Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 15

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    " " 1 I- W1IIU - .
"ilMIWIiM'illlll I Hii Ill Mi-.-" I Ml .WMWMW MWWMW I IIS MiUM nil IIWI ssl tuTt HWMI I j IWM wnnw Ml l-lll-.l Pjit m HW HMKI M Mil iPIM II Wig Hi wnmrtW"!'"'-
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Aut and ttlraaifa-Continued.
WANTED A real salesman, a man who
haa alitllty, who win work f.jr us ax hard
and conscientiously a he would fur him
self, to represent u exclusively In Omaha
and counties In northeastern Nebraska for
V.'U. Must tie ready to commence work at
V have a large, well-known and In
every way first-class line of exrluslve
calendar and advertising specialties. Our
lln Ik so attractive and varied that each
and every huslnes In every town In the
country, without regard to alxe, ran he
successfully iiollclted. Our goods are v-ry
attractive, but no more tm than our rea
sonshi price, and we know from the ex
perience of other who have been and are
now In our employ, than any bright, hunt
ling man who ha ability and In willing to
work, can make wtth un from to 1150
per week. Commission liberal. t.hir com
pany waa organized In 1X82. We are re
sponsible and mean business. If you do, It
will pay you to write eiales Manager, Mer
clianta Publishing Company, Kalainaxoo,
Mich. Enclose thin advertisement with
your application.
MA K K MONEY easy, quick, sure. Make
$ to t6 a week, others are. Why not
you. A. B., Vcrrett, lu , Bold 8 first day.
C. O. Uarrelt showed 7 families sold 6. N.
Boucher ordera 7b more, aaya, "Everybody
wants one beet business 1 ever hud."
I, any Way Washer cleana family wash In
;j minutes to 60 mlnutea. No rubbing, no
chemical, no Injury to clothe, only move
knob occasionally. Combines work of
washing machine, washboard and boiler,
price 16.00 Agenta' profit 1W per cent.
Every family should have one. Millions of
homes to ba supplied. Bend postal today
and start making money. Harrison Mfg.
Co., US Harrison Bldg., Cincinnati. O
WANTED By tiianufacturars of several
high grade steam specialties, a first-class
man to represent us In Omaha and Ne
braska territory. Only one who haa actual
selling experience In this line and who has
knowledge of boiler room equipment will
ba considered. Arrangements will be made
on liberal commission and exclusive rights
basis and would prefer self-sustaining
man. flats age, particulars of experience
and references In first Instance. We have
no representatives In territory at present.
Writ fullv and confidentially. Address,
y 4, cars Ilea.
i . 1
AGENTS Here's ths biggest snap yet!
Don't pass HI You can easily sell our
silks, dress goods, shawls, waists, dre.-s
skirts. Battenberg, petticoats, underwear,
eta., at half merchants' prices. Your
credit Is good. Free sample outfit-no de
posit. Biggest commissions. Kxclusive ter
ritory. Write today fo big free catalogue
No. 283 and samples. Schwart. Importing
t o., 8t. Louis, Mo.'
WANTED Live, hustling agents to sell
lot and land proposition. Big money. Write
K. E. Clark, sale manager, Hamlin, Tex.
WANT EH High clam specialty sales
men for Nebraska to begin work January
3d. Staplo line on new and exceptional
terms. Attractive contract for 1911. Ref
erence. Mile F. Blxler Co., Cleveland,
CAPABI.K salesmen to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High commissions. flOu.Ou
monthly advance and permanent position
to right man. Jesa , H. Smith Company,
Detroit, Mich,'
W'ANTKD- County representatives for
Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner, $15.00. We
challenge all makes of hand and power
machines to publlo contest, to bo decided
hv disinterested parties; biggest kind of
froflts. Write for terms and territory,
(utchlnson Mfg. Co., Wllklnsburg, Pa.
$.15 PER WEKK for men to sell alfalfa
mlaed feed. Alfalfa Feed Co., SKI Elatl
Bt., Denver. Colo.
SALESMEN Side-line; large commis
sion; small samples; protected territory;
thoroughly tested specialties for retail
trade; territory being aaslgned. Write to
day. Wales Manager, 834 Monadnock
Bldg., Chicago.
SALESMEN wanted for hand-made
"Aviation'' and auto hooda and cape for
itrmiedlate delivery and fall orders; liberal
commission. E. M. Bliss Co., Worcester,
SALESMAN as local manager to handle
complete line of Formaldehyde fumlgators,
ll.pil.t soap, floor oil, liquid waa. disin
fectants and sanitary supplies, (roods used
by I'nlted State government. New York
Central and Pennsylvania railroad. The
Forniacone Co., 60 Church St., Naw York.'
TRAVELING salesmen on commission,
exclusive or side line. Bumann Mfg. Co.,
Litchfield, 111.
$10 A DAY selling new article; every firm
needs quantity. Nice pleasant business.
Hlg demand everywhere. Samples free.
Metallic Mfg. Co., 487 N. Clark, Chicago.
line, 26 iter cent commission; small sam
ples; worth Investigating: sell to hardware,
harness and Implement dealers. The V.ieg
ler Nack Yoke Co., Coffeyvllle, Kan.
WANTED Salaainen for 1911. On man
haa averaged over f.YOOO.000 net for eight
years. Commissions for 1SI10 over W.Otv.OO.
Urlems, UK Schiller Bldg.. Chicago.
SIDE line, pocket samples; 10 minutes;
4A commission; high grade men only, no
others need apply. Advertising Kpvelty
Co.. Nswton, la.
VANTEl Salesmen of ability and neat
appearance to call on all merchants In
their territory; elegant aid line, conveni
ent to rarry; good commissions; prompt
remittance. A-i4, Belmont Mfg. Co., Cln-
W ANTED The best stock salesman In
St. Louis; one who can make good from
tha atart: must have successful stock sell
ing record We are big advertisers, lib
eral commissions, good leads, strong sup
port. This is a big proposition and needs
a big man. Address Box . Waterloo, la.
SALESMEN Visiting hardware; we have
an excellent specialty; side line, big com
mission, sample easily carried, a quick
eler. Call or write for particulars.
Krocklesby A, Robertson, Vail, la.
LAND SALESMAN W rite for particu
lars regarding our town lot proposition;
fastest growing town In Kaneas. Three
railroads; more coming; hacked heavily
hv local business men. Big commission.
Haniel, Stewart Moore, Wellington,
Kan. ,
MONEY MAKING mall order books; cir
culars furnished. Mutual Exchange. Co
lumbus, O
AG KN TS New patented article, from 1
to 4 dosen used In every home; Institutions
buy by the hundred; millions sold in Clii:
(ago: 10U per cent profit. General Sales
Co., 63 Dearborn St.. Dept. 43. Chicago.
MAN I'FACTCRER wants salesman part
r full time for staple, easy selling line,
ralary or commission contract; permanent
41 Market St.. Chicago
TRAVELING salesmen; write for our l'JU
selling plan; new: unique; staple line: quit
your salaried potliiun and get paid tor
your work. $:J per month easily made.
8 E. Creelman, R 724, 120 Franklin St..
SALESMAN Experienced In any line to
ell general trade tn Nebraska. Unexcelled
special proposition with brand new fea
ture. Commission with $i weekly for ex
penses. The Continental Jewelry Co..
Cleveland, O.
SALESMAN for this territory. Splendid
commission contract with $.16 00 weekly ad
vance to producer. Staple line; perma
nent posll'on. E. U Rice Company,
letroit. Mich
WE PAY $ a month salsry and furnish
i Ig and all axpen'a Introduce poultry
and aiock powders: new plan; steady work,
bigler Co., X 14. Springfield, 111
AgPiti and Salesmen
WANTKD Salesman to handle exclu
sively well advertised and popular Hue
Men's Pants. Hoys' Knickerbockers, made I
out of .Mill End Remnants on liberal coin- I
mission, no expenses advanced to act a
sols agent for the state of Nebraska and
the Dakota without Interference. Samples
weighing only ten pounds, (irand oppor
tunity to light party who can hustle and
work the territory thoroughly showing re
sults. None need apply unless acquainted
with the line and who already column ni
trade In that section. Those handling
pants out of remnants preferred. The I. 8.
I'ants Co., 37 West :td St., New York.
AGENTS Stop right hero. Something
new. 46 to $to a week. Sells on sight,
loo per cent profit. No charge for terri
tory. New Automatic flexor Sharpener
absolutely guaranteed for life. One agent,
without experience, took 27 orders first day
out (sworn statement); 26 ordera next day
Profit for two days, $7! fiO. 40iVt"0 sold in
four months. Phenomenal money maker.
Men everywhere ore excited or the mys
terious accuracy and perfection of this
little machine. Writs to day for full de
tails, free. We want a thousand agents In
exclusive territory, at once. Address The
Neverfall Company. WS Colton Building,
Toledo, Ohio.
ANTED Strong land company wants
live salesmen on liberal commission basis
to sell Irrigated lands on new Interurban
line near Houston. Tex. Proposition Is
clesn, high grade and attractive and good
agents will receive co-operation of com
pany In a way that will make deal verv
attractive. Write Immediately. Houston
Orange Orchards Company, J. 8. Kendall,
Pres., Chronicle Annex, Houston. Tex.
WANTED A capable man. strong per
sonality and good appearance .to qualify
for manager of general agencv In this ter
ritory on a unique educational work lust
published. This work la highly endorsed
hy leading educators throughout the I'nlted
States and will meet with Immediate suc
cess. Permanent position, liberal contracts
and exclusive territory offered to compe
tent person. Experience selling educational
line not essential, but of some advantage.
Write for particulars. Windsor Publishing
Company, 225 Fifth Ave., New York City.
AGENTS WANTED Make big mon7-s-lllng
photo pillow tops at 2'c, bromides
. portraits 36c, ollettea W)c; we produce
works of art, guaranteed: lowest prices;
largest studio; prompt service; credit given;
samples, portrait and frame catalogue free
Bitter's Art Studio, 121S Madiscn, Chicago.
ATTKNTION-tl.OOO reward paid anv one
that falls to merge one pint of milk Into one
Pound of butter In two minutes with our
new patent machine, weighs six pounds,
sells for $3. Write for Illustrated circulars,
credit terms, sworn testimonials and agents
prices. Family Butter Merger Co., Indian
aolle, Ind.
AGENTS State and city rights open on
our "new Home Moving Picture Machine
"The Little Wonder." Fast seller. Best
specialty on the market. Get In on the
ground floor. Address Y 108, tare Bee.
AGENTS If you want a clean leglmate
business of your own which paya from $5 to
110 dally, send for our free booklet which
tella you all about fitting glasses and how to
start In business; special offer to those who
write at once. - A postal wilt bring It. Jack
sotiian Optical College, D, 69 Dearborn St.,
AGENTS make BOO per cent profit selling
our gold window letters, novelty signs and
changeable signs; i0 varieties. Enormous
demand. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234
Van Buren St., Chicago, III.
BRAND new, easy seller, big profits
easily handled. New Ironing wax, per
fumes clothes with lasting violet perfume.
Nothing like It on market; exclusive ter
ritory given. Odor-Glass Co., 411 Van
Brunt St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
WE HAY ;W a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept.
78, Parsons, Kan.
WANTED AGENTS-Legltlmate substi
tute for alot machines; patented; sells on
Hlght for $1.00. Particulars. Ulsha Com
pany, Anderson, Ind.
AGENTS for Ideal milk bottle openers.
Good money for hustlers Send 12 cents for
sample and particulars. F. & ti. Specialty
Co., Elllcott Square, Buffalo. N. Y.
AGENTS IJsten Our "Substitute for
Slot Machines" sells like wild fire. No
capital required Exclusive territory. An
derson Game Co., Anderson, Ind.
SIDE-LINE men will find our lines of
advertising fans, memorandum books, pen
cils and match-safes winners; novelties In
fana; liberal commissions. Cintl. Cal &
Nov. Co., Cincinnati.
AGENTS You can make quick sales and
big profits with our new, self-lighting, wind
proof, pocket cigar lighter; every smoker
buys on sight: sella Itself. Kathbun Alfg.
Co., Indianapolis, Ind
A-l SOLICITOR for best daily paper
proposition In Iowa. Must have subscrip
tion experience on farm paper. Only first
class man need apply. Give references In
first letter. Address Y-127, care Beo.
8ALESMEN to introduce and advertise
new brand: $J0 weekly and expenses; ex
perience not essential. Ohio Cigar Co
IAD1KS anxious to earn big money sell
ing the "Kloaflt" line of ready-made pat
ented pettlouats that fit any woman Ilka
a glove, should address me for territory
privileges James A. Mears. 35 Warren St.
New York. '
WANTED Tailoring salesman. neat
young man to take charge of store; must
be able to take measures. Hegent Tailors
Chicago, 111.
Clerical and Office.
OFFICE manager, Inv., $i;.
Traveling saleMiian, lumber, $150.
City salesman, inv., $120.
Traveling salesman, staple line, $126.
Collector. Implements. $1'W.
havings bank clerk, $100.
Stenographer. $76.
Clothing salesman, retail, $T6.
Bookkeeper $t6.
Cashier and stenogi apher, $.
Assistant bookkeeper. $.0.
Timekeeper and stenographer, $60.
Hotel clerk and cashier, b. and r., $4.".
Our metnods and tacllities i,,r placing
hlKli-giadd applicants m high-grade posi
tions enables us to secure a maximum sal
ary for your ability. If you are out of a
position or want to better your present one
do not fail to see ua at once.
Omaha Eat. eight years Kansas City.
;,2-J-4-o New York Life Bldg
TWENTY-FIVE men wanted to earn
Increased aalarlea by studying advanced
dictation in the Y. Si. C. A. uight school.
MEN may
dresses, etc.,
tlculars free.
earn good pay copying ad
at home In spare time Par
C. H. Row an. Dept. B, 4j6,
INEXPERIENCED stenographer. H. fill,
B'-- -J
A CCO C N T A N T-.s6.
Book keeper Vifi
Ledger Clerk $j0.
Assistant Bookkeeper $.A
Mtenogi apher $
('hiihi-Ki and board.
l'H6 City National Bank Bldg
Factory sad Trades.
Drug Stores tanapai, Jobs Knieat, Be Bldg.
Factory anil Trades Continued.
WANTED loo telephone Installers. Very
attractive wage paid to competent tele
phone Installers who are card men In har
mony with local No. 134. Subway Tele
phone Construct l,-n Company, lin Washing
ton St., Chicago
At tills season of the year men review
the y ear that has passed and wonder what
they will do In the year that Is to come.
If 1910 waa not anccessfiil for you, or If
It waa not satisfactory to you, the Navy
department bega to urge that you consider
the navy as a vocation. You are not
urged to 1oln. Ton are only urged to in
vestigate the navy as a life's business or
as a four years' training.
The llf Is exceptionally healthy, employ
ment steady, pay good, $211.20 to $l.2o0 per
year, with a chance to become a Warrant
officer at $2,400 per year.
It offers opportunities for travel, with
ample leisure for recreation or study, ac
cording to one's desires.
The food la wholesome and good, and,
with, lodging, medical attendance and flrat
outfit of clothing. Is furnished free
One's necessary expenses are so small
that there Is opportunity to save practically
all of one's wages.
If you are 17 to M years of age. do not let
Janunry 1 paaa without finding out what
the navy has to offer you.
Go to the Navy Recruiting Station at
P. O. Bldg., Omaha, Neb., and talk with
the officer In charge. He'll answer all
your question and advise you.
Rureau of Navigation, Box 209. Naw De
partment, Washington, D. C
YOU can earn more money by knowing
how to talk German. Learn how In tha
Y. M. C. A. night school.
YOU are wanted for a government posi
tion. $M) a month. Write for list of posi
tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 206-C,
Rochester, N. Y.
FIVE men wanted to study algebra even
ings at tha Y. M. C. A. Tuition moderate.
electric railway motormen and conductors,
20 to 40 yeara old. $0 to $100 a month; no
experience neceasary; fine opportunity; no
atrlke; write Immediately for application
blank, enclosing stamp. Address. Y-7U1,
care of Bee.
RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted A verago
salary. $1,100; alternate weeks off with full
pay; preparation free for coming Omaha
examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept.
Iioa-C. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Men to learn the barber trade.
Our Improved method makes It easy. In
addition to free practice, our Instructions
with chart and diagram saves times. Since
barber do not take apprentices the demand
and wages Increases. We teach quickly.
Tools given. Board provided, if desired.
Moler Barber College, Call or write 110 8.
14th St.
$25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust
worthy people to travel and distribute
samples for big wholesale house. C. 11
Emery. N. 274, Chicago.
POSITIVELY $40 a week earned at home
doing newest, fascinating, permanet work.
Money every day. No canvassing or mail
order. Send twelve 2-cent atampa cover
ing beautiful booklet, plana complete, post
age, etc.. enabling you to begin at once.
Don't wait. You'll be delighted. Stamps
returned If trial unsatisfactory. Send to
day. Rlgeur Company, 308 W. 68th St.,
New York.
no you want a $1,200 government posi
tion? Wa tell you how to get It. Write
Immediately for our free lesson and guar
antee. Ozment, 276. St. Louis, Mo.
MAN WANTED with rig to take charge
of sale of our medicines, extracts, spices,
soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and
poultry preparations, etc., In your county;
steady work guaranteed: work healthful,
pleasant, very profitable; references re
quired. Writ us. We mean business.
Shores-Mueller Co., Dept. 82. Tripoli, la.
$100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel
and distribute samples for hlg manufac
turer; steady work. S. 8cheffer, treasurer.
G 174. Chicago.
BIO PROFITS Open a dyeing and clean
ing establishment; very little capital
needed. We tell you how. Booklet free.
Ben-Vonde System, Dept. Iff?, Staunton
DETECTIVES, either sex, experience not
necessary. 502 State Life Bldg., Indian
apolis, Ind.
WANTED for IT. 8. army, able-bodied,
unmarried men between the ages of IS and
36; cltlxens of the I'nlted States, of good
character and temperate habita. who can
speak, read and write the E'nglish lan
guage. For Information applv to recruit
ing officer. 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha.
Neb ; Massachusetts Bldg.. Sioux Pltv. la
130 N. mthS t.. Lincoln, Neb.; 110 E. 3d St.!
Grand Island, Neb.
WANTED Mai and wife to work on
farm, reference required. Address Y 3
Omaha Bee.
ANY Intelligent person may earn steady
Income corresponding for newrpapers; ex
perience unnecessary. Address Press Corre
spondence Bureau, Washington, D. C.
Horses aa Wagoas.
horse blankets, lap robes, etc.. and surely
get your money's worth. If you buy from
Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones St.
Wholesale and Retail.
I lames, and Saddles
No establishment on earth carries a bet
ter variety of horse furnishing goods.
314 N. 26tU St. South Omaha
and DEU VERY WAGONS, made from the
CDDSKD wagon: good repair; suitable
for laundry on candy route. 6.4 N. 10th.
LOST English bulldog; brown color: ears
uncut, tag No. i4'.. Dr. O F. Sunanek
Wo S. lot it St.
I.OST-A fraternity gold belt buckle Call
Harney i., Reward.
Continued j
FOI'ND A In ifc-r. Owner ran have same
h.v Paying for this ad and feed bill; or, If
not called for before February 1 will be
sold at stock yards. Telephone Harney 478.
LOST Gentleman's gold watch, with Init
ials J. S. on fob; Elgin. 17 tewels. open
face, dull finish edge around case; gilt
trim around figures and gold hands. Re
ward $-'.riO. Return to C. A. Johnson, .l
California St., any evening between 6::x)
and 7.
LOST Lady's gold watch on Cuming or
19th Sts., between 17th and Cuming and
IHth and Cass; Seth Tho.nas; engraved S.
V. W. C. A. Reward. Miss Landln. 202 N.
2th St.
LOST A medliim-l?,a bay horse, with
brasa-flnished liarnesa and black phaeton
with blue upholstering, was taken from
ioth and Poppleton Ave.. Return to lvy
A Gorman. 2Mh and Leavenworth Sts.
FRFF! medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven
port Sts ; special attention paid to confine
ment cases: all treatment supervised by
college profeasor. Phon Douglas 117.
Can answered day end night.
$10 TO $1,000
$$ Organised by the REPUTABLB
If BUSINESS men oi inia cuy io pro-
5J tect honest working pe"P' ln need
$ of temporary Lelp from tha exorbl-
i tant charges of the so-called loan
$$ companies Wa will loan you all tha $$
It money you want and cbarge you only $$
U 4 par cent a year. $$
For $ 10 I mo. payments $1 70 $ 10.20 It
For $ 26 ( mo. payments $4 23 t 28 W l
For $ SO mo. payments $8.40 $ 50.7
For $10012 mo. payments $h.6S $10! If
It And all other sums ln proportion.
It Easy weekly or Monthly payments.
IS Reasonable Appraisement Charges,
$ A glance at tha above ratea will
convince you how much you sava by
$ dealing with us.
If Doug, hi Ho. in. t Lur. istn ana narney.
HHMlltHWltlHWItlt Ut.-4fitttf$ Ultlttittt
Could You Use $50 to a Good
Don't go to a friend. Coma to us. When
you borrow money you want the lowest
rate, and we give It. Wa will loan you
from SftOO to lluO.OO on furniture, pianos or
teams, without removal; small and easy
payments. $1.20 Is the weekly payment on
a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts ln
the same proportion. We give liberal dis
counts on all loans paid off betora due.
Mall or phone appllratlona receive our
prompt attention. Strictly confidential.
State Mortgage Loan Co.
Room 12, Arlington Block, 1611V4 Dodga Bt
Phones: Douglas 146 A -2465.
We will loan you what money you
may need; quick loans, reasonable
rates, terms to suit, on any kind of
security you may bavs, or on your
plain note.
Hi Paxton Bile.
llh and Fartuun Bta.
Are you short of funds?
Do vou need MONKY7
If ao and you nave a PERMANENT
will gladly advance, you what money you
need. Our rates the lowest, terms ths
easiest and a SQUARE DEAL guarantee.
1616 KARNAM ST., ROOM $07.
Confidential, courteous, square deal. Low
est rates. Largest Rebates. No advanca
Omaha Mortgage ljoan Co.,
Room 216, Second Floor,
Board of Trade Building.
Phones: D. 2296; Ind. A 107L Call or write.
Loans made In Benson, Florence and
Council Bluffs.
We will loan you money on your furni
ture piano, live stock or any other se
ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and
strict privacy. Call or phona and convince
NiiSltA&l- 1U-VM W.,
D. 1356- lod. A-1360.
220 Be Bldg.
Wn TT'T . A T A TT 1514 Dodga Street.
Private party will loan honorable salaried
people small sums on their plain not;
banking methods, lowest rates; loans mads
quickly and confidentially; payments ar
ranged as desired. Address A al, Be.
OTHERS, wlthtut security; easy payment.
Office In M principal cities. Tolman. Room
(Of New Omaha National Bank Bldg.
To LOAN. Com ln
let us explain
ratea to you.
Reliable Credit Co.
Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A. -1411
Ing, furniture packing, fireproof storage.
City office 21 8. 17th. Doug. 3!4; Ind. B-i:i4L
your carpets on your f loots; electric vacuum
cleaners K4 S. Hth: u 8. lUh. Doug. uta.
Hoard and Hoot s.
THE IRVING. I1U2 Leavenworth street.
FOR RENT All modern rooms and
board, home cooking. 0 So. lath St.
NICELY furnished rooms, with board;
good location. 3uo N. 22d St. Tel. Red X7.
FOR RENT Nlca warm rooms, bath, feltl
So. 2ith St.
ROOM and board In private family,
strictly modern; walking distance; rates
very reasonable, lo S 22d.
NICE room and board, horns cooking.
622 Ho. 24 tn Ave
FOR RENT Largs front room, newly
furnished, board If desired, private family.
l;l N. THh St.
WANTED Two young men to board and
room, private fanillv. io21 Howard St
St James. 416 S 13; aim. heat, free haih;
Am.. II 2"i up; wkly., $5 up; meals. 2 V.
LAI'.tiE neatly furnished room, board If
denlrod, litil N. I'jtu bt
Board a ad Rooms Coattaaett.
FOR RENT Suit of three front rooms,
hot and cold water, gas and electric light.
510 So. 22d St.
FRONT parlor, atrlctly modern, use of
piano, also other rooms; best of hoard;
strictly home cooking; rates reasonable.
2114 Douglas.
FOR gentlemen or gentleman and wife
who would appreciate a home In refined
family, an east front room, with alcove
room, handsomely furnished, with choice
table. W 60S, Bee.
Furnished Rooms.
FOR FtlTNT Nlcelv furnished front room.
17 B. ISth 8t Very convenient to buslnoca
NICELY furnished room, modern home;
private family. 706 S. Slst St. On two oar
line. 'Phona Harney 1970.
KTCELT furntsbod rooms. IM ft. d at
SUPERB larga ateam-beated room, zm
N. 23d.
NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod
ern, within i minutes of business district.
140 S. 19th.
WE have three warm and comfortable
furnished rooms at 101 N. 18th St.
FURNISHED loom, modern. 6o$ S.
Tel. Doug. 7S11.
ELEOANT FRONT room, private fsmlly;
walking distance; reasonable. 537 S. 2ti Ave.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms.
533 8. 22d St.
BEAUTIFULLT furnished front room,
with lavatory, targe closeta; also smaller
room; excellent board; on car Una or walk
ing distance. 708 S. 29th street.
NICELY furnished rooms; walking dis
tance; privat family. 541 8. 26th Art,
Douglas 277.
DESIRABLE MODERN room; privats
family; good location. 1U No. list Av.
NICELY furnished front room In new
steam-heated flat to young lady only. Mil
Chicago St Tel. Red 5242.
TWO furnished rooms. Tal Wabater 5$7I
Kit N. 10t St.
NICELY furnished room near 24th street
car line. 2445 South 2otl slreeL
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house
keeping privileges if desired: good bsat.
good bath; close in. 2412 Dodge.
LARGE east room, facing Park Ave.; new
private residence; $15. Tel. Harney 4W4.
FURNISHED, steam heated-room, pri
vate family, for gentleman; walking dis
tance. 502 S. 2Mh St.
LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for
4 gentlemen, modern conveniences. 202 N.
FURNISHED room; bath; in private
house; half block to car; $2 week. 924 N.
26th street.
ONE large and on small room; light,
heat and bath. Telephone Tyler 1425. 2518
Capitol avenue.
BLEEPING- rooms, In modern
home. 2Mt Dodge St. Harnay 2355.
TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms for
gentlemen. 2407 Capitol Ave.
STRICTLY modern room, ln private
family. 2317 Dewey.
FOR RENT Nice south room for one or
two, bath on same floor, 2575 Harney.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms,
private family, good neighborhood, on car
line; 15 minutes' walk to business part of
town; two ladles or two gentlemen. 1217
Sherman Ave. Webster 2&9.
CLOSE In, two newly furnished front
rooms; furnace heat. 510 North 20th St.
No sign. 'Phone Douglas 5582.
CLEAN, nicely furnished
gentlemen. 116 N. 10th St.
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, strictly
modern, business people preferred; easy
walking distance. 2A21 Harney St.
MOST comfortable room In Omaha, walk
ing distance. 1S1 Cass St.
TWO modern rooms, walking distance.
1916 California.
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th & Farnam.
WARM, front room, with all conven
ience, in private home, for gentleman. 2414
Chicago. Phone Doug. 21.
DEIjORIE Hotel, 210 N. 17th. Steam Heat.
WELL heated room; bath and phone free.
2114 Chicago.
PLEASANT, comfortable furnisher room;
strictly modern; walking diBtance. 308
Dewey Ave. Phone Douglas 640L
GOOD room for gentlemen. 21S N. 19th.
LARGE front room; strictly modern;
suitable for two young men. 324 N. 19th.
Douglas 6665.
LARGE, modern, south front room; pri
vate famlTy. 114 N. 27th St. 'Phone B. 22oi.
PLEASANT, warm front room; private
home; fine location, on oar line; easy walk
ing distance; modern; fine for one gentle
man. 222 N. th.
$2.50 WEEK, warm, coxy room, on bath
room floor; suitable for one or two people;
furnace heat; nice bath; plenty hot water;
gas and telephone; also room and alcove
light houaekeeping privileges. 2063 bt!
Mary's Ave.
STRICTLY modern rooms, walking dis
tance. 418 8. 24th Ave. $2 per week and
up. TeL Ind. A 2956.
FOR RENT One nice front room,
Howard St.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, pri
vate family, , block from car, modern,
bath. -4 No. 26th St.
FOR RENT One or two rooms, all mod
ern, good location- 416 No. 21st St.
FOR RENT Large steam heated modern
room. -io i. imx m
FOR RENT Nice modern room,
if deMied. 10u4 So. 20tb St
FOR RENT Two modern furnished
rooms, private; desirable for two gentle-
nun; raiuvau men preierrea. 4iu ts. 25th
FOR RENT Large south room, modern.
.4 Farnam St.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished, evenly
heated, modern, front room, walking dis
tance. 202 Douglas St.
FOR Rf-NT Large pleasant room, pri
vate family, on car line, walking distance;
ideal home for two gentlemen. 222 N. 2uth
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
bath on sain floor. 2421 Dodge St
TWO modern heated rooms. $6 and $3
month. 22o4 Webstar. BU phone.
FURNISH EU room at bargain: strictly
modern; walking distance. Tel. H. 1441.
NICELY furnished room: private family.
7ut" S. 21st St.
1 OK RENT Nicely furnished front loom;
reasonable. 5t.6 S. 28th St.
FOR KENT Nice. cozy, sunny, south
101,11,. g'jod location near cais: walking j
elstate. U: Cass St
Famished nootni tnatlnaf.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for
two: breakfast and dinner If desired. 2211
IHnglas St.
FOR RENT 1 jirge. modern room; sta
tlonary wash stand In room. 2t'3 Hart
St -
FOR RF. NT Nice room, good location,
prtvata fa mil), no children. M7 8. 2Sth
FOR RENT Large front room and al
cove; pVvate family. 2571 Dodge St.
FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished rooms!
newly pspered. hot and cold water; gen
tlemen preferred. 241 Jones St.
FOR RENT A nlcelv furnished room:
walking distance. 230ft Dewey Ave
FOR. RENT Denlrabl front room for
two; good location. 20 S. ISth St.
FOR RENT A five-roomed house, all
miiiloa; hot water heal In nlant. 1314 S.
27th St.
FOR RENT Two nlcelv furnished rooms.
desirable for three or four persons, steam
heat, good location. 2tl Farnam St.
FOR RENT Nice, clean, steam heated
room, south front, walking distance. 41k
S. 24th Ave
FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished, all mod
em, front room; bath on same floor. 2121
California St.
NEW. modern alnale room: Private fam
ily; walking distance. Tel. Harney 4P21. 210
o. -urn Ave.
VERY desirable, new. modern, private
residence; gentlemen. 2136 Douglas. Tyler
LADY desires roommate, good location,
references exchanged. 2213 Douglas.
AN elegant large front room: fine fur
niture; strictly modern. 320 N. 20th; no
sign on house.
Motels aad A part meats.
tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 12th St
BUITE9-$.)5 up: meal book, $5 60. Gentle
men preferred. Tel Har. 561. 104J Geo. Ave.
DODGE HOTEIj 13th & Dodge; all out
side rooms, steam heat; special week rate.
The BACHELOR, 20th and Farnam.
Apartment and Flat.
The Alsatian Apartments, on 35th St., be
tween Dodge and Farnam, Just being fin
ished, resdy for occupancy about February
1; 4, 6 and C-ruom apartments; janitor ser
vice, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas
stoves, refrigerators, garage and separate
maid's room If you desire. Will decorate
according to your wishes; buffet kitchens
In some ot mem; most up-to-date arrange
ment, fine finish, flrat claaa service.
Cheaper than a detached house and a lot
more comfortable. Price $50 up.
Tyler 1534. 210 S. 17th St.
CENTRAL, steam caac. 4-room flat,
N. 23d.
FIVE-ROOM heated apartment; strictly
modern. 2823 N. 20th St Inquire J. N.
Marsh. 1923 Locust St
2423 Cuming St., 4 rooms, modern except
heat, only $12.
1602 N. 24th St., ( rooms, modern exoept
heat, only $20.
2x21 Dewey Ave., 4 rooms, modern except
heat, only $13.t0.
15th and Harney Sta.
118 ( I-room modern flat. UH N. Uth it,
pstalrs. layuir. t i. ltKh at Ca.i Wsa
120.00-FOUR-ROOM apt., 2 blks cast
side park cars. Harney 3b86.
$2 50 3-R., 1708 Burt St.
$:i7.50 3-R., Lafayette Apartment, 17th Ave.
and Jackson St.
$60.00 4-R., I-afayette Apartment, 17th Ave.
and Jackson St.
$46.00 6-R., 2210-2212 Farnam St., new,
strictly modern, steam heat.
GEORGE & CO.. 902 City Nafl Bank Bldg.
FIVE-ROOM apartment ln the most at
tractive apartment house In the city.
MOST elegantly decorated and complete
4 or 5-room brick apartment in city; eleo
trlo lights, continuous hot and cold water,
steam heat furnished; tiled bath room;
laundry with drier. Price, $50. Two block
from heart of city. 11-577, Bee.
APARTMENT Dealrable 6-room apart
ment In the California. See Janitor. D. 6217.
flat. $1.
AN elegant (-room apartment, main floor,
team heated; strictly modern; reasonable.
216 N. 22d. Inquire 320 N. 20th.
THE CENOA-3S30 Cass, Just completed.
These apartments have 6 rooms, storage,
gas ranges, refrigerators, telephone,
ahadea, curtain rods, heat, water and Jani
tor service. They are latest and in best
residence location. Janitor will show you.
FIVE-ROOM flat, strictly modern, very
best neighborhood, $25. Harney 2h29.
Furnished lloaaekeeplngr Rooms.
WARM, cosy rooms, all modern, new
furniture, gas, furnace heat and bath.
t'JI Dodge. 11 K86.
NICE, comfortable housekeeping room.
113 S. 24th bt.
FURNISHED ROOMS for light house
keeping. 6o5's N. 17th St. Led 64H0.
TWO lovely furnished front rooms for
light housekeeping, within easy walking
distance; everything modern; price rea
sonable. 650 S. 26th Ave.
TltONT ROOM, gas. half block from car;
colored. 917 N. 2uth St.
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms; also sleeping room, modern. 2019 St.
Mary's avenue.
FOR RENT A couple rooms, furnished
for housekeeping. 522 N. 23d St.
FOR RENT Nice south room with al
cove, well heated, gas range. 2o22 Burl St
FOR RENT Three houaekeeping rooms,
modern. 2121 California St.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for
housekeeping. 422 N. 17th St.
NICE rooms for light housekeeping, fur
nlahed or unfurnished. 2225 Dodge St.
SUITE of light houaekeeping rooms and 2
sleeping rooms. 14v6 Jones.
Here is what a lady at 2416
C street, South Omaha says of
her ad for h msegirl:
"I mt a pood fciil, all lilil, aw tj.iii-kiy through
the Bet. Very ieatly Dlcas.l."
Famished llosceet ng Itonma. '
NICELY furnished housekeeping loom ,
modern; Inundry prlvileKcs. Also
moms. M South 1Mb atreet.
SUITE of light housekeeping rnorfK
south front, good location. lv S. 2th Av. '
TWO nue. Istkb. heated room' house
keeping privileges. 1712 Douglas St. I
TWO nice rooms for light housekeeptns,
1418 Leavenwotth St.
FOUR nic
Blondo St.
stesm heat, IM
FOR RENT Three desirable noutheas
room, hot water heat, good neigh horhoel
on car line, references. 3210 t ass St. i
FOUR nice room for rent, gcd location
close ln. 1047 So. 23d Ft -
FOR RENT Two or three comfort
room. Office at 1022 N. 2lat St.
TWO adjoining aleeplng rooms; suitable
for four gentlemen. Hy Cuming. '
TWt) nice, warm, close In, rooms fo
light housekeeping. 218 North 19th street
FURNISHED or unfurnished houakeep
Ing rooms, also room and hord; very rea
aonatile. f.9 South 21st avenue.
FI VE-ROOMS. housekeeping. seconi
floor, now vacant; rent retisonahle. mod'
erate. ,"-"& South 32d, Hunscom Park. .
FOR RENT Three room for Ugh
housekeeping. 1422 N. 19th St.
FOR RENT Suite houaekeeping rooms
612 So. 16th St. "
BASEMENT furnished: reasonable oar'
rent for work around. 2020 Burt St. j
r OK kk T Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, good location. 607 N. itt
FOR RENT Large furnished rooms fo
housekeeping; bath on same floor. 547 So
24th Ave. I
FOR RENT Two furnished rooma. prl
vate family, furnace heat, bath. 1725 So
28th St.- 1
FOR RENT Three furnished room.
ground floor, coal and ga range, walklni
distance. So. 28th St. i
FOR RENT Light housekeeping room
gas, bath, nicely furnished. 2; Cass St -
t nfornlshed Room.
FOR RENT Three large rooms and ball
1514 Sherman Ave. (
FOUR rooms, gas and city water. , 1S1 1
Bancroft St. Phone Red 5M. '
FOR RENT Two modern heated fron ,
rooms. 704 Bo. 16th Bt
FOUR housekeeping rooms, close to cat
reasonable, private entrance. 945Va N. 25tl
FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms
bath on same floor, no objection to chli
dren. 35io Harney St.
1 t Furnished Houses.
IS5.00-10-R., 206 S. 37th St.. all modem
nicely furnished; lease 6 months.
GEORGE & CO.. ;2City Nat l Bank Bldg
ONE 2-room apartment with hath In nej
Hamilton apartments, cither furnished o
unfurnished. leaving city February l!
Telephone D. 7172. V
Houses and Cottaare.
I-R., $. 2220 Burt. Tel. Harney tm.
Orn. Vim Storage Co. packs. move, (.tore
household goods. Fireproof storage, 804 s
lslh. Branch, toe 8. 17th. Tel. V. 4163. A-UH
8-KOOM all modern house, near two c
lines, newly decorated, 4124 Ixard Bt.; rent
$;I7.M) per month. ,'
8-room all modern house, good location t
914 N. 4th; rent $40 per month.
6-room, all modern cottage, nicely dec 1
orated. 911 N. 41at St.; rent, $27.50 prs
month. I
Tel. Doug. 1536. 704 City Nat. Bank Bldg?
8-Room house partly modern, fiultshi.l
for two families. Call evenings or Sun l
HOUSE, 10 rooms, modern, 2426 Caldwell
St.; rent. $30. I
(-ROOM cottage, modern exoept heat
paved street, water rent paid, rent IIS 1
'Phone Webster 2601. g
-ROOM cottage; modern, except furnace I
beautiful lawn and tree. No. 22Q Boutll
I2d Ave. Rent only $i& per mo. 'ilpauu i
bougla 4040; ,
NICE cosy seven-room house, all mti '
et-D, excellent fjri,c. Right on the 4i'i
Bt. car line, No. 1821 N. 14th St Will real .
for $l or will U en easy terms. '!.:
Harney fA !
I-ROOM house, modern, walking distune
fancy, beautiful. Turner Park. Cor. Dodi.
arid Bo. Central Boulevard. Inquire ji
Dodge or Uo. MvUrlde, county surveyor
FINE l-room. modern nous. 1704 C..'
forma.' j
7-ROOM, modern, nearly new house "l
N. 26th.
FERRIN Exp. Storage. 1611 Cap. D. 2LI
Houaes.Ina. Ringwall. Brandela Th. Bldt
NEW, ( rooms, all modern exoept beati
It.OI S 20Ui Ave.. I bke-li south of Centr
boulevard and Vinton on oot. 11. Tylr lsi,,
COTTAGE. 1405 N. BU Bt. Tel. Harney M54
Houses ,n
Aiuuseo creign' fcoi
arts of the elt-
fiona Co., Bee Bldg
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forward
cheap Iieight rates; moving and storing
Lapresamau a Delivery Co. 11 Douglaa mt '
THIRTY-SECOND andToppleton 8-roon '
modem brick flat. WRIGHT V LASBURY
So. pitli St. Phone iHjuglaa 162. ;
STRICTLY modern S-room cottage fur
nace he!; vucant Jan. li, L'. No. 4640
:th st. i
6-ROOM house for rent. 2225 8. 11th i
2617 CAPITOL AVE. room,
ern. IJo, alo South 26th ave,
modern, t-. J. V. Kuap Co..
ail mod '
9 rounic j
I'.randei ,
9 ROOM house ij block from street car
hot water heat; modern. 2428 Decatur 1:,
Web. lt.44. '
$1-' "-room cottage, 204t Paul St.
$18- i-room, good home, at JI0 N 27th Si
Robinson I Wolf, 425 Paxton. Block.'