Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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9 1 T. 1 ' -TTT-T - I 1 - t I TTTT - ,T"-
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I ke ill s i . i s i sue m i 1 1 1 1 r i 1 1 . 1 1 i ll.ll i ii.ii i. ii.iiiiiiiiiii'ni
Extemive Programs Given by All Fri
day Afternoon.
nmri' .rlm I.emU the Wfhilfr n
rirty rniil l".lbiM ml the
flrmiolhrnlnii nrlr-r All
Arr Mn trtlrr.
T.lrrv nn.lftlro of tli Omaha HlKh
hnnl Ik f noir very Infft'liiiK Hint In-
, I I ....
ll A fiii tils till CI. f
trurtv rn-oRramn Fildav nftTtuwii. Th
PrlKfllla AMftl orl-ty lm-1 II n proeram un-
At the l-1prililp "f Mnbl- Klowltl n divl-j
Inn. It w rilillr.) " Life In
.Ipnn." iifil mi follow:
rinno Solo,. -. Mnrcarrt Ulrlia i-il
Hf1lnK -.lapanr clillilroti..lali1 Klowltt
RearltnK .larmii'1' ll'in-
Mari!Hi'l Mi't'oy
RelliiK -1 ar In .ljinp llou-
"'InliP l.lnilley
Rrlatlon Fleaimr Patrick
rt"f n shini til ( cr l fnr this pio
(ram. The prnaram of the Marirsret Fuller no
rlrty wa li"il-il t.y a vocal M'li lv Hlcn
KirK. Thin V.KH follont-d hy a recitation
hy Katlierm Ooul'l. an orlntnal poem by
Nell Han. a atoiv Adelyn Wood and
a piano duet by Marjorle Foote and Mar
baretta llurke.
The Iemothrnlan aoclety plrcted ( fflceia the rotnlm trrm The rexolt of til"
election nan as follows: President, KMert
Wade; vice president, Voyla Rector; aocie
tary. Klevera KunNman; treaaurer, T)eyo
t'rane; aeracant at arma, Beryl Crocker;
librarian, Milton Fetera in. .After thli elec
tion the following program waa held:
Current Toplca Htnd Wiwlbrldga
PebateReaolved. That a, Pvalein .of
Compulaorv Vntinit Should ha
Adopted tn the Fulled Htatea: af
firmative. Robert Wilbur; negative,
Harold Torrell.
Robert Wjlhtir of tha arftrmatlva won
thla debate by a two to one vol:
Tha Wehater aoclaty a,lo elected "ctficera
for tha coining year. Tha reault waa as
follows: President, Oenra; Orlmes; vice
president, Fl Perktna; . aeorrtry, Karl
Montgomery; aergranta-at-arma, Clarence
Alleq! ,ifnd Nortnart CUM. Tha following
proaTafji waa hekt after tha election:.
Currant "opW-a..." ... .Harry Oldeun
rJebate--,Rolvd. That Foot Ball
Hhould be Ahollahed; Affirmative,
Joe- Wollery; negative, Hugh. Arm-.
troBf. . .
The negative. won "thl debate by a uhanl
moua vote oftha Judge. .
For tha France Wlllerd aoclety the fol
lowing progiam waa rendered: '
Readlnj'. Maricuerlt Bult
Mmay ; ....' '....Heulah Mct'aw
New Tear'a Rfaolutlon Htxlla Abraham
Original Joke , Nellie I'eebstlng
Kasay The Merchant of Venire
J.nelle Peterson
Recitation'. , Oladya Walker
Argumentative Ksay Kathrlne Field
Candy waa served after this Interesting
program, . - . .-
The Hawthorn society elected officers
and the result waa as follows: President,
Theresa Hokannon; vice president, Marlon
Dolan; secretary Hazel Ochiltree; sergeant-at-arms.
'Marlon taroviU; reporter, Elia
beth Flndley,
The ,KTalne. aoclety bpened with a trum
pet solo by Helen Fast man, accompanied
by' the'' Blaine orchestra. This was fol
lowed eye. recitation by Helen Garvin; a
suffragette trio,' by Ellr.abeth Carr, Marie
Burchmoore and Isabel .Tones; a . chance
meeting, by Helen Garvin and Rva Med
ler;. an agony trio, by Mary Tatenser,
MHi lt TffuVChraore and Mildred Collins.
fhe Pleladeil society finished Ha Chrlst
tuas program as follows: Christmas In
Northern Canada, by Isabel Shukert; How
Ijally Ppent Her Christmas, by Helen An
flnrson; an original poem by Minerva
Jenks; The Star, by Ruth Cowglll. The
leat of the time was spent in games.
' T'1- German aoclety gave the following
Instructive program: Song, by the aoclety;
solo. '-by Kllxabeth Kear; piano solo, by
T oyi C'ohn; violin solo, by Alice Mehnge-
qoht t' Christmas Making, by thanes Rob
rts;1 Christmas In Germany, by Howard
fli Ijitln aoclety had the following pro-
AV'orgingman In the time of Caesar
r Phillip Johnson
.'HAw-a Roman spends his day
V Esther Kaplan
Tie ,fapltallst Klva Jarmln
Professional Man Hasel Vagel
1 i
The Athenian society and the Lincoln ao
clety1. held business meetings, after which
parliamentary law was practiced.
l eanest for Mllltoa-Dollar Relate of
t lllssluaiary to Indians Cornea
j .s i p Monday.
Tv A SHINQTON, Jan. 14 The legal con
test for the reputed 11.000,000 fortune of the
late Rev. William M. Ferry, once a mis
lenry to the Indians at Mackinac, will
be brought to the attention of the supreme
.ceuri of the United States probably next
'Monday. Preliminary steps have been
.taken to aak the supreme court to review
tlje findings of the circuit court of appeals
,.for the Eighth circuit, which passed on
the controversy of the heirs.
. The missionary was the rounder of Grand
Haven, Mich., and died about 186$.
After certain bequests the residue of hi
state was to go to nis cnuaren. tils sons
were'' Lieutenant Colonel William M. Ferry,
United States Senator Thomas W. Ferry
til Edward P. Ferry.
Fifty-One rer Cent of Rorkeyee Live
la Flares llavlna; Over Five
Tkoaunl Population.
WASHINGTON. Jan. ll.-Over Bl per cent
of the people of Ohio live In municipalities
ivlpg a population In excess of .0(0. Sta
tlstlcs of the thirteenth census issued by
tie directors of the census show there are
eighty-two of these municipalities, seventy
cities and twelve villages.
,' These places during the last decade In
C4 eased tn population to almost S.SOOOuO of
'people. Their aggregate Increase was 33. S
!per icent over 1000.
, One ftearo Killed and Three Injnred
Uhra Isasaar, of 'Unite Men
Attack Minstrel Company.
iBCNTON, Ark.. Jan. H.-One nesro wils
,l,l)!d and one negro and two negressea
were Injured In a race riot here la.-t night
following a performance by a negro min
'fc(ret organlxatlon from New Orleans. The
members of the company were enroute to
tbelr boarding house when attacked by a
lrty of fifteen or twenty young white men
"apd ' pursued half a mile. One negro's
nfcull wss crushed with a club.
A viuaiaotee cf BuxUiesa Pruspenty-
"To dream dream of fanciful places you have imagined . to be the richest gardens of the
world, surround yourself with suggestive furniture." Thus has a connoisseur of the furniture art
pithily expressed himself. To think of beautv, put beauty about vu; to take little jourm ys into the m vstic lands of
lii-loiv". where the iirnis of iineieiit heroes clashed in glorious truggles for Miiueiiiiicy, gather iilxMit von tlniniMtie-hieat liitig, lonianl h- pulMiig turii.
tine tif t lasiral perhttls. Then one sees haek into the inspiring tlnys of his ancestors. He liehohls eliarging knights clashing on the Tiehl of the ( 'loth of
(Johl. Xolile castles struck hy mounting rays of the sun catch his attention Mini direct it fur helov to the slowly coursing waters of a hum. I. hlue treani.
(lothic forms hreak forth upon his vision hs lie watches the capricious 1-Vench pulling down evidences of a inonarachy or rushing in attack upon th"
crumbling: I'astile. To see these stimulating pictures one must look upon handsome furniture. Among our stock are many pieces that carry one
back into the natres of historv, where the French, the English and other people fought out their early struggles. These artistically designed, skill-
fullv constructed chairs, tables,
them. During our .January Cireen Seal of Quality Sale these and many other
vr rv
!''Vi! Wrtl
I t'.i l.Vtl
"rti, i'i IJil
$32.00 China Cabinet
Pretty oak veneer,
spacious shelves, glass
front and sides $25.00
$36.50 Craftsman Oak '
Table Beautiful,
high class construc
tion, 54-inch diameter,
strong $31.00
$31.50 Writing Desk
Circassian walnut ve
neer, handsome,
stronglv built, best
quality ..." $20.00
a, A m
? V"4t "11
Green Seal of Quality
beds, buffets, davenports ami dressers infuse
$17.50 Chiffonier M a h o g a n y
veneer on birch, five drawers, 44
inch high; French mirror, l!x!4 $12.50
$35.00 Full Sized Bed-Birch
veneer, strongly constructed, ex
cellent design, distinctive $25.00
$27.00 Solid Mahogany Chiffo
nir 'J'JxlS tou, 4S inches high,
pretty pattern, solidly built $17.50
$22.50 Bed Mahogany veneer
on birch, handsome design,
strongly made, comfortable. . . . $12.50
$10.00 Golden Oak Dresser Four
sKH-ious drawers, large oval mir
ror, artistically made, durable.... $7.75
$21.00 Golden Oak Dresser
Beautiful pattern, strongly con
structed; French mirror, 29x23. . $13.50
$46.75 Cheval Mirror Solid ma
hogany frame, French beveled
glass, 5Gx21; handsome . . . $30.00
$22.00 Fumed Oak Bed Strik
ingly pretty design, solid maple
rails, full size, strong $12.50
$25.00 Brown Couch Denim
cover, hair padding, 74x30, com
fortable, strong $1G.50
$16.75 Box Couch Denim cover,
72x30, prettv, well built, choice
stock $10.00
$35.00 Wardrobe Dull mahog
any veneer on birch, 6 feet high,
roomy, solid $30.00
$19.75 Dresser Oak veneer,
four spacious drivers, large oval
.mirror, very desirable article... $13.50
$19.00 Music Cabinet Circassian
walnut veneer, shelves lock auto
matically as door opens $10.00
$10.75 Cellarette Solid oak, handy
arrangment of compartment, well
built $6.00
$20.00 Parlor Table Solid ma
hogany, 3G inches in diameter,
skillfully constructed $10.00
$15.00 Roomy Chair Mahogany
finish on birch, genuine leather
seat and back $8.50
$18.50 Solid Oak Typewriter
Desk Sanitary, built-up con
struction, three ample drawers. . .$16.50
$28.00 Wardrobe Pretty oak
veneer, roomy, 64 inches high,
one large drawer $14.00
$21.00 Couch Denim covered,
lined with cedar, G feet long,
comfortable $18.00
$48.00 Fumed Oak Clock Hand
some article, accurate, strongly
built, very choice design $32.50
'Beautiful Oriental Rugs
Our stock of rugs Includes a select assortment of those delicate, softly-toned Orientals that are rest
ful and pleasing companions. They possess Just enough tone to make them more desirable than flamlnjj
colored carpets. All that is best in Oriental are and weaving is combined in these artistic patterns. The
first prices given below are the special sale figures and the second are the January Green Seal of Qual
ity concessions. ,
5M.UU lialuthnra Kiik 4-1x3-1 .
I8.(0 lUkahara. Huk 4-3x4-1 .
K20.00 Uakahara lug 3-6x2-7 .
30.00 Itakahar Itug 4-7x3-3 .
18.00 liakahara Hug 4-3x3-11
t 15.20
IUloo hiHtD
Rug 4-3x2-Hug
9 .
3 .
2 .
3 .
9 .
1 .
6 .
Kug 3-6x2
Hug 4-10x3-3
27.KO Itogliestan Rug 5-3x3-5
20.OO Dogtiestan Rug 5-1x3-3
27.00 Dogliestan Rug 5-5x3-1
2A.KO Doghestan Rug 5-0x3-6
42.00 Itoghestan Rug 5-0x3-8
43.00 Ikgheatan Rug 5-6x4-3
Miller, Stewart
Established 1884.
Furniture and Rugs
pictures of their suii mated periods into the
articles are being sol
ild at prices lar below
$16.50 Arm Chair Seven oaks,
genuine leather seat, strongly
made, pretty design $11.00
$14.00 Serving Table (olden
oak, 3G inches high, top ."Gxl
very attractive, solid $12.50
$13.50 Arm Chair Seven oaks,
genuine Spanish leather seat.
broad back, strong $8.00
$19.00 China Cabinet Oak ve
neer, five roomy shelves, super
ior quality, serviceable $12.00
$3.85 Medicine Cabinet St 1 id
oak, roomy and strong, solidly
constructed $3.00
$27.50 Flat Top Desk (lolden
oak, built-up construction, top
50x30, sanitary $22.50
$37.00 English Leather Rocker
Beautiful design, worthy of a
place in any home $18.50
$9.50 Morris Chair Tapestry or
imitation leather cushions, high
grade article $8.00
$9.50 Solid Mahogany Pedestal
Highly constructed, serviceable
as wTell as decorative $6.00
$16.00 Solid Mahogany Bookrack
Latest pattern, strongly built,
thick, -wide shelves $10.00
$4.00 Magazine Rack Fumed
oak, three large shelves, top 21x-
13, very strong $3.50
$18.00 Chairs White enamel on
birch, imported cane seats and
back, solid .....,.$10.00
$7.50 Commodity Box Matting
covered, 44x24, 9 inches high,
suitable for skirts .'$5.73
$4.00 Shirt Waist Box Matting
covered, bamboo trimmed, 32x16,
12 inches high $3.00
$9.50 Sheraton Muffin Stand
Solid mahogany, inlaid, distinc
tive character, solid $6.00
$25.00 Serving Table Solid ma
hogany, 36x17 top, handsome,
highest quality $12.50 .
$7.50 Golden Oak Dresser Three
large drawers, sanitary, mirror
23i2xl .IK- $5.00
$9.50 Music Cabinet Imitation
mahogany, strongly constructed,
excellent design $6.00
$19.00 Chair Mahogany finish
on birch, genuine leather seat and
back, pretty $10.00
$25.00 Jacobean Chair Beauti
ful Cathedral oak, cane top, di
ameter 19 inches $18.00
148.00 Kliiva Rug 9-6x7-7...
128.00 Khiva Rug 10x8
IC8.00 Khiva Rug 9-10x8-4 ..
256.00 Mahal Rug 12-8x9-5..
40.00 Kazak Rug 7-5x3-2 . . .
60.00 Kazak Rug 7-8x4-4 . . .
47.00 Hug 5-0x4-5 ...
24.00 Kazak Rug 5-10x3-11 .
86.00 Kazak Rug 6-7x3-6 . . .
32.00 (inrnjl Rug 7-0x3-11 ..
28.00 timnji Rug 6-3x3-5 ...
$40.00 Senna Rug 4-11x3-6 ...
123.00 Keuua Rug 6-8x4-10 .
56.00 Afglmn Rug 4-7x6-6 . . ,
24.00 atitan Rug 5-0x2-11
30.R0 Auatolian Rug 4-2x3-0 .
36.0O Khiraz Rug 5-0x3-4
10.00 MoumiuI Rug 6-1x4-1 ..
21.00 KurdUtan Rug 5-1x2-8 .
44.00 Mshed Rug 5-5x4-0 . . .
$44. 80
8 19.20
. $32.00
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street,
hreat of I
who looks upon
ag I'oiicv mark.
the original
$45.00 Dressing Table
Circnssion v a I n n t
veneer, I'.l inches high,
liench beveled mir
ror, li.jx'Jl
$13.00 Drop Leaf Table,
Solid oak, highest
l n a 1 i t y, skillfully
made, splendid design $10.00
$82.00 Solid Mahogany
Chiffonier Chacter
ized hy straight for
ward cons t r u ct i o n,
French mirror L'.jxL'I, $50.00
ft. A A -
vThe tvrslstent an t Wise " Patronagu i'f
The Bee Advertising Columns.