Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Marvelous bargain offerings in our January Clearance Sales that dem
onstrate more forcibly than ever the splendid saving advantages of our January sales Winter
merchandise in every dept. is shown at price which means quick and comp'ete cleurgnce Pont fail to rear) the benefit of extraordinary underselling
n Iav-1 tj;--
Pure linen Dinner Napkins, size
24x24 inches, worth $7.60; Jan
uary sale price, dozen. .$5-00
Pure linen Dinner Napkins, worth
$6.60; January sale price, per
dozen $3.50
Pure linen Dinner Napkins, good
size, worth $2.60; January sale
price, dozen 81.75
Extra largo unbleached Turkish
Towels, twisted thread, worth
39c; sale price, each 10
Big January Sale
of Linens
In Our High Grade Linen
Dept. Monday
Bleached and Unbleached Table
Damask, worth 75c; January sale
price 50
Bleached and unbleached Tablo
Damask, worth $1.60; January
sale price, yard $1.00
Bleached and unbleached Table
Damask, pure linen, worth $2.00.
January sale price, yard, 31.25
Bleached Pattern Table Cloths
72-Inch size, all pure linen, worth
$4.0.0; January sale price, each,
only $2.50
Bleached Pattern Table Cloths
pure linen, 2x2 Vi yards, worth
$5.00; January sale price, each,
only $2.05
Silver bleached Pattern Cloths
2x2 Vt yards, worth $4.76; Jan
uary sale price, each. . . .$2.55
Mail orders will
be filled from
our daily ads
while the goods
Sale of
Many of (lie offer
ings are small lots
and will go quickly.
Better arrange to
rome Tuesday.
January Clearance
Fine Silks
Inventory reveals many broken lots and pieces of Plain and Novelty Silks, which we are
going to close out at once, cost has not been considered in the marking of other specials for
Tuesday. A clean sweep is the word. An Elegant Lot of Wanted Silks, Worth to $2.50 a Yard.
Evening Brocades, yard wide; All the richest new colors and most
Messalines, 27 inches; Messalines TO- ZQ desirable weaves, an immense as
and Peau de CVjrnes. Satin Barred DOC riff U OOC sortment that sold regularly to
Plaids, Silk Taffetas, Etc.
Pieces of Black Silks
$2.50 a yard, all in the two lots.
Less Than Cost
$1.25 Black Tafetta
36-inch wide. Ou
sale at G9c
$1.75 Black Fean de
Soie 36-inch wide.
On sale at $1.10
$1.50 Black Messaline
36-inch wide. On
sale aL $1.10
Many Other Splendid Bargain Offerings for Tuesday's Sale
$1.50 Satin Dutchess
36-inch wide. On
sale at $1.00
75c Embroideries
29c Yard
Tuesday morning we will
place on wile a case of very
fine 27-inch Flouncing Em
broideries, made to sell at
7oc and 85o a yard, and
well worth the price, but to
begin the embroidery sea
son right, we will offer
them for one day, OQ
per yard, at at C
Don't Tail to St Tfcm Tuesday.
35c R66ons 19c Yd.
Tuesday will be the greatest riblvon sales day of the season -A
GRAND CLKAKANCK BALK of all kinds of plain and fancy ribbon,
on Tuesday.
85c Ribbons, at, yard 10
25c Fancy Ribbons, yard .... 10J
80c Ribbons, at, yard. . . . 12Vi
5c Ribbons, at, ysHl , .
AU other quaHies at similar
sweeping price relictions Tuesday.
Underwear &
Variety, quality,
low price all are
crowd attracter
and sals makers.
You won't find
the values dupli
cated, fcadlss Leaf
snT Tests, In
fin wool or llk
' and wool pink,
blu ami cream;
are regular val
ues to 12; choir
Saturday ...S8o
ladies' tl Union
alts in all aWex,
t o
I X,adi' $3.80 Wool
Sweater, clmlre
at a.
Children's Winter
Underwear. reg
ular too quality,
e.t "Bo
X,adl M Wool
wasters, choice,
at M
Xdis Ootlnr
Flannel Iklrt.
60c and 75o val
ue; on sal 8at-
M-18H0 and AM
ladle' Ontlnf
rianal Crown,
all color anil
tylea. to IJ.DO
at. . .490 and 8o
X.als' and Mi
ee All Wool
Sweater. 13 val
ues at $1.80 $1-88
Boys' 8lwatrs,
all wool, $2 50
' values, at. . .SO
ladle' O 1 f
. Oloros, all col
ore, value to
75o: choice, t
All Broken X,l
of Ooraets that
sold to $1.83, go
Haturday in one
big- lot to clone.
' t
January Gearing Sale
In Our Famous
Domestic Room
All the Cotton Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Outing Flan
nels, etc,, that were 10c. 12c, 15c and 18c, will go
at 12Jc, lOc, 7Hc and 5
All our Dress Ginghams. Including our 32-Inch Scotch
Zyphers, that sold at 25c, 18c, 15c, 12V4c and 10c,
will go at. yard, lOo, 8H', 7?r and 5
All the odds and ends of White Goods, Long Cloths,
India Linons, Nainsooks, Fancies, etc., that sold up
to 2 5c a yard; to close in two lots, all at 74 c 5
All the remnants and short lengths of Linens and
Linen Toweling will go at about half price.
One case of unbleached Cotton Crash, regular price Is
7V4cayttrd; Tuesday (10 yds. limit) at. yard, 2V4
Blanket and Comfort
ers to Close Out
150 pairs of Sample Blankets, perfect in every detail
only slightly soiled from handling, at exactly Zi
percent off regular price.
250 Home Made Comfortables, over 7 feet long, extra
wide, fine white medicated cotton; regular price
S3. 50; will close at, each 91.05
About a carload of fine white Cotton Bats, ranging
in price, per roll, from 5 to $1.00
High Grade Wash Goods
All ht fall Wash Good Including- half 6Hk Fancies,
Gingham. Madras, Poplin. French and Scotch Zephyr,
etc., will g-o at. greatly reduced price.
Wool Brs Good Bala All fall Dress Goods must be
closed out regardless of cost 33' Per Cant off Every
thing". '
Startthe NeW Year Right By Trading at Hayden's
The gratt"7anuary
ing of 88 par cent to 80
21 11 Beet Granulatea
ttugar lor $1
4-lb Sack Uest High
'stent Flour $1.40
10 lbe. Ueet Moiled
R.-Jikfat Oatnii-al
for 6
t lb. Bent Hand Fickcd
Navy Weane 8-
10 lb. vhlU or Yellow
Coinitieul . 180
lU'-pkg. tlolden M"d
Wavfionl IOC
I hare Diamond C or
Beat-Km-AU oup.$B
Broiriungxlon. Jelly-con,
or Jell-O, pkg....7tO
larzenby'a Table Jelly,
or D'Zcrta, pkg....8o
1 lb-cans Asaorted
I lbs Good Japan Mice
g-lb. can Oolden Pump
kin. Hominy, Hquusu,
or Baked Heans...7Vc
:-lb. tan Wax. String,
Green or Lima Menus,
A, can 'Ho
Grocery Opening sale vr held La Omaha. A sav
par cent by trading at Kaydan'a
Fancy Creamery No. 1
Creamery Mutter, per
lb ao
Kftncy No. i Country
Mutter, per lb.... 87o
Fancy No. 1 Uiry Moll
Mutter, per lb....86o
Fancy No. 1 Country
Mutter, per lb Boo
Fancy Full Cream
Cheese, per lb ... . 180
Fancy run cream x. A
Cheese, per lb aoo
Fajiuy Full Cream
Hrlck Cheese, H. ..ISO
I lbs. rood Mutterlne for
only 880
80 Per Cent to 100 Per
Cent Saved by--Trading
at Kaydan's foi Preen
Terete ble.
S heads fresh Hothouee
Lettuce for so
2 bunches Freeh Hot
house Kadlahes. . . .80
I-lb box Fresh Hothoune
Mushrooms 35o
3 bunches Fresh foeets,
Carrots, Turnips, Rad
ishes or Shaiots. .lOo
Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
per ib SH
Large Cucumber, each,
only 100
Large Head Lettuce,
ach 7 He
2 bunches Fresh Parsley
for 80
Fresh Cabbage. Ib.lti
3 lbs. Hhelled Popcorn
for lOo
Cape Cod Cranberries,
per quart loo
Hedyah Brand Highland
Excell all others -for
quality, sweetness and
price. Cheaper than
60c-size, per dozen. 40o
50c-etse, per dozen.. 30
JOc-slze, oer dozen.. 880
S0c-le, cer dozen.. 800
25c-slze. per dozen.. 180
Omaha's Greatest Sale Women's & Children's Oulergarments
beginning Tuesday all winter suits, coats, dresses, furs, etc., go on sale at price reductions
which means a saving of half and more to the purchasers and complete clearances of winter
stocks Our object price markings represent but a small part of actual worth of merchan
dise. More complete assortments, better bargains were
never offered in January elsewhere.
Ladies' 30-inch Fur Coats I u
French, Coney and XXXX
Seal, values to $G0.OO, almost
100 in the lot, choice, $25-00
52-inch Jap Mink COAT A
perfect beauty, that would sell
regularly at $450. to close
Tuesday, at $225.00
Fine Alaskan Seal Coats 36x
42-inch long, $200 values
at $75.00
American Beaver Coats Sold
regularly at $125, on sale
at $59.00
All Other Fur Coats in tins
sale, at Half, and Less Actual
All Fur Scarf Sets and Muffs,
at Half.
One Elegant Mink Set that
was $350, in Tuesday's sale
at ..$175.00
The largest and most desirable collection of fur gar
ments we have ever offered in January Clearance, here now
for your selection. The season is practically over for us,
cold weather but just begins for you to buy and save.
Tailored Suits, Dresses at Half and Less
ISO Tailored Suits that sold up to $30.00, $10.00
275 Handsome One-Plece Dresses, In silk or wool
fabrics, beauties. In the best styles and colors '
values to $25.00; Tuesday, choice $7.05
All Our Evening Capes and Coats at Half.
All Cloth Coats Half and Less Than Half
Choice of 200 of them that sold to $25.00, In Tues
days sale at $10.00
Choice of 175 Coats that sold up $35.00, in Tues
day's sale at $15.00
Your unrestricted clioice of any Child's Coat
to close at J 1ST HALF 1'KICE.
Long Silk Kimonos
-100 of them, worth up to $10, on sale for one day, Tuesday, while they last, at. .$3.05
Women's all wool Sweaters
nobby new styles, in all col
ors, values to $7.50..$2.O5
Breakfast Shawls, worth $1.50,
a big lot for selection; to close
at 49
Ladles' Short Flannelette Petti
coats, regular 60c and 75c val
ues, to close Tuesday. . .Ji5
Great January Sale of Bed
Spreads, Sheets and Pillow
Cases Tuesday
Imported Marsielles Bed Spreads full sizes,
worth $6.00, January Sale Price, ea,, $3.98
Fringed Bed Spreads, full size, worth $3.50, January
ale price, each . .$1.08
Hemmed Bed Spreads, full size, worth $3.09; January
ale price, each $1.G5
Hemmed Bed Spreads, site, for single bed, worth
$1.75; January sale price, each .$1.00
Full size Seamless Sheets, worth $1.15; January sale
price, each 82Vi
Full size invisible seam Sheets, worth $1.00; January
sale price, each 59
4 size Bed Sheets, strong and durable, worth 79c
January aale price, each 50
Good size Pillow Cases, worth 18c; January sale price,
each 12V4
Hemstitched Pillow Cases, good size, worth 35c; Jan
'uary sale price, each 21
Curtains and Draperies
Four Big Specials Tuesday In Our January Clearance
All 15c, 18c, and 20c Screens In one big lot,
per yard, at He
All 25c Reversible Screens For this one day,
per yard, at . 17c
All MVic White Swiss In Tuesday's Sale-
at Og
am 9100, fl.50, $2.00 and 92.50 Lace Curtains All
kinds, at, each. 39 59 79 and 98
Farnlshlngs &
BUa's 88.80 thins
S8C All flneat
makes and qual
tlea, flannelx,
m a (1 r a n or
Wench percale,
with or without
colors, light,
rierk and me
dium color; res
ular (2 and II f.0
value, at... Mo
Uen'a IS to $7
Hweater Oont:
Saturday, chntpo
at 83.43
All newest rot
styles: all sizes;
or, weaves and
perfect goods.
Three Pairs of
lCen'a Book for
th Frio of on
Pair 1,000 doz
en pairs of man's
fine Imported
lioen. In finest
cashmere mer-
ceriied and silk;
black and colors,
plain, iancy or
q m b r o 1 d ered ;
made to sell at
6O0 to l; on
ale Saturday, at
per pair lOo,
19Ho, 16o, si ISe
Kan's 91.60 Shirts
49o All new,
clean, perfect
stock. In llKht
and medium col- v
ors. beet p at
terns and worth
II and 11.50
choice Saturday
at 490
Men's Union
nit, worth to
In, fine ell wool.
In all colors ami
slees, st
1.48, 81.98, ta.B0
Man's Bilk Four-in-hand
Muffler and
Suspender, val
ues to II, at
only 8 SO
Six Grand Bargains in Rugs
Toe many Ten-Wlr Tapestry Bugs
to reduo quloUy.
938.00 Tapestry Brul mugs, 10-t
13-6 size, 10 wire quality Seamless,
on sale Tuesday, choice at.,. $31.98
Bams 10-6x18 Bis, f 25 values, choloe,
Bams Sxia-Bls Bis, 1 20 values,
choice, at 818.93
7 80 XJjBeolsnms, extra heavy quality,
per sp. yd.: 680
tn stook, w'r cutting price deeply
Bam, 8-3x10-6 Bis, 1 18 values, choice
at 913.98
Bam, 7-6x8 Bis, 113.50 values, choice
at . $9.98
Bam, 6x9 Bit, 10 values, choice,
at $7.98
Best Water Color Window Bhad
7 feet long, 3t Inches wide, on sale
at, each BSo
Big Xiln of Ooooa Mats
$1.38, 880 790, 69o and 490
Each day will see new bargain surprises offered you surprises in which high class, desirable garmentg
are offered with no regard in pricing to the general 60 reduction rule. Watch our ads closely and profit
by the magnificent opportunities now and to be offered.
Beginning the New Year Right In Our Clearance
Sale of Housefurnishings
Folding Clothes Racks, only 490
Heavy Llsk Wash Boilers, copper bot
tom, extra large size $1.89
(Largo, $1.49; medium, $1-39 1 worth
12.60 each.)
10-quart heavy retinned Dish Tans,
worth 85o 160
14-quart heavy retinned Dish I'ann,
worth 40c 890
17-quart heavy retinned Dish Pans,
worth 60c 96o
11.25 Waffle irons, the famous Urls-
wold brand 69o
Steel Pancake Urlddles, worth 4 He.
only iso
Sugar Boxes, hold 1.00 worth of
sugar 3SO
60o Sugar Boxes, Japanned only, 980
si - " i
Sixty-Nine Heroes of the Air
Medaji and Gold.
Balanr Sheet f th Season Murdered
nltk UoM Tired wltk
Black -Notable Achlre- N
, Meats.
' They have putled the aviation balance
Sheet for th season Just ended. One side
U bordered with gold, the other piped with
From th wide-stretched wings of mo
tor-pushed. man-bulU birds Intrepid flyer
hav. hung the gay emblem vt achelve
ment 10.000 feet up in cloudland. Otthers.
reading out for the tar, hav ridden
aloft to the music of waving VerchicfM
and to a fate which has for Its finality
th funeral wreath on the koJded mound.
For every prl there' a price In the hero
business. Twenty-nine hav paid the price.
Chaves, th Peruvian, lie In the avia
tors' graveyard, hi bone ilk so many
broken sticks, hi brave heart torn from
It place. H had touched the high spot
m hi rides overhead and picked up a
prtie hero and there until hi purs had
been fattened to nearly 8W.00O. British
eye at Blackpool aw him soar on even
Spirit9 for Rheumatism
The Increased use of nplrlt for rlteunia
Unin 1 causing considerable discussion
kinnng th niedk-al frattnuty. It t a won
derful cur t-n mixed with cettain oih-r
Ingredient and taken properly. Th fol
tuing 1 the formula: '"Id oie-ha,t pint
of good whiskey add one ounce of Torts
compound and on ounce of yrup 8aia
pmriiiSj compound. Take In tuCletr.ooii
ilnu-i after each meal and Ix-fure re
tiring." Any druKKlxt ha tht-ae Ingre
dintita or will quickly get them. Any one
I'an mix them. Tlds I'urinula was published
here last winter and thousand were
promptly benefited. It give Immediate
In addition to diixing out rheumatism
tin treatment Is a splendid system
builder, uon restoring vitality and appe
tite. Any one who lias rheumatism should
lever tie without a bottle vf this mixture
ib hand. It will save many a doctor bill
gild much suffering Adv.
keel 5.000 feet up, and av him acclaim
when again ho touched earth and stepped
forward to the money window. At Issy,
France, ho put more than 8,000 feet be
tween th bamboo fram on which he
rode and th head-tilted throng below.
Then he tried successfully for something
ven more spectacular. He mapped out
a palli for himself such as the crow
might tak over the Alp, and from his
perch looked down upon the snow-capped
apexes and th narrow defile through
which Napoleon pushed his advancing
army after th fleeing forces of Archduke
Charles of Austria.
Paying the Price.
And -then, with thl accomplishment
writ In th records of what a mere un
feathered biped may do In striving to be
a bird was about to allcht on tho plains
of l,omlai'dy he paid th price. When
the giavediggers In drab smock had
pulled the strap from under the lowered
coffin peasant children bestrewed its Hd
with frost flowers gathered from the
mountain peak over which Chaves had
flown. The mor commercial florist, aleit
to the delicate demands of hi Interesting
calling, has added the airship to his stock
of frame hung In show window. The ;
broken column has a new neighbor.
Chaves s one of the twenty-nine. Cap
tain Matiewlch was another, lie wore the
c.sar' color on his proud breast. He was
not of the foot or horse guards, but of
th battalion of the air. II had served
hi time In th basket swinging by many
cord from th gas-filled dirigible and had
advanced to the firing line. He, too, paid
th price. It was field day when he paid It.
Rusfia greatest generals, standing, on a
hillock, trained their field glasses on him
and his frail machine puehed upward. A
thev measure bird-men In the sky, he had
reached S.9.10 feet. He swung wide, circled
nd started back. At L0 feet something
hapiened. The bird folded It wings. Then
It dropped- They found the soldier in a
wire-bound bundle a hundred time dead.
Of marching troop, dirge and volleys he
got the honors of an admiral on funeral
day. Also, they paid him the compliment,
new until that occasion, of ordering an
airship to be thiic circled over th grave
as the body was lowered therein. Proper
funeral for a member of th battalion of
th air. Jackie and th floral anchor for
a dead sailor; flag-draped coffin on a
rumbling gun caisson for an artillerist;
riderless charger led by stable groom fur a
cavalryman: circling blplan ovr
length grav for ait aviator! How soon
will it be part of the bluebound regulation
In the adjutant's desk?
Prise of Mower and I.lfe. .
Th list the twenty-nine fits in her as
well a further on. It 1 fifteen months
long, in time, for flying and dying as
doubl attraction had their formal Intro
duction In August a year back, at It helms,
th ancient city of the plains, where the
king of francs wer wont to go to fit
themselves with crowns. Th affair at
Khelm was called a meet, a word taken
from th vocabulary of the foxhunt and
bicycle riding. In territory the list is both
broad and long. Meets, with their cash
prise and their Ufa prises, became popu
lar. Germany sent a stoic aloft to outdo
th daredevil Parisian. Italy set Its air
motor a-chugging against the contestant
from the Tyrol. England drew Its beet
line In the sky above the fog and asked
us to beat it. Everywhere there has been
striving and succeeding and striving and
dying, until ti. Mi of the aviation bal-
lance sheet that iu pl,ed with black bears
ttK'ee name:
Irf-febore. Frrber. iJo: i, Hauvetti-Mlcheiln,
Huht. r-iievi-r, llaine, tolls, Daniel Kinet,
Mrholaa Mnet. Mam'rtyck, Poillot. Madlot.
('it.iin, Johnstone, 1V- nandex, lielagrange,
I blon, Je"ly, V, Heritor, l'locbman,
Matlewltch, WtUdern. Paaca Vivaldi. Von
litter, Hamilton, t'beves, Blanchard,
Kveiy country ha offered its man oome
two or three; you may tell It by the
names. Some have, died leaving a word
or two and maybe a figure In the record
by which they may be remembered when
th list has grown larger. Home hav died
a from a tumble from a housetop a mean
taking off w hen 'you consider that the set
ting is bounded only by tracklesa apace.
Chaves died thus near the tarth, after
he had marched over mountain summit
And some have died with department or
der signed and countersigned thrust In
their bell, as men who serve the gun or
skirmish fatjioinx deep under the sea In
steel bottles called submarines have done
before now.
t Kat ( Juksitosr,
Johnstone was the last'' on the American
list. Johnstone of Kansas City and afraid
of nothing. He know the skies so well
that they culled him av guide. A million
pair of eye at one time or another lad
seen him go laughing Into the skies, his
skeleton machine wlied- arms to trunk like
an anatomical specimen, trembling along
Us length. Ha, too, bad plucked soma of
the prizes. And he had traveled as far
above the heads of plodding humans footed
to earth and taken so many dips and dives
and turns and whirl that h began to
feel that th phrase "conquest of the air"
applied to him. On two occasions John
ston had expressed the belief that ha
would bo th first to do real fancy work
In th sky a to become, in a word, the
aviating gymnast and loop an Imaginary
Johnston paid th price. Th story of
how he came down out of 800 feet with
a tear and a thud hasn't begun to fade
on th pages of th dally newspaper. HI
season ended In the grave. His nam on
the balanc sheet is opposite th figure
Now that men axe dropping from new
and hitherto unapproaehed heights
height far beyond the aforetime dizzy line
wandering mind are asking if it be pos
sible for the quick to know that he soon Is
to be dead. It has a passing interest, but
its importance Is magnified.
"All my life seemed to pass before me,"
said a man that plunged from a high
building and cushioned happily at tin
abrupt stopping point.
Hemarkahle F.seaprs-
If thi be strictly authentic, whst may
be said of the operation of the brain of
one already started on a downward Jour
ney of a full mile the length of Brooklyn
bridge with sieed multiplying every itec
ond? Not much time for serious mental
work In a few tick of a watch; not
a situation lending itself to coherent
Deon Morane, who rode In from the
cloud on a buckled aeroplane and aston
ished himself as well as others by living
to refer to It. " recalled th.t he had felt
faint. lie probably did. But he didn't
romp through the daisy fiejds of his boy
hood, hear the soft drone of voices in the
little hillside schoolhoute or sit with arm
encircling his sweetheart amid the apple
blosxom. The machine knotted Itself,
catapulted and scrunched all In a Jiffy.
When they reached tne fatal thirteenth
in th Hat of the twenty-nine. (Slenn Cur
t's suggested that flyer should be more
careful. Then flights were resumed and
the name of the fourteenth man drotK-d
Into place tn the growing list.
When F.hrniann rose over Barcelona he
sailed into a thunderstorm. Lightning
played In his rigging and outlined the
wirea in flame. The canvas shrlvr'eii
Naturally he cam tak to th starting
point by the direct route. He lived. The
chapter which those who gathered round
expected to hear was one word long
t". S. Cody, th American who wa
hired to give the American idea of fly
ing to the troop at Aldershot, outrode a
quail one day, and then, swinging into
another, came down In his wrecked ma
chine. He had a short story to tell. It,
too, was one word long "Lucky."
Twenty-nine hav paid the final price of
being air heroes. Who have been the
prize winners? In the two lfsts, to which
a nam may be added, for the star still
beckon, tho average Is a dead man for
every threo or thereabout that are still
alive. The greatest amount of money any
viator has won, the figures being taken
from th published accounts. I 143,000.
Taulhan got It. Only twenty-five had won
I10.0W or more. New York World.
Eev. H. Percy Silver is Spoken Of in
Connection with Place.
ll ilea ( Mr, Hlllloaa and tirrmt Fall
Will Take I p One Thousand
Feet of Spare.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Jan. t. -(Spe
cial. ) Ixviin I. Hurktey, special commis
sioner for the Western Iand-Products ex
hibit, who has been engaged In setting forth
here the purpose snd opportunities of the
Land show to be held at Omaha, January
18-28. yesterday started homeward by way
of Idaho points.
In Montana, Mr. Buckley Interested the
commercial organizations at Great Falls,
Helena. Mile City and Pilling, and ex
hibit from those points will be grouped In
1,000 quare feet of apace.
HI last stop before reaching North
Yakima wa at Kllenahurg, snd before
leaving there he wa practically settled
that the Kittitas valley would be repre
sented, either on the floor of the exhibi
tion or In the eie-lal editions of The Bee
and possibly both.
Mr. Buckley I a specialist In the promo
tion of great exhibition. He held Im
portant positions on the staff of the direc
torate of the exhibition at Buffalo, 8t.
Louis, Jamestown and Keattle. and will be
manager of the Western land-Frodu-ta ex
hibition at Omaha.
bodr I Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cure a cough
cr cold i with lr. King New Discovery,
rto and II 00. For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Several Kame A re L'ader Considera
tion Illsbop William Occnple
Pulpit la January Bishop
Mlllspansh One Bnaday.
A new dean of Trinity cathedral may be
elected by the vestry at th end of thl
week. Keveral name are under considera
tion and the most likely of these la said
to be rtev. II. Percy Silver, secretary of one
pf the, church's western missionary dis
tricts. Mr. Silver was formerly a chaplain
In the army and was formerly rector of
the Church of the Good Shepherd In
Omaha and rector of a Lincoln parish.
It is known that correspondence has been
carried on with htm relative to hi coming
here, if called, and the fact that his name
I still prominent for the place lead to
the Inference that he will be willing to
take the place made vacant by the con
secration of Bishop Beecher. Nona of the
other name considered for the deanery
will be divulged by Bishop Williams or the
vestry of Trinity.
Hervlces st Trinity th present month
will be In direct charge of bishop William
and the prelate will preach most of the
Sundays of th month. Bishop MUlspaugh
of Kansas has promised to come for one
Kunday, the day of which Is uncertain, and
another visitor will b Rev. J. A. Tancock
of Douglas, Wyo. Itev. Mr. Tancock doe
not coma here preaching for a call and he
Is not one of th men under consideration
for the rectorship of th cathedral parish.
Bishop Beecher and Mr. Beecher are
busy parking their household effect. They
will remove to Kearney permanently on
Ington, la., Frank, Alle and Miss Kats
Swift, reached Omaha Sunday morning,
but the younger brother, Patrick Swift, of
Butte, has been delayed on his way to this
city by uncertain train aervlce.
Burial wa at Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Ths funeral rites were performed by Father
Three in Court for
Lifting Omaha's Lid
Mrs. Lulu Ballot Fined for Taking Up
Business of Supposed
"Blind Pig."
Three lid-lifting cases claimed th at
tention of JuiIrb Crawford In police court
Monday morning. Mr. Lulu Ballot, who
was arrested for selling liquor In a place
from W-Luch another woman had been
taken to serve out a fine for the same of
fense, was fined lo0 and costs.
The rase atfainst Minnie Falrchlld wa
continued. A. G. Bokhacker, arrested for
the illicit sal of liquor at Tenth and Dodtf
treets, was discharged.
Fnaeral Is Held at St. Pbllouraa'
(hnrrh Barlal at Holy
The funeral of Michael frwift of 2008
Clark street took place Monday morning.
111(4! h mas of requiem wa celebrated at
St. John' church by th pastor. Father
Brnnsgeest. S. J., assisted by Father Sten
aon of St. I'hlloraena church.
Kekutvoa of th deceased from Waab-
1 want every chronic rheumatic to throw
way all medicine, all Hutment, alt
plasters, snd jjIt MCNXON'o hlll.UMA
T1SU KEMEDY a trial No matter what
your doctor may say, bo niatter what
your friends Buy say, bo matter bow
tirejudiced Too lnf be sgalast all sdvef
ilsed remedies, go t U' to J'"ir drug
gist snd get a hot tie of ths ltUEUMi
llSM kEUKDT. if It falls to give satls
fsrtlon.l will refund your money. Muuyoa
Eeuiember this remedy coutains no sal
lTlle S'lJ, no opluui cocaine, inort-hlu or
other harmful dm is. It I put op under
th guaraute of th Par food SB Drug
For ssl t7 sll drag gists. Prtcs, 26c