Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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;1 H M S1 D
ftU 1 ) L.J I
tnre and OMfee
FOR RENT Oftir mm, M, Irvsted oa
lop floor; facing court, STO iqutrt (Ml, la
eluding vault; rents for (26 per month.
Foil BENT-Large tor room, Wh and
X lnion 8t lS. C. M. Dachmann, M Pax
ion Km. Tel R. Jh Residence. D f'Oi
s r. Bwanson Co, Distributer. UK Far
aam St.
RKNT an Oliver Typewriter frorfi the
Oliver Typewriter Co. l'hone Douglaa 19 1.
Typewriter all inakea, H regular prices;
greatest bargains aver offered. B. tiweo
aoa Co.. 1314 rarnam St., Omaha.
HECON'D-hand typewriter! Bold, repaired.
Central Typewriter Exchange, l'io7 Farnam.
About 40 feet of tl-lncji diameter No M
gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 46-Inch
tlbow and T. This waa used for ventilat
ing purposes, and pipe ta In good condition,
'1 lie lie Publishing Co.. 17th and rarnam.
FOR BALK New and aocond-hand bil
liard and pool tableti. We lead the world
in cheap bar fixture; easy payment,
i-i unawiuK-iaike-collender. ' S. 10lh ait
A FES Overworked with aeoond-hiuid
afea, ail ale and make; bargain. Amer-
Kan Supply Co.. me rarnam ML
WK HAVE on band a number of Ink
barrels which wa will sell for 60 rents
each. They are fin for rain water or aba
Call at prcts room. Baa Publishing Co.
DRY kindling, t: load, del'd. Web. 6847.
A Ilea Johnson, SOS-t Brandcls Theater bldg.
D O. BARN ELL. Paxtoa Bit Tat. Bad 7117
WILLARD EPDY, registered practitioner
In u. B. Pat. office. is i-axton Mk. K sm.
Irlppe. rheumatism, mwtia treatment.
Mr. M. ilatioran, i- neviiie cm. i- iiti
Prnf lliniiinn Oriental Maasag 441
JlJAVn View Maternity home, private
" i.vxxi nom- f0r women during con
finement. Add rose Uax 117. Florence- Tel.
Florence tte.
THK SALVATION ARMY aollclta cast-oft
rlothlng. In fact anything you do not need.
Wa collect, repair and l at 1M N. Ilia.
St , tor coat oMoiteotloi the -worthy
poor. Call phone Doug la U and wagon
w. Ill call.
"PRIVATE HOMB during confinement;
table for adoptloa. Good Samaritan Sani
tarium. 740 lat Ave.. Ceunoll Bluffs, la.
atiwIassaq e
Dr. Rlttenliouae, Kt Old Boston Store. 4th
floor, elevator entrance. 120 8. 16th. Open
Sundays from I a. m. te 12 p. m.
Ul TIrrn 1-? 1 P"M. o0-. cured; no knire;
ttUt AUiVU book free. Oerman Doctors,
Broadway. Council Bluffs, la.
TTOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as
Irangara are Invited to vleit th Young
Women Christian Aaaoalation building at
Seventeenth street and St. Mary's avenue,
where they will be directed to suitable
I ordlng places or other wis assisted. Look
t r our traveler's aid at th Union station.
Mori in Medical Institute. Specialists of the
1tl 11,1 eye, ear, nose, throat and lungs.
4& Be Bid., On. ah. Call or write.
OMAHA stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg.'
M treatment. Mrs. Steele, 111
aooauij B mn Bt !d fl00r room b
STRICTLY Prtval ChrUtlan connna
ment home; beet car; babies for adupuon.
is Davenport.
PRIVATE maternity home, Mra. Dr.
King. N. :ilh. Web. i&; Ind. D-liCi.
f .Neuropathy. Swedish
1 ' .nil niagnatlo chlropi
hotel or raaldanee
wedUh movement. Maasag
chlropractioa. Pbon b-ufk
Pr. Hanaen.
..'I(1S n,J toupaa for men. Griffith,
MJI'ERFLIJOL'8 HAIR permanently ra
ii i. d. no pain, no loaa of time, no Injury
' i the Ma, work guaranteed; lady attend
.ii. 213 McCagua bldg.. Uln and Dodge.
i;xpert apuclallsts diseases of omen. Con
futation and examination free. 110 S. nth
ct.. Corner Douglas. Omaha. Neb.
o DR. riCKKlt. o
o v:i!4 City National bank Pldg lo
u Bega to announce tliat ha ba enlarged o
o bis denial office, being now better c
o than evr equipped to give the exoel- o
o Inn dental :vic fur which h Is o
wall known. o
If your teeth are aenaltlve and you o
wiab a more detailed knowledge of o
gentle, modern operative method, o
v send atauip for hi book. "Th Uea- e
o tie Art of Painlessness in Denttatry." o
Siw i t-l'wfroin combings. $l.n0. Mrs. t
' "ll-lkl "Matthew. 3oS paxtou blk. I) :il
IAdK til -"8 to r!lt at UrJUEN S.
ml liUinvE' ,P"'"t Iieases of
tor. ltiih 4k Douglas. Omaha. Call or writ
1 AflYKTIf J treatment. Wiw Smith.
- ui a loth,
laird floor.
an ng then. too. UK.LL DHUO CO.
UAT1K i,lt low nd rnusage. 15
AJA 11 Dodge, $d floor. o;ip. pott
office. Mme. Allen ot Chicago, Doug. itto.
WK RKNT and repair all kinds ot sew
ing inaclilt-ea. Ind. A -it.), louglas lk4.
Utu and Harney ba
.il.VUiMiUl UROTT. r:i S. UTii ST.
Adellght hair food grows hair; ee Mme.
Frayki'. Megualh Sia'y Co. luili at Farnam.
DR. DtiliLlttl, privat conf inament hum.
Ui Martha bt.. Omaha. '11. Douglas tM.
MR. SN'YDKR ha opened nistsugn p.r
lot la The Dunaany. room . lutU and
1'ierc St, whvr he give salt kIom,
feiluh movement, vibrator and radiator
ti eatuirm. Plume Red 4iw.
k '. teeninga. l. per 100 Wagner. l N 10th
FTI.L dos. n of single romb. brown l.-g-
av Inirn roeters Ho;' No. 27th et Phone Web-
ter Xlv
i lit INK INO A-fr for good printing
l-i i k-ii 1 liming Co . loth aud Capital At.
lw V. Raber, Printer, ,;&V
M1I.I.K11 JAMIBKON. 1311 Douglas St.
Both phone.
RIEf-HAl.I, PI Co. 18 14th. I rnlA -:t24
Midland Ouarantee and Trust company.
bonded abstracters. 1714 Farnam St.
PETER J ESSEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. CM.
RF.F.D ABSTRACT CO.. Kst. lW;prmpt
service; get our prices. t04 Brandels theater.
teenth floor City National Bank Building.
FOR bargain In homes tn Renaon see
Chappell Sons, bagle audit. Tel. Ben. 7 IS.
Investment Snap
Brick Flat, $5,500
Income $630 a Year
A nearly new, very well built two-apartment
St Louis flat; has always been
rented tn aood tenants and the rent Is
cheaper than other .St. Louis flats in that
part of the lty. One 6-room and one -room
apartment, entirely separate; two
furnaces; entirely modern and complete In
every way; nice lot, 40x110 feet; sodded
yard, cement walk, paving ail paid.
cash, and the balance at per rent.
The income will be 1030. the Interest on
the mortaage t; 87.50. which, after deduct
ing Insurance and taxes, will leave a 13 per
cent Invextmenr.
This will be iiuickly picked up so see ua
aDout it today.
Norris & Martin,
400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4270.
$1,500 CASH
Balance In monthly payments, buys a good
6-room, all modern horae on Dewey Ave.,
near 36th St. Full south front lot. For
price and further particulars see
The Byron Reed Co.,
Both 'f'hones.
212 6. 17th St.
FOR HALE Seven-room house, modern
also furniture and piano. 3417 Mpauldlng.
FOR A urit'K SALE.
A fine building, built two years ago.
three-story preasid brick, 40-foot front
strictly modern; basements with concreted
floors; located rlKht In business district
In Excelsior Hprlngs. Mo. The great all-
the-year-round healtli and pleasure resort.
Tliln building Is leased to respousibie
parties for annual income or U.oos, pay
able monthly tn advanc. This fins prop
erty la actually worth over $16,000, but If
fold at once will aell It for I12.&00. subject
to a $4,000 mortgage at 7 per cent, due
one or two years hence, leaving my equity
of W.S0O. which is realising over 14 par
cent; would take second mortgage for
small amount. Can you make this big per
cent out ot your money in business, work
Ins: hard every day? Reason for this great
sacrlfira Is i am in years and don't want
to borrow and need cash very soon. Ad'
dress, P. O. Box 122, Kurelslor Springs, Mo.
30th St.
7-room, nw, all modern home;
very choice lot, 76x132 feet, all well
sodded; owner must sell at once:
price cut to $3,100; $500 rash will do,
or good mortgage on other property
taken as part payment; 1ho good 6
room, all modern home, west of
Kountze place; paved street; at only
$2,760; easy terms or other property
taken in exchange.
689 Brandels Bldg. D. 1653, A-26C3.
8-R.. $4,000. KM Burt. Tel. Harney 14M.
f un afi r j . o iui, iwsiv, on soum
16th St. near Vinton; all special taxes paid.
Will sell as one piece or divide. Willing
to aell at sacrifice. Apply ai US Boum
tlt SL
$2,900 Six-Room
MODERN, birch finish. $0th and Marcy;
half block $ car line. Harney ShMi.
SIX-ROOM modern cottage for sal oa
ay ttrmi by owner. liM Miami St.
FOR SALE Hour 7 rot ma. water, sewer,
toilet, etc.; nice trees and ahrubbary. aal
bouth 21st St (
FOR SALK Five-room flat; furniture al
most new; prlie reasonable. 1110 Farnam,
2d floor. Apply C. Schlank. i:W7 Dougla
St., l'hone Douglas 841; Independent A-lt41,
after noon.
For Heat Aeresge,
FOR RKNT IdrsJ Dairy Farm on West
Center and Sixtieth Ma. Large barn, 87
by lOO; good hoi:se. SO acres of pasture:
long lease. N. P. Dodge A Co., 15th and
$0 acre with houa. Llarney 847
FINF. land can b bought cheap. Some
government and relinquishment, beat
water In Arlsona and the finest climate.
Apples and other fruit grow to perfection.
For particular writ Wlllcoa -KeaWy Co..
Wlllcoa. Aria
(50-ACRE Improved farm, adaptable to
rice, cotton, corn, Hlfalfa; good locality;
lib per acre if sold by Jan. 1st. Rare bar
gain. Forster & baundere Co.. Pine Uluft
'ARKANSAS! lnd of opportunities!
Write fur our list of splendid farm, tim
ber and rice Isnd. Two crops a year. Fa
mous St. Francis Valley. Pricea reasonable,
rash or terms. Hamilton & Norton, Forest
City. Ark.
FOR BALE t a big baigaln. $.800 acre
of rich bottom land, above overflow, la
out h west Arkansas: about 4.00 in cultiva
tion. 6uo acres and ready to tak
In; good elorehouse and slock of merchan
dise on R. R. sslu; g n. muls. farming
liupletnents ar.d corn and bay a plsuty.
Will kail for t-'i per acr and glv a bar
gain in the personal prierty.
Want to sell all to one purchaser N
gnt neei ap(..y Addrsas A. W. Mill,
pin Uluff. Aik.
FAN JOSH lncom Horn Orchard
I H-i a., adjoining ti city limit f
Fan Jo.te, assorted fruil or.tisrd. par
lvt pr ear, two good new collates: reel
f.r $ per iiiontb; mill and tank and all
ktbulldiua land adjoining ling fur
i.t' p-1 ' . teal propuaiUoa In tne aiat
J XI. Kt-LoN. U N. 1st fct. Din Joa
California 4'ontlaard.
FOR BALK $70 to $"0 per acre; cah.
bslarc long term; th last of the big
ranches to be colonised and in tha greateal
Irrigation district In th world, where each
land owner ha equal rlKUt to water and
It never give out; rich, level, sandy lnan,
Srow from I In 1 crop alfalfa yearly;
airy products called for each day by th
four Big creameries; no lana anywner
Bear ao cheat, any where In district; wilt
double in value In $ years; inveatlicat
th la. Turlock Oarden Laod Co.. alodeaio.
tCO too down: 1 acres good level land. 4
mile from Merced; adapted to alfalfa
fruit, etc.; 1 mile from acbool; small bouse,
ahede, water right.
Il.Son 40 down; W acres good level land.
4 miles from Merged; adapted to alfalfa,
arcbarda, etc.; water light.
i. &. RUSSELL. Merced. Cat.
APPLE land at $36 per acre, on easy
terms. 10-acre tracts, near Glenwood,
Ithln 75 mile from 8. F. : when cleared of
brush worth $I.V1 acre; splendid soil; good
rued, pleiity of water. John Dubuls,
Ulenwood, Santa Crux Co., Cal.
S1XTF.F.N successive yeara of good crops
make northeastern Colorado' wheat lands
the best offering before investors and
horn buyers today. Prices advancing, but
one crop still pays for the land. V rlt J.
B. Relnbardt, Sterling, Colo.
Now Is the time to get ready and buy a
choice garden tract for next spring; hava
a cholea lot to select from. (Some good
bargains In ranches, cnlcken ranch-a. Call
en The J. R. Harris Realty Co.. SI Main
St., Littleton. Colo.
TH-acr tract, or part, plenty of fruit;
also suitable for chicken ranch; a bargain.
If taken at one; do to car Una. Call or
phone Roland A Huffman. Keai Latata
Arvada. Colo.
IRRIGATION project containing S.560 acres
In Arkansas valley, Colorado; must be sold
at once; first class land and water rights,
good natural storsge; partly developed;
project can be completed at cost of $ft per
acre and will readily retail at $100 pf-r
acre; price for land and water rights, $JS
per acre, one-fourth canh. Write to owner
for engineers report, etc. G. W. 8treeter,
Kockford. 111.
FOR SALTS How la this: A lot Wild
feet in a progressiva city, and 40 acres
farming land, all for $:oO, on terms of $11
cash and $10 monthly. Addrsas, F. L.
Tbomaa. $200 Kivar road, Columbua. Uw
FOR SALE Best EOO-acr (tocjc grain
farm In date; R. R. station. tor and
levator on farm; gravel road; will bear
closest Inveatlpatlon. price $100,000. M. A.
Brock. Clsana Park. Ill
FOR SALB-CorB farms; $SS acres In Bu
reau county, Illinois. $111.50; K acres, Ogl
count. 10- O. A. Holoomb. Aurora. 111.
FOR BALE Or exchange a splendid nt
acr wheat farm la Manitoba's moat fav
ored district, near town aad "bool. What
have you to offer T W. D. Ferguson. La
Qrang. 1U-
210 Al'ftBS. Fremont county. Iowa; fine
farm; first-class buildings; orchard; $76.00
per acre. Only $3,000 cash. Krunk Craw
ford, Ware block, Omaha.
CRAWFORD county, Kansas, Farms;
$20 acres Improved; bargain, $15,000; easy
tsrms, (0 and 160, also i, 10 and 16 acre
fruit and poultry. For particulars write
Qeo. W. Btrlukler. Olrard. Kan.
$28 ACRKS wheat, corn and alfalfa land,
southern Kan; 4 mile county seat; M
acres wheat, io acres alfalfa; well Im
proved. Price $bu. L. L. Kiser, Kl Dorado,
Do You Want a
Good Kansas
Here It Is: 40 acres, one-half new land
which heretofore has not been cultivated;
has good l-room house, well built; barn 40
xw), with cement floor, also numerous other
outbuildings, u In good repair. This farm
is located in Cowely -uunty in southeastern
Kanaas, within 1 miles of good railroad
town. Tha owner nf this farm is of ad
vanced years and unable to properly work
th land, hence he ii vs decided to offer th
land, together with about $7.0u0 of II vo
took and farm machinery, at a bargain.
O'Neils Real Estate
ld0f i- amain 6L
both Phone: Bell. Tyler lti, Ind., A-iiU
840 ACHKS, $ mi. town. Nw aiz roota
house, barn, aheua. 140 plowed, balance
fenced pasture, all smooth, UUabl. Rural
touts, talephon. Good toad, soli, neigh
tor. Cnpplad with sciatica, caua for
Bulling. J per acre; inn if wanisd. U.
W. Albrlgnt, srimur, Kali.
DRESS your fac in a aunie. It won't
catca cola. Now lb Uiu to "swap''
farm, lanclic, city piopeily or indo.
'Hot'' baigalua fur oold " Ua. Prlc and
describe your piopoaliions. iC li. iVaUs
worth, Uaidea Cily, Kan.
$70 ACKKS alfalia grain and stock farm,
rlcn bottom land. oue mile Cneioke
county, Kanaas, offered alioit time. w
per auia. Atl viulcU. t. j. oi', Wioiilua,
uu ACRJC giain and nock farm; iin
pioved, 8 uil.e market; -w acies out torn
and upland crop laud, spnngn, well and
ilvr. $4. Spaoial. Ucldcr 4k liuauup, Man
hattan, Kaa.
MR. RKNTLR bargain In west central
Kanaas. Nlc lvU acrea. Improved, $ uiuea
station ; ay terms; $J,&u. 3-u acre raw
land, $J,$ot. Kd. Kwing, Omiiiun, Kas.
ACRES, olld tract. 4 sets Improve
ments; $ mile loan, beat sun; caul b
duplicated ill alula, $18. beet leiuia. Kan-aaa-Colorado
lnvesimeut Co. lecott city,
ICO, TEN mile from Kinperia; 130 culti
vated; houa $ room, one two room; good
bain; alfalfa, clover, timber; aoiiooi twenty
rods; $00. J. T. builuu, Linporiu, Kan.
"a ACRES, well Improved, adjoins R. R.
town 1U southern Kansas. Alfalfa, corn,
wheat, stock and fruit farm. Price $.0.m4,
heal of lertiiM v. 1. cartel,, Kan.
1 Ai'RKS, five miles from Kaxton: ncurly
all plow able: new- house and barn and ut
builtiliiKs; $7.4iJ. Kd Searies, Kasion, Kan.,
Leavenworth count).
Mia areola.
cave over U.Otai acres Minnesota land to
tffer at forerloaur prices; about ona-haif
talue; liberal terms, part or whxle. gianj
pportunlty for retailer. E. W. Taylor A
l-.iu.. Nt. Gsr.-Auier. back Bldg . bt. Paul
In Mowr county. Minn.; well Improved all
tillab'e 1 miles to town, ha.f milo to achooi.
11 mile to Iowa I n Prlc $ p-r acra
fcetn A. Cheney, 'rand Meadow. Minn
FOR SALS: -best rut over land In norm
rn Minnesota and Wisconsin; 12 .'i per err
ena up; iiim. unioer inn iron iiiiui jon.i
V A C'oeby. I Palladia biug . DuluiB,
, Miua.
M In Brant a- ontlaaed.
Terms 111.000 hardaar and Implements
and $8,0n0 building for farm to watch In
torn belt. Mox 14. Adrian. Minn
UT acres. one-hlf mile from public achnnl
Tracy, Minn , beautiful grove, fine build
ings, well and windmill; level land noaj-ly
all f need and croFS fenced; price per
acre; term. $l.0flu cash; I4.1M) March 1. i:ll.
balance in five eara at 6 per cent, tf in
terested, send for picture of buildings.
I.V acres wild land located five miles from
Tracy, Minn., in a neighborhood of pros
perous farmers, cash rents every year for
$1.6i to U per sere, it would be a fine In
vestment snd Is a snap at $M per acre.
Terms, contract tor deed on payment of
Tracy, Minn.
Values In southern Minnesota are steadllv
Increasing. 1 have a large number of good
farms for sale In Freeborn county, the
"Corn and Clover County" of the state.
Send for list and a map of the country.
Herbert K. fcklnner, Albert Lea. Minn.
FOR SALE Louisiana orang and fig
trees are money maker.
Will sell you 6 acres of fertile lanu with
100 orange and fig trees bearing In $ years
for S3&0. $ monthly payments; will culti
vate and take care of trees and pay tax
fur 2 years; no Interest; title guaranteed;
trees this season in this section hav netted
from $4 to $10; Inducement on larger
tracts. For further particulars address A.
J. Uodard, Abbeville, La.
FOR SALK 11,009 acrea of unlmprovad
fruit and farm land in eight township
In Lake, Osceola and Mason counties, Mich
igan; formerly bard wood timber land;
situated in well settled country; titl per
fect; abstract furnished. Representative
at Land Show and at Hotel New Southern,
where aamplaa of oll and product
ar shown. H. W. Marat, owner, Man
istee. Mich.
Best 800-acr farm in Mich.; black sandy
loam; 14 bldgs; 1 mil from town; ni
yearly earning to.OdO. R. Arbogast. blooo
(laid. N. J.
FOR SALE 'IO-acre stock farm In Dlck-
Inmm county, Michigan; ltiO acres under cul
tivation and fenced; 340 acreH partly
cleared; 10 acres in limber; 1,000,000 feet
of stutnijage; two house, two big burns
with Ntone banements; "tails In basement
for li head of cattle, one barn 40x100 feet,
blacksmith shop. Complete assortment of
farm implement Including threshing ma
chine. Orchard In bearing Good soil; black
loam; clay subsoil; two drilled wells. House
completely furnished; hay, potatoes, corn,
one team horses, thirteen head rattle, pigs,
chickens, etc. Creek runs through farm.
Wutfons. slelshs, logging tools, etc.. Price.
$15,000: one-half cash, time on balance. For
full particulars and complete list of farm
Implements and timber stumpage apply to
James H. Andrews, Escanaba. Mich.
. Mkasosicl.
STOP I Don't go a step . further than
Dotjglaa Co.. down !n the beautiful Ozark
Raise anything; corn, $0 to 86 bushel par
acre: all other crops In proportion; cheap
eat good land on earth;. 4 to $25 per acr.
Free Information. Globe .Real Eslat Co.,
Ave, Mo. '.
FOR SALE 720 acrea ..aplendld Vernon
Co. (Mo.) atock and grain farm; every acre
good, plenty L-f mater. Price, $60 per acre;
as good as $100 Iowa land and far better
climate. Write for better description. K.
E. Spurgeon, Owner, Oiath. Kan.
M6-ACRB valley stock farm near Leba
non, Mo.; well Improved, good soil, 60-acre
field. lOO-acre pasture, several springs. $18.
Terms, no trade. Ed C Bauman, 4o4
boonvlll St., Springfield. Mo.
We have a large list of Improved and
unimproved farms In south Missouri,
ranging in price from $4 up to $40 per acr.
Call or write for description.
442 Bee Bldg.
SEVEN-ROOM house, barn. chicken
house, l"- acres In fruit, 4 blocks to car,
$i,7u0; also 5 acres in alfalfa at $l,b0;
these are bargains-, 1 must aell; moving
to Colorado. Inquire of owner, 46th and
Grand ave. II. Prior.
buyers of land read this twice.
240 acres land: 180 under cultivation; 40
acres alfalfa and pasture; 40 hay land;
Hamilton county: 8 miles from Grand Isl
and: 24 miles from Phillip. Price for quick
sale. $110 an acre. R. Guendel, cur. (th and
Pine Sis., Grand Island, Neb.
CHOICE 320 acres, 7V4 miles north nf
Meadow Grove, Neb.; No. 1 farm land; $;tr)
per acre; this is a snap: write or call
Warner & Williams, 4i! Hee Bldg., Omaha,
North Dakota.
$30 ACRES Stutsman Co.. N D.. clear,
for good residence, clear, in Ds Moines.
Price of land t':0 per aero.
80 acrea, well improved, 16 mile from
Winnipeg. Manitoba, for lucom Price,
$.16 per acre; inlj.. $4,000 equity. Lock Ho
7U6, Spirit Lake. la.
Situated 8 mile from a good county sent
town In North Dakota. EVry foot tillable;
will trade In a town dwelling lu amount
of $1.S00 to $2,0ua Address Lock Box 2U.
Nw Albin. la
80 acre only 100 00 par acr.
Addren L. D. Oakes. Gaston, or.
Month Dakota.
FOR SALE 1.400 acrea plow land, hlchly
improved; also head white-faced cattle.
Can be bought. Price $.10 per aire. Easy
terms. Ed Peterson, box 7J7, Sioux Falls,
S. D.
unlmprovad. good soil, easy terms. $J0 per
acre. F. L. Crosby. Bonesteel, S. 1.
SPLENDID Improved farm. $.".0 per acre;
Eastern South Dakota. Will take merchan
dise as part payment. N'elsler, Sioux Kails.
H I).
FOR SALE Forty acres next to Hav
mondviile. Tex. W. H D.. 1 0 Ea?le St..
1. Mar. Ia.
ARK you seeking Independence? Then
com locate with on a ten-acre farm,
close to Houston Tex.. In th balmy gulf
coaat countr -; you are close to market
i and can :et rich by raiaing winter garden
truck, and by developing a fig and orang
orchard: with ceitaiu yearly Income; sev
eral hundred of ua have formed an "Iowa
colony'' and are f turning here; you can
buy a farm among ua for 115 a month.
Write me today for particulars. G. I.
Huffman. Manvel. Tel.
ORANGE otrhard near Houston are big
Invcatment Oi r five-acre orchard r
told on easy monthly payment. The Alvln
Japanese N Miseries adjoin and their ex
perts develop and care for our orchard!
three year Wilt today for illustrated
orang booklet. Federal Land Ic. Invest
ment Co. Houston In
i 115 7i PER ACRE buy t.TJfi acrea rlcheit
I Nueces river Irrigation land, southwest
lexsa; Inveatiiient jr colonisation; $..ui0
'developments Part cash: forced aale. rar-
Ical oppoi lumty. Wite oi write immedi
ately. Jea. F Wolfe, Trualee, leu N. lores
fct , au Auluuic, Tea.
FOR SALE Cheap. 10 acrea good land,
about $ acre (lashed; good well, new
pump and alied; lor 1-viD; mil to Sheri
dan dock; la miuute rid to Hremerioa.
Address bos kit, bremcrlon, Waali.
Five acre ol good aider land, partly
cleared, near good road, good nsw houea
and chicken bouse; 80 laying hens, duck
and a lot of p aeons, two miles from good
new town, bear boat landing; ten mile
ircrn city or 40,000 people. Price, $Hti0; $)
down, balance $10 per month. Sea Mr.
Morrlon. 8MJ Bond St., Everett. Waah.
TWO $-acre tracts, fronting on I-ake Che
lan. Wash.; 1-year-old winter apples, fin
oil, fin lake, fine climate, fine fishing
and boating; low price to close an estate.
Addre W. H. Norris , 4751 L!th Av.. N.
E., Seallle. or C. P. Bennett. Lskeside.
Good Isnd cheap and on very easy terra
form $10 to $18 an acr. 40 acres for
No Interest, no taxes, insurance clause la
the contract. Fertile soli, plenty of rain,
good roads, good markets, good schools and
Send for map and book to Dept 2, Q. F.
gANBORN CO., Eagl Rlvr. Wis.
ino-acre farm. tock machinery and all for
$3,300; small payment down; 80 acres under
plow; new modern even-room ruu, let
miles from Mauston. Wis.; act quick. Ad
aress R. M. UK1MSKUD. West by. Wis.
FOR PALE Cheap, good Improved farm.
000; hair down, uaiance easy isrui. ust
ea, Mauston. Wis.. R. 8.
BEST land In Wisconsin; any slsed tract;
wholesale prices. Orlniuier Land Co., Mark,
beet. Wis.
TO exchange 120 acrea good lev! farm
land. Oneida county, Wisconsin; near
railroad and town; country rapidly ettllnj
VP and price advancing; price $1,800, clear;
want good, sound young registered Perch
ron or Belgian atalion, to wilgii no lea
than 1.800 pounds and a sura foal getter.
Address Lock box 8tH, Rhlnelander Wla
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. T. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg, liith and Farnam.
GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. T. Life. $i08
to $)00.0u0 on Improved property. No delay.
$10-812 brandels Theater Cldg.
LOANS to home owners and home bund
ers, witb privilege of making partial pay
mania aeml-annually.
W. 11. THOMAS.
891 Flrat National bank Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inveiunanl Co.
WANTED City loins and wairanta. W.
Farnam Smith & Co. 1120 Farnam Si
$600 to $.000 oa Omaha homss. O'Keef
Ral Eatat Co., 101$ N. T. Lata Douglas
ar A-21o2.
WANTED City loans eteea Trnt ""
WE exchange propartl of mrlL H. BL
Culver. 8U-813 N. T. Lit. Douglas 7t
ONE brand new No. TO Colt's acetylen
ga machine and gaa range lo trad for
good hog, o w or chicken. 408a Uraad
Av. Phon .eh. 4714.
330 ACRES level land, all fenced, 8 mile
from Lodge Pole, Neb., surrounded by
good farmers; will trade for good, olear
property to th amount of $;.:M equity,
balance $3,200, mortgage for 4 years at 1
per cent, optional, for other Information
write Tate A barlow, iodge Pole, Neb.
IF you wish to exchange write
COS New York Lit Bldg.
FOR SALE or trad five quarters farm
land In Stanley and Lyman county. 8. D.,
for Omaha or vicinity residence or business
property. Just foreclosed on these lands.
Will deal with owners, no agents. Ne
braska Loan Co., itto Bee bldg., Omaha
TOl'RING car for lots, land, pool, drugs
or hardware fixtures or slock.
wants to buv some cheaper land. 6r he
might consider an exchanpe. What have
you? He is a reader of the Des Moines
Capital, and the way to reach him and
thousands of others like him Is to adver
tise In the want ad columns of the Capi
tal. Hate, 1 cent a word per Insertion, 6
cents a word for six insertions and 20 cents
a word per mon th.
BEST price paid for Id-hand furnltur.
carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 1T71
WANTED to buy a rooming house, state
location end number of rooms. Address
L-o'J7, Hee.
SECOND-HAND clothing; party after
noon dresses. John Feldman. D. 1128; A-26J8.
Professional man (unmarried) coming
from another city, wants one or two room
and breakfast In quiet Christian home In
B. W. part of Omaha; prefers elderly peo
ple; will furnish highest grade local ref
erences and will pay liberal rute for right
place. 1 am looking up place for him and
would like you to give name and address
and telephone number in your reply. Ad
dress, Secretary. P. o. Box. loif. Omaha.
Y0UNO man desires plsca to work for
board and room in private family whll
ttendlng college. Boyle College. Uotn
WESTERN' man. bent of references, sm
I Ulcus. & years. Is oen for good position.
Two years business manaKer for monthly
magazine and weekly, and handling bill
board advertisirg. Death, -f Author, Box
t. Douglas, Wyo
FIRST-CLASH, practical nurs can b
engaged ut once. Dougla
WANTKI Kv experienced ladv. laundry
work, hand ironing preferred. Ind A-'-'(7,
111 S. 2tnh St.
WANTED By experienced ladv. work fov
the day, hounecleanliig work preferred.
Tel. ind A-2SU7. Ill S. :"0th St
POSITION bv experienced lady stenog
rapher. K WH. Hee
nual meeting of the stockholders of th
B-e liutldlng company will be held at the
office of the company in Omaha ,( 4
o clock T"iesil.iv afternoon January 17
1111, for the ele lion of a board of dnectora
for the euauing year snd for the transac
tion of such uther tiutmesn as may prop
eny come before the meeting, liy order uf
the president. N I l-'Kll.. Secretary.
The paper that goes to the
homes lirinjs inlvertisprs tho
lpst returns.
IMOV STATION Tenth sail Mason.
I sls Psrlfic
a $ IS am
.a 4.10 pm
all 80 pm
a t 4S pm
a 8 8S am
a $ 10 pm
a DO pm
a 7:27 am
a 4 M pm
a 8 20 pm
4 4S am
alO so am
b I pro
Pan Frsn Overland L.
China and Japan F. M
Atlsntlc Express.
Oregon Express a 4 on pin
Lob Anseles Limited. .. .al? 4S pm
Denver Special a 7:04 am
Colorado Express a l-M pm
Orecon-Wash. Limited. all 60 pm
North natl Local a s:in am
Columbus Local a 6:30 pm
Btromshurg Local B1J:40 pm
Twin City Exprea a 148 am alO W pm
stoux cuv Local a 8 45 pm a 8 88 pm
Minn. A Dakota Ft ... T 00 pm a $18 am
Carroll Ivcal a froo am a $ 50 pm
Omaha Express a 7 40 am a (.48 am
Chicago l.ocs.l alS:06 vn a S am
Colorado-Chicago a 6 1W pm a $.28 pm
Chicago Special a 8:02 pm a $:4 am
Pacific Coast Chicago. .a 8:0i pm I l it pm
Los Angeles Umlted...a !:M pm a 12 32 pm
Overland Umlted all tfi pm a 7 48 am
Carroll Local a 4 So pm a 10 00 am
East Mall a s;w pm a : pm
I.lncoln-Chadron a i :M am all 00 am
Norfolk-Dallas a T:i am 10 45 pm
Long Pine-So. Tlatte. . .b 2:11 pm h 8:20 pm
Hastlngs-superiot o :i pm o : pm
Oeadwood-lfot Springs a I n pm a 8:20 pm
Cssper-Lander a IIS pm alLOOam
Fremonl-AiDi"n v v" pm
Missouri Paolfle
K. C. St. L. Ex a .K am a 7:40 am
K C. St. L. Kk.. ox-
cipt Saturday all:.'l pm i;M pig
K. C. 88. L. Ex.,
Saturdays only 1:08 pm
Chlcaaro, nock Island A rarlflo--EAST
Rocky Mountain Ltd ...al2 ! am a 10 4." pm
Chicago Day Express. .a 8 46 am a 4:80 pm
Chicago Local Fass....blO:35 am bl0:l9 pm
Dea Moines Local Pass a 4:00 pm a!2:30 pm
Chicago a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Chicago Llmliea a .vo pro a am
CM.-Neb. Ltd . Lincoln. a : am a 8:47 pm
Colo. Cal. Expresa...a : pm a 4:80 pm
Okl. ft Texan Expresa..a i:ft pm a 1:30 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. al0:B cm al2:D0 am
(blraco, Mil waa tea A St. Paail
Overland Limited a11:41 pm a 7 5J am
Omaha-Chlcajso Ex. ...b 7:18 am
Omaha-Savanna Local. a 7:16 am all 45 pm
Colo-Cal Express a 8:00 pm a 1:26 pm
Colorado Special. a 7:42 am a 8:40 am
Parry-oinaua tcai ... pra oiu:iw am
Illinois Central
Chicago Express ...
Chicago Limited ...
Mlnn.-St Paul Ex.
Minn. -St, Paul Ltd..
a 7:00 am a 1 nm
a $ 00 pm a 8:00 am
b V 00 am
.a 8:00 pm
a 8:00 am
hlcaao Great Weatern
I'hlcago Limited. ...... .a 8:48 pm
Twin City Limited...
Twin City Limited....
Twin City Express...
8:30 pm
b 7:M am
clO so am
a 8:t pm
a 1:45 pm
a 8:35 am
I .... a . . . .
.a 1.00 am
Chicago Express ,
Omaha-St. Loul Eg a 8:80 pm
Mall and r.xpress a cm am
H: 14 pm
etanb y Lcl. (fromC.B.)b 6:00 pm blO 16 am
Barllnaton Stotlfca loth and Maaoa.
Denver A California..
Puget Bound Express.
Nebraska point
Black Hill .
Lincoln Mall .
Northwest Express ...
Nebraska polnta
Nebraska Expr
Lincoln Ixcal
Schuyler-Pattsraouth ,
Lincoln Local
Plattsmouth-Iowa ...v
Bellavue-Plattamoutb ;
Central Nebraaka ......
Chicago Special
.a 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pm
.a 8:10 am
.a 4:10 pm
.b 1:20 pm
.all :5ft pm
.a t :to am
.a :li am
b 8 0S pm
.a 7:16 pm
.a 1:18 am
.a!2:80 pm
a 1:46 pm
a 1:46 pm
a 8:10 pm
a 3:46 pm
- 1 1 . i r. .
a 7:00 ara
a a -ia
a 8:10 pm
k a .m
bl0:20 am
a 7:60 pm
a l.M ara
a 1:40 pra
all:26 pm
aii:36 pm
a 7:00 am
a 1:66 pm
a t :00 am
eu: pm
i. a 7:15 am
.a 4:20 pm
a m
Dinver npeciai ..
iut.p. 1 -- ......
Chicago Fast Express.
Atlantic umi uimi'wu
Iowa Local .'. ..
Creston (la.) Local....
Bt. IajuIb Express
K. C. St- Joseph
K. C. t St. Joseph
K. C. ft St. Jopb
11:40 pm
a :lb am
.a 1:30 pm
a 4:80 pm
.al0:0 pm
.a 8:15 am
.a J: J" pm
al0:30 am
a 10: H0 am
all a am
a 8:46 am
a :io pm
Webster Btatloai lBth aad Wtbttrr,
Mlasnvrl Pacific
n... a
Auburn Local
Cblcao, at. Paal,
.b I H pra bU:66 ara
Minneapolis at
Sioux City Express h 118 pm bll:48 am
Omaha Local o 8:20 pm
Sioux City Passenger b 1:20 pra
Twla City passenger.. .o :m am
ainii ritv latest e 8:38 am
Emerson Local b 6:66 pm b 8:10 am
(b) Dally except Funday. let Sunday only.
Women Defy Fashion's
Dictum Rather Than
Wear Chinese Hair
Market for Hirsute Adornmenti
Slump Queuei Not Popular with
American Society Leaders.
NEW YORK. Jan. !. Th human hair
market her has slumped and China' r
generation I held responsible. It Is not.
however, because of the over supply of
hair, but because the American women
would rather defy fanhton's dictates than
wear what they thought a remodeled Chi
nes queue. This statement waa mad to
day by A. If. Sklllen, receiver for a bank
rupt firm of dealer In adornments made
from human hair. He says the mere Inti
mation that the Chinese had accepted the
ruling uf the throne and were rapidly dis
carding their flowing queueB, was enough
to uuell- the demand.
Ira .lee t p Relics of trace's III.
Paled Machine t ap and J lasses
Already Kaiail.
RRCH8EL8, Belgium. Jan U The
Chfonlque says the wreckage of Cecil
(trace's aeroplane has been washed up on
the beach at Marlakerke, Belgium.
The cap and glasses belonging to Cecil
times were picked up in th North sea off
Marlakerke about a week ago. (Jraee ha
not been een or heard from lnce Decem
ber 22. when he was loat whll attempting
to croi-e th Engllnh channel from Calais
to Dover
Scarlet Fever al Maeaeaa.
ME8KKNA. Ia . Jan. 12. (Hpeclal. I -A
arlet fever epidemic is raging here. The
j a liools sis closed and great excitement
1 prevail over the conditions. Th family
! of Walter Hloi iini. a huHlneu man, I sadly
' afflicted with the dines HI wife and
three children ar down with the fever
aud the tmby died from the disease Mon
day. On account nf the nature of the dis
ease no one wen. Id venture to the house,
li lt a was brought to the door ami
the dead 1 hil'l placed in It and the under
taker took the body to Orient, the parents
foi nier home, for burial.
Our Letter Box,
Contribntlon an Tlme'y oblc4
Hot Ioainj Two Hnndrtfi Words
Ar Xanted from Our alra
No, Thanks, an; Jerryi
SOl.'Tll OMAHA. Jan. 11. isll. Tn th
Editor of The Hee: Enclosed' Is a copv of
a communication I rhnlled the so-called
democrats of the countv hoard It 'speaks
for Itself. JERRY HOWARD
"SOI'TH OMAHA. Jan. II, 1ll.To tha
Chairman of the lloi.rd of County Commis
sions. Hon. Jefferson W ashington Bedford
and your three honorsb's Jsoksc.nlan-.lef fer
sonlsn colleagues Oentlemen: My friend
and myself In oral conversation and writ
ten communications made you coRplr.ant
of the position I applied' fof. Consentient! v
you thoroughly understood the position I
wanted, for you commissioned- Richard
O'Keefe to notify m that 1 M selected
for auprelntendent of the. court house In
a caucus held by you last Friday. Can It
be possible that the honorable mayor's
mission to our rattens on Monday
what caused the alteration In the selection
you made on Friday. The Heef trust rep
resentative of your honorable body la not
bashful In having his relatives and the
relatives of some of Die vhief mugiils of
the Beef trust appointed to office.
"Gentlemen, I most resiiectfully dcollna
lo accept that exalted position your very,
honorable body ha proffered me. .
"I am seriously considering of becoming
a candidate for sheriff, with the expecta
tion that a Folk or a Hohey may appear
amongst ua to enfnr the law , against
boodlera and grafters. Conseuehtl'. I
wotiTa have the privilege of Irckltig many
of them up In th new Jail. And I hereby
recommend that your very honorable body
enlarge the rapacity of the Jail fur thai
purpose. Respectfully. .
The Farmers and the Primary.
OXFORD, Neb, Jan, !. To ttie Editor
of The Bee: The primary law tins for tha
past two months received more discussion
than since Its existence. Our office holders
and editor have praised, condemned.
amended and enlarged the prelent law
until our legislators wilt certainly hav a
laborious task In following Instruction and
they would not go far Wrong ghould they
abollah th law in the Interest of economy,
good oltlienship and common srnse.
Tha primary law costs the farmers of'
Nebraska many bushels of corn that they
hava tolled hard In th hot sun o earn,
whllo srrcatly lessening ' their representa
tion in nominating offlcel and enacting .
or repealing our law. It place a power
In tha presa of tha stata that look good lo
tha editor, but I destructive ' to candi
date who can't produce a fin, photo
graph or an abundance of ,casij,- 4j -puis
a premium on lying In pledging candidates
to carry thlr party' banner, If nom
inated, and then allowing them tn- (4 otit '
and trade their nomination to. a candidal
of another parly for pie.
Under this sjstem the people are plainly,
told that they hava not got sen nough '
to ml even In tha matter of a political
convention called to view with alarm or
vol congratulation.
In theory th primary! all' rttritt) N In
practlo It 18 a humbug. Few honestly
llko the law, yal public men do not car
to openly condemn tha measure, knowing
they will recelva all kinds of treatment
from th pre; they will be charged wlh
being tools of th breweries. Yet -only
three months ago It Waa said the brew
eries controlled th primary. Thy will
be charged with being hirelings , of th ,
railroad. Yet two year ago the am
Judge claimed the railroad had used th
primary to kill th peoples own commis
sioner. Th farmers who till the soil have little
to say In tha matter of laws in this slate.
Yet every succeeding leglNlattrrag'lves us
a batch mad purposely to restore In
herent rights. The primary waa lur that'
purpose. Then they kindly told ua to. stay
on tha farms and foot the bill.
' . A. d, RANKIN.
Strike Causes High '
Official to Resign
Minister of Interior in Portugal Quits
Following; Unsuccessful Attempt
to End Troubles. .
L1HBON. Jan. Is. Antonio - Alemnida
minister of the Interior,' resigned tonight.
His resignation followed an unsuccessful
attempt h made today to settle the strlk
of the railroad employe. . v,
Tha atrlk movement haa been on foot
for some months and the government ha
been endeavoring to arrange a plan for
meeting smb. an emergency. Tha walkout
was followed by a strike of ths store
clerka, who quit work on th ground that
ths authorities had failed to .brlpg about
promised reforms for an amelioration of
their hours of labor. Thus, the situation
was rendered more compllcsted and dlf-
'cull to nandlc.
The minister of the Interior . spent tn
Jay In going about among tie striker
whom he urged to relnm tri their talks
No conferences were held between th
minister and the strikers, and tonight
there waa a demonstration lu front of the
building occupied by the minister.
Hloal I lly Firm Fares Fifteen 'I haa
sand Uollar Loss as Result
of Flames,
BIOCX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 12-(Rpe,lsl Tel
gram.) Fire, which started In the cnclne
room, completely destroyed the Brain ele
vator of th Tayne & Harslsson company st
Flander'a siding, twelve tulles 'southwest of
here today, entailing a loss of ir,,tw). Nine
thousand bushels of corn, OHts mid lurlev
were burned.
Iowa Riflemen's Score.
IOWA CITT. Ia.. Jan. l.' Te'e
gram.) Iowa riflemen eyed total of
1.K70 points in their "by ina'1" lnter c.,1
legate shooting contest with the I'nlversliv
of Missouri this afternoon. A I Itufr.n
was hu-h msn. with a v. stundins and
prone; total. 114 This ts s record -hrea k In r
mark, the Mlne A c.t luult uri I selpiul hold
Ing the one of latl year Willi a --core of