Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    SUNDAY lil.K: lUXhMKKK 'J.".
CHRISTMAS AT THE CHURCHES nmwiT 0 m TTF A llAWfllM HTITR !Thvr"n". H -"'"'.voi;, " - '-'f
i. .
a.saSkjuom.i.a'sau-. L..o.u.w .. ..o.1. Sre. Ja..
ended Musical Pr0irnu Are
rranred for the Dav.
Arranjed for the Day.
Impressive I f rrniiinr rf rihirmnrf
kr athollcs funtsfa br (hoir
f (altar? HsnOstFestl.
l at Temple Israel.
Ohr1tm day fl be ohwrrril wi'l t;'
rlil services snd c-rrmn" all tlie O vm"
churches. Musical pro-imms fi ;.ie 'ft"
In both the morr'njr snd rvntne .'re.
Of trunv of (ho churches. i'.tv.-'
III held no eenir.r jn.f" Sur.ilav
void Interference with lanrly psi.ierlr.
n that night.
Christmas frp at.d r"(l n c " w.;i
be held In the evenln by i'iil ell "-c'.ie.
At others entertainments and special sd
rtresscs Illustrated by Innlern sl!0'.s liav
been arranged.
; First Raptist. TutiiH- vptr Aen-:e and
Harney. P.ev. John Minhntj. faftor
Morning service: Organ rei ital. 10:15 to
Margn et Honit I. organist.
Dnxoloscy nnd Invocation
Beponsive Reading
Gloria I 'a Hi
Scripture l.cson
Pf)lo The Monger Cradle Neirinnger
Miha Until ('in.
Pi ever
Anthern I'omf Ntr. e Nail - ns. . Watson
Orgsn Offertory- I'astn air.
. Sermon
Evening services: Organ
. I.ninrc
Ma ilv
ictii. 7:12
to (.;'.
Solo The Hta: of Hthlchm
Miss Nplann.
Quartet 9inn, ! Hravna
iTn nffprtory
. (Ir.iinianx
" PttMor.
. Hcri'-llctlon
-J I'OMlndp
"I"'" 'holr Miaa Nrlaon. a-'prar
on, alto. Mr. ft. i:. Fiindoilaml.
Sir. U I.. Grppnflpld. haya.
Tha ''hrlstniaa iirori-ain of ( alvnrv
r'' tlat church for Sunday la:
' ,; ' MOP.V1NO. 10 SO
Organ Volnntary-Rplpctlon from
.. tnxoloB-v
fnvocaf Ion
' Rpannnalva Upadlng
. , , Krrlptura Iason ,
J'laitpt-Hark. Hark, My 8oul..
i . Of fprtory 1-argo, from "New
M. Hvmphnny '
. ...8hplly
p-oprano Solo Frar Not Ya. o larpal. .Buck
Sermon The Fr'nce of ppace
. Urnpdlrtlon
,. I'oavlude-Largo Handpl
KVKXINO. 7:30.
The C'hrlatmaji cantata. "The Star of
Bethlehem," will be rpn red.
Inatrunipntal lntrudurtlun Darkneaa
and Light
' J'rophpry of th Coming (baia aolo)
Arlaa, O .Tpruaalrm
t'horua (with aolo baas Prepare Ye the
Way of the Lord
The Advrnt (trio for soprano, alto and
tenor) Awake, Awake, Put on Thy
olo for M (aoprano or alto) How Beau
tiful l.'pon the Mountain
The Annunciation (tenor aolo) The
Anitel Gabriel Wee Sent from Ood.
(i Soprano Polo Hall, Thou Art Highly
""Alto Holo Behold the Handmaid of the
i' Lord
i, Chorua And There Were Shepherd....
Soprano Solo Feer Not. for, Behold!..
Chortle Glory to God In the Hlgheet!..
Chorua of Shepherds (ten and baaa)
. , , Iet Ua Now Uo Even Unto Bethle-
'' hem ..
""'-Tenor Solo And They Came with Haute
- - Violin Offertory--Andante tranqulllo VII
, Concetto DeBerlot
' Mia Olive Carpenter.
Herod and the Magi (baaa aolo) Now
ft . When J pen a Was Born
. Trio (tenor I, II and base) Where la
He that la Born King?
" Baaa Polo Go and Search Diligently..
Tenor Solo Whan They Had Heard th
.,. King
Final Chorua Glory to God In the High
pat f Quartet Tenor. H. C. Johnson; aoprano,
Mabel Fulton; alto. Rose Scott; basso, E.
8. Travis. Organist. Alice Curry.
' Monday at .) p. m. the children of the
Bible school will give a cantata, "Santa
Claua' Vlalt to Grandpa."
Th Sunday school of Olivet Baptist
'f church. Thirty-eighth and Grand avenue.
w ill giv tli following musical program
" on Christmas v:
Prelude, "Adeat Fidelea'
Hymn, "Joy t th World'.... Congregation
- Scripture reading, Matt. 1:1-12; Luke
, i.t-M feruparintendent
,, Prayer Pastor
Hymn, "Oh. Littl Town of Bethlehem''
er. Exai'clse Primary Department
tolo, "Th Christ Child". ..Edith Greenwood
Primary Department
v' Pantomime, "Slumber Song "... Four girls
vjHuin "It Cam Cpon th Midnight
f M . v
Fulfillment" from
Mr a. Bradta Class
Cantata. "The
"Prophecy and
Solo, "'Wonderful
Mra. J. M. Sturdevant
Hark, the Herald Angel Sing"
Chrstmoa Offering
School and Congregation
Chriatmas morning worship at Immanuel
Baptist church, at 11 o'clock:
Introduction Organ
' Anthem Break Forth Into Joy
Scripture Lesson...
Anthem Thy Light ia Com
Hymn No. 10
' Sermon Th First Chi 1st mas
n . By th Paatut.
cv 'Antham Alleluia
' Offertorv
- Mlvmn No. 107
. Th Angelic Choir A Christmas cantata
Carrie U. Adams
immanuel t hotr and Orchestra.
Organ and Piano.
Proceasioual Joy to the World (N
l.ST) Congregation Joining
. Introduction
" Hark.' What MuHo Ktlie th 8ky
v , There Cam Three Kings Solo for
" Mr. Everett, Male Choir Accompa-
t And There Wert Shepherds Sol tear
v. . contralto
Miss. Eaton.
' 'Good Tidings of Joy
Tf Choir.
," Th Cbtist Child
. Offertory
Mary'a Manner Kong dolo for soprano.
Miaa Heinerickaon, Violin Accomp
'I nimrnt.
On This tht. All Nlghla Excelling..
' All My Heart Thla Mght Kejoica
Male Choir.
Hail, th Wundtous Stranger Solo for
" Mr. WMtmarsb.
' Hark. Hark, My Koul
Women's Chorua.
,. 11U to the Lvrvl s A::o.'nied...'
' Benedlet.on
.-.i, ..I Chnlp Mr A W IPat..-.
-." ..-X "."L, V: Thorn raal'.
pranuk. Mrs. 11. Palmqulat. luaa iiai
Hemonckiofl. V.a 1.. B. . itsn', klias
iaJ Goodtck. Mita Kmt Huium. Him
Many Zxt
- 1U1JJJJ W VJUUU I'lfrill-U' U V iJ
vkLijCS-v -
f 3 y ,
The leadrrahlp of the Cornell Musical
clubs ie cntrumed to three uien. the prcsl
d nt of the combined ctuba, Luther D. Km
mctt; the leader of the Glee club, Wll
lim K. llake. and the leadnr of the
Mandolin club, Frank H. Branln.
The position of president of the cluba Is
considered a rare honor and la filled always
by one of the moat popular men on th?
campus. Mr. F.mniert was elected by the
members of clubs for his qualities as a
leader and becauae of th Interest and
enthusiasm he has shown In musical and
other campus activities. He has served on
many Important committees In his four
ears and belongs to several senior honor
ary societies, the members of which are
rhon for excellence In scholarship and
for social distinction. He Is studying In
the engineering department.
Frank H. Hrailln. leader of th Mandolin
club, cam to Cornell from Newark, N. J.
During hi four year of study in the
mechanical engineering department he has
been keeping up his Interest In muslo and
In the mandolin and has been a member of
th club from the first. This year he was
elected 'earivr and has proved an able and
popular man In that position.
Hl3 individual work with the mandolin
has been highly praised and Prof. IIollls
E. Dann. musical director of the uni
versity, says of him: "He has rare ability
as a musician and excellent technique."
The home of William W. ITawke. leader
of the Glee club. In In Maiden, Masa. He
has been a member of the club since his
first year and has been very active In
other organisation as well. He Is recognised
ar. a man of unusual gifts and remarkable
voice. Prof. Dann says of him: "He has
one of 'lie most melodious' and powerful
voices thet I have so far met with off the
professional stage."
These three men are th leaders In all the
activities of th combined organisations
and much of the success attained has been
du to their efforts.
Cornell university lays claim to th dis
tinction of having tli finest musical club
of any school In the country. It would
doubtless be a very difficult matter to
establish Ita right to the honor, but at
ny rata Its reputation for excellent singing
and madolln playing Is widespread. The
musical atmosphere of Ithaca, Is one of
HAsel Brasee. Mra. R. J. Ie Rooue. Miss
Helen Kellogg. Mrs. W. R. Stroud. Miss
Maude Hatf. Mrs. Harold H. Thom. Mlaa
Mabel Morris, Miss Nona George, Mrs. W.
H. Dressier; altos, Mrs. A. E. Brands, Mrs.
R. M. George, Miss Irene Katon. Mlaa
Besale Morrla, Mlas Ella Johnson, Mrs. A.
B. Katon. Miss Bonnie Jonen. Mra. J. How
ard Martin. Miss Mildred Rose; tenor,
Luoten G. Lehr, B. K. Eaton, Ralph Wood.
A. Wallace. J. L. Barber: bassos. Leon
ard Everett, E. R. Kellogg, A. Swanson, A.
S. Kelley. Raymond Johnson. R. W, Ogden,
H. A. Galloway. A. K. Katon. W. R.
Orchestra Mr. Will Hetherlngton, di
rector; Mra. A. E. Brand, ptanlat: E. M.
Clark, Harry Koonts. Richard Clark. Maa-
er Edwin Clark. Mlas Minnie Richards.
Miss Marguerite Brown. Miss Letha Heth
erlngton, Miss Pattt Atkinson. Harold Kel-
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock the choir
of Calvary Baptist church will render the
eontata, "Th Star of BethUhem," by H.
Flaxlngton Harker. It will be given com
plete by four aolo voice. Miss Mabel Beth
Fulton, aoprano; Mlaa Roe Scott, con
tralto; Mr. E. Starr Travis, baritone; Mr.
II. C. Johnaon, tenor and director, and
Mlaa Alio Curry, organist Sunday morn-
ng Miss Fulton will sing "Fear Not Te,
O Israel," by Dudlsy Buck, and th choir
will aing Harry Row Shelley'a "Hark!
Hark! My Soul."
At th North Sid Chriatlan church.
Twentieth and Spencer streets (with
Plymouth Congregational church), Sunday
evening th chorua choir of twenty-five
voloea will render a two-part programme.
as follows:
Processional. "Hark the VIeraM ii,.i.
Sing," Mendelssohn.
Choir Response. "Glorv Re In ClnA An
High." Gounod.
Hymn lit (Carol). "It Came T'noa th.
Midnight Clear."
Hymn. "Silent Ntvht " nM Rwnun mi-
tjermonette. Rev. Klrachstel .
Christmas Cantata.. "Ilnlv Niaht ' Ikn
Hyatt Brewer.
The aoloiata Will ha Mra C A Vf.
Mra T. F. Wile. Mr. James Knight and
Mr. Walter Cady. Th choir will be sup
ported by Miss Jessie Cady at the piano
ua aire. n. j. Klrschsteln, the choirmas
ter, at th organ.
John Hyatt Brewer Chriatmas cantata.
Holy Night." will be prevented Sunday
eveuing. December 26, at 7: o'clock, by
the chorua choir of the North Side Chr'
tian church at Plymouth Congregational
ehurch. Twentieth and Spencer atreets. un
der the direction of Mrs. H. J. Klrsch-te-'n.
th choirmaster. Thi cantata Is
taken from the German and English musio
of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
The introduction for Instrument repre
sents "Nlrht" a slow. soft, dreamy move
ment, and is closely followed by th cheru
bic chorus. "Wonderful Nlrht," repre
sented as sung from the portals of heaven.
Then th tory of th birth of Christ, as
recorded in Luke. Is told In solos. Inter
spersed with choruses and chorales. In
th closing chorus. "Glory tj God." th
cherubic choir again sin a uniting with a 1
th hosts of heaven and earth in praise
and adoration to God; and at th very
close repeats the open ng carol, "Wonder
ful Night." closing with th benediction
from to portals of heaven, hallelujah,
This cantata will also be sung by St.
Mark's Lutheran choir Sunday evening.
Twentieth and Burdette atreau, under the
direction of Mr. Klrschajein. and th
chtrublc chor will be represented bv a
boys' chorus.
at? r.. .
. lnun Wo.rmm of for
I y at th Flr" ' '"Hf'iUonl church
. klUONlxa
j Organ Processlunal-ChrUtnia Pastor-
HP - IT' '
L D.EMMEJtT president
the things that the university is proud of
and the most revered customs of (he cam
pus center around the singing of college
The senior singing, which at Cornell Is
always done on the campus at twlllwht,
with th seniors In cap and gown. Is a
beautiful and impressive sight. The air
of th Cornell song.
"Far above Cayuga's water,
With Its waves of blue'
Is one of the best known of college airs
and many other schools have fitted their
own words to the tune. On of the best
known comic songs Is the "Bustonlan
Chorus." composed by Roland F. Andrews,
one of the class of lfOO. It Is the plaint of
a student who has been "busted" out by
the faculty. The singing Is always closed
with the appropriate and beautiful "Even
ing Song," and in all the Glee club eon
certs that song Is the last selection on th
The Cornell clubs will give their concert
In Omaha the night of December 26 at the
Boyd theater. After the concert the recep
tion at the Rome for several hundred guest
will be given, at which the young men of
the eastern university will be introduced to
Omaha society.
al Merkel
Anthem The First Christmas Morn....
Offertory (organ) The Shepherds In the
Field Mailing
Tenor Solo The Star of Bethlehem ....
U"",'"i"v Weatherby
Dr. Frederic C. Freemantel.
Anthem Sing. O Heavens
Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus.. Handel
Organ Prelude Holy Night ..Dudley Buck
Anthem Wake, O Y People Parker
Soprano Solo Glory to God Rotoll
Ofiertory (organ) Beroeuae. .Ralph Kinder
Anthem Glory to God In th Highest.
Organ Postlude Chorale".'.' Caeaer rrsjick
Organist Miss Nancy Cunningham.
Musical Director-Dr. Frederic C. Fre-
The Christmas service of the St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church:
Sermon subjects: 10:I a. m., "Incarnation
f.". K1v1'n;" 7:J p. m.. "'the other
W la Man.
Music for the day 10:80 a. m
Organ Voluntary-Poatlude symphony
Anthem f estival T beum'.'.'.'.'Du'die Bucc
Offertory-Berceuse In A Delbruck
Solo The Birthday of a King Neldlinger
Miss Collals.
Antnem Nazareth
Organ Postlude March
of the
i if'i 'A"". Dubois
7.80 p. m. :
Organ Prelude Th Holy Night..
Offertory-Traumerel Sohumann
Solo-Th Holy Child V...T HheUw
Mr. Manchester.
Anthem-In tile Fields With Flocks
Abiding West
Organ Postlude Festival march. ..."Calkin
yuarut Edith Roselyn Collals, soprano"
Mlnnah Weber, contralto; W. T. b warts'
tenor; G. W. Manchester, bass and di
rector; Charles Lee Cocke, Jr.. organist.
Trinity cathedral services on Christmas
Service (with music) at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.:
Music Th hymns and chants of the
church as appointed for Christmas day
ar th following: Communion ervic
(Plainer); "Christ Was Born" (Bonnerr
Songs of Praise" (Whiting); "aing o
Heaven" (Tours); Magnificat and xsuno
Dlmltls (Buck); "Te Deum" (Haydni
"Jubllante" tSchuhert) and carols.
Chorus Choir Twenty-one boys, thirty
six men and women.
Solo Choir Mr. Ben Stanley. soprano
Mis Daisy Higglns, contralto; Mr VV B
MUKiiiB. tenor; Mr. Ooorge J. S. Colllna
bass; Ben Stanley, organist and choir
master; Elisabeth Parsons, assistant or
ganist. Th following two-part programme will
b presented by St. Mark's Lutheran
chorua choir, assisted by a boys' chorus,
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock:
Part I invocation; doxology; responsive
psalm; Hymn 233; Scripture; Hvmn a.Vf
prayer; pastor's remarks. Rev. L. Uroh'
offertory hymn, ".silent Night." German
Part II John Hyatt Brewer's Christmas
cantata. "Holy Night"; benediction.
Mra H. J. Kirschatein. uirector of music.
Miss Rachel Shultz, organist.
The music at th Ftrt Methodist church.
Twentieth and Davenport, will be as fol
lows: MORNING. 11 O'CLOCK.
From the Tower t a) Old Carol. 'The
First Nowell ' Traditional
u .Aiiuicui mn u, v onie All ve
Faithful Adcpte Fideles
Hymn Hsrk the Herald Angels Sing...
Choi a I Invocation i leaven's Arches
Rung, when the Angels Sajg
Ancient Christinas Hymn "I nto Cs a
Christ la Bom fourteenth Century
Hymn-Joy to the World sir. from Handel
Tin' Anthem "O Come. Redeemer of
Mankind John E. West.
tlnclilentul solo by Mrs. Kelly.)
OftrTtor .Musk Ouet "Love Divine. All
l,ove Excelling" Plainer
Hyii'.n-Angels fiom the Realms of
Ciory Henry Smart
EVENING. 7:30 O CIjin'K.
From the Tower lai "God Rat Ton
Merrk Gentlemen" Old English
tn "Oh. the 'loan of Bethlehem"
Hymn-Hark, what Mean Those Holy
VolceaT Dr. Dykes
An,h,m -4 hf hd '. k..-ii th
Unvm ' uvmn i.f the rathe, i.nv.
An lent i:nin of the
Offertorv Music-li
Ilynn Silent Night.
it ': i dp Naius) .
How n H'ise E'er J
o Mght
. I rsnx tlrubpr
Benediction I!' rrn Sien. Iloiy Babe....
Or. Pke
(Mr. Thomas J. K;i. cMrector of mnalc.l ,
Hanaiom Park Method'! Episcopalian ,
Prelude Gullmant
(Transcription of tno i h-isirrai Hymn' I
Anthem With Fnrrarn .olo And There
W ere Shepptd Slmrson
Mis. lien sin chor.
Offertory-H Sea:'. !:e1 'In
t. Messiah i
Solo The Blrthrtav '.f-s K ng...
Mia. F. N. He.
Postlude-Oar.d ( to d In
l. rev I NO
PreludeThe f.'hprrdj in the
Klo k
e'U.nger j
Salome j
. v ailing i
Anthem With I siVps Trio-
Shitte for Thv I .lent ! t "oni. ... K i all i
Offeriory-f'satorsl S .lntihoT. iMesalahi
Choral -(aolo sn't . horun hi Id J'sna I
Alannes. i
Mra. Hea and elicit.
Portlude In F Coppelen
Tlie musical programa to he rprdereil
by the choir at First Vre""nyter:an rh'irch ;
on Christinas da. .ve rs follows: I
Mornin,, in .O o'clock: i
Organ Prelud- ' 'radle S mt " i frorn I h !
Christinas Orator. oi Pa h .
Anthem "Sing, o t'ra.eia' .-. .'i'.iiira .
Organ Offerlor- 'ore of th Even r,g
Star" ("Tannlia.i'er' i Wagner i
Soprano Solo -'"('he Brthd of a
King" Nf Id ingrr i
Hymn "ti Little Tue n of I 'el hlehe-u" ,
Postlude "Gloria" 'i:th Mass) Mozart
(Mrs. Howard Kennedy, organist j
In the evening ihe qi'snet. Lena EIU- ;
worth Dale, soprano: Mrs. Vei nc AI ller. j
contralto: Mr. Gor,e .lo'riston tenor and
director: Mr. Chester Pa-!:, hnsr, will pre- !
sent John K. ipa;"s Chris. mas rent's t a. 1
"Tlie .story of Bethlehem." . - j
Progra in : I
Organ Prelude ".Veht in rtelhlehem"
(from "The llolv Child"! Parker,
Organ Offertory Pa nrsle" 1
t.ii orpe E. W hltlng
The Cantata j
Introduction. Bass leo istlve a .d s)tia-te !
"Be(hlpli... Bethlehem. '
Solo (Tenor) -t let- Salem's low-Prs and
Zlon's Steep."
Recitative (Passi-'f) l.nne'v .Wstchoa."
Quartet "A L ght from the Land 1m j
(H'l 111.
Recitative (Contralto) "It l"s Now Go
Even Unto Bethlehem."
Hymn (Choir and Congrcpation! '(
Come All Ye Faithful" (Arteste Fldeles).
Solo (Soprano) "In Bethlehem's Ancient
Recitative (Bass) "And the Shepherda
Made Known the Storv."
Quartet and Duet "Now O'er the Plains."
Recitative (Contralto) "Shepherds of
Bethlehem, Rejoice."
Quartet "Rejoice, Rejoice. Y Nations";
Ve Sad and Heavy Lsden."
Postlude "Chorus of Shepherds".. Semmers
(Mrs. Howard Kennedy, organist.)
Christmas program at Lowe Avenue
Presbyterian church, Fortieth and Nicho
las: i
MORNING, 10:30.
Organ Prelude-March Tannhauser
Processional As With Gladness Men of
Anthem Tlier Were Shepherds...' .'
Anthem Blrthdsy of a King
Mr. W. H. Wilbur and Choir.
Offertory Rejoice
Mrs. Robert Mullis.
Christmas Sermon
Bv the .Hatnr
Miss Marguerite Morehouse.
Mrs. Robert Mullis, choir leader.
EVENING. 7:31).
Christmas tree and nroeram
for th
church and Sunday schools, including gifts
o cny missions, anl a new reature with
the stereoptlcon. presented by Mr. W. If.
Wilbur and committee.
Miss Morehouse will preside at the organ
and Mrs. Robert Mullis and the choir will
present the following:
Anthem Brightest and Best
Anthi.m-Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem.
Mis Mildred Mo A lister and Choir.
Duet Oh, Holy Night
Mrs. Robert Mullis and Mr. W. H. Wilbur.
Musio at Clifton Hill Presbj tertan church
Christmas morning:
Organ Voluntary Glory to Oo4
Doxology ;
Hymn O! Come All Ye Faithful '.
Response Gloria
Hymn Joy to th World
Male Quartet Beautiful Angels Lorens
Response Christmas Thanksgiving. ,Irens
Hymn Hark th Herald Angels Sing
Organ Postlude Peace on Earth
Th choir, will sing a Christmas cantata,
"Promise and Fulfillment." by E. L. Aah
ford; assisted by Mr. Louis Schnauber,
Organ Voluntary Largo Handel
Hymn While Shepherds Watched
Response Gloria
"I Have Made a Covenant"
"Th Lord Shall Defend"
Mrs. O. W. Hendee and Chorus.
"Th Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me"
Mr. R. D. Johnston and Chorus.
"A Mighty Salvation"
i Mrs. C. B. Wilson.
"And It Cam to Pass"
Mrs. R. D. Johnston and Chorua.
"A Christmae Lullaby"
Mra. R. D. Johnston and Chorua;
vioun oDiigato, Louis schnauber.
"Thre Kings Hav Journeyed"
Men's Chorus.
"Hymn of Adoration"....:
Chorus and Trio.
Final Choru Rejoice Greatly
Organ Postlude Joy to the World
Mr. Will Reynard. Organist and Leader.
1 Rav. Thomas B. Greenlee, Pastor.
Following Is th program for Sunday
morning at the Third Presbyterian church.
Twentieth and Leavenworth:
Organ Voluntary
Invocation,poiiHH by Choir
Hymn It Cam Upon th Midnight Clear
Sc riot lire
Anthem Down Through the Ages. .Lorens
Anthem Th Message Sweet Porter
Hmn While Shepherd Watched
Sermon The Hilarious Giver
Hvmn Joy to th World
OrKan Voluntary
Rev. F. P. Ramsay. Ph. D.. pastor. E.
11 Packard, musical director. Evening
topic "The Gospel According to Genesis."
St. Paul Lutheran, Twenty-eighth and
Parker Ther will be a children' service
j In German, with program and cantata by
Itha children's and young people's choirs on
Christmas Ev. Program by lh Sunday
school ana seimoneue in cngusn on Bun
ds y evening at 7:45. Services with special
music Sunday morning at 10 and Monday
evening at i. '
Th Castllar Street Presbyterian church
will have special, services Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Religious crr.phasi of Chriat
mas. the church and Bible school uniting
la exercises by th children and young
popl. Parent and the public welcomed.
Th program, nlltled "Th King's Her
alds" follows:
Solo "Noel, Noel th Christ Is Born"
La vu'lonals.
Hymn '...."Ties World Redeemer"
Recitation. "A Birthday Gift"
. .. litre Beginner Boys
Mai quartette.
Song f
Hinptur exercise
"The Last Command '
.Primary Depi intent
"Tin ulft"
"Wondeiful Tiej"
."Th Heavenly Song"
lt I' Go To Bethlehem''
Four Primary Girls
Hvmn anthem
"W Three King of Orient Ar '
Recitation. "Th Wis Men ". . . . Fl .e Olrls
Song, "Who Rang th Christmas Bells'
Six Beglnttei Girls
Tall "The Gifts W Bring to Chrljt"
Atllhein Choru Choir
Superintendent talk-
.iei(,.i-niin . i,ur.-h. Tnti.-u, n.i .
wnu. .m he h.-id t wjo o'clock s,m
clay morning, liev . Ji.illus Snarls, pastor
The Christmas celeluatlon will be held in
the evening
In addition to music suited to the Christ
mas season in the ninmlnif service at the
Dundee Preshjterlan chinch the choir will
hae a special program at the pvenlng wor
ship and the pastor. Ir. Fisher will preach
a short sermon on a Christmas topic.
, , MORNING. - '
oigan oluntsrv vp it. S huniatn j
,, . Miaa llatha.a.
Holy. Holy. Holy 1 kea
- Congregation.
KPaponse The Lords Praei Palmfi '
. Choir. ,
Anthetn Naxareth Gounod'
O.lrrtot , s. llelu- !
PoMlude-.ria from t Paul. . Mendelssohn
fi'.iiile Ae Mart .....It. Fran-i
i-.vmn -Hbm ;he Oav is Oxer Parnoy .
Choir. '
lenor soi., -Muhi .i .ichis.. an il W aii I
. Mr Raymond P. Anderson.
Ar-them- The Aogeis' Song Pea is!
soios- .vliss Clseii and Mies W entworth i
and choir
Offertory-Melodv c. 1'zrrn.i I
I'atltone Snln-nn. Holv Night j
Adolph Adam '
a Mr. .1. .). Bavtlett. I
."oprano Solo- llosanna Vftn Alstyno
. t Miss lo,-a Olsen
AnthPin-Uhlle Shepherds Watched...
Parks I
First Congregational. Nineteenth and I
Dsenpnrt. Frederick T. Rouse, pastor. I
Morning worship at 1 :. Theme: "liod s!
!reat Gift" Special Chr.stmas music. In!
the evening, at 7:4a. the 'hoir under the'l
direction of Profeaor En i n uei, will give j
a Christmas praise piosi .
The church has been mm , o ly decorated 1
Wlttl A.-Ar.r.. . .,, l .. I
,i.. i-lri8irru ana oriuiMiii poiii.Piia,
under the direction of Mrs. .1. I. Palmer
of the Art department of the Woman's ;
Dr. r. H. Hannn will preach Sunday
morning and evening at the First United
Presbyterian cnurch. Twenty-first and Etn-
mett streets. He lll slso address the'
Sabbath school at noon.
Vhe choir at the North Preebyteitan
church on Sunday will use the following
"Ping. Oh. Ilea ens B. Tours
Arise. Shlnu " P-. t. Maker
"Jerusalem" Horatio Parker
" V Faithful" from "The Holy
Infant".... Frederick Field Billiard
Mra. Stephen Barker, soprsno; Mrs. E.
F. Williams, contralto; Ralph Newell,
tenor; E. F. Williams, bass and director;
J. W. lampinan, organist.
Unity church Chriatmaa service will be
held at 11 a. m. sharp, Sunday.
Organ Prelude. Offertolre "Bur Deux
Noels'' Dcpiantay
Mr. Allen
"It Cam Upon a Midnight Clear". ...Sears
Sunday School and Congregation
Introductory Reading.
"God's Great Tree Its Branches Spread"
Sunday School and Congregation.
Responsive Reading.
Vocal Solo, "The Birthday of a King '
Mr. Ross Johnson.
Prayer or. Lilllefnra
Violin Solo, "Fatherland'' Grieg
Mr. George Barker.
Reading and Responsive Singing.
Vocal Solo, "Bethlehem" Shelly
Miss oe Fries.
Address. "The Tree of the Chriat Child"
A legend retold Dr. LHIlefor
Duet, "I Waited for the Lord" Mendelssohn
Miss Fries and Mr. Johnson.
Offertory, Violin Solo, Andante
Mr. Barker
"Oh Happy Bells of Christmas". ..... Horton
Sunday School and Congregation.
Organ Postlude. E flat Helv
Mr. Allen
"Because a little Chlt.l was born
The earth is filled with peace."
The festival of Christmas will be ob
served at Sacred Heart church Pundav
At t:30 a. m. a high mass will h: celebrated
by the pastor, Father Judge, who will also
deliver the Christmas greeting. At th s
mass almost the entire congregation will
receive holy communion. There will h
low masses at 7 and 9 o'clock. The most
Impresalv service of th day .will he the
solemn high mass at 10:30, at which the
spec al Christmas sermon will he preached
by Rev. W. F. Ioley, H. J., vice-president I
of Creighton university. The celebrant of I
tte mass will bo Rev. John Gleeson of I
Sacred Heart church; deacon, Rev. W. F. I
Dooley, 8. J.; subdeaenn. Rev. W. Tlerncy, J
S. J.; master qf ceremonies. Rev. P. J. !
Judge. Immediately after the high mas
solemn benediction of the blessed sacra
ment will be given. The music n the o:J)
and 10:30 masses will be strictly in accord- f -
anra with the prescriptions of the Motu'L
- -w v h w iruin irre'-io-rlan
chant, under the direction of Slater
M. David, O. S. D. the distinguished
teacher of mu.'ic in the Sacred IKan Ju.iun
and high schools. Miss Muriel Connor w.ll
preside at the organ. A carefully train.'U
Joint choir, composed of the senior anu
Junior choirs of the church, will render
the music.
The annual Hanukka festival vl toe
children of Temple Israel will be held Sun
day afternoon, December "5, at 2:30 at thu
temple. The following program will be
Children of the Hcuool.
Piano Solo
Norman Harris.
Vocal Solo
Ruth Oppenheim.
Violin Solo
Blanche Monhelt.
Piano Solo
Margaret Ullery.
Cantata Parade of the States
Pla let A Delayed lilrtnday
Iorene RosenMock, IJIIian Meyer, l-ilua-
beth Harte, Ralph Cohn and Jerry Wirta-
Lighting of Candles
Ronald Gladstone. Miriam Misher, Edward
vnni, Moiieiise icuaenstock, 1'hllii)
Krasne. Bertilce Adler, Melvln tloid
strom, Beulah Miller and Geoig Sher
man. Chriatmas program for the Hartford Me- I
mortal United Brethren church, Nineteenth I
and Lothrop streets. j
MORNING 11:30. ;
Predude ...k. I
Doxology ' I
Gloria ,',
Hymn Joy to the World
Anthem -A Savior and a King Ashford '
Solo There Were Sheiherds Abiding....' j
Miss Nodgard. ;
Sermon Our Savior
Hsniu As VS'ilte Gladness .'.
Benediction ,
Organ Prelude e'anllque de Noel Adams '
Antnem l luiugs or ureat joy Adams
Hymn It came Upon the Midnight Clear
Mai yuartet Mr. Bohren. Mr. Smith, Mr
Mapes, Mr. Matough.
Prayer and Response
(Solo-While Shepherds Watched
Miss Bess Ross.
Ofierttory Lsst Night Kprulf
Anthem All Glory Evermore Hughes
Sermon Scouting th Way
Hymn Jesus be Light of the World
Miss Mary Munchhoff will sing at i
o'clock maaa at Saint Mary Magdalen
church. Nineteenth and Dodge streets,
Christmas morning.
Moat Kuoil la I'uliua
I to the dvspeptlc. Electric Itltt.'ts cure dis- I
I pepils, liver and kidney complaints audJ
debility. Pric c. Sold by 11. a I on Drug
JCO. '
.lust (no week iiiul Our C ut I'rict' i'Liycr I'i.-nio SnU
is closed. Kvrry Plnyrr Piiino is nuirkivl down to a pi icf
that cannot l tMiualcd on any market
i mm
Free stool, lieneli, scarf and twenty-five rolls of the
new music with oaeh player, livery Flayer Piano is a
new one, full size, and plays the new SS note music. Our
ju ices do not signify (iiality, but they are standard make
and are fully guaranteed !y us. You can trade in vnur
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(onus. We are showing (irand Pianos with invisihle pV.y
rrn. Note the makes we are selling: The World's Hc-I,
Knahe Angelus, Kmerson Angeli..-. Angelns. " Ceeelian,
Fischer, Schaeffer, .Milton, Price & Tee lc, Vt rat t ford,
Marshall & Wendell and Baur. Any one can play them.
Why not have one for your home.
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