Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 4

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    'llltj HtL: UMAIIA, h. 1 , .1AM Aid , J.H1.
' jdc 1
WMImiMm I it ' 1 Only
' "" " ' ' " Hi-.
uTul Tiff fi3
Sir j?8
i. i .I i w " ' '
10 (C A tl Ono
( tA- 1
l IW SP k-vj it - :-. j
Our Semi-Annual Offer
Unrestricted Choice
Prated I ZAJLXI 11
wit 1 0ji
All the HIRSH-WICK WIRE Overcoats and Suits.
This offer includes Every
thing in our Men's Clothing
stock, excepting Fur Coats and
Fur Lined Coats.
ff 17!.
m P
Thousands remember our
great sales last June and last
January. This year our stock
is greater than ever. It will be
the biggest Clothing Sale ever
held in America.
Effort to Divide Plumi in Iowa is
"" Fruitless.
Run Develop Over Qaeatloa of
Apportionment ProcrruUfi
Rtaad Groand la Posl
tlnn of Opposition.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
PICS MOINKH. Jan. 8.-(Speclal Tele
tram.) Kfforts made late thta afternoon to
secure an agreement on the part of mom.
bere of the Iowa home for a division of
tho patronage came to naught.
A committee of three from each faction
wrestled with the matter for aume time.
The sticking point, however, waa not an
much that of patronage ait It waa that of
an agreement not to have a caucua com
mittee appointed.. The committee consisted
of Representatives Johnson, Moore, Klay,
Crist. Kulton and CunnlnKham. The reason
for asking that no caucua committee be
appointed la that by no doing there will
be no chance for a regularly called sena
torial caucua, The progressives refuse to
concede this and It 1a feared that unless
they yield the minority will not go tnto
the house caucus at all. All opposition to
Representative Ptillman for Speaker baa
disappeared. It Is expected that the senate
organization will be held early tomorrow.
am the cenatora have all agreed upon It.
II era Kay Be Out of Heee. ..
A sudden chaitKe In the senatorial pro
gram followed the unexpected announce
ment that the city council made a tender to
CK-Attiu ney t; neral Byers of the ositlon
of corporation counsel for Les Moines at a year. Mr. Uyers has practically
Hccepted the place. In fuct. the arrange
nunt lias been under cora di ration for some
lime. This may take Byere out of the
atnatoilii) race entirely, thovigh he waa re
Kurdi.l aa a lender before the caucus.
A vvrll dr fined movement waa Inaugur
ated litre to l-revrnt the holding of a
vtnstorliil cat.ciis. or an ontanixatton cau
cus of the hoime. A committee la at work
mguKcri la Ht'turltij plidcs from ii)'nibri
Hot to rpcutiniae the organisation nor to
pa rtlclpato In any caucunrs of the party
and thus to bring on a deadlock, not only
In organisation, but for senator
I'rlntcrahlu U In Ooubt.
There are now sevrral candidates for
etate printer and state binder, Including
It. A. Macy. Adair; S. M. ilreene, fharl
ton: J. U. I.ticaa. Madrid; (ieorge Oallano,
Km Muiiirs: Holert Vlrndmon. Council
Bluffs; UtorKe Tucker and Ijirs lilvdinri,
Webster City. Two candidata are In the
field for stain tindir, Joe Long. Osceola,
and Solm Jamison. Guthrie county. The
caucus for three office la usually held
late In ih session, so that they are not
elecWd until near the close and do not
take office for inure than two years.
Tno ( Ity ln la l oan.
City h'olU-ltor Hobert Urennan will go to
Council Hluffs to appear tomorrow before
Julia McF'htison In two canes from Ies
Moines. Tho first is the Injunction suit
of the gss company to prevent lowering
o? Kss rales In Dis Moines. The company
wlil endeavor to show that the reduction
would Wave the company with less than 3
per tint net rofita. The other U an appeal
from the report of the tnasttr In chancery
aa to the water company rates
t ll- Hallway Kariiiuua.
Tho groea minings of the l)cs Moines
stuvt ruilway ;n reaxed more than IjO.i.00 in
1A. The Rros curninss of the company
for the year we e H.ue'.LiW.Cv It. j
ti i laeslfP ullon of got ernment census au
thorill.R makcn lies Molr-s a "Claaa A"
cltv. Tturo m-c tnenty-xf ven other such
titles In the. country. '
Kulupcra la iet Hebalrs.
Manv 1c Molne shippers are signing
a petition asking the Interstate Commerce
commission to aecure rebatea on" freight
rates already paid.
Freight Commlaaloner Wylle of the
Greater-tes Moines committee will send
the petition to Washington. Yhe rebate
la to cover the difference In rates now be
ing paid and those held reasonable by the
Water Comsnnr la Ulamed. N
The report; of Oeorge W. Fuller, New
York City, aa an expert on the city water
supply of tee Moines, made to the council
today, virtually places upon the company
the blame for the typhoid fever epidemic
and excoriate the company for the meth
ods In uae In aecuring water for the sys
tem. It ia pointed out that Infection la very
probable because of the methods used and
the lack of care In having tho water fll-ttred.
Bryant. Grlswold; H. S. Kly, Arthur Poe,
Cedar Rapids; C. O. Harrington, Vinton;
V. H. MeUinnla, Lon C. F. Mauss, Mil
lord; F. S. Merriau, Mrs. Agnes W. Smith,
Waterloo, and Thomas J I. tmlth and d
ward 8. White, Harlan.'
IOWA CITY Walter M. Pavla Of Iowa
City has tieen chosen president of the
Johnson County Savings bank here to suc
ceed W. F. Fry, resigned. The elevation
came aa a result of a meeting of the
toard of directors last evening. Mr. Da via
askumea his dutlea Immediately.
Hx-She-rlff J. M. Kmlth.
MADISON, Jan. 6. (Special.) J.
Ilnrw Bala at Masoa City,
MASON CITY, la., Jan. 6. -.-(Special)
Twenty-three standard bred and record
horses were sold under the hammer here
yesterday. Colonel Rain of Lexington, Ky.,
crying the sale. It was given under the au
spices of the Mason City Horse Sales com
pany, and waa the first of a series of aales
they expect to give regularly each yeai .
About sixty more, mostly record horses,
were sold In the afternoon, principal
anions which waa Dr. B, P., gray stallion,
owned by Woods & Bockhaua. The firm
Is to dissolve and Mr. Bockhaua bought
him at St, MM. The twenty-three head sold
yesterday on aa average of Sl, the sale
totaling $3,!5.
Inwa Nni KiHea.
UKR CITY After being threatened by
the agent of the .State board of Educa
tion with loss of accreditation prlvliegea
on account of lack of sufficient laboratory
snd library equipment, Die city school
board has voted an appropi lation for tne
additional equipment of these departments
ol Ui high school. Frit. Fnsign, state
Inspector of high schools, li.foinia (super
intendent Oiiffin that It is his opinion -.hat,
with tn.s appropriation, the reiuti of the
local high sch ol for aCoreJltatl in will be
1.1 vol ably acted upon by the state board.
IDA (3KOVK-When Attorney Will K.
JulU'.Mon as abroad last kummer he niei
the laie John It. Molsiant, the aviator, who
rtcrntlv fed to hla drath, and they became
turn it lend. Jolini'.n saw Mo.ssant tly
at Blackpool nnd also ssw him the da he
shocked the liiitsli navy by suuueuly p
ptaiilig In the In a vein as ha Uashtd out
ot u os and maneuvered over the British
cnannel (laet.
IDA liHOVF-Jolm Hecht died here at
he age of st years as the result of a
toioka of ap pit xy. Born in tierniany. he
cuni!- to Ameiios 111 Ktl and hicatid 111
. H'.nsj Ivanla. Mr. Heche moved to Cedar
.ouuiy, lowu. in lUii and to Ida
,ii Isn.'. s.x cnlidren tuaivu hl:n.
IDA tiltOVK At the old-fauhione.l
county spelling match held In lho oteru
luusK here great liiieresl was hliowtt u,
the event and a bin ciowd was present.
'eila tuirnei of Haves towiiMiip won,
l.yia t'rane was second: Mis. U C. Jor
can. tlind; Mis. W. T. L,vnch, founii;
i iauU rtrphan. llfih, and juaooe B.eak;.
ilMh. The latter is a n ece of Aud.tor ot
itute Bleakly.
IOWA CI'l Y-The glee club of the Cnl
vcis.ty ol Iowa has rtturnrd from an eml
neoily successful trip tj the northern pan
of lowu. Ths trip was the k.nel the gee
ciuii t.u ever made, and the marked suc
cess which has ailetiucd It makes future
excursions assured. Markhalltown, Ni
vaca. tivnlson, tnawa. Cnerokee and Fort
UuCut were the towns visited.
KAVA CITV-I'iof. i:. A. Wilcox of the
l nixeis'.ty of 1 ,wa was t.dav named as
Uditur oi Jouinul of Law and Crlm
H'doy. "I ho !cIiIh'ui o.l is com-idered u.;
I of tie efficlei.t exponents t,n taw and
ion muu ineiejl Ihiuuiihou; the t III, el
Biatfs. rof. Wilcox will assume his
du.Us linuiediately.
lassnv t'laatrr Mar tiers Ills Wile.
l'i:.N.-vC01..V Fla., Jsn S.-Belleved to
be in.un.v WtlUar! a uiihv
; planter, is bcir.g held in jail today,
I kille.i h:s w ifo ai their home near here
laie last nii.hi. -Moriian is v.ars of .
His wife uas only a lew years younser
becoming aare of her peril. Mrs. Morgan
I att. mi I'd to fl.e from tne hocse. hut was
cauitui ny .Morgan, who cut her throat
with a pocket l.nlfe before their servants
could interfere.
HWA CITY-'.'he follow In have been
chiwm to membership In ihe llisinrml
I Hoeietv of the Stale i.f oa: v. W. Hald-
win. Burlington; Mrs. Mary (iueal IVver.
I. H. If 11. C. N. Kinney. I ics Moines; j! H.
Biuff, J. B. Uockiafellow. Atlantic; T. J.
and out of Toronto, Canada. Mr. and Mrs.
Meyerle started for Buffalo, N. Y., im
mediately after the ceremony was per
formed, where they will remain for a
short time.
(Continued from Third Page.)
Smith died at the home of his son, Mon
roe Smith of this city, at S a. m. Thursday.
H:s death waa hastened by a paralytic
stroke received several days ago. He leavea
a w'dow and five sons to mourn his lost,
Sheriff C. 8. Smith, Monroe Smith, dep
uty sheriff; A. V. Smith, Elmer Smith of
Maditon and C. A. Smith, cashier of the
Klkhorn National bank of Tllden. all well
and favorably known to the people of
Madison county.
Mr. Smith waa 82 years t age. He came
to this city from Allentown, Pa., In the
early ROs and for many years waa In the
furniture business. The funeral service
will be from the residence of hla aon, C. 8.
Bmlth, to the Methodlat church and In
terment wilt be made In the Clausen cem
etery Hunday afternoon at t o'clock.
Mrs. Anderson Miller.
FALLS CITY, Neb., Jan. . (Special. )
The funeral of Mra. Anderson M Her waa
held yestetday, with burial In Steele ceme
tery. Mra. Miller, who waa a daughter
of Dan ol Crane, waa born November 10,
1&2S; waa married- to Anderson Miller at
Greenfield, Ind., March IT, ISfJ, and came
west to Andrew county, Missouri, where
they lived until March, 1&0. when they
came to Falls City and located on a farm
adjoining town. The family has resided
there since that date. Two daughters.
Fannie, who reeldea with her father on
the homo place, .and Mra. W. If. Keeling,
are the children who survive her.
Mis. Miller took an active Int-rest In
whut was doing throughout the country in
her t!me In preference to what was done
centuries ago, and was a woncer in the
ranks of the Women's Chr.atian Temper
ance union.
' Uachelur Wins C'ooklaK I'rlses.
IDA GROVE. Ia, Jan. .-(Sptcial .)
Oeorge Yousling, a bachelor who keeps
house on his place Juxt smlh of town, won
five prises for fancy cooking In the domes
tic science department of the short course
just held here. Tousling won first prlte
for a doien rolls, first for layer cake, first
for white cookies and second for angels'
food. He as ulo awarded a spec al prise
fur the best five-pound Jar of butler ex
hibited. I.lllie Baxter of Ualva won first
for white buul and Mrs. tl. Him on of Ida
Qrove first for rye bit ad.
Colonel Jatnra I. Vincent.
HOI'eiTON. Tex.. Jan. . -Colonel James
1. Vincent, one of the veterana In Texaa
Journalism and public affairs, died at
Sour Lake. Tex., today. In hla "id year.
Chairman Lassen, who retires from the
board was presented with a fine charm
ana fob as a token of esteem by the old
GOTHENBURG The mall between here
and Arnold, a distance of forty-five mile
la being carried by automobile. This la one
of the few routes In the United fetate
where the government ailowa the use of
the auto. The car makes the round trip
of ninety miles, every other oay. The route
has been made by automobile ainoe last
July and seldom doea It pull In late.
GRAND ISLAND The city council has
recently passed ordinances! prohibiting
minora and confirmed drunkards from en
tering saloons and prohibiting any other
persona to enter saloons for the purpose of
procuring liquor liquor or confirmed drunk
arda. Aa a companion piece an ordinance
was passed prohibiting minora below the
aga of U from being In or entering pool
MA DIBON Michael Dowling, aa admin
istrated of the estate of Richard G. Dowl
ing, deceased, has brought action against
the Union Paclf.c Railroad company for
damagea In the sum of M,00o. Michael
Dowling la the father of Richard G. Dowl
ing, who lost his l.fe while braking In the
Union Paeflo yards at Omaha aome
months ago.
GENEVA The funeral of Mra. J. B.
Lfwia was held at the Metnoaisi cnurcn
this afternoon. Mrs. Lewis resided in
Geneva for hiany years, her husband.
Prof. J. B. Law s, died here several year
ago. Her two daughter with another,
Mrs. Cramer of Omaha, are here. Her
granddaughter and husband. Mr. and Mra.
lister Donlsthorpe live here.
NEBRASKA CITY The members of Es
ther Court. No. llB. Tribe of Ben Hur, in
it ated a large class last evening and Hp
pointed Mrs. Charlotte Golden. D. W. Mo
Callum and Mrs. riarah barker, with
Charles Ott. Mrs. Isadore Burbank and
Mis. J. D. Sutton, as alternate delegates
to the Jubilee convention of the order to
be held at Cra wfurdsville, Ind.. on April ft.
PLATTBMOI'TH Mrs. Levi Hatton. who
has been ill for soma months with catarrh
Of the stomach, died yesterday. The
children are James Jonea of Omaha, Mrs.
Albert llarkins of Omaha, John and Rich
ard Jones of this city. Mr. Jones dies
about eighteen years ao and three years
afterward Mrs. Jonea was married to her
present husband, l.evl j'attou, who sur
vive her.
TABLE ROCK The body of Ernest W.
Gray, who lived here several years, but
whose home was at Kansas City, from
where he traveled, waa brought here last
evening from Dea Moines, where he met
his death accidentally by the escaping of
gas. He was about 40 years ot age and
leaves his wife, formerly Miss Lulu Cooper,
daughter ot Kllaa Cooper, both Table Hock
ALLIANCE At the meeting held by the
members of the First Presbyterian church
last night, plans were discussed and com
mittees appointed to take 'Charge of the
work of providing a banquet for the fire
men, who will come here on the 17th Inst,
to attend the Firemen's convention. Ar
ramcementa have been made for 400 plates
at 11 each, and the ladles of the First
Presbyterian church have undertaken to
furnish a sumptuous banquet.
BATTLE CHEEK At a meeting of the
directors of the Battle Creek Valley bank.
lltrrlr-)lKaildrs, held In the parlors of the bank ye'terdav
r-iXipmnciTe Kh Jan t iSnec al ) I afternoon, ttie resignation f Johl H.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. ' Wltilgman. as cashier, was accepted, and
. ci. Benntng. who has bed tlw nosl: cn
of asa slant cashier for snni yesr. was
appointed to the position made vacant I v
the resignation of Mr. Wilz gman. Jo: n
Dufphty of Battle Creek was elecud 'o
the position vacated by the advancement
of Mr. Bennlng.
NEBRASKA CITY-Pol ce Officer W I
Ham Ounn captured an epcupd conv ct
ensuing term: Robert Wurback. noble
grand; Jamta C. Prloe. vice grand! right
and left supporters to noble grand, Fred
Menklng and J. A. McKebbln: right and
left supporters to vice grand, John Giffry
and H. W. Marshall; L. M. Utterback,
warden; Frank Wolf, Inside guard, G. I,
Pfelffer. secretary. A banquet was served
after the installation of officers It the
lodge room. Hpeclal installing Officer
Clay waa present and put on the work.
MAPI HON District court convened at
nocn Thursday with Judge Welch presid
ing. The caae. the state of Nebraska, ex
big- The case, the state of Nebraska,
ex rel Edward Gunnerson against the
Nebraska Children's Home society was
concluded. The court gave the young
est child, Helen Gunderson, t o the
father, but denied him the possession
of the oldest child, Olga. Attorney W. M.
Allen, for the defense, -raised the point
of Jurisdiction and the court temporarily
set as'de Judgment In the caae until the
matter could be argued, which hearing
will occur tomorrow morning.
TLATTSMOUTH Robert W. Sherwood
and Miss Hannah H. Hochatrasser, popular
young people of this city, were quietly
married at Ht. Lukes church In Lincoln
yesterday, the Rev. A. H. Brook, 'pastor,
brother-in-law of the bride, officiating.
The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hochstraaeer of this city, coming
here with her parents from Omaha a little
over ten years ago. She is a graduate of
the Omaha High school. The groom Is a
Plattsmouth young man and a member of
the firm of R. Sherwood A Bon, and has
been a successful shoe merchant and one
of the leading business men of this city.
MULLEN A team belonging to F. L.
Boyer. driven by Enoch Reeves, made a
disastrous runaway from the livery barn
In this city, Just as Mr. Reeves got out ot
the buggy to unhook, the team atarted.
Jerking him down and dragging him several
feet, tearing his clothing and bruising him
up on the frosen ground, the team ran
home, a distance of five miles, tearing the
buggy and harness up on the road, but no
aerlous damage was done to the team.
NEBRASKA CITY-Yesterday afternoon
Robert C. King, county superintendent,
filed hla resignation with the Board of
County Comm.sslonera, so aa to accept the
position of superintendent of the inetltutue
for the blind, to which position he was
appointed by Governor Aldrlch. The com.
mlssloners aocepled the resignation and
Mr. King took charge of the Insltute for
the blind this morning. The county com
nilssloners then appointed Prof. Charles
8 peed I e, superintendent of the publ o
schools at Talmage, as county superin
tendent for the unexpired term of off ce
to which Mr. King had been elected. Prof.
Speedle was nominated and appointed by
acclamation, fie assumed charge of the
office at once.
TABLE ROCK-Mrs. Frances J. Hey
wood, wife of Asa E. Heywnod. Is dead, at
the home of her daughter. Mra. Thomas J.
Harrison, at Juleaburg, Colo. She was In
the 72d year of her age, and the couple
celebrated their golden wedding here In
April laat, being; one of the few couples
privileged to celebrato their golden wed
ding In the same place they were married
fifty years previous. Mr. Heywood settled
here In 1NM. and Mrs. Heywood a year
later. She i was the daughter of M. J.
Mumford, also an early pioneer of 18.Y7.
The husband, A. E. Heywood. and four
children survive as follows. A. L. Hey
wood, Grand Island; E. M. Heywood,-Lincoln;
Mrs. Thomas J.. Harrison. Julesburg,
Colo.; Mrs. C. W. Aylor. Napier. Mo. The
body will be brought hers for burial.
TABLE ROCK The Table Rock Clay
company at Its annual meeting elected the
following board of directors: E. P.
Broeken, William Sutton, C. H. Barnard.
C. R. Smith and George P. Cotton, who
elected the following officers. E. 1.
Broken, president; George F. Cotton, sec
retary; J. I. Miller, treasurer. The Table
Rock Lumber company at Its meeting
elected the following board of directors:
Dr. W. If. Wilson, C. R. Smith, Oeorge F.
Cotton. J. I. Miller and J. N. Phillips, who.
In turn elected the following officers: Dr.
W. H. Wilson, president: George F. Cotton,
vice president; J. I. Miller, treasurer; J. N.
Phillips, secretary and manager. The
Table Rock Electric Light company elected
the following board of directors, who have
not yet elected their officers: Dr. K. L.
McCrea. O. W. Kellers. Robert I. Miller.
A. R. Kovanda and Cnry K. f.'ooper.
The marrlase of M Madge MeFadden
'daughter of Mr. and Mr. II. W. McFadd
of Holbrook. Neb., to Mr. John . Meyerle
took place at o'clock yesierday morning
at Hastings. Neb.
The bride is a Graduate of the Wesleyan
unlveis ty and Is one of the popular young
women of Holbrook, where she
htld the position 0f Instructor in the pub
lic schools.
Th? groom Is the aon of Mr. ana sirs.
Andrew Meyerle, wealthy p!oner resid
ing twelve mile northeast of Cambridge.
During the last three yeara he has been
employed as traveling salesman for the
V.'estlnghouse Air Brakea company, work
Ing exclusively in the New England state
fiom te Illinois penitentiary here ysFt.r
cay. The tren had bem out for six vests
i und had a six-years portion of a sentenra
to serve. The convict was natu'd Cha''s
Wald-ti and was sent up from uulncy. 111.. I
on the charge of burislary fi r a term of
eleven years and escaed after servlns;
f ve yeara. The off cer was asked to brittw
his prisoner back and they left for tbut
place last evening.
ARLINGTON Odd Fellows lorige ef this
city Installed the following officer for the
I .f'uTfJa! IttgVst . P? n ilV?-t'- '
1. -" Ik 1 t
1'n W ,Woti
jgjiil" -tf"
ml i
jlmilllll J '
iinilllll 1 I-
fejer gHipremacy is ths cumulative result of tho musical know
leda and creativo goniui o( generstiong of a family of master piano
builders applied ta the attainment of a lofty ideal for art's sake.
The many thousands in usa fully attest to the incomparable
tinging quality, sonority, depth and permanency of. tone of remark
able sweetness the superior materiala and workmanahip the proven
durability of JStrQff (m Pisnos and Natural Player Pianos.
The experience of thousands of users hat amply demonstrated
that both the intrinsic and market value of a ' Jtf t kXtVt de
preciates less, year in, year out, than any ether make. '
Pianos and Natural Player Pianos
$350 avn i Upwaurde 9600 sund Upwards)
Tne Tree Rprntotl s Saprmm Piano SatufactUn
1 Stmry Fir,.ret The tHtttkiM Piano ia' in a doss by itself eech In
.trument ia the aupreme effort of a eorpa of over 5.000
eipert piano builders each one of whom ia an avowed musio lover
under the personal aupervision of Mr. John V. Sieger, the greatest mat
ter piano builder the world haa ever known in the largest piano
factory in the world at Steger, l!L, the town founded by Mr. btrger
sMtarratss 'lam ef Nmtmrml Hmm Hmmum a- aacsKsW rjiAeS
I I ir erifioaf mmtitimmt aaaf ssvers f matit al alf MllsllaMaDii Sf mw.
1. 1 1 sssl ll suslw smm tai'str'f (' ( surcAaM 7iM ! smsm
IT-' T-tnmisaai .-- asaa tlkml mtmmy eaaaarf u Mr. f
s- w
f r II
0 plan fr wv4 pm tXmM r mm
fo4 10 p0 f il C
td pimmo Mob
InKrtctttif ,
Kclimuller Jt Mueller I'lano Co.
XsclaslTe Bepresaatatlves.
Oldest aad Leading maao Mouse
la the West.
lsii-iaia ruaBTAM t.
3 iU