Centennial Copper Range C. Knst Bulla C. M I-Yanklln Olrrot Con Granbjr Con. Greene Cananea. ... lsla Royals Copper. Kerr Lake Laka Copper lA Sella Copper.... Miami Copper Bid. . SS 'Mohawk . JT Nevada Con . 24 Nlplsalng Mines . 13 '4 North Hutu...., . 4 North Lake , . 11 Old Dominion.., . 18 Osceola . 6') Parrott i. A C .506 Qulnrjr , . 11 Shannon . Superior , 12 a u pari or A Boa. . 48 . 16 . 1 . 88 . 0 . 40 .107 .lit . 6 11 . 88 4 7 Superior A Pitta. Cs. 14 A M. . 16-11 Tamarack ...88 U. 8. 8. R ... do pfd , 14 t'tah Con 7 t'tah Copper CO 36 Winona 4 WolTerlne 18 46 . 86 . 46 . 10 . 46 . 8 .117 New York STInlngr Storks. NKW YORK. Jan. !. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice mo Little Chief (Vm. Tunnel stock do bondi Con. Cal. A Vs Horn sliver Iron SllTer Lradvllle Con Ottered. 23 , 18 , (6 , SO ,100 . M Mexican Ontario Ophlr standard Yellow Jacket. ... I ... 7 ...126 ...126 ...100 ... at fl... tt... ... M... 26... 2n... f7... 28... 20... tn... ... t 7i iniiminiiwi J " T E8A4 7 45044 7 4mJ T 4AM 7 4ft 7 4RSt 7 64V4 7 4 I III Oil 4 12 I 00 I t toi I 4 u I tV 6 Ml 4 21 7 Ml WW t 021 I Ml 4 17 031 6 1 4 m 7 8 041 B 8 4 0l U I 4 Ml II 4 17 Ml I l I 441 I Ml 4 B 48i 4 M I i! I 26 1 4 71 9 HI 4 71 B Ml 4 61 71 J 4 64 t 71 IF. tWl 721 I M 4 M 85 I 4J 4 61 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nlon Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours, ending at S o clock yesterday: KEUEH'TS-CAKo. Cattle.Hogs.Bheep.H'r a. C. M. A St. P.... Wabash Missouri Paclflo . I'nlon Pacific ... C. & N.-W., east. C. A N.-W.. west.. R 64 IS r3t. P. M. 0 27 H. & Q., east 11 B. & Q , west W C. R. I. & P.. east.... 14 C. R. 1. P.. west.... Illinois Central 11 c. a. w 1 Total receipts 119 . DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8 11.. 2 11 17 12 I 48 S 1 15 4 .2 S M 22 6 2 2 1 1 I S 168 69 I RHKEI'-Weighted with heavy supplies, sheep and lamb trade became a slow mov ing affair this morning. There was not enough activity in any branch of the mar ket early to afford a very accurate view point to the scale of prices. Right around forty doubles of stock were available at the opening and twenty more were due to show uo later. Iimbs were plentiful, with quality very food on an average. This phae of receipts slled, to stimulant Inquiry, however, and the best, as well as the poorest offerings, cleared with more or less difficulty. Prices averaged lower as a rule, bulk of sales dropping to flsures about 16 e under those of yesterday. Ptrlctly choice grades, still In the fleece, sold at and around 26. 7, but plain heavy strings are demanded at big discounts. 85(10 and less buying stock of this description. Hneep ruled steady in spots, tne general situation appearing bearish. Best kinds were favored and where unchanged prices were possible high dressing quality was In sisted upon. Some little business was done on a weak to dime lower basis. Toppy wethers are quotable around 14.00, with choice ewes around 13.76. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. 26 6076.86; fair to good lambs, M.bOrtrtvFiO; handv weight yearlings. I4.60rrf4.7li; heavy yearlings, t4.2odj4.60; good to choice wethers. t-V8f.ij4.O0; fair to good wethers, 1360(83.86; good to Choice ewes, W.oOrfS.76; fair to ood ewes. 132653.60; sheep, culls to feeders, tl.60i3.2S. Representative sales: No. At. J"8 western lambs, feeders e 1"0 western lambs, feeders 78 431 western yearlings A wethers. 96 Omaha Packing Co 61 Swift & Co h: C'udahy Packing Co 1.024 Armour & t o .o Pchwartj-Bolen Co...... . Murphy W. H. Vansant Co Benton Vannant A Lush.. Stephens Bros Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla I j. V. Husz L. Wolf McCreary ft Carey S. Werthelmer Sullivan Bros Rothschild A Krebs Mo. A Kans,-Calf. Co.... Sinclair Sol Degan CUne A Christy McConneghey Other buyers 51 140 74 118 143 84 12 196 110 66 121 IMS 14 27 8M 2.219 3. ins 2.779 137 2.n0l 3.311 1,006 97 27 , 79 1,037 London Stock Market. IjONDON. Jn- 31 American securities opened a fraction higher today. Trading was very quiet and during the first hour most of the gains were lout under realltlng. At noon the market was quiet with prices ranging from ic above to c below yester day's New York cloning. Ixmdon closing siock nnur.s11.1nMi. Consols, money do account Amal. Copper Ans ocda Atrhtetn do pfd Baltimore Ohio... t anadlan J'acltlr ... (Viraapaake A Ohio. Chi. Great .Western Chi . Mil. A St. I ia Beera Tlenver A do pfd Brie do 1st pfd do fd p'd Grand Trunk Illinois ( antral ., r! Milwaukee Uraln Market. MII.WAI KFF.. Jan. 31.-W1I EAT-Nu. 1 northern. tl-(Trfel.(t'i: No. "J northern. $1 itlS'rii.04'4: May. Wc bid. ( 1 ATS Standard, 3;Vc. H MILKY Sample. B 11191c. KLot K-luill. f hcriititil (.rnli llrUrl. LIVKRPOOL. Jan. II. WHKAT Bpot. firm: No. ! red. weaiern winter. 7s 4d: fu- I tures. steady; March, 7s d: May, l 11 VI. t'OHN h;iot. American mixcrj. new. 4a 3d; 6s ld; futures. slt-ady, Kehru- ai, a .'u; May, 4a ta. Kansas Clip traln nnd lrolsloas. KANSAS CITY. Jan n WHKAT May, CVti .! n,,: J"''- S9ii sellers; rash, Iinctiantied ; No. 1 hard. !..i.Nu. 3, trSik.-, No. S red. ac; No. t, 9ivm!kc. O ATS rnchanied; No. 2, S3c; No I mixed, SI: .TV. HVK-No. 2. 74H7KC . ,ul u i ITT. KIH t.ilv 4.4i487. bid; ctvsh. while. 14:0 iowsr; uud. S,Ma. tl vtVi; July, II ov V I'eorla Hsrkrl. I'KOKIA. Jan. Sji-Ci iHN-lllgheT; No. 3. 44c, No. 4. 4-vc; sample, 4Hc. OATS Pull, etsnuard. 3l-'c; No. 1 white. 31c; No. 4 unite. 3H4e. Ilnlnth 4i rain Market. Pl'I.l'TH. Jan. SI -VH K- AT Mo Innnb. ern. I1O0V: No. 2 northern, tl Opv1.01S; Ha IulsIIVe A Nssh. .1484 . Tii'i Mix. Ksn. A Teiss.. 3i4 .18 New York Central. ..U'.i . I Norfolk A Weaiern. .ll'i ,1(194 do pfd M .1H4 Ontario A Weaiern.. 4SH Penr.syWsnis V S141. Rand Mlnaa . M Hearting m . 14U Douiliarn Railway .. i .131 do fd 47-n . 1 1 t Southern Psrlflc ....Ill's RioG'Bda. SlSVnlnn Pacific lll' 72H do pfd . W, V. 8. stasl His .. 41 do pM 12.1 .. 88 Wabash H" . IS do pfd 8s', ..U7 ftpanlsll 4s (rt steady at 24V1 per ounce. Mi iNKY 2WAs per cent. The rate ot discount in the open mar ket for short bills is 3-3 11-1 per cent; for three months' bills. 3'i3 9-lb per cent. Srvr York t'orb Market. The following quotations are f irnlshed by lxiKan bryan. , members New Yora Stock exchange. 31 j South Sixteenth street. (Muaba: ... i.reer.a I'ananfia .... a . .. :io liiMplration ..; ' . . . IH laruse 4 s ... 18 er. Cona I1! ... tl Nwh..ui-e l's ... Js;, .Nstana-I lah l;s .. . IS Ohio l "ojiper I -a ... If lt,awhiJ I'uallliull .. S' ... l- llsv ('antral IS ... ; iiu Pks Co.' i"" i . .. i' Sr-ara llriehuck I'o l'i:s . . . I', Sllsr Pir-k ... 84 P.ipei.,r A plffcturi ill ... Tu, T-n,.-sb M:iiH,g .... fc's ... li 'I nn.t Crrpinrr 4 ... a 1 nltsrl I'.rp-r UV4 ... I Ntmh Ika ' IS fctohemla :s A mar. ... llasr Stale uaa ... i i'ens I Bulla ' 4'si-tus I i hlno ( chief Com j Kia. tl.ui ! Irstis Ilsly Kerr Laka ! njibwar i Klv Central ' KW oiia ! r'.l .! k r tsuklltl (ilrruk Helmmil Irl.lfteld nrrrera-a liuldfirld llalsir . I.ural fierrrKlrs. (mutations furnlah-d l,v B.uns Hi Inker A Co.; 44i iHilldlog: chlMMi SAOtlary teluuipua. hs New Omaha National bank UK 184., aid. SI at-i 8Ci na Bank Clearlnars. OMAHA. Jan. 81. Bank clearings for to. dav were 23,04,940.S1 and for the corre sponding date laat year. 22.273,626.26. OMAHA WIIOLBIALB PRICE!. BTTTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade in :l-il. cartons, 28o; No. 2, in an-ih. tubs. 24c No. 1. In 1-lb. cartons. Uc; packing stock,, solid pack. 14c; dairy In 60-lb. tuba, lotfiso. Market change every Tuesday. . . CHEESE Twins, 16Q16V40: young Amerl- a Uo: daisies. 17AC: triplets. 17H0: llm burger, 180, No. 1 brick, 17o: Imported Swiss, 82c; domestic Swiss. 22o; block Uwlas, 19o. POULTRY Dresed- broilers, under I lb., to per do.; hens, i4Vfcc; cocks, iic; quoks. 18c; geese, 13c, turkeys. 26c; pigeon, per do., tl.ZO; homer squabs, per do., fl; fancy su.uabs, per dox., .60; No. 1. per dos., t'i. Alive, broilers, 16o; smooth legs, l&oc; hens, lOVjc; stags and old roosters, 7c: old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese. full feathered, ',c; turkeys, lc; guinea fowls, 6a each; pigeons, per do., OUc; homer, per do., 13; squabs. No. L per doz , 11.50; No. 3, per do., 6uc; capons, over I lbs., 14c. 1 FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, o; white 11c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; large crapples. Doe; Spanish mackerel, 16c; eel, Uc; had dock, -13c; flounder, Uc; green catfish, 2"c; roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, tibc; frog legs, uer dox., 60c; salmon, Uc; hali but. 10c beirlDg, c. Beef Cut Prices-No. 1 ribs, 16c; No. 2, 12c; No. I, c; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 2, 13Ho; No. 3, 10c; No. 1 chuck, 7c; No. 2, iao; No 2 7c; No. 1 round, ftc; No. 2, etyc; No. 3, S'uc: No. 1 plate. 6c: No. 2. 6'c; No. I. 6iO. FRUITS Apples, Missouri Jonathan, per bbl , )6.60, Missouri ben Davis, per bbl., 14.75; California Belief lower, per box, 1.65; Oregon and Washington Jonathan, extra fancy, 150 to 175 sixe. per box. fi.25; Colorado extra fancy Jonathan, B. Twig and W. W. Pearmain. per full bu. box, 2 50. Washington extra fancy Wlneaap, W-U2 siies, per bu.. i76: 160-1,6 sixes, per box, t-'.60. Bananas, fancy selet, per bunch, I2.Zbuz.ou; Jumoo. uuncn, j!g3. ,o. Cranberries, per box, 13.50 Jersey, per bbl., to 75; Wisconsin Hell and Bugle brand, per bbl., $10.50. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. packages in boxes, per box, t-.0o; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 64c Figs, new California, 12 12-ox, packages, 85c: it 12-ox. packages, $z.4o; 50 6-ox. packages. I2.U0; Turkish, 7-crown, per lb. 16c; e-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Grapes, Malaga. OUjjtt lbs. gross, per keg, !7.uo0 6 U0. Orape fruit. Florida, 46-54-4, per box, 13.75; o0-96 sizes, per box, 114 Lemons, Limonelra brand, extra fancy, SU-3X sizes, per box, $4 25; choice, SOU-300 sizes, per box, t3.75; 240 size, 6uc per box less. Orangea, Camella Kedlands navels, isj-IW sixes, per box. t2-6; 12o size, pel- box, J2.75; lVi size, per box, t- 75; 176 and smeller size. t3.00; choice navels, 80-98 sizes, 12.36; IIS alze. tZ.50. 150 and smaller sixes, t-'.tunji 1.75. Florida, all lzes, per box, i50. Pears. California Winter Nellls, per box ti76; New York Kelfer. per bbl., 13.7584.00. V EG KTABLKS Beans, string and wax, per market basket. 11-60. Beets, per bu., 76c. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., 14c Carrots, per bu., 7oc. Celery. Michigan, per do, bunches. 35c; California Jumbo, per dos. bunches. 9Uc. Cucumbers, hot house, 14 and i doz. In box, per dox., $2.28. fcgg plant, funcy Florida, per doz., $z. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c Iettuce, extra fancy leaf, per do., eve. Onions, loa, red and yellow, per lb. 2i.c; Indiana white, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.60. Parsley, fancy noma grown, per dos. bunches. 40c. Parsnips, per bu., 75c. Pota toes. Karly Ohio, In sacks, per bu.. Sue; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu , 7,ViiSf.c. Rutabagas, per lb.. IV- Sweet po tatoes Kansas, per bbl.. $l!.5u; Illinois, per large bbl.. $3..V. Tomatoes, Florida, per 6-backet crate. $"j.fln. Turnips, per bu. 76c. M 1 SCKLLAN KO 18 A Imonds. ( 'al If ornla soft shell, per lb., 18c; In back lots, lc less. Brazil nuts, per lb.. 13c; In sack lots, lo less, focoanut. Per sack, $5.50; per doz., site Filberts, per lb.. 14e; in sack lots, lc .s. Hlckorynuts'. large, per lb.. 6c; small, per lb-. 6c Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 8u; raw. per lb. 64c 'Pecans, large, per lb., V'.c; In sack lotne. V- less. Walnuts, black, per H , 2'tc;' California, per lb.. l!c; In sack Iota, lc les. Cider. New York Mott s. ier Lt,-hbl.. $3 75: per bbl., $0 75. Honey, new, 21 frames. $1. Metal Market. NKW YORK. Jan. 31. M KT A LS Stand ard Clipper quid; spo!, February. Jlairli, April and Mar, $11 19m 11.0; London market. firm; spot. ."-4 17k i'k! . futures, .V, lis Hd. . Customs house return on eximrts so far re- I i-orled for January are lli.Zu" Ions; local I deairrs reported a somewhat steadier mar Iktf. Lake. $12 HJWrj 1$ KT4: rlectrolytlr. I $U 374'rr ti casting. $I2.i":i12 2".. Tin. weak I I ...,.l ......iiImI' Kitrrt 14 '.TtiiriA KhrllMrv. i March, April and Mav. H'i.ir4X"0; liiuion. I neak: spot and futures, f 1 UT . Lead, dull;: $4 4orrr4.rir. New York; $4 2;-a 4 Vr. i;al St. liuia; rrtron market. 112 Ins 3d Spell, r. ' dull: Cr.36iin.4fi. Nea York; t:u 5 .30, Kast I Si. Louis; Ionilon. market, 12:1 10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 4l's 14d in fxndon: l.nallv iron waa altady; No. I foundry, northern. $5 25o II 25; No. t. $14 TF! 15.7:.; No. 1 southrrn ami Nv. 1 suuthetn suft. $li 2i U.ii Totals 6.638 1.143 10,886 CATTLE) The cattle yard this morning nrpMented a most animated appearance. Re ceipt were very large, in fact the largest of the month with possibly one exception, and as a number of train were late tha re ceipts came stringing In all the forenoon. At the same time the attendance of tock men from the country waa larger than It ha been any day in a long time back. Th weather, being mild and summerlike, every one waa out in the yard and tha elevated walk wera thronged with man watching the progress of the day' trade. Tha market opened slow, buyer at usual when a Brood man v cattle are re ported back, were inclined, to move cautiously until the receipt wera all in sight when, aa a matter of course, they would have a larger number of cattle from which to make selection. Thus the early market was alow and dull and the fore noon waa wall advanced before enough cat tle had actually changed hand to make any real test of values. A tha morning advanced it became ap parent that buyer were determined to make th most of the large receipt to force a lower range of prices. The result was more or less dullnes to th trade throughout the day, with beet steer gener ally 10c lower. Cow and heifer, which were In ex tremely large supply, sold 10c lower and In many cases with the less desirable kinds lbUZzo lower. Good feeders, on th other hand, were about steady, but the common to medium kinds and light thin atocker wera generally a little lower. Quotations on cattle: good to choice beef steers. KGvii.10; fair to good beef steers, Cr-TSaOOO; common to fair beef steers. t4.7(V(i5.75: good to choice cow and heifer fair to good cow ana neirers, common to fair cow and heifers, good to choice stocker and feed ers, $5.30((j6 on: fair to gooa stooaers ana feeder. $6.0U4j$5.30; common to fair atocker and feeders, 4.(JU(iro.oo; stocg neirers, $3.76r7JM 60; veal calves, t4 00.60; bull tags, etc., $4.00(5.26. Representative sale: B&Ktr DTK c. tin. No. At. 10 HOI 11 7 81 1094 II 1177 U 1313 4... I... I... 84... I... 8... I... 84... 2... t... 11... I... I... 3... I... 1... ... 171 ... 8M ... 876 ... 171 ... 760 ... 774 ... 878 ... 838 ... 643 ... lie) ... 170 ... 4M ... r43 ... 644 ... 616 ... 71U ... 483 t ... 710 ...VIM ... 7S0 .. .181 ... HO ...ltfrO ...1100 ... 7 ... 10 . . . UWI ...11.45 ...lllrO ... 8W ... m ... 470 ... 40 ... SoO ... lr0 ... 410 ... 140 ... U fr. No. A. Tt. t tf fl 1171 I St t IS II 1870 I 00 t 70 14 12M 4 00 I M 18 1S70 4 1 6 18 COWS. t 26 1 1180 4 86 8 80 II Kl 4 80 I 71 , t 10X4 4 10 8 86 10 ) 4 6 4 HO 88 11 4 ft 4 04 88 1024 4 70 4 16 17 lull 4 80 4 80 M 110! 4 80 11EIFKRS. 4 20 1 TF 4 SO 4 86 7UI 4 tt 4 88 10 71 4 75 4 36 II 1080 4 IS 4 40 1 704 4 88 4 80 10 lot 4 0 4 W 7 t6 4 84 4 0 1 list t 8 4 80 BULLS. 4 28 2 llOt 4 70 4 40 1 19X1 4 70 4 40 1 130 4 71 4 40 1 lfcOr 4 86 4 f 1 100 4 15 4 t 1 1410 4 8 4 85 1 14'M 4 80 4 55 2 1nJ 4 K) 4 10 1 2400 t 00 4 40 1 1261 t 10 4 85 1 12.10 t It zvj western ewes 26H western lamb 420 western ewes 10 western lambs, culls .... 123 western lambs, culls .... IV western lambs, culls .... 166 western lambs, cull .. 13 western Iambs, culls .... 391 western wes Ill western yearling oi western ewea 63 western lambs 302 western Iamb 80 western lambs, culls.... 136 western lamb 177 western lambs 364 western ewea 6 weetern ewes, cull 168 western ewes 21 western yearlings 2 western lamba. culls 664 western lambs, feeders 417 western lambs, feeder 24$ western lambs, feeders lit western yearlings 123 western wethers ., 134 western lamb, cull ., ewe ewe 4 western 36 western 93 .. 74 ..lie .. 68 .. 73 .. 67 .. 6S .. 65 ..107 .. 94 ..123 .. 97 .. 71 .. 64 .. 92 ..80 .. 93 .. 2 .. 9 .J0I .. 35 8 .. T2 .. 78 .. 96 ..1(10 .. 73 ..107 ..133 Pt 6 60 6 00 4 36 1 66 6 76 3 K6 4 76 4 60 6 00 6 76 6 00 2 65 4 66 3 60 5 66 6 60 6 26 6 60 6 75 8 75 I 00 8 75 4 68 3 60 6 30 5 ffi 6 76 4 50 8 65 4 85 I 25 I 25 ROW OYER COUNTY CONTRACTS Lynch". Demand for Corapetitire Bidi Camel Conflict. ALLEGES SOME BIO 0VISCIIAIIGE3 Heated Belwee. tt. Cos w.l..ler. . to tker Asaoo-t of Homo f tke Bill Wwlctt Havo "res Alloereal. of Ihelr In which Introduc- Heated word that lost non directness by reason of th ton thev were uttered marked tha tlon of a resolution before tha county com missioners by John C. Lynch, asking that there be competition on all county con tract over $60. In upport of his resolution Mr. lo'lich told of the extravagant charge agalnt the county, specifying recent hill, upon which profits as high aa 900 pel" cent bad been made. He lold of a plumber', bill which had been allowed .whera a charg of over $00 had been mad and th plum ber allowed to keep th fixture which h had removed. Mr. Lynch declared that three uch Job should hav been ecurd for the money paid. To minor oblectlon Mr. Lynch pointed, out that tha city was guarded by suoh a law and why would It not be good for th county If It hi good for th elty. O. J. rickard arose at this time and aid h presumed Mr. Lynch wa referring to certain bills with which hi) had to do, which were reduced 10 per cent and which Mr. Lynch wanted reduced more. "I offered to let the matter go before a board, didn't I." shouted Mr. Lynch, "on to be picked by you, one by rae and th third by the two named. Such a board. If at all fair, would have reduced th bill IB per cent." "Well, you didn't hav th vote to get them reduced," retorted Mr. PlckarrL "If you had enough vote," replied Mr. Lynch, "I suppose you could hav charged $5,000 If you wanted to." It wa at last decided to lay th resolu tion on the table to give the oommtsslonora. time to study It until next Saturday. CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady -Hog latrr Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, Jan. 81. CATTLE Receipts, S.PflO head; market, steady; beeves, $l.K(ry 7.05; Texas ateers, !4.HVa6.8&; western steers, I4.5U4J6.75: stocker snd feeders. u.70i(t6.sii; cows and heifer, $2.60(S.00; calves, $7.253 $.60. HOGS Reoelpt. 20,000 head; market, slow at opening prices; light l7.tsxaH.10; mixed, $7.7oifl.00; heavy, $7.46ij'7.86 ; rough, $7.45(U7.60; good to choice heavy, $7.60tr7.6&. pigs $7.656.16; bulk of sales, $7.7oW7.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18.000 head; market, weak; native, $2.50a4.4o; western, $2.7&ii4.40; .yearlings. $4.60ci6.60; native lamba, $4. 50(38. to; western, $4.o0ti.30. Kaasas City Live. Sto-elc Market. KANSAS CITT, Jan. 81.-CATTL1&-Ra- celpts, 13.000 head, Including BOO southerns: market, weak to 10c lower; beef steers, 103 16c lower; dressed beef and export steer, t6.SO4HI.O0: fair to good. t5. 60416.90: weatern steers, $5.0CkB.00; stocker and feeder, $4-60 e4.6; southern ateera, to.aixao.w; southern cows, $3.wi.7t; native cow, - $H.00rt6.3O; native heifer, H6Oj-00; bull, $i.mi5.26; calves. $4.(Vxa.2S. HCMJ-9 Receipts, H 000 head; market, S& iuc lower; duik oi sale ti.sw.70; heavy, $7,6647.68; packers and butchers, $7.604 8.00; light, $7.704.1.77. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 7.1500 head; market, 10(74 16o lower; lambs, $6.ariJ t.86; yearlings, t- f5 36; wether, $4.(jurj 4.oO; ewe, t3.76ijf4.ia; stocKsr and feedets, XJ.WTfl irO. St. LoiU Live Stock Market: ST. LOUIS. Jan. 81. CATTLE Receipt. 8,700 head, Including 600 Texan; market, steady; native shipping and export steers, t6.6O4j7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, tt..O0U.60. steers under 1,000 lb., tti.2Sict.76; atooker and feeders, $3.75&7fi.60; cow and heifers, $4.00470.26;. canners, $3.0o.36; bulls. $3.7fii6.50; calves. to(-i"W.; Texas and In dian steer, $6.00&6.60; cow and heifers, 13. HOGS Receipts. 11.600 head: market steady; pig and light, $7.rjotiu.10; packer. $7.767.85; butcher and beat heavy, $7.7& a.w. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recetpta. 4.200 head; market. 10loc lower; native mut tons, $3.764.10; lambs. $o.506.15; culls and buck, $2.!Sr3.00; stockera, $2.5Or3.0O. St. Joaepsi Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 81. CATTLE Re ceipt, 3.600 head, market slow; steers, $4.50 tjti.Mi; cow ana neirers, t3.ouiao.60; calves. M.UUijv 5V. HOUtt Receipts, 6,800 head; market alow; prospects weak; 6o lower; top, $7.76; bulk of sales, $7.55u7.5. r' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 600 head; market dull; lower; lambs, $4,604? .us. 4 45 CALVES. 4 00 t K t 15 t I 01 I 0(1 t 15 t 76 7 00 t 186 7 00 1 100 T 00 1 140 T 50 11 151 7 6 t 174 T 75 8 13 7 75 t 20 I 00 1 0 I S AND FEEDERS. . 6S0 . 1 . 4(lS . (tn . 170 . 741 . It . MU . 7 J3 . 6.". . W4 , 14.1 . 141 . I4 .Ofl 4 15 4 85 t no t 00 t 05 t 05 f 10 6 10 t 10 5 10 I to 5 I to I 2.1 t 80 27... I.., 4.., I .. 143., 151., 8 ... 14 . I . 34. . , Jl.. II.. 12.. 12.. 51 . . .'4 . 175 . f . IM . 814 . Mil . 871 . 815 . 840 . . TM .Ki'rt .. 831 . IM IirxiS Reaction cause in a run of t M t 85 5 .15 t 8'. I 40 5 40 f 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 46 I f0 f 65 f 65 t 0 ' In hog trade found its burdensome proportions this morning. Prices ruled lower from the opening, a few loads of selected lights and l.uuhcrs selling early at nickel declines. Hulk of biialness showed dime reductions. I remand visa ilranav early and uncertain lute, local killers purchasing Ihe big end of receipts. Advices from outside points were rather dUcouragiiig and it was well aloni; towards midday before anything like a clearance had been made. Choice offerings, suitable for bacon and Keneral purpose product, commanded Ihe litarrt figure, tops dropping to $7 60. Mixed mild itildwav between lop and bottom of bulk. $7 .") bultiii good mixed. H. svy grades were hard to move at $7.4i0 7.4 roUKh packets holding 10 the lowest prices, as usual. 'Ihe market 'l sed very slow and weak, with prices late fully 104; 15c lower than yesterday's mariet. t:"i 1 cM-ntatii a aulra: No. 12..., i. .. 14 .. US. . . t.... ts... tork tn sight. Receipts of live stock at tha fivs prln clpal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 7.000 ll,6J 12000 Pt. Joseph 3,6t0 6.W0 500 Kansas City 13,000 14.000 7.500 Ht. IUls 3,700 11,500 4.3)0 Chicago (.000 18. 000 18.000 Total 32,200 81.UU0 42,2U MITCHELL STOCK SHOW OPENS Many Bayer Expected to Attend Sale Which Follow the Ex position. MITCHELL, S. D.. Jan. tl.-(Spelat Tel egram.) Today Is the opening session of th South Dakota Live Btock association and the state poultry show. Over 100 head of horse, sheep and swine hav been hipped In for th big sal which open Thursday In th liv stock pavilion. Ani mals of the beat breeds of th state hav been entered her and they ar reported to be In excellent condition. Secretary Wil son states that he expect tht to be th best Bhow ever held by th association. The attendance will be large at th R ile and buyer will be present from all of the surrounding state. It Is expected fully 1,500 men will attend th aale. With th opening of th tate poultry how this morning there will be LOW birds on exhibition, which exceed any of th previous show of : sevsraj years, Th Whit Plymouth Rock class ha th largest number of entries and other classss are well represented. JANUARY BANK CLEARINGS LOW Banker Say tkat th Farmers Not Shipping: aa Strong- a Laat Year. Are Bank clearing in Omaha In th month of January totaled $61,439,301. This amount although less than the same month of last year, la very creditable, th bankers think. Last year the clearing for January amounted to $68,044,068. On of the reason given for th de creased amount I th extreme mildness of the winter which ha kept tha farmer's product, still In storage. In hi barns. His cattle he Is also having no trouble at all In keeping right on the farm and this nat urally decreases th amount of th bank clearings. MRS. PRATT SELLS HER HOME" J. F. Stoat, Attorney, Bays It for a Home for Himself Had Sold Old Home. In the sale of her beautiful home, Mrs. Julia M. Pratt, widow of tha lat Col. Pratt, Monday concluded the final business affair that linked her with Omaha. Mr. Pratt sold ber home to John F. Stout, a lawyer, for th consideration of $13,500. The residence I one of th beat In Omaha, and 1 located In tha select res idences! district at Thirty-ninth street, be tween Far nam and Dodge street. Mr. and Mr. Stout who will make their home In the dwelling, sold their former residence at Thirty-first and Paclflo streets about ten days ago. As. a. Pr Nn. 4 Sh. Pr WO M 7 tr it ... 7 50 . M . J 16 J4 !M ... 7 83', .14 80 1 XI 4 H -- 8'r ;.i ... 7 i I 4 44 ... t I2 ri ., 1 41 .H 40 7 iti 8.1 ... t to u lit ... 1 sa Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 81.-COPFEE Market steady but somewhat Irregular, aa Decem ber was I polnta lower under somewhat dis appointing French cables, while other months were unchanged to 2 points higher on covering and a little bull support. Pri vate cables from Braxll reporting that the crop la still suffering from drouth may have promoted some buying here In con nection with the claims of steady, firm offers from primary sources and with of ferings light, prices worked up to a net advance of about 4(514 points. Part of this gain -was lost later, however, under realis ing, the close being barely steady at a net ail v a nee of 2tk points. Sales, 4K.00O bags. February. 10.70c; March. 10.75c; April, 10.7c; May, 10 82c; June. lOKIc; July. 10.80c;, Au giiat. 10.70c: September. 10.60c: October. 10.50c; November. 10.45c; August and De cember, 10.40c. Havre was UfaS cents higher. Hamburg, Wtt pig. higher. Rio, 50 rets lower at 7 $ 750. Santos, nominal. Brazilian exchange on I-ond.ui unchanged at IH t-16d. Receipts at the two Kraxillan ports. 16.000 bags, against 21.0O baKS. Jundiahy receipts, $.5uu buns analnni 6.3I) bans last year. New warehouse deliveries yesterday, 14.992 bags, against 1H.N25 last year. Rain was again reported tn Haoiipula. Kiot coffee, quiet; No 7 Rio. 13c; Santos, No. 4. 13Sic; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, Yijfbc, nominal . Cotton Market. NEW YOHK, Jan. 3!. COTTON-Bpot, cloned quiet. 6 points hlaher; middling up lsmls. 14KV-; middling gulf, 10 2 k-; sales, 5X4 hales. HT. IJIIS. Jan. 11. COTTON In changed: middling, 15'c; no sales; receipts. l.'iMi bales; shipments. 2.Ui halr; Mock, 2S.7I2 bales. New York cotton market, as f irnlshed by ixigan Hryan, members New York Cotton exchange, 312 South Hlxteenth street Omaha: Month. Ian... March. Mav.. July.. A ug I Open. I 14 68 14 7H 14 V3 14 C4 14 62 H gh. Ixiw. I Clone I Yes'y. Oct.... 13 44 14 2 14 y 14 9 14 6 13 56 I 14 75 14 HO 14 UO 14 61 12 44 I- 14 K0 14 M 14 !'i 14 t,l 13 53 I 14 67 14 77 14 Kl 14 94 14 bl 13 44 Omaha Her Market. OMAHA. Jan. HI -IIAT-No. 1. tlOlYV, No ; tioi; packing, $4 00; alfalfa. $12 0. hiraw: Wheal, WW, ry. HM. cats. $7 00 Aberdeen Man Kill Himself, ABERDEEN, 8. D., Jan. 11. (Special. ) Stephen R. Skinner, the man who com mitted suicide by shooting, on January 6, and whose body waa found on Sunday, was an early day resident In Aberdeen, having conducted a restaurant her in the early 80s. He was 60 years of age, and leave a widow and on daughter, who resides In New York, Mr. Skinner having secured a divorce some time ago. nils uud RAVANAH. (la . Jan -Klrm st 'iVd"'!'.-; sale celpts. ;3 bbl ; shipment. I'. hi, In Itosl N - Klrm : sales, 8P1 bbl.. receipts. .107H hlrls.; shipments, 2.757 tibia'; stoiks, HI ti!2 bbls; quote: H. $Ai5; I) $6.74; K. K'.'h K. $.i.-2: (I, $i-TS; )(, $.77H: I. ti.fto; K, 17 lu; M. $7.00; N, $7 86; W(J, $a.lOt WW, $6.(16. user Market. NEW YOltK. Jan. II. HI (1 A R-Ra w, muscovado. e test. 2 32c; centrifugal, tt, tent. Z Uc; molasses. K last, 1( reflaed, quiet Evaporated Apples and Dried Frslla, NEW YORK, Jan. 11. EVAPORATED APPLES yulet and Steadv, with small of ferings; on the spot, fancy, lZVffltc; choice, 114(U'c; prime, lOVa-lOc; cold storage.tSt U0c. itUIEl) FRUITS Prunes, firm, owing lo small stocas. Quotations range from tUff lHo for California up to Ml , and Wi lUto for Oregon from 30 to Sue. Apricots, dull but firm; choice 13c: extra choice, l.l'-j (Ji'lS'tC; fancy 13'o 14c. Peaches, quiet and steady; choice. 7(tf7e; extra choice, sri liV,c; fancy, V!c. Kalslns. firm with a quiet trade; louse muscatels, 6l(n;1c; choice to fancy seeded, CVHc; seedless, 4Vil6c; Ixndon layers, $1.4o1.46. Wool Market. HUSTON. Jan. $1-W'OOI-While the wool market Is still In a stais of consid erable uncertainly, there have been signs of real Improvement during the last The announcement of higher prices i77 fancy overcoatings and serges acted aa a silmulus on raw wool trading. Prices held i-enerally steady, including Ohio XX. 81'ic; Ohio washed delaine. 34c; unwashed. I7o; Michigan, three-eighths blood, unwashed, qiiai ter-blood. iHSyx. HT. IXlI'IH. Jan. 31. WoOl-l'nnhanged; territory and western mediums, tl(gi$c; fine mediums, 17iylc; fine. 12ial3c. Dry tiooils Market. NKW YORK. Jan. 31. DHT floons Markels are steady wlih a fair trade In primary and jobbing circle. Value ar ho low that, competition tor buslnees I felt keenly. Cotton goods are In Unlit rlmnand and at shaded pii. es on wide prist cloths. Exports are quiet. Yams are selling at blliiht concei.slous. In men's wear the larg est producers are gelling a large volume uf forward orders. ' . - Itealn. - Il.-TCRPKNTINB 3S1 bbls.; re ! bbla ; stock, V 1 J