TIM; HKK: OMAHA. WKDNKSDAV, PKCKMHKR 11)10. A BIG DROP IN COAT PRICES Inflii'liii vwry rir..iiniug cliill. jun ior. girl1'' jiinl siiimII women's model. Tliis mciiiiH more Uian in most louv-, for ovrry ami it j-trit'tly ;i 1!MH stlc rxprrive of the lalot I'jiliion tlionlits in iloMpniiiK nnl material. All f.n JlrlS' Costs, 1 All 17 1)0 nod ft Mi i;irl' ists, t All f Ti. snd $10 00 oirl' 'ost. st . . . . $5 ah sr.-.n and f 1 .1 SO ;irls' 4 'fiRlM. fit . . . , All Sin. on tilrls- Costs, St All I1DO0 Clrln' Costs, r $5.9) .50 Slr.es tn COATS FOR SH4LLE8 8ir.es 2 o I Vein $.-5.n:, Coats ... $.V0 Coal. $C..V) Coats SMALL WOIEN'S AND Netteet Netelty weaves n n I hs.vl romring. , 12'. Of) i out . 833 .l I i2 .in ( no is . . . S19.75 '' Junior Cn.ua m Junior Costs j . . 19.75 . . tis.so $13 tl -Al si 'IMX! 1518-1520 FAENAM STREET. civil life as he during the turbid peri id that men on the wrong Me or t-ixiy will leiail as "the good old days.'' It Is true that In the discharge of Ids civic dutl-s he la, lea conspicuous nnd presents, prob sblv.' a less entertaining picture than did )ila pioneer predecessor, who, clothed In the picturesque costume 'nf his class, cuuid Indulge m all the foibles and dissipation of Ins time, and sttlj retain a position of Iradcrshlp, If he wera a good Judge of horseflesh, a cisck shot, forgot to pay his debts, played nn all-night game of raids and at an opportune time could quote volubly from Chluy, Coke and Ureenllef, never neglecting ( thunder In the Index. These sliietuie are not Intended as a re flection on that galaxy of strung and Mrlle men who strove vai.antiy, miat I.rurivil.if , 101 l u m n rw uiiuri ruin 1 1 1 o 'i i n ro crude and primitive that the applause of their constituents was almost their only feebut to say that the glamour whlcn time has cast around their lives, la with few exceptions the chief reason ot their lesctie from oblivion. They were not creatures of the law, bound like Prometheus to tha rocks of cus tom and usage, and as such, compelled by the best traditions of their profession to conform with esiabllshed practise. Dur ing tha first slxly years of the republic politics was the chief field In which men of superior capacity exploited their talenta. The building of a republic, so far as It applied tn the form and administration or law differed only In degree from the long established and proven laws of Kng land and save for Its tentative head there was little theoretical variance. The true test came In adapting, them to the rest lessness of an unsettled people, and In toe chaotic social conditions there prevalent. In this work the essentials were more often found In the heroics of an O'Connor or a ('hosts than In tha prefundity of a Wilson, Marshall or Madison. With th exception of Daniel Webster, the New England fontlgent and Abraham Lincoln, who was in a class alone, there Is no authentic evidence tiiat any of the early backwoods lawyeia compared in erudition or logical sequence or even In the more commoD element of oratory with Cockran, lialley, Polllver or Beverldge of our day, and certainly not with men like former FiesldetH. Harrison, Roscoe Conkllng and Jamea (. Blsine of art Intermediate period. Years ago the -late Benator Vest or Mis souri tol'i.rna tha) lu his novitiate, prior to tha civil .waKV t ' h4 ' prepared three speech ' Which, -evict alight variations, aervvd aa.'hia' repertoire Hiring hie entire lifetime. .One of them waa for Fourth of July celebrations, one a funeral address and one, the piece de resistance, for political meetings. ' - Politics may be either' a pursuit or a di version, but -the law la a jealous, sleepless taskmaster. The work Of the lawyer must needs smell Of the lamp and. while we hear much of the great genius and logic of the office-taught pioneer lawyers who, as cir cuit riders, depended wholly upon the great guiding principles of the law and built their strut lures without hooka or preced ents, upon the broad foundations of these principles. I am not a convert to the doc. trine that; Natural endowments being equal, the technically trained, college-bred law yer ot 4.oday Is Inferior In power of mind and analysts to the earlier advocates, while in the preparation, nafe-yuardlng and con duct of a trial he l vastly the superior not only as a specialist, but aa a general p--. Ulloner. t ' 'Maximum Sentence for Two Kidnapers Italian Man and Woman Who Held Two Boya for Random Given 25 to 49 Yean. NEW TORK, 1 Ded. S7.-A blow to the kidnaping band who have been working in this and other cities Was administered ly Judge Pawcett In the county court In Brooklyn today, when, after unmercifully scoring Maria Kappa and Stanllao Fat tens aa a menace to the community' and de serving of the death penalty, the court gave them the maximum aentence for kid naping, an Indeterminate term of from twenty-fiva to forty-nine years In state's prison. Thy wera convicted recently of having abducted and held In' captivity Qluaseppa Long,o. years old, and Michael Rltso, 1 years old. They are children of well-to-do Brooklyn Italians. The JLongo boy's parents received a letter demanding $15,009 for the return of their child. HYMENEAL nATTSMOl'TH. Neb., Dec. 7.-Spe-cial.l-A very pretty home wedding oc curred yesterday afternoon at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKsy when their daughter,' Miss Minnie Elisa beth, aaa Joined In marriage to William M Pickard of Wichita. Kan. I Lev Mr. RaUilff, pastor of , the Crrlstisn church, officiated. ' '' The bride wore a blue silk and carried white chrysanthemums and was attended by Mis Lillian, l'ti-ksnd, sivter of th groont. .Th groonr u attended by Wal lace Benjamin of Wichita The pride la the duwirlr.o Mr. and Mr. Homer McKay and w born and reared In this city, jiadjat of (lis jimis mouth. High echoof fh fss been In the employ ,o( th j '.Te'enhon .company here for the lajtt four ytars. The groom Is a business man of Wichita. Th. nut cf Inwn guest ,fr: Mr. Jo eeph ' M"rmuh and dai.Khter. Coldle; I Mr. and Mre, George Amlersrm. Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph , t'ari'igan snd Mr. fi L. Latham, all .cf. Havrlork: Mi. William Matheraoq and aim Donald, of iimdha: Mr'. L. t. t'urj' of Vnlor Mrs. William r'rltrhm4 of I'u.ini 11 Huffo. Mr and Mrs. I J. beet d and'son R,tlaibl. of UiuhIii, Mr. and rr. Riy t.lf'ord and MauithH rs. Ncna and Ruby: Mr and Mrs. William Hunch and vu and dauchler, lioHard and Haul, of On,ha. MilRSSkM Defaulter arrrseri. M 1 T.W A r K E K, !.. Dec 7. -Fr .nk J. Heller.. fvrmr e.:'eiv of t tie fkaiao Pulskl l-v:v and Huiiii'ng ato:aiiui, oi Milwaukee, wii il'vai'tirureil five eai ago alien u tia. iiwi fled wvitn tuii'K eho; t a lei svuu of nitjc.t it. his accounts, pave hlniseif up to tlie authorities ttntrfv. The wansnt foi his aueal charged iliibciilr uietil of li.iM S. t;: S;..i .-'l.'v llr i ! HO $15 II yc.ir GIRLS 2.75 $3.95 $5.00 JUNIOR GIRLS and entlnr collar effects, In plain or fancy I Write for our large catalog and I Write for our Inrge catalog and I tuipplement. Lady Keenan Takes First Money in Meet on Friend Grounds May Bailey, Owned by Page and Moher of Friend, Is Runnerup Consolidation Divided. FRIEND, Neb.. Dec. 27.- Special Tcle- mm.j-iiy Keenan. entered by J. L. Keenan of this cHy, won first money In the stnle races, finished here today, and Mny Bailey, owned by Pace and Nosher of this city, was the runner-up, while rea ) Rreese, owned by Coates & Gabriel of T5x- eter, and Oklahoma Girl, owned by Wilson A Sloan of Hildreth, divided first and sec ond money In the consolation. Following Is the result of today's races: tn the third round Lady Keenan heat Faster Polly, Rugger F.d beat May Balden. 8. mpllclty beat The Conquerer, May Hal ley beat lonesome Lady. Seml-f.nal: Lady Keeenan brat Bugger Kd. May Ralloy beat Hlmpllclty. Finals: I.ady Keenan heat May Railey. In the consolation, first round. Mtnden Q'teen beat Harry K. Tham. Meo. Hreere beat Okus Pndas. Miss Corelll beat Hclle Clair, Susie N. beat Whitest Kver. Lady Opal beat Goldy O., Oklahoma Joe beat Kaeter Lily. Hecond. Sea Breese beat Mfnden Queen, Miss t'orelll beat Lady Opal, Oklahoma Jos beat Susie N. Heml-flnal: Sea Breeze beat Miss Corelll and Oklahoma Joe, a bye. Civil Suit Against Packers Dismissed Federal Officer Sayi One Case Is Stopped to Avoid Delay k 1 in Other. CHICAdO. Dec. 2T. United Plates Dis trict Attorney Edwin W. 81ma appeared to day befora Judpe Kohlsaat In the fsderal court and asked that tha dissolution ault of the government against tha National Packing company, which had been accused of being a trust, be dismissed. Tha order was entered by the court. This move was said by the government officials to have been made with tha ob ject of clearing tha way for tha criminal trials of packers Indicted on charges of conspiring against trad. Recently attorney for th indicted pack ers appeared In tha federal dlatrict court and asked that the criminal proceedings be stayed vntll the. civil ault waa ter minated. A federal officer said: "The packer wanted delay on the crimi nal proceeding!! to enable them to devote their time, to this suit, so w had this on disiinlssed to expedite the other." Three Killed When Fast Train is Wrecked "Red Hammer" on Alton Line Runs Into Freight Caboose Near Farber, Mo. KANSAS CltfV, Mo., Dec. ST.-Traln No. I known a th "Red Hummer" on th Chicago A Alton railroad, which left Chi cago last night for Kansas City, ran Into a freight train near Farber, Mo., early today. Three trainmen were killed, according to a statement of local official of th road. Th dead: B. DAVIs1. passenger engineer. M. J. CRARTHEK. pessenger fireman. II. M. FLORA, freight brakeman. None of the passenger waa Injured, ay the officials here. The psssenger train struck th raboos of th freight, which had failed to clear the main track In going on to a switch. M'GRATH HELD WITHOUT BAIL Champion Hammer- Threwer, Who Knot Man Me Fossa tn His. Home, Locked I p. NEW TORK, Dec. ST. Policeman Mat thew McGrath. the champion hammer thrower of the world, waived examination and was held to await the action of the gi sjid jury w hen an signed today before Magistrate llylau, on charge of having slu.t George Walker, whom th athlete found In hi home. No ball for MoGrath l fixed... Walker was shot fly times and there la only a fair chanc of his recovery. The wounded man says that Mrs. McUrath liiMled him to her horn to -( a Christmas tree she had decorated. He was looking at the tree when McGrath entered and h declares fliit brat and then shot him. FOUR TRAINMEN ARE KILLLED tollUlun rmr Parkerattnra, W. o I Due to Mistake In Heaal ln OroVra. PAKKKHSrH K1. W. Va.. Tec. "7.-Four tiaimnen were killed and three others In. Juied. ore of them probably fatally. In a collision of two great trains on the Ohio river division of th Baltimore .- Ohio rallrcad at Mer.ers Ilottom. W. Va.. early tovlay The d. ad : . H tl. KAN'TZ j WliXI.UI CTKPFET. rarker.butg. n- i ;lu cr. .1 M i r r ATT. II utitmgion. brakeman. . V. tiUADIIAM Paikeifburg. fireman It la said the rrew nf one of tlie train r.ad a ni.ttuWr in reading it order. C ATS Nebraska AUBURN MAN FOR OPEN PLAN . B. Quackfnbuth bavs He Wants This Sort of Primary. WILL ARRIVE UPON SCENE" LATE Candidate for Speaker Obllced Try t.an.nll In Kansas I It; trtnlr aernre ReHnrtlon nf Sentence. (From s 8isff 'orrespndent. 1 .1 N ' i,N, Neb.. Dec. ;7.-Special. I "I :ii In fsvor of the most open pri mary iw tiiat we can draft." said K n. fjiiackenhiieh of Auburn this morning. "We haven't tried It out fnlrlv even In the form In which It was the law at the Irm election and ought not tn condemn the principle, of course It worked havoc this one time, hut v-ry trnbabty such condi tions would never be met again. "I don't knne- whether they will cl"e the primary, make It wide open, or repeal the whole law. hut If a bill appears asking for a wide-open prims ry whlrh will allow any vnler to msrk In any party column or In all of them. 1 am for that hill. I'll tell you why. conservative. IiIkIi class mem will not swear they belong to another party In older to get a hance to vote for that party'a candidates. With the closed primary a man haa to pretend what p not true or slick to his parly's candidates for the nomi nation. A larfte part of the voting strength of the state will do this, but the rlfraff will not do so. They will vote as they are told. In any party's column. They have no parly snd the special Interests can con trol the placing of their votes. This puts the honest voter at a disadvantage. In an absolutely open primary the conservative, Intelligent voters who think out their votes will be able conscientiously to mark over as scattered a number of candidates as the dishonest voter who goes where he Is told." To be nn Gronnd Late. Mr. ijiiHckenbuph Is a democratic candi date for speaker. He has been waging a vlgojous campaign by letter, but Is not willing to make ny predictions as to the outcome, but In his refusal to discuss the situation was an optimistic smile that In dicated the candidate has high hopes of winning. Mr. Quackenbush will be at a disadvantage In the struggle for organiza tion In that ho cannot be on the ground early. He goes tonight to Kansas City to try a lawsuit which cannot be postponed and which will probably keep him busy un til Saturday. Hence he will not reach Lin coln before Saturday evening. This will leave him but little time In which to prose cute his campaign. Most of the members will be on hand before ha doe and "medi cine mixing" will be In full blast Torty eight hour before th Nemaha county candidate put In an appearance. Mr. Quackenbush Is aware of this ltu ation and does not like it. However, be ex pect to well represented by adherent In the contest. His opponent up to date Is John Kuhl of Randolph. Mr. Quacken bush has th backing of most of the dry democrat and a few wet one, whllo Kuhl main aupport will be drawn from the wet membership. H did not car to discuss tha organisation this morning, but In answer to a direct question reiterated a statement In which he ha formerly been quoted to tha effect that he would not go Into an Iron-clad democratic caucus, such a ha customarily been held by the dom inant party th day before the session opened. ' Members-elect will be dropping in for th first session within two or thre- days. No caucuses have been called except the demo cratic senatorial one for Monday after noon. It la more than probable that a se ries of conference will be held before th final formal caucus is attempted. Treasurers' Association. The formation of a Nebraska county treasurers' association will be the purpose of a meeting of county treasurers to be held In Lincoln January IS and 19. Seventy five or more treasurer and deputies are expected to attend th Initial session of the association. Letter from over the state Indicate that the money caretaker are much Interested In the move. Included In the Hat of questions which th treasurer are to discuss are several matters dealing with proposed changes In the statutes governing tha conduct of their offices. A move to repeal the law prohib iting the continuance in office of on treas urer for longer than four conaecutiv years may be cons'dered. In several counties tt la said that good treasurers are about to be thrown out of office on account of th In- flexible character of this requirement. Another question In which the treasurers r much interested 1 that of salaries. Higher wag provisions may b urged upon the legislators as a result ot the gathering of officeholder. Uniform method of accounting 1 a third top' scheduled for discussion. Jo Minne sota th state law requires an absolute uniformity of accounting systems, and many Nebraska treasurer would like to see a similar requirement In effect In th: tat. Aid to Weak School Districts. In compliance with th provisions of section 14b. subdivision 3. school laws, which provides that th tat superintend ent of public Instruction shall, on or be fore the last Monday of December of each year, certify to the state auditor the amount of atat aid due tha several counties, Stat Superintendent Bishop sub mit the following statement, showing the counties entitled to share In this appro priation with th amount du each county December 23, 1810: No. of Amount County. Dlsts. Due. Banner i mi lUslne 7 K&6 Boone 1 Boyd s box Butte :. ( wo kit) s; 1 K 1, :m .... Brown 27 CI a m 12 8 ( I II 1 l:' ll ti i; w "t t IS 11 Cherry .. Clieyenn Cuner ... Da w ... Deuel ... Dundy .. Frontier Garfield tiatdrn .. Hajes ... Hitchcock Holt ... 1 1:i 7sj tK SjS) a.. -jo ii !.y lit) two !. ? tij J.J.Vi iii $41 Hnker Keith Keva Paha . Lincoln l.oan 1.UUP McF'heraun Morrill .. . :i i . 13 2 '. 14 .. II . . 2". . M . 1.1 Nemaha I'eikina Red Wll'ow Hock ecctt'a Hluff Sheridan eloux I icier Total.. 4o.ernor' ReeeBllos, Major E 11. I'helps. who Is to be adjutant fneial of the Nebruska National guard, has rTfarge of the Insugurtvl proirrain. lie has not computed the program, hut la ready to announce that the reception for the incomliia- sute officers and the fare well reception for the outgoing officials sn. Ill he held at th slat house on lh vn- Nebraska Ing of January i Music and refreshments ere on the program, tlove rnor-elei t Aldrlch h not spiMilnted a military staff. Whether or not Governor hhallenb' rger will have hie milllary staff in attendance has not li"in announced. At one state reception both the new and old military slsff f fl er were present. tdalr'a Sentence Commoted. Governor Phallenlierger has commuted the three years' sentence of Lowell L. Adair of South Omaha to two years. Adair in convicted of biirglmy. He Is a one armed man. but served a previous sen tence. His wife Is in poor health and Is KtriiKKlibK to support herself and three small children. The governor commuted the sfnlcnie of Regnar Aabel of Harlan county from two years to one year. Aabel look Roods from his employer while he waa maniiKlng a store. Postmaster of Crete Ends Life by Shooting H. M. Wells. Made Despondent Over Loss of Members of Family. Commits Suicide. CRKTK. Neb. Dee.. 27. H M. Wells. postinsHter si Crete,, former Mate senator snd for thirty years active In republican party councils, committed suicide this af ternoon by shooting himself through the heart. Mr. Wells was 63 years old. He has been despondent. . according to his as sociates, for several days, largely. It I said, because of the death at Intervals In the last few years of his wife and two members of his family, He Is survived by a son. lie wss for many years editor of the Crete Vldette. MOTHER OF T0LF HANSON HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH Age W oman, In Try In; tn Marat Gns, Tnrns It ssTlmelf Dis covery stm ller. FLATTSMOt'TH, Neb., Dec. T,. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Hanson, mother of the late Tolf Hanson of Omaha, wa found In her room at the Masonic home today In an un conscious condition. Mrs. Hanson Is about 80 years of age and was missed from the breakfast table, she usually appearing In the dining room at 7:30. the usual hour for breakfast. Mrs. Hanson was found lying on her bed, apparently sleeping. The gas had been turned on and It appeared that the had tried to light It, but had not suc ceeded. Medical aid waa rendered at once and the aged woman soon revived, but lad she not been discovered at that time there Is no doubt but tn a short time she would have been beyond medical assist ance. NEW DKPITV STATU THEASIRKU Treaaarer-Rlect Georg Annonnces Appointment of C. 8. Mickey. BKRWYN, Neb., Dc. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Trreagurer-elect Walter O. George, announced the appointment of C. 8. Mickey of Osceola as deputy treasurer. Strict Quarantine at Franklin. FRANKLIN, Neb.; Deo. 2..-Chriatmas day passed very quietly In thla city. Ow ing to th city board of health' ptcla matton ther were ho public services held either Saturday evening or Sunday and ther were no services held In the church her Sunday on account of the quaran tine. '"The cHf marshal haa j been . .In structed to keep mib children under flften year old off the .street. Thu far only two children hava taken down with .scar let fever and theae are very light form of the disease. If ther are no new case th board announce that the public school will open January 1 K. annffen Injured. PLATTSMOUTH, . Neb.. Dee. .-(Spe-clal.) K. 8nuffen, a resident of the Ma sonlo horn, and a man of about S3 year of age, had th misfortune early yester day morning to fall, down a flight of talra. Mr. Snuffen wa quite severely cut and bruised about th bead and face. JS sbraska Sew Notes. BLAIR Friday Bight the Dana college basket bail five defeated the Woodbine normal team by th score of 64 to 12 at th Woodbine gymnasium. HUMBOLDT Karl Uffnr of this plac fell over the railing Into a cellar on the main street Saturday night and suffered a broken shoulder; besides so in serious bruises. He la recovering nicely. HUMBOLDT Rev. K. J. Cardy of the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening performed the ceremony which united the live of C. M Elliott and Miss Daisy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. R. Morris. Only th Immediate family wa present. Th couple will reside In Hum boldt. Piles Cored 1st 0 to 1 4 Daya. Tou druggist will refund money If Pax Ointment fall to our any case of Itch ng, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pile tn to It day. Mo. Rain In Sonthern Kansas. WICHITA, Kan., Dec. ST. A warm rain began falling In southern Kansas lata this afternoon and gave the promise of another break In the serious drought In the south ern part of thla state. The Weather. For Nebraska Rain or snow. For Iowa Cloudy. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Huur. Deg Record. OFI'I'-K OF TilH WKATHEH Bl'RKAU. OMAHA, Dec. tl. OI t iclal record of tm- ..... a.. A n...iii.llnii pnmnurMl v&ilh the coireiMin'i.ji l yrlod of the last three ear. If 1SU7. j Highest today I lowest today Mean temperature 90 It :t .0! 33 U 11 2X 00 .ou I in luiiBtu'ii ....... Tempt rat ore and precipitation departures front the normal at Omaha since March 1 isnd lompsr-d 'tn i-it- ni io years: Normal teinpetature S3 ' Fx- ess for the day 11 ! Total excess since Msrch 1 771 Normal precipitation Winch Hefi. iencv for I he d 0.1 Inch j Total rainfall kin. e il ircp i . . It J7 Inches I lieficien -v since March 1 14. s7 inches ! j Kxccss for c"r. period. I!" 4.10 Inches I Deficiency for cor. period. 1908.. 4 4b Indies I Heporls from stations al 7 p. m. I Slstlon snd Blate ! of W.ather fhecnne. cloudy I laveniMU t cloudy Temp. High Ksln- T p m. V. in U M M W h Ll. 1 I o- S a. in. j sy V-:r 12 m l I A23-"'M 1 P- m i tillZr i v. m :! fj&r p. m "! , cZZ J v- m w ! S p. m W p. m a. I . 7 p. m a I I S p. m 1 I.oenl est. fall. o f)! 42 .tin j M ,0 ' . .M ' 4 . '. l 4 ,0 34 .tn ! k t; U .1? ' X M : ,o ! at m I I env er. cloudy I ... ...in. . ..i.. 1 it s Moln. a. ci'.udv North I'latte. dear (Una ha. cloud v 1'tieb'o. clear Rapid City. It. cloudy. Suit l.sko Citv. snow... k.uli I- e i l.ir U ' w I I An n r ... . Sioux 'in , clear "4 Vslentin. cUsr 2 T Indicaiea trace cf pre Ipitatlon U A. WfcltH, Local rorecastar. ! GOOD ROADS MEETING TODAY Executive Committee Holds Session Before Big: Meeting:. STATE AID TO BE MOOTED TOPIC Governor nrroll Ont W ith ainlement lie Is for enfr Imnl for the ennle-a-Trnc of 1)11 FonnH at Altnnna. (From a Staff Correspondent. DF.S MOINF.S. In.. I''". 17. (Special Tele-grsm.l-The executive committee of th Mate Good Roads' association held meet ings todsy preparatory to the convention to begin tomorrow and to lay out a pro gram for legislative recommendations. Members of the rommittee are divided as to what should be done, some of them fa voring radlcsl changes In the rosd Isws. and others favoring only that a county engineer he recommended with stsrt for stste aid In road making. Judge Deemer of the supreme court will be the first speaker tomorrow. Several will be present and a memorial to the legislature will be adopted. Carroll for lonna. Governor Carroll came out today In a formal announcement that he Is for the selection of Senator Young to succeed him self and will aid all he can to have the legislative caucus select Y'oung for the short term. Sonje of Carroll's friends had started a boom for him for the senate. Oil at Allonna.' The finding of a quantity of oil In a well on a farm at Altoona. seven miles east of Des Moines, caused some excitement there and a plan has been made for sinking a prospect shaft to see If oil can be secured In quantity. Two Men Konnd Dead. The dead bodies ot two men were found In a rooming house this afternoon. Their names wcr Otto Bark and On Oberg. and but little wa known of them. Front ap pearances they hsd been dead several days and It was regarded aa a probable case of suicide. Two men were arrested and held on a suspicion pending Investigation of a minor robbery. Mrs. Aaron Burson of Balfour, Iowa, Has Neck Broken Wife of Postmaster of Town Near Glenwood Thrown from Bug-gy . Daring Runaway. GLENWOOD, la., Dec. 3t. (Speclal.) Mr. Aaron Burson was instantly killed at I o'clock this afternoon, being thrown from a buggy, striking her bead upon the fro sen ground, breaking the neck and producing a punctured wound In the back of her head. Mr. Buraon leave a husband and five children, th oldest 13 year of age, the youngest I year of age. Her hus band la postmaster and general merchant at Balfour, four mile east of Glenwood. Mrs. Burson and her mother, Mr, flurber, were going horn from Glenwood, being driven by Thomas Evan, hr brother. When about a quarter of a mile east of town the horse, ordinarily gentle, was frightened at a loaded wagon, shying and ! throwing Evans from the buggy. The ' horse ran toward town, th two women being thrown out just at th city limit. Mr. Surber I not at this tlm believed to I be seriously Injured. Th brother 1 un hurt. ... .. . . . ' TRAGEDY IN DES MOINES Two Meo Found Dead In Room with L'mptr Rottles aPrnhnhJr Dragged anal Robbed. , DES MOINBS. Ia., Dec. Z7.-Two men were found dead by th police this after noon in th rear room of house tn East De Molnea. Four half-empty bottles of J whisky found beside them lead th police to believe that this Is th tragic end of a j Christma spree. The police, upon suspicion that th two i dead men had been drugged and robbed, later arrested two men named Seevers : snd Smlthberg. Th eorpses wera Identi- fled ss Otto Bark and Ous Berg, said to j be coal miners. j CARROLL IS NOT A CANDIDATE laws Governor Annonnces That Favor Election of Yonng to the Senate. II DEB MOINES, la.. Dec. 27. Governor B. F. Carroll today anounced that he I not and will not be a candidate for the United States aenate before th coming legisla ture. II authorized th announcement that h I supporting Senator Lafayetl Young lor ra-elecUon. New Internrban. Oaened at Last. UKE CITY, la., Do. T. (Spclal ) Service on th nwly electrified Rockwell City branch of th Fort Dodge. De Molne Southwestern Interurben rail -road wa started Saturday, when th first car mad th trip over th new line. It contained General Manager Blake and Paascnger Agent Crooks. Th cara on th new branch run between Rockwall City and Fort Dodge and De Molne. Regular service on th nw extension was started Saturday, and cars will leave the V ' county seat every two hours for the jJJ , Junction. Th laat car with Fort Dodge M j and De Molne connection leavea at t '4b i p. rn. Th opening of th rvlc on th ft branch has been delayed for weeks because of lack of labor. The new branch wa P3l-e jmatism Will left Go of Vou When you correct the acid condition of your blood on which it depends. It only loosens its hold for a while when you apply lotions or liniments to your aching joints or stiff muscles. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla which hag effected the most wonderful radical and perinauent cures. Get today. In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Harsatabs. Tltoro Is Only One "Brama Quinism' That lo Laizativo Bramo Quinine UMTD JMt WORLD 0m TO OUHt A OOLO III OHt OAT. A1wt remember the full name, for this signature oa tvery bos. e old Newton A Northwestern was abandoned some time aao. lonn f m otes. I MASON CITY- The door of the M.n steam laun.lt y as found open this ntorn ; inn and the door to the safe v. Me open I and s nie of the contents of the safe tnisHinv:. 1 lie lii.i-tivcrv n, tnaile by Mslit oilier smith and nothing as vet car be ascertained relativ e to hat has been removed from the safe. MASON CITY- I 'a ul Allls today was placed tinder arrest and gsve bond for api earance tomorrow on the charge of booties King, in his possession wss found twenty-four bottles of beer and about two gallons of vvhisket. The police claim Here Is strong evidence axalnut him but Mils will put up a fight. The cae will be heard before Justice W. s. Ranking. Auto Speeder Pleads Guilty to Charge of Manslaughter Mrs. Tresselt of Fort Wayne. Ind .j Who Killed Little Girl, Receives Suspended Sentence. FORT WATNK. nd . Dec. 27. -Mrs Rose seMH Tresselt. vife of a well known busi ness msn. today plesded guilty to man slaughter In the c Irrult court here for hav ing" run over with her automobile and killed Irene "ox. aged 9 years. August 30. last Mrs. Tresselt wss sentenced to from two to twenty-one years In prison, but the sentence was suspended. She psld John A. Cox. father of the little girl. S.30. Mrs. Tresselt Is wealthy In Tier own right, Death from tllood I'olsnn was prevented by O. W. Cloyd, Plunk, Mo., who henled his dangerous wound with Bneklen's Arnica Salve. ISe. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. BODY IN WELL IN KANSAS CITY Corpse nf I nldentlfieil Woman About Twenty-ais Year Old Found with koll Crushed. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dee. I7.-The body of an unidentified woman about 2(1 years old was found today In a well In a de serted spot In the southeastern part of the city. It Is not known whether she com mitted suicide or was murdered. The skull wss crushed, but there were no other wounds on the body. The woman was dressed plainly. net the Gennlne Alma) a. A substitute Is a dangerous makeshift especially In medicine. Th genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds quickly and Is In a yellow pack age. Accept no substitute. Sold by all druggists. - MOTIMEITTS Or OCBAH TBAMgKirsj. Port. Arrived. lied. 1iNPOV Mlnnshtha OLASOOW Caledonian MAMBttRO LlMk. PHll.Al'KI.PHIA Orf Waldsrm... NEW YORK Rrsndenhurg BT. JOHN TnnUlan HALIFAX Cmpnollo Montreal. Moat cooking- mistake, art due to inferior spice. Don't ut pepper, ginger, cinnamon, or nutmeg that ha lost it strength. Ut Ton Bros, import their I own .pice, and get the real thing- to you in an air-tight paCksE. " 10c. at Grocer TONE BROS, BEI MOINCf, U. I MOUHEIT'S' Removal Notice MORBIIT'S XAIm OOODS AMD HAIaX DKXSBISia E8 TABLISHMEsTT EAS MK MOTZD OK 1411 TAB HAM STBEIT TO 403 SOUTK IUTS1ITI ITSSII (QBOV9D ri.OOX CTTT HI TXONAI. 1AHK BZ.DO.) TOM APPOivTicxirrs 'rissi DOU0X.AS S33 OS A-S333. Ha!Ha! He! He! That's tha way to fssl BVBRY ONB doa that takes a CASCARBT night BEFORE, whet h look at tha (.Now who didn't. For OVER-EATING and DRINKING nothing oa Earth clean you out a CASCARBT, naturally-easily, wttboac that iipt liok feeling. Don't aeglect at bad tlm 9 P. M. or 4 A. M. a difference you'U acd it. CASCABJITa lee a boa for a wrsk's rrestaint. all druggista Biggest seller SB ta world. Mtlliea koaca a month. PEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mas. Wihslow's aooTHiNQ Svsce has bees rued for over HIXTY YEAKsbv MILLIONS of MOTHERS (or their CHII.URKN WHltB IKlilHINC, with FKRFKCT bbCCESS. It fOOTHKH the CHILLI. SttFTENS the tlLMS. ALLAYS sll PAIN; C l, RES WIND COLIC, snd is the best remedy for MABKHO'A. It is sli olulely hsrtnlr'. He sure snd sk for "Mrs. Wtaalow's Hootlnng Hv rup." snd tske ao other kind. Twenty-Bve ceats a bottle. etching; Our specialty 133-line zinc half tone at two-thirds of the price of copper halftone. 1311 Howard Street. Cfirtri PflP who find their power to I UUU gJI work and youthful vigor fJPRVPt Waak and nervous msQ il iV A-. iJ gone aa a result of over scrk or mental exertion khould tak liKA Y'fi NtllVE KOOU FlI-Ld They a lii make ) uu eat nd lei nd b a man again tl Boa. I Holes J? S by Mall. ISUHtl It SCcCUnHEX.1. IIBUO CO. Cor. lth sa df streets. OWL DSUO L CMP A nr. Cor. ISta aaA Vtrs&y Mi. Oiu.a. at M w M J ft it Pn tSBlBUm IBM? xnT" .r-uita . 7 M ,-s. . nk . r ,' ' T t Not Boxes Fine clothes look better' and keep their shape long r, when delivered In Bags And that's the way WE deliver 'em after. . WE! clean 'em. V Telephone, T ler I S 0 or. Auto. A-C22&, and c vwigou inllv, , press paid one way on stilidiirtil--of J 0(' or over. - . . , Dresher Bros. 2211-13 Fernam Street , buy w iiii TO Bunn If you have money to horn, don't put It tn our safo deposit vaults, for thoy nro absolblelv fire and burglar proot., A box in this Bteel lined vault at fords, absolute safety for money aii'l valuable papers, aii'l coi-tH only 3.00 a year or $1.00 (or lurct-' months. We are open until 6 p. m. ox ery day, and until 0 i, ii1. Sat urday nights. . . C.M.I. AMI SKK THK,. "HTHONU , IJOXKH," ,. ' Amertoan Safe Deposit: Vanlts. F. O. HAMER, ; - TreKltlent: ' 2lfl so. 17th SU WK HUH;. Candy Special for Wednesday Peanut Brittle, 15c 39c per pound . .-. ....... 60c "Princess Sweet" Chocolates, per pound Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Farri.irh ti. John Says: "II p p y little man! You found W H O L IC bo of T It U 8 T nrNTEIt' Oc CltiAKS. In your stocking )etei-duy, ttiiiu't jouV "Nome folks jtre SOIuiVj!" Central Cigar Store 321 So. 16th St. AMI IENKN1S. BRANDEIS THEATER THIS ATTaXVOOir, TOlllOHT ROBERT EDES0N ; In "WHXS.B TRB THAU, DIVIDrS" Thurs.. Trld., Sat., "THE CLIMAX" BRAMDEIS JEXT W.U Bsgnlsr JCatin Wert, and Bat. SALE OVESTS THUBID.Y COHAN A. HARRIS production or W1NCHELL SMITH'S COMtDY OEM 7 WITH rneo vaio Kg Mai. Mit ix n. i - STEW TE. Tus., Jan. 3d, 4 p. in.. Mm Sertlbrlch KRUO THfiATER r rices I 16, t5c, eOo, a Tw- k 75 Matinee Today, 8:34. Tonight, Jtl5 CHECKERS Tliursilay llunco In rlMia. ' I)VA Kl I)F. IMJi , Our Merry Christmas Offering. Matinee dsUy, 8:18. Eremng, Sil5. Stock snd Tulton; Howard sea Uow srdi Mr. end Mrs. Jim ml Baity; Witt's Hoss of Klldar) Mr. and Mrs. nrwln Conrslly; Muss and Eldred; Ooff Fhllllps; Klnodroii Orphsum Concert Orchestra. BOYD THEATER Matisse Today. 3:15. Tonight, S:1V EVA X.AHO and Hsr rseellent Company In PETER PAM 1 Hxt Wk Every aright. Matlusss Evry nay. CIHDEtELL ICQ Tsople. SO Children In Taley rlalist. 'OMAHA'S PPM C'jSiTTEJl" ' UAZ,5iI LOVE MAKERS f ITSATAQAVSA AMD TiBDTTTHT. Th lauga riot, "T.day in Afrit.T" Bcb footti Harmoay Pour; Vera DsSnicnd; Beanty Congreaa Choru of Ju-Ja Ctlrls. at. Might Only, EAlth Spencer Stock Co. Ladies' Slasa Marias Every Week Bay. R fi W . 1 f fci'ye is1aMiffiag a ii if