iiu; m;r: omaha, mmday. .jam ais t'JM 'A"' , I It r&i- SVs 1 ' VW 'km- Mi Now the Great Once a Year Final Coat Clean - Up paper In the city Friday and Saturday Oaly Every small women's junior and girl's coat must go. Non will ha carried Into nxt fon and these pi n e pell o,uiek se'llr t We doubt If tkla ea.'e erer bM a parallel at thla ton, for these itla prioee would be exoeptloaai even at rebruary'a end. Every Coat in the Stock li i mpiri li e of superior style, color or value "ea lulu the Sale. A imp opportunity to sia. o'.e-tnird to one-half on every pMtchtitfp. Small Women's Coats All "19.75. a.11 taaso. All 25.00 All SM9.7B. 1 Talaaa, tttea ) 32 to 3t ( $14 .75 Small Women's Coats Al! 33. BO AU S3S.0O i - Sixes All $37.80 32 to 3t t.n S39.TB J All $S.0 ( AU $6.0. Coata All 7.80. 1 Blr.a A 11 efta ! B a, a 1 a u aprt, iTV . All a.7S. Girls' Coats Al! ilO.OO. All $19.00 . All $13.50. A II $15.00. All $1$.$0. In passing judgment upon this, our greatest coat offer ing of the aeHHon, bear la mind that every style Is ne,w and this season's model that our regular prices are nearly always below the usual and that we are specialists in small women's and children's apparel. TKC YDUHO ftOPlTJ OWN STORE Indicted Packers Ask Immunity Bath Repeas t lie Initiative and referendum forfotviiH the official counties, lie. tow ns and school diurt- trt. South Omaha" II .t I"..'. ! Shoemaker of t'oucas l'ru liloij hat t if n h.lween Wi ami ?'i ears i of ate rw ? i e en district court url. s. ! li. II CI. hv fill." of ass-Adds Immi- her to i'.- open . a-.n on s)uli rrts H I! I .4 I v Howard of tircciev Ratc thp fer or i . .1 .ch nnd jui-oim in junto e I ami pr bale courts from II a la to t- n it i .. i-y ii. .',t ..f t-.ievtev-Amen.is i Armour, Swift and Other Plead Act ! hail! iiii'imi v law hv providing, that t-wnkx . T , , !mav pav r. p. i . , nt int-re-i on t-i-tts ! of Juoffe Five Years Ago as Bar ,ni-tea1 of 4 p. i t.-nt iiiaxiiiiiiui. Proerution i n. u. i:-t. i.y Moriarty of i x.hkihs - 10 roccuuon. , Ainnil- i lmilr of I'ltltn of the o'con'l ' ins Ih! ntol vIIIhk a of lre tlinn .i "" ( -l 1 1 1 i.;i i. Jan. !!'.-.). t iKlen Armour. ; impulHtlon. t v piovlrtum tnat hii "iwni ; J lllipi 0 mi-ll BI'WIMPinS. FM rin I'o . - lira anil renMtiif. ahall he hhI In ten n- : nnal InetniinientM. Inetea.l of five. , the Sherman antl-trimt m t will ak Jmlce , -'' "" -- 1. I.iio. and rieft-rilve only hei-aiiRe .itnoi' ( ooiii t for an "Iniiniipil v hath' late today. ia not prnperlv aK nowie.iK.vi ine cxm-u- T, nPW hath'- will he reoiit-MPo' on the C'Unpiete. rxi'epi i . . L . . w In court Kiouinl tliHt the liiimnnity granted hy II. H l. by Hatfield of Lanca-Mer To 1 Judue l I umphrev In pre ludox the im p- "'PUBLISHERS CUT COMMISSION 1 A 4u K. Swift and other Indicted meat j pai ker alio are charged with violation of Hon made lal and i w here aiicii ca-a are now In court. I Sine ew ralni Meacii and Coat" on dl-now. J N lit Jl rVKTV-i - I. . 'j;ii.Tv.i'iiiA I as: $8" ' PP? ! IP ! VI 1 1 rz I! r """vl i si r. j l fl I 1518-1520 FABNAil STREET city. The orcheatra van organized about thre eara ano with aeven membera and haa a-rown until today it la made up of tblrty-flve plecea. On the day aet apart for the achool children It la expected that Houth Omaha will b represented by prac tically every student of tha Magic City. Tha mualcal program, which will continue throughout the afternoon and evening, has been announced aa follower AFTEKNOON. Klnit Cotton Houtta I'olalra Belcher Winter Albert Oumble Hpanlah Dance Moakowakl Kin Around Ronle Hen mar a Whan the lialalea llloora.. Anita Owen Luataplel Overture Kelcr llela Kuaar Moon Denmark IrfTn Du Bal..... Olllct Mary, You're a UiK Olrl Now.. Van Alatyne High Hchool Cad eta' March So una I'm Afraid of You Denmark Finale Patriotic Medley F.VKNINO. Ptara and Strlpen Forever Bouaa 1m. Moraarla Morae Whip-poor-will Dance Van Alatyne Melody In F Kubenateiu Manhattan lieai h March... Souaa Stephanie Oavutte Calhulka Celebrated Ijtrgo.-: Handel 1'anqulta Kobyn charm D'Amour Kendall Marjcuerlle Walts from Faust Uounod Inlermeiso Kuaae Franke Koaea and Memories Pnyder Finale Fatrlotlc Medley DEMOCRATS TAKE BITTER DOSE Continued from Flrat Pace.) larly enlisted volunteer and regular soldiers of the t'nlted States army, who, during the civil war were confined aa prlsonera of war by the enemy, Is prcpoaed In a bill Intro duced today by Representative Hull of Iowa. The measure provide that auch badges shall bear the name of the soldier and hla organization. They are to coat IS each, $100,000 being appropriated for the purpose. Fletcher Addresses fleaate. Senator Fletcher addressed the senate tndsv In Klirtnort n f I h mlnnrllv lmft n f the Dalllnger-Plnchot Investigation and Senator Borah spoke In advocacy of the election of I'nlted States aenatora by di rect vote of the people. Ha waa supported by Senator Clapp, who followed with a brief apeech. 1 That Secretary Kagel of the Department of Commerce and Labor has suppressed much of tha reports cf agents of the labor bureau, because of their revelations con cerning the private Uvea of people In North Carolina and other southern statea,' was asserted In tha aenate today by Senator Overman. He said some of the reports were revolting In character. ,The inquiry In question waa made at the coat of (J00.O00. MAKERS OF LAWS TAKELIFE EASY . (Continued from Flrat Page.) tuicaiion 01 tne tauama canai waa nieu i In the house of representatives today, al- I . 1. . . ..V. 1 r, !.. - . , i . . n Kll'l na I IIIUUHII tliw l vniuiiin yiuiiiaiiuii w , tensibly was under consideration. Repre aentatlve Kelfer of Ohio spoke for an hour In favor of the neutralisation of the canal. Ha waa answered by Representative Hob son of Alabama. General Kelfer declared that the latest estimate of $12,000,000 for tha fortification of the canal would not be sufficient. He asserted that It would cost at least $109,000,001) to fortify tha canal so that It could be held against the attack of one of the flrat claaa powers of tha world. Ocnaral Kelfer asserted that tha Clayton Vtulwer treaty, which atlll la In affect, specifically provides for tha neutralization of the Uihmlan waterway. General Kelfer declared that during the consideration of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty In tha I'nlted State senate all amendments looking to tha atrlklng out of tha neutrali sation clause were voted down. Mr. HobM.n leok Issue with Mr. Kelfer on many i oints. . 1U said that bo nation having a vital interest at stake ever under took to auard and protect It through neu- ti all vi, km H added: With the tniloing of the; Sues canal communication bctw-tr. F.uioie and Aala waa settled. The communication between Kuroie ami Asia Is not affected by tha rna,M canal, tut the Panama canal will put every (out of vcastllne on the western shore of all the An ericas at -the mercy o' E .roM-aii pi t. en. It will put every foot of coastline in the Atlantic! and tha Qulf toast of the Ameil.wn at tha mercy of any Asiatic power, whkh they were not before." Haaor Rariaea for Senators. Vhe Issue of badcea of honor to all reau- the whole, with Senator Betlerk In tha chair, on motion of Senator Brown, to disc una the Income tax. Senator Tlbbeta suggeated also the consideration of general file and & P. Noa. 24, 1 and were recom mended for enrollment HOI SIC PAS9BM HAY ROLL BILL, VK 1K)FK Ol'U HATS To Oar STsw Trleada the an rce of And render thanks to the Introduction. A sample letter: Poatum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. Gentlemen: "I am a reader of the Weekly and I notice they give you a great deal of critlclxm of late. "When they first began to criticise you I became aomewhat Interested and be gan to wonder what your Urape-Nuta breakfast food waa like, and aa my curiosity got the heat of me. I bought a package and 1 liked It ao well I have used several packagee. And to my surprise I find I am gaining In weight and feeling fine. 'Since using drape-Nuts I have talked with several people about them and they all think as 1 du. that they are the beat break fast food on the market toda. "So lo thla rase a knock la a bnont with those who use Urape-Nuta" Respectfully. W. U. I'ane. Fair bury. 111.. Box CM. A goodly collection of this sort are coin aig in dally for which we are duly grate ial. There a a Reaaon." i'ualuiu Ceical Company. I. Id . Battle Creek, Mich- Seads Throaca Haaared Taaaaaad Dollars for Rapeases. (From a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 1 (Speclal.)-Of the twenty-four new bills Introduced at to day's session six were by Douglas county and three by Lancaster county representa tives. Rvans of Adams Introduced a meas ure of the anti-treat order either In placea preventing the giving away of any kind of liquor and shifting the penalty for the vio lation of the act. FUley of Oage Is the author of a bill to provide for the teaching of agriculture and domestic science In the high school sof tha atate. The house waa called to order at 10 o'clock by Speaker Kuhl. Basset of Buffalo moved that, aa the legislative reference bu reau had no funds available for Ita Imme diate use, the committee on librarlea Inves tigate and report any legislation deemed advlaable for tha relief of that department. The resolution was adopted. Following the introduction of tha new bills, house rolls, T to 143, Inclusive, were put upon second reading and were then referred to their proper committees. House rolls tl and 92 were read for the third time, reported and prepared for submission. Both meaauea inrried unanimously. After the exp leition committee had been named by Speaker Kuhl, Invitations to the Cam Show and the Good Roads convention were read to the house, it was announced that the committee appointed by the countv opCon conference would hold a metllnK at 8 o'clock. The house adjourned at 11:15 to meet again tomorrow- at 10 o'clock. .clear title to land, where the re.cise of : iiuntsaseK over ten years old have been I defectively execute!. H. U l.'f. by yuarkenbush of Nemaha -' To provide for the listinR, aKressiiii'tit and ' taxation of property withhold li"in jhi- ment. the loimty treasurer to direct tne j county attorney to brinit action any time within five years from tne time such prop erty should have been wwrl. Provides lo.- collection hy expert BMrct'oicx. II. K 1i. b AlcK'elvie ot Lancaster Ap- proprtatniK MA" lor canyitiK on auricu. tural extension work by the I nivermtv of NebraKka. available cnly where countle appropnate at least lz.i as pait Oi the expense of local Institute". Kmiraeticv. H. It 1,1. by Hoiand of I oukI Ala king Columbus day. October 1'.'. a legal lioinlav. H. It. bv Flllc v of C.iitte Appropria ting $.i( .Cmi to maintain departments of agrl l culture and clntmstlc sco nce In nie;:i ' Fchi ols. each properly accredited school to teoelve K.oiai from the fund. H. K. U. by Grossman of Douglas In- ! creases the compensation of precinct - nei-sors from .l to a day for the time actually employed. It. K. 1U4. t McKlsslck of (.age rermlts county attorneys to retain 10 per cent of delinquent ta collectloiiM In addition to hla salary for the prosecution of such caaes. Kmergency. II. It. 1 elft. bv rimith of Hoone, by Reiuest Provides that blacksmiths may have liens upon horses shod by them to collect coit oi the work. M. K. WM, by Smith of Boone, by Hequeat Provides that master blacksmiths and horses hoers must register in the office of the county clerk, hut permits apprentices to perform such labor while learning the proression. II R. I7, by Smith of Boone, by Request Provides for a Hen by blacksmiths upon farm Implements for repair work unpaid for. Rllla la the Henate. The new bills in the senate were ss fol lows: S. F. .". by Albert (hy request) Provides that a probate court may grunt letters of administration to a person mnklnx a I proper showing In cases where the owner of property haa departed for parts un- I known for a period of four years or more. I he letters are to be revoked If the owner should be proved to be alive. Provtalnn Is made for an accounting i f tne property by the administrator. S. F. M. by Horton -Gives owners of property abutting on Improved streets in cities of the second class ten year Insteid of five to pay for Improvements nnd x- tends limit of Issuance of raving hinds to fifteen years from ten. as at present re quired. S. F. 67. by Morehead Provides for the creation of the office of refiner cf deeds In counties having 16,0n0 or more population and increasing the salary font $i.u to $l.i0 a year. At present counties .having less than 18,000 population have no register of deeds. 8. F. 4i. by Hallos Gives justices t.f the peace Jurisdiction in suits .or tua retoviry of debts up to J-W Instead of $100, at the law now stands. 8. F. 6. by lloagland ReJm sa ibe mini mum period for which ' rrlazioii dixit lets may issue bonds from iweity to ikven years. S. F. 70, by Talcott Provides for s.te board of control to be appointed by the governor for term of six years. Not more than a majority shall be members of any one party. The compensation Is left to the legislature. S. F. 71, by Talcott Provides f r making the birthday of John Howard, Septomoer 2, a holiday In all penal and reformatory Institutions In the state. S. F. Ti, by Albert Provides f or a con- i stltutlonal amendment embodying the In itiative anu rexerenuum, me aeiuiia oi thu system. Including the size of the peti tions and other mooted matters, is left to the legislature. The bill provides only for direct ileglslation and makea It applicable lo an except appropriation bills. 8. F. 73, by Cordeal Provides for the election by the, county board of rOmnita sloners of a cbunty engineer and nuper viHor of highways. 8. F. 74. by Cordeal Provides that the county engineer and overseer of highways, aa provided for In S. F. 73, oversee the establishment, vacation and alteration of public roads and repeals present act re garding road supervisor 8. F. 76, by Brown Provides that the Ne braska commander of the Grand Army of the Republic ahall forward copy of pr -eeedlngs of annual encampment to ' ufalst ant adjutant general of the department of Nebraska" Instead of to the "adjutunt general of Nebraska." In framing the tx ixtlng law an error was made that sent these reports to the state militia Instead of to the veteran organization. 8. F. 76, by Brown Provldea for organ ization and Incorporation of a parish or church of the Protestant Episcopal cnirch. S. F. 77, by Brown Flxea fees to be paid for corporation filing fees to be based on the authorized capital. B. F. in, by Brown-Kxempts all ranking, building and loan and Insurance from cor poration tax; extends time of payment twenty daya; makes report of jjecret-iry of state fifteen days earlier, and Includes scientific corporations under the tan. 0 F. 7, by Tanner Repeals law eqiilr lng a petition of three-fourths of the vot ers and a three-fourths vote to .-hange a county seat which haa been located for ten years. Under this act only three-fifths of the voters need petition and vote 10 re move any county seat. s.'ciitlon of the present charges. iowa Newspaper Men Conttr JLou Time on Business Matters. SECOND CLASS KULING IS UP l.ona llUrsolns na Jaliject of limp Ins: I Ms Prlllre to Papers an "nbscrtpt Ions Past Die oldlers' Moaafnrala. I From ;i Staff Correspondent I iKS MOINHs. Jan. !!. Special Tele- cram t At a meeting of the newspaper i publisher of Iowa this afternoon a com j nilttco was appointed to draft a resolution, pleds'nr all Iowa publisher of dnlly papers ; to refuse to glv more than 10 vcr cent I commission to postmasters, news 1rs.irrs and other agents on s'irsortptinn business A resolution was long discussed asking the rtoffice department lo make a rnlln that second-class privileges he denied to ', all papers for subscriptions pnt due Don Seltz pf the New Yo'k World ad dressed Ihe conwntlon. )lcinniiirl lo Soldiers. .Monuments will he erected in everc i I county in Iowa where there have been not I , .t rii .. ..!.... ua1.1 1.,,-a air Bailors of the Northern hank " " "' """ " " " " ' " ' I hurled ir the legislature approve oi on i Introduced in the house by Representative j flitter of Drs Moines county. i Robin Bank Scandal Involves Another Grn tit. Frank I. Grant. Former President of Noithern Bank. Charged with Concealing' Hi? Loan. NKW ViiRK .Ian. IP.-Frank I foimerly president of New York, was lodax Indicted by the grand Jury on a misdemeanor charge of having concealed and failed lo rcsut to the bank's direct oi a a loan of $Ki.0K). Montgomery is acrtised of the larceny $4,444 on October 2J, 1907. of WIRELESS OPERATOR CHARGED WITH STEALING BLUEPRINTS Ray Co Her 4 censed nt Taking Dravv Inara of t Irejeaa r irralla from Navy Y arris. NF.W YORK. Jan. lf. On a warrant Is sul by I'nlted States Commissioner Shields, t'nlted States Marshal Henkel to day arrested a man described as Rav Fuller, who Is accuaed by Lieutenant John s. Abbott of the t'nlted States navy if- having on January 10 stolen from the "Brooklyn navy yard n blue print and drawing showing elementary diagrams of both transmitting and receiving circuits of wireless telegraphic apparatus. DEATH RECORD. Colonel Mchola Kmlth. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. IS. -Colonel Nicholas Smith, aged 73 years, for many years one of the moat prominent newspa per nien in Wisconsin, veteran of the civil war, author of "Grant, the Man of Mys tery," and other pretentious works, died today from Injuries received from a fall last month. Pile Cored la tt to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money If pazo Ointment falia to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies In a to 14 days. inc. The Weather. FOR NRBRASKA-T'nsettled. warmer. FOR IOWA Unsettled, warmer. SHIPPER'S BULLETIN- Prepare fortv-elght-hour shipments, north, for sero weather; thlrty-six-hour shipments, east and south, for temperatures of ao to 30 de grees above zero, and, west, for slightly below freezing. Temperatures at Omaha yesterdav; ev Orleans la ot Be Favored. The state senate refused to tackle the problem of where to locate the Panama canal opening exposition and saddled It on onto the committee on railroads. When the senate opened, this resolution, which had com cy over from the house favorable to New Orleans, wa called up by Hnm mlll, and he moved to send It to the com mittee on railroads. No explanation waa given a to what an exposition has to do with the railroads. Senator Sainmls introduced the public utilities bill of the last session, with some modifications. The bill at present provides for five commissioners appointed by the governor. w4th $5,000 salary each, and to have full charge of all public utilities, re lating to transportation in the state or In cities, and all gaa. electric, lighting, heat ing, water and similar business. The pres ent railroad commission is made the basis for the same. Senator Van Law Introduced a bill to rhange the method of securing saloon con In all pities nf R cVM nr over. In all I auph pttis Yim would reoulre that the con sent of a majority of the voters of the entire county be secured instead of merely the voters of the city. Senator T. H. Smith wants to prohibit candidates from "treating" and he Intro duced a remarkably strong bill, In which it is made a misdemeanor for a candidate for office to treat voters, or to have It done by anyone. The bulk sales bill was Introduced in the senate by Senator Webber of Wspello. It is substantially the same bill aa that which has been before the legislature several sessions, requiring notice to creditors and others before a stock of goods can be sold In bulk. Senator Chase provides In a bill he Intro duced that In case a school house is burned or damaged and the voters of the township fail to levy a tax to rebujld the same, the county board of education may do so after proper Investigation. Announcement Oii'.'iliM nirrclumts tluriiijr .Jimunry cut prices one linlf to mlvertisp their business mul to closo out stock. Prof. (J. K. Dinjinn. 4-.0 Hrnndois Tlicntcr. litis conic to the conclusion to do the smne tint! will pivo his rient;il Scientific Massage Treatments for half price. His price for office treatment has never hern less than two ilolhm. Now ONI DOLLAR only. Prof. Dtnjian docs this that people, msy know his new location, ss he wss nine years In the sHine office In the lice Hiiilding. Prof Dinjian'g new room are 4J4S-50 Brandels Theater, with plenty oT light and well ventilated, strictly private dressing room and separ ate treatment room. Those who bring this advertisement or tlrculsr Prof. Dinilan will give his regular two dollar treatment to for one dollar. This half price will last only during the months of Jnuar and February. There is no ntetl of explaining what massage tnal merits will do. If you feel tired, languid, have sluggish liver, which causes constipation; or if you feel drowsy and sleepy ofter meals; if you have l.lieumatini. Neu lalgia. Catarrh, etc., the Oriental Scientific Massage treat ment will benefit you. Oriental Scientific Massage tompilscs what is known a fwnl ish movement and massage. Is rot-iry movement with friction, rub bing, etc., together with magnetism and vibratory mass:iK0 four sciences combined In one. Do not hesitate or put off take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts. New location 44S-.M) llrandels Theater. 'Phones: Office. Hotiglas 8fi,1: Residence, Douglas r.11'7. Office Hour: 9:;ift a. m. to 12. and 1:3o p. tn. to . saTJfSfeTsSJP MSCMt I . I Hour. pe r. ASsN A 5 a. m 27 l rcti 1 o ,n It. this, J joS " !" i I xi(sV AJ,, 1 a. m 27 I TT tfcrt-yVS 8 a. m 2S jfc. ' 11 a. m s .rrrf 12 m 41 Ur" 1 P. m 43 CkXx32 3 P- .i 45 j "Oft P- m 47 I ..TUMmJU' 4 p. m 47 II 6 p. m 43 I 6 p. m 41 I 7 p. m N 40 . I P- m 38 TWELVE JAP ANARCHISTS WILL NOT BE EXECUTED leniences of Half Those Condemned to Death Are Commuted to Life Ininrlaonraent. TOKIO, Jan. 19. The sentences of twelve of tha twenty-four anarchists who were condemned to death by the supreme court yesterday were commuted today to life imprisonment. The clemency was not ex tended to Denjlro Kotoku, the alleged ring leader, who once lived in San Francisco, and his wife, both of whom will be executed. tools By-Laws. '-( 1 , "m an lM$ronwntiuikWaam Sample Free For Relief To Prove Why It Cures T"LEASE TRY Knndon's with mr compliment., for catarrhal sore throat or colds or any catarrhal uuuuic. i iw.aui, puis. gmv lu uiei.i, and SDeedily cures. Don't delay. Sold by over 35.000 druggists or write us tor tree sample. Kondon (in sanitary tubes) give quick relief. 8mm a bit of this aromatic, soothing, beating Jelly 1 1 l. I T- . ' WVU IUIU IIIV U HMD w A MkV ) 111 , L" ' tlon internally, leaving In the throat a long as oosslble. rub the throat well with the Jelly you'll'. .V ln'. noa almost instant reitei. u a ix or sue tuoe to i c: day of your druggist or send peony postal to us lot. 'L iree sample. aT s "' W ttonaon Mig. tco Minneapolis. Minn. iiinitiHHiiiuiimniimiiiiiiiimiiniiiniiiiniiiimmnuimmumtnnt The Delights In Baking With it S7 A Tl TT TT li vUij Li To fully appreciate the real pleasure nf baking, buy a can of Calumet and aa a test bake a batch of biscuits. See how light and wonderfully raised they come from the oven. Then break one of them open and note how thoroughly, evenly and flufftly the dough has risen And the final test the one that counts batter aad taste. Thla test will prove to yon that Calumet is the most depend- auicc oaaing ruwnir leer every f (kim eowo. ryl It will prove its economy over the high-price trust brand and its great superiority over the cheap and big can kinds. For Calumet is highest in quality and moderate in cost. Keeehred Highest Award World" Pare Feed EaposlUoew IPS' iirl iranuinc A toe nltary T uters at all eVwsaUts tempi rgtt NKU II 1 1,1. S It THK LKUISLATIHE Hrkrhle . )) Mrasare to Farther 4grlcaltaral Kstraaloa. iFtom a Stall Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. l-c Special.) The fol lowing bills were introduced In the house today (From a Staff Correspondent ! LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. 1 (Special.) i Harry Bradley, a negro Janitor employed j in the senate chamber, la the son of a necro woman who was brought lo Ne- ; braska In 1858 by the father of Senator- j Elect Hitchcock. She waa a family ser- i vant In the Hitchcock family at the time ' of tha birth of the present aenator and la 1 now living In Seward, Neb., at a Very ad- j vanced age. ! Dennis Cronln, representative from Holt j county, had a bad scare Wednesday night I when, after a game of billiards at hla hotel, j the Royal, he could find no algn of the overcoat he had hung on the wall. The talks of recent holdups In Lincoln have , made all the legislators rather suspicious, and he decided upon robbery aa the only j possible aolution of Ita dlaappearance. He I Immediately raised such a fearful fuss j around the hotel that everybody within a radlua of a block knew he wanted his coat ! back. Clerks, bell boys and guests were I roused to a pitch of panicky ac tivity in the effort lo find It. and finally did in the j billiard room. He protested agulnat the 1 laughter thai waa enjojed at hla expense and flnall.v proed that a fellow legislator1 had carried It away by mistake and upoa H It. 144. by Hardin of llarlnn-Ch.n.l mortKa.'rs alld for thirtv ,i mft-r u,. property nas txen removed from the county discovering that It was not his own and; In which tne mortgage was filed, after ' scarcely worth making a contest for had, -...v, iruKur inusi me a new mort- ilt it K-.-g ggge to protect his Interest I brought II uai a H. R. 14j. bv Katouc of Richardson An- I i FREE Handsome Haviland Pattern Plate or Cup and Saucer with every trial order of PARADISE COAL. OH, YOU PARADISE Sounds Good, Doesn't It? Happiness supreme when you burn our .celebrated PARADISE COAL Sold only by JEFF W. BEDFORD CO. Doug. 115. 23C6 Cuming:. Ind. B-1015. FREE Handsome Haviland Pattern Plate or Cup and Saucer with every trial order of PARADISE COAL. Think of "Leiter Mines" think of genuine "Zeigler Coal" one means the other both have a fame in Omaha, even though "Genuine 'Zeigler' " coal has been OFF the market for two years. Run over the list of soft coals you know to be selling at $7.00 per ton. Excepting "Zeigler," can you call to mind ANY kind that is ABSOLUTELY clean burning; at the same time VERY INTENSE in heat giving value? The staunchest adherents to "Zeigler" coal will be those who have used "Rock Springs" at $9.00 per ton. Twill not take THEM long to see that "Zeigler" at $7.00 is even MORE efficient in HEAT units, and JUST as de sirable in the matter of FREEDOM from IMPURITIES. Clean stove lids; an entire absence of soot; a lengthy burning period; a moderate price; such are the features that will make an Omahan specify "Genuine 'Zeigler' " soft coal at $7.00 per ton, when making up an order for the winter's supply. See us call us up or write us. - Peoples Coal Co. PHONES: TYLER 1285-AUTO A-1768. 11th Floor, City Nat'l Bank Bldfi. Yards: Eleventh and Twelfth, Chicago and Cass Sts. r proprlatt-a i e v.tt.al 1 mill l.vy or Ih. uni ersity ror the coming biennium. Kmerg ency. II. R. I4. Iv Stebhlns of Dawson-Provides that in .cities of less than lO.OuO the li.pior license '((.ration must be submitted as a separate iu. w henever a n.ntin ! of thirty rejlduus is filed with the proper!' contest between Scheele and Wertman. .......... ur.. d follmj lnat u ,! , opened, witn e..r - oY'ir. leglslath. care, finding that i, had provldea that a'l traveling expenses of I evidently been tampered wlih. they sealed The niemei8 of the house committee on privileges and elections were much per tiirbe.1 Tbuiaday afternoon when they ex- amined trie box containing the votes from the Seward county district, where there la' cl.puues may be paid by the atate. without Ml up. ft viy proper precaution ftf ter the T" " Ms. iv'Sh of Boone-IVfin,. ln barm done. ., waa explained to the,,, detail duties of county surveyors. afterwards. howeer. lhal Ibe opening had II. It. I ci. bv Kvana ot Adams Amend- , hern made by Speaker Kuhl on the floor of ' nunl lu the aixi-treat law: arovidea turn . ...... , ir..r. n.. : ,. v.'r " " 1 1 - ' i fin. foi the (nit effense and sn'ender of II- 1 investigation lgan. n. fo second offense. M. It. t.W by Shoemaker of Douglas-; , Amends criminal code to permit the court lo name hut one attorney to defend In- Senator Tanner wants the senate tu dlgent prisoners and reduces the fee al- amend the charter bill ao that every city lowanc. to lioo fr homicide cases and 3!ouid hate lo print the whole charter In for alt oliier rasrs i u H. R- 141 by Shoemaker of Douglaa-' official paper of the city, guery: Who $35.00 and $30.00 Suits to Order $15.00 Saturday, January 21st, Our Daily Dollar Reduction Sale will have reduced our $:!.).) Suits to $15.H); ifUO.OO Suits to JUXI; $4:.0U Suits to $25.00; $.",0.00 Suits to $:50.0'). On that day we offfr 100 suitings that were $a0.00; and 65 that were $;;5.00 for l..(lt); made to measure; perfect fit, good work and strong linings guaranteed. e shall be able to furnish extra trotisprs with a goodly number of these patterns. Come early Saturday. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-308 South 16th St. Near Farman ENGRAVED STATIONERY j iiiiiititiauc usjTiisjrC'arMT 1 VVt.UUIril IF. VI I et I lull J, itnnuunvfciiic.... VISITING CARDS All correct torms in curren. social usage engraved in the best manner and punctually delivered when premised. EM DOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other wore- executed at prices l"wer than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated fJOTaT riOIlli Doag. isrs 1210-121Z HOWARD I. A-1S03