TTIK Bi;K:-OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, KF.nTiTARY 1. 1011. Real Estate jp mm r Ka h nit lIMIHMUHI miiiiiiniivNl IIIIIIIHHIIIII HIIIUIHIIIIUHI IIIMIHIIIIIIIHH IIMINIMtllU MIWMIHMK1 ffc.ii mniniiiM tp)Q Q g H TUI JO. 5 ft H n (Si W . A ijr - , . T - . . - y r i : ' rvl m fc . u i . V . J V t . - 1 . a"- JaJafJB' awag - r t..l... til: "f I a. . . I " n,..i vvfeiASi " inn IEL csi EL OFFERED FOR RENT ( :on tinned ) leases and Collages. 6-R'KM cottage; modern except furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2206 South J'd An. Kent enJr. $26 per mo. Telephone Douglas 440. FOR RENT TO miIREU PEOPLE 112-4-roonm, r70 liurl St. $'6 t-rnom flat, 23'J1 8. ltith ft. fc!.S -room, modern except heat, 2M3 lx.dne Ht. Kohtnxon Wolf, 4.16 I'axton Rloclc HOUSR 10 room, modern, U2H Caldwell bi , d raontb. riNlfi -rouj. foroia. modara bout. zM C.i- fit (-room dandv home, nlca lot; modern except furnace 2uug N. ZTth bt. tlk-4-room modem except beat, SulO N. rith bt. !i -u-ioom cottare, 2008 Paul St. Uooluaon Wolf, 426 Paxton Block. llouiea.lna. KlDfwaJt. Urandela To. Uid NIW. roomi. all modern except heat, 2) H. Idith Ave., 1 block south of Central boulevard ana Vinton school, lei. lylerio COTTAQU. 1 N. ath 8t. Tel. Uarn y 6064 liouses In an pane or. tne city. CrelKh Sons at Co., Bee Bldg. THIRTT-fcECOND and Poppleton. l-room modern brick flat. WKiUHT St LA8JHHI, U bo. lbin bt Pbona louIaa lit HOUSEHOLD OOOOB packed, forwarded; cheap ireixni rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Iellvery Co., Tel. Douglas tot. Cliy Office. Il Ho. 11 Bt.. Bee Bid. t-R., tut. I21D Burt. Tel. Harney t4M. t: M l-room, ' modern exoept heat. IM1 Charles, barn; fine neighborhood, block to car. C. M. Rylander, k64 Omalia Mationai FKRR1N Exp. Storage. IMiCap.. D. 2133 Om. Van aV btor. Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage; WH H. Kith. Branch, 8. lith 'lei. U. CiM. A-13J0 T-ROOM nouns, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful Turner Park. Cor. Ltodge and 8. Central Boulevard. Inquire ml Dodge or Geo. McBrlds, county aurvayor. FOR. RhiNT Four room cottage at 2Mtb avenue and Douglas street, 112 a mon lb- Apply toll, L. ibumu, ii ilea Diug. taree ma OIKoee. IN new building, corner of 12th and Far nam Bis., an entire floor. etxUi. HultabM for jobbing or light factory purposes. AU modern, both passenger and freight ele vator service, bee J. A. Freelajid, 1114 Far- nam at. HEATKD room for barber shop In new brick building at IM and Arbor au iul cellent tocauvn for good barber. D. J Hughes, Harney -4U6 2o04 & Ud Ave. TO LEASE, term of years. Fine corner, I&XU2, near main pvslofflcs. Address, Y-24, car Bee office. STORE ROOM. 3012 Farnam. FOR RENT Offlcs room. 3S, located on top floor; facing court, no square feet. In cluding vault; rents for t-4 per month. TUB BEE BUILDING COMPANY. DFjSK room, both phones; use of steno grapher If desired. 2BrandelBldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltwr. MCfTT sacrifice high grada weatharad oak dining room and library furniture, mahogany chair, rugs, bed room set. Ice oiiust, gas rang, before leaving- town. Phone Harney 4661. 4l N. lat St. IIOUSCHOLO goods. HOB Vinton 8L Ty erlen. 1 B. ns BUT a L. C. fcatth 4s Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swansea Co., Distributers, Jilt Far nam St. RENT an Oliver TrMwrlter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 2l. SKCOND-hand typewriter sold, repaired. Central Typewriter JGxohanga, leOT Farnam. lttsoUaaa. GECOND-IIAND M0T0ES LK-BKON. til SOUTH 11TH BT. About 40 feet of ts-lnoh diameter No. 20 gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 4ft-lnch elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pip la in good condition. The Be Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam. FOR BALK New and seoond-hand bil liard and. pool table. W lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 47 & 10th Bt FOR BALE On Parker Bros, hammer leas. 10 gauge, twist barrel, shot gun, and leather case. $40. On Parker Bros, ham mer gun, 10-gaug and leather case. $11.60. On Smith A Weston. U caliber, hammer las revolver, $10, Address L (14. car Be. WB HAVE on hand a number of ink bar rels which w will sell for H cant each. They are fin for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Be Publishing Co. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargain. American Bupplv Co., 1110 Farnam bt. COAL 600-$1M dal'd. Kindling. D.C&4. SAWDIT8T. I hav about two carloads of sawdust at Powell, Neb , that I would Ilk to sell In lump or any amount to suit purchaser. R, 8. Dickinson, Columbus. Neb. SCHOLARSHIP In good local business col leg at a discount. Apply at Th Bee otnve. BEAUTIFUL onyx Queen soda fountain with mahogany oounter and canopy. Inlaid with art tile; pnoe snout one-tenth original cost. Sherman A MoOunnsIl Drug Co., lath and Dodge Sis. FOR ftAIJS Three revolving high back offlo chair $160 each; on smalj type writer desk $3. Omaha Posten, 16th and Howard. OSTEOPATHY KAT1IERIN NIKOLAS, 184-4 Brandels Theater. Alio Johnson. 306-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. PATENTS IX O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. HI RAM A. BTUSOE8. reg. patent atty., tM Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 34 W II .LARD EDDT, registered practitioner la V. S. Pat. of flea til Paxton Blk. R. XM. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPT. Grippe, rheumatism, massage treatment. Pr MarguarU Ualloran. M Nevl.le Blk. D TJ6L J IVniiian OHental Massage. 4U lioii f Brandeta TueaUr. D. t3 ril A VI i View Maternity Home, privet Vjiwiiic hem for woniaa during con ment. Bog 111, Florenca Tel. Florenc $1 si'PIHm'Ol's hair permanently r- th sklo; lady attendant. $10 McCague Bldg. TUT TKTT7 r? XT' Pllea, etc.. cured; no knife; 111 J. J. umJ book fre. German Due lor a, Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. PERSONAL (Continued.) THK SALVATION ARMT solicits cast-off cloihliiK in fact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and sell St 134 N. lllh St.. for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and wagons will cail. ltTMM BHlt gl"W and mansage. I ft IhllllO lhiilue. l flour. opl. poHtot- flce. Mme, Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7tiw. WE RF.NT and renalr all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-I!ti3; Douglas NLUKASKA CVCl,l!i CUM f A.M. 16th and tlarney Sis. Tl IMTIK'I Bpeclallxt. Dlseanes of La. ULivivii men and women. N. K. cor. ICth & Douglas, Omaha. Call br write. f A1 WTK 1 treatment. Mme. Bmlth, iUAU.DUU m B wth( tn,ri floor. HINDOO TAIL:T8 vlll Milld, trace. SUeugthen. buc. Bt-UL. ORUU CO. PRIVATE HOMK during confinement; baliles for adoption. Oood Samaritan Sani tarium, i40 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. M A(J VFTII 1 T R B AT M UN T . K. Adclight hair food irowi hair: see Mine Frayer. Megeath Stat y Co., lith & Farnara DR. EGQEH3, private confinement home. 161k Mai I ha St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas tJO. OMAHA etammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. VI Kit ATZI?V Massage. Dr. RJtten- ' '""-- h .M uii Boston Store. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 130 8. ltith. STRICTLY private Christian confine ment home; bel care, babies for adoption. 3la Davenport. JOHN CANE, THK TREE AND GRAPH VINai TRIMMER, Is In tuwn. UWl S. 26tb Ave. Red 7,o4. A 3VI9. MASK SUITS to rent at DIEBEN S. TOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers arc Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and St. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King, 11 N. 24th. Web. I6o; lnd. D-1934. WTHSJ nd toupes for men. Griffith, "1UO U and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. DR BAKER, MEDICAL OFFICES. Expert specialists diseases of women. Consultation and examination free. 21D 8. 14th St., Corner Douglas, Omaha, Neb. TtATHSl Bait glow and masflage. 1606 Dodge, 3d floor, opp postof floe. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 3M5. MRS 8TNDER has opened inajwnir par ors In The Dunsany, room tf. Huh and Pierce Bts., where ah gives salt glow, Swedish movement, vibrator and radiator treatment. t'Done Doug. tteO. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Screenings, S1.2E par 10. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. DOG 8. black and tan collies, water fowl and poultry. J. M. Malier. Fremont. Neb. 1 Dos. Brown Leghorn roosters, $3 each; eggs for setting, IL 1403 N. 27th St. We. 367. CALL Webster 2217 for fresh laid eggs. BARKED Plymouth RocksFinest lot of oocKereia i ever owned; also soms breeding nena ua puiirts. writ lor prices, jr. C AhlQulst. 27(2 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. i-none weoeter tb&. PRINTING Lew W.Raber.Printerhon. BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. RIBS-HALL Ptg. Co., 1M8. 14th. Ind. A-3624 MILLER A JAMIESEN. 1311 Douglas St. Both 'phone. PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing. Llygstad Printing Co., 16th and CapltojAv. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam SL PETER J ESSEN, jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 1381 HUAL ESTATB DEALERS. RBTED ABSTRACT CO. Est. 13; prompt rvlce; get our prices, tot Brandels Theater REAL ESTATB TITLE TRUST CO.. Flf teanth floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR bargain In homes In Benson see i. happen or eons, Duve block. Tel. Ben. 711 CITY PROPERTY POU SALat we"can SELL YOUR PROPERTY In th next ninety day a great deal of Omalia realty will change hands. W are in touch with the buyer and If you want to sen list your property with us NOW NORRIS & AIAUTIN, 404 Be Bldg. Doug. 1270 FOR SALE Two lots. 132x140. on south 16tb St.. mar VUiton; all special taxes uaid will sell as one piece or aiviue. Willing to sell at aeciafiua Apply at lUs South 3iat street. NEAR THE NEW CATHE DRAL. Eight rooms. all modern. receotlon hall, front parlor, back parlor with fir fuao. iarg aining room and kitchen, 4 arge bed rooms. East front. All pavsd streets, cne uioca irom in r groan Cuming car line. Easy terms O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE (X). 1016 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. 3-R.. K000. 3230 Burt. Tel. Harney tut. FOR BALE 2726 Ames Ave.. Omaha. cor. lot. hiui, who s-roora nouse, city water, closet, gaa and elecirta light; ce ment cellar; rented at $1$ a month; all clear; paving paid for; taxes paid up; property wiu pay is per cent on invest ment; owner nonresident: easy terms; call at Mr. Blavln a. 2113 Larlmor Ava DUNDEE HOMES ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN. lit Board of Trade. Telephone Douglas 6107. TUB FINE BRICK RESIDENCE. 17U6 B. 2d Ave., facing Haiiscom park, ten rooms, above full basement, furnace, two mantles aa fixiurca all up-to-date, large barn; look at ttua. then cail me up and I'll war. rant ou a bargain. John J. Muller, owner Tel. Doug. 7wil. FOR SALE Hons 7 room, water, aewer. toilet, etc; nlc tree and shrubbery, all South list Bt. REAL ESTATE TOO I. A 'IK TO (l.tSII T, (Continued.) 9-r.W.Farnam $11,000 On Just oft Farnam; (owners leaving for California ) Harrison & Morton PlX-RtX5M modern cottage for sale on easy terms by owner. 21-4 Miami bt. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for central bargains, lit Omaha Nat l Bank. $2,900Six-Room House MODERN, birch finish, 30th and Marcy; half block three car lines. Harney !te. FOR SALE A Furnace at $17.50 We have 8 complete almost new furnaces, with all the pipes and registers to be re moved from the northwest corner of 21st and Burdette Sis. KOULNSON & WOLF 43e I'axton Block. FOR SALE 8-room huuse, 816 N. 24th St., lot 33x81 feet, S4,0uu; call on premises. THEHE ARB GOOD: Best business lot In Florence H.500 $ UUvt 1.3" $1,7.10 26x126, Lake and 24th, business Choice corner, 20th and bpencer... House, big lot, auth and hpruce... C. S. 8HEPARD, 2001 WIRT SI' REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HAMU LAU FOR BALE. Aertaxi for Resit. FOR RENT-Ideal dairy farm on West Center and Sixtieth Sts. Large barn. by 10t; good house, w acres oi pasture, long lease. N. P. Dodge 4a Co.. 16th and Harney. Arlanna. FINE land can be bought cheap. Some government and relinquishments; best water in Arlxona and the finest cllma'.e. Apples and other fruits grow to perfection. For particulars Wilt Wilcox Realty Co., W Ulcox. Aria. Arkaxtssui. FOR SALE A olg bargain, 6.800 acres of rich bottom land, above overflow, lu southwest Arkansaa; about 4,000 In cultiva tion; 600 acres deadened and ready to take In; good storehouse and slock of merchan dise on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell for 125 per acre and glv a bar gain In the personal property. Want to sell all to one purchaser. No agents need apply. Address A. W. Mill. 1 me Bluff. Ark. Improved Acre Land f. Bargain ' l hav 87 acrs ol highly improved Ar kansas land located in . district hat -will rata all that Iowa land will and an extra crop tor good measure; good well and all fenced. Sixty acres ready for crop and the rest A-l hard wood timber. On the main line of th Rock Island railroad. Would not sell, but need money In my rapidly growing business. Fred A. Bobbins, 110 Cornelia Ave., Chicago, 111. INVESTIGATE THIS BARGAIN. Good 160-acre farm, belonging to heirs; must sell at once; four miles out; 1 la cultivation. 36 timber. 100 level, no rock; two seta improvements; fine water; wheat, corn, oats, olovar land; bargain; $4. (Ml Address Trimble Ssillh. Sprlngdal, Ark. CeUxiarmia. FOR SALE 160 aores of as good land as there la In California, half mil from Huron, Fresno county, train dally; not far from Tulaxe Lake, where there Is an abun dance of water; ditch going past this land; la worth $60 per acre; on account of sickness this land is offered at $-6 per acre; $l,0o cash down; will divide land If required. C. w. comatock, owner, X6 B. Broadway, Lo Angsiea, cat, APPLXI land at $36 per acre, on easy terms, 10 acre tract, near Glenwood, within 76 miles from 8. P.; when cleared of brush worth (160 acre; splendid soil; good load, pleuty of water. John Uuituia. Utenwoou. Santa Crux I'D. CaL WANTED Experienced land agents, to sell choice California and Canada lands; liberal commission. Stewart . & Mathews Co., 306 Jackson St., kit. Paul, Minn. TULARE COUNTT LAND for sal by owner, A tract of 1,080 acres of first Iclass land: suitable for alfalfa or trees; fine for subdivision; shallow to water; also shares In ditch. Prlc. $60 per acre, with terms. Hav also 6m) acres at lesser price. All of It In good location. Address A. Jr. Laney, Plxly, Cal. Caaada. On million acre land for sale, suitable for onlonlxatlou or Investment. Improved farm and farm lands. Alberta, Saskatch ewan and Manitoba. , .Publla sale In Id arch. Writ for llata Geoig Ld wards, J17 Poi age Ave.. Winnipeg. Clarmda. . GREAT AUCTION LAND SALE. Who want to buy good soil, irrigation water all you want summer and winter; reservoir Luo,0Uv bare is; a gold dollar for ten cents. Do not miss it; some and see. Maps. Information. R. F. Ulitord, cjroner, Weld Co.. Colo. FOR BALE Finest 1,800 acr Improved farm and ranch in Colorado for $J4 per acra Every foot of It rich and smooth; only 1 miles to Hogo; sot acres In cultiva tion. J. C Can, owner. Hogo, Colo. BlXTEh-iS successive year of good crops mak northeastern Colorado wheat lands lb best offering before Inventor and bom buyers today. Prices advancing, tul ooe crop still pays for the land. Writ J. H. Relnhardt Sterling. Colo. COLORADO Improved ranch for sale, lo cated within six miles of Denver. Soil equal to the best in the slate; suitable for dairy or gardening as well as for other pur poses. Ten acres In fall wheat. Water this season. Will sell at a bargain. Addrena, Owner, P. O. Box 27, Denver, Colo. 4S0 ACRES modern Improved grain and alfalfa farm, near Madrid, Parkins Co., Neb, shallow water; a snap for the next 30 days, price $40 per acre, cash, easy payments on balance. 160 acres under irrigation ditch near SterUng. Logan county, Colo., price $25 for auick sal. uure A. M. AXLLbON, Haxtum. Colo.. 26S-ACRB irrigated ranch. Morgan Co.. Colo. on the Burlington. 1 mile from depot; Improvements are modern In eveiy particular; owner retiring. For full partic ulars address E. E. Seaman. Brush. Colo. rlartsa. FLORIDA HOME FOR SALE. 31 acres well improved laud; good build ings: good soil; 6 block to main business kernel . same to depot; up-to-dat town, tuuu people; electric lusfit aud water works; would make an Ideal truck farm or fine private residence and grounds. For particulars address, Albert 1- Aualey, De Funlak Springs. Fla A Guarantee of Business Prosperity Tl Persistent and Wis Patronag of The lie Advertising Column REAL ESTATE fa r m ami hascii for bai.b Flnrida- t'oatlaaed. FLORIDA LAND. Soil of best duality. mo.t desirable loca tion, finest and most healthful climate In U. 8. and where It Is possible to become independent from an Investment of 2I0 at i,D per month. For particulars, see W.-E. Spencer, 334 N. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Kan CITRUS COUNTY, FLA , V Has the best fruit and truck lands In Florida; 1 have Improved places aa well as unimproved places fir sale In sites ami at prices to suit all; write for lit erature. Kdward Walker, real estate broker, Inverness, Fla. Idaho. IDAHO FRUIT LANDS. a?0 acres of fine Irrigated land with plenty of water. In the famous Council Valley and almost adjoining the great Council Mesa Orchard tract and equally as K'id in every respect. Can be sold In 10-acre tracts. Council Valley apples always take FIRST prize In Council Bluffs Horticultural Fair. Price ij0 per acre, part cash, balance easy terms. Send for booklet and full particulars. J. Mon roe Smith. 431 So. llth street, Boise, Idaho. JIllBUlS. 130 ACRK3 fin corn land t miles from Independence, la., good seven room house; barn fur eight horses and eight cows; room for 25 tons of nay; hog house; chicken house; granary for bushels of small gtaln; crib for 2,000 bushels of corn; buggy shed; steel tank and windmill; good fenc ing; an ideal farm for general farming or d&lrvlng; price I12.6U). Terms, If.Ouo oash. balance long time 6 per cent privilege pay ment. Address O. E. Bishop, owner, luol N. Evans St., Bloomlngton. . lonav. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Several good quarter and half section farms In Rock Co., Neb. Close to Basaett, a good town on the Northwestern railroad. Prices range from $13 to $3o per acre. Box 213, Sioux City, la. BUT A GOOD IOWA FARM IN THE) HEART OF THE CORN BELT. Do you want to own a good farm In the heart of the corn belt 7 If so, com to Uowrie, la., and let us show you. Our big list Is Just out. Write for one if you are in terested. Yours for business. Woodward Land Company. Gowrlo, la. FOR quick sal I am offering a nice fO-acr hum four miles of this town at the low price of $76 per acra. Address, U. W. Gale, Moulton, la. EIGHTY acre, Butler county, Iowa, farm close to good town, to exchange for good general merchandise, hardware, furniture or implement siock. j. u. rarr, Waterloo, la- Want to Make Money! We have merchandise stocks, city prop erty, lands, etc., to exchange In every part or tne cnitiea. u your property with us. VS'e will treat you square. Have some good propositions near Houston, Tex. Tell us what you hav and want. We will do th rest. - - , CONTINENTAL REALTY CO.. Box 2G3. ' Waterloo. Ia. EIGHTY acres Improved,' good smooth land, 4 miles ol Madrid; very easy terms t par cent Interest; 4ossisslon in 30 Cays Keigley Land Co., Madj'ld, la. FOR BALE OR EflcHANOE 3:0 acres m risu xuver vcuiey, ii. t., oo nines west of Grand Forks, on the N., p. By., and 4 mile Irom good town; goo3 soil; no wet land. IL D. Wlngeit Cedar Rapids, la. Kanas.s. I QUIT RENTING ten rears ago and cam west with xuvi bought 100 acres Kansas land am well fixed now and happy. 1 too, cam two years ago and hav don well In thl fine chniat. Uood neighbors, school and church. I urg renter to come and see the alfalfa, corn and hog. No doctor bills. Will mak you rich. -. loo acres, Improved, $ miles county seat. $26; terms. 640 acres. Improved. I mils county seat; is; ieriu. 8WITZER LAND CO.. 812 Pleasant SL De Moines, la. mi a-nx, mi. vwu. nn six room house; bain, soeda 30 plowed, balanc Tencea pasture, aii muuiu, uuaDia Rural route, telephona Oood road. soil, neigh bors. Crippled with sciatica, cause for selling. l-A per acre; Urn if wanted, j FOR SALE An estate In Labette county Kansas, of 240-acr stock farm; fine creek bottom, never gvvruuwii miles of Par sons; has good Improvements, soma tim. ber, 80 acres In grass, clover, alfalfa, timo thy; plenty of water; rich black land. Terms on half at 6 per cent, lung time. Price, $66 per aora Bugg Broa, Parsons, an. CRAWFORD COUNTT. KANSAS Nice smooth, rich prairie with timber along th creeks, best corn, clover and timothy land In southeast Kansas. Send for description .. . , 1 . 1 L. i T 1 .... . USU J allies ums, tt aiuub, A. all. A BARGAIN IP TAKEN SOON 160 acres, good o-room house, large barn, other buildings, plenty fruit; trove 40 acres, pas ture 120 mow land, balance cultivated; 2Vi miles town on god road; rural route, tele phone; plenty water, winunuu and tank; 200 rods new bog wlra $v; easy terms; wouia iaae some traae. W. S. HUBBARD. Weld, Kan. UR. RENTER Bargains In west central Kansaa Nlc loO acres. Improved, I nines siauon; easy terms; tj) acre taw land, $3,iHV. Ed. Ewmg, Dlshton. Kan. 76 ACRES, wed Improved, adjoins R. R. town In southern Kansaa Alfalfa corn wheat, stock and fruit farm. Prioa tJO.uut: best of terms. W. 1. Carter, Sterling, Kan. FOR SALE Farms and ranches In Green Wood county, Kansas, the banner cattle county in the world. I hav l,Mu acres of blue stem pasture land for exchange for merchandise to th amount of $l2.uuo. Price (-6 per aora Lock Bex 464. Eureka. Kan. TWO TRACTS of 1.820 acres each, cheap; on Improved, on uoU Klngery Realty cu., uoiigeiy, ua tJt ACRES wheat, com and alfalfa land, southern Kansas; 4 miias oounty seat; M acres wheat. SO acre . alfalfa; well la proved. Prlc $6. L. L h leer. El LMkrad. Kan. $.300 ACRES, solid tract, 4 aU Improve ments; 3 miles own, best soil; can't be duplicated in ta. i. $11. Best terma Kaa-aas-Coiorad lnvasuueat Co stootl City, Latelaaa. FOR BALE Louisiana rng and tig trees are money niakera Will sell you 4 acre of fertile land with 100 orange and fig tree bearing in 1 years for $J60; $20 monthly payments; will culti vate and take car of trees and pay tax fur 1 years; no Interest; title guaranteed. trees this seasoii in this section nave netted from $6 to $16; Inducements ou larger tracts. For further particulars address A, J. Gudard. Abbevtll. La Sat. WU hav for sal nine quarter sections of the best land In th stale; w will sell this land one quarter to one person only un the following terms: $1 per acr down and $1 per acre per year, covering a period of In years; optional payments at 6 per cent Intel eat. These special prices and in ducements are to local alu families In this section of th aiat lu short order. Call or address: N LLhON eV DOO LITTLE, Crocker Bldg.. Des Molne. Ia. FARM land for sal; bargain In Im proved farms In southwestern Minnesota. Writ F. M. Young, DvOraff, Minn. REAL ESTATE P-R SI AM lCII LAM) FOR 9Al Mlnnriota- . on tf aa4 60 ACRES 2 miles from Foxhome. Minn. Nice glove, house ltxj-tli, kitchen 12x14x17, orsn lain, luxxs, fciuimry. 14xl4xK; good hog house. This is the bigeat Lai nam In seventeen states. l"rtce $40. VS 111 trade for an automobllo. i40 acres In Wilkin county. Minn., with forty acres timber on It; land Is level; lias fine drainage; all ditched and ditches paid for; farm Is all fnnced and cross fenced; has about 60 acres cut over mapis and oak. There Is a barn 4uv90; will hold 100 tons of hay; house Ux-0. Farm is eisht miles from town, has rural telephone and mail. Price 16 per acre. Will trade for stock of goods. Ujorn U. Glalaaon, Mtnneota. Minn Missouri. 6TOPI Don't go a step further the Douglas Co . ilown !n the beautiful Ozarka Raise anything; corn, 30 to 65 buhes per acre; sll oth-.-r crops In proportion; cheap est good land on earth; 36 to f26 per acra Free Information. Ulub Real Jbalat Ce Ava, MO TOR SALE Pom of the best fruit land In the Kushkonong-Hrandsvllle fruit dis trict, prices lower than . anybody.- Also sood farms at very low prices Write 8. J. Cox Heal Ketat Co., Brands ville. Howell Co., Mo. FOR SALE 720 acres splendid Vernon Co. (Mo.) stock and grain farm; every aor good, plenty of water. Price. $60 per gcre; as good as $100 Iowa land and far better climate. Write for better description. R. E. bpurgeon. Owner. Olathe. Kan. Nebraska. Do Not Read This unless you want tha finest half section of smooth, rich pisck winter wneat iana in Keith county, 7 miles to elevator and town on IT. I. Ky .; prioe, $18 per acra; a cash purchaser will receive absolutely tree deed to nan section graziug iana aujoiiiiiig. in vestigate. Address Receiver, 3414 Charles St., umana EASTERN NEMiASKA BARGAINS. POSSESSION MARCII 1. SO acres, all In cultivation, fair Improve ments, all high tame land and best of soil, 30 acres of fall wheat which goes with the place, three miles to good tuwn. On of the choice, 0 in this part of th coun try. Price, $126.00 per acra 220 acres, highly improved and on main road. K. F. D. and telephone line. 4 miles to aood town, 100 acres In cultivation. 60 acres clover and airaita. line orchard. Land Is all high table iana, except about 60 acres, which is rolling and is In paetura About 26 acres natural timncr in pasture; 11-room house and large barn, prioe, $4.0u0.o0. Ml acres, wen improvea, z miie rrom South Omaha, all good land, 12 aores alfalfa, 15 acres prairie hay, balanc In cultivation. Price, $00.00 per acre. 40 acres, on macadamized road, $ mile from benBon. All tillable, gently rolling land and all In cultivation. Beat close-In land bargain near Omaha Prlc, $126.00 per acre WESTERN IOWA BARGAIN. 820 acres One of th best and best Im proved farms in Fremont county, Iowa All high land and all tableland except a small r uction oi pasiuie, which is a nine roiling. Large house and tenant bouses. Barn bOxoO feet with stalls for 24 horses, large bins, driveway and room for 60 tons of hay; double cornorib 40x00 feet, large cattle xheds, hay sheds, self-feeder, hog houses, two windmills and all buildings necessary for a moaern, uu-io-uaie larm; a aores auule orchard at.d plenty of other fruit of different kinds and varieties. Fenced and cross fenced, most or. wmcn is, nog tight woven wire. This Is certainly a fine stock and grain farm and is all ready for busi ness. Prlc U)W per acr. possession March L a R. COMBS, Rooms 807 to 811 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omalia. Neb. 'Phone Douglaa ittlft, A-37U. 160 ACRES Land 3H miles from Crelgh ton, value $46 per acr for sal or trade for town property; part cash; will carry loan $3,600. Box 3!x, Crelghton, Neb. 6,000 ACRES rich, level Improved farm land ranch, $12.60 . per acre; terms; on trade; owner. C. t. Wlldy, Heuungford, Neb. - KIMBALL COUNTT. Must sell at once, 100 acre farm land; 100 aores level, black soil; good water; per fect title; no alkali, no eknd; close to school and P. U.: 8 mile to H. H ; $11.60 per acre; $100 cash, $X30 March 1, 1911; bal ance lu three years' time, with Interest at 6 per cent. W. T. Young, Jr., County Sur veyor of Kimball County, Kimball. Neb. MY (,040-acr farm for sal or rent. Ad dress Henry Stahl, Basaett, Neb. Jsvr Meal. BARGAIN to homeseekers or Investors; 1,200 acre finest land In northern New Mexico, one mile from railroad, t per aor. U. O. Fisher, Raton. New Mexico. North, Dsksls. 330 ACRES, ntutamaa Co., N. D., clear, for good residence, clear, la De Moinea Price of land $Jv per aor. (0 acres, well Improved, 38 miles from Winnipeg, Manitoba, for lncotna Prioa $46 per acre; mig.. $4,600 equity- Lock Bog tviG, bplrlt Lake, la. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about 6,000 acre of choice farm lands In- Burleigh and Kid der Co., No. Dak., and want 60 good rep resentatives, other need not apply. Best of references. W. E. Huney, Laud Invest ments, Bismarck, N. D. Oklano FOR SALE Flv mile from Kremlin. Okl., all smooth black soli .good for alfalfa 130 acres wheat, balance pasture, good bouse, barn and orchard; would take $4,ooO lock of groceries in trade, w m. jvrause. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. tend for price and descriptions of farms. Ira Stout, Cuahlng, Okl. oath llsksia WTV-bI OTTARTKK SECTIONS. wnlmnroved. good soil, every foot is ge4 tlllaul farm land; easy terms; $20 per aor. F. L Crosby, Boaeaieel, tt. u. SPLENDID Improved farm. $60 per acr. astarn South Dakota; will take merchan dise a part payment. r sister, nuoux alls. av. D. FOR BALE 320 acres Lyman Co. land miles from towa: 46 acre broke, all fenced and cross feneed. goed well and other Im provements. $3,606 If taken within thirty days. Address ewcer, O, C. Hemeawa, Cap. 8. D. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. The bunt Wo-acre highly Improved farm In brown oouuty, South Dakota All under cultivation except ten a' remove; f .,uo0 worth of Improvements; only 2' miles from town; leased for liili; all level land and fre from atone. Address Box P, P., r-reuenck. a. D. I Texas. ABOUT 1.60 ACRES. Braso eounty, Texas; 1 mile statiuu; two-third but loin, Lalan.t Ul.ll.nd: till r.r r,nl 1 1 1 1 u I . . . f . n several subdivisions; M eultlvaueai ideal for alfalfa, poiaioea can, corn, ete.; bal anc timber; flv houses, barn, everlasUog water; most ideal hog ranch and slack farm In state; bogs on range will pay la' leftist on IdO.OuO, bottom timber will pay for place; best personal reasons for offer' log this bargain at to rxtr aura fur auiok sale; terma Address frwoar, a. W. Mrd lis, atimoaa, i REAL ESTATE "ARM ASD RAX II I.AStO rOR PAl-tS Texan -Cesllsae6. LIVE REAL KSTATE M EN We wsnt you to read the sdvertUement In Kvervhixlv s Cosmopolitan, World s Work, and Success mnKastnes of the Texas Orchard Develop ment Co. Wonderful Chocolate Hayou lands Write lis fur liberal sales contract and literature. We are general sales a Ken Is for Nebraska, western Iowa and South Dakota. The Orchard Homes Co., 13 N. 14th St.. Lincoln. Neb. ORANGE orchards near Houston are big Investment. Our five-acre orchards are sold on easy monthly payments. The Alvln Japanese Nurseries adjoin and their ex perts develop and care for our orchards three years Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Federal land A Invest ment Co., Houston, Tex. WMklsttBS. TAKIMA ORCHARD PROPKRTT-W have for sale, at an exceptionally low uric, the finest, best located orchard on Nob Hill. The tract consists f 17V acres. Is near tha Nob Hill car line. Is planted to t-year-old apple and rear trees, and can b subdivided into ii Deautnui acre tracts Ideally situated for suburban homes. Spe cial price tor oash down. Henry Johaaoa Realty Co.. Nrin Yakima, W REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly, F. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lnth and Farnam. D. GARVIN BROS. 2d floor N. Y. Life. $606 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. LOW RATES. BEM13-CARLBERG CON $10-112 Brandels Theater Bldg. LOANS to horn owner and horn build era, with privilege of making partial pay ment semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loan and warranta W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnara St. $600 to $5,000 on Omaha homes. O'Keefe Real Fstat Co., 1016 N. T. Llfa Douglas or A-2162. WANTED City loan. Pter Trust Co. CITT and Farm, John N. Freneer. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a rash customer for Business property: Improved or unimproved: must be well located and well worth the prlc aBked. ON el Is Real Eatato & Insurance Agency, lffu J-amam rit. Hotn Phones. SWAPS Hxchanres. Quick sales, large list. Ad dress it- I. Continental Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WB exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, 812-813 N. Y. Lita Douglas 7866. FOR SALE or trad flv Quarters farm land in btanlev and Lyman county. 8. D., for Omaha or vicinity residence or business property. Just foreclosed on these landa Will deal with owners, no agent. Ne braska Loan Co., 320 Be Bldg., Omaha. FOR oulck result (my exebang list). C. J. Canan. 701 O. ,N, B., Jildg , Omaha AN IOWA FARMER want to buy some cheaper land, or he might consider an exchange. What hav youT He I a reader of the De Moines Capital, and the way to reach him and thousands, of other Ilk him 1 to adver tisa in th want ad oolumn of th Capi tal. Rate, 1 cent a word per insertion, t cent a word tor six insertions and 30 cents a wora per monm. IP you wish to exchange writ jVOWATA LAND & LOT CO., . 663 New York Life Bid. One brand new No. 70 Colt's actrlene gaa machln and gas rang to trad tor good hogs, cow or chlckena 4066 Grand Ave. pbuu wen. tut. TO EXCHANGE 320 acre, wll lm proved. Brown Co., S. D., 8 miles from good railroad town, for 3.S.O00 or $10,000 stock machinery. Box U, Frederick, S. D. 320 ACRES near Stafford. Holt county. s H 22, w h WVj, 23-37-11, unimproved. VVI11 trade for clear Omaha property worth $5.000. Address 427 x . M . C. A. WANTED TO BUY BEST prlc paid for Id-hand furniture. carpet, cunning ana snoes. lei. u. xvL BAY or black horse, weight 1.000 or 1.100 pounds; city broke; gentle. 2608 Cass St. A to 10-h. d. steam boiler: must be cneap ior casn. i el. liar. s6. WANTED SITUATIONS COMPETENT bookkeeper want char or set oi books, or 4 hour acta evening. Aaaress u sua, uea IF YOU desire a flrst-claaa Dractlcal nurs can jjougia una. YOUNG man desires uliu-e to work foe board and room In private family whlla attending college. Boyle College. Both pnones. WANTED Bundle washing. Phon Harney 4&U8. REFINED American lailv with fhIM of s monius wishes position as housekeeper; reieieuces required and exchanged; for gentlemen only, but no objection to chll dren. O k6. Be a GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR EUUI PAGE OFFICE deport quartermaster, Third and Ollv streets. St. Louis, Mo.. Januarv 80 lull. Sealed proposals in triplicate subject to th ubuui couuuions win tie received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. central time. Februarv 14 lull, and then opened In the presence of aiienuuig oiuueis. ior lurnishlng and de livering at United States Clothing depot bt. iuis. Mo., 400 trumpet cords. 6 ouO bedstead casters, 6.000 cots and 12,0o0 bed stead parts. Quantities to be subject to increase of 60 per cent If desired bv the pun merit. The United States reserves the rigni to accept or reject any or all bids or any pari inereor. niank forms and In formation furnished rfpon application to i ma on ice. rroposais to be sealed, ad aressed to the undersigned and endorsed v rroposais for Equipage, to be opened February 14, IML" W. M. Coulling, Major uu usiiiruiuinr, uepoi Vuartermaater.,-U-ia. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OK WIOCKJIOLDEW M EET Notice Is hereby given that th regular Bimuau ii.vmiiiB v. nie siucaiioiuera of the South l'latte Ind company will be held at th office of said company at Lincoln Neb., at 11 o'clock a. in., on th first dav of March. A. D., 1811. ",y C. H. MORRILL, President A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 30. 1811. Jan.71 d3ot THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxiousiy awaited by tboss who are specially Interested In lands, the sort that buy and sell and en courags others to do likewise. REAL ESTATE 'ARM AXli HANI Is I.AM FOR A1 (nliforiiin for Wealth, California for. Health, California for Comfort ,'?(,) lays in tho Year. No snow, no hllzxatds, no thunder storms, no high wind, Just sunshine and prosperity all the tune. Fresh euMshlr In your garden every day In the. year. St rnw berries ripen overv month. Wo have tlx1 bent land In the Sacramento alley fur $.6 per acr. The noil and climate provide perfect con ditions for raising orange, fins. EnEllsti walnuts, almonds, grapea, prunes, peaches and all deciduous fruits. All kinds of veg etables and alfalfa. Terms to .suit pur chaser. W rite for booklet. Trowbrjile-l?olster Company, 1d City National llarik Bldg.; Omalia, Neb. RAILWAY TIME CARD MION STATION Tenth and Mason, nlon Pacific per-Art. Arrive. Pan Fran. Overland T...a8:16am all: an pm China and Japan F. M a 4:10 pm a 6:46 pm Atlantic express I t:u mi Oregon Express a 4:00 pm a 6:10 pm on Angeles Limited... al2:46 pm a :: pm Denver Special a 7;o4 am a 7:2) am Colorado Express ..i.,.a 3:60 pm a 4:M) pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. .a!2:60 put a 8:20 pm North Platte Local 4 8:11 tin a 4:4S am niumhtia Local a 6:30 Pm al:: am Stromsburg Ixical b!2:40 pm b 1:20 pm Cklcaaa A Northwestern . NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:45 am alO 'JCpm Hloux CHy Local 1:11 pm a 8 US pm Minn. A Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 pm a 6.16 am ' EA8TBOUND. Carroll local a 7:i) am a 8:60 pm Omaha Express a 7:40 am a 6:42 am Chicago Local ,..al2:0C pm a 2:2X am Colorado-Chicago ......a 6:10 pm a 3:28 pm Chicago Special a 6:01 pm a 6:40 am aclflu Coest-Chlcago..a :Uu pm a 8:2m pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 8:60 pm al2:,12 pm Overland Limited all:45 pm a 7:46 am Carroll Local ....a 4 .10 pm al0:oi) am ast Mall a 8:30 pin a 3:3 pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron ........a 7:60 am aU:00am Norfolk-Dallas a 7:60 am alo:46 pin Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 3:16 pm b 6:20 pm nasungs-rjuperior D x:i pm r f,:M mil Deadwood-Hot Springs. a 3:66 pm a 6:20 m Casper-lander a 3:66 pm all:00am r remont-Alblon b 6:30 pm a 1:65 pra Missouri Pacific K. C. A St. Ia Ex a 3:20 am a 7:40 am K. C. 4U.U Ex., ex cept Saturday all: 15 pm a 6:60 pm K. C. 4 HI L Ex., Sat urday only u.-uo pm Chicago, Hock Island at Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd....al2.68 am al0:4S pm Chicago Day Express. .a 6:46 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Local Pass. .. .blO:36 am bl0:ls pin uea ftioines i.ocai rtnix t:w pin iu;i pin Chicago Expresa a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm Chicago Limited a 6:0 pm a 8:02 am wtsi, Chi. -Neb. Ltd., IJttooln a 8:20 in a 6:47 pm Colo, and Cal. Express. .a 1:26 pin a 4:30 pm Okl. A Texas Express. .a 3:16 pm a 1:20 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:66 bin al2:60 am CbtcaaTu, Milwaukee A St. Paul- Overland Limited ...,..all:43 pm a 7:68 am (imaha-Chlcaxo r.x....o i. in am Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7:U am all 45 pra Colo. -Cal. Express a 6:00 pm a 3:26 pm Colorado Special a 7:42 am a 4 :60 am Perry-Omaha jcai....D :ia pra pio:00 ana Illlaols Central- Chicago Express .... Chicago Limited ... Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex.. ...a 7:00 am a 8 4S pm ...a 6:o0 pm a 8:00 am ...b 7:00 am ...a 6:00 pm a 1:00 ant Minn.-Bt. faui Wsbaas Omaha-8t. Louis Ex.. .a 6 30 pm a 8:26 am .a 1:03 am all:16 nm Mall and Express. Stanb'y LcU (fromC.B.)b 6:00 pm bl0:16 am Chicago Great Westers Chicago Limited a 6 48 pm Twin City Limited b 8:30 pm a 7:6.1 am Twin City Express a 8:00 am a 8:30 pm Chicago Express a 8:46 pra Barllngtoa Station 10th and Maaon. Burlington Depart. Arrive. Denver & California. ..a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm Puget sound express. .a 4:n pm a 1:46 pm Nebraska points a t:20 am a 6:10 om Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Lincoln Mall D i:zo pm all: 15 nm Northwest Express... ,.all:26 pm; a 7:00 am Nebraska points a B in am a 6:10 pm Nebraska Express...... a 8:15 am a 6:10 pm IJnooln Ixjcal b 8:08 am Bchuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 8:05 pm b 10:2Tiam IJncoln Local iiapm a 7:60 nm plattsmouth-Iowa a 9:18 am . a 8:60 am Bellevua-Plattsmoutn .aii.JU pm a 2:40 ptn Central Nebraska all: 26 pm a 11:26pm Chicago Special..., a 7:16 am all lO pm Denver Special..... a 7:00 am Chicago Express a 4:20 pm a 8:66 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a e:u pin , a 8:00 pm Iowa Local a 8:15 am a 10. SO am Creston (la.) Local a $:30 pm al0:30 am 8c Louts Express a 4:80 pm all :46 am K. C. & St. Joseph slO 46 pm a 6:46 am K. C. & St. Joseph,..,., a 8:16 am a 6:10 nm K. C A 8t Joseph... ...a 4:80 ptn Webster Station lota and Wcbsie. Hlisesrl Pacific . Depart. . Arrlv. Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bll:66ara Chicago, St. Panl, Minneapolis A Omaha flloux City Express b 2:15 pm MT :46 am Omaha Ioral c 6 20 pm Bloux City Passenger b $.20 nm Twin City Passenger.. .b 6 80 am Sioux City Loral c 8.36 am Emerson Local b 6:66 pm, b 1:10 ant (a) Dally, (b) Daily except Hundav. (c) Sunday only. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfer for Januarv Si 1911, furnished by Midland Guarantee ami Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 rarnam street. Telephone Douglas 2606: Certrude Clark Whlttall to Henry T. Clarke, nei of sec. lS-16-lo $ J Abraham Wlebe and wife to Carl F. Neufeldt. sr., lots 1, 130, 131, 1&4 and Hal, Charsew Height J Kunwood Realty company to Wal ter L. Selby, lota 363 and 3U). Ken wood add aai Mary A. Cox and husband to William R. Schmidt, lot 16, block 6, Jerorn park , j Amelia H. Hammond to KWsle Wal lace, lot 1, block 3, and part of lot t, block 3, Fowler Place Sidney G. Brock et al to Karl H Pott, lot 11, block 1, Orchard Hill. Reed Broa. to John Nielsen, lot 8, block 4, Institute Place i Uj Frames V. Wilson el al to Lottie K. llathbun, east 46 feet lot 1, 4lock 1, Boggs Hill s add ,ooQ The Columbian Investment company to Kdward K MoShane, west 26 feet of north loO feel lot 1, block 1, West Omaha , J Clyde C. Bunblad, referee, to Mil lard K. Funkhouser, lot 7, block 62, city 4 480 William P. FunkhoutM-r gnd wife to John J. Byrne, trustee, cam prop erty (deed of trust) j William F. Piirikhouaer and wife to Robert L Carter et al, lot 7, block & tlty .;. 4,78 i;aineriiie iunanue anil nusoand t Waiter S. Jardlne, north !2 feet lot 8, block 228, city j (j Oia A. Newman and husband to Henry 8. Hoover, lots 8. 10 and U block 11. Druid Hill j OuO Eugeii J. Seroy to Orrll A. Itlchard sou, lot 12. In Twentieth street and Ames avenue subdivision of eaM $ acres of taxlot 11, In swia of nw'l of eec. 3-16-1J 1