TiTR nr:i:: omaiia. Monday, .tantakv 2. inn. WANT-ADS anl ads rertird at any time, Hut In inlrr proper t-inaall leu lion luaat be presented liefere I a u'l lock m. for ike i irilBii edition and before TiJM u't'lork of the previous ftcnlm for morning and santlny edition. Want da received after anra boors will bate their first Insertion nnder the hrarilun Too I. ate to Classify." CASH RATEI FOR WAT AUS. nr.ta i.ar .ilaskificatio Insertion, 1 (rati per word and 1 rent nrr word for each aabaeaneat Inaertloa. Kuril Inaertlon made on odd data, 1 1-3 eenta per word, fl.BO per line per month. II a tea apply to either The Dally or miliar Hee. Always coant aim Words to a line. Want ad for The Hee may be left at ) of the followlaa: drna store one la yoor 'rorner HrnaKlat" they are all branch offlrea for The Bee and onr ad will be Inaerted Joat aa promptly and on the aame ratea aa at the main office In The lice htiildlna, seventeenth and Fnrnatn alrcelai Alhach, W. C, 40th unci Fsrnam. Raum Drug Co., 2--11 N. 11th Pt. Heranrk. S. A., 1102 8. 1Uli at. Ifi'iiKrn PharrriHry. Hensnn, Neb. Rem! Fatk Finn miry. 3.1.1 and Cuming. HlMkc-Rradlsh. 2J i Sherman Ave. , Cllfion Mill Pharmacy, EM Military Ave. t'HMKhlln. R , '.I h and Pierce Hi. Crlssev Pharmiicy. ?4th and Lake Hts. Coonev Phiirmsov. -2-3 8. IHt-li St. Cerinak. Fmll. I'j'.l-H S. 13th St. Elder P. It. 11? I,envenworth St. Foster Arnoldl. 21" N. Klh St. Krevtig. J. J.. 1II14 K. MUi Ht. pTcK-r Drug Co., l;ir,j X. li.th fit. Florence Drug Co. l'lorrnce, Neb. fJreon'a Phnrmaov, Park Ave. and Pacific tire, n urt O A. Vij S. Krth St. Grecnoimh, (I. A.. lmh and Hickory Rts. Golden Phnrmary, 24ih anil l,avenwortli. Havden. William, 2!i:'i Fatnmn St. llncom Park PhnrmHcy. ITt"! S. :-9th Ave Hintnrlong bins Co, 31ft Ave. and Far tmm 81. Moist John. Ki N. Hth Ft. Ilnff. A. I-.. 2P-M Leavenworth St. .lohanon Drug Ci.. '.4th and Spalding;. King. If. F , L'-'J1 Karnam St. Kniiril-e Place Pharmacy. Mm N. 31th. I sit drop. Charles K., 13-1 N. 24th St. Mures, Fred L.. 20111 fentrnl Hlvd. Patrick lnigr Co.. lw" N. iMtli St. Peyton Pbiirmaoy. T 8. liith Pt. Satatoua Irnp Co.. -Z4th and Ames Avj. Hcliaefrr'a Cut Pi Ice Drug Store, ltith and Chl.'iig.i Ft. K.'hHcfer. A nr., 2MI N. 1iith Pt. R''h'ii!dt, J H. 24IU and Cnmina; Sta. Wuitiut I'haiinu. y, 4Utli and Cuming. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. dKNTLEiMAN C )., isJl?& embalmrra. 1614 Chicago. 1.,1(II, Il-166t. PARLOR "THEATER Yon have aeon the ItlCST, i.ow try the III- ST. 1 linli-cliisH vuuduville, inatinu Ua'.ly. Thx 1'cuplu Show House. COAlT At cut prices. ALL K i ,N 1 S. V, s a v e ou 6oc to II. iio a ton. giiHiii.u nu m,a i,l. guaraiueeu. tV'MCXHUTT'S Ct'T PKii'U COAL CO.. IftS NICHOLAS T. HUTU 'PUU.NKS. MY BACK IS MtOKfcN. ! rained tl.uM for lnlaiil nome ,.mt fall. Yoor iiia.uzliiu uidrr and lenrwais this l nil will ear); Ij.uuu for cliaiiiy. The Interest of tins iiiomjy will . provide for an invalid iiiaiiileiiaove tor !u ami later pay nurses Wttiten or endow a liokpUMl cot foievei. Most have 2iu suuaciiptlous to Kvervbodv s, Delineator, li.in'; Woman a Home Compan Ion. McClin e . f.'. .0. In Dci ember lu earn I Ih In at fl.juu; every older or renewal eaina joc; lour earna t2 for charity. 1 poul tlxely duplicate any primed offer. Writs lo. ala.onim and tor, ; 0 air ady earned FOR Mi: ROY SAKE GKT THICal LN. Wins or phone DouKlas UUUDUN. TDK MAGAZINE MAN, OMAHA. Oil, YOU PARADISE! BoL.iuis i,ooU. Jocbii't It.' Happiness su pninu whuii ytMl hiun our PAliADlni", crtjAL. I o mi oown oui t oal bill taK OLf aihlm and bum psiadlae. Wi, on ll.uo lu S.WJ ion. lioui phones. J. V. I'.LDi .jtD. :juU Cuming lt. B A R K Eli" I J ROS. l'AlNT T70. Doug, i'.jj. Intl. A-Js.l. lcisii Farnam St Mem II, outlits; a stl; picture tiam n.' at inoinp.te prii-t-a: giay, hti paper WK CAKHY A H'l.l. l.l.SiU 1)1- SHiiUWIV. WILLIAMS PAiX'IS, LitASS POLISH 1JWCID NKNl.l.R AND ALL bKANDd OF FLOOR WAX. , 1 " The Mickey Music Co o ui i;ov loeuteu fn our new h :n. a VS ,s. lMli Ht . Willi a complete line of suett IDUaU: and mmil iuuieal liiiitiumunts. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW liATL. In sums j u.l, o.U Ht.-u 1,U1. I'liolie Duu'. itt. UNION LOAN" CO. GOOD ' E YE GIGrTf . i,.al.I.ilui's sreitieM ulslrlg. t't.i.ult un. v-t-iiioiau Opl.cal Co , j.j tltl ' l, , i. . a4i, a oiin.vi l ilted. HAVii your photo u;tn at Kiuts- I. lilt! UttiSlt b.Ull.u. i., to Km f., l.oP.NUY Blue Pr.nt Co. Ms Bee Bldg". llnnd l amud china cheap. 2.oJ Cum. H. 3S10 CAT liOSMKl; HUMS COOKlNu. AllM.Mi. a. Ulli. Ll-Sl Allvb. DAVID COLE CREAMLKY CO. ARSENIC and lRiiN' complexion wafers n.ake clear, white skins l.y mail iw; and i Mitrman & Mit'ui.i.til litg Co., umaha. I.I.WVATOlf KKI'MIII.IV freight, pv til.Kel. J. K. Xtl.llrJj 14 S. Uth. l. p.Cl-MKE bulng our Jewelry. rail aid uor coiupleie line of fine jetlr at munutuct ui ei s' price.-". ..,.! rave uu I '.-i per cent oil all kinds of .'eitelry. I'irt'vl liupoitri .t i'.o.oi;U, t.i. I piei ious stones. HE LONG JEWELRY CO., ;.:-J-4 MtCague U'd,;. Ccr. laih and Dnd.- ,-iretie tjpeii etenlnK' until s p. m. i M VI Publ.e Msiket Special, nut. "Win V.vl.Vli j-mip. J. j. Premium ith rah r, 1.. P'l. it iirfe-T?:on.6on t.'o . liiil liiri-.ty . iJitugia L.d. A-l't2 l.l'Tir. B:YaNT vlFhes to an ttt i iff " lslis tiint he has added la I r liai'dresniug. manicuring baths, sail I loiv. b-dy n.asai;a. Swedish movement, by p'sitle i'reek graduate. Mis. Bryant thank 1 ,r latrons for Iheir generous support In II. ist and solicits their patronage for Hie future Rooms ali and Hi Bee BUlg. AiK-s"lLFR liRANO PHARMACY, leult: iioveltiea all kinds, candles, per la.ie, tisars and pipe ANNOUNCEMENTS i 1 'ontinued. VIHGINIA DA n U wine. '! a large bol t's Klein liquor Hnuoe. ?2 N. liUb St. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNQATK, china firing, t.il Hrandeia Uidg. Tel. Webster 69T&. TRY our 10c cream bread: always freah. Uworth tit. Hakery, Zi()7 llwortb. H. 6IS. IKUGUA8 Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 644 TkESCrTpTIONS fHId. W deliver any ylac e. Saratoga Drug ,o. Tel. Web. 114. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D.3918. HOW 19 TOUR COAl- BINT 13. 4128. Web. aior. Coal all kinds. Tel. It. II. MOREHOUSE CO., ILEIt GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths Finest In the- west.. Kin & Howard Sta. HAGGARD Van & Storage. Pack, move, store and ship 11. 11. Goods. D. 1406. B-242S. 8. 11. Cols Sign Co., D. i'iS. 1316 Farnam. IIAKRT W. MOOU Knpineer. Designer, Draftnman. 351 Urandcls Theater. D. 230L TWKNTY per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO. taenly-fourth and L bts.. South Omaha. DR. UUNSON. 2814 Sherman Ave. W. 613i. B. F. Wurn, optician, 43 Brandels Bldg LYNCH BROS. pluh,t?noand REPAIR WORKS. 170S Jackson St. D. 1477. ED ROTHERY - U(?r. Si1 cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill S. 14th St. M (IS. 1RWIN-34B Brando s Theater. Les sons in china painting, naturalistic and conventional: evening classes. Tuesday and Thursday. , Orders for china, place cardi. etc., promptly executed. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH iflni. IliTK'S. lWi Douglas Street. " veul9 M M 10. FRAYER Adellght hair food; does grow hair. Megcath's. lilh & Farnam FRANK 11 . GIBSON CO.. finB coffee. We deliver to any part of city. TRY IT. 'Phone Doug. bZX. Rpfrpshmpnt4 Mu" servlca for ilt-lltSUIUtuis ,veddlngs 4 danceslnor out of town. Ca'.l or rite Alfred Jones, 4JU Jackson. Tel. Mar. lti,3. Hid. A-2.T67. GOOD THINGS to at snd drink nl the FallFtaff Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" yo-jr auto. "SKID'" into a post. "TliAR" your lop. And bring It tn the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMMOND Corner IStii and Harirv bts.' Auto Repairing Tl'n CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paxton Mitchell Co.. 201U-16 Harney. D. 7S24; A-JUU.' AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. FOR HALU-Moilel 10 Bunk roadster. QUipped wuh Prea-to-lile lauk mad exliaujt kl.Uur. tall Harney 'Mi. STORAGE utV.t.paiJrfl,n?r an,d. pa,nt" ... , nni. Pfcitfer Carriage W orka. 2oth it Leavenworth. Tel. Red 622. WRITK for list of automobile hurgains? H. K. Krdri k!,on Auto Co.. Omaha. Auto Painting :,m'tkhhV ;m nv r liet our prices now. AjMllikAVlM C L''IY giy. J'-' Jackson. BUSINESS CHANCES Wiike Up, Old Man, Wake Up! YOUH EYKS AKK YOUR KOKTUXE 'lake care of them. Our IS) years' ex ptrieiu'e ul.tur aervice. Conaui( us. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., ' 2W-2U So. 16th St. ARK YOU A HUSTLER T If so. 1 will sell you a half Interest In niy old entabllxhcd real etate business, mealed In the city, that haa av, raged bet ter than Jl.ooO.iAl per niouiii ior tne pait iwo yeais. 'i lie rigut man Cdn get In for about S'C'.CO cash. Unless ou are a hus lltr and have Hie cash, don't unswer. This vtnl siand mve.-iuui.on. r" bbs. Bee. WANTED A business man with U.50i to act as secretary of plant; splendid oppor tuniiy for w de-awake man. Address J abl, Bee. A NICK Cl.KAN TOt'K of groceries, do ing good liutuness In Council Bluffs; In toiee utoik and fixtures, tl.UUO. Must be sold at once. .Make offer. The Midland Co., t,4 Krandels Bldg. M KAT murket. thoroughly modern, only one in Wii town: 2m miles from Omaha. o ti :th s llleinent. Addrtss C 6a.', Bee. U!C.V Kll.'l- INtiCRAXCK COM 1 iUl' 1'A.M. is Is po" liteiv the last 'contli tin ad will run; iak nage of II. I lo ! lor oale. DlV'l- 1 1 : X 1 1.-. Agris an Final Akciiis. S. W. i iut aha. Tel. D. 1.".. i'd. LMjbaJy Co. Iftii auu Doug- t-KE the OMAHA LAND AXD INVEST MENT COMPAXY lor big bargains In ; lot tale wllh us. All kmoj of exciiautfea i ,im X. 1 Lite uldg. Poll SALE A food business in Idaho. U loon ies and ju. rin.aie. line location on main ltel. Daing wuou business. If you uuy we pay our tar. Auuress r. U. uox tu. Culdueit, Iduno. I I (iIVK l"'run1 atteiuion to collec- i ut i ,ll)lls; no collection no com i ni.ss.on; 12 ei.t" experience. Jensen. NEVILLE UUH.'h. PHONE DOCU. iM L'VS VDY Rral Ksl"'e. Loaus and Insurance. lJst yOUI- prop t rl i.ir tale or rein, yulck returns, e t corner 14ih and Douglas. Tel. Doug li'tf t ANTI'll-Hiiulnua snn.on .1 with .!.ui catli to. invest in old vstab , lihi.d. I'lg paving busineas Salary, share 1 of profits. Handle your own inonej. Ad ! ditj tor intertiew, J-644 Bee. I W'AXTLD-Repretirntstlve buslm-sa man to lake agency for well known lin of au I tomublles. both coiumt rclal and pleasure I !!; vtry fine opimrtonity f man vtith J in means to build a good, permanent buslneos. Addre.-a Y 29.'. care Bee. ti. D C. CODDINGTON. E3 Board ol ! Trade Bldg . business chances, boiitls. siuta, auu real estate. I HAVE an Improved farm close to sta tion to exchange for a drug stock. Ad ! dress Y SM. t are Bee. PARTNER wanted In a retell clotting business, established 3 years. $.p or more if right party. 1-oo6. Bee. FOR SALE Stock of farm Implement.: good live town. Central Nebraska; invoice ('.two lo $7 (X: good local Inn; govd hulid -- --- tng; onlv Implement house In l ivr. 1 10 I WANTF.lv-An ixwritnced girl f.r Ken sales. (-S.uiii. Other business reason f.ir I era! houMitork. r.- cookm;. s nail ( tnol . selling. Addieaa, Y 2ii, tare Bee. 'good bouie. 6J S. 2ltta Ate. Rod iuL BUSINESS CHANCES lContlnuc-d.) TO GET ID or oul or nusinvsa call .i GANG EST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. mi. TO RENT small store building. Address Lock Box 213, Creston, la. Rooming; Ilooaea For "ale. ROOMING house for sain. US X. Sflth. ROOMING houses of all sines and prices to furnish. McKemie Co., 4.12 Paxton. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT. IMS Farnam 8L Douglas 4y7. MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat'! 13k. D. 2333. DENTISTS BAILKY MACH, 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1OT5. 0ETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc . bonded. 428-9 I'axton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS Dreasmak'g, Tailoring. 2213 Doug. D. 4735. STRICTLY lst-class dtessmk'g. and tail oring; only first-class trade wanted, A-23.9. MISS STURDY, 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. 8718. DRESSMAKING and alteration, first rlnss work; prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor. 2012 N. 18th. Webster 1410. EDUCATIONAL THE MID WINTER TERM OF Boyles College will open in both the day and nlgnt ses sions MONDAY. JANUARY I. Business Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles. Presi dent, Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Official Training School Union Paciflo R. 11. Telegraph Department Mosber-Lampman ffig" Unexcelled courses In Business, Short lis ud. l-'eninanshlk.' and English. None but txpeiienced teacheis. Day and night ses sion. Mojt Interekting catalogue pubUaued lu umana. 8end tor one today. W1NTKH TERM NOW OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCK. MUMlr.H LA11PMAN, Uth and ramum bis.. Omuna. Nea. THE Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL Wishes You a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR and announces the MID-WINTER OPKXING for TUESDAY. JANUARY 3. Drop In and let's see if there Isn't some thing In the schedule for you. FLORISTS Benreus flower Dept. East entrance. BRANDEIS' cut flower dept.. new store. 1. Henderson, litf Karnam. Douglas 1111. J. II BATH. H12 Harney. Douglaa jxm HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. DOX'AHUE. 1607 Tamam. D. 1001; A-1001. FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers Omahu Stove Repair Worka, l.titi-liuii Douglas St. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factorr anil Trades. GIRLS to learn hall-dressing. Oppenheira Parlors. 2Jti-2to City Nat l Bank. D. WANTED At once, women and girls. Steady woik. Good wages. Great Western Cereal Co., 'ort Dodge, la. WANTED Two binder girls. Raber, Printer, Bee Bldg. GIRLS to learn ha rdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors, 2:-;MU City Nat 1 Bunk. D ZtM. WANTED PRESSEHS AND MACHINE OPERATORS IX OUR SHIRT FACTORY APPLY AT ONCE. BYRNE HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. FACTORY 9TH AND HOWARD STS. . Housekeeper and Domestics. WANTED A competent girl for general homework, no laundry, good wages. 116 S. astii St WANTED A good Danish or German girl (or housework. Harney St WANTED Competent g.rl for general housework. Ha S. 2Sih Ave WANTED Xeat white woman to help cook and wash diahes. iu.'l Douglas. WANTED Exper. enced girl for house wor. 721 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. WANTI-.fi A good girl for general house work, good wages. 17uj Park Ave WAN! KD A con pctci.t g.rl for house work. 211 S. "fiih St liarnev li.l WANTED A good laundress, for Mon days or Tuesdays. ;jii r at nam St. WANTKi"-. inMtllu naed woman, no chllditn to take care of home and old lady; referenets, almi suite wages required. Advent religion preferred. John Burke, Norm Plane. Neb. WANTED A good l um'.ress. prirste family, all modern conveniences :J21 La fayette Ate., t.'ounc 1 Llufft. Is WANTED A comitent girl for general housework. 201 N. .Sth Ave. WANTKD-A woman to do plain caok n 1J.; Karnam l I WANTE1- Laundreis for Mondavi or' ' Tticda . 77 park Ate HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers anI Domestics Cont'd. WANTED Kxperlenced girl to assist In housework. 720 8. Kd St. WANTED Woman for general house work. W N. 41st Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework, no small children, good wages. 4709 Cass fct.- WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for general housework, new nrick dwelling, nice warm room, rood wages. Uug Park Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1212 N. 26th St., South Omaha WANTED Good .girl to assist with housework. 84X2 Decatur. WANTED Girl for small family to do housework. 124 8. 36th Ave. GIRL for general housework. 112 So. 36th street. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. r06 Park Ave. WANTED A school girl; one who can go home nights. 2t68 Cuming St., Apart ment A. WANTED A competent girl for general houework; small family. I'M 8. 38th St. WANTED An experienced cook. 614 S. anil St. WANTED-A good girl to help with housework. Harney 4229. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: modern home, small family. Har ney 2840. 3615 Burt St. WANTED An experienced cook and sec ond girl. 201S Douglas St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 3122 Cass St. GOOD competent girl for general house work. 1002 Park Ave. Harney 2761. AN experienced nurse-maid. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Telephone Harney 626. COMPETENT girl for general housework; family of three; no washing. Mrs. Tal mage. 4528 Cass St. Phone Harney 2918. LADIES wanted: take work home; ap plying transfers. 415 Brandels Theater. Ilacellaaeoa. f OUNO WOMEN coming to nmaba as manners are Invited to visit the Young IN omen s Christian Association building at tt. Mary's Are. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placet ir otneiwUe assitted. Look for aui traveler's aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aaents, Salesman aad Solicitors. WANTED Experienced salesman to sell factory line of men's Welt and McKay shoes In Iowa and Nebraska. State In first letter amount of sales and houses repre sented. No application will be considered except those from salesmen who are now engaged in selling shoes on the road. J. W. Carter & Co., Nashville, Tenn. AGENTS Seven cents profit each 10c sale; best little, article ever offered. Sam ples for 3 cents In stamps. Rawllngs, Box U, St. Louis. Clerical and Office. WILL make a good proposition to a young man who can Invent 11.000. Party will be well secured, and a good chance to establish himself In a good paying busi ness; prefer young man from country; party must put entire time into proposition. K 3H2, care Bte. WANTED. A young man of character and energy for a responsible position with an old and well established life Insurance company. Ad dress G 5a9, care Omaha Bee. Factorr and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Blog. M larellaneoas. YOU are wanted for government posi tion; 80 month; write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21711. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED 170 month; customs. Internal revenue, railway mall clerks: list of spring examinations In Omaha low ready; prep aration free. Franklin Institute, Dept 214 U. Rochester, N. Y. $75 PER MONTH; practically no Invest ment; spare time only needed; answer at once. Fred Wolf, Concordia, Kan. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; big demand for our graduates; you can run shop or hold good Job after few weeks; some money made while learning. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th street. OPENING for men and women, good pay copying and checking advertising material at home spare time; no canvassing; send stamp. Simplex Mfg. Co., London, Ont.' YOUNG man to learn drug hualness. W. A. Plel. lMh and Farnam. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Wagons. WE wsnt to buy 26 head of horses. Best of prices paid. The Blue Barn, rear Mil lard hotel. 131 h and Douglaa SIS. WE buy and sell all kinds of horses. Blue Bain, rear Millard Hotel. Doug. 40!& YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your monev's worth. If vou buy from J 0 11 N So N - D A N FORT II CO. , Southwest Coiner Tenth and Jones Bts. BOB SLEDS LIN1NGER IMPLEMENT CO. C4S. FOR SA LE Jersey cow. 1326 8. Uth. A FIRST-CLASS fresh milk cow. Call Hatney 1H77. LOST AND FOUND IiST A silver necklace with blue i rnaiiiel aid la pis-laMill pendant. Return j ic city I ngineer s office for reward. LOST-A wiie haired fox terner, white , wiwi black and ta:i head, black spot on tiai k. tug -H". name patsy. Return for re waid lo W. R. Bancker, 111 S. ,9th 81. W)ST A corset, between Hnne!ts an I Rianihl Store. !ae at hennettr. '-".Isger, Belter Truster That Is whst advertising in The Bae will do for your tiUSiUttAS. MEDICAL FREE! medical snd surgical treatment at Crrlghtnn Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sis ; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 11K7. Cell answered dRy and nlfrht MONEY TO LOAN SALARY A. Ml CHATTELS. IS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC W It $10 TO $1,000 1$ $1 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD $4 $ FURNITURE. PIANOS. SA TjARIE3. $t 11 THIS 18 A NEW FIRM $1 II Organised by the REPUTABLE M $ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- f It tect honest working people In need M It of temporary Kelp from the exorbl- tt It tant charges of the so-called loan t tt companies. We will loan you all the $1 (t money you want and charge you only It tt 4 per cent a year. $J It THIS MEANS YOU PAY $4 tt For $ 10 mo. payments $1.70$ ;o.a tt It For $ 26 ( mo. payments $4.23$ 25 3K It ft For $ 606 mo. payments ts.44 $ Ki.iH It tt For $10013 mo. payments $.6s $lo2.ss tt tt And all other sums in proportion. 14 tt Easy weekly or Monthly Payments. II tt Reasonable Appraisement Charges, tt 1$ A glance at the above rales will tt tt convince you how much you save by it M dealing with us. $4 tt NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. tt MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. M ti WITHIN AN HOUR. II $S INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. $1 $1 ROOM 2H, W1THNELL BUILDING. II It Doug. o(rt&. N. E.Cor. loth and Harney. $4 KUtt4t44U$4$$(t4.- uummuntuuiUh Could You Use $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow money you want the lowest rate, and we give It. We will loan you from $6.00 to $100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal: small and easy payments, $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on ell loans paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Ixjan Co. Room 12. Arlington Block, ljll'4 Dodge St. Phones: Douglaa 246S A-2466. DON'T BE BROKE . We will loan you what money you may need; quick loans, reasonable rates, terms to suit, on any kind of ecurlty you may have, or on your plain note. TILE J. A. BUTTON CO., 615 Paxton Blk. 16th and Farnam Bts. DO YOU NEED MONEY t We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano live stock or any other se curity at 1JVVER RATES THAN OTHERS iiivkhtisb. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince our!-eif. . NEBRASKA iaUAJN UU., D. 1366. Ind. A-1366. 220 Bee Bldg. To LOAN. Come In MONEY nd let us explain ur low rales to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 3o8 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A.-14U MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payments. Office in t6 principal cities. Tolman, Room 603 few Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loans money on furniture and pianos. Low est weekly or monthly payments. OUR ADDRESS. 1404 FARNAM ST. Private party will loan honorable salaried people small sums ou their plain note; banking methods, lowest rates; loans made quickly and confidentially; payments ar ranged as desired. Address A 632, Bee. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 ft Wfi FLATAIT 1514 Ddse Street. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRKSSMEN'8 DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing, flroproof storage. Telephones Douglas 3D4, Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electrla vacuum cleaners. UC4 8. 161 h 3u9 8. 17th. Doug. 4163. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms. TWO choice rooms and best of board; private family; on car line; refined neigh borhood. 1105. Park Ave. LARGE beautiful furnished rooms, en suite or single, with lavatory, large closets; excellent board. 709 Georgia Ave. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, private family, goud board. 1609 S. 2Hh. I FINE furnished rooms w'th board; home cooking. 2407 Harney bt. St. James. 416 S. 13; stm, heat, free bath; Am., 11.25 up; wkiy., $5 up; meals. 2c. NICE room and board. ZM Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, board; good location. 308 N. Utl St. WANTED Two young men to room and board; private family. 2021 Howard St. FOR RENT Large south room; board for two; references. 11U8 Cass St. NICE room and board for two gentlemen. 142S N. iiotn. St. BOARD and room for two; moderate prices. 2416 Capllol Ave. BOARD and room for man and wife; good homo cooking. 2.06 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room and alcove; wallting diMume. good location. Board If wished, l'jlt Fat nam St. TEN MINUTES" Walk. Good board. Nice room; Reasonable; All conveniences; New. modern; Private family. 317 North 21a c NEATI.Y fiirnlHlird room; good cooking 601 S. 2Mb St. BOARD and room for two; private fam ily. 610 HiiHory St. WANTED Traveling man and wife to room and board; prttaie family. 20il Howard St. ! PLEASANT room for lady. Cas Bt. NICE rooms, well heted. neatly fur nished, home cooking. 211J Douglas St. NICE, neatly fi.rnlshed rooms. 2216 1 I 'otiKla t St. I WARM modern room, with excellent boaid. close In: reasonable. Tel. Doug 2rjf,.1. NEWLY fmnslied frort picm. with or w :i : -ot hoard, ui w, modern Im-ue. pntuie faiiillt; rtfeieiice. ',Z So -'th St. b.o b'H'TH ITt.i, fiii-elaa room and toaid, reasonable. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued. Famished Rooms. GENTLEMAN hoarding desires room male. Only refined party considered. Lo cation is good; wltlitn walking distance. Nice neighborhood. New. with all modern conveniences. Hood board. References ex changed. Addres-s. S-630, Bee. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern, frcnt room; breakfast if desired. Jj3 Davenport St. Harney JT7S. FOR RJT NT Nicely furnished front room tl7 8. Sfcth 61 Very convenient to business NICELY furnished rooms. $31 B. t2d dt SUPERB large steam-heated room, r N. 23d. CHOICE! front room, suitable for two; warm; strictly modern and well kept; pit tate family; phone; walking distance; else convenient to goou cax line; reasonaDle. 110 N. 24th St. TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webster 5376, Kit N. 20th St. THE coziest, neatest furnished rooms In elty within 6 minutes of business district; strictly up to date; price reasonable. 2704 Farnam, Harney SG3L SUITE of room, elegantly furnished, running hot and cold water In room; price reasonable; suitable for two or three genttomen; walking distance. 2669 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN rurnlshed front room with al cove, also smaller one, HUH Dodge. MODERN south room; also one on bats room floor. 2671 Harney. DESIRABLE MODERN room; prWaU family; good location. 131 No. list Ave. MODERN room, gentlemen only; half block from postofftce. 220 N. 17th. Doug las ttliM. , NICE front parlor for two gentlemen, all modern, conveniences and home com forts, board if desired, good home cook ing walking distance, 818 So. 26th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished modern rooms. 3125 Douglaa SL NICELY furnished front room In new gteam-heated flat to young lady only, 2017 Chicago St. Tel. Red 6242. FOR RENT Nice front mom. ground floor; good location. 120 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Nice sleeping or house keeping rooms; warm; reasonable and modern. 1920 Dodge St. FOR RENT Two very nloe adjolnln rooms. Ibl3 Chicago St. NICK warm room; furnished; reason able. 1816 Chicago Bt. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping privileges if desired; good heat, good bath; close in. 2413 Dodge. FOR RENT Large front room and al cove; private family. 2071 Dodge St. FOR RENT Nicely famished front room. 2513 St. Mary a Ave. FOR RENT Single rooms, for gentlemen. 624 N. 20th St FOR RENT Nice large furnished room, desirable for two, bath on ' same floor, walking distance. 2677 Harney 81 NEAR postofftce, nice warm rooms; single or double. Very reasonable. lSli Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Large steam heated room, good location. 216 N. 23d Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, prl. vate family; good location. 714 a. 17th Ave- FOR RENT One large front room, de slrable for two men, neatly furnished and evenly heated, private family. 320 S. lata Street. FOR RENT A nicely furnished room east front, modern, evenly heated, walking distance for couple refined gentlemen. Rea sonable. 602 8. 24th. MODERN sleeping rooms. Centrally lo cated. 411 N. ISth. THREE elegant rooms, modern, main floor, walking distance. 320 N. 20th. No sign on house. FRONT room, two beds. Reasonable. 1814 Dodge. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private family. 120 Bo. loth 8C FOR RENT Very desirable nicely fur nished room strictly modern, good location, 2u S. 26th SL 1 FOR RENT Nice large front room, all modern convenience. 2469 Harney St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. 1701 Leaveu worlh St VERY nicely furnished room, good loca tion, all modern. 4011 Bherman Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. 619 8. 20th Si FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, well . heated, private family. 219 Bo. 2a tn Ave. MODERN furnished room, well heated, private family. 2.'02 Douglas St. NICELY furnished room near 24th street car line. 2445 South 2oth street. LARGE front room, suitable for four studenta. Rent reasonable. 415 North 18th. SUITE of rooms In modern house, de sirable location. 2204 Webster street. NICE sleeping or housekeeping rooms for student or person working. 2671 St. Mary a Ave. FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshed room, mod ein, walking distance. 20US Harney St. NICELY furnished rooms, board If de sired. OKI South lsih street. FURNISHED loom at bargain, strictly modem, walking distance, phone Har. 311. 27)60 Leavenworth, three very desirable rooms, all modern conveniences, walking distance. Price very reasonable. FOR RENT Nice suit of furnished rooms for three or four gentlemen. 27"! Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, hot water, and heat, 1 block troiu car. 2130 Blt.ney. FURNISHED, steam heated-room: pri vate family, fur gentleman; walking dis tance. 7j2 S. 2Mh St. CLEAN. . nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. 115 North 2M(h St. CLoSE in, rooms suitable for gentlemen. ;i n. lfiu. ItooM.H with all conveniences, half block from two car lines. 1:411 Capitol avenue. FURNISHED front room, $ per montti for two. separate entrance. 171 j Nicholas street. I.MtGK frnt room: steam heat, elec l! c 1 j sr 1 1 1 ' 'a'l T h i- l.vT M'tDKHN' rtoin: southeast exiuure; everything first -clsti, reasonable; refer ences. Douglas 6216. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Itonnia -( onllwaed. FOR RENT Nice, warm front room en4 alcove; bsth on sump floor; use rf plnno: to ladies or couple without children. 2E'J i-t. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nice room; neatly furnished; parlor floor; good location. WM H. 2tM St - NEU'LY furnished room. In strictlv mod em flat: private fRinlly. Apt. i. l:tT Park Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; rlose In. 1916 Capitol Ave - FOR RENT Irge parlor; furnace heat; good location. 618 S. 22d St. FOR RENT-Strlctly modern, well heated room for couple gentlemen. 217i S. 2rth St. NICE room for two young indies; all conveniences; laundry prlt Urges. . 2'.27 Harney St. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. THREE or four large rooms, desirable for ladles or gentlemen. 616 N. l?th St. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; rea sonable; good location. 624 N. 20th St. WELL furnished rooms, modern: good location; reasonable. 1B1R Capitol Ave. NHrE modern room, private family. 120 8. 90th St. Phone Harney 4761. East front room, suitable for two, $3.50 per week. 612 8o. 18th St STRICTLY modern room for two gentle men. 320 N. 17th St. LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for 9 gentlemen, modern conveniences. 201 N. FURNISHED room to Baraca, boys, 1S17 Davenport. 21.82 HARNEY Nicely furnished, warm I M,ti nv rv.. ... ,.ii,in - e "wviii, nmniiiH UiBtanCV. OTP A jt . j . . . . . - 1 . ,. ... ur-nieu rooms, uesiranie Tor one or two gentlemen; continuous hot and cold water. 1701 Davenport. NICELY furnished room; all modern. 2La uouglas SL i , STEAM hoat. newly furnished room, close in. 1706 Jackson Bt, VERY DESIRABLK, NEW MODERN. CLOSE IN. GENTLEMEN. 2125 DOUGXaAs! TYLER 1228. Hotels aad Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for ge tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 11th St. DODGE HOTEL 18th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. SUITES- up; meal book, $6 50. Gentle men preferred. Tel Har. 66L 102 Geo. Ave. Apartments and! jriata. Frve-room apartment m the most at tractive apartment house in the city. JOHN W. ROBBUNS. 10 FARNAM BT. CENTRAL, steam neat. 4-room flab Uk N. 23d. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment; strictly modern. 2IC3 N. 20th bL Inquire J. N. Marsh, 19X3 Locust St. FOUR room Cat; new, modem, warm and convenient., 170 Bo, Twenty-seventh ac Harney Stutd. $13.00 7-room modern flat, N. Uth t epstalra. lngulre eus ivth mu Call Wen! ONB) two-room apartment, with bath. In the New Hamilton, southern exposure. Ad dress N 643, Bee. BIX rooms and bath. 2631 Davenport. $15 Four rooms each, 2013-2016 Izard St. 2t22 Davenport St., $16; modern except heat. B U'Jb. Inquire 2016 Davauport Be FIVE rooms, brick, strictly modem; gas stove; walking distance. Harney 2254.. $40 Pressed brick flat, nearly new, nloaly decorated; strictly modern; hot water beat splendid neighborhood; walking distance; seven rooms and large reception hell possession January 1st. W. W. MITCHELL, OWN ICR. Board of Trade Bldg. , ELEGANT eight-room brick flat, mod ern throughout. Close to high school Right party will get special price. Call Tyler 1616 for key. ONE large, t-room front apartment, with kitchen and bath In the "New Hamilton ' $46. Telephone Red 7000. I- CLOSU-1N apartments. Just finished Shades, buffet in dining room, all com plete. $42.50 to $45. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE OO., 10UV16-17 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2162. 2617 Capitol Ave., 9-r., all mod., $32.60. 662 Bo. 3Kth, 9-r.t all mod., $30. 909 No. 17th St., e-r. mod,, heat furnished. $311. 00. J. W. Rasp Co., Doug. 1663 A-2663. GENOA apartments. 3S30 Cans. now ready; never occupied; the latest and finest living and dining rooms, two bed rooms, kitchen, storage, gas range, re frigerator, telephone, shades, rods. Jani tor In rear will show you. SURE am fine place to live; strictly modern, five-room flat. Harney 20211. LOW 1911 RENT 6-room flat; choice; near High school; only $22 50. 7-rnom cot tate; 3017 Jnckson St.; reduced to $.0. Tel. owner, Red 6204. Famished Mowselceeplaa- Rooms. FOR RENT W furnished rooms fof IlKiit housekeeping; ei-o sleeping rooms. Wl Dodge et. 'Jylsr iwi. FOR RENT Single room, downatalia 2;04 Davenport St. $22.00 Strictly modern, warm front room and alcove, on bath room floor; for re spectable ladies or couple without children 2a month with uxe of piano; vacant afur pith. 2"..i iM. Mary's Ave. WARM, coxy rooms, all modern, new furniture, gas, furnace heat and bath. Dodge. 11 666. TWO ROOMS, completely furnished for light housekeeping, on parlor floor and vi i y desirable; fine location; walking dis tance. 6.-0 S. 2lli Ave. FOR Rl'. NT Room for liKht housekeep ing; heuled. 2213 Douglas SI -TWO large front rooms, gas, bath. 2007 N. 20tU St. FOR RENT Two adjoining front rooms, complete for housekeeplriK . also sleeping room; gae; bath; phone. 2114 Chicago SL FOR RENT- Two coiufi ruble front rooms for housekeeping 31 j S. :th St FOR P.ENT-A nicely f uriil.--'hd room, gas. bath, laundry privileges. 211$ Chi cago Ht FOUR nice, clesn rooms, complete for housekeeping. 2 '1 diaries St FoR Ui.NV- M He .n s f ir housekeep. Int.-. r. I'h iang. : '"i "Ink in kitehen, alas slecpiiiif i miiiu. 1 71 Li avrnworth ht FOR it! NT-Three furnished rooms f..r housektepu. for man end alia- Hit Webster bt.