THK- TtKKv OMAHA. THl'i;slAY. DKCKMnKJI 29. 1010. Thf, omaha Daily F'H'N I KI J BV f.lWAMi R iSF.WATF.TV VICTOR RUeUYVATF.R. EDITOR. linteicd at Omaha poatofflc as second class miller. TF.RM OF BUBffCRIPTION Sunday Bee, on year 2 M Ss'urdsv pee. on .v-enf" I. Ml lallv Bt (without Curxlay , on yr..i m Daily Be and Sunday, on year $ 0 I'KMVEKRU 1IT CARRIER, liv en ng Re Without Sunday). per week B K.venlnt btfth Snndayi per week....N'C Dally Bee (including tiutiday. per wek..l..e 1' lie (w.tliout Pundayi. per week..l'3 Address all complaints of Irregularities in lelivery to City Circulation Department. OFF1CKS. ( tialia The Hee Building. bouin Omaha 2i N. Twenty-fourth Ml. Council H.uif-L, Scott Street. Lincoln-,!-, Little Bu idina Chicago 1& Marquette Building. Kna City H liance Building. New York 24 Went Thirty-third Street Washington 7S6 Fourteenth Street. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. conimunlcatons relating to new and editorial matter should he addreised Omaha Bee, tditorlal iVpartmenl REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, expreaa or poetal order I HMtil to 'I ho lie Publishing Company, only li-cent stamps received In payment of roail account. Personal checks except on uinuh and eastern exchange not accepted. STATEMENT of circulation. Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, aa. . Ufotgfl H. Txschuck traaaurer of The Re Publishing Company, duly aworn, para that the actual numoer of full and i-oinpleta copies of The I all . Morning, Kvenlng ami Hucduy Hee pr.ntwl during in month of November, hJ0, waa aa follow: i .43,680 . .43.S00 . .43,600 , 4350 44,28 44,00 .......43,760 ....... 43,00 43310 , . . ... .43,680 43,30 40.680 '(.ill... ..43,670 x . 4,t30 .44.200 , . 46,300 ..3,ai , V . .64,680 ( . .45.470 ' . .44,840 , , .43,940 . .44 800 ' ; zo... 21. .. 22... 21... 24... 2S. .. 21... 27. 10. . 11.. 12. . 13. . 43,740 I 43,160 43,883 21 43,180 2 43,340 SO 4fl,30 14. . . .'. .' 43,3643 la 43,960 Total..... 1,330.880 Returnod C'oplea . . ..,. ie,43 Mat Total....; 1,305,454 I 'ally AVer v. v..,.. 43,616 ' OKOROE li. TZHCHt'CK. 'Ieaaurer. Subacrlbed in thy pretence and aworn to b. ioie me tula Wta day of November, 1810. ' M. f. WALK.H.R, theal.) , Notary public. Huliacrtbera leavlngt k city tem porarily abaald hav Turn Be mailed to tkrn, 'Addreaa will iltanaeri aa often aa reqaeate. What Is the Btate of Egypt " Mki a correspondent. Dark. It look a It th druj itoro dram j op had a little trouble ahead. Apuareutly Woodrow Wilton ll bent on starting an Ananiaa club of hli own. '; Another aviation record broken at Log Angcleg euggesta that that is a great air town. Yes, this. 1 veryjjne weather, but t here Ma vlanty, oisa4ni for the rbap tody over spring. Even that Meaican revolution teemed for the time being calmed by the spirit of Christmag. Evidently there la .a "Big Six" com bination in the Texas delegation against "Little Joe" Bailey. Reform is stalklng'iu the front door of West Union, O., where illegal vot ers are pleading guilty by the wagon load. - A Or. Jelly has resigned his position in Massachusetts aa examiner of in tane asylums. That ia a sweet job, anyway. It Is fait to presume that Willis E. Reed's brother out in the western part of Douglas county has been getting busy for him again. . A Kansas City judge denies a man's application for divorce because his wife smokes. Seems to be a very good ruling for Missouri. So long as Congressman Sulzer clings to the doctrine of "To the vic tors belong the spoils," his democracy must not be questioned. Dr. Wiley Is not far off In saying that in times to come the wind will serve as fuel. Why, wind has been turning the mills for ages. The Atlanta Constitution says whisky is regarded as luggage In the dry sections of the south. It Is con sidered a load most anywhere. Thus far It U .gratifying to know that those government clerks at Wash ington, are not threatening to strike because tit thai extra half hour. .Me. Rockefeller's assertion that he 'co-operated'4 in founding the Univer sity of Chicago gives somebody a i nance to ay, "Me and John D. don it." ' : ,-' 5 Th gag company'g bill against th city for street lighting has expanded ST 5,000 between council meetings. Muat have lcn ruu through a gas meter. Attorney General Mullen haa gotten hi picture in the papers as a result of hi ouster proccedluKS against Chief I'onahue. Well, that's something. And now a restaurant dishw gutter l as Inherited $2 3. "til and U looking for a wife. If he wer a good fellow ho would k( one of the waitresses In on the deal. Of course, all good democrats elected to the legislature will go into democratic caucus and organize both routes on democratic lines A demo crat Is only a nonpartisan when he is after xttuublicau vjju-s. Wider Open or Tighter fc'iut. I Johnny Bull, mid there- l no reason to In public statement K. ll Quack-j t,li,,k ,hal h,u hp not rpfl,K't enbush, wbo Is being pushed by th!hiH rpal feeling" at that time. So any dry d-ruocrata for speaker of the im- "tmpt to construe his spcrrn Inlo an pending legislature, bring nul t lie I offense by the United States to other logic of the- wide-open primary, which "a,lon 1""sf treated as far-fetched. la for a primary mil wider open. Mr. i Qua kenbusb. not only favor retain-I log the open feature of the present primary, which permits every voter to help nominate the candidates for any political partv he choose, but he would open the door further so the voter could vote for any candidate for any place on any ticket and thus help nominate candidates of all the varlouit political parties at one and the same time. The open primary as Inflicted on us by the last democratic legislature pal pably destroys the Integrity of the party by enabling members of one party to make up the ticket of the op posing party, and this proposed wider open primary would make party nomi nations meaningless. It would intro duce into Nebraska something very similar to the by-elections In European countries, where one election Is held and if no one secures an absolute ma jority a aecond election decides be tween the two polling the highest number of votes lu the preliminary election. What a w ider open primary, and our present wide-open primary also, would lead to can be seen by Imagining it ex tended to the choice of delegates to platform convention and to national nominating conventions. Suppose our primary law were to Invite democrats to write republican platforms and de termine who should stand as repub lican nominees for president and vice president, and vice versa. Suppose such a primary were extended to in clude the membership' of the party or ganization and permitted avowed democrats to choose the chairmen and committees to manage the republican campaign and vice versa. The mere statement suggests the vlcioua possi bilities. Party government ia either desira ble or undesirable. Our open primary law should either be thrown wider open or be closed tighter shut. Inquiry of Express Companies. Not many business Interests or pri vate individuals who have dealings with the large express companies will be inclined to discourage the Inter state Commerce commission's proposed investigation of those corporations. Th?y not only form one of the tightest working combines that has ever ex isted in this country, but they are so generally indifferent to the character of service they render as to provoke remonstrance on that score alone. The remarkable fact is that they have es caped this official inquiry so long. It would seem difficult 'for these companies to deny that they operate by agreement. . It looks aa if they parcel out the country among themselves. But fixing their own ratea arbitrarily and their achedules of service is not all. They are' often impervious in their attitude toward the public, and this thing extends down ' to the humblest employe sometimes. People who have had just grievances too fre quently have no redreaa from them, less even than from the railroads. The parcela poBt, for which public sentiment long haa clamored, and which President Taft Is urging, has always been resisted, and up to now defeated, by the express companies. The reason may be found in the fact that recently one of them paid a 30 per cent dividend, with permission to Invest a part of It In a new 8 per cent ttock Issue. - Or It may be found in the j fact that It costs about 60 or 65 cents to send four pounds by express across a river or state line in this country, while the same package might be sent to one of a dozen different points In China for leaa than 60 cents. A parcel weighing not more than eleven pounds may be sent by mall to a remote corner of Europe or Asia for 12 cents a pound, but can be sent In this coun try only by express at cost many times multiplied. Effervescent Banquet Oratory. It appears that several European powers are exercised over a pro-British speech Commander Sims of the good ship Minnesota made at a banquet In London. But post-prandlal ebullition has plunged few nations into war. Uncle Sam probably will consider this fact In dealing with the commander's case. But bo far as that goes, it seems jcig Rnd i3soon skilled laborers, which the commander was sufficiently lncon-ja a very good showing, especially in trol of the situation to assure his hear- J iPW of ,ftt, f..t tnat n the same year era that he spoke entirely for himself j nore than four tinies B niany un and not in any sense for big govern-1 gkined a. .tilled laborers 1-ft the ment. or even as an official In the j iTnited States to return to their foreign American navy.' After-dinner speeches at lxst are treacherous affairs so far aa becoming real mediums of expressing a man s Boberest views. But they are so wholly effervescent In character as to rldlculo the Idea of attaching profoundly sc - rious import to their consequences, I At least that Is the general flow ofjth, ,hm complicated problem experience in th United States, and i wi, vH bo BOlvel to the satisfaction there Is no resson to believe it i anyjof Kmt ,eaf,(nable people. The presi des fluent around the banquet hoards (,en( tno secretary of commerce and I of England. Johnny Bull is n to j j,,,,. Bn,i ,i,e tmmlgrHion commis ! be a very fine host, even n connoisseur f ioll,r al devoting earnest thought to in ioiue viands. It Is quite w ithin Ihe ! jtg solution and v, ill send to cougrr3S sope of reaeon to suppose that uponJtnjl xvjIlU.,. SOine proposed amend thla occasion, honored by the presence i hlfll1s, j tne law calculated to effect of high officers of American battle-1 gt, pater Improvement. On, thing ships, be should gtilve to become a t (- wortny special attention lu the gta very hospitable host, and It Is equally ,jE,ica for ,ne last year's Immigration teatcnable to conclude that our gal-;Tnat ;h. 'that this reduction In llllter Irnt ship commander would seek to a(y gml ,ne jntrease in financial re do Justice to the opportunity au gra- fourtci i,gve been mgde in gpite of the clously set before him. , faft thgt the bulk cf aliens came fiora Of course Commander i'ims AaJ ! routtrrn' and eastern' Europe and ad foing to say tomcthing nicy about J jgt eiu toUntiiis. here poverty and Land Shows and Good Eoadi. The proposed Marcus Whitman hlehway from Omaha to Walla Walla, Wash., suKgested by Samuel Hill, ex ponent of the good roads movement, would undoubtedly become a valuable artery of commerce and a tremen dously vital factor in the general scheme of building up thla great north western domain. That this subject should be advanced now In connection with the land show to be held in Omaha next month is of particular sig nificance. It goes to show the wide scope and possibilities of an exhibi tion of this character. It becomes in strumental In awaking the people to all the needs of the country about them and to the various means of pro moting those Interests. The very na ture of a land show lifts It from the common level of a simple "show" and makes It a great educational Institu tion. For that reason people who feel a proper concern for their own and the advancement of the country should find a vital Interest in this display of western land products and resources. If this or other similar enterprise can be made the means of quickening the good roads movement in the west, then it will have done more than waa orig inally expected of it. But anybody who has knowledge worth while of empire building knows that good roads Is one of the prime essentials In the whole plan. Dealing with Kidnapers. All good citizens, and particularly the mothers and fathers of ihe land, must feel like congratulating the New York judge who gave two convicted kidnapers the limit of the law, impos ing upon them indeterminate sentences of from twenty-flve to forty-nine yearB. Fortunately the laws of that ttate ena ble the court to mete out this deserved punishment. Too many states have ueen lax in their legislation dealing with this and other similar forms of criminality. And even where states bave been awake to the enormity of kidnaping, many courts have slumbered. Kid naping Is one crime for which not the remotest palliation can decently be offered, and for which no one can plead that It be condoned, 'it is far reaching in Its outrages upon the home, society and the law. It has been tolerated, passively, far too long In this country, where It haa been practiced too often with comparative Impunity. This, of course, has em boldened the criminals and tnt.-puched them In their nefarious outlawry, too. far more securely" than people might imagine. That ought to be apparent In the difficulty encountered in at tempting to convict w-here the evi dence has seemed entirely sufficient. Kidnaping must be punished up to the maximum if it is to be broken up. It is part of that most' truculent class of criminality, blackmalling, whlch Is so hard to handle and venomous In Its results. Bands of these conscience less scoundrels, who make their living by stealing children and pulling at the heartstrings of parents until they ex tort blood-money, have been operating in different sections of the country with shocking facility and immunity. Nor should other courts presume too far on the efficacy of one example of punishment to effect a complete cure. It ia something that must be dealt witij severely In every case where the guilt is certain and the law permits. Higher Level of Immigrants. Many encouraging featurea of the immigration situation are disclosed in the immigration commissioner's an nual report. In the first place the atra molrirltv of tiewrnmiri In th j ut flgca, yfiar wenj g fap from the pauper class as to bring the total money wealth of the 1,198,000 up to $28,197,000. or making a per capita of about 127. Of course some of this money was In the possession of those 156,000 non-immigrants, aliens com ing over here temporarily, or return ing from vlslta to their native land, but the general average of finances for the actual immigrants was high. Then illiteracy among the immigrants showed a slittht decrease. There were 214,000 unskilled labor- homes. Allen contract labor importa tion ns a system seenia not to have I ,)(,t.n rarre(t on. though some lauoroik J flf ,hlg k)n(1 got lnto , be country. n ,ht wnole. the class of aliens I romng Utu the United niu,.i, lusher than it 1 States Is very has been, and j ,nere is ample ground for believing Illiteracy are more general than In the upper and western portions of the continent. "Trying to oust him from office" Is the caption over the portrait of Chief of Police Donahue printed in our ami able democratic contemporary. That tells the whole story. The democrats and their brewery allies need a scape goat and are therefore trying to oust Chief Ikmahue from office. They are not trying to oust Mayor Dahlman from office, although be Is the chief executive of the city, with the police subject to his orders. They are not trying to oust County Attorney Eng lish from office, although be Is the prosecuting attorney charged with the prosecution of all law violators. No, of course not, for the mayor and the county attorney were both elected to office as democrats and no democratic governor would ever order a demo cratic attorney general to try to oust them. Human nature la much the same everywhere, and so Is politics. Two years ago the "progressives" over In Iowa Insisted on a special primary to decide who should succeed to the sen atorshlp, confident that Governor Cum mins would have the advantage, as he later proved to have. Now "Lafe" Young, who boasts himself a "stand patter," is demanding a special pri mary to determine whether he shall continue in the United States senate, confident of his ability to win out, and the "progressives" are pulling back. All of which goes to show that in Iowa as elsewhere It all depends on whoso ox is likely to be gored, and that "pro gressives" play the game no different from the way "stand-patters" or "reg ulars" play It. It wlU be observed that the New York banker who came to this country as a Russian Immigrant and made such a meteoric flight fell from his pinnacle of success in his thirteenth year of ascendancy. Thirteen, remember the number. "Boss" Sullivan is having as much trouble trying to decide whom the democrats shall run for mayor of Chi cago as "Boss" Murphy is In selecting that party's candidate for the senate In New York. The original daughter of the Amer ican revolution having just been buried, the other S72 original daugh ters will please take notice and revise their calendars accordingly. Bolt the Door. Brooklyn Kaglc. Tha civil penalonn Idea Is bobbing- up again In Washington. Th open door policy Is all very wcl for Manchuria, hut the national treasury ought to be preserved from draughts, at lcat In . December. r.oolt-4.tVfcts Yeara.''' To democratic Ma tee men: Forget ' 1V1Z. Tour party cannot 'hvtp winning then unless you make blunders practically Inconceiv able.. Fix your 'eyea' Upon 1916 and luao, and so comfort yourselves aa to deserve tha confidence and hold the support of th people for a period' worth while. A tenta tive triumph isn't worth ahucks. Witness im and 18H2! Name Old Way. Chicago Record-Herald. The Sugar Trust will restore to the United States $700,000 as the result of an in vestigation of "drawback" frauds. Of course the high officials of tho Sugar Trust Insist that the frauds were com mitted by underlings who wished to swell the profits of the truet without letting their high-minded superlora know anything about It. Ilryan and Party Loyalty. Springfield (Masa.) Republican. Mr. Bryan H scanning the presidential mentlonabtes. He finds that Harmon and Wilson were disloyal to him In '8fi; as dls. loyal aa he was to Dahlman, though he does not allude to that. He understands that Wilson voted for Palmer In '. He would Ilk to have authoritative informa tion a to that. It was the unpardonable s:n. If Wilson waa guilty of that Bryan'a bowels of compassion will not, cannot, tncve. Too bad. Our Birthday Book. v Bombr 8, 1810. Andrew Johnson, seventeenth piOkldent of the I'nlted State, wan born lJeuember li. 'WW. at Raleigh, N. C. and died in 1875. He succeeded to the presidency upon ttie assassination of Lincoln and had a brief and slurmy administration, coming within one vole of being removed by Impeach ment. William Kwnrl tjladatonc, (ircat Britain's greatest statesman, waa horn lecember IM'.t, at IJterpuul. II warn several tiiiK'N prine nilnihtin and as IovIiimK called "Kngland'a grand old man.'" 'lie wan tho niHin lellam-e of (Jil,m Victoria diii ing Ihe major di l of her ioii.n. WiIMbdi Nov Hie. former congressman from Xrhruaka. wai b nil Mfcemliei' ,'t, 14.:. Ilo v.a a native of Illinois and waa ileeted to succeed J'tll ' (ieen from ihe llii Hlxth. Me la now living in Arizona. I!. A. I.oiis-der, secretary- of the Omaha Jilreet Hallway enmpanv. is 44 triUy. lie vs horn In et. l.oul end Martcd Into the street railway buslnena there In !i!i7, Mf. Thou. as 1 llreerilee. puslor of t'lifton Hill Prerht .erlan ci.u ch. was ho. n Ieinber L!. KV-. at Fredpi Ickt :wn. '. He Is a graduate of the Western Theologi cal seminary of ditching and afNiimed lit fifl pttxtora le at .Vlahon'ngton. in ls.'. He lame l'i maha from Noith I lane. licoMtc K. Tin Winston, loans and real rntaie. with offices In The Hee building. i- 4. He wax horn In II irhrlle. III . and e a giKiluati t the I nlvemiiy of I a la w rcltoo! He ,c.Hclicrd law in Omaha tor two .whii, going inio his present busi tifsn i?j I vi?. Wilbur I.. i'lii-Ros. vice re Idcrt of the l.iii r.t tr- Irandr n ii'tniany. aa and elec tric futures, in ie!eliral:nv hi 41st birth day. He was born in Lk ug'a county g:iu I ail In school before, going with the Kux-Ki'll-Pratt company, lighting fixtu.ia which hl prtkeut CJiupuny has no ce-d' il 'itorge A Kaiei:!, talciiian f ir C. B Havna & Co., waa born IiecemiVr 19 ;s7 . at Milo, Me, He tvs tn the tobacco hilness up to VV7, h n he went Into Ills plecm 11,114. Around New York Klppla oa th Current cf.X.lf as Bean In th Qraat American MatropoUe from Day to Da. Wearied by flften hours of work peddling fhrletmaa trees on Christmas eve. Harry Itelfer of Patterson, N. J , awoke with a grouch that carried no welcome for a Chilalinas box. At breakfast a letter bear ing a Chicago postmark was handed him. He opened It ralh.r llntleesly, for though uncle Louis IMaer lived In Chicago Harry could not recall any reason why that per son should writ to him. Rut before ti Patterson man finished the opening para graph he changed his mind. The letter told him of the death of Mrs. Rebecca Sachs, Reiser's grandmother, at Uerllngton, Baden, Oermany. Also It told of a half million dollar estate left by her, IW.OOO of which had been bequeathed to the man who had been trying to snort the odor of Christmas trees out of his nos trils. Putting aa extra package of buck wheats under his vest he scurried for th first train to Chicago. The report that Senator Root haa taken an arartment in Xew York City tor which ha will pay $2u,000 a year Is an Indication of the normous prices which ar asked for residence rentals In that city. This apart ment, to be sure, seems to b mor than one apartment, because It Is on entire floor and part of another. But even ao, It ia an extraordinary price to pay and one of the highest. If not the highest, prices ever paid for a New York apartment. The average rental of the eighteen apartments In this house Is said to be about -S).000. the entire building costing a million dol lars. This house Is now being erected on the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Thirty-first street. The building of this very expensive building Is an indication of the turn of the tide In the extension of residences to the north. This from the Washington Star, pipes off a political Incident In New York: Place, Tammany hall. Oramatis per sonae. an office boy and a visitor. Tim, sfternoon. "Is Chsrley In?'' "Charley who?" "Well, then, the boss, is he In?" "Boss who?" "Say, young fellow, are you hired to set her and eass your betters?" I'm hired to handle cards and messages, but 1 got to understand what folks are glvln1 me? What's your game? Whafs you drtvin, at? Put me wise." "Put you wise! Well, I'll P"t you wise fo this much. I belong here In little old xi. vn.i, ni I'm old enough to be your daddy, Charley Murphy and me Is friends since we was boys. I want to see mm anu shake his hand and tell him how good I'm feelln' over the way he done the re publicans last month." "Been in town right along?" "Reen out of town for a year. Out In Alaska, .lust back." "Thought so. Better thaw out an8 read up." "Well, now. you put me wise. W hat are you glvln" me?" "Take It from me. There ain't no Charley and no boss around here now. You want to ask for Mister Murphy now. Under stand? Mister Murphy. That goes with all alike." "Since when?" "Well, long enougt for everybody around here to learn his business. And my word to an old chum Is to learn his, too." "Well, then, Mister Murphy. Is he in." "He's In, but busy." "What' h doln'r' "Pickln" out a United States senator.' "How long will It take him?" "He knows. I don't." "If I was to come back In an hour could I see him then?" "Don't put no pussies to me?" "Hands full?" "I ahVt seen any fuller. An' full hands Is worth as much in Tammany as any where's else." "Mebbe I better put It off till tomorrow. How long Is this new wrinkle to last?" "I ain't no good at pussies, I tell ye. Mebbe till next yesr or the year later. Mebbe not so long. Charley and the Boss may return any old time." "But It's Mister Murphy now?" "It's Mister Murphy now. (Jet that straight Into your noodle, and don't let 1t get out." At a downtown restaurant where be lated lawytrs dine were seated the other evening a young man and his wife. Their table was not far front where the orchestra was playing. They appeared to be having a good time, from the oysters to tha coffee. As one glanced toward them one caught a glimpse of a bulky bundle lying across the woman' knees, half hidden by the folds of the tablecloth. It lay there quietly through the whole extent of th dinner. Presently the orchestra reached a spir ited climax, possibly In a selection from "Pagllaccl." The bundle In the' woman's lap of a sudden began to move. Th woman's hand deserted her coffee cup and reached for It. Still the motion kept up more vigorously than ever, and tn a mo ment there appeared two stocky little legs kicking a violent tattoo to the music. Plainly there was no quieting them. Th woman slid back from th table and set the bundle upright on her knee. A waiter came running with a baby's high chair and she placed her lS-month-old boy In It, facing th players. He waa content and she went back to her coffee. One of the most pecullsr building speci fications ever, filed In Richmond borough was received In the office of the bureau of buildings lit New Brighton the other day. The document was filed by C. O. Kolff. secretary of the K'rhmond Holding com pany, end is as follows: I propose to erect from the trees grow ing In the forests of Kmerson Illll a log cabin 1U-- In slso. with three windows, one door end u open fireplace with an eurllien floor. It la not to be occuplel ;i.s residence, hut as a temporary place of rr treat and contemplation for lovers of nature, htatesnipn with political futurea before them and behind them, those wish ing to reflect on Ihe gratitude of future gineiatlona anil the Ingratitude of the prest nt and past generations; for thinkers l i Kinersl and phllosophm born as such or grown l be such by the trials of pro frwslonal. commercial, political strife and ilrsts. Th" building will be of ln. Cost, I'miison Hill ia one of the residential parts on the eastern end of Clove Valley. (V.nroid. " Inland It was named for R'tlpli WuMn Kmerson. who lived t lit re for a short lleic. VValt-r W. Price, a Wall atrd't l.i'ok' r, and n an business snd pro reKslor;)) in n huve hor M on it. 'IhKHioie Boos, veil. Ilerry I.. Stimson. T'.iio tii I.. Woodruff. Jainea J. Hill. Henry Cabot l.ouk,-, Woodiow Wilson, .ludson l'aiiuon. i'hii'incy .M Ivpcw and other men of note will be Invited to enjoy the ho, pitalll y "f the cabin. It v III be built by a Vligma n-gro. who w.n brought north for thai purpoar. llus VIomiIi for Sena lorsli lp. Cl., ano mi! r-Ocemi. ' biuce t w nt -i v en rules will rlecl new Initfd States aenator's next uionth. con ' yre ought to le abl to turn over a new j laf ui two in It'll. THK 4I.TIMOHK IfllH IK ST. Feeding Mafekea of Humus loaqarr ora About tn D Oatrlaaaed. New York run. We should judge from the elaborate preparations making to entertain th I.OUD democratic leaders In Baltimore on Jan uary 17 that the day of dollar dinners for ! the democracy haa passed. In Mr. Bryan campaigns for free silver and free Filipino politics was cultivated on pork and beans, corn beef and cabbage, potatoes with their jackets on and water on th side. Those were feasts of cold reason at tl a plate, tips barred; there was no flow of soul. j A democrat who got up a five dollat j dinner was regarded as a monopolist and tiierefore an outcast from the society of honeat men. But In the day of success the democracy Is not ascetic. It hunkers after the flesh pots. Thus the menu prepared by Colonel V llllam A. Boykln. chairman of the ban quet committee, I of a sort to make the mouth water and the palate dry, which Is not so paradoxical aa it seems. On the list we read cocktails, Lynnhavene. Haut Fauterne, oonalmme julienne. Amontil lado, terrapin, two brands of champagne, mushrooms. Jersey capon, ranvaaback ducks. Fmlthfleld ham. hominy chafing dish, fancy Ices, toasted crackers, Coffee, liquors, perfectos. But this Is not all. We read that the flowers, plants and electric light display will be gorgeous. Moreover, the gallery In the Fifth Regiment armory, the scene of the feast. Is to be a veritable beauty bewer. The fair ones of Baltimore will look down on the thousand leading demo crats, who will look up to them for In spiration when the perfectos are lighted and the toastmaster rises. All honor to Colonel Boykln for selecting the harmon ious menu, with Its dishes like Islands In seas of champagne, and Qeneral Murray Vandlver, that "grand old wheelhorse" of democracy, deserve equal mention for the excellent financial report that Is submitted with-the bill of fare. Some of the demo cratic leaders may balk at the sumptuous hospitality of Baltimore. Others may sternly refuse to compromise! the epicures and monopolists Mr. Bryan may cry out: tJive me again my hollow tree, A crust of bread and liberty. But we fancy that every leader who has "a dree suit and the price" will apply early for tickets. THE PHKSIDKNT AND THIS SOl'TII Notable Disregard of Partisanship anil Sectional Line. Harper'g Weekly. There Is no doubt that the country was surprised when the president mad a south erner and a former confederate soldier chief Justice and nominated another south ern democrat for associate Justice of the supreme court. But there is no Indication that any part of ttie country became In dignant or frightened. Forty year aco uch appointments would have been Incon ceivable. Twenty years ago a republican president would hardly have dared to make them. Even today, although a presi dent of almost any persuasion might feel free to disregard sectional lines In ap pointing to such high places, to cross party llns so frly Is not so common, but It I If any republican president w hav yet had would hav been, under the circumstance, drawn so strongly south ward a President Taft was. IP freedom from partisanship snd his disregard of sectional feeling aro both rather striking. Perhaps his own experience on the bench, and his clearly announced position on fed eral judgeships, sufficiently explain the fcrmer. His attitude toward the south can be explained only by a deWberate purpose, formed either before his election or very soon after It, and firmly adhered to. For he has apparently determined to do all that b4 can do consistently with his other du ties to make the south like the rest of the country, and to make It feel Itself like th rest of the country In Its relations to th national government. For a while politi cians naturally supposed that his sol object was to make gains in the south for his party, and that, no doubt, does seem to him a thing entirely desirable. ' But such gains aa his party had made in that quar ter were practically wiped out by the re cent elections. It will not have another chance for two years to come. Yet th president goes on treating the south Just as he did In the beginning. His really controlling motive in this matter Is that of a statesman, not a politician. We should not be surprised If there were southerners, southern democrats, who. see ing that this Is so, would feel a trlfl bet ter if In the election the south had shown more disposition to stand by th president. Democratic Inspector Reports. Chicago Record-Herald. Mr. Bryan announces that either Folk, Oaynor, Harmon or Wilton will suit him aa the democratic nominee for president In 1912. Now what does Judge Parker think of the situation? 0 Hear the New Victor Records for January at.. A jE-a siiu. 151345 Douglas St. ' - - - i, rri J-SUirt Your Bank Account It is not necessary to wait until you ran make a large deposit. Make a beginning with ANY AMOUNT Oneo Ktnrtoil you will want to make it grow. Kqual rare uinl attention is given to every account, whether large or small. Come in am let us talk it over. raying- by Check Is th Sat Way to mettl All Bills. rbtJSHm Jt:mutm a ai.. r t- i'ir,-r. " m , ,.. I lilrleenlit and TEOrLE TALKED ABOUT. The committee of French women of letters appointed to award the "Vie lieu reuse" pi lie has giv en tto Marguetite Andoux. Ihe dressniaker-novepst. 1 rii prise Is of th value of let". Prof. Margaret F. Washburn of Ysssar Is to he one of the editors of th new periodical to be called the Journal or Animal Behavior. It will publish article on the hablls. Instincts and social re's tlotis of animal. The estate of J. P.ogers Maxwell of New York, who died recently. Is understood to be less than'V A year sgo b was worth ."0.0it'.im0. Part of his heavy loss ! came In the market Inst summer and a part is due to his continuing a cement na with the I'nlted States 3teel corporation. M sa Chittenden of Lansing. Mich., argue I nt the banuuet of the Michigan Horticul tural society that w ot king women In the cities should begin a ' PacU-to-the land movement." There are opportunities In farming for women, she believes, and thinks that conditions of living could be made more comfortable for many tollers If they would go to the farms William Kuhe, the veteran planlai, who claims the distinction of being the oldest musician In the world, is s7, having been uiuti at Piague of German parents In 1N21. ihtoughoul his long reiver .i... ixi.kc ilven concerts In association with all the greatest artists of the last half century, and he Introduced Pattl, Trebellt and Christine Nllss .n to the conc-u plntfoiui In Lnglund. For many yeats It has been the custom of Captain Cyrus Chase of Weil Harwich, Mass.. as soon as a snow storm Is over to harness his horse to a snow plow and clear paths around the homes of widows, women whose husbands are away from home and old men who are too feeble to clear their own paths. Jncldrn ally, he clears the sidewalks as he goes from house to house. As usual, after the last storm. Captain Chase was out at dayl'ght going over his rounds. LINES TO A LAUGH. "Poetor, I've tried everything and I can't et to sleep," complaint d the voice at the other end of the telephone. "Can t you do something for met' "Yes." said the doctor, kindly. "Just hold the wire and I'll sing you a lullaby." Success Muguzlnc. "She seems to be very fond of music." "Ves, Indeed. You'll always find her at the piano when her mother is washing the dishes." Petrolt Free Press. "How much Is thla manicure set'.'" "Three dollars." "Well. I think you ought to give ine a discount on It. It's to be ;i present for a man who haa but two fingers left on his left hand." Cleveland Plain I 'ealer. She Tht Is Maud s third husband, and thev all bore the name of William. He Vou don't aay so! Why tne woman Is a regular Bill collector. - New York Times. . . "I have been spending the week trsinlng a waitress." "What for?" "For the family she is now working for."-Life. "Pop. you know everything, don't you?" said little Joe. "Rome very few thing In th universe might have escaped ms." answered th parent, modestly, "hut they are- hardly worth mentioning. What do you want to know?" "1 want to know," rplled little Joe. "what relation an august king Is to a May queen." Baltimore American. She (during a squabblel-t ildn't you prom ise before we vvero married to try hard to be worthy of me? He Yes. and what's the result I overdid the Job and made myself a hang sight bet ter thsn you deserve. Boston Transcript. HIEAM WISE; Washington Star. Old .Hiram Wise, on fame intent. Into a race for office went. "1 will surprise The folks and never spend a cent." Said Hiram Wise. The other fellow from afar Came dashing In a touring car. He looked a prise "He Is too elegant by far. Said Hiram Wise. Bo Hiram got ldniself a mule And wore rough clothing, as a rule, of misfit size, And trudged slong with manner cool. Did Hiram Wise. The other fellow's tailored coat The general populace would note With scornful eyes. Bsld they, "He's too dressed up. Let s Vot For Hiram Wise!" That dressed-up chsp now toils each day In shirtsleeves and for moderate pay; And oft he sighs, "I would I had pursued the way Of Hiram W ise." In raiment flue does Hliam pose Excepting when back home he goes. And then he ties Ills "pants" with strings and wears no Hiram Wise! e Co Omaha, Neb. - - . - . Karnam Slreeli IX 1 C i i ! M 4V ;