T1IK )EK: OMAHA. SATTTinAY. HMHKU 24, 1fMl i0lfTllTJL"" JWitli 7 CtlAA til A Y7 trAnifitC tf Early Saturday Homing 7 Jv! This jreat store olfen emy t.ranUe lo lbs" rVvS Last Day Christmas Shoppers 0 -i M M Handkerchiefs for Gifts Women's Irish Hand Embroidered Sheer In itial Handkerchiefs lace bordered, Madeira and hand embroidered linen handkerchiefs; also men's pure linen plain hemRtttchod and hand embroidered in itial handkerchiefs, at, each- 25c and 50c Many are worth 76c and 85c each. Big lot of men's Silk Handkerchiefs, at, each, 2 5c. Real Duchess and Rose Point at $19.00, $10.00, down to Silk Hosiery Women's Pure Thread Heavy Silk Hos iery, some with lisle garter tops, extra spliced soles and heels black and col ors, at, pair 08c and 9150 Women's Pure Thread Silk Hand Em broidered Hosiery extra quality, double soles, heels and toes; special, pr., $2.50 Women's Fine French Lisle Thread Hos ieryColored values at, pair Gift Gloves IWomen's Finest French Kid Gloves, 2 and 3-clasp effects black, white and the newest shades for street and evening wear; per pair at 1.75 and 2.00 Midget Gloves One and two-clasp, for girls and boys tan, white, red, gray, brown, pr...Sl and S1.25 Women's Italian Silk Vests, with women's Italian Silk Vests, plain ribbon trimmed, $1.25 Join the Phonjraph Club Edison or Cf1 ff Victor -weekly club dues are .... V IvJ vP You get the Talking Machine at once. Just in timo for Xmas. Visit the new department in Poinpeian Room. A Big Christmas Sale mm v i These are very iii'vv ' 1 ceptable gifts fori .Christmas. Any wo- V L iny mau will be suited. BRADESS Persisteut Advertising is the Koad Tl'eI?!",'S Allvt'rtisil, MAKE YOl It Christmas Dinner lnnpkUty I blag Our Steel Cot and Sited Coffee Strength Flavor Aroma It's Perfect Coffee Mocha Mixture, lb 35 3 lbs. for $1.00. Kxceletor Blend, lb 30 3'a lb. fur $1.00. W.L.r'Iasternian&Co. THK t)KFi:K .MIA" . miAN II AT lt HI.1C MAKKKT. IfllU lUl !) . 54 . li" TH1 I See Brandeii y Bi Christmas L 1 V Adi on Pas 4 aod 10 J Lace Handkerchiefs, each, $2.50 for Gifts silk embroidered; special 49c embroidered front $1.98 Chafing Dishes, Coffee Machines, Casseroles, Trays and Perco lators to close out before Satur day night. They make very prac tical and desir able presents. On sale in the China Depart ment Saturday.- STORES to Big Ifcoturns- Columns Are That Road. mi wi, . ! fill I Joy-bolU rlncinK, I iM ood f'liecr bring. I If B HIS TOC 1 I y 1 JOHN NITTLER. 11 ; t Douf . 180. ft 2932. l V. In4- -X37T. 1 7 llayden's Meat Bep't. Christmas Poultry While others are charging great big prices for Christmas Poultry, Haydens. as usual, have cut the prices way down. Not one of them can meet these prices: Choico Fat Turkeys 20c Choice Fat Gooso . . .14c Choice Fat Chickens . . . 12ic-10c Pork lioast, per pound 10c Mutton Legs, jer pound . .. (Jc Mutton Roast, per pound 5c Mutton Chops, four pounds for 25c Mutton Stew, seven jkhuhIs for 25c fA Try Hayden's First ?. !top! One death in every caused by Tuberculosis. You can help stamp .How? f . - , Anyone may sell them." Everyone should buy them. Distributing headquarters for Nebraska: 807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1687. ADDRESS TUBERCULOSIS SECRETARY. mow amdl Ice At this scasn of the year, when the ground and street car platforms arc apt to be cavered with snow or ice, especial car' should be taken by passengers in getting on and oft cars. REMEMBER Assist Us In Preventing Accidents Omaha Sc Council Bluffs Street Railway Company At-.CMM f Tup V j Utlman Horn StbU t 11 Thus Joashtl : tlnot the kindness If father had done t ' j son. And when he II Lord look upon il 23 H And it cai I end of OJyear, th I I came if gainst IP THE BEE PUBLISHING CO., Omaha, Neb. Christmas Meats Make sure of your fine Christ mas dinner by having us supply ou with a CHOICE CHOICE CHOICK CHOICE Turkeys, lb. Geese, lb. . Ducks, lb. . YOINO Tl'RKEV YOUNG (HKKSE TOl'N IH'CK YOINO CHICKEN 25 18 Chickens, lb. 1J5C Jos, Bcth's Cash Market 17"- Far , 9 BBSBBS1 Think! ten .in your locality is out this disease. Use Red Cross Christmas Seals on your Holiday Letters and Packages. Cost One Cent Each. WAIT UNTIL THE CAR ST0PS1 GET OFF IN HIE K tittl WAY! THE HOLHAN HOME BIBLE Printed from Urg , clear pica typ, with mfcrgrl nal references, family record and maps. ThJa borne Blblt is new and very desirable for arery day use In' the home, contalnlnt; all the adrant agee of a family Bible In a compact size that can be easily handled, with record for births, mar riages and deaths. The best Bible obtainable for old folks who need extra large, clear print and a lUht weight book. The exact sUe of Bible when closed Is 6 H9 Inches. Bound In French seal leather, round corners, red under gold edges, gold titles, silk head bands and purple silk marker. ( OVR CHRISTMAS OFFER. . This elegant Bible and The Daily Bee, by mall, one yar for $5.00, which Is the regular selling price of the Bible alone. The price, including The Sunday Bee also, is $7.00. W'fi send the Bible, by mall or express, charges prepaid, upon receipt of subscription price. Christmas Candy Special for Saturday, Dec. 24 60c "Princess Sweets" olate, at per pound . . . Choc 39 We have additional help for Saturday. Call or phone your order, and we will deliver any place In the city. Myers-Diiloi Drug Co', 16th &. Farnam Sts. 1) BAR- GAINS For Saturday Only Tlic liarRiilns for this Saturday lst day Ix-fore XniHN, will lc worth while to lok over a thero arc many mnall Iota, left from thin week's Boiling, Hint we want lo llSXNp of. BAKOAI1T HO. 1 Olorla Silk Unihrrlla, with the Intent tyle of hriiidlr. hoth Indies' nnd (tents' dtzeit, worth 14.00. t..l. BAKOAIIV DO. I i5o Hand Hhrs, larse sizes, at... 390 BAROAIN NO. 3 All the odds nnd ends of our bent rrarie of men ress Shirts; beau tiful patterns, and are worth up to t .75. at 950 BiaoAiir wo. 4 Our $l.fi Men s I'ress Uloves, In kid and maro. at, pair 9So BABOAIH HO. 5 rSc and 9fio ladles' Silk Hose, black and llsht blue colors left, pair, 480 BAjioAiir jro. s flx pairs in a box of guaranteed-for-8-months Men's Hose, at, box..75o BABOAIBT HO. 7 Cholre of any silk Petticoat In our stock. Including- all the plain and changeable shades, also Persian de signs, wirth up to 16.50, at....f&.9S BABQAIK HO. 8 Black Voile Skirts, plain tailored ef fects, also trimmed, sold up to $.10 Saturday only B3.9S - BABOAIH HO. 120.00 Men s Suits for. 912.98 For .Saturday we will place on sale a splendid assortment of men's hand tnllored Suits, In the newest of win ter patterns, for $19.95 ' BABOAIH HO. 10 AJ1 $3. SO Coney Sets of Furs st.fS.43 All IS. DO, $9.00 and $10.00 Coney Sets of Furs at $5.93 BABOAIH HO. 11 Ladles" Caracul and Plush Costs . worth $18.00 and $19.00; for Satur day oily 919.50 BABOAIH HO. 12 $15.00 Men's Overcoats for 93-93 in the ret convertible collar, In fancy grays, browns and mixtures, for , 98.95 BABOAIH HO. 13 50c Sofa Pillows, each 850 BABOAIH HO. 14 $S.0O Net Waists, In white and ecru colors, one. In a box, Saturday only, at 9.1.95 BABOAIH HO. 15 I-adles' and Children's Knitted House Silppers, pretty colors, pair.... 480 BABOAIH HO. 16 $1.25 and $1.60 Men's Sweater Coats, at 89o BABOAIH HO. 17 Ladles' $2.76 and $3-00 Shoes. . .91-95 BABOAIH HO. 18 $1,60 Knitted Shawls and Scarfs. 750 BABOAIH HO. 19 Choice of one lot of Ladles' Tailored Suits, worth up to $22.60; Saturday only 910.00 BABOAIH HO. 90 75c Men's Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers 45o BABOAIH HO. 91 $3.00 and $1.60 Men's Shoes 99.45 Wo have hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention at special prices for the !ut day that will Inter est you and save you money. Raphael-Pred Co., Wholesale and Retail Corner 13th and Farnam Sts. BS The Last Call Toiriorrow Is the last shopping day your time Is short, but no matter how far you look you will not be able to find a gift that will f .lease them more than a pair of landaome slippers. We have them In the following stylea: Men's Men's Opera Slippers, black and chocolate from In tan. 91-00 to 93 00 Men's Romeo Slippers from 91-50 to 93-00. Women's Women's Felt Slippers and fur trimmed Romeps from 91.00 to 99.00 Women's Kid and Patent Leath er Slippers from 91-50 to 99-00 Doysf ,i Boys' and Youths' Slippers at 91-95. High Cut Shoes for winter wear, the kind that the boy will like and keep his feet dry 99.60 to 94-60. Store Closed All Day Monday.: Fry Shoe Co. Tlie JioeTs " Sixteen ad Ioa-lae Streets. Reliable Dentistry r n ' D Tail's Dental Roems SSSpp TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, Ob UdIUi Per Year. CLOTHING aMUS UIHS rUI! MEN AUQ BOYS : ' i aisain 'up -if.tM.j fTfUUTV mLl Fine Dress Shirts, at uommnation Set to match, at AK Interwoven 170 RD Excellent Trousers, $1.90 to $0.00 sTUllu Boys' Gloves and Mitts, at.per pair, flnniiT up frm - SUITS AND UVIIl.UUMIO SUk Mufflers, 05c Serviceable Suit and (Tcoatss. 50cOmrey Neck for men who . 'favor moderate wea5' Four ln- prices. No store can equal our splen- Hands, at did showing of hand tailored Suits and nr. O 'coats at prices that are ERATE, especially at $10 $15 True Christmas Spirits Give Him a Bottle of Liquor to Cheer Him Alori RYE WHISKY. Guekenhelmer, Overholt, Pchenley, Clark's Pure Rye and dozens of other bottled-ln-bond Whiskies, per full quart bottle. ...$ 1.00 and $1.25 Maryland Rye Whisky, per quart bot tle 75o BOURBON WHISKY. Old Crow Oscar Pepper, Bond A Lll llard. Cedar Brook. Green Klver, Golden Sheaf and dozene of other bottled-ln-bond bourbon Whiskies, per quart bottle ....$ 1.00 and $1.25 Tennessee White Corn Whisky (moonshine), full quart bottle.. 76o Old Kentucky Bourbon Whisky, S years old full quart ..$1.00 CHAMPAGNES. Gold Seal and Great Western (Do mestic) Imported German Cham pagne, per quart botUe $2.00 Pints $1.00 TABLE DELICACIES FOR 75c Queen Olives, per bottle. .. .450 60c Queen Olive, per bottle. ... 250 25c Oueen Olives, per bottle 15o Stuffed Olives, per bottle. ....... lOo Biirnham'sj Clam Bouillon, pint.. 850 Rex Beef Extract, 2-ox. Jar 860 Fisher Beef Extract, 2-oz. Jar... .250 Mail and Telephone Orders Promptly Filled Cackley Bros. Wine 121 North 16th St.-Opp. P. SSE3 AT TKB PUBLIC feUXIIT 8,000 pounds lieese and Dncks. 2.600 lbs. Spring Chickens HHo Christmas Pot Roast, 8 He and 9Ho Christmas Rib Roast, 124c and. .loo Native Steer Steak lOo Pig Pork Roast 100 Fall Lamb Legs lOo Lamb Shoulder Roaet ....7Vo Cook Your Christmas Dinner With PUnUO MARKET SPECIAL COAL, prr ton. . : .$0.00 A VERY ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT One Cord Wood Chunks 98.50 One Ton P. M. Special Lump Coal $0.50 PARTRIDGE. THOMSON CO. Douglas -B642; Ind., A8(M2. DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:30 A. M. AND 3 P. ML -bT J ' rv I i ltnriTrn - UllilLII TOURIST RATES On Sale lion Special Round Trip Itatrs to Points In TEXAS, LOIISIANA. OLD MEXICO, ALABAMA, FIXIRIDA, ClUA. ETC. Fall information on rjuet. Cify Ticket Office 1423 raraam Itrset. , Depot, Union Station, Onutna. Ihos. F. Godfrey, Vass. and Ticket Agsnt. i COMPANY "'!TWtslt'',,TlTir 91.00 and $1.50 of Suspenders, Tie and Hose n."w Hose, box of 4 pairs, at $1.00. Adler's Gloves, at per pair $1 and $1.50 REALLY MOD- J u DOMESTIC WINES. California Port, Sherry, Claret. Rels llng, etc, per quart bottle, 260, 3Hc. 60c and 75i Home-Made Grnpe Wine, red or white. gallon $1.00 White Tokay Wine, per quart bottle, at 60o Gallon $2.00 IMPORTED WINES Port. Shej-ry, Malaga, Muscat. Ma deira and Tokay Wines, Imported from S.atn, per quart bottle. . $1.00 BRANDIES. California and Cognac Brandies, ex cellent for cooking, per quart bot tle 75c. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 Apricot, Peach and Apple Brandy (cordlallzed), per quart bottle at 76c and $1.00 Blackberry Brandy, per quart bottle, at 50c, 75c and $1.00 THE CHRISTMAS DINNER Genuine Imported Olive Oil, qt.,,76n Maraschino Cherries, per quart... 76o Prepared Tom and Jerry (add hot water), per quart bottle $1 15 Prepared Cocktails, quarts. . . .$1 no Pints , ftfta One-half Pint J bo Merchants. 0. Both Phones Lamb Chops lOo Christmas Veal Roast, 11 Ho and 9 Ho Young Veal Chops lOo Morrell's Bacon 9410 Cudahy's Bacon BOo Best Skinned Hams 140 OYBTEKfl riSX OT9TT9S STOKX OPES TO WIGHT fJhsr 1610 Harney SI. Phonesr, Doug. 2144 and Ind A2147- HIGH-CUT BOYS' SHOES FOR CHRISTMAS If you want to please the, BOY and at the same tiros give him something that he really ought to have, you will make no mistake In getting a pair of these hlh-cut shoes with buckles all fclzes prices according to sizes. $2.50 to $4.50 For wear and tear that the average boy gives his shoes, we know of but one remedy. We discovered this somo time ago and have always found It satisfactory it Is (T -iteel J-T)l.ocl K hoes Boys' SUes Vi to 6i $2.50 Youths' Sizes i to 2 $2.25 Little Otnls' Sizes 10 to 13 $2.00 DREXEL I I II) h amuli! Str'-f. ,wjip ,'uis.