TI I ITT T.i : 1 t:v r T r.xi i l. t r.r :t :t rn ir Trr M GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET SWheat Fluctuate, with the Extreme Range Lower. CORN BEARS AND BULLS ARGUE situation Itrapnnd to lallaetirra from Hotel Mdn Primary Herelt nf l.ralu Arf lll.llr l.nwrr. 'it i and is trade u'a-u. Ami man mixm. oil. r u luriH. dull. ttAri.ii. 1 td, May. ' 'td. I. inl.v-spui. IiMH. American mixed, new. 4.1 o'-al. eMperKsn lmxeo. uiu. os 2d. i-'u-turn., mm, January. s vd. Februarj, i i ... . Aia . 4s b " I tAs-caiiautuh, nu sloi k. tl)HK l.KKKH MARKET NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Financieri Handle Ticklish Situation with Admirable Firmness. 4otatli OMAHA. Jan- 1. 1;,u 'III whrat market was a general altair. trade bels,: tnlxd and values rim"l lowfr from yesterday's closing bulge, frbnr'all sections Ik f estureless "od r'A, conditions tiro cs active A good rt' al "I stress Is bring- laid on the lighter primary receipts. t orn trade i aril divided. V-r ',ol'J that llbeial rnnntrv ofteiings and tlie aiow shipping appeera to be well offset the " port by lending bull inti rests a""1 decline are In order. . . , a ha wheat market miened weak anil ruien fiactliinallv i..it..r i lirouiihout the session llllttlttrlpn n. 1i-.r. UfP bearish IOl.nr.la ...... m..... ......rl I 111 liro f Silent noticeable 'aim recent precipitation, Cash wheal ttaa unchanged to 'c '""V"'!' i'iiti ui,m fin. 1 1 Mf.tn limi-r. with rather small. Cash hedges ttrre ,1P,;Y attain and tallica rant;. it 'vc lower lor me .ample of filings, owing to la''k of demand. Receipts ke.p liberal and some further de cline ajft In order. I'rlinary wheat receipt were 412,01(1 Dusn ! and shipments wcte IIJ.OO bushels, again.-! jecelpts last tear of I'lJi.OuU bushels ana ishlpinenla of 193,i) bushel. " Primai-v com receipt!, w ere '.i;.:i f0 bushels ami shipments weru ,,:;, mm hushelH. Klu lecelptu lat tear of 701 bushels and shipments of i.:;.) bushels Clcaranns wore 221.00" bushels of coin. I.teai bushels of oat and wheal an'l flour equal to 22.1, 0"0 biiHhela Liverpool closed '.u'ad lower on wheat ii nl 'u'? lower oh corn. Ttii folloWliiK ' MMh aaleH were lepot ieu. TV I I HAT- No. i haul, 3 ' . HI'.e: -l.aS'H . 1 ...r fi:nr-' N... 3 Turkey. 1 ear. vlic. elected 1 tar. etc: 1 car. kV; No. 1 crfi'. HVt,.'. l"l l II V- Vrt 1 u hllp 1 CM f. tl ! ; 4 irV.cj'No ;t color. I enr. 41''-; 1 ear Sb. it -yellow. 1 ear. ; No. - K1"; 1 .r;' H'---: M ear. i'4.-; : eix 4,L:.Jso. 3 itilxe'l. 2 4-iirx. 1 ' "; 1 mVxefl 2 earn. 4"y; ear". 40V'. O A TS 'Pt Hilda id. I ear. ..l'4 "." .. whlltj. i'.aia. :; No. 4 white. I i ar. . 4 cars, fo'-c, No. i el low, 3 cars, W if ttitinhn aah I'rleca. H;A'I'-No. a hard. H'iiHTc . No. S liltd, nsii:ao; No. 4 hard. V-aW , rejected liarar f.'iitli-; Nw; Miring. STiliWc; No. 3 Mirtll,. !)H'l'c. iMMiN-Aii. 2 while. iivk4:c; No. 3 white. 4l'irH i -. ' o. 4 white. 4i4' 4' 'e ; No. 3 color.' 41'i4t'..c. No. 2 yellow, 4l.'ti42-; No. :i jcllowv It'fl4'..c, No. t fellow. VVi4lfi N.k .2. V'h4l'4C; N" .!. i'-44le. No. 4. 4U WVi. ru';fle, nT-nSf. u.VTH No 'S white. ".I'u :il '; alaiidunl. ,M'iiT,i.t,'; No. .1 ivliile. .TiiU'c.tle; Nv 4 white. :' .1-V-; No 3 ellow. iWic; No. 4 vellow, 24'u:l'4e. IlAltl KY No. 3, wax'ic; No. 4. ii'iiSc; No. 1 I'wil, lii.iVlcr rejected. tKu'lMu. ItVK No. '. i'.wiM-:. No. 3. Tbii.'H:. v arlot K-4-elptx. Wheat. Torn. Oats. L't n34 L'17 V-iM 3i ! :.' No. 1. .441 '4i 3.44); Kan- flnur, dull; e to fancy. y2..U per HO white and jel- LESSON OF 1907 WELL LEARNED durum, ins. f the lr arlowe 4 nmmodltlea. NKW liiKK. .lau 14 -1 l.ol'U-Si(a.ly; Bprlnu paenl. S. Si." w inter tralnlitH. 4iKnt ...: w inter iwii'Mj. 14 V.'a4.ui aprliiK iharK. 4Ui'4 4o. winter extras ei3 ,. winter extrj. No. i, v; si4 atraliihtf. Iiho-uIi".. H e fair to ooit. l .Hi4.Ii; chot 4. t"'! 4.0. I.uckwheal, ateady; poundf4. cull.v M I'. l Steady; firm low. $1 30.1 1 :J. i - 't niarkel east; No. . I en. SI ) , elevator, and $1 4 t- No. 1 northern luiluth, $l..3-, I. o. b. aflo-t. Kmurea market was caaler under lliiulila lion. due to disappointing, cables, ralna in the KoiithweKt und lower outside market. ciowhiK 'dV net lower. Mat- closed. l July cloaed. . .',. liecelpts. lrt.vtu btiHh t'N. Shlpinenis none. URN hoot market barely steady ; new- No. i. Wjc a-ked f o. b.. afloat. 1-utures market was without transaction, iIosIiik at t: net decline. May cloaed. ;i'. liecelpts. 140.I.Z.'. biiKhels. slilpments. H'X.-iv oATS-hpot market nteady white. 3!tUe : No. i. Vv; No. 3. 3s'sc. l ulures market was without action!. cloaiiiK nominal, liecelpts, bushels; sliioiui-nts. Wiu bushels. II A V ljul. t ; prime. 11.10; No. 1. Il.avdv l.ftTij; No J, :i.',i-'fil .00; No. 3. the. Ii il-S- firiir, slate commorl to choice lfl'l, 3;ii.Tc: l:am. l.'i.iH-; .Pacific coast, 1H10, 1K.(J .'Jc; !!. I '.-.j II 1 1 -..-I mil. Central America, 2l14c; T.o uroia. "2't'r. U-.ATII l-.ll - I'ti in; hemlock firsts, 5Jiv'Qf :'.,c; ai i onds, ilVlile; thirds, l'.rgJDc; re Jectn, lM'iilTc. I'lli 'ISM i.'H - I'ork. steailv; mess. lsl.2b 4iZt..to; lamtly. 2.:Mt lis W, sta rt clears, zS.jnnt 31,.i. Iin r. Hteady; mess. lliLtHMi ls.; family . $IMVt lvfii; beef hams. i,.50-o'J7.rrO. ut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to U pounds, 13'f)l4c: pickled hams, WynA'Mi. I.iird. siead.t . luiilillt' vvcsl. prime, tln ixu 10.75; refined, sl- adv: coiHInent, ll -."o; South Aiii'-rlca. -4J 1 1 . 7 r. . compuurui. SVuoc. r m - Market l.nra Ihronah failure that tuiuri Well for the I'ntnre. til aess standard 3Sic; No. 4, trans , Sl.l'JU prhne city hhds, TA I.I.OW - hteaily 7 71's-; I'ountrv. 7 Bl 'TTKIt Kast ; creamery, specials. ISc; extras, l'i'ic; third to first, lu-'l' ;c ; cream ery , held, third to special. ls'yjii'c; tac torv. held. r. 'r.'O'H-; factory, current make, W'" c. KliU.'i Weak, Male. Pennsylvania and ni ai by bennerv, white, fancy. Iari;e, 3l'ti' . :ic; sanu. Ka I hereil. white, i!.''ii3Uc; same. In nni i y, brow n, laney, Mr ; western, Hiitiercd. white. ;u'ri.",3c; fresh cathered. extra first. '-.(, siimc. first, -vi'; same, seconds, iidlTTc; ref rlKeralor. special marks, fancy, in local storane, Jl'-c; stinic. firsts. J'tiJIc, simie. seconds. 'g-;'c. Pi.) I I. THY Alive (lull; western chickens, lKc; fowls. 17'i'fi Ivr; turkeys. I.VkIKc; dressed firm; western chickens. HViflc; fowls, 14'2 (tllti'ic; turkeys, lifni. VVKAillKIt IV UK 4.HAIN IIKI.i i'Ji(caao .... M Inn. mu'lls iuHla luilulh HlfAI.V. GHAIN AMI PHIIV I!I4I 'I1 aliires uf llir TrndliiR anil loaliia ' I'rteea oil llonril if 'I'rade. I'ltlCAilo, .Ian. !4.-Constant support was not forthconilnu In the wheat market to- ii.v ivnil lo close was to k,e net lowar. forn finished Mr lo V" down and oats off ,,'ri'xc to t: Latest flifures for lint? pro line! were the same an last nlKht to 15c belotv. ics. r liberal purchases by leading lonKS. wlifs.1' ut no time today sold ux blBh as atj Hie I lose of the previouH session. One reason was that receipts here were virtu B.ly,.4fiUuA in. extent to the shipments, so tli.ho4'e for a, mitltliiK away of supplies appeared as remote as ever. HlK shipments Irom Kuftsla and the ranube added to the pressure on the market, and so did news of 'Australian and . Arnentlnc carnoes being off" rel -niore freely and cheaper than here tottire; .AVeaVber conditions for the fall- rtwrvKraJa WBi.also believed to have been nisttwiailv ttnprovexj- throughout the. states duiliiK the last twenty-font Ixiurs. In the alsmce-of any positive fresh enoourtMje nient for the buMnu sida. a heavy feelinc prevailed from the start till the final gong-. Mac ranged from ll.Oia to Sl.OIVa 1.0114, and In the end was He easier at ll.OlVi. t'otn tonlKht was at the lowest point of the week. May fluctuated between iVniiXWio, closing e off at 4'a4C. Cash corn was depressed. In oats there was good selling ny elevator concerns and a few long". May varied from 34i,i' to :i4"c. with final sales at 34',Y(i34c. a loss of 'ticSe compared with last even lug's figures. Provisions dragged under offerings from packing Interests and not a great deal of demand from speculators. Pork closed un changed to 17Vc lower; lard off He to 7Vic, and. ribs at a decline of 2c to 7Vc. Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike drain company, 70i lirandela building, omsha, telephone Douglas 2473: Indications for Fair Weather In This lelnlt) for Monday. OMAHA, Jan. 14. lid". The weather continues very coid In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri val leys and northwest, and temperatures have remained practically unchanged In those sections duiliiK the last twenty-four hours, .eio weather aguiu extends down the val- leys over Iowa and Nebraska, and a tern- i peralure of i,D degrees below zero was ugulu. reported In wesiern Canada. The ! pressure contluueb high over the north west ti ml ccntial vaileys, and the cold tvealher will coninue In this vicinity to nifcht and Sunday, probably becoming Kilghtly warmer Sunday afternoon, llener ally un.stttled weather prevails In all por tions, except the southern states. It Is raining on the Paclfiu. coast, snowing In the mountains and rains are falling In the lower Missouri and upper Ohio valley", the lower lake region and eastern states, r.lght snow flurries are scattered over the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region, but generally fair weather prevails In the upper Missouri valley, and It will probably continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Sunday. ' 1911. 10. 1MB. 1908. Lowest last night I 17 la a Precipitation 00 T T .00 Normal temperature for today, 20 de grees. Ix-fk.lency in precipitation since March 1", 14.7 Inches. .; Deficiency in precipitation since- March 1: 6.41 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909. 6.80 Inches. L. A. WELSH, r Loral Forecaster. T Indicates trace of precipitation. 1 Article" ! Open. High. Low. Cloe. Ve"'y Vhat- I I I I May... 1 Oil Vt 1V1 lOlVlOl-iA 101 July... ! ' vi W7 Sept... 95 SK . 94VaW;94HrB' 96'a Corn- - I i May... if8m W 49H 4K4 RO'i July... fcOVI M BOS,61S61' Sept... 61S 614 H4I 6H 61 Oats I May... S4VS"'a 4', 34t,;344f,t, 34', July... 34S 34SI 84 M -J4 Sept... 33;33Vb VS3Vtr-V 83H 3" i I'ork- 1 l Jan.... 30 10 1 10 2i) 00 30 00 30 00 May... 19 10 19 10 19 00 IS 97 '.j 19 Id lard- I Jan.... W 60 10 M 10 41", 10 45 10 60 May... 10 10 1U liVj! 10 2 is 10 06 10 12'4 Bllai- I 1 Jan...; 10 7n K) Wil 10 73 10 70 10 75 May... 10 10 10 10 I0U6 1 10 UJVs 10 10 j unsettled and the whole list reacted rather track. No. 2 red, 1.05, l.Ofl; No. t ' "nar!''y. inai priceH w ere noi much i ii4iineu iiuiu yrnieiuaj. i.ne ouiiivn iimue another very strong week-end statement. This had been calculated on by financial Interests. Number of sales on stocks were as At. I.oula General Market. . ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14 WHEAT Futures, higher; May, II. 03r0 1.024,; July. 5i,c. Cash hi rin hard. Il.ousil.06 CORN lA)wer; May. 4SV4c; July, 49V5 4c. Cash. I'Trm; track, No. 2, 47c; No. 2 white. 4747Vc. OATS Weak; May. 34o. Cash: Steady; track. No. 2. 33'4c; No. 2 while, 34140. RYK Firm at 83lii-. FLOUR Firm: red winter patents. S4.86flj 6.26; extra fancy and strnlght, I4.20'ai-7u; hard winter clears, I3H0H.0I. SKKb-Tlmothv, tu.0tri 9.W. CORNM KA L 12.30. BRAN I'lrm; sacked east track. 1 OS'iij 1.09. HAY Weak; timothy. I14.00t 19 00: prairie. Ill IKXu 14.50. PROVISION'S Pork. lower: lobbing. $19S7's-. lard, lower; prime steam, 10.2ii 0.0; dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, 111.00, clear ribs. 111. Hi; short clears, 111.124; bacon, unrhangeil; boxed extra shorts, $12.25; clear ribs. 112.25; short clears, 112 374. POULTRY Steady ; chickens. 114c; springs, 12c; turkeys, ISc ; ducks. He; geese, &(&12c. lll'TTKR Quiet; creamery, 24(l2Sc. KUOS Steady at 2ii...c. Receipts. Shipments Klour. bbls li.iioo 7..SO0 Wheat, hu tij.OoO . 34.00) Corn, bu 70.KJ0 17.00) Oats, bu 68 01M ,".0 0J0 NKW YORK. Jn. 14 -iSpccia! Teh-gram ) The unfavorable developments In f hhiicihI circles during the second wek In January Old not seem to have an unfavorable re flection on the stock market. The menac ing influence of the situation resulting from the closing of the Carnegie Trust conipa'it . bad to be dealt with and contended aenlnst In the outet. It Is not too much to va y j that affnlts nn bandied admirably bv i leading flnsnelrs. obviously rngnlsant of their responsibilities trustees of public confidence in the stability of our credit institutions. The lesson of 1W7 had been learned and not forgotten. It was shown that It was essential in a period of banking disturbance not to let fear run a free course among I snk depositors. The corporate financing of 1911 was In augurated this we-k. end It was right here that the choice of the restoration of con fidence by the hanking interests was at onco apparent, as the successful flotation of new securities could not be accomplished with the public mind disturbed In reg-a'd to solvency of any Institution. New York City was the first to enter the field with the announcement of a forthcoming 4'i per cent bond Issue to the extent of S-'O.-ow.oon. IHuv Iteqneat for imiltnl. The Pennsylvania railroad eclipsed New York City In the amount of new capital asked for. having announced a forthcoming Issue, with the consent of the stockholders, of $100,000,000, which will bring the author ized capital stock of the road up to the large figures of iwi.t0 000. The New York Central will need consid erable financing and it Is said that the management Is now figuring on a bonded Issue of between $30,000,000 and $40,000,0110 to provide for the t,rnd Central Improve ments. It is understood that the Southern Pacific and possibly the Union Pacific will be In the market for new capital this .tear, although jirohahly not for some time yet. tither Important svstems will also need more or less financing and the year l!ll promises to be an active one in this l espect. With the projected improvements on rail roads and the resumption of operations by many steel mills and factories, the In dustrial outlook foreshadowed by develop ments during the week are all that could be looked for. Vnrket Shorn Mrenath. The e.eek 111 the stock market was one of Irregularity, but of prevailing strength. Whether one lakes the view that stocks are In a position requiring little or no support or holds that important Interests favor the constructive side of the market to the extent at least of preventing the de velopment of any material weakness, the fact remains that even under selling pres sure and -again t t'v '""''lence of depress ing developments, prices havs been not on, superficlauy i ..uvu manifested an undertone of firmness. While this may hate been the operations of speculative interests with large capital and sure of being able to command still larger resources. It Is nevertheless bound lo be encouraged by prevailing money rates to make the stock market engagements for the rise rather than for the fall for the rewards of timely iSurchascs may be sub stantial and early collected. They can af ford lo become investors for such a period as may be necessitated should It be shown their ventures are misjudged. Check fr Aiituncr. Realizing sales checked the stock market advance today, after a very strong open ing, bul the undertone continued good to the close of the session. A spectacular demonstration in the steel shares was the feature of the advance. The buying recalled the excitement In the market two years ago when the Urge lot orders for steel shores attracted so much attention. Reading was also very active, with sales the highest touched on thl" movement. Union Pacific, was well taken at advancing quotations. ' A slight reaction set In before the close of the first hour and the stocks offered j were fairly well absorbed. The unfavorable report of Idle cars was not favorable to business, showing a de crease over the figures of two weeks ago. The foreign marketB were rather active, the feature at London being the broaden ing speculation In oil and mining shares. Sterling was a trifle higher here. In the late trading the stock market became & Co. 449 New Omaha (National bank! building: mi AikM rnWt.lo Tl. Co t er rsn' Vi'4 M IVInmlHif. Nfh . F L. is. IIV4 n 1 ( ht'-aio Sinitary 4 S 4 iwirnil F.rlumi S". it'.l 1" I'M f-'tirnuint C'-4irry li-l t pr cni ' I't-i lnna Porfiin.t Wmieii 1st tt T t Kan H'tr. It L. I. I!l M'4) Kinm nir 4 (Mo I tehee I ' l Ker.THiv lltitiaiiiK Co. s I'") . .. xlMiHn Pitt Tel tM I per rant... T '4 i.- V.rk 1 it v If: fl hrtka-l"4& Crtn Co '"0 Nh-aka Tel. e a'o. k 1IJ Omaha A'ulltnrturn ;ota a.-'i mini. a ia r.. PIT !"' M ;lltii!. Vta'er Co. .'. 1S'. H tot ionialia Water 14 M'i li'i..i'ia St llv. St. I'J'4 1H o;nha r. B. s R. is. J42H "W't '-i 1 11-ni.nil Ac . M S H. . i p. c 1.1 Ml, . Onialia i n S. H i-otn : l iMuhj K. I.. P pM W Isouihe-n Kei. T. AV T. it. 141 IK't ' etitle Uihi . : 7H sta'e Manna. hneit 9'. t.M. I Si-hstrzorkild suliheiiar S, 10H . J.Mta OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET New I nrk Money Market. NI-.W YORK. Jan 14 . -MONKY On call, nominal Time loans very sieadv; sixtv and ninetv davs. per cent; six months. 3'a I per cent PRIMi: MlRCANTlLli PA PK 11-417 4', per cent. 8TF.RI.INt; KXCH tMlK- Firm. with actual business In bankers bills at $l S'J.'iiioi. 4. Win for sixty-dav bills and at It S.'.iV, for demand: commercial bills. 14 Sl-iM.S !'4. SILVKR-Rar. M'sc: Mexican dollars. 4.V. IloNl'S tlovernment, steady; railroad, firm. Closing uuotalions on bonds today wers as follows: l'" lot M. M l'Wt "Japiin 4a l1 no 4', a l"J "K c. 8.i llDsj b. g del) Ha'l I.. aV N mil. 4a... 77ii M K. it T lat 4a l"l"t lo yen 4ia :.S IKH l Parlflr 4 77S r V. a. raf ir. do coupon V. S. H. ret do coupon V, S 4a. rl do coupon Allla-i hal. lat it Am. As ra..., Am. T. T 4't . 1st If.. 4a 1031.. 44 Mj H.I 7S4 Killing Cattle Fifteen to Twenty Higher for Week. HOGS TWENTY LOWER FOR WEEK Liberal Rerelpta of Sheep and I.anios for Week, with lam ha Fifteen to Twenty and heep Teat lent Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Jarl. II. 1"t" receipts were: ("ifficlal Monday official Official Official Official Official Tuesday Wednesday . Thtnsday ... Friday -. Saturday .. Cattle . . . 6 48 ... T.s"! ... 4 1 . . . i ... !." Hogs. Sheets 4.5 V, 12.70 1 .: 4 SW'i it 974 nO.2 .l.'.s.); g.i'H i; ;.vy 4.:n: i mo Total this week Total last week 11 M" ,s Totsl two weeks ngo....11',2 :'-i.7'"t Totsl three weeks ago. . 1 :13 44-. Total four weeks ago. .. ."3.4 14 4.1 Total vear nan 2I.2IS 43 4 The following table shows fhe average prices of hoga at aoutli Omaha for the last several daya. with comparisons: Dates. 1911. 1910.1909. 11908. H',-07.1191. 1906. . 0-9 2R.V09 20.OT6 :t. r. ' :-o.r:22 32.tSl welheis. -jOo.l.sO; good to choice ewes. $.1 ii 4 00; fair to good ewes, $! &a.t t""' ( It It. 41. U I.IIF. TO( K M4HWI.I' llrntaarl for Am. Toli'i-o 4a do An"our A- t'o. 4'4a. Atr-htaon (ten. 4a. . . . flo c. 4a do cv. v A l I, lat 4s Pal AV Ohio 4 do Ji,a do g. W. Ilta Brook. Tr. rr. 4a... I an. of t;a. ia Can. Leather oe C of N .1 Ha . Chea. Ohio 4't.. do ref. ia Ptili ago A A. ll'ia C. B 4 Q J. 4a... do aan. 4a r. M . AV s p. C. K. I. AV P. do rfg. 4a... Colo. Ind. 6a. Colo. Mid. 4a. 4a.. : A S P. H. CT D. AY. R. ti. do ref. fia 1118111' (.a le p. I. 4a dn ten. 4a do pv, 4a. aer. A do afiea B rten. Elec. ct. fia . III. Ceil, let ref. 4a Int. Mat. 4Vta t V H. It. of M 4'4,a 4 i 14as N. Y. f. 4t P M'. io deb 4. M4, tS N Y . N. H AV H. Hl'i cr. 134'i l'Wv4 N. W Ut c. 4t.. f't 44) do I V. 4t in , t4 No. Pailflc 4a loo- . do as ;o . to O S. Ij. rfdt. 4a ... M "Pa Tenn. rv. Ilta 1416 . . W4 107 Vi do con. 4a lotUt, . oss Reading ton. 4a M .1t St. L. A f F. ff 4a ! l'l' do en. H K7S . tM'i 91. L. S. W. c. 4t... ;m . "do lat sold 4 Iv, . .' . A. U 4a 77S . 7't So Pflfle cel. 4a... lit. I H4j M do cv. 4 p-IN, c. 4a. 7-1 S do lat ref. 4. sa So. Railway la . T7II do en. 4a t'nlon Pmrlflo 4a Jan. 1... Jan. I.... 7 (k I Jan. I.... S 01SI Jan. 4 ... 7 , Jan. 6.... T 764 Jan. .... 7 i'9 j Jan. 7 ... 7 91 4 Jan. .... Jan. 9 7 Me'.i Jan. 10. .. 7 M"i Jan. 11... 7 73:a Jan. 12... i 7 7s1 a Jan. 1,4... I 7 724 Jan. U... I 241 5 6 4 36! 4 6 141 6 7b: 6 70 t 6o 6 itli 6 IsSi 8 30. 8 I47 8 49. 8 oil I 43 it 86 6 82 8 is, 8 48, 4 36 2l 6 Hi 41 M 4 40i 8 W ' I U 4 3ol ti HI 4 45 8i 6 22 1 4 47 4 3l' lM 4 46 4 24 8 33 1 4 W 4 23 28 5 28, ' , 4 301 t 231 6 S2 4 61 4 22 H 6 2", W 4 lo, 6 2 b 22 4 08 . 8 3,1, 5 28, 4 2 6 8'i 4 OS 16 i1 i 4 W o 8.' 4 20 ti 2i I 4 M) P 14 6 K2, 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stoca at the l nlon Stock yards for twenty-four nouns ending at 3 p. m.: RKCKIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. bh p. 11 r a 4'.i IWS do ct (XKsj do lat Ar raf. 4a... Mta V. 9. Huhher (a... 01 'a f. . Steel Id 6a.. Td't Va -far. chem. 6a .... M Wtlisah lat 6a 74 do lat AV rx. 4a . A.. 734 tVeettrn Jtd. 4a... Wcat. F.lec cv. 5a 147i It la. Ontral 4a... MS Mo. Pai If Ic cv. 5a 74 4 4 .10 . 7 .lenti .1044 7'a .li'la .10414 .101 .lot 14 .. 414', .. 7 .. MS .. ' 4 learliiK Home Hunk statement. NKW YORK. Jan. 13 The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the hanks hold $27.39S,2.tO more than the requirements of 2 per cent reserve rule. This is an increase of $17.890.8oO In the proportionate cash reserve as com pared with last week. The statement follows: DAILY AVEFAOES. Loans Hpecle Legal tenders I '4 posits Circulation Reserve Reserve required . .1. Surplus Ex. U. s. Deposits.. ACTUAL Loans Specie , Legal tenders Ex-Deposits Circulation Reserve Reserve required . Surplus Ex-U. H. Deposit". $1.2!9.924.fV 2.'.7.04.100 73.332.600 1.214. 963.400 47.315.900 331.136.600 303.73S.3M 27.398. 2S0 1.R80.400 CONDITION .$l,t'3.816.ni . 2K9.60H.1O0 74,5.'a).W . 1,241.213.900 47..l70.t . 344.104,9iO . 310.303.476 83.881.426 1.672.000 Increase. $ 8.410.600 18.H00. 700 2.K.1.00i) 11.463.400 203.000 2O,761.70 2.li6.rCO 17.895. KoO 28.300 ' $18,273,800 23.264. 3' 44.065. 24 a) 248. 8O0 26.129.000 11.018.300 15,112.700 27,iO0 C. M. & Pt. P Missouri Pacific , t'nlon Pacific , C. At N. W., east C. At N. W.. west C, ft. P.. M. Ac O... C, H. At Q., east.... C, K. At y., wesl.... C, It. 1. At P., east.. C.. R. 1. & P.. west.. Illinois Central Total receipts... 8 32 i V. 18 !. 1 'i 81 1 1 All I leasee of 'tack Is stead v. rilli'AliO, Jan 14 CATTLE- Receipts estimated at 3"0 hend; market steadv ; western steers $4 tV.fi? 10: Blockers and feeders. I: s;.fif 90; cows and heifers. $: nvir .ti; calves. $;.5io 10.00 liOtjTS- He, elpts, esllmate. at I2.0ii0 bead; market steadt ; lisbt 7.70jT7 : mixed 1 7 7vtf 7 .-,; beat v. I7?M7 9.. rough. 17 .'OfT ; so: good to choice beavv 17 1001 7 9!i ; pigs, $7.4 (i fin; bulk of sales, $7.7'w;'A'. HHEKP AND LA M PS - Receipts, estl m.ited at l.."ai bead, matket steady; native. $'..K'.T4 Mi; western. $2 R..-ii2.70; yearling". $4.iif..7"; lambs, native. $4 7Mti iw; west ern. $: 0(V(i6 47i. Knnass t Itr I lie Hock Market. KANSAS CITY. Ian 14 -C A.TTLE Re ceipts. 300 head. Market steady, native steers. $5.:5ti6 75; fionthern steers. $4.7fvrt '"-. southern cows. 13 .27i'i .'v00; native cow and heifers. l(Wn6.no: stockets s:id feeder". $4.5Mii.'IO; bulls. $4 0Vi7.1O; calves. $4.64if s T'.; western steers, 4. 77"H 6. 25 . western cows. $3 s-n : 2S. 1IOOS-Receipts. 3 000 head. Murket steadv to weak: bulk of sales. 17 .;.! 7 ; beavv, $7SOHi7(aj; packers and butchers. 7.7.rii 7 ST.; llahts, $7 TS'ti 7.). SHEEP AND l.AM14S-No receipts Mar ket steady: muttons, $9fyVi4 Hl: lambs, S so (i 6.25; fed wethers and yearling". I4 00(j5.60; fed wesiern ewes. $3 Mi 4 .10. si. I.nnla I. Ivr Slock Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14 -CATTLE Receipt. 1.000 head, including 600 head of Texnns. Market steady; native beef steers, $6 flOur 7 25; cow s and heifers, I ' 7V(ii.fi0; stoekers anil feeders. t;i 7.Vu ' .50; Texas and Indian steers. .l.7.v6 60; cow and heifers. $3 otv;.v 4 16; calves. In carload lots, $4.7:i! 8.00. Ht )iS Receipt!.. 4 oon bead Market steady: plga and lights. $7.6..1i7 97.; porkers. $7.507.90; butchers and best heavy. 17 'V-if 8.00. t. Joseph Live Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mil.. .Inn. 14 CATTLE Receipts. 3iJ head: market, steady; steers. $."2.".6.ir.; cntvs and heifers. $.l.3.'.fi." .86; calves. 4O0ciK5o. HoiJS Receipts. 3 rK) bead: market. lower; top, 17 85; bulk of sales. $77.Vu7.90. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts none on sales; lambs, $r.7Mi.25. MORE BIG SHIPS ARE PLANNED Boats One Thousand Feet Long to Be Tut Afloat. CUNARD COMFANY TO BUILD THEM r In Hogs, bheep. . . . o4 . . . Iwi ...1.. il .. .J.2ol ...1.4lei 106 Summary of statement of banks and trust companies In (Greater New York not re porting to the New York clearing house: Loans $1,067,169,400 $32.67S.an specie Il4.wn.2oo Iegal tenders 30,686.800 Total deposits 1,122.046,100 Decrease. t"jirhrjii0ratlons were as follows: EIjOUR Finn: winter patents, $4.3otJj4.SO; straights. J.9Oa4.0O: spring patents, beat hard, 200 higher than two weeks ago; straights. $4 boy4.80; bakers, $3.60ira .00. (t Y E No. 2. Wc. HAHIeKY Feed br mixing, 70'g80c; fair to choice malting. 9"'a,9ic. SEED! Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.4S; No. 1 northewestern. $2.6L Clover, $15.0U. PROVISIONS Meae pork, per bbl., $20.00 Si2J.12,. lJird, per P lbs., $10.46.. Short nba, sides tlooae). SlO.L'H'tjlO.To; short clear aides (boxed), lo.7."l 11 mi. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to j.0oo bu. Primary receipts were 412.000 bu.. , compared w ith tt.'ii.isJO bu. the Estimated receipts for tomorrow : hat. cars; hog a y j 4U.1XXI pu. , , cumpareu wmi o.:o,iaAi tf corresponding day a year ago. "t. s Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Jl t fu , m corn. 7ii cam: oali l!4l car " f 37.01a) head, t i 4'lilcago Cash Prices Wheat: No t O'.o.cmll n); No. 3 red. 'J8V'Wc: No. I iiHcf(il .01; No. 3 hard. 'i-fl$1.0u. ,, 1 I northern spring. $l.twii 1.12; No. 2 1 spring. Corn. 44V4oO 444 I4i- No. 2 red. 2 hard. Ou; No. 1 northern U.ik.iil.10. . No. 3 spring. $l (yal ii8. No 2 cs-h. 4411 47c; No. .1 cash, , No. t white. 4fc,vii47c; No. 3 white. No 2 yellow, 4.;M.i,c; No. 3 yel- y low. 4l1ti4.i'c Oats: No. 2 cash. 32c; No. 2 white. .a4''i'V: No. 3 white 32'ir.l3c; No. 1 4 white. 32'TijJ'jc; stanu.ird. Xlu.l.l'jc. Hl' TrKP- -Es ; cieaiueiies 19'd'J.c; ; ilatrles. Iltr.'k . , K itid Steady, at mark, cases Included,: 2:;u27c; receipts. O4o cases; firsts, an-;! j, 1 line firsts. 21S-. ! I'HEESlk-Steadv ; daislea. l.Vuliic; twins.' U4uU-S": toung Americas, luinlbc; long! lioi ns. l.44il"- I PO I'ATOEH Sie.irit : l ob-e to fancy, 44 iOk-; fair to good. 4o'4:,c. 4 til'LlKY-i:n ; luikct a. lite Lc; dirsaeil,- nfv ; hens. live. 13c; dresoed, llrc; 1 pi-uj;s. live, lie; di-eased, jc. I VW1. Sleady; 7r to iO ib. weights, 84c; ui 10 kj Iti. weights, ld'c; o lo no-ID. ! telghts, ll'jc. Car Lot Receipts Today: Wheat. 24 cars; 1 01 n it4 cars. oats. 217 car htimated Mondaj; Wheat, 1!) cars, torn '."78 cai, oat l'h cars. Hianrapolis I. rata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 14 - 11 EAT -May, ll'e.4; Jult, $loa;: No 1 bard. IIiki,; No. 1 hard. 11 i'. No. I northern. II '7 a l.ue'4 . No J northern.. $1.0.'.', 0 l.;4; No. 3. Ii.oc.y 1 t'4 I'l . X X Closed ai $2 1 i'KX Ao. J tellow. 4.1 'jc. ntrsNo. 3 white. 3lii314c I! l: - No. 2. k,j Sic. i'i;v n i-Ui.. sacks, t.l i'ii I-' l.4l il - First patents 14 si a ,Y :r ; 1 m 1 is. (4 .': 23; fitsi clear. ""i.l clear. 12 35ii2 95 Kansas 4 Itr Gralai a aid Provlaioais. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 14. WHEAT May. 9SV; July. 92S1i924C sellers; cash un changed: No. 2 hard. !kSc$1.02; No. J, 94ctf $1.00; No. 2 red, $1.U)44 1.044; No. 3, $1.0lit 1.03. CORN May. 4'S'ii48U.c. sellers; July, 49 fi491,aC, sellers; cash 4c higher to 4c lower; No. t uiixed, 444'u45c: No. 3. 444c; No. 2 w hite. 4iUv:' No. 3. 4ic. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 33634c; No. 2 mixed, 3Kn 32c. RYE No 2. 76c. HAY U rich a 11 Red: choice timothy, $14.00 Sil4 5o: choice prairie. $12.50. BI TTER 'reamery. 2Sc; firsts, 25c; sec onds. 2:tc: packing stock. )5c. EC.OS-Extras. 29c; firsts, 27c; seconds. 19 sc. Rece pts. Shlnm'iits. Wheat, bu 4it.ouO att.ooo C01 n. bu 3S. i 54 11) Oats, bu 6,0,41 lo.oti) I'liiladrlphla Produer Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 14. BUTTER Steadv; extra western creamert. 2VC..C; nearbv prints. 31c. i:c,i is steady : Pennsylvania and other neaiby first, free cases, :ic at matk: cur tei.t ice.'lots in returnable cases. :9c at mark; western first, free cas.s. :ioc at uia : current receipts, free cases. 29c at mark CHEESE Meady: New York full i-reams, fancv. S-. ptemher. U-t,c; October. I l'o I.V-; fair to good. 147j ItHc. Mllnaiil.cc t.rsla MILWAUKEE. Jan Steadv v HEAT- No. 1 noril ern No 2 n u thein. f 1 iw4'C 1 ; 4 1 , 1 s. - 1 a n l .1 ru . o. . BARLEY Samples. S.'.'(i6-. Market. 14. FI.OI K- tl looii 10 j: Mat , l ll-!. Allla-Clialmora pfd AmalKamateU I'oppar .. Amerlian Airuutlural .. Am. Heel Sugar American Call Amtrli-an C. A F Am. Cotton lid Aniarlvan H. 4L- I, pfd.. Amertvau b-a Securlttea. Amerlian Linseed American Locomotive American 8. Ac K Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Steel Fouudrlea. . . . Am. sugar Helloing.... A median T Ai. T American Tobacco pfd... American Wouiett Anaconda Mining Co AtctilHiin Alchlaun pfU Atlantic v uaal Line Bailililora & Uliiu Hcllilel.ein Sleel Brooklyn Kapld Tr Canaltun VacKIc 4 'antra I Leal tier Ontral Leather pld 1 Central of New Jereey.. Cheaapeake Ac Ohio Chicago Ar Alton Chicago u Vf C. U. W. pfd Chicago at N. W C. M. AV. 81. P C, C. C. 8t. L Colorado F. At I Colorado AV Southern... ConaoUdated i;aa Com Produc'a Uclamare AV Hudson lienver A Klo Urana.. I). AV K. G. pfd Dlatlllera' gecurltiea ... Erie Kna lat pld r'.rle pid (.eiieral Kle-trlc Ureat Northern pfd.... Ureal Northern Oie ct Illinois Central lntarborougii Met. Int. Mat. pfd International Harveaier Int. Marine ptd Inteniatlonal Paper International Pump .. Iowa Central Kanaaa ciiy So K. C. So. pfil lilede (iaa Iiutatille aV N Minn. St. L M , St P. 8. 8. M.. M.. K. T M . K. T Js Atlaaourl Paclllc Nallonal lllai-uit Na.ioiial I a ad N H It ol M. id pfd 1 New Y01 k Cenl ral I N V . O at W I Norfolk a Weetern.... ' .North American ' Nor hern Pacific 1 Pacific Mall I l'eiinv1ania 1 Peopie'e tlaa . P . ( . 1 AV Si. t, ... Piltaturg (eai 3.700 144. 4S and leading quotations follow s; v alee. High. Low. Cloee. 2' US 441 40 c. -'S M S 1V4 II 40 74 lists 4fVt 115 142S 4 81 SS 101 101 '. 1I7S PS DOS 7S 207 S 2S Ml', so ms 311 n l.tial 400 bnl t'Hl mil 300 1,200 l'l :t'Ki J"0 1.2IU ion 2'K) 41S 'a 63S i,n'a Jl'k l4 4u a 7iS 1U4S 45', 118 142'j, 4S 31S :,;in) M ii 1.0110 5--I 3.4'Hl 4. 1ml 1,1111 l-'0 ll IH7S 3D', 74 20Ka rj ss S 6.1 AMS aS lit 40 7 S 1"4S 4..S llfS I4:s 4S 31 iia " n" 1"7 Ci'a 7S -.'S 1U3 London Stock Market. LONDON. Jan. 14. American securities opened higher on the Stock exchange here today and Improved during the short ses sion on good continental and professional support and covering. The closing was firm, with United States Steel leading. Final prices ranged from 'j to 14 above yesterday's closing. Conaola. money. .71 13-18 Loulavllle A N... 15-14 M., K. AV T .. S N. Y. Central.... .. S Norfulk AV W ..10)', do pfd ..10S OnlArto AV W DOS Pennaylvanla .... . US Rnd Mlnee . ... til Reading S4 Southern Ry P..l:S do pfd .. US Southern Pacific. .. SIS t'nlon Pacific .. 7:i do pfd .. 29 S V. 8. Steel .. 4 do pfd .. 37 Wahaah .. 2H do pfd ..in Bpanlab 4t -Bar, quiet at 25d per ounce. SU3'4 per cent. 'i he rate of discount in the open market for short and three months' bills Is 3r& 3 13-16 per cent. do account. Amal. Copper. Anaconda Atchiaon do pfd Ha,lttmore AV Ohio. Canadian Pacific. Chaaapeake AV 0... Chicago O. W Chi., Mil. AV St. Pe Reera Denver & Rio Q. do pfd trie do lat pfd do 2.1 pfd firand Trunk lllnola Ontral... S1LVER-MONEY 1,400 :; H ;uo Soo 3'HI l'0 ai 1 no I.ihhV 700 l"D 1 2"0 nit o0 21 H) 30l 1,1 "J N,N ;oo loo lull 200 1 a i ) ;,io 100 1 J'lO 1.4111 :i 2 : ih) l.bo" I'M 2"0 s. mi 4,Jil I'll 0 2-04 4d, 12.,', : 32. CDS 1414, 14S lli.S 3'lS 23 4SS 124', '. 2'. 6S !4. 14 1S7S Sti'l 4i; 14S 124 IS ri's 6S 141 14 1(7 30S 70 ?: Iloaton BOSTON. Jan. stocks were as Allouei Amal. Copper A '-. L. Ai 8 Arlrona Com Atlantic U AV I'. I'. AV 8. ai Hutte Coelltlnn Cel. a AritollA Cel. AV tlecla Cenieunial Copper Hange 4'. C Kaat Buite 1'. M.. Krankllu utroux 4'on Uranby Con Greene ( ananea . . . lale Hoyale Cupper Kerr bake !.ake Copper I Halle Copper-. . . Miami 4;opper . Atked .Bid. Mining; Storks. 14. Clohlng quotations on follows: ,. H.-4 Mohawk . . 84S Nevada coo . . 'tit Kiplcaing Mlnea . .. 14 North Hutte . . 4 Norm .ke I, 12 Old nonunion ..... . . U Oaceola . . 4S Parrot t t). a C .. ..610 vjulncy . . 1? Tsliaiinon . . :s iuperlor . . 12 Superior H M . . I Superior AV. P. C. 6S Tamarack .. 37 I i. S R AM .. S do pfd 14'. t lah Con 1 lah copper Co 46 34 s W inona '-t Wolverine 114 1S Diui'osrrioN. Omaha Packing Co Swltt and Company Cunahy Packing Co Armour x Co Murphy Totals 7.118 108 CATTLE As uaual ton the last day 01 the week the supply of cattle on sale wag the next thing to nothing, there nut being enough stock lo make a lest of values even. For the week receipts have shown a large gain over last week, but a slight falling off as compared with tho corre sponding week of last year. The arrivals have consisted very largely of warmed up and half-fat steers and butchers' stocK, with a fair sprinkling of cattle and feed ers. During the first two davs of the week the market on beef steers did not show any Improvement, In fact heavy cattle were lower and all kinds weak. During the remainder of the week, as it became ap parent that rtjceipte were not overly large, while the demand was very good, the mar ket steadily firmed uu. Tho trade became active, and by the close of the week prices were 15fl2oo and In some cases poauibiy :sc hinder on the handy light and medium 2.764! 70O I weight. On the other hand, heavy cattle sr. owed very mile improvement Cows and heifers, while showing weak ness at the beginning, also firmed up as the week advanced, and by the close they were also 15C(i20c higher than the close of last week. Bulls were good sellers all the week and are a shade stronger. Veal calves have been fully steady. Good, fleshy feeders have been active sellers all the week and feeder buyers have taken a good many cattle at better prices than packers would pay. For the week such cattle are strong to 10c higher than the close of last week. On the other hand, the demand for the light and medium weights has not been so good and prices on that kind are weak to 10c lower. Wuotatious on rattle: liood to choice beef aleers, t. 1 Org. 60; fair to good beef steers, $j W(i6.HI; common to lair beet steers, $4. oOBi. 60; good to choice cows and heifers, 4.w.,io.25; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.7&!4.oO; common to fair cows and heifers, IJ.uVu3.75; good to choice stoek ers and feeders, Ii.00n6.so; fair 10 good lockets and feeders, I4.6ot5.oo; common to lair stoekers and feeders, 83.DOtU4.u0; stock neifeis, J.26y4.26; veal calves, 3.uKa.; bulls, stags, etc., $3. 804.90. lioiiu nog trade coiiutiuvd to weaken this morning, bulk 01 receipts moving at prices about a nickel lower than y eater uay'a average cost. Demand was reason ably active from packers, however, and a good clearance was made within the first two or three nours of open trading, sup plies were normal for a Saturday and average quality was good, with weights running to bacon and butcher welgnts. Long string were at VciOvi.iu, shippers appearing backward at these llgures as contrasted with their aggressive attitude on previous days. Yesterday, It will bo remembered, the early market was largely supported by speculative orders at prices which packers refused to duplicate. Heavy hogs sold ut 17.65 and less, ac cording to the character of offerings, and lights brought aa much as $7. 80. a quarter less than the highest sale a week ago. '1 he general market, as compared with that of a week ago, is little worse than 200 lower, this decline being a small one as warranted by eastern prices. Representative sales 3.392.700 239.800 38.789,500 ..14SS .. MS ..111 ..104 .. 83 .. 4S .. 06 .. M .. 80S .. MS .. ) ..121S ..181 .r-S 7S 121 l'S IS tH) HtcM-k In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the cipal wesiern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog South Omaha five St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis ... Chicago Totals.... OMAHA 300 :i l.ooo :mo 000 3.600 3,000 4." " 12.000 prin-heeo. 1.500 1.900 27.500 1.675 Wno:,K8ILK CHICK. BUTTER Creamery. No. I. delivered to the retail trade In l ib. cartons, 30e; No. 2, III 30-lb. tubs. 2xc; No 2, ill 1-lh. cartons, 28c; packing stock, solid pack. lH'tc; dairy, in 60-lb. tubs. 1741 19c. Maikct changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, liVu 164c; .voting Ameri cas. 174c: daisies. 171;-; triplets. 174c; lim- burger, 18c; No. 1 brick. 17 40; imported Swiss, 32c; domestlo Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, luc. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lbs.. $6 per dux.; bens, MV. cocks, lie; iluuks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys. 25e; pigeons, per dor.. 11.20; homer squabs, per dos., 14; fancy squabs, per do.., $3.60; No. 1, per doz., $:. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth lea, 11c; hens, 10t2c; stags and old roosters, Sc; old ducks, full feathered. 12c; geese, full feathered. 10"c; turkeys. 13&18c; guinea fowls, 25c each; pigeons, per doz., nOc; homers, per doz., 13; squabs. No. 1. per doi., $1.50; No. 2, per dor., 60c; capons, otor t lbs.. 14c. FISH tall froxen) Pickerel, 7c; white. 11c; pike. 10c; trout. 13c; large crapples, 20c; Spanish mackerel. ISc; eel. 18c; had dock, 1.1c; flounders, 12c; grei n catfish, 20o roc shad, $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 06c; frog legs, per doz.. 50c; salmon, lie; hali but, 10c, l.orring, 6c. Beet Cuts Ribs: No. 1. 16c; No. 2, 12c; No. 3. U4c. Loins No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 13c; No. 3, H''.ni:. Chuck; No. I. 74c; No. 2, 7c; No. 3, bVu. Round: No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 8S0; No. 3, 7-te.' Plate: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, bc; No. 3. 64c FKU1T8 Applea. home-grown cooking, per bbl., 4.0u; Alissou-i Jonathan, per bbl.. 15.50; Missouri L-en Davit, per bbl.. $4.25; Missouri V inesaps, per bbl., $4.o0; Missouri Uano, per bbl., $4.50; other vari eties, per bid., HoO; New York Baldwin, per bbl., 4.75; Colorado Jonathan, i. r box, $2.50; Washington Wealthy and Jef frey, per box. $1.50; California Uellctlower, per box. $1 65; Orefeon and Washington Urlmes Golden and Jonathan, extra lancy, loo to 175 sizeb, pur box, 2.26. Bunanua, fancy select, per bunch, $2.2&'2.50; Jumbo, bunch, 2.70-J3.76. Cranberries, per box, $3.76; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl., 10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle brum!,, per bbl., $10.75. I'aus, Anchor hi and, new, 30 . 45 . m . is 27 . S . 444 .110 . US . 70 US . HO. rS . 13', . 43 . 86 1, . 4C.I. ltu 4:a 36 l.M 12.'. o-4 i:t.. 64', ))2S l,-4 L", 41', Ik', 3 1;, 111', 146 21. S 127 .1.'.-, 371, ill 4S : lr.i 124 7)4 124 7.1 112S l-4 12S 4034 laS MS H.-.S 111s n:,S 'S l:S :i;, 4 aiS 11-', 28S 12. 'a ,-' 17S 124-, 04 l.a IIS I. 4 112. IV, l-' 411 US S3S Ii5 ill 147.S 2 1 IftS 2j ' , 44 4-S !) 'a II. , 41', .'-, 1-lb. pkgs.. in boxes, in 70-U). Doxea, hi California. 12 12-ou. pkgs., $2 40; uO b-oz. i-ciown, por lb., 16c; 4-ernwn. per lb., lic. 65 lbs. gross, per per box. 12.00; bulk lb., 6'jiC. Figs, new pkgs., 85c; 38 12-os. pkgs., $2.00; Turkish. 5-ouwn, ier lb., 14c; Grapes, Malaga, keg, i.ouus.oo. Urapa 11; 12. s 107 Sis New York Carb Market I The following quotations are furnished by Logan AV Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 Suuth Sixteenth street, Omaha . Amer. Tobaico hay Stat (iaa Boaton Colia Butte Coalition... ( a,tu Chlno ( met Cone Fraction fiavla-lialy Kly Cilral fcly Colia Kly Witch Krankllu r.uoux Ooldlleld Kioreme. j OoMflrld I'm.) ... j Oreene Cananea.,., Hank I learlaga, j OMAHA. Jan. 14 Rank clearings f u week eliding todav were 114.720. .'All M( ! for the coi l esp Hiding week last year ,'i0 692.60. Daily Clearings were: I l"IO 1911. Monday I 3.2..::.2i;l.45 $ 2.7''3.4 H.a:; iluetdat- 2.751.070.17 2 J17.2i;i.:;4 Weilnesdav 3.075.9U3.W 2.53S.SII.V iTIililsdav 2.7M.907.02 2.74 0,4.31 : Friday 3.' 0 ..771 .', 2.22K 775. hi Saiurdav 2.519.745.07 2.1 U",.077.'.7 410 lnaplratlon IS 4 Laroae 4S 7 Nevada Cona la', . IDS Newhouae 12 s , Si Ohio Copper 1', US Kawhlde Coalition.. I', , Is Ray 1 -antral 1 , -17S Swift Pa-klng Co 100S . 1 ', Heara-koebULk Co. ..lea , ', Silver Pick s ll' Superlur AV Pitta ... )S . 7S T'Uiopah Mining I IS Trinity copper 4 t, , l-'a North Laek 7 IS Bohemia 3, 7 tljlbway fcs . Kara Lake a , No. At. lah Pr. No. At 88. Pr. 4 447 ... 7 40 74 230 10 7 70 II 102 .... 1 6i I, 2... ... 7 70 I a.11 W) 7 64 80 272 ... 7 70 83 214 10 7 10 17 27 ... 7 70 61 Ifu ... 7 0 76 2fl ... 7 70 II 371 10 1 60 70 2M ... 7 70 II 24 2'J0 7 60 41 SA3 ... 7 7" M 244 ... 7 8 0 71 ISO ... 7 72S 44 Iu 40 7 I'l 80 117 ... 7 72S 84 V.o So 7 60 ID 213 ... 7 76 It 297 10 7 80 76 2VI 40 7 75 ill I'M M 7W el .218 ... 7 75 6:1 4,1) 80 7 40 74 21? ... 7 7 41 1"5 . . 7 60 224 . . 7 75 62 2M TO 7 II 63 241 It) 7 76 10 273 IK) 7 66 14 116 ... 7 7i 44 266 ... 7 6', f, 27,0 ... 7 75 16 240 It) 7 S 17 !2 ... 7 75 (7 2ul aO 7 IS 1,1 :;.l 10 7 : 61 260 . . 7 66 6! 241 ... 7 7.') 4 40 7 a.", 61 2. A ... 7 76 .114 Ml 7 i fo 221 ... 7 76 71 m 121 7 tin VO 2.-ID , 7 71 4! 271 1! 7 ! 76 221 40 7 76 13 .'l ... 7 lo 16 221 ... ; 75 44 211 120 7 16 M 22 ... 7 75 1 iH 12') 7 46 46 244 ... 7 76 12 247 IK) Hi 8 :. ... 7 75 f 2tt.4 2u0 7 45 7f 144 ... T 75 M :3 ... 7 66 15 244 ... 7 7 6 84. Si ... 7 16 44 1M ... 7 76 76 241 10 7 16 4 211 . . 7 76 I M S ... T 6 4 2':4 40 7 75 71 i.t 120 7 70 S48 ... J 76 17. 241 . . 7 70 71 ?l ... 7 7i 14 26 124) 7 70 C4 131 ... 7 7n 47 241 ... 7 70 7t 223 ... 7 77S 71 11 7 7u 7 2,1 40 7 77', 43 2K9 120 7 70 7 216 ... 7 77', 21 ID ... 7 "H ;T. 2:10 ... 7 77i, , 62 817 ... 1 H 71 244 ... I so 47 267. . . J ill 7f 221 ... 7 an 24" ... 7 70 l ID.'i ... T Ml 64 24 ... 7 70 and 4i7.- 1'ipfirla Market. PEOItlA. Jan 14 CORN-Low er; No 3. all colors 44'c; No. 4. all colors 42-.C. sample. ;Nrj4i!o. OATS East : No. 2 white, 33c; standard. 324c; No. 3 white. 32'4e. Ilulatk) C.raln Market. Dl'LVTH, Jan. 14. Wll EAT Mat . 1 .10, July. $1 l4. No. 1 noitl.ern. II "2; No. 2. tl.tej to II 0.. OATS-32c. till a ad SAVANNAH. Iia. 21 .'41 ' licrtiool traM Market. IIV II it Pi h iL, Jan 1 1 t M FAT-Spot No. 2 ie,. weste-m wline.- v .; I',imt-.' dull. Mute'-.. 7s I,.i. May lloelu. Jan. 14 -TUrtPFW- j TI ' E -l-'irm. at ,2c. Sales. M hhds; re I i-elptr. u'.. eblotnents. 306; stocks. l.'..l-72. second I IMwIN-Hftii: sales. 1.4c.7; reeipts. 1.117; .il.l 7 , I shipments 34.4; storks. K- 4'!. Quotations 'iB $i;.2f.. I . !i 37.: E. $4 ?7i,: F. I'l l."..: 1 i isr.:; II !; 40. I Pil: K M 17 60; N , I.. tv l i. . o; tt tt , . K. -.-p. f .i it , . iio ri,' ool llar'.ei ST I ni ls Jan. 14.-WVH Unrnansed; .-rrito.-. .in. I western lliedncia. L'Li.':c, fine I Preaied Sieel (Sr 31', ! Pullman Peia, e Car It. ) ' HalUav gieel Spring 2,n .1.1 3! 82 j I Heading 77.. tun IV. I i I Kcpubht- SP-el :"" S2'a '. ! ' Kepubltc Steel pfd 4-' a:7, i, I1.1S i 1 R, k laiand I n 7. I'M 31', ), 31 s : , i Ruck la, and I o. pf 1 l :', ' St. I. A- S K. 2d ptd 1 4,"i 42 4,c, 41 j St Loiua r tv. . 24 S I St. L s. W . ptd 2"' 82 S 41 WS , ' Slo.-Shelfleld S. A I -'"I .1', 'I .71 ; Southern Pa.ltlc 7 70u 117. I1"". U' S.tutliern f:allway 27', 2'', 27', I i So. Kjitwav pfd ."-) il a S i lenne.-aee Copper 4 ! "4 , ?. .', 'ct , Tewa Ar Pa i'u 4 0 , : 'I , as I T . SI I.. W !', 2.' 22 ! t.. '. l a . p'd iis :i-, ',-' : 1 I nlon Pacil,, 14. -' 177S 17 ,S IIA 1 ' l ulon Pa. Ilk- p.M " 'J '.S S:"4 I i I ii.o. I St iia liea.ty . .', , . t need 8talee lnu.ler '7, :.', :7'4 : ' t lltte-l Stste, S;el 7t . 77, 7i,', 76', I ' I . s. atett pld '-' - 1 I '' cv, ;',: ' I tail I 'upper I 'T' 4'IS 4S 44 . ' t a -Cirulma Cheioi, al .. ' ' ' k lit 4 ' ' . w aba-n t I Wabah pfd ' -' ' '-. 3-S :' I I W ea.ern Mar, land ..'"" , :, ' i w e,' i n c hoi e I'.e. tr:c . .. 1 -o '.' i.,', tteaicnl Inlou ' o 7- 7', 74', ttle:iug A 1. K . . I' ', 4', 4'i I 'Lehigh Valley 32 l" 177 , !.', ; Tmals. II7,:W0.6:i2.i'iO $M.72,j.J..)l.N0 Neer York Mlnlns Wtot-ka. NEW Yolil.. Jan 14 Closing quotations on mining slocks were: Alice . If" o-n .n Tunnel atoit. r. ,ni Va I iitle I hief 3 Me,i.an I.', Ontario 17; "plilr ... .. ll'l Standaid hl Vei;i.w Ja ket 12 Ml till'. new. lutuiuiiis. Lvlx. fine. Lijlc- S'-o.'tLioi.a .u.' onrlt.e.- furnitiied by Burns, t on i'l .V Horn Silver .. Iron stiver .. Lead.ille Con Offered. I offer Market. NKW YORK. Jan. II. 4 'o FEE E Fu tures iipene.l barely stead;, at a decl'iie of priilh point In it-spouse lo lower Eutopeant mniKcl and Im-ui realizing (u- liqiiiUntion. ! which mty also hate been prouipnd b tutlier larger pnmaT-y lecelpla than inn sisttnt m l, lei cut bulliMi predh lions, (il-i fe:-in4 were ind very Itcut v and il ,i Inp ' ne eacl- tijanmy ihc maikei recovered j sete.al points ot the Initial loss hut taiie.il : ,i hold i, win.; lo ontiti'.iei reeltziriB an'l lo.ed barcl-. sieu'iv ,1 a iiei dei line oil '2'ul points. Si-.leb. .It.. 7 " bbKS. January, j tilt,; i-ehiua.v. 1 i - 7 J -. Matin. April and. Mil. Hi",. June 114-; Jult. 1144c.. ' Vu.i.m .' c . Sepn tuber it :..; 1 1, ti.hcr. 1 Brlnker , Nuvnuoei and Dei tunliei , 11 .'6c. Slil'.El A market lor aher rneep lambs was laci.lug tins uioiijing. lew of ferings of any description snowing up lo uy out the trade, on most dats ti.iruig the weel. the silu- atlon in the sueep bai n lias been rathei encuuraKing Receipts were fairly l.beial, out an ample demand to. iiiivinlug in tu kill developed and daily ci, at nines wero I practically complete. .Moderate advance. in prices were scored, but luiprottd oe maiid. instead of improvement in values, was generally regauled a- lite must im portant phase uf i Ii e market, Shep and yearlings sold well during the 'fore part of the week when the propor tion of mutton stuff was luttter large, and closed wiin even g. eater activity than w as .vi, lent during opt uing nays. Bulk or .an s rui'd siiontei than those at hist week's Lilian. Thuriia v a ami Fr loafs business being uansai led on a sencrallv d.me higher busts Ewes sold up as hiirli as 14 On. w ether ni'ouyhi a.- m ien as 14 2 , . and yearlings of handy weight ate quot able at $5.00 and better. Lambs made' the t.esi sain, recent sa'es iaveramiig about li"')2')C blgitrr than those if the latter pait of s.t week. Several I shipments of fed western" topped .t le; 15 'a p - Ico tvhlcn calls for i 11010 qualn! 1 shorn lau. b... of vv.ich ths supply llgiit. i oiuuia:ided "...no Indicating the usual j .cilar spread 'total receipts taiiio' only a few seat I td shipinent Cat .veto suitable fljr a j'..nal fiiilsii atitl ilu- fr-.'iiei- market waa jclinost void of I fe al all tliuea. S at fried - ,'!' g.aues e setniig n into ttie same lasts a fail lo good kllielH. 'ti'.tsilon.. nu sheep and latiihs: Good to choice Itiiiibs. .'kiii; 0; fair lo good lamlua. 5.'!'ri 5 :eo haiidv i.lit veail.itga. l4.7oa I". lav- t 'srlliie-s i.2.V4 ;. good to vl.oice wtlheis, $;y4 2o, fair to good Fruit, Florida, 4-bi M-eu-at) siy.es, per box, 6.!.ijy4.oo. Lemons, Llmoneira brand, extra fancy, 300 slue, I cr box, M .50; ooO size, pt r box, 1.5u; choice, 300 size, per box, $4,00. 30 'aTUe, per box, 84.25; K40 siz. 6oc per box leas. Oranges, California navels, 80-1HI sizes per box, .on; 120 size, per box, 12.76; small sizes, per box. 3.w; Florida, all sizes, per box. $2.60. Pears, California Win ter Neilis, pi box, $4.80; New York Keller, per Dbl.. e3.i(4.oi). Pineapples,- per case, 84.60. VEGETABLES Beans, string and wax. per market basket, ii.mi. Beula, per bu., ipc. Cabbage, new, per lb., V.::o. Carrots, per bu., 7ov;. Celery, Michigan, per doz. punches, 3oc; tainornia jutiioo, per uoz. bunches, 0012. Cucumbers, hot house, l a anu 2 doz. In box, per doz. $2.ou. Egg Plant, fancy J: loriua, per Uus., 2.uv Uar lie, extia laney, winu-, per lb., lac; rod, iter lb., 16c. Lettuce, exira fancy leaf, per uoz., 40c. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., Hiic; Indiana, while, per lb., 3c; bpaniah, per craie, 1.50. 1'arsley, fancy home-grown, per doz. bunches, due. far snips, per bu., 76c. 1'oiaioes, Eariy Ohio, In sacks, per bu., 90c; Iowa und Wiscon sin while slock, per bu., 76uo6c. Uuia bagaa, per lb., llc. Sweet I'oiatoes. Kan saa, pur bbl., 2.u0. 1 oinato.a, California, per 4-baskel crate, $1.76. Turnips, per bu., OiO. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California soft shell, per lb., 17c; 111 sack lots. Ic less. Brazil nuts, per lb . l.lc; in sack lots, lc less. Cocoanuts, per sack. Sulk); per doz.. 80c. Filberts, per II., lie; in sack lots, lc less. Hlckorynuts, large, per lb., 6c; small, per lb., 6c. I'eanuts. roasted, ptr lb , he; raw. per lo , ti sc. l'ecans large, per lb., 16c; in sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, black, per lb., 24c; California, per lb., lac; in back lots, lc less. lotion Starke). NEW YORK, Jan. 14 COTTON Futures closed steady. Closing bids: January. 14. tile; February. 14.74c; Alarch. Hs'ic; April, 14.85c; May. 15.03-; June, 15.02c; Jul v. l.il'Jc: August. 11.71c; October. 13.;!m Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. 14''c, mid dling gulf 1ft 15c. Sales, 1.047. Imlea ST. LOI'IS. Jan. 11. COTTON' Un changed: middle, 11', c: sales. Jw bales: re ceipts. 4 S07 bales; shipments, 4.774 halt s; stock. 23 959 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by lxgau 0. Hrau. iiicnilieia .Ncr York W'olton exchange. 316 South Sixteenth street, or ' Omaha : Caitfnn aplnsilna Inilnstrjt of llnulaad Mnch I Ivrller Than the "onlh Man) t 0111 panles Mllh Hla t niiltnl. 11 Y I'UE.-TON C ADAMS NEW YORK. Jan. 14 iSnerial to Tin Bee.)--of the biilltluii; of b'g and betlel ships there Is to be 11b end No le ar authority than Chairman BiVoth of the Ciinard company Is sponser fr this Mute meiil. Alrcodv the ltaOfnot. tmi.mtor letbithan Is pi ncllciillt- In Muht and et er these almost unlmaiiltuible dl mensl uis are to be sut'pns.-ed. according to the gnat English shipmaster. It Is In oheill, nee to the hatuial bu-ine law thtit the ocean carrirr-i ore to 120 or ltu teasing In cUo. The cnt of canving freight and passengeis iloea not tnctessa In ant thing like the name proportion with tht size of the ships and ihc.--e days ol small profits the results aie tnetit.ihla Ships muM increase in size until the limit of economy is reached. Ilurhnr Fni'illtira lui-kina. The 011!) thing that stands In the way ol the I (lip loot ship now Is lack of harbor faclllnca to i-ic-,- lor so hui;e 11 vc--sel and on this point Mr. Booth savs: "Hut as suming 1 1 ut l a particular trade can he carried on wit'i maiKedly nt'eiiter econ omy In ships larger than the ports con cerned can accommodate, will these pot Is not bo forced sooner or Inier to provldi the, necessary fuel lit les '.' H tve are again to judge I y the past the answer t un only h, that th-v will be so forced Harbor authoritnts. therefore, like a reformed House ot Lords, will bate the potter of delay, hut not of absolute veto. II would I lulled be a dispiriting thotiKlit if we were really approaching the end of our tether. For mtsclf 1 decline lo admit anv such thing." Han Neve Spindle II mnmlna. One of the Interesting developments of the cotton spinuiiiK Industry for hUO is that (wire tin ninny new spindles were put Into opt ration In the New ITnglsnd states as In the southern fates. New England claims 4H8114 spindles In stalled In iio. as compared with .W 000 In 1 tD. a decnaso of 22 per cent, whereas the soul hem stales report only 211 Ovs spindles this tear, as compared with 127. .27 spindles last tear, a decrease of 60 per cent. Two thirdn of ll.e pew spindles Installed In the United Slates In 1!U0 lire to be found In New England. This Is the result of well known conditions in the trade. The manu facture of coarse goods has been hit lite hardest bv Ihc advance in Hie price of cotton, because ni large a part of the cost of such goods is for row cotton. In tin cost of fine goods, iti fhi other hand, labor is a much more Important item I bun In low goods. Thus It Is that an Increase In the cost of the raw cotlou affects the I reduction of low grades most. As a result we find the development of cotton nianu f.i'tnrliig retarded chiefly in the south, where the product Is m.ilulc the low and medium goods. In New England a much linger proportion of the product of the cotton mills consists of fine goods. Near loiupnitlea Heavily Cnpltnllserl. According to statistics specially com piled bv the Journal of Cominerc". the new companies organized In tho eastern stales during the year representing ll.oon.OvAl or more, us well as increases tu capital, will Involve $l.!U7,617.4o). This l much larger than the agxregule uf any previous year slnco I'JOii. when the total was 12,297. 970,000. The banner year for Incorporations was II III. w hen the gigantic ttecl tiuit was 1 formed ami the charters taken out in clif fcrenl states reached the phenomenal total of 3,7!4.1')f,.00'i. Incorporations outside of those, astern states swell the L"10 total to $2.2.'2',iT.i s.O. Adding companies in all stall s of a capital of $100 iM) und ovor, but under ll.0W.OiO. the grand total would ba lining he up to l2.S6l.Oi3.742, thereby making 1910 Hie big year in the mutter of Incor porations. Hrecrera Short of llopa. That the breweries of the United Mate are facing the worst rhorlage of hops in years Is a fact the trade is being made to realize rather forcibly by recent occurr ences In the hop market. Those who have been following the ptntlstlcal situation closely have foreseen a time during the , present . season when supplies should be likely-to-run altogether too low for com fort, but they were not prepared to come upon It thus early. Conservative estimates by the local hops trade places the total stocks unsold in this country at only 8.500 balea In comparison with 47.000 at this time last year, l'rlces have been advancing of late with a steadiness that has Impressed itself on consumers. . The total stock of Oregon hops remaining unsold Is said to bo loss than 1.64(0 hale; In Washington there are about 1.000 bales, in California. 5,0o0. and In New York state less than 1,000 bales. Th"se constitute all the hops In the country outside of the re serve slocks In owners' hands, and while these are estimated as sufficient for their requirements until a new crop is available so that there will be no actual boer famine. It leaves t lie outlook an uncertain one for next year. Interest and Dividend I'aymenta. Total dividend and interest payments dur ing 1910 have reached $I,6I3.Ni6.ij00 a new hlgli record. This total is rfi.OuO.OOO In ex cess of th" new capital Issued during the year. A different comparison was shown a year ago. the dlsbursomenta then having totaled $1.R24.)0.)0, against new security Is sues tif 81.iv2.0l8l,ooO, or $lk'i8.fl00.0tin below the new flotations. Notwithstanding all the complaints of poor times during 1910 the volume of huslneaa handled has beon awav above the average; Indeed, In many direc tions new records have been established. The Increase of luS.i.Ono 000 In dividend and Interest disbursements. It should be ex plained, has been due, however, less to Increases in rates than in payments on new stocks, bonds and notes. Issued during tho last eighteen months, althought there have also been notable advancs In the dlvl dnds declared by numbers of Important railroad systems and Industrial corpora tions. If asil brings nothing worse than has been experienced In 1910. stockholders will have little reason to grumble. IMnuy Vetv llnnkn In Mouth. During 1910 new banks were organized and began business In the south, with af gregata capital of $7.42f.Ooo. Fifty-five banks lhai begun business previous to 1910 In creased their capital $2,544.5uu in the aggre gate during the year Just closed, making a total accession to the banking capital of the south of ID.WM.fW. The total number of new- banks Includes fifty national and 341 tat. Hint T.rllUl. l.nnl. u .. .. A . . - u,,n.i ttnu i net com panies. Month. I Oi en , High.; Low. ; Close. Yc.'y. .Ian 1 14 14 r I 14 DO 14 14 t,i Mcll. 14 , 14 i I 14 82 I 14 K.'. ' 14 87 Mat .... 1701 1 lit'.', j 14 9N j 15 (13 ' 15 04 J.tlc 1.1 (-' ISO., 14 97 I 15 02 1 1.10.1 Aug. ...j 14 , 14 71 I 14 H'l : 14 71 14 72 net 1 M :M 1 73 53 13 36 13 37 13 38 guitar Market. NEW YORK'. Jan. 11 SL'CJ A R-Ra w, easy; muscotado, 81 lest. 3.17c; cent rif ual, 9b test, 3.87c; molasses sugar. M lesi, ;i.S2c. il' fluid, quiet; crushed, 6 7Oc, granulated, 4 MK ; powdered, 4.90c. 4) in Mb a Hay -Market. OMAHA. Jan 14 HAY No. 1 111; Nu. 2. $W. packing. $7.48); alfalfa. 113 Slraw: Wheat, $5.i; rye. $6. So; oats. $7.00. Stock Sales Decrease. Sales of stock on the New York Stock ex change for the full year. 1M0. will aggre gate In round figures, $l,uO0.otl),t)U0 against $21.54i.000.0o() In 1909. a decrease of $6.(Wi.(J0fi, '"0. On tho one-eighth or 1 per cent basis the falling off In commissions would be equal to $i.25O,('i0 London l.riida in Banking. London Is still the world s banker. The "Ei onoinist'a" annual statement of new capital applications show an active in crease in financing fuicltm enterprise bv British tupltul. In ail f 1 1.7. OOO Onj ( $575,000 O0O1 has been invested In foreign countries dur ing t lie year, which Is ll'.'.t.o (Km ip;o ,16 1011 morn than l--t ctr and 121 1") (e-i tl:i(i ("JOI more than In pus, which heretofore has held the IiI-lIi record in total capital flotations on the British market. The total capital applications f,u- 1 1 0 easily eMuhlish a ihw record. Thev ag gregate i.ii.'.t .'. h 11 $!.:.!;. l)45..eii, or an In crease or is.,.0 n.(i (f425.0fm.in(li over :4 Singularly I lie rubber ci nze ' Is responsible for lesH than II:'. ' j.igm il'-5.('i mmi of Hoe year s largo increase. The spc taciilar de mands hate been ft 0111 foreign countries anti it 1-i 1 1 1 1 piisM-t-siong. 'I ho lienlle 4'rnie. who borrows trouble neter gets build up credit on coun- 'I'ite man 1 old of debt I il is difficult to 1 lerfeit in osperit v. I' llir sins may find us out. but thev cMn ginerally la- depended upon to call again. Women write all I heir articles tin how lo uiauaKc a hue-nand rieiore thev s-ct one. rome people ,;ct out of nine with the woi id bei ause Ho y lonstunil t harp on one suing. It 110 wonder bow often inonet Is t.ght v lien to i lonshler how mm h of It goes into Maloous If I weie aii inventor. 1 wii, ihl spend all me enetgies In ttv to i111i.nl s 11, 1'-it Pultun tl.il uo ,ld come v tu 11 it was toll.J New i 01 k Tunes. 1 0.0. Mlrklna; to the Same Thing. Police .Indue Simon llalin. while address ing a political meetiti!.- In Newark. :. .1 , related Hie follow lug incident in r f. rence to telling the same tale over and o.er again "You all know. ' (.aid the tudHe. "that the slice Ilea made al k,IIih ii1 meeting are all 01 much alike but 1.1 iet nnie tliitig dil'ieierit Is the proper Hung now-a-da vs. "It puis me in mind of a rase of a woman who appeared hi fore a certain hiagisliate and when asked her ago said she was X tears o'd. The judge looked at het und ...aid: 'See here, madam, weren t ton lo re h.-fnre ni" live tears ago, and did to-i n t tell me then that it.it were Do t.ttis old" The woman snld II, at was so. and Hie judKe asked her what site 11,1 ant ,y coming be fore till, 1 ami telling on untruth "The woman replied. 'Well. to. s, e. your honor. I m one i f those kind of women who do not believe In telling one thing oru und aiuiilur Ihln another time.' " New ark Star. Ulgger, better, Busier Tbt Is whal advertising lu The Le will do for youf business. i