THH OMAHA SUNDAY WWV. Mid-Month Coat Clearance . i i ii , TV Four coats Seven coats RlRht coats Nine roats Kverjr $3.95 coats TEC ydum own awn ill 1 !h if" Hi 1518-1520 FAENAU STREET ivtil Khow the electrolytic process of oru eduction. (Itcnt Falls will also send a series of views shoeing the unusuul water pjwei faiilltleH of the city, offering advantages as 'u manufacturing center. The detailed pto?ram of the land s'ioiv follow a: Wednesday, January is, Opening- Day. '"I'rl-iity Night." doors open. l:iHi In afternoon. -Musk; by land Klmw concert band, i Ij .1 p. in.. 4 to p. m. livening t rogram. t p. m. Dpvnlng ad dieHs, " Welcome." by jwmi.'S C. Uahimau, uiHyor of Oiiiahu. Kcaiionne by i:. C. Kosewater. Artilroa. "iNebraska. Its I'reaent and Kiiure t'roaperity. Commercially, ln (iiiHtrlally and Agriculturally, ' by 4ov 1'iniii' Aidrh h of Nebraaka. Address, "(Hir Ciolden West," by Robert 1. yii.ii of California on behalf of land show I'Aiulutoia aiid conimlsslont rs. Addremi, ' inir .Neighbor. Bluffa,'' by Mayor Mitloney oi Council Illuffs. Heauing niewagH irom I'realunnt Taft received by direct Westoin I'nlon wire tu ....uiii.rluin stage. Hinging of Ot.i and unfurling of largest lilHg ever seen In Omaha, h'rora the foida or thin flag will come vtiower of confetti, tiny flafca, roaes, etc., over audience. . National anthem by concert band, Hawaiian Octectte, achool children and audit nee. ' Firing of twelve-pound sheila aa salutes from roof of Auditorium, one for eacn state In the union and the burning of red, white ami blue lire on root ot uuilding. This wilt b a signal for the blowing oi whistle li'um factories, foundries, xhopa and mgincs In railway yards. TJila will tor ijvaily open the stiow. Concei t from M to 11 p. in. by the concert trand. Thursday, January If.'' 'floors open lit 10 a. in. Mi:sic from i lo 3. 4 to 5:30, i:&r to :, t.ji. Ull II. , i.-ooi roads daya. Vtta and newspaper mens day. Newsboys' elub day and nigni. Friday, January 30. 1 )oors open a l m u. m. Music by com eit banu from 2 to 3, 4 to . U lo H:m. H::?j to 11. .,iiiBlia High hi iiooi cay. high school aiiit. oay., Adniln:on In tenia. 1 to ti p. i... luf a liool Htiidt ntK. .NCoiakKa hi me iiiinoeiinen'a day. Saturday, January 91. liwn opt ii m a. in. ixi.ahu public achool children's after- t-outu Omaha day and evening. o,.ui (imiiiiu Innh s. nool orcuesira con t ft in afternoon, jxi.vnlie apoii.4. to 5 p. in. L.ohriiiiun xiKietica nlghl. Admla.on, all school children lu cents, 1 v l. III. v ' toincil uy tiouili Omaha High schoo, oiu 4 1- or, henti a in evening. i;eal etal exchange mgiit. Omaha commission inn. r, night. .VimiKxlon all achool tlillUren lu cents, 1 io p. ni. unday, January aa. Cfiitial labor union day. ia.-icu cumertH in aliern.ion. Miecial travel talks by L'oiuneT luffing well. ..ucred cojiiert In evening. c' Monday, January 03. Iowa Hate day. Hawaiian day. Concerts in afternoon. Woodmen of the World nlijh;. oiiLcita In evening. Tusaday, January 84. IdrtlKj atata day. .tu,.iuiiu ataie day. 'xanepoi taiion du . Kiiiii'oad men's uay. 'oncerls In af tei noou. 2 to J, i to & to l.teuing. T?:i to :; to 11. AdUivurtea by Hon. William Hall, O. M Holmes and others. veiern I levelopim nt association day's session. firai l.e:ci.un at night for off it ers at toiium. Audl- Wednesday, January 85. California state day, l (invert a. i to 3, i lu i:u,i, T :tu to 11. to S.X.J, Caiiama Pacific exposition dav ouii H aixiely night. litnno Kaittiu aa. W oiiiing suite uay. Mod, -in Woodmen of America night. Kn.glua oi Coiuinbius night. Thursday, January 3. t uloiailu stale oa. Oiiikha. v'oiiik il iiufts and tfouili ouiaiia ' Wuiik.ii a Kt-O!uuoii of ciuba Uy. Con, ci u J to J, 4 lo a:J, i :: tt) s jii. lu li. Jmuh nifci'it i..iiiian siiigiiitt MM'iot.v night, tiuiea Coii-tiuia limn, ct north i ui iit'i h n.Kut. rilday, Jai.uary 17. Ncl.iaUu tia... CtjiKeiia, J lo J. , to ; ;;0 10 s . V..., lo 1.. aatliiiavian sotictiva night t.iMi.o .limy oi the utvuom night. Awtu.wii Hot'irtie nigni. .ouit-iJu i-iun nlgiu. Saturday, January as. Mult, At tt . il... al i,a .,.-, nu 'iiutiiu and I oi.ii.-tl w.uf puollt .. U .O i' tii). vuot.lte, .' lo i. i lo i I, i Jj to S..;t. to 11. . oi.iu Omaha l.lte tiiot k aotialioi, ii. , in. . o..iiki Moii'x hii.HliBn uasoiiatlon niglit. Ou.ali j'tuiiiitfr-s toiiebc-4 oiMiit. . -olvi. fr II.bI.I. Ul..U) . llu.xlt t 11. gilt ' lof, itrtioM nig t.. d and nights ha t-l 1.1 tabiitv.. ..k i -n lJV Mx ou.a. if mgiit. . Ail. Kin t.ioer of I'nited Workmen night .tu tirto ua . . uotijt l,t,,is'ii n ili.ibtlon asftoc.atu.. ingnl. . ,l.ra t ollt g,: lllglit. 1 1. 1. KM klKo lie it 41 allow Achool of Tasldrraa to Ma tlila of Western nluala. iiie bison, unt'i lora of tie Nebiaska Vitiiiu, wtil b it.pica.ntrd at thv laot, Presenting a Most Unusual Oppor tunity to Save a Generous Sum- Final reductions are in effect MrNI.i, upon every remaining Small Women's, Misses' and Girls" Caracul, Seal Plush and Cloth COAX In frir Kpllre Slwk. Invoicing Time Is Here And It's easier and refcrable to lis to count each Instead of costs Thego prices will make them change owners quickly. All are the best shapes and colors, of the winter season. These Are All That Remain In Small Women's Sizes $ 1 3.50 ipo e?r t99f) $ 1 4.7 5 tQ ?r i03 $20 (19 CA Six $35 (no - , coats . . .vuu 'J s7:5O.$25.00 ...$29.75 . . . 9M.U0 v ."... $16.50 Three $45 coats . . . Girl's Coat, t3 off Regular Price. Sizes 2 to 14 Years. Coats at $2.65. Up to $22.50 at $15.00. " reofto itch show by an exhibit from the Northwestern School of Taxidermy. A buffalo head val ued at J1.0U0 liy J. V. Elwood. the pro prietor of the school, will form the center of a display Including many specimens irom the fauna of the west. The display will Include the lynx, mountain lion, b-aver and numerous others of the beasts that roamed the wilds. It Is proposed to 4jut on a dally demon stration In the art of taxidermy. Mr. El wood la making arrangements for these uemonstratlons with J. IC Wallace of Omaha, an expert taxidermist. LEGISLATORS TO VOTE ON SENATOR (Continued from Flrt I'age.) Is pow all over and amicably settled. Rep resentative Gallagher was called to Okla homa by the news that a claim lie lied there waa being contested. He expected to establish his tights without any diffi culty and soon be home again, but he ex perienced mire trouble than ha had an ticipated and was delayed. In his absence lie waa made chairman on finance, ways and means Instead of insurance, aa was slated when he left. After a conference with some of the members of his committee and the speaker It was decided to draw the salary appro priation bills up over Sunday, If possible, and have them ready for consideration the llrsf thing next week. WHAT OMC SEKs 0 TUB EDOGI tnae of the (iesjluses of the Legisla tor Thla Session. (From a Staff Correspondent. 1 LINCOLN. Jan. 14.-(3peelal.)-Otlo Ko- toua of Rchar a n c un'.y. a resident of . . Humboldt. Is one of the leaders of the In- j dependent wets and one of the several newspaper men In the house. He is a I'rlverslty of Nfbraska mm and well ac quainted with the literature and culture of ; h's own mother tongue, the Bohemian. ' This Is demonstrated In the fact that as a 'm mVr of ih) staff of the ' Komensky" publication, a magazine for the Ogechs. published in Lincoln, he doe a great deal of translation from Bohemian Into En?l I h, both " 'roe and piety John JIos podski' of . Saline county, Is , another . Bo hemian of literary accomplishments and Is a number of the staff of a Bohemian" paper In C'h cago. Nearly three-fourths ormoreoftbelegiala torn go home over Sunday and the hotel lolbe, which on every other nlghr, are such busy looking places, are very alimly populated Haturflay and Sunday nights. Saturday nights tha theaters claim the presenca of moat of the men who are too a.- from home to get there and back be ."cre Monday afternoon and Sundays they nxrrly thli.k. There Is nothing else to do on Sundays In Lincoln. There are seven men under the age of SO n the present house of representatives and every one of them claims the distinction of being the best looking, the most gallant or I h,e best dressed, or the most whatever else may be used to describe the vanity of a man. John Moiiarty of Douglas stands lu the very furefront of tbeae amateur Adonises and Otto Kotouc and McKelvie press him close. Bon ham and Metzger are strong candidates and H. O. Taylor has tome modest aspirations. Tha baby of the senate, Double A Smith, might be a suc cessful Invader if ha cared to leave his own fireside, where he reigns supreme. He conquered the house with his blushing youhtful beauty last session and moved on to fresh fields for this session. He is not to be In any way oonfuseJ with Double C Smith of York, a senator also, or Double it t Railroad) Smith of the same county, who sits In the house. ftnoflower Philosophy, When a dog can do tricks that's all he's good for. No difference how cheap a thing ia of- irreu. people wunt It lor less ivi,.. i..,.i j . . i ..,..-.., ,.j reason to oe. p roll H f . . . i iniiipu in uie county at lai ge but' or bis wife, he seldom neglects to men- j the towns of Manilla. Kiron and Deloit : l. i may have rema.ned drv. notli Maniha A good many people don't want to kno Klron have i.c-n without saloons fori be truth If it s ooposcd lo their preju- nearly two years. The leading business I dices. in. n find that no saloons has made their! ou he.-r a great main- "health h ills " ,ntde etter and have lined up that wav' but probably the most important Is not to un "'Knlng the petition. ' 1 hoit? or hale. i IoWa FA Ul.s-t harks W. Paris a' A man rglher enlov s being told that h I prviuini-nt farmer Iivihk near this cny ha ia devilish Mini) lie .is Si) years old: after patented and la no airangmg to mace on' Ihat hi- ftels lik.- smash ng anvone whoi,hK market a atatlon Hum alor to , ..per calls him devilish.' Au-hlaon (Slobe. . ated lu passtnger cars, wlietlu-i- siani oi : UUctrle. Hie device is placed In the for- Ikuable Traaedy f-'ollov-ia Quarrel. PHI1.ADK1.PHIA. Jan. 14.-Found unixvn-scio-t today in a bedroom of their home in tlie northern section of this city with ga-t em-aping from three oeii burners. I John Ernest and his wife. I. Mile, are In a nospuai. ni-r toey iii tne. t tie pnysi-l clans says. The tiagedy followed a uuarrel band of being to., friendly with a girl te.lanl. I usalrarllua t oraorallan Bsnkrapl. j KANSAS CITY. Mo. Jan. 14.-Ustmv Its i tsbiTtiea at l-"'J.'-; aid is asset ai HIT. the Men .'pol tan ( oust rue.t ion cim- any. which has lis of lit leie tar'ed bankroptcy pioceed'.nna In Hie fed-! V I'Ml i-u.irl liUl.V T K ... t . I agi-o in tne construction ot mutiicliial tin- i ruvemenl in tanss. Oklahoma and th xithrm Ust.j. el a n ton Palmer la pie -I cut. SALOONS WIN IN DES MOINES Hard Tight Between Factions Gives Verdict to Saloons. MAY LIVE THREE YEARS MORE War Over tlanatarr Mar tiet Into l oirl To Consolidate Two ( nl. !' Jltaattnn old to n- ;on. iT'mm a Staff Correspondent ) DES MoINES. .Inn. 1 4 iSporlal Tele. granO rractlcally complete ranvsss of t tt esloon petitions for Pes Molness closed this afternoon, with the result that It will lie derided by the board of super visors that saloons may remain for three more years In Dcs Moines. The antt saloon men claim they atlll have several I hundred names to be taken from the ! lists, hut It Is regarded as settled that j there will be enough remaining- to legal i Ue the saloons The matter mnv be taken direct to the courta and a recount of the ! DHiues be made. The fight lias cost both sides a vast amount of money and It has caused much bitterness. To Consolidate Two Collee. tt Is stated today that a movement la on foot for the consolidation of Cos col lege at Cedar Rapids with Highland 1'ark college, as both Institutions are now owned by the Presbyterians. While the Highland Park college has been taken over by the church, the plans contemplate Immediate development as a great engi neering achool. Monfj SI l ni I Ion (ioort. Bankers of Pes Moines Interviewed to day take the ground that the outlook for a money stringency In Iowa this year Is not serious and that there will, not be even as tight a money market in tha (spring as last year. Hankers at Sioux City were quoted an predicting a money stringency, but Pen Moines bankers deny there Is anything to warrant this. To Iteilnee llnasr Committees. . Speaker Stlllman of the Iowa house, who Is engaged In making the house com mittee, announced today he would de crease the aize or many of the minor com mittees materially nnd thus have a ten dency to expedite business in the house. He has not completed the committee list, but finds It a difficult matter to do ao. Missionaries Mart for Africa. ItAKK CITY. la., Jan. K tSpeclal.) Following a pleasant reception given them by the ladles of the Presbyterian church this week, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCord are now on their way to South Africa, where they will reaume their work as medical missionaries among the Zulu tribes in the region of Durban. On their wav to the iln.L . . I . . . i BoMon and New voVk'on janulj IFl on Bau irom new yorg ror London In the steamship Mlnnetonka. After a short stay In London tbey will act sail for their fields of labor, where they expect to arrive about March 1. Pr. and Mra. McCord entertain hopes of re turning to this country for a vallt In l&lg. loiro l-nenlty Has Maaiioerade. , IOWA CITY. Ia.. Jan. 14.-(Speclal.)-The faculty of the University of Iowa held a masquerade dancing party at tha Majestic hall here last evening. The committee was down on having students look on. and as a result several brought convenient peep holes Into play for tha occasion. This morn ing the story of the grand party apread throughout the campus, together with de tails of how each dlntlngulshed and digni fied professor wag attired. The head of the French department was "Tomato Salad," another one aa "Buster Brown," and all In all, the faculty of this Institution has never before seen such a display of enthusiasm. Father of Tweotr Dead. MASON CITY, la.. Jan. 14.-(Speclal.)-The father of twenty children, with forty two to full t. i - ........ .1 , , ... ... . ;,h :7 V". cur 'P'. father of Contractor V. U. Klule of thia city. Is dead at his home In West Union. He fell several days ago and death was occasioned by the fall. He was 80 years old and very active for a man of his age. Forent City Winn Debate. MASON CITY, la.. Jan. H.-Special Tele gram ) Forest City defeated Mason City In the Joint debate on the Income tax, Mason City affirming. Inn-a, Notes. IOWA CITY A divorce and JS.OOO per manent alimony have been asked bv Mrs. Sophia Paula of Iowa city from her hus band, after twenty . years of married life. cruelty1"0 " "etsd threata and DENISOX At the annual meeting of the Jenlaon Commercial club, held Friday evening, Charles L. Vosa was elected presi dent, succeeding O. Jr. Kuehnle. W. C ttoinns will aucceed p. J. Kllnker as aec retary. PARKEKSW'RU-Mrs. May DeBeer. aged n WJ" """Uy allied l-'nday when she Her l.h.U'f Cel""" tVPH M hpr '""- J,-- "ban.d .'va e"nan Reform preacher, bhe Is survived by a family ot children. wIi.MA . c 'TV-Thomas O. Morgan ot Washington has started suit at Iowa City against tne rtocK island railroad lor lluo.i lor inilifluB U-K1..I. u ... T.-.wv l!ne"J when in. rtomo ' 1. 1?. '"V i ton fell rfniK. . ton fell recently. SH KN ANI K)A 1 1 The Shenandoah Arti ficial ice. r-ower. Light and Heat company f1" 'hn th contract to electrically pump i he city water. 1 he company will Install a new- pump at the water station and operate it from the power plant. The com pany agrees in the contract to pump the fo" the city" C,"nt ,e"' Umn U'e cu" MARSHALLTOWN-Dr. N. E. Mlghle resident physician for toe Iowa Central anu n,"ieV?H eKt'n- ."'? on oi the well-kno,vii practitioners ot the city, came near being Killed today when his automobile waS atruck by a awiteh engine while ,e was crosalng the tracts. i he machine w a badly wrecged. but the din-tor escaped with comparatively slight Injuries. IOWA FALLS-One of the Improvement, tl at seems assured lor this city the com. mg summer ia a women's club nouse cosi- i ing .).jw. This improvement la to be made ' by the American Women's league, which' has built several In the state ana will erect 1 otl'ers thla v-.ak. ....). ........ ! , . . . i . V, , ...... iv . m, lowa rails Nearly enough charter mem-i ' hv . ''f" K,e.cured to ure thia duo house .mm iu ne ruuipocd thruiichoiu by the league. .-r.4-ii.--iy. i ne Doaru oi supervisors wnl make taiivass oi tne names to the re circulated saioon p. i. uon u. tu.o 1 AiolkllMV Mlttlnin, ... cm 1 1 y cuunty " " nave ara end or the car in plain sit; In of all I the paesengeis ami as a-um as Ihe train f 'or car leaves a station tli,. name of Hie! nei ataiion is nispiateu on tne ind ! urn- and doca away wild the old custom ot the ' brakeioan or flagman cal, in the station. .KMsiiNji,i, a i.., I ... . .. I"-"-- vii nu : ,,' ' ', , ,l "' " onian s ; , , corps r.wi.ns. J.. K M.C?e Man was (I! imisII.I . r,. nH ... , . . it neeier us president ,,f the inm I nieinlr of the punt was an e e witness to i ,h" ene.-i.tion of Mrs. .sorratt and t lie I '""es w no were Implicated in the plan to anasslnate Lincoln and other proiuinem men at Washington l-i ru,. At th. mpjire he recalled stirring events. I I.. Richardson, a prominent old s.ii.ii. : - - - - - - - tne ci n . -.w. . .......... , nan t( (nr ivuis of Veterans: spoke of Ihe growth of ! patriotism In (Ins country. "Count" De.Gatigny is Found Guilty Alleged Nobleman Convicted for Sale of Picture is Given Light Sentence. TOt'll. Tinner. Jan. 14 "Count ' D'Aulhy de Catlgny was ronvlcted to. In, mill sentenced to one month's imprison - I niftttt As ha alr.urlc liu.l litwnl iimrji limn n month in .lall while awaiting trial D'Aulhy was given his freedom. The t-pec- 1 tutors applauded the findings of the court. The .fudge announced that he had found D'Aulhy guilty of fiend In connection with the Kale of a Cnrot. The "Countess" D'Aulhy. who also was I on trial with her husband, hut against whom the charge was abandoned by the prosecution, was acquitted. P'Aulby was accused by the Duchess le Choiseul-Fraeslln with fraud In con nection with the sale to her and her late husband. Charles Hamilton I'alne, Hus ton, of a collection of pictures. The duch ess withdrew her complaint after the case had been In court for several daya, but the public prosecutor refused to stop the proceedings. The defendant maintained that If the pictures were not what he rep resented them to be It was because lie had been deceived. BANDIT CONFESSES CRIME (Continued from First Tage.) vicinity until notified yesterday of bis ar rest. He has the reputation of being one of the most industrious and skillful freight car thieves In the country and has frankly admitted his record In that line. M'olt for Opportunity. Since the arrest of Bowers It has been ascertained that the three bandits went Into Falrmount park for the purpose of holding up the street car crew. The park Is the terminal of the Fifth avenue line and at the end of every trip the crew re mains In the depths of the park solitude often for several minutes, (m the night ot the holdups the banditti walled for a fa vorable opportunity and let several cars come and go, for the Yeason that there were too many passengers aboard. Then finally abandoned the Job. for the reason that it appeared too risky on account of the brilliantly lighted locality where the cars stop. It Is also known that the three auto matic pistols carried by the men were the product of car robbery last summer, when a case of the weapons was stolen by the Sixteenth avenue gang of car thieves that has been partially broken up by several recent arrests and convictions. Many of the weapons have been sold about town at prlcea of from $1 up to $2 or $.1. A deputy sheriff will bring Palmer from the Polk county jail tomorrow. Later the police said that two of the men arrested almply acted as "fences" and did not take part In the robbery. The loot was shipped out of Ogden a week ago' Two officers will leave here tills nternoon In an effort to recover the Jewelry taken from the robbed passengers. SNOW BLOCKADE IS ON AGAIN Three Overland Tajnlna Kent Through, When Another Slide Oeeura ar Clsko, Cel. SACRAMENTO. Cal., Jan. I4.-The block ade . on the Southern Pacific line, which was opened early-today long enough to let three Overland traina through to the east. has again stopped traffic aa the result of a snowsllde between Cluko and Clsko lake. REDDING, Cal.. Jan. M.-In a blinding snowstorm near Hornbrook, Cal., a buggy occupied by Alexander Burns and hla son, Clarence, waa struck yesterday by a snow plow being pushed by a locomotive. The father, who was deaf, was killed outright and the son, who was totally blind, was iatauy injurea, dying later. SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Jan. I4.-The Southern Pacific line over the Sierra i-.evauH was ciearea eariy louay ana the i any poison Tor violating said law In 11 slx overland trains stalled between the I Iccally conspiring to control the price of summit and Blue canyon were started! cotton by reducing or lowering n, ... i- westward. The first train to arrive here should be No. 9, which was due at b :.'f0 o'clock yesterday morning. It ia still snowing between Blue canyon and Emigrant gap. Below Emigrant gap It is raining and disastrous washouts are expected. RENO, Nev., Jan. 14 Westbound trains were aent through Reno this morning. Another big snowsllde In the vicinity of Mystic, few miles east of Truckee, again SAMUEL WOOLNER IS DEAD Millionaire Distiller of Peoria Passes Away After Poor Months' Illness. PEORIA. 111., Jan. 14.-Samuel Woolner, aged t4 yeara, millionaire distiller and one of the most Influential business men of this city, died this morning at his residence, 317 Perry avenue. Mr. Woolner had been 111 four months, but the cause of death has .tut urni ucici IllllltfU. DfBIUrS II1H UIBllliery 'Merest he was prominently Identified with several enterprises of the city. Mr. Wool ner was born In Hungary, March 11, ltslti. RACE RIOT m ARKANSAS Report that Ttto Nrarora Were Killed In a ouMlet at Benton. HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Jan. 14. -Meager reports received from Demon. Ark., today say two negroes are dead and a third fa tally Injured as a result of a race Hot there. The negroes are said to have been members of a theatrical company. The Weather For Nebraska Cloud v: continued cold. Cor Iowa Generally fair: colder. ' - - - " irnir loi 1 -eigiu- hour shipments north, ea-t and west Tor zero weather, and south for temperatures 'or 1U to 15 above i,.ro Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hours. lieg. r;- 1 ' a. in ii I a in i ! S a. m ' !) a. in j ! )" a. in i, ' 11 a in :i "' t. I P in 1 p m k : i P m 11 ' 4 P in - P- ' i P- in II " 11 lleeoril. (il-FH'i: I'F THE WEATHER lUiilvM'. OMAHA. Jan. 14. -Official record of lm- l' ul l,r' '" lretipliailon '-tmiiiare-il Willi ibe correi-iHindlng period of the lt three years: r-l I l no. : '.). l m-. , , . ... , i. I -l ' V. I ,'t.lj JiTv ' i; I IVmpetaiure and precipitation d. p.trlur--s r.,. ,l,.. ,.iniul iii llinnloi silica M.-.r.l. I ami compared with the last two vmrs: Normal temperature Deficiency for the dav Total excess since March 1 Normal pi e,-ipi:,tlon .'' ' ice . .': in.-h it ;i i !-1 1 , 14. llu-heii I.. I. Inch, s I nflcli n"v f-irtheilav . Total rainfall s-nce Mar i ...rt..i vitrei, i I. En'-ess for cor. period, lain.... 1 tliieiicv foi cor. ispriiat. !.... b.Kl Iucbr ' inillcates l-low sero. "T" liidbates trsta ot precipitation. as we can afford to eortify-7-YOUR KIND! Our deliveries are prompt and careful. Fifty big yell-o wag ons and fine, proud, powerful teams. CANAL BILL INTRODUCED Representative Mann Has Measure ! Regulating Charges for Uc. PRESIDENT ' TO HOLD THE CLUB Chief Kxeciiflvr tmy I'reserlbe thnt Any Const ile Vessels Owned hy Itnllrond Shnll ny Higher Hates. WASHINGTON". Jan. 14-Praotit ally the entire time of the house today was de voted to the army appropriation bill, only smail progress being made with its pro visions. There was no session of the senate. Both senate and house will meet at noon Monday. A bill to provide for the operation of the Panama canal regulating the charges for Its use. and authorizing the establishment of dry docks and warehouses, with ample facilities for furnishing supplies to craft, was introduced today by Representative Mann of Illinois. The measure authorizes the president to prescribe and from time to time, readjust charges for the use of the canal. Theae are to be based upon registered displace ment, cargo or other tonnage, and be noi more than 1.5n nor less than M) cents j per net ton and registered tonnage, for ves- sels other than those owned by citizens of the I nlted States and Panama. The rate is not to be less than the es timated proportionate cost of the actual operation of the icanal, subject, however, to the United States-Panama treaty of No vember 18. l:Ki:l. and the right of the United States to pajts Its own vessels, troops, materials, merchandise and sup plies, without the payment of any charges. President Holds Clnh. The president la given the right to pre scribe that any coastwise vessel, wholly or partly owned by a railroad or railroad Homing company, or controlled by a rail road or by any Interests seeking to avoid or reduce competition of ocean traffic be- it-u me iianiic ana i'aclfic oceans shall pay the highest rates. Thia pro vision, however, shall not apply to the Panama Railroad company or Its vessels. No preference is to be given to any coun try, except the United States and Panama. The bill does not touch upon fortifica tions, which is a matter for another com mittee. An investigation of the Department of Justice to determine why It has Instituted no prosecutions of cotton and wheat man ipulators of 1WW and 1910 Is requested In a Joint resolution In the house today by Rep resentative Craig of Alabama. It calls for a Joint committee of twelve, six from each branch of congress, with full power to summon witnesses, examine papers, records and compel witnesses to testify. The resolution also aska the committee particularly "to make an investigation of ;he filute of the department to m .k an investigation and prosecute any person for v.olatlng raid law in Illegally conspiring to control the price of wheat by advancing or raising the same In the spring and sum mer of llo;i and a like failure to urosecutrt the fall, spring and summer of liilO.' tonrer on Tariff Commission. The republican members of the ways and means committee of the house passed sev eial hours In conference again todav over the proposed tariff commission bill to b repot te l to the louse for passage. With the Imgworth and DaUeli bills before It. the committee has not thus far aucceedeil In agreeing upon a form of bill entirely tatlsfactory. The republican members will confer with President Taft tomorrow night. The Dal zell bill would continue a tariff board In the treasury, under powers a mllar to tho e now exercised by the board appointed by President Taft, while the Long worth bill will creite a commission of five membera, with inquisitorial powers and widened range of action. Revolt Against Tammany Hall J. Sergeant Cram, High in Councils of Society, Denounces Attempt to Make Sheehan Senator. NEW YORK. Jan. 14-Storm signals In dicating a levolt in Tammany Hull against the selection of William F. Sheehan for I'nited States senator were posted here to day w hen J. Sergeant Cram, long a member and high in the councils of the society, an nounced that if Mr. Sheehan was elected be would uull. 'T think." said Mr. Cram, "that the In- terests have one senator already and ithould not have two. Why should not the other ,00GtU0 people of this stte be represented? "Between Sheehan and Shtpard. I cer tainly prefer Shepard. His election at least would not drive the i-ople Into such bitter resentment that they would turn against the demorcatlc party, as I believe they will if Mr. Sheehan Is elected." Senator John Uodfrey Sae and As-em-lilyman Harold J. Friedman, botli members of the Tammany organization, oeclared to day that they would not vole for Mr. Sliee for senator and would work and vole for Mr. Shepaid. Bl'FFAI.O, Jan. 14. Norimi n E Mack, chairman of the tl. niocratic snational com mittee, put an end to rumors that either la- or the committee would lake a hand in lue senatorial fight. Il Is not a matter. .Mr. .Mack declares in a statement, for either action or comment by the national commit tee. lli-nllala There. ui-cess in tin law. said .losei.h H. tin law." said lioMte at a dinner at the i.- clulii in New Yolk, otti ti ilei cnds on the alulil.t to meet -erv obiciion readil-.. ' I "A ch-rg wnan. howiter. mice carried tills' al llliv a llllle too lie was addressing ! a pruver meeting,, and in hla d-strlptloii of; tin- doom of the wiiixed he said: ' .noi ineie enau i.e weeping and wail- no. I gnaiiic of teetli A,. gnashing. .f teeth A try old eolTiHIl :-,o!.e li citiiK and senile w.ue: ill jllU- " 'Hut I am 1 .-t no le. th. pastor.' "Tliin. ii.aiiain tiie.v will he pro"id was the answer." A iuuianl.e of business Prospeiity Tha 1-ee Ad i ci using Culuiuua. 1614 Harney Street DW2 1ml. $30 Suits to i While they last, jour choice I'io.OO Suits to order $40 Suits to order Every garment guaranteed MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. III 304-306 South 16th iTo,vmw.ju.inWl . Your W" ill, Insurance Policies, Deeds, Abstracts of Title, Ftc., are absolutely safe in our big steel and con crete vaults, and are accossable to you alone unless you otherwise direct. A Private Safe for $.1.00 ir year. Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Entrance 1614 Farnam Street. CUSTOMS FRAUDS UNEARTHED Conspiracy by Which Oriental Im ports Are Undervalued Discovered. TWO ARRESTS AT SAN FRANCISCO Kwlndle Covers I. tins Period and Loss tor Government la Katlmated at Two Hundred Thousand Dollars Annually. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Jan. 14,-Serlous charges of attempting to defraud the I'nited States customs by undervaluations of Imports occasioned the arrest last night of two prominent merchants of Oriental j goods In this city. The prisoners are Carl J J. Cutting, who hah a store In this city, and W. A. Wilson of Oakland, who operates between this port and Yokohama as an Importer and tea expert. A secret agent sent 1 to Japan by the Customs department last year Is said to have laid the foundation of the present prosecution. I'pon his advice that imports were being marked far below their value, shipments of Oriental art gooda to Cut- ttng'a store were held at tne local customs house. Recently one of the Japanese who shipped goods to Cutting arrived here. He was closely questioned by the customs men and is said to have admitted that the goods were undervalued by at least half. j The Jananese la aald to have accused tlie l second prisoner, Wilson, of acting as Cut- ting's agents In Japan and swearing -to the i valuation that appeared on the invoices. Shipments valued by ' the Importer at $20,000 are Involved In the present pro ceedings, but customs officials express the belief that wholesale frauda In the under valuation of Imports from the Orient have been perpetrated In the last few years. They estimate the government's loss by these operations at f200,000 a year. They are planning a vigorous campaign. Fisheries Dispute is Settled by Diplomacy State Department Says Complete Agreement on All Details Has Been Reached. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 -Diplomatic negotiations have scored a victory over arbitration in the fisheries dispute between Canada, Newfoundland and the I'nited Slates, a statement being issued today by the State department here disclosing the fact that a complete agreement on all de tails Involved has been reached between Canada and the I'nited Stales, and like wise sufficient adjustment of difficulties with Newfoundland to make unnecessary any recourse to the mixed commission of The Hague tribunal. The negotiations between the I'nited States and Newfoundland will be continued, Sir Edward Morris, premier of Newfound land, having returned home lo confer with the members of his cabinet, but enough ground already has been covered to war rant the belief that a complete settlement of disputed points soon will be effected. The details of the agreement were not divulged here, but they Include the modifi cation of certain fishing regTilatlons as well us the continuance of others hlthert) in effect. Hoy Who Shot sheriff Released. I DETROIT. Mich.. Jan. 14. Benny Ho- I tare. 14 yeais old. of Mount Clemens, who: ast in. mill shot and killed Sheriff Mathews nf Macomb county, was dihcliuiged Irom custi dv today, the case being nolle ! prossed. Heiiny fiitsi the idiot at the or-I Vr of his mother, who believed tin- man knocking at their door wan a burglar. .Mrs liovare was tried last week and ac oultted of complicity. The case came lo SVaync county on a change of venue. A Uuaiantee of Huslneaa Proeperity The Bee Advert Ising Columns. n n n sg3 U U ViV VilaJ Sarsaparilla Makes Uie hloutl of the right ,. ... . . (lUHIltV HFllI llUiiUtltV llOrifial ' in red mid white cm puseli's ami nil other foiistitiient. It liui!(J up tin whole system. (lei it today in isual liniild form or Cbucolaied tablets called Bsrsataba Your choice of .'51 kinds of Certified Coal at lowest possible prices consistent witii tlie (piality and the quantity we furnish. Thoughtful buyers of coal patronize m because we give them a "sipiare deal" and satisfy them. We buy only such coal UNDERLANTHN Order of our $;;u miila to older, pcifvit in fit nud M.U. $15 820 325 St Hear Farnam RFME Beauty If yoa VitTt foorj trm plexioo it eed prottxtioni or it you art le Uvorrd you can muim preHiy lints and youthful color by Using a tni beauty CREME ELCAYA Mkcs iht Skin like VeteiZ nj leer It ftowint wilh s toft luttira I col of dnpile tha harsh etiecta ot tun, wind and dun, Thw iw-rt treated untsnt clean, nountHn sd protect) h akin; maim the fare and aeck lair, firm and plump. LMcriminabnf worries narrwker conader it trie snog. OMat eftec cream told (or lotlet im, Bold at Your Dmlrr'i. Sample Free br Sanding V'or Daolt't Nam 10 JAMES C. CRANE. , 108 Fulton St, hw Tork. Humphreys' Seventy-Seven Breaks up Colds and mm. Attacks the Throat Thl- year, the Doctors suy, the first feeling of Grip, Is Sort-, inflamed Throat. The immediate tine of "Seventy-seven" will knock It out. Don't wait for the development oi" Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head and Cheat, Cough, General Prostration and Fever, or the cure will take longer. At-Drug Stores 2'c or mailed. Humphreys' llomeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and Ann Streeia. New York. fir PlorEf- The Painless Dentist To demonstrate that I can ex tract teeth abboliitvly without pain with my local anaesthetic or romnoform. Will extract teeth free, from Jan. 16, until Jan. 22, except all charges for medicine. Set of Teeth S5.00 Best Set of Teeth on Rubber. 8.00 Aluminum Plates flO-00 Gold Crowns VS.00 OFUCK. 2(14 I'axton Itlork. PIkmic, D. .'ftttl; Ind. A-lidOl Tho True Follow Up System Wherever you fro, let The Bee follow you. Subscrib ers need only notify our oir culittion dejiartment and tho address will he changed as often as desired. (Jettinp; 'ITie Bee is the same as get ting A Daily letter From Home Keeping you posted on what's doing among friend and associates. It's tho only up to-date way. Let The Dee Follow You kj ft 0 S