iiiliTiii"''"'im''HI'1TTi?''iirr!''iiHJ Steamer Rugs Antomoblla Kob and Couch Mnf Dxtia liMvv plaids mid p 1 h I ii colds, north t Vtil J 'lesu - li.ir price Second Floor $1.9$ Unmade lland.Embroidered Nainsook WAIST PATTERN J ti lire oodn depnrttne,tit. Main I Inor Ktii,tl deartnR Hale Hariratn . . S1.3D ILK PETTICOATS Choice of any taffeta nilk pptti- oBt. in our stock -Thev arc worth tip to 1 1 7.50, Monday only, on Hdonil flo(r. at , $6-!! Choice of Our 35c CORSET COVERS lace trlnrned - lie KmbrrMdeiy and lace trimmed Clearing Sal" price Bnsement- t $3.00 Full Length TEAZELDOWN and COTTON EIDERDOWN WRAPPERS Sutiri hand aiift cord trliiitnttntH All stzea - .second Floor ni $1.50 Women's Long Sealette PLUSH COATS These are pood full length plush coats that ha. been Helling at $3" Monday on tsec ond floor .$25 Firmly Woven Bleached Muslin and Snow White Cambrics Full one yard wide a grade that U (innidered a good value at 8 Vic yard eot'dal January bhIo price Monday, at yard 5c ' prcial Oficis of Hoaen's TAILORED SUITS Hundred! of up-to-date suits la tlie best styles for winter wear -many Miinnlnc aiiita Aorth up to ?!!;, sec ond floor, at $10 10c DRESS GINGHAMS at 10c YD. Full 32 inches wide- Rt rlpcs, liei ks anil figures, in almost every colur- -dross lengths on gitiRham atlttare basement at, yard In tli' 10c cl. i:itit; Nl.l. OF WOMFN'S IIK.II I.IIADK SKIKTS Choice of anv of our lino liiph Ki'H't' oile, serge or panama sUirts, hoiine liHr hern roll ing as h'ch as I.'.") Tj r Qfi naoh --.rlenrinr sale IV T .vCJ PI 1(0 is $8: Women's Long SILK CARACUL COATS These aro the most popular and up-to-dato coats of tho season. They have boon silling regu larly at $15, Monday at $10 G9c Quality 44-inch PDRE MOHAIRS Pines and browns Clcai'liit; Sale price Front buying square- -yard 39c HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS These are the genuine lleatlior blooni skirtu look and rus tle like silk, hut wear much better. VhIucs up to $'.MI on second floor at 89c Monday Begins the Final Week of Our C PT1 T (7S Special Sale of Silks Newest J'larly Spring Silks, just received mid posi tively the best lot of dress silks we have ever offered at such a price. Jaoquard patterns, pen cil stripe messalirieH, Persian seeded silk.-. Louisine s-triHH and checks, in self tone and two color combinations, spot proof Foulards up to $1.00. Monday, at. and Lvons colored dren taffetas, worth igrfl New Arrivals Water Proof Foulards Absolutely stands against Knotting. Selected patterns, conventional designs and designs in Oblong, Cones. Spots, Arabesque, Jardiniere and .lacquard effects. 4 2-inch at, yard. $1.75 24-Inch I 36-inch at, yard. .. .581 at, yard. $1.25 All Silk Taffeta, staple shades, black and light colors, at, per yard 29 Very Special, silk and wool poplins, 37 of the newest spring hades, also black, at, per yard $1.25 Real French Lingerie From Our January Sale of Muslin Underwear We place on sale Mon day, exquisite new lots of the real French Hand-made French Lin gerie, bought at a great price concession by our Paris buyer, especially for this sale. The prices of these dainty gar ments are so low that you can buy several at a very moderate outlay, special groups, at-- mm 69c, 98c $l3-9"nl$l 89 January Clearance Sale o! Carpets and Rugs, 3d Floor We will dose out all odd rugs and odd carpets at once. If you will need a new rug booh, buy It now, save money. One lot. of carpets worth up to $1.65 per yard, Wiltons and Axminsters, your choice, at per yard 90t One lot of Brussels Carpets, worth up to $1.10 per yard, .your choice, at, per yard 50? I'xlii .x ml lister Kugs Floral and Orientul patterns, $:') values, this Bale at $19.J)S S-Jxlt'-fi-size, sumo as above, $25 value, at $16.98 E.tmi.d wuton v.lv.t Kntra .ilix . 2-lm-li AxiuluHlet' Kiik. ' Iiim ruK, tiilw sale, nt fjil HIUe, 'It Brui.li Kiif IS :ix $-0 valiin, rraular S5.00 alut- thW Mt S3.SO 27 xi't-i nt-li A xmhinter ItiiR-', u li-Kular $3.60 vahlf, IhlK "a?, nt, only S1.9tt Many oilier liaigains will b off-led ilurtns tills rale. Special Clearance Sale all Our Boys' Odd Knickerbocker Pants This should be a special attraction to mothers. He sure to be on band In our Boy's clothing section for this great largHin oicabion. Just think, strictly all wool "Knicker bocker pants Including blue serges, fancy Scotches, elegant mixtures of cheviots, corduroys, ages 3 to 1 7 years, that have been selling up to to $1.50 a pair, old irfore, second floor, at, per pair 69c This i3 the last week of the January Clearance Sales and every day will be a big special bargain dar. All the winter goods in our stock must be sold at once. For Monday we group hundreds of special lots and mark them down to the lowest prices ever asked in Omaha. See that you get your share of these wonderful bargains while they last. SPECIALS IN OUR JANUARY LINEN SALE Pattern Table Cloths All our ll.r.O l'Httern (Mollis, S-10 t:y.e at. chi'Ii 980 All our $J.LTi Pattern I'lotlis, round tlneud I :im- ak. at, acl. S1.69 All our 3 I'iittern Cloths, S-10 unci S-1 J si7.pi, nt. eiicti Si. 98 All our S ;t . .1 n I'iittern c'lotlis, fintft Irish l.iiicii. at. Crtih 92.12 All our $5 Pattern Cloths, fine Moravian Linen. at, each S3. 39 All our line pxtrn aizo Pattern I'lothw, worth im to fl.', nt each S5 BED SPREADS SI Heiniiieil Alamellles Pattern Biil Spreads, at. each 69c $1,311 KriiiKU or lleinnied .MarFelllen Pattern tied Spreads, at, each... 980 ll.tiO Fringed or Hemmed Marseilles Pattern Bed tSpreds, at, each . . . .S 1.25 12 I'rlnsed or Hemmed Maiselllea Pattern Hed Spreads, at, each 490 $2,611 Scalloped, I'rhiKed or Hemmed Ifed Spreads, at, each $1.49 $:t Satin .Mursellles Pattern Lied Sineiids, fringed or hemmed, .it, e.ich $2.39 15 Old Fashioned Marseilles Hed Spreads, fringed cut corners at, each. only $3.30 All our finest Imported Ued Spreads, worth up to $;10, ut. each $5 All our fine Imported Scnlloped Marseilles fied Spreads, worth $12.50, at eaeii, only S7.50 All our very best Imported Scalloped edge, Marseilles Hed Spreads, worth up to tlS.SOat, each $12.60 FANCY LINENS Irish Kmbroidered Scarfs and Lunch cloths, fine scalloped edge, worth 7 5c, at, each U9 54x54 Austrian Linen Drawnwork, lunch cloths, at, each 98? Napkins All our 1 1 Silver Uleaclied Napkins at, per dozen .....490 All our $ 1 . .t H Pure Linen Napkins t. per dozen ... 890 All our $.1 Kxtra Heavy Linen Napkins Nt, per do.en $1.98 All our best Irish Linen Napkins at, per dozen $2.49 All our $5 I Himer-size Irish Linen Napkins at, per ilo;.en $3.50 All mil' 110 rilnnr.Hi7a VniiL-lnn. Iimi irraU ai, per dozen $5 ' Table Damask 10 c .Mercerized Tahle Damask at. per yard 250 T.Hc Mercerized Tah.e Iminask. at, per yard.. 390 7.M- Mercerized Tahle Damask, at, per yard..490 ?" Pure Linen Uleaclied Tnhle Damask at, per arii 490 $1 overweight Bleached Table Daniask at, per yard . 690 $1.10 best Irish Linen Table DaniasU nt. per yard 83o S I .Mil Double Satin Dnniask. full Blenched at, per yard 96o TOWELS 10o Hink Towels, large size at. each 12'5- iiuallty. extra large size buck towels, at, each.. 1 Ho Fiilon Linen Muck Towels, at, each 22c I'nlon Linen Hm k Towels, at. each 4Te Pure Linen Hemstitched I luck Towels, at. each.. Tfic Kiii'k Towels, hemstitched or scalloped, at, each. 20c Kxtra Heavy Turkish Towels, at. each 2iic White Fleece Turkish Towels, ut, each fife Kxtra larse Turklsi. Towels, at. each Tfpc and $1 best grade Turkish Towels at, each BATH MATS 7'ic Turkish Bath Mats, at, each $1.i0 Solid Color Turkish Both Mats, at. each $3.50 best grade Turkish Batl- Mats, at, each TOWELING 10c Pure Linen Blenched Crash, at, per yard lUc Turkish Towelinc extra wide, at. per yard 13 He Pure Linen Crash Toweling-, at, per yard li'.e Pure Linen Crash Toweling, at, per yard 17c Pure Linen Crash Toweling, at, per yard . . 6o . 8'r.o .laso . . .ISO . . .860 . . .490 . . ISO . . .190 . . .390 490 . .490 . 9BO $1.25 60 . . . eo . . .100 181,0 . . .130 JANUARY SALE OF WHITE GOODS IN OUR BASEMENT Kxtra Special, ufi-lnch Imported Long Cloth, chamois finish, 14c value, 12-yard bolts, at, per bolt $1.10 Imperial English Nainsook made from the finest combed yarn, 4 5 inches wide, 30c value, 12-yard bolts, at, per bolt 32.40 150 pieces of beautiful fine pure white India Iinon, launders per fectly. oO inches wide, worth lc per yard, at, per yard 10 Sti-inch Persian Lawn, beautiful quality for Waists, Dresses, Chil dren's wear, etc., 10c values, at per yard.' 15 4C-inch White French Lawn, best quality cotton, very sheer, splen did fabric for waists, dresses, slips, etc.; 25c values, at yd. .10? White Irish dress linen, warranted, every thread pure linen, snowy white, at yard 25S 29. and. 35c Auk to see our 3 9-inch white barred dimity, fine mercerized finish for dainty undermuslins; specially put up, bolt of 10 yards at : $2.10 MANY SPECIALS MONDAY IN OUR MUSLIN, SHEET AND PILLOWCASE DEPT. The host month in the your to buy cottons, because we Hie selling all the best sheetings, muslins, cambrics, sheets and pillow cases at greatly reduced prices. ITICA AMI IMHJIOT WIDK IlLKACIIKI) SIIKKTIXC'. 10-4 width bleached L'tica or Pequot Fheetlng, 37 ',4c value, yd. 30 9-4 width bleached l'tica or Pequot Sheeting, :15c values, yd.-gS S-4 width bleached l'tica or Pequot Sheeting, 32c values, yd. -25 7-4 width bleached l'tica or Pequot Sheeting, 30c values, yd. .22 tl-4 width bleached l'tica or Pequot Sheeting, 27c values, yd..20 AlKOHA OH I'KPJM-iKKLL sHKKTIMi. j 10.4 Width, Bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, per yard, at !)-4 Width, Aurora or IVpperell Sheeting, per yard at 8-4 width Bleached Aurora or Pepperell Sheeting, at, per yard.23 45-in. width bleached l'tica or Pequot sheeting, 22c values, yd . 17 I s-4 Hleached Koxcroft Sheeting, better than Aurora, at, yard, 21c? 42-in. width bleached l'tica or Pequot Sheeting, 20c values, yd . 15 I 7-4 Bleached Dallas Sheeting, 22c value, at, per yard 180 4 4 I 25c jSrandeis Stores FANCY CREPES Beautiful coloring for making long or short kimonos. The regular value ia 1 Ki ller yard, sale price from this bolt Mon day, at, per yard 1 - V Basement Seersucker Striped and Chambray Ginghams, in gocd long lengths, . at, yard 2C Basement New Yard Wide Light and Dark DRESS PERCALE Itegular 12'gC gral perfect ili-css lengths, at yard 7ic and 8ic Basement JANUARY REDUCTION SALE Boys' Children's Clothing The reductions made on our entire t4ick of lSoj's anil C'hiblren's suits ami Overcoats are almost phenomenal. We invariably sell hetter griules than others at the same price and these skm inl pi-ice are ureal money savers. Kovs Knickerbocker Suits Sold up to $.'WI J" reduced to $1.98 Ofj i ... . ww. aI,i mmIoiIiiiii vJ. IMM IMIICACI IJlllhCI Uliun vim n iv,t.-'", at $2.34 Hoys' Knickerbocker Suits Sold up to $..!), at $3.33 Hnvs' Knickerbocker Suits Sold up to $7..rl. at $5.00 Boys' Convertible or Military Collar Over coats Sold up to $3.50, at $2.34 Boys' Convertible or Russian Overcoats- St.id up to $r.oo. at $3.33 Boys' Presto and Convertible Overcoats Sold up to $7.f0. at $5.00 Boys' Presto and Convertible Overcoats Sold up to !rl.0U. at SG.67 Sntls are newest greys, browns and fancy mixtures, all ages and styles. The overcoats are in friezes, cheviots, -mixtures and stripes, etc., all sizes. ft. v mk w 1 9W " .... Embroidery Edg ings and Insertions Swiss. Nainsook and .cambric, narrow and medium widths, ex cellent needlework, worth' 10c. per yard, at yd,. . . . .31 Main Floor French Val. Laces and Insertions New shipment, a hun dred pretty desires, many to match, val ues up to 15c, af. per yard, only Main Floor 5c Next Ve-lneMlajr Is Our Big Hale of Manufacturer's Sample Women's Milk ami Net WAISTS at $!.50 Our January Sale of NEW EMBROIDERIES At the lowest prices that new, stylish, desir able embroideries have ever sold lor at Main Department. All the latest high grade novelties for the spring and summer season, .1111 1 . Fine matched sets, also charming designs in flouneings, nllover, galloons, bandings, insertions and Motifs. 18-22-27-in. Fine Swiss and Batiste Embroideries, Flouncings & Skirtings Very attractive designs in English eyelet, Madeira, floral, Japanese and blind relief effects, worth up to 7f)0 yard; flH fl big bargain square, per yard, at 18-INCH WIDE EMBROIDERIES Nainsook and cambric embroidered flouncing and corset cover widths, also medium and wide edg ings, insertions and headings; nil neat f& open work, floral and blind patterns r. worth to L!oc yard, per yard, at 50c EMBROIDERIES AT 25c IS and 'J2-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirt ings and corset cover widths, also insertions nnd galloons, Swiss, nainsook and cambrics; newest designs in English eyelet, floral nnd Japanese effects, worth up to 50c yard; big bargain square, per yard, nt. . BLANKET SALE $2.50 Extra Fine Cotton Blankets at $1.50 Soft fleece, (lerman finished cotton blankets, white, grey and tan; Beacon and. Wool spun, (P-i ("A $2.50 value, per pair, at pJ-3" Fine Wool Filled Blankets Plain grey, tan and white, also fancy plaids; full 11-4 size, would be cheap at $4.00 per pair, PA per pair, at VwU Fine All Wool Blankets Soft wool blankets in white, grey, tan and plaids; full 11-4 size, 5 and 4 ' -j lbs. to pair, worth $5.00 a pair, (JQ r A per pair, at VI3U $1.25 White Cotton Filled Comforters Silk oline covered with pure white cotton filling, HCg for :5i or single beds, each, at I Great January Sacrifice HUMAN HaIR GOODS Pompeian Room and Second Floor All Our Regular $7.00 and $9.00 Cluster Puffs- first quality hair; special, only All Our $10.00 and $12.00 Switches (this sale only), reduced to Cluster Puffs Med ium size, 15 puffs in set, $2.00 value, spe cial for this sale, 98c Auto Nets Largest size, special, 2 for 5c 24-inch Sanitary Rolls, at 19c 24-inch Washable Roll s 5( )c values, at 35c Manicuring, Uairdressing and Shampooing. $3.95 $5.50 rerwrwtiii Mniu-mmwwnrt- randeis St ores UNCLE REMUS' CHARACTER Pri-M) . lrj 1 Olil of Joel C handler llarrla mul III HooU llr t ! rr. Noi .i! .-lid "I rcli- Itemus" hat l-.l cnthim'ii-ni l-.H lie h.nt a llttl literary nfcfi nt li own. which tie ille-l ticll-n in I'm nn mir lml discovered, alut out' of wti cti he nianauril to set a ureFt deal of ' I 1 1 .1 Hltlll-CMH'llf ii.-n ih- t'lstiitne which he fi.undod . nine lo i 'iiiI i- ih insuuurailiin of u t, c.V r.-' icw ,h ri -i input it wa discovered thai lh rf weie Vriv few people who iOll.il v:iio iisi the -.hi cf lin.ik reviews the ciliior cued f." l'i aiBtniitii prenented a 'o"ii 01 ii " " l ii Ins candldaien. hut nn'v ,. or tivo .ii'ii"'! O'lt the rort of v,oik . Iiitis rti'ited Klmilly he came )i :o i lih'i- or, il.v Willi h rather tri- t;n.;ihain an and uiiiiohih d that h had Ii m-,., ipiI a ho . I, I 'v'i'wer who alinoxi fc'.cl d him .-i.c va .ill nlil 11. Hid ho said, a Wolll 111 f I. -hi '' ' in . and nl.e II . d in T.nn iloc lie I nil Known her .11 OeorKla he f, ;. and iloi :i::; t ie w.n and ' ad alwayx viiil'iertii v I v ii m a i l"al "lie hud never vi Ii. I rfP:'.'l'k lid e .! !r.liU 0j I.e. oil. l li!'Jt::c ii'l II.U'll -uplej Cul- rcepondenra a ear or tw o before. She had agreed ti do hook rcv1evv and f ir waid the copv from lmdon Her n;nn vias Anne Mai r'arlanil. and xhe had a lalher Hour temper ami lie preferred lo edit tha copy liiniKclf. The of'lce force ii.illced ihiit Mr HHiiis l ad aiaava coplnl off Mini Macl'ai laud s review on his own t; pew rlter before siiid iK Colli or brinirini; them to the office, und they also noticed ill the first Install iiieni thai she had a Mile very like iha; of Mr. Ilairla lilmm If. lien the ni in aKliiK editor ran uniwn toe vvoid "pes terfrd " In Mi- Mm Kn i 'and "copy'' iie I lieuan to uspert that she Han- Mi . liarria lilmnelf Hut he did not lell -'l'ncle Itenni '' He waited for further and inive comlusi.c evlilrn-e, a-id finallv he got It. hut run llien he did n. I iini.iasU the vl"ain I,-lorrelv- formed the hnhlt. as did ine rest of the taff. of Ktiecrinic at Mlns Mai l'ai lacd's literary view In "t'ncle i:,-uiu-' ' ' heai'intf jut to iiee how hv v; iihl lake if. I II, took it wUu a chuckle and a !. of 1 toiiaei'o to hide Ihe chuckle, na a iiile: bu; ' t e would he finally driv en I i a n.ikl do fetiae "Well. he's an old woni.in. ' he woi.i.l tMV. 'aril shr' i.ined a 1 tt.e --ii th- wii-id Tl.se old women ci t a Ii'l'.- t.,u--' J lie. I'HI know. Loll I 11:11. k sue vail ...it - j I if course, her lvle doenn't have Hie no to ti v on vounu f.ilows like I've rend i buier Kt tiff, and I've lead worse stuff i Slip's not one of these latdd-fiie perfoi in . clk. vtm voun; fellows adiniic - but ma.v be , ht: knows what she s talking Hbont, after . a'.!, just ;is viell as they do." We nevir ailiniited we liked Anne M:ic- . l'l'Ulll l' st , le Hlld C 'lllllllloil to slick up our collective linos at her vv oi k "Well. v oil know sl.e s jii'-t an old foy- jint n old to); like me.' hi would .-av. vvltu a chuckle: "vou can t eu i t her to pit as I a I lll'laiv i i inc. like you v oillin fel lows" And with this shot he would i i out I'hui.iii'k ii adiiall.' Anne Mai t-'tu land as-uuu d a moie and lieu, tangible form In Mr. liar lis linaiiiai .: .'he h"i nme the lieiom.' of a whole serial stoi". winch lo- built no around tier .-! was a "huvoiu las" v In n lie last aw lor. lie Kaid. and sighed s nttinelita'l: I'li'H'lv we are ised him of an rar! roinaeei vi it li h, r. and he denied it in u h a wav a- to sliow tliat tne (dell olia- ed I im. and il.at he uoi'ld not care If e hrlteveu il And t il hi bit v. e tjot t'.e slur' of Aniie . l.fe and ail i u l u re ."ii if ihii tie ui.l i, all so liili;ia"v and si lasuallv that. In s.:te of .. ir poslllve in, i h.iue 11..1I .'line l o i i- rsisted. thi'.e i r" in it -i lii. w 1.,-li , d lo In' , iidlilou u u. ii'i ii iii.'i.l l'-l I. e lotir ! comedy, but 1t never worked out. Mr ' Harris fell 111. and the Anne Mael'arlano ' copy stopped coining in .ue was the lasl ' character he created.- New urk Tunes. 'PROGRESS IN ONE LIFETIME rtrrin lUilniHd Ituildrr of Innn lIU hnt H Cla rr . 'Wlirn 1 rn-all t.int tlir f!rt rAtir'H.i npeiattMl in thlK tonntrv ihtef tun k ' than l'" ? fa h if ft'"',,fi' wtari iti.j: t nntriinlKl the m-iuI-i fnl fii"Kie.s 1 breii maie in niv II f.'l t ni-.' sunl Joi n ' Poi'trr. a etein ta!lr .l lnlM-r t.f Ki ilnra. la . w hi If l;i N'ahi::fc;t "?i. I . "I ittti older i i.i ii ati rai:r.al man in tins i uunl! . I ran r 'imrnl n lt w t i n ?!if ftiit t raii was i 'in in thp I'rU'l Stau It was In 11. nini lln-' lint- pxtfiiili 1 li. mi lalumore In KllHoniHr, h dislan r Ui'hf n.iU ' .i I h'1 f i ' I l ' i i ti . re ) ' nuniU-r ( pi .nnt'if nl m n vd Mil i,t i rsiiaif ! r xiim thfir 1 ti I t ahoit 1 1 n aolK Hr llit v (f i al .r.'Uil- '1 ' t w. elv ' mi ( ii lL.it cannon ui ip "Arinl in n lulle moie than an ai"l lie i turn 1 1 1 1 UMS H'HtH ill .'llf ill i' II' f 1 H ' ' I t ! :n ! ti i Id i. ',iiii..i i i at . -,..! f . i t.u.i t.i..c. A if : t i.. - I Moihp MiaKtil that It would 1o loMsibiei i to talk orr a tsur fmrn m ntv tu an- I tit her. aiii jroto thought ) Man H H7.V. j I f Uo tad hi iK'-d i hat w miRht lo al-lr j ! talk withdiit th ah! of Irea hr wunlrl I have liprn tin uwn int. jn-lnnn. m rhann. i ,ntt inflariinj ihr w iil(f i fnl ilnnu thut ' hae takPti nlait tinre thfii. I am picparcil ' (i bi li-'Vf thut wiinin a f vtars r iiih I ho M in lhiniKh tii air at KirtT hpl , than t i i kiM'An and with ax nun It hal t I i as if hum had In railroad train-." Va.h- ' IliKtirfi f'.i i ! I ' llrr 4alel ltel. Tin- late Mrs, I ulia War d M at a t:iif tin -4 of i ( NowH.rt V ic l a t; ur in NfVi I n I . y;t al if W.HiMn' vnr!.: "Tin ia arn IrinniiKi h r-tnriji Mhi wi, (fan n.-lv' iw ilitn v. "i u ' I ii- ih-i t I nn'v ! erl i "l fh'- Iim'iii', and all ih- r'i itt't re rt n-at a id j'ilnte-1 as t i n t h ;.niinn, ti mad"- to Ur moi h i - in 'a u , inn-, w.' -'in kii'iv. Pa- on t in no ! i j . ; ia d 1 1 I i iinit hr "in-!a w n I" t i he . a -th '. a s In in ', . n ; n n h- r f.rt I i in iicl-f. Tin- t r wtf- v a t ir 1 1 I ' i it. and f a i-a hi- . a in! wu rtiilh .' m r. v 11 nli lii tal. I-',- in h i (.'. h-r-inda u ln.wi'tt. hi r wt nn'h n i.ni mj'JI Hdut. n.irii ir.n aid i iled ait "Hi ii., . tin ni'iihir In-law IooXmiit t". a'i.i. I:.- Iiinif wtth l, r i,i -it i lai id . 1 1 111 " '.i i i ..I no i n -.1 i, i & , ...1 a-..'.t.i. mrmm wiraiiMW-nwnii- r-ir ririi' Tmtimt mm itim I'unwi mn-ei .,. mmm i ..i ii i. ... ,. a, , . -r. , , , m JIZT7 T!L iT. ' ' il "ZIJIIJili If ho rlne.ii'1 know h ,w I. " 'No. i. ..I ii ii li''i i.ii i repl v .' V a "h i ok i oi i Star bold It!" ah'au.H' ih 1 1 1 ..' no Ion suahn !' ' i'1" Mini A I, loll,.,- itj 'rt I.,, , l, si-ai load' an odj sound win. Ins H"s. inn' an I sn.i.i...i i.ls " fuiK-rs Im M lo s.o noun aain iih an Helped I Heme m lie r. ,IhO'I i.i. A eol'i,-.l pria'lir va eheiii.ini ,le- "vVhuffo. mull 1'ou'.'' snl lh,- inia. hie n.e.n. ill; tie sun- ' liis e.'ii i;i .-at iui. slerno. U-mh . ., i ur u. nn' sfoio v xr j "hrolili in an' si -le. n AI v.arns o i-ainst riiii-'ai.a w h-ii i h -,.. i no Ion st.hi n i j Id, hel is sill o Ml ...I "I . la,..! V It w o II - ' )i s I . ' I ' 1 1 1 . 1 : lie I H lis on. Id,' lil', I V.' '(i.illl.-l '!i llHil. Ni.-iiu!.!. o llflltl I'llll- in lio- I.H' U s. ,1 a'!',.M Oi.'i'l. "li'i.Hf j.tj.- f.i.i i' ... i i . I I. .M.: . 1:01 . ... AI. ht 11. ah kmfi ."un l-riiii.is.o A i ,;ij- 1 I 1 . 1 n. 1. '1 .0 in. u.is 1 1. : .. a .1 isu r s' - on .1- i