TIIE OMAHA RrNPAY BEE. J A NIT ART 8. 1911. s 7 ( CUSTOMS MONEY LOAN BASIS X--ct.tc"n for Rff-acd;tj Hondaran Indebtedness Still Fending. TtLATY TO SECU2E AXE&i:A5S thai Urtair.rau Mill ' to tanerleaa I' relent era le. Kflri lirm a m l aea. NEW Vi.rk in reliable ,u by th c-orr,rr I I'M du; an banker for r . Jar.. 7 I? ae sail fvl' , i-ter tl at tr e ni"-!t;'T ' '! rr ar.ptr.ted It the ierr."tent ard New Tea e-.ndi-g tv Hor.4T3"an in- eh'r.e st'ii pena.rg ar.d thit Ua rtiair. feature of th-!. r.egrt-a'ior.s 1 a loan to t.e HtmH by t cf Honduras wM'h a custom re-octp' . t: be o--rectd I ur.!T a traty tr l- arrarsd a-ith t? ' t g!ai fOrcirr,t Tt dta 1 rf t ran rv or.t 1b f.vni out Tiy afuld rn to cortm th apr-o:ntm-ot of an Amncan cj tfftii offCr t.i that th t)' r- c)pt ar r-iortod an! 5.fnad tn ac- cirar,r alia t: prop-o-4 treaty. No! cnf!rtriat30f can ha b'ird. tofvr. -l j rrrte that iJ-.( ito'im vo an Amr- . Kan protectorit. a!rh-uh it ia o In ir- j ptl in orn qyanra. I irr of Dlaraaalaa. Th rafLr.dir of th Honduran aitar-nal debt ha ben n4er K5kt for tha iat rear or mora. TMi aa oriair.a'Iy cn t rac e-1 anout forty year ago aid ton aiata of four I'-ana made betaeen :C and 17 Tb principal aroounta to S l-.E7. Payment of interact bean to fall fff "on aftT the detwa tncurred and ln teret tamer.i etepped entirely fcfter 1J7X. The a:itre-at of unpaid ntere op to Jaly. IW. u eatimated at i;.971 Thla inada a total lndebtedneaa fo' principal and unpaid interest i.f 71 CQi.Q. or about ti.4T.JW It ia the readjueiment or re- fnsdlcK of thi tniebiednea atJch haa oc- I mitvwI the etlentton o the Vl'iahi n -i I a-c-trorltSea and financial Sntereata her tor tb year or more The Indebted-?" bjaa b i l.a.d ta IxDdoa ad aa looa-d after by a c mmittea of hordhtHjera in enuMctun aith a commit tea of tha Britih bond bold era. ItelaadlBai lri. Tt.im council Pnt put foiaard the ra fuDdina proect in Auruat, !. Ttelr C.r Cttlax Invited bosdboldars to depoait their koada vilh tha council acainat tha 1ue of eecoliable dept at roeejpia vita author ity ta dallTer tba dopoatt oeruflcaia to tba Ijoodon taakli.c houaa of J. 8 alorfan Co. against tha caah paymert of tli trr '. Jaw aa belra a'la today when aea W. ccrnpany. They wera locked uj ur-der aeal each LiVi ut tba auaua bond, wltb un- j Aldrlire, through hi attorney, patitionel , te dietnet attorney a oflioe to b pro aid coupxi attached, provided a aettle- j the rourt ef appeal here to be male a duced !n court later. Beat of toe dt-bt of Hondnra undar the defendant In the a-jJt of hlf wife. LJJIe M. a bund: of lc-nera r:rneJ " Tour Jonra auapiona of tba covernmeiit of tba United j A'.drldaa. agaSr.rt the Brotherhood of Amer 14 ea is effected by Au-ut . It ! , Teomen. wivdert.tood tie funJin plana by the 1 Aidridfe diarpared eirht yeara ao and London bar.kir. bouae of J. 8. Morgan at i hi r S toT r? ment on an Iraurarc i)o. have b-n earned tcrward in thla P-lT carried by Aldrlfig-e. It wa. alleged country by tr.a American houaa of J. P. More an A Co Th Slata department at Waahicrtoa ha ezplaicad that Ita lrtrresl In tha matter as dua ta the ucacttJrd and chaotic con d.Loo of Honduras tn-nca and the de rirability of having thaoe placed on a ataoia ciajca u promos maora aiaoia toiwi- I tioa In tba country l'.a.f. This attitod and tha foregoinji taken by the bondhoid eia have led up ta the preaect plan for lefuodiiis tha debt and Insuring It pay oect by a treaty -'rar.eitt. Farmers Eesisting Union Pacific Road in Moving Fences i Loss Line of Broken Porta and Cat Wire Extendi Along- Lice im Merrick. CENTRAL. C1TT. Neb.. Jan. tbpe c.al A long line of brctea down poata ani aevered strand of barb wire tell of the fxre.- resaeiance which is been mad by ih. i.rit owr.ers alone tha Union Pacific ... .-,r.v . artemot to at It f-n;es over 50P feet on either aide of Its . cenment tMUoM. whar track on tl. .. ... rieMdl.-iT or three wk ago Ih. frticei on the B.evic farm were cut and now on the Minter farm not only have the wire betn cut. but the posts have been also cut down in plaoei so that there is scarcely a bit of tbe f-nce standing which wa recently pat up. Tbe matter w t',1 be tried out In th courts tn tbe near f utc. and uaul then t seem to be the determination of bjco arui who obect ta tbe railroad (tocedure not to allow any of their tano to td oa the 00 feet mark a - TFXT OF TREATY BETWEEN GERVANY AND RUSSIA Past Between Kalerr mmm Caa Profc ably Will ate Reseated by rraaet and fireat Britain. ; -Aa evening gaper pub- IX'NLhjS. Jaa- . . . . . i .w- .... e ZnZ perform i:S caah-a. Usa rt! affaora and .uppcaed to be a re- -e cparator. . c!.ni. -. artist. ..it of th. moetia of Emperor William . daaca laager. mani aad Emperor Nicholas at Potadan. last No- nsi. 4; bookkeeper. . ceadea.ua 2. tercber. i eroaaraakare. t. a&da c -raa. I. pua aeoordtna lo tb text printed. Germany turse. J; entn deooraior. 1; timoaeeper. disclaim any political Interest la Perat and recognj Ruaaia a lntereat la north ern Persia. Bueaia oa It part areea ta co-operate in building the lon-proed od r . a y and tta brar-cne ana t g; levrr.an caruuiaree in rersia ei -- il iraatnieaL "ilia uai-utiant pact quite likely w:ll be reserated by Praise and Grt isrttaua aa cu.U)a.t on R-ss-as part to taslr ti stls Th aequPcf the viell of th Kaaoji mcaarch to Gerrrnr ba bcea anucipaltd .i,.. in Kns.and where it waa beaetad 'tft too crJial r..a between Ummir and i-aa wo,.d be foucc .i r... beea fcilowed by a better ua . ' - t mg . p-' s'.bly tu the r.k4vr: cf iri couatry. O'NEILL DOUBLES IN DECADE r. lieviiie. i ropaUUo.t teaaaa f la lawas im letruii "" ,B (From a Staff Co re ;ndeat ) U ABiilNGTON. Jc "Specl T r.. t r. cwuus - eii.B.ta i... pcpuiat.oa of b fo'.owntig Nbraka .vwaa today: Chadroa, I .:. sa : n..ard with 1 la ONe U 1 cam. aa comiared with LUT. tea ears ao tMr I. fcialb Dlatriel. C EXTRA I, CITY Neb.. Jaa. I-pcial) Judge Cotrad !lo .tnbeck and Gocrg IL. 1 boir.a ar nii. i4 out cards tucuxasi tr. ie-re of vvrt .n taa fc-xia Ju.e i c:.r.vt tJT the oonur-s year. Tb r hat is nad up a lo.lowa. 7v tax c vu: t aw ua il .i;i.r 11 r lc. Ooun'- Fet-ru. V -ci. tier T. y Mt.-n Cour. y Jaati Co tax County Jaa uary w. jeey i. o- February U. May U. No- tuary K. May L. N- e!titr it .virir County-March 1 Jn IS- D- . . o t, r !1 il e "j-r.l tcJUlecr XT February It May la No Coroner's Jury Says Couple Came to Death By Means Unknown Siiter cf Lead Girl "Wai Alio Seized with ni? Shewing Symptom cf Pcisofiir.?;. 1"MF ERLAND. VI. Jan 7- 'err to --.r death ty mean ur.knuwn to the Tb.a a a 11. f t, .-,'n : twelve men who ! r,'it to- ,ht r.ed !t.nicmy r 1IM 't fcaturdey of er4 ("harle. T T:tj a '. found y the rotr- e.f t ,,...4 fy the , f i I "ur? xr-..:r.g t- i r EK'ee j l.'rfi - w er e d-a pi- se-aiel on a ff in ' !..-" "f tr Ki" T hrre. Tre tr1." m ''tH ie tt an thirtv hour ik" t t'e t:me tt at tl li t f t the rriaTiasf- r'f t1 J-- t-n.a Th v.r'.nr u- satl ered tr. a htt'.e rri'Ttuan tt.i! b."r,t'r to an un dertaker. w.trj". offi a p1 n-l-anr rn-n rraei the r'ae a'ntt t a !ffwi.i More f an a J mi a it . aere h'ard bjt 1-tt'e il'i(l.i1 :ht n"t a't-eav kn'n to the putihe i'e of te j':nt frc.i't m: f trat My K ne-T r of i;ri'' ! h i. after heipirn their merer ini 'ira e n body from the parlor to a r-1 in a ro-n in the rear. he- f ber" iid a nr. il!nee a hictt ehoaed rrp''.-Tri -f ro:ori U.g by hdrocarir" ad No cr.i,"'"t if-n betaeen thi arid the dath if t'e oterr a male apparert There a abundant lef.m.riy that . are- j thi-ft of f-jnds arretir. tT.rt' from f jl eam'natior of t' e Niee by nd;i-i! j i,e Wah;r.ton ?avir.r bank. No result men and cb.eir.iata hoed that rvi'j:J ! .f jhe ir.-juiry T'- w in pror-eM ir.to the of pctMiun oauaed the da:h cf Ta is , afTai' of the Northern lark til t'een acd Grace E'.oer. H"a the pi'ieon 'aejg.n ojt brout lntothe bouee i ati'l a mnery yr,e public fcervioe wir.miwion announced All the jr.emherf of the E"ivr fami'y ; 1rat it arieea to know hy the tart an iec'ared that no e;1er,e bad bn a It- j r.ual report of Ue riouth Fhore Traction moved or conceal?. ( thin P .Vnm en -i ear 1 lad a ho I ha been eter.tve!v "ir.i1. kp pit on the tar.4. but hi a at -?r- und rr. -i :-,:: from tht Credled to hini Me rejatej. ?8fr that be Ma- bth Ta rs inl Grace Eioaaer. after they had h-n found dead, each irrarpirg a iiaa a"d that I 'r Broaimp had rem-vel theae r'.iMn. T! a aa In direct contradictkm of It. Pr rtip a teatlmcny thav. he mv io F'.a.se. SUPPOSED DEAD MAN ALIVE i Walea W. AldrltJare. Wk Ptup pea re a ! frata aprt.srield. Mo.. Elakt l-ara BrO. IMIt. FFRINGriEI.r. Mo . Jan " A man W.j frroucd that the.r production mirbt ln bellaTed to ba d-ad a aa recojrnlied by th I criminate h ci-cnt and en'.barraiia th ; u"-u laaa refuaed A few month ao attomeya for tha Teomen learned that Aldrldre w-aa in El Puo. Tel. An attorney went to El Faao and ldontiHed Aldridja. It i believed tba suit acalnat tba Teomen will be iinmlaaed Aldridg 1 bow cup posed to b In a aanltiiiura at Hot Sprint a. Ark Mr. AJdrhlga Uvea at Houaton, Mo.j Attravrttoaa ta Omaha. The Formn Hunter" at th Hrandela "Cinderella ' at the Boyd. Tea 6hoa-juier ' t Uie Kruj. Veudevilia at the Orpheum. advlu at tre Aaierican. .riaaQua at tha Gayety. trM wom MkiI-1 new Ute acd avenue of oecupauon 11 1 coa l aoam indeed, to find s than seventy-tic different occuia Uoci rtfcreaected by th army of fem i inihiiy wmen cohsrituia tus enoru oi u.e Na Tork fcUpprom. TCaae r-rx. t.o.tiiiii "A a boy la Dublin.- h said, 1 behind ta fciuht rcpreaent every thlrj j from a B-.erxca.d to a Japan laaiem. . j ar Just a ve.-aU la their propria per- ! sot. Pot this gro-p cf (iris Into a city. j sv aca g.rl an cpportoaity to taa up ! ter former caans cf ethtioymai.t ahd you j t.u frd that the; caa ra a taeptoc ' aichahgt, da g(vnu axd atan.graphy, j sug cCurca ei.o.ra. teach sc&ooi. glv j f- rg .asona, each music, do manlcur- i lurn Cl1 p-M fatcy wtcs. I cr,, th acx. b mlulaors and dreaa - invars. drs hair, act a. 1 frwt, aoda water and E.wapapara, b tei- arapa operator, c.oaa oidaj. pos lor aru. a uca.-.s. writ, act-, make lao ar.d taaen faicy aaiu-m.tg. A caa- iaa ef ti.es Kippodrom gji ravaaa u.e Ifti.tvlLi: Ciaraa. Is; stecsrapc.', U. ) caoma sitters. 2. baot oaacera. 11. SCteei laavscaiw. 11. mua. taachara. .1. 1; rru.iUier, 1; waluwsea, ; acrobai. I. Xancy awimmar. 1; artUi. 1; doak mod!, i; taiegrapt opara-or. 1; t-cket ir. 2; OLg sr.isr. L lacomakar. 1. d run. mar. L 71 rr.i have actared tt Choi u a-thar because of the ambition to s uocee! .n rai work r because of th prospect of earning eaor incney ac-d work eas hour a ua than their cn Lnaa cf bual teae wod atcipU. aVm cf thasa wain inta the rack cf in ehor thrvuga aet.taiiy. ethar threugfi ce.oa In bi-g ( wa '" j r-"M X V - ioeei m . . w - - ' - iLaua Luar b a to w.'a i J j tA:a. tcay ' k tta Lau.-.e-ui. i,.ua ai-a mil Z i g-er,- r.err Kim a ItCJ loi lor antra gJ- Aayee who ha attended th ferform- ... -T, . mi-, una H-r.-er" at tfca ! Brandsa this wek w.u, rr.Arity ta I at unvw Ated . '" stone - fctd wiUf rt ot Fred N'.t.o ha btta . .a (B at eaci. pancr&iJie icr a (4 tim.. at a each t.u h ba to.s a (,v sitry cf sm k-r.c. al aproa In ; , aiai..-siJ a raccrd far sux , taJt seeche M.H ' .tm, vua JI hi l.ael to tvand for i thiee rsre chance for th Shgaganeect !& t hd until aftw Sundsr a-ght. wha it rtr-ar luaCajli wg.-.j IA pc a anl ught Jl -"-.-I who couldat gat ot ea a ceur.1 cl tk b..ttid e-nla a-ght. J gt a ahaaoa. For axt w tt w Ar.ier.cia wul cf.fr ct et th ru; faat-a cf Ti..tv. 'A Ac-k X- a Fay. th c:-tk. w omaa cf rryatery. . e h.n n!o: t p--.. fnr rr.-r. - yeara. and 1 as b-.-.h of a tr.ys l.ry ea a ever g-e oce usi lay c.i-ra la s-terr-aturai pewer. but ars U: r-. i b a rr.;et&.-r ia To-nt A t-i roar ..fee.aiera cf a T- Batural law. wh.ca ia t'ma .nr)tN! w.;l And at nil are ia - a p NEW INDICTMENTS FOR ROBIN , Eight B.Us All Charge Theft of Fundi Fro-a Bank. WAST E5TEILS ALSO LXTIJLI5LD Raedle f letter A.klaa far Meee Ttrara Oirf la nietrie tlrfr r tar RrlilhM nl r NEW Y"rlN. Jin 7 K.rr.t new mai-1-j fi -lent initiation to juetifr it, th com-r.-u r- i f t'rm f j;-'-'5:r.j t.k .'- I ria yBn Fr!ff Rohra aaarr at t ml ir !;.trl ti asair.n J"p-. !ta rai rf f. ' prr yrar. Cfrtain f aiao V .n '. ur.kor r 1 r.-t r. Tao more i a t1 by Mm f whi' h tb c-jr.ty f . f (on r.H-. f:i f -i! rf t -a, tni? time rrreer:te-1 by the public aervi'-e I torrmi-.on invn :u pro'r an iinjir.' i-,io (icT . in the Trot. a ho are prir. t'e itta::m-r.t r tcr l"t bo'irht f !! t'e Fa-.ker- Realty arid Se,u-tr t.t pn. orf t:i"d t-r Robm. f ' rrr.ed a ,n n;t-e t cortt .' 'id;tT f not (cat n,!-i by tv c-ompariT In fvor ..f ite M a-h-.t r" n fir,p lar,k. cf ahKh Robin aa r r-"5.r t It ;r.'.ed t't 1 i to 1-nftaood f-m b' ou i:ry p':aca on txr.c !"ar1. to -,a "'(t. Ir. lxJiM Robmvitch a fhT ajci. b'-t thie a a not recorded mith the ,.,..;ritr clerk t-ntil la1 a'eek. after tke Nortle-B .ak of Nw York had aue-e-,1-d And f.r.a !y the d airn-t attorr'ee ruh1 ajth re-ieaed energy bi inquiry ir'o r.r. purer'aae The f is' t r.ew jnljrtmente a'1 tharce tha 1 corrr.ar.y corrr.ar.v i'mi - er.trr of WH) for richt-nf-war bought a ben tha route aa- tb or br the c mrany a franch'ee I chiT.v ihro-.eh the p-ib:!e rtreeta cf Qteer.tboro-ua ii. Lend !:nI. It I a-.mil-'"r pun ed by an entry of ty " a-r-endd for cor.atr-urrjon aork. a ahoan in the report of tha Railroad Trac-t-'on Coni"j-'Jctjrn conipany. a corporation throuffh hich Robin controlled the South fhore Traction conofar.)- ben ao far aa ia kr.-oau to the comrrilBin-n. tha company baa dore do oonitruction work of Imponiv ce. After a lor. aranr with Ilrtrict At torney Whitman. Wlliiam Traven Je-ome. oour.M-1 for Robin, deilrered the hooka of i the conftructjon company, which be had ...n,,H. e.-.til iirruiAr on the j Lo-i.." ar.d "Tout aon. Joseph.- wera ; turned ever to the dirtrict attorney tc-day ; by relative of Mr. ar.d Mr. Herman i Ratuno-itch. re-pufliated by Robin and his ; aiM'-r ye.terday, after they had pcuiitlvey identified thm a their children. All the letter wera afidreaaed In endearing term. ar.a moat of theaa aiked for money. ! Robin ! still In the Tomb uoabl to f.nd fef-.'.K bail and tbe report of the !ien:st cn hi mental condition ha not ; teen giveii otit The Kay o Uhe Situation Baa Want Ada. J common peraoa who takes his amusement ' at tha vaudeviiia bouara. George Bernard Fhaw, speaking on muaie tefore tha Musical aaaodation. London. I irfejva itim ekuujvacv niw a lew 1 . lie met I rj.ade aood. i The best story waa about a man who sat next to him at a chamber concert of clas sical music After lislccinc tor soma tlm ! the man turned to him and said, "Ar theae , ts.. Christry Mintrur- "Xo." aid Bern ard Shaw, ' they're downstairs: this is th Ninth e'ymphony." "Oh. heaven said the man. and went dowutaira o n r h,i -om ct k uri. revwiieo-1 beior.ged cot to the nineteenth century, but i to th Samuel Pepy and th eighteenth ; century. 1 heard Boothovea played oa a piano with a wooden tram, which Is a j very diffarant tclzs frea Beelnoveci on ; an lron-tracied piano. My father ; was a mualcaj gesiu la hi way. H could , P-ay oa tha trombae icierminably. Ia fact, j h could play any kitd of instrument, and , t rao;smiar him picking up a nut and P-eylcs 'Hcrta iwsat Boms' so wsll that 1 n-aid servant came up. thinking It was maa to tha sueet. to order hia away." j R?rt from rnv.r. wnr th A born , Eer'lB QtaA - Domr u Piarins all la Ji. favor. Tt news- t'ws oi ui kvidiaca oexropou nave praised th saigtr acd cunductsr warmly. Tii repertory for th eeaaoie. which opea at th Brand! next Wetinedr nit at. In- cwJt "U TroTatore," Martha." "Car i n:ea," "Liiela di I JTitntncaor and , FlilL" Lvr .f burieaiiu ar gnung In line for th evening at th Krug on Sunday. whaa the oppoouon kill will wheal tnt iJia. Oitaha has hu rauderilie pii- Hoc. atd ir,iii picture tpptsakia. even i-Ute.jt c p; cs.ucn. and ia new gulag hT a thate ef lb real thing in the i cf L.i.Kv-e c; pba.iica. la a wurd. the al.cw busies Is .eturuj good again. Lulu G.aser. who is playing ia "Th Gj-l and tt Ka-atr." tell tha story, iiluatra tiv ef the iedtpendtct spirit f youag Aixierioa: A lh.ee i, .e church in a suburb cf 9C S.'-erj a church concert aad all I ef th. bt l.ient ct th. c.ty volunteered ...... ilw twe ulk.ll 1ST anfl t actci. At me er.i cf tr. concert th chairman . w tnt ID to th.e crran loft mr A il e ek. I Hit. ly in jat.ued ciothe wh had bis th organ i " "t-J. Fieicii. what do wa cw I 04 for yur wi thj VkXngT' Th. hir lkej ... i. v .. au.tCu.tr.ri.ett. c-.hJig he taiC. Th rt of ta 7 he tat of ta i ia.til gate li.e.r siTice. tA.it t-eyf ' T six f:-ir.; PnrC hire ret much ;.rkU-e f',r tbrrrse.ves a', tb Cr?hun with thir artt.r aul if.r..;.t.g ar.: aer Leo- Pid r erner. cn f th troupe, is. by th , "T. er.arr.tK wrei.r of Vler.nv Auitr.a ry eune 1 ' bsrd r.nli. Adsl.h Usavarl. th eiewa. , rr-.xt rr.U-.h wish t-s atrotm am. Or., cf th fta " ' at ts Cn beura w..J U HiU Arien ar e;ra- pisy la th. ene-ac pAy t. "ftp sa e -in h.j u a Lttl rortta t ar a t.rj a-1-n.c-.a. of i Thj v-:r. at the Cantr '.h-t rd.ih f;r.r rcrr,-tr a.;j effr th eomey forn-jriy pared y th lat 5 .:. I. -;:.. A i'chr Rsmem" yr iie.-.Mtt w.-l be a s th bach a or To- 'VmgMM. Id? utcentm j nr.crrc-a afierx,ia tha s-ar i i te tRhrw rem f-r a viu l '. d Garier Census Plays Hob with County Board ! Kerala County Conirr.iiioneri Bare Pauling" Question Tp for Con ti deration Jmt Ifow. AVFrn.v. Neb. Jan :.-.; '. -A trvr of n'T than general Interest was pet tied thi a bv the Co .in t r commi sionere and -Fbriff TV-hra dorr.? on th .theory that the county of Nemaha ha4 nf- laid claim Thie matter of the fe a a a-tt ed thi week by ei-Sherlff Rohr pay lrg bark into the county treasury tbe nn cf "7S.T1. but the no aa'.ary t.aid to Mm on a '-ount of the population not being a b,ch a ren'jlred br law. worri th comiirsfriorier. and reuHed in reaolutioa t-eirg paed referring the mstter to tba nw ouTty attome-y. The outroine county attorney filed an opinion wherein be claimed that under urh atafrte It w a tbe duty cf the board to ft te aalary of aald dTutie ondr aaid awr n (2 nvr t, and nt bavirg done ao and aaid cfficer having rr-forme.d their d-itle under the amount previously paJd that this imount would govern, and tba cfi.-uty was not liable on the claim filed. In 3T. whn th Vg-is'.aturw made tba sheriff of floe salary offVe. the then sheriff Claimed that hit salary abould be tl 5 a year, on the the-ory that Nemaha c-c.unty had a pu:tJon of la.' or up wards The census of V showed a pop ulation of 34!fl bit when tbe census cf 1W was re-i-ortod tt showed a population of only ir-fffc'.. The ei -sheriff and the X resent sheriff hae r-re!ved pay at the lata of n per year, when it 1 now evident that their aalary should have bcn only tl.Xa a year. TARIFF OJUMS ATTENTION Wool Grower Poitpone Eletion to Diacuts "Schedale K." SE5AT0R BLOCE PBAISES TATT Craawy Preoeala Facia aad t1aree leaded lo Coaflraa tbe Maiortty la lateatlaa fo Kadoree Preseal Srbedale. RORTLANP. Ore. Jan. '.-Election of efToere wa postponed until W o clock to morrow morning by the National Wool Growers' convention today In resT-ora to a general demand for a continuation of the debate on "Kchedulue K of ibe tan ft Joseph P. Grundy, a Philadelphia manu facturer, waa given tim in which to reply to the onslaught upon tbe wool aehedule delivered by State Senator Frederick IL Eluroe of Wyom-ng. Mr. Grundy preoented facts and figure intended to confirm th majority in their j retention previoualy forecasted by freed-1 dent Gooding, to give the prewnt Khedula traight-out eeedoraernent. A tentative pro posal to ta end waa agreed to today ty tbe comrnme on reaolatlona Before rnator Blums concluded hia ad draae ha ref arred direx-tly to the criticism of President Taft. uttered yesterday by Peter C. John eon. Mr. Blum aald: 'We ahould not paa over certain remarks mad her yesterday crlticlarn of tba presi dent of th Catted Plates for declaring In hie Winona speech that 'ached ula K was an unrtghteoua pie-oa of le1latloa. al thougrh ba itrned tbe bill boeaua oppooi tica might have defeated th entire meas ure. Such crttVrtam here, even If wall founded, waa oena.lr.ly ill adriaed. Tba Breaideat la a man of thorouah honearr of purpea. w bo has given vh oeuntry a buai- & administration, th superior of which. parhapa, no man baa given ta th history at th a'overfu&eot.' Kaloajr Bwolcea Approral. Mr. Blume' eulogy of the president evoked a demonstration of approval. In bis annual report Secretary Q. ft. Walker of Cheyenne Urged the aeeootatloa , tT7"1" ' bo of tta own. Judge 3. A. Lowell of Peadleton. Ore. chargfcd tba "black hora cavalrr" of th ti aa raspvnaiU far meat of th timber thievery. air. LweJ evoked appiaua by crltictatng " r- m oi auiu i in La ort-uny cruise oi iiuruuniai i peace" and said at would hare aoaa more good If contributed ta educate dweller in cities to a realty a moo of U possibilities of public laada Xaniel P. Sou tha socretary of tha Oregon Wool Grower' aasociatioa, pleaded tor scientific revtaioa of the rtsirtcti re mnhods of the fore try buroaa and ndicaleii U policies of Giffard Pirechcrt. Turpentine Magnate Must Finish Sentence President afuea to Interfere in Case of W. 8. Harlan, Connoted cf Violating Peonsg-e Law. " WAHIXOTON Jaa. t-Pr-Uat Taft ! baa denied application for comrnutation of aBtenc la tb caa of W. fi. Harlan, man ager of a great lumber aad turpeatlct : j eomj any doing bus.r.eas ia Fiend anl Alabama, w bo was indiatad lad oceovkted " rharg of conspiracy to vioiat. tb ' J-M-ease ttut of Florida Harlan must ne a term f eighteca Kwuiia iiui'j miunirm in acjuun.B id i j i . a f.r,e of K . The offense for w hich he wa convicted grew out of tbe alleged effort cf hi com pany to obtain IK" laborer from Kew Tork. inrl.duig a ncn.eer cf recent Hua gariana. Buulai and ether imiu-grac ta They were taaen In partia of twelve to twenty -five by sea ta aavannah. tcenc ta ih romiair'i piact "The evidence c.ear.y show'' said ths preaidtBt la hi ox In ion. "that an th way from Savaanah to lb company's eett--nwnt a number attempted lo cscap aad ' - ' : . - . i "Th govarcmar.t of th Ual -e ovale . ba bean at great pain and coat to sup press peonage It is much marl likely t be naiataineJ .ucc-aaf-J, whar. a ia these). crvUrtDk!c. fnc . the iabareis ar foreigner and do Bfc -.-ea .-u. ijs.j anaw txeir i rf : it is a kind el cfft6 that i rtsariad lightly In ai.r:. circn.un,tUa IX pumitiel to live, at al. It wij atread rariiiy lu cemcral.x.ng ir.'.uet!3. Whan, tkfrafor. i CENT7AL r7TT 'e... "in ,-r-.! a Cian of h.a bua..i( -nuitg ax.d larg ' Thir :r-'hre b-she cf egrs fr-r-m a fc k tnterpiise la c-CMLttd ct the cfitnse. taa I of less than on hundred hen is tb "-r-puiiatnsesit ahou.d te such a t datar t ord ef th fo:k of Whit leghorn kpt vecer i rum vn prv. uc. nm ar not ef- tectiva SAaihat run cf weeMtA. lacprlM. meet Is a y.' , nriin nn ron itrrftinvo eii-r-e ' rtlidlUia run ffiUiUUIIU DI I C.O "-idler Who Aided ia Cirlaial to Xse-a rat later tie Theory e.raateg Aaaalty. ' TC ASKINGTCN. Jan. T Jeba R K ' --r tb Inciaxa rciuciatr eo d.er wise al'.&ved him.:f to Le bits by ).:e ' fvr rr.cocju.-.oe dtinrg th. f.rst Ara.rl- t4a occu;at.oB cf Cuba lo cajaoei traie the i 'beery of a-rantel ai raoajU.'ta Inftcuoa. was tear annuity of tt a tcoB.h. lc?ge " a a tlllllllll MMMIII .IMll 'P5! lr 4 l ' I'll I t J ii ' if !!!!! !i mm n ' Jiaaey fijsw The ittttkm Piano ia b a class War Mwmidmi trurr-etit ta the soprTTne efort of a corps of i t e I I a expert piano builders under tbe personal Irr piano builder factory in the world o i ai nm i NOTED MEN ATTEND DINNER! Periodical Pnblitheri Entertain Kany Famoui Guest in Xrw York. KOOSEVZXT AKD CLASS SPEAK 'Nil Who A rite fer . Pablie Prraa Jaat aa Mark Poblle sertiil aa Offlre Holder,- sari Coloael. NEW TORK. Jan. T Rej-reacntativ Champ Clark told the periodical publisher of America last night at their annual dinner that he approve of them. "1 believe the editor and publisher of magarlne are tbe greatest educators of our tiraa." said he- 1 beller with Henry Ward Beecher. that wa moat educate th poop or go to tha bad. If I bad but on prayer for the America people. It would be that every man should be so educated as to read his pauot aao nave tne ourea to rote accoro- res to eia eonsaienoe- i hat oaucanon say com from th ecboola. tba newspaper or tbs miLgaalnea" A Ions list of other guest attended, among thexn being : Theodora Rooaevalt, Rio bard A. Balllngr. Captain Robert C Peary. Seaater Albert J. Beverldg. Ed ward Bok. Peter Fin ley Dunne, Samuel O Blythe. Andrew Cam aria. Mayor Gayaor. Norman Hapgood. Richard Harding Davis. Irving Bachelior and Charles Dana Gibson. Colonoi Roosevelt waa the last srecJier. "1 feel that the man who write fur th I public pre." be said, "titter dally. wek:y j or period leal. Is just as much a putllo serv ant as is th public office holder. H ha i a much power for th public good. "Boora and contempt should be his if ; he do hit work ill. Laws are useless ua- yon bar th right men Lak of them," Max Hoehn, Leading Politician, is Dead Member of Curter'i Command Wio Kincd l!xiacre bj uit:b Htlil ICany Cffiiti. STVROT9. 6 n. Jn T-fr.ecial Tee rram r-Mti TIi-?h.n. a ?rom.ir,ex,t repi b! can i pc.it.car. ic at h. hocr.e lr th: c ty ! at 11 o'clock yesiertay cf heart failure. He leave a wico . i .o ai.n.s a?-d two car- ' UurMe Mr. Hoebn wa bo-n tn Cermtir. coming to America when a yovr. z man He en Uited la tb famous Sever" tn eava!ry and wa with Custer m hi last campaign. On th rroTilra of Cu'.er't n'..-arre. Hotbn wa sent hack., his horse belr.g si'k. other- ansa h would have shared the fat of the j rest of his comn ar d In ir Mr. Hoern wa sent to Fort I Meade with the remnaru of h:s regiment. ! where he wai d.cta.-ce-d ar.J 'xn jtai- . liii.ed an ecv.able rep-t-..cn a an ac counted. Cn the orgeTiizaiion of Meal toutty In Is?. f.e wai elect -d tlerk of t j court and fterward bcid the office cf ' county comn.ieaior.er. aid. cr asd teister j of deedt. t is terra of four ye-a.s in l.ve las j earned olf-ce lavi'.g expired January 1 last- Hi is had intenied dieting 1-Js tie nti!:- to a:ric-t anl l.'.u:anc bus!- neea Mr li.-el.r. was an iiUi merr.t-t-r cf th HVlni(.i. V.' ni. men r.4 ICn.srt. cf Pytt.as lodgc-s. H.s funeral w.l! be h;2 ... l tlir CSII.VIH I'lUILU in i: ce-.y. Muii- day. .'anuary t. at 11 e clock EG3 LAYZF.S I UtUnunilJ Milt. Thirty-Three Oa.kel freaa Fle-k of I e.a Tea Haadred Darlaa Y r. . ly Juig and Mr. !-. pters?n Thy , keep a careful ce iy record c f the r T.ock ' jd the tc-; r.umler of tic 'ail dunr.g ti ) ear wai ':. which., crunty d crt to th. bushel, t t tfc. ibtre rwu'i. Thv recaived as th. prose proceed of .hair f"-Ock J-t r' w h.ch. after r'tjuri; i peas fcr feed ard ether if rrs itr.t'.r.t :ir te riC tn a Et: rr ft ef t'.i f. w,ch 1 a.rjcst H to a bn Th .'udf. :.d ilr. PvlracB are S5 ct f f. a. tv. sc-otre rt tYf r i-cultrr vn'er it rr thit they ha--, r'ace-' r. t-'lr. f r a t -Uit: from a fame. yr.ae-w.r.alr.t st.-a a. wfc -k Is t ami nortiy. and eucb is to cost V "' ' "J ""Jr V jiiritmi aw pi i eei I ay a fa ae am " ! r t.! fi m an ajn-w e -- for - mi ee m C 1 1 1 '. as rmmd eve f-m. tni at- ; j iaevsie I tntm. rkey et mf j i I luewnsi aia-i ars f pmtmmf eat Sta ; al k, aw rw apre v w te c4 aa ear ") mmi as m swet aara. I .' lJt )BehiMtlfeStege S fewer aenrernacr la the cumulative rrMi!t and cretrv genius o( ctrncraliona of builders spaliexJ to the attainraent of a lolty ideal toe art sake. Tba many thousand in u fuBy attaat to ti iaooc&ptrai!a a'tnfint Qualify, aocorify, depth and pcrroanc-ncy of tone of remark ai)le sweetaesa iKe surcrior metcrisla and wcrkraansSip K provaa djraihty of Strtv k ShtS Pianos and NeruraJ PlatT Piano. Tli e experie-nce of t!suanc!a of users Has arr.pJy dfnonatrated that both toe inmna'ic and market value of jttff it io preciakes leas, year in, y-ear out, than ar,y aKer make.' - Pianos and Natural Player Pianos (and Uprarda . 000 mnd Upwanla 7Ta 7raw Raprimtatimmm mf each one cf hocn is an avowed mosto upe.-vision of Mr. John V. SteBer, the freateat maa the world has ever known to the 1 -? at bteger. I L tbe town loundex. by Mr. otegtr. jtaail ISM rimmm owef A Jtwrml rimtwr r'f mm i oea amaiaali; iie'l a aHSua r i r i -i f rei suaa'S a awas ikaa or isrk. mmm aoe'eMe on- i Sit ttx kSvorts ScJimolW & Mueller Piano Co. Exclnaiee VrpraaaatatiTaa. Oldest aad ZraatUa' " ia tha Weal. izii-iais ruiiM sr. ''Vr- e t ' i Culled from the Wires. Aswtr- of the Washington-A !aVe hank. boa- in the hanfi of a r-o-lver. are li.ltfc.ft ' ar.d it liabilities are pa:..;v j Seiiator Ne'!on W. AMrich ct Rhode ) Is and. who has t-e-r. conf.ned to his h'.im i for tao clays with a sore threat, was ra- jiorted better, j W. R. Hearst must either pay damage ! or prove to a cojrt of law that he canr.ot i b 1 e.d rejr..bie for the f:re worka e 1 plosion of election night. liKt in which several were at'ied or wounded. A reduction Jn tbe freight rale on cot tonseed frt-ra points In Missouri. Arkanra and Louisiana to Memphia. Tenn . Is mad bv tbe Interstate Commerce comm. salon tn an opinion banded down in the caae of Engineer Honored by Erie Railroad in Unique Way CIEVELAXD. O. Jan. T. The Bri railroad mautemrii ha honored on of !t, ;,. .Brreerl. both In year and la point of senrica, by presenting to Also ander Larkln cf this city today, hi sixty- eighth birthday, the hug. engine which be drive daily In hauling th. fast Pit:- burg flyer between Cleveland and Teuxgs- town. Mr Larkin ha been in continuous service cf the company for forty-nine year, bar- lng beg-un his railroad career a a fire- man with th old Atlantic A Great West- rn railroad, which later becaic a part CANADIAN HOSPITALS SAY - - V t F . arrrt ---- i-. If. i'IC . '. 1 : r' t'HAKLU Heepit!. vuet-c City. O Or. of our s.fr rs w ;.o comTience-d imnrovel and will lo takt Peruta i a otrlir-ue to tak. it Some others a-c iry.r.r it also f-r Pre Marie, buper.or l.c.y C.t;a CCNYr-N7 cf ! irftl. ilcthc- t I-iurer.t. l.c ar Mor, Ko.se fia.cr of the l-ciy Cre;, Afv:r u-.s; Ptrua for two or t-.;te r-r:..i.s cicral nr.t2r..e.'e cf ISe c:ir. i.,r.!ty have cx; er.c it 1 such gcod f f.i Ull they rx.iiir.d it use to ei.'.r. e.iier of Haiy Cross H aVINO t.el Itr-n for t.". put fw r-cn'J.s, fcr cur iLk and pcr, w ar. ii.-rr io ssy t:.at u has g.ven u (te; sai.siact.ca Ti a .'.) of tt Cici :..!:. ri. y.or.:tl Af.. (riii- -i . ii ci .r. lt-iy. t...s .rn.;.;.i - his f.-:.i ri re. to rhar; .i J.il c, .i... n cl ti i illy i. 1 eirre.f ,; sai.efacv.cn in I w. ic ir g l rrr s S fsuTii Perur, a ri-f In srv. ral cee Vm en rr it a rrr"J tcr.it rnj w tr i; ( .n.if. t e'm cf t!. Ox 1 f r. ct I miry heT-ii' wh'Cj hare f-'i4 I ern il .. u trutirjr U e.. i..ii'.'e i;e. t .' uur; : I lie iii ;.-.!., i-l Ji- r. rr.. v:re fi.'.lcw w f 1. iif Isiiy to te.. . j t.at jn.r reri:rft Mi c.vi u sktie.'act.cn T.r jtv.rts Mv ti.j it. c (I yts.s a.'., r.'fttw. Ii.;u.. atr .c.el v;i:i e. IMtJn i n-.ut.i r .vl. r. c: t: an ... l-.s beta fT k r-rr.tr ef iiiti Aik Vour Dtcfciit I r a :M5n ; aridltHe -af 7Hr ( , ractonesi of tba musical knerw family of tnsster piano by itself each ia over 5X00 I server piano the Memphis Freight bureau against the Pt. Louis houthweetern railway. One fatality out of n.5ita paaeenger carded by rteim vessels cf all clasae plying to anl from Rhlladelpbia a the remarkable reoord made in 1). according to the rei-ort of th board of I nlted Scales stearrt-cait mpeot ors r-oubt as to wbc-trer Kirg George would becorre a patron cf 1he turf are eet at ret by the official publication of numerous entries in his masty s rierw in races to be run after the expiration it tb year cf mourning for King Kiward In an opinion handed down by Judge Buiff'ng'.on the Cmted Ftataa dietrtrt eoart In Fhi.aAelphla decided agaiast aevaral candy manufacturer who sought to re strain the prosecution cf ther customers for eel'ir.g ma:hma.iows ocLtalniCf sal -bur d:oude. ,of th En system H rervd about sis j months a a fireman end was then made an engineer j Ever since then he has been rvardng on fast train, most ef th tlm between j Cleveland and Teungstew-n or Cleveland ' and Pittsburg In ail theae year b ha J been in but two accident a. both Kicor la I character and in both of which ba hira- : lf wa Injured, j It Is understood that the engla Is to lb regarded as hi personal property, aa keg a he remain with the company and I that It caa be used by ae other engineer. Pe-ru-na Gives I Splendid Results for Colds and Catarrhal Troubles. YoVNti girl, fifieen years old. Itt1 which half a disappear obttinale t-ougli. l-citi of Peruna cauecd Aa to in)i;f. two bottlaa hat con vinced m thi Feruna is u.agajflcest aa a tonic liefer li.e uei.c.er.t 1 co.d noi walg f c i . i u.. ... f l.t.r vir,iki tiei.. en. i.j i. . f...-ui ICt u 1 can walk a tni.e eiiiiy Ti.r.i.fii eve t..c : e ee le1r to u-t-e knoar tc. the- pul.t tl.e effitieniy of jour jeme-c:' Hi.:ill ,t Jo:. a. cf PC Jo.,;i Pronn -e of Queoec A laier !tter re:-eiJ fmoi th aame institution l. c as f jl.ua s. THF.h ? c . HP. hi; epti io 1 trv'.t to te'.l e':' tcr we ro.i Ptru It V'e if "i .'. i;- fur lO.la, oo-c-a. d'.i.i.. anj neua.fia 1 ti i u ' .: ;..;r.. . m tu.c .: t-.c ict ra'u.s. tii-n aa direct ret, i.uf a l s.1 ptoal; cry calf Luur P n. UN A net only pri.n.pia' reiia coughs ar.d li'.it in ti.elr f.rst stages, tut Is euaiy rrorcpt ar.a eff.iitut fur I ca'irr) ai d.ea in .r.e chracir tuts It .s c i. y ressrnal t? t.si le "-a r.ei 'ire Wi.. i e-s aij- ta relieve a '..it rii(. t. r r li'e; it . bren al i r 1 tie t-e: i' e I l.r'i! .' . Ca'.erii. cf ire !:.:' ry craar. is a ' f .-.-.ir.on ..iir.i iu iii.etit Ti.erffre, vri m IVioi. as o'.oie.rl by Ci . c.r, ;c;'.t i le a re..i.. rri.iv lt ' , .if e-iiirj..'! c.fcrrfp. il at ence oe i n. a P'i i.r ii.e-uii.irrf- Ttee Poruna Aiuuait tor 121 jr f ii ill