"10 THE HEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. .TANTAUY 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Foreign Cables 1)0 Not Follow Local Fall of Wheat. WHEAT SUFFERS A DECLINE nrn Hold Fairly Firm Face o Ihe Radical llerllne In Wkt Inndlllon A re t.enerolly Hrnrleh. OMAHA. Jen. 21. 1911. loiiitti mhM on wheat ranie iirm. nu'inn, ..r. c i. r ev lorn; i anauiau. it. fniino iiia run iiri r,e eHieriiav. 'penitm r. I. f New York for export. allien were Malv. with xiime mi'i" to er . s noe. hm " i. ....... . inottaie) ami mild weather over the what hell and kIo ivh demand news la fanr-, ins Hie hear fide Holllna )i'ein In heavy nil dp. IliipH In order Ihe present time i op i i'in inarKvi ip b'.iihihii ii ...... - - j r (.to , r.tt, rtf..... of ilie oet'line In Wheat I hei rt f lereipis rr l.elria: wll taken and esstem and pyport demand l showInK Kofni lr.-i eases. fier iullii2 firm eat'v on steadiness In Liverpool ihe wheal market suffered Ii -liuip hieak on free liquidation bv L.nKs "ii weakness in northwestern markeia ' losira values showed n heavy tone. l'a"h vheat was very dull and prices raneu ' ';! lower. oi n held falrlv firm In face of the rad ii al def line In w heat The st nbbornnes is puzzling owning to the general bearish conditions particularly the cash article. Shipments are good, hut on the whole the market looks lower unless good support de- elopes. I'tlmary wheat receipts wei jfi2.ii0 bu arid shipment were 20i.(O bu. against re- elpta last vear of 3S2."0 b.t. and shipments of bu Primary corn receipts wera S6.1." bu. and shipments were 48 1. OA bu.. against re- eipts last year of .HO bu. and ship ment. x of 3;.0.iH hu. '.learances weie 1.(ii bu. of corn, .1.000 lm. of oals and wheal and flour eo,ual iS.'.fJ( hu Liverpool cloged unchanged on wheat itiflifl unchanged on corn. Omaha asli Prlin. WHKAT-Nri. 2 hard. K-;Wc: No- " h..rd. 1fi9lc; No. 4 hard. 7Vi:He: rejected hard. 77St2e; No. 2 spring. Wa7r; No. 3 spring-. W&atWc i'ORN-No. J white. 41'a !-":: 3 while, 4l''t,5j12c: No. 4 white. iVa11'ic: No. :i color, 4l'4lifr: No. 2 yellow. 4Kill'-c No. 3" yellow, 4o,iti4l'c; No. 4 mellow. ' 4ii'e; No. 2. 40-Vb41'(ic; No. 40','(i 41c; No. 4. Wrai0e; no aitade, :nz ns'vc. OATS-No. 2 white, au-nillc ; standard. WiMrMr: No. 3, white. iW'fjiSo: No. 4 whiie. iHUjMiijc: No. J yellow, 3(S.AJSri No. 4 yellow, 23"4t(30V,c. ulji 1.' v.. v a aztirz- 1 No. 1 teed, IHW70 relucted. "uK- ItYB-No. 2. ;SKi0c. No. 3, 7d!ttilrc. The following cash sales were reported : H heat. No 2 hard ii cars, 93c Corn. No. I vheat. No 2 hard, ii cars, 3c corn. ino. .1 while. 1 car. 42c. No. 4 while. 1 car, 4IVc; No. 3 color. I car. H'2c; No. 3 yellow. 24 cars. 41'.c; No. 4 yellow. 3 cars. 40'fcc; No, 3 mixed. Jo cars, 41c; No. 4 mixed, 4 cars. 4',c; no grade. 1 car. 37'-c. Oats. No. 3 while, 1 car, .Kc; No. 4 white, 1 car, SlM.iC; No. 4 white. 2 cars, J0'c; No. 3 yellow, 2 cars, 30'if. Carlo! Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 1 'Imago 1 474 12 Minneapolis 27 S omaha 4 8.1 20 1 u 1 11 1 h 00 IHKAUO 4.RAIN A M l'HOVHIO1 I'ralnrri nl the Trading, and f'loalna; I'rleea on Bnnrd of Trade. i'lllt'AOO. Jan. 21 There was the wild est of selling of wheat In the last half hour today . . Canadian reciprocity talk and the report' of closing of more nulls Ailnne a polls were Ihe Incentlvea; extreme weak ness prevailed In the final trading, with latest figures showing a net loss of c. to IValH''- All other leading staples, too, suffered a decline corn, 'c to ac; oats. a shade to V. and hog products, 2,c to 15c. More than a cent a bushel was clipped from the price of May wheat In a few min utes just before the gong cleared the pit. Local longs unloaded by the wholesale on slop loss orders. At the same time north west houses sold here heavily. In the opinion of soma brokera, aigna pointed to extensive liquidating for bull leaders un der cover. Gossip about reciprocity with Canada was quite definite, but official confirmation did not become common property until shortly after actual trading had ceased. Reports also regarding the shutdown of additional mills In Minneap olis 'were parried with denials minimizing the effect until the market collapsed In earnest. Karller In the session, support bad been forth, -ornlng an l uppaiently was much needed at the dollar level for May. May fluctuated between 9stC to $1.0O, with the close l4jl'o net lower at Sx'altme. Poorness both of domestic and export demand made corn dull and heavy. eUy ranged between 4HT()'(K0c. Cash corn waa weak; No. 2 yellow finishing at 47fcr47'c. oats were relatively steady because local receipts of the week were but little In ex 1 esa of shipments. Price changes for May kept within He limits and in the end were precisely that much under last night's level at 34V. Weakneaa of the grain list counted agaiual provisions. Th outcome was to leave pork 7VfllO" l"1' down; lard, 60 to 7'sc. off and rlbe at a decline of 2to to 80. Prtoea In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain company, 708 Brandels building, Omaha, telephone Douglas 2478: Artlcle. Open. Illgh. Low. Cloae. Tea y Wheat I I I Mav...1 OO'sM 1 00l Julv...lm''B4il ll Sept...i4vua MS 1 Corn I May...W'V6V,HV8ii July... 6IS1J ' "I1 Fept...i i-V),U'itiU Oais- I . ... WaiSSTifrWl 1 00 eo'i to-1 96 Va v, K3WI MU 49-49Vo5o'; 60W, l W blS 01; oi )t bi May...l4Vtf " S4HI 84'. $4s; July.. 4a S 4S 34V8 l34h'fi 34V'a hept... Pork Jan.... May... Lard Jan May... Ribs, . Jan. . . . May... S3S 33SI 334S3WS 30 20 1 0 24) 18 76 I 13 76 20 10 18 66 20 10 18 60 20 20 18 t?H 10 10 8 90 10 10 90 10 00 83 10 00 8 88 10 05Vi 57 10 66 87 10 So I 10 85 8 92 I 93 10 50 86 10 60 $ 86 1 ash quotations were aa follows: F LOCK Easier; winter patents, $4,304? 4 80; winter straights. $4.uur.i4 .; spring straights, ii wgi ; oaaers, j. iu.vu. RYE No. 2. Hc. BA RLE Y Feed or mixing. 66jj)75o; fair to choree malting. K.-flwc HEKDJi Flax. No. 1 southwestern, $2.63; no 1 nnrtnw esiern, a -.00. iiinoiny, xio.ao. Clover, $14 90. PROV'lsloN8-Mess pork, per bbl., $20.00 h J9 ld. Lara, per iu ids., iui.uu. rhort ribs. aides (loose). $10.1IS1J iaS2',i. Short clear aides IboxeAl). 1U. mil 11.00. Total clearances ot wheat and flour were eijual to l,i2.0U0 bu. Primary receipts were N2.i"J ou.. ooniparea wnn MCOUO hu. th corresponding day a year ago. Estimated lecelpta for Monday; Wheal, 14 cars; corn, cars; oats. 137 cars: hogs. 35. 000 head. Chicago Caah Prices Wheat: No. X red, VflH9'o: No. 1 red. 97iU'.V: No. 2 hard. k8Vcii$1.00t: No. 3 hard. 97cV$1.0l: No. 1 northern spring. 8I 0I09; No. 2 northern spring. $l.wiuls: No. spring. $tmuiiT7. Corn. No. 1 rash. 4iVtM7c; No. 8 cash Vt 4oijc; No. 2 white. 46W47c, No. 3 white 4fiJ46V4o; No. 2 jellow, 47a47lc; No. 3 vel !. 46541'c Oats: No. 2 cash. 8?c No. 4 white. 83'tf34e; No. 8 white. 33q3;H4e; No. 4 while. $-W33-; atandard. 3:u4y33i,1c. BL'TTF.R Lus ; creameries, HuAc; UaJ i.es IMjI-c ViiiOs Wesk: lecelpta. S 423 cases; at mark, cases Included, 19V23Sc; firsts, 24c; prune firsts, 2Jc, POULTRY Easy; turkeys, live. 17c dressed, 22c; chickens, live. 12'jc: dressed' l.'c; springs, live, lie; dressed, 12c CHEESE Strong; daisies. 14tii.".i,c; twins. 164al6o, voung Americas, laloc' long horns., 10lritk . ' i-OTAToKfr rileadN'; choice to fancy 48 y.'c. fair to good. 4u47o VKAly Steadv; 60 to ot lbs , t'c; to ti Ihs . 10tc; N li 110 lbs., ll'ac. Receipts today Wheat, 16 cats; 474 cars; oats. 1 J6 cars. Kaiiiuated Tomorrow Wheat, 14 corn. 3o6 cars; oats. U7 caia. corn. I.iarrpoel tarala Market. LlVF.RPttOL. Jan. 31 WHEAT-8pot. firm: No. 2 red western winier. 7s 4d. fu tures, steady; March, 7 lSd; May, 7s l',d. I'ORN-Bpot. uulet; American mixed new. 4s 4d; American mixed, old. 6a 2d; futures iiuei. January, is d; February, is 3Sd May. 4s id. Peoria Market. PEtjRIA. Jaa. 21. CORN-Lower; No. 3 white. 4sc; Nu. 4 while, 43,c; No. I yel low. 44S4C: No. 3 yellow, 44V; No. 4 yel low. '480; sample. 41c. OATS Unchanged; No. $ white, 32c. Philadelphia Pradace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan II.-BUTTER-Siead ; extra western creamery, 2irc; extra neaibv prims, fca. EOiJS erne rent lower; Pennsylvania and ::;. : "?.:,':v,,,-: 'r;.,,.! en-.-. 2. at m:i"k. wesiein fi'Me, iiee ', i.c 'it mark, iiirrent rerfii'ls. ca'i''f a t ma : k il KhSh I nrnrjtd MOW 1IMIH I.KMsK 4, I. T.l AH.KK I 4) aofaf Ions of Ihe Oar " Varlons I ommoillllf NEW Yi'ftK. .Ian. 21. - Kl.Ol' R-Diill ; M'MnK patents. $5 jo.iO .70. winter strsighis. 4 1V4.:i; winter patents. $4 471 4 85; spring cles'-s, 64 lii'n 4 4. winter extras No. 1. $14" i winter extras.' No. :'. $.l.2'Si:i 40; Kan- i sas straights. $4 I'-i 4 Tfi. Re flour, firm; fHlr to gniMl. ! ifi4.3i; choice to fm . 4 Kf 4 . Hiit-kn hi-at flour. iilot. Ani"il- i Ult.N .I K. I.-Steailv ; fine while ani vei- . n, w , ai..irui.j( coarhe, at . iou i mhi . o I IK AT-Spot market eamv; No. 2 red, wc. elevator, and "!"-,c. f. o. I afloat; . i noiihoni luiiuth. II 22';. f.-o. b afloat. rrs niurKei a Meaiiier phi i mi ( Ri'ir, till ueoiineil liniier llilllliian"" t.. on the wiakin'.j.x In the outside market, cl. sum inn Landed In 'r m l lower. May. l iw l.;-li,-.i l.ci-x. closed at l.o4': Jul v. 1 1 r,, , lowed ai $1.03. Iteoilpl. ,) mi : Hiiipments. :: h .. lm l 'Oll.N Spot maiket easy; New No. 2. i-i'i--. f o h afloat. I'utiiies market was wHhout transactions, closing at e net de cline. May closed at uM. Heceipts, 7d.;i7 hi;.; shipments, ".tin; hu. OATS spot market iii. let ; standard w hite, "''gc: No. 2. 3!c; No. 3 .".s'tc; No. 4. ::7'jC. H'uiures market was without transaction, closing unchanged : January closed at Wc. Mm at 40',e and July at 0'4c. Receipts. IW..I7."i hu.; shipments. '. 71 bu. HA V l-'lrni: prime, SI .I-'1-; No. 1. $I.tkVf l.i'i: No. 2. fee. No. soc. HOPS Kirm 1!K. 17i&20c; Tacific coast. 1!U'I lK'rlJ2c: l!. IMIHc. IHI i-:s Hull; t.Vntral America. 21Jc; Bo gota. 22c. I-HA'IHKH I'irm; hemlock firsts, 21'1J 25e. thirds. i:i'fi2nc; rejects. IKsi'Tc. PROVISIONS Pork, barely steady; mess. IJ-' .' .'.( 2J.oi; famllv. $23.&t4ii.00; short clears. $20 K'ri 22 IK). Beef, steady: mess. 14.tsV,, 14 fill; family. $li.uKa I7.W: beef hams, $25.itf - i.w. ut meats steady: pic'klea Denies Ii to 14 lbs . $12 7.Vni:i.75: pickled hams. tn..W). Lara, barely steady; middle west mime, $10.24 1 11.30 : refined, ateauv; con tinent, $i07(: South America. $U.(6; com pound. $.v..MvaR 7."i TA LLOW yulct ; prime city. hhds . 7 7-h.c; country. 7W7c. POI LTHV-Allve. dull: western chickens. IS'aia'ic; fowls. 15'vTiliic; turkeys. lSffllSc. I'ressed Irregular; western chickens, 14 lli'-sc; fowls. 14'al7c; turkeys, lifi. P.l'TTKrc Kasv; creanierv specials 27c; ettras. li.i2e. held creamery third to spe cial. IS'hJ.V; state dairy, common to fin est, lSfr2Sc: process, second to special, lS'o1 21.'; imitation creanierv. first, IS'nlKu; fac- I lory held, 17'4yiSc; factory, current make. ir" i"c. Kt.Otf-Weak : s ale, Pennsylvania and "P?i V ',ennrrV' W-.!,i f".Cy' la,'Be' rfMc- "athered w hite. .i:n 34c; hennery brown, fancy. 2!c; gathered brown. 2(Vd28c; western e.. nn e., ... w gathered, white 3fyu33c; f 'xlra first. 2ut-fi2bc: firsts 1 res 11 gatiwrea 2ic: seconds. .Hi 24c. fresh gathered dirties. No. 1. 20W 21c; No. 2. 17rol9c: refrigerator firsts, 19 20c; seconds, Hj''glSc. WBATIIEK l. TIIK URAl.w BELT Indications for I narltlrd Weather In the West Sunday. OMAHA. Jan. 21. 1911. Conditions are decidedly unsettled this morning in all portions of the country; rains are tailing in tne lower lake region, the Ohio valley and Oklahoma; It is snow ing In the upper lake region, throughout Nebraska and west over the middle Rocky mountain slope, and scattered snows are reported In the extreme northwest and on the north Pacific slope. The wave of warmer weather that prevailed over the central valleya during the last few davs has continued east and south, and tem peratures have moderated greatly every where east of the Mississippi river. A very decided drop in temperature occurred last ninht In the upper lake region, the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and west Into the mountains, and temperatures be low siero are general throughout the upper valleys snd northwest. Conditions are fa vorable for continued unsettled weather In this vicinity, with probably snow tonight or Sunday and slightly colder tonight. Temperature and precipitation aa com pared with the last three years: 1911. 19)0. 1909. 190s. Lowest last night 14 15 37 34 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 20 degrees Deficiency in precipitation aince March 1 1910. 14.99 inches. Excess corresponding: nerlnd. 1910 s rt Inches. Deficiency corresnondlnar nerlnd iw K 7 Inches. L. A. WELHl'l. Local Forecaster. St. I.onle General Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. VVH EATPnt nr.. lower; May, $1.00; July, H4H- Cash, lower1 track. No. 2 red. $1.01HS1.03; No. 1 hard. SW'dWie. CORN Weak: Mav. 4S'4ff49r: .lul Hk. Cash, steady; track, No. 2. 46c; No. i white, 46;4c. OATS Lower: Mav. 33Vc. Cash t-Hu. track. No. 2. .Ik-; No. 2 white, 344j34Wc R Y E Unchanged, at 84c. FLOUR Dull: red winier ml.nt. uku 8.25; extra fancy and atralirhi 14 W i 7;. hard winter clears. $3 6Oi4.0O. 1SEKI Tlmothv, $5.0049.50. CRNMEAl-42.30. BRAN Strong: sacked, east track ti in mi. 11. HAY steady; timothy, $14(filO0; prai rie. $11.(K(( 14.60. ' " a.JfOV.lslVN.!Pork- ""changed; jobbing. $2O00. Ird, lower; prime steam, $9.87Wif 9iV. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra aborts. $10.87i; clear ribs. $10.87S; short clears, $1100 Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, $I2J2; clear ribs, $12.12; short clears, $12.26. POULTRY-Weak; chickens. 11c; spring 12c; turkeys, llic; ducks. 14c; geese, 60. BUTTER Dull; creamery. 23y27c. liUUS Steady, at 23Wo. Receipts. Shlprr-nta. 7.600 u2.0"0 49.0U0 46.000 114.000 44 0U0 63.000 18,000 Flour, bbla... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Kansas Clr Uralai and Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 21 WHEAT May 6'(9iSo, sellers; July. Mc, sellers. Cash' unchanged to 1c lower; No. 2 hard. 96cii $1.03; No. 3, Mctm.Ol',,; M0, 1 red. $1.02iJ 1.03; No. 3. $1.0lql.01. " CORN May, 4U'-,c. bid, July, 49,49Ho sellers. Cash, unchanged to 4c lower' No i mixed. 444i44'sc; No. 8. VuUic; So 2 white, fc'iiitec; No. 3, 46c. OATSUnchanged to 4o lower; No. 2 white. 32i33lje; Ho. 1 mixed, 31I&32C. IIYK-No. 2, 770. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy. $14 00 14.60; choice prairie, $12. BUTTER-Creamery, Wo; firsts, 23c; sec onds. 21c; packing atock, 14c. KUGS Extraa. 24c; firsts. 22c; seconds 17c. Receipts. Shipments. vvneai. du MO 000 36 000 Corn, bu 61 UoO 27 Ouo Dais, bu 8.0W) 12.OUO Minneapolis firala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 21 WHEAT May. $1 04V cash No. 1 hard, $1 Of, V No 1 northern. $1 0;l,'(il.0f.i,; No. 2 northern! $1 00V l.ltl: No. 3. 9.S',C(ill 02S- SEED Klax, closed at $2.63. CORN No. 3 yellow, 44c. OATS No. 3 white. 31Va32c. RYE No. 2. SoVuSlc. BRAN In lOO-.b. sacks. $22 Oya22 50 FLOUR First patents. $4.&ig5.26; second palenta, $4.7Vmi.l6; first clears, $:i.20i(3.6o clears, $2.2.Vn2.Sj. ' Mlltsaakee Urals Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 21 -FLOUR-Steady WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.0rt1.09; No. 2 norinern. a1.u0411.vB, aiay. Wsuyyc. OATS 33 '.c. BARLEY -Samples. 8691c. Delath Grain Market. DULUTH. Jan. 21 WHEAT Mav, $10', July. $1.07'i; No. 1 northern. $10u7t; No. 2 iiorinern. a : a'la i-w .. OATS-32'.c t'olloa Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21 COTTON-Spot. closed quiet, middling uplands, 1490c; gulf) 15.15c; sales. 2!r bales. 1ST. LOUIS. Jan 21 COTTON-Un-changed. middling, l.i'4c. Sales, none; re ceipts. 2 324 bales; shipments, 3.172 bales; slock. 23.163 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by Logan at Bryan, ineiubera New York Cotton exchange. 316 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Month. I Open ! 11111. Low. Close. Yas y. Jan. ...1 14 62 1 14 68 14 fil I 14 64 14 ta March .( 14 7 14 M 14 78 14 63 It 7 Mav ..'14 99 115 04 14 99 115 03 14 99 Julv ... 15 02 16 OK 15 02 15 05 15 03 Aug. ... 14 69 14 76 14 70 14 74 14 70 Oct 13 36 ' 14 40 1 4 38 18 1$ 37 saaar Market. NEW YORK. Ian 21 -SUGAR- Raw. easv; muscovado. k9 test. 18c: centrifugal. 96 teat. 3 4v. molasses sugsr. 88 teal, 2 73c; refined, quirt: crushed, 6 40c; granulated, 1 4 7oc; powdered. 4 oc. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Generally Steady to Stronger for Week. HOGS STEADY WITH A WEEK AGO Rf I la of and l.nns " - iBrM-r . u,.l Than i ear Aio, ' ", ek with Prlrra l ittle atrniiaer. SOfTII OMAHA. .Ian 21, 1'M1 i Hr!pi w ore: (Offiria' Mnmliv t'atiie. 4. r r.T''' 4 4 4.21.7 1 177 2 1 e. tneen 3 4' 1!.41 (iffiolal TiifB - v H.T17 7 rvn 1 - Official Wednradav ";'-'! i."." t ifflrial Thursdav . Offlrial Friday .... KMImnte Saturday Total thia w-eek ..To." 1 1 n, '7 4 ;.'. '4 S ' " 7i! 4" W TTUVs : fame ria s last week 22 47'i Same ilioi 2 w eeks icil 1 ' Same days 3 weeks ago 110-' Same davs last venr ...IS. 71s 4.', OS ao.".r Tha following table shows the receipts oi cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the ear to data .as compared with 'ast year: jw 1S10. Inc. Uec. 'attle 4SI.O0 792 Hogs 112 011 127.141 1...1 Sheap S7.797 W.j62 1.-35 The following table showe the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I 1911 U10.19u9. i W8.I1M7. 11306. 19- Jan. 11. ,. 7 7.1' .1 $ 1! $ 74 1 4 IS $ 29 6 22 4 M Jan. It .. 1 7,i $ tt 8 Mi ' 8 ! t.i 1 Jan XI I 7 72'i I II i HI 4 M " f 4 ! Jan.' 14. .! 7 6'., g M 8 $7- 4 l 6 2S I 4 9 Jan. Jan. Jan 15... I $ 42 6 R7 4 2Si ol "I ,, 16... I 7 WH1 16 :i 4 331 421 5 2ti 4 M 17...! 7 71',i t 47. i 4 21 6 421 & 241 4 57 1 I ; I lll tiK I 23! S hO! ft 2n 4 tiU an Jan. 7 83'4 8 3I 09' J 6 42 6 23 4 steady; native beef steers. $3.00fi7.2:; cows Jan. 211. . . 1 7 ! 1! H 31 ' 8 03' 4 27 ! o 31 4 bi an,i heifers. $.1.7n1i.dO; stockers and feed Jan. 21. ..1 7 7V 8 S2: 6 7: 4 22 681 ' I ffa, $.1 7;K5.iO; 'lxas and Indian steers, !. l$47:yfT6.BO; cows and heifers. 83.0094.7S; Sunday. calves In carload lots. $6.0ora.0O. Receipts and disposition of live atocK at I IOG8 Receipts, 8.600 head; market the Lnion stock yards. South Omaha, Ior,Ktnadv. pg9 an(( l(.ht9i j7.k,,(,iT90; pack-twenty-four hours ending at S p. in.: lets. $7.W)i7.80; butchers and best heavy. RECEIPTS CARS. 1 Cattle. Hogs . M SI P Missouri Pacific I'nlon Pacific Chicago N. W.. east... Chicago & N. VV., west.... "'., St. P.. M. - O C. B. &. Q., east C., B. y , west C. R. I. & p.. east C, R. 1. P., west Chicago O. W Total receipts DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Company Huffman Benton, Vansant A Lush,. J. H. Bulla Other buyers fc.11 1.670 2,4X7 1.402 61 7 1.1 19 Totals 54 6.431 CATTLE There were no fresh receipts of cattle of any consequence this morn ing. Receipts for the week, while showing a slight falling off as compared wiih last week, show a moderate gain over a year ago. The arrivals have consisted largely of warmed up and half fat cattle, the proportion of trash on some days being very large. On the other hand, there have been a few good cattle arriving all the time. Beef steers have been good sellera nil week, the better grades showing a little strength and being at the close of the week quotable anywhere from strong to as much as 10c higher han last week. On the other hand, heaw and rough cattle, if any thing, are a trifle easier than last week, the demand for that kind being limited. While no strictly choice cattle have been received this week, there have been sev eral bunches good enough to bring $6.35 6.40. The better grades of cows and heifers have been strong sellers and they are In some cases as much as 10c higher than last week. On the other hand, the general run of fair to medium butcher atock is only about steady, still there has been a good healthy tone to the trade throughout j the week. One lot of heifers was received good enough to bring 86.(6, which was the top price for the week. The demand for feeders has been very active every day this week, with prices slowly but surely working upward. The demand has been such that everything of fered has been snapped up In short order, and at the close of the week prices are safely Wit lie higher on the better grades. On the other hand, the common to medium kinds have remained only about steady. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $ii.lotm.i)o; fair to good beef steers, $5.606.10; common to fair beef steers, $4.80u5.40; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.75'a6ft6; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.0u 4.76; common to fair cows and heifers. $3.25'5j4.00; good to choice stockers and feeders. $a.2fifiR90; fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.76fr6.2; common to fair stockers and feeders, $4.00(4.75; stock heif ers. $3.7E-S 4.60; veal calves, $4.00&8.60; bulls, stags, etc., $3.76i5.00. HOGS A moderate supply of hogs moved on a market steady to a shade lower than yesterday's average trade, packers taking the big end of receipts. In other words, this morning's trade averaged lower than yesterday's opening and strong with yesterday's close. Slack demand from shippers resulted in a quiet tone to com petition and rather slow movement. Clear ance waa made before midday, however, bulk of smooth butcher and bacon offer ings selling more readily than the heavy offerings of rough mixed. Heavy loads were more freouent than lately and brought $7.65 and less, aualltv determining the price. Good light mlxod sold around $7.70 and choice lights had to move at $7.76. Closing trade on all weights waa ami at ngures weak to a dime lower than early. No very great changes tn the scale of prices were apparent during the week, most 01 tne Dusiness neing aone within 16c range. Until yesterday, trade ruled slightly higher, but any early improvement been loat and preseent prices are little better than steady wiin inose 01 a weea ago. supplies have been moderate with average quality good. No. A. sh. Tt. No. a. Sh. Pr. 47 Ill 40 T 48 84 228 40 T 70 69... . .1'2( 7 60 7 60 1 60 7 70 HI... 81... m. ., M... (3. .. 44... 69... 0 . 61. . , VI... "1... II. .. III. . I.., .. 64.. I . .. ... 41.. 4.. 4.. .. 71.. 41. to . 14.. ts.. m . ii.'. i. . M . If... 1.. 19 . 4.. II. . 71 . U.. u . ..;o ..290 l" II. . 6l!.' ....228 ....tn ....127 ...,17 ....261 .. 7 70 .. 7 70 .. 7 10 .. 7 70 .. 7 70 .. 7 70 .. 7 7 .. 7 70 10 tM .. 7 70 .. 7 70 .. 7 70 40 7 70 0 7 70 40 7 70 ,.. 7 70 40 7 60 til ISO 7 M ..10 1(0 7 60 ..120 It 7 60 .295 ... 7 60 ..M ... 7 60 . .106 40 7 (4 ..?! ... 7 66 ..1 MO 7 65 ..K3 III IU 7. .211 17. ...i.. .230 111 237 41.... 66.... 77.... 4.. .. 7.... 66.... 41... 71 ... 74. ... laj... W ... K ... It.... 77..., 74.... 4... 61..., W... 77.... 72. iV.'.., a. ... Ikl... aa... ... 10... 40 .. ...241 ... U ,...2 ,...2f9 ....211 ....242 .258 1 60 inn M.4 25 , r.'4 ... 7 40 374 0 7 n ... 7 W ... 7 0 0 7 (0 ....l4 ....240 ...221 ... ...H.i ... ....2"7 ... ...211 ... ....224 ... . ... 224 ... ....277 ... ...211 ... 1IH ... ....1.16 ... ....'S ... ...2M 120 ... !61 ... ...211 40 ...2.1 ... ....JJ't ... ... ri . . . .... 203 ... 221 ... ....190 ... 7 70 7 721, 7 72 1, 7 72t, T 76 7 75 7 75 7 76 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 75 275 ;n 120 7 15 297 .. 7 45 . . 7 46 :oo 7 15 40 1 46 . . 7 4.S .. 7 45 , . . 7 5 . . 7 4 40 1 . .. 1 15 ... 7 6.S . . 7 45 . .m .241 . .27 ..24J ..III . .1-7 ..1M . .2. 5 .. 7 76 40 7 75 .. 7 76 .. 7 75 .. 7 75 .. 7 71 .. 7 75 ... 1 75 40 7 75 .. 7 7 .. 7 75 .. 7 71 .2t .269 . .t'3 10 7 ..9 ... 7 45 ..29 tuO 7 65 ..2.'0 ... 7 70 . .::'0 4) 7 70 11.. 11.. 74.. 90.. (4 , t?1 211 247 13 J .. 7 70 40 7 70 190 ....111 . . . . 2u9 ....111 .. 7 70 .. 1 70 PIGS. I 41. .111 ... 1 U Id ... T 16 SH EEP Nothing in tne way of si, ecu or lambs arrived thia morning and the mar ket remained unchanged in all of Its branches. Receipts during the week have been ud aeasonably large, fully 4".ou0 head of ani mals showing up since and including Mon day. Bulk of offering consisted of fed westerns of long finish, the proportion of native stuff being too small to afford a trade of quotable Importance. All classes of stock were available on most days, but wethers have been rather scarce aa a rule, this phase of the trade is due to the popu lar Intention of feeders to hold their old sheep for shearing. As viewed by daily sales, the trade has been In very good shape from start to fin ish. Handv weignt w enters sold up as high as $4 36. yearlings topped at $.Vlu and good ewes are closing around $s.90ji4oo. These prices show small advances when compared with thoae of last week's close. Lambs hsve been moving readily at fig ures that were strong early in the week and shaded toward the close. Present val ues are Just about steady with quotations of a week ago. ihe few shipments of shorn material moving at spreads of 76c and II 00. Toppy fed western lambs, still in the wool, are wanted around $.6.. 06 On. while same quality, shorn, is quotable at 16 1Vu536. Plain and heavy glades of all j kinda of slock have been avoided on most dH. Ihi iii spite of tin" fail, i idrinii! hae been pra rttn II v i nimilft Wtota'tona oti iheep and fanihs. flood ti choice lambs. 15 ,.Vo.t,i. iriii' to cooil lamb $' tyia ::: handy weight calling- J4 .'If. heavy e.irltncs M 25M IS; good to choice wether. M:'iji6. fair In good wethers, $.; ac-u 3.9". Rood to hoh e ewes I.: "-it ' K. fair to good ewes. $3 2.i'u3 60. Representative sales: t lilt MH1 l.lR I III k HtlIMM lemaad for t nitre and lloa steady I lirrn Weak. i IIH'.MJd. .Ian. 21 OATTLK-Uecelpta. j estimated at head; market steady; beeves. $4 .'Kk 7.lil ; TfXRS steers. $4 '.inifi. ', western ii i rs, I4 ."..f : stockers and feed ers S.i.Vu , ..'ai; cows and heifers. $.' '' Hi -.'; VA l e. ",..-u!l Ill H:-I!..,.aii.id s.tln.nterl .1 lilUMI lieSil: market slow and steady; lisht. IT T.VaSOO; nilxed 17 T.ii ul- heuvv 17 TOfil S al : roilldl. 2-'' 'i$7.74nii ;.; ood to choice heavy. $7 '.t. Pigs. $7.iV(iX HI: bulk of sales $7.WiH.is" SHl.-KP Vll 1 . A M IIS ttecrlllts. estl- muted at 2 t N head; market weak; native. ti.Htti J": w estern. 12 7,Wi 4.40: yearlings. $4 i 'ir.i 7u; native lambs, $4.&Utii.S0; western, $4.7e rji o.a.'i. Kansas lt l.lte lck Market. KANSAS CITV. Jan. 21. C.VTTI .E Re ceipts, f"l head. Including 200 head of south erns. Market steadv; native steers. l" .4i 6.7a: souihcrn steers $."i.iVfl 6. 10; southern cows. $3. 2j'i4. 73: ' native cows and heifers. $:i.27ffiti : stockers and feeders f 4.7."-1f.'i.9ll; bulls. $4 .iVrf.VJR; calves. $4 7A(uS.iO; western 1 steers. $j.AStiU.25; western t ows. $3.2 'ao. 2o. HOtlS Receipts. 4 0 head. Market steady; bulk of sales. $7.Ojt7 W; heavy. $7.si 6 7.K.1; packer and butchers. $7 SOSLSi; lights. $7.7.117. so. SHKKP AMI LAMBS-No receipts. Mr; Kt steady; muttons, SI.'4il.N.; lamns, )...i t" '5: ,rl wethers and veaillns. $1 Olj'j.'o; ted western ewes. $4 UOv,4.6.V . .oala Mir Sloek Market. ST jX,UIa. jat, 21.-CATTLK-Recelpts. nOO head tmlmllnv 10ft Teians: market m o , 9i. SHEEP AND T.AM Rft Rerelots. 2"0 head; market, steady; native muttons, $3.76 b4.76; lambs, $6.&la4.60. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 21 CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; market steady: steers. $7.00 ltH.60; cons and heifers, $.1.3iiiB6.0O; calves, $4 ooflS.51,. Hons Receipts. 6.500 head: market lower; top, $7. SO; bulk ot sales. $7.707. HO. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 600 head; market steady; lambs, $6.76'u6.1a. Slock In Slathl. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. South Omaha St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis Chicago ...200 8.10 ...200 6510 MM) ...500 4.000 ...&11O 6.500 210 ...200 14.000 2.000 . .1.410 36.W0 2.70J Totals t.rmo OMAHA UlK.KMiAt.l rnn E. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 27c; No. 2, In 30-lb. tubs, 26c; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons. 26c; packing stock, solid pack, luc; dairy, in 60-lb. tubs, l&'alsc. Market changes every Tuesday. CHKESE Twins, 1616ic; young Ameri cas. 17Vc; daisies, 17Vc; triplets. liVfcc; lim burger, 18c; No. 1 brick. 17Vic; Imported Swiss, 32o ; domestlo Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, 19c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 8 lbs., $6 per dor.; hens, 14Vfcc; cocks. 11c; duoka, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per doz., $120; homer squabs, per dos., $4; fancy squabs, per dos., $3.60; No. L, per doz., $3. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth legs, 11c; hens, 10c; stags and old roosters, 8c; old ducks, full feathered. 12c; geese, full feathered, lOVtc; turkeys, 13 18c; guinea fowls, 26c each; pigeons, per dos.. 60c; homers, per doz., $3; squabs. No. i. per doz., $1.50; No. 2, per doz., 60c; capons, over 8 lbs.. 14c. FISH tall frozen) Pickerel, "c; white, 11c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; large crapples. iOc; Spanisn maorierei, inc. eel, isc; na41 dock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish. 80c; roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 660; frog legs, ier doz.. 60c; aalmon, lie; bail but, 10c; herring, 6c. BEEF CUTS Kibe: No. 1, 16c; No. 8, 124c; No. 3, o. Loin: No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 13H; No. 8. lc Chuck: No. 1, 74c; No. t, 7Vc; No J, 7c. Round: No. 1, 8c; No. 8, $Vc; No. 8 8Wc. Plate: No. 1. 6.o; No. 2. IUc: No. 3. 6V:. FRUITS. ETC. Apples, home-grown enoklnar. ner bbl.. 84.0O; Missouri Jonathan. per bbl.. $5 50; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., $4 50; Missouri Wlnesaps. per bbl.. $4.60; Missouri Gano, per bbl., $4 75; otner varie ties per bbl., $4.25; Colorado Jonathan, per box. $2.50; Washington Wealthy and Jeffrey, per boz. $1.60; California Belle Power, per box, $1.65; Oregon and Wash ington Grimes Golden And Jonathan, extra fancy, 160 to 175 sizes, per box. $2 25. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, $2.36441 $60' Jumbo, per bunch, 82.7543.75. Cran berries, per box, $360; Bell and Cherry bland. 'per bbl.. $1000; WUcongin Bell and Bugle brand, per bbl., $10..5. Dates, An chor brand, new, thirty 1-lb. pkgs., m boxes, per box. $2.00; bulk. In 70-lb. bo" ner lb- Vie. Ib-". nfw California, twelve U-o Vkgs.. 86c; thirty-six 12-oz. pkgs." $2 40; fHy -0,'. pk-gB- 2 : Turkish i crown, per ii -- "wu, yer 10., 14c: 4 "owS P lb.. 13c Grapes. Malaga.lo V . . t7iririii sW-r4-M-hO-96 nl zhh nur . "sia3.76 Lemons. Umonelra brand, extra fancy; m Kni 84 50; choice, 300 size, per box, $4 00 m size! Pr box 84.00 ; 240 size 6O0 per boti f,"' tiringes. Carmellta Redlands navels. ik-n sizes, per box. $2.50; 126 size, per box. 1976- 160 and smaller sizes, per box. $2.8osi ?6V choice navels. 80-96 sizes. $2.35; "iS i.Ws -. . iA aa till IITIfl Ur ihtna CAMo Florida, all ! Pfr1bo' i6- ears r-.Hforrila Winter Nellls per box. $2.86 Vw York Kelfer. per bbl.. $3.76014.00. ' V EG KTABLES Beans, string and wax, rJr mkt. bak.. $160. Beets, per bu., 75o PabbTge new. per lb.. 1. Carrots'. p7r k,, 75c. Celery, Michigan, per dozen hunches. 85c; California Jumbo, per dosen hunches. 0c. Cucumber, hot house, 1 a d 2 doz. in box, per do.., $2.28. Kg Slant, fancy Florida per do.. $2.00. Gar R extra fancy, white, per lb.. 15c; red. ner lb.. lc- lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per Sox 40c. Onion. Iowa, red and yellow, "'lh 2Uc; Indiana, white, per lb., 8c; Snan ah. Por crate, $160. Paraley, fancjr nSme-grown. per do. binches. 40c. Pars JJ per bu., 75o. Potatoe.. early Ohio. F lacks. Pr DU- 90ci lowa n(1 w'scon ln, ,i.o. stock. Per bu.. 7641116c.. Ruta- i.ias per lb., l'-c 6weet potatoes, nn- 0am" . v 1 -J Tun ul rmm 'clir,n ana Der uu.i w , .K.vll,la) Jer 4-ba- ." 1'5- lurnlP.. P" bu.. M 1 8C ELLANEOU S Almi.nds, California . .hell tr lb., lbc; In sack lots, lc less. Hrazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lot., lo loss t:ocoanuis, per ssck. 85.60; per doa, Loc ' Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack loU, 10 less Hlckorytiuta, larg?, per lb., 6c; small, oer'lb.. 6c. Peanuts, toasted, per lb., gc; v ik Ait- Pecans, larife ne 10 raw. pc 1 " . . . . . . 1 r . it-- in aack lols. 10 less, walnuts, black uer lb.. 2c; California, per lb., 19c; in sack lota, lo lesit Evaporated Apples and Dried Fraila. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. EVAPORATED iPPi.KS unlet and steady; on the spot fancy. UliU 13c; choice, H'(jU4c; prime, 10' 41 luHc DRIED FRUITS Prunes. quiet, but prices are firm on the small slocks. Quo tations rang from 6it 1 lc for Californiaa nn to S0-40S and lOfyUVac for Oregona from 6a to 3oa. Apricots, firm on the light sup piles, but sell slowly; choice. 13c; extra choice, 134'nl3c; fancy, 13V114e. Peaches steady, with little pressure to sell; choice. 7yn74c: extra choice, sainie; fancy, aVc; 911-. Ralsina. quiet, but firm: loose mus catels are quoted at 5c; choice to fancy seeded, t!.oV; seedeless, 6'gic; Ixindon layers. $L408l.45: ' Oil and Hosla. SAVANNAH. Ga., Jan. 21.-TURPEN-T1NE Firm; 82ic to 82'c; sales. 401 bbls.; lecelpta. 22ii bbla.; shipments. 6.166 bbls ; slocks. 1X144 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 2 249 bbls ; receipts. 1.527 bbls; shipments. 1 ouO bbls; stocks, 62 P0 hhis. Quotations: B. $6 62'; D, $6 52 Si: E. $6 55: F. $6 57V G. $6 6; II. $6 65; I. $6.70. M. $7 50; N, $7.65, WG. $7 90; WW. $8 00. Drr Goods Market. I NEW iiiiik, Jan. zi. I'm tiuons- More buainess is being piavea on napped cottons of various descriptions Amos keag flannchties will be opened Monday morning for the fall season. Wash fahr ca and printed goods are In steady demand Spot linens are lu demand f 1 0111 the retail trade. Burlaps auld freely in the lighter weights. Iliaaka Hat- Market. OMAHA. Jan. 21. HAY No. 1. $10no No 2 $v0; packing. $.. alfalfa. 112 on. Straw Wheat, $5.50: r e. $6 50. oats I, ii. Th. Key 10 the situation Be want Ada SALES OF BONDS FREQUENT Investment Market Show Very Decided Improvement. llntalile I Inanolrra 'Inklaat Intereat (n Klotnllon of eenrltle of (.olham npltal lteneral lie ion nila, NKW YHHK. .Ian 22-1 mprox ement in the investment demand from capital went, on, last week, though In more moderate decree and afforded n basis for some operation' In slocks. ihe tendency was most strikingly reflected In the Inind de partment of the stock evctianke Itsiif. the volume of dealings swelling to a dally n crace seldom eiiialled In the last e:ir. Each dav brought lis announcement of a sale of new bonds by participation in the subscriptions heme a notable feature In many Instances. Advlcf s from abroad showed an active In terest In foreign banking circles in the forthcoming New York City bond issue. Quotations for the new bonds "when Is sued " at th" stock exchange, at a pre mium foreshadowed the success of the flotation. Investment demand was fostered by the relaxing money market, which was In fluenced 1y the heavy reflux of funds to New York from Interior points. The mer cantile VPer market benefited from the increasing plenty or money supplies, thus correcting one of the discrepancies In the money market which had been a drag on commerce through a period of apparent ease. The December foreign trade state ment showed another discrepancy In course of correction. In the Piling up or a credit balance of $'ai.000.0ii0 available for our money market to draw on. That this was not availed of was explained by the stlffer money market in London, where the last year was In contrast to New York, with an active speculation, an unprecedented volume of new capital Issues and expand ing trade. More t'hrerfnl Sentiment. The course of the Investment market haa brought courage to needy seekers for new capital and haa disseminated more cheer ful sentiment in various directions. Further hearings before the Interstate Commerce commission on the question of rata in creases received less attention and the re hearing of the anti-trust cases before the supreme court was followed with compara tively languid Interest. The fact that current bond sales show a rale of Investment return which remains high compared with other periods. Initiating a revival has not Impaired the feeling of confidence begotten by renewed demand. Recognition by borrowers of the necessity of a higher price for capital had come to be regarded as a necessary preliminary to loosening the deadlock in investment mar kets. Signs that the question of price, rather than lack of supply, was at Issue In enlisting capital come as a relief to appre hension. The tentative measure of monetary re form issued by the head of the monetary commission has received abundant atten tion In the financial community, with hopes of beneficial results. The complexity of the problem and the many contingencies still tn meet before final success deprived the matter of any very active influence in the direct movement of .values. The break In prices In butter and eggs was accepted as favorable for the vexed problem of high cost of living. ACTIVITY I Kill X DRY IRON This Branch of Trade Keeps I p at Kxpense of Others. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Activity continued In foundry Iron at the expense of prices In the east and south last week, but four sales of stub-making Iron were affected. Contracts for about 75.000 tons were placed In all sections, of which 35.000 tons were placed in the eastern district. The largest tonnages went to manufac turers of machine tools at Easton, Pa., makers of Ararlcal equipment in New Eng land and to pipe works in the east, south and in the Interior. New Inquiries came out for about 35,000 tons, the largest in cluding manufacturers of heating appara tus and of blowers In Massachusetts. In all about 76.000 tons are still under negoti ation, including about 15,000 tons of basic In the central west. One feature was the freer offering of furnace accumulations of all sort, and kinds of metal and the taking up of about 30.000 tons by pipe works, mainly In the south. The only feature of encouragement for the steel mills was the release of many small orders for plain structural material accompanied by specification, and for qui ok shipment. Some larger export orders were secured. Beyond this the situation was unchanged and It is notable that round tonnage. In volving long deliveries are withheld and there is reason to expect that they will continue to be until some of the conces sions which consumer, demand are made. Dullness was especially notable In fabri cated steel, contract, actually placed ag gregated 14,000 tons and new tender, were relatively small. Railroads placed orders for 3.700 cars. eighty-two locomotives and 45.000 tons of rails, the latter Including 25.000 ton. for export. Wire products were advanced on Saturday $1 a ton by the American Steel Wire company. Wire has been relatively lower than steel bar. and now is read justed. COTTON MILLS ARE CURTAILING Present Prices So Low that These Tactics Are Pnrsaed. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. A larger volume of business has been placed in cotton arooda 01 various sons auring the week, but prices are so unremuneratl ve that mill, are furthering plans for a general curtail ment to continue during the life of the current cotton crop. The business that Is now being booked is principally upon napped cottons, printed goods, wash fabric, and merchandise that will have to be ordered by merchant. If It I. to be had in the quantities required. Prices named on cotton blanket, show increases of from IVc to 60 ner nair in advance of last year while cotton Is higher man me average cost 01 cotton was to the mill, a year ago. Flannellette. have been priced sfor the new fall season on a basis of only Vc a yard advance on the fancy line, and on the same price level a. last year on plain ana staple colored lines. v nuiuu iiminei huow advances of Vc a yard on a few of the choicest market, but ou auvaiico over iaai year on many others. Business on staple prints. Dercales and subeount prints continues to accumulate sieaauy. r an mver aold 160.0W pieces of print cloth, last week of which 46.000 were spots, the balance futures. Jobbers are doing a better business on wash fabrics of all kinds. The demand for drills, sheetings and other heavy cottons, ha. not broadened much. From day to day trading in some aneclnl ,..,,,. Is reported, but the call for the 1 llnea doe. not materialize. The difficulty nit iiiauimy ui inius to meet in a profitable way the price suggested by buyers. Cotton yarns are In fair reotiest but prices are very unsatisfactory to vjiiiiici n. London llacU Market. LONDON, Jan. 21. American securities opened around parity on the stock exchange " " 1 " j cict.iaiiuiii 01 a good New York statement. but copper realising caused recessions and the market closed UN) . Omaola, moner.. 71 114IulaTlle A N 1st uu .uwuiii v. a T Amal. Cupper 14 S N. Y. Central...! Anaconda 1 Norfolk A W Atchiaon K'T4 do pfd do pfd Ii Ontario A W Baltimore A OI1I0. .. 11014 PennaylTanla . Canadian Pacific IHRand Mlnea Cltreapeake A O ti'a keadlng . Chicago 0. W Southern Hr Chi , Mil. A St. P. .132 do pfd Ii Beers US Southern Paclfla. St '4 .11444 .10 . 9.1 . 4.114 ', IS . 11 N . 47 .12144 .11114 . 94 794 .1211, . 17 . M UenTer a mo u aisjinion Pacific do pld. 1 do pfd tr-if. S. tiieel 4i do pfd 17 Wabaah 24Vj do pfd IM'a Epanlah 4a Erie do lal pfd.. do Id pfd... Oralid Trunk. Illinois 1 antral.. su 1LVER Bar. quiet at 24Vid per ounce MONEY 3 uli'a per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is Vtfi per cent, for three months' bills, 3 lS-lwud7. per cent. Local leearltlra. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnksr ac Co.. 449 New Omaha National bank building: Rid- Aeeed 90 - a"'4 H 90 l AmerUan T A T 4a. Col Tr.. '(Vtlorado Tel 1.0 T per dent cent . . 6a. 11:4 Coluinbua. Neb , E. L. Chiiago KamlaiT 4a 94. lot 100 94 94 '4 994 "9;' Iieirolt Rdiai.li .a. 133 r, Fairmont reamerr la g 4 pr cent 94, loaa Porllaad euiajnt lal 4a 97 l4liae I'll It. A L. 6a. 1911. i Kanaaa City 4a I M'i I achool a., Kennedy building Co. aa Pal Mi'ulaan Stale Tel. pfd 1 per cut... 97 jNeriraaaa Tel. Co. alo. k Omaha Audliorlutn oi wV 'ia'lL:;;;:::::.::::::::: io.1 Omhi Witr i... 94 nmtM !' Kv im 1914 1 '"' ttmitha A r. n sr i;, r.e : 9' I' ii i H si R, rM. h r. c. ' "' Omaha i- a pi !;. elm ' '' Omaha H HAH v !.' 91 ! It... a feci r a.-. i ;.. IJS X Southern H'l T. T pr. nil ' I Pla e of Mum 19'1 ' nation. N . Watai ca ' '' J Hralah.pt 0mh- 7 prr cent p'd ' rvr orl Money tlar'.fl. NKW VOUK. .Ian :i -MONKY-On call, nominal. Tinie loans, easy, with nun e of ferings; sixty days, rwi;:1, per cent; ninety days. 3V(jo' per cent, six months, per cent I'KIMK MK1U-ANT11.K 1' APKK-4'n4i per cent. STKIU.IVU KC11AN('.i:-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at 14 S24(,r for alxty-dav hills and at 14 v.;T. for demand Conimeiicsl bills. llM'n 4 S21? SILVER Bar. .".V; Mexican dollars. 4.'.c. BOVDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonns today were ss follows: V. raf n. rat . lo roupou V. 9. s. rag.. do coupon I'. . 4. do coupon Allti-Chal. 1at 5a. int. Ma' 4'a .... . tool, n, M v 4v,, ... . . Ki, a.lspan a ...M2 Mo 4',a ,. llul K. So 1"! ..llo I. S rtb 4a Id.: I ...77 l a N unl 4. ...1011 M . K A T lat 4i Am. As 5a . A T. T. c. 4a 107 do n. 4', Am. Tobacco 4a 9.iS Mo. Pacific 4 so la l..i N. ft. R of M . 4Sa "4 Armour a Co. 4't.. 4"' K. V. ' S 3,a-. Atchlaon gan. 4a ? do dab 4a lo CT. 4 I"7W N. V . N. H. . II do ct. .'.a lot c. A. C 1. lat 4a 14 S. W. lt c. J 11 Pal. A Ohio 4a. . s no cr. . . 92H No. raclflr 4. . . . aot, do 3s . II O. . L. rfd 4s 4o Via do S. W. l',a . I'"'. . 70., ! ' l, . ' I.S I'M 4'a Froon. Tr. ct. an of (la 6a 1"7 s Penn. . 3'ts I '15 1 an. leather 6a 9S do con 4a of N. J. m. 5a... Hoi ilaadlng sen 101 it s. l a r. r 4 9S do Jan. 6a II', 9t. U S. W. e. 4a . l.'.'a do la fold 4a 91". fl A t 4a Chaa tt Ohio 4'4a.. do ref 5a rhlcato A. C. B Q j. 41 ... ?.'. . 77, 91 ', 9, do gen. 4a r. M A S. P. lL,a 92', So Pa, , rol. 4a C R. 1 F. e. 4a. 74, v do r. 4 do rfl 4 Sf"i do lat ref. I Colo. Ind la 7' So naltsay 6a 1"; Colo Mid. aa 7V do sen. 4 77 f S r. aV 4Hi 9m t'nlon Pacific 4a ioo P. A It. f,lt OO CT. I'" 93', do lat rf 4a... 97i a2 t'. S. Ruhber f, loo, 77141'. " 6a ...1041, ss A'a.-car. Cbrm. tn..t''l 75 Wabah lat 6a . ...1'" do lat A . Ja. .. 4S V. A R O. 4a do ref. 5a Platlllors' 5a Erie p. 1. 4a do ton. 4a do ct. 4a. aar. A. do sarlea SJ ',0u Wealern Mil. 4a flan. Rlec. ct. 5a. H7' W"et Fla. 6a. 92 ... 9J'i ... ;. 111. Oen. lat raf. 4t. 174, i- omrsl 4 . aao. rac. cv. oa- B14. ( learlnar Hour Rank Statement. NEW YORK. Jan. 21 The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $..09S.673 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This Is an Increase of $8,700,425 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week The statement follows: DAILY AVERAGE. Increase $K.A6.3oO 18.852.3ilO 1. US. WW 4o.OK2.700 IO4.OOO $19,971,100 11.270,900 8.7.425 $18,800 Loans Specie $1,245 S1 1,000 , 276.656.400 74.451.300 47. 419. 900 Legal tender. Deposits circulation Reserve Reserve required.... Surplus 851. 107.700 315.009.250 36.0tiH.ft75 1 699.200 U. S. deposits.... ACTUAL CONDITION. Increase. Loans $1.28.906.300 2i(2.624.2 75.296.700 400 . 857.820.906 , 3lK,u:!'.4:iO $20.0i.sii0 12.918. 100 7r.7.9O0 82,t'.'t9.900 172.SOO 13.656.000 8. 234. 976 6,421,031 Specie Legal tenders Deposits Circulation Reserve Reserve required.... Surplus U. S. deposit. In 39.2S2.466 cluded 1.678,600 6.600 Summary of state hanks and trust com panles In Greater New York n U reporting to the New York clearing house increase. Loans $1,068,410,700 $ 1.261.300 Specie 111.394.000 612,200 Legal tender. i,rej.m u.iw Total deposits 1,137, 270, IsW 15, 324, boo Decrease. Boston i'loalna" Stocks. BOSTON. Jan. 21. Closing quotation, on atock. were as follows: Allouaa Mohawk 4i4 A 111a I. Copper 4a NeTada Con h A. Z. U A 15 Nlplaalnf Mines .... l'. Arizona Com 1414 North Butte Z Atlantic 4 North Lake .v B A C. C. A 8. M. II old nonunion 4ov, Butt Coalition .... 114a Oaoeola 110 l al. A Arlaona...... 471 parrott i. C 114 Cat. A Hecla 611 Qnlnor 70 Cantannlal 11 Shannon 11 Copper Rang C. C 47H Superior 17'i Eaat Butts C. M.... 12 Superior A B. M.... 4't Franklin 714 guparlor A P. C 14'i Otroux Con 4 M4 Tamarack 45 (Iranbr Con 17 V. S. S. R. A M... S.'.'i Greene Cananaa .... 444 do prd 4i'.', lale Rnrala Coppar.. 14 Utah Onn II 4 Kerr LaUo :... 7 11-14 t'tah Copper Co 46S Lake Coppar 14 Winona fc'4 La Rail Ooppar 4 H WolTarin HI Miami Copper 14 Aakjed. Bid. Rank C'learlnaia. OMAHA. Jan. 21. Bank clearings for the week ending today were $14.8&6,0ti9.78, and for the corresponding week last year, $17,- 74,969.34. Dally clearings: 1910. 1911. Monday .. .$ 8.137.670.19 $ 2.544.64. 22 . 2.751.070.17 2.176.700.05 . 8.076.903.30 2.061. 53a. 40 . 2.784,807.02 2.660,944.40 . 8.066.773.69 2.361. 836. 63 . 2,619,746.07 2.430.390.99 Tuesday .. Wednesday Thuraday . Friday .... Saturday . Totals... ....$17,274,969.34 $14,866,069.78 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 21 COP'FBE Maiket for future, opened weak at a decline of lVri34 point, under a renewal of general liquidation. There waa nothing in the Bra zilian news, apparently, to encourage the selling movement, but the European mar kets were both weak and, while there was a rally of from 1020 points here during the middle of the morning on realizing by recent seller, and some support from trade interests, the market weakened again In the later trading, with September contracts selling at 10.60c, or 110 points below the re cent high record. The close wa. called steady, but last prices showed a net loss of from 20641 points. Sales were reported of 84.000 bags. January, 10.91c; February. 10.91c; March, April and May, 10.98c; June, 10.92c; July, 10.89c; August. 10.77c; Septem ber, 10.68c; October, 1068c; November. 10.50c; December, 10.43c. Havre was 8ifilf lower. Hamburg waa lffipfg lower. The Rio market waa unquoted, owing to the holiday yesterday. Santos, unchanged; 4s. 71500; 7s. 79UOO0. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports were 12.000 bags, against 11,000 bags laat year. Jundiahy receipts, $.900 bags, against 9,200 baga lust year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday were 19,597 baga. against 4.198 bags laat year. Spot coffee, nominal; Rio No. 7, 13A,c; Eantoa No. 4, 13c; mild coffee, nominal; Cordova, 1344il644C. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 21.-WOOL Unchanged ; territory and western mediums, 214j'2'ic; fine mediums, 174,19c; fine, 12413c. Socialists Cause a Fright in Berlin Call for Fifty-Two Mai$ Meetings Brings Fear of Disturbances To Discuss Franchises. BERLIN, Jan. M. (Special Cable gram.) A revival of 8unday demonstra tions by socialists is threatened and tiie authorities are watching the situation with some concern. leaders of the So cialist party have Issued a proclamation calling fifty-two mass meetings for to morrow to discuss the question of fran chise reform. The attendance Is sure to be heavy and altogether the number of men and women at the various meeting places Is likely to aggregate 1,600,000. Al though no collisions are expected, the police are making the usual preparations. The probability that there will be a re newal of the demonstrations on succes sive Sunday, opens a disquieting pros pect. As the result of recent disturbances in North Berlin, the authorities have I ice and while painting the third story plainly indicated their purpose to adopt 1 windows It slipped and he fell to the es soins more stringent measures, while the! men t driewav below. Had It not been fact that the government haa decided! that he struck a cornice In hi fall he for the present to ignore the franchise I would have struck on his head. However, question has still further antagonized pop- he flighted on bis feel. H was using red ular feeling.. paint and when he got up could scarcely Another series of Sunday agitations, therefore, will expose the discipline of th. socialist, to a sever, test in spite of pre cautions the leaders hav. taken to pre- A Guarantee of Business prosperity ' I The Persistent ana vt ise patronage of I Th. Be. Advertising Column MRS. MARTIN REYEALS FACTS Savi that Ocev Sneadi Death 'fai Accident. PUT GIRL IN TUB TO CURE HE Prosecutor Hears 4.11 Ihe Kurta Plra for Mrrrt and Annonncea lie llrlletra 1 hem. riTr Inn Unmaa. In NKW YORK. .Ion 22-iSperlal Tela-gram.l-The stoi of the death of Mrs. Ocejr Wardlow Maiiln Snesd. the young womsn whose body was found In a bare E'' Orange rottaue. more than a year ago. Io ta bath tub pnrtlv filled with water, was , a j partly revealed yesterday In court of 0 er 'jq,:snl Trniilnu in N'r.ui, before Judge Ten ', I E rk during the argument of counsel a 7'!: ' to the srnteiice to be Imposed on Caroline B. Martin, the girl's mother. Mrs. Martin pleaded "non-vult" to man slaughter about a week ago. ptotetln that while she had plead guilty she had I ..... ... AS.. . ... Miimiri rvanscli. counsel ror Mrs. ,-uariin. addressed the court today with a plea for mercy. "Mrs. Martin." he said, "has never mada an admission of knowing that her .ct might lead to her daughter's death. en In the statement which she made to the prosecutor of the picas, and which led him to accept her plea of manslaughter. tells Storr of Death. ' The fads are these: On the day be fore her death., November I!W. Ocey Snead was very 111. She had refused food She could not sleep, she sat much of the day with her head bowed In her lap, ap parently only half conscious "Mrs. Martin administered morphine l induce sleep. In Ihe woman's weakened condition her heart action was unduly af fected. To produce a shock which would rouse her and overcome the Influence of the drug she filled Ihe bath tub partly full of cold water and laid the girl in it. The remedy was not efficacious. The girl died. "Half erar-ed with horror and grief. Mis Martin fled from the house and hid herself In New York. It was not an unnatursf action In a woman of her highly emotional, temperament." Prosecutor A. Mott made a long address In explanation of his willingness to accept the plea of manslaughter. At first, he said, "under the weird circumstances sur rounding the case. I could not bellee otherwise than a deliberate conspiracy to bring about the poor girl's death for the sake of the insurance on her life. The three seemed to me like three buzzards hanging over a dying dog, waiting for It to die." Relieved Woman's Story. But In view of his frequent conversations with the prisoner and her sisters his irsajils J It Aa a. 9 study of their unhappy family life years, their morbid fear of a scand scanilfcsf- av which would affect the family's hlghi standing In their southern home, and Mrs. Martin's apparently frank relation to him of the circumstances of the girl's death, he said hla view of the crime had been changed. He could understand the desire to hide Ocey Snead s infirmity from public view. He could understand her desire to hide after her daughter's death, lie be lieved her story. Sentence will be Imposed on Monday. Miss Wardlow, indicted at the same tims as Mrs. Martin, starved herself to death In the prison hospital last summer. The third sister, Mrs, Mary Snead, I. also under Indictment, but it is believed the case will be dropped. Commander Davis Seizes the Hornet and Orders it from Port Captain of United States Cruiser Regards Movements of Boat as j Hostile to Honduras. NEW TORK. Jan. 22 -A special fr;f I Truxlllo. Honduras, via wireless to Jfey West, say. that after two hour, of defiance from General Manuel Bonllla, Commander Archibald II. Davis of the United States cruiser Tacoma Friday afternoon seized the armed vessel Hornet, General Bonllla'. chief asset, cast of the rebel crew ashore, manned it with American gunner, and engineer, and ordered It out of the Inner! harbor, I The Hornet', recent movement, up and down the coast were taken In the light of threatened hostilities against Honduras by Commander Davis. The Herald's dispatch say. that th. Ta coma steamed Into port early in the after noon after a hasty run to Ceiba to see that no distrubances had broken out there. . Commander Davis Immediately sent an of- 1 ficer bearing a message to General Bon llla and declaring his intention of taking; charge of the vessel In accordance with In struction, from the Washington govern ment to prevent bombardment of Ilondu- run nnrla where Am.rl.an nrnmrtv wa.a Ita peril. General Bonllla curtly Informed Com mander Davis' emissary that the Hornet waa his property, that he had purchased the craft fur war purposes and Intended using It. Upon receiving this message Commander Davis sent an ultimatum that he allowed but two hours for the rebel leader to re consider. On the expiration of this time. General Bonllla had made no effort t. ....... I . . n.1,1. 1 1 a A m a . n n nfflrar'a eim mand. His only words were: "it's up to you." Commander Davis then passed close to the Hornet, guns trained on tne nine ship. The Hornet's couimander and Gen eral Bonllla offered no resistance to a boarding party, according to the despatch. Ita crew was lent ashore In .mall boat.. t alhoaa Farmer' laalltate. LAKE CITY. Ia.. Jan. 22. (Special. )-Ths Calhoun County Farmera' Institute closed a successful session Thursday. Every speaker advertised on the program ap peared, save one, and his place was ac ceptably filled by Mr. Rutledge of Dee Moinrs. The following are the newly elected officers for the coming year: Presi dent. T. W. McCrary; vice president. J. B. Sianfleld; secretary, Henry I'srsonsj treasurer, Roy Miller; directors. L. B. Harding. F. E. Hamilton. W. A. Cook. G. A. Ridge, K. A. Gould. K. E. Dallen bach. Painter Fall Two .lories. SHENANDOAH, la., Jan. C-f8peclal ) J. 11. Lewis, a tramp painter, had a nar row escape from death while working on the building of the Shenandoah Milling company. His ladder was resting on some ; tell w hether it was blood or paint that was smeared over him from head lo frK Take Foley . Honey end Tar. It give, quick relief and pl. th. cold frosa your system. It contain, no oplatsa, saf gad aura. 8?ld by ill druggist.