THE P.KK: OMAHA. SATt'HPAY. JANTAKV 14. 1!11. U BRIEF CITY NEWS. V Root Trint ft. F. t. Crs.doa ft loai CoL Tat Tour rrlatiaj to ths Tims. Oae, slsctrto fixtures. Barg-sss-araadss. Tenth and Ksalth should be taxd lo provide for old a savings account wltri tha Neh. ttvlnK & l,oan Aaa n will tart you rlslit, 1 50u Fsrnaro. H. of T. Bids Two Aatomebil Accllnts Sunday Psm. thins; may haiiprn to you. CrelRli. HnldrlK & Co. wrlta the best form rf autmiiDhllo liability polliy. bow ratea. 'Phone Douglas 200. La. Orlpp and rneumoole arc dangerous. A heavyweight rain, uht fur a' culd Uay n murh bt-tt'tr than an oer-nat. The Omaha H'lbber Co., E. II. SpriHie. P'e'rtent, W Harney St. .lut. a'-nund the rurner. la ttaa DWorce Court Wenrlel wlun granted a dccie nf dUorrr- from i 'or rlnne pesriiines In iliftrlrt i-uurt Friday. Jnhn A Johnson n ivon a divorce from Julia Jnhnn'm and Kli.a Brown from '""barlea II. Hrown. Bsea Kobbtd? It niH imppen at any time unle.48 you have your valuables In our af deposit vault'. Ion can n nt a private safe, for S a ytar, Omaha Ku-f" Uepoait and Tnift Company , entianre 1H Karnam atreet, or IhroiiKh the bank. Charity Offlea Open Saturday A de- rxrture In the inntiiif of the offices of the snrlated I'harltles will be inaugurated Saturday, when the offices will be open all day. Since June It baa been the custom to doss the office at 1 p. m. on riaturday. but berause of the rerent cold unap and the resulting application for help. It baa been decided to keep the office open to accommodate needy appllmnts. The office can be reached by telephone, also, an the telephone company haa promised aervlce during the afternoon. To Znapaet Clock County Comnila alonera f'lckard. Lynch and O'Connor will leave Sunday nlnht for Kansas City and Chicago to Inspect vacuum, cleaninK and clock avstema In operation In large btilld InKS with a view to recommending to the Board of County CommlHlonera whether or not such systems should be made parts of the equipment of the new county build in . Tha party will visit Kansas City first, and will return about Thursday morn Inn. Tha Board of County Commissioners will spend $1,000 on a vacuum cleaninK system and about the same amount on a clock system, consisting of a master clock, with servant docks In all tlio rooms, provided tha spec Lai committee makes a favorable report. Railway Kaa Oo to Xaarlaf Five or sis Omaha railroad men will be present and perhaps testify at the rata case hearing to ba held at Pierre. 8. P., before the Kouth Dakota railroad commission on Jan- vary IT. Tha hearing concerns both grain ratea and class rates, and is partly a continuation of the one held two weeks pld City, 8. D. Conrad Bpens. freight agent of the Burlington of the Missouri; W.. W. John- y aton. assistant general freight agent; James K. Kelby, general solicitor of the lines west; Frank Waltera, general manager of tha Northwestern, and 8. F, Miller, gen eral freight and passenger agent of the am road, will attend tha hearing. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Commercial Club Gives Enthusiastic Support to Exhibit. TRI-CITY OPENING TAXES WELL I.. W . Barbie! Director of "neclel IClent at ko, Telia Mbit KM bltloa Mill nn for l)f irlop mral nf the West. South Omaha's Commercial rliih yes Urdpy afternoon gae enthixlastlc support to the proposition for a "Tri-Clty" Itiaiia uiatlnn of tle Onuiha I .and show nd de Mded to use evrrv effort to secure a bumper representation from the MskIc Cltv on the opening nicht. January IS. , And.Tsnn. foreman The rlub will attend In a bodv and It Is continuation ago at Rap ysfeneral frel jf lines weat 'W aton. aaslsta Village of Dundee Plans to Have Many City Improvements Improvement Club Reorganized at Largely Attended Meeting Water Work. Pirst of AIL Tha village ef Dundee la going to do things going to build a water works, a new city hall. lira department of mod ern apparatus; going to refuse to patronise business houses built In tha residence dis tricts; going to establish the commission form of government; and, further, Dundee Is going to send a committee to Lincoln Immediately to lobby at this session of the legislature for an extension of tha time for paying taxes on Ha pavement from feur and a half to ten years. .Practically all of these things were fa vored at the organisation and meeting of the Dundee Improvement elub at Dundee hall, Fiftieth and Underwood avenues. Thursday night. The gathering, which primarily was for the purpose of reorganising tha Dundee Improvement club, which haa remained dormant for the last fifteen years, was also to promote the interests of the real dent home owners of the village, with the ultimata end In view of securing an ade 'i 1 1 ate water aervtoa and the commission form of government. But after more than Soa residents were voted In as members of tha association, tha enthusiasm waxed warm, with the result that many other important matters were discussed. Following a discussion about the lnade quate water servtoe and fire protection of the village the club unanimously voted to have tha board of trustees call an election to vote bonda to build a water works and lay a sufficient number of water mains for thirty-three fire hydrants, besides the rest dences. This resolution was fathered by J. J. Dodge. I. 8. Iesvltt. president of the club, ap pointed the following committee as lobby lets, to attend the stste legislature to get that body to extend the time for paying tha taxes on Dundee paving: Sylvester R Rush. W. L.. Selby, J. B. George. 1L P. Leavitt and W. K. Bhepard. E. A. Benson proposed the resolution which was adopted after extensive argu ment, not to patronise stores built In the residence districts. i'nis resolution." Mr. Benson said, "wll Jv a tendency to keep out these people who come In here and depreclate-the valut of our property by building stores next to our homes. The club will hold another meeting th first Monday in February, at which of fleers will bs elected. The nomination's, as appointed by President Lcavltt last night are: C. C. George, K. II. Westerfteld, c u. Taimaags, l j. Qulaby and J. M Dow. expected thst the city cr.-i.ic:; anil other boards will follow suit. The club renl zes the Inirortnnce of the show to this district commercially and Industrially, for. as V. B Cheek remarked: ".ny thing fist de velops the west helps the market here and every citizen of South Omaha should be Interested In the Land show for that sim ple reason." The sulljcct was brought before the club by l.ouls W. Buckley, director of speclsl events at the show. Omnha. be said. should be the land market for the west, and It a for the purpose of demon strating that fact that the show was being held. Whether It accomplished that oblcct depended upon the amount of sup port It received from the people of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, .and it was for the pun ose of arouslne the In terest of those communities that It hail been decided to have the opening night a Trl-Clty night. Westera Development l.eaaoe. Remarking that land shows were very Important factors In the development of the west, Mr. Buckley mentioned that on one of the daya of the show, January 25, a meeting of representatives of different western atatea would be held In Omaha to found a Western Development league. Mr. Buckley mentioned that In addition to on exhibition of the resources of the western states, there would be plenty of entertsinment provided at the show and on high school night, January 30, South Omaha people would have an opportunity of hearing their own high achool orches tra, which would be among the performers. "We coma down here to ask you peupl of South Omaha," he concluded, "to co operate In this movement which means not only the development of the west, but growing prosperity for your city. Come out strong on the night of Wednesday, tha ISth, and boost for South Omaha while supporting the Land show." It was decided to have cards announcing South Omaha night displayed In the shop windows and other places and i. B. Wat kins was appointed to act with Mr. Buck ley In selecting tha form of the csrd, while Mayor Tralnor, V. B. Cheek. T. J. O'Nell and M. Culkln were deputed to look after the distribution of the cards and making all the other arrangements Including the spsaker who will boost for South Omaha on tha occasion. it ta reauxea mat tne opportunity la ao unique for bringing South Omaha and Its industries before the country that every body In the city, including the fraternal societies, la to be asked to co-operate in the movement of making the ahow a big sucoeaa in point of attendance. The ques tion of the representation officially of the olty oounctl at the show will be brought before that body at Monday night's meet ing. Charter Revlslea. The oharter revision committee has de cided In favor of an amendment of the aws governing the school board whereby the offtoa of secretary ahall be made an elective one and be held by some one other than a member of the board. It was pointed out that the care of the finances of the wri euch that some one , vlinuld he ap(xinted who cnuld tve hi whole time r. the duties. ! The committee hss ,ils resolved to give 'effect to the prop, slt'on of the commercial ir.nii In faor nf the ornamental lighting of 'some of the streets In the business section I ..f the rliv. The MshllUK will be on the ! basis of one-half of th c st of main j lensnce anil Installation to be charged to i the abuttlnu property owners and one-half to the city, the city council to have power to prescribe the districts that shall be so lighted. Pennant l.oda Officer. 1'ennMnt longe No. Ani l, tit Order of ! I lilted Woiktiv n, Installed the following I as Ma offK ri for the ensuing year In the i;nnixh Hiotherl.ixid h.ill last night: Joseph ilulllon. past rr.nKter workman: Flank It. Marshall, muster workman; K. C. ft- McKarland. re- I cn.T.Tr.K secn lHry: .1. f. Kubat, financial an Hccietarj ; M. .1. Rowley, treasurer Nels C. PauNen. oMrsev; K. Kero, guide; Ncl.s I'aulsen. trust c-: 1 re. r.'c:t, Davis and Shanahan. medical examiner. Packers' l.ertniie. I SWIFT. ' I 1 1st. S.I. Total. i Hammond 1:'" I-'" isa ; I Hoot m is; m4 4w j Helm 1TO 1j 1 MeCoM K I Til 1'K 41.1 I Marietta 147 147 . lii'i 419 j j Totals 7: 7:'1 2.2J7 CI' DA II Y. 1st. I'd. 3d. Total. Stafford 11 V!4 177 4R2 Heffner IS 1.1S 17S 4H Hurglss 171 14S 1i" 4'1 I .ana 7 1:12 , f 31 Tombrlnk I19 1S7 1 64ii Totals 761 70S 7.T6 J.1S6 OMAHA PACKING CO. MISTLETOKS. 1st 2d. 3d. Total. Koch 1t 1M" l:4 579 Land WO l.V 141 3S3 Hhepsrd 171 170 14 M Mlllln lfiO 174 14i 48") Dettrener 190 lfi 162 bU Totals fcirt SKI 7W z.450 ARMOUR 4t COMPANY. VERIHEST. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Tanner 14.1 1 13o 4ii Drlscoll 12 199 114 332 Manning 1U ITii n 4is Mtem 14i 149 lht 44.1 Humport 187 140 162 4ND Totals 744 B 71T J.160 CREDIT MEN FEAST AND TALK H. H. Baldrlae Prlarlpal Speaker a eeeloa Held at Paxtoa Motel. I The Credit Men s association held It monthly meeting end baiquet at the Pax tort hotel lat night, over 100 member being present. John Duff, prmident. pre stded over the meeting ana w&s toast master. Among the several members who mad sbort talks was K A. Hatfield, who d Ilvered an address to the new members, c whom there i a large number presen H. H. Pa'drige. the speaker of the even lng gave an enllshteuins and lr.terettn addrefs upon "Irish and KtiaMsh Courts Ths speaker In the course nf his talk ba rouch fun at the exptnse of some of the O'd ci'stjirs et b" precedent many cm turlea eo, but still honored In the court of Ireland anj K'liglond. In the n:d. how evvr, be paid a ttreat tribute to the tne have given the Kng the great body of It k and tb courts that spkini: w oi i.i lommon law. Rev. John Methe of the Kirst 1'aptlii jhurch brought the even'r.'s seech-niak lng to a close v.tte a s'i'-rl but witty ta k Magic City Uoaslp. Coal See Howland. 'Phone South T. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wydo, 'U North fortieth street. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Alton, 1608 Madison street, report the birth of a daughter. Peter Manley of Minnesota is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blessing for a few days. Mrs. McNlcholls of Atchison, Neb., I isitlng at the home of L. C. Marsh, 31 -v d street. Miss Ella Sullivan, Twenty-third and N streets, was hostexs to the W. B. B. club Tuesday evening. The birth of a eon is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cherkous kce, 2Mi Z street. Mrs. G. fcl beck entertained the Ladles' Aid society of the First Mothodlst churcu yesterday afternoon. Vir last night burned the home of Sam Piper, Twenty-first and O streets, causing damage amounting to about loo. 'Phone Bell South litis. Independent F-1SSI, for a case of Jetter Oold Top. Prompt de livery to any party of city. William Jetter. J. Level le haa succeeded Frank Wall webber as city garbagemaster. Mr. Wall- webber aome time ago sold out his Inter ests. Officers of Maglo City camp, No. , of the Maccabees will be Installed tills even ing In the hall at Thirty-eighth and O streets. The King's Daughters of the First Pres byterian church meet with Mr. and Mrs. George McBride, 1117 North Twenty-thira street, this afternoon. The women of Woodmen circle No. 69 will entertain at a tea this afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. B. Bailey, K.7 North Twenty-second street. The young women of St. Agnes' parish Will give a card party this evening at the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple, Twenty-fifth and M streets. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruemptng. 2618 1 street, announce the birth of a daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mllllken, 16ie North Twenty-fourth street, a son.. Election of officers and an Interesting program will be the order of business at the meeting of the missionary society of Omit TUT A IT TC TVTV ALE oS Men's Suits and Overcoats Creates New Records for Unusual Values You men who season after season ami year after year have worn our 8uits and Overcoats, because you knew them to he the best your money could buy You men who may now be wearing your first Nebraska" garment, because you too have been convinced that there are none cjunl at the price You men can realize what a great opportunity is yours, when we say that nil our small lots of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats are now marked nt exactly One-Half their Regular Prices. Peside the privilege of choosing nt Half-Price, the Suit and Overcoat you like best, you can also know that its regular price was $2.00 to $o.lX below the regular price else where for equal quality. Consequently when you buy one of our superb garments at Half-Prioe, you really get Full Value for Less Than Half-Price. Styles and sizes to suit nil tastes and all builds, in Our Regular $7.50 to $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, Now st : mm msmmm iifiiiiiil Q 9 U t t,j:?.?:v4fe'r ' i.;V-V.y The Boys Now Share in Our Semi-Annual Reduction Sales Any Boys Overcoat in our store, in sizes 3 Q C f to 8 years, for Saturday only, yaur choice, at vf Formerly sold up to $5.00. Because of the limited number of Boys' Overcoats in this sale, we have limited the smle to Saturday only. Boys' Wonderful Suit Values Ail the smmll lots of our Boys Suits in Norfolk and Double Breasted styles, with knickerbocker pants, in QQ sizes 3 to 16 years, while theylasi, unrestricted choice P & O C7 Regularly sold up to $5.00. "The House of High MeritV the First Presbyterian church Thursday next at the home of Mrs. William Barclay. Prof. J. A. Gillespie of the International llk.l CI . . . . ' .......... i .1 , Inn ri.naKn f will deliver an address Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple on the subject "The Com ing Klngtlom." Under the direction of Delbet MrDermott the three-act drama. "The RlKht Way." will be produced In the high school audi torium this evening. The performance Is being given In behalf of the Kebekaha and the music will be supplied by the hlgn school orchestra. T VERY form of strenuous sport, a race in 1- motor boats down the bay, a Marathon on land, a hundred yard dash down a cindere path, all quickly prove that the man who h trained properly will win out. The most important part of training is proper diet, food and - drink which will give strength and nerve power. That explains the popularity of Ground Chocolate among athletes. Now if strong husky young men find more nourishment and strength as well as exquisite deliciousnessin Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate than in any other beverage, does it not occur to you that it might aid you too in attaining that proper physical "condition" which is the basis pf all enjoyment and health? Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is so wonderfully nutritious because it is made from the best cocoa beans, the kind that contains more nutriment than any other food known to man. D. Ghirardelli Co. Since IS52 F.V'.-'-eaBlB ! Ilk. iiM'Un -rw ' ,.1 The Good Roads Exhibit Is the exhibit that received the approval of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, when shown at the Minnesota Conservation and Agricultural Development Congress as the best ever exhibited. This exhibit of the Highway Commissious of the state of Minnesota is being constructed by John II. Mullen, Assistant State Engineer of Minnesota, who will be in charge of the exhibit and will lecture daily on the practical methods of better road building. It shows in a practical and interesting way, the evolution of road making from the Indian rail and cow path to the approved macadamized road of today. Good roads mean good schools better farm homes e higher land values Julius Caesar made the whole known world i legions quickly. They lasted forever and have d navies. The American fanner will create the greate keeps up his roads and finds the best way of mak increases the value of his land; it brings the ne to attend the best schools; it brings his neighbo which to be maintained most economically, mus This exhibit is only a single feature of ma the Omaha Land Show, January 18 to 28, 1911. nto one empire by building roads to move his one more to civilize Europe than the armies and st nation that the world has ever been, when he ing them last. It brings him closer to markets; it ws of the day to his home; it enables his children rs closer; it enables him to use an automobile, t be operated over smooth roads, ny that will more than repay you for your trip to 25 cents, the general admis sion price, takes you to ev ery exhibit, show and lecture The Thing To Do If yon Iom your pocktbook. imbrn watch or tool ether artlcU of nlit, Ukl&H to do ta to follow tho exam pis of many otkor peoplo an advcrtls without dUj In U Lost and Found column of Tho Boo. That la what moat pooplo do whoa thsr loss arttelea of valua. Tfclaphona ui and tell your loss to all Omaha In a tingle afternoon. Put It In The Bee - i The Key to ths Slluuiiun live Want Ads. j