Tin; via-:-, umatia. monpay, .tamwkv ?. inn. n ri raiis Yill be found valuable o t srx ME TO BUY- Q) (0) V j iyx I OFFERED FOR RENT Meases and Celiac Continued Houses.Ina. RlnxwalL Brand! Th. Bids NEW, 8 rooms, all modern eioept neat MM S 2&tb A vs.. 1 block outh of Central boulevard and Vlatoa aonooi. lL Tyler 131. COTTAGE. 106 N. 8Mb St. TeL Uaraa? 64 Houses la all part Crelgh Bona at Co.. ha city, baa Bid THIRTY-SECOND and Poppleton. $-roon modern brick flat. WRIGHT at LAHUUHT, 808 Ho. 19th lit. Phone Douglas 143. ' . HOUSEHOLD flOODR packed, forwarded: cheep freight rate; moving and storing. F-xpressmen Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 34. City Office, tie Mo. 17 St., Bee Eidg. 1311 N. 40TT. rooms, strictly all mod ern V.. E. lierrlnt, 417 Omaha National Bank Bldg 8-R., $.. J220 Burt. Tel. Harney 486. PERSONAL (Continued.) T AW (1V treatment. Mrs. S iMiOOiVUi-. ,;Ul Bti 2d floor Mrs. Steele, 111 8. room 5. UUPTDRE pj-j etc.. cured: no knife; free. German Doctors. UO Broadway. Council Bluff, la. v7bratory massage Dr. Rittenhouse, 808 Old Boston Store, 4th floor, elevator entrance. U'O B. 18th. Opaa Sundays from 8 a. m. to 13 p. m. THK SALVATION ARM X solicit cast-off clothing. In fact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and sell at 1.14 N. 11th Bt.. for ooet of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Dougia 4115 and wagons will call. MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN a. DIl HITHICF SpeoiellsL Diseases of cor. 16th & Douglaa, Omaha. Call or writa VI 60-8-room. modern r-xcept heat, tV Charles, burn; fine neighborhood, block to car. C. M. Ky'lander, 854 Omaha National. FERRIN Exp. A Storage. 1511 Cap.. D. 31U 7-ROOM. all modern house. Mock from cars, Dundee. '.Plume Harney 2553. MAGNETIC Om. Van aV Storage Co. perks.rooves. stores household good. Fireproof storage, 804 ML Win. Branch. 8t B. 17th. TaL it. 41bi. A-Ua. treatment, lime. Smith. 122 8. Itta. third Door. HINDOO TABLETS will build, trace, strengthen. ioc. BULL, iJlttU CO PRIVATE HOMES during confinement; babie for adoption. Good Samaritan Hani- tarluin, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. 1Uii I,. TREATMENT. K. .w. Ml. M.I it BCOTT. 723 S. 'STH ST. t-ROOM house, modern, walking dietetic. utirui. i timer rara. cor. REAL ESTATE CITY PROl'KRTV FOR. 41.83 (Continued.) SIX-ROOM modern cottage for sale on easy terms by owner. Sl-4 Miami bt. r- NEAR THE NEAV CATHE DRAL. Eight rooms, all modern, reception hall, front parlor, back parlor with fire flace. Large dining room and kitchen, 4 arge bed rooms. Eaot front. All paved streets. One block from the Farnam Cumins; car line. Eauy terms O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. 9-r.W.Farnam $11,000 On S2d Just off Farnam; (owners leaving for Ca'lfornla) Harrison & Morton A NEW, 8-room, modern home, S325 Sew ard; golilen oak finish; full cetnentPd base ment, with laundry; healthiest location In Omaha, M.200. liar. 17(M. I HAVE 3 LOTS IV THE BEST PART OV OMAHA, ADJOINING THE PARK. WILL SEI.L THEM RIGHT. N 6S4. BEE. fancy, bea aad So. Central Boulevard. Inquire tuit Uoug or Ueo. MCBrtd. county surveyor. Adt'llght hair food grows ralr; see Mme. Fiayer, Megeath Ma'y Co.. l&th Farnam. Dodge I - 4U1 N. 818T, 9 rooms, new, mod., $00. N. i-'d, 7 room, mod., $3i. HCJt Manderaon, 6 room, burn, $1 !..). "iwl N. Mh, 1 room, mod., -'. RING WALT BRtJB , WianOels The. Bldf. Ktiirn anit Offlrcs. IN new building, corner of 12th and Far nam tuts., an entire floor, 44x132. Multable fur jcliblng or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger ana remm eie viitor service, be J. A. Freeland, Ills Farnam DR. EUQER-S, private confinement home. 1616 Manila SI., Omaha. Tel. Douglas VtO. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. HEATED room for barber shop In new brlrk building at !d and Arbor bt. Ex cellent location for good barber. D. J. Hughes. Harney 4t5 Zj04 8. &!d Ave. I'lill RENT A store 1,770 siimre feet ground floor with vacant lot l,vu square f'-et Hd.ioinliig at lull Capitol avenue; lu-t betviecn the postcf fire and the new liiion Pacific lieadiuarters. PosHenslon A n It 1. Telephone DoukIus 71M. 1) LEASE, term of years. Fine corner, l.",J'. !.'.:;. near main postoffke. Address, Y-44, care Hee offlca. . STORE ROOM, 2012 Farnam. FOR RENT Office room, 833. located on top floor, facing court, 870 square feet, In cudlng vault; rents for tio per month THE BEE BUILD1NU COMPAN T. UKSK room, both phones; use of stene grwther If rteHired. 88a Brandnls Jljdg. OFFERED FOR SALE KaraKara. A I-t:V fluff rugs stTnaklnf prlca. Dean Rug Factory. Red 7892. HCI.'SEHOLD tiirnitura for sal at 220S North ltt) St. Phone Webster 41J4. YOL'NO WOMEN coming to Omaha as st ranter are invited to visit the Voung Women's Christian Association buildinir at Seventeenth street and tit. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. STRICTLY private Christian confine ment home; best care; babies for adoption. 2bl8 Davenport. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for central bargains. 918 Onmha Nat l Bank. FRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King, 14 N. 24Ui. Wab. 3668; lnd. D-11136. WlfJS toupea for men. Griffith, M FRENZER BLOCK. DR BAKER. MEDICAL OFFICES. Expert specialists dlseaaes of women. Consultation and examination free. 210 B. Hill St., Corner Douglaa. Omaha, Nel. $2,900Six-Room House MODERN, birch finish, 30th and Marcy; halt block three car lines. Harney 3vn6. FOR SALE A Furnace at $17.50 We have 6 complete almost new furnaces. with all the pipes and renters to be re moved from the northwest corner of 21st and Burdette (its. ROBINSON & AVOLF 435 Paxton Block.' REAL ESTATE farm and ranch land for sai.r Florida Cost tinned. CITRCS rOUNTT, FLA , Has the best fruit and truck lands In Florida; I have improved places as well as unimproved places for sale In sizes and at prices to suit ail; write for lit erature. Edward Walker, real estate broker, Inverness, Fla. Illinois. 120 ACRES flno corn land t miles from Independence, la., good seven room bouse; barn for eight horses and eight cows; room for 25 tons of nay; hog house; chicken house; srranary for l.bu) bushels of small grain; crib for l.oou bushels of corn; buggy shed; steel tank and windmill; good fenc ing; an Ideal farm for general farming or dairying: prlca $12,600. Terms, gu.OUO cash, balance long time 6 per rent privilege pay ment. Address O. E. Bishop, owner, 1001 N. Evans St., Bloomlngtoti, LI. WE have for sale nlna Quarter sections of the best land In the state; we will sell this land one uuarter to one Derson only on the following terms: 81 per acre down and 81 per acre per year, covering a period of lit years; optional payments at per cent Interest. These special prices and In ducements are to locate nine famillea In this section of the state In short order. Call or ailtlress: . N ELSON nOOLITTLB. Crocker Bldg., Des Moines, la. ' low. BUT A GOOD IOWA FARM IN THE HEART OF THE CORN BELT. Do you want to own a good farm In the heart of the corn belt? If so, coma to Gowrie, la., and let us show you. Our big list Is Just out. Write for one If you are in terested. Yours for business. Woodward Land Company, Qowrla, la. 80 ACRES ZU miles from FmhonM. Minn. Nice grove, house 16x24x12: kitchen 12x14x17, orse barn, liix2xS; granary, 14x14x8; good hog house. This is the biKiteot bargain In seventeen states. Price $40. Will trade fur an automobile. 240 acres In Wilkin count v. Minn., with forty acres timber on it; land Is level; hax fine drainage; all ditched and ditches paid for; farm is all fenced and cross fenced; has about 50 acres cut over maple and oak. There la a barn 4ux; will bold 100 tons of hay; house lixM. Farm Is elKht miles from town: has rural telephone and mail. Price $45 per acre. Will trade for stock of aooda. Blorn B. Utsutson. Mlnneotu. Minn FOR quick sale I am offering a nice 80-cra home four miles of this town at the low price of 875 per acre. Address, O. W. Oale, Moulton, la. WE RENT and repair all kinds of ew Ing machines, lnd. A-1663; Douglas 1683. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 15th and Harney Sis. R A TITS !" and manage, 1801 lAA4AO Dodge, Sd floor, opp. pot efflca. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 78a MRS SYNDER has opened niusnnne par nrs In The Dunaany, room ti, Hurt and Pierce Sts . where aha gives salt Kl w, Swedish movement, vibrator and radiator treatment. - Phone Doug. 4880. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Screenings. $1.26 pat' 100. Warner. 801 N. ltth. TVH SALE A complete furnished room rut. bsth and pantry; modern ex it pi li-'at; piano, gas and kitchen rangea, heating stoves; rent of two rooms pays voir rem: a aniti ouick sale. -Avwvm ii. 24th Pi FOR SALE, cheap, three-piece solid mi liutiany bed room aet; cost 11', will sell for t,'5 cash. . Call 2047 Dodge St. MUST sacrifice high grade weathered oak dining loom and library furniture, mahogany chair, rugs, bed room set. Ice chert, gas range, before leaving town. Phone Harney 458. 4U1 N. 31st St. HOUSEHOLD goods. 21r2 Vinton St. Typewriters. Bl'Y an U C. Smith V Bros, typewriter. H K. Swanaun Co., Distributers. 1318 Far am St. RENT an Oliver Typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglaa 2il. DOOS, black and tan collies, water fowl and poultry. J, M. Maher. Fremont, Nob. WHITE ORPINGTON cockerels for sal cheap. Tel. South 635. 1 Dos. Brown Leghorn roosters, 1.1 each; eggs for Betting, II. 14u2 N. 27th St. We. S679. CALL Webster 2217 for fresh laid eggs. FOR SALE White bull terrier pup, or will exchange for Angora kitten. Harney BARRED Plymouth Rocks Finest lot of cockerels I ever owned; a I no some breeding urns nu iniiipi. write ior prices. t . c. Ahlqulkt, 2763 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. Phone Webster 3W8. PRINTING n fatal Tlphon. " : - """'rDouglaS 1018 be. li, tsuu-j. fc.N l HAISCM ON COURT. K1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 108 S. 14th. Ind. A-SiU MILLER & JAMIESEN. 1314 Douglas St, not n pnones. KCCON !-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, lwr? Farnam. MiM-ellanoaue. SECOND-HAND MOTORS LJi-BRON. 313 SUl.'TH UTH ST. PHONE IND. A-2G20 for good printing. Llygstud Priming Co., ltith and Capitol Av. REAL ESTATE DRY kindling-. 81 load, dei'd. Web ml. 1 1 i i rl About 40 feel of 2-lncb d'ameter No. K gauge, galvanized pipe, with four 45-inch riiia aud T. This vua usvd for ventilat ing purpores, and pipe la In good condition, 'ilia Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. FOR MALE New and second hnr.d bil liard and pool ixble. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: essy pavmenis Brunswlck-liulke-Cullcnder, 407 8. luth St. FOR SALE One Parker Bros, hammer- leis. 19 gauge, twist burrel, shot gun. and leather case. $m One Parker Broa. ham n.er gun. 10-gaiiite and leather case. 31250. One Smith & Weston. 8k caliber, hammer less revolver. 110 Addreaa L 814. care Bee. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. 1711 Farnam St. PETER J ESSEN, Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 23D2. REAL 10 VI A 'IK DEALERS. HEF:n ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1S58; prompt service; get our prices, 808 Brandels Theater REAL ESTATE FARM A.U KA.M1I LAND Foil SALE. AcreasTC for Heat. FOR RENT Ideal dairy farm on West Center and Sixtieth Sts. Large barn, 87 by 1U0; good house, 60 acres of pasture; long lease. N. P. Dodgs & Co., luth and Harney. Arlsona. FINK land can be bought cheap. Some government and 1 relinquishments; ... beat water m Arirona ana ine iinest ciuimio. Apple and other frulta grow to perfection. For particulars write Wilcox Realty - Co., Will 00 x. Arts. Arkaasas. FOR SALE At m olg bargain, 8.500 acres Of rich bottom laud, above overflow, in southwest Arkansas; about 4,000 In cultiva tion; 800 acres deadened and ready to take In; good storehouse and stock of merchan dise on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell for 825 per acre and give a bar gain In the personal property. Want to sell all to one purchaser. No agents need apply. Address A. W. Mills, Pine Bluff. Ark. Improved Acre Land Bargain 1 have 87tA acres of hlKhly Improved Ar k an saw land located In a district that will raise all that Iowa land will and an extra crop for good measure; good well and all fenced. Sixty acres ready for crop and the rest A-l hard wood timber. On the main line of the Rock Island railroad. Would not sell, but need money In my rapidly rowing business. Fred A. Robblns, 710 Cornelia Ave., Chicago, 111. INVESTIGATE THIS BARGAIN. Good 100-acre farm, bolonging to heirs; must sell at once; tour mile. out; 135 In cultivation, 25 timber, 100 level, no rock; two sets Improvements: fine water; .wheat. corn. oats, clover land, bargain now. Address Trimble 4c mith, Springdale, Ark. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Fif tientli floor City Nat 'I Bank Bldg. Poll bargain In homes In Benson nee Chappcll & Sons. Eagle audi. Tel. Ben. 718. Call fara taw FOR SALE lfiO acres of as good Innd as there is In California, half mile from Huron, Fresno county, 6 trains daily; not far from Tulare Lake, where there is an abun dance of water: ditch Rom past this land; la worth 850 per acre; oil account of sickness this land Is offered at 1-5 per acre; 11,000 cash down; will dtvlile land if required. C. W. Coinutock, owner, 24 d. Broadway. Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE S(,ver8,i good quarter and half section farms in Rock Co., Neb. Close to liabsctt, a good town on tha Northwestern railroad. Prices range from 818 to 835 per acre, Box 213, Sioux City, la. EIGHTY acre, Butler county. Iowa, farm close to good town, to exchantie for sond general merchandise, hardware, furniture or implement stock, j. c. arr, Waterloo, la FOR SALE OR TRADE As cood 810.000 stock of gents' clothing and furnishings. In cluding laaies ana gents nign grade shoes, as Is to be found In the slate. P. O. Box 164. Mltchellville, la. Want to Make Money! We have merchandise stocks, city prop erty, lands, etc., to exchange In every part of the United. List your property with us. We will treat you square. Have some good propositions near Houston, Tex. Tell us what you have ana want, we will do the rent. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO.. Pox 263. Waterloo. Ia. EIGHTY acres Improved, good smooth land, 4 miles of Madrid; very easy terms; t per cent interest; possession in 30 daya. Kelgley Land Co., Madrid, la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 820 acres In Red River Valley, N. J S5 miles w.t of. Grand Forks, on the N. P. Ry., and 4 miles from good town;, good soli; no wet land. H. D. Wlngert, Cedar Rapids, Ia IDAHO FRUIT . LANDS. S20 acres of fine irrigated land with plenty of water, in the famous Council Valley and almost adjoining tha great council jviesa urcnara tract ana equally as good lr every respect. Can ba sold In 10-acre tracts. 'Council Valley apples always take FIRST prize In Council rtiuns nortiouiiurai f air. Price 8w per urn. pan caxn, oaiance easy terms. Send for booklet and full particulars. J. Mon roe emun, tJi.so. inn street, Boise, Idaho. I QUIT RENTING ten years ago and came west with 8S00 bought 160 acres Kansas land am well fixed now and happy. I too, came two years ago and nave done well n this fine climate. Oood nelghbora, school and church. I urge renters to come and see tne auaua, wiu im uut w aoctor bills. Will make you rich. " I60 acres, Improved, 3 miles county aeat. . IEI I".. 640 acres. Improved, 9 miles county aeat $15; terms. 8WITZER LAND CO.. 812 Pleasant Bt. Des Moines, Ia. 840 ACRES. 3 ml. town. New ai house;, barn, sheds. 840 plowed, balance lenccu " ' uuaoie. Rural route, leitjynuum. uuuu roau, eon, neigh bora. . nppiea wiui sciatica, causa (ur senui. pci w.v, win is wan Led. 4 Foil bargain III home In Benxon Chappell A Sops, Drive block. Tel. Ben. see 71S. 1 WE HAVE on band a nuinbT of Ink bar lel ahlch we will aril for 50 cents each. 1 hey are fine for rain watwr or ashes. I sil at press room. Bea Publishing Co. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand fen, all sixes and makes, bargains. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam t. SMALL, choice library; also some fine art books, at bargain. Douglas .'VU. i:l.ED HAY for sal. five miles from Cit'iiril Bluffs postoffice; one carload r'nioihv, one carload 'ottoin hsy and car load of straw J. II Schults. Dumfries, ia OSTEOPATHY KATHERYN Theater. NIKOLAS. 434-8 Brsndsls Alice Johnson. 306-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. PATENTS I O BARNELL. Paxton Elk. Tel Red 7117 LIRAM A. STl'RGKS reg patent attv. rtranCcIs Theater Bldg. Douglss 344 vVII.LARiy KI'DY. reslstered piactitlon-r Inl' h. 1st office 514 Pton Rlk H 2:1. PERSONAL MF.C1IANO THERAPY. Cr pp. rlieunia'lsm, masstiKe treatment lu Margueri:e Hailuran. tla Neville tt.k. I 7 iL Prof. Dinijian - CITY PROPKKTY FOR 8 A LSI FOR SALE-Two lots, 13x140. on south ltith St.. mar Vinton; all special taxes paid Will well as one piece or divide. Wilting to sell at secrafice. Apply at bJi South 31at street S R., $1.0i S'.") But-t. Tel. Harney 2498. FOR SALE 2726 Ames Ave. Omaha, cor. lot. 64x127, with 8-room house, city water, clocel, gas and electric llnht; ce meni cellar; rented at $i5 a month; all clear: puvlno; paid for: taxea paid up; property will pa,' 12 per cent on Invest ment; owner nonresldvnt; easy terms; call at Mr. Slaving. 2113 Larlmore Ave. DUNDEE HOMES ARTHUR C. CROSSMAX. 218 Board of Trade. Telephone Douglas 5107. HOUSES FOR SALE-Just built; Central Blvd.; no paving taes; completely mod ern; 8 rouni; Dutch parlor, laundry. Call G W. r'nyder. 2418 Valley St., Tel. Doujj. 7475. 448. I s-c 8-ROOM HOUSE AND FIVE LOTS. ti.OQ buy this property: it Is noi a sh.ick. but an excellent 2-story houe. in good repair, with five good, hlgn lota.' picket fence, largo inuple shade trees, small barn, etc asiklug distance of 11. P. huui stid smelt, r: nothing in Omaha to compare with this: let 11 show you. McUeo Real Estate Co.. 14 Psarl M. THE FINE BRICK RESIDENCE, lTufi S APP1.E land at 835 per acre, on easy lei ins. 10 acre tracta, near Glenwood. within 75 miles from S. F. ; when cleared of brush worth $150 acie; splendid soli; good load, plenty of water. John Dubul. Uienwood. Santa Crux Co.. Cat Caaada. One million acres land for sale, suitable Tor colonization or Investment. Improvsd farms and farm lands. Alberta, Saskatch ewan and Manitoba. 1'ubllo sales In March. Writa for lists. George Edwards, 817 Porage Ave.. Winnipeg. A first-class quarter of table land, Im proved, 8 miles troin Julenburg. Colo., $JI per acre. Also fine section, Improved, 8 miles from town. $33. phone, call or write L. O. Burrows. Paxton hotel. Coluraala. FOR SALE An esti.e In Labette m,,, Kansas, of 2i0-acre stock farm; iine Cr,.J bottom, never overflows; 6 miles of Par sons; na bwu iiupiuvvineuLs, soma tlm ber, 80 acres In grata, clover, alfalfa timo thy: plenty of water; rich black' land Terms on half at 6 per cent. io1D. .1 Price. $'5 per acre. Bugg Bros.. Parsons iv an CRAWFORD COUNTY. KA NSAS Nice smooth, rich prairie with Umber along the crecAs, ui'i voi 11, Oliver ana iimotny land in southeast Kansas. Send for desorlptlon Ulll. rfaioc i uaaiia, rvailiur, ALan. . A BARGAIN IF TAKEN SOON 1) acres, good 8-room house, large barn, other DuiminKs, pieniy iruu; grove 40 acres, pas- iiire im mow lanu. uaiaitce cultivated; 2 nine iovii mi iviu ruuu; rural route, tele phene; plenty water, windmill and tank; -uu roas new nog wire, too; ettsy terms would take some trade. W. S. HUBBARD. Welda. Kan. MR. RENTER Baraalns In west central Kausaa. Nice 160 acres. Improved, 3 miles station; easy Uruisj U.Uo. 8J acres raw land. 83.S!0. Ed. Ewing, Dlshton, Kan. RFAI ' FCTATF FAR SI A.D HACII LAN D FOR SALH Mlnnesota- "ontlnned. FARM lands for sale: bargains In Im proved farms In southwestern Minnesota. write F. M. Young. DeGraff. Minn. allaaowrl. STOP! Don't era a aten further thaa Dousrlas Co., down !n the beautiful Osarka Raise anything: corn. 30 to 66 bushels per acre; all other crops In proportion; cheap eat good land on earth; 85 to $26 per acra urea lniorma.ion. uioba ileal mutate .o Ava, Mo. FOR SALE Some of the best fruit land In the Koshkonong-Brandsvllle fruit dis trict, -prices lower than anybody. Also good farms at very low prices. Write B. J. Cox Real EBtate Co., Brandsvllle, Howell Co., Mo. FOR SALE 720 acres splendid Vernoa Co. (Mo.) stock and grain farm; every aore good, plenty of water, frlce. $oe per acre; as good as SluO Iowa land and far better climate. Write tor better description. R E. Spurgeon. Owner, Olathe. Kan. REAL ESTATE FARM A.M RANCH I.AM FOR SALB IContlnusd.) I- Texas. ORANGE orchard near Houston are big Investment. Our five-acre orchards are Sold on easy monthly payments. The Alvln Japanese Nurseries ad loin and their ex perts develop and care for our orchards three years. Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Federal Land & Invest ment Co., Houston, Tex. ABOUT 1800 ACRES, Brsioa count?, Texas; 3 miles station; two-thirds bottom, balanoe upland; 80 per rent tillable; fenoed, several subdivisions; ZOO cultivation: Ideal for alfalfa, potatoes, cane, coin, ate: bal ance Umber; five houses, barn, everlasting water; most ideal bog ranch and stock farm in state; hogs on range will pay in terest on 8,000; bottom timber will par for place: beat personal reasons for offer ing this bargain at $j0 per acra for qulok sale; terms. Addreaa ownar, 8. W. MeraoV lu, aauiioan. x LIVE REAL ESTATE MEN We want you to read the advertisement In Everybody's Cosmopolitan. World's Work, and Hut-cess maKazlnes of the Texas Orchard Develop ment Co. Wonderful Chocolate Bayou lands. Write us for liberal sales contract and literature. We are general sales agents for Nebraska, western Iowa and South Dakota, The Orchard Homes Co., 139 N. 14th St, Lincoln. Neb. Waahiaatoa. YAKIMA ORCHARD PROPERTY Ws) have for sale, at an exceptionally low ortoe, tha finest, best located orchard 01 Nob Hill. Tha tract consists of 1TH acres, Is near the Nob Hill car line, la planted ta B-y ear-old apple and pear trees, and oaa ba subdivided Into 17 beautiful acre tracts Ideally situated for suburban homes. Spa clal price for cash down. Henry Johnaoa Realty Co., North Yakima, Wash. BUY MlHsourl land raises everything. Good markets. Cheau now. roIdB up eaBy terms. We help you. Write quick. Missouri Mate Hoard or immigration, Springfield, Missouri. Nebraska. easternITebraska bargains, possession ma11cii 1. 80 acres, all In cultivation, fair improve ments, all .high table land and best of soil, SO acres of fall wheat which goes with the place, three miles to good town. One of the choice 80s In this part of the coun try. Price. $125 00 per acre. 220 acres, highly Improved and on main road, R. F. D. and telephone line, 4 miles to good town, 160 acres In cultivation, 50 acres clover ana airaira, line orchard. Land Is all high table land, except about 58 acres, 'Which is roiling s,na is in pasture. About 2t acres natural timber In pasture; 11-room house and large barn. Prlca, $25,000.00. 80 acres, well Improved, 2 miles from South Omaha, ail good land, 13 acres alfalfa. 18 acres prairie bay, balance in cultivation. Price, $2uo.oo per acre. 40 acres, on macadamised road, t miles from Benson. All tillable, gently rolling land and all In cultivation. Bent close-In land bargain near Omaha. Price, 8125.00 per aor. WESTERN, IOWA BARGAIN 820 seres One of the beat and best Im proved farms in Fremont county, Iowa. All bigh land and all tableland except a small nortlon of pasture, which Is a little rolllns- Large house and tenant houses. Barn 50x60 feet with stalls lor 24 nurses, lame bin driveway and room for 50 tons of hav double corncrib tuxOO feet, large cattle sheds, hay sheds, self-feeder, hog houses, two windmill! and all buildings necessary for a modern, up-to-date farm: 22 acre apple orchard and plenty of other fruit of different kinds ana varieties, fenced and cross fenced, most of which Is hog tight woven wire. This is certainly a fine stock and grain larm ana is an ready for bus! ness. Prlca $150 per acre. Possession March L C. R. COMBS, Rooms 807 to 811 Brandels Theater Bids;. Omaha. Neb. 'Phones Douglas 3iHi. A-371L FINE WHEAT LAND 160-320 ucies, Cheyenne Co., Neb., level, good soil, valley, six miles of Burlington $17 per acre' Terms. W. S. ltlpley, 22ZI Hurt St.. Omaha. KIMBALL COUNTY. Vl.iul oll u I ,nc. 1eO ni'ruu frn, I 100 acres level, black soil; good water; per fect title; no alkali, no aajiri; close to school and P. U; 8 miles to R. R. ; $11.50 CI.-JI n..h t'l'll llu.l, I iml. iCl ni'lC, -n., vuk.. ...mill 4, L,T I , lU- anco in three years' tune, with Interest at 6 per cent. W. T. Young, Jr., County Sur veyor of Kimball County, Kimball, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 8100 to 310.0IW made ' promptly. F. O. Wead. Wead Bldg,, 18th and Farnam. GARVIN BROS. 2d floor N. Y. Life. $500 to $100,0u0 on Improved property. No delay. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) YOUNG man desires position i grsin. Jon blng or railroad: expertenrs In general of fice and stenography; salary after trial; eastern references. Address S 8.0. Bee. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO.. $10-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege ot making partial pay ment semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages alwaya on hand and for sale at amount rrom $3io to jg.uuu BENSON & MYERS 412 New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans and warrants, W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam SL 8500 to $6,000 on Omaha homes. O'Keefa Real Estate Co., 1018 N. Y. Life. Douglaa or A-2152.1 . ' . WANTED City loans. Peters, Trust Co. CITY and Farm, John N. Frenser. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a cash customer for Business property; Improved or unimproved; must be well located and well worth the price asked. O Neil's Real Estate & Insuranoe Agency, Lmu Farnam St. . Both Phones. SWAPS MERCHANDISE, hotel, residence, horse and cattle wanted In exchange for Mln nesota land. Address M. T. Meyers, Will- mar, Minn. Exchanges, quick sales, large Hat. Ad dress R. 1, Continental Bldg., Omaba. Neb. WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver. 812-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas 78C&. FOR SALE or trad five quarter farm land In Stanley and Lyman county. S. D. for Omaha or vicinity residence or business property. Just foreclosed on these lands. Will deal with owners, no agents. Ne braska Loan Co., 220 Bee lildg., Omaha. FOR quick results (my exchange list). C. J. Canan. 701 O. N. B., lldg., Omaha. , e.twO ACRES rich, level improved farm land ranch, $12.50 per acre; terms; on trade; owner C. J. Wlldy, Honilngford, Neb. 150 ACRES, well Improved, adjoins R. R, town In southern Kansas. Alfalfa, corn, wheat, stuck and fruit farm. Price $-U.0c8, best of t. mi. W. I. Carter. Sterling. Kan GREAT AUCTION UXD SALE Who wants to buy good soil. Irrigation water all you want summer and winter; reservoir l.oOw.OJO barela, a gold dollar for ten cents. Do i.ot mis it; come and aee. Maps. Information R. F. Miltord, lirouur. Weld Co., Colo. FOR SALE Finest 1.800 acre Improved farm and ranch In Colorado for 8Jri per acre. Every fool ct it rich and smooth; only T miles to Hogo; u acres in cultiva tion. J. C. Cane, owner. Hogo, Colo. FIXTEEl successive years of good crop make northeastern Colorado wheat land the beat offering before investors and boms buyers today. Prices advancing, nut one crop still pays for ths land. Write J 11. Heinhardl, bterllng, Colo sTlerldsw FOR SALE Farms and ranches In Green wood county. Kansas, the banner cattle county In the world. I have 1,-jut acres of bluo stem pasture land lor exchange for merchandise to the amount of $l2,0uu. Price $J5 per acre. Lock Box 464, Eureka, Kan. TWO TRACTS of 1,820 acres euch, cheap; one improved, one noL Klngery Realty Co., Kuigury, Kan. , MY 6 040-acie farm for pale or rent. Ad dress Henry Stalii, Bassett, Neb. lev lrezica. BARGAIN to homeseekers or Investors; 1.2MJ acres finest laud in northern New Mexico, one mile from railroad, ti pur acre. C. O. Flaher. Ratuii, New Mexico. IturlU Dakota.. 820 ACRES Stutsman Co. N. D.. clear for good residence, clear. In Des Moiaea price of laud t per acre. 440 acres, well Improved, 35 inllea from Winnipeg. Manitoba, tor Income. Prlca .i per acre; inlg.. 34.5UO equity. Lock Bos 7W, Spirit Lake, ia. UX ACRES wheat, corn and alfalfa land, southern Kanaua, lulal county seat; 88 acres wheat. 80 acres alfalfa; well Ira. pioved. Puca $, L. L Kir, El Dorado. Kan. 1.360 ACRES, solid tract. 4 seta lmprovs ments; 2 miles town. bet soil, cut b duplicated in state. l pest leriiu Kansas-Colorado Investment Co. Scute City Kan. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about 5) acres of choice farm land in BurleiKh and Kid der Co.. No. Dak , and want 50 Kood rep resentatives, others need not apply. Heat of references W. E. Runey. Laud Invest ment. Bismarck. N. D Oklahoma. FOR SALE Five miles from Kremlin. Okl., all smooth black soli good for alfalfa. ISO acres wheat, balance puture, good house, barn an I oicl.al'1. would take It.uuo atock ttt groceiie in trade. Win. Krause. Loalsiaaa. EA8TKKN OKLAHOMA. i Send for prices and description of farms. Ira blunt, i uiuni,r. Okl fl8 J-'d Ave, fa inn Hanacoiii pai k. ten rooms. above full basement, furnace, tao mantles. CPiVh View Vlai.rniw nam. nri..,. a fixtures all up-to-date, large barn: '" boma roi omn dunna on I at ill- llu " call me up and I'll ar. i,men-et. " Florence Tel. Florence r nit PALF. LoutMane orange and i trees are mor.ev maapra. - Will tell ou 5 aerea of fertile lani wits bl loca- , V" oi arise and fit: trees besrlog In 3 yean I iniate in ! toT -;. -'0 monthly paynieut. will cultl I FLORIDA LAND Soil of best quality, mu.-l desirab: lit.n finMt and moat iiealthful cln U. S. and wheie it is possible tu become i ou iaa car or trees and pay tat independent from an Investment of :'lj at j lor 1 ear, nc Interest; till" auaranteed $lii per month For particular, see W. E. i ',ff ''.' --' ' in tins section i.av riettrl Spencr. 334 N. Lawrence Ate., Wichita, ! ,rom fe'o '0: Induceitieui on larger Kan liact 1 tu further parlicuisi address A. . I J. Uodard, Abbevtlie, la FLORIDA HOME Fort SALE. a.iulsi llakoia. AN IOWA FARMER wants to buy some cheaper land, or he mlnht consider an exchange. What have youT He Is a reader of the Des 4olnes Capital, and the way to reach him and thousands or otners nxe mm is to adver tlse In the want ad columns of the Caul tai. Rate. 1 cent a word per insertion, 3 cents a word tor six insertions and 20 cent a wora per moniu. IF you wish to exchange write NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 858 New York Life Bld. One brand new No. 70 Colt' actylene gas machine and gas range to trade for good hogs, cows or chickens. 4tM Urand Ave. Phone Wel. 4784. TO EXCHANGE, for Council Bluffs lot a beautiful lot on corner In Druid Hill addition to Omaha: northwest corner 33d and Ruggles Sts. McOee Resl Estate Co., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. 30 ACHE FARM TO EXCHANGE For small house and lot In town, tills place Is about lu miles from the city, and 'j mile from R. R. station; about ' In cultivation; 3-room house, small barn price. iL'.OOi; want 14) to $1,200; houce v. est or south. M'tlEE REAL ESTATE CO., it Pearl St.. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for :d nand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoe. Tel D. 4-i.L BAY or black horse, weight 1,000 or 1,100 I'illL" '!? L5'j ' y hjo k e ; g e n 1 1 e 25 C as s B t . J WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED apartment or three rooms, with private batii furnished, tor liouse keepinK J Beer tol, 3ni Pacific St (:kki.I'01'S hair permanently re- i Hlibout elc trie ni-eili. . or ini.irv tu lau, a.ieuJant. 310 Mct'as'ue PI U- John J. Muller, owner. t r,mt you a baritaln. Ti. Doug FOS SALE House 7 rnoms, water, sewer, toilet. ' ; ni Use and aliruubery. sl South -I-l ? acre weil improved b.nd : good build ing: good soil: a blocks tu mam buine treet; ame to debol; ciitodte town ;i pcot'te; electric l.lit ami walei aork; would niak an ideal truck farm or tine private resident' siul grounds. For I articular a.tdre. AiLei i 1. Acuicy. lr l' uuiak fprma. 11a I XllMur.ula. CENTRA L MINN ESiVi'A. loO linl'tiixeil farrrr. low pi a' s. eusv terms OoOD TITLE ALWAYS " Write f..,- i,i Miit:-n tl.lt pair. C. L. Hak ' 1 ettuji Falls, Minn. FIVE OI'ARTF:R SECTIONS. unlmpioteu, xood soil, eveiy foot is good 1ll:ai!e tarm Iihui; eHsy terins, iM per acra. Jr . L. Crosby, Bouosn el, S. D SPLEXF'ID Improved farm, $ O pr acre, easiern South iMkota: will tukn n'errlian d ae as part pat incut. Neister. Siuux Falls, b. D- I'OR BALK "-0 acres l.vn an Co. 1 ind. i and cr fene, d gi.od w. II and other liu- WANTED StTUATlQ'- COMPETENT bookkeeper wants chars i f set of books, 3 or 4 hours each evening Address D U.S. Lee. IF YOU dean a first-class, piaithal Inuinc cull l'tjuias 5;:. SITUATION wanted t? ytiunr 1MB ss bookkeeper or shlpplnsT clerk j can furnish references. Call Douglaa KX ' BY young; man, work of any kind. M 868, Bee. WANTED by student, steady work tor Saturday. 0-868 Bee. TOXJNO man desire place to worn f beard and room la private family while attending college. Boyle College. Beta phones. YOUNG married men with, consldersbU experience In general salesmanship, wsot permanent position. Address 11 862, Bee. WANTED Bundle Harney 4S03. washing. Phone GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FCJUI PAGE OFFICE deport quartermaster, Third and LMIv streets Bt. Louis, Mo., January 30, 1911. Sealed 'proposal In triplicate eubject to the usual conditions will ba received here until 11 o'clock a. m., central time. February 14, 1811, and then opened In the present: of attending bidders, for furnishing and de livering at United States Clothing depot. St. IxjuIs, Mo., 400 trumpet cords. .n0 bedstead casters, 8,000 cots and 12,0 bed stead parts. Quantities to be subject to Increase of 50 per cent If dwired by the de partment. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bltia or any part thereof. Rlnk forms and In formation furnished sfmn application to this office. Proposals to be sealed, ad dressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Proposal for Equipage, to - be opened February 14, 1911." W. M. Coulllns;. Major and Quartermaster, Depot Quartermaster. J.30-ai.F1.2-ll-13. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth and Mason. Depart, .a 8:15 am .a 4:10 pm .a 4:00 pm .al2:45 pin .a 7:04 am .a 8:50 rtm ,.a1I:50 pm .a 8:15 am .a b:3n pm ,bl2:4t pm Union Pad fle- Ss n Fran. Overland L. China and Japan F. M. Atlantic Express Oregon Express lxu Angeles Limited.. Denver Special Colorado Krursti Oreron-Wali. Limited. North Platte Local.... Columbus Local . Stromsburg Local Chicane x Northwestern NORTHBOUND. ' Twin City Expree a 7:46 am Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm Minn. A. Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 pm EASTBOUND.- . Carroll Local U am Omaha Express a 7:40 am Chicago Local all:05 pm Colorado-Chicago a 8:10 pm Chicago Special a 8:01 pm Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a 8:1 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 8:60 pm Overland Limited all:4S pm Carroll Local a 4:30 pm Fast Mall a 8:30 pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chsdrou ..a 7:60 am Norfolk-Dalle a 7:60 am lxmg- Pine-So. Platte... b 2:16 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:15 pm Deadwood-Hot Springs. 1:56 pm Casper-Lander a 3:65 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm' Mlssoorl Paolflc K. C. & St. L. Ex... K. C. Bt, L. Ex.. ex cept Saturday all K. C. & St, L. Ex., Sat urday only 12 Chicago, Heck Island t EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd....al2 Chicago Day Express. .n 8 ChlcaKo Local Pass blO Des Moines Local Pass.a 4 Chicago Express a 4 Chicago Limited a 8 WEST. Chi. -Neb. Ltd.. Lincoln 8: Colo, and Cal. Express.. 1 Okl. & Texas Express.. 8: Rocky Mountain Ltd...aJ0: Chicago, Milwaukee A Overland Limited all: Omaha-Chicago Ex ... .b 7 Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7 Arrive. all:30 pm a 6:4 pm a 8 4(7 am a 6:10 pin a 8:H0 pm a 7:27 am a 4:50 pm a 8.20 pm a 4:4b am a 10:30 am b 1:20 pm aJ0:tfU pin a 8:28 pm a, 8.15 am a 3:60 pm a 8:49 am m 8:UH am a 8:28 pm a 6:48 am a 3:28 'pm al2:S2 pm a 7:46 am aJ0:ou am a 8:35 ptn all:00 am alO:45 pm b 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm all:uo am a 1:65 pin a 1:20 am a 7:40 am ;16 pm a 6:50 pm :00 pm : Pacific ;58 am 10:45 pin 46 am a 4:;t0 pm :36 am blo iw pm :O0 pm al2:30 pm 40 pm a 1:15 pm :08 pm a 8:02 am 20 am :25 pm 16 pm .56 bm. a 6 a 4 a 1 al2 47 bin ' pm :2V pm :60 am 88. I'kvnl 42 put a 7:59 am 15 am 15 am Colo.-Cal. Express Colorado Special ... Perry-Omaha Local Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7 Chicago Limited a, 6 Minn. -St. Paul Ex b 7 Minn. -St. 'Paul Ltd a 6 Wabash Omaha-St. Louis Ex. ...a 6 Mail and Express 7 Stanb'y Lei. ifromO.B.lb 6 Chicago Great Western Chicago Limited a 6 Twin City Limited b 8 Twin inty Express a 8 Chicago Express a 6 a 7 b 6:15 pm :00 Din 42 am all a 3 a 8 bit :4." pm :2T pin 50 am :00 am :00 am a 3.46 pm 00 pm a 8:00 am :00 am :00 pm a 8.00 am .30 pm a 8.25 am V - , r .11 -r. r :00 pm 1)10:15 am 48 pm :30 pin .00 am Rarllaglon Statlo Depart. Denver California. ..a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Ex press., a 4,10 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Black Hills a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mail b 1:30 pm Northwest Express all:2G pm Nebraska points a 8.20 am Nebraska Express a 1:15 am Lincoln Local Bdiuyler-Plattsmouth ,.b 3:05 pm Uncoln Ixxal a 7:26 ptn Plattsmouth-Iowa a 8:18 am Bellevue-Plettsrnouth .ali 30 pm Central Nebraska all:25 pin Chicago Special a 7:16 am lienver Special Chicago Express a 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Express.. 8. rm Iowa Ux-al a 9:15 am Cieston Ia Local a 3::x pm St. Louis Express a 420 pin K. C. & St. Joseph alO.45 pm K. C. & Bt. Joseph a 8:15 am K. C. ar St. Joseph a 4:30 pin a 7:53 am a 8:30 pm a 3:45 pm n lOth and Mason. Arrive a 3:45 pm a 3:45 pin a ;in pm a 8:45 pm al2 !5 ptn a 7:00 am a 8:10 pm a 6:10 pm b 8:08 am b W:2nam a 7:11 pm a 8:50 am a 2:40 pm a U:25pih all 10 pin a 7 :0u am a 8:55 pm a 8:ii0 pm a 10 : am atu::to am all : 15 am a 4f. am a 6:10 pm Webster t I loo 1 3 Ih Missouri Pacific and Wrlntir, Arrive. bll .75 am Depart. Auburn Loral b 3:50 pm (klt-aa... Paul, MlunrasMtlis Omaha Sioux CUV Express b 2:15 pm hi 1. 13 am omaua not i uinii, Cltu I'aiKrnfnr Twill Citv Passenger. ..b 6 80 am Ploux City Local i: 8:2.7 am Emerson Local b i-ia pm b 8 10 am tai Dally. lb) Daily except Sunday, (c) Suntluy only. c 6 Jn pm b t :2i) pm acj I r,ki. all f nc d od w. II and t it h-r liu- pioveu.eiit. i : iO if taken willmi thlitv d,i Adi'res o.-' o, fc;, lijiin iy. Caia. fc. !. Mrs. Dykeman, 614 South 29th street says: "I got the uebt resuh from the little art in thp B. and rtu'.cj n:y unfurnished room." I