TIIK OMAHA STXTUV BEE: .TANUAKV 20. 1011. PRODUCE MARKET j'eni Steady in Face of Some Adverse Newt. HAS AN EASIER TONE Imprntrmrit la the lash Iie- a and Ilerelpts Are Liberal aal dales Are Some Lower. OMAHA. Jan. 2. 1M. Wheat opened steady In pare of advance news coupled with verv heavy Argentine shipments, anil inmrwhat Improved crop conditions, and other slack raah wheat and flour demand In all quarters, are the heaviest Influences In wheat values. Iower temperature and clearing weather over the corn belt. Movement to primary points continues good, while demand for both domestic and export la alow. there eema to be no cause for any advance In prices, although sentiment leans to the buying side and prevent declines- Tlie wheat was lirm at the opening, nut later eased off again. A lat rally was caused bv evening "P trades for the end. News Is entirely bearish and traders expect a lower turn In values. Cash Bale were slow at c lower. . The corn market again showed an easier tune with a fractional decline. There was no Improvement In the cash demantl and receipts were liberal. Cash sales were reported V"'c lower. k,. Primary wheat receipts were B49.0OO tu nd shipments were 24o.uo0 bu.. against re ceipts last year of 733. OK) bu. and ship ments of 212.000 bu. . . 1'rlmarv com receipts were 1.23o.0OO and shipments were 6H3.000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 867,000 bu. and ehlp nienta of II2.0UO bu. mr. Clearances were 566.000 bu. of corn. .00 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to SW.Ouo bu. . , Liverpool closed VdHd lower on wheat and unchanged to u higher an corn. The following cash sales were reported: VVHKAT No. 2 hard, 10 cars. Wc; 2 tars. (fl'Vjc; No. S hard, 1 car. laeml dark), iBV; No. 4 hard, 1 car, Mc. CORN No. 3 white. 1 car, 31ic; cas, 41c: No. 4 white. 1 car. 40c; No. I yeiiow t cars. 40-Vc: 3 cars. 40Hc; No. 4 yellow. 1 cur, 40c; 1 car, 40c; No. I color, 40c; No. S mixed, 18 cars. 40tto; 40io. OATS No. 3 white, ! cars. 30c; KHc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 29c Umaka Cash Prices. XTWWAT Nn. 2 hard. 89fe&91C; car, car, 1 car, No. 3 hard. W'9tr; No. 4 hard, liVflW; re jected hard. 7n4iVic; No. 2 spring, WWOWi No. S spring, 7 V(91 14C. . , . . COKN-No. 2 white, 4K&41Hc; No. 3 whlti twtilliic; No. 4 white, 9Vfl40c; No. 3 color, 40'4rHic; No. 2 yellow. 40V41c; No. I yellow. '4(rtc. No. 4 yellow, 39VCP 40o; No. J. 40VV; No. 3,40ijj40Hc; No. 1 39Vq40c; no grade, 36&:Wc. OATH No. 2 white, 3ui731e; standard, 0V!3eV; No. 3 white, WKgaoHc; No. 4 white. wMMc; No. 3 yellow. TJWaS: No. 4 yellow, iVii4c. ' A llARl.fey-No. 3, 7r482c; No. 4, 62lif72c; No. 1 feed. Bftii;; rejected, Wailc. KYE-No. 2, 794"0c; No. 3. 78fl'79c. Carlot Heeelpts. Wheat Corn. Oats Chlcaa-o 10 600 200 Minneapolis 303 Omaha 48 Duluth btt 93 41 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION S Featores of the) Trading! and. Closing? Prices 4n Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 28. Helling that was too enthusiastic for the end of the week led to an upturn in wheat during the last hour today. By way of future reason for the advance, cash demand at Minneapolis was said to be picking up, and Baltimore reported flour sales for ocean shipment the largest in three months. Closing figures were Vfo'c to Vc higher than twenty-four hours previous. Corn, finished a shade to Vtro down, oats unchanged to l-lo off, and provisions the same as last night to a rise of 50c. Trade In wheat consisted, In the main, of hammering the market early by pit specu lators, and of covering by the same peo ple later to escape holding transactions open till Monday. The rally was helped by signs of a coming decrease in the visible supply. In Chicago there was no Improve ment In the call from the mills, but local receipts fell 151,000 bushels below shipments this week. May ranged from 86o to 7Vc. and closed steady, HtTV net higher, at 7',4c. Clear weather had a tendency to cause scaling of corn. Furthermore, arrivals here this week reached 1.625,000 bushels more than were shipped out. Fluctuations In May were 494o and KHtc. with the close easy, y(ft'4o down at 49'o. Cash corn waa weak. No. 3 yellow finished at 46!Sr47o. The feeling In oats waa rather more table. May had as high and low points S4Vc and &41Ao, with the price In the end just the same as last night. 34o.s Packing Interests and local shorts bought provisions and strengthened nearly the en tire list. After the final gong pork was 2fc to 60c dearer, lard up 2o to ZVfrU'3c, and ribs unchanged to 6ii7Sc advance. Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike drain company, 7( Urandets building, Omaha. Telephone Douglas 2473. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May.. July.. Kept.. Cot n I I I 9ti'Hj97 974 96H I 7 96v, W1l3'((uW V3 I Ittft May.. 50W 61 I 4 49T!DOS50V July...60';4bl feept...MV.u"61VU,7i&l& Hi ' &1V Oata I May... 34. 34 S44 34H July... 34 3J 341 34'i Fork May... 18 30 18 37V 18 25 18 S7V July... W 6 17 W 17 72Vt 17 is) Lard . May... 80 t 80 77Vk 9 80 July... 70 TM 70 iTiht JUbs- May... 80 82Vi 80 82V, July... 6& 8 66 S2Vs(66 34S 4V4 21 00 18 2Vs 87V4 V 76 10 72V4 .4 Cash quotations were as follows: FlAl'H Nominal; winter patesnts, 14 20 r4.7; straights, H.t" !.'). spring straight 4.boU".iO; bakers, UVK-No. 2. KiVjC. 1MHLDV Feed or mixing, KTHc; fair to choice maUing. KKSi'SHc. HKEUS-Flax. No. 1 southwestern. 12.54 No. 1 north vi catern, $2.t7. Timothy, llu.tiO. Ulover. 114.76. PHOVlsilCNS Pork. mess, per bbl.. 120.00. Ijird. per 100 lbs., ty.). short ribs, sides tltMae), $10.t(jl0 'i0; short clear slues Iboxed), tlO.&0'10.75. Total clearances of wheat and flour were atiual to 2u4.ua) bu. Primary receipts were Iti.uuu bu.. compared with 733. (AA) bu. the cormsuondlng day a year ago. FMlmated receipts for Monday: Wheat 11 cars; corn, 612 cars; oata, l'J2 cars; hogs, kj.Ouu head. HCTTtlll Steady; creameries, 17C"J5c duliies. livfi-.O. KUUS Firm; receipts. 4.214 cases; at mark, caaea Incluued, lnVuc; firsts, 23c i.i.nti. fiiHta. 24c. i 'HKhSIK Steady; dalslea. l.V()l6Vc; twins i-lt(UMiO young America, liltc; lonu boms, li'liiVc. ' po'lA'luh. Kasy; cliolce to fancy, 4t; iHc; fair to good, 4211 4.' c. POVLTHY -Meady; turkeys, dressud, 21c; live, loo; chickens, drosaed. 12c; live, lie; iirings. drsed, 12'; live, llVc. Vll-Meady; N to M ll.. 8,c; 60 to lbs., lvno; au Id llu lbs.. UVxC. St. l.oals (irnernl Market. ST'MiriS, Jan. 2X. WHEAT Futures, hUher- May. 9-c; Julv. 92nC, faKh, firm; truck. No. t ltd. 9oCnil.C&; No. j: lard, t;c full ol. j'49V, cah, wtak; Hack, No. 2, K'ur, No. I v liite, I'm.'. 0 4.TS-Steo.dv; Mjy. STSc: cssh. a'.cuj; track No. t i-; No. 2 white, Sic RYE Unchanged, .""tc. FLOUR-Lower; red winter paten t. li.M) 65 0l; extra fancy and straight. $l.ari4 to; Sard winter clear. $'( 3 i 3.7it. SEED Timothy. $5tWi.a). I'Ul'.NJI i:al-J2so. PRAN Easy; sacked, east track. $1.10 1 l.v AY Tull; timothy. $13.5.ii IS .V); prairie, 111 o (! IS 4XV PROVISIONS Pork. steady. tubbing, tMO:. Ird. lower; prime steam. $1.7r( 1 ). ry SHlt meats 1 boxed . lower: extra h rtn $10 75: clear ribs, $10 7S; sMort clear, trin'i. Hacon (boxed). loer; extra shorts.. 112 (V; cleur libs. $12 10; short clears. $12 12. POULTRY Meady; chickens, lie; spni.g. ISf turkevs, i6'c; ducks, lie: geese, ac. lA'TTr K Steadv: creamery, !12.'c. FtitlS Higher, SOSrC. Receipts. Shipments. 10,0 il ta Flour. t.bla 7.2-w Wheat, bu. Com. bu... Data, bu.... .. 79 t) ..15il .. 70 WJ0 57 0 0 41,00 Liverpool Grain Market. L1VFRPOOU Jan. tS.-WHKAT-8n.il. flriu; N.k 1 red. western winter. 7s 4d. Fu tures, sieawty; Marco. Je -Kil: May. "s I'tiHN-siHil. new, American, nilsed. 4s pmi, aid. Aiuericau. nuaed. firtu at 5a M. January, U. nominal 4s 7d; Feb- ruary, 4s 2d; Mi WKATHF.R I TIIK (.RAIi BELT adl tlona for Kllaktly Warmer for day la This Vicinity. OMAHA. Jan. 2S 1910. The cold wave has continued eastward over t tie upper valleys and Is now spreao over the upjier Mississippi and Ohio val leys and upper lake region, where decldely colder weather prevails. The cold weather as also extended south over the lower Missouri and lower Mississippi valleys and emperatures are very much lower as far down as Arkansas and Oklahoma. The tem- erature has continued to fall In Nebraska urine the last twenty-four hours, but did ot reach the low degree that was exacted with the cold wave that was moving down rotn the north. Temperatures are much higher In the extreme northwest this morn ing and are generally higher throughout he mountains and west to the coast, lignt precipitation was general east of the MIs- Isslppl river within the last twenty-iour houra. No precipitation worthy of mention oocurred west of the river to the moun tains since the last report, and the outlook for continued fair In this vicinity tonight nd Sunday, with no Important change In temperature. temperature and precipitation as com pared with the last three years: inn. isiiv. iswi. Lowest last night 24 1 24 .Normal tempeiature for today, 21 degrees. Precipitation 00 .01 .59 .00 oenctency In precipitation since Alarcn l. 15.10 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1910, 5.16 Inches. 1 tendency corresponding period In 1909, 79 Inches. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. GW YORK. iKM0RAI. MARKET Qaotatloas of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. .Tan. 28.-FI.OFR Iull; spring patents, JTi IMt.) 40; winter straights, 34.2HU4.30; winter patents. $.4K(i4.Rd; spring clears. M WM ;'li; winter extras. No. 1. 3S.40fl3.70;. No. 2. t1.2.Vrf3.40; Kansas straights. I4.fiii'(i4. ,6. Hye flour, steady; fair to good, I4.20ri74.35; choice to fancy. 34.4O-i'4.60. Uuck- wheat flour, quiet; American, 72u, c. I. In New York; Canadian, Mtc, c. 1. f.. New York, for export. CORNMKAI.r-Steady: fine white and ellow, l).2tX(1.20; coarse, ILlZroli;.: kiln dried, S2.. wheat Pnot, steady; No. Z red. SSVic. elevator, and 9S4c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 31.18?;. f. n. b., afloat. Futures opened steady on cables and cover )su ON SUSo3 kuoJ.)subj )noi()Aa. mia cash demand and on predictions of an Increase In the visible, but rallied and closed unchanged to '4c net higher. May. 31.01 V4ifTl.01V closed at (1.011k ; July closed at 31V4. Receipts, 66,400 bu.; shipments, 26 814 bu. CORN Spot, barely steady: new No. 2. 63c, f. o. b.. afloat. The futures market Inn. declined under liquidation and poor lower. May closed at Mc. Receipts, 61.750 bu.; shipments, 27.073 bu. OATS Spot, steady; standard white. 38V4c; No. 2, 39c; No. 3. 38c; No. 4. 37V4C The futures market was without trans actions, closing unchanged to He net higher. January closed at 38'fcc and May and July at 40c. Receipts, 64.050 bu.; shipments, 736 bu. HAY Dull: prime. It.12'4: No. 1. 31.003 1.07V4; No. 2. fl&c; No. 3. 80c. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice. 1910 crop. 24&29c; 1 crop. 1720c; Pacific coast, 1910 crop, 18(fi22c; 1909 crop. lB17c. HIDES Quiet: Central America. 204 21c; Bogota, 22c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock, firsts. 23', 2CVjc; seconds, 21V(ijf23c; thirds, lStQ20c; re- ects, l(Vfj17c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. 322.50 (p23.ou; family. I23.0yi 24.50; short clears, $20.01X0 22.00. Reef, steady; mess, $14 00n 14.50; family, $16.50flT7.00; beef hams. $2S.50W27.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $12.50i&13.&0: pickled hams. $12.50012.75. Lard, steady; middle west prime, $10.05 10.16; refined, barely steady: continent. $10.60; South America, $11.40; compound, $8.37Vi'rt'8.2Vl. - TAI-DOW Quiet; prime city. hhds.. 7c. HUTTKR Uulet: held creamery, third to special, 17425c; state dairy, common to fin est. 1726c; factory held. 16V4&17Vsc; cur rent make, 1617o. CHFJESB Steady: state, whole milk spe cial, liV(17c; state whole milk, fancy, 15c; state whole milk, summer and fall make, 13Vel4V4c; state whole milk, late fall. gooa to prime. I3$pl4c; stats whole milk, winter made, common to fair. 4illc: sklma 12c. ... i EUGS Firm: western gathered white. 28 i&33c; fresh gathered, selected extras, 2tif 25o; fresh gathered, first, 22VMi23c; refrig erator, first, 17c;. refrigerator, seconds, liiVi tjlfic. POU1JTRY Alive, dul : western chickens. 12V41I; fowls. 36Vxin(; turkeys, HVflg. Dressed, kuiet: western chickens. 144x18: fowls, 144iltiVi; turkeys. lt24. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 28. WHEAT May. 944JS4HC bid; July, 9OV,Jf90Vc , sellers; cash unchanged; No. 2 hard, 91(b9tiV4c: No. 3. 90W 96c; No. 2. red, 98c4j$1.00; No. 3, 97f&08c. CORN Unchanged: May. 48a4t;V; bid: July, 4!c bid. Cash unchanged to c lower: No. 2 mixed. 444i46c: No. 3. 43V4i 44c; No. 2 white, 45V4c; No. 3. 44Vi46c. OAlt Unchanged to He higher; No. 2 White, 33&34C; No. 2 mixed, 31Viia2c. It YE No. 2. 7c. HAY Unchanged: choice timothy. $14.00 $14.60; choice prairie. $12.00. OiUTTERr-Creamery. 24c; firsts. 21c: sec onds, 19c; packing stock, 13c. EUGS Extras. 23Vic ; firsts. 22c; seconds. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 83,000 44,006 Uorii. bu 64.000 43.000 Oats, bu 8,000 13,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNKAPOUS. Jan. 28. WHEAT May, $1.03Vu 1.03T4- July, $1.04S l.44. Cash No. 1 hard, JI.O6V4; No. 1 northern, $1.02-&1 M; No. 2 northern, 99cu $l.02; No a. 97C(i31.00. FIX Closed at $284. CORN No. 8 yellow, 43C043V4C. OATS No. 3 white, 31 31 fee. RYE No. 2. 78c. HRAN In 100 pound sacks. $22.00((i 22.00. FDOl'K First patents, $4.76ti6.15; second patents, $4H6.06: first clears, $3,164)3.66; second clears, $2.15fr2.7o. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 28. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery," 29c; nearby prints, 30c. EOtlS One cent higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, f. c, 24c at market; current -receipts In returnable rases, 23c at mark; western firsts, f. c , 24c at mark; current receipts, 21c at mark CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, fancy, September, lofec; October, HVulic; fair to good, 14W14fec. Peoria Market. PFORIA, Jan. 2S. CORN No. 3 white, 44Sc; No. 4 wldte. 42'c; No. 3 yellow, 44c; No. 4 yellow, 42Hc; No. S mixed, 44c; No. 4 mixed, 42Lc; no grade, 3M'(j4Uc; market lower. OATS Easy; No. 2 white, 327c; No. 3 white, 32V4C. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 28 FLOUR Steadv. WHEAT No. 1 northern. Sl.Ol.OK; No. 2 northern. $l.'4iri.u5; May. 97SC OATS Standard. Sl'y .I3,c. HA RLE Y Sample. t7Si93c. Uulath Grain Market. DULUTH. .Jan. 28. WH EAT No. 1 northern. $1.04V,; No. 2 northern. $l."l'atr l o2ia; Mav. $l.0i'a asked; July, $1.0t num. l,1Hl 1 I ..- u.,1.,1 I of fee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 28. COFFEE Futures opened steady at an advance of 2011 iiJ polnta on covering and noit fresn luinK. following the big bleak of yester day riid better cables from Europe than lookej for tins morning. There was some Utile irregularity during-the middle of the Hicssion Kt bear pressure waa re newed on the Initial sdvance, liut covering became more ui live tow ard the close and lust prices were strong at a net gain of 1 from I'l to 3 points. S:iles. H3.75U baga. January, 10 0c: l-ebruary, lU.i&c; March, in 79c; April, 10 kit; Uayr 10 Hue; June. 10 H7c; July, lu.fcSc: August, I0 7c; Sep tember. lu.uSc; tKtolier, 10.5hi'; Novein- ber. 10 &0c; lecemtier, 10 45c Havre unchanged to franc lower, pfg lower; Rio Haniburf waa W t 1 5i reis lower at m: rantoa. nominal liraxilian exenange on in.i.ni, nn. Receipts at the two Rrasillan porta, 14 000 bags against 10,000 baxa last year. Jundlahy receipts 3.40 bags agalnat 4.SUU last year. Spot coffee, nominal; Rio No. 7. 1c. Santos No. 4, ISc: mild coffee, nominal. Corduvva. UVfel1c. Dry Uooats Market. NKW YORK. Jan. SI-r-DRY OOODS Market rules steady with business e- t aiming among Joboer of piece goods, irrta goods and men s wear have been bought more steadily during the week. Cotton goiMts hold steady, but buylne- is confined largely to napped goods, prints nd aliiarbama. Fine and fancy - cottons glngha 4ul4lJ are M uttire. steady; NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trade Outlook Brighter Than at Any Tune During Present Month. MARKET FOR AMERICAN COTTON l.arae Order for Ralls glared by lork Central t.lves strrnath the Prodnrt of the tecl Mills. er NEW YORK, Jan. 2R.-(Pneclal Tele gram I Trade outlook assumed a brighter aspect this week than has l.een manifested at any time since the beginning of the year. Not only has there been a revival of business In the trade centers, but In financial circles, where a healthy business condition has been shown by "the eager purchases of stocks s!nd bonds. The most In pnrtsnt financial event of the week wss the successful floating of the New York City bonds. This over shadowed the movements In the stock mar ket, which consisted of considerable spec ulative liquidation, followed bv some re covery. The importance of the cltv bond sale lies In the fuct that It has mail sen timent In favor if railroad Issues now In process of negotiation, both here and abroad, and a favorable outcome Is ex pected In several cases next week. Middle West In Evidence. Of the constructive forces mentioned last week a likely to play an important part In the rehabilitation of the country, the buying capacity of the siuth and middle west and tho unusually strong position of the local financial Institutions were strik-v Ingly in evidence this week. The south still has the incentive to trade Improvement in continued exports of cot ton at high prices. This week there has been some lull In the volume of orders placed for goods with English spinners, but this Is due mainly to the fact that the mills are booked largely ahead. The over flow of the demand continues to spread to the continent and this week there were purchases at one point liv Alabama of 4.200 bales of cotton for French spinners . and on another day 10.2H0 bales were cleared for their account at a Texas port. While the south la experiencing the benefit of the foreign absorption of Its great staple, the middle west Is profiting by the exports of corn. It is estimated that corn ship ments for some weeks past have furnished an average weekly volume of $1,000,000 In exchange. Steel Trade Improves. The placing of the New York Central order for 176,000 tons of rails, an advance In wire products and a somewhat better demand for structural steel caused an Im- C roved sentiment In the steel trade, but usiness In the aggregate has not yet re ceived a capacity sufficient to place the steel mills much. If any, above the pro duction of 50 per cent capacity. In a num ber of miscellaneous branches of trade Improvement Is being shown, but business has not yet reached those broad lines that mean general activity. One of the hopeful outlooks for the Im mediate future In the business world Is the growing trade with South American countries. New steamship lines are being opened up and much of the business that has been going to Great Britain and tier many will now come to America. Union Pacific Sllsjhtlr Off. The tendency on the stock market today was generally to lower levels., the upward trend of prices of yesterday seeming to have lost their force over night. The re cessions, however, were confined to small fractions, with Union Pacific off anfl steel showing the same loss. Pool activities continued In many of the lower priced issues, and were reflected In some sharp advances In that group. Nearly all , the speculative Interest was concentrateu in 1 nitea state Steel com mon. Brokers working for the most Im portant banking Interests on the street were buyers of larare blocks of that stork after Its recession to 78fe and on these pur- cnases me price moved above 79 and es tablished a new high record for this move ment. Amalgamated copper, which was weak early, recovered a small part of the loss It then sustained, and smelters also recovered Its early loss. The closing was more or less Irregular with gains and losses divided. Rumors of negotiations with a view to placing a block of Southern Pacific bonds In Parts were confirmed today. These nego tiations have been carried on for two weeks or more, and with every promise of being brought to a successful conclusion. It la probable that the company will dispose of $50,000,000 of bonds. It Is understood that the bonds will be a first mortgage on the Mexican extension. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks' were aa follows: tale. Htsli. Vow. Cloaa. aiiiavc-naimar pra Amalgamated Copper .... Anrlcaj Agricultural ... American beat gugar Amerlran Caji Amartcan C. A F. Am. Cotton OH American H. at L. ptd.... Am. lea Seeurttlea American Llnaaed Amartcan Locomotive .... American 8. aV H Am. g. ac H. pta Am. (Heal Foundries Am. Hugar Helming American T. A T. A inert can Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atohlaon Atchleon pfd Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central leather Central Leather ptd Ontral of New Jersey.... 200 21 SOS SI 14,800 (2 41 2 l. 4I 4m 100 41V, 41V 414 1(10 74, 7t $ 300 64V, 64 h4 too 64 MV, MIV, 23 iX t3t u0 19 lit, 11, H4 700 41 S "h 4, M0 1 77i mv I'M 106 1U6 lUI'a !O0 .45t, 444 45 lU'i, 4110 144V4 144 144V, M 404 82 31V, 11 V, ' .11. IsS aV, U.tOO n 100 107 so na he n.2 100 H9Vi 1LH iiVa WO HWV4 1074a 104 , 1,100 13V, tZS 32H S.700 71S TT ' 77Ha 1,200 21leVa 2t'a Z10 two am ao i 10 0 4.800 444 44 4444 34 loo r: tt M 40(1 47Va 47( 471, 14Vt 13ti 128 12 45 400 35 Vi .444 MV, 900 142V, 141 142 1.3O0 14 13- 14 147V, a 30 10 10 100 70 70 44 6 844, 4 34 200 2a V, lii 1S 44V, I Hi, lf.1 Lit t.atlU 127 S, 124 m 00 b i 69 UV 0 lli 1V4 1H"., 400 Mi, Ml, 63 , 1.4U0 1U 116 ll.'.S lt) 17 17 17 12 134, 200 18 11 W) II 34 13 M 1.6U0 113 111 113 I'M 143 143 143 V 36 ; 27 600 13 l.ia 13 3c 35 luo 40 aa .. too 6-) 60 D-i 121 6tl 300 34 36 3(. . 4.6U0 112 111 111 100 4 J 4; 41 . 14.6110 1'4 lu7 lora, l 73 73 71 . 4.0UU l:v 111 130 -.' . 4.300 1K lr? 1JJ . l'O 1.1 1(7 17 Soo 9 4tw l 111 1', luo 13 31 33 161 sn . 6o.J 167 16 l."4 . l.l'W 34 33 11 3"0 M , Wl . l.l .11 11 31 !'W : 2 ; l"l 41 41 4 it lo 2 t lUO i B4 6. iO'l .. 1.100 119 11 llt. . 1.J0U tV, S7 :7 4 100 3o 16 35 3 23 23 23 .-nteapeate dt on 10 Chicago A Alton Chicago O. W.. new t Q. W. pfd Clilcago A Northwestern. C, f. A Bt. P , C, C, C A 84. U....-., Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta Delaware. A Hudson lleaver A Klo UraJlde.... P. A R. O. pfd , IllatlllelV Securities Eria Krle 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Eaectlic Orvat Northern pfd Great Northern Or ctts.. Illlnola Ontral Interborough Met. - Int. Met. pfd International Harvester Int. Marina pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central KariNea City Southern.... K. C. Bo. pfd Lacleda Uaa Luutevllle A Naahvllle. .. Minn. A St Lou la M , 8t. P. A 8. 8. M.... M.. K. A T M , K. A T pfd Mlavourl PacUic National Biscuit National Lead N. It K. of M. td pfd.. New York Central N. V.. O. A W Norfolk A Weatern , North American Northern Pacltlc Parlflc Mall pcnnaylvante People a cua . P.. .. A 81. L Pltteburg t.al fulliuan J-alaca tar... Hallway 8tal Spring., I KmJIii ' H-pui.ii.- mrr I Kcpublle stwai pfd Hik lalana to I Kwk laland . ptd . : hi L 8 K. W pfil ' 8t, Ijouia 8 W U- i. W. ptd Sloaa-Shefflelii H a 1. Southern Pacific ftuuthern Railway So Hallway p(4 Tenneanee l'tpper Teaaa raltlc T . St. U at W T , t l. a w pot,.. t niun Ific I iiiiin l-a.-lflc pt.l I nlted Statea Realtr. t nlted Statea kubber t'lilh-o tttatei H eel I'. S S'ecl rfd I tah 'Kier a. -t'arulina Chemical V btt.ab Wabaeh ptd i.0 14, too liOJ irtlt 46. l -.Ml 176 " ',' 7 i:i .t 1 7 119 45 66 14 V. 50 74 i; 4' 7a ll 4.'. 6i ''4 14 ' M 71 C TOO 1. BOJ In !. lo 1 4.. t., 10 u u t Wealem Maryland ... 1vem1mhouea r:ie.trlc Vt eetein l nust wheeling a u w UehtBll Valley I'M 14 4i 177 "T'a lotal elee lur me day. tll.tfoo tharea. I. oral grrnrltiea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker A Co.. 449 New . Cjniuhx National bank building: Sid. Aaked Imerlraa T. T 4a, PoL T- K ATtianlie Clt Oaa Oa. la, 1MB 41 M ba.awiD Lv.v v.ur.a lu aa. IN) !': lt Cl.trara aaliltarj 4 K t oluu.aua. Nek.. aV L la. ltta. fl 1 tetrull Kdlaun la, 1U1 let 101 Kairaaoat Creaiuary lat B- 4 ear cam W 10 Iowa Portland Ceuieut lat aa M . lu ' ttanaaa Clt 4a lataj Bahuo , a ae Rrnnedr Rsllslns IV ICS Kinasi, rilr Ox ta. 1R1 M H Cm.h. Oaa U. 1(17 ITIi M Omaha Water 1I4 IM mi On,ah Water la. M H4 M Omaha St. Rr. as. )14 M lot Omaha c. H. ft Ry. aa. IMS IT Omaha at C. B St. Rr 4 Omaha C. B. St. Mr. eia 6 It Oti.il, a 4V r. R R. B bi. 113 H Srattia Klertrlc Co. la. 14a N i Si-alahipt ('Trttr T par rem pf4 it rail on. Nab.. Water a ld4 Meter ork Mane Mwr-.e:. NF.W YORK. Jan. IS. MONKY On call, nominal; time loans essy; sixty davs of fered at S per cent; ninety days, 31.1' per cent; six months, S' per cent bid; very little doing. Pill M K, MF.RCANTll.K PATKR 4(u4'j per cent STKRI.INO F.XCHANC.E Steady, with actual business In bankers' bill at $4 g-.9Vit I Wrt5 for slxtv-day bills and at $4.W95 for demand. Commercial bills. $4 S24i4 WW. SI j KR Mar. 527e; Mexican dollars, 45c. ItoNliS Uovernment, stsady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonus today as follows: were V. S. ref. aa. io eoupoil . V. 9. Sa, reg. do coupon V. 8. 4a. rag 4o coupon . ,..loo Int. M. M. 4'e... ...! "Japan 4a ...lJ- do 4' .. .101 K. C So. 1st S .. .llMa L. S deb. 4a I Ml ...Uj. 1. A N unl. 4a .... . . .. .. 7t, v Allta-Chal. lit Ss.. 7 M. K. A T lat 4a Am. Ag. in Am. T A T. c. 4a Am. Tobacco 4a do a Armour A Oo. 4Ha. Atchison gn. 4a.... do ct. 4a do ct. fta A. C. I lat 4a Unl. A Ohio 4a do Jia do 8. W. IWa !"!" do gen. 4a Mtt 1"1 Mo. I"aclf(c 4a 77S Kl N. It It. of M 4'e sh 1'' N. Y. ( a . 'a "Ska ' do deb. 4a MH N. T . N. H. A H ! c. ta 110 N. A W. let 1SI4 4a 4 do ct. 4a 4a No. Pacific 4a !' do 3a " O. S. L. rMg. 4 . .I'tOL, . 70S . .! . 9 .13S . asu Brook. Tr. c 4i.... t Inn. ct. )W llli en. of Oa. Sa 107 S do con. 4e Cvn. Leather 6a W Reading gen. 4a '. of N. J. g. 5a...iru,8t. L. A 8 F. Cha. A Ohio 4a 101S do gen. fg. 4a ?V 7 do ref. (a ks'a it. L. 8. W. r. 4a Oilcago A A. It,,.. 71 do lat gold 4a... C. B. y. J. 4a ... K.' A. L. a do gen. 4 7' 80. Pac. col. 4a... C. M. t I P. 1 3W Ktt do ct. 4a C. R. I. A P. c. 4. 74' do lat ref. 4a... do rfg 4a rtVt 80. Railway Sa Colo. Ind. 6a It do gen. 4a Colo. Mid. 4a TH I'nlon Pacific 4a.. C. A 8. r. A e 4Sa HS do ct. 4a 75S .... to .... 77L, .... 1 tS .... let, ....lor -4 .... 771, ....i(i, 1114'g 4a.. 7 ...IOSV D. A H. Sto V lat A ref. D. A H. t). 4a . . 2 V S. Huhber e do ref. 6a. Dletllters' S Krle p. I 4a do gen. 4s do ct. 4s, aer. A do aeriea B Oen. Klec. ct. 6a. 111. Cen. 1st ref. 4i Int. Met. 4va Bid. . . 12 I 8. Steel 2d 6a.. .. "74. Va -Car. Oiem. 6s .. Wahaah lat cVa ..76 do lat A ai. 4a.. . . 76S Weatern Md. 4a.. .. . . 70 West. Elec. ct. 6a. ..14 Wla. Ontral 4a... . . S7V4 Mo. Pac. ct. oa .. 7e .K.44 .101'! .loS'a . 64 . Clearing; llonae Hank Utatrmrnt. NEW YORK, Jan. . The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $.19,306,426 more than the requirements of the 26 per cent reserve rule. This Is an increase of $3,26t.7GO In the proportionate cash reserve as coin pared with the previous week. The statement follows: Dally average: Amount. $l,273.!74.70O 2H7.9U.30O Increase. $.'8.1fi3.60O 11.2VI.900 Loans Bpecle , Legal tenders "Deposits Circulation Reserve Reserve required . Decrease. U. S. deposits crease, 120,300. 7to.669.isJ0 2.2OS.200 40,7Si.,400 1IW.8U0 is.4ia,ioo 3,2txi,7u0 1,300,821,500 47,231.100 SM.570.800 .. 326,206,375 included, $1,672,900; da- Actual condition: Amount. Increase. Loans $1.2H9.430,8O0 j4S,f.26.0oi) Specie 2!l3,7S6.SMO 11,291.700 Legal tenders 7;,67.2o0 l,279,fi(IO De)Ksits l,332.01ii,4UO D7.sti2.tsiO Circulation 47. 247,800 :,6,H00 Reserve 370.2.1oO 12.541.194 Reserve required 333.004.100 14,4t6.ofi) Surplus 36,36S,0ti0 1. 924,450 Decrease. U. S. ' deposits' Included, 1,74,200; de crease, $4,'40U. Summary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not reporting to the New lorn clearing house: Amount Increase. $ 4.514.200 180.900 002,900 13,titW,800 Loans .$I,072,(t44,HO0 . 114,215,100 21,251,300 . l,l&V,m70o Specie Legal tenders . Total deposits Decreafc. London Stork Market. LONDON. Jan. 28. American securities opened about unchanged from yesterday's New York close. Trading was quiet, but prices hardened a fraction on the pros pects of a good New York bank statement. The closing was steady. Consols, money.. 7 11-14 LoulaTllle A N 141 do account 7 M.. K. aV T 16 Anial. Copper t4 M. T. Central US Anaconda 1 Norfolk A W 110 Atchlaon 107 do pfd 1 do pfd 104 Ontario aV W 41 Baltimore A Ohlo...ltw PennajWanls 6 Canadian Paelfa. 115 hand Mines a Cheaapcake A O B6 Readlna 40 tailcago U. W M southern Ry . 11 . 47 .122 .11 . M . II .11344 . 14 . M . 90 Chi.. Mil. A Bt. P. .133 do pfd.. Da Beers 1SV. Southern Faille UenTer A Rio Q.... do pfd Bre do 1st pfd do 2d pM Orand Trunk. 31 L'nlon Pacific... 71 do pfd 2S V. 8. Steel 41 do pfd M Wabaah .. 24 do pfd Illlnola Central 137 Spanlah 4l.. SiLVKK Har, steady at 24 i-16d per ox. MONEY i'atVm per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bill is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 per cent. Boston Closing? "stocis. NKW YORK. Jan. 28 Closing quotations stocks were tollows; Allmiet Amal. Copper A. Z. L. A i Arlaona Com Atlantic B. A C. C A g. M Butte Coalition 4'al. A Arlaona Cal. A Hecla Centennial CooDer Hansa r. C. 14 Mohawk-. 42 Neyada Con 11 Nlplaalnf Mlnsa 13 North Butta 4 North Lake 11 Old Dominion ... 1"4 Oeceola .' 44 . 18 . 10 . 16 . 3 .107 . 11 . '. 4 . 17 . 4 . 14 . 42 . 25 . 44 . 10 . 44 7 .117 4 'PaiTott B. A C. 301 gulncy .. 11 Shannon 44 Superior . Kaat Butta C. M it Superior 1 7 Buuarlor 1 at.. c... Franklin Olroux Con Grauby Coo Greene Cananeu. .... lata Koyale Copper. Kerr Laike Lake Copper La Ualle Copper.... Miami Copper ta-dlTldend. 4 Tamarack II I . a. 8. R. A M 4 do pfd 18 Vtah Con 7 Vtah Copper Oo... S3Va Winona 4 Wolverine 18 New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth, street. Omaha: Atner Tobacco Bay State uaa Boaton Cona Butte Coalition Cectue Ihlno Chief Cona , Fraction Davla-Ualy Kerr Lake Oltbway Kly Caiitral Ely Cone Kly Witch Franklin tllroua Belmont Uoldtleld Florence. Uuldtleld Uaiay .430 Greene Cananea . 11 Inapiratlon 1 . 4 Larona 4 . 11 NeTada Cona II v . 1 Newhouaa 1 . 20 Nevada I tah 1 l it . 1 Ohio Copper 1 . 14 Rawhide coalition.. 1 . 1 Kay LVntral 1 . 7 Swift Pka-. to 100 . Heara-koabuck Co.... 190 . Silver Pick . 17 Superior A Pitta 14 . 7 J'unopah Mining- is . 7 Trinity Copper 4 4 t'nlted Copper 10 . I North Lake . 1 Bohemia . 7 Hank Clearings. Omaha bank clearings for the week end ing Saturday. January 2S. wwre $14.0S9,35S 15, compared with $14.302.207.KS on the corre sponding day lust year, liaily clearings: 1910. 1411. Monday $ 2.C02.544 70 $ 3.4M.I06 9S Tuesday 2'.1 4K1.42 2.2:t"..K.4 Wednesday 1.211.214. 16 2.515. 3.r. Thursday 28.450.74 2.3MH72SO Kilday 2.1tr7.70l.5l 2 3Ha.5'.'3 K5 Saturday 2,Q.bi.M :.lll.y72 01 Totals. . . $14,502 JrOT.trt $14 0I-9.3M.15 l;:alsg Mocks. New York BOSTON on mining Jan. 28. Cloning quotations on ktoiKS were: is l.tttle Chief I Alice com. Tunna alack, ti .11 Mlcil.an so Ontario loo Ophlr 1'W Hlan.lard loo Yellow Jacket do 'tMslute Con. Cal. A Va Horn silver ... eirun Btlvor .... Lradvllle Con. tittered. . ii . 14 .140 . 10 Kvaporatrd Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Jan. 28.-EVAPORATED APPLES Juiet. but firm; on the spot fancy. 12VI-. choice. llftllic; prime. luVul'i.c; cold storage. SViBlOi-. luilEO KIU'ITS Prunes, firm with Fmail offerings. Quotations ranged from willc lor California up to t-m and ItiMllV' for iir.vna from 60s to 80s. Apricots, inactive, ' but in the absence of pressure prices are 1 firm; choice. 13c; extra choice. 1SV41iI34,c; 1 fu.we m.:nl Peaches, steady, but in ! ratnar slow demand; choice. .i-u c; extra Raisins, choice. ut'e: fancy. 8n9e. quitt. but steady; loose muscatels, choice to fancy seeded. i7'c; 4t)6c; London layers, tl.4wal.45. 6i6.-; seediess, Busar Market. NBW YORK. Jsn. 28. 81'GA R-RiW, muscovado, s test. I 92e; centrifugal. 0 test. 3 42c; molaaaes sugar.' 8 test. t.67c; refined, oulel; crushed. t.40c; granulated, 4.7uc; powdered, 4 80c, OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Mostly Steady, Feeder. Lower (or Week. HOGS FIFTEEN TO TWENTY LOWER Fat l.amna f lose the Week In 4 boat t tame Sotonee as Last Week, lent herp Close Fifteen Cents Lower. POUTH Hecelpt a were : OMAMV .tan. f. Wt Cattle. Hogs Shep K ?1l 4 oil 11.4?i ftffirlai Mondsy Offlcisl Official Official Tuesdav . Wednesday Thursday 7.111 M97 ts.'l I 4 0fr. in.4i,7 i.-y 10 4f 1,25'4 5 1"7 4S 4.34 7.1H 2.4'K) Official Friday Kstlmate Saturday . Six dsvs this week. ...D4 442 43 HI'. Same davs last week. . .? .7f Sf.oS" Same da' s 2 weeks sgo.22 47fi 42.W Same dsvs 3 weeks aco 14.513 . Same davs 4 weeks ngd.11 S"2 M.7M Same davs last vear. . . .19 301 42.5Sf. 34.?! 4o!!--3 W.119 yt.Mvt 2 1.075 2S.0T1 The following table shows the receipts of iaMU Vines and aheen mt Rnllth Omaha for lh vear to data aa compared with last Dec. year: 1911. liilO Inc. 6.595 Cattle WHO Hogs 15ti.7Hg Sheep 142.183 R0.616 1HS.721 120133 12 933 22.t'i0 The following table snows the prices of hogs at South Omaha fur several das. with comparisons: average the last Dates. I 1911 l10.19t.19OS.1907.l9O.!lf6. 7 sxui 311 0SI 4 27! I I Sl 4 67 V 6711 32i 5 97 4 221 65 e 1 a 13, a nr 1 12! 6 511 a oa t 35 t 3Hi 4 63 7 63', 7 , 7 4Hm 7 45h, I 6 00 4 OS! 6 46 S 201 I 4 15 4SI 8 01. 6 Oft, 4 211 6 61. 7 921 6 00 1 ti'i 6 3J 6 2fl 6 33 6 36) 4 66 4 71 4 73 4 63 4 64 4!i'.n g 02 6 92 4 27 7 4SV, 8 03 6 91 4 29 1 761 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending ct $ p. tn. Saturday: RECEIPTS CARS Cattle. Ho:, C M. & St. P Wabash Union Pacific C. & N. W.. west C. St. P.. M. & O C, H. &. Q., tast C, R. & Q., west C, It. I. & P.. east C. O. W Total receipts DISPOSITION. Omaha Packing company ... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing company ... Armour & Co Murphy, shippers Hogs. .... 678 .... S ....1,107 ....1,0S3 ....1.076 ....4,830 Total .... CATTI.K Receipts of cattle, this week have been very liberal, showing a total 01 over 24,000 head. 11111 is uie targem iu of any week since the early part 01 ie cemuer, and larger than a yeur ago by almost 6,0110 head. Receipts have consisted largely of meutum grades ot beef steers ana butcher stock, with a liberal sprinkling of stock cattle and feeders. Strictly good kill.ng .cattle have been in moderate sup ply. ' ' The demand for beef steers has been gpod throughout the week and as-offerlngs have been far from burdensome, as noted above, the trade throughout the week has been' lrt a good. ' healt hy and fairly satis laetory . condition. Good, light and handy welghi,beoves.have been the best sellers and they have commanded good firm prices every day. being, It anything, a nttle stronger at the close of the week. On the other hand, heavy and plain or rough cattle have not been so mucn sought after, and thev are, If anything, a trifle easier than last week, still the change has been very small. Anything in the way of good fat heifers or cows has met with ready sale through out the week at prices showing compar atively little change as compared with one week ago. Canning stock has also sold to good advantage, remaining in about the same notches. On the other hand, the medium grades, which have been In very large supply, showed some weakness, and are posalDly In some cases as much as lo015c lower than the close ot last week. Calves commanded steady prices through out the week, while bull were in very good demand and are In many cases lotui&c hlgner than last week. At the opening of the week feeders were very strong And the demand good. Later on, as It became apparent that the country was not quite go crazy for supplies as last week, and aa reeelots. especially tlltt Com mcner kinds, became quite liberal, price weakened and the trade became alow anu dull. At the close the best fleshy feeders of good quality, dehorned, are not over ItKgloc lower than last week. The less de sirable kinds are 15(82oc lower, the common thin stock cattle being lull 25c lower. Quotations on cuttle: uootl la cnolce beef steeiB, $0,1040.00; fair to good beef stoers, 4o.iA.ii o.lo, common lu fair beef steers, $4.t.(U5.40; good to choice cows and hellers. H.'4t6; fair to good cows and heifers, $4 0V4.75; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.2544.00; good to choice Blockers and feeders 4o.26'u6.m; fair to good stocker and loader's, $4.Mt.a1; . common to fair stockers and feeders, 4.00y a; stock halt efs, $3.7D'at.50; veal calves, $4 OVUh.W; bulls. Biagtt. etc., fct'ioVovo. Representative sales: HOGS Speculators and shippers picked up about a doaen loads this morning, pay ing' prices that were strong to oc hlgner than yesterday. Packers, however, were siow about getting started and when tho market really opened It waa on a basis of prices hat were barely steady with yesterday. Most of the hogs sold that way, but toward the close some weakness was developed and the Jiiarket wound up about 5c lower than yesterday. Taking the trade as a whole the market might be described as about steady with yester day, a considerable proportion selling at I7.45ij7.55, with a sprinkling ot the good light hogs at $7.ts). Receipts of hogs this week have been fairly liberal, the total 4a. 000 being about 4,000 larger than last week and about l.ouO head larger than a year ago. The week opened with a sharp break in prices which was followed on Thursday by a partial recovery. On Wednesday and Thursday the market slumped off badly, hogs selling on the latter duy at the lowest point touched so far thla month. Since then there has In en a reaction, so that the week closes with prices only about 15tj2oc lower than the close of last week. Jsn. 20... Jan. 21... Jan. 22... Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan. 25... Jan. 2ft... Jan. 27... Jan 28... No. AT. Sh. Pr. No. v. Sh. Pr. M 301 0 7 10 7! 2-5 ... 7 00 61 304 ... 7 lo .4 it2 ... 7 SO (2 217 ... 7 35 t7 42 40 7 W 14 .25 ... 7 15 70 21 ... 7 50 M J7 100 1 Si til 247 ... 7 50 00 sio ... 7 15 40 245 ...'7 So I 2t3 tu 7 40 ti 271 ... 7 5u 41 172 ... 7 40 it bJ ... 7 50 7, 221 40 7 40 I0 2J6 ... 7 00 1, e 276 40 7 41 ID 2.tt) ... 7 5o U 3V1 ... 7 45 '.S -1 ... 7 M U 2S5 0 7 45 73 203 ... 7 50 i.7 240 ... 7 45 2-2 ... 7 io 74 24 12J 7 45 . tH 7 60 e7 24 w I I, 71 2JS ... 7 io 13 21a 4o 7 4 53 240 ... 7 60 4, 2S4 40 7 45 17 2. J ) 7 50 1 22 ... 7 45 " " 7 55 M 2.W 40 7 45 76 227 ... 7 55 41 Hi 40 7 46 114 16 ... 7 65 61 t.i ... 7 46 7. . 227 ll 7 6. aa tit 40 7 45 7 214 40 7 IS 6 t5 ... 7 46 tJ .224 ... 7 6:. i 44 M 7 45 4 211 ... 7 65 W 172 ... I 44 7 211 . 7 66 69 16S 40 7 45 71 211 ... 1 51 67 . . ..til 7 4J M 21 ... 7 fco el . ... 21 ... 7 60 l 242 Ml 7 00 27t ... 7 50 4 2-H 1 u 22J ... 7 5o 7 1W) l 7 SO l 44 2Mi ... 7 0 41 2u ... 7 40 76 I...'. . 24 ... 7 60 '. 224 ... 7 40 ea . 206 40 1 eo 7 ill . . 7 40 ; 240 ... 7 .0 74 2041 1O0 7 60 4S 2SO ... 1 60 Sllb.t-1 No ofteilngs of any eonseque! were available In the sheep barn this murn ing uml the general market lemulned un changed. During the week about 85.000 head of ani mals largely fed westerns, have constituted total receipts. Sheep ana yearimgs nave been more plentiful than lambs and tho proportion of wethers has ben much smaller than the percentage of ev.es. Hulk of offerings carried plenty of weight, a condition that detracts mure or less from market value. Handy grades of all kinds of stuck hate been meeting with general preference I ntll miu-weea. ii ice ., ntire). nnu arltngs showed little quotable change, Demand was quiet but ample, good ewes Belling around J .I5q 3 !k. while wethers were wanted at $4.0o and better. Heavy. l.urrv vaMrtlllKB sold at U.iMi I 70. IndlealiDK an extreme quotation of $'..o0 on good handy weights Cevslng days were dull and loner, the market breaking about 15c ajnder tho Influence of a slack demand. Toppy ewes closed at $3 75 and best wethers would hardly go over $4 10 at most. IjiiiiO tiade acted niui h the lunie as It did last week. Some Improvement was apparent when supplies became loo light, but almost all of the strength waa lost Ion closing das Strictly choice kinds j might possibly sell as hifH ivs $Soo, a price that la sllathtly higher tlisn tops on Friday of last week Heavy Istuhs. on the other hand, are a drug at $.' it) and less Quotations .n sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, K 00; fair to good lambs. $4 ..M".', tin ml y weluht yearllngg, 44 i.'n4 4 HO. heavv .earllngs. 44 :;:Vj4 7.", good to choice n ethers, $.1 .".i4 10; fair to good wethers. $(..'-tvi 3.!', good to choice ewes, ts -o,i;i.Vi; fair to Komi ewes, f.t jr4j 3 . X . sneep, culls to feeders. $1 i.iK Representative ales: 111(4 4.4) 111 K SIOIK l It K KT (atlle and Hhrrp 4 re Mrailr Hons Klrnng. CH1CAOO, Jan. A - CATTI.K -Receipts, estltnatetl at m bond Market ste.tdt; beeves. $1 7j1i7.ot: Texas stei rs. '4 l.'Xif" "0; 1 western steers. $4 .'tvn." 70; Blockers mid feeders. $.l.70f(i5 70; cows and heift rs. $:' .'if"f 600: calves. $7.2.Vu:.2.Y HO(7SRecelpts, estimated at 9.'tK head. Market strohg to rc higher; light. tT.T'M 7 95; mixed. $7.)Vit 7.90; heavy. $7.50ii'7 S.-; rough, $7.;V(i 7.7"; good to choice fieavy, $7 7ii'i 7 ST; pigs. ST.tVtiH.il; bulk of sales, $7 70tj?7.S.Y SIIKKI' AND T.AMRS-It.orlpts. esti mated at 1.500 heatl. Market stea'ly; na tive. $2.onti4.4; western. $ .70 j 14 ..15 : year lings. $4 50'a6Bii Lnmba: Native, western, $4. 60VA.lt. $4 25i.l5; I i Kansas I'lty Live Hock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 2S CATTLK Receipts, 600 head. Including UK) southerns; market steady; native steers, $5.25fuV75; southern steers, $5.ooi6.00; southern cows, $3.2.V(j.75; native cows and heifers. $.".25? 6 25- stockers and feeders, $4 .50.00; bulls, $400,25; calves. $4.75s.f0; western steers, 15.00'nti tai- Wentern et.u a 't 'V.fn Oft. Ht)t;s Receipts. 8 5ii0 head; market steadv to 5e lilcher: hniw of sales. JT.tV.'tf 7.75; heavy. V.Ku' 70; psekers and butchers. $7.fi.V, 7 75; lights, $7.7(V,j7 .80. SHK.EP AND LA MRS Receipts, none: market steady; muttons. $4.0n&4.50; lambs. $5.6tni4.00; fed wethers and yearlings, $4 2.Vi 6.5tl; fed western ewes. $4 tOu 4.30. ft. I.onls I,le Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 2S CATTI.K Re ceipts. 500 head, including 100 Texans; mar ket steady; tistlve beef steers, $..(77 00; cows and heifers, t3.76lV25; stockers and feders. $3.75fi5..,0; Texas and Indian steers. $3 75fott.50; cows and heifers. $.'Vtlo'ci4.75; calves Is carload lots, Sri.00fti8.no. HOC JS Receipts. 3. OIK) head: market steady; pigs and lights. $7 7ti'iiM): packers, ST.251iS.10; butchers and bent heavy, $7.65 U 90 SIIEKP AND LAMPS Receipts, 200 head; market steady; native muttons, S3.75411 4.25; lambs, $5.55''(;1I.25. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 2S. CATTLK Re ceipts, 100 head; market steady; steers, $5.00 I 4ni.AO; cows and heifers, $:t.SHi5.75; calves, 55 S5.0OfiS.50. itous iteceipts. 2.1(H) head; marset weas. to 5c lower; top. $7.05; calves, $7.5.Vu7.GO. SHKKP AND I AM RS None oil sale; market steady; lambs, $5.75'uU.15. Slni'L In Mailt. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omnhu & 4.300 .... St. Joseph 100" 2.100 Kansas City 5t 3.5H) St. luis 500 ,) 200 Chicago 3o0 D.ooO 1.6t0 Totals 1,450 21.H00 1,700 OMAHA WMOI.KSAI.K PHH K4, ' BITTTKU-Crcnmery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 26c; No. 2, In 30-lb. tuba, 24o; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons, t4o ; packing stock, solid pack, 14c; dairy In 60-ll. tubs, 15ultic. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, lfJfflOHc; young Ameri cas, 18c; daisies, 17ic; triplets, 17VK; llm i..i..'a-A ' iq. v.," 1 ' i,Piu t,i,A.aH Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, 22c; block Swiss 19c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs., $5 per dos. ; hens, 14-c; cocks, 11c; ducks, 18c; geese, 18c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per doi., $1.20; homer squabs, per doz., $4; fancy squabs, per dos., $3.50; No. 1, per dos., $3. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth legs, 190c; hens, 10-c; stags and old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese, full feathered, 9Sc; turkeys. 19c; guinea fowls, c each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dos., $3; squabs, No. 1, per dos., $1.50; No, 2, per dos., 50c; capons, over 8 lbs., 14c. FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, 7c; white 11c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; largo crapples, 20o; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, lc; had dock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 2c; roe shad, $1 tch; shad roe, per pair, 6hc; frog legs, net dos., 60c; salmon. 11c; hali but. 10c hevrlng, 6o. REEK CUTS-Rlba: No. 1, 18o; No. 2. 1240; No. 3, 94c Loin: No. 1, 17c; No. t, 134c; No. 3, Kio. Chuck, No. 1, 744c; No. , 7'4o; No. t, 7c. Round: No. 1. c; No. I. gic; No. S. 8c. Hate: No. 1. No. i 6Ue: No. 3. 6ic. FRI'ITS Apples, Missouri Jonathan, per bbl., $5.50; Missouri Hen Davis, per bbl., $4.75; California Uelleflower. per box, $1.65; Oregon and Washington Jonathan, extra fancy, 150 to 175 sues, per box. $J.25; Colorado extra fancy Jonathan, R. Twig and W. W. Pearmaln. per full bu. box, $2.50. Washington extra fancy Wlnesap, 90-112 sizes, per bu.. $2.75: 150-175 sizes, per box. $2.50. Rananas. fancy select, per bunch. $2.2.Vij2.50; Jumbo bunch. $2.7563.75. Cranberries, per box, $3.10; Jersey, per bbl., $9.75; Wisconsin Rell and Bugle brand, per bbl.,. $10.50. Dates. Anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. packages in boxes, per box, $2.00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6Vc. Kigs. new California, 12 12-oz, packages, 85c; 30 12-os. packages. $2,40; 50 6-z. packages, $2.00; Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., liic; 6-crown, per lb., J4c; 4-crown. per lb., 13c. Grapes. Malaga. . OOfuiio lbs. gross, per keg. $7.00'tf 8.00. Grape fruit. Florida. 46-54-04 sizes, per box. $3.75; 80-96 alzeB. per box, $3 25. lemons. Limonelra brand, extra fancy. 3OO-3T.0 sizes, per box. $4.25: choied. .H-360 sizes, per box, $3.75; 240 size. 60c per box less. Oranges. Camella Redlanda navels, 80-96 sizes, per box, $2.65; 12 size, per box, $2.76; ISO size, per box. $2.75; 176 and smnller sizes. $3.00; choice navels, 80-96 sizes, $J.3R; 12.; size, $2.50. 15o and smallea sixes, tl.nt'if 2.75. Florida, all sizes, per box, $2.50. Pears, California Winter Nellis. per box $2.75; New York Kelfer. per bbl., $3.75114.00. VEOETARLES Reans. siring and wax. per market basket. $1.50. Reels, per bu., 75c. Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb.. 1"c. Carrots, per bu.. 75c. Celery. Michigan, per dox. bunches. 35c j California Jumbo, per doz. bunches, 90c. Cucumbers, hot house, m arid 2 dox. in box. per doz., $2.25. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz.. $2. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c. lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz., 40c. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2'4c: Indiana white, per lh., Sc; Spanish, per crate, $1.50. Parsley, fancy home grown, per doz. hunches, 10c. ParsntpH, per bu.. 75c. Pota toes. Early Ohio, In sniks. per bu., Hoc; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu.. j 7T.ic. Rutabagas, per III.. lU-. Sweet po- ' tr.'oes. KanMis, per bbl., $2.50: Illinois, per large bbl.. $.'..V) Tomatoes, Elorida. per ; 6-basket crate. $5 00 Turnips, per bu. 75c. MI.SCELlANEOt'S-Almonds. California soft shell, pur lb , le; In sack lots, lc less. Rrazil nuts, per lb., 13c: tn sack lots. 1 less. Cocoanuts. per sack. $5.50: per doz., KOc. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc less, llickorynuts, larite, per lb.. 5c; small, per lb.. 6c peanuts, roasted, per lb.. 8c; raw. per lb. 6'-si Pecans, large, per lb., liic; in sack lotse. le less. Walnuts, black, per lb., 2ii'; California, per lb.. !'; In sack lots lc less Cider. New Vork Mott's. per .-bbl.. $.175: per bbl.. $6 75. Honey-, new, 24 frames, $1. Cotton Morale I. . NEW YORK. Jan. 2s. COTTON Futures closed oulet. Closing bids: Jan, J14'i5; i Feb.. $14.65; .March, $14 76; April. $14 So; I I Mav, $14 Vi; June. $14 93. July, $14.06. An., 14. 63. Oct. I13.4U; Dec, $13.20. Spot closed ' quiet; middling uplands. $14 90; middling I gulf $15 15; sales. Ml bales. I,l Klil'tnili. Jan. zs. t in iu.-npoi ! otuet: prices unchanged; American mld- I tiling fair. $t Id; good middling. IV 14 mid- illinu Is u.s: low iiilutlllni;. I. 82. good oruin art, $7.56; ordinary. $7.31. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales of which Sua erefor Bpoculatlon and export and Ini'luded 7.7'iO American. Receipts, 2.0t"l bulea. no Amer ican. Futures opened dull and closed quiet and steudy. ST. LOl'lS, Jan. 28 COTTON I'n chungid; middling, 15ic; no sales; re celpls, 1 tils bales; shipments, 1,557 bales; stock, 23,501 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by Logan & lirysn. members New Verk Cotton exchange. 312 South Sixteenth street Omaha: Month. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. I Yes'y. j j .Ian. ; Mch j May .1 "lv i A" ... 14 68 ...i 14 80 ...I 14 96 ...I 14 87 ...! 14 W ...I 13 40 14 70 14 i-l 14 7 Isj'J 14 66 13 42 I 14 65 i 14 76 I 14 93 I 14 94 14 63 I 13 4l 14 r 14 64 14 76 14 77 14 93 14 HI 14 95 14 95 14 Ct 1 1 64 13 41 13 40 1 'i t Wool Market. ST. LOflfl Mo., Jan. 2 -WOOL I'n rhanged: larrltury and western mediums, UnZH-. fine mediums. i;iil9c; fine, 12'i 13c. A Guarantee of Ruslntss Prosperity The Perslatent and Wise Patronage of The Bee Advertising Columns. YOUNG MEN GET TO THE FRONT Financial Initiations Shifting; Bur-'" dents to Strong- Shoulders. OLD MEN IN ADVISORY ROLE Proposed Large loanea of llnllrond rurltles Arouse Keen Interest In Mall Street lllah Finance la Wsltlna. RT I'HKSTUN C. ADAMS. NKW YORK. Jan. 2S -(Spwlal to The Itec 1 In finance, ns well n In other lines of endeavor, the young man is coming Into Ms own. Recent bank elmtiKrs In New York have served to cmphasUe the grsdual shifting of the burden of finance lo young ehi uhlers. Frank A. Vanderllp of the Nallonnl City bank. Fiancls L. Illnc of the 1'lrst Na tional. Albert H VVIgn'n of the Chase Na tional, .lantrs t? t'nntion of the Fourth Natlonnl. nnil Samuel Wolverton of the Ciillatin National arc all voting hank pres- hit nts, many of them on the sunny side of fvi. Thomas H Lnmont and William H. I'otter. who have lust ntered the Morsun firm, and also several of the newly elected I trust company presidents belong to this I class. So does Oeorce M. Reynolds of iiicago. who nesns tnc largest nans. 01 tti west. The tendency seems to be to plsce nun between 40 and 61) at the head of the great Institutions as the older men drop put. Itt inanv Instances tin- older men are I hiail chairmen of the board, and It may ! he no more elnvtie office wns ever created than "chairman of the board This position may mean nothing or It may mean everything. All depend upon the man filling It, and upon the wishes of directors. Old Ones Politely Vhelved. The president of nn organisation who has outlived Ills list fulness, instt atl of being vulgarly dismissed, can politely be elevated to the office of chairman of the bo:ird. with, however, no powers. or when a great many tlit:ills press upon a Iran of conspicuous ability. It Is sometimes convenient to have it subordinate mailt) president and Invest still fuller powers In the former president as chairman. We have hail "everal recent instances i f both kinds of changes, of the to-called promo tions which have really meant superan nuation. It were unpleasant to speak. Rut when a man l'k" A. Rarton Hep tv.rn becomes a chairman of the board .if tho Chase National hank Instead of presi dent. It simply means that ho will be re lieved of Irksome routine duties, so aa to enable him to devote more time to large problems. When Mr. Harriinsn first as pired to nilershlp in the l'nlon Pacific ha was denied the presidency, but was made chairman of tho executive board; his co directors quickly discovered, however, that 'his office could carry with It mora power than the presidency, and In due course he was elected to the latter office, as well us to the chairmanship. cw Railroad Issues. As talk of contemplated financing by numerous railroads Is being indulged In throughout the street following the an nouncement of the Pennsylvania's plain for authorising the Issuance of HOO.OiiO XBJ of additional stock, it Is not surprising that the New York Central Is credited with being next on the program of roads plan ning to Issue new bonds. One rumor In n'li 11 me pi.-ins 01 ine i e w i oik. Central for new financing had it that thla mud was about to issue $IO.0tiO.0OO 0f 6 ,,er a. cent debenture bonds at 97 or H7H, while anotner tumor had it that this issue al ready hHd been sold. The latter rumor was denied In official quarters, however, and all that was definitely learned Was I that the company has In view anttia iauv:iiiK v 1111:11 tuts not yet otfii approved by the directors or shareholders. Just how soon arrangements will he made for this new financing is not known, but indications now are that no flotation will be made within the near future. Of course publication of the plans of tho Pennsylvania railroad to authorise the Is suance of $100,010,000 more capital stock he) arranged In order to supply the road with funds needed to pay for additional stock In the Norfolk Western, stock about eight months ago, which, with Its previous holdings, gave It a clear mujorltv of flny Norfolk A: Western stock. There never has been any official announcement as to how this purchase of Norfolk & Western stock was financed, but It is known that the amount which tho Pennsylvania bought last summer was larger than could he cov ered with the proceeds of the $40,000,000 of new Pennsylvania sto.'lt. which it Is now proposed to Issue If i.mv considerable por tion thereof Is to be left for other pur JKises. High Finance Itlilea Time. "Waiting." That, In one word, sums up the attitude of high finance. It Is waiting for the supreme court derisions; It Is wait ing for tho Interstate Commerce commis sion's ruling: It is waiting for trade de velopments: II is U'uililtti' nuu .1 corporate securities: it Is waiting for the A? moneiHry commission s action. Meanwhile,.' a neutral course Is being followed as far as possible, although, of course, things can never he allowed to stand still, on the Stock exchange nothing of outstanding Im portance is occurring; prices move down wards and upwards within a rather narrow ranwe snti me cip.uy turnover seldom ex The Coffee Market. New Orleans Is steadily forging to the front as a coffee market. The total figures of Rrazil rot fee imports for the year 1910 show a further recession tn the percentage of shipments to New York as compared with New Orleans. The Imports of New York were 2.736. 117 bags, or about 60 per cent; to New Orleans, 1,R62,899 bags, or 40 per cent. For 11109 New York Imported 4,474,415 bags and New Orleans 2.5l.llf bags, the re spective percentages of shipments being C4 and 36. while In 1908 they were 66 and 34. Turpentine Price Is lllah. Another gratifying bit of Industrial news for the south lies in the fact that the price of turpentine has t eat lit (I the highest price since the war. with cotton and turpentine), two of its greatest stupl. s setting a record at high prices there Is small reason to wonder at the verv optimistic feeling which exists iii the southern section of the coun try. Railroads MaUInu- Money. The new Increase In the Canadian Pacific dividend has evoked comparisons between he prosperous state of that railroad and those in the l'nited States. Rut what ure the facts? A little investigation will bring out that within the last twelve months. .!..,, .. ..it i .. t..ll ..t t. .. .. . ceeds 500.000 shjires. If the quotation which opens this paragraph were to be amplified the word hopefully" could be added, s , though this addition would not be sub- f j ; scribed to by all factions.' There are still a f I few Influential people who cannot see a iV bright outlook. J .,,t . , i iut ."in w. itaiu iii.tra aim criully low frilntu rates, not one or tis. J but a score of American roads have raised their dlshursemi nt s to stockholders. Here Is a list liiat dot s not pretend to be com- . I if plete. but wlileli Is siif'lelent to substan tiate the claim Just niailc: Per Cent t l aid Rale. H9. I'dO. i 6 ) 4 5 7 Change, Chesapeske & Ohio.. C. I". C & St. L . com Isiulsvllle .s. Nui.hv 111. Koo, eonillioli Nash.. Chat St. I. i 7 $ Nntloniil ItullvvHVk of Mexico, first pfd.. Ni-vi Yoi"k Central.. Pittsburg Chieugo St. Louis, com Readlna:. com I 4 5 t. 4 4 12 6 4 4 5 0 3 I win I Itv. coin i Western Maryland, pfd I t illMtll tl-I.l t.r.l t't-ntral of New Jersey 10 Evnnsvllle ti Ttne Haute, com 4 L. S & Mich. Southern 12 N. Y.. Chic. St. I... com 0 St L.. I M V- Southern 4 Seaboard So.. 1st .fd.. 0 3 It Lehigh Valley t tills nnd lloaln. SAVANNAH. .Ian Firm at Me. Sales bills ; rhlpments l ! -Tt R P V. N T I N V. -5 til. Is ; receipt i. 2 ,1 bl. Is , sioH . s rA 1. 1. Is Id iSIN Firm Sales. 1.075. l.l.ls.' re ceipts, l 575 l.bis ; shipments. ,875 I, Ills : stocks 81 K20 bbls. U notations; R. $ SO; 1 1 .hi: i:. $.;it); i". $; '; o. t c-. it. $6 72': I. MM); K 7 .10; M. $7 00; N. i;.r; w. $voo; ww. ISM. gtolrn .levielrj I'onnd In I'aTTnabop. CINCINNATI. O, Jsn 28. lewnlrv valued at a.mo.0.0 alleged to have baAa .o.l,.n from the home of Iia .1. Mix ln Chicago l.y l.llllan lit Doi.ald, now under av srret tn St. Louis. I. as been recovered In Cliinclntisll pawnthops by the local police, I Who Udy foi warded the V',nN to "bl- V rsgo. Accortlliig McDonald was -'"na to polle,. iflclula Ml. sci vunt In the Mlg f1 1 l ,ii h i til; 1. M 71 If: i ll