THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: JAXUAKY 20. 1011. TIMELY REAL EST1 Migration of Reta4' tenth St UISTRICT VT . . 1 -itffV-v-. AJ . L' . -iJ X iF-IAvV r rJ.' VrfiM , Illy V-Ti. aMJI li I 111 - HI 4r,felUl S J 11 j . - p - , . . . i - - HELP WANTED MALE oatl.eed. MAKE MONEY-Esy. quirk, sure. Mske $60 to $76 a week. Others ar. Why not you? A. B.. Rerett, La., Fold I first day. C. O. Garrett showed 7 families, aold 1 N. Boucher orders 76 mora and aaye. "Every body wanta one baat business I ever had." Easy Way Wanner, cleana family wash In to 60 minutes. No rubbing, no chem icals, no Injury to clothes, only move knob occasionally. Con.binee work of washing machine, washboard and boiler, i Price $6, agent's profit 100 per cent. Every ; family should have one. Millions of home : to be suDDlled. Bend postal today and start making money. Harrison Mfg. Co., M0 Harrison Bldg.. Cincinnati, unto.- i AGENTS In every city and town; best selling automobile specialty; large demand for goods; success assured; start at once. T. W. Dann, Bontlla, B D. BRAND new. essv seller, big profits. ,' Laundry Bluing which perfumes clothes with lasting violet perfume. Nothing like It on market Easily handled. Territory given. M&rBhnll Mlg. Co., 128 Heard St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CREATIVE salesmen of the highest type will be Interested In this little story of suc cess. We are furnishing to retail dealers In the hardware and general store lines a . system of direct advertising that does three 'things essential to success: It produces , splendid results for the dealer; It returns a large Income to our salesmen; It gives us . a satisfactory profit. Ws can uee a few men of the right type In territory which we have not yet developed. References, bond and a written application on our special form are required. BERKLEY SYSTEM COMPANY, Old .Colony Bldg., Chicago. WANTED A salesman of experience to carry a line of gloves, mittens, sweaters and other knit goods for manufacturers on commission. Address btar Knitting Co., La Cross, Wis., or A. 8. Farnam, Mgr., at Millard hotel the ilst. Boys. , NEAT, cleeo offlcs boy, IS. Call 600 Bea Bldg. WANTED A boy to hold copy. Apply composing room, OmaJia Dally Uee. ClasUal am Offloe. Office manager, automobiles, lnv.t $1M. Office manager, brokers, Inv., $10. Manager, wholesale drug experience, Traveling salesman, lumber, (150. Traveling salesman, staple line, $100. Kataii salesman and stenographer, tSL btenographer. ". trice clerk, electrical goods, $60. The above Is a partial list of positions which ai open lor immediate acceptance. If you sirs daslrous of making a ohanga or want to secure a good position, do not rail lo see us at onue. Our specially is High grade men for high grade positions. HtSltHN Hh. K. & BOND AHS N. INC. Omaha, &slab. Eight years, Kansas City, iW--4-, New Yora Uiu idg. CO-OPKRATIVB OPPORTUNITIES Cashier for large establishment, $85 to $100. ' Bookkeeper, Insurance, cxpsrlencs, $75. btenographer, $tiS. Price clerk, electrical experience, $45. Office manager who can buy stock In well established firm, good dividends on investment, balary Bookkeeper woo can ouy stock la auto mobile firm, balary $100. Ledger clerk, wholesale, $00. Lumber salesman, j.twu. Bookkeeper and stenographer for large manufacturing firm. Salary, $H6. It you are competent to hold any of the above positions, DON'T FAIL to see us Monday. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., lvli City National Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED cigar xaJuBiiian for city trade, large salary. Liberal expense ac count. Address K-678, Be. EXPERIENCED cigar salesman for country trade. Address D-7J, Bee. MEN may earn good pay copying ad dresses, sic, at home in spare time. Par- ni,umi ,r viauiu, v.. Ki, nowan, uept. C . Chicago. IP you are a competent stenographer, salesman, poos Keeper or clerk, see us. tio Illing ree. THE CANO AGENCY, J Bee Bldg. Experienced Installment collector for furniture business. State salary and ex perience ana he able to furnish bond. taureas i-otx. Bee. idea. Drug storsa (snaps). Jobs. Knlaat Be Bldg. WANTED First-class sheet metal work ers; wages, o cents per hour. Hunt & ounueis oioux city, la. WANTED Harness Maker and Dealer: good opportunity for the right man. No uup oere. write secretary, commercial Club, Clay Center, Neb r- KIRST class rarrlaite and auto nalnter. striper and finisher. A. J. Simpson Son vo. WAOON and carriage blacksmith. A. J Siinpaun at bon. WANTED Millwrights at once. Great western cereal Co., tort Dodge, la. PRINTING office help, pressman and compositor (open press room, union com posing room); sslury, $21 W per week; pre fer men who wish to take financial Inter eat In the business; slate experience and run particulars snout yourseir. Address superintendent, ?w Mfg., Home Bldg., Mil waukee, Wis. floor, good wages, steady work for good "'ii. hu ouose iinter. m. winmae. Carroll. Ja. WANTE1-Mlllwrlghts at once. Great western cereal Co., rrt Dodge, la. Miser llaaeoas. TOU ars wanted mr a government so si tlon. PO a month. Write for list of posi tions open, f ranklin Institute, Devt fca-C, nocneeter, t. x. MORE MEN NEEDED AT ONCB lor leclrto railway motormen and conductors. lu to 40 years old. $w to $100 a month; no experience necessary; floe opportunity; no strike; write Immediately lor application blank, enclosing s la nip. Andreas, X-iux, care or ilea, WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work In large touring cars. We Invite your investigation Matlonal Auto Train ing Ass n., oilice J1 Mraudels Theater Bldg WANTED Men to learn barber trade; commission tuud for bringing students- wages In finishing department; experience In shops Saturdays; first work on free Customers; all practical; instructions with charts and diagrams saves years; our graduates alwas svnd for our help: posi tions waiting; catalogue free. Moler Barber college, liu p. inn m. MEN under 36, mall service. 1, a. aV, IX Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids. Ia. DETECTIVES either ses: experience not neoessary. Holllngshead. bog Slate Life bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind , RAILWAY Mali Clerks Waated-A verage salary, $1.1: alternate weeks off with full pay; preparation free fur eomlag Omaha etsmLuauona Franklla Institute. DvL tut-C. ItwctMster, K. Y. HELP WANTED MALE EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL MONEY TO LOAN OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT I J Mlarellaaron roatlaaed. WHAT'S IN 1911 FOR YOUT At this season of the year men review the year that has passed and wonder what they will do In the year that Is to come. If 1910 was not successful for you. or If It was not satisfactory to you, the Navy department begs to urge that you consider the navy aa a vocation. You are not urged to Join. You are only urged to Investigate the navy as a life's business or as a four years' training. The Ufa Is exceptionally healthy, employ ment steady, pay good. tell. K to $1.2oo per year, with a chance to become a Warrant officer at 12,400 per year. It offers opportunities for travel, with ample leisure for recreation or study, .ac cording to one's desires. The food Is wholesome and good, and, with lodging, medical attendance and first outfit of clothing, Is furnished free. One'a necessary expenses are so small that there Is opportunity to save practically all of one's wages. If you are 17 to Sfi years of age, do not let January 1 phhs without finding out what the navy has to offer you. On to the Navv Recruiting station at 1'. O. Bldg., OniHha, Neb., and talk with the officer In charge. He II answer all your questions and advise you. Bureau of Navigation. Box 209 Navy de partment. Washington, D. C " 'T T- K, 1 .l.... .Km,. OH . tab. In. vijOAn niiu nvuvc, " ..... terest In sales department, real estate busi ness; young educated farmer preferred; In vestment fully secured and business es- laonsneu IV yeHrs, active umucr uyri- worked, needs relief. Address at once, H v, iiee. TOUNO man to work In hardware store. Borne experience. Steady Job. $40.00 per month first year. N. W. Dearlng & tfon, Atlantic, la. $26 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy ueoole to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, P 274. Chicago. POSITIVELY $40 a week earned at home doing newest, fascinating, permanent work. Money every day. No canvassing or mail orders. Send twelve 2-cent stamps cover ing beautiful booklet, plans complete, post axe, ate. enabling you to begin St once. Don't wait. You'll be delighted. Stamps returned If trial unsatisfactory. eend to day. Rlgeur Company, 3u8 W. 66th St., New York. MEN Iarn automobile business. We teach you at home. Oet you $25 weekly job; $10 weekly while learning. Rochester Auto. School, 36, Rochester, N. x. MAN wanted with rig to take charge of sale of our medicines, extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet- articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc., in your coanty Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful. pleasant, very profitable. References re quired, write us. we mean business. thr-Mueller Company. Dept. M. Tripoli, ia." $104 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples tor big manufac turer; steady work. a. Scherfer, Treaa urer, J 174. Chloago DON'T work for others. Be your own boss. xgoo per month easy. IS pare time, Easy work. No experience necessary. Write for full particulars, free. California Marvellne Co., 644 Ban r'ernando Uldg., Cos Angeles, Cal. WANTED, for tl. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between the ages of 18 and $5, cltlsens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to recruit ing oincer. 13th and Douglas uts., Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg.. Sioux City, la.; 130 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.; 110 E M St., Qrand Island, Neb.' WANT ED A man to speak In opposition to the proposed commission plan of munlc Ipal government for Omaha In open debate before the Omaha Ad club; must be well Informed. Communicate at once. A. I Crel gh. Reo. Sec, 60S Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED MiLH OR FEMALE HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvassers can make 16 cents on each 40-cent sale. Apply 4U We bater-Sunderland bldg., ltiih and Howard bta. LIVE man or woman wanted for work at home paying $2 to $3 per day, with oppor tunlty to advance. pare time can be used. Work not dilfluult and requires no ex perlence. Universal House, Sot Wabash Ave., Chicago. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Her see aa4 Win" , YOU CAN BUY IIAENES3 horse blankets. Ian robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth, If you buy from juunnun-uAniuniu c-.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jonas Bta WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICE. HEAVY TEAM1NU UEAliS and DELIVERY WAGONS, made from the . . 'I- u I A I . Mi kMb!V CAM Ul TV Ca-NTKAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam STOCK YARD SADDLERY Wholesale and Retail. Hand-Made. Harness and Saddles No establishment on earth carries a bet ter variety of horse furnishing goods. CHEAPEST ON EARTH. Ul'ALlTY CONSIDERED. 314 N. 26th St. South Omaha. FINE Drummond Station carriage, pole and shafts, for one-fourth cost. Telephone Harney ti:i $.'700-POl'ND team of mares and S,6"0. pound team of mares. 2411 N. D4th St, Phone Webster &3. FIVE BIG HORSES cheap. Blue barn, rear of Millard Hotel, 13th and Douglas tel. FOR BALK 1 bay driving horse, 7 years old. Charles Bauchman, Florence. lnd. 11-1219 LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston bull terrier, white breast and bobtailed; $ years old; big oollar on neck; was last soen at lMh and Leaven worth. 6 p ni., Friday. Call A. C. blors. blurs Brewing Co.. receive reward. LOST At Auditorium Thursday night sable tux collarette. Reward, tub City Hall. Douglas tft-iit. LOST Between 40th and Leavenworth and county hospital, lady's gold watch, with fob.; suitable reward. 'Phone Douglas . LOST Bunch of keys on Farnam street. Reward for return lo bee office. LOST Lady s gold nose glaxses, with chain and gold halt pin attached Return to ili N. Alh. Reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sis.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas Hut. Calls answered day and night. 31ggera Setter Busier That Is whsl advertising La The Be will do far your bualnees, ' Do You Sincerely and Honestly Want to Find Success? Or Do You Expect Success to Find You? Yount man! Vnnno TAvnmnnt TViatta O rat lolnnt cnnrxisa nna 1 1 na In vmt 'n mss. irj cyu t un rivvvr utrume m. v mmf jjcie or a mnrKan- itin you can aucceea in Df coming Independent you can ucced in getting high enough up tn the businwn worl4 to be greatly respected; to b the recipient of an income that, properly used, will amri j c u ifiuririititii I All you need Is the right start. And for a business career before you enter the BOYLES can give you that right start that rhjht technical business training. We hold that no other college In this section of the United States Is In a position to givs you as thorough a technical business tralnini; s Hovles Colleere. Hut do not be content with our mere statement that nny big wholesale or retail concern In all this section of the country and auk the manager, "Whom do you consider your best business assistants, best Stenographers anu BooKKeepers N horn do you consider worthy of the highest salaries and the most rapid promotion? Whom do you believe among all your business assistants, Steno graphers and Bookkeepers will be promoted to positions as heads of departments later on? Do you know what answer you'll get? 'The graduate of Boylea College that we assistants come from Hoy leg College!" In one place you'll be told, "Kee that young man over there? He's Manager of our Mall Order Department. Came to us as a btenographer from Boyles college three years ago!" in another place you will be told, "That young lady came to us after graduating from Boyles College Bookkeeping Department a year ago. Now she's Cashier, with two other persons In her charge!" The history of Boyles Collets graduates Is one lonsr tale of success for In Hovles College the seeds of success are sown In the and women. Rend for our new catalogue today. Or, if up talk this all over together. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg. II. B. BOYLES, President. OMAIIA. Official Training School for Union Paclfio K, R. Telegraph Department. ATTENTION! Stenographers Before taking the first step consider this: ) The Van Sant School is the invariable choice of those selves the relative merits of business schools. Ours is the only school which EPECIALIZB on the Stenographic Course does justice to all by teaching by the Individual method; Enrolls no one who has not at at least qualified for entrance to High School; Has an enrollment, 75 per cent of which has had High school, College or Univer sity edncatlon; Has twenty-five hours actual Instruction a week, with twenty hours additional for those who can avail themselves of It; ' Graduate stenographers who are experts not only In shorthand but In typewrit ing as well, which Is necessary to success. Includes In Its course all that Is needed In the way of supplemental work and the details of office work. BECAUSE of the foregoing reasons, (and others which we will give you on re quest), HOLDS the HIGHEST KNOWN RECORD for percentage of success among its graduates. Do you wish to prepare yourself THOROUGHLY for the position which awaits you? If so, ENROLL in THE SPECIALTY TRAINING SCHOOL FOR STENOG RAPHERS. Those who enroll In January and February have the benefit of the summer work, which furnishes experience and Income. The Van Sant School IONE C. DUFFY, Prop. Wead Building. Omaha, The. School That Gets Results Did you ever think of the fact that the wnen ne epoxe in iMiiana, is a moaner rno rinana writer, and was at that time a student of the MOSHER-LAM PMAN COLLEUE? Did you ever think of the fact that the young lady who reported Governor Hughes when he spoke In Omaha Is a Mosher Shorthand writer and was at the time a stu dent of the MOSHER-LAM PMAN COLLEGE? 1 Did you ever think of the fact that the young men who last fall reported Governor Aldrlch when he spoke In Omaha are Mosher (shorthand writers and are students at the MOSHER-LAM PMAN COLLEGE? Did you ever think of the fact that the young men who last fall reported Wil liam Jennings Bryan. when he spoke In Omaha are Mosher Shorthand writers and are Students at the MOSHER-LAM PMAN COLLEGE? Did you ever think of the fact that the young man employed by the CreUhton College Law School to report the Moot Court for the years l!i09-li0 is a Mosher Short hand writer and at that time was a student In the MOSHER-LAM PMAN COLLEGE? Did you ever think of the fact that the students employed this year by the Crelghton College Law School to report Its proceedings are Mosher Shorthand writ ers and are now attending the MOSHER-LAM PMAN' COLLEGE? Did you ever think of the fact that you have never seen students from any other Omaha buniness coileKe or shorthand school who possessed sufficient shorthand skill to do any work of this kind? You should weigh these facts carefully and then select a school that teaches Its students how to do things. The MOSHER-LA M PMAN COLIJOGE has been In eltenc I... fh.i f,,.., but during this time It has obtained results Omaha. The MOSHER-LAM PMAN COLLECE school for you to attend. Address MOSHER & 17th and Farnam Streets. Salesmanship New Class Begins February 2 ASSEMBLY ROOM Y. M. C. A. (Second Floor.) The interest in salesmanship and the suc cess of tho present class has made It ad visable to offer a beginning class to those not able to get Into the other one. Enroll now and get the first lesslon Thursday 'night. Get detailed Information from J. W. MILLER. EDUCATIONAL SECRETARY. WHEN answering advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, please tueu The lie. v latirt and t Battels Continued. I Furnished Booms Continued. Apartments and Flilti 1 ontlnnrd, I I that requires ths right technical training business world. COLLEGE this is a fact. Make Inquiries. Go Into employ! And nearly all of our business very characters and minds of young men you can, pay us a friendly visit and let of the Future toward your cliosen profession, who INVESTIGATE for them ELIZABETH VAN SANT, I Yin. 8. W. Corner 18th and Farnam. Neb. young lady who reported President Tart that have never before been secured In Is the school that gets results It Is the LAMPMAN Omaha, Neb. Y. W. C. A. Second Term Opens Feb. G. GENEHAL LITERATURE. ORATORY, LANGUAGES, A STHi ) MY. GRAMMAR. PAINTING, AitlTl I M ETIC. illti 'M KSTR A. STENOGRAPHY DICTATION. SEWING PLAIN 8KWIXG. SHIRT WAISTS. TEXTILE KTUDY. DRESSMAKING. .MILLINERY. CLASSES. COOKING COURSE 1 COURSE II COURSE HI DINNER CLASS. LUNCHEON COURSE. PRACTICAL COOKERY MONEY TO LOAN SALAHY AND CHATTEL. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU", l eiaphwao Red ss-ta. NOTICE TO THE PUuUC $10 TO $1,000 $! LOANED CN HOUSEHOLD U FURNITURE. PIANOS. SALARIE& II 11119 IB A i iwM. $ Organised by the REPUTABLB $$ 1$ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro u tent honest working people In need $$ of temporary telp fro in the eror bi ll tant charges of the so-called loan $$ companies. We will loan you all the 14 money you want and caaxge you eagr $ 4 per cent a year. l ix i a sung iuu cax Vnr 1 in, payments fl.70 f IS $ For $ 26 mo. payments H S3 $ U t For a so e va svnwiui e ' Kar $iu U ma. payments t-ts $lu.S t$ And all other sums in proporUoa, $ Easy weekly or Monthly Payments. U Keasonmuie vur it A gianoe at the aoove rates wul H convince you how muua you save toy dealing with Us. X4U itH'U lAru nu uluii, MONEY IN TOUR POCKkiT. WITHIN AN HOUR. DO YOU NEED MONEY f We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano. Jive stocR or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. courteous treatment and trlet privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. D. 1356. Ind. A -1354. 130 Be Bldg. Could You Use $50 to a Good Advantage t Don't go to a friend. Come to ua. When you borrow money you want the lowest rate, and we give it. We will loan you from $.00 to $100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy payments, I1N Is the weekly payment on a i0 loan for DO weeks. Other amounts la the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on ell loans paid off before due. Mall or pnone applications receive eur prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage ixan Uo. Room 12, Arlington Block, UU Dodge St f nones: iougias oe a-wm, LOOK! LOOK!! Are you short of funds? Do you need MONJiY t If so and you nave a PERMANENT FOSITON. CT own FURNITURE, PIANO, FIXTURES. HORSES, WAGONS, etc, w will gladly advance you what money you need- Our rates the lowest, terms the easiest and a syUARH DEAL jtuaranteed. AMJiaUCAN JLUAN (JO. 1M! FARNAM ST. ROOM ftO. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and. let us explain our low rates.- He liable Credit Co.. tOS rax ton Block. Tel. Douglao 14U. A-UU. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PBOPUB, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE . AMD OTHERS, without security; easy paymenta. Office tn ss principal cities. ? oimaa. 0( New Omaha National Bank bids. MOVING STORAGE CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture peeking, fireproof storage. City office lis S. 17th. Doug. gM; Ind. B-1341. OMAHA VAN 6TORAGB CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum Cleaners p. lain; ne b. iitn. ipous; as . OFFERED FOR RENT Boavrd asd Booms. THE IRVING, xi 03 Leavenworth street 6t James. 41 8. IS; atm. heat, free bath; Am., $1.26 up; wkly., $6 up; meals. Zoo. STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking: rates reasonable, by day or week; meals, $6c; half block west of postoftlca 17H Dodge. FOR RENT Nice room, with home cook lng. all modern. 3214 Douglas. ATTRACTIVE front room with large al cove; walking distance; home oooklsg. Phone Douglas 538& NICE warm rooms, bath, home cooking SIS S. 2&th St. THREE rooms, modern, board If desired 71.5 N. 20th 6t. NICE room and board for two gentle ment, private family. HU8 N. 19th St. FINE large room, suitable for two. WIS Cass. Douglas ltvs. FOR RENT Large front room, steam heated, desirable for three gentlemen, good board. 2t10 Harney St. FOR RENT Nice front room for two gentlemen, gentlemen preferred. 932 N. tub St., south omana. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with beard. 1818 Chicago St. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board: walking distance from downtown best of -home cooking. 1123 S. 26th Ave. Tel., Doug. 3WC. TWO large fine rooms, walking distance, strictly modern. 1818 Chicago. FOR gentleman and wife who would ap preciate a home In refined family, an east front room, with alcove; handsomely fur nished, with choice table. B-W9, Bee. NICELY FURNISHED large rooms with board. iJirge porches and yard. Fine. 2u6 South 25th Ave. H. lZlt. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms with board lofi N. 25th St. Famished It 00 us. Nice south, single room, furnished. Douglas St. 2311 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, within e minutes of business district lt 8. 19th. A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen In West Farnam district. In private family, excellent bed; hot and cold water all the time. Harney k31. WE have three warm and comfortable furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th St. NICELY furnished room, also light housekeeping room, modern. 2T.7 Dodge. WANTED By young lady roommate' at 1006 St. Mary's. FI.EGANT FRONT room, private family; walking distance' reasonable. $37 S. 26 Ave TWO fnrninhed rooms, Tel Webster ln tsit N Kith St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms fgj B. X2d St- NICELY furnished room nesr t4th street car Hue. $44 South tuth street. EXTRA warm front room, nicely fur nished; hot water all the time. 17u7 Dodge. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished room; strictly modern; walking distance. Jiaut lMovy Ave. Tel. DuugUa ttuL TWO verv desirable heated rooms In a new private home; fine residence district; continuous hot and cold water; fine bath; use of phone; gentlemen preferred. 11 N. 30lli St. ONE large and one small room; lipht heat and bath. Telephone Tyler 1426. ifcig Capitol avenue. CLOSK In. two newly furnished front rooms; furnace neei. tw North JOth St N o sign. 'Phone Douglas 5U2. DEWEY European Hotel, Uth A Farnam. FCis:.A3." . " . iwui; private home; fine location, on car Une; easy walk ing distance; modern; tine for one gentle man, m N. th- STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dis tance. 418 B. Z4tn at. M per week and up. Tel. Ind. A 390- AN elegant large front room; fins fur niture; strictly modern. $20 N. 2oth; no sign on house. TWO large, pelasant rooms, strictly mod ern; Harney car; walking distance. 212 N. 25lh. DKSlRABLE modern room: private fam ily; good location. J31 N. 21st Ave. LARGE, modern south front room; pri vets family. 114 N. 27th St 'Phone B-22S6. RLEEFINO rooms. In modern brick home. 2iM8 Dodge St- Harney 2oJo. NICELY furnished room; mod.; close In. 531 & rd St. DELOR1E Hotel. tlO N. 17th. Steam Heat. NICELY furnished front room In new steam-heated flat to young lady only. WO Chicago St Tel. Red 6242. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges If desired; good beat good bath; dose in. 14U Dodge. NICE Dleasant room desirable for one or two young ladles. 1810 Capital Ave. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water heat, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St. STRICTLY modern room; walking dis tance; housekeeping privileges. If desired. 648 & 26th Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 706 a 18th Bt. WARM room for gentleman or man and wife. IM N. 19th. NICE, modern room. In private family. 124 So. 30th St. Harney 47&1.. LARGE front room downstairs. Suitable for two. modern. 2304 Webster. MODERN, neatly furnished room. $1.50 per week. 2642 Dodge. tJTVXl T fl ' I V mrj4len fiiMlfht Mnffi can. tlemen only; half block from postofflce. bM N. 17th. Douglas 612M. LARGE, warm front room, In private home, desirable for two, strictly modern, walking distance, on ntn est. car line. 220 N. 23d. Rod 4232. VERY pleasant alcove suite. Tel. Doug las m. FOR RENT Nloelv furnished rooms. Ul S. 12d St. FOR RENT Ntoely furnished, well heated rooms. 1109 Douglas St. NICELY furnished front room with al cove, all modern: suitable for two or three. 606 S. Uth. Douglas 7811. vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. Mt A. 2th bL FOR RENT Three rooms, nicely fur nished; heated; walking distance. 1432 S. Uth St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, private family. 419 S. 2Sth Ave. FOR RENT South front single room. 2514 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; good location. N. 17 lh St. FOR RENT Steam-heated rooms, In new boms; hot and cold water. 1710 Cass St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; hot water heat. 711 S. 17th St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms; private family. 410 8. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Front parlor room; good location. iu a. gum St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room; good beat; desirable for two. 702 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, in modern home. 1726 S. 28th St. FOR RENT Furnished room, modern house. 2502 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nice room; privets family; no children; men preferred. 25U1 Jones St. FOR RENT Clean rooms; steam heat: laundry and kitchen privileges. 1823 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Clean front rooms, well heated. 710 N.22d St. CLOSE In rooms, strictly modern. 1915 Capitol Ave. Douglas 409. FRONT room, private entrance, for one er two gentlemen. 621 S. 20th. IF YOU are looking for nice, comfort able, well heated rooms with gas, eleotrlo light and continuous hot water, call 716 No. 20lh. $3.00 and $3.60. Walking distance. PLEASANT east front rooms, suitable for two; $3 60 per week. 612 8. 18th St. PLEASANT, modern sleeping rooms. In Lrlvate family, one block from car line. Irs. Mlron Embree, 814 Hickory St. ELEGANTLY furnished front room; hot water heat, telephone In room, electricity and gas; suitable for one or two gentle men; also smaller room. 628 S. Uth Ave. PLEASANT southeast room In private family. West Farnam District. Gentlemen only. 206 So. list St. Hotels and Apartments. NICELT FURN1PHFD ROOMS fr sea tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 8. Uth 8t DODGE HOTEL llth Dodge; all out side rooms, steam heat; special week rale The BACHELOR, toth and Farnam. Apartuirats aad Flats. An elegant S-rnom apartment, main floor steam huled: strictly modem; reasonable. 214 N. &n.l. Inquire 330 N. loth. tiO OO-FoUR-ROOM ant . t blks east park cars Harney Sao. GROUND floo.. (-room, steam heated flat, the Dunsany, 10th and Pierce bis . per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 4ut Brendels Theater Bldg. SUITES $fi up; moal book, $5 50 Gentle men preferred. Tel. liar. Wl 1042 Geo. Ave. CENTRAL All modern, t-room Tat t N. Ud. M 00 T-room modern rial. Utt N. 1Mb C II MMalra. Inuutrs .. A IVta L Call Wea I DUNDEE HOME, 10 ROOMS. - IjAKGE lots Thoroughly modern, oak floor ing downstairs. -l,.etrlc Ituhts. host of plumbing, rath, etc.; full cemented cellar, divided into three ivoiiih. Im.nili y tubs, fine furnace. largi. bain. Grapes and about 15 hearing fruit trees. Plentv of shade. Cement walks: very larne porch. Best part of Dundee: PHI feci from the car line. Price. $7,000. t'ouM not be dupli cated for M per cent more, alone are worth U.Ouit. There Is n moi'tgiie now on the place of t4.0iN; J..i.nim civh required to buy. Owner is leaving the city and has made this very low price (o sell In 30 days location upon application. AKMSTKONO-W AIS11 Ci i.M CANY. 210 S. 17th St. Tyler U ATTIANU'liTMENTH P5TH ST.. HETWKEX KaIi.NAM AND ihm him P-room. Ntcam-healeil apnrtmentfl, new and strictly tip-to-d.ite, choicest location; oak finish; very ItitKe. well-ventilated rooms. Garage and maid's rooms sep arate. Janitor service; hot and cold water use of laundry and chtp of halls and porches free. Will be finished Keb'y liu Let us show you. ARMS Tin (NO-WALSH 0MTANY, 210 S. 17th St. Tyler lUH'.. CLOSE IN First Class location 2310 Howard New 5-room brick; living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two bed rooms and bath on second; oak finish and floors; gas range, shades and curtain rods; hot and cold water In laundry, rear lawn, with Iron fence. Va cant February 1. .Xt. ERNEST SWEET, 136 CITY NAT. BANK. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 6-room brick apartment In city; eleo- irio ugnta, continuous not and cold water, steam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price. M. Two blocks from heart of city. 11-677. Uee. DELIGHTFUL 6-room apartment on West Farnam. with steam heat and Janitor service free. Hardwood ftnlsh. JOHN W. ROUUINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. HEATED APARTMENTS t4S.0rt--r.. 2210-2212 Farnam BL, new, strictly modern, steam heat. GEORGE & CO., 2 City Nat'l Bank TWO A.rxnn ....... . . nr-.. Cuming St.; each has private bath, lavatory aim gas range in Kitcnen; oaK inisn, gas and eleo lights. $16 50 and $1K.0. TlllUa W NAF1.'U 207 and S McCague Blk. ' Tel. D 1300. T H l TT I." T i kiM...L..,.tl... ...... . in brick flat, $18 per month. 3)18 Davenport NOW IS THE TIME To rent a lower St. Louis flat, large rooms, facing park; tenant leav ing city; nearly new. 1511 Park Ave. NICELY decorated, t-room apartments with kitchen and bath; gas stove and Ice box. Will make a sieclal price. 710 New Hamilton. Tel. Red FOR RENT Choice 6-room flat, near high school. $22.60 7-room cuttage, 31st and Jackson; reduced to a-", tel. owner, ilea CLOSE In, new, strictly modern flat; gas and electric light; ail oak finish; fine fur nace; completely eyuiped. The St. Louis flat. Red 6508. Foraisaed Housekeeping; Hooaaa. TWO rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping; laundry privileges. 1707 Dodge. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, modern. 1110 Farnam, 3d floor. FOR RENT Two nice front rooms for housekeeping. Sis S. 20th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, south exposure, good location. 641 8. 24lh Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furniscd rooms for housekeeping. 2406 Cuming SL FOR RENT Three modern rooms for housekeeping; gas range, modern. liUt Webster St. FOR RENT Two rooms for light house keeping, gas range. 2118 Chicago St. ONE nicely furnished parlor fur light housekeeping. 2509 Su Mary's Ave. TWO modern, furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family; walking dis tance, for b a week, including gas, heat; laundry free. 219 S. 29th Ave. 'i'hune Har ney 6111. FOR RENT Modern room, gas range, south front. 2020 Hurt St. FOR RENT One lurge room for house keeping, main floor, heat, cooking gas and laundry. 614 S. 2A1 St. FOR RENT Front and back parlor for. housekeeping, til S. lGth St. FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeep ing room. 2019 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Flue room for housekeeping, suain heat. 4758 N. 2-Hh St. '""FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 311 N. 25tli St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. fcU S. 20th St. TWO lovely furnlthed front rooms for light housekeeping, within easy walking distance; everything modern; price rea sonable. 650 S 2.lh Ave. THREE rooms, ground floor; gas runxe, modern except heat; walking distance. 1 Cass St. ROOM for housekeeping; strictly mod ern. In private home; walking distance. 614 N. 2Ut St. t ularililird Itoouis. FOUR rooms, gas and city water. 1914 Bancroft St. I'hune Red COl. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroo.n floor; 2t"2 Caf; convenient to two car lines; r ferencts. FOR RENT Five rooms, modern, heat furnished. 3120 N. 2lth St. FOR RENT Six first floor, mod ern except furnace. 813 S. 2i.l St. FOR RENT Three leslrabla southeast rooms, hut water heat on car line. J10 Cass St. TWO modern rooms, gas range, shades. 2206 N. 18th St. LARGE pleuaiint unfurnished room with wardrobe. IJ3 N. 17th. Houses and Collates. t-ROOM cottage; modern, except furnacef, hrautli'u! lawn ai,d trees. No. TM Bouts) fj& Ave. Beat out lii per sue. '! eiepuMe Douglas 4tu r n S I