THE BEE: OMAHA', MONDAY, JANUARY HO. 1D1T. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Open Steady in Face of Some Adverse News. CORN HAS Art EASIER TONE t Improtrmril In Ike Pe rn a ad and Receipts Are Liberal eah Males Arm "ome Lower. OMAHA. Jan. M. 1ML Wheat opened steadv In pace of advance Hew t-otipled with very heavy Argentine ahipmenta, and somewhat Improved crop conditions, and other slack cash wheat and flour demand In ail quarters, are the heaviest Influence In w heat value. lAtwr temperatures and clearing weather over the oorn hell. Movement to primary points continue good, while demand for iMith flnmetlf anri exixirt la alow, i here seems to he no riut for any advance In prhea, although aentlment lean to the buying aide and prevent decline. The wheat wan urm at the opening, nut later eased off again. A late rally " rauxrd hv evening up trade for the wwk end. New I entirely beHrh and tiarteis expect a lower turn In value, t'ash sales were alow at So lower. , The corn market again showed an easier tone with a fractional decline. I here, was no Improvement In the cawh demanu and reoelpta were liberal. C'ah sales were reported Vu lower. ., , Primary wheat recelpta were 6l9.ono mi. and ahipmenta were I-Ki.oon bu.. against re ceipts last year of 733.000 bu. and sliip ment of 212.000 bu. .. lYImary corn receipt were 1.235.WW du. and ahlpmeni were KtS.000 bu.. against re ceipt last year of M.7,uu0 bu. and ahip menta of 412,000 bu. ... Clearaocea were 556.000 bu. of corn, .00 bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to Liverpool closed V8S1 lower on wheal and iinchange-n to t Innher an corn. The lowing cash sale were reported. WHEAT-NO. 2 hard. 10 cara, rata. MM-ic; No. S hard. 1 car. (semi darK), kHc; No. 4 hard. 1 car, S6c. COKN-No. 1 white. 1 car. 31 'c; S cafs, 4l:: No. 4 white. 1 car. 4'c; o. ). car. 40-Vc: i car. 40-tc; No. 4 yellow Futures. tead ; January. 4s l:d; Feb ruary. 4s My, nominal. HR.IT II K H H TIIK tillAI BELT larfleaf loas for ailaktlr Waraarr far Mn4ar In This Irlallr. OMAHA. Jan. IS. 19I". The cold wave ha continued eastward over tne upper vlles and Is now spreaa over the upper Miltpi4 and Ohio val ley and upper lake Teuton, where decldcly colder weather prevail. The cold weather ha also extended south over the lower Missouri and lower Mississippi valleye and temieralureR are very much lower aa far down aa Arkansas and Oklahoma. The tem-l-erature ha continued to fall In Nebraska during the last twentv-four hours, but did not reach the low degree that waa expected with the cold wave that waa moving down from the north. Temeraturea ar much higher In the extreme northwest thl morn ing and are generally higher throughout the mountain and west to the coast. IJght precipitation in general east of the MIs slsslppl river within the last twenty-four I hours. No precipitation worthy of mention occurred T-est of the river to the moun tain since the last report, and the outlook la for continued fair In thla vicinity tonight and Sunday, with no Important change In temperature. imipi-iaiure and precipitation as com pel eo with the last three years: 111. lstll). 19. 1908 Lowest last night 25-18 24 .woinai tetnpeiature for today, ill degree. Precipitation 00 .01 .60 .00 .t i.timcy In precipitation since March 1, 16 10 Inches. ttxceas corresponding period In 1910, S.16 Ihclles. Meficirncy corresponding period In 19oS. 3. TV Inches. U A. WKIv8H, Local Forecaster. , OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Killing: Cattle Mostly Steady, Feeders Lower for Week. HOGS FIFTEEN TO TWENTY LOWER Pat Lambs Close the Week la A boat ante Kotrkri aa Last Week, hat aeee Close Fifteen Ceate " Lower. OMAHA. .Ian. W Cattle. Hog car, c; o. mixed, 18 cara, color. 40 c; 1 car, car, 1 car. nr. 40'ic; 1 4H,c; No. 4u'.-c. . tiATfl No. 3 white. 2 cars. c; Wc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, L'9'o. Omaha lank ITU-es. WHKAT-No. 2 hard. (WVHidV;: No. 3 hard. WtuKc; No. 4 hard. fc'r,;,,r!: Jecled hard. iuiVic; No. 2 sprlUK, HI ,:, Xn. spring, HityfvSUic . t'nn.N-No. 2 white, 41q41'ic; No. 3 white 4ii41W-; No. 4 white. VftW'tc: No. color, 40M40c; No. 2 yellow, falc- X yellow 40Vu40-c; No. 4 yellow, XW 40Wc; No. 2. 40'4'(l40,c; No. 3, 4C40Vc, No. 4, ;aV"0c; no grade. ifcii.tsc. OATH No. 2 white, 30'V! "31c: standard kii.Anii.Vi. S white. U.W4c: NO. 4 white. 2,.Ti30'c; No. 3 yellow 4 ellow, 2iVtf2-VtC. lURI.KV-No. 3. 7MiK2c; No 4, No. 1 feed, ft-Hr"' ; rejected. WQK'lc. ItTK No. 2, TU'riHOc; No. 3. WoNo. Larlvi Heceipts. Wheat. Corn . h,.n 40 tOO 2ttVa'30v; No, Oat 200 48 41 .Minneapolis Omaha Iiuluth (H1C.4UO UR4IN A Si P TBOVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Cloalna I'rlres oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 2S.-Helling that was too enthusiastic for the end of the week led t.. an upturn in wheal during the last I....H today. By way of future J f"0"'''' the ndvnnce, cash demand tMliineapolla as said to be picking up. and Baltimore irpi.rtrd flour ale for ocean shipment the Hrcest, In three month. Closing figures were 'dft'iC to Wc higher than twenty-four hour previous. Corn finished a shade to V-i'c down, oata unchanned to 1-lnc off, and provlslona the same an-last night to a Tralle ht wheat consisted. In the main, of hammering the market early by pit specu lators, and of coveting by the same peo ple later to escape holding transactions open till Monday. The rally was helped by signs of a coming decrease In the visible aupplv. In Chicago there was no Improve ment In the call from the mills, but local receipts f.;ll H.I.OtiO bushels below shipments thl week. Mav ranged from 96V: to "Vc. and cloaed steady, .j'Jf-V net higher, at ;.-. - . . . i lear -weather had a tendency to Tause mallng of corn. Furthermore . arrival here thl week reached l.OK.tK bushels mure than were shipped out. Fluctuations 1n Mav were 414c and CKHnC. with the close rnsv, MiSc 1on at 4!'c. Cash corn wai weak. No. 2 yellow finished at -IH'aiJi47c. The feeling In oat was lather more stable. Mav had a high and low points r.4'se and 34'i". with the price in the end wift the same as last night. ol"c. Tacking Interests and local shorts bought provisions and strengthened nearly the en lire list. After the final gong pork was line to bOc dearer, lard up 2V' to 2-VBjc, and ribs uin'hanned to (MiTWu advance. Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Uraln rompany. 70S Brandels building, Oinahii. Telephone Douglas 2473. NKW 1UHK iF.KHAI. MARKET Qaotatlons on Various and kiln of the Pay Commodities. KKW YORK. Jan. 28 FIXU'R-Dull; siirlng patent, 5.1(ir .40; winter straight. l4.Wa4.30; winter patents, !4-4,irt.Ki; spring clear. t4.0'a4.:4; winter extras, No. 1, 33.4(13.70; No. 2, H 2,"V(3 40; Kansaa atralghta. $4.r)ii4.70. Kye flour, steady; fair to good, 4 2or4.3u; choice to fancy, 14.404 69. Buck wheat flour, tiiilot; American, 72c, o. I. f . New York; Canadian, 66',tc, c. 1. f., New York, for export. COHNMKAI, Steady; fine white yellow. 11. Mi 1.25; coarse, 11.121.15; dried, 2.S5. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 9c, elevator, and 9sc f. o. o., afloat; No. 1 northern, Huluth. 31. , t. o. b.. afloat. Futures opened steady on cables and cover J.iu j', jiu,iuj siioiiassuBJ t inoi(il 'aa cash demand and on predictions of an Increase In the visible, but rallied and closed unchanged to tC net" higher. May. H.01'4'(il.oi-, closed at $1.0114; julv closed at 31.00-V Receipts, 66,400 bu. ; shipments, 2fi.SII bu. CORN Spot, barely steady; new No. 2. 6:ic, f. o. b., afloat. The future market Ing, declined under liquidation and poor lower. May closed at 58c. Receipts, M.750 bu.; shipments, 27,073 bu. OATH- Spot, steady; standard white, SS',c; No. 2. 39c; No. S. L'Sc; No. 4, 37M,c The futures market was without trans action, closing unchanged to Ho net higher. January closed at .18 'te and May and July at 40c. Recelpta, 4,060 bu.; shipments, 73i bu. HAY Dull; prime. 1.12'4; No. 1, $1.05 nil1: jno. z. Hoc; Mo. 3. 8oc. HOPS Firm; 'state, common to choice. 1S10 crop. 24fa.Bc; 1H00 crop, 17ru20c; Pacific coast, 110 crop. 18fr22c: 1W9 crop. 13'ttl7c. HIDK.S guiet; Central America. 20,4 21c; Bogota. 22c. LKATH I'll Steady ; hemlock, firsts, 234 frK.'.ic; seconds, 21H(&23o; thirds, 1820c; re jects, ltW17e. PHOVISIONS Pork. tedy; mes. 122.60 i23.on; family. 23.00fl24.60; ahort clears, 21.00f-i 22.00. Keef. steady; mess, 14 Wq 14. SO; family, $18.,r)(ii 17.00; beef ham. J23.S0W27.6O. Cut meat, steady; pickled bellies. P to 14 lbs., J12.MVfTn.50; pickled hams, JI2.50fffl2 75, Lard, steady; middle west prime. J10.06S) in. ih; refined, barely steady; continent JIO 61); South America, . J1L40; compound. J8.:ri4t'ii!.ii24. TALlx)W-gulet; prime city, hhds.. 7-l.c. BUTTh:it-wulet; held creamery, third to special. 1ijb25c; state dairy, common to fin est, 17&26c; factory held, lSH17'ci cur rent make. IMi 17c. CHHKHK Steady; slate, whole milk spe cial. lSH'i17c; state whole milk, fancy, 15c; state whole milk. summer and fall make, ISl&UVic; slate whole milk, late fall, good to prime, 13rtf4c; state whole milk. winter maae, common to lair, pgiic; skims, 2(& lie. MUG-S Firm: western gathered white, 21 j33c; fresh gathered, selected extras, ildf uh' iresn gatnerea, first. r.WttZiu: refrlg erator, rirat, Lc; refrigerator, seconds, li. 4 mo. - I'Ot LTRY Alive, dull; western chickens, 12H'ol3; fowls. 16-SvSltl, turkeys. lSff 18. Iiressed. kulet: western chickens, 14&L8; fowls, turkeys, 16ft24. Articles..! Op?n. II1r1i. Low. I Close. Yea y. W bsat la. . July. fepl . Co I ;ltiV(l '' I MSI .WiK4',1wW'(i Sti a-i-i .1 2', a;l (MWii-hi i i Mav... MfuM'i, 50'. Jiily...!rti"'aM St lVU'l,6ltl"il I 34 'l Sept. July. Toi k- May. July. Lard - May. July, Itibs- Mav. July. 34- IS 30 1'7 Si. S M 70 SO 65 34,1 3.1n i IS 37S 17 Wl SO 6 6011 i 'xl 34' S4Sii 97 T,'S!"' Vi I U2vs I 49',ilWi50,i Wi'',.t0''hjd1 HOITTIl Rerelnta were: Official Monday 2U 4. "11 Official Tuesday 7.111 .17 Official Wednesday 4.0T.S 10.47 Offirlal Thursday 6.720 1" 4'. Official Friday 1.2S4 5 1"7 Kstimate Saturday 48 4.:4 1S1t Sheep. 11.425 .V1 ft 175 7.1"! 2.4H) 34.?"''! 40!SW3 2-t.vfl0 21.075 28.071 Kix davs thl week ... .24 442 43.H1S Rame davs lsst week . . .M.79 3R.517 Same da'S 2 weeks ago 22 47 42.ff Same days 3 week ago.l.S13 a.K3 Same davs 4 week ago.1l H"2 2.7:w Same days last year.... 19.301 42.58-S TV. fnllnxlnv taht. .1 tha rece nt OI cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha, for tha year to data aa compared with last year: 1911. 1910 inc. uro. Cattle S6.1I0 SO 515 6,o!o ...... Hog 157HS HW.72I l Sheep 142,183 120.133 22,050 The followlna tahi. snnwa the average prlcea of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: price that la slightly higher than topa on Friday of last week. Heavy lamb, on the other band, are a drug at J5 "0 and lee. Uuotationa on sheep and lamb: Oood to rhulee lamb. J5 fc'-V 00; fair to good lamh. H vf-:..ti;: handy weight yearlings. 4.7fri' 4 9". heavy yearling. J4.35u4.7a; good to choice wethera, J3.Wii-4.10; fair to g"od wether. Jr:iiVi3.9o; good to choice ewe. J3 i(i3 K5; fair to good ewe. 33.153.60, aheep. cull to feeder. Jl.MVa3.50. Representative sales: CIIICAfiO I.IVK STOCK M4HKKT Cattle aad aheep Are Steadr tr-ao. CHICACO, Jan. 2. CATTLE Receipt, estimated at 3"0 head. Market steady; beeves. J4.75-U7.00; Texa steers. J4-15-i western steer, J4.5Oi6.70; Blockers and feedera. j3.70-tr5.70; cows and heifers, 2.Wt S.(; calves. J7. 259.25. HOUS Receipts, estimated at 1.000 head. Market atrong to be higher; light. $7 t 7.5: mixed. J7.8f37.90; heavy. J7.50r"7.S5; rough, J7.8OI&7.70; gowl to choice heavy, J7.7i7.R5; pigs, HiS8 06; bulk of sales, J7.704i7.S6. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 1.500 head. Market eteady; na tive, J2.6rt'a4.40; wetern. J2.70J4.35; year ling. J4.6oy50. Lamba: Native, J4 25i3.lo; western, J4.6UJJ6.15. Dates. I 19U l10.190.19oa.lW.1190.H Jan. 10... Jan. 21... Jan. 22... Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan. 25... Jan. 21... Jan. 27... Jan. 28... 7 68',,! V 67VI 8 311 S 321 S 331 5 031 4 n K " 6 97 1 4 221 651 M 021 4 121 Ml 3S 7 53; I S 00 4 061 8 4 6 3H W 7 80-SI S 20i I 4 15 6 4SI 5 83 4 7 4:o 8 051 Ml 4 21 6 61, 6 2. 4 71 7 4R'i 7 9-' 6 ool I 091 6 S3 1 73 7 49', 8 02 S 921 4 TJ I 6 J 7 4SWI 8 00 S 91 4 29i 76 4 54 Kaaaaa City Lire Clock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo, Jan. CATTL.K Recelpts, 500 head. Including 100 southerns; market steady; native steers, J6.2tKU-S.75; southern steers, J5.00u'6.00; southern cows, J32oa4.75; native cow and heifer. J3.26'j 25; Blockers and feeder.; duh. J4.0iVii5 2fi; calve, J4.754i.nO; western steers, J5.00titi.o0; western cows, J3.3f-4j5.00. nous Receipts, 8.600 heaa; mr leady to 6c higher; bulk of sales, J7W 76; heavy. J7.654i7.70: packers and butchers. J7.ti.V,i7.75; light. J7.7OtT7.H0. ruirjt.r' AMO LAM OS neceipi, m. market steady; mutton. J4.00t4 50; lamh. .o((i6.00; fed wethera and yearlings, 50; fed western ewes. J4.00&4.30. 61V 34HI IS 25 1 18 37H 11 iJ'n; 17 w 77i 70 (0 9 24 80 8 72 al-ki'U-': S4: 34 ' 21 00 18 22 9 87' 9 76 S2H TO 72'4 S 65 1 9 75 Cash ituotatlons weve as follows; FLOP K Nominal ; winter patesnts, J4.20 j4.Vo; atralghta, J4.00(i 4..6, spring atraighls, l..-oii l.;; bakers, J3.60'a6.00. RY K. No. 2. S24c BARLKY Feed or mixing, tK877e; fair to choice malting. 6-S&U4C. SICKOei Flax. No. 1 southwestern, J2 54 No. I norlh western. 12.67. Timothy. Jlu.w). Clover. JI4.7&. PRO VI rill NB Pork, mess, per bbl.. J20 00 Laid, per 100 lbs.. Ja.90. Short, sides tlovse),, short clear sides (boxed), S10.0O41 10.75. Total -clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 204.UA bu. Primary recelpta were t4K.O(.io bu.. compared with 73S.0UO bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Kstimated receipts for Monday: Wheat U cats; corn, 512 cars; oats, 1V2 cars; hogs' Mi.tMU head. Bl'TTtll Steady; creameries. 173ic; caliles, 11WI22C. KOUS Firm; receipts. 4.214 cases; at mark, cases Included, lS'iS.'OHc; firsts. 23c; pi line fusts. 24c. HKt.Sli-Steady; daisies, 15&15V,c; twins, 1'j.uUfec cung Americas, 15i'luc; long lioms, Ki'ti'lu-Vta. I'O'l ATUtS Fasy : choice to fancy, v$t isc; fa.r to good. 42'(4.:ic. l'Ol uTRY-Mtady; turkeys, dressed, 21c; he. I.'ic:' chickens, dressed, I2e; live, 13c; spiiiig. dressed, 12c; live. ll-sc. LAL Mead) ; 50 to 0 lbs., k ic; 60 to 85 lb , h'-ic, w to 110 lbs., llio. si. Louis Geaeral Market. ST. UH IS, Jan. 28 -WII11AT Future, hiher; Ma-. SKc; Julv, -02-c. cash, firm; track. No. 2 red. 9jcu1.15, .o. t hard. 9,'o cil I'l. I'OUN-Weak: May. 4'il9c: July. 49 cl'j'c; cash, weak; track. No. 2, 44c; No. : wi.lie. 4-.C. llA'l S-Steadv; May. 335c: cash, steady; nark .vn. 2. j ; iSu. 2 wiiite, 34c. K Y nchange.d, 4c. f Lot K lower: red winter patents 14 ti .'.(; extra fancy and strulght, J4.wi 1.10; bard winti-r clears, 13 .1 m A7'. SKKI Timothy, to 0W1 50. ciKNMKAL-4230. l(RAN-lva; sacked, cast track. JLlOr 1 12. IIAV-llyll. timothy, J13.50(ii 18 50; prairie, 5i 1 01 ir..u& . I'ltOV lltNS Pork. steady; Jobbing, r.cik-. l ard, lowvr; prime steam, Jl.7(Vy I ly salt nit-ate (boxedi. lower; extra shuria. 110 76; cieur ribs, 110 75; short clears. IhiM'i.-. liacon tboxedi, lower; extra shorts, 12.00; clear ribs. Jj2 .11); short clears. JI2 12 -oi ' 1. l it V ti d) ; chickens, lie; spring, L'c: lurkfM. i'.;c; diu-ks. 15c; geese, 6c. HI" TTK'lt Sl.-jit : creamery, 21'2ic. KilGS Higher.- 20V Receipts. Shipments Kansaa t Ity Grals and Prorlalona. KANSAS CJTY. Jan. 28 WH EAT Mav. 4(B94c bid; July. 0-i9o4c, sellers; cash unchanged; No. 2 hard. 91ft98Vio: Nn 1 a 9tH-; No. 2 red, 88ci$1.00; No. 3. 97&Sc. CORN Unchanged; May. 48t,ti4t4c bid; July. 49-V4c bid. Cash unchanged to 4c lower: No. 3 mixed, 4-Mf46c; No. 8. 434r 44c; No. 2 white. 45Hc; No. 3.' 44i,tN6c. OATS Unchanged to He higher; No. 3 white, 33(0 34c; No. 2 mixed, 31'VU2o, RYB No. 2, 7t-. HAY Unchanged; chrdre timothy, J14.00 JM.fO; choice prairie. J12.00. BliTTBl-fc-Creainerj-, 24c; firsts, 21c; aec onds, 19c; packing stock. 13c. KOU8 Extras. 23Wc: firsts. 22e: seronda 144c. - . Receipts. Shipments. heat, bu 63.00U 44,006 Corn, bu 64.000 ' 11 (inn Oats, hu , 8.000 13.000 Minneapolis Gralat Market. MINN K A PoLIS. Jan. 28.-WHRAT-May. Jl.03Vcl.037i; July. fl.04Svl.04-1i. Cash No. 1 hard. $1.06; No. 1 northern. J1.U2V1.04; No. 2 northern, 99oj Jl.iKMfc; No 3. ;-4clJ1.0tr. FLAX Closed at J2 .64. CORN No. 8 yellow, 4;f(t43'4c. OATS No. S white, SltoaiHc. RYE No. 2. 78o. BRAN In 100 pound sacks, J22.00I& 22.50. FlJUR First patents, J4.76(6.15; second patents, J4.654j5 06; first clears, J3.15(&3 6j; second clears, J2.15Jj2.75. Philadelphia Produce Market. PH1LADKLPHIA, Jan. 8 HUTTER Firm; extra wratern creamery, 29c; nearby prlnta, 30c. KUUS One cent higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, f. -., 24c at market; current receipts In returnable cases, 23c at mark; western firsts, f. c, 24c at mark; current recelpta, 23c at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, ittiuy, Depieuiuer, lo;- uciooer, 14-h-luc; xair 10 goou, i-i-i'.sc. Sunday. Receipts snd disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at J p. n. Saturday: RECEIPTS CARS Cattle. Hog. C, M. A St. P 7 Wabash 1 Union Pacific ls C. A N. W.. west 11 C, St. P.. M. & O " C, B. & Q., tast 2 C. B. & -(J., west 1 H C, R. I. & P., east 1 C. O. W 1 Total receipts 1 66 DISPOSITION. Omaha Packing company Swift and Company Cudahy Packing company Armour & Co Murphy, shippers .Total CATTLE Recelnts of cattle this have been very libers!, showing a total of over 24.XK head. This la the largest run of any week since the early part of De cember, and larger than a year ago by almost 6,0u0 head. Receipts have consisted largely of medium grades of beef ateers and butcher stock, with a liberal sprinkling of stock cattle and feeders. Strictly good killing cattle have been In moderate supply- The demand for beef steers ha been good throughout the week and as offering have been far from burdensome, as noted above, the trade throughout the week has been In a good, healthy and fairly satla factory condition. Oood. light and handy weight beeves have been the bet sellers and they'have commanded good firm price every day. being. If anything, a little stronger at the close of the week. On the other hand, heavy and plain or rough cattle have not been so ninth sought aftor, and they are. If anything, a trifle easier than last week, still the change has been very small. Anything In the way of good fat heifers or cows has met with ready sale through out the week at prices showing compar atively little change as compared with one week ago. Canning stock has also sold to good advantage, remaining In about the same notches. On the other hand, the medium grades, which have been In very large supply, showed some weakness, and are possibly In some cases as much as Kiffluc lower than the close of last week. Calves commanded steady .prices through out the week, while bulls were in very good demand and are In many cases lft&'15o higher than last week. At the opening of the week feeders were very strong and the demand good. I.ater on, as It became apparent that the country was not quite so craxy for supplies as last week, and aa receipts, especially the com moner kinds, became quite liberal, prices weakened and the trade became slow and dull. At the close the best fleshy feed?r of good quality, dehorned, are not over 10S15c lower than last week. The less de sirable kinds are 15fi25c lower, the common thin stock cattle being fully 26c lower. Uuotatlona on cattle: Oood to choice beef steers. J6.10iH6.60; fair to good beef steers, $.5.60ini.10; common to fair beef steers. J4 Soft 5.40; good to choice cows and heifers. J4.75Cd6.66; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.0tl7 4.75; common to fair cows and heifers, J3.25g4.00; good to choice stockers snd feeders. J5.26t5 90; fair to good stockeri and feeders. J4.7oici6.26; common to fair stockers and feeders. I4.00u4.7:; stock helf. J3.76i3l.60; veal calves. I4.OO0.6O; bulls tags. etc.. J3.755.00. Representative sales: HOCJS Speculators and shippers picked up aooui a aozen loaas mis nio-ning. pay. Ing prlcea that were strong to 6e. higher man yesteraay. i-ackers however, were slow about getting started and when the market really opened It was on a basis or prices mat were barely steady with yesterday. Most of the hogs sold that way, but toward the close some weakness was aevoiopea ana me market wound up about 6c lower than yesterday. Taking the trade aa a whole the market might oe oesennea aa aooui steady with yester day. a considerable proportion selling at 1.0a. wun a sprinkling or the good UK"i noKH si 91. w. Receipts of hogs this week have been fairly liberal, the total 43.600 belnir nhmit 4.000 larger than last week and about 1.000 neaa larger man a year ago. The week opened with a sharp break In prices which waa followed on Thursday by a partial recovery. On Wednesday and Thursday the market slumped off badly, hogs selling uii in, inner ua.y hi ine lowest point touched so far thl month. Since then there has been a reaction, so that the week closes with prlcea only about ljjoo lower man me ciose 01 last week. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head, Including 100 Texans; mar ket steady; native beef steers. Jo.wb.w, cow and heifer. J.1.75ii!.25; stockers ana feeders. S3.7fiftia.60: Texa and Indian steers, J3.75Co-a.60; cows and heifers. J3.XX84.76; calve Is carload lots. J5 0(Wf8.00. . HOGS Reeelni 8(100 head: market eteady; pigs and lights. J7.7Oi8.00; packers, J7.25--n8.10; butchers and best heavy, J7.65 4l'7.t0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, aw head; market steady; native muttons, $ 4.25; lambs, J5.55ti-S.iie. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 head; market steady; steers, J5.00 6.5n; cows and heifers, J3.3503.75; calves, J5.0O(78 50. HOUS Receipts. 2.100 head; market weaa to 6c lower; top, J7.65; calves. J7.65a7.60. SHEEP AND UMBS-None on saie; market steady; lambs, 85.756.15. Peoria Market. rfcX)RIA. Jan. 28 CORN No. J white, 44'c; No. 4 white, 42'c; No. J yellow. 44c; No. 4 yellow, 42Vtc; No. J mixed. 44c: No. 4 mixed, 42Hc; no grade. SS-Mfec; market lower. OATS Easy ; No. t white, S2Tic; No. 3 white, 32V:. F'our. bb'a... U heat. bu.. C, rn, bu.... C-ats, bu..... 7.2" . . 79 (XI ..15-M0H . . 70 1HW 10.O0 M (' 57 0 0 41.0 -v Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 28 -FLOUR-Steadv. WHEAT No. I northern, tl.07fyl.08; No. 2 northern. i.'4n l.vo; May, Sio. OATS Standard. 33-)33-ic BARLEY Sample, hi-ju93c. Dolath Urals Market. DULUTH. Jan. 28 WHEAT No. 1 northern. J1.0e; No. 2 northern, tl.ul-.ft l.u.'; May. J1.051 asked; July, J1.06 nominal. tHera-ol (irala Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. . .-WHEAT-S.ot. fl iu: Nc. 2 red. western winter. 7s 4d. Fu ll tv swsrty; Msrch. 1 vd May. 7a. cj TVN -t-c lol, nsw, Americen. mixed. 4s ll,t; old. Aiurkn. hilxed. Urm at 6s 2-' Dry Coodi Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-DRY UOODS An ItrcKiilar volume of trading la going on In cotton goods, with Jobbers showing a more at live nili rcst than converters or the manufacturing trades. On several lines the records tor buying have been good, out prices have been unsatisfactory to the seller because of the sustained high costs ot production. Curtailment Is being forced In all paj-ts of the country btM-ausa of the Inability of mills to continue taking losses on goods to be made and their unwillingness to go on selling spot goods at low prices aa stocks accumulate. Jubbeia have placed good orders for fu ture deliveries of napped cottons, which they were able to buy very close to the prices of a year ano. On flannelettes, opened laM week, the prices were sub stantially the same aa a year ago, except fancy numbers which were advanced c a ard. and the orders already placed will take care of a large portion of the poa aible output of leading nil I la. There also has been a good business In staple ginghams, dresa ginghams to retail under l:'tc and percale to retail at 10c. Staple prints are In steady request and wash gooda aell well. The Jobbers here are doing's belter fcoisl nea thun a year ago. us drills i Ml sheeting, fine comb goods, duck, ssstsl lines of colored cotton available for fork ing suits, etc.. trade la poor. alUoogh prlcea are distinctly In favor of the -- No. .... 62.... 42 ... . 84.... 64.... &.... S3.... 41.... 711.... 6.... 16... li... 67.... 14.... 7.... 3.... 48 41.... M.... 1.... 61.... ft.... 61.... .. 61.. S . 11.. U.. At. ...Ml ...fc'S ...27 ...2S& ...ill ...25.) ...112 ...2.1 ...275 ...2!1 ...t.M ...240 ...24 ...lit ...2f4 ... ...257 ...IS ...157 ...26 ...Zs ,...172 . . . . :bS ,...2IJ ,...:! ....Sit ....227 ....If ....244 ....2i ,...: .250 Eh. to 160 'io 40 411 'to 120 tii i 40 W 40 'to 40 No. 72... 74... 61... 70... 6... ."... 6... 70... ... 73... I. 1... (. .. 45... 71... r.3... 27. .. "... 75... 14... 7..'. l .. it ... n... II. .. 13. . . t .. ... 7... 1... 7... 14... 15... A. ...235 ...2.12 ...:2 ...230 ...2(7 ...2(5 ...:71 .. .2 ...236 ...134 ...2ll ...ssa ...222 ...234 ...2.(8 ...2M ...2.J . . . 2u ...tJ7 ...195 ...227 .. 224 ...210 ...211 ....211 ...211 ....242 ..2:.4 ....IkO ....I' . ... 224 ....181 ....: Sh. 40 M 10 100 Pr. 1 60 7 60 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 60 7 50 7 50 T 61) 7 M 7 50 7 60 1 50 7 60 7 M 7 .'.ft 7 60 7 65 7 65 7 65 7 55 7 55 1 65 7 H 7 M 7 55 7 CO 7 Ol 7 tin 7 (0 7 60 7 40 7 60 1 0 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS !,,r,;nf::-hg,;: Week's Derelopments Confirm Favor able Expectations of Improvement. UNDERLtDJQ SIGNS CONFIDENCE Road IMvUloa Agals K.mceed It Importance the Stork ItltUloa, bat fiesta to Show Effects of Sale. NEW YORK. Jan. .-Developments In the financial situation last week went to confirm favorable expectation and to keep up confidence In further Improvement. "V-he stock market continued narrow and largely professional, but It function as a mirror of speculative sentiment went on In a normal manner. The fact that news of Improvement brought stocks Into market for sale fol lowed the Inevitable rule at some stage of a speculative slse. The volume of new buying and the absorptive power demon strated were accepted a showing the underlying speculative confidence. The bond division again exceeded In Im portance the stock division, but these also began to ahow the effects of the amount already accomplished. Enlistment of new capital went on freely, but the Inroad on the available supply forms a growing fac tor In the situation, with a waning of the return flow of money from the Interior to New York as an additional Influence. Stiffening of the private discount rate In London had Its effect In steadying the foreign exchange rate here. The rise was the more significant In view of the supply j of bankers' bills drawn against foreign subscriptions to the New ork City bond subscription, which, however, were below expectations. There Is no sign of a satisfaction of the foreign demand for our cotton, which was so Important a factor In International ex changes of last month. Reduction of the Krltlsh bank rate from 4't to 4 per cent suggeHted some esse In the monetary ten sion at that center. That ease was maintained In , the New York money market direct! attention to the part played in this result by the quiet business conditions In the country, from which a lessened borrowing demand fol lows. Increased Investment demand for securities so far as It grows out of this must be balanced agalnnt the decline In profitable activities argued by the stag nant demand for money as an Influence for progress. Report of reviving demand for some grades of steel products and the advance In wire had a cheering sentimental effect In their promise of correction of quiet trade conditions. The growing promise of Stork In Might. Receipts of live stock at the fivs prin cipal western markets yesterday: came. nog. Dneep. South Omahl St. Joseph ... Kansas City Mt. Louts ... Chicago Totals 60 100 600 600 300 4.300 2.100 8.500 J, 000 S.000 200 1.600 .1,460 21,900 1,700 Inv nt H..f.w-t In recent conilltlon The succes of the trt-ctty bond sale hd enough qualifying circumstances to temper Its good effect. The price n-lied. which reached m.!-4. confirmed fully the f.ilth In the Improvement In Investment demand from capital lnc last fall. Applications for more than fixe I lines the JiniiM0 of fered give Increased force to the demon stt atton At the same tldie. the average price In dicate a hinher Interest Imsls thun the preceding 4' per cent Issue by the city In March of 19H or than the four next preceding Issue from November l-, to December. 1!'. Would-be borrowers. In cluding the railroad"!, are Incr.nef! to read In the outcome a necessity for submitting to relatively high Interest rates. tlearlnat Hons llank Statement. NEW YORK, Jan. The statement ot clearing house bank for the week shows that the bank hold JW,3iv. 4." more than the requirement of the 2b per cent reserve rule. Thl 1 an Increase of J3.yi.750 In the proportionate cash reserve as com pared with the previous week. The slatemeni follows: Dally average T.oan Specie , Legal tenders Deposits , Circulation , Reserve Reserve required . I ecreae. U. H. deposits cresse, JM.W. Actual condition: A mount. .11. 273.974. 700 . 2N7.91 1.300 . 7h.l'r-".9.10 . l.Soo.sL'i.r-AX) 47.2:11.100 . siit. 670, son .. 326.206.375 Increase, f-N.lfi3.-S00 11.2M.9O0 3. 20S, 200 40.7V.. 400 IMS. WO 13.4rt3.100 S,2ti6.7M) Included. tl.67I.900; de- Amount. .$l,2!!.43O.SO0 . 2I3.7S.r.9'tO 7.57.2iO . l,3;i2.01fi.4O0 47,247.t) . t:o.32,lti0 . 3,".'1.004.100 36.358,000 Increase. t45.52S.500 11. 2. l. 700 1,279.500 67.W2.finn 296. SOU 12.641.194 14.4,50 1,924,458 Ixians Specie Legal tenders ... Deposit Circulation Reserve Reserve required Surplus Decrease. I. -S. deposits Included, tl.C74.2O0; de crease. t4.400. Summary of state bank and trust com panies In Greater New York not reporting to ine ivew 10m clearing house: Amount. Loans tl.072 944.900 Specie 114.215.100 Legal tenders IM.2.M.300 Total deposits 1,160,940,700 Decrease. f-Mro SnlmrT 4s IVctntal. Ne, . I . rti"nll K'llwn I1' " I'llmviit CreinrT 1st f. rf ten low F-Vtrlttn-J lement Ut ..-. Hmui Clt 4 (Mo 1 sehool K-nnedT Hulldlnn C hitiwu Citr - 6. IM Omihl Ott le. 1W Omh Wter !. It' Otimh Water ta. lt Omim St. Rr. t. 1114. ir,h C. B. t. Br. . IMS Omaha C. t. R' '. in-.iha C. B. s- Hr. tm Cinttia C. B. R. B. U. ISM Seattl Kleftrto Co la. IM Sihipt (rter t rr eenl t.. ttrsiton. K., wtter I W fit M f4 It IK mi let t i T M l.oadon Stork Market. 1X1NDON. Jan. 2. American securities opened about unchanged from yeeterdaV New York close. Trading was quiet, but prices hardened a fraction on the pros pects of a good New York bank statement. The rloslnir waa steadr. Consult, moner.. 71 11-11 bosltxllle N. do si-count 7-M, M., K. T.... Amal. IVpper ttSN. T. Owifrsl.. Anii-ondt Norfolk A W... Ai. hl.on 1014 o M do pfd. Bsltlnxirt .ItT't . .11 .110 . St Ohio.. t'atiadltn 1'aclfr.... (-heupeikt O.... ChlrSfn O. W ( hi . Mil. St. P. IV Beer lwnrer A. Klo O.... do pfd Erta do ltt pfd do td pfd Grtnri Trunk Illinois Ctntral SILVER Rsr, in Ontario W ti' Irtl panntrlTanls SU.4 Rand Mints S t Rtdtns SH M goulhom Rr ,-t Ut do pfd ' ttu Soutktra rHt Iirs St(4 I nlon Ptolflo I1S . IS do pfd n . IH V. S. SiMl... II . 4v do pfd. 1I?S , It Wbsh )V . t do pfd '- .11 Spnlth 4s 10 steady at 24 T-ltd per ox. MONEY StfSH Pr cent. The rate of discount In tha open market for short bills Is 3T4 per cent; for three months' bills, JV per cent. Increase, t 4.514.200 IK1I.90O 0O2.900 13,6i;,tW0 1 Local Secifrltle. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brinker ft Co.. 449 New Omaha National bank building: Bid. Alkod. Amerloin T. A T. 4. Cot. Tr 014 Atltnllo Cltjr Out Co. It, IK" Ift l Baldwin Loco. Workt lit It. 140 lo:4 102 Dank Clearlavs. Omaha bank clearings for the week end ing Saturday, January ? were S14.0P9.tsa 1. compared with tl4.30J.267.8S on tha corre sponding; day last year. Dally clearings: 1910. 1911. ..t 1602 644 70 tI.4M.I09fi Z.4-S.1.4KI.43 Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday Totals.. 2.211.214 1 2.w3.4MI.74 2.107.701.60 2.SOS.R0B.3O 1 2;s.ks4 3 2.6I5.9M f g S.39H.69S S6 2.111. 97201 Ktw York Srialav Stocks. BOSTON. Jan. 23 Closing quotations on on mining stocks were: Alio 1M corn. Tunnel stock. B do bonds 11 On. Ctl. Va U Horn ffllTr 36 Iron Sllvor ISO lys.lvHls Con. 10 otlertd. Llttlt Cklef . aOsxleaa Ontario O-Thlr Sttndtrd Ytllow Jacket .150 ,.1K . J Pr. 7 W 7 au 7 u T 36 7 a 1 li 7 411 7 40 1 40 7 40 1 46 1 4i 7 - 1 4o 7 46 7 46 T (i 7 46 7 46 1 40 "I 4i T 4j 7 46 7 ih 1 45 1 4i 7 4e 1 to 7 60 1 M 7 60 1 60 7 60 7 AO 1 60 till EEC No olierlngs of any consequence were available In the aheep barn this morn ing and the general market remained un changed. During the week about 36.000 head of ani mals, largely fed westerns, have constituted total receipts. Sheep and yeurllngs have been more plentiful than lambs and the proportion of wethers haa boen much smaller than the percentage of ewes. Hulk of offerings carried plenty of weight, a (ondilion mat detracts more or less from market value. Handy grades of all kinds of stock have been meeting with general preference. Until mid-week, prices for sheep and Xarlings showed little quotable change. Demand was quiet but ample, good ewea aelllng around J3 65-3.96. while wethers were wanted at J4.00 and better. Heavy, burry yearlings Bold at'ol 70. indicating an extreme quotation of J6.U0 on good handy weight. Cloning days were dull and lower, the market breaking about 16o under the influence of a slack demand, 'loppy ewea closed at J3.76 and best wethers would hardly go over 14 10 at most. I -a nib trade acted much the same as It did laat week. Home improvement was apparent when auppllea became too light but almost all of the strength was lost on closing das btrictlv choice kinds might possibly sell aa high aa Jduu a OMAHA WHOLESALE PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 26c; No. 2. In 30-lb. tuba, 24c; No. I, In 1-lD. cartons, 24c; packing stock, solid pack, 14c; dairy In 60-lb. tubs, 16-&160. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 16-31-shc; young Ameri cas, lec; oaisies. IiV-jc; triplets, nvc; urn- burger. ISc: No. 1 brick, litac imported Swiss, 32c; domestlo Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, lc. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under Z lbs., to per rios.; hens, 14Hc; cocks, 11c; ducks, 18c; geese, 13c; turkeys, 2c; pigeons, per dot., J1.J0; homer squabs, per dog., J4; fancy squabs, per dox., J3.60; No. 1, per dox., J3. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth lgs, 190c; hens, lO'jc; stags and old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese. full feathered, vc; turkeya, ic: guinea fowls, 6c each; pigeons, per doi., 80c; homers, per dos., J3; squabs, No. 1, per doz.. J1.50; No. 2, per dos., 60c: capons, over IDS., 14C. FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, Tc: white 11c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; large crapplns, 20c; Spanish mackerel. lEc; eel. IKe; had dock, 13c; flounders,, 12c; green catfish, ?ic; roe shad, Jl .ch; shad roe, per pair. crc; frog legs. trr dos., 60c; salmon, 11c; hn li mit, loo herring, nr. HEEF cuts kibs: no. 1, ie; wo. 1. 1Sic; No. 3, 9-Hc lxln: No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 13Hc; No. 3. 10c. Chuck, No. 1. 7tic; No. t. 70; No. 3, 7c. Round: No. 1, c; No. 3, 8-Mc; Io. I, B '(?. riate: imo. 1. o.c, ro. t, tc; No. 3, 6-V ' FRl'ITB Appiea, missoun jonatnan, per hbl.. t5.60: Missouri Hen Davis, per bbl.. J4.76; California Belloflower. per box, tl.; Oregon and Washington Jonathan, extra fancy, 160 to li sixes, per dox. ri.n; Colorado extra fancy Jonathan, B. Twig nd W. W. Pearmaln. per full bu. box. J2.60. Washington extra fancy Wlnesap. 90-113 sizes, per bu.. $275; 160-176 sizes, per box, J2.50. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch. J-.Z.V02.6O: jumno. Dunch. xiiway. in. Cranberries, per box, J3.60; Jersey, per bbl.. J9.76; Wisconsin Ball and Bugle brand, per bbl., J10.60. Dates. Anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. packages in boxes, per box, J'.OO; bulk In 70-lh. boxes, per lb.. 6'4c. Figs, new California, 12 12-oz. packages. 5c; 36 12-ox. packages, J2.-K): 60 6-nx. packages. J2.n0; Turklwh, 7-crown, per lb.. 16c; 6-crown, per lb.. -14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Grape. Malaga. 604166 lbs. gross, per keg, J7.0OW 8.00. Grape fruit, Florida, 46-&4-04 sizes. per box, J3.76; .90-96 sizes, per box, J3.25. lemons, l.imoneira prana, extra lancy. 300-3j0 alzes, per box, J4.25; choice, 3UO-3O0 sizes, per box, J3.I6; 240 size, 60c per box less. Oranges, Camella Redlands navels, 80-96 sizes, per box. 32.65; 126 size, per box, 12.75; 150 size, per box, J2.75; 176 and smaller sizes. J3.00; choice navels, 80-96 sixes, J2.35: lL'ii size, $2.50. 150 and smaller alzes, JJ.WKij1 2 75. Florida, all sizes, per box, J 2 60. Pears, California Winter Nellls, per box, J2.75; New York Kelfer. per bbl., J3.75ti4.00L VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax, per market basket. J1.60. Beets, per bu., 75c. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., 14c Carrots, per bu., 76c. Celery, Michigan, per doz. bunchea, S6c; California Jumbo, per doz, bunches, 90c. Cucumbers, hot house, 14 and 2 doi. in box, per doz., 62. i6. h,gg plant fancy Florida, per doz., J2. Garlic, extra lancy, white, per lb., 16c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doi., 4uc. Onions, Iowa red and yeilow, per lb., 2c; Indiana white, per lb., 3c; fepanlsh, per crate, $1.50. Parsley, fancy home grown, per doz, bunches. 40c. Parsnips, per bu., 7jc. Pota toes, Early Ohio, in sacks, per bu.. Hoc; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu.. 75fy-c. Rutabagas, per lb., l'c. Hweet po taloes, Kansaa, per bbl., J2.6U; Illinois, per large bbl., J3.50. Tomatoes, Florida, per 6-hasket crate. Jo.00. Turnips, per bu. joe. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California sott shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less Brazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Cocuanuts, per sack, $6.50; per ooz., hoc. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc leas. Hickorynuts, large, per lb.. 6c; small per lb., 6c. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 60; raw, per lb. 64c. Pecans, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lotae, lc less. Walnuts, black, per lb., 2-c; California, per lb., 19c; In sack lots, lc leas. Cider. New York Mott s. per 4-bbl.. $3.75; per bbl., t-&7&- Honey, new, A frames, $4. (otto Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 28. COTTON Futures cloned nulet- Closing bids: Jan., $14.65; Feb.. $1465; March. J14.76; April. J14.8&; May. $14 W, June, $14.93; July. $14.95. Aug., $14.ii; Oct. $13.40; Dec.. 113.2b. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. $14.90; middling t; ul r $15.16; sales, 101 bales. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 2. COTTON Spot quiet; prices unchanged; American mid dling fair, JX.48; good middling, $8.14; mid dling, $K.06; low middling, J7.82; good ordin ary, $7.56; ordinary, $7.1. The sales of the day were k.OuO bales, of which boo were for speculation and export and Included 7,7'X) American. Recelpta. 2.000 bales, no Amer ican. Futures opened dull and closed quiet and steady. ST. LOUIS. Jan. !J. COTTON Un changed; middling, lS'-tc: no sales: re ceipts, 1.878 bales; shipments. 1,567 bales; stock, 23,501 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by Logan 4 Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange. 312 South blsteenth street. Omaha: Month. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Jan. ... 14 6 14 70 14 66 14 66 14 64 Moll. ... 14 60 14 81 14 76 14 76 14 77 May ... 14 96 14 97 14 93 14 93 14 93 July ... 14 97 1-B 14 94 14 96 14 95 Aug. ... 14 64 14 66 14 63 14 63 14 64 Oct 13 40 13 i 13 40 13 41 13 40 Wool Market. ST. IAjUIS. Ho., Jan. 28-WOOIr-l'n-changed; territory and western mediums, :i-oi ; fine mediums, 17i(19c; fine, 12gl3c. A Guarantee of Business Prosperity Tha Persistent and Wis Patronage of The Bee Advertising Columns. ' T - J . s M t . 1 . . tt,M iA. ii-( V J- nh A ; .woman's home! I k , v lCQMgION- , ' . 'TiVVTNTIiETH GLNTUW i fcK ii; ; f -whrti :&mm. m-m - -N, X J1 l '' , t V - ii r 1 mini irrnry" it w x . .jv' v. N i ,-'. L J7 K II Yoar Favorite Magazines at Cost Read our great combination offers with the best magazmot published. Make up your list now. Tne Twentieth Century Tanner. $L0(h ProgrcM UjMine 100 Regular price for both 1 year. . .$2.00 I 0r Prion OsOe JQO The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00' The Cosmopolitan 1.50 Regular price for both 1 year.! .$2 50j Oar Tricm Omlj 5 The TweEtieth Century Tvxnmr . 1.00 McClore'a L50 Regular price for both 1 rear. . .$2.50J O-Fric O-y 60 The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00 1 Woman's Hoone Companion. ... L50 Regular price for both 1 year. . .$2.50 l Oar Twit Omlj The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1X0") Woman's Home Companion .... 1.50 McClnre's L50 Rgeular price for all 1 year $4. 00 J Od Vrirm Omlj ? f) The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00 Woman's Horn Companion .... 1.50 McClure's L50 Review of Reviews 3.00 Regular price for all 1 year $7.00 OnrPrtcO-r, ggg Send your Subscription at once to THE U TVENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 0 DIM 0F1A1IA, NEB. X 's S