THE OM-ATTA SUNDAY BEE: JAXT7ATJY 1, 1011. A n Brandeis Stores Closed All Day Monday These Clearance Bargains On Sale Tuesday Women's $7.G0 Skirts at $2.98 Clearing Sale of Qur Finest Laces and Trimmings Elegant bands, galloons, appliques, medallions, garnitures, allovers, etc. crochet, Vcnlse, f Hot and embroidered effects also silk embroidered bands In Persian and Egyptian effects many laces up to 9 Inches wide white, cream and ecru: worth tip to $1.60 a yard at. yard 10c, 25c, 39c and 59c S;ecinl Clearance Ev:nt 50c Jacquard Silks at 25c 5,(KK) yards of 'J7 ml 'M inch .lanpiard Silks, in Per sian and Kimono patterns tlots and floral effects; ositively not n yard worth under .V)c all on bar Our entire stock of dress skirts. In noclty mixtures, Panamas, voiles, 8'. rges, principally black, etc. have been (telling up to gain square in silk department, main floor. $7.50; clearing ssle special In Cloak Pcpt. 2d floor $2.98 Tuesday at, vard . aov, A Week off Great Bargain Events Begins n Tmesday Mi it ill M 8 i ..,.,.,.... ii mi i, i " 1 r--N r 7 i - J. I I, V I I -. . . I i mm K '" i'Ht All Our Fine Linen Tailored Waists That were slightly mussed during our Christmas sales, sold up to $1.00 $1.98 snd $5.00; clear ing nale price. Women's 25c Hrse at 12JC .Black and colored full fash ioned hose, both cotton and fleece lined, regular and out sizes. plain ribbed top; one-half price, In Hosiery lept... pair. . . . 121c Pure Silk ChiMon In all colors that are desir- atue ana iasmonaDie, will go at. per tJC vard Genuine Ilea.herb'ooa Petticoats This Is a clearing sale special on second noor, worth to $: at. Outing Rannels AmoHkeag Teazledown, 1921 cloths, etc. all the stand ard brands, in pretty de sirable atylcs, basement, at 8c Women's Silk Hose Pure Silk $1 Hose These come in all the evening a h a d c b. beautifully em broidered; clear ing sale price, pair 59c Children's UN ER WEAR Ail our 23c fleece lined chil dren's, misses' and boys' underwear, both shirts and. drawers, in Knit Un 10c derwear Dept. main floor, at Str.ped Suitings F 1 :i yard wide striped Iiirb for tailor made Slltt- sulta un 1 skirta c!aring sale price, yard HASKMHNT 25c Dre3s Percales 5 0 bolts yard wide percale and fr.ncy dress and t;pron gingham, Tuesday, yard R ASK Mi: NT. 5c Fncy hiikolines Yard wide fancy silkolints. in mill lengths; clearing nale price, yard HASKMKNT. 21c W.IEX3SEE: UNDERWEAR a $1- quality women's under wear, pure lambs' wool, In natural and camel's hair, . both veats and pants; reg ular and extra sizes iu I'uderwear pv department, J 0 I Tailored Cloths For women's lailor made suits In diagonals, mix tures, novelties, in plaiu . dl.ii.s and Blripes, all lt' yards ide, gua rantecd worth up to $ 1 . . j 0 v.uil: li ariug t-ale price 59c BOOKS ot Hal! Price Aticr Christmas na'.e.oJ books, damaged during our givat holiday book Belling at half price Also Hix-ciul bargain tablcj of books it t5o 5 .18c and up. -g-uw';-.iifrTi::ir'-;n; I'ust Supp.ii'ieit. Made oT til-.- c.iiiiiric with einbroid ei v m'I in yoke Mild cui- 1 roi rry edge, sizes 49c "". to 4 2, Bie- c: at tmniiMar j--'rja mill iiimw amaas 1 'ilAlf 1 This is Brandeis Stores annual sacrifice of every yard and piece of seasonable winter merchandise in their entire stock. Not only is this recognized in Omaha as the greatest money-saving evtnt of the entire year, but Branieis Clearing Sjlei are renowned all over the country a bargain occasions of tremmious importance. Hundreds of thousands of dollar s worth of the finest and most fashionable mirchctn liss in ths greatest store in th west sacrificed at a fraction of their prices a few weeks ajo. All Orniha awiils this extraordinary event. We announce Also a January Sale of Linens, White Goods and Muslins No bargain occasion in all ths year can be compared with this. These sales all bejin Tuesday morning at Brandeis stores. They will eclipse any sales of the kind over held in the west. Big special bargain features every day this week. Embroidcric s 18 and 27-inch fine nainsook and cambric embroidered flounc ings, skirtings, corset cover wldtha also insertions and galloons Eng lish Eyelet and Japanese effects . also floral and leaf effects many worth 60c a yard two big bar gain aquares, at, yard 15c and 25c Fine Nainsook ud Ctmbric Embroidery Edges and Insertions Medium and wide widths -effective openwork designs also dainty eyelet effects; excellent needlework, many worth 20c a yard; big bar gain square, 7VY at yard i MILLINERY CLEARANCE For Tuesday we have group ed all our Women's Hats that have been selling up to $10; mid-winter dress hats, trimmed hats, fur hats, etc. for one day, TA each January Sale Blanket Any pair of blankets in our entire stock that sold at $7.50, $6. CO and $5.00, go at a pair $3.50 St. Mary's, North Star and fine Oregon wool blankets white, gray, tan, fancy plaids and deli cate plaids at, per pair $3.50 . Crib Blankets Fancy Crib Blankets large Bize. in blue and pink large assort ment of patterns, chick, rabbit, Teddy Bear, etc. They come one in a box and have been 9j selling at 65c, at, each avC 11-4 and 12.4 Blankets, $2.50 All the blankets that we have priced at $4.50, $4.00 and $3.50 go at, a pair, $2.50. Fine wool filled and part wool blankets, full size and heavy weight, at, pair .$2.50 $2 Blankets at $1 Pair Extra fine soft fleece cotton blankets, including-Beacons and wool nap. Come In white, gray and .tan full alze and very heavy weight regular $2.00, $1.75 and $1.50 qualities, at, pair. Infants' Crib D ankets Size 30x40, at, each. 15c soft,' fleece, finished at both ends pretty fast colored borders 25c quality each, at. .7 15c See the New Foreign Ginghams Just received from 'Glasgow, Scotland a direct impor tation of beautiful new 32 inch' zephyrs. So quickly will they find full appreci ntrun that many of the choicest- styles will be sold ly. It is impossible to pet duplicates, so those who valne exclusive stylets should buy early. (iiii ham Dep't, C at yard. J New Dress Percales Yard wide Percales dress styles. also shirting styles splendid as sortment, fast colors, at, yard 12ic Brandeis Stores Closed All Day Monday. These Special Bargains are for Tuesday. Our January Sale The Annual January Linen Sale marks the lowent prices of the year, bocauxe of the n''.at quantities of mer chandise involved, the progressive methods of advance purchiiNinir, and our consistent clone-to-cost pricing. With such a money-saving opportunity, the only wise thing Is to bring a list of your next nix months linen needs. Trustworthy llnens-r-that'a the main Idea, linens that show their real worth in wrvlce the longer you have them the more positive your satisfaction becomes. Qualities tluit will make you remember Ilrundeis when you think of buying linens. .. .. Exquisite Fancy Linens Specially Priced All our fine Cluny Lace Cloths, all our real Venise Lace Cloths, Scarfs and Centerpieces at half price. AH our drawnwork Centerpieces, Scurfs and Lunch Cloths worth up to QR $4.00, at, each.... 0- All our 6-ln. Madeira Doilies, worth up to 40c each, on sale at, each 15j Pattern Table Cloths This is without a doubt the greatest value that has ever been offered in household linens. 100 of the very fin est Flemish linen dinner and banquet cloths, all 2 Vt yards wide and up to five yards long regular $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 values, at, each 200 Extra Fine Irish Linen Table Cloths Beautiful satin finish, sle 72x90 and 72x108 regu- ft AO lar $3.50 and $3.00 values, at. each dletfO All Our Regular Utock of Pattern Cloths and Napkins have been greatly reduced for our January Clearing sale. Fine Linen All our very best grade Table Damask, which sold up to $1.50 a yard, at, per yard $1.10 All our fine double satin Table Damask, that sold at $1.39 a yard; on aale at. a yard 05i All our extra heavy pure Irish linen Table Da mask, fine satin finish, that sold up to $1.10 a yard, at. 83c Specials in 1,000 dozen silver bleached napkins 19x19 size, worth $1.00, at, doz..49 All pure linen silver bleached Napkins that sold at $1.39 a dozen January sale price, dozen 890 Hand Towels Extra large 10c Huck Towels with red borders, regular 10c values; January sale price, each 5 The very best quality cotton Huck Towels, 22x40-inch, 16c values; January sale price, each 0 Best Union Huck Towels, with red corded borders a regu lar 19c value January sale price, each 12'4 Extra fine pure linen Huck Towels, plain white borders size 21x40 a regular 29c value, at, each 19 All our 50c hemstitched Huck Towels, warranted pure linen finest grade January sale price, each 25J All our 75c and 85c Linen Towels, hemstitched or scalloped borders January sale price, each 49 Crash Toweling All pure linen Crash Toweling, the very best grade 12 Vic and 15c qualities January sale price, yard QJ 6c cotton Crash Toweling, red borders off the bolt, at, per yard 3f JANUARY WHITE GOODS SALE For great values In new and strictly fashionable white goods this sale ha never been equaled. We offer all our own importations including many exclusive styles. The prkes are very low for such high grade goods. French Lawns Sold from the bolt no remnants extra fine quality, 46 Inches wide; January sale, yard 10 White Mull Checks Soft finish, extra heavy quality for under muslins, aprons, children's wear, etc. 36 inches wide, 20c quality, January sale price 12Vz Yard wide muslins and cambrics, soft finish, free from filling, perfect mill lengths; on special table, at, yard, Q All India I.inona that usually sell at 20c a yard, will be sold special Janu ary Clearing sale price, yard. ..10? January Sale of We have prepared many sperlAl low cases cannot possibly be found anywhere else at any such prices as these. for future use. We bought these goods Great Clearing Sale of Men's Furnishing Any Man's Shirt In our entire (.lock, worth up to 3.00, at $1.1. (Manhattans excepted) in negligee and golf stjles, white, plait ed and plain bosoms, ail new patterns, ac tually worth up to $3.00. Men's line Negligee Shirt Negl'.gie an 1 outing shirts, all styles, plaited and jila'u bosoms, coat btyks, actually worth up to $1.60. at . . -75t Meit'H Negligee Nhlrts All styles, plain and plaited boKOms. some with collar. und cuffs, worth up to $1.00, at 33f Odd lots of all our 75c and 60c Shirts neglige with stiff or soft tuffs, some ol lurs attached, all sizes, at 25c Men's and llojV Heavy Lined Mittens All leathers, worth up to 50c pair, at. . 19t All our y-ln. Madeira Dollies, worth up to 50c each, on sale at, each 25 Your choice-of any of our finest Imported Bed Spreads, worth up to $15.00, at each .$5 200" fine scalloped . Marseilles Bed Spreads, the largest size made worth $5, at each. . . . .$2.98 500 Fringed or Scalloped Marseilles pattern Cro chet Bed Spreads, worth $3, at each $1.08 Finest grade Marseilles pattern crochet Bed Spreads, worth up to $1.75, at each 9C Table Damask Specially Priced All our regular $1.00 quality pure Irish linen Table Damask, extra heavy grade bleached or cream, at, yard 69c 65c pure bleach ed linen Table Damask, in beau tiful patterns, at, yard' 49c Napkins for This January Sale $2.25 extra fine satin finish linen napkins, January sale price, per dozen . .$1.59 Whit Cotton Crepe Suitable for making waists, dresses, undermuslins, etc. - This is a cloth that appeals to the woman, as the crinkle will neither wash out nor stretch out, and requires no ironing 25c quality Jan uary sale, yard 12V& 40-inch nainsook that sold regularly at ll'c yard January clearing- sale, yard 13Ho There are thousands of cus tomers who are waiting-' to buy beautiful Ziing-eria Lawn, We will ht-ll beautiful inr prized silky lingerie lawns tliat arc one yuid wide and worth 2-c a yard mi (special table, lit, yard.... 100 Muslin Sheeting and Pillow Cases prices on hundreds of dependable brands. Such high trade fiheeis and pillow at advantageous prices and you get the of Linens All our 12-in, Madeira Doilies, worth up to $1.00 each, on sale at, each All our Renaissance Lace Scarfs and Cen ter Pieces, worth to $1.50, at, each 75 Bed Spread s All our best grade mercer ized Table Damask, that sold up to 60q a yard, 30 39c quality mercerized Table Damask, off tfl bolt, at, a yard 25 i $3.00 pure linen Nap kins, full bleached extra fine satin fin ish January sale price, dozen ....$1.98 Kent $10 Napkins, the very finest double satin danissk napkins Hindu, 27-Inch size January sale pricr, a dozen $5.00 Bath Towels Pure white fleeced Turkish Towels, heavy weight reg ular 15c values January Bale price, each 9 Extra heavy cream Turkish Towesl, long, heavy fleece regular 20c values, at, each 12l'i$? 2 5c whjte fleece Turkish Towels, large size, hemmod ends January sale price, each 15 50c Turkish Bath Towels, extra large size, very best grade January sale price, each -25 All our Turkish Towels, worth up to $1.00 January sale price, each 49J Wash Clothes 5c Knit Wash Cloths, large size, January sale price, each It 5: Turknit Wash Cloths, very best cloth made, each 2V2 Cross Barred and Checked Mini fies figured and dotted Swissis. remnants of white pique, madra watstlng, etc. worth up to 25 a yard; January sale, yard, 10 36-iuch wide white Masalla fine mercerized fabric for making . dainty underwear, worth up to 60c a yard January sale price, yard 22 Kupei-ior K n ft, 1 1 s h 40-lnch wide lawns and India Llnons Thexe are mill ends .f hitch cost white Hoods. A bargain loner to lie remein lei ed. January cleurlnir sale prlie, pt-r yard 5o I.oliR Cloth A quality that ou wUl be pleased to buy: goes on sale at, yard 10f We advise buying now for Immediate and benefit of our close-to-cost pricing. s Mi'ii'h l.inle SusHi)''eis fJooi quality, worth up to 50c, at, pair 17 ? Men's and IVojit Woi-mciI Sweater foal sp in plain color and triuniu'l, wor:h ui to $1.00 cadi, at 25? .'Ira's- and Ho1' Wool Woiotcd Sweater IVc.ts All (olois und fancy trimmed worth up to $J.0i, at, each 7TC Men s .Made 1'um Worsted Sweat r l'oats--with or without military collar, worth up io $G.0 , at Sj2.50 Mcjj'k Wool and J.mili i ;ei'ccil l iulcrv imi . shirts and drawtrj, orih up to $1.-5 - m criv Men'a Kxtia lleaiy I Icece Mneil Ilium Suits, worth up tv at jOfi t lioice of All Our Men's luiooi ted Silk Neckwear In four-ln-hands aud French folds, worth up to $160. 25 a"d 50 Clearing Sale of Leather Shopping Bags All the John Mehl Leather Hags, that sold up to $'G0,' each, at. . . 75c and 98c Genuine Goat Seal Bags The Genuine Goat Seal Bags, with fancy frames, sold up ff Q to $3.50, at 1.UJ Lined and Fitted Bags 12-lnrh Goat Seal Bags, finest calf leather lined, fitted with card case, purse, mirror, perfume bot tle and powder puff, fff AO worth $4.50, at )li0 Baby Alligator Bags Genuine Baby Alligator Bags one piece skins, fine leather lin ings worth $6.00, $7.50 Bags at $2.08 Fancy frame and fitted bags, im ported goat leathers, six fittings, worth up to $7.60, $5 Bags at $2.40 Plain frames and fancy frames extra quality goat atock, fine leather lined with fancy ft) n fittings, at 19 Clearing Sale of CURTAINS And Drapery Good in Base- ment Iu order to clean up our stock In this department before the ar rival of our spring goods we sacri fice our stock on hand. All the full size Lace CurUins worth up to $1.00, each... 194 All the Importers' lace Curtains, samples, worth up to $1.60 at, each "25 All the full size Lace Curtaina One and two pair lots, worth up to $4.00 a pair as long as they last, at, each 49 All Single rortleres, worth up to $5.00, go at, each $1.25 All the Printed Berlin, worth 25c a yard, at, yard 15 All the 40-inch Plain Swiss, worth 16c a yard, at, yard 5 Ail the 15c Curtain Hods go at, each 5 All the (iothic Grenadine, worth 25c a yard, at, yard 12 Just 200 pairs of splendid import ed curtains, such as Real Duch ess, French Renaissance and Irish Point. These are worth up to $8 a pair; as long as they nr last, at, pair T.dD All our regular Lace Curtains, worth up to $4.00 a pair, at, a Palr $2.50 January Sale in New Rug Section Baaemsnt Velvet Rugs 3G.72, worth $."), clearing price, $2.59 at Axminster Rugs 27x00, worth $:.;j0, clear- (JO iii price, at.... vlavO Sample Rugs '27x34, worth $-2.b(), clearing $! OQ juice, at vletlJ Notion Clearance Main Floor 2 4-yard bolts of White Tape. .4J Dutch Linen Tape, all widths; two for 5 Hooks and Eyes, 4 cards. . . . 5 Safety Pins, 4 cards for 5J Skirt Markers at IOC Boy a' Suspenders and Supporters combined 0? Women's fino Pad Supporters : worth 3 Oe at 19 Big variety of mixed Threads black and whi'e, worth to Cc a spool; per dozen 10 Ulg lot of Sewing Silk, worth to 10c a spool; at, simjoI Fine featherstltched White Braids worth up to 15c a bolt, at 7H Dress Taffetas Worth 59c at 29c yd. 50 pieces Pheonlx Mills Tine Presa Taffetas, in all colors and black; worth C 59c yard main lf( floor, at, yard UVj Dress Flannels Our entire stock of fleece hack Flannels every yard perfect and washable the 12Vic and 15c flannels from the holt, at yard BASEMENT 5c Women's and Misses' Sweaters In medium and hip length, in all colors, in cluding white; worth up to $3 clearing sale price, second ftr floor, at Vlud Teasledown House Robes A special lot in our clearing sale on second floor, worth up to $2.00 each. at 98c Lace and Net Waists 300 Women's $5 Waists, in colored silks, and white and black laces and nets, go at half price la our waist de partment 2.50 Tennis Flannels Just 5,000 yds. of Fluffy Tennis Flannels will be cleared away, at yard BASEMENT 3!c Men's Pure Wool SOCKS Men's pure wool 25c Socks, black and colors go at half price clear- M c 12c 1 1 1 ft dqiq at 3522 Duckling Fleece Worth 15c tt 7k a Yard Heavy weight chamoia fin ished fleeced. In beautiful fast colored patterns for long or short ki monos, the 16c grade, at, yd BASEMENT 7!c Serge Suiting We will clear away all the 1 8c serge suiting, from the bolt, at, yard u BASEMENT House Wrappers Choice of our $160 House Wrappers, in percales dark colors; in our basement at 69c Underwear Your choice of our women's ribbed, fleece lined vests and pants, winter weight, 50c quality; on sale, main floor, garment 29c 1 Axminster Rugs S-oXlO-ti, all new patterns worm iju; clear- . . no 18'i8 on third floor. Axminster Rugs N-CxlU-i, all new patterns, worth $15; clear- $)) ins sale price, 1 l" third floor Brussels Rugs Kuli 9x12 seamier; never sold for 1 hs than $18.50 clearing sale price, third lloor . 121s 12 a