TTTK TUT.: OMAHA. S VTinDAY, PEPFMRFT? HI. 1110. iiil Pre-inventory bargain giving reaches its climax in Saturday's grec ferings Our last opportunity to reduce winter stocks before inventory is completed. A A 1. . 1 W W 1 cat of- greatest opportunity to select from complete stocks of high class dependable winter merchandise at a small part of the actual worth. Buy early whil assorcments are complete. You cannot afford to miss these. lUU - J , I 'fcuA'i'. .vrrr '; N Two Grea Hos ier Specials Ladles' Fin Imported Hos iery, In rj merr, rarriT )7.fd and ilk. plain colors or rmbrot(Wd ; nearly l,i00 dozen pairs In th lot regular valuea to 75p and $1 00; on sale Saturday. In two Iota pair, 1 5c-25c Children's 2.V- and Wrr Ho, lery Wool, fleer lined or cotton; light, medium or heavy: all atzea; on sal. 10 12HT 174 HP rl i 1 f Pa Ryan's 5fock Rooks, Htatinnery. Frnmes, Ktr., on sale Saturday In the Domestic room at 2"c on the dollar. U ritlntf Tablet, worth to 10c . 2 Bo Writing Taper, worth to 2 3c, t .- 10c Post lartl Frames. Saturday, three for 5? Pont artln. regular lc kind, Sat urday, three for The dreat Sioux Nation, a regular $1.50 book; on sale Saturday at 23C Pencil Rexes. Pictures. Compo sition Books and hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention a One-Half and Lesa Than Actual Worth. 35c Ribbons, per yd., 19c Saturday will be the greatest ribbon sales day of the season A GRAND CLEARANCE SALE of all kinds of plain and fancy ribbons, on Saturday. '.Uir Kihboris at. yard IOC U.'V Fancy Kihoona. van I. . . . I Of SOr Kihoons at. yard 1 2 l f I ftc Itihbonft at, yard 2f ' All other qualities at similar sweeping price reductions Satur- cltlT Silks Less Than Half 3.0)0 yard of Main and Fancy Silks. Mescalines, Taffetas. Poplins, i'eau de Soi etc.. etc. cheek?, stripes, plaitl, plain colors, fancies worth up to $1.00 "7 O at JOC P re-Inventory Clearance Men's Winter Caps 7.V to $l..")0 values. Kerseys, worsteds, corduroys, etc., in all styles, 1,200 of them to select from; at, choice 45c Fur inside hands, all col ors and sizes in this his? lot. John II. Stetson Hats, In complete assortment of- best styles- prices $3.50 'P TKt'NKS All floor samples to b closed at Dig Ilaritnln Ibices Saturday. Special Sale in Drug Dept. for Saturday tft! San I to I Tooth ro- d.r for 10 tta Sanltol Face Cream for 1 J5o Fxce Powdtri. in on hl lot, ail color ; at, per box loo II ifto and 3oc loom Bruans no at. each loo I0r Java itu- or Hon. .nl Fare Powler f or . . as 1 Oil alio pur Hydros"" Peroalda Tor aao Tl.rm i a ci." nest bran. In Tairum Powder for 8o lOo Hind's Honay and Almond Crsann for. 38 lie. six pura ffydrngen feroxlda at thrae bot tles for 2h: Wltrh Hazal or Al mond t 'renin for...l Flva bars of Ivory Soap for lto jap Roa or Paim 'live Soap at two u.i for ls 14c Wllllarna' 8havtiia toap for ao 10U Lir. Hlnkla's Caarara Tablets, 1n sIed but tl, for aac 12 U0 Wltlnton Hot Water Bottla for ia8 Ni Saturday A. M. In Houm Iresa Iep't, 2nd Floor Ladles' Long Challta Kimo noa, 1.50 valuu at 98 Long Kimonos, In crepe and flan nelette, all col ora, worth to $4 at .. -81.93 Pitt of In fants' Wear. X mm ii ; i w Underwear and Fur lishings at Surgrising Price Reductions Saturday w.mJItMm' Outtn wianaal Bklrta, 60c and 75o values; on aala Saturday. at XaH and flao baAlas Oatl n- riaiuMt Oowna, all eolore and atyloa, to I2-S0 Taluaa kt 9c and aso Xrftdlaa' and Mia ass Ail Wool - ra, J3.00 vaiuoa, ai &.au nu Variety, quality, low price all are crowd at tractars and aala makers. You won't find the raluea duplicated. Ladlae Xoa Blaava Teats, In fine wool or silk and wool pink, blue and cream; are regular valuea to S. SO; choice Saturday 8 Ladles' 91.00 Union Salts, In all sizes, at 49o X.adlea' S3JM Wool Sweatera, choice 2.S Cnlldren's Wis tar Vadarwear, resular Sue quality OA LavdlM' 80.00 Wool Sweaters, choice Boys' Sweatera, all wool, 2.o Taiun. at OblUrea's OloTes, worth to $1.25 at Ladles' Oolf Olo-res, all colors, Talues to 7Rc; rhoire 85a La41ea BUd OlOTea, valuea to 12.06 rir to i'Iohm 49a and tlMt Cnlldrsa'a 73c Bompeia Saa All Broken Unt of CorsoU that Sold to $1.23 go Saturday In on big lot to cloae, at acr Liquor Department Specials -yer-old Whlakiea Maryland Rye or Tenneaaea Whltt Corn; pr full qiiert.Tooj per gailon ta.SO S-Tear-Old WtuaWaa Overholt. Ouck enhelmer. Schenly, Willow Spring and Cedar Brook; par full quart. 11.00) per g-Un a.0 Home-Made tirapa Wins, red or white, a-allon W-00 Clearance of Yarns All broken lota of Tarn that aold for 15c a.akeln; on sal at per akain ba (ttrmu Xalttlna; Woratad, In Sat urday'a aale. per skein, 8everai other apeclaia. Htock up Saturday, lt'a certainly your opportunity. Every effort has been expended to make the last day of 1910 the best bargain day, the biggest sales day ever known. The splendid assortments, marvelous values we're offering will be a revelation to every visitor to our Suit Department Saturday. Don't miss this sale. t - J Yi. I -. i. ;- . 1 ymm y 11 ; if -r'iv ff-brtni'-J:' s & i4 ' if let atnraa? Us OloaS Deft. ran Saturday la Cloak Sept. AN UNPARALLELED OFFER 48-lb. Sack of the Famons Diamond H Patent Flour to Tee given away with 550 CHILDREN'S and MISSES' COATS Priced at lesa than actual cost of materials and includ ing all the styles, fabrics and colors bear skins, plain plush, crushed plush, Kerseys, etc. OX SALE SATURDAY A 41-11). Sack of Diamond H Patent Flour Delivered ee With Eacn af These Coaita. S00 "Littls Tots' " Coat, at S2.B8 150 Children's. Coata. S3.98 100 Girls' CoaU S4.8M 100 Mlaaea CoaU 85.08 Slsea 14 and If yeara. A-aLa Saturday. Genuine Heather bloom Pettlcoata fur thia day $1S And a aack of the Diamond H Flour Free to each purchaser. YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF ANY WOMAN'S COAT IN THE HOUSE, EXCEPTING IMPORTED PLUSHES, AND INCLUDING ALL OPERA COATS AND CAPES AT JUST $10.00 Coats at $5.00 $'J0.()0 Coats at. ... .10.00 $.'30.00 Coats at S15.00 $15.00 Coats at $7.50 $5.00 Coats' at 12.50 $40.00 Coats at 20.00 A magnificent assortment of newest style ideas, including all our fine imported novelties and broadcloths. Nothing to equal them elsewhere., Words fail to express what we have for you in Dresses Saturday. We secured the entire surplus of NAT G0LDST0N of N. Y., one of the largest manufacturers of women's dresses in the world. Handsome Silk Dresses, in the very jffi n QCt Clever new designs in "Wool Dresses, newest style ideas; Taffetas, Rajah.", XJrff JPoplina, Panama, Serges and Fancies, Pongees, Poplins, etc., $1S.OO, $20.00( J uM J none worth less than $15.00 and up to and $25.00 values, at ) V 11 $25.00. Materl&la alone would cost more than the price we aak for th's beautiful dresses Sat urday. Did you see them Id the window? Don't fall to examine them here Saturday; their equal never before offered at the price and probably never will be again. 100 Ladles' and Mioses' Party Dresses In chiffon, mar- . Nearly 200 Handsome Tailored Suits all wool fabrlca. Saturday 7 to 9 p. m. Ladles' Black Underskirts, 25 down In lot. worth $1 at . . 3Q? 7:;iO to 8:30 p. m. Elder down D r e a a I n g 3acquea, all colors, worth $1.60, choice at 69? Big Shoe Sale Saturday A clean up of aJl the odd shoos before in ventory at less than the cost to make. F'i men, women and chil dren. We have hud shoe sale before, but such values as theso are seldom, if ever, of fered. A few prices as indicative of what you may expect Men's and Women's Shoes, actually worth up to $3.00 and $3.50 in If. '...$1.9 8 All the 11.00 and 11.23 Crochet Slipiwrs 7T? Child's $1.25 and $1.00 Button Shoos 75 MIbsis' and Women's $2 00 and $L'.2.". Shoes. Sl.JiO Youth s and Little Cents' $1.50 Shews $1.00 Men'a Tan or Black High Cut Shoos, 16-incti a reg ular $4.00 value $2.7)0 Men's and Women's Felt or Plush Slippers Women's 39c and 60c Overfraiters, a button ami 10 button 2"- and Greatest Clearance Bargains in Men's Furnishings Undenvear Ever Known in Omaha Merchandising Men's $2.50 Shirts 98c All ?'1I I finest makes and qualities. flannels, madras or French percales, with or without collars, light, dark and medium colors; regular $2 and $2.50 value's, at. .9Sc Men'a $3.00 to $7.00 Sweater Coats; Saturday, choice. . J$2.-43 All newest colors, weaves and styles; all aizea; perfect gooda. Three Pairs of Men's Socks for the Prtre of One Pair 1,000 doaen pairs of men's fine Imported hose, In finest cashmere, mercer ized and ailk; black and colors, plain, fancy or embroidered; made to sell at 50c to $1.00; on sale Saturday at, pair 10 12 He 15 and 25? Men'a Underwear, worth to $1.60, in wool or fleeced, all sizes; on sale Saturday. . .35 and 49 Men's Union Suits, worth to $3.00, fine all wool. In all colors and, t $1.45 81.98 $2.50 Men'a Outing Flannel Gowns, $1.23 values; Saturday 49 Men's Silk Fonr-in-Hand Ties, Mufflers and 8unpenders, values to $1.00, at 25 Men's $1.50 Shirts 49c All new, clean, perfect stock, in light and medium colors, best patterns and worth $1 and $1.50; choice Saturday at 49c Men's anil Boys' Gloves and Mit tens, values to $1.25; Saturday, at 49 anisettes, messallnes; all newest pastel shades; choice new designs that sold to $35.00; In Saturday's sale, at, choice $19.50 new winter styles, nearly all $20.00 and $25.00 valuea; the choicest lot of values and styles offered in years at the price $10.00 Our Great Stock of Furs All Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs, IJ 1 Fur Sef5 Fur Muffs, at nail Not one garment reserved; it means an absolute clearance of all fur stock for us a price saving of just 50 for you. Dress Skirts 375 of them, regular prices to $15, choice $4.95 Beautiful French voiles, panamas, serges, fancy suitings, in all cojors and very newest styles; without doubt tho most delightful lot of bargains ever offered at near the Saturday clearance price $4.95 Big Sale of Fruits, Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers and Fresh vegetables For Your New Years Dinner Orasa aad aTnta for Slew Tears. - The very best Mlxad Nuts, per lb 1B Nedyah brand Highland Navels the sweetest, juiciest and richest flavoreU eranas that arruwe , per do sen. 1S, Soo, toe and tl lea. beet Granulated Hucar Sl.UO 41-lb. sack bee Hlfh Patent Flour. .Sl-SO t-Crown Cooklna na. per lb 10o Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb ls Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 10 Fancy Seeded Kalalna. pk...... -S1 Iha bast Lemon, Oranfe or Citron Peel, par lb. BromB-elon. Jellyoon or Jallo. pkf. .TH Orape-Nuta. pk( -I0 1-lb. cane assorted Soups 7V, Z-lb. caaa fancy Bweet Sug-ar Corn...TVa Z-lo. cane fancy Wax, String-. Green or Lima Beana THs Batter, Cheese and Battsrlne Special Sale. Kancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lo SOO Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb SSO Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb asa Fancy Full Cream Wtaconala Cheese, per lb SOS Faney FVill Cream T. A. Cheese, lb....oa t lbs s;ood Btmerlne , a& The &rea test Market la OmaJaa far Freak Yeeretaelee. Tou save from bf, to 104 by trading at Hayden'a. I heads freah Hothouse Lettuce Ba t bunchee freah Hothouse Radlahes. . . . 5a 1-lb. boa freah Hothouse Mushrooms. . aao Fancy Cauliflower, per lb THO I bunches fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnips. Radishes or BliaJots for loo Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb 8 Wo Large Cucumbers, each lOo Large Head LeXtuoe, each 7He 1 bunchee fresh Parsley SO Freah Cabbage, per pound 1H I lbs. 8neiled Popcorn..', 10 Caps Cod Cranberries, quart ...lOo Do Your Buying Saturday. This Store Will Close All Day Monday On Account of New Year's. So any preparation for Monday should be made on Saturday. Buy early. Pre-lnventory Clearance Bargains in China Departm't Bon-Bon Dishes, Sugars and Cream ers, Olive Dishes, Match Safea, Salt and Pepper Shakera, Individual But ter Dlshea, Napkin Kings, Btslns. Bread and Buater Plates, etc.. values to 3Sc; choice THa Fine Wine Glasaea. Water Glasses, Sherbets, eta., odds and enda of stock. Including cut glaaa; valuea to ZSc; choice Se and 10a fot Try WAY DEWS Firsts. The Last Sale on Hardware Brownla Roasters, ea.lSo oh I no la bhoe Polish, at only So ISo Voorman'a Sink Strainer 10a 10 roils Toilet Paper Boo lo Wilson Bread Tout era fur lea 4-tle Parlor Brooms, one to customer aoe Any else eHeel Fry Pan or Drip Pan, worth up to 4uo each. only...lOa Rica Root Scrub Brushes fur So (0 Clothes Ptns (three boxee), for 10a Large alia Galvanised Tub 10-quart Galvanised Pall fur is Japanned Bread Boxes, largest 4a Medium, 40e: small, 360 Worth J So each. Folding Cluthea Hacks only 4ao Heavy Llak Wash Boil ers, copper bottom, ex tra large else . . . . Large i.4 ideuium Sua Worth 12.60 each. 10-cjuart heavy retlnned Lien Pana, worth ISo, i 16c Steel Pancake Orlddles. worth 40c. only.... 18o 14-quart heavy raUnned Lish Pana, worth 40o, at aoo I. -uuart heavy retlnned Dish Pana, worth 60i:, at go,, II. 25 Waffle Irons, the famous Urlswold brand at oo Sugar Boies, holda $1.00 worth of sugar.... 3So 30a Nugir Boies, Japan ned, only aga 50-lb. sat-a of Flour Con. japanned 750 11.25 Shovel Ash Slftsra, nlZ ; 8a 1 5c Furnace Coal 80005. a. u"' 254 "COMING OUT" Hi NEW YORK What it Costs to Launch a Daughter ia Gotham Society. BEPCTCS 05 SHI OF PTOSE Aaywaiere rrsa $aoo ta sssoo WtH De tka Biiiine trie Baasi te fsreery Ttesa. Nent to matrimony and standing up at her grandson s christening, coming out" iparka one of the most Important epochea In a New Tork society woman's career For her It ta the place where "brook and river meat." It is the threehold of a new existence, with all the dreame behind her aad all the realities yet to corns; the Brat eventful milestone on life's avenue. And on how aha gets by the Tret milestone de panda much of the aurceea of ths rest of her Journey. She has reached It. a finished product, with at least sixteen years or me most re re ful training to her credit, an J. along with the practical trend of thought ef the preeect day. the public haa lately beea led to Inquire. "How much doee it cost ?" it is not such an easy aueetlon to an swer, in view of the wide erope of vary ing Ideas aa to what Is beat In the develop ment of a debutante. The woman with limited means and elaborate Ideaa ta likely to expend mora on her daughter's prepara tion to enter society from the morning she leaves the nursery until the ntftht she enters the ballroom than the woman with simple taste, though the latter'a In come may be triple thai of the former mother. Frequently the mothers themselves do nothing in the way of entertslnment for their daughters, the responsibility beln taken over by an aunt or some other rela tive. Even where the Important function Is to be a reception or dinner danoe good taste and good sense are evident In the ar rangements being made, and while there la by no means a stinting of artistic ef fect, still, at the same urns, there Is no suggestion of display. Dews tew Ceilel FlsTra. As to the cost of thla function, which marks the final step in the preliminary training of the nation s fairest flowers Into society women of the world, it be came evident without further pursuancs of the subject, that the cost may be mod erate or extravagant tn the extreme At a certain hotel at Fifty-ninth street, Man hattan, which haa probably been the soene of as many debutante affairs as have taken place anywhere in the city outside of pri vate houmta. there Is the most attractive room, which may be had at Li- This room has already been greatly in demand and sill mark the setting for many of the de butante function before the season Is out. Granting a tea or reception of, say, f people, the possibility of Introducing a girl under dVUghtful and at ths same time very sane condltlona financially, may readily be seen. For such a function three piecea 01 music are sufficient. Each ploce is 110. There are many simple and Inexpensive beverages, such as Sautcrns punch, tn de mand for such occasions, and aa Sauterne ;s not more than U 60 a quart and it would hardly require more than ten quarts for a punch for 3"0 people unless, of course, they are dancing -thia most Important item of refreshment may be covered under Ui. allowing for fruit, etc. If the idea of simplicity is carried out and good taste in selection shown, tns most attractive droo ratlona In flowers need not cost mors than I! 00. Allowing for incidentals then, the af fair is a matter of about S300. Swinging tha pendulum in the opposite direction, a dinner dance was given at this same hotel a short time ago to a well known debu tante, the coat of which, according to ex cellent authority, wae KO.OOO. Only aa Inetdeat. The coming-out dance, reception, or tea la only an Incidental, however, compared with tha long string of expenses for train ing which precede the momentoua party. Above all things the girl must be well educated, but education not as her brother knowa It. He haa a series of tutor, guns to a preparatory school and then. If he doesn't buck-Jump and bolt into buslnesa, he passes on through his four years of college. He may even add to thia a spe cial course. But for the girt whose outlook haa been shaped on a purely social career a gov erness Is her first educational companion, (he has tn addition to thia a nurse who, in time. Is replaced by a maid. Should her family ba going abroad and decide to take her with them, the added advantage of travel ia considered a val uable Item. She will probably go to Eu rope before she Is out. anwway, and often an effort is made to have her live In France or Germany aa a child In order to gain the languages. In any event shs will have a French and German governesa living with her for a time in order that she may acquire a perfect accent, and It is not an unheard-of thing for a girl to be attended by an Englishwoman also, that sha may t the intonatlona and accents of our cousina across ths sea. Later aha will probably be sent to a fashionable school, which will taka In tha ususl eourss of study and in addition to this shs will have musia and dancing placed In ber list of acoompllahmenta. Tho following then will give an Idea of a few of the ltema of cost expended on a girl from ths time she leaves the nursery to taka up her education "according to the station of Ufa to which shs is accuatomed," aa they say In tha law courts: school tuition Il.ono Violin or singing 2U0 Plana 150 Dancing lessons 10 Park riding lessons, per hour. i Governess, per month to Maid, per month 10 Groom, per month to Thia dors not Include dressing, which la so largely a matter of Individuality, nor the cost of keeping a motor or horses and traps, and also does not include amuse ments, all of which matters of expense differ widely. As the child grows Into girl hood it Is likely that shs will be sent to soms smart finishing scnout, tns tuition for which will amount to between $1,300 and 11.500. Tiers Are Other Items. In addition to tha accomplishments which shs is already cultivating, thoae who are piloting her on to ber season of triumph will find it advisable to have her take spe cial lessons in something which sha haa already shown herself adfpt at, ao that whenever aha la called upon to add to the entertainment in progress, shs will be ready with her "stunt." And ths more original tha better. Finishing lessons for piano are, as a rule, ti a lesson, mhlle for violin and voice culture rates differ according to ths teacher and whether the lessons are being given in this country or abroad. A num ber of girls especially those fsw who have elected to go to college have taken up the banjo, the mandolin, or guitar, and though it can hardly be classed as "art," these girls are always sure of a big fol lowing mherever they and their respective Instruments are found together. Fencing ia another accomplishment deemed to be of great value from the standpoint of health and graca. Tha trips abroad are another big Item checked against father's bank account. These visits before the time of my lady's coming out are generally of an educa tional nature and Include nHs to points of historical lntereat, which have been pre viously studied, and tha large share of at tention which Is always accorded the lan guages. 'The traveling expenses attendant 13 two New York g'.rls abroad re cently. In charge oi an instructor, totaled K.M, exclusivs of any other Item. Tha remuneration to tha Instructor, It was un derstood, was not less than P. 000. Casslder the Clothes. Long before the prospective debutants reaches tha year of her coming out there la ths all-absorbing qusatlon of clothes. Hare, again, it la Impossible to specifically state the coat of th most Important and interesting item dress when It Is con sidered that one girl will frock herself on half tha amount expended by ber closest friend; is quite candid. In fact, about keep ing her cloihea going back and forth to tha cleaner's, and having small rents and tsars mended, while the other turns over to her maid any garment which has bean the slightest bit soiled or disheveled. Aad aa for whits gloves wear them after they have become blackened on tha finger tips? my word: A debutante of the coming season walked Into a big department store re cently and purchased a silk petticoat, for everyday wear under tailored suits, pay ing 124) for It. Another woman has a masseuse who Is with her exclusively, for which service shs paya a good round sum. These Instances are tha exception rather than th rule. There are dancing frocka and dinner gowns and oat-of-door suits and silk stockings, lingerie, parasols, slippers, rid ing boots, and ao on, forever and aver! Dancing dresses may be hsd for 171 and upward. Tha chances are that tha beauti ful frocks worn by debutantes at ail tlie dances this season so far cost considerably mora than the lowsat price quoted. It Is posslbl. to get afternoon frock, tor Uo whthP7rd- t,,OUgh n' " which doe. not .t i.t cost habit, ar, alw.y. at t. ,OWMd,i boot. mad. to order, ar. quoted at on. of th. .martest .noemaker'. I town at VZi a pair. this regard, putting It slsngily. th. M(.ut girl rarely get. off with less than I a season. Hosiery Is also an Important quN. thin. At th. very !., a aon stocking, ar. necex.ary to start with and thes. cost from (4 to a pair, frequently more. No girl gets along with less than three cloth suit, a rough twd. a broadcloth and a nicer dress of velvet or corduroy effect. Th. simplest tailored suits. If they are mad. w.ll, cost 1109 at tha lowest Then ther. ar. fur coals to be considered hot to mention stoles and muffe. and hats which cost anywhere from 128 to tjo ' N.w Tork Times. 3falgr the Baby 1st imam. Such lovers of picturesque eeremonisa aa tha Japaneee do not let an Important eveot Uk. th. naming of th. baby pass without proper observance. The infant s birth Is immediately snnouncsd to ths relatives and friends, who hsxten to send congratulations and presents. Visitors used to Insist upon seeing tns mother and child, but tha spread of medical knowledge la gradually chang ing mis. On the seventh day after butii the rhiid Is named. The first horn son Is frequently cailHd "Ichiro." which means First. ' Ot tiers, as in Latn. are named "Second. ' "Third.' and ao on. Girls are mors lucky, receiving picturesque nanirs HUa ".Vinnar ' ' ... .. - j , 1 iiv, ti nin, ' 1 U 1 7 , and the like. Wide World alagaziaa.