TIIE NEK: OMAHA. RAT UK I) AY, JANUARY 7, 1011. Missouri Valley Games on College Fields Only Hereafter, Conference Order 12 EXCLUDE KANSAS SCHOOLS Missouri Valley Conference Refuses to Extend Membership. ' END TO 'THANKSGIVING GAMES Rale Adopted fttffps Annanl f nntests All Matches on leae ;rnnnda Hereafter Hill rrrsldenl. Holiday (I. 1EH MOINKS, la, Jan. . ptIr1 Tele gram.) The faculty representatives of the Missouri Valley conference voted not to extend the present membership of the conferenre. Thla excludes Washburn col lege "f Topeka. Kan., and the Kansas ' Arglrulttiral college from a chance to Join thn conference. Hoth achnola had representatives here, who appeared before the meeting. Prof. Ira I). Bardlff represented Washburn and 1'rof. J. C. Hamilton appeared for the Kanxaa Aggies. The vote of the. repre-n-tatlvea was four to three, In favor of re taining the present membership of the con ference. The achoola now member are: Ua, Amea, Urake, Washington. Kansas. Mis souri and Nebraska. It waa decided that the repreaentatlvea of the college would continue a at present and that at the track meet next May there would be a meeting of the. athletic coachea. Ite thla afternoon the conference passed 4 resolution that hereafter all foot ball games muat bo played on college grounds. Missouri opposed thla resolution. The conference this afternoon Ignored the reconsideration of the action abolishing Thanksgiving day foot ball, which means ! thai no Thanknglvlng flay games will be ' played after the present contracts expire, i The rule preventing professional coaches was adhered to. Hill of Missouri wn made president and E. W. Stanton of Amea, sec ; relary. The next meeting will be held at lincoln. Fast Basket Ball - ' " at the Church Gym i ,i ' Scrubs Win from the Kip Van Winkles Crescent Five Noses Oat ! the Game. ! Th mt'.ii event on tha I rrram was trie game batween tha students' team of the Council Bluuffs Young Men's Christian as sociation and the Crescent five of Walnut Hill. In the first fifteen minutes of play Council Bluffs rolled up a score of 22 to 8. Tha Bluffs rooters went wild; they thought tha game was cinched. But the Crescents came back strong and with the aid of Paul Hoaman. who had stayed out In the begin ning on account of an injury to his right arm,' brought the score up to Z4 to IS at the end of the first half. The second half opened with a ruah and ' both teams fought to win. The Cresoents managed to about tie the score in the first ten minutes of the half and from then on the Issue was in doubt. After a goal had been made by either side the uproar was so great that the referee had to hold the ball at each play from center until the noise had ceased. The Crescent ' now showed their mettle ana from practical defeat on their own floor wrested a 42 to 40 victory from' the visitors. STl'DKNTS TEAM, Crow! K. F, CRESCENT FIVE. R. K, Fellera D. F. Hoaman Over I F. U T Hudson, P. Hoaman (.lies C. C....WIUams, Fellera Whitman R. O. R. G..D. F.Hosma'n, Roe ......... ..:..! a.U U......F.' Thomas I'mplre: K. C. Kennedy. Timekeeper: Oearhart. Scorekeeper: Malony. Field goals: P. Hotmail,. U. Giles, ti; Crowl. 4; Fellera, 2; Whitman, 1; Roe. 1. Free throws: Crowl, U; P. Hoaman, it; C. Hudson, i. Tims of halves: to mlnutea. Jimmie Austin Runs Errands for Wife to Keep Up His Training Has Made Himself a Couple of Bats, with Which He Hopes to Go Some. Attention la hereby railed to the fact that "Jimmy" Austin, third baaeman of the Highlanders, la married, and that he la a really well behaved husband, an object of domestic felicitation, aa It were. James lives in Cleveland during the win ter and at various other odd moments when he Is not engaged In playing base ball. While In Omaha on the Western league team he was the best friend of all the players because he always carried needle and thread with him and was able and willing to mend torn clothes. "lle'i the best errand boy on the west side," said Mrs. Austin, "He's back with a pound or coffee almost before I am through telling him what I want. He goes down the stalra three steps at a time and comes up the same way." "Jimmy" surely enjoys being a big leaguer. He had a big easy chair, big sofa pillows and a big sofa. He hustled home and went to work In a machine shop In winter when he was a minor leaguer. "I'm going to do some hitting next sea son," said "Jimmy." "I've made two bats out of an old wagon tongue. I turned 'em out In dad's shop. That's the beat kind of wood, and Just watch me hit. I'm alao going to do some fancy fielding. You see, I'U be stronger after a winter's rest. Then thla running errands has put me In the finest kind of trim." "Jimmy" has two silver trophy cups to prove he can run. They could be used as waul tubs. He won them at the Pat Powers benefit in Philadelphia last sum mer, one for beating all other playera in tha 100-yard dash and the other for finish ing second to Eddie Collins in circling the bases. He won a smaller cup In the novelty throwing contest.. He was the only player to tlirow a ball under a bar six feet abeve the pitcher's box and past second baae. Howard Mann of the Cleveland Press un earthed this. Mr. Mann la mistaken about those Powers' benefit cups. They may have used "P. T." an shabbily aa the onion treated the' rose bush, when the former opened Its snuff box and Invited Its blush ing neighbor to take a sniff, but "P. T." doesn't need any benefit. It was "Mike" Powers, better known as "Doo," catcher for the Athletics when he was alive. , " Some folks say Austin will not play third base on Highlanders next summer. Very well. There will have to be ..tilling bet ter than, has bem shown ... Uta on the hilltop playground to beat him. CriCAMfP ITTMI 0TITPI1? P I 111? I oa.rd 144 1M 1 OEirtoim o niun oinuLu uaiud ,.,.,. i 4 J. S. Cross Team Breaks the Record, with Nice Mark of 1,035. RECORD ALSO IN THE MERCANTILE Hartley Colts Team Holla Hlh Series In the l.eaaae. with 1.TI Wla Twn f Tfcr from ; P.ajaltables. On Francisco's alleys last night the J. S Cross team again broke the record for htah single ge.m of the season, rolling l.ots! In the third game against the Hospea. The J. 8. Cross won two out of three frrgn the Hospe team. Johnson had high totals with MI, and Maythan high single game, with 245. In the Omaha league the Jetters won two out of three from the Mets team. Neale had high totals, with 697. and Fagan had high single, with 21B. Records were also broken In the Mercan tile league, the Hartley Colt team rolling high series In this league, with 1.718. They also won two out of three games from the Kqultable Mfe team. Lamb had high totals, with F.SS, and Bland had high single game, with 236. Score: HO.SPK'3 1st Oeddes Bushnell .... Straw W. Zltsman E. Zltsman , Handicap ... TotaJ .. . MR 124 . 1H0 , 213 , 1R4 , 13 .m 2d. 157 146 10 1M If 11 Sd. 171 177 lfiO 202 14 Tot. 4M 447 41 675 MS 4t fno i.wi In the Metropolitan league Andy's Colts won all three games from the Idlewllds Silk of the Colts rolled high total with 617 pins and high single game with lH pins. Fohler rolled high total for his team with f0." pins and high single game with 1SJ pins. Score: , IDLEWlf.DS. 1st. - 2d. Mr.herg 117 141 Smith 1M 1M Pohler 177 1M 3d. iso 144 Totsl. 4M 6"5 Totals 445 477 41S 1,341 ANDY S roLTfv 1st 2d. Sd. Total McCormick 1 17 ISO 475 Silk 177 . 1M IfW 617 Seeaman 161 177 lb 4m) Totals 4M 488 494 1,47s Gion Defeats Ernest After Losing First Fall in Fast Match Russian Lion's ' Trainer Yields to Champion Heavyweight of Nebraska. 1H 616 1,59 B. Cain Perkins .. Johnson . Wiley ... Maythan Totals CROSS. 1st. 2d. 1X8 . 17 . m 170 167 1M 17 169 Sd. 221 177 tn 1K1 246 Tot. 67 640 6S2 4SS f37 A IW 1,035 1.728 EQUITABLK L1FK. 1st. 2d. Bland 1K6 170 Vultee 146 155 Plckard 155 168 "Totals 45 43 HARTLEY'S COL.T8. 1st. 2d. 3d. 236 171 203 Tot. 671 47.1 526 611 1.670 i McCarthy Moreau .. Lamb .... Totals Topeka Figures on i a Stronger Bunch (Tentative Lineup is Given Out Still ' ' Working for Better Men for - ! the Team. v Toptka fans are anxiously watching the ' operations of. the new regime in base ball there In lining up a team for the Kansas .; capital for 1911. With the recent purchase ' of Mert Whitney, formerly first baseman ; In the York club, Trl-Rtate league. Manager Moore has announced a tentative line-up. ' Whitney paid 1300 for his release from, tlm , Trt-Staters. but wanted to get Into the Western league badly Alderman, Beecher. Ovltx. Fvgate, Mc- Orath. Leak. Upton and King are the eight pitchers on the books at present, and Blaroagle, Ulbson and Kerns will act aa backstops. Whitney playa first, Captain Moore accond. Qulnlan shortstop, Hopke, Kats and Mtoffers are all trying for third, end Thotnaniion, McLaurln, Burns. Riley and Person are the outfielders. There are several changes in the mind of Woodward and Moure before tha team la pronounced i tody for the spr.nj training trip. Probably one of the outfielders will be dropped and a couple of third basemen also sold. Then with perhaps a utility Infield man added and a little shifting in the pitching list Topeka will be ready for the tryout. 223 199 200 1SI 147 211 Sd. 179 21 177 Tot. 678 647 MKTZ 622 538 BROS. 667 1,71 1st. 2d. Neale 203 "12 Conrad W9 Hi Penman I'm 153 Huntington 1S4 158 Blakeney 1W 213 Totals 942 8X2 3d. 202 169 182 155 178 Tot. 607 too 497 68i 886 2,710 JETTER'8 UOL1J TOPS. Straw Fitzgerald Fax an ..... Chadd K nnedy 1st. 160 H,2 216 . 171 160 Handicap 27 2d. 160 2i 145 17 187 87 3d. 160 160 200 216 174 87 Tot 480 620 561 56 It 521 101 910 936 2.742 Totala , 90 Social Coatest. Chief Anderson of the Cudahy teams had a social bowling event, three teams par ticipating. The Rex, the Pioneers and the Diamond "C's." The match was won by the Diamond "C's". Ryner and Anderson were tied for first honors with 622. Moody had high single with 196. Scores: REX. 1st. 2d. Id. TotAl. Rudlger I . Raymer , Pleronet Diealng ., Ryner .... Totals.' Kennedy . Swett .... Hobb Richman Anderson Totals Hostetter Vette Moody 1U8 .., 121 ....i... Ill ........ 163 192 ......... 680 PIONEER, let. 119 43 04 81 175 2d. 124 122 146 156 155 127 114 -132 121 175 t 164 357 3S9 429 70S S69 1.061 Varsity Faculties ,to Control Athletics in Missouri Valley Conference Makes Executives and Governing Boards Supreme, Ex r; y. ct$ tit ,W Details. tv DES MOINES, la., Jan. .-The presi dents and governing boards of the Mis souri valley conference schools In session her teday parsed a . resolution giving all athletic power to the faculty representa tives except those which have already been adopted by the presidents and governing boards at previous sessions and those which may be adopted in the future. This leaves the presidents and governing boards su preme except aa to . details. Thanksgiving foot, ball, under this rule, I ta sun in the hands of the presidents, who are fighting the question out this after noon. Ames, Drake, Iowa and Missouri appeared this forenoon to begin lining up against otlitr members of the conference, which probably means that tha rule abol ishing Thanksgiving foot ball will be re scinded. Faculty representatives must be of professional rank. The present faculty representative will act until this rule becomes1 effective. Prof. 8. W. Byers of Ames was elected pres ident, and Dr. R. G. Clapp of Nebraska ! world-beater, is a comer. Tonight Brode- was elected secretary of the faculty rep- i aard Crowns against Flank's Colta. Score; OMAHA BICYCLE INDIANS. 2d. m 76 100 92 165 3d. 167 64 79 8o Total. 1K3 298 266 626 612 555 DIAMOND "C's." 1st. . 2d. 106 115 176 Johnson 188 Robertson ;. 152 122 146 196 100 142 575 1,64! Id. Total. 133 139 141 ITS 110 361 400 618 411 4 Totals 737 708 (46 1,089 Indiana o Some. The Omaha Bicycle Indians had a regu lar pow wow last night In the Metropoli tan alleys. In their first game they cracked out a total of 1,031, but fell down some what on the next two. Pry lu getting hip li a ngle game of 246, while Moran waa high on totala. with i-SO. Dick Taft, while not a LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. . (Special Tele gram,) George G!on. champion heavy weight of Nebraska, defeated Ernest, trainer for Hackenschmldt, and one of the best light heavyweights In the country, winning the first and third falls after Ernest had taken the second in easy fash Ion. Gion won the side bet of 1100 and the gate receipts. Both men were In" the prime of condition and as they had a personal score to fet tle the match was the best ever held 1n the city. Gion assumed the offensive after the first ten minutes and worked thirty two minutes longer before he succeeded in bringing the Saxon's shoulders to the mat. Both men were tired by the forty-two minutes of fast work and started slow.y on the second fall. Gion waa over confident and after ten minute and twenty-five sec onds Ernest pinned him to the mat with a double barlock. Gion was on the offensive all of the time for tbe third fall and had Krnest In tight places from the start. The German displayed wonderful defensive ability and Gion worked sixteen mlnutea and fifty three seconds before he won the fall. The Aurora lad was tendered an ovation by a large number of his townsmen, who came to Lincoln to witness the match. Both men were very evenly matched In strength and skill, but Ernest appeared to be faater. In the preliminaries Miller defeated Ar nold In straight falls, Miller won from Jen nings and Blecka defeated Collins. reseu tatlves. Klanek llimlch Cornhuskers Pick Basket Ball Quintet j Sr Season Will Open with Contest with! Cotner University Saturday Night. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 6 (Special Tele gram. ) The Cornhusker basket ball team was chosen Thursday night and the sea son will open with a game with Cotner university Saturday night. Coach Field announced his lineup as Hlllner at center, Hatchlnson and Wattles forwards, and O. Frank and Gibson guards. The lineup may be changed, aa Field has four or five other men who are available for the guard and forward positions. Totals. Schneider ., Gottheimer Taft Kiee Moran Totals.... - ' 1st. 167 20i v 240 21 J91 1.011 FHICK r 1st. ........ 1.0 151 rii .128 207 Tt 2d 159 180 171 ' 161 lt7 NoS SON. 2d. 1S7 150 1(0 18 151 3d. 191 161 155 177 1S2 Total: m: h.t 557 1.60 V'jo 2,755 ,td. Kit 134 142 141 Silt Total. 460 445 4 0 ;57 510 NEW OFFICERS FOR THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Arthar Keeltne and Rtaaley Itoae. water 4re Fleeted lee 'lrel dents.'' Annual Meeting of Dietz Club Tuesday New Officers to Be Selected and Plans for the Coming Year Discussed. The Diets club will hnlu Its annus.! meet ing and election of officers next Tuesday ere found who would accept respom.lble 7l 2,172 Tellers Win All Three. In the Crescent league the t'nlted States National Tellers won all three games from the United States National Rangers. Cut ler of the Tellers rolled high total with 46S pins and Sholeen rolled high single game with 1S6 pins. Murphy of the Rangers rolled high total for his team with 426' pins and high single game with 161 pins. Score: RANGERS. Int. 2d. 3d. Total. Murphy 134 jM 161 426 Melds 141 121 14S 410 lackson 136 126 141 402 Hanci mt Jnnres. JUAREZ, Jan. 6. Callsse won the first baby stake race of the year at Terrazaa park today when she gained a head victory over the favorite, Bessie Frank, tn the Santa Clara stake for 2-year-olds at three furlongs. She led from start to finish, Harrlgan made a track record for five furlongs when he won the fifth race in the fast time of 0:58, which Is two-flftha of a second slower than the world's record made on December 29 at Oakland by Terns Trick.. Four favorites wop. Hbmmarlea: First race, seven furlongs: Loween (Rlue), I to 1, won; Soon (Allen), 2 to'l, second; Doughty (Murphy), 10 to 1, third.. Time, l:2H. Pipe Vision, Smiling Maiden, Tee Jkl& Beechmontr Hersaw and Trafalgar also ran; bcarlot. Pimpernel fell. Second race, six furlongs: Silk (Murphy), 20 to 1, won; Baccarra (Moore), 8 to 1, sec ond; Dennis Stafford (Howard), 3 to ' 1, third, time, 1:14ft- Aragonese, Mark Kennedy, Laveno, Ny anza. Mauretania and Gene Wood also ran. Third race, one mile: Polls (Keogh), 2 to 1, won; Meadow (Molesworth), 2 to 1, sec ond; Helmet (Uanx), 4 to 1, third.. Time. 1:3. Dorante also ran. ' Fourth race, three furlongs: Callsae (Louder), 6 to 2. won; Bessie Frank (Smith), II to 6, second; Luna Beall (Ganz), 6 to 2, third. Time, 0:34'V Lawn, Royal Dolly, La Lux and Yvonne also ran. Callsae and Luna Beall coupled in betting. Fifth race, five furlongs: Harrlgan (Keogh),- even, won; Napa Nick (Rice). 12 to 1, second. General Marchmont (Ganti, 10 to 1, third. Time, :58H- John Griffin II, Red Lass, Dr. Smoot and Bob Lynch also ran. Sixth race, one mile: John Louis (Cot ton), 1 to 1,. won; Kopek (Molesworth (11 to i, second;. Bon Ton (Smith), 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:89. Fred Mulhollana, Lucky Mose "and Sir Edward also ran. Totals. Arthur Kecllne and Stanley Rosewater Sutler" were elected -!oe preeidents of the Omaha i Athletic association at the meeting l-e'd j Friday noon. The election of these two ' 'i.m men makes the list of ciff'c complete. Because of the work et.talled In getting up me annual innoor irecit meet lew nie.i 411 TELLERS. 1st. no 169 J77 2d. 143 460 1.23 3d. Total 1S6 46i 166 46S ' Reanl(s at Jacksonville. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.; Jan. .-G. . P. Chlnn sent Another winning 2-year-old to the post In big Rose of. Jeddah, Caesar-lon-Marcte filly, who easily defeated a band of shifty youngsters In -. the first race at Moncrlcf today. The winner, who, was coupled In the betting with Naughty Rose was alwaya favorite tn ithe betting. Three favorites and two well-played sec ond choices won: Summaries: J First race, quarter mile, straightaway: Rose of Jeddah, a to 6. won: Silas Grump, second: Gold Mine, third. Time. 0:23. Second race, six furlongs: Marie Hyde, 1 to- 2, won; Ben Lomond, second; Louis Reil, third. Time, 1:16"4. Third race, seven furlongs: Carlton O., S to 6, won; May ward, second; Dr. Holse berg, third. Time. l:2f. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards: Earl of Richmond, to 10. won; Limpet, second; Aviator, third. Time. 1;4H- Fifth race, six furlongs: Eyewhite, IS' to S. won: All Red, second; May Amelia, third. Time, l:lo. i Sixth race, mile and sixteenth: Star Over, 15 to L won: Palcada. second; kCd keck, third. Time, 1:61. Hartler Slant 1 p. NEW VORK, Jan. Catcher Grover Hartley, who waa drafted by the New York National league club from Toledo I ant fall, slKned with the New York Nationals today for 1911. Hartley lives In Osgood, Jnd., and played with the Springfield, ill., club be lore Joining Toledo. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. EL TELLO CIGAR - ife7 Ask the man who smokes them. . 3 for 25 Centt , 10 Cents Straight ' sic sling to Bfc The Cigar which, if you Once Smoke, you will Always Smoke McCORD, BRADY CO. Distributors Omahs, Nebraska. iaw35S9l EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Amon Proves High Class Youngster fey v - Easy Victory.- WESTS IN THE FINAL SIXTEENTH Alchemist Canturca First Rc t Emeryville Kddle 6rney Takes ' the Fourth Good Card at Tampa. OAKLAND. Cal.. Jan. .-Amon showed to be a high class youngster by his easy victory In the -year-old race at Emery ville today. He was an odds-on favorite forthe event and although slow to get go ing, galloped over Lera Dale, the pace maker, the final sixteenth. Summaries: First race, six furlongs: Alchemist, 4 to 1 won; Ixokout. S to 1. second; Meada, to 1. third. Time, 1:1S. Second race, six furlongs: Swede Sam, S to 1, won; Lady Adelaide, 12 to 1, second; Argonaut. T to 1, third. Time. 1:1S. Third race, three furlongs, two-year-olds. Amon, iKlrschbaum), to a. won; Lem Dale, (Archibald), 7 to I, second; King Earl, (Garner), 12 to 1. third.. Time. 0:35V4- Camarada, Vanir, Nada Maa and Laven der Lass finlahed aa named. Fourth race, mile: Eddie Oraney. (Gar ner), 11 to 6. won; Ada Meade, (Thomas), S to 1. second; The Bailiff's Daughter. (Da vis.). 80 to 1, third. Time. It.- ' Marburg. Madeline Musgrav and Dahl- gren finished aa named. Fifth race, six furlongs: Faneull Hall, (Taplin). S to 1. won; Native Son, (Frach), 6 to 1, second; Faasenger. (Klrschbauni). to 2. third. Time, 1:13. Novgorod. Electrowan, Ptanhope and named. . Bixth race, seven furlongs: Feather Duster. (Kederis), 4 to 1. won; Crex, (KlrKchbautn), to 1. seoond; Academlst, (Garner), 15 to 1. ihlrd. Time. l:27fc Beatrice. Soule. Summertime, Ureal Caesar, Cioko and Amala .finished as named. ' , . TAMPA, Fla., Jan. . Warm weather and the best card of the meeting" attracted a crowd to the West Tampa course today. EUxabethan a play la the laat race waa the feature, when she entered home In front of Bethlehem, who was two lengths In front of the heavily -backed Piute. The stable of S. F. Hayman of New York arrived here today from Jackaonville, and will race here during the remainder of the meetings. Summaries: First race, six furlongs: Mcrlse. 4 to 1, won; Heth Goodwin, recond; Walter Mc Lean, third. Time. 1:18. Hecond race, atx furlongs: Big Osage, t to 1. won; George Turner, second; Fenrlr, ihlrd. Time. !:! N Calla, Harry Minnedocla finished as evening at the chib hotme.V w hen plans for the romlitg year will also b dtsruaaed. "1 h yar J;it rlosrd has been moot snc ceas.'ul and the memlers hope to mak t!i coming year even more so. Iieti club atarted w tit twenty members and closed the last year with svi-niv-e'Kht members. During the .voir the cluh grounds were t-minaed and a cinder th laid. Members built twenty-two bun sa lons and built nn addition t the Hub house lor pool and Mlllerds. The cnlir club house i alao plantered and a water plant Installed. The club is -now consider ing planting treea and shrubs to make the nound confor mto Carter park, whlc t adjacent. The present officers arc-. J. J. McMahon. piraldent; Kl Latterly, vice pieaident: lr. Hayes Gsuntner, sre rtn; Andrew Anderson, treasurer. positions In the oiran'xatlin and the work of prTararon has ben delayed1. E. E. Graff. Gould Diets, Stanley tloee tvater and M. L. Cain were appointed on a committee to make arrangrmenta as to the date of the meei. ard It la understood that it will be l:eld some time in the latfor pert of IdaroU or early In ApHl. The money lor the guarantee fund la coming In fant, it a lepoi-Ud, ai d Secretary t arn stated that ariaiigemrnu for a targe list of ath letes to ciMue-lure aie being made up as fat as possible. I'laean Untrn Wl.l Uratanlae. CHICAGO. Jan. I-Home rule for homing phteons snd their owners will be the kev note of a meeting of the pigeon flyers of" the middle west t, be held next f-atJiJav In this city. Th pur-Ktse of the me-Uiif will be to form an association to be known aa the Western Center of the American iowa tin. jaa. .-TH Intrivollea ate i - k. 4 ..i. u. wrvetllng toiiniamriit start next week at KAWiu citv t. i o. the I nt ertlty .f Iowa under the coachmi L,. A , .I V 1? -Danll Shay, i f rhystral liiKtor H hroedr. nt .rc..! r"?" of the ,loc1 Anl'"'c"n """'"t'"" leiat iutct,ea with the I nlveri.lt v of 7 . eam 'r- ,on"l 'K"ed a N.liaka and Amra win probablv follow I 1?' KCt ,or "V today aind .Mike lau-r In the f n !Vtern. c'hamolnn ! ""5a.n- !"ul ound right-lanrird pitcher i. .- i .-uxma. nKi, nfsn was witn r- l.ftiv,lfhl or lie school, is In (he h plial here with tvphoid fever, leav.ng tli fi lil ilur to O t'onnor IntrrcM n (hc .Mirt la growing at Uils un.vtrslty. acuae. V V, two tars au. TU Key o the Piti-n-"oil Bn Want Ads. Suits nd Overcoats 1fZlr.n From $13.50 Upxvards Trousers, ?5, $4,$2 Sold up to S7.50 - . 5 7t$ Expert Clothes Fitters 107 So. 16th St. B2snSlSsMSaBBlBV SSnaS Wii'Bri 'I'i'iii'-iI" Nmmm y I peETidliiiug M Never before have you had such a splendid chance to save money on hats and furnishings. . The stock has got to be moved and we have priced it at such figures that will astound you. We have had big days fram the first incep tion of the sale, but we firmly believe tomorrow will top. them all. Our twenty-seven years in business is a guarantee of the high quality of the merchandise and every article ybii' buy is money saved, A mere suggestion often aids a pur chaser and the items quoted below are but an index to the prices prevailing throughout the store. . ' , r'i -Stetson Hats- - Known the world over,' worn wherever quality is demanded; . All our $10.00, $8.00, $6.00, $5.00 and $4.50 s, el CA' Ktetsona at ....V r .5J3V All our $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 latest styles and pat- ternH including the famous $2.50 B. & W, shirt, at ...95c Underwear Both union and two-piece suits, from the leading mills, the warm kind formerly sold at $2.50, $2.00 and M MP tf-leltf $1.75; to close at. Gloves An extrapair of gloves always comes in handy. You can't miss it when you buy Dent's and l'errins' $2.50, (? ' QT $2.25 and $2.00 gloves for , . l0tj Mil fa mmm m it XtaaKsssmaBUB&atai W4-M Tie M-k Best-Iir