tiih nr,F,: maita. nim.w. .taxuahy m. inn BRIEF CITY NEWS. I POLICE DRAGNET IS SET OUT faTe -C. Vint Tt. ! t . . CreemB ft 0ns Ooal. Take Your Jointing to the Tim. ts. ilectrle future.. Burg.is-Orsnd.n. Ths Way la Op through the Nrb. S. n ixan As.'ii t lava n, ,.,. WetklJ n monthly payment may be male; pay vr annum. 1G0S Ktmam Street Heavy Dtmifi ult Damages claimed mj.treU enipiojes have no terror for employer w h.j carrtrg hi liability Inmrancn m, Cielgli. naldrige ft Co. 'I'None liouilaii 2mt. La Orippa and Pneumonia r dangerous. A liay weight raincoat for a cold day la mu-h bettor than an overcoat. The Omaha It ibbsr Co., E. n. spraaue. president. ltS Unrnry St. Junt around the corner. atobbed? It innv hannen at any line unlera you have your valuable in our af di-poHlt vault. You can rent a private af for :t a year. Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust Company, entrance MM Karnam lre-t. or throuvh the bank. All Suspicions Character! Are to Be i Hauled to Jail. I POLICE FORCE IS CBIPFLED1 Seaeral Are Off for lurk of Keinde sad Three Are lrk hlef flonahae Hope rnr Hellef from Ik I.esMatatar. Chief of Polh e Donahue has sent out an order fur the arrrst of all mmplcloua i par si ters. Vnlpss a man tan show where and how he Uvea to the aatlafartlon of the rhlrf. he will land In the Hty Jail and stay there until someone come to hl re lief. The continued holdup In the city ha j aro'ixed Chief Donahue to action, j "Tliv must top," declared the chief I Thursday morninc. "and I am of the 'opinion that It will be but a day or two I until we will have these fellows In our 'I hursday mornlne; before I'nlted States Commissioner Antleraon, charged with spli ts . His hearing was set for morning. Ysrdlot for Jailer John C. Henry lost hi fight SRRlnHt AiiKiiatu Sedln, a former county Jailer, for J5 .000 damage for un warranted assault when tho Jury which heard the case In Judpte Kennedy court returned a verdict fur Sedln Thursday mornlnK. . , Underwriters Elect Offlcars Member of the Omaha Klie Insurance Underwrit er' exchange have elected offlcera for the new year, as follows: Frealdent, John W. KobMns; ! vice president, C. W. Martini treasurer, Alfred C. Kennedy; secretary, C. O. Talmage. ,' . Jury Plaoss It Blanie In the verdict handed In by the coroner'a Jury Thursday, no blame was attached to the crew of th street car which struck and killed Ilk-hard W. Scott of . Thirty-first and Madison streets. South, Omaha, "as he was driving to work Monday mornlnK. traits, Puaoral Priday The, funeral of Ferdinand Btrelts, who died at Ms home Tuesday 'evening, after bavins; been a res ident of Omaha for fifty years! will be held at th family residence, 1430 South Seventeenth street, at 1 o'clock Friday aft ernoon. Rev. Jlousman of the Castellar Street Presbyterian church will conduct th services. eld for Bullion Thefts "Sleepy" Hswltt, John Goldberg and Tom Clausaen, charged with stealing six bars of bullion owned by the smelting company from a TJn- Ion Pacific ear, came vip for trial Thursday morning In police court and appealed th case to the district court. They could not furnish the 11,000 bonds and remained .In Jail. Bar Association Annual Meeting The annual banquet and business meeting of the , Omaha Bur association will . be held at the Paxton next Saturday evening at JM. About 160 attorneys, members of th association, will be In attendance. Officers' report for last year will be reoetved and officers for 1911 will be elected. A program of short toasts Is being prepared. Notices of the meeting wers sent out Thursday by President Frank 1 Weaver and Acting Secretary Charles; R. Foster. xwaaral ox laasman Herman Uanes, aged 84 years, a lineman In the employ of th Nebraska , Telephone company, died from an operation In a local hospital Thursday morning! Hanes, who fell from a pole last spring. Injuring himself badly, had'' been .alck all summer and had been In the hospital for a greater share of th time, his leiiow employes have taken charge of th funeral arrangements, and W. W. Stewart will accompany th body to Jamesvllle, O., where, the funeral will take place. Bodasodorlch Hearing Steve Bodasodo- .. . , .... .. . ,., . i. k :jl ........ , , I nder present conditions It Is extremely Men. if South .Ninth street, was arralKned ', . A ,,, iimiu in i u f r inw hit n.-. ii nnumu ..... At present ten of our regular patrolmen . 1 1 ....... . ... nn l.ui nf BhlnnMa Irig liquor a Itbout paying the government j , ., ," ' . . ,, ,vllh . , ; .... 'and three because of sickness. Itn the ncanng oaa net lor rnmy ...... . , ,h lhUv.. ,fl iv,,1B. hsve R better chance to ply their nefari ous trade. "We are doing all we can to land these fellows," continued the chief. "When they are brought within the toils I believe that you w 111 find them to be a gang of boys ranging In age from 18 to 22 years boy who have been In the reform school. 'The present ytem of paroling boys from the reform School has much to do with these petty robberies. If the Judges and reform school officials were not so free to parole boys, I do not think we would have near the petty crime that we have at present. "However, conditions show that we must have more patrolmen. The force now consists of eighty-four, but only seventy four are working. It Is utterly Impossible for them to patrol all parts of the city. If the charter revision bill passes, conditions will be bettered. The new charter provide for n appropriation of 1195.000 for police purposes. Now we are getting aooui 000. To properly police the city or omana we should have 150 patrolmen, but there is no chanc to get this number." TWO BOY "I'SPECTS ARK HELD Joseph Trimble and tleorae a ate I Are Taken by Police. In the arrest of Joseph Trimble and Ueorgn Kagel, two boys about 19 years of age, Captain John H. Savage feel certain that he has In custody two of the trio of holdup men who have been plying their trade to uch good advantage during the winter. When Trimble was arrested with Kagel this morning In a pool hall by De teotlvea Murphy and Van Deuson, a Loaded revolver was found upon his person. With them wss a third person, who escaped by a door In the rear. The boys have not confessed, but at tempts at Identification will be made by the police this afternoon. The two boys answer In a general way to the description of the three men who committed three holdups In the vicinity of Tenth and Center streets Monday night. The three of th holdups occurred within a half hour of each other. When arrested Trimble and Nagel gave no addresses, saying that they had been stopping at different boarding house about town. They said they were bell boys. Trimble was arrested with Monk Trum mar and Sledge Noeky about three months ago and charged with . highway robbery. Trurnmer received a sentence, hut th other two were freed. . Fortune in Eeathers is Loot of Burglars Kern's Millinery Store Sobbed of t Wagonload of Valuable Plumage . and Trimmings. Plume arid, feathers worth between tl.OOO and 11,600 were stolen from th millinery store of Fred Kerns, U08 Douglas street, last nlghU. Burglars entered the establishment by cutting a panel from a back door. Goods not stolen were scattered about on th floor of th store room. The establish ment was left ittr general confusion. A dosen or mora of costly hats were stripped of their1 plume and completely wrecked. Four I valuable fur coats are also mleslng. The burglars left a number of cartridges scattered about th place. Mr. Kerns will be unable to plao the amount "of els) loss- exactly 'nntll he In voices hht stock. Tils stock of plumes will be th largest Ham. About A month ago Mr. Kerns' residence was also robbed and h la beginning to think that he la a marked man. MRS.&YRN AT DETENTION HOME Miss !rl Brtgajn Take l Work la Of rive of the Associated Charities. Miss Bernlcu Briggs has I een appointed to the staff of Asslatant In the office of th Associated Charities. Miss BrlgR. who 1 a graduate of the Chicago Training school, resigned the position as deaconess In the Methodist hospital to accept the position In the office of the Associated Charities and began work ThuraUay morning. A "vacancy In th Miss Jontz'a staff wa made possible by the reelgnatlon of Mrs Elisabeth- Howe Hyrn, who began her dutle as superintendent of th Detention Miliool Thursday morning. For the pres ent, th berth of assistant superintendent, which was vacated by Mrs. Byrn, will not be filled but the duties will be divided among h staff Kl.TON 171 NO IMMEDIATE DANGER Droaglat Who Waa Shot is (More Is I.tkotr to iarvlv. Reuben Flton, who wa shot down by bandits In his drug stor Wednesday night. I resting easily In his room above the tore. He I said to be out of any Imine dlate danger. He is greatly weakened by th loss of blood. The shooting took place at 8:15 p. m. In the Bristol Street pharmacy, of which El ton Is the proprietor, and which Is located at Twenty-fourth and Bristol streets. Apsre. Foley's Kidney Itemed? A ctatloa. L. McConnell. Catherine, St. Kim Ira, N, T writes- I wish to axpress my ap preciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, whtoh 'ised for a bad case of kidney trouble. Flv bottles did th work moat effeo- tlvely and proved to me beyond doubt I th most reliable kldnay medlcln hav vr taken." Bold by all druggist Balldlsug Permits. 8. M. Norlen, Windsor Place, frame dwel ling, I2,i0; S. Spiegel, 1206 North Twenty fourth, Improvements, ihw. V.-"" ""A-fV t? . . ' K Jf f Green Seal of Quality 5 -"nil r.f7 cr "f- TZi 'AS 0bhl tt'J I. ' . 1' . T.M.,.,.,.. 1.1,1,; 'e,'rawssalm PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Dion Qcraldlne, superintendent of cob structlon of th TransmlsalBSlppl exposition In Omaha. Is a vixltor In th city after a long abeence. Mr. . Ueraldln ha mad his home In Chicago for the last five or six years. Uyw to cure a cold la a question In which "many ' kr Interested Just now. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy has won Ita great reputation and Iniment sal by It remarkable cute of cvlds. It ten al way be dependad upon. For a by all dealer. E. P. BERRYMAN IS STRICKEN Baaluea Mil mmd Park Board Mem ber Vlrli of atrnke of Paraly. Is SaeclalUt Coafer. ; K P. Berryman. sales manager of the te-Ulaas-Andresen company, and an of ficial of the Omaha Park board, wa stricken by parslyala at his horns, t3t South Thirty-third street, Thursday morn ing. 1 A conference of specialists was called at ooofl.. Mr. Berryman's condition at noon wa' grave. His medical attendants had not arrived at A decision as to th extent and wlKi.lfl.anc of th. malady. ,-.. , , v ' v. A PteaJMXat iarSrUe folio the first done of Dr. King New Life l'iU.''th painless regulators that sirei.'gtlum you. Guaranteed, tec. For sale by 1 alon Drug Co - Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLD'l JT4.lMtO 1ST an cSccut tiiaat for ie chil troukica, viiheul doilaf laa Haaiac ltk 4nia. Uaa4 vltk auicaaa tt lainr yaanv. ' Til ail radre4 atraailT aallacpllc, laaplraa wits ararr braaik, aaakaa rtala eaiy, aaoibaa laa aara thraal, an ttopa laa caab,aaring Mil. fol aibu. Craaolaa la In'aiuaala la Balbl wilt raang chlldraa a4 km ta nSarara fraai Allbrra. taa oa eaatal ht 4acrlam Neeklat. ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 ry Craiolaaa Aau ataila Taiaal Taalata for taa Irmate4 taraat. Taay era al npia, affact. laa aaa aaliarpila. Of year 4nggu ar Irooi aa, loc la ataaiaa. Vps C resole o Ca. tt Carilaaat St., It. V. BnaBMaaaBaaaaBBaBaa' NATURAL LOVELINESS (j.'IH, 1 i USA m rJ Raa baauty aeJ tianiaine chana aaa ealv be acourad by tKa laidiiul uae al mu kunW kalaa aKb Stat cWa, apmk aaa praaad ike abaw CREME ELCAYA TUaWyaavu&MMaaad by tht oWraai aaaa mm ai mry aiy ia U.5.A. llura aia iba akai baalthy, jaaawai it aaaiuat aW ckaad mi mm ai aaa, noa! aad dual. Cleaaa mod baaaiajMB aW frl-ltna. awkaa II y-illh htl aad raaoaii, o 14 l riaae tealar. Saaaplae Fraa by SeaaUag Ya Dtsltr't A'ew a JAKES C. C&AMK. lOd Fttlbaa SL, . hmw York. Nothing adds more to the beauty of home than artistic portieres, filmy lace curtains, and heavy draperies. Mercerized Armure portieres in plain and combination colors, or velour portieres iu Gothic uud Oriental patterns, impart a delightful atmosphere to the cozy home surroundings. For the business man they create a picture of comfortable home scenes in which he longs for a place. Cluny lace curtains are fully as effective in gi ing charm to the home, both in making it look pretty inside and appear attractive from the street. While our January sale is in prog ress many of these handsome goods are being sold at prices far lielow the original value. The portieres are in all plain colors red, light plive, myrtle, golden brown, two-toned green or red and in combinations of beautiful shades. Our stock of laces includes at tractive Irish Points, Brussels, Duchess, Kt iiaissance, Cluny, Antique, Arabians and Princess. Curtain yard goods of floral, conven tional and filet stpuare designs, in tones of white ivory or Arabian, are contained in this ilreeii Seal of Quality concession. $15.00 China Cabinet Solid oak except shelves, glass front and sides, durable $11.00 $4,00 Vienna Chair Cane seat, strong legs, well constructed, high class article $2.50 $27.00 Wood Box Hammered brass covering on top and sides, substantial $15.00 $10.75 Oellarette Solid oak, neatly arranged compartments, strongly built, durable ..$6.00 $43.C0 Solid Mahogany Arm Chair Tapestry upholstery, comfortable, massive, pretty pat tern $21.50 $19.00 Music Cabinet Circassian walnut veneer, shelves come for ward as door opens and lock automatically $10.00 20x19.... $25.00 Jacobean Table Beaut i- $25.00 Four Post Beds Mahog any finish, full and 5i sizes, ex cellent quality $20.00 $40.00 Odd Chair Solid maple, upholstered in pretty denim, v quaint pattern, strong $22.00 $2S,50 Reception Chair Inlaid birch, made with care to all de tails, durable $10.00 $10.00 Gold Frame Mirror Bev eled French glass, 17x11, beauti ful article, well made $30.00 Solid Mahogany Arm Chair Upholstered in panne plush, a chair of grace and charm $40.00 $90.00 Chippendale Chiffonier Solid inlaid mahogany, six spa cious drawers, French mirror $81.00 $9.50 Morris Chair- $6.00 $12.50 Electric Candle Lights 5 Solid mahogany, pretty design, finely finished, strong $11.25 $52.00 Buffet Handsome oak veneer, padded silver drawer, beveled French mirror, 44x11 $46.50 $25.00 Sewing Table Solid oak, top 38x20, strongly made, adds grace to the room $22.50 $47.00 Jacobean Rocker Cathe dral oak, cushion seat and cane back, distinctive character $35.00 $40.00 Gold Frame Mirror French plate glass, 54x17, deco rative, splendid design $20.00 $55.00 Solid Mahogany Wing Chair Green denim, artistic de sign, wide seat, high spreading hack $35.00 -Tapestry of The Green Tag Has the January Sale Price $45.00 Mahogany Clock Large, ample case, artistic, ornamental, and accurate, solid $30.00 $46.75 Solid 'Mahogany . Table Strongly constructed, well de signed, 48-inch top, choice article $24.00 $46.75 Davenport Strong oak frame, genuine horse hide lea ther, durable and comfortable. . . .$24.00 ful Cathedral -oak, cane top, di ameter 19 inches, strong $18.00 $120.00 Green Denim Davenport Mahogany finish frame, strong ly constructed, six feet long $100.00 $19.00 Solid Mahogany Chair Strong mesh seat, broad and com fortable, pretty pattern .$15.00 $26.00 Arm Chair Upholstered in attractive denim, solid mahog any frame, a roomy chair $20.00 $11.00 Chippendale Music Cabi net Mahogany finish on birch, inlaid, well designed $9.75 $15.00 Rocker Mahogany finish on birch, genuine leather seat, strong and ooinfortable , ......... .Si 0.00 $26.00 Dressing Table Oak ve neer on pine, beveled oval mirror 35x17, curved front $18.50 $24.50 China Cabinet Solid oak, beautifully decorated," five firm and broad shelves $15.00 $20.00 Parlor Table Solid ma hogany, 36 inches in diameter, skillfully constructed $10.00 imitation leather cushion, high grade article $8.00 $15.00 Roomy Chair Mahogany finish on birch, genuine leather seat and back $8.50 $17.50 Chiffonier Mahogany finish, large commodious draw ers, splendid design $12.00 $12.00 Golden Oak Office Table Thick top 54x30, exceptional quality and pretty pattern $10.75 $48.50 Solid Mahogany Table Desk Three large drawers, strongly constructed, serviceable, $28.00 $8.50 Commodity Box Suitable for skirts, matting covered, bam boo trimmed, 46x20, 16 inches high, $6.38 $20.00 Mahogany Chair Plush seat, strong legs and thick frame, rare quality $10.00 $65.00 Dresser Natural mahog any and mahogany veneer, 46 inches wide, beveled mirror 34x29 $40.00 $21.00 Fashionable Couch Denim covered, lined with cedar, six feet long, strong $18.00' Tag Policy Insures Quality, and Price Choice Portieres f 16.50 HheU " Portieres Red with figured dado; per Pr $8.25 $ 4.50 Figured Ilep ortierr Tapestry border; per pair $3.00 $ 2.50 Figured Kep Portieres Van Dyke edging, pain Border; per pair 31.84 9 3.25 Armure Portieres. Figured border, pretty; per Par $2.17 f 8.75 Two-Tone Armure Portiere Tapestry border; Per pair $2.50 f 4.00 Kp Portierea Tapestry border, fine choice; per Plr $2.07 5.00 Armure Portieres Extra wide tapestry border; Pr pair $3.34 8.00 Rep Portierea Extra quality, figured border; Pr Pair $5.34 I 4.75 Armure Porleres Figured border, all colors; PW Pr $3.17 tll.SO Figured Velour Portieres Two-toned effects; Per pair $7.G7 8 8.00 Mercerised Itep Portieres Solid colors, tapestry border; per pair .$5.34 911.50 Extra Vuallty Figured Kep Portieres Appllqued tapestry; per pair $8.52 f 12.00 Mercerized Armure Portieres Van Dyke edging; Per pair $0.00 DOc Fancy Filet Net White and Arabian, per yard . 08 Curtain Nets 81.10 Fancy Filet Net White and Arabian, per yard 83 81.10 Fancy Filet Net White and Arabian, per i yard ....835 60c Fancy Filet Net WhlCe and Arabian, per yard .... I .. 45 45c Fancy Filet Net White and Arabian, per ' yard 80c Bungalow Net All beautiful colors, per yard 23 45c Bungalow Net Beautiful mission style, per yrd 34 65c Craftsman Design Bungalow Net, per yard ..49 75c White Antique Net Excellent grade, per yard 58 81.00 White Antique Net Excellent grade, per yard 75 05c White Antique Net Excellent grade, per yard 42 8 1.23 Colonial Net Allover design, very pretty, per yard 04 B5c Cream Madras Block pattern, excellent quality, per yard 42 65c Cream Madras Gothic design, good quality, per yard 49 45c Pretty White and Arabian Scrim Very at- tractive, per yard 27 Nottingham Lace Curtain? (WUU) ta.M sTottUfkaa X.aos Curtains per pair $1.S7 75o BTottlafbaa Xao Ourtslns psr pUr Mo (1.60 Mottlng-bam Xos Curtains per pair 91.00 IS.00 sTotlB;ha Siavo Curtains psr pair 91.94 Lacet Arabian Lace Curtains .76 Iaot Arabian X,aoe Curtains per pair S4.00 IrikOSt Arabian Iumm Curtains sale , pries SS.OO Xot Arabian Xrftoa Cuitalns per pair M-OO 6 00 X.ast Arabian Laos Curtalas per pair M-OO Beautiful Select Lace Curtains Curtains Nottingham Lace (Arabian.) 91. US trotting; ham x,ao) Ourtains per pair 844 ta.ts Wotting-ham X.ae Curtains per pair 91.60 99a atottlafham Laos Curtains per pair 870 93.00 IrottlAfhara Xao Curtains per pair 93-00 Marie Antoinette Curtains 97.CO atari Antoinette Zacs Curtains per pair 94.S7 9.B8 Karl Antoinette Lace Curtains par pair 9S.17 910.60 Marls Antoinette X.aoe Curtalas per pair 95.84 98-78 Marts Antoinette laoe Curtains per pair 97.00 Cluny Lace Curtains (Whit and Arabian) 97.78 Cluny L,aoe Ourtains per pair 98.17 99-80 Cluny X,aos Curtains per jmut 98.84 98.00 Cluny X-aoe Ourtains per pair 93.34 93.88 Cluny Lao Curtains per pair 91.80 Duchess Lace Curtains 913.00 Xtachess Xiao Curtains per psir 98-00 910.79 Duohssa X.aoe Curtains .... per pair 97.17 98.76 fineness Xaoe Curtains prr pair 98-84 98.88 Duchess X.aoe Ourtains per pair 9817 Unimpeachable! Good furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good. Miller, tewart Sr. IB atom Co. Established 1884. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street, Novelty Net Lace Curtains (Arabian). 93.38 Sfovslty Met X.aoe Curtains per pair 98.lt 93.88 BoTelty sTet Laos Ourtains per pair 91-60 98.00 Kovslty Vat Laoe Curtains per pair. . . 93.74 98.O0 Bovelty Wet X.ace Curtains per pair .94-00 Irish Point 'Lace Curtains 94.78 Irish lolat Zao Curtains Pr pair 93.17 98 78 Irish aroint Z.aoe Curtalas per pair 94.40 98.00 Irish Point X.ace Curtains per pair 8S.34 94.80 Irish Point Lace Curtalas per pair 93-00 Vi3