THli J'Kh: OMAHA. MONDAV. DKLh.Mhhli Lt. HMO. 10 12 tiik BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. DECEMBER 2H. 1010. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Mount Calvary Commander? Hai Christmas Celebration Monday. GEORGE CROOK TOST ELECTS Cknnara Men I Hmlf He Affair for the. f nmlnr Vff W. Herrr j lert1 Inmrnindrr aa4 I,. !hlplT Vice. The twenty-third annual Chr-latina areet Ine .rvli of the Mount Calvary Com mandery No. 1 of Knight Templar w.ll be hold at the MuKonlc temple Monday morn ing at WW A Ch"1tm mcfa from Grand MiMr William Bromwell Mullah rw road at the meeting ny "i"""1 Woman's Work,' AetlrttU of Yarlon Organised Bodies Along- ttaa Xlaa of Va Surtaxing of Ooaoara to Woi IiniSTMAS made ahopprrs of all club women. Chrlntmaa also made Iady Bountiful a role which flub women drllghted to siiimf and which they did m moit effective manner enact, una Tor holiday eek the club activity will be alight and entirely of a social character. c rill All KnlKhtn Sullivan lieneral Joseph Kelley and the r ladle, both lo v1ltlng, are Invited to attend the meeting. The program of the meeting will be as follow- Organ Hole r Selected . Ben Stanley. Entrance of riir Knight-' Onward ChrlMlan Poldter. Invocation by S!r Kn'Rht A. Sherman Pinto, excellent relate. ........ Ounrtet It Came Upon the MinniBm Clear rhrletlon Sentiment: To our moat eminent grandmaster. Y Ilromwll Meh: May hi admlnlelratlon be fnrtunnte. and may our brotherhood fully realise our ml lon: To feed Ih hunerv. clothe the naked end bind up the wounds of the affined In the name of oar Lord and Master, Ira minuet, whoae birth we celebrate. Presented by Blr K nil! lit John Kelly. generallllmo. The Rrand mn'ter mnda the following reeponmi: The acnllrnent proposed la unconsciously In I ne with what has been In mv mind for Week. While It Is true that, with most of us, the spirit of Christmas broods and King, of hfU'pVi hopeful, helpful thins, all for you and me; it la also true that there are thousand who are needy and whose necessities appeal to us. and aome of the are undoubtedly those left near and dear to our departed fratres. I call upon each grand commander to ask each commendery In h s Jurisdiction to make notable th 1910 celebration of the birth of Him who Is our (jreat exemplar by the grVlng. as a commahdery, or by vol untary contributions collected by each com mander of It Individual knlBhts, or a special offering of thankfulness and love. In the plr1t of the Master to th destitute widows and helpless orphans of departed frit res. or to Masonic home. Children' borne, or to any charitable organization that reache th helpless poor at Christ-j mas time. If my beloved fratrea will but do this. I will appreciate their compliance with the spirit of the toast proposed to me as grand master much more than any personal com pliment shown me by letter, message or telegram. Our thought will go out at. the happy Christmas time to each Templar In the land. . wishing him Joy In all his deeds and day, wishing him time for the task, wis dom for the work, peace for the pathway, friends for the fireside, and love to the last. Presented by. Mr Knight Joseph Kelley, captain general. Vocal Solo (ChrlVma Song) O Holv Night ..,n., Adam Mrs. Stanley. Address The Message of the Cross..... Rev. Francl Napoleon Lynch, P. P. Organ Polo Th Bethlehem Star.. Whitney Mr. Stanley. Quartet fa carol Christ Wm Born on Christmas Pay Rnnner Quartet Nazareth Gounod Benediction, Quartet: Mr. Ben Stanley, soprano; Miss Paly Hlgglns. contralto: Mr. W. B. Wilkin.-tenor? Mr. George .1. 8. Collin, bass. Mr. Ben Stanley, organist. At th last regular meeting of George Crook Post No. 22. Grand Army of the Republic, the following offlrera were elected: ' Commander, W. H. Berry; senior vice commander. I.. 8hlpley, junior vice commander, W. O. Morse: adjutant. 3. B. West; quartermaster, J. T. Beatty; chap lln. P. j C. ) Tough; aurgenn. Pr. 8. K. Bpaldlng; officer of the day. R. Wilder man; officer of the guard, 8, Jones; ser geant major, f. W. f-'lmpson: quartermaster sergeant. f. A. Wlall; delegates. A. N. Tost and W, A, Hampton: alternate. Cas ldy and Wick; trustee, Jeff W. Bedford. A masque hall will be given by Laurel Hive No. 19. Indies of the Maccaheee, at Mulleir hall. Seventeenth and Vinton streets, Monday evening. An evening of frolic and fraternal fel lowship was. enjoyed Monday evening by the members and their famlllea of Hender son Homestead No. 1452, Brotherhood , of American, Toeman.. at the Vinton street lodge rooms. The members of the com mittee on arrangements were H. A. Harrlg, Alfred Homage, Mrs. I' Kenny, Mrs. C. H. Rchoeeslor, Mr E. G. Wager and Mrs. J. W, Houtttn. The program follows: Piano Holo Miss Eva Mulvlhlll. Pong Alfred Homage. Monologue C. H. Bummer. KongAlfred Homage. Reoltatkm Ruth Shapely. Address to Children, "Meaning of Christ mas." Hev. Ralph H. Houseman. Address. "Fraternallsm," Plstrlct Officer Miss N. J. Kobe). Piano Bolo Margarita Wager. 8a.nta Cluua with hi gift. The Omaha Woman's club new ear by combining business and travel and Monday, January 2, give Its annual New Year- reception. begins Its 1 pleasure will The ! a! and '''"'''I'tlon follows the business. An Im portant part or the reception will be the travel tall; which Mr. O. W. Wattles will give on the Philippines, Illustrating the talk by slide of scenes In the Islands. The South Omaha Century literary club has Invited the members of the Omaha Woman' club to visit the water color ex hibit which Is to be held In the hall of the public library at South Omaha the afternoons of lecember 27 and I. The exhibit Is the loan which has been brought to Nebraska by the art committee of the State Federation of clubs, and which was exhibited at the state meeting at Tecumseji. It includes ino water color paintings, largely paintings done In Spain by Richard I- Bibcock, Pudlef Crafts Watson and Miss Jessie Arms. Mr. Watson ha Just sent some new pic tures, scenes of th middle west, and these will be included In the exhibit at South Omaha. The hour of the exhibit re from 1:3n to 5 o'clock and the public I Invited to view the pictures. The only day In the Stio day of the year when the Young Women's Christian as sociation building will not be open, will be Pecembcr at, or the day that Christmas Is observed officially. The Christmas ob servance of tho association' will be held today and will consist of an Informal at home with a program of reading and music. Miss Nellls McCauley will read "The Sign of the Cross"; Miss Winifred Crabls. "The New Brother." Miss Eliza beth Hamlin W'lll furnish the music. The rooms will be especially decorated for the festivities and Christmas souvenirs will be given out. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal churches of Omaha, South Omaha and Florence will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at St. Paul's church, corner Thirty-second and California streets. Rev. A. E. Marsh of Blair will talk on the "Early Missions of Nebraksa." Mrs. Ella Fligg Young, superintendent of the Chicago schools, was a passenger on the Chicago & Alton train, wrecked Tuesday, and suffered painful, but not serious Injuries. .. Fratersml Unlaw of America. Fraternal t'nlon of America, Mondamln lodge No. 11U will Install Its newly elected officer on Wednesday evening, January 4. The following are the officers-elect: H. A. Johnson, F. M.; WJlllam Jarubzick. Justice; Sophie Miller, secretary; Charles E. Stan ley, treasurer; Alice Swartout, truth: Freda Heden. mercy; William Trtiil, guide;' George Klmmel. guard; Robert Nell, sen tinel; J. H. Petersen, steward, three years; J. A. Harpsr. captain drill team; George Harper,, musician. Banner lodge No. 11, Fraternal Union of America, will give on January S, 1911, at Modem Woodmen of American (Myrtle) hall. Fifteenth and Pouglna street, a pro gressive high-five, party and exhibition of B. V M M.1 Modern Woodmen of America team and Banner lodge team. There will be refreshment, six prise and dancing. A Boston paper comment on the recent woman suffrage victories in Washington state by 'quoting from the 'Woman's Journal," and by adding an exclamation which leaves a question. The comment reads: In the Woman's Journal Is published a review of the chief personalities Involved In the recent woman surfrige victories In Washington state. One or these women is described a "the best known and most popular business woman member In Spo kane, the only woman member of the Spo kane Chamber of Commerce. Ieft a widow with a baby In her arms and only her own' labor to depend upon, she has ac quired a fortune by her own exertions." Of another It Is said: "Her personality Is one of singular sweetness." The second I "a young nd' very beautiful woman, with a personality full of charm; she is popu lar with men and women alike, and Is bound to become a public worker of great success." A third "Is a type of the high elnss English woman; conservative, a de voted church woman, yet with all that political sagacity which seems an Instinct with the high class Englishwoman." And of the author of these tributes another woman says: "Her brilliant speeches and exquisite womanliness have formed a com bination of telling power." Such women If correctly described would be welcome to Massachusetts, no matter what subject they discussed. -Take Care. Remember that when your kidney are affected, your life la In danger. M. Mayer, Rochester. N. Y., says: "My trouble ' start! - with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse. dally. I felt sluggish and tired, my kid ney action wm Irregular and Infrequent. I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Each dos seemed to put new life and strength Into me, and now I am completely cured and feel better and stronger than for yeira" Sold by all druggists. Samuel Smith Shot Following Carousal; Claim it Accident Colored Men Say They Were Engaged in Friendly Scuffle When Re volver Was Discharged. Christmas cheer, a gun, an argument and a scuffle ended In death to Samuel Smith, a negro laborer, at midnight at his home, 4009 Pecatur street. Henry Warren and Robert Robinson', negroes, who were In the room at the time, are In custody. The three men, accord ing to the accounts of Warren and Robin son, were In the kitchen of the home on Decatur street, when the shooting occured. "Wo werj Jut playing, in a friendly scuffle, when the gun went off and Sam fell over," was Robinson's statement. Warren says he did not see the shooting as his back waa turned at the time. Smith was shot directly through the heart. HI clothes do not bear powder burns Indicating a revolver shot at close range. The gun with which the wltnee say he wai killed I a small caliber pocket weapon. Robinson admits that he some times carried the revolver.; All three of the men admit that they had at times through the day taken drinks, but deny that there waa a carouial. The two men In custody were not Intoxicated when arrested, soon after the shooting. Lieutenant Hayes, with Sergeant Vanou and Tfftcer Ford, arrived at the Smith home shortly after Warren notified the police of the shooting by telephone. Pr. O. C. Bishop, police aurugeon. said that death was probably Instantaneous. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mil Settle Swart of Wabash. Ind . Ii vlnttlng at th home of Mr. and Mrs I-oul Wolf. - . E. H. Wllann of MaoCarthy Wllaon has gone with hti family to St. Ixmla to fcptfid th linlldaa. Ralph Kitchen, properletor of the Pax tnn hotel, and Mrs. Kitchen have gone to Kansaa City to apend the holiday with their daughter. Mrs. P. 1.. Markel. Carl C. Wright, general solicitor of th Northwestern line, and Benjamin T. White, general attorney for the line west of the Missouri rivtr. arrived In Omaha Kattirdav.. Mr Wriitht. who was promoted from the Omaha office a ehort time ago, came from I'hUig.j to axnd Christmas and to attend the hearing of the Interstate Commerce commission Tuesday. The hear ing has to ik witl the qumtlon of the grain rate from the Missouri river east Mr. White returned from a vacation trip la th south. MANDATE IN TVTCANN CASE Aa Amerlraa K tea ls h great king of cures, Pr. King's Now llscovry. the qu'ck, safe, sure cough and cold remedy, ioo and II 00, - For sal by Beaton Drug Co. .. Coavlrtea Chicago Grafter G Jail Before Christ. to CHICAGO. Pec. 24-Former Pollc In spector Edward MoCanr., who was con victed of accepting bribes in the West Side levee district, today surrendered him-, relf to Jailor Pavles at the Cook county Jail. A mandate by the state supreme court ordering his Imprisonment destroyed, his plau for a ChrUtma celebration at his home. Next week he will be taken to Jollet.' ' ... When you hive a. cold get a Chamberlain' Cough Remttly. boll of It will ' ' Wateh the Wtn dow for peolaj ale Aa. Bonne-, meats D 0 Tuesday is Our Special Sale of Aa. '000 ynrds'of silks, plain jind fancy .wpj,vos. broken lines for dresses, waists, linings, etc., at a fraction of their worth. Dress tattetas, black and colors; i'.rere de chines; novel tv silks; fancy messalines positively worth 50c and 7.")e yard bargain square at,vard -p"; QJi i" y 3 win- 1 1 ; ,S","1 I dow for j I B M l "pti ! a I J I Sale An- ; " hJ I nonnc- ' J :; a I ! Is il I 1 I i i j 2c Dress Goods Special On bargain square Tuesday Vine dress goods, suit and skirt lengths, also for misses' and children's school dresses. coats and jackets, many fine broadcloth pieces, also wool serges, Henriettas, basket weaves, suitings, . up to 34 inches wide and worth 75c. $1.00 and $1.25 yard, at. yard 3C Special Sale Now Going On "Klosfit" Petticoats Here are the petticoats that fit with- out a wrinkle or fold. All Our $5" Klosfit" Petti coats at Choice of All Our Cotton $3!8 "KLOSFIT" At Just $3 Petticoats at $2 $2.50 Petticoats at $1.67 PETTICOATS Vs Off. $2 Petticoats at $1.34 $1.50 Petticoats at $1.00 Brandeis Stores i. n a i H H B B H 1 D n D Announcement No. 41 w inter T, imps Round-trip excursion tickets are now on sale daily via thet.& N.W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba, New Cf rleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coasts v The splendid trains of the . ' , -Chicago -& ; NorthWesten NW1711 n Jias between Omaha and Chicago, connect at the latter city with all lines to the South and Southeast, forming a passenger service that qannot be surpassed. - v Through railway and steamship tickets are also on sale to the Mediterranean, ' the Holy Land and to all European cities. -Sleeping1 car reservations and reserva- ,- tions of space on steamships to points named above are given prompt and . careful attention. - Trains leave Omaha for Chicago: 7:40 a.m. 6:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 12:05 p. m. 6:05 p. m. 5:10 p. m. 8:50 p. m. , TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. (291) KshXi Locate your office In a prominent building where the location is known to .everybody, convenient and accessible. An opportunity to secure an office in a modern, elegantly appointed building, so situated, is now offered by v The Bee Building Booui 820 On the third floor; room 20x19 ft., ha alt, fronts north and west Pries (40.00 per month. Room 21A On the second floor; room SiZO ft, fronts north. Price $12.00 per month. Room 613 On the sixth floor; room 15x16 ft. fronts on the fine court of the building. Price $18.00 per month. Rooms 42fl-428430 Now divided Into four room, but may be changed to suit tenant. Has 1157 square , feet floor space with large vault. Fine north and east light. Rent $115. 00 j)r month. The Bee Building Company ; Bee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts b i b n i All Our High Grade Fur Sots, Worth from $45 up to $150.00 In Black Lynx Black rom Wolf. Tlhr Baocoon and Minks One-Third Otf TTvT SVtBSatl FKXE On Ladl' Home Journal Patters with eaeh oopy ef the Bew Winter Style Book. . BOo t V m Trade With a Store Where you'r lwy certain of ths finest quality, whsre n are nTr rratd and prlr nxr aorbtant. TKAT'S BCKVtTTI POLICT. b m w (( P 1 if in wm Now Its Your Unrestricted Choice Here Is the Much Looked-Forward-to Ladies' Suit and Overcoat Sale Hundreds of the very fine.t hand tailored ladies' Jjiuits and Overcoats, ineludin Wooltex and otlier hijrh rrade makes, cut to actual cost and less, at this, our great Pre-Inventory Sale. Our great Ladies' Apparel department is noted for handling the very newest and swellest ready-to-wear garments made from the very choicest material and patterns. TUESDAY STARTS THE BIG SALE. Any Wool Suit in our entire stock, values up to $.')0.(X); this great sale at. Any Ladies' Colored Coat in our entire stock, values up to !r":,"ispTw"$i95o Any Black Coat in stock, our entire stock, values npCf" AA 'to sM.-i.00; UiiRvVjjUU great sale at ,mAJ One Hundred Girls' Coats, in $500 plush and all wool materials, sizes (i to 14 years red, navy, brown and givm; rtgular $10.00 coat8. Rt n D . Great Sale of Soiled Handkerchiefs Thntmands of I.acllrn' and Men's Unndkerehlefw, nsd for liororatlon diirlnn the holidays, and hundreds of dozens of slightly olld and inued ones, marked down to fractional prli-eo. All taeie beautiful Bandkrchlfs dleldad Into four hlg lots, rallies to 95o, at aoh, 2c, 3c. 5c and lOc Crumpled Neckwear A tin ut 10n dozen Ladles' Dainty Neckwear pieces Just a little mussed and ? crumpled valueH up to 35c: choice Tuesday at s Our Great Pre-Inventory Silk Sale Begins at . 8 o'Clock Tuesday Morning A Groat Oearanre of All the Odds and Knds of Our Beautiful Silks, Press Goods and Waah Goods. Kvery plot-e must fto this w-ek r(urdles of cost. Among these great bargains will be found aome very expensive pieceB, added to this lot because they were slightly 30iled or wrinkled. But, however, they got there. Never were greater values offered. Come Tuesday early. Silks Worth Up to 75c, Tuesday 19c. 19-inch Coloied Taffeta, worth iuc . 19-lnch Mtsaalints, In colors, 75c... 19-inch Feau de Cygnes, in colors, 75c 27-lnch White China Silk, 50c 24-Inch silk Crepe de Chines, worth 69c Bengalines and Faille Silks 24-Inch Black Surah Silks, worth 75c. . A great sale Tuesday at one price. . . . $1.75 Black Hilkn Monday at 8o These are beau tiful silks, all 3C Inches wide, black Casslmere de Soie, for dresses; Tuesday, wonderful bargains at 08 Odds and Kndm of Wash Goods and Linings Lengths from 3 M to 15 yards, 27-lnch and 36 Inch widths; first quality pieces Tuesday, un restricted choice, at f We Will Not Carryover Any Dolls or Toys Kvery piece must go, regardless of cost, now. All our Sample Toys, Dolls, Horses and 'Wagons, Mechanical Toys, Ilumpty Dumpty, Animals, Drums, (James, Teddy Bears, Magic lanterns and Musical Instru ments, etc. This week, starting Tuesday, at- Half Price (let here among the first Tuesday morning. Pre-Inventery Jewelry Sale Commencing Tuesday and lasting for one week, Our Entire Stock of High Grade Jewelry excepting Watches and Dia monds will be on sale at OFF This includes all jewelry, novelties, silverware, clocks, leather goods, umbrel las, etc. W'c Discount on Diamonds. "2(Yo Discount on Watches. Buy now while our prices are down to the minimum. It's your opportunity. on per CENT ! P a u a ( d f I i ft Books Greatly Reduced if Big Annual Aiter-lloliday Clearance Kale all odd and end volumes iu Books and soiled volumes, arranged in lots from 5c and Up. Two Eig Groups 1911 Calenders One lot worth 50c, at..lOc One lot worth $1.00, at 19c Big lot of 1911 Diaries, on Bale, specially priced Tues day. ' Big Marked Down Slipper Sale We find that at tlie clone of Saturday nlKt' buslneaa we had not -noli! all our larne atock of Xmas HMppera, no In order to move them quickly, we have marked them away down for a big" clean-up sale Tuesday. HEAD THII1 BIO BAmQAJHS. All our Ka'a II and $1.88 Hon UuMri, In Everett and r - Opera style; tan or black f3C -choice Tuesday All Our Uan'a $3.00 Xona llp Dr. In Opera and Everett kiyles, kid lined, chocolate and l.lack shade, choice Tueaday, at Man' All Flt Bllppr. felt sole. (6o value for X.a41a' JullM. In red,' gray, tan. brown and black, $1.26 and ll.fiO values; choice Tuesday $1.45 59c V, tan. 98c Tuesday Bargains in Bennett's Big Grocery Pride of Bennett' Flour, sack. . .$1-30 COrrZB SPECIAL liennett'n Uolden Coffee, lb S8o Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg.9o 6Sc grade Teaa. aaaorted, lb...... 480 Tea SlftlnKH, lb. pkg.. 130 Candled Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, lb 880 And 10 Stamp. Bennett' Capitol Minromeat, threa P. ,...35e And 1U Htamps. . -Heeded Kalsin. lb. pkg. ...!., .130 And lu Stamp. Oalllard'a Pure. Ollv ull. yt. can.. 750 Monarch Cut Aiiparagu, large in for 860 And 20 Stamp. 4 ' B. C. Baking Powder, can. . r; . ,t .$o And 20 Stamp. Is. W. C. Syrup, quart caJi. . . . I . . .100 Paanut Butter, two Jar Sue And 10 Stamps. Macaroni. Star and Creacent, three pkg. for .804 And 10 Stamps. Gllletf Muat&rd, jar 100 And 10 Htamp. . i a I p a n i Stop! oon fix You up all xut nd m ward Off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy lonlalna no opium- or ttier nar cotic and may b glen a comWUiitlv t a baoy aa to aa adult Hold by all dealer. The Bee Prints the News - Think! One. death in every ten in your locality is caused by Tuberculosis. You can help stamp out this disease. Uowt Use Red Cross Christmas Seals on your Holiday Letters and Packages. Cost One Cent Each. Anyone may sell thero. Everyone should buy them. , Distributing headquarters for Nebraska: 807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1637. . ADDRESS TUBERCULOSIS SECRETARY. m mmxmmmMtmrm :n "a m m:u Vhat You Don't WantSoil Everybodr has aomethlnf around the bouse tbey do not want Or perhapi they hare artlolei that while they really bave no uie for them, at the tame Urn they dlcllko to throw them away. Juet let them find people who would take theee article off their band and pay for them and they would be bappy, Yet that li Just what can be accom. pltehed by way of the For Sale Mia. ceUaneoui column tn The Bee. It you bare anythinf yoU wUb to dUpoM of, writ a small Want Ad and Put It In Tho Boo FOOD FOR who ""d power to uwu ork and youthful vigor NFRVFS Weak ai.d mrvoui u.cri - gone a a rult of over rcrk r mental lertlun ahuukd tak bHA T'H KtKVB HtuU IMLLd. ThF mill roak ou t and lrp and b maa fin. . II Imi, Rnifi ir, by Mali. CBafAsT ft atcOOMHELJ, SKUO CO. Cor. lth aad Dodg B treats. owz. umuo COMNMT, Cor. lta aa4 eiaraae av. ewaaa S, a 1