J Want - Ads Want al ret-e1ert. ai nnr Hm' in Inurr proper rll(lrllin iuat t prrnrnfA fr 13 a'clocta in.. ! he ttfnlnic edition aail liefnrr TU" 'dark of the urerlons rtrl noralag and ki!i; editions. Waat aria rrrrlrrl after iirh hours nava their first lasrrtloa ratline Tm l.ale t Classify." Rat apply to either Tha nallr aatfay Bra. Almfi eauat ' wa a lliaa. CAstf HITM Wow 1 TT At Rcorr.AR ri-AnmncATior faeartlati. I l- nuti er wr4 rr nl far aaeh laserllna. Fa eh Iaa-r4le m4 C!J dd 1 1-a tri r vrd. Irr liar per saaath. Wen 4 for The- flrr y mi any of tha faliowl dm atoree la ymr roraer " r all branch ftfflrra far Tar n yoar ad will h Inserted a rosnntly and (a eaase " " main fflee B Tha Prr l.aimm. aad rarnam arrrf Atbaeb. W. v., r and Furnam. Perannk. H. A., 1I H. 1th Pt Prrn DiBrmacv. Bonbon. Nr- BmU Park Pharmwv, ?d and Cuminf. PIUe-Br.llh. 1 Hhrrmnn Avr Hlfton IUII Pharmacy, VHHary Ava CatiRhlln. C. 11.. h nnd Vlerca lr Pharmacy, ?4th an 1-aWt f'wcnrv Pharmacy. S?f P 1,in it frrmak. Kmil. l?M- 8. lHh ft. Khlrr. P. H.. TDOt I.ravrnwrth St Fnatrr Arnoldl. T N th Pt. Frrymn J. J.. 1914 N. ?lth M Frrfr Vrug Co.. JV? N. 16'h ft Floranca Drue Co.. ff.reno. i nrrrn'ii Pharmacy, Pdrk Avr. and Faci.io. Or.nourh, n A , JflB 9. 10th Ht Orrrnouch, O. A., loih and Hickory. OcldMi Pl-armaey. Irh and Iavrnwortn. Harden. William. W?J Farnim St. Hamcom Park Pharmacy. 1MH 8. 2tn Illnterlonr Erug Co.. ?Ht Ava. and ar nam 8t. Holut, John. fU K. lth St. Huff. A. 1. 24 Iavrnworlh St. Johanson Lru Co., 24th and Spalding King. H. R.. Farnam Pt. Kountisa Plac Pharmacy, 3304 N. Mt"-I-athrop, Uharlea E.. 1324 N. th St Marra. Fred L.. 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Dniic Co.. N. I4th St. PeMon Pharmacy. 'i S. 16Ui St. Haratona Uru Co.. 24th and Amea Ava. Bchaefer a Cut Prica Drug Store. 16th ana ClilcaKO Mm f-'rhoefer. At.. Mil N. 16th. Schmiut. J. H.. 24tn and Cuming Sta. Wginut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., t"nks'. rmbalmera. 1814 Chicago. D. 1&9. B-IB59. PARLOR THEATER You havei aeen tha- REST, now try tha P.KHT. Illgh-claas vaudeville, matlnea dally. The J'eopia a snow tiousa. COAL At cut prices. ALL KINDS. Wa a a you o)c to 11.60 a ton yuan tit I and quality guaranteed. P.I )SEN BLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO., 12iS NICHOLAS T. BOTH PHONES. Oil, YOU PARADISE! Founds good, doeairt It? Happiness i prema when you burn our PARADI813 li.iAI To cut down your coal bill taka our advtca and bum Paradise. Will cava you 11.60 to ton. Both phonea. I. W. BKDKOKU. 23U6 Cuming Bt The Mickey Music Co. We. are now located In our new home at SOS S. INth St., with a complete Una of sheet music and small musical Instruments. MONEY TO IX) AN LOW RATE. In aums to euit, 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 204. UNION LOAN CO. Hand-painted china cheap. 2703 Cum. H. 3810 HURHY W VICKERS. Civil engineer, IV) Paxton Blk. Doug.- 7416. Ind. A-4416. KAT K06HKR HOME COOKING. AKKINS. litt 8. l&TH. UPSTAIR. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH K ppn(Q JETE'tf. 1JU3 Douglas Street. " vtut' . MME. FRA YER Adellght hair food; does grow hair. Megeath's. 15th & Farnam. FRANK II. GIBSON CO.. fine coffee. We deliver to any part of city. TKY IT. 'Phone Doug. 6320. "g6od"eyeYght Is mankind's greatest blrsslng. Consult us. Columbian Optical Co., 209-11 S. loth 8c Kyee examined. Glasses Fitted. lynch' mo7v REPAIR WORKS. 17M JacKon St. D. 1477. BAKKEH BKOS. PAINT CO. Doug 47'jO. Ind. A S:l. leobi Farnam St Hi ENt'lL. outfits; a styles, picture fram ing at moderate prices, glasn, wa.ll paper and a full line of Slierwln-W illlams Paints. bruSK pollnh, liquid eneer and all brands of floor wax. BEFORE buying your Jewelry, call gnd see our -Complete line of fine Jewelry at manufacturers' price. Wa will save you lot) per cent on all kinds of Jewelry. Direct liiipoiters of Diamond and pteclous stones DE LONG JEWELRY CO., W2-S-4 McCague Bldg., Cor. lSth and Dodge Streets. Open .evenings until p. m. If pt'rpshmnt Music & service for UeireSUDlOIllS wedding, i uanceelnor silt of town. Call or writs Alfred J.Mies, Hit lackson. Tl. Har. 163. Ind. A-SJa?. GOOD THINGS to at and drink at the YalUtaff Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg. ABE'S II.I'.R GRAN D PHARMACY, teatlirr reveille, all kinds, candles, per nines, cigars and pipea. HAVE your photo taken at Stuta- nan s. The Hasseti Studio. ol6 So. lbth St. VIRGINIA DAR12 wine, ".to a large bot tle Klein Uquor House. UJ N. IMn lit. B. F. Wurn. optician. 443 Brandela Bldg. 1 - W. C. CATTIN. plumbing and heating; ten and reoair work. 910 No. 24lh. D. Kj!. MY BACK IS BROKEN. I earned II. (KO for Infants' home lastfaTl! Tour magaxUie order and renewals this fai sill earn tu.uuo for charity. The Interest of: Mils money win provide ror an Invaua jiaintrhance for Ue and later pay nurses sees or. emluw a hosrltal col foiever. Mui tiavf ubrrfptluns to Everybody's, Deilnratcr. 31.80; Woman's Home Conipan stii. M-CJure'a. 82 M, In December to earn the Urn IOjO; every order or renewal tarns Sue four earns 33 for charity. 1 ikisi tUejy duplicate any primed nfler. Write fur i atatngoa and atorv; ! alrru.ly earned. FOR MERCY HAKE GET THEM I.V GORDON, ill K MAGAZINE MAN. . I OMAHA ' 1 . . . I . . . . i nAuru t-r I i- f-1 . t- r- r-nn nriiT I nrrrnpn rnn nrilT ANNOUNCEMENTS I BUSINESS CHANCES HELP WANItU rcMALt MUNti iu luan i Urrtrr-U r ht' i urrtntu run ncm (Continued.) 1 u out limed. .--77"!":;- aT7T v a n . II 4 T I I . ! Furnished llnom I'flAT Pul'He Mnrket Sr'-'la'. nut W-0 Wl I J lump, J'rcml'jrii wtih cah order. PnrtrllRp-Thonion Co.. 1310 Harney .tree;. DoukUk Ind. A-3Gi2. IBV nnr 1(V- cream bread: always (re. llwortll St. Bakery. ITuT llworth. H. BUY A CAMERA li I per rent dUcount Ueceath Siat'y Co. nounc o ladlea that ahe haa added to 1 er halrareaMng. manicuring, rami, nan gloa-, body maiiaase, Swediah movement, by Pattl Creek graduate. Ml Bryan: thanks her patrona for their generous support In tha pan ana boucus mnr iwuvunfcr v tha future. Rooms SIS and SIS le Bldg. AGENTS New goods coming In avery day. Coma and get busy. ti'J . 16tb. TEN per ceat discount with this ad on Jewelry at Shook Mfg. Co. 4.U So. lotli St. ELKVATORS REPAIRKD. freight, pas senger. J. it. Kenneay. iv a. tsm. u. wt. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 041 PRESCRIPTIONS filled. We deliver any place. Saratoga Drug Co. Tel. Web. lie. HOW IS YOUR COAL BIN? Tel. D. 4128. Web. 3105. Coal-all kinds. II. II. MOKEIIOUSE CO., ILEll GRAND HOTEL Turkish Baths Finest In the west . 16th A Howard Sts. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 60o and $1. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. UAGUARD Van Storage. Pack, move. stora and ship H. H. Goods. D. 1406. H-2i2i. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 39 U 8. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. 2".S. 131 Farnam. HAKRY W. MOOL, Engineer, Designer, Draftsman. 3t2 Brandela Theater. D. 290L tWa'NTY per cent less than Omaha prices HOME rUKMlUBH Twenty-fourth anrt L Sts.. South Omaha vn l YVWVW Y richi;. No. t Full cigars. Catt In connection. Ill S. Hth St. DR. M UN SON. 2S14 Sherman Ava. W. 61&j. MATINEE dancing at Crelghton hall Sunday, December 25. and Monday, De cember 26, from 2:30 to i p. m. Admis sion 26c. Trio club. TRY our own mined Kansas coal. 14.76 ton Southern Coal Co.. lat anil Paul: Weo. 2SS4. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a poat "TEAR" your top. And bring It to tha best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUM.M0ND - Corner 18th and Harney Sta. Auto Repairing TA'iT&N CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. Tha Paxton Mitchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 24; A-2011. AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. Auto Painting tUKoPu?YprPce? Si. ANDREW MURPHY SON.-1413 Jackson. FOR SALE Model V Bulck roadster, equipped with Pres-to-llte tank and exhaust thistle. Call Harney m. STORAGE Aut0 "Plng painting. OlUlVilUlK vm. Phloffer Carriaga Works. 2tb & Leavenworth. Red t322. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Fredrickson Auto Co.. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES To GET' in or out or uuainesa rail GANG EST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. U67. I AUfiR FIRE insurance COM- tlely the last month this ad will run; take aovantage of it. Stocks lor aule. DIVI DENDS. Agenta wanted. C toady Co., FUcal Agents. S. W. Cor. 14tn and Doug las. UmiliL Tel.. D. 1620. AUTOMOBILE garage In Nebraska town of J.OuO, well established business and good paying proposition; aupplies and repair buxlness amounts to nearly f2,0uo a moiuli. Address Y 2&3. Bee. FOR SALE A proposition In Omaha that will iay $3,000 per year to a live man that meana business. Correspond with Room 214, Mint Block, Denver, Colo. GENERAL blacksmith and wood shop for sale, located in a good business town and a good class of German patrons; a good set of tools. Including a No. 4 cold tire setter. Rra er law nniower grinder, en gine and polishers and all smaller tools needed. Will guarantee to the man that can do the work a No. 1 business. Will sell stock and tools cheap and rent build ing. I have run this shop three years and have done a fine business, hut am going on a claim In April and will give possession any time. James Thomas, Everly, la. FARM. LAND Borne clear farm land, to trade for eome Income property that Is good and that Is well located. No agents need answer. Ad dress 2Si. Itee. WANTED A party with I1.0M to Join me in a buHinesa yielding inrge and quirk re turns. t Address u, ti. Bee. SEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVFS1' HENT COMPANY for big bargalna la farm or ranch lands. List your property tor sale wim us. All ginas oi exenangee iuu N. Y Life Bldg. FOR RENT Only hotel In town of SiO hot water heat throughout; city water and everything in 'good condition. Business being done will apeak for Itself. Address Ijork Box . Hubbard, Iowa. G D C. CODDl NGTON. 2 Board of Trade Bldg . business chances, bonds, stocks and real eMaie. COMPLETE two-chatr barber outfit for isle. 1321 Leavenworth. Wake Up, Old Man, Wake Up! YOUR EYES ARE YOUR FORTUNE Take care of them. Our 19 years' ex perience at your service. Consult us. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., 2U9-2U So. ,16th St. FOR 8 ALE A good business In Idaho. Cioccrlea and Qutenkwar. fine location on main street. Djing good business. It you buy wa pay your (aio. Address P. O. Bos Caldwell. Idaho. 1 (JlVr-' bersotial alt mil Ion to colleo 1 vii'-JJ iuma; no collection uo coni mlfchlon; I.' years' xrripa'e. ' Jensen, 2ul NEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHoNK DOUG. 4DSI. ('Sl"lY Ke1 K'-"- Loans and ' liiHuianc-e. Lit your prop erty for alv or rent, yuick returns. 8 W. corner 14tu and Douglas. Tel. Doug. Ll) Movlnx Tlcture Theaters For Sale. Wti hove several Rood money making picture theaters which we arc In a posi tion to sell very cheap. Equitable Motion Picture Co.. 1313 Farnam St.. Omalio. .Neii. FOR SALE Resta ui ant and limrh coun ter, good iocat'on. Address 16 Douglas tt. FOR SA LI" Drug store In a good farm ing community, doing a good business; Anm via nwi flYhicM' a.tiiatefl on 1. I. R. R., between Manchester and Cedar Rapids; atock clean and up to data. Rea son for selling, poor health. W. H. Ward, Ryan, Ta. Rooaanaj Houses for Bale. A PFRTRAPLE 4-room apartment, new. . 11 27th Bt. Harnry SS0. CHIROPODISTS PR ROY. 150T. Farnam St. Pouglaa iU7. MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat'l Bk. D. 2333. DENTISTS BAILEY MAC1I, 8d floor. Paxton. D. 1084. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective ago.. Inc.. bonded. 42S-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1S19. CAPT. T. CORMACK. BIT KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING and Douglas. Douglaa 4736. tailoring. 2213 FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailor. Miss Melons. 2213 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 471 DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. 3718. MISS STURDY. 21 S I4t. t D 7314. STRICTLY Ist-ciaae diessmk g. and tail oring; only first-class ttade wanted, A-2379. DRESSMAKING and alteration, flrt class work; prices reasonable. Mlsa Eliza beth O'Connor. 3612 N. 18th. Webster 1410. FLORISTS HESS s SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St Bennett's Flower Dept.. East entrance. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L BRAN DEIS' cut flower dept.. new atore. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia., largest greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. L. Henderson. 1613 Farnam. Douglas 1211 J. 11. BATH. 162 Harney. Douglas 30ow FOR CHRISTMAS. THE BEST XMAS PRESENT Is a scholarship In the MOSHER-LAMP-MAN COLLEGE. Its great benefits last a lifetime. Send to MOSHER & LAMPMAN. 17TH AND FARNAM STS. FOR CATA LOGUE. TERMS. ETC. PUT SOME XMAS MONET INTO A COLUMBIA. The graphaphone of quality. A gift for the whole family. Most people buy on time, and that suits us. Terms are easy. Columbia Phonograph (Jo., 1311-1313 Farnam St CANDIES Buy your Box Candy at Olympla Candy jutcnen. 1618 Harney. V M f! A membership makes a present 1 . xu. J. x. ,or every day In the year. HORXON'S Beauty Shop, l&os Doug- goods for Xmss. We make doll wigs. BRANDEIS ?wnflWKR dept. ; a large supply oi nonaay needs. Cut flowers, booming plants and evergreen at special prices. BIG LOT OF DIAMONDS Jewelry left on hand for sale; special low prices. fur-lined overcoats and sealskin cap, r rieaman s Loin Hank. 201 s. 13th. VPTVV .Tn A TlTttSTM Take your us quiet and homelike. 1806 Farnam St. The Van Sant School Wishes All Readers a Merry Christmas. and Invites young men and women and their parents to call at the school office some time before January 1, ask the busi ness men about Van Kant graduates. Elizabeth Van Sant. Principal, lone C. Duffy. Proprietor. W'ead Bldg.. Omaha. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATE, china flrlpg. 870 Brandela Bldg Tel. Webster 6975. FURNACE AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heatera. Thermostats and tank heat era. Omaha Stove Repair Worka, 1206-120S Douglas St Both phones. EDUCATIONAL THE MID- WINTER TERM OF Boyles College' will open in both the day and night ses sions MONDAY, JANUARY !. Business Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue la free. Address II. B. Boyics. Presi dent. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Department Mosher-Lampman college" Unexcelled course In Business. Short band. Penmanship and EngtUb. None but experienced teacher. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalogue publlaued la Omana. Rend tor one oday. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCE. MOSliKH LAMi'ttAN. lith and Farnam Sla.. Omaha. Nta. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Ry giving your eon, a daughter or friend a scholarship In the Business. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship Departments of Boyles Col lege. HELP WANTED FEMALE y Factory Trades. GIRLS to learn hatrdreaslng. Oppenheiro Parlors. 236-240 City Nat l Bnk. D. 239. WANTED At once, women and girls. Steady work. Good wages. Great Western Cereal Co.. Fort Dodge, la. Iloaaekeesiers aad Daweatlra. WANTED Girl to help with general Lcuscvtork; references. Call. Harney 1110. a,VA.TF.D Girl for gcncial housework; email family; good wages, mm Park Ave. COM PET EN"' Itirl for general house work; small family; good at;:s. Harney iu N. Ofcth Ave. WANTED A competent elrl for general housework, no laundry, good wages. 115 S. i.h St. WANTED A good Danish or German girl for housework. SSI Harney St. WANTED Competent girl for general homework. 115 S. 26th Ave. WANTED Neat white woman to help cook and wash dishes. 1024 Douglas. WANTED Experienced girl for house wor. 721 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. WANTED A good girl for general house work, good wages. 17OT Park AVO WANT ED A competent girl for house work. 211 8. S6th St. Harney UN WANTED A good laundress, for Mon days or Tuesdays. 3S16 Farnam St. WANTED A middle aged woman, no children, to take care of home and old lady; references; also state wages required. Advent religion preferred. John Burke, North Platte, Neb. WANTED Experienced girl to assist In housework. 720 8. 22d St. WANTED A good laundress, private family, all modern conveniences. 321 La fayette Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 803 N. 3Sth Ave. WANTED A woman to do plain cook ing. 1904 Farnam St. WANTED Laundrosa for Monday or Tuesdays. 707 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral houaework, no cooking, amall family, good home. 636 8. 24th Ave. Red 8941. WANTED Woman for general house work. 826 N. 41st Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework, no amall children, good wages. 4709 Cass 6t.- WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for general houaework. new nrlck dwelling, nice warm room, good wages. U" Park Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St., South Omaha. WANTED Good girl to assist with housework. 2433 Decatur. WANTED Girl for email family to do housework. 124 6. 3oth Ave. LADIES wanted; take work home, ap plying transfera.418 Brandela Theater Bid. Blletellaaeaas. . . TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asalsted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Asjeats, Salesmen aad Solicitors. SALESMEN wanted to aell a strong shirtwaist line In the territory west of the Mississippi river. Those aequalnted with the trade preferred. Address Y-307, Bee. TWO experienced advertising solicitors. Address C 639. Bee. A BRANCH house of one of the larg est Automobile Manufacturers In the coun try, has a position open for a aalesman. In the city of Omaha, It Is not absolutely neces sary that applicant huve automobile exper ience, but must show a selling record In some line. N-627. Bee. WANTED Experienced selesman to sell factory line Men's Welt and McKay shoes in Iowa. State In first letter amount of sales and houses represented. No applica tions will he considered except from those salesmen who are now engaged In selllna shoes on the road. J. W. Carter ex Co., Nashville. Tenn. AGENTS wanted to sell farm and fruit lands. Manor Land Co.. New Market, la. Factory and Trade. Drug Stores tenapak Jobs. Knlest Bee BMt W A VTrll P-Irat.flaaa III- w-rm I. for out-of-town position. Address, C 634, oep. Mis ella WANTED 870 month; customs. Internal revenue, isilway mail clerks; list of spring examinations In Omaha now ready; prep aration free. FranK.ln Inatitute, Dept. 214 B. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best paying work within the reach of poor man. Wages up to 820 weekly. Small capital starts shop. Few barbers take apprentices. Demand Increasing. Write for free particulars. Moler Barber College. 110 8. Hth St MEN to prepare for government position; starting salary, sub; rapid advancement; must be physically sound; not afraid of work. Address or call Room 200, Western Union Telegraph buiiding. YOU are wanted for government posi tion; S0 month; write for Hat of position open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 217U. liiirheiHer. N. Y. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Wagoas. YOU CAN 1JUY HABNESS horss blankets. lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth, If you buy from JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jonsa Sta WE buy and aell all kinds of horses. Blue Bain, rear Millard Hotel. Doug. 4u9. WE want to buy 26 head of horses. Best of prices paid. The Blue Barn, rear Mil lard hotel, 13th and Douglua Sts. Cew. FOR SALE Jersey cow-IKs So Wh LOST AND FOUND Will Mr. GUI, who found pocketbook, pleas confer with the nw at 114 So. -'oi h Ava. Harney S3&8. MEDICAL '. FRER medical and surgical treatment at Crelghlon Medical college, !th and Daven port tts ; special atteuiion paid to confine ment caaea; all treatment supervised by college professor- Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night Bigger, Better, Busier That Is what alvrrllsliig In The Bee will do fur jour busiueaa. j'$j,'8MMr5Km-.- - .?n:mij'jmri U NOTICE TO THE Pt uLlC Jt it 110 TO 81.0i.i0 It LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS SALARIES. 81 It THIS IS A NEW FIRM. S it Organized bv the REPUTABLE 84 8 BUSINESS MEN of thl city to pro- t tt tect honest working reople In need 44 It of temporary help from the exorbi- II II tant charges of the so-called loan 81 It companies. We will loan you all the W It money you want and charge you only 8 88 4 pa' cent a year. 81 It THIS MEANS YOU PAY 8 II For t 10 mo. payments 81.701 lil.W 83 88 For I 25 mo. payments 84 23 8 26 3H II 88 For 8 608 mo. payments 88 46 8 so. 78 88 88 For 110012 mo. paymenta 88 68-Slu.9 83 88 And all other sums in proportion. 88 Easy weekly or Monthly Payments. U II Reasonable Appraisement Charges, II II A glance at the above rates win It convince you ho.- nuch you save by IS dealing with us. S3 II NO RED TAPE. NO DKLAlf. M 83 MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. 88 IS WITHIN AN HOUR. II II INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., 31 83 ROOM 204, W1THNELL BUILDINO. SI 88 Doug. 6M6. N. E.Cor. 15th and Harney. 88 Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Come to us. When you borrow mcney you want the lowest rate, and we give It We will loan you from 85.00 to 3100.00 on furniture, planoa or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. 81-20 Is the weekly payment on a f0 loan for B0 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or rhone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Block. 16U',x Dodge St Phones; Douglaa 2469-A-2466. HWSW55WS5SSS! tUS8S33tSS3S33SU3tSmSSS33 88 CHEAP LOANS 81 88 on Furniture. Planoa or Salary. 88 88 AT 8 PER CENT A YEARI 83 M Can You Beat These Rates? 88 I 10 for 8 months 16c. It $8 8 25 for I montha 75o 88 jj 8 60 for 6 montha 81.60 88 u 8 76 for months 32.26 S3 U 8100 for 6 months 83.00 31 83 Small charge for appraising. II t$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 83 83 Room 810 Brown Blk., 807 8. 16th St. It 88 Oppoxl'a Brandela, Doug. 2086. A-2036. t mJwiHmuwwsmnsmuwwuwsJwywsst READY MONET WHEN YOU NEED IT. Plenty money, quick loans, rates reason able; terms to suit; honesty our polloy. We advertise no misleading rates or Impossible terms. Will loan you on any kind of secur ity or your plain note. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIIi CHRI8TMA8. THE) J. A. HUTTON CO.. 616 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sts. DO YOU NEED MONEY! - We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live atock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yUr NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1856. Ind. A-1368. 220 Bee Bldg. MONEY LOANED BALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payment. Office in 66 principal cities. Tolman. Room 603 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. THE OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loans money on furniture and pianos. Low est weekly or monthly payments. OUR ADDRESS. 1404 FARNAM BT. MONEYS, x w ' . Reliable To LOAN. Come In s explain tes to you. redlt Co.. 308 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A. -1411 Private party will loan honorable salaried people amall sums on their plain note; banking methods, lowest rates; loans made quickly and confidentially; paymenta ar ranged as desired. Address A 632, Bee. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLiATAU 1514 Dode stret MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mov-Ing; furniture packing, fireproof storage. Telephones Douglaa 394. Independent B-13IL OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners Or 4 8. 16th: 90S 8. 17th. Doug. 41M. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. TABLE board; good home cooking; prices reasonable. 2114 Harney. Red 6n. LARGE beautiful furnished rooms, en suite or single, with lavatory, large closets; excellent board 709 Georgia Ave. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, private family, good board. 1509 8. nth. FINE furnished rooms -th board; home cooking. 2407 Harney St WARM, cheer)', modern room, close In; excellent home cooking Tel. Doug. 2263. NICELY furnished rooms with board; walking distance. Tel. Red 6267. 304 N. 22d. UTOPIA, board with or without rooms. St. James, 416 8. 13; stm. heat, free bath; Am., 1125 up; wkiy.. to up; meals. 26c PLEASANT south front room and board; private family; modern house; furnace heat; bath and phone; In Kountze Place, on N. 24th Pt. car line; young married couple preferred; terms rraonable; refer ence required. 3sn6 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 991, BOARD or room; private family; rooms warm and conveniently located. 1VJ6 Chi cago St., 3d floor. Apartment 7- NICE room and board. 2M3 Farnam St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, board; good location. 308 N. 22d St. WANTED Two young men to room and board; private family. :u.'l Howard ft WANTED Traveling man and wife to room and board; private famll. 2021 Howard St. BOARD and room for two; moderate prices. 2416 Capitol Ave. BOARD and room for man and wife; good homo cooking. 1206 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room and alcove; walking distance, good location. Board If wished. 191S Uainain St. NEATLY fjrnlshed room; good cooking 501 8. 2Mb St. BOAKD and room for two; private fam ily. 610 lilcl.orv St. FOR RENT Large south room; board for two; references. 191S.('ass HI NICE room and board for two gentlemen. 1428 N. 20th St. TEN MINUTES" Walk. Good board. Nice room; Reasonable: All conveniences; Nsw, mod am. Private family, 811 Nona flat Faralahril Itooma. GENTLEMAN hoarding desires rool mate. Only refined party considered. Lo cation is Rood; within walking JIMance. Nice neighborhood. New. with nil modern conveniences. Good board. References ex changed. Address. S-iA), Bee. mil VKNT Nicei furnished frem room fIT 8. 26th St. Very convenient to buslnet NICELT furnished rooms. 881 H 224 it SUPERB large steam-heated room. 22 N. 23d. CHOICB "7ront room, suitable for two; arm; Hrlctly modern and well kept: pri vate family: phone; walking distance; alse convenient to goeu car line; reasonable. HO N. 21th St. NEWLY furnished modern rooms; these are all outside rooms and have the best of light, heat and gaa and very convenient to business district. 2513 Dodge. FURNISHED, sream heated room; private family, for gentleman; walking distance. tvj tt. xstn st. TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webster 6978. 8619 N. 20th St. THE coziest neatest furnl'hed rooms In city within 6 minutes of business district; strictly up to date; price reasonable. 2704 Farnam. Harney 868L SUITE of rooms, elegantly furnished, ruiuilng hot and cold water In room; price reasonable; suitable for two or tore gentlemen; walking distance. 2569 St Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modem, front room; breakfast if deelred. 8821 Davenport St. Harney 8778. MODERN furnished rooms for colored people. 2357 Farnam. MODERN furnished front room with al cove, also smaller one. 2438 Dodge. MODERN south room; also one on bats) room floor. 2677 Harney. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room for lady; Bemla Park. Harney 8287. , NICELY furnished front room; close ta. 2025 Howard St. DESIRABLE MODERN room; private family; good location. 131 No. 31st Ave. STRICTLY modern room for two gentle men. 820 N. 17th St. CLOSE In. rooms suitable for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th. LARGE room, with alcove, suitable for 4 gentlemen, modern conveniences. 208 N. 19th. MOST comfortable room in Omaha, walk ing distance. 1919 Csss St. CLOSE In, modern room, gentleman only. 117 N. 20th. NICELY furnished rooms, close to busi ness district, steam neat 2008 Harney. 'Phone Harney 8178. 1701 Davenport St., baohelor auarters; electric lights, steam heat Strictly modern room. 824 North Hth Bt FURNISHED room, with private bath room No. 400, New Hamilton. 24th and Far nam. Inquire at office of Hamilton flats. MODERN room, gentlemen only; half block from postofftca. 820 N. 17th. Doug las 6194. NICELY furnished rooms, modern house; walking distance. 2224 Howard St. NICE front parlor for two gentlemen, all modern, conveniences snd home com forts, hoard if desired, good home cook ing walking distance, 818 So. 26th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished modern rooms. 212.7 Douglas St. NICELY furnished front room In new steam-heated flat to young lady only. 2017 Chicago St. Tel. Red 6242. LARGE modern room, well heated. 83 week. 613 N. 19th. FOR RENT Nice front room, ground floor; good location. 130 N. 28th St. FOR RENT Two very nice adjoining rooms. 1813 Chicago Bt. FOR RENT Nice aleeplng or house keeping rooms: warm; reasonable and modern. 1120 Dodge St. NICE warm room; furnished; reason able. 1816 Chicago 6t. FOR RENT Large front room and al cove; private family. 2671 Dodge 8L FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 2612 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Single rooms, for gentlemen. 624 N. 20th St. FOR RENT Nice large furnished room, desirable for two. bath on same floor, walking distance. 2677 Harney St. NEAR poxtofflce. nice warm rooms: single or double. Very reasonable. 1813 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Large steam heated room, good location. 216 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private family. 120 So. 20th St. THE MOST desirable rooma In city. 314 N. kotli St. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, house keeping prlvfleges If desired: good heat, good bath; clone In. 2412 Douglas. FOUR housekeeping rooms, first floor; $16. f23 So. 2'ith St. FURNISHED room at bsrgaln. atrlctly modern; walking distance. Phone Har. 3341. RTEAM-HEATEIJ front parlor, suitable for two or four, 205 South 24lh St. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. i FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. pr. vat family; good location. 114 b. litn Ae- FOR RENT tine large front room, de sirable for two men, neatly furnished and evenly heuted. Private family. 20 S. mn Street. FOR RENT A nicely furnished room eai-t front, modern, evenly heated, walking distance for couple refined gentlemen. Rea iot able. 002 S. 21th Foil RENT Very desirable nicely fur niahed room strictly modem, good location, 209 8. 20th St. Here U what a lady at 2416 C street, South Omaha, says of her iA for h usegirl: "I sot n pood Kill, h" rK''t, nnd quickly through the Bee. Very greatly pleaded." ontlnaed. FOR H F.NT- Nice large front room, all modern i onvinlences. 24u9 Harney Bt VERY nicely furnished room, good loca tlon, all modem. 4 1 1 Sherman Ave. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. 1701 Leaven worth St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma for gentlemen. 619 S. 20th St. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooma, well heated, private family. 19 Bo. gsta Ave- MODERN furnished room, well heated, private family. 2203 Douglaa Bt NICE sleeping or housekeeping rooma fof student or erson working. 2671 Bt Mary a Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod ern, walking distance. 260S Hartley Bt FOR RENT Nice suit of furnished rooms for three or four gentlemen. STOg Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, hot water, and heat 1 block from car. 1130 Blnney. Hotels and Apartanaata. NICELY FURNI8IIED ROOMS for fen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 S. 18th It DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out side rool rooms; special rates by the week. BTJITES-856 up: meal book. 86 50. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Har. 661. IftO Geo. Ava Apartments aad riata. CHEAP WINTER RENT 4-room fist T4H N. t2d 8t. close in, very oholoe, $33 60. I-room cottage, 8017 Jaokaon Bt, edge of Weet Farnam district only 880. Telephone swner, Red 624. FOUR room flat: nsw.- modern. and convenient, 1740 Bo. Twenty-seventa st Harney 8S86. . CENTRAL, steam heat 4-rom flat KM N. 23d. 118 00 7-room modern flat. U48 N, 111 St, upstairs, lnuulre m ft. lOtb c Call Wee. 177. FREE RENT UNTIL JAXUART t IF TAKEN AT ONCE, Near high school; elegant 8-room brlok flat) modern In every respeot ' 311 N. 86th. r- Flve-room apartment In tha most at tractive apartment house In the olty, JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1808 FARNAM BT. rTVB-ROOM heated apartment; etrtotlr modern. 2&2S N. 20th Bt Inquire J. N. Marsh. 1983 Looust Bt. 8TRJ.CW..Y flrst-olaas five-room flat fine resldencs district; . Harney (Of. STwralsfced Hoaaakeasjta It so a. STRICTLY modern tMaaakeapm; cloee In. 2310 Harney St FOR RENT Sis rurnisnad rooms fat light housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. 1983 Dodge St Tyler 1008. 122.00 Strictly modern, warn (rant rton and alcove, on bath room floor) for re spectable ladlea or couple without ohildren. $25 month with use of piano; vacant after 16th. 2663 St Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooxnsi furnace heat (11 S. 28th Ave. APARTMENT, four rooms front f cheap main floor, complete for housekeeping, suj Davenport Bt 8632 HARNEY Street Furnished doable parlor for light housekeeping. WARM, coxy rooms, all - modern, asw furniture, gas, furnaos heat and bath. 1707 Dodge. H 61 TWO or three front rooma, partly far. nlshed for light housekeepings Tent reason able. 945tt N. 86th St. NICELY furnished room for light house keeping, also sleeping rooms. SOU Howard. ROOM and board, or furnished room for light housekeeping, reasonable. TL Douglas 4701 or call 2011 Webater Bt TWO ROOMS, completely furnished for light housekeeping, on parlor floor and very desirable; fine looatlon; walking; dis tance. 860 8. 16th Ave. TWO modern furnished rooma for light housekeeping; private family, walking dis tance; boat, light, laundry free; 16 per week. 219 So. 29th Ave. HaAey 1111. FOR RENT Room for light housekeep ing: heated. 2218 Douglas St TWO large front rooma, gaa, bath. N. 20th St 8007 FOR RENT Nloe, warm, light house keeping rooms. 1814 Chloago Bt FOR RENT Single room. 2604 Davenport St downstairs. FOR RENT A nicely furnished room, gas, bath, laundry privilege. 2118 Chi cago St. FOUR nice, clean rooma. complete for housekeeping. 2936 Charles St. FOR P.ENT-Two comfortable front rooms for housekeeping. 816 8. 86th St. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms foi housekeeping, for man and wife. 8414 Wobster St. FOR RENT Two adjoining front rooma, complete for housekeeping: also sleeping room; gaa; bath; phone. 2114 Chicago St FOR RENT Furnished room for house keeping. California St. FOB RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing; gas for cooking and light. 629 rl. 17tb A ve. FOR RENT- Housekeeping rooms, first floor. 1712 Jackson St. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooma; good location. 2ol6 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekaen Ing. with range and kink in kitchen, also . also i sleeping r'i-uiiB. jiui ieavenwortr. t TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance; telephone free 2574 Harney St. FOR RENT Two nice clean room. modern liou.se. 3;ol Jackson St in I OR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; every convenience; small family. 2223 N Dth St.- 't 3 t