Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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    "f. r.n t."irntn ":rr; .i:i:u':K r
m fcg ail Isler Espies
We have had sales o! importance in the past, but no previous offerings have compared with the bargains we are offering Saturday
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Ladies' Children's Furnishings
Biggest Yet Saturday in This Department
Ladies' Outing Flannel Underskirts, worth up to 50c; Sat
urday lSVL-i'
Ladies' all wool Knit Underskirts, in all colors, worth up t,;
$1.50, at .....49c
indies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, in extra or regula?
ize; regular 50c quality at 25c
Ladies' $1.00 Union Suits, in grey or white, in extra or reg
ular size, at . ' 49c
Indies' Outing Flannel Gowns, in all colors and sizes, worth
up to $2.50, at 98C and 49c
Ladies' silk and wool long sleeve Vests, in white, pink and
blue, slightly soiled, worth to $3.50, at . 98c
Ladies' Union Suits, in white, grey and ecru, in extra an 1
regular Bize, worth $2.00, at 98c
Boys' or Girls' Union Suits, regular $1.00 quality, at. .49c
Children's Jersey ribbed Vests and Pants, all sizes, worth
up to 50c at 25c, 19c and 10c
Boys' and Girls' Stockings, in wool, fleece lined or fine cot
ton, in light, heavy or medium weight 25c, ITVsC, 12M;C
Ladies' Stockings, manufacturers' samples, all kinds and
colors, worth up to $1.00, at 25c and 15c
Children's 75c Wool Leggings at .25c
Ladies' and Misses' All Wool Sweater Coats, in all colors
' , and styles, worth to $5.00, at. .$2.45, $1.85 and $1.50
Bovb' All Wool Sweater Coats, all colore, worth $2.50, 98c
( f Saturday Bargains for Men
'Men's $1.50 Shirts at 49c Manufacturers' samples of all
t the new Spring Patterns for 1911. Every shirt in this lot
i is warranted perfect and made to sell at $1.00 and $1.50;
.nil go on sale Saturday at .49c
Men's $2.50 and fS.OO Shirt at
. osc Thla 1 ths test Una or
'. shirt made and are all 1911 pat-
- terns and styles; all made to sell
' at ft. 60 and $3.00; on sale
' at 080
Men's $1.00 Outing Flannel Gowns
5 i ai 4UC
t Men's 76c Socks at 25
t Manufacturers' samples of all the
'K Men's Fine Lisle, Cashmere and
?? Mercerised Bocks, In allcolors.
; tha were made to sell up to
, $1, t 25c, 10c, 12 He and 10fr
Men's $1 Silk Mufflers at. .25
Men's and Boys' Fur Gloves, that
sold for $2.50
at 08 S1.50
Men's and Boys' Gloves, that sold
up to $1.50; on sale at. . . . 40
Men's $2.50 and $3 Flannel Shirts,
In blue and colors; on sale
at 08 and 81.45
Men's Bath Robes at. . H PK1CE
Men's 50c Suspenders and Four-ln-
Hand Ties at 25
Men's All Wool Sweater Coats, in
all colors and weaves, worth to
$5. t 98 81.08 and $2.08
Men's 75c. Heavy Fleece Lined
Shirts and Drawers, at.... 35
Men's $1.50 All Wool Shirts and
Drawers, in all sties and colors,
at 75
Drug Dift. Specials
for Saturday
tic Sanltol Tooth Powder for....Ho
16o Sanltol Faoa Cream for lie
ISo Fas Powdem, In ene bis lot, all
color, at per bos 10c
lOo Java Hloa or Pomaonl'a Faoa Pow
der, for ,.26o
lio alia Pur Hydrogen Peroxide, at
I bottlos for llo
$1.00 size Pure Hydrogen Peroxide,
extra for lio
to Hind's Honey and Almond Cream,
fur I bo
S&o Wltoh liaaai or Almond Cream.
for lio
too Mantholatum for Chapped Hands,
44c; a mall aias tic
Imported Camphoric, at par box. 10
to Peroxlda Cold Craam. extra... lie
ft bars Ivory Soap, for Its
Isa Jap Ross or Pmim OUva Soap, at
t bare for Uo
ISo Williams Shaving Soap,, for. .io
OW) On Hundred Dr. Hlnkle'e Cea-
eara Tablata. In sealed bottle.. !&o
St Wellington Syringe and Bottle.
guaranteed for 6 years, for.... 12.00
$l.te Hot Water Bottle, axtra. for bo
in Our Busy Candy Dept. '
Every day 40c Chocolates
for 25c
40o Cream Patties, assort
ed flavors 20c
40c Nut Patties, assorted
flavors .23c
40c Pure Cream Caramels
for 23c
40c Pure Cream Nut Car
amels 23c
25c Fairy Pillows (Satur
day) for 12c
The Greatest Bargains Vet to Come
Saturday we place on sale 750 Ladies' Evening and Street
Dresses, as displayed in our show windows the last few days, in
all the newest colors and sizes. They come in Chiffons, Silks,
Poplins, Panamas, Taffetas and Mcssalines. These arc all new
and right up-to-date dresses, and are worth up to $30.00.
Your Choice Saturday, $7.95
300 Children's Coats, 1 to 14,
made of fine velour, bear
skins, friezes, kerseys, mcl-
, tons and fancy mixtures
in all new Jaunty Styles.
Coats in this lot sold
up to $10.00. Choice
Coats Coats Coats
100 misses' and ladies' long cloth
coats, sold up to $15.00.
your choice Saturday
215 ladies' coats, that sold up to
$25.00 colors, blacks,
your choice Saturday
Suits Suits Suits
One big lot ladies' fine tailor-made
suits, in all styles and materials.
Suits sold up to $30.00; t,
your cuoice saiuraay
Saturday will be the bar
gain day for Fut Coats, when
all the fur coats will go at
one-half price.
Extra Specials
100 children's heavy military capes,
worth up to $7.50, ages 4? f QT
6 to 12, at.... lstFtJ
Children's bear skin coats, ages 1
to 6, worth $4.00- f HC
Saturday fll.ltl
One big lot ladies' Simons silk
v underskirts, in all colors, ff O QC
worth up to $7.50. $OV0
Ladies' dressing sacques, 7Qf
sold up to $2.00; Saturday.
Big lot ladies', silk net and messa
Une waists, in all colors, sold at
$5.00 and $0.00; your fl) QC
choice Saturday PeiJtl
Visit our Baby Bazaar
everything for infants.
Saturday's List of
Bargains in Hardware
Ironing Boards, with Stand, $1.95
quality, at $1.25
$1.25 Mrs. Pot's Sad Irons, only 8Q
Wash Boilers, 14-ounce solid copper,
extra large heavy wash boilers. No.
7 size i 52.25
No. 8 sise. $4.60 quality $2.50
No. 9 sice, $5.00 quality $2.75
Heavy block tin, copper bottom Wash
Boiler, the best quality made; worth
$2.60, only $1.30
No. 8 sice. $1.40
Extra large No. 9 sice $1.50
Oalvanlsed Wash Boilers GD
Parlor Brooms. ............. -25
8 boxes, 90 Clothes Pins. 10
S-year Guaranteed Wringer $5.00
quality .. $2.08
$10.00 Spinner Fly Wheel Washer,
only $7.50
The Old Reliable Western Washer,
only $2.08
You Save 25 to 50 by Trading at
, hayden's for Groceries
Start the new year right and aeo
what you will save on yonr Grocery
bill. ;
20 lbs. best Granulated Sugar... 98o
9 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All
Soap for -25c
10 lbs. beat Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal
for .26
4 8-lb. sack best High Patent Flour
for ...$1.30
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal for .16e
16c pkg. Golden Rod Macaroni. ,10o
5 lbs. good Japan Rice .9o
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per
pkg. 7ttc
6 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch. 2 3o
1- lb. can Assorted Soups 7 too
2- lb. can Wax, String, Green or Lima
Beans ........... 7 H e
Large bottle pure Tomato Catsup,
Worcester Sauce or Pickles, assorted
kinds, per bottle 8 C
' Butter, Butterine and Cheese Sale
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. 29o
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb ....27o
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 26o
2 Iba. good Butterine 5c
Fancy full cream white or colored
Cheese, per lb. , 20c
Fancy full cream Y. A. Cheese, lb. 20o
Fancy full cream Brick Cheese. v. 16c
Ned Jh Brand Highland Navels the
Finest Production of California
There are none "Just as good."
Per dozen 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c
Regular price ... .25c, 35c, 40c, 50c
50 to 100 Per Cent Saved by Trading
at Hayden's for Fresh Vegetables
8 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce.. 6c
2 bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes
for Bo
1-lb. box fresh Hothouse Mushrooms
for 35c
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. ...... 4 . 7 M c
Try C0aydln!-s -Fiiirsft "ay
Specials for Saturday
60c Fancy Jabots, at 25?
60c Fancy Bows, at 23
60c Fancy Stock Collars, at 2o?
$1.00 Fancy Jabots, at. . . . 4f
$1.00 Fancy Bows, at 49
$1.00 Fancy Stocks, st 49
A big cut on all fancy Silk
Scarf 8, Mufflers, etc.
$1.00 Silk Scarfs, at 40
$2.00 Silk Scarfs, at $1.25
$3.00 Silk Scarfs, at $1.75
$5.00 Silk Scarfs, at $3.25
A big snap Saturday In Ladles'
Taney Hand Baas.
$1.00 Hand BaRS, at
$2.00 Hand Bags, at $1.00
$3.00 Hand. Bags, at $1.75
$3.00 Hand Bags, at $2.50
$6.00 Hand Hugs, At $3.25
$7.00 Hand Bags, at $4.75
35c SlUi VEILlMiS, 10c.
All kinds and colors of fancy
Silk Veilings, go on sale Saturday
morning, at yard 10J
Regular price, 2 5c and 35c yard.
tj'lu jiiiiillllll'llll!irT .'
Another Cut in hats
1.200 Men's Winter Caps, in ker
sey snd worsted, fur lnaldo
bands; 75c aud $1.50 valued,
Saturday's selling price. . . -45
The famous John B. Stetson Hats,
soft snd stiff; all the laUst
styles, at and up from.. $3. 50
Trunks, Trunks
All the floor samples of Trunks will be closed out Saturday at a
bargain to make room for our new spring stock.
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Get the children ready for school after their two week V
rest. Fit them out with shoes rubbers and overshoes. '
Shoes, priced up to $2:25, in good, strong, durable leather,
that are made to wear well. This lot includes two lines of
big girls' shoes $1.50
Child Jocky Boots, up to size 8, a shoe that sells in all tho
stores that carry this shoe, $1.50 black, brown and a few
red ones $1.00
Men's and Women's Fine Shoes, values up to $3.50, all sizes, all styles;
a "clean up" of several lines found "short" for quick moving $1.08
A clean up on all the Fur Trimmed Nulliflers. values up to $1.75
Saturday , $1.00
Childs' and Infants' Warm Lined Shoes, sold at $1.00 and 75c two
lots '75 nd 50
Men'a Tan or Black High Cut Storm Shoes, (16 Inches high), a good
$3.60 shoe; Saturday $2.50
Agents for Stetson and Crossett shoes for men uud the
Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women.
Rocker Sale
100 Rockers, which sell regu
larly at $2.60 to $4.50 Sat
urday's price, at $2.50
and $1.25
Dining Chairs
75 Odd Dining Chairs only I
to 3 of a kind Go Saturday
' Look for the Red Tag.
Specials in Liquor Department
Maryland Eye and White Corn "Whiskey, 6ix years old
Full quarts .75c Per gallon $2.50
Cedar Brook, "Weldon Springs, Overholdt and Scheuly 8
years old; per full quart $1.00 Per gallon. . .$3.50
Home Made Grape Wine, red or white; per gallon. .$1.00
New Books
1 D.niv
1 M lh w
rREtSK. By Morris Shfppard. 0l Pp.
The Bracon Praas.
The author of thla book la tha sovereign
banker of tha Woodmen of tha World and
man from Texaa. and dedtratea
orfc to Joseph Cullen Hoot. In a very
complimentary paragraph.
This volume Is made up of two score
eddreases delivered by Mr. Hheppard, or
extracts from these addresae. They cover
a somewhat wide field, but the majority
deal with tha different phases of fraternal
lam, especially as exemplified by the tenet j
and practices of tha Woodmen of tha I
World, tha great order which was founded
In Omaha and has Its headquarters here.
Research and study are Indicated In
many of the addresses, and a high-pitched
strain of eloquence pervades them all. Tha
author has drawn on history, ancient and
modern. In Its most picturesque and strik
ing phases, and has gathered many beauti
ful and edifying pictures aad uplifting ex
amples, which ha has elaborated In good,
strong English. Thoaa of tha addresses
devoted to departed members of the order
are filled with a touching elevation of
thought that gives them a value much be
yond tha ordinary of auch effusions, and
there la apparent throughout a flavor of
deep sincerity, of optimism and of un
QueaUontng faith. That Mr. Hbeppard la
equipped with a mind and heart keenly
susceptible to the touch of nature that'
makes all men kin Is amply teetUled by
his speeches as set forth In this book.
Outside the fraternal field there are cogent
snd clever addreaaes on Abraham Lincoln,
delivered before a republican club In New
York, on books on Christian cltlaeriehlp.
oa historical characters and alsnlflcant
epochs of tha hlsjory of various states.
uo w Trust" Is an address worthy
very kind mention, and a particularly
strong expression of tha liberal and schol
arly treed of the author's mind Is to be
found In "Contributions of the Hebrew
People to Human Advancement." It la
one of the beat short epitomes of the sub. 1
Ject to be found anywhere.
Altogether, Mr. Bheppard has put before
hla fraternal brothers a moat acceptable
and uplifting volume, and the general
public will find In It many things of
genuine merit touahlng the common af
fairs of Ufa and the value of the lite of
the common man to tha family, the com
munity and the nation.
OLOGY. By Ur. Philip Zenner.
A rral act of aoclal service waa ac
complished by Dr. Philip Zenner of the
University of Cincinnati when he wrote
"Education In Hexual Physiology and
Iltglene." It tells in a simple, clean man
ner what parvnts and teachers have long
felt ought to be a matter of common
knowledge for the young. And It Is told
after a fashion which will be eagerly
sought by these same teachers and parents
as a model. It Is a matter of sorrow that
this book was not written and widely dis
tributed sooner, slnca by so doing much
trouble, morally and physically, might hava
been avoided. It Is a matter of aoclal con
gratulation that It la now written, that It
may serve for tha amelioration of these
and kindred troubles In tne future. Every
teacher, every parent, every laborer In
the vineyard of moral JuvenUe growth will
find a genuine delight tn spreading tha
news of this book. It Is hoped that Its
ready acceptance by the publlo Inspire
the author to writs mora of Its kind.
IN AFRICA. By John T. McCutcheon.
ad Pp. M. bobba-Merrlll company.
Mr. McCutcheon's book on Africa is st
once unique and delightful. It differs at
tha start from all other books oa the'sub
Ject In that It conveys a great amount of
fresh and roost, Interesting Information,
and at the same time brlma with delicious
humor. Illustrated with drawings by the
author and IS photographs.
Richard Henry Dana. Jr. lui pp. JJ.
Houghton Mifflin oompany.
There have been few more Interesting
Americana than Richard It. Dana, Jr.. the
author of the claxsic, "Two Years Before
ths Mast." and later one of the most di-tlna-ulaned
lawyers and publicists of his
time. Ills speeches, of which tha most
notable hava been collected in tha present
book, are masterpieces of vigorous, lucid
exposition and argument. They treat many
subjects, such as "Ths Monroe Doctrine,"
"Ths Fugitive Slavs Law," "Ths Free
Roll Movement," "The fee of Bibles In
Public Schools." "The Halifas Fisheries."
S. Monroe. M Pp. L. C. Page & Co.
Tha author gives a 'general survey of
the people of Bohemia, their social and
political Institutions snd economic and In
dustrial conditions. The book tells of the
beginnings of ths Bohemian nation, tha
end of Bohemian Independence and the
centuries of misfortune and oppression
which followed this calamity. The volume
Is attractively Illustrated and contains a
ELRoPlfi. By Lee K. Krankel and Miles
M Dawson. 33 pp. fc.60. Charltlea Pub
lication committee.
This volume presents the results of a
careful Investigation, covering sbout six
months of tha systems of Insuring working-men
la operation In European countries.
It gives In fuller detail than has been
done heretofore In this country the various
kinds of European Insurance, their methods
of operation, their finance and relations
with government.
Text Baska.
A. Ouerber. 174 Pp. ba cents. American
Book Company.
The atory of France from the earliest
tlmea down to the death of Louis XIV. lay
lng stress upon tha many Interesting artd
picturesque eplaodea In which tha period
abounds, aa they are presented In literature
and art. The book la supplied with map
and Illustrations.
Baldwin. IX pp. bv cents. American Book
The stories form a complete connected
r-iif.lvo, rUaUcg all the must notable
and most pleasing legends, as told ' by
romancers of many times and many lands.
They are here presented In single, mod
ern English, and car has been tsken to
svotd everything that might give offense
to anyone. ' '
TION. By 11. A. Uuarber. 68 Pp. . SO
cents. American Book Company.
Tha present account of the lite and ex
ploits of Joan of Are Is written in an agree
able style, adapted to ths purpose In view;
and Is provided with foot notes Indicating
by rearrangement of the English word
the equivalent French construction.
TWO. By William H, Maxwell. Emma L.
Johnston and Madalena D. Bornum. UH
Pp. 23 cents. American Book Company.
This book provided Instruction In oral
snd written language for the fourth year.
Careful attention la given to the require
ments for eorrest pronunciation and enun
ciation, as well as to spelling and punctua
tion. '
MAR GRADES. By Horace H. Cummlngs.
274 Pp. 76 cents. American Book Company.
The subjects treated cover a wide range
of observation and eaperleaos, and an ef
fort Is mad to develop tha uses snd
methods of classifying knowledge. Light,
heat, sound, electricity, gravity, rlctlon,
etc., are studied, not only that the' pupil
may understand their laws and relatione,
but that he may appreciate their beauty
and uae.
Robert D. Metcalt and Augustine L, Raf
ter. K6 Pp. 40 cents. American Book
This book developa s plan for a careful
study of familiar objects. Laaaons on sub
jects suitable to ths pupil's understanding
are supplied In ths form of pictures, such
natural object as can be obtained easily,
and Interesting stories snd poems.
Robert C Metcalfe and Augustine U Raf
ter. We Pp. W centa. American Book com
pany. Vuis boo, baaed upon tha new course ul
English adopted by the schools of Boston,
Is designed for the higher grades of sla
mantary sohools. Original exercises by the
pupils sre called for, and many selections
from standard authors servs as guides to
ths appreciation of literature.
gchramp. S2 lp. U cenU. American
book company.
A collection of short stories for ths first
and socond years of German. The stories
are selected from tha works of modern
Felix Weill. 16S Pp. 40 cents. American
Book conxpany.
Thirty selections for second yesr reading.
Ths original text has been preserved as
far as passible; but ths abridgment of the
Chanson da Roland and the selection from
Froles&rt have been shortened.
Francois. 172 Pp. 40 cents. American
Book company.
Thirty stories, for second year reading,
each complete in Itself and prefaced by a
short biography of ths author. The selec
tion, typical of ths bast French prose,
are grouped by centuries.
Jamea Otis, lb Pp. 36 cents. American
book company.
The Quaker boy Stephen comes over from
England In ths good ship "John and
Sarah," a he tells us,' and helps his jfather
build the family home In the new' land.
The book, which Is Intended for supple
mentary reading In the third, fourth and
fifth years, la sufs to Interest children.
By Mary Wood Chase. La Pp. fl 26. Oliver
DM t son company.
This work presents the essential laws of
the building up of a good piano technic
in a practical manner.
E. Johnson. S3 Pp. 26 cents. Ginn A. Co.
The book considers in turn tie needs of
the primary, the intermediate and the
grammar school children, both boys and
girls. It Is easy to read, vary suggestive
and deals with essentials.
Jamea Otis. IDS Pp. 16 cents. American
book company.
Peter tells how he, a 10-year-old lad, came
to taks ths long voyage from Holland to
New Amsterdam, and how he began his
new Ufa In ths odd little village. The
book Is Illustrated, and la aura to mak
history mors attractive to ths average boy
and girl.
Otis, loe Pp. 16 cents. American book
This story of Lord Baltimore' colony Is
told In ths words of a lad who sailed with
the first colonists In ths good ship Ark
and shared their stormy voyage to the
new horns In Chesapeake Bay. Tha book.
Intended for supplementary reading In the
third and fourth years. Is illustrated from
pen and Ink drawings.
By Hollls Dann. 13 Pp. 46 cents. American
book company.
In this book the author has brought to
gether the standard Christmas anthems, as
well ,a tha best Christmas hymns, snd
ths most beautiful and attractive Christ
mas chorals. It is Intended for uae got
only In schools, but also for Christmas en
tertainment by church choir.
Edited by Fanny E. Co. 1W Pp. 60 cents,
little, brown & Co.
Ths selection for this book have been
mad from "Little Men" snd other best
known book by Mis Alcott with a view
to furnishing sohools a supplementary
reader. The stories appeal to boys snd
girls In equal measure.
IkMti Wife, Kills Hlsaaelf.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. . Accusln his
wife of untruthfulness after her return to
their home In the southern section of the
".Uy late laat night, when she declared that
she had been to the theater with her sinter.
Henry Beckman, 40 years old, shot and
seriously luluied her and then committed
suicide by seuduig a bullet Into hla biain.
Cement Users Talk
Over Plans for Show
Plant for the Success of the Affair
Come Up for Discus
sion. Plana for active campaigning for the
success of the cement show to be held In
Omaha February 1. 2 and 3, were made st
a meeting of the Nebraska Cement Users'
association held last night. A number of
ths members who live out In the state
were present at the meeting, beside the
local member. v
Committees to take chare of the show
arrangements were appointed and plans
for arranging the space of the Auditorium
were made. One Idea advanced wa that
the main floor of the building should be
alloted to ths different dealers and ths
basement made a Joint exhibit.
In the basement It Is planned to build
s miniature farm, having all the buildings,
troughs, fence posts and everything possi
ble made of cement.
Mayor Dahlman Goes
to Meet the Show
Delegation from City Hall to Bide
from Kansas City on the
Show Train.
Mayor Dahlman is to head a party of
city officials snd. olty hall folk who will
go to Kansas City Saturday morning to
return with tha New York Hippodrome
oompany, sa guests of the management,
on the special train arriving Sunday. .
The members of ths party will be Tom
Flynn, street commissioner; C. E. Fsnning,
Clauds Bossle, Lee Bridges, Barney Mo
Csrdle, Joseph Butler and R. W. Schneider.
The management of the show Is object ng
to the effor's to force payment of a cir
cus license 011 the ground that It was not
a circus.