OMAHA" SUX1V.T nm,f .-AtiY rr, ,m THE NEWS "HA BEE a S (B o day will be found valuable o .9 IS HE TIMET UY Aft. fa 11 S A ii t t . . i J . i 11 MOW Y REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RAM II UU FOR BALE faabt lontlnaed. , INVESTMENTS IN IDAHO DOUBLE ALMOST EVERY YKAU Filer, Twin fulls county. Idaho, In in the heart of the Twin Falls Irrigation tract, the largest body of Irrigated land In the world. 240.ut acre of tillable, fertile. Irri gated land. Buy townsito property In Filer. The land will be A 1,1. PR Dl'C I NO IN A t'KW YKAR8. IT IS ALL I'MSTED NOW. Write riKht Now about thla. RIPLEY lillOTHEHS, (Formerly of Omahai. FILER, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. 7?o NET Tr.f XT nm C L.-L Seven Per Cent Net The South Side project of the Gray act consists of 8I0.UUO acrea. There s room for 24.00U farmers. Til KKK Hl'NDRKD AND BKVBNTY-TWO BvH'ARK MILKH of farm lands, all of It being enplel as fast ns they learn of It. They need money for trees, aeed, Implements to build their homes. This Is YOUR opportunity. Wa can double your money and net you 7 per cent on every dollar one or many you let us have. Write for the free booklet right now. Iiearn of this wonder country of the continent, being peopled by frugal folk. Address BUHL INVESTMENT COM FAN I, BUHL, IDAHO. DO IT NOW. Today. , IDAHO FRUIT LANDS. S30 eyres of fine Irrigated land with Vlenty of water, In the famous Council alley and almost adjoining the great Council Mesa Orchard tract and equally s Rood In every respect. Can be sold In lo-arre tracts. Council Valley apples always take FIRST prlie In Council Uluffs Horticultural Fair. Price $i!0 per sere, part cash, balance easy terms. Send for booklet and full particulars. J. Mon roe Smith, 481 So. lllh street, Boise, Idaho. 7 Money Net 7 Money earns MOBH money In Cassia county. Idaho, than In any other western tats. . YOU CAN KOUHLK YOl'R JdONKY IN IDAHO. Cassia, the KICHK8T COUNTY IN Tilt! STATIC, Invites you to come. Write a postal card today. WRITE KK1HT NOW. ' For FRttE) booklets, letters of general informatlun, photographs and Hats ef op portunities, address ' F. K. UHISWOLD. secretary Burlfy Com mercial club. Hurley, Idaho. O. A.- AXL1NE. secretary Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary Oakley Com mercial club, Oakley, Idaho. Pingree, Idaho There's room for Investor, business man, merchant, lawyer, artisan, laborer In this new wonder country of Idaho. Write right now for full Information, free booklets. Address Pingree Townsite Company, James F. Burton, Secretary, First National Bank BUJg-., Qgden. Utah. Farms Pay Tou can surely plant 75 trees to the acre the trees will bear eight boxes of com mercial apples to each tree. At the lowest market valuation they are worth a dollar a box and that is W per acre net from a -acre farm on the I'uitvd Slates Govern ment Minidoka Project. Writs fur my free booklet today. a A. JOHNSON, Atty nt Law, . Burley, Idaho. ARB you prepared to grasp YOl'R OP fiortunltyT You don't know wuen It's mm ng. but when it does you have to grasp it hold fast to It. and ride it to a Uarrlson finish. Write right now for the opportunities have for young men and old, too, to make big money easily. FRANK RIULETT, ALBION. IDAHO. r " 1 1 "" " Ha . I QUIT RENTING ten years ago and came west with x bought leo aorvs itanuas laun am well 'fixed now ana uavi'r- too, came two years ago and have done well n this tine rlimate. Oood neighbors. school aud church. I urge remeis to come and see the airaira, corn una uui... no uuctor bills. w ill mase ncn. 1) acres, Uupiuvrd, I miles county seat, 2j; terms. 440 acres. Improved, miles county seat aw; leriue. SWITZElt LAND CO.. ill pleasant Bu Dea Moines, la MS Av-rvco. mi. tuwa. ,iw sis room house; barn, sneus. nv planed, bnlance ftncea pasture, wii Hiuum, illlalile. Hural route, iwv,",u ,ju"u iubij, son, neigh bors. Cripyieo wun sciatica, uu.i 0r eiung. per . ii in ii wauled. V. Albright. Brewster. Ivan. FOR SALE An estate In Labette county Kansas, of mo-acr stock farm, i ne cre bottom, never ovuflows; nules of l'r. sons; has good improvements, some Um ber, IsJ acrea In iiiw, clovvr. alfa.fa. tiiuo- thy; pieniy ui ' oiack land T.rmi on lli vr vein, ion n.- I'riee. I" Per r- ""s Bros., i arsonai au- , CRAWFORD COUNTY, KANSA.S-Nle. smooth, rich prairie with timber along the reeks, best oorn, clover and tunutliv land In southeast Kanaas. Send for description list. James Wllkiiis, Walnut. Kan. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN SOON-1W acres, good -room house, large bam. other buildlnsa. plenty fruit; grove 40 acrea, pas ture 12U mow land, balance cultivated; miles town on goed road; rural route, tele pnme; plenty ater, wind mill and tank; Imi rods new bog wire, too, easy terms; would taks some trade. W. tt. HUBBARD, Welda. Kan. . MR. RENTER Bargains In vest central ' Ksnsas. Nice 10 acres. Improved. I miles station; easy terms; 12. 5w. 14) acres raw land. M.KU Ed. twlng. Dlsblon, Kan. 750 ACBE3. well Improved, adjoins R It town In southern Kansas. Alfalfa corn, wheat stock and fruit farm. Prtoe ; best of terms. W. I. Carter, Sterling, Kan. REAL ESTATE f-'ARM AMU HA.XH LAM) FOR SALE Kanam ' ontlneed. Fort SALK F arms and ranch- In Green, wood county, Kaunas, the banner cattle county In the world. I have LJtw acres of LIuh stem pasture land for exchange for merchandise to the amount of U.oM. Price $.5 lei acre. Lock Bo 4hl. Lurcka. Kan.- TWO TRACTS of LS?J acrea each, cheap; one Improved, one nut. Klngery Realty Co., Kiiigery. Kan. .n ALKU.S wheal, corn and alfalfa land, luthrrn Kansas. niilei. county seat. M acrea wheal. 20 acres elfaira: well im proved. Price Sim. 1- 1. Kiser. 1 Dorado. Ken. ACBKH. solid tract. 4 sets Improve ments; 2 miles town. bet soli, cant be duplicated In Mate. fit. Bel terms Kansas-Colorado Investment Co. tocott City. Kan.- . Loalslana. FOR "A LR Louisiana orancs and rig trees are money makers. Will sell you E arte of fertile land with 100 orange and fig trees bearing In 8 year for 1260, 920 monthly payments: will Culti vate and take care of trees and pay taa lor I years; no Interest; title guaranteed; trees tins neaxoti in this section have netted from $5 to lit; inducements on larger tracts For further particulars address A. J. Uodard. Abbeville, La. allaarsnta. WE have for sale nine quarter sections of the best land In the stale, we will sell this land on uuurter to one person only on the following terms: fl per acre down and tl per acre per year, covering a period of VJ years; optional payments at 6 per cent Interest. These special plioee and In ducements are to locate nine families In this section of the state in ehort order. Call or add reus: NELSON t, DOOLITTLB. Crocker Bldg.. Dvs Moines, la. FARM lands for sale; bargains In Im proved tar u is In southwestern Minnesota. Write F. M. Young. DeUratf. Minn. CO ACRES i miles from Foxhome. Minn. Nice grove, house ltx24s!(; kitchen UxX4xi7. orse barn, Hxxb. granary, 14xl4xs; good Dog house, this is the biggest bargain In seventeen states. Fries $4U Will trade fur an automobile. 240 acres In Wilkin county. Minn., with forty acres timber on it: land is level: has fins drainage; all ditched and ditches paid for; farm Is all fenced and croas fenced; has about SO acres cut over maple ana oak. There la a barn 4vx90; win hold 100 tons of hay; house 12x40. Farm Is eight miles from town; has rural telephone and mail. Price 146 per acre. Will trade fur stock of goods. BJoro B. Oialaaon. Mloneoia, Mlno CENTRAL MINNESOTA. 100 Improved farms, low prices, easy terms, "GOOD TITLE ALWAYd." Write for list. Mention thie paper. C. D. Baker Fergus Falls. Minn. ' JMtaMeurU STTOPI TVHi't era a area rurthe tfiaa Douglas Co., down !n the beautiful Osarka Raise anything; corn. 10 to 6 bushels per ere; sll other crops la proportion i cheap est good land oa earth; 6 to IM per acre, Free lntoruloa. 4tabe HeeU alatate Ava, Mo FOR SALE Some of the best fruit lavnd In the Koshkonotig-Brandsvllle fruit dle triot, prices lower than anybody. Also good farms at very low prices. Write S 3. Cox Real Estate Co., Brandsville, Howell CO., Mo. FOR SALE 7M aorea suleadld Vernon Co. (Mo.) stock and grain farm; every aore good. Plenty oc water. . fries. M iter acre: as gooa as sine low a lana and tar better climate, write for Letter sescrlptWD. E. bpurgeon. Owner. O lathe, Kan. STOP! LISTEN ! eu-acre farm 5n5, Other farms. Cheap timber land. McOrath Mountain View, Mo. HOMES EJCKER9 and Investors write for our large list of farms and lands for sale, In the Heart of The Osarka," J. A. War ren Jr., at Co., Rlchlund, Mo. BUY Missouri land raises everything. Good markets. Cheap now, going up- easy terms. V e help you. v rite quick. filiusourl blate Board of ImmUratlon hprlngllcia, Missouri. Mas tans. WANTED Agents to sell Montana wheat lands. We own a large colonisation tract Of st nam plow land near three dlfferen I all roads. Up-to-date field and offlc force, automobile service, etc. Libera commissions. Write for agency and ter ritory allotment at once, and get ready for big spring business. El wood Bros.. 435 Faiace tiiug., Minneapolis, Minn.' 1 Xebraska. A BAHiGAINl,280 acres IMPROVED FARM You can buy this about the same as paying rent. Two sections In one body located a llttl went of Central Nebraska, eight miles from good railroad town; highly Improved black clay soli; In the best winter wheat section In the state: 040 acres under plow lerms: Will take as irst payment I buslnexs or residence property In Omaha, South Omaha or t'ouncll Bluffs worth from H.oiio to tfi.tMiO and $2,00 each, balance prac tically the Him) as paving rent. Am old and wish to retire. F 410. Bee. 960 A., $60 an A. Sarpy County. All level. Harrison & Morton FINE WHEAT LAND 10O-32O acres, Cheyenne Co., Neb., level, good soil, valley, six miles of Burlington, f 17 per acre Terms. W. S. Ripley, 2S1 Burt St , Omaha. KIMRALL COUNTY. Must sell at once, lx acres farm land; 10u acres level, black soli; good water; per fect title; no alkali, no sand: close to school and P. U: 8 miles to R, R. ; per aore: lift) cash. uft March 1, bll; bal ance In three years' time, with Interest at t per cent. W. T. Young. Jr , County Sur veyor of Kimball County, Kimball, Neb. t.OOO ACRES rich, level improved farm land ranch, $12 W per acre; terms; on Hade; owner C. J. Wildy, Hemingford, Nb. MY S040-arre farm for sale or rent, dress Henry Stahl, Basset t, Neb. Ad- 2000UO ACRES HOMESTEAD LAND. To be opened soon for which V. S Gov ernment has appropriated over t4.0u0.iiuo to Irrigate Along line where V P. railroad la building through North llatte valley. To keep posted on this country, send fiuc for subscripitlon to Mall, Morrill, Neb. Located in the heart of the big homestead country. . IFOR rich, fs SALE The finest section level. farm land, clear, near Atkinson. Holt county. Nebraska, ht a sacrifice . F-tuO per acre, cash. E. Hansel 1, 34J4 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. REAL ESTATE FARM AID HAMOI l.A.MJ FOR DALE XebrsaVs OontlnaeeL EASTEliNNEBRASKA BARGAINS. POSSESSION MAKCII 1. SO acres, all In cultivation, fair Improve ments ell hleh tab e land anA ! nf poll, SO acres of fall wheat which gues with he place, three miles to good town. One f the choice s In this part cf the coun- ry. Price. isuu per acre. : acres, highly Improved and on main road. R. F. D. and telephone line. 4 miles o good town. ItiO acres In cultivation, 40 ere clover and alfaita, fine orcnard. Land i all mien tame una. except about ores, which Is rolling and Is In pasture. About 2j acres natural timber In pasture: 11-room house and large burn. Price. i.OtV.W. 80 acres, well Improved, t miles from South Omaha, all good land, 12 acres Haifa, ii acres prairie hay, balance In ultlvatlon. Frlce, IWW.09 per acre. 40 acrea, on macadamised road. I miles from Benson. All tillable, gently rolling and and all In cultivation. Best close-in nd bargain near Omana. Fries, (IJs.ue Western iowa bargain. 820 acres One of the best and best Im proved farms In Fremont county, Iowa. All blgh land ana an taoieiano except a small portion of pastuie, which Is a little rolling. f L .. ,1 I, , i 11 r... eet with stalls fur H4 horses, large bins, driveway and room for ou tons of hay; double corn crib 4vxiW feet, large cattle sheds, hay sheds, self-feeder, hog houses. wo windmills ana ail buuaings necessary or a modern, up-to-date farm; ;tt acres apple orchard ai.d plenty of other fruit of different kinda and varieties. Fenced and cross fenced, roost of which is hog tight woven wire. This Is certainly a Cine slock and grain farm and Is all ready for busi ness. Frlce liw per acre, rossesaion Marca 1. 0. It. COMBS, Rooms 807 to 811 Brandeis Theater Bldg.. I I L n XTK vitmitm, lieu. Phones Douglas 3SK1. A-J711. SARPY COUNTY FARM. THIS WILL MAKE YOU GOOD MONET. EXTRA GOOD REASONS WHY. The best section of land near Omaha for the money. Will subdivide into two eighties and sell either one or both. A set of improvements on each. The soil Is excellent Al. and land lays first rate. In good neighborhood, within to miles of six towns, telephone, and H mile to school; t.0 cash, fl.Doo March 1, will handle one of these eighties; fJ,no by Msrch 1, bainnre 6 per cent, takes the other; xsu.Ml per acre In its entirety. Possession given. Young farmer, old one or Investor: You are making no mistake In buying thin quarter or either one of the eighties. Come and see the goods and come prepared to buy If suited, as It Is for sale and for sale right. We nave a large list of farms, but only a few downright bargains. This Is surely one. Let ns make you money. - - OR1N S. MERRILL COMPANY. New Location: 1213-1214 City Nat l Bank 3ldg. For quick sale we nave lnv acres un improved land about 13 miles west from An eel mo, Custer county, tor only lis per acre. P. O. NIELSEN at CO.. 70S Omaha National Bank. Phone D. 2204 new Irene. BARGAIN to homeseekera or Investor; 1.2M0 acres flneet land in nsrthern New Mexico, one mile from railroad, per aore. C. O. Fisher, ttaton. New Mexico North Carolina.. SMALL FARMS at profitable prices In the "Nation s Garden Spot'' of Eastern N. C. Salary niun, investors, and farm ers write fur Interesting details. Carolina Trucking Pevvlopiuent Co., Wilmington, N. c." Mortal Dakota. M ACRES. Stutaxnaa Co.. N. D elear, for good residence, clear, la Dea ALolnea K-io. of laud IJ0 per aore. 19 sores. Well improved, IS Miles from tvinniKM. Manllobi. lor Income- Prlc tw Dei' uore; wig . HMtt eauuy. Lock tx Itf, Spirit Lake, Is. SOLICITORS WANTED.. I own and control about t.vuO acres of choice farm lands In Burleigh and Kid der Co.. No. Dak., and want 60 good rep reaenlaUvea, others peed not apply. Best of references. W. E. lluney. Laud Invest ments. Bismarck, fi. U. Oklahoma. FOR BALE Five milee from Kremlin, Okl.. all smooth black soil .good for alfalfa. law aoree wheat, balance pasture; good bouse, barn and orchard; would take KOUO stock of groceries in trade, wm. tvrause, EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Bend for prices anJ descriptions of farms. Ira Stout, t-'ushlng. Okl. Ureaoa. Homesteads Advantages of Oregon, 100 page book Dlalnlng what each county Is adapted fir, gives amount of government land open to homestead In each county, how to necure 1(4) or 3i0 acres free, homestead, desert, timber, stono, ccal and mineral laws, gen eral description of Oregon. Two maps it colors. 21x2. showing K. R. In operation the other showing proposed H. It. mil eltctrlc lines. Including eastern and centra Oregon, each; the three fiOc; fctvee amount of government land open to home stead in each county, In the state o Washington, descrlotlon of same, map n Washington In oulors, 20c. Nlmino. Runey & Co., Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. ORBOON. Baker county, the first In eastern Oregon, offers more Inducements than any other; Improved alfalfa, grain and fruit land, 40 per acre up; raw land, 1)0 and up; fine stock ranches; for price list and booklet call on or address Meyers-Eckerman Realty Co., Baker. Ore. snath Dakota. . riVB QUARTER SECTIONS, unimproved, good soli, every foot la good tillable farm land; easy terms; 30 per aore, F. L. Crosby. Boneaieel, S. D- SPLENDID Improved farm, IT per acre, eastern South Dakota; will take merchan dise as part payment. Nsiater, moux Fails, a. D. FOR SALE 320 acrea Lyman Co. land, 8 miles from town; 48 acres broke, all fenoed and cross fenced, good well and other Im provements; U.frJO It taken within thirty days. Address owner, O. C. Usmcnway, Caps, a D I - 1 Texas. ORANGE orchards near Houston are big Investment. Our five-acre orchards are sold on easy monthly payments. The Alvln Japanese Nui series adjoin and their ex perts develop and care for our orchards three years. Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Federal l.and oY. Invest ment Co., Houston, Tex. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAMCH LAND FOR BALK Tria oatiaaed. ABOUT 1 BOO ACRES. Rrasna ennnte Texas; t miles station; two-thirds bottom, balanoe upland; J per cent tillable; fenced. several subdivisions; V cultivation; Ideal (I tor aiiaiia, potatoes, oane oorn. etc.; bal ance timber; five housee, barn, everlasting water; moat Ideal hog ranch and stock farm In state; bogs on range will pay In terest on 130.GO0; bottom timber will pay for place; best personal reasons for offer ing this bargain at to per acre for oulok sale; terme. Address owner. 8. W. Mered ith. MlUican. Tex, ORANGE, FIG AND TRUCK crops In the Texas Gulf Coast Country will make you independent. Webster, mid way between Houston and Galveston, has fertile soli, ideal climate. Raise three crops a year and get away from hard times, high cost of living and severe win ter; live out doors, hunt, fish, swim, sail. enjoy life while making money. Will take party down tea. 7. Special accommoda tions, low rates. Houston Orchards Co. makes special proposition to first hundred settlers. For particulars address Samuel Klrkgard, Paxton Hotel, Omaha. LIVE REAL ESTATE MEN -We want you o read the advertisement In Everybody's 'osmopolltan. World's Work, and Success magazines of the Texas Orchard Develop ment Co. wontierlul Chocolate Bayou lands. Write us for liberal sales contract and literature. We are general sales agents for Nebraska, western Iowa and South Dakota. The Orchard Homes Co., 11 N. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. TEXAS school lands, II. SO to $5 per acre; 1-40 cash, balance 40 years; some don't re quire residence; good land. Write J. J. Snyder, Dept. 62, Austin, Tex. THK TEXAS REALTY JOURNAL In a high-class Illustrated Texas magaein. giv ing reliable Information on entire state; treats on developments, resources, prod ucts, raised, cllmatlo conditions, land prices, health resorts, where to locate, etc.: puis you In touch wltn land rners; gives list of school lands; send 2o for three months' subscription and map of Texas; no sample copies; we are puhltxhere not land ilers. Texas Realty Journal, Houston, Tex. riaa. The Farmer Finds His Best Opportunities In the New West Ogden, Utah, the Gateway to the New West, a land of almost fabulous wealth, most of which Is undeveloped, offers a SURE CASH market to every farmer who cultivates his soli with even the leant de gree of Intelligence. Here as elsewhere a man must work for what he gets, but he gets more or less work; realties a better price from the men who work In shops, factories, for railroads and stores. Ogden Is tha NATURAL markst place for thou sands of dollars' vJdrth of farm produce every month. A PAID OFFICIAL Is employed by The Weber Club to give YOU exact and truth ful Information. You can write for this in formation and you will write if you know what's good for you. Address TODAY, right now. TILE SECRETARY The Weber Club OGDEN, UTA1I. INVESTORS Can not find a better opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a growing sec tion of Hie richest section In the west Write me today 1 keep you posted and WILL UL'AHANTIiK 8 NET. GEO. J. KELLY, J Cigden Ftate Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. The Farmers' Splen did Chance Murray. Utah, offers a quick cash mar ket for everything that can bn raised on the fertile lands surrounding this city. A ready market for grains, hay. fruit, truck and garden sluff. There has been a greater trrowth of the city than of the valley sur rounding. Factories of all sorts offer to the farmer an IMMEDIATE CAHH MAR KKT f r his produce and Salt Lake City a metropolis, only twenty minutes away by trolley, riease write the secretary. The Murruy Commercial Club, Murray, Utah WRITE TO WILLIAMS BROB., Real Es tate, Murray, I tan,, fur full, complete, re liable Information concerning this city. Busy factories, farm lands, town lots that may be bought for less than their value ARE A FEW OF THE OPPORTUNITIES WE CAN TELL YOU OF. Write today. You AllE Coming to Utah Then YOU MUST ASK US where and In what section you had better settle. PLANT TREES THAT WILL GROW; WHERE they will grow, Our NURSERY BUSINESS puts us In touch. LETTER OK INFORMATION FREE. Davis County NurBerles, Roy, near Ogden, Utah. WaahlasTtoa. YAKIMA ORCHARD PROPERTY We have for sale, at an exceptionally low orce. the finest, best located orchard on Nob Hill. Tha traol consists of 11 acres, is near the Nob Hill car line. Is planted to 6-year-old apple and pear trees, and can be subdivided Into IT beautiful acre tracts Ideally situated for suburban homes, ttye clai price for cash down. Henry Jeluutoa Realty Co.. Norm Yakima, Wash. Mlscellaaeous. GOVERNMENT lands free In United Plates Mexico and Canada. Mexico's new law offers gooti land 4ou to 81 per acre; easiest lerms; your resilience not required. Write Landueeker'a Uulde, citation Its Aus tin. Tex . i. - Bigger, Better, Busier That Is wnat advertising In The Bee will do (or your business. RAILWAY TIME CARD VMO.N STATION Tenth and Mason. Viilon Pacific Depart. Pan Fran. Overland L..aS:1am Chins an Jspsn F. M .a 4:10 pm Atlantic Express Oregon Express a 4 00 pm I.os Angeles limited... sl2:45 pm Denver Special a 7-04 am Colorado Express a S:W pm Oregon-WaKh. Limited. .a!2:60 pm North Platte IahsJ. . .. 8:15 am Columbus Locsl a 5.30 pm Strotnsburg Local bl2:40 pm Ckiesgo A Northwesters" NORTHBOUND. Twin Cltv Express a 7:45 am Sioux City Local a 3:45 pm Minn. & Dakota Ex . . . a 7:00 pm Arrive, all -so pm a 6:4 pm a 4S am a :lo pm a H ao pm a 7:27 am a 4:M pm a :2 pm a 4-45 am alO.Ho am b 1:20 ptn a 10 :20 pm a 8:2.1 pm a 9:lj am EASTBOUND. Carroll Local a 7:00 am a S:60 pm Omaha Express a 7:40 am a t:i9 am Chicago Local aU:06 pm Colorado-Chicago ......a 6:10 pm Chicago Special a 1:01 pm Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a :"6 pm I ton Angeles Limited.. .a H.W pm Overland Limited all:4pm Carroll Local a 4.30 pm Fast Mall a 8:30 pm WESTBOUND. IJncoln-Chadron a 7:d0 am Norfolk-Dallas a 7:60 am a l it am a .2 pm a 6:49 am a t.m pm al2:2 pm a 7:46 am al0:l am a 8 pm all too am 8.10:45 pm Long line-Bo. Platte.. .b 2:15 pm bl:ipm Hasilngs-Superlor b t:l& pm b 6:W) pm Dradwood-Hot Springs. a S:S5 pm a 5:20 pm Caaper-I jinder a 8:65 pm all warn Freiuont-Alblon b 5:30 pm a 1:55 pm Missouri Pari fie K. C. 4 St. L. Ex a:Wam a 7:40 am K. C. & St. L. Ex., ex cept Saturday aU:15 pm a 8:50 pm K. C. & St. L. Ex., Sat urday only 12:00 pm Chlcaa-o, Ilselt Island Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd.... all am Chicago 4 'ay Express. . a :46 am Chioago Local l,aas....bl0:86 am Des Moines Local A 'ass a 4:00 pin Chicago Express a 4:40 pm Chicago Limited a 0 pm aH):4" pro a 4:80 pm blU:W pm ai2 30 pm a 1:16 pin a 8.-08 am w EST. Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Llnooln.a 8:80 am a 6:47 pm Colo, and Cal. Express.. a l:Hr pm a 4:30 pm Okl. & Texas Express. .a 1:15 pm a 1:80 pm Rocky Mountain Lta...aiu.y cm aiz.60 am Ch lease, Milwaukee A St. Paul Overland Llmtled 8.11:43 pm a 7:E3 am Omaha-Chicago Ex....b T:15 am Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7: IS am all :45 pm Colo. -Cal. Express a 9:W pm a 1:25 pm Colorado Special a T .48 am s 1:60 xm Perry-Omaha Local. ...b 8:15 pin blO:00 am Illinois Central- Chicago Express a 7:0 am a 3:45 pm Chicago Limited ......a io pm a s:w am Minn -St. Paul Ex b 7:00 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am W abash Louis Ex. ...a :! pm a 9:25 am Mail and Express a 7:08 am all.15 pm Stanb'y Lol. tfrornC.B.)b 8:0 pm bl0:18 am Cblea a-o Great Weaterx - tlmllwt t 1:41 Ml Twin City Limited b 8:30 pm a 7 53 am Twin City Express a :O0 am a 8:80 pm Chicago Express a ; pnt Burlington Station loth aad Mason flarltngton Depart. Arrive. rwnv.e A California... a 4:10 pm a 8:48 pm Puget Sound Express. .a 4:M pm a 8:48 pm Nebi-aska points it . , w ii'in Black Hill" a t:it pm Lincoln Mail b 1:80 pm Northwest Express.'.... all :MI pm a 8:45 pm a1t:15 pm a 7:00 am a 8.10 pm a 8.10 pm b 8:08 am b 10:80am Nebraska points a :zy am Nebraska Express a 9;15 am IJncoln Local Bchuyler-Plattsmouth . .b 8:05 pm ..a 7:28 pm IJncoln Lrfx-ai Plattsmouth-Iowa ... Bellevue-Plattsmouth a 7:60 pm . 9 AH am a 8:60 am .813:30 pm a 2:40 pm . .all:2S pm a 11:25pm ..a 7:15 am all: 10 pm Central Nebraska ... Chicago Fpeclal Denver B pedal a 7:00 am Chicago Express. ..a 4:20 pm a 3:55 pin Chicago Fast Express.. a 8:30 pm a t:t0 pm Iowa Local a 8:15 am al0:30 am Creston (la ) Local a 8 80 pm a!0:30 am at Tiiln Kinross. .... .a s:w pm ui:s uu K c 4 It Joseph al0:46 pm a 8:46 am K c! & Ht. Joseph a 815 am a 4.10 pin K. C, 4s St Joseph a 4:30 pm w Webster Btatloa lBth aad Webster Missouri PaclflO Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 8:6 pm bll:56 am it. Paol. Minneapolis ex Omaha Bloux City Express... Omaha Local Sioux City Passenger Twin City Passenger Bloug City Local b 1:15 pm bll:45 am C 8:10 pra b 1:20 pro .bS tOam .o 8.3o am Emerson lcai b 6:55 pm b 8:10 km tat Dally, lb) Dally except Sunday (c) Sunuay only. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for January 28, furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas 2UG5: J, B. Ureen and wife to O. R. King, undVs Interest of part of &-15-18. be ing lTVxltxi feet on Orover street, Omaha I Howard W. Harvey and wife to Lena Beastedt, V.3TH feet of lot 15. block 2. Hillside addition No. 1, and other property Same to Rose J. Beastedt, w4 feet of nlGO feet of lot 10, block 5, Park Place Th. luhn A. Crelahton Real Efclale and Trust company to Mary Lova . .. S20 Fred D. Weed to Effle D. Wead (his L.r lot 3. block 1. Washington Hill. and lot 14, block . Jerome Park.... 8,400 William H. Wigton and wife to A. L. Wlgton. lot 4. block 1. Pruyn Park.. 000 John K. George to fit. Anthony s church of Mouth Omaha, lot 24, Sullivan's addition Hherlff of Douglas county t) Minnie Jensen, lot 4. block 2. West Bide 2(7 John E. George to St. Anthonys church of rtoutli Omaha, lot 24, Sultl vun' addition Edward C. Fuller and wife to Irving W. Lonaacre. lot 21. block 28. Ben son 2,600 Erastus A. Benson, trustee, to Irwin W. Longacre, lots 21 and 22, block 2a, Benson Five Hundred Guests Driven from Hotels Fire Starts in Kitchen on the Seven teenth Floor of the Majestic in Chicago. CHICAGO, Jan. 28 -Flre drove hundreds of guests from their rooms In ths Majestic and Great Northern hotels, which adjoin at Dearborn and tjulncy streets, early thl morning. Tha fire, which started In ths kitchen of the grill room on the seventeenth floor of the Majestic, was extinguished with lofs of about 840.000, mostly from water. Both hotels are seventeen stories high and it was feared that firemen would have difficulty In reaching the fire, but the water pressure proved adequate and the flames were soon put put, . . Hint at Corruption m Colorado House Representative Jndkins Creates Up roar by Saying He Waa Threat ened by Speer Men. DENVER, Colo., Jon. 2 Representative udklns (democrat) of Aspen created an uproar in the house this morning by de claring that be had been approached by Speer men and told that unless he voted or Mayor Speer of Denver for United States senator he need not hope to get any bills through the bouse. Mr. J udklns' charge was made prior to today's ballot, the Aspen representative rising to a question-of personal privilege. Representative Bolts of Leadvllle. asked him to state who made the threat, but Mr. Judktns declined. Later, Mr. Judklns, under a fire of ques tions frnm other memters, qualified lils statements, he said he did not mean to say that he bad been told if he did not vote for 5perr his bills Would not pass, but was told that If he did hot support "certain meas ures and vote for a certain man" his leg islation would suffer. The house took no action at the time. Only minor changes were shown In the emocratlc voters for United State sen ator In joint session of the legislature to day and no election resulted. The repub licans honored C. C. Dawson, today, giving him thirty votes. The votes: Democrats Adams, 18, Martin, J; Maupln, ; O'Donnell, 8; Shafroth, 1; Speer, 2; Tay lor, 2; Thomas, 8; W ard, 8. Republloana Oowdy, 1; McCreary, 1; Northcutt. ); VaUe, 2; Dawson, 8V. ' A Guarantee of Business Prosperity The Bee Advertising Columns. Jntunloa Wants 8CXBwaltloh. KINGSTON, Jamaica. Jan. 88. The Ja maica chamber of commerce Is considering DroDosal to recommend to the govern ment the holding of a big exhibition here In 1918, coincident with the formal opening of the Panama venal. No Mnadlna; Room Allovred. KEY LORK. Jan. 2R. There Will be no morn standing room la New York theaters. Theatrical managers were notified by Fire Commissioner Waldo today that the preva lent nractice of allowing natrons to stand In the passageways back oi tne seats is as much a violation of the law as the prohibited standing In aisles. Notes from Fort Crook Major Joseph X. Clark of tha Medical Corps is Transferred to Van couver Barracks He Will Be Succeeded by Major Frederick A. Dale, Who is at Present Stationed at Fort Lincoln-Mother Notes of Interest WAR. DJLTARTMKNT. WASHINGTON, t. C, Jan. 15. poctai Orders No. lz. fax- b. ' The following changes In the sta tions arid duties of officers ef ins medloal corps are ordered: . Major Joseun T. Clarke Is relieved from duty at Fort Crook, Meb., to take effeui at such tune as will enable him U comply with this order, and wlU proueed at tho proper time to Vancouver Barracks, Waan iiiKlon, anu repoii ui iwitwii K.i.niMj-v ss. 11 L to tha commanding olli- cer of uiKi post for duiy. aad by letter 10 the conuuaiiuiug general. Department of tne Columbia. ... ,, , Major Hedertck A. Dale is relieved from auty at Fort Lincoln, N. D., aud will proceed to Foil Crook, Neb., and report in person to the commanding otficer of thai, poat for duty opd by leiier io iue commanding geneial. Department of lue Mibsouri. . . ... "ine travel directed is newuwary iu i" military service. By order ot me secretary w wm. ' -liiXanard Wood. "Major Oeneral. Chief of Btaft." "HEADUL'A RTEiRS, FORT CROOK, Neb., Jan. a. dpeuuvl Orders so. : .., M,i. wiiiiaju. Hambv. having en listed at tins post for geneVal service m fanuy at Jefieson Barracks, Missouri, will in compllanos with sixtn endorsement, rial.i War Oeoai HiieJit. January 8, 111. proceed as soon as iianspwriauuu -nlslied to that post, reporting "P arrival to the coiiunanuing tuio-oi . .,. rt.riii.mar'1 UeuarUuenl will fur nlsli the necessary tranaportaiotl aud the M..,r 4'nmnanv tl. r oui 111 miaou. i. .i r-,ii,,,a toe one day. . .... The travel airecteu is ncory m"ilrpri,va7.Cjoseph Halbg.bauer. Com a ii kourth infantry. IS detailed on special duty as aaslslaiit in charge of tho swimming pooi. , uy oruer of Major i"" "Captain and Adjutant, Fount) Infantry, Adjutant. d.i.i. Albert 11. Guldwaithe. Company B Fourth Inlantry, has been detailed on extra duty as tireinan at the pump house, vice ITivate lOliJah Coleman. Company ib. Fourth Infantry, discharged. Mr HutbJn, recently discharged from Company B, Fourth Infantry, applied al the post hospital Thursday afternoon for re-enllstmeiil for the fciguteemh Infantry. Private William. A. Hamby, recently re enlisted at this post for general service, left Friday afternoon for his new station, Jefferson Barraoks, Mo. A general court martial has been con vened in the post to try such cases as may appear before It. Private First-class Frederick Gllmom was a visitor in the poet Thursday morning. Sergeant Isidore I. Oershberg, hospital corps this post, took In the play at the Uayety theater Wednesday evening. Private Udward T. Dunigan, hospital corps was honorably discharged from tne service of the United btates r.uiiday morn ing by reason of the expiration of hi term of service. Mr. Dunigan did n.t r enllst In the army, but will try the hos pital corps of the navy. Mr. Dunigan liai served sixteen years in the army hos pital corps and his loss to this branch ol liie service is keenly fell. He leaves a host of friends, both In this detachment and In the garrison, all of whom wish him success In his new venture. Mr Frank Kopf of Fort Leavenworth, Kan spent Monday afternoon wltn rier geant Isidore 1. Gershberg, hospital corps, this poat. Privates F.dward R. Dawe and William g Belden, hospital corps, were In Omaha, visitors Tuesday evening. Some of the members of the Fourth In fantry ball team are seen dally pracilclnt; ball on the parade grounds. Polo Is getting to be a great fad with the officers of the poat. They may be seen dally playing on the parade ground, alno golf comes III lor us snare ui patronage. Major Joseph Taylor Clarke, medical corps, the post surgeon, has been busy the past week packing . up his household effects to ship to Vancouver barracks, Washington, his new station. Corporal Hamby recently discharged from Company H, Fourth Infantry, was re-en-Usted by First Lieutenant Owen C, Fug, Mrs. Schenk Released on Ten Thousand Bail Before She Leaves lail She is Served with Papers in Divorce Action Brought by Husband. WHEELING. W. Va Jan. J,. Mrs. Laura Famsworth. Pchenk, wife of John O. Schenk. x liom she was clinrged wtth attempting to poison, was released on her own recognisance by Judge Jordan In the criminal court tnday, her ball being left at $10,000. A few minutes before she had been ' server! with papers In a divorce action filed by her husband. In which It waa stated that application would be mads for an Injunction to restrain her from com municating with or harassing her husband or from Interfering in any way with her children, Virginia and Robert fcchenk. or from entering their house on tho Inland. The amount of alimony will also be argued at that time. A counter suit for divorce is being prepared by Mrs. Srhenk'S covin eel and the papers. It Is said, will be served early next week. Klnco John O. Schenk neglected to announce that he would not be responsible for the debts contracted by his wife. It U held lhat he will be called on to pay the Costs of the lete trial, shout $100,000. Immediately after the announcement that she wan at liberty Mrs. Schetik, ac companied by her counsel, went to her Tfcwer room In the Jail. Soon afterwards she entered the automobile of attorney J. J. P. O'Brien and waa driven to the res idence of Mrt. Lasch, her Island neigh bor, who had testlflod for her during the trial. It Is stated that she will make her home there for the present. Whell court convened today Prosecutor Handlan said he had read In the news papers that Isaac Herman, the juror who had voted against the acquittal tt Mrs. SchenK, had beon boycotted by the trade people of Wheellrut and hissed by his neighbors. lie asked the court to use his uower of contempt and evored the pury for giving out Ileyman'S name a tha dissent ing Juror. Judge Jordan Wanted specific cases and stated that when ths grand Jury met the first Monday In March ths mutter would be brought to its attention. A Guarantee ct Business Prosperity The Persistent and Wise Patronage of. The Bee Advertising Columns. medloal corps, the recruiting officer In the post, for general service Inlantry at Jef ferson Barracks, Mo. Iental riurseon Franklin Wing. V. S. A.. left this post Tuesday for Fort Omaha, at which piaco he will remain fifteen days, attending to the troops of that post that require dental treatment. From Fort Omaha ne goes to f ori ies Moines, at wmnri place he will remain one month, attending to the denial work of the officers and enlisted men of the bixth cavalry stationed at that post. Hie following memorandum has been Is sued from the post headquarters, In regard . to ine disposal oi waaies in the garrison: "Headquarters, Fort Crook. Nebraska, ' "January Sotli, liU. "Memorandum: "L Organizations will pay particular at tention to the placing of garbage, ashes and dry waste (suck as papers and old clothes). In separate receptacles. Ashes In one can, garbage In another and other waate In a third receptacle. "This Is very Important for the carrying out of a system of disposal of waate. "Organisation commanders will see that . the provisions of this memorandum are ' are carried out. "It is requested that every housekeeper make special effort toward the same end. "2. The swimming pool will be kept ' open till 8.30 p. m. dally, bun days and -Wednesdays excepted. "By onlr of Major Atkinson t "L. P. BCTLRR, Captain and Adjutant, Fourth infantry. Adjutant." iiruuL'ARTKRU, FORT CROOK, Neb., Jan. St. Hpecial Orders No. 7: "8. In compliance with paianraph 2. Bpe-," clal Orders No. 2, Dupailment of the Missouri, Ievember 7, llu. Hergeant dill- , ton H Bragg, hospital corps, will proceed to Fort Omaha, Neb., reporting upon ar rival to the commanding ulficer ior tem porary duty with the dental surgeon. "The quartermaster's department will, furnish the necessary transportation. "Th travel rflrerlad la . ... .1. military service. By order ol Major Atkinson. "L. P. BUTLER. "Captain and Adjutant Fourth Infantry. Adjutant." "imADVjU AKTEKS, FORT C'HOUK, Neb., Jan. la. Special Orders No. : "1. First Lieutenant Owen C. Fink, med ical corps, Is detailed as recruiting ofucer at this poHt, relieving Major JoScpli X Clarke, imdical corps. "2. Private Nepuieuii Bellinger, Com pany G, Fourth infantry. Is ueluiled on extra duty as laborer iu the subsistence department. ' by order of Major Atkinson. "1 l: BLTLKR, laptain and Adjutant fourth Infantry Aujuiant." Private Clifford K. Sheets, Company K Fourth infantry, was honorably discharged the service of the 1'nlted Ktates Monday morning by reason of expiration of term of service. Private Klieets was re-enllsted Tuesday morning by First Lieutenant Owen C. Flsk for Company K, Fourth Infantry and assigned to that company for duty. Ijiiice Corporal Henry C. Bauer, Com pany B. Fourth Infantry, has been pro moted to corporal of the same eoniany. The dance held In the post gymnasium was largely attended by the citizens of Fort Crook and vicinity and Judging from all appearances the dunce was well en Joyed. A lar4;e crowd attended the band concert held In the g inriasluin Monday evening. Private iSciiueffer, recently assigned to the Fourth Infantry band, this poat, from tha Thirteenth infantry band, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., arrived in the post last week, and made his first appear ance in public at the band concert held In the gymnasium Monday evening. He and Corporal Bruce of the Fourth infantry band rendered a very creditable duet. The band played for guurd mounting Tuesday morning. This Is the first tlin0 In nearly a month on account of the n- cit'iut-ni weaiuer. yiiartcrmasier Sergeant Preston of Com pany D, Fourth Infantry, was examined by First Lieutenant Owen C. Flak, medical corps, for special esxlgnment to the Fif teenth Infantry, stationed at Fort Douglas I'tah. Private First Class Andrew Warganin and Private Abraham Shapiro, hospital corps, this post, took In the vUy at the Uayety theater.