13 Our Immense Stocks of High Grade MEN 9 3 lOTTisTVTTf' fcJ? ii lLLllLtJiLL Nov Go at One-Third to .One-Half Off - :tiXx v. i 'sir-" V VX V Any . Necktie in Our Store (Except Black) Saturday, at V ii; TTIK r.F.K: OMAHA. SATTHDAT. J A NT ART 7. 1011. '"'liiSBSSlBW f '';w lm 'v Jit' i J ( t ( V Including All Our 50c and 75c Men's Shirts uiu iviiy uti j.-..ii $2.50 Fancy Shirts, Reduced to $1.15 Fancy PWeJ snd Tlaln Front. Maoris and Ferrai- Skirt, la beautiful up-to-tfate- jaunia. corrwtly cut and s"Jrrby tai'or-d. ana Hncire-ds cf styles in f2.50, $iOO re.l 150 t.radea. J f Kexlncexi to . iJ X S Men's Fur Cap At Big Reductions SIS Genuine &"& in Capa r-duced to $11.05 $10 Outline Sealskin Caps rw!vcd to 14 River Mick Cap rJjc.i to 3.25 1 2 aad $1.50 Fur Cap reduced to S1.20 Hen's Cloth Caps SI. SO and SI. 15 Fancy Cloth Caps, now SOf 11.00 and TX-e Faacy Cloth Caps, bow 45c S2.0 aad S1.&0 Hat Cap, now 45 Boys' and Children's Caps SI Chlldr! Fur Caj-s reduce to SI. 00 SI. 59 and SI CriHdrens Bearrkin Tarn, row "c aad 40c Children's Bearskia Tarn, now JJfif Boys' Sl.Ii aad 1 Caps, tow 75e Boys SOc Cap rded to 25t? 51.50 KEN'S SHIRTS Reduced to 85c 51.00 KEN'S SHIRTS Reduced to 45c Our Fine FreD h Fereale arid Madras ; The Bfst Looking:. Most Stjlifh and Shirts, in stylish patterr and n.t B-t Made LVllar Sbirts in Tti, color nta. that wre regularly ' In farjer Teht and dark coloring XI -0 Grades, FiciiMod OC ' !" tJratSe. hWoced ta. 85c to. 45c Men's 01.50 Gloves, 95c Men's Heavy Mocha ana Kid. Gloret. fleece l.nd. I Spleadld tb On.. HVt llad and anliiied JTYxJl f r piece! Id quali-lew, frotaf T y f tbe rrt makers. Oart rwrUr I-SO and Ii5l).f! J 9Sc i 1 I M .'t . " Wen's Underwear At Big Reductions S2.00 Union Suits, Reduced to 51.15 Men's Extra Fine Derby Ribbed Merino aad Silky F-cyJ Combination Suit, perfect fit tic?, apaiid quality garments, that were 92.CO and f 1 -50 Gratlrs, Redaced O Jl Q J Men'a Fine Wool, Two-Pi rets Underwear, of Rood " i -t quality, correctly shaped and smooth rming, .-jf-'f Broken sLses only XI. OO Grade, Re- PQ ' duced to, per garmeit UwC FT i i 1 ' -u,f A Hen's Sweaters Kr. . Sw Costs and Cardirm Jckts huj- T.rte.J cf !"JT-rior xoo ui i&a MiTlP OniM, at 50c Boys Sweaters 39c I4t.y' HaT KitS4 5ratr. rry rril !n ci!or. A (rwxl quaOly rr-mer-.t. tiit wa r(i u- f ly y Me rte. yfj Men's Hose Reduced M-n-B Fine Qua'lTy Pm Ccttcn rjnw, id U9 or oiacK. Our rtjJr 10c Ora at 5c Men's Silk Mufflers Vn- Fancy Killt Mufflers. Titter SOc Ozate. at. Our Semi-Annual HOE SALE is Now in Progress Hundreds of pairs of high grade Shoos for men and women, including gome of the mo?t stylish of this, winter's models rriut be hold at once, hnjtly because these lines are broken end the lots are suialL "Consequently you can now save from one-third to one half the cost of your footwear without the least sacrifice of style or comfort. Come in early Saturday morning. -LOTS 1 AND 4- Men's and Women's High Grade Shoes (including several styles of OO Pf "Rtgals") that sold at fsJ.OO. $3.50 aad I.CO; bow go at taatOi; AND 6- Woman's Sboes, consirtine of ttat regilarly LOTS 2 AND 5 Men's and Women's Shoes, in and leathers, rtg-olarly sold 63.00 and -t-V) v Now go at all at styles 01.89 LOTS 3 Men's end cvdds aad ends or shoes soid at 2JjO aad $3.00; stow go at 51.49 'Tha House of High Merit? .-jMmmmmvmumm iwn m.m i issnnyssssji ,s j$f "" " "" """ Men's and Young Hen' s mt At and Overcoats. Malf L Ji JJ. Consider carefully how very closely this announcement concerns you, when made by such a store as "The Nebraska." A store that has kept faith with its patrons for more than a score of years A store that has become renowned throughout One-Third of the entire United States, by the simple meaps of giving the greatest values possible A store that each season offers only the choicest garments that can be produced by the best designers and the most skillfull tailors in the these, things well. Then remember that we now offer you a choice from several hundred superb Suits and Overcoats consisting of all the small lots that remain after a won derful season's business at exactly One-Half their regular prices. t Remember these garments meet every demand as to style, fabric, shade, pattern and slc. Then and only then,' will you realize that this sale concerns every man and young man in Omaha and vicinity. Are you ready to profit by this 'ecord-breaking', and "reoord-making" sale! A at s For Plen's Butts and Overcoats Regularly Sold at $7.50 to $35.00 M Th House of Hiqh Merit? ff-?, '- r "7 BRIBF CITY NEWS GERIKG NEW AD aUB LEADER Pt Pc-t Frlat n. 9. i. Cmtti S steaa Coal. TakalTcu rrtatlaa; t tka Ttaaaa, a. lowl flxmja. Uargum Onalm, , pyn Cumif Appln -iton Armour ca ixaaL ctiia 'i. tuX. 41 i- tl. C axt-, c:jv, C. n (aa f la a at iac Uoaa Aatoaaakvi Pa-naj Saita CKxur a -lii.t :1. Irt u. ui'iint !-. nk of j aiciJ-a'.a. Low raica Lueral BMiu-ia i Kissfactaier Xlscted Prtiidcct tt Meeting TTmrdy Ere c in 5. UTSS TEEASOLEB1HIP AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OMAHA trmlarr a. L- --t f t lab's Prssma aa4 SrkirT- r,Ii im er Pa -rre- aaoail Eallaw t. la iu rrlattrtn t twaJ affairs may b m&- j preciatfd bn cocuarifcoB la made lunc ton ar d t-n jaj orcaaxma la ka- i nb!T largti- tr.aa tt fir-rt ebon by Ctarter Conuxittts InTlttl All to th ta uouMra ciut, aad tbu is (jix-n-! Come ia and Gire Views. larly sratifylr.s ih rrtninber that j Ii io to t-K-h Ua Moma has j . ila r. of merrtic muaidpaj vuilicity i, : J1I iULSii iiUJUU) pmJ lo t 1!, laiirtK po: of ail. j 'Tf;a Kna CHj Ad cub ia nji.n; a i M1" CrliicUaai Slirw Ba4f mm m BaJ aja extra orncrix rrW-4aat Xcary St. 0rtar. Ttca PraaUra raa T. rAraa. aWcratary a. X Gala. BaoRiw-A. I. CtmtV. Traassxaa Saxa Ba, Jr. 1 taliaat ttsni -r 5.j rarir;Wi. Th Oni , Ad tlb had uC rrnr-t-r ia gxd tiajidxs ' at nx-a t:xli, -;th tea cttt-ra in m: aitl:ruc lHtuM tLrlr dj tad tt' "Tc J.rfrt h Ad ciiib has a member- ' it, mm Frmnmm l)ra a cf bookk(iBa; is uit inaia aad each j dir of the mmbri to expma their ym-waj-rant drawn is recistrd aad entered j Iia'Jiy wuh him and h:a tamny. upoa the aunutca. If tbey a ant to know. the financial r" "t the bnard the city 1 treasurer is tbe person wlso caa inforsi . i I'rtUX iaioru a Lo, h:ai Lot j Ta Vila aa4 Bhaai wUi ret yoor ! VK H'-tb C I- 11. i-p.:a- prea-j ctr.-i-r 1 -r th r.wJ-a AC c". .; r A. iw xia-T-e. ;st around tfc cwaB.itl.wt)1 4, kBK 1 aJ bj" .i utltMi'Jt !d a: the tlc-tr! Rcm- !at aijfi ataaxk aVehhadl it taay k(ia i k: csm yet ra y our a our aaf dru,t raoiia. Yuu caa rest a pr.vsia aat t"T SX a va' iir-i.a Sal liait a : Irua: Co"j"r. titrs. 11 Ka. c.:a !?t ! r tl-roma kazJk. Sralaa Xaa Ua J. tartg iJ ' tea a,lMl snrr! al;-.jc t tM ! laaos M:aaxa.ri Va lry ra.ir.-ai- la it. t Jt of the lar LT:1. Mr. w- J kaa U! lata bulh tt ad J f rr. fS I dciaitinects vnjrr las rharge So ar;' ro.titr: r d-vtlo; It cKjat of the t-x . T to( oa th jirrai dear' aood. t-tc 71: Keilv. Kf; )ob. Tw-n:y-fi er cb from a c vety theai." Mr. Hunter Bteatiooed that a meetinc of tbe lard would be ked ia a few days, at turh a alat-n.er l vouid be preiard la reflr ta the criijcisi- Will Smb Be raraaalatrd hfr ria Gut Par(. ho hs a ra;uua at Sit Q j ;ret. as f.r ! )irrdjy by Police Juie Fine. la! jau. $; aad costs, for ael.ing lntuxi- catjtis" huors after th ciormg hotra. Tt text eneeosc of th charter rvn ! The evidence of Cat'tain I'aorak aad Oe- tr.it: it l true, that is onJr :iShi!y smaller ! ocromittae. m htch will be beid the evniss j teouv Mi-iuie was that cm Christmas ev tKaa tt Kiij.ati.-n of the tan. bat th-pf VirveJa5 , J an jar j 11. tr he aa ojen j they v-re on duty in this lrt of th city in.a A3 cib I-.a ttat It r.ct yet : on, and. as Chairman Caldwell aasd ys-lBra tky cmtJ tao id to a.Vntut ib c-ity directtry for its terear, ajiy e ho has vi-as i ! have fcallaay that S-als to a hall atK th r"'wvrrrt list. , ma o; port unit y of proi-o-iBdicf them. ak-n They f-.l!jmej aad r a.:Jd by t'f the club lat an EKwt in:f;r- R-irteeetatis of the an-.js brrl a Iran ,) r.aj l Sere to b-..ttVs of beer th adr.M-co i and im; rcvtmer.1 tJ'.hs ie tre c.tv hate. afcKh he Vak. (.it at 1 case. tant ftfti t'jr the ear was a ar roanua, tv th tt-t-ory U4i.( j been invite4 and tt Coamxul d im w.:i Kvr lb ifis- t-t r.i-r,r as icirlrd ' that even an a cib ciui-t tae a itroajnc an opfortunny Qf i. aa" forward its j that this men vcht m.'J th tr a as a cvEstJt'jsJho in ordr t!-.at it iriay UjKltiw for th ansAHirr., : Ushtins of th ! rner in tbe aa.-.c fir a week, that he Ltalihy. ' H.-eeta It has been ruf (e.ltd that tt j l:ved la this tali ant that he had purchased "The c'ub has inaJ f .r Useif aa oj-s 1 ma vr and cmf cxkiscU ahouid b era j the !:;uir for Lis on cai.iijim on for-at f'-r the us.:.va of th eoir.Kis-j pen ered to eapend noney ta this d.re-iioa rr.rttlmu day. fh ffrra of gt-vemuieist ar.d other fnuiLki- and that the charter b ameiel In this '. "Kiun froaufvd wUt, to h, ihj Tre.ti,rc tee ca:;Jt the t!U sT"rii ai jr - b'otns. At e n-reilns it aad a reapert. A c. roJ -ary t Uus. AA(:mc to ' h had h-..tne early and irjt h ha.J accrs ard rti"ts cere rr!e h ihJiaers in e-Jrk?e rrf '.he c- tt.b !S-:-jo i-Laa ! a meir-twr of the to.nrat:. ao4 be .uu. M tht ian igiinrt seUms drink .cer of th c:u& i:t ilh '- u .iei I ore ar.j . acnoon tie irtct arc lir"-ls 1 l5t;Tbt t-ourt. bowrrcr. th..utt there f.eds the Ad club nn nrt' J. 1 If aa-al iou or 1 t M .u.rs Am.. tht 1 ttrecia so Lgh!ei. and it aas .;.'.! j cf its & Vts and with a naesT.ber, eii of f. t ;aaef f r the ar were K;i-rt H-t-oanl. ;' that ea.h are li-ht a: th ittxal tue I in i'jei iu i i i- - - r. i-trj-ti- :ciis in cay I . i it is a roca iibc on a aaison keefr in Ei and oftea tt klaJsoro relra a f I Hjh Cha.mers. Charles A. Aides i Th tn(K iccea of ti pr-lu.4 a.nd f sx-th Omaha t4.o court, and is jr to Caaaa. ff Bnrnl C an'.ee. j B. T. Johnr.n. loal secretary of tb j rsva service board, announces that a cota- j (etitlvc csacunauca w121 be held in the j South Omaha rtoffS-" January for tbe nosltion of rural letter carrier. j As a result of the examir.atkKi it Is ex- ;c.ed certif-. atK lil t irde for fiiLcg j tbe pLitv a rural rout No. t. and for : fjtur ii2tjcie. ;U ltliyiiratk n may be ottaiaed at the pjst office. la.lali Offieera. R:uth Cimaha lod of the Lxiyal Order j of the Ue Inf.aJled the fuoatna off l- 1 een. for 1 j- rf uir.f vear WeAAe mrht i mew ter tie ors.er be!.; f-.rtator Sweet I of iii.r-a. I'Vtat-.. H. "". Uyers; i ice dxlit,- D. V. Blunder. M.rei'y. John J. o. !ia. aUba BUS Beat tH5vifteJ uf '! 5J e all the oil ' rtj I:i ia a:- ex-Oo.ein.iw s-hTi-ii;. Cu-.nTessinan Waite; i fir. faia U bein a-iuiai 4Mitm aa f:etle deterr-nt. lUV--I'i A- i- '.'(.TJtfc4. fTc.at. Kri. A. JwKLkT. aereAAt-at-arL:.. vj. H to M . ir.jje a'---ic . J. iTtiiA-d; euLaid ruM. r; li. "iitut. truMce. rl. Kinrowa. iJi) ai. iaa. It. t K. e:.t-a.n VtC'C it, i.Ml,. Cl cf Holland 'Ph.fjn South T. Tre First Piesh trian church will be clvd a ! dty S-nJajr. James Carroll ti craaral "a-. s v fii-ni h tx other, kS 1 Ur H Vt'rk nl,rtlni. e, e, - . vo iuska between the rr.an ted th hUa- i .n honor of her a-ter. 4o ee;rr ad imv.l ih f.t mentioned. 1 bias. The Me Vaiint ant li-ry Ijtm ,t e tei '.jTid frum vtui i( 2n-ads n te:.cs a natch aLj f -b fr.m Lj best : riause to the sourd iam :.ar as ci.,,nriu: i-er.a.t-r it.cw. , ra e.s .f a Boea.ber of th eomai il , 'rvrftd. James Lynrfi of Kaasa Ht 1U unt The .f the b .r.s :r; cf tre t.s trr Frx.u-.sed f r tel i a ere expressed thus: "i CH.:d UI them J f.-.td fjs ard cvata by Jt4e Crawford ' l a a.a-.ber of snf w! a:- , ir mt V.t f-.rtter d-- -s-..a of th com- ; to u w tfc, um tu r.a4 a ! !ce ea tirhis c jrcnertr..: a-i n:jj..t c-.-.a ..- . :m a-a esses ijt ic in),ud b, the chater Kr.Jay" urmiif Utth told th ct i.-t it aas a fit of aurta04jr 1 ji jwti .ptJ t j carry out hJs crtsn. Ucraa Reficw actad as vwciiaiat:-4 ai'aesa. ii tett fimt bo b-s4 : Lnt.a bxard and iim-ii-f ant Ji.at w hi l ce.Jj)ii.a; th bc;.tality LjBA-a rt 1 the hkitera room. I l ty naetnte-s of th tLat a tjuti.tle cs f.r the horj: ; ,j t.e uu)t:, cos.l m a;ij:te4 u ir.;. s r.tn A: -t. ai-1 i aa e i ali n n.h-?jr, i..t hat , lru,.,iK in .ry inn(M mnar. tt Oi !M.rtut:n of nirjj.tj tt ai-M.ur.iA. i a. nst it; jeerara Lain Kre.,.11 lab's r rj a r-- history c-l the r:. as kicimium , ta..r for l.s j.uri a areatej aad be tier fcy A. L. ia i. saTHtr;. J Ls re rt , tr..i.m." -Wken a few tie rue a: be: of lo.s rljt. Uij t: lNrkirs i-f t'. lreouat HrfiJ s-eceeOed in ta.: am the :V r,rf..,a, . , i.,B at tt. i.:,. lit r : . t t-.rm c ...-.rl !. reeT--s ilr. .Ivrlj acil. d :u. le n u a.oea: of the .nvaha "ran h if uv t-ttil a-oc;a ti. n a a trif t u.' i M. Oat ' it (li -etl-r T1in Henry' tr. ob of th poieer settlers a Sarj-y counly. ced Wodne:aa cxat st Kia h. je at F rt t"r V He aa, W ) t.; i of are an until 1 mas i r-jst: att : t r a"-aJviia had med on th acute t d-.t,c of a fanrier s - e. The funeral mil Kejly l Ikehaol Heard tellies. j he fc.d tjfiae afteroo at I o'clock A. U. Hunter, cewiber of the 1 ard of I tmta th rid.r'. Ttv us'.erratnt aiU t Ecat. spi-ken tw etrda re:au to ! .a Be -!ivu teneirty. fe. R. M. Brevieti :t tnuju a f-ii b-jdy a; IMl.cju'-r of 'iu i-rl;. umn chjrxh. oifi- rr.ee ntj of the rtant : reii-.a .ta.'.:i , lofc. ! Kri-d Will ants of Holton, Kaa.. ia ths fus tf la ii .nt-r. T,tir-u..ni aad li ..ti. M's Jmc Cce '.f A r.. e la.. i Ji hee i'r. ra J D. ft i-eil, Itmi. l.iih ltd A s'leets Th .Jr.Jen tf th Xea Ceiuj-v c'ub art.l meetina and install officers ia th tall at k-l Ji. street G. A Toune. forrierlr of the Voi.nj "'s cnst-asi assocnuoa : af-endini .' aoi-daya iaiuas trm: in aouta (huiu. Sireet ConarrtasSoner JvUv rives r,ot eo tliat all njrtenralaa must be ciered of sai. ntrrw; t 4s will be rK.i:y ecfor.fl 'Phone Bel! South Iri.-tendent F 1U for a case of Jettr G-.14 i, proru; i detiery to any part of city. WnLajn Jener. J. J- Cuahir.f. a former resident ia th cty. baa rei rn-.d to xata tair tj Rxase it hi kon.e- 1. n m buvaj s sxoux C t foe a BJn ler of ytr. A , 'jrrr.se jvartr was ir.T--a by M! .. HTorrr, ja ton. r o! ll:-s y.'.nm e"i l'ase;. at the bm r,l iir. a-.O V.- W.I1 am Pai Set. C7 Nor-.h Ts I ty fcecozd Street Mr,. U&iym V :. . a I'.frd -l Net.. ,u i: rj. i Jur Sfvet.it da-, at .he hronsei-C r horr.e S i has yon tj Los Armeies f.- . i;.n of Ixr ui..-; Anuitst Chief Jack Ha.: burs has ben red w ,-d t the rL. .f caiiajn b- Cn f KcKVte cf th l.re d-par.m'.at. Capt n red Ljad hva L5 puuioiei ,o t h pj:. t on Former Folic Captain K ! K-jrav fii Tutdj.' on the ice a. T ety-iMrd ard i stro- ard l ot-nf n-: t h horr.- Ttc: -third and ti s r s w ih a frao tured arm sad strained Ura It Frriii wiii te n a c ass of fust ad to tl.t ir.jjitd rn th:- lcr.ii U m , ("hniu at-t-:atoc m li itc fxir iay rornin at ii fani The cca w.i4 i t.',rr tr a-,ltc of the Iiu eout or of tc a v soc tuoa Mi-s. V. Hsbermaa et .ja.ntoa. J T. aa aunt of airs K W. 'rt .i:oA a ho has "- rrt r m t r.a am Oct. ber. has left lor Watnr 0L. where h w-i! s4-r 4 the rema nder of th w ai-r eajvn mtb Mrs, X F. lr.sa. a sister f klrr. Cre-" if !ci- i a 'ir-M purty next Iue1ay eav a in K-h tf a hail. Nebra l- t.ee. Xi JJ". Acc.ert Ordr of tctid Workmen instaiiea the'r officers tne er.wns I tr las: evu rss l-s l;ac Noea and h-r s er. lira -arit rr.i' r.e anj xi:m -r ir. a i ..j ' l,skUted la tsiieasr. ti.n a a tr.f t . t. sj.-5M-.at -l.lvrkji :ui u u o( lr'rtl!I ,l .'u:-i.. lUm are wet era. in n I CK1CAO--X Jaa. A- Vrw. VinMa Uai- u--ai a ciy...oax -a b.s. Li.:i:.;i k,.nu-; t tsMaa I tur.rf Bifr.t i tf. "TUi a ts-n Ibsit ( . F. R.-wwa. Satu ., af .- rr,. ih p , .i s-c - e runt til . mom, StaJtlry. U yewrs eT ajre, -u-s-ai-.t hrs that n reidj ati t- to r- J t-ot ano nhit ttey are la.: at.l. T-e i y r-eet.r.e f th Co.ai-r -rai c--H w v It rr.,t .w,-a M . u F..h r. ard a e-a-ixhur. hm:. t 7mr oid. were ' a b's share th ! .ad t!u rc.iM t p---t:ei tje Prwbieat -lte i cay ir-arr la ire&st-rer f .r ihe b-rd , voerr:a o lr to toe c.J,:h f i3r ; v'rs ' ,: rasitt-nt J.v. i found tT'ra assiyaiatad ta their hem j order tht ail of t-e iir.a taat c-chtj ty t-jit f-et r.-A.:h t aie. Eectrw tittters. j and th bo as ar auc-ted at ts- !.' ij f Broaa. huas h.jl.J la t'.e niu, A ! Parties indebted to r;j nil pirs kc. A rsfctwr tubs raoiAtiu in til ta be sua. it i frs-ha may be dt i woe is tt e.r:- hrt of ..-. thai ti J an t the b.as of the. other O-ia-rtm-r.:. (- u ash I' a I mt - ' v" ,& l Cua a a h-re a re. J r art H lire n is - rer ..f ta flub an J T. v, , I V U W a V vi . , 1 e r A eraha '- h a st-e ,-.uJy. I ? tr tie;:-! r &4 i 1 1. ia,-jr.ii of the oah Ad c..lj iea.u-a I t-i cn I wast aay peraoa wba a-affees wttk bi'ior .. si!ttcB. itdu-euia ee aay hier or ii aiiiKett. lo try my 1 !' lje I-.. la. I (asra&tw tW m penfy Lb blood scd at th 1:e abd a-i h lata a beajrtfui euwd.uox Sard i I fwHHHf rcne I... vuum a. i evastif.ttviw. o I ,U refkad yaor y.-mM'uX