THE BEE: OMMTA. FRIDAY. JANUARY G. lfll 1 FErtSOhiAL MrJI'HANo TUf.'ll.l PI. I -i.a-itr il .)an. -J Nevit.e B,a.t LH. KGGEF.S. private renfinemerit Soma Ihi. UJaitrie at.. ciin. i. Tel. Doug as - T.'E SALVATION ARMT so ' (.jtti. ii. fan joilinj on do not oaed ; W, ce.ect. repair and sell al U4 N. llta Jr . . lor cost iiC cokmuu to the wr. I I or. t V.1 prions Lai.:u 4iaa and ihii am cai i rtlVATE HOME dicing, eneir.nement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Baal im n im. ;e lat am.. Council fcinffa, la. IIM H.M DE!! ha etwnel nauan Pr loi !'i 1 ha Lunaanr. room a, Mtn eat 1' -r . cr. mri,ra ana mivm sait Clow. iifilat noxmrut. not a' or iimi rau.auw I imiu.u i-nuot Rao I auooaaoonanoooooo, t'K. FiCKtS. oi TT Tty Nat nml ran it Fld o i u Brgw to annownca mat ha naa ar. larg4 o i tn iiri.ui ol!ic. in no ut-t er o v t!ua fvtr (Mjunf'd to )Pv tti eacei- o i lnt lntal riM tor whlcn be la o, o are') no n o ) If your t"U ar aenKitiv and you o i o wiKh a mor ieiil-ii knolU of o Kti. mo!m opfrativa memwJi. a ni namp for hi brxja. T ha (j-n a. a tie Art of Fa.n!i.e in Lunmur. o r, 3 O o o o o 4 'if VI) View ilaternity VliWl.A- home tor aome home, private i tomen dunna on- t.neuient. Addreea x U.. t lorence. lal-! a: lorfBca I ea ate. eurea: no knire: : buoh tree. German Ducwr I aju UroadWii. cooncti b.uita. la. VOL NO WOMEN comtns to Omaha as ttraatfrrs are invited to visit the Toung Women a Christian Aaavdiuoa buiidtntr at fceventeentn street and bt. Maxy'a avenue, bero they will be directed to auttatHO boAra in a V i acre or otherwise assisted- Look tut our traveler s aid at tbo Cnion stauow. VIBUATOBV MASSAGE Dr. Rittenhouse. trm Old Boston St or a. 4th f.oor, elevator entrance, Utt 8. Uih. Open Sundays from t a. m. to 12 p. m. OMAHA, stammerers" Ins.. Rani-e Bids. orrpT'TLT private Christian confine ment home; best care; babies) fur adoption. 1 Dareiiport. PHIVATB maternity borne. Mra. Dr. King, 11.4 North 14ih bt. Woo. IC lnd. D-1114. TREATMENTS at hotels or reftencea Neuropathy. Swedish movement. Masaare and tuaatneuo cjuronrmcuca. Phono S-Uk Dr. tianaeo. W I f 5 's end toupea for men. GrUTJth. AU,J 13 and 14 FRLNZi.R BLOCK. Kt'PKKFl.L'OL'8 HAIB pormnnently re moved, ao pain, no lose of time, no Injury to the akin, work guaranteed; lady attendant- lie McCague fcldg.. Lxa and Dodge. HAiK SUITS to rant at LIE BEN'S. Sori tr-ria frwtn corabinira. H.60. Mra. i "w4"-"coMa,tthawa. U Paxton blk. D.tUtaV DIL BURKE P-J't- tleae. of iixuuintii men and women. N. E. ror. loth Doujrlan, Omaiia. CaUi or write. I MAGNETIC treatment, lima. Smith, t-3 S. Ulh. third Coot. Prof. Din iian Ckr,,lti Maasaga. m L mi. XJUJLOM. bnLBd.,a Xbeak. Ph. D, tat. Hindoo tavblet win buiid. atrengihen. tue. fcLU, DRL'O CO. MASSAGE sJ: MMfToor8."rm JOS1K WASH Bl'RN'S bonk. The Under world newer." at all book stores. Price. Ut T ATTIS !t glow and maasaga. laat -LAAO Dodge. Id floor, opp. post office Unit Allen of Chicago. Doug. luei. W E RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-UV3; Douglas leeJL NEBRASKA. CYCLE COMPACT, lath atnd Harney Sts. BKOTT, 7 8. 1STH ST. AdeHrht hair food grows hair; see Mme. Frayr. Megeath 8ta y Co. lath fc Farnam. POULTRY & PET STOCK Bcreeningn. U.2S per 108. Wagner. SOI N.Mib . PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer SlTTSi. Beo Bldg. Entrance on Court. R1ES-HALL Ptg. C. VM & I4Uk. Ind. A-nt M'LLER i JAM1SSON. Ull Doulaa St. ' Both (ihonea, ThONK IND A-KJS for good printing Li lad Pnating Co.. loth and Capitol A v. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OP TITLM. Mldtand Guarantee and Traat eompany, bwadod aoetracvera ITU Faraam St. PETER JESnaTN. Jr, Ca. Tai. Dsug. tat. REAL KITATH OSALXai REET ABSTRACT CO . Cat. lMrproinw aervtca; set our praceav &s Braadais Vbaatar. REAL KMT ATS TIT UK TUCtTT CO.. Flf taenta floor City Nationsi baa Bulldla CITT FRayPsIRTT rw tALas $500"CASH, Price $2,750 Worth $3,200 Six--com, gtrictlr modem house, wttli a good fttrnae and csmealsd basement ; four rooms down and two rooms and bath upstairs. This house) la a good, well built bo us on a full lot; street paved and paring paid; within threw block of two car lines, In th north part Of th city. Ths owner, on account of hie Ul-hsalth, must Sears th city and dirweta us to cut its price. Will glva immediate possession. This ia a snap. Don't let U pasa rou vbr. J. W. Rasp Co. 4j-1 Brandeia Bldg. Tela.: Do m las 1S3; A-:5I. FOR SALE Seven-room sortae. modn; sieo furniture and ptana. Phone Wet. ks. New 9-Room House Koimtzc Place, 55,700 We have a very good, honestly built and nicely finished new home on Spenoer St that ta right from top to bottom, has full beaemeat ewmented. aplendid hot water fceating plant. 4 noma and hail en brat fiour, 4 roams and bath room on second floor, oak and birch f-.iush throuanout. A 1 sf the first floor la very aicoly decorated, full lot. paved airwet. paving ail peud. This ta a splendid location and ths owner tv very sauous to aeO. Lat us sow you this kvuaa Norris & Martin 4H Bee BUia- Douglas era West Farnam, $5,250 A substantial home vf six rooms and re ception hall situated la sue sf the best v puts sf the West Farnam district. Ths rooms sre all large and sunny ths first floor rooms are finished ta anaple with oak floors Fuii south front let foals Oaaer Wavlauy city ia sar future; will sell st coat; only H.a) cash rwautred. Phaos for aa appointment. . THe Byron Reed Co, Both Ph 213 . Cth et REAL ESTATE iiti rnorr.RTi tR ir. tOontlnued. CLOSE IN, NEW L) I i V. IV I U lL.l-'aJ VJ . . i, - f.ta.nmf ,,, n-t.. I trt! easements t irnrt an.i uunnrr "a r rti-h and f.oor. mnrtiv mvr-i. m ; ra shadee and curiam rtfci mmrlw Thia property la loc,..-d nar Slih nl j Farnam and is nii'!' develontne s a btianneae Vca'ion. . Annial rental. tl.iSi. or j r-t'r th tiiw M per cent n-t on th- price. Ernest Sweet, U-TS ftTT NATIOVM- BANK IVrumaa Id GOOD BL'.SIXKJSS SITE Noethet rotHfr 5Th and Emmet 5 -. lt foet frrnta'e on J'h St. ;ronnd for biin-e pmrrt In this eicinitr is axo-. and this ta aureir a baxKn at ll. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1 Entire Th rd Floor Ware B!m-k. 'Ponthat Comer Utti and k am ?ts. loujciaa 1TL A Bungalow $4,000 t-rooms. rut N. of tHds;e on iih. unique; kttie different from any you hare seen. i avail JU.e to Farnam car. or dia- .. Harrison & Morton S-R-. bath. .. Burt, ha:f block of 1 car l.nea. Harney and Curnumi: asphalt St. Owner. Z.1. Burt c Tel. Harney : BIX-ROOM modern cottatja for aaie easy terms by owner. t-M it .ami SL FOR SALS House T roe me. water, rower, toilet, etc.; nice trees) and ehruboory, ail nouut 2Ut BC DUNDEE INVESTMENT New brick buaineso block. Si.'-i. on lot 611113; southeast corner juth and l'ndr wood Ave.; occupied by drua store and annual rental f"30. Price ;,X A splendid proposition PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire Third Floor Ware Flock, Southeast Corner lih and Farnam Sts. Douglas ITHu A 111. REAL ESTATE riKK AND RAICH LAND "TOel I1LI Fev RentAcreage. FOR RENT Ideal Dairy Farm on West Center and SiJttieth t-ia. Large barn, V DT IWi MVMWT, W ' ' " . I t long lease. .N. p. Emlf Co., ldta auid Harney Sf ACRE Improved farm, adaptable to rice, cotton, tors, alfalfa; good locality: Hi per acre If aold by Jan. 1st. Rare bar gain. Forster baunders Co.. Pine Bluff. Ark. FOR SALE At a hie bargain, (..v acres of rich bottom land, above overflow. In southwest Arkansas; about 4.) In cultiva tion; W acres deadened auid ready to taka In; good storehouse and stock of merchan dise on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will wlT for (3 per acre and give a bar gain in tue personal property. Want to sell all to ons purchaser. No agents need apply Address A. W. Mills, pins Bluff, AjK. ARKAXltA FA-RMS Big list; special bar sauna, sent tree. Writs) today. Captsua Kiaaa, ayetisvtiis. Ark. .. . - Arlaesa. - FTNE land eaa be bought cheap. Soma government and relinquishments; best water In Arizona and the finest climate. Apples and other fruits grow to perfection. For particular writs n uicox tteauty t.a. W tilcua. Arks. The Key to ths Situation Bee Want Ada. CUtmrmt YOU SHOULD OWN A PIECE OF LAND -IN CALIFORNIA EITIIKR FOR AN INVESTMENT OR A IXTURE HOME Teu will sever be able ta buy land la California any cheaper than you can now. We eaa sell yon the bast valley land at tfes lowest prices and on the easiest terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1M HARNEY feT. V FOR lALft-T ta v per aare: cash. saiaeee tung term: the laat of ths tag ranches ta bo Cuionued auid In the sraateet I imsauoa district la the world, where sees . land owner bee euuai right to water aa; It never gives eat; rtcn. level, sandy knam grows rrent I ta I crops a-faiia yaariy; l iln products eailed for eaxa aajr by uta four Ua area merles; no laad anywhere aeaur au chase, say a here la alau-ict; wiu deaate an islus In 1 years: lavaetisate inia, Tustdca iarUas I end CX ka. Cat SAN jog If Income Horn Orchard. t A. aeHKSning Uie city limits at Saa Jose: assorted fruit arcnard. pays ymm per year, two good new cottages: rent for t par anon LB; auol awad Uvaa aofcd aU SMtbuim.iiss; aaiid adjoining aeuiing for ti.avs per e.: beet pruiMsiOua la tna stare. 1. U. fs!LU.-v. 14 N. lat eu aaa Jo ia-aa down; IS acres good level land. 4 mites from Merced, auaiitad la avtaufa. fruit, etc; 1 mile from amwi, amail aw sreds. water rlgbc i haV-ae down; acres rood level lead. 4 saoee Irora atercae; adsBieel lat a.Iai.'a. arcaarda, etc; water rtaht. J. B. aUSaa-LL. aiarcad. Cat. fIX TEEN successive years of good crops anaae aurtheastera Colorado wheat lands tna beat, etlering before tnveaiurs and home buyere today. Prices advancing, but aae crop etui aa for tna land, Writs i B. Reinaardt. bier Uis Colo. taAaTLDaU ARAPAHOE COCWTT. Kew ts the ttxae to get ready aad bey a Choice sardest tract for next spT-ag: have a ca4os kst ts eel ant trean. euu' good barsmns ks raaahea cmc-aea raachca . Call sa lbs J. R. Hams ataaity to. ti Ma.a ire. Littlataev Cawev TVaers tract or part, plasty atf fruit: alao saauatus for chlckea raaca. a eargaiA if taaaa at ece: close ta car Use Can er 'pbotta sUilane ei fct-rlf iiiaa. KeaU h nata Arvada, kw FOR BALF.-TWO tot. isrln. on eouta ; " - u, . . -.1 i . , nald I I A KL.-, TOUT a Will MU a- on. p,W. or divide W u.,r ; rood town, .mail I to aeii at aacruita. iiy : - jtor A Sparks, REAL ESTATE rum tn kmm ton MLE t FLORIDA LAND. Fenda T a ilnno( loe en any II 'rZZ7..7 lo.,,. "'n" . ... . . r.,i 1. r ' I CTt. in ..iVb. National ir,r' r ,i. .rk.inri.u ir. - I " FOR SALE-Hew la thl: A tot mxlt V ! in t.rmi of M 'cft and inonlhijr. Addrvaa. i Ihoma.-. rotvi. Calumboa. Ca llllnwia. FOR JALE-Com farms; ZZ mcr In B- rnty. county. lllinola. liU . acrea. OaTia i 3. A. Holootnb. Aurora. Hi. i FOR SALE Beet 90S-arre arock rraln ifaim In aiate. R. R. station, store and j elerator on farm, gravel r'ad; will bear J r.uerst lnetiat)on. Price lidd.SM al. A. tfock. Cissna Parai. Ill FOR SALE-Or eacfenae a splendid acre arneei tmrm in Aianitooa s moat ia ered diatncu near town and scnoui. What I tv, yuu to otferr V . U. Fercuacn. Craaca. I)L lews. FARM LAST" im ACRE FINE PRAIRrS LAND. Situated m.lee trora a enod county awat town in North Dakota. Kry foot tillaole, will trade In a town dwelling Ut a.r.ouai sf fLSOt to ti.0uu. Addraaa Lock bus 10. M Aitnn. La. TWO IOWA FARM BARGAINS. To close a partnership and eniibie oor Mr. Secor to move south, we offrr up to March L 1U. i'e ACRES, one mi!e from town, beet Im proved, c I ran est and beet farmed farm In northern Iowa for only II an acre. Poa- nd one-half mi'es to ( mprovempnta; tJt ajn Buffalo Center. la. Kaaaaa. Do You Want a Good Kansas Farm? Hers It Is: 60 seres, one-ha'.f new land which heretofore has not been cultivated, has good (-room house, weil built; barn 44 w'.th cement floor, also numerous other outbuildings, a.l In good repair. This tarn Is located in Cowely county in amitoaatern Kanaas, within 1 miles of good railroad town. The owner "f this farm la of ad vanced years and unable to properly work the land, hence he hie decided to offer tiia land, together with about ". of live stock and farm machinery, at a bargain. O'Neils Real Estate Agency 0U3 r arnam S. Both Phones: Bell. Tyler lu24. Ind.. A -1311 ACRES. I inL town. New six room houAe. barn, sheaa 34 ploweo, baiancs fenced put ure ail smooth, lulaule. Kurai route, telephone. Good road. soil, neign bors. Cr-.ppied" wiui sciauca, cause for seizing. per acre; line if wanted, au. W. Aibnaint. crawstar DKEaS your faca In a amiie. It won t eaten cold. Now s ths una .to " ' farms, ranches, aty property or bum. Hof bargains for "cold " aaa. Ptica and deacriba our prupoaiauna At. A, v. worta, uaiaea uiy. avu. CRAWFORD county. Kansas . Farms; S2k acres unproved: Bargain, IU.0UU; easy terms, W and Anu, aso a, at ana is acre . . . .ml muiltrv b etd nanlpiiijira wrilm Geo. W. SlritaUer. Guard, huto. laO. TEN miles from Emporia; 1J0 eultl- vaied; nouns s rooma, one two rooms; good bam; i ciovvl, u inner, acuuoi twenty ruua. Vu. J. X. Bua-ton, Akuiporis, 27a AC KU tUfalfa grain and stock farm. rtcn bultom laad. Quo mile Cherokee county, h iniai. offered, short oma, s per acre. Act qulcK. aw J. iiiuf, toicoila, MR. RENTER Bargains In west central Kanaaa. Nice Is acres, improved. 1 miies station; easy term; l.Suu. Jju acres raw tana. H.M.' ACd. Dikhton. Avaa. 4U ACRJS grain and stock farm; Im proved. 1 milea market; ami acres bottom anu iiiiland crop tand; sproigs, wail and river. Ha- spec-ai. Alciaer at AAoairup, Man ii i tan, Kan. A. Jul ACRES, soUd tract, 4 sets improve ments; I nuies town, best soil; can t be duplicated In state, 113. best terms. Kaa-sas-Coiorada Investment Co , bcott City, CS ACRES wheat, corn and alfalfa land. southern kuau; miles county seat; as acres wheat. M acrea alfalfa; weil Im proved. Price fee. L. L Klsar, 1 Dorado, 7Z ACRES, well Improved, ad'olns R. R. town In southern Kansas Alfalfa, corn, wheat, stock and fruit farm. Pnoa tao.iks): best of tarma W. L Garter. Starling. Kan. FOR SALE Louisiana oranxa and Be trees are money maaers. v ul sell you t acres of fertile land with 10U orange and fist trees bearin: In 1 rears tor e-M. saontniy payments, will culti vate and take care of trees and pay tax fur t years, ao interest; title guaranteed, trees tn ut seaaon in true secuun uava netted from ta tat tie; Inducements on tarxer tracts. For further particulars i1 ii i aasi A J. Godard. AbbevUle, La. MicAlaraaw FOR SALaV-It," acres sf unimproved fruit sad farm lands in etbt towaaaipe ui uua, urnga a&o aaaou tuiuau, Aaico igaa; formarty bard wood timnar lands Situated la wail sotued ouuntry; title par- tea:!, auairact furnianed. Ivaaraaeniau res at Land enow ana at Hotel bouinem. whero aanuilea of soli and prodou are anown. as. w. sa area, owner. Asao Istee, Maca. FARM BARGAXM. Best gos-acre farm ia aim; black sandy Btags; i mile ireai tews; net yearly aarua aasav At, Aruogest, tuoaue Laid, K. A, OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIZ ai tli Tarma: LX Jutl hardware and Implements and . tu buildinas tor farm to tuaiva ta utra eait. aawa it. AUirtaa, Minn. (OK BALE BT THE OWNER lb acrea in Mower aouaty. Minn.; well Improved, aul uiiaMMa. i milea ts town, ha.f mue to vnsiri. IA nuies ts Iowa 1-na. price. 4.4 per avare, beth A. Cheney. Grand Meadow. Minn. roRECLosntg sals or land wa bars ever li.uu aerea H nnsaota land te enef at toreciosura pncea. asout ane-ni vaiua; liberal terms; part or whole, grand opportunity far retailer. E. W. Taylor a fc .a Nat- Gea-.-AaMT. Lana Bids., be Paul. FOR SALES Beet cut-over laad ta aorta era Minnesota and Wisconsin: IZ-Ti par acre and sp, farm, tunber and iron laihla. June W A Ci oy. ijm Pauaulie aMda. DuioiA, Mkaewairt. TOP! Don't go a step further thaa Douglas Co., down tn the beautiful Osaraa Raise anything; com, a to s buaheia per a r . ail other crvps in propunion, eneap eat good land oa earth; fc to U per acre. srwa Informaiiuo. uiooe steal r slate Co., Ava. Mo. FOR SALE 73 acrea splendid V Ca tMo.) aiavi and grain farm; every acre good, pxenty of water. Price, to per aU're . as good aa Lu Iowa land and . far belter cumata rue for better description. At. Ik- evurgeon. owaer, uiathA Kaa. THE OZARK LAND CO.. offers ths big gest eersews h land tn Texas. Howed and Oresoa ouuntiea. Maouri. of any ouncern in the country, send for our new land list, and descriptive circular. Graxing lamia from to (la Farm lanua. ti to tel. Timtker land 2 jd te 11 Fruit lanos. US to fi diAKK land co. aid Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE FtKWj n HIMH LOD ro SLK Wle S-APRE val'ev st.rk farm nnr Lbe . M : il i-ri riTd. soil, io-ecre t'ld. l'-arre urt. aevral i,Tir.t H Terms, no tri. rii C. Biomin, Bocnviile St.. trmc? ieid. Mx 4 MISfsorRI LAN rs tot aala. rra t t acre, terms aod prlrea to auit H" ehaaer Write for particular W. al taeeaa. Clinton, Henry Co. Mo. BARCIAI7J Se-acra farm. 4 mile frtv-a Vtrwe. aia : 2 acres ruitjvated aiane pa.Mura. n r erhoot an l etiurcb: pnra I: . tern-.e aaay. Aadreea T. i. Owea Warsaw krv OZARK LANDS. Bee bid. Owk Land Co. 1 ; ACRES mt ea-to town; awl leeet. veil dra;ned land: on maui route and , flooi eoUM on one corner of tue farm i... , n..e in room house, new, barn nog ana row house; wtndmi.1. plenty water, about a acres timber, ihis la a food p ace. p rived I at fu per acre. It. St CKLTCHER, Drexei. Mo. t.RA2I.NO. farming, timber and fruit lands In south Missouri. From to ii per acre. OZARK LAND CO. 3 3EE BLDO. HALF INTEREST, laud witn line and Webb Oty. Ua au-acre farm, tindar leaut. T C nap mu mO ACRi3 AND V ACRES IN eld Caa county, M from Kuaa Oty. both weil improved, fin biac nineatuate land, bargain, c no ice. per acre; gooa leraua. a. V. Burdetta. lianai Mo. North Dathotaw ' C? ACRES Stutsman Co.. N. D . clear, for good residence, clear, in Dea Motnoa. Frlre of land Itt per acre. a) aerea, well improved, li miles from Winnlpe. Manitoba, for Income. Price. (3 per acre: mtg , equity. Lock Bos ;, eplnt Lahav Xa .ttkrsaka. IMFTtOVED farm of about V acres la Coifaa county, Nebraska, all good level lacd. new buildings, aa) acrea in wheat. Ia) close to town. V. P. R- R. runs through ths farm. Price. Pw per acre, would take some dry property. L N. Hammond. S2 Board of Trade. FARM BARGAINS lv) acrvs Kimbsll county. Nebraska, 4 miles trom god railway station, all good farm land, some Improvements. Far quick ssie. 1.1 per acre, W cash. bai. 1. I and 1 years. Warner & Williams, 441 Bee Bldg. Oretsa. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. W seres only W w per acre. Addrena L. D. Oases. Gaston. Ova. -seata batais. I ACRES relinquishment for sals; all tillable land; eleven miles frera town. Ad dress P. O. bom M, Smithwtck, S. D. Teas a. PORT O'CONNOR, TEXAS. The garden spot of ths south. Fine Wa ter and summer climate, very host agri cultural and fruit land. All close to rail road. One year's crop will pay for land. Price C5 to fSo per acre. One-third cash. WARNER & WILUAMS, 142 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neo. ARE you seeking Independence? Then coma locate with us on a ten-acre farm, eloaa ta Houston. Tex., in ths baimy gulf coast country; you are close to markets and can get rich by raising winter garden truck, and by developing a fig and orange orchard: with eeitain yearly income; sev eral hundred of us have formed an "Iowa colony" and are farming here; ,you eaa buy a farm among us for t:4 a month. Write me today for particulars. U. L Huffman, ManvsL Tax. J1S.75 PER ACRE buys 4.73 acres richest Nueces river irrigation land, southwest Texas; lnvestinent or eolonlsatioa: t!e.uM developments. Part cash: forced aala rar- t OBDorrunlty. w ire or write Immedi ately. Jes. F. Wolfe. Trustee. 1A6 N. Floras bt. kian AVntonio, Tex. ORANGE arc hards near Houston are tfia- Invesunenta Our five-a ere orchards are aold on easy monthly payments. Ths Alvla Japaaeaa Xuraariea adjoin and lb air ex perts develop and care for our orchards three years. Write today for Illustrated oranaie booklet. Inderal Land A invest ment Co-, Houston, Tex. WauUalaartwaw FOR. BALJB Cheap. 19 acres rood land. about 1 acres slashed; good wail, new pump and abed; for tusti: a mils to Soecv dan dock; la mmuiaar ride to Bremerton. Aiidraas Box kia. Bremerton. W CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres of good aider land. Dart I v cleared, near good road, good new bouse and chicken house; a9 laying hens, duces and a lot at p.geons. two miles from good new town, near eoax landing, ten miles frcm city of 4u,vs people. Price, A); (-U4 down, balance (la per month. Be Mr. Morriaon, Xi AWaa hl Avverett, w TWO i acre tract, fronting en Lake Che lan, Wash.; (-year-old winter apples, fine soil. ne lake, fine climate, fiaa flahing and boating; low price to close aa aetata Address W. H. Norrla 4T61 Ltth Ave.. N. E-. BwAttie. er C p. Bennett, tw.1 WueaaaU. COMTB TO TTLAg tTOCTTTT. WIBCONKT'. tMod land cheap aad on very easy terms -form l to M an acre, at acres for tlO DOWN AND . A MONTH. We interest, ne taxes, insurance clause ta the contract. Fertile aotl plenty of raun. good roads, good market gewd acaooia aai enure nea. eend for man and book to Dept. t. O. F. gAJBOsUf COl. Eagle River. Wle, ' A BARGAIN. KO-arre farm, stock machinery and all fa H sjS, small payment down; 4 aerea under cms; new modern seven-room house; two aulas 'rom Mansion W;a; act quick- Ad it, at. UAUMSRClA. Weetby. Win FOR SALE Cheap, good Improved tarn. I.Im; half down. Laianca easy terms Gee lvaa Mauston. v la.. At. a BEST land In Wisconsin; any sued traat; wcoiaaaio prices, un miner i-anu V.O-. atari, seels. Wle, TO exchange lat acres good level farm laad. Oneida county. Wisconsin: ne railroad and town: country rspidiy settiiag ap and prices advancing-, price u.sos. cisar want good, sound young reuiered Perca eron sr lelgiaua etaiion. to weigh ao lass than Laos pounds and a aura toal getter. Addraaa Lock bit fed, Rmuelavnaar Wan Mlasellaaeaaa. WANTED TO BUY There are thousands et people In lew that want te buy tarma Improved and as Impreved In settled and unsettled dtsmcta Ths way to beat rcai:h them is through tna Classified pages of TUi DEd MulNLd CAI'lTaL. Average on last nuiaia 44.44a copies Published for tweaty yeara a Dae Motnea, Is-, av Lata Isung. REAL ESTAIE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrant a Farnam Smith A Ca. IXm Farnam sL WANTED Oty loans Peters Trust Ca tout ts tkKJS oa Omaha home O-Keefe Real -tate Caw ai . I. Uia Doug as Cut to made promptly vveao. nau ASkig.. lata aad 1' GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N T- Ufa get te tiiu.sut ea Improved prupartr. No deiay. LOW KATES. BEMld-CARLBEaa CO-CH-dU Brandais Taaaiar klg. LOAN'S to horns ewaers acd boms build er, wiin prtvliega ef making paruai Pa ausnts W. H THOMAS. p Ftrat National ttana Bldg MOKE Y TO LOAN-Payaa Investment Ca REAL ESTATE WASTED ' , CLIENT want ks acres ta Douglas Ca o hEEFE KJk.1, ItaTATE CO., Mt N. X. Lite Dvug. or A Iiai. SWAPS IF T"T" hare anv k nd of bui' preperttea to trade for kut( M'oun lanj i ee cixata la.nU v.o-. a tc-e b:J. t-'tnafta. WE fiin propert ea of merit. H H. Culer. S. T. Lift- 7sua. ONE b-and tra No. 7"5 Co.t a acetylene yaa mtcl lue and ru ranao trade 'or food bot. row or cukiiui m uiti4 e 1 tii-ne Web. ITX. Ft.'R SAI.K or Trade blarti heame. fjuahe f-T -intrT and ritv worfci. mel!'.im m-t-iat ht : In No 1 eorditvm What have rou It a barcaln. M. F.. Do . Kridge- water. la. W"K HAVE about C.""! worth of rood , land In rhel;e and Harlan counttre to ' tra1e for t maha ln--orne pro(vrty. ; Svf Real tate Co , 714. . T. Life Bldaj. - - . 1"A Kr. Iirm. weil lmprovea. in SarT count v Traiie for smel'er ftrm n-ar 11 Omaha- OKef Real Estate Co., .-vew ior uita t-iog. rr-rrrr: WANTEDTO BUY BSST price pa.d f-r M-hand fumlfire carpets, clothing and shoes Tel. D. X3TL JECOMVHAXD clothing; party noon drttseee. John Feidman. D. 3X3S: afer- A-JWi WANTED TO RENT WANTED Pleasant room, furnished or partly fnrn!h.-d. refned famllv . ood part of citv; ruti man. good character: per manent. Addresa stating price. Room 411 Hotel Loyal TOl'XO business man wishes accom modations In exclusive home, small fam ily, no children, no other guests. Answers desired only coincident mi'h these condi tions. Telephone I u aa EU9. FURNISHED house. or 4 rooms, vicin ity postoffico. at once, p 57. Bee. DESK room, with use of phone Bee. N. T. L. Brandeia or Citv National B.dgs preferred Reply, ststmg advantages and price. Address A 70. Bee. BT January IS, three heated unfurnished rrw-ms, suitable for housekeeptpg State ' price. North side preferred, a-'at Bee COMFORTABLE furnished room wanted In quiet home bv young bustnesa man. Address B 571. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS TO UNO man desires place to work for board and room In private family while attending college. Boy las Cauege. Atoia poonaa. YOUNG lady stenographer desires posi tion at once. Write L eta. Bee, or 'phone Douglas 14. FIRST-CLASS, engaged at once. practical nurse Douglas fU4. LEGAL NOTICES TOCK HOLDERS MEETING OFFICB ef Lee-Gtaaa-Aodrewsea Hau-dwsre com pany, Oman a, Nebraska, December t, U Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of Lee-Giass-Andreasea Hardware Com pany that the annual meeting ef the atock hoiders of ths company wiii be held at ths office of the said company, corner of Nints and Harney streets, in tna city of Omaha. In the state cf Nebraska, on Tuesday. Janu ary, id. A D-. liU. ax S o'clock p. m, tor tha purpoes of aiectlng a board of diroctort for tha company to servo during the en suing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meet ing. H. J. LEE. Prcadaai. Attest: W. u. UwAbd. secretary. NOTICE. Stockholders' meeting of the Union. Land company. Notice is nerony given mat the annual meeting of the stockholders of ths Union Land company, tor ths election of five directors and tha transaction of such other business ss may legally come be tore the meeting, will be held at the office of the General Solicitor. Union Pacific Head quarters Building, .n inLtt and Farnam streets. Omaha. Nebraska, on Mocgay. tna Kh day of January. L-li. at 10 o doca A m. The stock transiar dooms will be elossd st days previous to the meeting. Aia- HiLLAK. secretary. New York City, N, v-. Dee, U, iMa Diisiaet STOCKHOLDERjT MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The South Omaha and Western Rail road Company, for the election of seven directors anu the transaction of such other business ss may come before the meeting, will be heid at ths of nee of A L, Mobler, corner of Ninth and Farnam streets. Omaha. Nebraska, on Wednesday, the eleventh day of January, A D. U1L at U o'clock A. M. T. M. OttB, D30dl2t Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS" MEETING THS AN- nual meeting of the stockholders of tna Bes Building company wul be held at the office of the company In Omaha at 4 o clock Tuesday afternoon. January 17, 1SIX. tor the slecuon of a board of directors for ths ensuing year and for the trauisac- Uon ef such other business aa may prop erty come before the meeting. By order of the president- a. p. ciu. secretary. Ablaut RAILWAY TIME CARD ITS low STATIOK Tenth mm Mewses. rates Faeiria) Depart- Arrive. San Fran. Overland L. .a t it am all M pm China and Japan F. M .a 4:1 pm a t 4t pm Atlantic Express a 4i am Oregon Express a 4-ea pm a t:ls pm Loa Angeiee i-imiiaa....ai2ti pm a in pm tienver Special 14 am a 7:27 am Colorado Express 1. ..a I M pan a l pre Oregon-W ash. Limited. a 12 M pro. a 1 pna North Platte Local..... .a i ll am a 4.46 am Columbus Local .a iJa pm aM so am Stremsburg Local bu;u pm a 1-W pm Cklcsss A yartkwntrrs NORTH BOUND rwtw Citv Express a 1 45 am alO m eoui City Loa-ai a I 4a pm a t st pm Minn. A Dakota Ex....a 7 pm a t it am EASTBOUXD. rarran Local a 7-0t am a I 90 ni rmuJi Express a 7 40 am a 4 t am Chicago Local all d on, a 1 am Colorado-, rucago a s i pm aia pm rhieue Special a t ta pm a 4 4k am Pacific Coast-trhlcago-.a f us pm a t 3 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a I hi pm til s; pm Overland Limited all 44 pm a 7:4t am Carroll Local a 4 pm SM UO am Fast Mail a l a pm a 1 .J pm WESTBOUND. Lincoln -Chadroa -a 7 M am all am Norfolk-Dallas a . 5 am alt :4a pm Long Plne-bo. Piauts...b t la pm b i . prq Hi.tinss-Superioa b I 15 pm b SM Dm Deedwood-Hot Springs a J SS pm a t 3 pm Casper-Lander a t ii pm all M am Fremonl-Aibloa i a .ai pm a 1 pm SC tea art Faeifle BT. C am St. L. Ex a 2t sm a 7:4t am w i- a st. L kJ-. ex cept Saturday aU:iS pm a I pm K C. at. v Saturdays only 12 M pm Cklcage, steel It Island A Paclfis EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...ail it am a 10 43 pm Chicago Day Express, .a 4 4 am a 4 3t pm Chicago locai rasa oiu am bi li pm I a Moinca Local Paas.a 4 u pn ail hi nm Chicago Lxprew a 4 pia a 1 la pm Chicago Limited a I i pm a g am WEST. ChL-Neb. Ltd. LincolnA I am a t 47 pm l uio- A Cal. c.xpreaa...a 1.13 pm a 4 Xi r, Oal. A Texas Kxpreae. .a 1 la pm a 1 u pm tt-cy isounwaia .. . .as um aia .Jt am t k lease, MilwaaAas A t. "a a I Overland Li mi leu ail 41 pra a 7 a am Ouaaa-Chicaao Ex b 7 ia ant Omane-oavanna Aaicai.a 7 ia am all 43 Ceio-cal fcxpraaa. .a f us p,a 1 L ColoraiAe special parry-umaua Local .. a J am a aw mm -b i Is put b.s j au Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7 et am a I 4S pm Chicaao Li lulled a 4 ue pm a 4 ue La Mian. lit. Paul Ex hlvataia kiua-et. Peal Ltd a 4 im pm .uy , CtOacaae Great W eater w . rhlcago Limited . Twin City Limited Twin I liv Limited. ..a i 4t pm ..a I ai pm b 7 61 am cie a am Twin Cuy Lxpreas a t va sm a As pm Caicaao t-xprea a 1 44 pm 1 1 Waaaah I Omaha-o4- Louis Ex. . .a f at pm a t a am a 7 id am all u cr. I Ma.1 and t-xprasa. i fctauD y Lei. U'umC U-iB t.u pas bitoj aaa atlaieel arlloatoai tatloa -lotfc al Maaea. B - r1 - stM. Cerart. ArrtTe tVneer California. . a V rm lUgn i utjet Nun4 t.iprm. a 4 W pm a 1 pm iearaaaa puinia a i am a la pm liat-K Hii.a a t pm a 3 at tm Lncoin Wail Northwest Kipreaa , NrbraaKa pmot Nebraoaa t-reBj . Lincoln LoraU ..b 1 Ja pm a!i :S pm 1 1 pm a e am a M am a l pm a f is am a 4 i prn b t am b I ta pm bil M tm a 7 pm iTMan a li am a I ae am -a 12 k) pn. ale) rm all pm an X pm a ; li am ail pm a 7 am a 4 pm I I 11 nnt e. buv'er-l atteraouth Lincoi Lol I P'atiamouth-loea ... Bl!eve-P attamouth -ntral Nrhruaa Cliu ao Sie ai i,BV.r Sicai Ch.cairo Kapreee -(,i,-a' Fvt Kpra a w pm a I M am 11 pm . . !anll,. i'wt Limited. Iowa Local a la am aid .a) am ..a t . pm aie si am a 4 m pm all el am al" 4i pm n 4a am a t is ant a M pm .a 4 J pin " and Wtksttt! Crvston lis) Local.. 1 St. Louis bxpress K C. St. Joeph... K. C. M. Josepn... K. C. St- Joseph... Wtkatrr Station Mlnesrl Paetfle Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b I 34) pm bll 54 am th lease, 9t. rail, M laaea sella at Osaahn Sioux City Express b l it pm bll aj am Omaha Loral e 4 pm Sioux City Passenger b t.3f pre Twin City Passenger. ..b 4 sf am Btoux City Local c t .8 am Emerson Local b I Si rm b $ 14) in th Daily except Sunday, to dunday only. VETERAN FIREMEN MEET annal tins Pe salon Reanlta i In of Dallas Treltseke i Preeldeat. Kle- The Veteran Firemen's association held Its annual meeting laat night In the fire chief's office at ths city hall, transacting the regular routine business of the body snd electing new officers for the present year. Aa the association Is a relle of the old days of the volunteer firs department and the year are greatly diminishing Its membership, the meeting last night was not a large one. A letter from A. J. Simpson, thanking the association for Its action In making him aa honorary member, was read by Secretary T. IL Rosters. The secretary also read his own report and that of ths treasurer, who was not present. The treasurer's report showed that there was balance of :tlH lnf the treasury. Resolutions of sympathy were adopted ia the case of John A. Baumer. who died September t, IS 10. A lithographed copy of the same will be sent to ths family. Julius Treltscha. who was first vice president last year, succeeds W. A. Kalley as president. James Donnelly, second vice president last year, la now first vice presi dent, and John Crane was elected as sec ond vice president to take the vacant place. T. H. Kostera was re-elected secretary, and C. Q. Hunt was made treasurer to succeed Charles Schutt- Charles Gruenlg and A. B. Fairy were elected trustees to succeed A O. Hunt and Julius Roth lots. MUSICIAN SUES LOCAL UNION Dew ted a Werklan Card, J. E. rxitra tarts Sfaadasana Press sdlaais ' la District Ceart. Because the local musician's union denied him a working card and thus barred him from working for the New American theater. J. E- Faltys ' started a mandamus action yesterday afternoon. Fait) s was formerly of Peoria, IIL, when he was en gaged by the local playhouse management to come to this city and direct the orches tra. The musician directs bis action ta district court against Joha Finn, secretary ef ths union. The case waa submitted to Judge A. C. Troup, who issued an alternative writ ef mandamus commanding Finn either to Is sue ATaltys a working card or to appear la court January T and show causa why be should not be compelled to do so. Faltys alleges that ha waa a member in good standing of the Peoria local and re ceived trom that local a transfer card good for a transfer to the Omaha local; that both locals are subsidiary to tha Ameti- x Federation of Musicians. Finn re fused the card on some technical ground and alleged that Faltys was not a good standing member of the Peoria local. SUES OLICEMAN FOR INJURY tayxaaad W. Daff Asks Taewaatag Dollars frees F. S. Aasiks far Aliened Blow la Btrtka. Alleging that although he waa aa inno cent bystander during ths street ear strlks tn the tall of , be waa attacked by PoUormaa Frank 8 Aughe aad struck so forcibly ua ths side of the head that his bearing was venraaenUy unpaired. Ray mond W. Duff rtarted a COM damage as Hon' against Aughe and hla bonding com panies In- district court Wednesday. The rompanlee are ths Metropolitan Mutual Bonding and furety company and the Lion Bonding and Surety company, tha concerns which consolidated this week. The petition recites that oa September 2C 1. the plaintiff was walking south on Fourteenth street near Cass street when a torpedo exploded. Though the plaintiff had nothing to do with the explosion, the petition recites. Aughe commanded him to move on and a hen ha failed to move rap idly enough to satisfy the officer, he struck. Plaintiff was not arrested Bar prosecuted In any way, be says, and this, be alleges, is one proof that ths poilcs man's attaca. on him was unwarranted. NEW BLOCK SIGNALS PLACED Devtew mm Aatoasatle teasaishere' Sya teaa Adda Trm-si Ca warily sf Great Western Read. Block signals of ths aJ!-e!ectrte sema phore automatic system are being plaeed ever the line of the Great Western road. The eastern division of the road tying be tween Forest Park and Winston. III., and Dubuque and Oelweln. Ia, consisting of M miles sf track, has already been fittl wiui ma signaua ana more of them are being placed daily. Ths Unas of the road have been divided into blocks, one and one-half miia in j length, and ths signal placed at ths end Lr ... . . " of each blocs governs that part of the road. This increases ths track capacity j of the lines thus protected very much, as on stretches of track between two stations j where there are not block signal two trains are not allowed at tha earns time. JOHN L. M'CAGUE HELD UP Taaaa Men steltsvs Osaka aa ef Tea Dwllars Thirty-Fifth Street John I- Mc4"sgue of 415 South Twenty fourth street, president of ths McCagus Investment company, reported to tha police last msht, that while on bis way home at t M o'clock on Thirty-fifth street be tween Farnam and Dodge, he had been held up by two men who relieved him of tig According to MeCaaue. the two desperadoes were young men of about tweaty-flvs years ef ate. They both wore black handker chiefs as masks. Ths police are looking fur the tea oa the description gives. RAILWAY TIME CARD SEWS STANDS WHKKK T1IK OMAHA flf'.E IS O 81-H. Atlanta, Oa N orid N ews Co Atlantic City, V J. Boardwa'k News Ca Qiaker News Ca S Potter tU2 Ha, 1 road Ave Fa'mer frme." News Agency. Baltimore, Mil Pa' ti more News Ca Raton Rouge. Lam. Ponr. The Cigar Ma A Billings, Mont. D. E. Wsirson. BlrvniBaTtow, Ala. W orld News CA Boiee Idaho, Wails Orar, ttt Jaffetsew St. Boston. Maea. Tounafa Hotel. Vendome Hotel. Buffalo, X. Y. Hotel Irriols Ceneses H"tel. mui trohn. TSJ E'.l..M. i Btt. Moot. Keefe Pres. Cbattnoongs, Teaa. World Vews Co. Chicago, ni. Aud. tortrrm. Audttnrlltn 1 Empire and. Jackson as iarberw Great Northern. Ch caxo Newspaper Agy. 171 Madias. Orand Panfie Hotel. , Fsimer H oTjse Queen City News Co. rw Jaehsoa Bvg, P. O. News Stand. 1" Dearborn, Kalserhoff HoteL H4 CUft Cincinnati, Otun. I- Peterson. S4 Wast rfatV Fountain News Co-. Fifth and Wamot. OevHaad. Ohio. Hoi lend en Co torado Sprara, Colav Antlers Pharmacy Co. Colorado Wholesale Newspaper Areaey, DeilaA Tex. H. E. Turner. Desvlwood. g. 0. Fahel A Co. Black Hills News Ca Franklin News Co. Denver, Colo, H. F. Hanson. Majestic News Cr. Kan News Co.. lth and Champa. Anderson News Co.. Union Depot. Wee-em News Agency. 109 17th M. S Widem. Kendnck Book tVat. Co., tit ITtn, Brown Palace Hotel. Dee Moine, Ia Fred Geia tlT W. Kh St, Lewie Hye-iaa, Monas Jaooba. Mm nth St. Drtroit, Mich. Metrenolltan Nm fa. Edmoatosv Alfa, Canada. Dominion Cigar aud News Stores Col, tt Jasper Ava w. Kxrrlskjr Sprlnxs, Ho. a. l. Higbee. Xt A Marietta Bt W. C. SMsk. Fort WortJi. Tex. . Fid er m Sullivan. Victor Market, btoek Tarda Sta Froano, Cal. Tour Heme News Ca HelfOA. Mont. W. A. Moore. Hollywood, CaL tioriman News Aaraavey. Hot tprin(ra. Ark. T. Mark. tM Central Are. Fort Pitt News Co Dan A Shannon, lit Central Ava C. H. Weaver Ca Arlington Hotai News Stauid. M. Sherman. Houston. Teg. White News Ca International News Agency. Lad la na polls, fjad. Tom News Ca Elmer Haddlx, Washington Pextn Itav Paul Seigle's News (Kand, IX In ola aad Washington StaV Jackson rille, FVa, Florida Nswa Agency. World News Ca EAataaa City, Ua Tome News Co- ICS Wall St Raid s News Agency, 4M K. Hh. Hotel Baltimore News Staavi. lorn Angeera, CeJL Joseph Kemp. Independent News Co. LolsvUie, Ky. Kantuatky InternatlamaA Itewa Ce Mcanphia, Tetta. W arid Mews Co. I Mlleraakeev WiA Hotel PTistar. Frank Milxero. Orand Ava aa4 trd St, MlaneaPolia, Mlsun. ' Century News Ca, f So. ard. Mcollet HaeL W. J. Kaveaaugh, 4B So. (rd. World Swa Ca Hotel Badson News Stand, KaahrUle, Ton. World Nasi Co. Newark, N. al. Metaky Bros., ITS Halaey St. SW OrlcABA, Lev, Hotel Gruncwald. World News Co. Vtrsy Tork City. Impartial HoteL Knickerbocker Hotel, Ho Oman House. Grand Union HotaL Hoiiausd Hotai. Murray Hotai. Hotel Belmont. Waldorf- Astoria. , betel Manhattan. Astor UaxasA Harry . SchuitA Tims Square Statian Uakiasxa, yju. Enquire Tveva Ca. Ogdeat. L tAh. Harrop God ard. D. L. Boyle, V r-'h St, Lowe Brea, 11 Kith at. Gray Ktw Co. Depot News StaAsd, Paaaflnta. Cat, H. L tHeadsuux 4 Ce, KB K. Cakaraa. PtAllAvdelpbla, Pa. tuaker News Co., got Green St. Bel lev ue Stratford Hof el. Arthur. Hataiing. ta Pleros St Plttabeurc. ' Fort Pitt Nswa Ca Potlaad. Ore. Oregon Newa Ca t Central Cigar Stera, tH Was A, Cog. fcX Bowman News Ca Northwest News Can Portland Newa Ca Roc b. ester, Ulaua. , tausan City Newg Staad. St. Aof uallnaj, 41a Pe tiio News Co, U St George St SC Joeeph, Mo. J. Barger, tit Ednyewd St Robidoux Hate l. b Lergar. 112 S. (th St Royal Cigar Store, ill N. Itfe St St Lonia, Mo. Bout hern HoteL E. T. Jett. 6t PaaL Minn. Edward G. Fltspatrlck, SRU Poket tA N. at. Mane. Sacra Bkeato. UaJ. Capitol News Ca Salt Lake City. I' tab. Kenyon Hotel News aad Cigar StagA Frank Polsr.akr. Hotel Knutsfard. Charles Ludwig I a-f . .,.. a. ' s.m Hoi Sam Kcseaiha1. ban An ton. e News Ca San llH-go. CaL R M. ChlldA Sen I-'raartac-o, CaL North Wbeatley New Ca Hotel Bt. Francla in ted News AgentA IIVj Eddy St MA-ket Be Newa Ca. SI eta et L. Meehan. &U Aabwry H-Seattle-, Wash. A. UaerUa Charles H Gorman. Frank B Wilson. tOT Pike St W O. Whitney. Shrritlaau Uje. J. C. Jackson. Warns A CanCelA H. A. FWyA Sioux Chf, la. West Hotel. W. F. I'um-aa. Iowa Bldg. Marsha. 1 Bros Geraid Fltsaibbea. Spokane, W aeO. John W. Graham. Stocktoak, CaL W D. Miller. Wavshiamtoa, D. C National News Agency. New Raleigh Hotel. Coiumiaa News Ca. Arlington HoteL F.Kk bssaa bocksr uradortf. Tha FtirtaA