Tim nr.i:: omaha. Monday, .tantauy m. inn. GRAIN AND. PRODUCE MARKET; Wheat Fluctuate.," with the Extrenj' Eange Ltfwer. j CORK, JJEAHS AND BULLS ARGUE ! J Mnatlna Respond ta laflaetire from j Both ldee .frlmarr necelpt of ' ft rat a Are Kllsatir Lower. ' ,. 1! iii ' Tk. , OMAHA. '" t.lvl. I"1 "'T' raV B,:n?jrt iiVer ttdietig r.Ue.l-n.l values ranged ,n r ' from testmlai's closing bulge. N'' from n seet'pna ifi featureless and rani connmopir at-ilea acte A good deal of tr I being lAld on th lighter primary receipt. ..... t'orft, trad!' la well divided. Bear hold tint llbergl ipontrv offering anil th slow shipping tili"t tD be well offset the "up port fy leallng bull Interest and derllnei i In order. . . IbeVheat market opened weak and niieu ontuweatern advloes were bearish and repoiia hh. some aood Improv ovenieni is j notlraable inre recent precipitation. Cash 1 unrhanned to lc lower. j hee t u I'ora value ruled gomo lower, with trade raUie small, fash hedge were heavy again and value ranged Vc lower for the ampin offerings, owing to lack nf demand. Recelpta keep liberal and aome further de cline are In order. Prlttiary wheat receipt were 412.00O bush ela amd ahlpments were 146tl bushela. agglnat receipts last year of tizfi.ono buhels and ahlpment of IM.O11) bushel. Prlrpary corn rei.elpt were SO3.000 buahcla nd shipment were iM.tVio bushel, agalnat receipts laat year nf 704 ono bushela and shipment of 2:3.000 bushel. tlegrancaa wr 221,000 huhel of corn, l.ooii. uheis of oata and wheat and flour equal to 226.0") bushel Ulvrtool closed VU1 lower on wheat and 1Sd lower on corn. The following cash sale were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard. S care. Wc; No. 3 harA.l car. S.lc'; No. 3 Turkey. J ear. c; rejected.-1 ear, Mc; l car. 83c; No. S durum, 1 car.. S5c. TOJIN-No. S whit. 1 car. 41e; 4 car. 41!o; No. S color. 1 car. 41lto; 1 car. 41Wc; No. yellow. 1 car, 4-c; No. 2 yellow, 1 car. 4lHo; 13 cara, 4114c: 2 cajrs. 41c; No. S mined. S2 car, -41c; 1 cr, 4tii; No. 4 mixed. 2 car. 40V-: 2 car. 400. 1AT Standard. 1 car. 31Vac: No. S whiter, 2 care,- 31c; No. white. 1 car. c; i car. yc; No. 4 yellow, t cara, SOHo. . Omaha I aak Price. WHRAT-No. 2 tiartj, 4i&7Hc., No. 3 hard. DiVqWc; No. 4 hard. 7!'a2c: rejected hard,1 79uH4o; No. I spring. SWflWc; No. 3 pr1nBv91Si!e. COKN-No. 2 white. 41Vi'a42c; No. 3 white, 4l''i?4l4(,c No. 4 white," i441iio; No. color.' 4JC((41V,c; No. 2 yellow. 41H'i42c; No. 2 yellow, 414i4H4c;' No. 4 yellow, 40VJ4lc; NtJ.1i; 40iUV4o;, No. 8, 40V4'tf41c; No. 4. 4'a 40Vjc;-no grade, 37W3tc. OAT8-N0. 2 white. 31lHc: atandard, 803;4c( No. .8 white, JoilSlc; No. 4 whltet 'iI-ilS',i No. S yellow, SOSO'ic; No. 4 yellow, 2sH)4S301ic. BARIJ5Y No. 3, 82(if87c; No. 4. T782c; No. l feed, tK(971c; rejected, mi'c. RtK No. 2. 7lif"0c; No. S, 78wi9c. ': .. Carlot Receipt. ' . M Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago 24 64 217 Mlnneapolla i.. ......... 209 Omaha , 84 DO 22 Duiuth 26 CHICAGO C.RAIK AKTD PROVISIONS reatirea tat) Trndlna- and ,Clolnr ,. Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 14. Conatant support was not forthcoming In the wheat market to day ( and the close waa c to Ha net lower. Corn finished H to Ho down and oata off 'iita to 4c. Latest figure for hog pro duct, were the same aa laat night to lo'jc below. 1 OnafU liberal purchase by leading longs, wheat at no time today sold as high a at the close of the previous session. On reason -was that receipt here were virtu ally equal In extent to the shipment, so that- hope, lor a melting away of aupplles appeared a remote as ever. Big shipments from Russia and the Danube added to the premure on the market, and so did new of Australian and Argentine cargoe being offered more freely and cheaper than here tofara.lv aJUhar.. condition for. the fall own grirto-were wlew believed to have been materially Improved throughout the tate during the last twenty-four hour. In the absenner of. any poaltlve fresh enonurage nient for the buying side, a heavy feeling prevailed from the atart till the final gong. May ranged from 11014 to $1.01 Va 1.014. and In the end' was o easier at 1101',. Corn- tonlghVt wm at the lowest point of the wvk. May fluctuated between 6m&60S4io, closing Ho off at 4140. Caah corn was de pressed. ' : t In oata-there" was good selling by elevator concern and a few Tonga. May varied from 840 to 84V. with final sale at S4Wi$34Hc, a ln of HiPHo compared with laat even ing's figure. . - Provllen dragged under offerings from packing. .Interest and not a great deal of demand from epeculator. Pork closed un changed' to-17Ve lower; lrd off 80 to TV4o, and rib nt a decline of 24c to iVfcc- Prlcealn- Chicago, furnlahed by the Up dike Grain company, 70$ Brandel building, Omaha, telephone Douglas 3473: Article 1 Open. J High. I Low. Cloe. Yeg'y Wheat-( I Maf.:' 1 014Vit 01S1 1 01V1 0H4A 1 01 T4 jaiy.t-v MSI SUV h.t, Vi 85 44Sti"-iMH!a'n Corn- May. 49 504 49! f.14 4HV W4 July..t Sept... Oat Mar... July... lepW. SI tv 51Jf514 61 34 8443V.&' 34 83 SO 00 19 IS 10 60 10 124 84S 84i I 34 33H 20 10 111 10 to w 1.M 10 60 20 00 19 00 20 00 May... 18 974 Iard- Jan.. 10 ISO 10 42m 10 024 10 46 10 06 10 70 May.lAJ 10 lo.izv! 10 K Rlba " Jan. . May. 10 75 10 10 10 75 10 10 75 HI 10 10 0241 10 10 Caah quotation were aa follow: Kl1.R Firm; winter patent, 84.S0iff4.80; straights. $3ist).00: apHng patent, beat hajrd. Sue higher than two week ago; tralght. i84.Vti4 80; baker, $3.606.00. HI K No. 2. wc. BARLKV Feed or mixing, 70rd80c; fair to choice malting, tAKavsc. HEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern. 82.48; No. 1 northeweotern, S2.H1. Clover. S15.0U. V RO V LSI O.Vt Mess pork, per bbl., $2000 ajJUJ'v iMra. per nai ina., iti.46. Short ribs, side 1 loose), $10 124'ol0.75; short clear Ides 1 boxed), $I0.76HJ 11. 0U. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equak to 2W.01W. bu. Primary receipt were 412. ma) bu., cotniMired with KS.uOO bu. the corresponding day a year ago. F.etlmated re-eelpt for tomorrow: Wheat. 19 car: corn, Wi car; oat. 191 car; hog, S7.000 head. - . Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, tVl 00; No. S red. 94tuyic; No. hard. HlViWt'i.Ol: No. 3 hard, SftUdiSlOO: No. 1 northern spring. Il.i&1.13; No. S northern spring, H(ili.i. ino. 1 apring. l.Uo.ul.o Corn: No. 2 uajh. 44'047c; No. S cash, 44tiTc; no. a wiiiic, wi.iiir; rso. white 44fl4o; No. 2 yellow, 47jj474c; No. 3 yel low, 44Vi4f'e. data: No. 2 cah. 82c; No S white, ItiMiMSc: No. 8 white. 3Jiya3c; No. I white, S2-ir.4c; tandard. 336a4c. lUTTEK-F.asy; creameiiea. Wtfilc; dalrlea. 17'flik-. EGGS Steady v at mark, case Included, I3a27c; re rtpt. .040 case; fir la. fee; prime Slret. ' - CllErtsE-ettteady; daisies. lf.'a-1tir; twin 134H 13cp young Americas, 164ltlc; long hoi ni-. l-K'''lik'- . POTATO K-lad: d ole to fancy, 44 tf4r; 'r "4 4r"od. 4ia-a-'o. POULTRY Easy; turkey. Hv. 17c; drt'BSed. Zc; hens, live, lie; dreased, 13' c, spring, live, lie; dreaaed. 12c. VEAl-lStead: w) to -lb. weight 84c lit) to eo-lt. weight. W4c; 8i to IIW-id! weights. H4o. . 4'ar Lot IJecutt Today: Wheat. 34 cars; corn. 6.14 cars, oata, 217 car. Estimated Monday: Wheat, 19 car; corn 27S car; oat. ll car. Minneapolis, lirala Market. MINNEAPOl.rs. Jan. 14. WH EAT May, $1.0iU; July, ll.uv,. No. 1 hard. Hw',; No! i hard, $l.i'; .No. 1 northern. $1.7 til us ; No. 2 northern. j'tl 0ult$1.07,; No. J, $104' 1.0. V l.AX Cloned at $.58. I'liKN-Nu. 3 yellow. 434e. lATS-.-No. J.whlt. 31I414C. RYE - Nil 2. Iikif. HRAN-ln lou-ll... sack, t.'l Un-M 50 HJil.R--Fli-fct l)i,eiu. $4&oa.35. awond patems. $4 tn3fi; first clear. $a.3.'!3 7J second ..clear. $ 3Vih 2 S6. orpuol Grain Market. UVrRPOOL.- Jn. 14-WHEAT-Sit. Irong. ,.!. red. western w hiter, 7s 4d. Ftilure. dull; March, 7s May. Ts S'-d CoRN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, merlran mixed, old. 5 ?.l 1 11- Marrh. ' 1VI: tiny. 7 1' d. ' KN- Spot fttrn; Ai" ri- an n'lxcl nw. ; J.- fiVvd, AniTM-nn mixed, o'tl. 5s 2d. i luw. dull. .Isnuari, 4n YA: February, 4.4 ' : Ma . 4s l ' , ; I'r.Ai Canadian, no toik. I - - - KW WIIIK (iKKRAI, MAIIKt'.T 4)ao4atlnn of the tim? on Varlon I ommoillHr. XKW VdKK. .Ian 1 - KI.OI' R- Steady ; ! 1 nn atnt. $.".:?;.!; winter strtgnt. HIi"t4..: w inter ptiFntv S4.4W4 n; spring rlar, W lftilW. winter extrss. No. 1. $:;.4i ! " 10. winter extra. ,i.'2. 13 25li:!.40: Kan- straight. $4"-''i4 7n. Ii e flour, dull; fair to Bond. KSMM.J.'.. , hnire t.) fancy. M Huckwhcat. steady; tl.-a per 1 pounds .!-.. .vh.Aij-sieauy; in in nit ami e- ''Tv.fl.-9-1 . v , a WM F.. I - h-pot market caij ; No. 2 red. t.levaior. and ti.n f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Imiiith. II. IM- f- o. b. afhiat. Kuturea market na easier undev lliilda- tlon, due to dKapiiolntlnn ruble, ralna In the aoulhnest and lower nulaltle market. '" "m '' n"' lower. May floaed. H .'..-,; , uly rloMi d. Sl.iKr. Kereluts-. Iti a1 bush- I ela. Shipments .one. I -OU.-S,ot tiiarket barely steady: "-w -. -. asrn r. o. n.. atioat. riniirri market was without tvansai -tltms. closing j Jt 'rj net d-llne. My idosed. 7Mr. Receipt. IW..I..I uuHiirirtj smpmeni4. ids. aits. ia 1 .--Mpot market steady; standard white. 2Wc: No. 2. 40c: No. X SOc: No. 4 3sr. Futures market was without trans actions, closing nominal. Receipt. Sl.tytO bushels; shipment. Son bushels. MAY gulel; prime. $110: No. 1, fl 06U I O11: No. 2. ftfirtsitt mi- Vo a H(HHflrm: state common to choir 10m. itoJc: l!lt, lift.-tc; Pacific coast, 1910. IMf r.v; paw. lVnlSc. HIIiKK-liull; Central America. 21"-c; Bo gota, 2-Vc?,7e l.KATIf 10 R- Firm: hemlock firsts. 23145 2T.o: seconds. 2IVa23c; titled, 1!4i20c; re jects. I:iiil7c. HROVISIUNS-fork, steady; mess. S.li fj 'Jf.f4; family, SnC-ft a.Ou; short clears, SJi .flfji 22 .110. Href, steadv; nies. IPi.OOij lS.n0; family. $ll!.0O(i IR.Wl; beef hams. bCVM. Cut tneats. steadv: pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. l?,'a 14.-; pli kled ham. U.ifi-13c. l.ard. steady; mlddlo .west, prime. $10 tvli 10.7f: refined, steady; continent, ill. 20; South America. $11.75, compound. 8j9c. TAM.OW steady; prime city hhda, 7 7-Hic: country, 7(ii7Sc. Pl'TTKR K.asy ; creamerv. specials. 2'c; extra. 2fic; third to first. IXCInr; cream ery, held, third to special, JS4i2.'i.c: fac tory, held, l!V?W4c; factory, current make, 2(v?oi,c. F.C.OS Weak: state. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white, fancy, large, .tligt Sc: same, gathered, while. 32,fr4c; name, hennery, brown, fancv. StfiKc; western, gathered, white, SCn.l.tc; fresh gathered, extra first. 2!c; same, first, 2Sc: name, seconds. 2(VS27e; refrigerator, special marka, fnncv. In local storage, 24.c: same, firsts, 23't'ii24c; same, seconds, 2,i'it2c. POI'l.TRY Alive dull: western chicken. IRc; fowls, 17Vt&l8c; turkeys. I.IRc; dressed firm; western chickens, ii'lHc; fowl, 144 Uj itic; turaey. ldmsftc. WKATHKR I THH RI IIF.I.T Indications for Fair Weather In Thl Vicinity for fnndny. OMAHA. Jan. 14. 1910. The weather continue very cotd In the upper Mississippi and tipper Missouri val ley and northwest, and temperature have remained practically unchanged In those section during the laat twenty-four hours. Zero weather again extends down the val leys over Iowa and Nebraska, and a tem perature of 60 degree below sero was again reported In western Canada. The piesKure continues high over the north west and central valley, and the cold weather will contnue In thl vicinity to night and Sunday, probably becoming slightly warmer Sunday afternoon. Gener ally unsettled weather prevails In all por tions, except the southern states. It is raining on the Pacific coast, snowing in the mountains and rain are falling In the lower Missouri and upper Ohio valleys, the lower lake region and eastern states, l.ight snow flurries are scattered over the upper Mississippi valley and upper lak region, but generally fair weather prevail In the upper Missouri valley, and ll will probably continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Sunday. , 1911. 1914. 1909. 1908. Iowet last night 1 17 12 a Precipitation 00 '1' T .tw Normal temperature for today, 20. de grees. Jiefh lency In precipitation since March 1. 14.59 Inches. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, S.41 inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909, 6.80 Inche. - L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. T Indicates trace of precipitation. St. I.oal General . Market. ST. IOUIS, Jan. 14 WHEAT Future, higher; May, 81 ltt'r1.024: July. 95o. Cash: Firm; track, No. i red, ll.06.gi.0; No. 2 hard. ll.txi'lOE. CORN Lower; May, 4871490; July, 49'S 4f:tc. Cash. Firm; track, ,No. 1, 47c; No. 2 white, 47!474c. OATS Weak: May, 34o. Caah: Steady; track. No. 2, 33'c; No. 2 while. 344c. HVK-Firm at 834c FLOUR Firm; red winter patent. 4.S5'(j, 6.25; extra fancy and straight, 84.20ta4.75; hard winter clear. 13 SOi4.0J. 8KKD Timothy, S6.0n9.50. CORNMKAL--$2.30. BRAN Firm; sacked east track, 81 081 1.09. HAT-Weak; timothy, lU.OOtfflJ 00; prairie, SlltWij 14.50. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, S19.874; lard, lower: prime steam, SlOffi 10.:;0; dry salt meats, lower: boxed extra shorts, $1100; clear rib. 111.00; hort clears, til. 124; bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorn, 812.20; clear rlba, 812.25; short clears, 812 374. POULTRY Steady ; chicken. 114e: spring, 12c; turkey. 18c; ducka, 14c; geeae, (MU I2c. BUTTKR Quiet; creamery, 2428c. EGGS Steady at 284c Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbl O.ftOO 7.300 Wheat, bu 4f.0t0 34.00) Corn, bu 70.000 17,0i Oat, bu Wt.OOJ 60 0)0 Kama City Grain anal Provision. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 14. WHEAT May, 9S4c; July, 92V92c, sellers; caah un changed; No. S hard, 96c'S1.02; No. S, 94c $1.00; No. i red, $1.034trl.044; No. S. $1.01 1.03. CORN May. 4fHtft4R4c. seller; July, 49 4J494C, Beller;. cash c higher to 40 lower; No. 2 mixed, 44V045r: No. 8, 444c; No. 2 white. 45"c: No 3. 4jc. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 83340;' No. 2 mixed, 3111 3Jc. RYE No. 2. 7tlc. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $14.00 H4.5o: choice prairie. $12 60. BUTTER Creamery. 2c; firt, 25c; sec ond. 23c; packing stock, 15c. EGGS Extra, 2c; flrt. 27c; second, 194c Receipt. Shipment. Wheat, bu 49.U00 .'W.OOO Coin. bu. 8..4IO 64 0K Oat, bu 6.000 10.000 Philadelphia Praadnco Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 14 BUTTER Steady; ektra western creamery, 2S4c; nearby prima. 81o. EGGS i-teadv; Pennsylvania and other nearby first, free cases, foe at mark; cur- lent receipt in reiumaoi caae. wc at mark; weatern first, free case, ic at i.i'V; current receipt, free caae. 29o at mark. CHEESE Stady; New York full cream, fancy. September. Lc; October. llyinc; fair to good, 14Cg 144c, Mll-nankce Urals Market. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 14. - FLOUR Stea.lv. WHEAT No. 1 nortlern, $1.1011311.104; No. 8 northern, $1.0S4'I04; May, $1 11 4. OATS Standard. J3o. BARLFiY Sample, txiatic. Peoria Market. PrOORIA, Jan. 14 CORX-Ur; No 8, all colors. 44 ',c; No. 4, all color. 4-'c; sample. 3!i4tk!. OATS Easy; No. I. white, 13c; atandard, S."tc; No. S whits, 824c. Dalalh Grain Market. Dl'LUTH. Jan. 14 WH EAT May, $1.10; July, $1 14: No. 1 northern. $l.u2; No. 1". $l.ua to $1 07. OATS-SJc. Oil and Moala. SAVANNAH. Ga . Jan. 14 TURPEN TINE Firm, at Mr. .Hal. i hhds: re ceipts. 63; shipments. 3uS: atork. 1..972. R( SIN Firm, sales. 1.4H7; receipts. 1.117; hlpments. 3.4:i4; stocks. S8.ti9. Quotations H. t. D. .2n; E, $6.2; 4; F. $ti 324: G. $ri.3U;; II. $H 40; I. $1 4.',; K. (.); M. $7 60' N, $7 75; WG. $7 80; WW. $7.(6. Y aaul Market, ST. IX3U1S. Jan. 14. WOOL Unchanged: territory and western mediums, Waic; fin median). Jifjirc, nn. uxjizc - OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Fifteen to Twenty Higher for Week. HOGS TWENTY LOWER FOR WEEK I. literal necelpt of heej and 4,mnl for Week, with IjmlM Fifteen lo Twenty and Sheep Ten nt HUher. Siil'TII OMAIH. .l,.n. II. 11" Plerrlrit-a were: f "lolal lint..!..- e. Mors Sheen , nffirial Tudi ir,"Ml Wednesday j ( i'i,.iPi T,,,-a in f off i0 al Friday iffra Patnrdar ! Totil this week I Total Inst week 7 4 41 2 to: 1" X 7-1 r, 7"1 A 7H'. ',000 4?.',"4 wi 14 5'" 11 '?. To,, I"-"' I-"-" rr.i .. ' '1' ' . - - r. 41? w i 4.4: t!.."! - 1? ji 0 52! , Total year Biro ""' .-4 SIS est ; The foiic.vln table snowa the rr?1i Prlooa iif hoi;B at Sotith O-nahti for trie !. iwntai u.va. wnn coiiiiwrieuna ; a-4- ".'"".'TZZT I Pate. I ITll. JlniO. I10O9. l8.;i907. 11308. 1!0S. Tan. I S 211 r. RSI Jan. 2.. ..I IK, I 75 Jan. S....I S 01 Hr 8 SO! : Jan. 4....! 7 W, 4 84 A 7.1i Jan. S....I T 754 471 5 RS Jan. 7 79'l 8 49 K T4I Jan. 7....J 7 Sl',41 4 Ml r. W Jan. S....I I 8 43; 6 ftSI Jan. 9....I 7 R4l I 6 K Jan. 10.. .1 7 8ll 8 231 I Jan. 11. ..I 7 rsi $ 1 Si 5 741 Jan. 12... I 7 7R'I 4 28 J 2i Jan. 13... 7 7241 8 4S! 5 '! Jan. 14... I 8 5H 5 87 Jan. 6 221 4 47 5 171 4 46 ' : 4 m 4 08 51 4 3 I 4 ' Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Cnlon Stock yards for twenty-four hour ending at 3 p. m : . IIECK.IPTS. Cattle.Mogs.Sh'p.H r .. .. 8 C.. M. A 8t. P.... Missouri Pacific Cnlon Pacific 1 C. N. W.', east 1 C. & N. W.i west 1 C St. P., M. & O C, H. & y., east C, H. A Q., west C., R. I. P., east.. .. C, R. I. P.. west.. .. Illinois Central Total receipts 8 3 14 2 22 2 4 18 3 1 3 81 DISPOSITION Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Hogs. Sheep. W4 9!W 1.771 2.2T.1 1.40H 7,11 106 armour & Co... Murphy Total 10t CATTLE As usual on the last day of the week the supply of cattle on sale was the next thing to nothing, there not being enough etock to make a test of values even. For the week receipt have shown a large gain over last week, but a slight falling off compared with the corre sponding week of last year. The arrival have consisted very largely of warmed up and half-fat steer and butchers' stock, with a fair sprinkling of cattle and feed er. During the flrt two day of the week the market on beef steers did not hnw any Improvement, In fact heavy cattle were lower and all kind weak. During the remainder of the week, a It became ap parent that receipts were not overly large, while the demand waa very good, the mar ket steadily firmed up. The trade became active, and by the close of the week prices were l.Vp20c and in some case possibly 25c higher on the handy light and medium weights. On the other hand, heavy cattle showed very little Improvement. Cows and heifers, while showing weak ness at the beginning, also firmed up as the week advanced, and by the close they were also lfWi20c higher than the close of laat week. Bulls were good seller all the week and are a shade stronger. Veal calve have been fully steady. Good, fleshy feeder have been active seller all the week and feeder buyer have taken a good many cattle at better price than packer would pay. For the week euch cattle are strong to 10c higher than the close of last week. On the other hand, the demand for the light and medium weights ha not been so good and price on that kind are weak to 10o lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to 'choice beef ateer. 86.10tjj't.A0; fair to good beef teera, S5.60fft4i.10; common to fair beef teers, $4,801(5.60; good to choice cow and heifers, 14.6:;! f. 25; fair to good cow and heifer. 83.7IVa4.50; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.00ii3.7S; good to choice stock- er and feeders, 85.tati5.w; lair to good Blockers and feeders, $4.605.00; common to fair stockers and feeder, $3.5OQ4.60; stock nelfera, $3.26!Q4.26; veal calvea, $3.60a8-25; bulls, stag, etc., $3. Soft 4 90. HOGS Hog trade continued to weaken this morning, bulk of receipt moving at prices about a nickel lower than yester day's average cost. Demand was reason ably active from packers, however, and a good clearance was made within the first two or three hours of open trading. Sup plies were normal for a Saturday and average quality was good, with weights running to bacon and butcher welghta. Long (tiings were at r7.70tr7.75, shippers appearing backward tit theae figures as contrasted with their aggressive attitude on previous day. Yesterday, It will be remembered, the early market wan largely supported by speculative order at price which packer refused to duplicate. Heavy hogs sold at $7.65 and leas, ac cording to the character of offerings, and light brought, as much a $7.80, a quarter less than the highest sale a week ago. The general market, as compared with that of a week ago, Is little worse than 20c lower, this decline being a small one as warranted by eastern prices. Representative sale: K. At. a. Ft. No. A', sh, Ft 4 ....447 ....i'3 ....431 ....17 ....(6 1 40 4 66 74... IT..., 40... 47... 74... 70... 44... 71... M... II... 76... 44... 74... 44... 43... 14... 6.1... 17... 61... 61... 61... 20... "0... 76... 46... 44... 44... 44... tao N 17t ... 7 70 ... 7 70 ... 7 70 ... 7 70 ... 7 70 ... 7 714 ... 7 724 ... 7 724 ... 7 76 40 7 76 ... 7 75 ... 7 76 ... 7 76 44 7 75 ... 7 76 ... T 75 ... 7 76 10 7 76 ... 7 75 ... 7 76 ... 7 14 40 7 78 40 f 76 ... 7 TS ... 1 76 ... 7 76 ... 7 76 ... 7 75 ... 7 76 ... 7 75 ... 1 75 40 7 75 ... 7 76 ... 7 75 ... 7 76 ... 7 774 46 7 774 ... 7 7714. ... 7 77-J ... 7 10 ... 7 M ... 7 44 .. 43.. .. la.. 44.. 41.. 61.. -en nt 2417 tot M 24S 160 irr 2.18 nt 114 Ill J114 241 141 2".0 221 M 241 136 2'.:l Ml m .....t1 2 141 164 214 234 17 s Hi 40 7 44 ... 7 4 nt 0 t 40 JU4 200 7 4 ....24 7 40 44 44 M ta 41 a! (0 4 44 67 64 ,...30 ....174 ....! ....SO) ....160 ....4 ....154 40 7 40 ) 7 40 10 7 40 10 7 40 W 141 .. 1 40 40 T 46 571 120 7 45 V ... 4 48 KO M 1 !M a) 1 W ? ... 7 46 2liT 40 7 46 231 v0 7 46 t4 l 7 46 174 140 7 46 ! ... 1 46 HI ISO 1 16 64... 71... 41... 61... 44... tl .....- 120 1 16 fl 147 M 1 6 tJ 100 7 46 64 !3 ... 4 49 M k-6 ... 4 46 76 Ill It 11.1 M 3 ... 7 46 71 ivi It 1 70 6 141 ... 7 44 Out) ISO 7 7D 47 4l ... 7 70 71 231 40 7 70 43 Ul 180 7 70 21 i ... 7 70 62 SI 7 ... 7 70 72... K6... 44... 4... 4... 4... 14... 44... 71... 71... 76... 21... 74.!! 40... ..tit ! 144 ..218 . . 2H0 .223 . ,J ..116 ..1W .244 ..KS ..Hat tt. ..lf ... I 70 .. ... 7 tn ..: ... 7 74 4. 64.. blltl.i-A market (or either sliet-o or lamb waa lacking this morning, tew of feiing of any deacrlptton snowing up to try out the trade. On moat day during the week the situ ation in the sheep barn ha been rather encouraging. Receipts were fairly liberal, but an ample utmand for anytning tit to kill developed and daily clearances were practically complete. Moderate advances In price were scored, but improved de mand. liiHieati or improvement in values, waa generally regaiuea as in most Im portant phase of the market. Sheep and yearlings sold well during the fore part of the week when the propor tion of mutton stuff 111 rather large, and cloaed with even greater actHlty than was evident during opening days. Bulk ot sale ruled stronger than those at laat week' finish. Thursday's and Fridays husihes being trannaeted on a generally dim higher bast. Ewe sold up a hlgn a $4 00. wether Orought aa much as $4 2j and yearlings of handy weight are quot able at $5 00 and better. 1 .a m ha made the bent gain, recent saies averaging about lata:"; hlgner than thone of the latter part of laat week. Several shipmenta of fed western topped at itj. m a price which call for choice quality! Mtnrn lainb. of which the supply a, light, coinmsnded $5 00. indicating the usual dollar spread. Total receipt carrlet" only a few scat tered shipment that were suitable for a final finlwh and the feeder market was almost void of life at ail times. Warmed up grades are selling on much th sain bast aa fair to good killers. Quotatlnna on sheep and lamb: Good to chol.-e lamb. $5 fa'ijti DO; fair to good lambs. ItiOuhjoKO. handy-weight yearling. 14 VOj 6 10, heavy tearllngs $4 26'i4 70; good to hoic wether. $J.v04-16, tlr to good 1 Methct. $ 1 .Vft'n .1 90 : good to choice en e. I $.itl4 i; fair t good ewes, $;::5u3SO. It lilt t.O I. UK TOC K lHkKV Demand for 4. It loaaea of tork steady. t'MK'AGO. Jan. II -CATT! F, -Receipt. rstliiBii'd at '.lm hend: market steadv; nf-stern steers $4 fc.Vuti 10; stoi-kera and fiedors. tS S5TK. !: -ow -and heifers. $2.Wtr .; nlves, $7..V010oii llM5f"-Re.eii'la. -stlniated nt l!.il head; market areadv: IIkIH. H7.7r7'n; mlve.1 : J7 Tft.i 7 ..".: heavy. r.7H5 7 ,!3. much. ;tX 7; Rood to Hioli e heavy. 7 "(i7 ?; P's. i J7 ihS '-: hulk of sales, $7.7rf7.!'. I SHKKI' ANP l.A.MHS Receipts. estl- nuued at 1..Vi head; market steady; native. ... . ' " ' ,. 1 ilfH rniiiiHl lstlt'S IHI ween, pfnrn to -.'.-n i.'." J'f'V'-W': wesiern. 2.s..'2. yeavllnes ,0 ,,r,,,o, of avallb'e .ut.plies of In- u-r;4i Un,bH- "tlvJ. S4.io...: wp'I- vestment capital and thr stireess l- be ev 10" J"' 4.V pitted In meetlnit reonlrements The turn ? ' - - I of the vear and the reflux of funila to re- hanaaa t Itr l.lvr Stork Market. KANSAS riTT, Inn. CATTT.F ne - steers. to ZSab .o; tinuthern steers. M .iVa5 V;h''ni cowil IS.2S-S.t.W: native rows and k denomination 4 per rent Instead ,:7,lT,(J;tTkr". ""'.."n. Ihe experted 4S per rent was Interpreted ii!.i.-..i; ouiis. fl tK,(., in; calves. 4.-a-i,.; weatern steers. 4.T;b:.25; western row. . - t 2-'- Hi )Ga-Receipta. a.tvx) head. Market B;,.,dy to weak; bulk of sales. S7.7:-i7AO: iipuvi , i ,s"'ii , .nu ; pacKera ani ntucners - "-14 o ; light). 7 7t.fr SIU'EP AND T.AM ItS-Xfi receipts. Mar ket steadv; mutton $:60o4.40- lambs. $i.50 2f; frd wethrr and yearling, S4.Wn5.ttO; led western ewe. $3 60t4.IO. t. I.oal I Ire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 14-CATTLE-Recelpt. 1 ono head. Including VX) head of Texan Mnrket steady; native beef steer, $0 OOfii 7 2?; cows and heifer. I3 7:V7T 50: stockers ai d feeders. $3 75ff 3.60; Texas nd Indian ateer. S.1.7f.50: cow and heifer. SH.OOfP 4.7S: calves, in carload lots, $4.7:4(8.00. HO;S Receipts. 4 000 head. Market steadv: pigs and lights. $7.fi5ft7.9.V, packers. $7 fWa7.90; butcher and bet heavy, $7 90HJ) .w. . Jnaerh live Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. Jan. 14.-CATT7.K-Recelpts. Sot) head; market, steady; steers. $."i.25r6 65; cow s and heifers. $3.3.Vfr5.85; calves. t4.OOtfi8.fVO. HOGS Receipts. 3.5O0 head; market. Re loner: top. $7 S.i; bulk of sales, $7 7.Vii7.RO. SHEEP AND LAM RS Recrlpta none on sales; lambs, $5.7M 26. fork In Slgfcl. Receipt of live etock at the five prin cipal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 5.000 75 St. Joseph 800 3.5O0 .... Kansas City 300 3.0u0 .... St. l.ouis 1,000 4.0H0 Chicago 300 12.000 1,600 Total.. 1.900 27,600 1,675 OMAHA Wnti:,K44ia TRICK. BUTTER Creamery, No. t. delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, 30c; No. 2, In 30-lb. tubs, 28c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 28c; packing stock, solid pack, 164c; dairy, in 60-lb. tubs, 17(0 lyc. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, lt(g!l4c: young Ameri cas, 174c; daisies, 174c; triplets, 174c; llm burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 174o; Imported Swib. 32c; domestlo Swla, 22c; block Swiss, 19c. POULTRY Dressed broiler, under S lbs., $5 per doz. ; hens, 144c; cock. 11c; duoka, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per do., $1.20; homer squabs, per do., $4; fancy squabs, per. do., $3.60; No. 1, per do., $3. Alive, broilers, 15c; smooth legs, 11c; hen, 104c; stags and old roosters, 8c; old ducks, full feathered. 12c; geese, full feathered. 104c j turkeys, 1318c; guinea fowls, 25o each; p'seons, per do. tSOc; homers, per do., $3; squab. No. 1. per doz.. $1.60; No. 2, per do., 6tfc; capons, over 8 lbs.. 14c. FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 7c; white, 11c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; large crapples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel. 18c; had dock, 13c; flounder, 12c; green catfish, 20or roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, boo; frog legs, per do.. 60c; salmon, He; ball but, 10c: herring, tjo. Beef Cuts Ribs: No. 1. 16o; No. 2, 1244c; No. 3, 94c. Loins No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 1334c; No. 3, 104c. Chuck: No. L T1c; No. 2. 7o; No. 8, 64c. Round: No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 84c; No, S. 7SaC. Plate: No. 1. 64c; No. S. 6I40; No. 3. 645. FRUITS, ETC, Apple, home-grown finnlclnr ner hhl . 14.00: Missouri .Tonarhnn r... v.v.1 kui uimnri Tu.n ti via r... -.hi ta hi. U1..V4.1V1. Wli-.un. n.r hhl u ui '. Missouri Gano,. per bbl., $4.i6; other varie ties, per bbl., $4.25; Colorado Jonathan, per box. $2.60; Washington Wealthy and Jeffrey, per box, $1.60; California Belle flower, per box. $1 .661 Oregon and Wash ington Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy, 150 to 175 sixes, per box, $2.25. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, $2.25't 2.60; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.75ijS.75. Cran berries, per box, .i ot): lieu and cnerry brand, per bbl., $10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle brand, per bbl., $10.76. Dates, An chor brand, new, thirty 1-lb. pkga., in boxes, per box, $2.00; bulk, in 70-Ib. boxes, per lb., 64c Fig, new California, twelve 12-o. pkga., 86c; thirty-six 12-o. pkga., $2.40: fifty tj-oz. pkgs.. $2.00; Turkish. 7-crown, per lb., lo; 6-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 19c. urapes, Malaga. 00 fi35 lbs. gross, per keg. $7.00tg8.00. Grape fruit. Florida, 46-64-64-80-96 elzea, per box, $3.254t3.76. Ixsmons. Llmonelra brand, extra fancy, 300 size, per box, $460; 3t0 size, per box, $4.60; choice. 300 size, per box, $4 00; 360 size, per box, $4.00; 240 size, 60c per box less. Oranges, Carmellta Redland navels, 80-96 size, per box, $2.50; 126 size, per box, $2.76; 150 and smaller sizes, per box, 12 90P 3.00; choice navel, 80-96 sizes, $2 35; 126 size, $2.50; 150 and smaller sizes, $2.60t!?2.76; Florida, all sizes, per box, $2.50. Peara, California Winter Nelll, per box. $2.85; New York Kelfer. per bbl., $3.754.00. V EG ETABI.BS Bean, string and wax. per mkt. bsk., $1.60. Beet, per bu., 75o. Cabbage, new, per lb., 14c Carrots, per bu., 76c. Celery, Michigan, per dozen bunche. 36c; California Jumbo, per dozen bunches, 90c. Cucumbers, hot house, 14 and 1 doz. In box, per doz., $2.25. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2.00. Gar lic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 16c; red. per lb.. 16c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz., 40c. Onion. Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 24c; Indiana, white, per lb., 8c; Spanlah, per crate, $1.60. Parsley, fancy home-grown, per doz. binches, 40c. Pars nips, per bu., 75c. Potatoes, early Ohio, In sacks, per bu., 90c; Iowa and Wiscon sin, white stock, per bu., 75&4J&C. Ruta baga, per lb., l4c. Sweet potatoe, i-an-aa. per bbl., $2.50. Torr.atoea, California, per 4-bsk. crate, $1.75. Turnip, per bu., 75c. MISCELLANEOUS Almond. California oft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lota, ?e its, rtra.ll nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lo less. Cocoanuts, per sack, $5.60; per do., 60c. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc lea. Hlckoryr.ut. largi, per lb., 6c; amall, per lb.. 6c. Peanuts, loasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., 64e. Pecans, large, per 10., 16c; in Back lots, lc lea. Walnut, black, per lb.. 24c: California, per lb., 19c; 'In sack lots, lc tes. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 14 -COTTON-Future closed steady. Closing bids: .January, 14. Mo; February, 14.74c; March, 14.85c; April, 14 85c; May. 16.03c; June, 15.02c; July, 16.02c: August, 14.71c: October. 18.3Kc. Spot cloaed quiet: middling uplands. 14.90c; mid dling guir. u I5c. baiea, i.4a bale. ST. LOUIS. Jan. It. COTTON Un changed; middle. 164c; sales. 200 hale; re ceipt, 4.807 bales; shipment. 4,774 bale tock, 23.959 bale. New York cotton market, a furnished by Logsn & Bryan, member New York Cotton exchange, 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Month. I Oien. lllgh. Low. Cloe. Yea'y. Jan 14 66 14 66 14 60 14 64 14 63 Mch. ... 14 88 14 8'. 14 82 14 85 14 87 Mav ... 15 0) 15 06 11 98 16 08 15 04 July ... 15 02 15 06 14 97 15 02 16 03 Aug. ... 14 96 14 71 14 69 14 71 14 72 Oct 18 36 13 33 IS 86 13 $7 13 38 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. COFFEE Ku- ture opened barely steady at a decline of pro la point in reaponae to lower European market and local realizing or liquidation, which may also have been prompted by rather larger primary receipt than con sistent with recent bullish predictions. 01 fering were not very heavy and during the early trading the market recovered eveial points of the Initial loss, but failed to hold owing to continued realizing and closed barely steady at a net decline of 12") 1 point. Sale. 3e,7&t bag. January. 11 ofc- ; February. II 43". March. April and May. 11.50c; June, 11.49c; July. 11 44c; A uk nai. 11.4oc; September, 113c; October. il.&Jr; November and December, 1 1.28c. Omaha Hmr Market. OMAHA. Jan. 14 HAY No. I. $11; No. 2. $10; packing. $701: alfalfa. $11 Straw: Wheat. $5 50: rye. $6 60: oat. $7 00. A Guarantee of Business Prosperity Th Persistent and Wis Patronage Th b Adrtllng Column. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS jAnnouncement of New Capital Issues Opens Up New Problem. BANK CLOSING OF MIXED RESULT rrmbrr ( arrled alae of Aurlral tnral Ontto Far nore the Precedlna; Decrmher. I NI-'.W Yitl'.K. .Ian. ir. Antioiinirinent of serte renter was all that waa awaited tn plIer tipon mis neressarv proresa. 1 oe .m-w ,,, ,,,, -1 m. .in. i.i,.n to r-fl,.,i,, ., inrreased ronflrlenre on ,,ir. ()f r(,,,,R BI1d B willingness to I .... , , I u n,..r l.,i Mlmrnt P.t II I ti (lint IuhI ; fa ,vi,en the New York City bond Issue 1 , first discussed and when the 4'i per crnt rale v as considered necesswry to In I sure a flotation al par. It wa assiinn'il that assurances had been obtained from bunking sources of sufficient suhsrrlptlons to make the shIs a success before the de tail had been determined upon. On the .other hand the heavy tone developed In ' lha nlitnr X" II' Vrtrlf hntid I ua H. waa I ' I - dence of ome strain In the bond market, growing out of the new Issue. The reception accorded the announcement of the new Prnnsvlvanla stock Issue also had a modifying effect on the hopeful feel Inn over the Investment demand In pros pect. The sharp decline In prices follow ing so moderate an offering an that Imme diately, if contemplated In the Pennsyl vania plan and on term profitable to stockholder, allowed the sensitive state of the mind of the capital market. Improve ment in this direction I considered to be a necessary preliminary, of effective rem edial processes In other direction. The closing of the Carnegie Trust com pany and the Inevitable rumor to which It gave rise complicated the all nation sllghtlv In spite of the underlying convic tion that B "weak point in the financial situation had been eliminated with ad vantagu. The Incident served to point one more parallel with the sequence of event following the depression of 1SV3, which has marked the financial history since the crista of U07. The end of 1M- saw a num ber of minor bank failures and. at almost the game time, the definite termination of the persistent reactionary tendencies which had Interrupted all recoveries for two years preceding. Extraordinary cotton export In Decem ber carried the value nf the agricultural outgo far above the preceding December. " ! In spite of moderate declines in other item. The November precedent, warrants an assumption of further export expansion In the department of manufactured products and another substantial addition to credit balaneea abroad In aid of the further recuperation of money market resource, which la going on from domestlo source. The determination of rteel trade authori ties to maintain present price schedules was a expected. Its Influence on senti ment Is- affected by the avowl that a lowering of price would have little effct In atlmulating present dull demand. The lessened rate of contraction of unfilled order during December reported hv the United States Steel corporation bring into the reckoning th decreased activity at the mills on old order as well a the receipt of new order for the period. Rank Clearing. OMAHA, Jan. 14 Bank clearings for the week ending todav were J14.72fi,501.80 and' for the corresponding week last year $17, 890,692.80. Dally clearings were: lulO. 1911. Monday ... Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . $ $ 2.793.490.93 2 751.070.17 $117,261.34 S075.an3.30 $.538,841.82 $.784 907.02 2.7K4 054.84 $.00i.773.69 $.229 775.61 2.619.745.07 2.135,077.77 Friday .... Saturday , Total... ..$17,390,692.60 $14,726,601.80 I.oeaT Sectar! t to. Quotation furnished by Burns. Brlnker at Co.. 449 Nw Omaha national bank building: ' Ma. Asked. Colorado Tel. Ce. 7 per oent 60U tt Oolumbua. Neb.. K. L. 6a. 1124. 90 n i Chioaio Banltarr 4a f-f , W4 101 140 41 444 Detroit Kdlaon 6a. 1138 lno Fairmont Oreamory lat . 4 per cent 44 Iowa Portland Cement lat Da t7 Kanaaa Cttr. R L. ta. 1113 44 KaJiaas CUr 4 (Mo.) school 4 , Tlir&e of! I .. S"'l 4i5. f(nr-eitr ft-itMlT-il t - .. I1 . .. MhliiMn Plato Tl. rM 4 t-er cni... 7 "s' Nr or It 1'IIJ ."S. 14 N. ! ml(a ! sa tlrau- i 'e l-i- Nhnkt 1-1. lo K'e.'k l"i Ornha A-i'llti-rliim f-'ts. Omaha r, 1K '' ' tmialia Water "'e. I" !''' Iimiha Water Ha. la Kivi s Omiiha at. Rr !. Il4 !" Omaha I . B. S P. M 193 M't ' nnhn I. . H a. R. prt. i p. e M 4"t On-alia f H. a. ft cum at v Omaha. PS. I.. P M., 7 " Kotithorn Roll. T. T. a. latl rS'4 r Seattle l.tht a. f. ! .'' State nf Maaa-hitf I. ... s- .i tihan hlld Sulherr . lJia.. IKO14 IW - " w York Yloney Market. NEW YORK. Jan 14.-MON K V On c.tll. nominal. Time loans, very rIchiIv; slxtv nnd nmetv davs. o'4'tt:P per etit; i months, 314 t-er cent PRIME MEJtCAN 1 11.10 l'Ell di 14 per cent. STERLING . EXCHANGE I'll m. with nrtiml business In bankers' Mils at $t.S'J.a?f 4 Mioo for ulsty-day hills and at 4! '!", for demand, commercial bills. $1 M Y, f 1 4 S.",. SII.VER-Rnr, 514c; Mexlctin dollars. 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, fit in. Closing quotations on bond today were us follows: V. e. re'. . re ...1'V int. M. M 4 , a M', do conpoi 10ii ajupnn. jB a.1 V. . 1 reg ! do 4ia :. do coupon M2 K. t'. So. lat 3s... IV, V. s. 4. r 1154 L. i b 1':il... 71't do coupon 1151 1,, A N mil. 4a... Allla rlial. lt 6l ... 7l4 M K. T lat 4 tUi Am. A. 5a ItW-t do eti. 4' f. 77t Am. T. A T. ct. 4..KS M.v Pacific 4a Am. Trbacco 4a HIV N R. H. of M 4K M' do 4a Arn-our t'o. 4lta. Atrhtaon an. 4a.... do cr. 4a. do ct. 5a A. C U lat 4a Pal. Ohio 4a in SWi do S. W. Jia Dreok. Tr. ct. 4a... tn. of Da 6a tn. Iatlier 5a ('. ot N. J. I 6t... 1.--a N. Y. '. g. 84a ! . 7't do dch. 4. t3 S N. Y.. N. II. A H. .I'C't cv. a 1"4'i .h'i N. W lat c. 4a.. V', . tM do cv 4a 1.1.1 . IWi. No. Ttcltlc 4a 1.'4 . 424 do Is Tu4k . tu O I., rfrtg. 4a ... 91 . 'lt Penn. cv. ', '.H6.. an l'i"'a do con. 4a lo"'t . IMH Ratdllif ten. 4a t 1J St. L A F. Ig. 4a ! Clica. 44 Ohio 44 ..1"1'4 do gen. 6a UTS do ret 6a 44 St. L. g. 4V. c. 4a... 75SJ tlhlrato A A. 14a.. 70-., n lit sold 4a f" C. H. i. 1. 4a Sf.Ta g A. L. 4a ... 77S do -n. 4a !7' So ra.lflc col. 4a... atv, C. M. ASP S4a 024, do cv. 4a !;s C. It. I. A P. c. 4a. 7.14 do lat rcf 4a !Mi, do rtg. 4a M'a So. Rallsav 6a ina t'olo. Ind. 6a 77',s do -n. 4a 7rt i 010. ana. ta h Liuon Pa.-itic 4a 1004 C. A S. r. A a. 4a ! do cv. 4a iMa P. A H. cv dn lat A ref. 4a D. A H. O. 4s ' do rt-f. 5a Matlllfrt' 6a Krie p. I. 4a do n. 4a dn cv. 4a, acr. A do aerlca B MS P. . Rubber a 10.1i., II 4 C- 9. Stl M 6a. ...1044 74 Vi .1 'ar. Clicin. 6s ..I'll 14 V-abaah 1t Sa 1H9H 74 do lat A ft. 4a "I'i 714 H'cattm Md. 4a 87 l Wcat. Klfc cv. 6a... IIS 147'i Wis. ffittral 4s 14 Oen. Kite. cv. 6a III. I'm. lat ref. 4a.. S Mo. raclfio ct. 6t... 724 Int. Met. 44a 714 Ronton Mining; tnrk. ROSTON. Jan. 14 Cln.--lng quotation on stock were as follows: Alloues 1o4 Mobas-k Anial. Copper 644 Nevada Con A 7.. U A 8 25 NIplKSlng Mlnea Arimna Com 14 Nnrtb Butts Atlantic 4 North Ike B. C. r. A S. M. 11 Old Dominion ... Huttf Coalition II Oacrols Cl. A Artaon 44 Parrott 8. A C . Cal. A Htcla 610 gulncr t'antannlal 12 Shannon Copper Range C. C. 4744 Superior Kaat Butt C. V 11 Superior ABM . 45 . I . nH J7 . 40 .tin . " . 70 . 114 . .114 . 54a frwiklln 14 Superior A P. 0 1S4 Glrout Con Oranbr Con Oreent Centnae Isle Royals Copper., Kerr t-ka Lake Copper La atlle Ccipptr Miami Copper Aaktd .Bid. 4S Ta.mara.rk 43 17 U. 8. .. A M 4 dn pfd 144 I'tah Con 7 I'tah Copper Co... St. 4 44 114 ts J4 4V.'lnona H't 44 ""Wolverine 114 1S Clearing; Honee Rank Statement. NEW YORK. Jan. IS The statement of clearing house bank for the week shows that the banks hold $27,398,250 more than the requirement of 25 per cent reserve rule. This 1 an Increase of $17,895,850 In the proportionate caah reserve as com pared with last week. The statement fol low: DAILY AVERAGES, Increase. $ 8.410.5O0 18,600,700 $.161,000 ll.463.4O0 203.000 20.761.700 2.8S5.850 17,896.850 Loan Specie Legal tenders Deposit Circulation Reserve Reserve required ... Surplus Ex. U. 8. Deposits.. , $1, $19,924,800 267.804.100 78.332,600 . 1,214.953.400 47,315.900 , 831.13fi.600 $03,738,350 27.398.250 1.6SO.400 28,300 $18,273,800 23.364.800 2.764.700 44.065,200 248,300 26.129.000 11.016.800 15,112,700 ACTUAL CONDITION. Loans $1,233,816,600 Specie Legal tender ... Ex-Deposit Circulation Reserve Reserve required Surplus 289.e0h.100 74.550.800 1,241.213.900 47.370.H00 844,104.900 3IO.o03.475 33,861,425 r?fr,ii ft!1 : IFIsIiri Etii'lblt at the- January 18 to 28, 1911 will be jmt one more revelation of the resource of the wonderful west Thlg is one exhibit that will centalnly delight the hearts of the old disciples of Isaac Walton and create many new ones. The exhibit will show the fish In all stages and ages from the tiny egg to the huge catfish and the swift and gamy trout fully equipped to do a battle royal. Fish Recognized by State as Being Among Iti Great Resources Fish are a great asset to any country and the waters of the western plains abound with large supplies of the best varieties known to man. The land show comes at a most opportune time for the exhibition of the fish, for It Is at that time of the year, when the trout are hatching. Large troughs of running water will be used to show trout in var ious stages of Incubation and lecturers will explain the methods used for artificial hatching and also give the visitors an opportunity to se the work that Is being done to stock the streams of Nebraska with food-producing fish. x All visitors will be assured of a pleasant as well as an Instructive time at the exhibit. This is only one featre to be seen at the Onaha Land Show. There are a hundred more. 25 cents admission takes ycivi to every exhibit, mov Ino picture show, lecture and travel talK. . - . . . 1 . I 1 ! f ill "7 -'lil . . ..I .l iliiiieot I'f iMI'kK l:d ir.tst l.."l . - - ii'.'. ' - . t-mi-anis in titmi'i t ..1 pittlnn to the New ovk rli'iitdiK bouse; : 1 .,..,s SI (h,.i..:i.i., :;.......;' .--pf 1 le ' 1 ,rt!Hl tend'-rs . I Total deposits .. , ! lerreHsr. Ill e,."ia .I'l.Hllft .It TVi aoO 1 1 London Sjorh Market. I.ONImYV. Jan. 14 American eeniHtiea opened higher on the Mock evrhance her trxlny ami lmproeil during the short ses sion on Koiil continent! nd professions! support and covering. The closing w firm, with United State Steel leading KI'ml prlcea 1'Hnged from 4 ' I' nbn4) yesterday's rloslng. 4nola inoiic; .71 U-l U-ulallla N H' l dn account 7S 16 l 44.. K. T A.n.l Copper Anaii'llila Alct-iai.'t dn pM Htitimi-re Ohl". . nai, N t I antral m Ni-croiii w I1 . I dn pfd It .Mii Ontario g w 41 4 IH'V ri-nnavl-snl av . 71 a 11H Mlnea '- . aa Reading to, . S4 goilthcm Rr "S I t-nti.llMil Pa tfic. .. I 'icj pr altc A- t). . . fhlcnge W 1 hi., mil st. r. 1 if iwt-a I-fn-fr A- Mlo fl... dn Pt.l Krlf do lat P'd dn i'l pfd r.ran.1 Tf-ilik 1:14 do pfd 1K4 S-ntlitn Tactile l'.'1'i Jli, I rtton ft. IHc Itll, 7.1 iln .f.l , .'- Jl-H t ft S'taH " H di- pfd 1' J7 ' W'ahstb . . . ; IT , 2S dn pfd l.H gnatilah 4a IHnota IVntral. SILVER -Hue. ipilct nt iiul per ounce MOM0Y--3JIS4 Per rent 1 The rale of discount In the open market for short and three nionlh hill Is 3Q i 13-hi per cent. New York Cnrb Ylaeket. The following quotations t furnished hv Locan Bryan, member New York stork exciiHtiue. :! H0111 11 tovieenin atreat Omaha : Amir Tn6fce.. Hay Slat Una.. Ilualun Cona llutte Coalition ...420 Inaplratlon ... M Laroa 4S ... 7 Na.a.la cona 14 . N wbiiuat 8J' ... "t Ohio Topper I't ... 21' lli.M1i 1'oalltloti.. 'a ... 14 Hav Icntral -1. ... 17 4 II art ft Pa-kln Ce... 10H', ... !' Hrara-Rivbuik I'd . 111 ... 'a Silvfr Pit V -4j ... tlvj Smu-Hor Pitta.... 1' ... Tonopib Mining 1 ... Trinity Cupper 4-6 ; Ci. tiia 1 4 htno chief I'ona Fraction Imvla-Dalv Kly Cfntral Klv 1 '011a Kir Witch Vranalltl (llrou ...... Nortn Mil tioliitlfid Finrence... lw- Hnl-emla Onldflrld Kslay 7 Olllnray. ... UrM'iie Cananaa IHKfta l.akt. 4 4't Near York .Yllnlaat Mlock. NEW YORK, Jan. l4.-Clolng quotation on mining stork were: All-f 1M ai-lttlf (lef . I . lis .110 .!! . St Ciun. Tiinntl atnek. I In bonda 11 Cm. Cal. A Y 70 Horn Sllvtr m Iron llvr 10 Leadvina Con 10 ilfftred. Maxlnn fintarlo tiphlr Standard Ytllow Jtcktt Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 15 - DRV GOODS -Curtailment of production I uppermost among cotton poods manufacturer t the present time. Meetings re being held and curtailment without aareenient I actually going on. This Is brought about by the dif ficulty merchant nre finding In ecurlncr prices for cotton goods commensurate with the cost of production. Some advance are being made, but alea are not large enough at the higher price to warrant mill In continuing production beyond the nrdera actimlly given. Fruit of the Ijoom 4-4 bleached cottons have been advanced from 9c to 94c a yard, and lons dales from 8'o to 84c. All line of cot ton blanket have been opened for the fall -erison and several lines of lighter weight napped cottons are iso nting snown. 1'iice have not been named, but are expected t become public earlv next week. At the present time the expectation Is that ad vances will not be radical. Trinted good continue In fair demand and active shipment of old order are be ing made. Wash good are being reordered for spring. Domestic drill and sheeting are quiet, purchase being Confined to actual need Of the 105.000 piece of print cloth Mold during; the week at Fall River 40000 were for spot delivery, the rest of the future running to April. Reports allowing th financial condition of dry goods distributer show low stock of merchandise on hand. Retnller' annual report will berln to come In about th first of the month and It I the common belief thHt they, too. are carrying light tocks. An active week in looked for In th primary market next week as many of the largest buyer will be here In attendance at the annual association meeting. tngar Wnrifi. NEW YORK. Jan. 14 S1JGAR-Rw, easy; muscovado, 89 test. 3.17c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.67c; molasses sugar. 89 teat, 3 92c. Heflmd. quiet; crushed, 6.50c; granulated, 4 80c; powdered, 4 90c. now I