Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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American Association Decides Upon Four Trip Schedule; No Double Headers
Owner Decide to Make
Swings Around Circuit.
rantn Mill Opra April 12. with
Wriirrn I lahe Appearing an
Dmlfm t-lelu poahle
Header Honked.
rill'.'AGO. Jan. ' M. "hiving
:..n s re-elected preside nl of the Amerl-
bii Un" Hall a'sneiatliin at the annual
iin-nin It da; . He al?o will serve
.retail end treasurer of th organli tlon.
vlilc W Dliam ft Armour, owner of the
Toledo llua Bll Huh, will act a vice
.iridnt..' Th election of both officers
na uraninic,u They were elected for one
After the . election President I'hlvlngton
named a committee to draft a K-mf
h'rluK which will opfn on April 12. with
it., western club appearing on th eastern
fields. It tm derided :o book no double
headers In tin; schedule although post
poncd a men w ill lie doubled during th
easun. The pla.vlnc c.on. President
i'hlvlngton announced, probably would run
n weed or so loneer than the 1910 on.
Thi club owner drcldrd. after a heateil
ilrbate. to have eirh club make four swing
around the circuit instead of thr, thin
breaking up the schedule to three-game
serb and giving each club more game
t hom. The ilan of arranging a four-trip
xbrdule In an Innovation In bane ball,
rirclMi In the large leaane. a It has
been the custom lnr the Inception of the
Amrrlcnn nclstlon for each cluh to make
but three trlpa of the . circuit during the
season. ,
Pour-Trip arheilnle er.
'Adopting a four-Jump schedul will be
an experiment. '. ald President Chlvlngton,
Inn I believe It will be mora satisfactory
than If Ih club were to make only threa
inns It will give the learn more game
hi hom and lessen th number of traveling
.lay.. Wi ll .miking a trip, tha team will
nl .v be awav from home for from twelve
to sixteen dava. whereai'they were on th
road from eighteen day to threa week In
following the route of the previous ached
ilea." The plnn of Invading Chicago with a
-lull whs not discussed, although It had
been reported that an option had been pro
cured on the north side with the view of
niacins r tenm to flglu the National and
the American league cluhs In Chicago. Tha
American association 1 held to a ten-year
agreement with the Eastern league and
tlie National commlMkm and will be un
able to formulate plana for expansion un
lit the expiration of .the contract next
Managora or captain of team, who per
mit players under their charge to burlesque
t be game, will be subject to a fine of 130)
and fifteen daja suspension without pay,
according to a resolution adopted by th
lirector. .i
President Chlvlnglo,n. jiss been authorised
lo Inflict tha penalty for any Infraction of
thla rule. President 'Ch1V!ng-fon announced
that he would !u a call for a achedul
meeting In Chicago early In February.
' The presence of Hugh Jennlnga. man.
cr of the, ,.pfiOAt,arlcan league .Club,
at the nif ti,g (Ogugeil .a .report, the? tha
Milwaukee V;lub;waa;ftar.Tn"'- Jon, flrat
baseman for Ihe Pet roll team. The report
w-as not afflrnud by Jennlnga. V however,
who la on (da ,way .Vo "California with hla
bi Me. .
Wcstergaard and
Holler Will Meet
A ,, J. U-' 1 .....
Tentative Termi for Match at Omaha
Are Afrreed on by the
Tentative arrangement are being made
between Mr. Holler and Jess Weatergaard
to reMle, In. Omaha In the flr week In
Prhrinry."' On ir ' Thru-son, Westri ir.iard'
uianuger. ha hern waiting for a long
lime to spring this.
The two wrestler will have to go some
to put uT 4. Vtter 'exhibition than Omaha
saw the tllghp Weatergaard huld liaiken
chmldt off foe an even hoar, but as they'
are more evenly matched than "Hack" and
less, the crowd will ace a finish go.
At the present -lime Dr. -Roller has hla
hands about fun. tlc,1 scheduled to meet
George rsjoti In Lincoln, January XI and
then jump to Huston to wrestle Zbaysko,
the Pole. .January 2T. and he Is wanted In
loux flic by the promoters of that town
to help oul In a wrestling bout arranged
for February J.
When Weatergaard wa In Omaha laat he
sou eased a' desire to meet Holler as he
thought he 'could" throw the Kattte man.
"but I wouldn't wont to say ao," he added,
gtlft Hreese Pnslie Man? af the Craft
Serosa the Anneal j Sarlae.
i.f Ike Lake.
''boating started In strong In Omaha
Wednesilaj. ownerg who had not had thslr
boat oMt in two years hauling them out
and salllnB the rust off the runners. Me-n-l.eia
of the Rod and tSiin cluh and the
I'letx iluh ar many of them planning' to
build boats this winter, several crafts be
'iig In course of construction.
One r.f the most popular aporta of Caiter
Iske la to ao skating with glider, a big
sill whl.ti the skater holds In front of
htm and rocs shooting avroaa the lue. The
.me drauhitik to the apoi t is that It takea
some very scientific talking not to have
to tliav the sail back to the aide ' where
the Mind Marts from."
tHrsllt iimd I nrull-l nii I'olnta
Im Maximal.
low A CITY. la. Jan. I Special i
Iowa aimed 1 Ti tminis In the ' bv mail"
Intel volleaiate shoot with the I'nlversitv
of Mlsnoiul todav. hrcaklng the rerord of
I i .olnts of ear. held by the Maine
AvriciiimiMl ft lies 'I he personnel of the
boot follow.:
Name Standing Prone.
A. I. Ili'.eson tat w
I. R. I ."efler S. '
Lester "slierard 2 7
Vlacv Cumrhell i m
' William si ' sm
F. Hi n ns mi v
I. P Fllloit .. k !
I S l.rener It'i ;
W . vv. tlrtrsell , ' im
M V Pes ' M l
Tot.: I for tram !ir. V
l.rsad Ulaas) Rerslls Teaia".
' ' R A N I INLAND, Nb. Jan II ne-
Mat. I At a n-eeting or th Grand Island
Pas Pall as'o.v'alirtn laet r.'ght atp wers
a i- n to ornii for
'ciiib of ties hudwvrr
.estd.i.f ttote bv
Hie kiiik of sc.'urlng kv.
tii en dng ar.
nveniber of the
a i-e.iT i.rn iit
nw n.anaae and
tila.irrs fur tk s.-s.a -of I'll)
jRourke Aids State
Leaguers at Lincoln
Pretence of Omaha Magnate in Cap
ital Said by Deipain to Indi
cate No Deal.
LINCOLN. Jan. 12. t Special The meet
ing of the Nebraska tate league leader
In Lincoln yeaterdae adjourned after a
l.ort conference with President Pespaln of
the local club and "Pa" Rotirke of Omaha
with regard to plana for schedule making.
The minor league managers wished a little
advice on some of the more delicate fea
ture of schedule making. No .other busi
ness was taken up. the meeting being
alinply held to talk over arrangement of
President lie pain denied that Kourke
v isit had hsd any algnlflcance with respect
to players and stated that he bad merely
been In Lincoln to give the State league
men the benefit of his expert advice. Mr.
iJeapaln la confined to his home Thursday
as th result of a return of the attack of
grip which has been hanging over him U
w Inter.
Grinnell Walks Over
Players from Drake
Score of Thirty-Eight to Seventeen
Reult of Swift Basket Ball
GR1NNHL.L, la., Jan. 1!.-(8pcx lal Tele
gram.) The Prake-Grinnell basket ball
game here last evening was a hot one from
start to finish, ending with Urlnncll, 3&;
Drake. 17.
The lrake team was heavier, taller and
exceeded In reach. Grinnell was quicker,
had better teamwork and much ahead in
basket work. - Blutg waa th brightest Grin
nell star, with Hopkins g fine second. Mar
Icle did the starring for Drake. Lineup:
Mario le Forward HHits
Korward Hopkins
. . .Center . .! km
. . .Guard niiinstrom
Guard McKachron
Kesaler of Grinnell.
White Man's Hone" Finds
t'ilf Easy.
BARTLEPVILLE. Okl.. 1 Jan. 12.-CH
Morris of Kauulpa, heraloed aa the "white
man's hope" laat night made short work ef
"Spike" Kennedy of Kansaa City In a
scheduled fifteen-round bout, by knock
ing him out in th aeoond round. Kennedy
wa floored four time.
Morris toyed with Kennedy throughout
the short ' battle. Kennedy .' attempted to
bore through Morris- defense, and although
he landed some stinging blbws, Morris al
ways retaliated.
In the flrat round Kennedy reefed from
the force of Morris' onslaught and went
down. He came back strong. ' but did little
damage. They sparred fend 'neither seemed
In distress when the gong. rang.
In the second round Morris rushed his
man, landing straight arm Jolts with left
and right. Twice he knocked Kennedy to
the floor with single Slow. When Kennedy
tiam up the second time, on mere blow
put hint .out. Morris easily leaped through.
Martla Defeats Oattoa Faajr ly aad
Three) to Play.
FINEHrRAT, SN. C. Jan. U-ln thla
afttrnoon's final round of the eighth an
nual midwinter golf tournament F. A. Mar
tin. Ekwanok, defeated George C. Dutton
of the Oakley Country club, four up and
three to play, winning the president's or
first division trophy. In th consolation
J. V: Gardner ot Midlothian defeated C.
N. Phillips of the Allegheny Country club,
three up and on to play.
There were prises for the division win
ners and runners-up In all divisions. F. K.
Robeson of Oakhlll won the second divi
sion, R. C. Collier of Dunwoodle. the third;
t R. Huson of the Rochester Country club
the fourth: D.. M. Parker of Garden. City, j
Ihe fifth; Herbert CooksheW of Nasrau,
the sixth, and Bdwgrd Sornmer of South
Bethlehem. tH seventh. '
tl f Krt HMIDT Lotus MtTt ll
v . .1
Rasalaa l.lua Fall lo geoare "Ibree
Falls la Woar. .
KNOXV1LLF., Tenn., Jan. U-George
Tlackenschmldt, the Russian lion, lost his
handicap match last night with Albert Min
dlno, the Italian wrestler. HackenschmiUt
agreed to throw Mandino three times
within one hour, one flve-mlnute Intermis
sion counting against Hackenschmldt'a
time. The Russian won the first fall In
thirty-one and one-bait minutes with. a toe
hold and half nelson. He won the second
In nineteen and one-half minutes, with a
combination toe and bar hold. In the
minutes left him for the third fall Hacken
schmldt failed. During the last four min
utes Mandino had the Russian secure in a
head hold which he waa unable to break
Insi Man
Will Attempt
In ihroer
tflOL'X CITY, la., Jan. U.-tSpeilal Tel
egram.) Paul Dompke of Plpeatone. Minn ,
and Bill llokuf of Melvin. la., who ten
day ago In the seml-mindup to th )ack-emchmldt-Pardello
bout wrestled an hour
without a fall hav been matched to meet
In a f nish contest here on January Ml. The
match is for t:V) a side and Jb iter cent of
the gate receipts. Dompke concedes twenty-five
pounds to his opponent.
! Promoter Offer Fifty 'Ihuasaart for
j Flaht tvlth Kaafmga.
j CHICAGO. Jan. 12.-H. II Fraxe aim al
j promuter ami Jack Gleastm, who aided In
arranging th Jefrrles-.lohnaon fight. tu
! night offned a ure of IV) 0(0 for a twenty
I round fight between Johnson and Al Kauf
man, th san r raniisco heavv weight
be fought In London, coronation week
iromoteis exyfet to an answer from
i Jchnon tomorrow.
Ball Record Isaueal.
scalding s
official base ball record for
, 1.11 . ui urrn &.uuoin-u ana is at nv
put out. Two i.evt features have been sddeii I
I in the 1U Issue, the spa'dtng bate bull ball
of fame and the chart avatem The hall
of fame lontains the picture of the beroe
, of thed lain. .nd of isio and the charts show
how each stood through the whole season
j The chart are divided Into wek.
I Krroid of all the league for 110 aitli
! average a usual, are In the book. It alu
centain a compute storv of th worlds
jries "The r)r in Humi tall," a review
' hapiw-nlngs Is written In the recud
lT. I.Ol'IS
Hrvnsi Is lilt,
Robert lledae.
i -
im in' nigni. it aa I'lniiiim-el was
el, ted president of the Iiaie iwtun
i ua. rn craD nv Hit uiMiie-!.,..!,.,).
nitril toi.-tiie i.i.ed ? m g .rt,,t1
i ba tainooi trtly fallen ti.tu .b.
am' his a't.-rtiei e,,r.
r e-i ti mvinliig
witt) member uf the ;nrti at
Neither Wind Nor Weather Can Now
Stop Proffreis.
r roi
urine: Tsar of the Stale
Holris tonfah vrlth to
Neither wind nor weather can now stop
the progress of the new hsl! park that Pa
Rourke Is erecting for the use of the
Omaha fan In 1011. With all th work
that comes In connection with the ground
complete th cold snaps do not stop the
work In the least and It I certain now that
the park will be In perfect shape when the
call for the sprint: trsjrdng Is made
A new fence, two feet higher than th
old one has been built and the grading ot
I ha park Is completed. The cement grand
stand I under way and the contractor
promise by all that is holy to a contractor
that It will he done on time.
No plans have been determined aa yet
as to where the spring training trip will
lead the Rourke. ra considered a little
round of the town In the state might put
Ihe proper mettle Into the Omaha team, but
as yet no dates har been planned, except
the ones with the big leagues, the White
Sox on April 2 and 3 ami the Detroit Na
tionals on April 7 and 8.
At the prevent time Pa la still conferring
with Don Despaln at Lincoln, with several
of the Ktate league owners also In the
Confab. Grand Island. It Is understood,
want a mansaer to succeed Murk Helt
ser. who has signed up with Connie Mack's
Philadelphia Athletic. Pa and Prexy mav
frame It up o that Grand Island will get
that manager, and thrn Despaln la still
on the warpath for his own manager for
All the Town Attends
. Frank Gotch's Tieup
Humboldt Youn? People on Outside,
Where They Make Known
Presence Unmistakably.
FORT DODGE, la.. Jan. lU.-tflperlal
j Telegram.) Humboldt turned into a bedlam
last night for the Wedding of Its Idol,
Frank Gotch, to the 19-year-old daughter
of . Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Oestrlch.
Only fifty guests witnessed the simple
ceremony at the Oestrlch homn. but hun
dreds thronged outside and Just after th
ceremony an electric light current was
switched off and a fake fire alarm took the
volunteer fire company to the scene of th
wedding. The firemen atretched hoae Into
the center of the festival seen", hut ended
their Joke before water was turneil on.
' At o'clock, when an eaetbound train re
ceived the famous wrestler and his bride,
the entire town waa there to throw rice.
All small boys of the village are hoarding
dime thrown generously hy the ha tin v
bridegroom In his effort to quell discord
and serenade. Rev. Mr. Heir, the Congre
gational pastor, officiated.
It Is announced that Mr. and Mrs. Gotch
will spend the winter tn Chicago.
i -:.2't;ii..f
Filler Harvard Captain.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Jan. 11 Robert T.
Fisher of Newton Center. .Mass,, all-American
guard for 1910. Wa unanimously elected
tonight as captain of the Harvard foot
ball team for next year. . . i .
Gale Raging Along
Coast of British Isles
Hurricane,. Accompanied by Heavy
Snowfall, Causfi Number of
Minor Wrecks.
IONDON. Jan. 12. A ga.e or hurricane
force, accompanied at many point by a
heavy snowfall, broke over the Rrltlsh
Isles early today. Much damage was done
both on land and at aea.
Hug aeas were running on the coast
and many minor wreck, but with few
casualties were reported.
The bays were filled with shipping which
had sought shelter from the storm, and
exciting -enes were witnessed as piany
of th small craft dragged their anchora
and were driven ashore. The life-saving
crews were busy taking Imperilled sailors
from their hosts.
Seaside towns were Invaded by the high
waters and suffered considerable damage.
Telegraph lines were blown down at many
place Inland.
Man skt rialshes Time for Kmbes-
lemeat at Mooi Falls Takea
! WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. (Special Tele
'SlOrX FALIS. 8. D., Jan. 12. i Special.) uram l Army orders: By direction ijf tlie
A he atepped from the doors of the president. First Lieutenant Walter E. Pros
es, . , I tor Third field artillery, is detailed for
o.ou , aner jus. com-
pletlng a term for embexsletnent. P.khard
fnr nmhotalrimonr l- 1 hard
Ri e was rearrested and turned ov er
6herlff F. V. Wolcott of Belvlder. III.,
who had a warrant for his arrest on the
charge of etnbezxtement. alleged to have
been committed in that state. Rice will
be transferred to Illinois for trial. The
officers of the county in which Helvldere
is situated conducted a search for him
over a good part of the I ' lilted fltaies and
finally traced hint to the Sioux Falls penl
tentiar). and then wailed until he had corn-
j P'eted his term here
a I f U U 1 1 liiloxlcated tlaa Sets Fire
lo Hotel at Terry, South
Dm kola.
SKil'X FALLS. H. D. . Jan. 12-iSpei lal.l
The Keneflu hotel at Terry had a narrow
c.cao from destruction bv fire us the re-
I suit of an Intoxicated guest goinit to
I and tnklng a lighted rleclii.- light gluba
' to bed wltii him to keep him warm. The i
i smoke und heal aroused -another guest. '
tu who gave the alarm. The prompt i epon ;
i of the fire department and cltisen pre- I
vented the destruction of the building. Tb ;
! intoxicated man whose carelessness . .used
j Ul fU(, mf romuvl9i to p,y tor ,h, ,),.. j
age done. I
Pule tome Dow a al Heron. I
HI" RON. r V.. Jan. 1.' (Special. 1 A
I large force of workmen are bus,- stripping
! the wires of tlie Dakota tVntral Tel-phone I
I rompjii. from pule in the bi'slne-n parti
j f Ihe lit; and placlnn thm In under- ;
gicuud tubes. The company hat. alvi com- j
j listed the work of running wires into bus'- ;
nesa h.urs from th lear an. I in s ivv j
idavi ail pulra in. til. b.isinesu ae i in Hill
j he tk-.n iloan Autonntie phones ba e
been Ins'alled and i:i. e t.b einij.l-tHn of'
I the rouinsnv's new firi j ro'.f building. I
- which is one of tlie b-si einpi-d and ae- '
i tanged encbanges In Ibis ji.iri. uf ihe coun
u'', man" Improv en:en s ;n th" s-nt m
i bs Vi br-en ina ngiirnivd ' Al en' t V;" rtdtttne'
I ef rnani thousands uf d-illaia
Twenty Firemen
Hurt in Five Fires
Numerout Casualties Attend Series
of Blazes in the City of
New York.
NKW YORK. Jan. 11. Twenty firemen
a ere Injured, one perhaps fatally, and dam
age aggregating llW.Ooa was cau-ed by a
series of five fires early today. Fireman
teo Hackbarth fell four atorle down an
alrshaft and through a skylight in a burn
ing Harlem tenement. Physician aay he
cannot reoover. He was aitlng a woman
tenant to eacep when ha fell, but she was
not nurt nor were any or tn occupants.
Five firemen wee severely burned when
a liquor Ami drug importing bouse on
I'lne street caught fire and twelve were
Injured, five seriously. In a blaae which
destroyed 4 five-story building on Duane
street. Two small biases, one down town
and one In Harlem, caused slight injuries
to two more firemen.
II. K. Moseley.
LAKE CITY, ' la.. Jan. I'i-tRpeclal.)-
R. E. Moseiey, a prominent former resident
of this city, passed away Sunday at
Cherokee. The body was brought here
Tuesday and the funeral was held yester
day. Rev. S. W. Steele of Avon. N. Y.,
a forrqer pastor of the Ueceaaed. officiating.
Horn In Prlnrton, III.. In 1K12, Mr. Moseiey
came to thla city In ISM, and engaged In
the lumber and Implement buslneaa. He
also dealt In real estate. He acquired a
competency and was an extensive property
owner. man of philanthropic Ideas, he
wsh always actively associated with T.ake
City affairs. He IS survived by a widow,
a son, Fred, who 1 employed by the
Bankers' Life association of Dea Moines,
and a daughter, Mra. G. U. Pray of this
city. . I'-'.'
4 Inert C. tlerrick.
Albert C. Herrlck. aged 4 years, died at
his home. 3874 Corby street, at 10 O'clock
Thurfday morning. Mr. Herrlck haa been
falling in health for some tlm due to
spinal trouble. Mr. Herrlck was not mar.
No arrangements for the funeral hav
yet been made, a several of his brothers
and sisters do not live In. the city. He was
a brother-in-law of II. U Swen. local
manttger of the Associated Presa.
Mrs. Delia (U lleasley.
Mrs. Delia 8. Hensley, aged 68 years, riled
Thursday morning at the family residence,
80O4 North Thirty-sixth street. Mrs. Hens
ley has been a resident of the city for over
forty years. She Is survived by her hus
band and two sons, alt of whom live In
the city.
The funeral will be held Saturday after-
noon at 2 o'clock at the residence. .Th
Rev. Charles W. Bavldge will conduct' the
services. Interment will be In Forest Lawn
Mr. Mary K. . Osgood.
TEC'CMPEH, Nebu.,Jan. 12.-(peelel
Telegram.) Mary Krum Osgood, wife of
Dahlel F. Osgood, died very suddenly at
the family home near Sterling today. She
j d not ben
ill. - Mra. Osgood -waa aged
about 46 years. . She 1 survived by the
husband and , children. The family
formerly lived In Tecmmeeh and In Lincoln
Mr-, Osgood belng-J an - attorney. . The fiv
nersl arrangement have not yet been 4
made. .
Moks RrAder'.
BT. JOSKPH. Mo.. Jan. 12. John Broder.
a pioneer railroad builder of, the middle
weat. was found dea.d In bed gt bis home
here today. He was l years old. Broder
was a construction contractor for th Ohio
A MiaslsMi -1 when that road was building.
He also built portions ot the Ksnsas Pa
cific, the central branch of th t'nlon Pa
cific and the Ht. Joseph V Grand Islgnd,
Mrs. Joste C. Hearh.
Mrs. Joale C. Hascu. aged 4. wife of
John Haseh ,ot Strang, died at Immanual
hospital yesterday morning. Th body will
be sent to Geneva thlg afternoon for burial.
Opera lions at Bristol, ft. !.. Berned.
ABERDEEN, 8. D Jan. 12. (SpeclalA
Through the explosion of the gasoline light
ing plant the opera house at Bristol ws
set on fire and burned. A moving picture
show was being given In th building at the
time, and considerable of th paraphernalia
of the show ' destroyed. Within two
minutes after the explosion the entire east
side of the structure was ablaie, and the
firemen could not save It.
Constipation Is the cause of many ail
ments and disorders that make lfe mis
erable. Take Chamberlain's (Stomach and
Liver Tablets, keep your bowula regular
and you will avoid these diseases. For
sale by U deal-.
Washington Affairs
from a Staff Corresoondent.)
,,, ..ur.l cor n. vice First Lle.l-1
' n..t n t..,L. .li,ul
i tenant
Paul W. Hrek. signal corps, re-
to lleved. Lieutenant Prosser will proceed to
the presidio or r-an v rancmco ana repuri w
the commanding officer fur duty.
Flrat Lieutenant 'Walter C. Jones. Thir
teenth Infantry, la assigned to duty with
the algnal corps nd will proceed to Foit
Wood. New York, foe duty.
Flrat Lieutenant E. Alexia Jeunet. Thir
teenth infantry. Is assigned lo duty with
Company A. algnal corps.
First Lleufenant John A. Brockman. sig
nal corp. la relieved from duty with Com
pany A. signal corps, and will proceed to
Governors island. N. Y.. for dutv.
Bv direction of the president, Flmt Lieu.
tenant Genre A. Hell. Fifteenth Infantry,
Is detailed for service In the signal corpa.
vice First Lieutenant Charles I.. Willard.
: signal . urps. and will proceed tn Fort
Wood. New York, for duty.
, Major William J. L. Lister, medical corps.
now on leave. Is assigned to temporary
duty In Philadelphia.
1 First Lieutenant .lames B Van I loi n.
1 medical reserve corps. Is relieved from
I treatment at hospital, presidio. San Fran-
t mi-o. sun win firni eu ,o run ni.iiu,
' New Mexico, for duty
Leave tor four months' Is xrant.'d Majoi
i Pit i re ('. Stevens, ia master
r.. ..
91 ,
I amily Trau hinuilicil lj
I IJSj-J-S'al'fefflf)
("has. Mont,
1-tlU; ludf
(Continued from Third Patse
William Ftleren; financial secretary, l'erd.
Walter; recoidtng secretary. John H. Lin
dale; sergeant-at-erm. Theodore Gentrup,
trustee for thiee years, Anton Gentrup.
FREMONT The old fiame building tin
Main street which was badly damaged
by the about a week ano it is said will
not be repaired, the state fire marshal
havlnn dculded that It n.uct come down.
The bulldlna was built ih.iui t hlrt v-t .
vears ago and . at una time a hotel and
a well Known landmark. It will probably
be replaced by a substantial brick block.
M'COOK-The editor of the lntlianula Re
pcrter, James Pontius, was brought before
C. A. Rodger, clerk of the federal courts,
at McCook today under an Indictment re
cently returned against him by the federal
grand Jury for alleged postal Irregularltlca.
and wa.1 placed tinder JLTa bond to appear
before the next session of the federal court
In McCook to answer the charge, ilia bund
ilia bund
waa accented.
8F.WARD The new countv board met
yesterday and oriianlxeg for the coming
year. Three new members were elected In
November, belna Fred Idetx. In Place of
E. W. Nye In Heward: Louis Flnke. in
Place of Fred IVtsch. and Thomas Weert
man, in place of D. E. Ktutzman. Wllllatn
Uulck wa re-elected from his district, i'be
board Is composed of four democrats and
three republicans. Carl Sheeper waa elected
CLAY CENTER The Hoard if Super
visors of this county met In regular an
nual session yesterday. They oritanlxed by
re-electing Supervisor SohWenk of Harvard
as chairman. This is the fifth successive
term of Mr. Schwenk as chairman of the
board. Printing contract were awarded.
The Clay Center Bun was awarded the
prlntlnit of stationery and legal blanks, and
the Harvard Courier waa desianated as the
official paper for the ensuing year.
RKADRHA W In appreciation of tha
services of A. T. Glauue, mall carrier, route
out of York, the fjrmer Patrons on Ins
route left fresh meat, poik. lumb. sausage
to the amount of twenty-flv pounds, but
ter, eight pounds; several chickens, canned
vegetables and canned fruit and other fann
delicacies, besides several sacks of gmln
tor bis horses. Many other mail carriers
are recipients nearly every other day of
gifts from patrons who sppreciate the good
and efficient services of the rural carrier.
Lt'SlfTON-N. P. Ronne. one of the best
known successful York county farmer liv
ing near her, has moved to York, where
hs haa bought a modern home. A few
years ago Mr. Itonne rented a farm near
Charleston, York countv, and having made
enough to make a small payment on a
farm, he purchased! near here. The won
derful yield of all kinds of grain and the
remunerative prices made It possible for
him to buy more land and today he la one
of the large land owners who are able to
live and have all the comforts of life off
of 400 acres of land.
FLATTSMOUTH Judge Travis held a
session of the district court this morning,
and In (he case of the State of Nebraska
against William Recker, the defendant's
surety surrendered him Into open court.
RTlH ih lirlinn. m,a ,.ir-n n.ln.l tn loll
Mr. Becker Is the farmer against whom !
th county attorney filed a complaint,
charging him with receiving 100 bushels of
wheat stolen by Jack Crawford from II. L.
Propst. Crawford confessed to the crime
and Implicated Rocker, in whose bin half
the wheat was found. Crawford is serv
ing a five-year sentence for the crime.
BEATRICE Charles L. Sherwood and
Miss riosana Hralt were married yester
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of
the bride's aieter, Mra. H. D. Kllpatrirk.
Rev. V. A. Mulligan of the Episcopal
church officiating. A wedding luncheon
was served, after which, the younar couple
left for Pacific coast points on their honey
moon. Mr. Sherwood is master mechanic
for th I'nlon Pacific nt thla point, which
position he haa held for the last few years.
The young couple will make their home In
Beatrice upon their return.
FREMONT The board of auperviaors met
yesterday for their first session. Jergen
Larson waa elected, chairman by a unani
mous vote. Dr. F. E. Calkins was elected
county physician, J. W. Sexon steward and
manager or the -poor farm and W. I..
Houck Janitor of the court house, all old
appolnteea. The board also appointed
Chairman I .arson purchasing agent. A. .V.
Richer Than Cobalt
or Cocnr d' Alcnc
are mum of tb sllver-ll min
ing districts along the Una of the
Grand Trunk Pacific Transcontl
ne.ntal railroad.
A small portion ot thla terri
tory haa produced to data 160.
000.000 In cold.
Let ua aaod you fre of coat
th "British Columbia Bulletin,
- of Information," firing nynopsig
of tha land, mining, timber and.
other lawi and up-to-date Infor
mation of fortune-making oppor
tunities for investment.
It tolls you how you ran ahare
In th tremendou development
which la starting akng the Una
of three great transcontinental
railways that are opening up 30,
000,000 acre of rich agricultural
and fruit land and 50,000,000
acres of the richest timber, coal
and mineral land In British Col
umbia, known aa the Fort Gorge
district. Write today.
Natural Rsources
Security Co., Ltd.,
PauJ up Capital $160,000
Joint Owner and Hoi. Agent
Fort George Tawnslte,
ata Bower aulldtnr, Yanooueer, . O.
filetrlrt 8le Solicitor,
6 Hew Omaha witic-- Bank Building,
Omaha, .
Weak sud nervous m.v
lm find ihelr power to
work end youthful lKor
gone as a result of owr
1 exurilon rhuuid take
: l-ODI) PILLS. Tlies
ai Mini kire,. and i 4
eclk or menti
villi 1111 ke ; uu
'tun. iighiu
II rnx. I Huxes u bv Mall.
BEKMAX ft atcCOMi:i,I, MOO
Cor. 16th and Dortg Stret
Cor. lto mri rnjr at. Ouiatti
esiefjmyyre-w' wsewpiet .' v g .f. rai n j. mi 1
-taVw-T- ,,Mre .! a ej- M'W-fr-t-'' b m
Phones Velstri
peuilcni 11-lUtii,
Murphy to hair chaise of the Fremont
Platte" river biidue and .. T. Hector to
look alter the .Not Hi lien. I btldae. V 11
Mead will attend to issuing countv oidcts
for tin poor for the nevt vest. The r. vv
board is composed of ..ur republicans and
thi.e democrats, the same a for man
l'LATTSMOl Tll-.lolm K. l.cesli v. a nio
nerr of Cbk count v. died tmlav of luM ipi'i
V Inn a lad he worked with bis father at
the stone mason trade, and when be ar
rived at Ms majority be went into the
nursery business, plantlna twenty acres ot
tlie old homestia.l to nursetv slock, and in
this business be continued until his death,
havinif never left tlie T'ie sur
viving chl'dren are: Mis. Irene Ini.-als of
Aikansa City. Kan.; Mis Mabel and Karl,
residing with their nts Two brotheis
and three sisters survive, the brothers hr
Iiik. Albert A and William Lies lev of
Greenwood, and the sisters. Mrs. Smiili
IVvore of Greenwood. Mrs. Ilnltle KlnK of
lliistluK and Mrs. Ijizzlc Harris of i'rn
ver. NKHRASKA CITY The st.xkholders of
the Nebraska Cllv National bank elected
the following directors: W. L. Wilson,
How About
Coal Supply
In purity It lesds them all.
Ytui don't get slate, bone or
rock when ymi buy "Big
Muddy" coal One ton or
the "Hlg Muddy" will go a
far s a ton and a quarter
to a ton and a half of any
other Illinois coal. Lump,
Egg and Nut
Central Coal & Coke Co., of Omaha
Op?. Orpbeum Theater. Bo b Pfaonei: Bell D. 1221; Ini A-1695
-rr -. -v xnirZ
.1 s.
You Can live in the
Middle Ages
feel the Sigteenth Century through and through, as you
wander among the bastions of the old Spanish forts of
Florida, and Took up at the watch towers on the aifed
city walls of America's oldest city, St. Augustine. Vott
can revel lo the war scenes of four centuries, see relics of
the old religious strongholds, where Castillian monks de
tended their picturesque rnooas' ries against tha attacks
of stalwart Serainoles. Not far off are the scenes of our
owa Kpanlsh War Key West, Havana and Cuba.
Excursion Fares to Florida
Via Frisco Lines
These reduced round trip fares are now in effect via
Frisco Lines from Kansas City daily, ticketa being good to
return at any time up to June 1,
41 (0
West Palm Beach.
t. Augustine
0 0
U 10
41 SO
SI. 60
Homeseekers' tlckc. are also on sale the first and third Tues
days of each moulu Una tied tares.
The Southeastern Limited
leaves Kansas City et 6:16 P. M. dailv: one day and two
nights of rapid travel brings you to Jacksonville the second morn
ing. The newest, electric lighted steam heated drawing room
Pullmans: perfectly equipped observation-library car. Delicious
Fred Harvey meals. Iit me send you the beautiful Frisco Lines
booklet, and tell you about Florida and Cuba.
J. C. L0VREIN, . DUiti.s P.tMSftr Kgtmt
Jsaclie BsiMing, KaataiCily, M.
. ipiaaawsji iijiiag ! in tin wmmmwmmmmpitpmeemmmmrmmarat. t.gmmfmtrmma
--"-i:?-7"-."" LIJJ1 M -'xr-:-'-Itj"":
The land of the fabled " Fountain of Youth," of waving
palms, beautiful flowers, the bluest of skies and of per
petual sunshine. The ideal place for rest or recreation
during the Winter season. Numerous good hotels with
accommodations within the reach of alL And the trip
costs but little. I will be glad to give you full particulars
and forward a cop of a beautifully illustrated booklet.
Through service Chicago and St. Louis to Jacksonville via
Louisville & Nashville R. R.
The Attractive Way to Florida
ft. .bert Pavne. W A. Cotton, l-.dw In A
Duff. A. P. Stofford. N. Nelson nnJ II
l Wilson i bev tn turn elected tbe fol
lowing officers President. W. I Wilson
who has served In tlie bank In thst i-.'.eit
for the Isst tbtrtv-slx years; vice president
Robert lavne. and 11 1 Wilson, cashier
It belna his twentieth leim for that office
The stockholders of the Merchants Natlona
bank elected the following directors: H. N
.Miewell. James T. Shew ell. J T. Shew ell
H T. Shewell. George W. Ilomever and
H (I. Marttell. They elected th following
officer: . Ptesldent. M. N Shewell; V
president. James T. Shewell; cashier. U O
Marnell; assistant cashier. R. W Kelly,
Look for the tier Mle
On the parkag wiin you buy Foley's
Honey ami Tar for cough and cold.v
None guiulno without the Fee Hive n
r.iember lb name, Foley' Honey and
Tar ami reject any ubtltut. Sold by
a',1 druggist
A Guarantee of Huslness Prosperity
The 1'ee Advertising Columns.
This coal Is small, but clesn,
quick and hot. An Ideal low priced
coal for cocking and lieatlntf
srJWTTV?ITj "XT a""J w -WT V aTTTrn
The fuel that lst all night
cn be smothered until needed,
then a couple of hake and tb
house Is warm, while you would
wait for hard coal to get started.
No ashe to sift no eninke nor
dljt. Does not burn out flre-pols
or grt tea. Solvay Cnl-a costs les
than bard coal and aoea furtlvr.
No nser ever voluntarily return
lo annovlng coal condition.
PER TON $9.00
7 KSr 7sr'W w
3mm.. WH,r 1
1 "vvi
Si. Petersburg.
Hi land
. 4S 10
It t
41 10
P. W. MORROW, N. W.P.A., Qicago.
J. E. DAVENPORT, D. P. A St. Louis.