he Omaha Daily Bee FOB ALL THE XEVTS EE AD EDITORIAL SECTION PAGES ELZVEX TO TWEXTT. THE OMAHA BEE ! J BEST 15 THE WEST. Vol XI Nu. 174. OMAHA SATURDAY M -IINING JANUARY 7. 1911. SlNdU: iVVY TWO (KNTS All Our Hen's Winter Suits and Overcoats Beginning Saturday Morning at Just Ii 111 LT 1 M'i II SO OntliK riiBTirl PTiimU. i . , IS i i J I ur Jirt I wWmaalia aiwt I'mhinMrrT K 1 I II t. I I $ f f ftato H-rtfa-Moatta. j. nicely made. Saturday 7f M l j E , N Linen Bargain Specials trrx Btitenrerg Centers, hand tiraen. ir. ilren. run! and a-mare'-: ftnnrf-i)rH -arfs and ! .ntrpi" wirti c each-- ppeci: Snt rpy 47s n-'ru-n blnc'ievl al Lltien Nt kl'.s. KtMMi. strums;, senlceah-e fi;t,ii 1.S rtux'l. Satuelay, per ' . . IUI ;-ln. i- Meagher 'l Uwn Heavy finiak Napkins, e-y detra:oe riant t. t; T.o end 12 Ti h'um Saturday, a big oerirnin. onlyai.se. T iich P em-red Napkin, $1 ' Ium, extra special for fat'ir HUy. Hozen For Saturday Only Bsttenherg Lace Centers and Srarfe. w'th hand-dnmi cen ter all fitted Kinn a rd extra M made. r?f uar 11 M vajues. January Linen a!e price . . . . c ll , : fc.earhe.1 liM'F Imk Fettern i'W-. rrulsr I It, value, Saturday 3.T Bieached Twjl and Linen Finish , "rah Tnmeitne. Hsi bordered. fst eiges; 7vc value, tr.ls saie at H t'a'tm Huck Towels, plain whir or re" horde-, larce .:.e. good quality, oar lFc tiI-i. Saturday, a rare bargain, at mch 10e Mens $1.50 Outing Flannel Pyjamas. nicely made, Saturday 70 Mm'i $1.00 Heavy Black Satin Sbirts 7T 1 5c Bine Wool Hose. 19c; 3 for 50e BOc Silk Tie, Saturday 20 C $1.50 Men's Wool Underwear. JJl Men's Union Sulla greatly reduced for Saturday. Men's $1.00 Heavy Ribbed Jersey Sweater, in plain colors, Saturday reduced to 55C if JANUARY BEDDING SALE 7 J iu ii lileached Sheeting, heavy -ind gor. quality. ! value. Friday, at. per van! "...21c Blanket!, full bed size, gray and tan: rood weirbt. $1.25 value. Friday, each SDt ! Wool Blankets, full bd aire, I til aid a md plain colors $6.50 ' alu, Friday, pair. . -53.98 J 45-inch Blenched Pillovr Cies pood quality. 10c. value, Priday, yd. 12' it: Bleached uMalin Sheta 72i9'j heavj and strong; 60c value. Friday, each HQC Cotton Filled Comforters TIi"$ silkoline corered II.X3 value, Friday, each. l 9S" Cut Flovers For All Ocust ecs Th vast amount of business we do every day tells a big story all of its own Why? More Fre;eiii Flowers et More Krawtutble Prices. January Underwear Sale One lot of Ladies' Heavy Fleeced I'nion Suits, regular $1 value; a big January bargain; Saturday at, only 79C Indies' Silk and Wool Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, knee lengths, sizes 4'a only; $1.50 values; Satur day a bargain at SSC ! CkSMMmi3 1 laail' r 3 C 3 r (S fhir "Twice-Yearly" Clearance Sale is an event appreciated by the letter dresser. It's the way we have of clearing &toek each season so as to begin a fresh season with the newest thut season affords. - Including every size to 5" clothes for business, street, store and evening wear all :;t half price. No "retagging" done, for as in past years, this sale i one of pKd garments and tetter values, at a time during which we put our entire capital and energy to the creation of new customers. Saturday logins this great clearance of our entire winter stocks, absolutely nothing kept buck. Any suit or overcoat, in black, gray, brown and all fancy mixtures, in all styles and sizes, made in both foreign and domestic fabrics, in kerseys, meltons, thibets, worsteds and serges at exactly half price. The tailoring is of the highest elas; some have hand turned edges while others have the stitched edges. Before buying elsewhere Saturday, just drop in and take a look at our stocks You'll agree with us that a finer display of high grade hand tailored garments cannot be found. For the price of a suit you can now buy both a suit and an overcoat. Regular $0.00 gar- QOA Art ments sell at 4-VaUU Regular $25.00 gar- rf ments sell at. . .". . . vlaJ.dU Regular $-'5.0t gar- f 7 CA Regular $30.00 gar ments sll at vXl3U ! ments ell at Regular $20.00 gar- l A AA ments sell at VlU.UU $15.00 Regular $15 and $18 $750 fcQ I mW garments sell ct. All alteration neeessarv free of charge. r January Clearance Sale of All OurChil- ( 1 A dren's Dresses and Ccats 6ALK BEGINS SATURDAY MORXIXG. Jr Uhildreai's Colored Wash Dresses We have divided our entire aioca 01 mfM garments mio 10 great tota and reduced them to a fraction of the regular selling price. Ixt I Includes all Percale and Gingham Dresses for to" from 2 to 5 years; also, all percale dresses, light and dark col ors, for girls 6 to 14 years that sold regalarly at $1.(0 np to $2.00; Saturday selling Price S1.00 Lot 2 includes all the beautiful Percale, .Toile du Xord and . Anderson Gingham . Dresses, in plain colors and large piaids that sold all season for $2.50 up to $4.00. Satur day reduced to only gl.So Ami iairi's Winter Co Sisea to 14 years; regu lar $10.00 garments; Sat urday. choice .. . QQ Aaf &&ria Wlatar Coat Blaea t to 14 yeara and Junior ilea. 12 to 1 years: repuiar IH.O (irmrnt, SiuMv. yo'tr en'r. at S7.5S AJi aiat aa CiMS rcr u 1.1 VUa Tots .4sa4 2 t a )eara haa been tut totu o'ia bi( lot for fcat i.rJay . aaJltr, reaardleaa f lovn.er rr4c is. $! ard - Slf fffcrraen tsluHiv, . -ne. ! SS.OO f the flneat Hippie Eider down, In pink, blue or gray: tir reaalar SIS. SO and JlT.i rotie A remarka.bi barraln lor tiaVrday; aa tons M 'er la at. at Saturday Cudj pajai Bennett's Kirooui nuf featx Chncolatea. our rwerular itc ier lh Saturdav only, at tSs Freeh Tankee Peanut BHttle, i lb. re Vi la r1 staturday, lb.. T"r 18e ; a fr f je JANUARY CLEARANCE PRICES On All Ladies' Yinter Apparel AVon.en who have waiteil for our annual clearance are being rewarded in teeini their clothes allowance do almost deuMe duty and still buy 'his season's nw, de-inible winter aprw'ix-.. All Our Cloth Coats and Suits, in either black or colors, values up to $50.;), rt (?fl A PA All Velvet Dresses, values to $.?o.0H: this sale at. . I A!. Velvet Suits, values to $35.00; this sale at. . . V At,W V All Velvet and Corduroy Suits, values from $40.00 to $65.00, at. . H OFF All High Grade Fur Sets, values from $45.00 to $150.00. at......H OFF All our Coney Fur Coats, this great sale, your choice ."..? OFF All our Pony Fur Coats, this great sale your choice 4 OFF All Plush, Velvet and Velour Coats, now at OW MESH VEILINGS Values 25c to 35c; Saturday a bargain sale at from 10c KandJkarchiaXs Values up to :Jc: Fri day a bargain table sale, at 3a, 5c, 10a The- are rerBarkaMa raluea. only slirhtJy aolled or wrinkled, having been uaed for droratin( purposes dunna the holiday -aeeka. Men's Shoes At Prices In Tune With Other January Clearance Sale Prices 5,000 Pairs of $3.00 and $3.50 Men's and Ladies' Shoes at $2.19 These shoes were purchased last week by our New York buyer from the Proudy Shoe Co.. Spencer, Mas. These shoes were made by the Proudy company for the Hamilton k Brown and other well known shoe makers. But because of cancelled orders this full had never been shipped. We learned of this and sent oiir buyer to make the p-urehase. Our cah order allowed us the pick of the stock. Saturday we will sell to the eople of Omar a this wonderful line of shoes at prices ! lar ueiow iuc ium iu uiaii uiaiuic iijriu on sale at '2.1 lot of ladies' Hous Slij ler a and h1h Shoes mall alsea Sararday on ly, pair... Ma SEOtl 2.S0S pairs of Men's !ShL. In box calf, elk rk in. vtri kid. patent colt and dull leathers, button or lace, turned or melted solea, bluch er or Oreaa cut. not s ahoe in the lot rna to sell fur !-. than IS 00 an4 8aurdav your choice, at... 93-19 SOO Pairs Cail Ora's k a a s . noat all leathers. te and atyle Saturday on ly, pair.. Me USBr BXOES I.iOO pairs of Iadies' H (th Shoes, In turn or melted so lea. In latent colt, dull leather, velvet and suede, with either cloth or leather top, button or lace; bwlit m-lth the anort vairtD. plain toe. high arrli and heel: won derful barfaina Saturdav -at M.19 50c 500 Corsets Reduce! for a Big Jaturday Clearance Sale, at . TIicm' corsets are made of fine batiste and coutil, with high bust and extreme long hip effects have double hose suporters of extra strong webbing, all well built,, of non rjv table boneing making, remarkable well fitting, com foi table models for the average figure. 50c These models are our regular Tic and $1.00 models, placed la one big lot for a big clean-up sale Saturday and reduced for quick, selling. Your choice for only 1COI BAJSaAXsTS FOB SaTCSOAT The Victory of Allen RuUedse. by Alex forkey. it aaeser to The Calling of Den llatttaewa, Saturday SO-1S S Ixhtly Khop-worn Booka 1 lot of Poo ea.ther, at -. Tie 1 l,t f 11.06 and ll.iS booka peod aubjevta at... SOe 1 lni i.f mlev.eliai;eou II. a booka Saturday t S5e Bet aartrs roja IbMt Kasls Baio. 'Amy ut. tie Crtxl nan a Vtaa SJtXim tHrt" The 1-1 great popular sons hit e'er publiahed We w are fortunate enourh to secure i.0 ct'plea of thla sreat aona. laat ek hrtuf iflr. T. C. bennetL In order that thla loiif 4iay receive in umir.i lta just popularity, ma a l.l sell tneae copies, aa long . s rhey laac eaiuraay, at per copy Otke Big Kits ef tae Saaaas reaa Bats. Aay, at lea. JX'v Jorww" 'Call Me Up Soma " cotuie oods. ..10 Hairy After-on"- 6al. 10a m. ef. Theee "I'naef tLe Turn lvi' a"ir- Yum Tree- day ICS Saturday ....10a ' "Almaya vlait Bennett'a sheet Xluatc corner Saturdaj a. ' Big Hosiery Sale Saturday La'liea' Fancy and Black Hoae. values to ic: Saturday, sellins at tse doxen Ladies Black Thread Silk Hoae mercerlited. farter top and foot our regular e quality, bis" value Saturday for only ase Ladee' and Nihm' Plain and Ribbed Hoae. medium and heavy weJg-ht. r(v alnea: Saturday, pair lae Boya- Heavy School How. wide an J "arrow rib; !c and lie grade: Satur day, pair lav, 10c Slightly Soiled Pyrography Tcod fiaie SMBrdsy at Less Thaat Half. Tie Rack., $1.00 value SOe Taborettes. $1.50 vaJuea 73c Humidor. $1.50 value.. 70c Waste Baskets, $1.25 values BOc Plate Racks. $C.OO values X48 Service Trays. $2.00 values eoc Pipe Rack, 7&c valae 2."c Uumbrella FUri. s.o value T5a Il-incn Placgue. 11.00 vaiue . . fcoe And hundred a of other bir bar:ain for tsaturuay AU Art 1 Nothing kept out OTT January Clearance . Sale of Stoies $50 00 Peninsular Blue Steel Range, m-ith manning oven, du plex grate, sanitary ventilated oven; mill burn any kind of fuel; this big sale at S39.50 $30.06 Peninsular Advance Steel Range, ovtn lSxlS, and duplex, grate; this sale 23.93 $26.00 Peninsular Hot Blast Heater; guaranteed to save 25 per cent of the coal bill; beauti fully trimmed, suitable for any parlor; this sale $17.95 $24.00 Peninsular Heater, new, t I. - 815.95 Perfection Oil Heaters at $3.75 to $3.00 $10.00 Heater now only $6.75 Our Big January Boys1 Suit and Coat Sale SATURDAY All the very bt-t grades rf our Boya' Suita and Overcoats, tailored In man nish styles and patterns, in fabrics that mill etsnd the wear and tear that boya always give their clothea. Sat urday, a big general discount clear ance aaie. Prices hammered down to s mere fraction ef the actual value. Read these big money saving prices: ! Boys' Suits snd Overcoats tT-50 ;. Boyr Suits and Overcoats UM Sa.ov Boys' Suite and Overcoats S3.SS IS.M Boys' Suits and Overcoats JOS pairs of Boys Knickerbocker Pants, our regular SI. values: cut during our clearance sale to go Saturday SOe We are also cutting grade of Cordurov price Saturday. OSc, Sl-OO aud tl-M on aU our fine Pants. Fpedai Big Meat Specials Saturday Pig Pork Shoulder Roast, lb lOHe Choice Pot Roast 10c and Oc Fall Lamb Leg. per lo 10e Loin Lamb Chops, per lb llSe Lamb Shoulder Roast, per lb T"iS Lamb Stew, per lb 6c S.0OS loa. Calumet Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb lCSs 2.009 lbs. Cudahy's Diamond "C Ham their ery best grade per Ib.KSs Drugs and Drugs 75c Pmpemn lliu( Cream Sc c Plmrlive "jea in for SSe ;c "W'llUma' Talcum Powder lie JT.e t-anitol Tooth Fomittr 18a Hie Kmul T"(h fwl lse TethiwS Tiicuru I... 60 16c PaJniollve Soap Oe lVc Jan P.uee Soap S f lam Brown Windsor Suap a& ::.e Bliick Bristle Hair Brushes . - lie- AmiLhap 1st J dozen Wuinlne Pilla. 2 grain IOC Fruits Special for Saturday fcCN'KJST OIU.XGE SALE. Our regular 55c doaen grade, 40 Onr regular 50c doten grade, 35? Our regular 45 dozen grade, 25 Our regular SOc doten grade. 20f FREE An orange spoon with our regular 30c dozen lemons. Florida Grape Froit. 10c size, 5 Two extra large plain Lettuce. 5 Extra fancy Colorado Potatoes, per bushel 85C iaturiay Specials Bennett's Big Grocery SO lbs. Oraamlateel Bngar SlJM bennett a bent Coffee, aecial for t-i?t- Pepper, .SOC . . SOS 1,-11.. . . .10c . . .asc Peel, ta SM per IM . SOe pkg. lie uriiir, only...... 1 lha. for Bemaett'e Capitol can SiSder's Catnup, pint bottle... An1 Iv 8um. Evaporated Pea. he a. lb And IS IMr)j'. Double Stamps on Butterlne. B. C. Bakirg powder, lb. can. And iO htnnipt. Five lha. New Navy Heana. Citron, Orange and Lemon lb And J iHimpi. Cheese, Virginia Kwisa. ll.. And 16 Kttmpi. Hartley's Currant Jelly, jar Hen net t s Caottol tone T-lh. And 16 fumtx. Bennett's Capitol Pancake Flour. I- Ib. pkg Ha And 16 Stamps. Argo Oloca starch. 6 pkira S5a Bennett's Capitol Kxtracta, bottle, las And 2 Stamps. Teas aaxjrted, sc graae. apexial ter h. ba Tea Siftinea. Ih. pkr lse Pride of Bennett's Flur. nack. l-30 Bennett's Capitol Hawaiian U-d Pinearple. larre can. only SOe B Raspbernee. Blueberries and Straw berrie. can 15a t.. W C Trhle Srrup. lu-lu. can. 10a Clieexe, full cream, lb SSe And 16 Stamps. Monarch Cut Atn-rnui large can. SSe And 26 Mimpi Crackers, larce n.orlinnit. pkg.. 10a n1 IS Stni( i. B. C. Mincemeat 3 -.kee ase Anil 16 St.triea. Diamond Crystal TaMe Salt. 3 pk fur SVe NE CASE ASSIGNING SYSTEM ! Diftrict Coart Jadret to Try a Sew Scheme ia February. CASES EI GEO UPS OF TES.EE Aa aa a see t lHeaeel Of ttwket laalaer le " atllefew ta Take lt rise. r.eilaios of the case aaaigninent ate tn the district court mli-eli la epected to ru!t in amoother eperstioa of the courts . d in teas meme ef rime tiaa bees, made by the J.idirea and mill be placed ia effect at tie bglnning 4 the February term. At the beginning ef the term the presiding judce is courtroom No. 1 mill call the enure ducket ef all the cases at taeua. that 1. ready f"T trial, sad a certain a umber of iLK-l a til be asaign-d for tnal daring a.h day of the term. Cases not at taaue m li be Mat lo the heel of the docket. a-a then mill be aae-gmed fur trl In g:wui if thtee to the several courtrooms. tapidly aa diaivaition ia made of a rear in any counroms another case mill Uc aiiJed U, the aaaitnmest f the ceurt loucn. au thit at all Umes tier mill be one raae oa trial snd tse walrng te come up. I nder tlie ifitrn Bow ia tee a'l caeca tre aaaasrd ene at a time by the preaidisa Juoe. kVfcea aJi) courtixuKn ha diapoeed vt a ar tiie fart tr.at it tm vn la rw-l-uttrd f te prraxtiiig Jude la eounrouni Nu. 1. but it tre-iUealiy hai'pena that Ibe 'iwnv; i m ne other .aae arc rdv to iey m and Vri xrtat. lie reul setag t!it t'e c.M4rt must ma t until the faiiew lu 4. 1ib ft em a h f aa a to a say's time. Under the mew pi an the parties aid attorney in saitlna caaes mill bate aame generm idea of when their cases can be tried and will bold themselves ready to "coma tn." The ayatem now in vogue has proven un satisfactory. The new plan is one which tr aome tuua th members of I he bar hsie anted tried. The civange In method of aa antnent has neceaaitsted a change ia the time fur em paneling the petit Jury. Heretofore the Jury has been emimnelied and other business in cident te the opening ef a term of court has been done on the first day ef the term. I'nder the Bern plan tfeeae matters will be attended te on the third day ef the term, the first ana second daya being required fe rthe calling ef the ducket and the as signment of cuea by da vs. At l he pening ef the February term, February 2. then will be some M cases for assignment. MONTANA AT JHE LAND SHOW Kewly Developed Country to ILxkt a Strong Showing. EXHIBITS AEE BLUG GATHEBXD tetlrwed. are Helples fe t ellect the tablklte Shew Irwirm ef Ibe rm teeatry at Oaaaha aCsiMwitieaj. Creamery Company Gets New Permit Will Bebuild Its Plaat at Oaee To Coit Eandrtd Thousand Dorian. Person for tr.e tremor, of a new piant by the Faurraunt Oeamer company -jb tae ait of the elructur recenily bu. cod maa iued at tre office A i.he buiiomc uuneeter K i1a" afie-toor The new ptast mill ooat t:6ss Part of t H- vaJ ef ".ie buildiug de atro.ted ry fire mlU be uuliaed in the oun a'.ructhri of the new y)nt. The bulMilng mill Kit etoriee in hrlcht and of fre nrtKf cor.atrutti T- The frame will be ( r el m tu Piu.om lie wa.la and partit'ueia. That the new country trred s ear spa b- th Burlington In Mociara is to make a must creditable evi.iiUt at t:ie ULrni anow ia On.aha. anoan by the fUnming cl:p-pu-S fr.m the Ureat ra-ia I.eaJer of Oreat Fal:a Mirtit.: "KAhibitu are now bclr. gathered by Secretary li lii.n. of tle Board of Com merce for the Weaiem liJ - PtxJ i show to be held In Omaha, frjtn January 16 to SS. in.lui. For this anow the C4t of Grtat Fails will have lintty feet front age to diaotay samples of t:.e soil, njifkl Slid ncrjoe piodurts of Itils aectu'ri Ti e ai.au of Mojitana win Ue represented by an trumence ttcibit. The Great Nort.-.ern railrtd mil! devote about fifty ft-et to Uontana exhilna. ml.ile eonie eight v ln otrr cjuea and aei lions of t:. state Lave staged spe.-ee aiml.ar to that ot Urea: Fa ,a. The ahum la deoted etui re!y to the explattatiuaa of the ataWe of tre north metkt and It i certain t' : Xjiilai-a shew ing :! cut be eur-patM-d tv Us air t: Slat, a. "The Boston ar.d rfatta:.a r.;eiter i.r is i-o:iectii nt:ral for a Ug m ner to be aode in cor-aecion miti. ttic t1 ..d of (..'ouiiiiertt agv.iu.tiiraJ tiUui Ti.. a i be the otjy s.mal Ji,i iu the exLil.it building and mn!l be act-irded a iH-c:al p.ae of i:onor If it is demred. The Omai-ii Bee people, mho are cut,d Jctiiijr the si.o ia cv-tti'atHn mith the rail roads. l.ae tuuncd STetary Holmes tl.at a u icejaJ d.kplay mould be mil c leptahic and that if one i fumia!vd from ti.i city t.1e ml,l be glad to give it spex ial (pete. Mlaerala Be keoe. "In ad(i.ti.n to the rr.metsis which tne B-elm a; aloct&fia tmeitt-r proioses lo (how at I'n'ai.a em eiampies of varioua mineral uepjaits in Ihia county mill be exhibit d by the Board of Commerce frir-ur) Holmes ha made arrangements for aeiurii.g rarnvlt of Cascade county otkl .nuts ajid (. ium as melt aa ot ner p-unerale and thte. t io. will be installed mith the ein liiL ll la protbu that the mineral feature of the Jret Falla ex hibit mill pv n a du-ticititenesa tl.at mill ir.ae it pnm:nest among hundreds of ex hihita. "The apri' uit jral reo--rcf of the county mil be t.l i.preaa-ct d Ti.e B"fd of ' oi..i), r r hu t jird aay a at aniouni T crri..n. graa. irtt and aeed aniples mhun wi.l be uaed ia e.al:irg the exhibit Tl! aami'.es mere iired in the various ftur exliilMLa hust fail and are of a Bida yoality. r 'V. V. Ta.bot the well knomn rancher. hu it au.oiig tiie m-jre advanced farmers of tile ur.ty, alto l.o- a la-'H; lullntln of ftmtlr of prodjcis ut bit farm. These he ha effrrtf to Ihe lvarJ of i'ouinerce f-ji txh.i iii'r. ur-,t- The offrr has Lfr n ac itd ai.J !r. Taiool a..l sous fthi t aamp.es to or,nt tr ails ".V!! ti ncilit n aier.al m li' be garnered in thU irt and la ou i n a car here. Tn iai:.ii3 uilJ lran?..-t tue rvr. oil to tiHitU fr of ha-;. It ia eirt-d that It Will lA.( M.rlii itll lu tlj lt,C i ' 4. : . , x l. .111 m u uu-a&aw' Sailor Boys Wanted for a Bigger Navy , Nary to Be Filled to the Tall Comple ment by the Fint of July- """"" The !Vay department at Washington has . ser.t out announcement tliat an effort will j be nuile ti f:ll the enlisted complement ef the nat y. 1.W men. by J uly 1. j The' announcement savs that the foreign j rruiie of the Atlantic fleet are to be ctaa- tinned, sr.d all young men mho en!ut this 'winter mil in ail pmbabtlitv fmien their I course of tnatrurtkone In time to be de , tailed oa one of these crusles j Sixteen battleships of the Atlantic fleet i are now returning from Curofie. mhrre they ifceie been vlFittng for the last tmo mm t hi ! the ports of Kngland and France. yn its ; return the fieet mill atup at liuantanamo. Cut, where the spring rifle practice mil; U n January 1C. Joseph Keenan. manager of the Henshaw. "and often served good-naturedly as a . mark f jT praeucal Joker. "He had a bevy j of frienda, mho when they learned he maa , coming to tomn began to plot agaicst him, ; and Bailey usually reciprocated- He ha .been arrested several umes here as a re ; ult of these plots and aim ays lok suc.i kt i mith a laugh. There are many lu : umaha mho mill deeply mourn his destu. He m as a tj pical. happy traveling maji." TRAVELING SALESMAN DEAD O. T. Bailee el St. LeiBla. the rrlae Jekver, fmii A stay Friend te Many. A menn.rial ca rC vti received at ti.e Hecisliaw h-.tel Friday mom;r.g amour,e .cg the d-atb in l. Louts Iiecember 11 of u. T. I'tU'eir. a trave.Ir.g man who has n-id'' inia.Ij fjt the laat thirty tara '1 n TUiie" Baiiey. a" he ma called be fin of hi intt as. a a kt.oaa by many of tiie prominent L-i.n ss me-i if ina:, lie ma a faiesnaa and secreiary-trra.u er Sj. the &uiei-s' Jje c, in fan) of gi Iol '.It ii a gieat pi art.t a j.t:. ' aJi Shultz Says Jury i Was "Fixed" in Trial j Han Conricted for Death of William ! Urug Accuiei Foreman of Jury. i Chrgc-a tl.at the district court Jjry !mhlch found hiir guilty of manslaughter. ; but commend-d l:,n to the leniency of the ' cenirt. Was 'fitei.' were made in the very ' (ace ef J B. Oraat. foreman of the jury, by Alex Srults when the tJ met in a r:(.r store shorty afer Shultz was re leased from the ccunty jail on a i-spreme court apt! bond, according to Mr Urant. Shultz'a attack, made la the prirer.ee of several w'tnewaes, ma emphaaixed m1tu lnterectiona. aaid Mr. Grant and others bi mKB-esed It Sliultx a:d he strop!) man raftrtded to tie iniiennarj ; that tf he l.ad had s fair jury he mould not be in 'rouble- Mr Grant eaid he has not it- c.Je! mhtier or not he mlU report ti e ma.;ur to Judge Luteile of tut criminal court, before m horn the tf.uUi raae mas .tried. If th matter offc:a;ly is hrjugti to the attention of tr,e c-"irt. an ax t ion for contemi-t tf court ln.';it U; ataitej i j i.ji'i ahjita. nnr-rri i - r - ii hi hi 0 & & L lb L C Saturday Special Trem Oar tig January Furniture Clearance Sale $ J.00 i'late Kuckh, iu ru! lfn or natural oak, like cut SatunLiy cut to Icr-? thai, etir-t; a bitrgain $ f 25 at. . BENNETT UVENPTTH CENTURY FAHMtA Uoliar Per leas.