Till; r.KK: OMAHA. TIT-SDAY. .TAXIWKV 10. 1f11, 7 fa 4 EVERYBODYoRISADS BE,--, WAMT A D 3 9 o ..- c; 3 2js M X v. il OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Hoaaee mm Klttin ntlaaed. ?12l LOCl'ST Ft. 7 roomii, hot water heat ing, stable. Key next door east. 1. Mc Eachron Realty Co. MOPERN l-room hou. strictly first clasa. 117. ill N. th. Key t corner. FOR RKNT. IIG.uO, No. IV N. 16th Bt.. 1 large rooms, partly modern. Mi.oO. No. 2iu0 Rahler Bt., i rooms, gas, toilet and electric light. I j). 00, No. ort No. Kith Ave., t roonn, miMlern, except heal. IJ&.00. No. i.M0 No. 2Sth BL. I room, new and strictly modern. PAY N K IN V tSl'MENT COMPANY. Doug. i;m A-11M. Wars block. S-ROOM modern house, very fine. 2i2 tewsrd. Plrsl class home. $17 llnncp ln all parte of tha pity. 11UU3C3 Crelgh Eons Co.. Bm Bid NEW house, six room: modem. Caldwell street. Rent. $-'7.iA. 1316 N. OTll, rooms, strictly all modern. C. ti. Herring. tU Omaha Nat 1 bank Hldg. S-ROOM3, 6TIAM HEAT, $.a Winter, tJ2 Summer. Steam heat, hot and cold water, window shades, ku range and Janitor services furnished. PAYNE SLATER CO. Sola Agent. 6th Floor N. T. Llf Bldg. 'l'hons Iouglas 1016. Stars ssd Olllees. IN new building, comer of 12th and Far nam streets, an entire floor. 44x132. Suit able for Jobbing or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger and freight elevator service, fee J. A. Freeland, ilia Karnam street. FOR RENT Office room. 23. located ea top floor; facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault; rents for 3 per month. THE BEE BUILDING tUlll'AKl. Lai go Store iJoom good for pool hall or large warehouse: also large basement. Apply, E. Jacobs, 1815 Burt St. Phone Douglas 62s. FOR RENT Large atore room, lth and Vinton St. $14. C. M. Hacliniann, 486 Fax ton Rill. Tel. R. KJt. Residence. D. &. OFFERED FOR SALE Fa rat tar. REMOVING! to California, furniture of 10-room house, very cheap; moat nearly new. good ' quality, in good condition; ar ticles sold separately or together, as de aired. Must be sold st once It Interested call If. 3:4. or 10C6 Park Ave. FOR SALE A complete aet of new furni ture for 7-room house; extra fine furniture;. Including parlor, dining room and library sets, with kitchen and three bedroom sets, at 27i Howard. Call It. A. Woif. 4 Pax ton Blk. M astral Iaatramea ts. ONE style U Gibson Urand Harp eJultar in excellent condition at a bargain. Have two Instruments. Call or address 811 No. 23d St. Tystawrttera. BUT an L. C. Smith at Bros, typewriter. B F. Swansea Co., Distributers, Ult Far Bam St. RENT an Oliver Typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 29 1. REMINGTON Typewriter, will take $12 50 Mimeograph, 66. Address 341V Hawthorns Am 'I 'hone Harney 2'X2. BAKGAIN SALE Typewriters, all makes. H regular prices; greatest bargains ever offered. B. F. Swan son Co.. 121 FarnajQ St., Omaha. uttu,d just Jusy.oXji jeii-uasuAj, sjiuj lju4 Pios ajaijaX pusit-uxujSd HlMtlUSfSSh About 40 feet of tvlnch diameter No M gauge. galvsoUed pipe, wtth (our 4-lnctt tluows aud T. This was used for vantilat ing purposea. and pip U In gooU cunditiua in iiN Publishing Co., IHh and sarnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. W lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; . easy paymenu. i.iUiu.n.K-ikiM'-CuiiaudW, w b. luui au SAFES Overstocked with second-hand sstea, ali aiaaa and makes; baraiua Aiuar- Kan g i. j. ply Co. liie sarnaia aL WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink baireia which w will sell for 60 osnt ach- They ar fins for rain water or aJ2. call at press room. B Publiauing Co. DRY kindling, t. loaJ, deld. Web. 6M7. UN's handsome mink Call Duuglas MM. sague for sale. FOR BALE At a bargain, furniture for 4-1 (wm cottage, complete: snsp for young i arried couple; will rent houir. t all Sun Cay afternoon, 6ii N. 30th. or 111 S. liih t. laier. i MUST sell my black lynx fur set. shawl collar and large muff, shirred satin lining, Like new. N-bkJ. Bee. BALED bay ln carload lots; our own rais ing; Iowa hay. Ersklns Jc Myers. Room .14 New Omaha Natl Bank Biug., Phone 1 ouglas 1W4. OSTEOPATHY Ai.ce Johnson, 306- Brandeia Theater bldg KATHERVN NIKOU4.8. 634 Brandeis T heater. PATENTS D O. BARN ELL. Paxioa Llk t'sf. 4 7111 W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In V. K Pat. office (U .i tiuu bik. U tjtt PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Grlpr. rheumatism, ui ugieM treatment Dr Margarita Haliu.'tui. Nevlli Blk. 1. 7761. THE SALVATION ARMY o'.lrlt cat-off rlothlng In fact. anythli.g you do not need a collect, repair and sell al 134 N lit St , for cost of couecliou, ta tne aortliy poor. CsUl phca Dougias C .i.j tuui will call. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies fur adoption. Good Samaritan Saal urluai. 7 1st Asa. Council Uluffs. la. o o e asoeooooso DR. FICKE3. o e 724 17 City National Bank Blcig o o Begs to announos that ha has enlarged o o his dental office, being ton teller o s thaa ever equipped to gHs th excel- o o lent dental ee.lo-j for which he I o we.l knoan. o If your teeth ar aensltlv and yoj o o wih a mot detailed knowledge of o a gentle, modem operative mettiods. o o send stamp for bia book, ".tie Gen- o ti Art of Painlessness in Dentistry " o sooaoausoooouao (!l?4VIl View Maternity home, prtvai llv U honia for women during con- finemtnt. Add re Box 117. lorenca 11- r turtnte Prof. Dinijian JiiandcU Theater. D PERSONAL tContinued. PI TPTfTIJ !"' Plies, etc, cured; no snlf: UU1 IUIUj tock fre German Docloia, UO Uroadway. Council Bluffs, la. TOUNU WOMEN coming to Omaba as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Komeni Christian Association building at Kevenleenlli street and ft. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitabls boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our traveler's aid at tha Union station. TBRATORY MASSAGE Dr. Rittenliouse. n Old Poston 8tora. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 130 8. lUu Open Sundays from t a. m. to 13 p. m. " OMAHA stammerers Ina.. Ramg Bldg. STRICTLY rrlvate Christian fnnflne ment home; best tare; babies lor adoption. Davenport. PRIVATE maternity bom. Mrs. Dr. King 134 North 14lh BL Wab. lilt, ind. b-im. TREATMENTS at hotels or resldeneea. Neuropatny. Swedish movement. Massage and magnetic chiropractic. Pnona B-Ufa, Dr. Hansen. WIGS and toupee for men. ' Griffith. 12 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. fcUFERFLCOCS UAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no loss of time, no Injury to the skin, work guarantied; lady attend ant. 219 McCague Bldg., li.lh and Dodge. c; t,0 from combings. 11.60. Mrs. & OWllCIJeSMalineWa, Uk Paxton blk. UIM DR. BAKER. MEDICAL OFFICES. Expert specialists diseases of women. Con sultation and examination free. 210 8. 14th St., Corner Douglas, Omaha, Neb. MASK SLITS to rent at LIEBEN i. TIT? RTTTK'TJ' Specialist. Diseases of JJJ.V. 1J U LVIVX., mf,n nd womi.n N k. cor. lCth A Douglas. Omaha. Call or write. I AfJVF.TTn treatment. Mm a. Smith. .U.-iU.MillO m & third floor. HINDOO strengthen. TABLETS will build, toe BELL DRUG CO. brace, f A v5J AfJF! treatment. Mrs. Steele. Ill MiVOOAUJZi 8 mh 6t f u noor room j. BATTTn aIt (low and massage, 16o AAXio Dodge, 2d floor, opp. post office. Mme. Allan of Chicago, Doug. 7&A WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machlnea. Ind. A-1663; Douglas 1662, NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lath and Harney tils. MAllWTIl TREATMENT. E. AUiMjIIbroTT, m B. UTH 8T. Adellght hair food grows hair; aee Mme. Frayer. Mrgeath bta'y Co. 16th Farnam. DR. EfJUERS, private confinement home. 1516 Martha St.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas (MRS SNYDER has opened massage par lors In Tha Dunaany. room 6, Wth and Pierce Sts.. where she givea salt glow. Swedish movement, vibrator and radiator treatment. Phone Red 410. AN I'P-TO-DATE young gentleman stranger In city would Ilk the acoualnt- ance of a refined lady for company. Please address D. aw. Bee. POULTRY & PET STOCK Screenings. $1.2t per 100. Wagner, M1 N.I6U1 FCLL dozen of brown leghorn full blooded roosters. 1402 N. 27th. Phone Web' ter 3579. ROSE Comb Reds; plenty cockerels, $2 to $5. order egt;s now, $2 per setting, $5 per lud. H. C. W alker. Tel. South 4U. BARRED Plymouth Rocks, finest lot of cockerells I ever owned, also some fine bleeding heni and pullets. Write for ptlces. 8. C. Ahlqulre. 27a Meredith Ave., Omuha, Neb. Web. 3t(. PRINTING Lew W. Kaber, Printer, 'fiv BEE BLDU. ENTRANCE! ON COURT RIEfl-HALL Ptg. C lot B. 14th. Ind. A-t< PHONE IND A-a for good printing Lyngktad Printing Co., 16tb and Capitol Ar. MILLER & JAMIKSON, 1312 Dougla Both phones. 8t REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust eompaay, banded abstractera 1714 Farnam SL PETER JESSEN. Jr.. Co. Tal. Doug. RKAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO. Est. lSM;promp service; get our prices. XM Brandeis theater REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fif teenth floor City National Bank Building. CITY PHOPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE Seven-room house, modern also furniture and piano. 'Phone Web. HA. S R.. $4,000 K30 Burt. Tel. Harney 2496. To Exchange for City Property 7a acres choice land In Monona County la una half cultivated. 121 acres all choice bottom land in Iowa, 5 milos northeast of Omaha. It" acres Atchison county. Missouri, well improved, all tillable bottom land. 1 acres rilend!d orchard. 240 acres Atchison count v. Missouri; al bottom land, most of It good. A fair s of impro tmeuts. 7 acres fine orchard. oO acres timber. "i icrri unimproved, near Council Bluffs. Ia.; would make a good fruit or truck farm Will exchange one or all to suit, or will ell on easy terms. ERSKINE MYERS, 714 New omaha National Hank Bldg. Phone Douglas lia4. $800 ill buy a 4-room cottage near th and Crurr St. MK'AtiUE INVESTMENT CO. la Dodge St. 15 on $7,250 A real bargain In an investment property, 10 blocks west of loth and louglas; cor ; 3 frame flats, mo.lern. J. N. SNirEH, Tel. R. 2157. Cl Paxton Blk. $2,900 Six-Room House MODERN, birch flnt.-h. 30th and Marcy; half block 3 car unes. Harney in. W ILL SACRIFICE one of the finest scant corners on West l'arnam Hill oner goine sway; must sell HICKS REAL ESTATE I'll, Tel louglas 3714. it lid. Trade Bldg. "for sale-Two lot, ujxieo, on sou t a Pith bt near Vmioa. ail special taxee paid Will sell as on piece or divide Wuung to sell at sacrifice. Apply at fc2 Souia S.l nl GOOD 6-r. bouse for sal by owner. Doug'as lwl REAL ESTATE C1TT PKUPKI1TY l'OR IllH rat BALE fur apartment house at corner of I3d and Nicholas Stx. Fine lot, corner Sherman Ave. and Wirt street. A choice stock of hardware and fixtures Invoicing about ts.rtio. The stock is In a splendid town and doing a good business In eastern Nebraska. A drug store In Council Bluffs. la., which is clean and up to date, with good fix tures. Price $3. laree and small farms In Iowa. Nebraska and Missouri. Farm mortxaees. Rcveral ranches worth the monfy. The bet improved large farm within thirty miles of Omaha. ERSKINE & MTERP. Room 714 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1..34. Bungalow $4,000 t-rooms. Just N. of Dodge on !uth; unique; a little different from any you have seen, available to Farnam car, or walking dis tance. Owners must sell. Harrison & Morton FOR SALE Good house, all modern ex cept heat, nice lawn, cement walks, fruit rees. Kood outtmiunnRB, etc., anil two ser-s of good productive land, in l'aplllion. Sarpy County, Neb.; suburban linn to tie completed In spring. Address Box JOS, PapiUlon, leD. FOR BALE House 7 rooms, water, sewer. toilet, etc.; nlca trees and shrubbery, S31 South 21st SL SIX-ROOM modem cottage for sal oa aaay terms by owner. 2124 Miami St. -ROOM modern house; best of locations; one and one-half blocks from car line. Price. 14,0110; on ea-sy terms, or will rent; also barn for rent. Douglas 1208. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH tAJID FOR SALE For Rent Acreage. FOR RENT Ideal Dairy Farm on West Center and Sixtieth Sts. Large bam, 67 by 100; good house, w acres ot pasture; long lease. N. P. Doda & Co., lath and Harney. 20 acres with house. Harney 647. Arlioas. FINE land can be bought cheap, gome government and relinquishments; beat water in Arixona ana me rinest climate. A r pies and other frulta grow to perfection. For particulars, writ Wlllcox Realty Co.. Wlllcox. Aria Arkaaaava. 6W-ACRE Improved farm, adaptable to rice, cotton, corn, alfalfa; good locality; $15 per acre If acid by Jan. 1st. Rare bar gain. For s ter AV Saunders Co., Pin Bluff. Ark. FOR SALE At a big bargain. 6.500 acres of rich bottom land, above overflow, In southwest Arkansas: about 4.000 In cultiva tion: 600 acres deadened and ready to take In; good storehouse and stock ot merchan dise on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell for 23 per acre and give a bar gain In tha personal property. want to sell an to on purcnaser. no agents need appor Address A, W. Mills. pin Blull. Ark. ARKANSAS FARMS Big Ust; special bargains; sent free. Writ today. Captaia tuggs. Fayettavuia, Ark. Calif- law SAN JOSE Incora Horn Orchard. IS.60 6 a., adjoining th city limits ol San Jose; assorted fruit orchard, pay HuO per year; two good nw cottage; rent for o0 per month; mill and tank and ail outbuildings; land adjoining sedlng fol I1.0U0 per a.; best proposition In th stafa J. M. NELSON. 24 N. 1st St. San Josa $X $' down; 10 acre good lavel land. 4 mile from Merced; adapted to alfalfa fruit, etc; 1 mil from school; small housa sheds, aster right $l,tuO t4co down; xo acre good level land. 4 mile from Merged; adapted to alfalfa, orchards, etc; water right. i. E. KUsaELL. MercaA. caL FOR SALE $70 to $ per acr: ' cash, balarc lung term; th last of tha big rsnches to be colonised and In the greatest irrigation district In tha world, where escft land owner has equal right to watar and It never gives out; rich, level, sandy loam; grows from i to 1 crop alfalfa yearly; dairy products called for eacU day by tn four big creameries; no laud anywbei near so cheap, any where In district, wth doubl In value In 3 years; Investigate this. Turlock Garden Laud Co., Modeatu CaL APPLE land at $& per acre, on easy term, 10-acr tract. near Glenwood, within 76 miles from S. F. ; when cleared of brush worth $la0 acre; splendid soil; good road, plenty of water. John Dubuls, Glenwood. Santa Crux Co.. Cal. SIXTEEN successive years of good crops make northeastern Colorado wheat lands the best offering before Investors and horn buyers today. Prices advancing, but one crop soil paa for the land. Write J. B. Relnhardt. Sterling, Colo. 7H-acre tiact. or part, plenty of fruit; a'.su suitable for chicken ranch; a bargain. If taken st once; cioe to car line. Call or 'phone Roland A Huffman. P.eal Kttat Art ada. Colo. GARDEN SPOT OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY. Vow Is the time to net readv and bur a choice garden tract for next apnng; have a choice lot to select from. Snm good Lsrsains In ranches, cuicken ranches Call on The J. R Harn Really Co.. ils Main St.. Littleton. Colo. FINE relinquishment for sale, in Crowe Creak valley, Colo, clone to town; good water and fine sol; lei el. In fall wheat; all fenced nd fifty acres in sen or trede for good Omaha Income property. Address. Box 50. Carson, la Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well selected property in Florida but ar sure f quick and substantial profits. W'e have u.any good properties for colonisstion. fruit ai.d vegetable land and Improved farms. Pop & North. M Atlauuc National Uauk Bids . Jackaonvlila Fia. Gear a la. FOR SALE How Is this: A lot 6Axl4 feet In a progressive city, and 40 acre (arming land, all for $juu, on terms of 114 cafeh and $16 monthly. Addle. K. i Tboinas. J2o River road. Columbus. Ca. llltaola. FOR SALE Best 600 acre stork grain farm la state; K. R. atatlon. store and alavatnr an farm: invil road: win k... rlosest InvesUgatlon. pries f lOu Out) M. A, Brock. Clasna Park. HI FOR SALE Corn farms; $63 acres in Bu reau county. Illinois $li2 SO; c acrea OK county. $0. O. A. Holuiaili. Aurora, li: FOR SALE Or exchange a splendid JJ i as good is l! loa land and far belter act wheat farm In Manitoba most fa ; 1 climate. Write for better descrip'lun it. eied district. Ii"r town and ci.ool VVhar'E 1-j.urgeon oner. OWlhe. Kan. Itoi ou lo ofter? W. IJ. rergusoa. La I Clans. III. I K-Ai'UK alley ttock farm near Ubi Iseva. FARM LANDS It ACRE FINE PRAIRIE LAN D. Situated 4 ra les from s good countv seat town in North Dakota. Every foot tillable. ill trade in a town dwelling to amount f $L6mI to $2,000. Add teas Lock Box ill .e Aibiu. I REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAMII I, A Ml FOR AI.B Iowa- rontlwaed. HEIRS MI ST SELL. Elphty-acre farm two miles east of Coun cil Bluffs. A good place, well Improved: 4" aires In cultivation; 12 acres alfalfa; about 10 acres good timber and 12 to 15 acres bparins; fruit. Owner has sold $!."') worth of fruit In a season. The fruit aione. with good care, will pay for the place In a few ear. It's a good farm for any pur pose. Worth the money at SI 10. MclEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Tearl St. Council Bluffs, la. TWO IOWA FARM BARGAINS. To close a partnership and enable our Mr. Secor to move south, we offer up to March 1. l''U: 240 ACRES, one mile from town, best Im proved, cl aneM and Wst farmed farm ln northern Iowa for only $195 an acre, pos sesion March 1. lt ACRES, four and oni-half miles to good town; small improvements; an acre. Easy terms. Secor & Sparks. Buffalo Center, la JWI CASH AND $10 PER MONTH buys five and one-half acres of fine Garden land, two miles of city. No buildings, but nice bulldlnn site. Four acres in alfalfa which cut sixteen tons this last season. No other land near the city on such terms and It s worth the price. $1.1"0. MctSEJd REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Tearl St. Council Bluffs, la. Kansas. CRAWFORD county, KanFiis . Farms: tD acres Imp.oved; bargain. $15,000; easy terms, tf and 10, also 6, 10 and 16 acr fruit and poultry. For particular writ Geo. W. Strlckler, Glrard. Kan. Do You Want a Good Kansas Farm? Here It is: 640 acres, one-half new land which heretofore has not been cultivated; ha good Si-room house, well built; barn 40 x60. with cement floor, also numerous other outbuildings, all In good repair. This farm Is located In Cowely county In southeastern Kansas, within 3 miles of good railroad town. The owner of this farm Is of ad vanced years and unable to properly work the land, hence he hvs decided to offer the land, together with about $7.0ue of Uv tuck and farm machinery, at a bargain. 0'Neils Real Estate Agency lao.". r ai nam St. Both Phones: BelL Tyler lu-4. Ind., A-J31A 640 ACRES, ml. town. New six room house, barn, sheus. 340 plowed, balance fenced pasture, all smooth, tillable. Rural route, telephone. Good road. soli, neigh bors. Crippled with, sciatica, cause for selling. -a per acre; time If wanted. E. W. Albright, Brewster, Kau. DRESS your face in a smile. It won't catch cola. Now s the time to "swap" farms, ranches, city property or nidse. Hoi ' bargain for "coldT days. PrK and describe your propositus ov. R. B. Wads won th, Gauien Clty f . - 160, TEN miles from Emporia; 130 culti vated; bouse rooms, one two room?; good barn; alalia, clover, timber; school twenty rous; $x0. J. T. Burton, .uipiia, Kan. 370 ACRES alfalfa grain and stock farm, rich bottom land, one mil Cherokee county, Kansas; offered short time, Ms per aura. Act uuick. E. J. Volaw, Wichita, Kan. 400 ACRE grain and stock (arm; im proved; 3 mi. as market; -oj acres bottom and upland crop land; springs, well and river, $46. spec.ai. ileiuer & Hustrup, Man hattan, Kan. MR. RENTER Bargains ln west central Kansas. NIc luO acre. Improved, 3 miles station; easy terms; $J,au. 341 acres raw laud, $U.3uu. Ed. Ewing. Dm hum, Kan. S,3w ACRES, solid tract. 4 sets Improve ments; 2 miles town, beet son; can t b duplicated In slate, $13. Best terms. Kansas-Colorado Investment Co, bcutt city, Kan. $28 ACRES wheat, corn snd alfalfa land, southern Kansas, 6 miles county seat; W acres wheal. 30 acrea alfalfa; well im proved. Price $oa. L. L. Klaer, El Dorado, 760 ACRES, well Improved, adjoins R. R. town ln southern Kansaa Alfalfa, corn, wheat, stock and fruit farm. Price $j0,i)u0; best of terms W. 1. Carter. Sterling, Kan. Loalslaaaw FOR SALE Louisiana orange and fig tree are money makers. Will aell you 6 acrea of fertile land with 100 orange and fig trees bearing In 3 years tor montniy payments; win culti vate and take care of trees and pay tax tut . j . k , m , .w .it.. t'tiD lUMjauiccu, trees this reason in this section bav netted from $a to $10; Inducements on larger tracts. For further particulars address A. J. Godard. Abbeville. La. Mtchlaaa. FOR S, ALE 12. CM) acres ef unimproved fruit and farm lands in eifcht township in iase, osceoia anu ju.uu iruuuura, men Igan; formerly hard wood timber lands situated in well settled country; title pen feet; sbstract furnished. Representative at Land Show and at Hotel New Southern. where sample of soli and products are shown. 11. w. Marat, owner. Maa tslec, Mich. FARM BARGAIN. Best fO-a' re farm in Mich.; black sand loam; 14 blags; 1 mil from town; net early earnings ia.ouu. H.' Arbogast. blooiu liei d. N. 1. yi lamriula. 640 OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIE at $13. Tnni 1", 1 iMj hardware and Imitlpnipnii ! uOQ bu-ldlnss for farm to match in ,un i Wu. Auriau Minn. FORECLOSURE SALR OF LAND Ws hsve over U.cuO acres Minnesota land to offer at foreclosure price, about one-half value, liberal terms; part or whnie. gran I epportunlty for retailer E. W. Taylor A Sou.. NaL Uer.-Amtr Bank B.dg , su Paul. Minn. l'OR SALE Best cut-over land In north ern Minnesota and Wisconsin; t. 75 per acrs and up; farm, umber and iron lauds. Jona U A. CroaLy. iji Palladia Bicg, Duluin, Uina. l-OH Ktl C KT TIIR OH'NKH -1 B ,rr,l In Mower county. Minn.; well Improved, all ! tlhable. v milea to tuo. ha. I mile to school. U miles to Iowa I nn. Price. $?C per acre btth A. Cheney, Grand Meadow, M.nn. Mlaaoarl. STOP! Don't go a step rurther than Doi-glaa Co. disn In the lieautiful Oxai ks i Raise anything; corn, m to hj pusheis per I tire. a. i ether crp 111 piupurtion, cheap- ! goud land on earth: $.' to 1-5 per acie Free irif orma.ion. Glob iteal Estate Co. Ava, Mo. FOR SALE 720 acres splendid Vernon Co. iMo I stock and grain farm; every acre good, pienti ;t water Price. $o0 per ai re. I non JH , eil unurotru. .ouu ion. a.-a. r. ft, 1.1 luo-aiie pasture, several springs, $1 Tern.s, no trade. Ed '-' Bauuian. e.4 boiutnle &l, c-pruiaf leid. Mo. 90 ACRitS AND 40 ACRES IN OOOU old Cas county; so mlies from Kansas City; tolh wail Unproved, fine back UiuESta I land: pargaiu. lliukt. , pr acr; goon id ma ta. V. Buidciia Garuau City, 11a i REAL ESTATE FARM AXD KACM I.AM FOR 9AI.fl M laaoarl Cnntlnaeit. lflo ACRES 6 miles to town; good, level, well drained land; on mall route and school house on one corner of tue farm; i-room house, new; tarn 3Pxi; hog and tow house; windmill, plenty water, about t acres umber. Ibis la a good place, price al iui per acre. D. E. CHCTCHER. DrexeU Mo. HALF INTEREST, laid with sine and Webb City. Mo. 40 act e farm, under lead. 1. Cbaptuaa, M1SSOUH1 BARGAINS W'e have a larte li.Kt of Improved and unimproved farms In south Miasouri, ranging in price from $4 up to 540 per acre. Call or write for d-script on. WAliNEK t: WILLIAMS, 442 Be P.ldg. MISSOURI LANDS ror sale, W acrea t I (Ml acres; term and prices to suit pur chaser. Writ for particulars W. M. lie vena Clinton. Henry Co.. Mo. BARGAIN lo-acr farm; 4 miles frora Warsaw, Mo.; 26 acres cultivated, balance pasture; near school and church; price 11. (Mi; ternis easy. Audi ess 1. u. Owu. V. arsaw. Mo. A ebraaka. 1.MTROVKD farm of about 300 area In Colfax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, W acres in wheat, lays close to town. U. P. R. R. runs through th farm. Pries. $j0 per acre, would take some city property. L N. Hammond. i32 Board of Trade. FAliM BAKGAJNS l.WB acrs Kimball county, Nebraska, 4 mile from good railway station, all good farm land, some Improvements. Fur quick sale, $14 per acre. W cali. bal. L t and 1 yeara Warner & "Williams, 443 Be Bldg. FOR SALE 4O0 acres. A bargain for somebody. A good, improved stock or dairy farm; $J7.00 per acre: have over $i.u0i worth Improvements on plaoe; 6 miles frora R. R, town: basement louse, 24x31'; kitchen 12x20. Basement barn 44:Hi; and many other hulldlnns. Three wind-mills. Hood soil and plenty of good water. Telephone and water works ln house. Write or see owner. O. Rottman, Box S3. Sumner, Neb. North Dakota. . SKI ACRES Stutsman Co.. N. D., clear. for good residence, clear, in Des Molnea Price of land $W per acre. 640 acres, well tmprovea, Jo miles from Winnipeg. Manitoba for Income. Price. $.' per acre: mtg . $4,500 equity. Lock Bog 7j5. Spirit Lake. Is. Oregos. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. 60 seres only $00 00 per sera Address L. D. Oakea. Gaston. Ore. 'Texas. FOR SALE Forty acres next to Rav- mondvllle, Tex. W. H. D., 1J0O Eagle St., Le Mars. Ia. BEST land In Wisconsin: any slsed tract: wholesale prices. Grimmer Land Co., Mart. beet.. Wla ORANGE orchards near Houston are big Investments Our five-acre orchard ar sold on easy monthly pavmcnta. The Alvln Japanese Nurseries adjoin and their ex perts develop and care (or our orchards three years. Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Fedem! Land & Invest ment Co., Houston, Tex. ARE you seeking Independence? Then come locate with us on a ten-acre farm, close to Houston, Tex.. In th balmy gulf coast country; you are close to markets and can get rich by raising winter garden truck, and by developing -a fig and orang orchard; with ceitaln yearly income; sev eral hundred of us have formed an "Iowa colony" and are funning here; you can buy a faim among us lor 1j a month. Wrlta me today for particulars. G. I. Huffman. Manvel, Tex. TO exchsnge iro seres good level farrs land. Oneida county, Wisconsin; near railroad and town; country rapidly settling up and prices sdvanclng; price $1.S0. clear; want good sound young registered Perch eron or Belgian station, to weigh no lea than 1.600 pound and a sure foal getter. Addraaa Lock Box 603, Rhlnelandar Wla $16.75 PER ACRE buya 6.738 acres richest Nueces river Irrigation land, southwest Texas; Invest. nent or colonisation; $!6,uo0 developments. Part cash; forced sale, rar est opportunity. Wire or writ Immedi ately, Jes. F. Wolfe. Trustee, liao N. 1 lores bt-, San Antonio, Tex. Waaatacton. FOR SALE Cheap, 10 acres good land, about 1 acres slashed; good well, new pump and shed; for $si0; mile to Sheri dan dock; 16 minutes' ride to Bremertoa. Address Box sis, Bremerton. Wi CHICKEN RANCH. Five acre of good aider land, partly cleared, near good road, good new housa and chicken bouse; 60 laying hens, ducks and a lot of p.geona, two ruilea from good new town, near boat landing: ten ml lea from city of tu.uOO people. Price, $s00; $3o down, ba ance $10 per month. See Mr. Morrison. tii Bond bt, Everett. Wash. TWO 6 acre tracts, fronting on Lake Che. Ian, Wash.; 3-year-old winter applea. fin soil, fine lake, fine climate, fine fishing and boauntc; low price to close an estata Address W. H. Norri. 47DI Ulh A vs.. N E. Seattle, or C. P. Bennett. Lakealde. " a3 SNAP 5 acies. siibirrigRted. level. Al apple land, near city limits Spokane. $.t"J0. Audress owtur, E. Z.'ti llarUon Ate., SlJ kanr, "ah. Wisconsin. COME TO V1LA3 COUNTY. WISCONSIN Good land cheap and on very easy termt form $: to j an ace. 40 acres for $10 DOWN AND $li A MONTH. No Interest, no taxes, insurance clause In the contract. Fert.le eoil, plenty of rain good road, good maiketa. good schools sol tnui che. tend for map and book to Dept I. Q. F. BAN BORN CO.. Eagle River. Wla A BARGAIN. l-arr farm Mock machinery and all for f" , small payment conn, to seres under t!o: new modern seven-room bouse; lw mile from MauMon Wis ; act quicK. Ad dles R. M llltniShUU Wesitiy. Wis FOR SALE "hesp. good Inipioved tarm. H uoti. half down, t aiance eay lm.. ceo. la Mauston. Wis.. R. t. UluelUsrass, WANTEDTO BUY There aie thou.ssnds ol people In Iowa that want to buy farms Improved snd ua lirproved in settled and unsettled districta Tie wsy lo beat ivach tl.eui is tnrooxri th ria-s:!:ed pages of flic Di.j iljiN'Lj CAPITAL Ave.age circu.anon last uioots 4 ila cuoleft. 1 uL. jwied for Ueitl, j ai ai De Mo nes. la, uv Lata touug. SEVEN-ROOM house. barn. ch.cken bouie. 1 a''r:-r In fruit. 4 blocks to car. ; 3.7uO; a!o & acres in alfaJfa at 11. sou. I lhee are bar, a n. 1 mu.it ell, ir.ov.ug . to i olorado. inquire r oai.tr, 4t,th and ; Grand me H. prior. I - - ' IOWA farm of ai res. nar Mallard: fine soil, fiiir mil rovements. rtl I led. i fond outlei; price Minnesota frm of ( ;j, B,--rs in Al.r countv; fii,,t kind of ., d , . , . Jrilini l im provements. Address owner. S. A. M.ddle ton. li: xter. Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 tn $:o,( mad promptly. F. Wead. Wt ad Bldg , lit a aad 1 arnaav REAL ESTATE LOANS tContlnued.) Good 6 Farm Mortgages alwas on band and for sale at amounts from .) to $3,010. BENSON & MYEHS 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. GARVIN BROS., Id floor N. Y. Lit. to $iuu,t.i on Improved property. No delay. LOW RATES. BEMI6-CARLBERU CO, Co-312 Brandeis Theater Sklg. LOANS to home owaera and home bund rs. with privilege of making partial pay u.aol semi-annually, W. 11. THOMAS. C8 First National Bauk Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Pay n Inveaunent Co. CITY AND FARM, JOHN N. FRENZER. WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam SL WANTED City loana Peter Trust Co. tM to $6,000 on Omaha homes O'Keer Real Estate Co., lull N. Y. Ufa Douglas or A-Jlal REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED everywhere, all kinds of real estate. Write now. Owners only. Box 764. Enid. Okl. SWAPS HAVE some first-class Improved Irrigated land and cash that I want to exchange for merchandise. No trading stocks considered. Address V 705, Bee. WE exchange properties of merit. H. U. Culver. U3-S13 N. Y. Life. Douglas 766k ONE brand new No. TO Colt acetylene gas machine and gaa ranga to trad for good hogs, orws or chlckeua 40t Graad Ae. Phone eb. 47M. IOWA Weekly newrspaper. plant and building. $3.f00; will consider part trade. Address Y 712, car Bee. 320 ACRES level land, all fenced, t miles from Ixidge Pole, Neb., surrounded by good farmers; will trade for good, clear property to the amount of $i,'W equity, balance $3,200, mortgage for 4 years at 6 per cent, optional. For other Information write Tate & Barlow, Lodge Pole, Neb. Choice 80-acre tract located In eastern Oklahoma: level, good soil: close to good town. Cash price $1.!00 clear. Want va cant lots or small cottage. S. E. Walt A Co., 617 Bea Bldg. FOR SALE or trade five quarters farm land in Stanley and Lyman county. 8. D. for Omaha or vicinity residence or business property. Just foreclosed on thane landa Will deal with owners, no agents. Ne braska Loan Co.. 220 Bee Bldg., Omaha. IF yon wish to exchange write NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 668 New York lAfs Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY. 20-roorn apartment house In the city: good repair; ground lxl&0; renting for $60 per mcinth.. Price $6,500. Mortgage $1,800, long time. Want clear land for equity. S. E. Watt, 617 Bee Bldg. WANTED TO BORROW $7,500 for one year, second mortgage; first mortgage la for $l6.0u0, on a fine, large new brick building and valued at $40.0u0. and leased for $S 400 per year. This building la located In Excelsior Springe. Mo., ths great, all-year health and pleasure resort. Will pay 6 per cent and 2 per cent com mission. Addresa J O. Box UX Excelsior Springs, lb WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for Id-band furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tat. D. 397L SECOND-HAND clothing; part after noon dressea John Faldman, D. 3UK; A-26J. WANTED TO RENT YOl'NO couple with 4-year-old daughter desires one or two rooms with bosrd in West Farnam or Hanscom Park district. Private family preferred. Address E-591. Omaha Bee. WANTED 2 or 3 housekeeping: rooms, modern; state price, particulars. Address J 673. Bee. WANTED To rent a modern, furnished room In private family; references ex changed. Address P. O. Box 6a2, omaha, Neb. YOL'NO lady wants board and room with private family In Hanscom Park district or closer In south of Farnam St. Address F 632. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man desires plac to work fof board snd room ln private family whll attending collega Beyles College, Bout phones. FIRST-CLASS, practical nurs can b engaged; at once. Douglas 6134. WESTERN man. best of references, am I ltious. 2o years, ia open for good position. Tuo years business manager for monthly magazine and weekly, and handling bill board advertising. Death of Author, Box 90, Douglas. W o. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS" MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The South Omaha and Western Rail road Company, for the election of seven directors anu the transaction of such ether businrsa as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohler, corner of Ninth and Farnam streets. Omaha. Nebraaaa, on Wednesday. the eleventh day of January, A. D lull at II o'clock A. M. T. M. OkR. D3odl2t Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS- MEETING THE AN. nual meeting of the stoca holders of th Bee Building company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha at 4 o'clock Tuesday aft'-rnoon. January n lll, for tne election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and for the transac tion of such other business as may pr.jp. eriy come before the meeting By order ut the preoidenu N. P. EiL. Secretary. D31dlft This is what a lady in the 200 block, South 37th street, says of Bee want ads: "The ad in the Bee for a Ctrl for general houaework brought a reliable girl at once." RAILWAY TIME CARD rIOX STATION -Tetx and Maenn. I'aloa Poelflc Depart Arrive Sen Frsn. Overland t,. a 16 am all pm China and Japan F. M. a 4 10 pm a 6 4S pm Atlantic Express a 6 46 am Oregon Express ,.. 4 M pm a $ 10 pm tos Angelas Limited al? 46 pm a $:n pm Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7:J am Colorado Fxpresa a 3 M pm a 4 M pm Oregon-Wash. Limited al? V pm a pm North riatl Ixcal a .U am a 4 As am Columbua L-cal a 6:30 pm al0:0 am Stronmburg Local blJ.40 pm b 1.30 pro Chicago At eirta vreat em NtiRTHROCND. Twin City Express a T 4R am al0 ?s pm Ploux City Local ...I ltd pm a t T pra Minn. A Dakota Li... a 7:0V pro. a .u am EASTBOU.NI. Carroll IocaI a I' ODim a 3 M pm Omaha Express a t 4t am a 6 4t am Chicago Local al:6 ti a 3: am Colorado-Chicago a i.lv pm a $ M pm Chicago Special a 6 02 pm a 6 4 am Pailflc Coast t"htcaxv.-a 6 pm a 1.23 pm Los Angeles i.imiteu...a pin all n un Overland LAmlted . all 46 pm a 7:46 am Carroll Local a 4 3 pm alo oo am fast Mall a.wpin a 2 Js pra WEST RO I N D. Ilncoln-Chadron ,.a7..')0am all.OOam Norfolk-DalliM a 7 SO am aiv 45 pm Long Pine-So. Piatt. ..b i 16 pm b 6:30 pm Hastlngs-suprnoi o i.u pm d em pin I'eadwood-Hot Springs a 3 oo pm a 6 10 pm Casper- Lancier ..a S SS pm all-OA am Fremont-AitRn ... Vllasoarl Porlfle K. C. St. L. Ex.. K. C. A- St. L. EA. cpt Saturday ... K. C. & SL L. Saturdays only . .....b 6.30 pm l:3prn a $.30 am a 7:40 am ex- . .ait '6 rm a 8.50 pra Ex., le.06 pm talca.o, Uoek llaa Ax Pacific. EAST.. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...all. 6 am a 10:45 pm Chicago Day Express, .a 6 46 am a 4 SO pm Chicago Local Pass....bl0.tf am bl0 1 pm lira Molnea Local Pasaa 4:00 pm a 12:90 pm Chicago Kip ,...a 40pm a 1:16 pm Chicago Limited a S.Ot pin a 6.01 am WEST. . Chl.-Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a 8:20 am a 6 47 pm Colo. Cal. F.xpresa...a 1:26 pm a 4 S0 pm Okl. & Texss Express. . a 816 pm a 1.30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...alu:66 pm all. 60 am C klcage, Mllssk At ft. Paul Overland Limited all 43 pm a 7:61 am Omaha-Chicago Ex ...b 1:15 am . Omaha-6avanna Local. a 7 li am all 4', pm Colo-Cal Express a . put a 3:26 pm Colorado Special a I:4i am a S.W ara Ferry-Omaha Local ....b 6. is pui blO.uu am Illinois Ceatral Chicago Express a 7:00 atn a 3 46 pm Chicago Llmitea a 6:tJ pm a l.uu ant Mtnn.-SL Paul Ex b i:ow am Muin.-St. Paul Ltd a .w pm a .wu am tblcaao Ureal Western. - ' Chicago Limited A :4S pm . Twin City Limited a 6. M pin b 7:63 am Twin City Limited clO.30 am Twin City Express. a :" am a . pm Chicago Express a 3 46 pm Wabash Omaha-St- Louis Ex... .a 6:30 pm a 0 36 am Mail and Express a 7.03 sm aii:la pnt man by Lei. uromC.Bjo : pru blvaA am Barilngtoa ttatlwa lots. Mas. Barllagtoa Depart Arrlva. Denver California. ..a 4. In pm a 3 46 pm Pugst 8ound Kxpreaa..a 4 10 pm a 3:46 pm Nebraska points .....erv StWitm" a :lu pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 3.4 pm Lincoln Mall b 1:30 pui ai3:16 pm Northwest Express ,...all:56 pin a 7:00 am Nebraska points a 6 Jo am a 6:10 pm Nebraska Express a ;1 aia a 6:10 pra Lincoln Local bt:ta) ara Schuyler-Pattsmouth . b 3 06 pm blO.) am Lincoln Local- . a IJta pnt " a 1:60 pm Plattsinouth-iowa a 0:16 atn a $ 60 ara Bellevue-Platumouth ..aL3.au pn. a S:40 pra Central Nebraska ......all 66 pin all. 36 pm Chicago Special a 7:16 am all:! pm Denver Spoclai a 7 00 am Chicago Express a 4:30 pin a 1:66 pm Chicaao Fast Express. .a 6.30 pm a 3.00 am Atlantic Coast Limited. 11:40 pm Iowa Local . a :m ant alO.JO am Creston (la.) Local. ....a $:30 pm ai0:30 am St, Louis Express a 4:30 pm all -46 am K. C. & St. Joseph aKi ta pm a 1:46 am K. C. & St. Joseph. .....a 6:15 am a 6:10 pm K. C. at SL Joseph a : no Webster Station 1 5th aad Webster. HUsearl Paclflo Depart. Aniva ...b 3 50 pm bu.65 ara Paal, JalaneapolU A Auburn Local Chlraco, (. Omaha Eloux City Express b 1:15 pm Ml am Omaha Local c $ 50 pm Sioux City Passenger.. b :30 pra Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am ' Sioux City Local a 1:14 iiu Emerson Local ..b 6.66 pin b 1:10 am (b) Dally except Sunday. U Sunday only. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS "AVON"' gaoenitlle MH fur W. tM m4 Trirml rVvoiaf atltna frenj Kew Flat is, X. k, M. T. Cabi Jgmglcg Panama Colombia Ross Tnp to BERMUDA, 920 and Up Inaluaie Tears al Alecara) luuea. SAND Eft &4t.N V kO 149 Z.a Balls St., Chicago. W. E. BOCK, lo.l f amain ot ..WINTER CRUISES JAM., I'KIh At MARCH, 111 . r tv n. m m am n itn WEST INDIES TO THE Aiv 1 raiuta tc fn t,ritii, mmm 3aBrrirlt aJ Arrvrnd I i Wrll H AMULRU-AMC RJ C4K lAm lit K-ndol.o St . . hl'ttj, lit., or Iam al Aania. THE SUNDAV BEE Is anxiously awaited by those who are specially interested in iand;, tha eort that buy and sell' and encourage others to do likewise. 'Wi.Lt Cmisc dc Laxc rts.i jv .Pw5aWrMR23 frZjZ" TwU-Scrtw -vrs-T I iljmtorajJ