.1. n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANTARY 20. 1011 VAN T--ADS THE NEWS r ' 'HA BEE t I III in j Umm Alh F 'r i ft A. 1 wr a Waal arts rreeltrd lit nnr ,me, ant to laeare proprr rlnshlflrstlttn wait be presented beforr IB n'rlftcsk f lb rrralai rdlllaa and livlorc fit" e'rlocb al (he prrtlon r.tealnd "' innrniai Bad Sanriay ralltinlk. Waal ails rreeUrd after aeit knur will bradlaa; Tm Lata tlnlr$V Cn nATF.A Km WA.li A"'1 nroti.An claific trio Insertion, 1 1 -a rent ner tttA add $ prat er wr n each ll''l, Invrrtloa. Bark Inaeriloa M (ley, 1 . it, .'. " I"1' liar arr month, natre a pair ellhr T Br. Alrrara . o line. Want ad far "fha Bar" liiaV h at tir af tar fnll.trrlna- atnrra aaa la roar ''corner flrnrf'" rr. all brnnch r,fflc. f t " an yar ad will be Itramptlr and aa lltr gal ra-ie nn.1 office In fbe U nanninn. orntk and ranaa..lrrei Athach. W. O.. tt:h shd imrnim. um Tm Co , !Ti ranrk. 8. A., 1n Ptinn Phirmnp, HrnNUt lr. Prmlo P'k Phrnm"y. ''V ! Cumlni. Plk-Bra1lh, ihrt1 Av. CHfton Hill Phitrmftpr. M Mtlltnr A?a rmmhiin. C. R.. Mh and nr B' Oiiaitrr Tharmncy. 4tK and L Sim Conr rhurmicv. ITrt I. Ih lt , Carmak. F.mil, H. ISth . r!tr. P. H. &nj IaVftnajOKh ft trr Arnoldl. Ifl V 2ftn Bt Fraytan. T. J., ml N Wn Rt. r"rBer PrtiB Co.. !W K. Mth V Florence I)rn; Co., Orran'a Pharmaey. Grarnoua-h, O. A.. Orrtnouah. O. A.. Onldrn Phurmarv. , Fiorrnrr. rvn. Park Aifi Paclffe, If t. IIHh Ht ?4Mi ami travniorth. Himcnm Park Phurnisry. 16'Tt . J9th A rar- Hlntrrlone Iru Co., lln Ava. ana nam fll Hoit, John. 97 S. .KB fit. ' Huff. A. U. 2T.'4 t.cavnr3i'th Rt .Tohanun Dth C'.. JHh anl Spalding. Kln. if. H.. rrnam K1. Koontra Placa PhBrnir. !0l Jf. Uli l.nthrop. Charles K. 1J:4 JH St. Marea. Frrd L.. rmMi1 J?v1. Patrick Dru Co.. 1:' N "Uh Bt. ,, Prytou Pharmacj . VI B. Htfi St. Paratora Dr Co. i(tli and Arrt Af. Hcharfer a Cut Prlta Dru Btofe. Kth and '.hiraito 8ta. Pchrr. Aua. N lGlh Kt. Prhmldt, J. H.. ?4th and Uniltia 9t. , Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumla. DEATH AND Ft. Hit At !ttlCKi PoVS Elt IJdn.ond. aKfil T7 ieiit Ktint-ial TiiHndHv rnoi nltii, JaniiBrj 31, at :30 from the fomllv trsldrnce, l!f6 Chi cago Hirer t, to St. John' church at t a. m. Funeral xrrvlrra Iirivat flohi rrHt iencr on account of lcknii; church aerv- !..! puhltc. Interment Holy Sepuloher inetery. Mr. power left to mourn hln iaHH a wire, four daughter ana .inree Bona. PACIIRKB Uernlmrt. arffd iff .Vrara,. of heart failure, at 8 I), in., Jan, 27. Pit. runeral from the reHldenci of hi datic t r. Mth. O. K. Shukcrt. Larlrrtore ave rt ue Sunday, 2 p. m. Krleridn Invited. BIHTHS AND D1CATII. l'.lrth-S. and I'eRrl brand , S4i Bahler, , Halph and Hlancha Goodell, l'.tOI lilng, tilrl: drome and Hampton. 621 . orth Korty-firat, gin: Harry" and Doia jhen, 3(Xr7 Jackaon, boy. ii Deathn Mary O. Te Frielaa, K mi Call u rula; Mary Willlamaon, 37( i'larkxon hoa i .tal; Maggie M. Washington, 78, mi Hlm Luugh; Ira J. Uownry. d, Clarkaon ho i.l lal; John W. Cathcart. . Omaha Oen .rral lioepltal; Petur Wolf, 78, County hoa 1I tali William H. Vlner, 3b, 7U8 Bouth Klfht ot nth; lMard Simmon, . 8. Omaha . Uen- i al hotipltal. . . MAHRIAGIS MCEMEJ. Permlta to wed have been granted to the following couples: Name ahd Kenldence. . , j .: Age. Carl P. Planteen, Omaha. Zl Adeline Kage, Council fluffs.....' 23 Gua Kgglebest. South Omaha 33 Mary -Person. Bouth Omaha .....20 l.eivnia Mitchell. Omaha.. 2 Mabel Soott. Omuha ii ANNOUNCEMENTS J.A. GENTLEMAN 130. rmbalmera. 1614 Chicago. D. UNDH- TAKERS. B-lst. E T. Burrowe Co., rustle donr ft Win dow acreena. 30S Urandeie Th. Bid;. 1). w. M A T ' too! I W ' I V V MA. V I vjuantitl anil tiualuy V t -. ua,flinUad. i ROSENBLATT'S CUT I'KlCisJ COAL CO.. zi Nicholas sr. both -Phones. 011 YOU PAlUDlSE! Sound good, dotsn't It? Happiness su preme when you Burn our PARADISE COAL. To cut down your Coal bill tak our advice and burn Paradise. -Will' av iou J1.&0 to $2.00 ton. Both 'phone. J. W. BEDFORD, tm Cuming Bt. ILLUSTRATIONS from actual photo graphs make the beBt advertising you can buy; our work la the-best,1 photograph for any purpose. . ouuuerual Pnotograpuic Studio, JOtt Boston Jnurc Bldg., Jhd. A-KIV66, MISS A. HOLLAND Wlshea ' to announce grt.at)y reduced prices during the month of January and February; k.ao, elct. new spring tailoring material Included In this oUer. Suit law laxton block. Tel. Dc-ugla WW. MONEY to Loan-low KATE, la sums to UlL tit Bee 51(. Phone Lxtug. H t)Nlo LOAN tu. ARCHITECTURAL draffsrhan (colleK iraduulel, with sieral yai rtperlehce "n New Yolk City and e'sewlKre on aienl lectural and euninverlnH fik, w.sue ex- a woia III spair nun- ' inrk mans, lie: j-Oi cine nra wines auu ue- velopuient works. li n i.fn rii ea. 1, Wu, Be. PRIVATE expiei-slon ltsfts. ED HOTllEltY athJIia No. L 'un liuo Of - IWuor an cigar. Cafe ruonecuun. Hi t. I lib bt. ""ilAGUAHD Van Ac Storag. Pack, alor and aliip li. 11. good. 1). Hon. move, B-24iS. LYNCH BROS. ''Sa"0 V.EPAJll WORK, 1709 Jackson bt. I). 1477. GUS DOMINGl'EZ, former manager of the First National Bank barber shop, has opened the inuM viaguntiy rated barber shop In Omaha and cordially Invite your patronage, upen week day 1 a In. to :30 p. m.; .iuiila)i until t p. m. ; Sunday, 30 a. ni. to 12 in. Tinth Hour New Omaha National Bank Bldg. CYNIC AND PHHJVNTItROPIST! LlSTkN. My back la broken, body Uf tiers from waist down. 1 earned 1.0 tor Infant' Home laat fall. Your magazine order I Ma fall will earn IS.Ou fur charity, the Inter est et thla money will pro Ids tor my de cline and later pay a nurse wages, or endow a hospital cot forever, lit subscrip tions to the Ladles Home Journal and the iurdav Evening Post earns first $l.u00. Price $1.50 earn. Either count, whether new or renewal. Do get the:n In. Writ for compute catalogue and story. "A Broken Hack." Plume DoUglaa 71ul Oor dun. the Jaagasine Man Oioaha. BARKElt 1JUOS. PAINT CO. Doug. 4760. Ind. A-JN2V lMH Farnam St fltencll. outfits: 6 styles, picture framing at moderate prices; glass. Stall taper. W a ."AHRY A FI LL ll.Nel OF BHtRWI.V- 1LI.IAMS PAINT. BRAS POLISH. LIQUID VENKKH AND ALL B8AND3 J KlAJOR WAX Fllters, filter repairs. 13IA Howard. D. $911. E. T. Farnswoith. Att y. 43$ Be Bldg. 1k)UC.LAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 644 E LEVATORS KEPAlHFD. freight, pas f Betiger. J. it Kennedy, lot & UltL D. fcr7. a. a - 'lite nee is received by wore mil cost oi?prn5S. Ticitoitce- Caliper MOandltyfa ddjfaff will prepare vour ad and place if. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) YOUK PICTUKK ..M-rfiJ I5c. You can set pl:turaa 3U mlnuiai aftr they are taken. Bring the tby down. Look for the blue light al night Paxton Btu. flio. lille Karnarn. Open 11) a. m. to U p. m. J01LN N1TTLE11, "Tr?"' I TTVITS THE BEER ToU LIKE. iUVUO sm Bouth Mth 8t. Dougiaa lkS, Red Independent, F-1377. lLEli Oil AND HOTEL Turkish Baths Flneat lcth 4k In the west. Howard 8ua Zimmerman Leavenworth. A Crowe Furniture Co., 1716 Get our plan. Nuf eald! VIRGINIA DARE WINE 7oc bottle. Klein LUiuor House, 122 N. large Wth Bt. MRS. filing. CHARLES C. HUNOATB, china 870 Urandela Bldg. Tel. Web. DSVJ. Alfred Joriea. refreshment, music and service. 4318 Jackaon. 11. Ikbi. Iud. A-2367. ALADDIN lamps and supplies. Saratoga urug to., 24t n anu Ames Ave. web. 11. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH Kn JETK'S 1302 Douglas Street. Drs. Blabaugh A Mares wish to announce the removal of their dental offices to rooms tl-M City National Uank Bldf. B. It Cola Sign Co., D. 8708, 1316 Farnain. MR3. IRWIN. M Branfleia Tha. China painting lessons, naturalistic Conventional; night classes Tues. oV Thur. Order for china, place cards, etc, promptly executed. CHINA decoratlnr for clubs a specialty. Miss M. R. Emlg. 336 Urandela Theater. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. KOSHER delicatessen. All kind of smoked meat and fish. 720', N. 16th St. HORNBY Blue Print Co., 618 Bee Bldg. HARRY Wv MOOL. Engineer. Designer, Draftsman. 3oi Brandela Tbeator. 1. .2101. EAT KOftHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS. 316 S. 16T11. UPSTAIRS. TWENTY per cent lesa thnn Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L St., Soutb Omaha. MASONRY contractor, Healy. Web. 124L B. F. Wurn. optician. 443 Brandels Bldg. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post "TEAR" your top. And trlng It to th best place In Omaha for all kind of repairing DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney St. . AutollepaYring 2rwcARmn,oN CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paxtoo Mltchell Co.. 3010-16 Harney. D. 7824: A-20U. FOR SALE Model 10 Butck roadster, equipped with Prea-to-llte tank and ex haust whistle. Call Harney VjIL OUR line of Id-hand tlrea are bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co., 2124 Farnam St. Auto Painting . ANDREW MURPHY SON. 141$ JAokaon. WRITE for list of automobile bargain H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co., Omaha. W RITE for price. AUTOMOBILE CO., THE INTERSTATE 310-312 S. 18th St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In QAXGESTAD, or out of business 404 Bee Bldg. . Tel. call on L. 337. SEEING THINGS. To the best advantage Is the result of proper care and attention of your eyes. Our knowledge of the eye Is bused on 19 yrs. of fitting glasses. Consultation free. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 2-J-211 S. ltith Kt. TO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEB THE MIDLAND CO., 674 BRANDE1S BLDU. FOR SALE Grocery store; clean stock, low rent, with 4 living rnom; good slund; must le sold on account of other busi ness. Phone Harney 6781. FOR BALE (-room rooming house doing good business, big bargain. 4o3 S. loth Ave. FOR SALE-10 Tclepoet "A," with 1 con vertibles. $9.50 per share; 10 tier -Am. Cof fee 11X75 per share; 10 Autopress. pfd., $;.5o; 10 United Wireless, pfd., cheap. A. O. Anderson. Peterson, la. WANT to correspond with a good. In telligent man or woman who has (2.500 to Invest In bona fide proposition, earning a good salary, to right part. Address lioj 47. Rockwell City. la. WANTED Experienced butcher and meat packer, competent to take charge of small packing plant to be started t-oon. must have some money to go In as partner or take stock In the plant. Address Y 32, care of Bee FOR SALE Good livery and feed barn, auto In connection. Kuppert 4t Ciaics. V.aywood, Nrb. X GOOD proposition is waiting for any reputable duo v ho tan invest from $2.uu0 iu $4 000; bank references, lent estal se curity. Address, A fc4. car Bxe. CASADY Co.. Real Estate, loans sot Insurance List your prop erty for sal or rul. Quica relsrns. a V. turner 14th and Douglas. Tel. loug l-Jt GROCERY and confectionery ilore. mak ing go d money. Must sell by the first. iuoO. GANGESTAD, Room fll Bee Bldg GOOD position with reliable firm for a good line. Hustler who tan Invest U.Ouo In good paving business. Call or address Kuuigs Bldg. H Harding .Av tut a liiiw.avditii tinner u acl anadl cesite mil tf . BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) T1IRKE HUNDRED AND FIFTY" FttK CENT ANNl'.AL l'KUl'11 run TWENTY-THREE YEARS what hundreds of investor!! In British Columbia real estate have made. The "British Coluinoia ttuiietin oi lnior- niotion" tells about the opportunities along the three great transcontinental railways which are opening up thirty minion acre of rich agricultural land and fifty million acres of timber, coal and mineral land In Central and Northern British Columbia, now famous as the Fort Oeorge country. One hundred million dollars will be spent in the next five years In railroad building alnne. Thousands of fortunes will be made by those w ho -get In before the big rush. Let us send you a free copy costs you noth ingmay mean a fortune for you. Write today. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO., LTD., 642 Granville Street. Vancouver, B. C. i . FOR SALE One-half Interest or entire printing plant, doing ruling, printing and binding, employing IS people and only been In operation 15 months. Plenty of work. Plant will Invoice about $10,000. Reason for selling: Too much work for one man and capital limited. Will sell half Interest to party who understands ruling, printing, binding, office supplies and estimating same. Have most of the county work of one of the largest counties In the state. Party wanting one-half Interest should have at least 37,000. Can show fine results. No better climate in the United States. City has shown an increase In population of nearly 300 per cent In IB years. 9,000 population. Answer at once. Fred W. Griggs, Box 381, Greeley, Colo. FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. on Tuesday, Jan. 31, In Osmond, Neb., an $8,000 stock of general merchandise, located In the building on lota 1 and I In block 14. consisting of dry goods, groceries, shoes. men furnishing. BtocK 1 in good con dition and will positively be sold to the highest responsible bidder. J. N. Johnson, Osmond. Neb.' COAL BUSINESS for . sale In Council Bluffs. This plant Is a money maker and will bear the closest investigation. Ad dress K 397, Bee. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. Books, Advice, Search and FRF.R List of Inventions Wanted. 1 Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best resullB. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. La'r, 622 F St., N. W. Washington, D. C . OWN a business. Be Independent. Earn $25 to $100 a week; no capital required.; only our svstem. Write today lor success dook let. Victor Collection Institute, Columbus, O. WANTED Responsible party to represent manufacturer of Improved staple article for store and factories In Omaha and vicinity. F. S. Greene, 143 Liberty St., New York. A FIRST CLASS dining room In Omaha clearing $200 a month. Price, $750. GANGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg FOR SALE Moving picture machine and complete accessories; fine opportunity to establish paying business in small town; sacrifice price. John H. Lindale, West Point. Neb. FOR SALE Good, clean variety stock and fixtures In Nebraska town of 6.000. in voice, $2.3U0.00. Address Y-21. Bee. A SNAP STOCK of general merchandise at a great sacrifice for quick cash deal. Requirea about at a big bargain. No trades nor special UO.OuO, to handle. First class stock with established trade. making big money. Write tor particulars if you have the money and want a good paying business at a log bargain. No trades nor special rulcsmun wanted. Address Y-25, care Bee. HALF of etore for rent, suitable for mil linery or ladles' furnishing; best locution In town. Address G 411, Bee. FOR SALE Bakery, candy rtore. 2916 Sherman Ave. and cigar SMALL restaurant. Including building on leased ground for sale: will sell cheap for cash. Impure 321 Vinton St., opposite cur barn. CAPITAL secured for railways, mining, electric light, oil or nny Industrial propo sitions having merit; we urgamxe com panies, arrange slock and bond Issues strictly commission. Samuel It. Salinger Co., Bankers, Hartfuid Bldg.. Chicago. MANUFACTURING business, a dandy gisid chance. Very profitable. About $;',0u0 will buy it. WILLIAMS, 411. McCague Bldg CIGAR STORE, good one. well located, net rent, only $a. Receipts over $.'') a month. Nice fixtures and stcx k. Price. $J.5cm. Good bargain. See Williams. 411 MvCague Bldg.. 15th and Dodge Sts. FOR SALE Owing to my 111 health I will sell cheap my interest in a large Mock of farm implements, plumbing and automobiles, at Nelson. Neb. For state ment of business and prices write or call upon J. C. Cliambi-rlaln. Nelson, Neb SNAP, If taktn at once. 12-room rooming house; rent and ttater $40 per month; In come, $10; full of I'tKimers; good location, walking distance; selling on account of sickness. 319 so. 2th. laiuglus 623. COIA1RADO SPRINGS' best paying room ing house; 28 room, modern. I'ostoffice Lox 62. Colorado springs, Colo. FOR SALE-Pool fixtures. Inquire at omuha. hall. I' N. complete, new 24th St., Souih WANTED Partner with $1.5oo. In a busi ness lhat will net ou ) per mouth first ear. Address W iTTl lt-e. 10 SHARKS r $115 each. Averv Room Implement Co. 427 Y. M. C. A. stock WANTED Reliable party with moderate capital, control output staple article In oinaha. Allen Mfg. Co.. 11 Broadway. New York. AN exceptional opportunity. Exclusive star s rlshts Most attractive, novel ad vertising proposition of age. r.r.nrmout earning capacity. Full Investigation In vited. Friend s. $1 E. 7lh Bt., N. Y, 1 iiQiiJr .y V T fm V. Man ixouuuu BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PATENTS secured or money refunded. Illustrated guide book and list of Inven tions wanted sent free to any address. Pat ents secured by us advertised free In World s Progress. Sample copy free. Vic tor J. Evans eV Co., 7Z4 Ninth St., Wash ington. D. C. MONTPEL1ER, Idaho, the best location In the west for a good steam laundry; plenty of the very best of soft water; over forty towns tributary. Write to secretary of Commercial club for detailed Informa tion. FOR SALIC Finest and largest barber shop In Denver, principal street. J. W. Noesen, Denver, Colo., general delivery.' SASKATCHEWAN HOTEL FOR SALE. Saskatchewan hotel for ipilck sale, in an excellent and prosperous location; good business; no prohibition; profitable busi ness and increasing; no opposition. Price, $2fi,0ti0: tS.OiiO cash, balance on easy terms. Poor health of proprietor reason for selling. Apply to W. A. Yule, P. O. Box 1020, Sas katoon, Canada. HOTEL European; modern; 30 rooms; steam heat; conducted by owner four years successfully; sickness reason Tor selling. Price, 32,700; can made terms. John J. O'Donnell, El Paso Bldg., Colorado (Springs, Colo. BUY United Porcupine Ltd. stock at 15c a share. Par value $1. Splendid board of director; excellent management. Write for explanatory folder. Get In early. P. S. Halrston. 2d Manning Arcade, Toronto, Canada. PATENT your Idea. It pays. Send ketch Invention for free opinion and Illus trated guide book. No patent, no charge. Hunyea Patents Co., Room 16, Washington, D. C FINANCIAL' Issues, stock or bonds of meritorious enterprise, railroad, traction, manufacturing. Industrials or mining placed with a large clientele through old established banking and brokerage house on moderate commission. Particulars re quired to Insure reply. Financial, P. O. Box 909. New York. MUST sell $5,000 6 per cent first mortgage bonds due 1911. Interest I'sld to date. Manufacturing plant. asset'$2.0ii0.000. Only $22,000 bonds issued. Price nets 7H per cent. Crulkshank, 1 Liberty St., New York City. POOL HALL, cigar and tobacco store; rent $30. Have four pool tables, nice cigar flxturea and stock. Price, $800.. $500 cash. Balance payments. See WILLIAMS, 411, McCague Bldg. 20-ROOM rooming house must be sold at once. A big bargain. $6u0. GANGESTAD. Room 404 Bee Bldg CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dreaslng. hair good. City Nat. Bk. D. 2M3 DR. ROY. 160S Farnam St Douglas 6497. DANCING Misses Simpson 4V Coll. W. 2491. W. 6630. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH, 3d floor, Paxton. D. 1035. DR. HORTON-627 City Nat Bank Bldg. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age, Ino bonded. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1.119. Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMCK. 617 KAP.BACH Blk. L E BROWN'. 613 Taxton Blk. Doug. 2744. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaiatiteed; reasonable. 2214 11 a "on. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 371S. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. Ent tntrance BRAN DEIS" cut floiver depi new store. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam louKlas Duutf las 18. J. II. BATH, li;2S Harney. :ooo. HESS A; SWOBODA. 1115 Fnrii.im St. . I xiN'AGH l'E. 16"7 Fnrn'm. D. 11; A-!') 1. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts.) furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters Tlierinosla ts and tank heal ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1JO.-1:' i Douglas St. Bt'lh phones. FURNACES cleaned, repaired, nn-l Cass Dong lUh 62ti. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agent aud lalfiiigura. LADIES To demonstrate. house to house. Salary and cat tare. W. ij. Cai r. Room 3.'5, 210 So. lith St (URL to demount: ate. l'l I'aiuum. WANTED An experienced demonstrator 'n burnt w iod dpeitment App y at one.-. Superintendent, Uiamleis Stores. LADIES anxious to earn bl money sell ing th-.- "Klosfu" line of r ady m ine, pa tented pe.ticnats ihnt fi. an woman Ilk a u'ove. bliould ui-i'is- tin- for teriito:y pr,v;l"ge. Jatm-a A. Mmrs. .5 Watnn St.. New York. lerlcal nnd office. Stenographer. Insurance $'.0 Stenographer, beginner. $10. CO-oPEKATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 City National Bank Bldg IADIES wanted to copy letters at home, good penmanship required: steady work; caJh pay. Addres J-6W, car Bee ft thM a . .-"'-.Vi.'.H:. .K.. X " id i"'' 5f people every mop HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office -Continued. WANTED, at once, an experienced lady stenographer, who Is rapid and accurate; good salary; call us on the 'phone Monday If Interested. A. A. Berry Seed Co., Clar lnda. la. LADIES may earn good pay copying ad dresses, etc., at home in spare time; par ticulars for stamp. O. H. Rowan. Dept. C 20!!, Chicago. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and clerks, see us for a position. No filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY. 4:12 Dee Bldg. Factory and Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors. 236-240 City Nat l Bank. D. Xtiki. WANTED Experienced bindery girl, at once. I. A. Medler Co., 414-416 S. 14th St. WANTED Girls at Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Many. Either colored or white. SHIRT and overall makers; also skirt pressers. Apply at once to Byrne J Ham mer Drv Goods Co. Factory, 8th and How ard Sts. Housekeeper and Domestic, PUPIL nurses at the Training School for Nurses. Child Saving Institute, 18U6 Ohio St. Write for information. WANTED A neat, experienced girl for general housework. 1623 Lothrop St. WANTED A Polish or Bohemian girl for general housework, lim t arnam (St. i . I WANTED A girl for general housework. I 2221 Dodgo St WANTED Girl to assist with general housework; small family. 113 S. 35th St. WANTED A nice, neat housekeeper, Burt St. 4S0S WANTED A housework. 715 competent Park Ave. girl for general WANTED A neat girl to assist with housework for family of three; good home and wageB. 2402 Fort St. WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper. 2444 Manderson woman St.- for WANTED Girl for general housework; must be competent; family of three. 3112 Leavenworth St. WANTED An eral housework. experienced girl for gen 325 St. 37th St. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be cook. 4340 Seward St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. 3313 Cuming St. WANTED A girl for general housework; mall family. 3009 Dewey Ave. WANTED A white girl for cooking and general housework; no washing, good wages, small family. Mrs. A. T. Clifton, Fort Omaha.-- WANTED Girl 717 N. 30th St. for general housework. WANTED A housework. 834 competent girl S. 24th St. for general WANTED A competent girl for general housework; references. 1038 Park Ave. WANTEI An eral housework. experienced 1122 S. 30th girl for Ave gen- WANTED A good girl for general house work. 3229 Harney St. WANTED A neat competent girl for general housework. 3229 Harney St. AVANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing; small family; good wages. 101 S. 33d St. WANTED A nurse-maid for child of 5 years. Telephone Harney 4760 or call at 3816 Harney St. GOOD, strong white girl by week, to help with washing and ironing; room and board. 2718 N. 261 h St. LADIES wanted to tu!e work home. Applying tran.-fer. 415 Brandels Theater. GIRL WANTED For general house work; no washing noon waxes. 2114 California sticct. Hotels and Itesla urn nts. CHAMBERMAID Apply Manager Omaha General Hospital. Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a ttiaigers are Invited to visit the Youn Women's Christian association building ui Ht. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where iney Mill be directed t'l suitable boarding placet or otherwise ussistrd. Look lor our trar tier's uld al the Union a. at). in. WANTED I-adics to learn the new permanent hair wave, the season's sensa tion; we have exclusive rlyht to leai-h it lore; no other work pays as well; possible lor operators lo earn $7) per day; short term completes; Work waiting graduu'es; our regular work is teaching hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody and electrolysis; also want u few upprtntice Klrls; small pay to start; catalogue mailt d free. Mohr College. Chicago, 111. GIRL or woman, each locality; good made, acimg as repi es.-ntntlve : address velopes, fold riculais: inatrliil. stamp-, fiunish'd free. Rt x Mailing Agency. Lon don, (mario. LADIES make supporters: $12 per hundred no canvassing; material furiilshid; Mamprd envtlojie for p.i 1 1 ulat s. World sptcialty Co, Dept. K ITS. Cuicago. l.AI-IES. Si w shields at home. $11 per !'; tan make two an uorr: wmK sent prepaid lo rt liable women; reply envelope, full In formation to Universal Co.. Desk 3. Wal nut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES Make finltary belt at home; material furnished. $12 50 per hi; siumpd. addressed envelopes for particulars. West Mile Mfg. Co., W'estvllle. N. J. THRICE girls for catalogue work. Must at of- Is. 16 ) i ui i of age or over. Apply rue. ebraka Clothing CO. - . , ' ; '- iL- . irv ' -'.-V.-' ; ' .,,-v'-x t . 4 r 1 ni I 1 . AV W Wa l 1 .WAV BBl l F ABQ i 1 '.w 3 XL. '''Ti i y V .'ltilV w L J t.l PIT; . Jf i V 1 HELP WANTED MALE Assents, Salesmen and Solicitors, WE HAVE salesmen positions open where you can earn good money while studying our course. Practical School ot Salesmanship Drawer T-67. Cleveland. O. LAND SALESMEN WANTED Best and cheapest land In California. Sold In small tracts on easy terms. We supply attrac tive literature, prospects and give all other assistance possible. Trowbridge-Bolster Company. 1201 City National Bank Bldg , Omaha, Neb. AGENTS for new 25 cent office neces sity, sells at sight, large profits; territory assigned, llauck. Seeback Co., 21l-2!5 Es sex St., Brooklyn. N. Y. AGENTS Amazing invention. Entirely new lamp burner, changes ordinary kero sene Illumination Into gas light. Beautiful larwe white light floods chimney. Guar anteed smokeless, odorless. Nothing like It. Brings you quick sales and larKe prof Its. Retails for 35c; write today for some of the remaining open territory. Particu lar free. The Radlullte Co., 319 Colonnade Bdg., Toledo, Ohio. ATTENTION $1,000 reward paid any one that falls to merge one pint of milk Into one pound of butter In two minutes with our new patent .machine, weighs six pounds, sells for $.V0O. Write for Illus trated circulars, credit terms, 25 sworn testimonials, and agents prices. Family Butter Merger Co., Indianapolis, Ind AGENTS Post cards, 90 cents per 1,000 up Valentine, Lincoln, and Washington birthday. St. Patrick, Easter, love aeries, etc., 1,000 assorted high grade cards $2.00. Cross Onard Co., 2147 Arthur Ave., New York. - Build up profitable chewing gum busl- ness. Sell our brands to dealers In your ."town. Four flavors; novel packages. Write touay. rne Helmet co., Cincinnati, J.- BRAND new patent appeals to autolsts, doctors, dentists, barbers, farmers and housewives. Considered great discovery and sells readily. Profit 100 per cent T. J. King, .Richmond, va." AGENTS making big money selling new auto specialty. No competition; $100 to M0 a month easily made. Particulars free. Write at once. Lincoln Specialty Co., Richards Blk., Lincoln, 'Nebr. WANTED Omaha representative, lady or gent, fine side line for public stenographers or anyone. Only pocket samples required. Address Webster. 225 Dearborn St.. Chi cago. SALESMAN As local manager: only those accustomed to earning $3,000 to $5,000 yearly need apply; references required. r ormacone Co., oO Church St., New York. TRAVELING salesman visiting the retail trade can secure profitable side line, dress goods, white goods, etc. Direct from the looms. Good commission. The Lakewood Co., Box 414, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN Experienced In an'v line, to sell general trade In Nebraska. Unexcelled specialty proposition with brand new fea ture. Commission with $36.00 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. BH A CHEWING gum manufacturer at your own home; no machinery necessary; Soi) per cent profit; big demand; particulars free. Jensen & Schwarx, 1913 Welton St., Denver, Colo. LIVE AGENTS and BEGINNERS. Sell best guaranteed hosiery. Large profits, $10 daily easily made. International Mills, 3038 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Lepi. io, i-arsons, Kan AGENTS Wanted. Write Granite Ce ment Co., 81 Grand River ave., Detroit Mich., for their offer. Free sample Men or women. MONEY-MAKING mall order books; circulars furnished. Mutual Exchunge, Col umbus O. WANTED AGENTS-Legltimate sub stitute for slot machines; patented. Sells on sight for $100. pai titulars, (iisha Co., Anderson, ind. W E pav $s0 a month salary and furnish rig and ull expenses to Introduce poultry and slock ponui-rs; new p. an; stiany wt.rk. Higler Co.. X KM). Springfield". II.. AGENTS New Invention. Revolving rubber heels. Anyone can put on In stantly; heels never run over. Never slip. Half the price, three times the wear bf any other. Sell for 2".c pair. 2w per cent profit, j-ell like wlidtlre. Everyone wants them. Lambert Rubber Co., 1270 Washing ton Blvd., Chicago. AGENTS Make big money selling our new Wind proof nockel rk'Hr llfln.r Every smoker bins on sight Se'ls Itself. : Rathbun Mfg. Co.. Indianapolis. Ind FREE TO AG ENTS "Hints". best agent's paper out you cannot afford to he Althoui It. Send your name and uddress now. B. G. Brown, editor, 14:19 Carroll Ave., Chicago. I AGENTS-IJiiten: Our "Substitute I Slot Ma hliies " cells like wild fire. ' .... .,!.. I I i . i for No An- toi'iim ieiuiieii r. e 1 1 is i v e leiillory. derson Game Co., Anderson. Ind .t.r..ia t a. i r.u Mage big money: selling Photo Pillow 'lops 25c. Bromides Z'x-. ' 'Portraits 35c, Olllettes :h . Produce works' I of art. guaranteed, lowest pities. Largest! ' I Minlio, prompt seivlie. credit given, si..-' pies, portrait and frame rutal-igue fie,-. Kilters Are Stuillo. 1218 Madison. Chicago,' HI. A WINNER for sifents. $', no to $10 On ! dally easily made, selling household 'neres jslty. Exerv l.otiy buys. Write quick for territory. Sample and terms Inc. Ionoiny Specially Co.. Dept. 27. St. Louis. Mo TH iVEI.ING salesmen en commission, kt luslve or side line. IP.iniarin Mfg. Co.. Litchfield. 111. WANTED High class specialty salesman for Nebraska to begin work al once. Staple line on new and exceptional terms. Attrac tive contract for I 'll. References. Miles F. Hlxler I'u.. Clevtlund. O FHFE sample. No sp'ash waterstrulners are winners Dally profit $5. upward Let us prove It. Send 2c. cost mailing. Seeu tiller Co., New York. HELP WANTEDMALE Aa;rn and Salrsmrn Contlnnrd. AGENTS: For a vacuum cleaner thak weighs only 5 pounds, sells for $;. yet does the work of the more expensive machine! big profits, liveliest proposition ever oflered to an .agent; many agents making $ltI weekly, other $.5 to U weekly; demon Htratlon means sale; you can sell in of our machines to one of any other make; vrH at once. P. A W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., M9 West 45th St., New York. JUST OUT New Invention for coal oil lamps. The Mr.rvrl Vaporizer fits any common lamp cuts oil lulls in twogiven a brilliant white ItKht. Listen! Achorn. ll'tah, nays "Quickest, eiislcst seller I ever saw." Unwcn, Wash., "Simply de lighted." Krelger, Mo.. ".Made $JI.0.I mm Saturday.' lw In price aril one for every Intnp. No experience necessary yo'4 can make this money easy. Not sold In stores. Write quick for te . itoi y do It before von forget. Sidney Falrchlld Co., 272 Falrchlld Bldg., Toledo, O. FOUNTAIN PENS For Agents. Demonstrators and Premiums) Gold, Silver and Pertrl. $ti.00 Dos. Send for samples at 75 each for exam ination anil will refund difference on first order. All pens fitted with 14-kt. gold nib and fully guaranteed. Also large showy holders with gold plated nll.s at low price. Diamond Point Pen Co.. 86-88 Fulton St., New York. Largest manufacturers In United States. Send for price list ot our "Markman Velvet Point" Pens. SOLICITORS C,hance to make blir money; 100 per cent profit to you, 400 per cent saving to customer, hand rope ma chine; makes better, stronger rope than factory; new, absolutely; no competition; farmers, ranchers, factories, boat builder and liveries buy on sight; one man sold 12 first two houses; $18 profit; another luO week. i Appoint sub-agents; act now for ground floor contract. Address Day & Reynolds, 738 Brandels Theater Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 3112, Omuha. AN aggressive man with sales experience for city sales, through local branch of automobile manufacturer; good opening for live man. Addrcsj G 678, Bee. SALESMEN to sell an side line ad vertising novelty to lumber and hard ware dealers. Interests every dealer because it produces Immediate results., Good commission. Sample may be car ried In pocket. Curnlu-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED County representatives for Success Hand Vacuum (leaner, 15. Wa challenge all makes of hund and power machines to public contests, to be decided by disinterested parties; biggest kind of profits. Write for terms and territory. Hutchison Mfg. Co., Wllklnsburg, Pa. SALESMEN wanted Willi established trade to sell hosiery and underwear by tha case only to the retail trade, strictly com mission. Franklin textile Co., 256 Churvu St., New York City. SALESMEN Mako 5o0 per cent profit selling our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs, sou varieties, enormous demand. Cutaioue irne. Sulli van Co., 1234 an Bureu M., Chicago, III. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staplo line. High commissions. $100. 00 monthly advance and peununcnl position to right man. Jess ii. Su.itu Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED A live-wire talesman, familiar with the saloon trade; big money making proposition with unlimited possibilities; ar ticle is low priced, quick seller; exclusive territory; good man can average $50 a week up. Write quick, stating qualifications. The La pin Co., Kewanee. ill. TRAVELING salesman wanted lo work small country towna. if. per cent com mission, and $Ki weekly di awing account. Oldest cider company in the l ulled Slates. Red Cross Cider Co. St. Loula, Mo. SALESMEN Wanted: Elegant sideline; 25 per cent commission; small samples; Worth Investigating; sell to hardware, har ness and Implement dealers, 'l he legler Neckyoke Co., Coffeyvlllc, Kalis. WANT ED-Sulesineii f ahllitv and neat appeal arme to their territory lent to carry remittance. A clnnatl. II' tall on all meieh.int In elegant side line, ronven good ommii-s.nns. prompt 54. Belmont Mfg. Co., t'lil- LARGE manufacturer with excellent Una and eslahlii-htd trade wants experienced traveling salesmen. Salary position wall expenses advanced. Apply with references. Iioipiols .Mfg. lo, Cleveland. O. WANTED Salesmen for Mil; one man has aviiagcd over ?"..'l') net for eight years; commissions for l'.iln over $:i.o 0. Grit ins. lot Seidllrr llldg., Chicago. KEMPER-THOMAS CO.. Cincinnati Want tavcMng men fur ad rt ri 1 ilng tans us site line; quick money. :r, to x.,o v.eek'; copyright! d designs; si lltn ,- s-. as n now on. Apply Fan Dept. AGENTS New patented article. from one to four dozen ucd In every home, instltctltms buy bv the hundred. Millions sold in Chicago. P ) l.n- ec.-ii piofi. (j. n eial Sales Co., 5.' Dearborn St.. Dept. 13, Chicago. AGENTS easily make JUKI weekly sell, ing our ai.lo spe lalt : p.n ticulm free. Wihe todin . K 'i aiireii, 4127 Mai. i, Kun-i-Bs City, Mo. AGENTS make $5 to by selling our sp. clalt v Write lutlay. I n ; t. 7, Company. Cedar Ruptus. $25 per lv easy plliculais free. Nt wton Novell Iowa. AGENTS WANTED-;.", to 5 dull selling our a itom jliile spi-'ult ; si nd for free paitit-ulurs today. The Kimball Im l.ortln Co. 215 Summit M. Ail. ansa City, Kan. ' MANAGER WANTED-Every city and county. bundle best paying busln- s known, legitimate, new. exclu ave control; no insurance or l.ooi; canvassing Ad dress Chas Halstead. 4H West lillh St., I New York. $10 A DAY selling aril. le. every firm needs quantity. Nle. pleasant business. I:lg demand everywhere. Samples free. Metallic Mffe- Co., 127 N. Clark, Cuicago : i ' ' 1 i i ! ' i, K a-