1 TTTK BKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. mil. LOCATION FIGHT IS RENEWED f Faetioni Developing at Commercial Club Alonj Sew Lines. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SELECTED Mom Woodmen Dilldlut Horn In Ion Farlflr Bs)llH"B Rlfrith rnmmlltM lrre Friday. The new ln-tlon of the Commercial club will blnrn altogether on the outcome) of election Friday of a new executive com mittee. . Thl question. Utterly contested it the lnf meeting or the old executive committee on Tuesday. 1" all dominating In the comln election which the newly chosen board of director will conduct. The fluht I a stand-up. knock-down. (Iraa-out affair between advocate of the Woodmen bulldlna and the Union raclflo hulldln. Tb old line of division, the i.ihhina fsrflon on one Hide and the antl Johbers on the other, are aomewhat rubbed cut now by the new question of Isstie. be . uie some lobbera are for the T'nlon Pa cific bulldlnf wrt onie retailer are for the Woodmen building. Tuesday last . the attempt to declare finally and absolutely In favor of th Woodman bulldfnK was beaten by the mar Kin of two vote, the ballot standing 12 to 10. Thla Tuesday's contest developed sore spot which, have not yet healed. Saver I late are being prepared for vot ing Friday,. NEBRASKA BANK WORKING ON PLANS FOR NEW BUILDING tart nn , A million liniDlini g rrmr m k j Qajartrre Mar Come oon Old llalldlnar Remodeled. Huns are' being Vomplcted by the archl tert for an addition to the home of the Nebraska National Hank building at Twelfth and'Karnam streets. The Plans rail for remodelling of the present quar ter and' the old building throughout and will Involve an expenditure In the neighbor hood of Hn,frrt. Woik may be begun In a few week or It-may be delayed until the spring Either alternative la possible and a decision will soon be reached. The present building ha a frontage or I K'4 feet and the ground to the wet I the same width ao that the whole building, I when, the addition I completed, will have j a width of forty-five feet. It la of fun lot depth. Is Is planned to occupy the new half while tiro' old half 1 being' remodelled. New ela.tor service will be Installed. VILLA B. SHIPPEY, RETIRED SCHOOL TEACHER, IS DEAD Un a Teacher In Ike Omaha Pnnllc schools for Thirty-Two Veers. Ml Villa . a Shlppey. for thirty-two H eiii' leai iirr in ine uuiana puulic hool and for the last two years ' nn the retired pension list, died at her home at Oowanda, ("attar annas county, ! New York,' Wednesday night after an 111- nr of some duration. Mis Shlppey started to U ach in the Omaha public schools In 18", j and after two'yenra In the grade schools.! became h (earlier In the High school. 8he i was a teacher In the Long school when I rellredV Many Hon and daughters of for- nrer pupils of .Ml Shlppey were later In her school classes. WARNS MANY FOR CRUELTY Omahn II a ma no fcorlrtr Report Shows 52ft Notified Darin Tear to ' ' ' Mend llehaTlor. According to the- annual report of Hu mane Officer Wooldrldge. 6iS people In Omaha were warned against cruelty to dumb beaata and nineteen persons arrested for fulling to heed the admonition. 'I ho Htimano soety w ishes to extend Its work even farther, but finds that It must have greater in funs In order to do so. Wlih thl end In view the society has en gaged 'the- services of J. W. Van Noa li and aa solicitor, officer Wooldrldge' re port I ark .follow j 1 111 LaiKn animals destroyed Hmnll 'ariimnlsrdHRtToyed Animalx ordered from work or to barna ibt Animals ordered liod 3 17 Klaiiki-i.t ordered a Harnesses ordered repaired 1411 Annum Inspected (excavations, cir cuses, etc. 1 1,K1 New collar ordered 45 Adir)nnthei fur cruelty to animals 6il Arrest for cruelty to animal 1st Convictions , 13 Complaints dismissed 2 Amount of fines $01 Inning the summer montha many horses were given water. Several were sent to the veterinary. Since the cold weather several . barna have been repaired. A ttrliabl I'uusb .Medicine. 43 a valuable, family friend. Foley's Honey, and Tar fulfills this condition ex- ' actly. Mr-, Charles Kline, jf. 8th St.. La ion, I'a,. ' slates: "Several ' member ' of my fsrnlly have been cured of bad rough and colds by the use of Foley's 1 Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle In the house. It soothes and re- ' lleies til Irritation In the throat and loosens, up the cold. I have always found j It a reliable cough cure." Sold by all drugglata. FURAVS' BOND NOT INVOLVED Matter1 llefore the School Buard In. teresta the Hank aa a De pository. ' Reference to a request of the First N- ! tioiiu.1 bank of Omaha to the Omaha Board of Kducatlon In connection with the banks! wish to bu released from liability on a bond was made In such awkward shape : that it gave 'he lniprclon that the bank seek to be. released from the bond of ! Treasurer. 1'rajik A. Furay. The facts are! that tlu bank baa replaced one bond aa a1 ueponliory bank with another, and asks 1 tu be released from liability on the first. The boiul In question Is surety for the bank and nut for the treasurer. rHrd f resiasla" Is neer written of those who cure roughs and cold with Or, King's New ldacovery. tiusranlw d. iOo and fl. For sale by Bea ton 1'ryg Co. IRRIGATE ON POWDER RIVER r Wyomlwn I'roieet ' til Pot Nearly Theaeand Kqaar KUfi I ailrr fiillatlt. A new Irrigation project, thr.i will -later r.'Z qur miles of farm Wc.d r.j been aimed In the Utile Powder river .alley In W jomlng. C, W. Barney ia promoting the projec t and plana td Irrigate the land by dan.nilng up a portion of the river for the Lao of ih Jaud lying along th right bank of il. About 60, U) acre of land now use- lea except for graxlug wiil be made fit furj cuitlv ailon. SS333BS3M 1 iilsWIWlF,g ITTI nl I VmTTr i - - - PJatnr 07 1 Bale of rue Coats. GREAT SALE OF REMNANT One of the Most Extraordinary Events of the January Sales ' Every day of January Sales is a bargain day but Friday's specials will be the most remarkable of the entire month. We will clear away many remnants, odd lots and short pieces at prices that are just a fraction of the real value of these desirable goods. FIVE NEW CASES OF THESE IMPORTED Dress Goods Samples Bargains even better than last Friday's collection. The pieces all match up, as many as 12 of one kind, for skirts, waists, misses' nnd children's dresses, etc. strictly all wool goods, in all colors for ftf j ilfT easy selection on 5 bargain ! 011(1 Zf)C squares, main floor, at, each. . . . 'lieii her child la In danger a o:,an will riK. her life t protect it. No reat act uf heroism or risk of life U netetsiy to protect a chilli from croup. t;i t'!iaui uerlain'K Cough- Kerned? and all danger I - avoided, fur aale by all dealer. All the Shorter Lengths and Single Pieces from this 1 ftp stock in one lot, in basement, at, each J.vC THOUSANDS OF REMNANTS AND SAMPLE PIECES ALL-OVER LACES Plain and Fancy Nettings EACH Lace Insertions and Appliques all kinds black, white, ecru and colors U to 1 yard in each piece big bargain square. Thousands of Sample Pieces of All Kinds of LACES and NETTINGS at lc EACH. . Remnants and Odd Lots of Fine French and German VAL. LACES and INSERTIONS Also Piatt Vals., Torchons, etc.; at, yard 2V2c 18-inch Wido EMBROIDERIES Flouncings, and corset cover widths, also medium and wide edgings nnd insertions many worth 'Joe a yard; at, yard skirtings 12ic Special jJanuary Bargains ' IN THE BASEMENT V Fine white dimities, single and double strine.s for exinmsive waists, children's I - a checks, plaids, wear, etc. fine India linons that are '20c values white madras in jacquard effects beautiful white lingerie cloth many of the per fect lengths resemble imported white fabrics regular price U0e and J3c yard special, at, per yard VliV 'V a, 10c 10c 1, o n g Cloth, luuctt wanted chamois fin Uh; never washes yellow by the bolt or yard, bar gain square, at, yard Sasement. New light and dark. Dress Percale Rem nants, waist , and dress lengths; on sale for the first time at, yd. 5? 6 7Ht and 8l'i Basemert. New 27-lnch fancy Dress Ginghams; all new patterns and solid colors, in desir able lengths,!! , r2C Instead of 12V4c yd., at Basement. Short remnants plain and fancy silks, also mercerized poplins worth up to 25c and 60c a yard: 4 st abort lengths, I Elf" A V V at. yard . . Basement. Pillow Caiei, made from tubing, the same quality would retail at 22c a yard; size 4 2x36 and 4536 ln., each . . . Basement. 15c Printed Drapery Swiss remnants, in various colored designs on sale on big bargain square at, per yard Basement. 5c January Linen Sale Extra heavy full blea-:Cxtra large Dinner ched Table Damask, and Banquet Table 72 inches wide, $1.00 (Moths, worth up to value on sale at , $18.00 on sale at, yard 69 I each 10c Huck Towels, large sUe at, each . 5? 20c Turkish Towels, extra large sire, very heavy, long white fleece, at, each .15.k $5.00 Hemmed round thread German Linen Pat tern Cloths, 8-4 size, $2.25 values at, each $1.50 50c Pure Linen Guest Towels, scal loped or hemstitched, each 25? All our Barlow & Jones of Manch ter, . England, imported Bed spreads, worth $10 at, ea..$5 SPECIAL CLEARING SALE In Our Basement Clothing Dept. Boys' Woolen B o y s' Knickerbocker Hoys' $1.(X) Coidll , , . . ,1 Suits and Russian . , . . Knickerbocker Sult8 worth up t0 roy Ivmckerbock- Pantsat 35c $2 50, at . . .$1.00 r Pants at. .59c Young Men's Over- Men's small sizes, only Children's Overcoats coitts, sizes 32, 33, 33 to 36 coats , and and Reefers, sizes 3, 34 and 35. worth to Vests, worth up to 4 and 5 only; on sale $10.00. at ..$3.50 "-&Q. t ...$1.Q8 t a-980 BRANDEIS STORES E:traa ma mm m mm mm nmm m m n naivrm It "If v" ll'l "f "nmplnu done In our Art Keedle 1 1 1 M I Work Departmeot. We change pntiern to suit 1 W P rr lw ntoniei. J LwSw Special Sale of SILK PILLOW CORDS-Art Needlework Dept. Main Floor Three yard length silk pillow cords finished with ta.ssel ends our regular 5)c values (these cords are soiled) special at, each 15c Great Sale VI omen's Fur Coats " NEXT SATURDAY , We bought the entire stovk on hand of a well known New York maker of furs who took a big loss in order to get cash. All are up-to-date fur coats and we will sell them Sat urday at bargains that will be the talk of Omaha. I : R H M B I ifl B B B R H I H its 5 B P H B B ii Our January Discount Sale of DINNERWARE SETS AND PIECES Begins Friday Morning 20 Per Cent Discount CilVKX ON AM, OPKN STOCK r A TTKUX8 --Comprising our entire stock of beautiful American and English seml-Porcelaln. German, Austrian, French. Haviland China and Enftllsh Bone China. lOO-1 Mere Dinner Sets ait H to i Ilrtlurtlon Every set complete. These sits will not be separated, but sold in 100 pieces only, beau tiful set at S9.50 SIO $12.50 $12.98 $14.98 " $17.50 About l.OOO 011 I'lcves of Dinner Ware From butter chips to a large platter, at HALF PK1CK AXI M.8S. These pieces are displayed on special tables. k 1 r I r i i C c : c fl B M B fl Friday toe Offer the Greatest Values in Ladies9 Winter Apparel , Ever Known to Our January Clearance Sale. 911 J L We place on sale 25 long Winter Coats, made In U C10CU dark mixtures; our regular 10.00 coats none n IA sold before 9 o'clock 1 Q dale Friday, choice, at One Hack of Tan Tweed Coats and Dark Broadcloth ffr Art Suits; our regular $15.00 garments, Friday JIUU Choice of any Wool Coat, either black or colors, worth t 4 - A A up to $45.00 now I1I.VV All our Velvet Suits that sold up to $36.00 $1ft f 0 now 7 Aw v FUR SETS at Half Price; 'SSH-iSnS , v.l choice of entire stock. ues at $T.50 SATURDAY January Book salt, D Xnx n1 Standard Tolnm, Bpaoially prlcsd Januaty 'sal of Man's High grade shirts. A January Sale of High Giade Undermuslins Speilul llargain Friday Kvents. Gowns, Combination and Skirts, worth $1.35 and $1.60, all of the very' choicest materials, Friday, at: 89 Corset Covers and Drawers, our regular 25c and 36c gar ments, reduced to 152 Gowns and 'Drawers in beauti ful patterns and very service able, sold the year round at 60c and 1 5c a' garment, Fri day, at,'" each 3J) Women's "Vlannelette Gowns, the choice of our 85c grades Friday, at 59 Princess Slips, in whites and colors, our regular garments worth from $2.25 to $3.60. choice, Friday, at $1.75 Friday Embroidery , Specials Embroideries worth 15c a yard, at 5 Laces worth 12V4c a yard, at 3 4 5-inch embroideries, worth 75c a yard, at 39 !7-lii-h embroideries worth 60c a yard, at 25 Venice Laces, 16c and 20c values a yard, at lOt? 6 Big Friday Specials Knltt'il Mufflers, Joo value. .180 Musri Handkerchiefs wortli up to 15c, at. each 3c Ladies' Kinbrotdersd Kai-k Kid Ulo.-es, $1.50 grades fur $1 18-Inch f'luny t'enter piece. (stamped) f 1.50 values for. .76c 8 and 7-lnt li Hand C'roi het Dollies. each 60 Ladles' Black 811k Hose, summer weight, bOc grades, per pair, Friday, at , 890 85c 150 Best Quality Corsets Greatly Reduced, Friday, at These hemitlful model are all new, In Coiilil or Batiste, with I he extra km klrt and trimmed with lai'e, equipped with double hese supporters' aid luiilt upon very durable boning. They come In all nlr.es and fit perfectly "the average f!gi,re. Nowhere can you find a more Serviceable corset for $1.50. Friday for an Introductory sale, your aize at SBC -L Bargain Friday Shoe Sale X.ADIEI BED ItOOM SLIPPERS All, silk knitted in bronxe. blue and ...40c ilDIXI BS ivva nixjr r M.M.B 1 1 1 biik Kniitea In br wl ite. xtra aoid turned lPHther sole, sixes 2 to 4 onlv. our reeulur 41 alippnrs, Friday, at, per pair 93.00 tADIIS' HIGH S&OUB All our $3 00 Ladletc Weltod Patent Colt und dull leathers, shfes In rloth or leather topa, either button AO i is or lac-e. remarkable $3.00 values, Friday, one day, at QS.OO TEI.VET AMD SATIK tlOIl, 95.00 ARD 96.50 TAX.UES EBIDAT AT $3.89 We offer for a Friday special your unrestricted choir of all our high grade velvet nnd satin shoes, all styles and last-4, from fO OB our $5.00 and $5.50 lines, at PO.OU JAQAIW rIDAT January Linen ale Bleached Cotton Twill Crash, extra good quality, CV4c tsooas, Kriday a special at, per yard. . ; 4J 17-inch Unbleached Linen Crash, a genuine bargain value at 8 He a yard, Friday, special, at, per yard. 64-inch Mercerized Linen, assorted patterns, a remarkable value at 60c, cut for Friday's special, at, per yard 39 5Ht Table Big bedding Specials TOM PRIDAT Full Bed sUe Comforters, Sllk ollne covered, our best $2.50 regular quality, Friday spe- . rial- t $1.49 Good sire bed pillows, sell reg ular at $1.29 per pair, a gen uine special price Friday, at, each 50? Remnants of all kinds of dom estics at special prices for Friday, all done up in rolls, with prices and materials on ticket. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Ueniiett's Capitol Flour, sack. 91-30 Hennett': beat I'oftee. $ lbs.... 91 tKtlK large salad bowl. Teaj), assorted, per iu 680 Kit KK 3 sauce duties Tea .SittliigH. lb. k ISO Blu labul 'utaiip, pint boltie ao Ami 1 u 1 1 1 1 ltennett's t auitol i't:per, pure, U- lh. can luO And atnmpa jSpectal Offer Kitnon uke cookie per II- iao Maj'lelne, bottle aoo And 10 sian.p Ulieraidelli t hoi-oiate. In. can.. 33o And 10 utainp bar Beat 'iCm All Soup for. . . .860 Virginia S'ii I'lies.-. per lb...88e And -0 stamps Cream Cheee, rer lb 8&0 And -0 slaiups W'H'ker Chill Con Carne. to ca 1 for 80c And 10 stamps Muiaroni, ttar and crescent, 3 pkgs for 8!o And 10 stamps l'eanut Kuit-r, Jars for 8O0 And 10 tamps HulleJ Keacs with el.icken, 2 cani for 860 Lima I!ei.n w ith chicken, 2 en for only 860 lUnmond f 'ryital Table Salt. ! ar t for 10o And 10 fttanip r, h New Navy Heuns 860 Hoiihle stamps on u tr nnj Hut-lerlnj rem PKXOAT AID IATVUAT SPECIALS Hartley' t'ure Currant Jelly, per Jr BOo Hartley's Marainalada Jelly, per Jar 160 Monarch Cut Asparagus, large run. for only 85c And 20 stamps Fould' Maonronl and spaghetti, 6 packages for 850 Seeded Kaitdi.s, I -lb. pkg 1S'0 And 10 stamps Dennett's Cspitol Oat. 2-lb pkg. for only I'o And 10 stamp Knlder's Cat-np bottle for 33c And 10 stamp 30c jar Tfa ilardeu r'rraerved Fl for . 99 Snider' 8nlad riresatng, per bottle for 850 And 20 nmps Hennett' Capitol llaklng f'owder. X- lli. ran for 91 And 100 aCimp Candied I'eel. assorted, per lb. .8S0 And 30 tamp Gllletl Mustard per inr 10a And 10 stamp Kpp'i Cocoa, Vi-lb. can 14a And 20 Iiiihiii Cbr ItoneleH Herring. Jars f' only fe And 20 stamps Sliced Ileef. larae Jar 94c rH in s'mp rns ittdd MedaJ rnni for. . . . 9e del'lard' Pure CMIve fll. ou-"-- can 70 H.noe't'w r'scltol Pure Maole Sv" V-g ill. " '-s i for Qrt - i i ii B i P P P 1 i i B ii R P P Pi i Pi R k i I i a i p P P B i P H i p i i & p p. rasj P B P P i i FRIDAY IS .REMNANT. DAY BARGAINS IN EVERY FRIDAY. pip DON'T FORGET OUR CLOTHING SALE. In Our Famous Domestic Room See our Sixteenth street window. Comfort Frlnts, Amaskeag and 32-lnrh Scotch ginghams and 36 25c per yard, all at. per yard . . . . 12lic Outing Flannel, long rem nants, per yard 7V4 10c Outing Flannel, long rem nants, per yard 5 12c Tluck Towels, each..7'i4 10c Huck Towels, each 5 2,000 yards long remnants un bleached sheetings worth 7ic and 8 He a yard, at, per yd.,5, 10,000 yards of 6 4c Brown toweling, at, per yard. . . .2H B0 pairs of 11-4 strictly all wool Brown Blankets, regular price $6.60, at. per pair $3.75 60 pairs of wool blankets worth $5 a pair, on sale at, onlv per PIr $2.55 1,000 remnants of Crash worth from 8e to 2Sc a yard, at about half price. 20.000 yards of Indigo blue Trints. Whtttenton Ginghams. Abberfojle's inch percales, worth from i He to 2ViS 3V4S 5 "! 7 Keninants of Linens From 2 to 4 yards In a piece, worth from 2.r.c to $1.60 a yard, at per yard ...19c. 26c, 39c and 49 Your choice of any Tailored Suit in the domestic room, values up to $20. Friday, at $5 $1.00 Outing Flannel Underskirts, siies 36, 38 and 40, Friday, at eh 30 Ladles' Black Capes, regular $6 values, Friday sal price, at only $1.08 Just 18 Raincoats left that sold tip to $6, Friday, at....$2.f5 Children's Bear Skin Coats, sir.es 2 to 6 years. $5 values, Friday, $1.75 Ladies' All 'ol Sweaters, white, brown, oxford and cardinal, reg ular $6 values, Friday on sale t ....v $2.45 Five Dig Drapory Specials All short lengths Rnd remnants, Scrim, Nets, Swiss, Madras, etc., Fri day, at, per yard '5 All Nottingham Curtains, values up to $2.98 per pair, Friday while they last, at, each 40 All odd pairs Tapestry Portieres at exactly half price. Bungalow Net, white and ecru, very special for Friday sale, at, per ard .... .12H Silk Fringe, all colors, regular 16c values, Friday, per yard 5 Remnants Wool Dross Goods Henriettas, Lansdownes, Twills, 8erges, Broadcloths, Suitings, Fan cier's Batiste, Nun's Veilings, etc., at about one-half of original prices. 50c White Unlaundered Shiris 10c Men's and Boy's white unlaundered shirts, Blackstone brand. List of stees: 12, 13, 13, 14K, 18. 18. All to go at once all perfect and warranted linen bosoms. Special price for Friday.. Men's 75c Underwear at . , 25 Men's Extra Heavy Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers, all sizes from 30 to 46, special price Friday at, each 25 Men's $1.60 Underwear at 75 Ladies' 60c Outing Flannel Skirts, each .i.2H5 Ladies' Winter Weight Vests and Pants, white, grey, ecru, all sl.e worth $1, Friday, at 35 and 254 Children's Heavy Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, worth 60e Friday. st 25S lO- 10 Men's and Boys' New Spring Patterns in $1.60, Shirts.' all sizes, at OD,y 400 Special Notion Sale I'YJday Is the big Notion Kales In the Domestic Room. 200-yard Machine Thread, per spool 1 All sizes Cotton tapes, per roll , .'."!!!.. li Best Pins, per package ; !!!.'1 Needles, per package "... ,T. 1 i Pearl Buttons, per dozen and2Vt All staple and fancy notions at about one-half to one-fourth regular price. Now Spring Foulards 60 pieces, all silk Foulard, in the new spring shades, Old Rose, Re seda, Delft Blue, Brown, Tan, Wisteria, Navy Blue, King's Blue, pretty designs in large and small effects, Friday, at per yard 55 3,000 yards fancy silks. Messaline, Poplins, Taffetas, Peau de Sole, Checked and Novelty Silks, all descriptions, worth 76c per yard, spe cial for Friday, at. per yard ftnd 20 Black Silks at greatly reduced prices. v 36-inch black Taffeta, Chiffon dress quality, worth $1.00, Friday, at Per yard 1 3C-lnch Heavy Rustling taffeta, worth $1.25. Friday at. yard. . . .fcO 86-Inch bleack Peau de Sole, special value at, per yard bl HAYDEN'S MAMMOTH GROCERY DEPARTMENT Will Save You From 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent in Your Living Expense: SPKCIAI. FLOUR 8ALK Flour lias advanced 2ic a barrel. We wsnt vou td try a sack of our High est Patent Flour. Nothing finer ni.ile. and every sack I guaranteed or your money refunded. For thl aperli.l sale we Alii continue to sell It, per 48-lb. sack 91.30 20 Ibt Kest Granulated Sugar. . . . the 9 barn Diamond C, or Heat 'Km- All soan frc 26o 10 lbs. Host Rolled Ureakfaat Out meal for 2.o 10 lbs. White or Yellow Cornmeil for l Ro 6 lbs. !ood Japan Rice. 19c 15c pkg. (Seidell Rod Macaroni .. 1 0c Bromangelon, Jellycjn, or Jell-O per pkg 7Hc 1 lb. cans assorted Roups 7c BUTTER JS DOWN. Trust prices busted, our aim Is to bust all trust prices. Fancy N). 1 Creamery Butler, per lb 2o .Frncy No. 1 Palsy Hutter. per lb. 2Sc ancy No. 1 Country Butter, per lb .... i "7o Fancy No. ! Country Roll Butte'rVper 2 lbs. good Butteriiie'.!'!!"!!'.2So HIGHLAND NAVKbS, THK GREAT ANTI-TRUST ORANCSK. bweeteat, Julrest and richest flavored orange grown, aale price, cheaper per dozen 18c, 0o, XJ and 30& rreith Yeg-etablea at Xaydea'S. Is the talk of Omaha. 8 bunchea Hothouse Radishes 5j S bunches Hothouse Ieaf Lettuce.. bo Large Head Lettuce, each )k0 yKl, H1- Turnips. Carrots and Shall its, I bunches for )0o Old Heeta, Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips. Pr lb m0 Fancy Cabbage, per lb l i!B Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoea, per lb., t IVio Fancy 1-lb. Boxes Hothouse Mueh- r"'ns 3Bo Hubbard Pquash, per lb lVo Large Grape Fruits, esoh ,,...Ro 1 S TRY HAYDEN'S 13! llltfl PAYS J ii ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS ... . . , ,1 . ft- A. H All correct lorms in current social usage engraved in me dcoi manner and punctually delivered when premised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD T. ,OT 0 Do'Aa m mm.m a or COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Dee against other local papers inv respect of quality as xvel) as quantity of timely news and interesting articles from day to day and The Bee superiority will be demonstrated.