Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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ti1lnar every article
he entire stock,
iioker'a Fets, Hmah
i, Writing Pad.
N I in"
a Accessories
ng Basket. Titr-
1 "1
HIM Hooka, Etc.
n opportunity that
will not
nnd right
"Hill mee
All In the lale shawl and ararf drape models
Home Spuria and Diagona'a, alao plain colora.
2c valuer 130.50
$22 50 valuta 919.76
Junior Coat Kdicd aa ToUowsi
1JJ.SP values 1.7S.
$175 valuea 918.50
Olrls' Coats sixes 2 to 14 yeara, at about.. 80 QTT
1618 1520 FARNA11 STREET
Saya Ilia Bon Waa Not Declared In
sane and No Check Wmm Pre
aeatrd for Payment.
MITC1TELI., 8. D., Dee. 23.-(8pecial.
Two week a ago a atory waa aent out from
Chamberlain and published In tha North-
weit preaa to tha effect of a disruption
in tha family relation between 8. Q.
Payna, sr., and that of Ma aun, 8. Q.
Payne, Jr., who resides on a farm near
Woonaocket, B. D. It was stated that the
young man Issued a check for money he
had In the bank to hla father, and that
when It waa presented the bank officials
called up tha wife and asked If It should
ba cashed, and aha refused, claiming; that
her husband waa weak mentally, and not
responsible for his acta. The story also
sjuted that Mrs. I'ayne, jr.. had her hus
band, taken before the board of Insanity
and that he waa declared Insane, but that
aha kept him at home rather than send
him to an asylum. Tha story went on
to aay that the boy's father insisted on
the money being paid over to him, and
when the bank officials declined that he
tnade quit;' ..rumpua.
, Mr. I'ayne. sr., waa In the city today
and was thoroughly Indignant at the way
in which ha had been treated. Ha atated
that the entire atory was absolutely un
true, that hla son had never Issued him a
check of iftqy denomination and that he
had never presented a check to the bank
signed by hla son, and further that no
bank officer called up Mra. Payne, Jr., and
asked any such question. The elder Payne
declares emphatically that hla son was
never adjudged insane, and that he was
npt ordered sent to the state asylum.
;lu reference to his son's lllneaa Mr.
Payne said that the young man has been
In poor health for aome time, and that a
few weeks ago he took hlin out to Cham
berlain and planed him in the sanitarium,
where he thought he would be helped.
Mr. Payne feela-that he has been deeply
Injured by the publication of the first
story, and ,stats . that the facts stated
can be vouched for by the bank officials
of Woonaocket. . He (a an old soldier and
has lived tn this section or me state ror
nearly thirty yeara." t ' " . '
Bllea Helen llarktae of Sioux Falls
AetsMi Frank. Jaeouark of
, , Stealing Jewelry.
BIOUX FALL8, 8. D., Dec. 23.-Speclal.)
Charged by a young woman of Sioux
Falla with having stolen a quantity of her
Jewels. Frank. Jqcoback, formerly In the
employ of the Milwaukee Railway com
pany aa a telegraph operator at Canton
und who a, day or two ago was arroeUd at
Mlnnenpolta on instructions from the
caunty authorities in Bloux Falls, , finds
himself In a, serious position, and if the
charge agulnst "' ' pressed and a con
viction secured he will te subject to a term
in the fcloux Falla penitentiary.
It Is atated that the accused tnsn, s'net
being brought back to Kioux Falls from
.Minneapolis, has made an offer to MUs
Helen Harkens. tha owner of the Jewelry,
tnat it she will drop the case aaint hlin
hla futher will pay her the value of the
Btate'a Attorney Ianforth. after this
offer was made. Informed the woman that
siie could not refuse to appear aa
prosecuting witness and that she would be
guilty of perjury If she took the stand
and testified to anything but the facts In
the cate. Jacoback and the woman were
sweethearts, but had a falling out after
the dlaappearance of the Jewelry. The
preliminary hearing of the accused was
continued until Saturday.
Alleged llorar Tklea Acquitted.
MITCIIKI.U S. V.. Dec. 23 -t Special )
An important case was decided at the
) resent term of circuit court In Lymtn
county. In which J. 1.. Fulwlder was tried
in tli charge of horae stealing, which
o.-curred In Seplemler. V.H8. two other men
te:n implicated in the ease One of the
men 'waa found Innocent earlier, the other
litrntd s'my'a evidence, and Fulwlder was
coiWMe ,n 'hrv at a former term
t.f court. At the present term the Jury
tx ought In a verdict of not guilty, on the
assumption th a man who turned stats a
evidence waa not to be believed. The case
haa been bitterly fought. Preston A Wag
nef tf thin cltv appea-ed aa uttorneys for
Fulwlder. Circuit court will adjourn at
Oacoma tfaturday morning-
tllraed Hank Kobbrra Identified.
NlOrX FALLS. S. D., Deo. 13. -(Special.)
on of the fou- men who were recently
apturad al. .fegan anj taken bark to
llrookli'ga cointy on the charge of having
botin impllcited in the recent attemiHs
to rob banka at Fuahnell and White, baa
beea .UWntifled by She-lff Martin uf !-ake
county aa a man who early tbia fall served
a term of fvty days in the lake county
Jutl after having been convicted In police
court of having stolen a b lt of cloth from
u .Madison tailor shop. Sheriff Martin
:. has identified the ther three yeggmen
as Utsu nw wvit in iau im atiout
Tki S ort isReisjr to fleet tb Eleventh Boar Emerfeier
Vati'H or prncriiiitinntiiin tunr, ami there can b no
htwjrr il'ilih'rnlinn vrer just irltat t ttuij. LttkiU l o
' rs iro mm' UriU nnin, or tt you'e. nrvzi rrUd ijiltt to
nt)p if, you tri I ti thin tt'rrt amply rrady to nupplif
yii irith prnr.lieils miibk unl fair prirrd tmurtnunt,
iuitnllr for gift pnrwut.
At liberal deductions, aa a flrml "wlnd-np"
to liy far the mini successful Holiday Season
the atore hns ever known.
ese Prices in Effect
Saturday Only
Men's, toys'
Women's anl Girls'
; 20 Off
None reaerved sliea
from t to 38.
come agatnP-:
when,? Jeuj
a;B niuii.
Woxen's Lweiters
at $2.75
Dressed and
drwaaed Dolls
Half time of the arrest of the man who stole
the bolt of cloth and who gave hla name
as William Nagle.
oath Dakota Nmi otea.
PJKRRE Governor Veaaey last Sunday
granted a pardon to Qeorge Hamilton, sen
tenced from Minnehaha county on a, statu
tory charge. Hamilton Is being given a
Christmas gift by the governor in hia
ANKTON The Eighth District Medical
association In annual meeting here, elected
the following offlcera: Dr. Keebe, Scotland,
president; lr. Melgaard, Volln, vice presi
dent; lr. Roane, Yankton, secretary-treasurer.
Delegate to the state meeting. Dr.
8. M. Hohf.
PIERRB-D. O. Thomaa of Watertown
haa resigned as a member of the State
Board of Charities and Corrections. In the
list of applicants for the place are Q. C.
RedfleJd of Rapid City; Qeorge R. tanning
of Kagan, K. U. Iampy of Watertown and
CleorKe A. Warfleld of Mitchell.
SIOUX FALLS The Milwaukee Rail
way company haa effected a settlement
with the widow of J. K. Davis, a well
known resident of Moody county, who was
run down and killed by a Milwaukee train
In tha Trent yarda of the company last
month. By the terma of the settlement,
Mrs. Davis will receive the sum of IJ.026.
YANKTON Tom Darner of Ottumwa.
la.. In the county Jail here charged with
grand larceny by William Farrell. who
claims he waa robbed while drunk by
Darner, who took two certificates of de
posit, amounting to $10 from hts person.
Darner tried afterwards to get the papers
cashed, but ' the bank refused. Darner
claims to have won the money at poker,
although Farrell denies he ever plays carda
far money. The atate'a attorney la busy
on the case aa Yankton la supposed to have
the lid on very tight.
Mrs. Anna I.onlae Ambraat,
Mra. Anna Louise Ambrust, who lived In
Omaha for thlrty-alx yeara, died at her
home, seven miles from tha eity, on tha
West Center street road, Friday morning.
Mrs. Ambrust waa 62 yeara old. Hhe is sur
vived by two sons and seven daughtera and
two slaters and a brother.
The funeral will be held from tha lute
home Monday afternoon at o'clock and
burial will be at Evergreen eemetery. Those
who survive Mm Ambrust are John and
Henry, sons, of Kansaa, and the following
daughters: Mra. Elisabeth Stark, Mra.
Sophia Saggan. Mra, Mary Nielsen, Mra.
Emma Perrlngton. Mra. Dora Madison and
Mrs. Charles B, Behrenalt and Mra. Wil
liam Behrenalt.
Mra I.dla J. Trimble,
Mrs. Lydla J. Trimble died at her home
In Council Bluffs Friday morning. The
funeral lg to be held at the home, 114 South
First street, thle afternoon at 6 o'clock.
Rev. Qeorge Ray, pastor of Second Presby
terian church, Council Bluffs, will conduct
the services. Burial will ba at College
Srrtngs, la. Mra. Trimble lived in Council
Bluffs with her daughter, Mrs. Bessie K.
Black, for the last ten years of her life.
Her husband died at the family home in
College Springe. Mra. Trimble had lived
In Iowa alnca 1S67. Mra. John Patteraon,
2119 Maple street, and Mra. Martha Wig
gins. &og South Twenty. fourth avenue,
Omaha, are daughters.
Mrs. Mary Donna.
CHKHALIS, Wash., Dec. .-Mrs. Mary
Downs, formerly a resident of Omaha, died
here Monday. Her husband waa Mr. Wll
I am Downs, a I'nlon Pacific shopman who
worked in the shops at Omaha until h'a
death several yeurs ago. Mrs. Downs
leaves a family of four children, three boya
and one girl, Samuel and fc'rcd Downa of
Chehalis, Wash.; Mrs. Lisxle Palmer of
chehalis, Wash., and Offie Downa of Chcv
tnne. Wyo.
UUrult Plant nt Toledo.
TOLEDO, O.. Dec. li-Fire early this
morning, which followed an explosion of
unknown origin, totally destroyed the
building occupied by the Toledo Biscuit
company. Isa Is placed at $'.'25,000. The
company, which is an independent con
cern, will rebuild at once.
HaaineM Hunaea at Alula, la.
A I. HI A. la., Dec. a. One hundred thou
eand dollars loss was sustained In a fire in
Albla today when four business blocks
were burned. The fire originated In an
explosion if gasolene In the lighting ays- I
tern In the dr goods store or H. J. t'ramer
A Co.
Three Blocks at New Orlraae.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. U.In a fire
which atarted early thla mirnlng In Bar
onne street, between Lafayutte and Poy
d aa, and which waa not under control
until 10 o'clock, three large business houses
were destroyed with losses estimated at
1 VI ni. Tha Kl.ulw.i-t o,H.,. ...
s-u.uuj. me onuoert theater was slightly
damaged. The firms whlcn suffered th
heaviest losses are the I'nlon Furniture
company, F. F. Hansell 4 Co.. stationers;
and Bchwarts-Euatis company, furntshinge.
Two Killed In ...i-
P1TTBBCRO. Pa.. Dee. Ji-Mre Louia
Patterson was so ertoulv Inlure.l ili Il.
died and her hust-and. I.oula Patterson, was
badly hurt, when the ak-d 011 which they
ne coa.ting down Jiu,y IJnd stiael In
McKeeaport iwened Into th curb, in,
I'atteraona are among the best known
people In McKeestort.
tlal On "SRUMS (i.lSIr."
That la laxat. v Promo Quaint, tiok for
l.d a, fc- VV ilr..,. 1- i .
morld Svtr l urs a CO'd '.H vt da. IjeTai11 he ,a" "nJ '" campaign waa
Iowan Says He Ihinks People Want
to Tote on Question."
I'lrdari Support lo Dolllver Eriera.
tlonnl Hill Typhoid Ktrrt
gays Milk (anwi Dlaraae
la lea Molara,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Dec. St. (Special Tel
egram. ) Senator Young indued the follow
ing statement today, paying
"I am a candidate for election lo the
office of I'nlted States senator and expect
to make an honorable effort to be elected.
If continued In the senate, aa 1 have snid
before, I Intend to take up the Dolllver
educational bill, which propose to aid
Hfry agricultural college In the union;
alao to establish feeders or helpers to such
Institutions; also lo educate mechanics and
to teach glils domestic economy.
"1 respectfully ask the republican party
In pursuance of Its later policy to order a
special primary for the purpose of naming
the successor to the late Senator Dolllver.
I believe the massea of the party ar
anxious to have an opportunity to expreea
themselves. Such opportunities should be
given to them. I can see .no reason why
a primary should not be ordered."
Typhoid from Milk.
Thai the milk distributed In thia city is
the hotbed of typhoid fever germs, and
not the drinking water. Is the belief of
Prof. James C. Harding, a typhoid expert
frcm New York, who says:
"As far as becoming Infected with ty
phoid la concerned, I would rather drink
a glass of water from almost any source
whatever than a glass of some of the milk
that Is distributed In the city."
Oraanlantlnn of Hnttermakera.
A new dairy orfanlxatlon haa been formed
In Iowa, that of the Iowa State Hutter
niakera' convention. W. E. Mlttlestadt of
Oelwc.n Is president and J. J. Brunner of
Strawberry Point Is secretary. The organ
ization will have as members any of the
persons who are in any way concerned
with the making or marketing of butter
and It will supplement other similar organ
isations In boosting the butter business.
Ioern Mnrtnllty Heport.
According to reports to the State Board
of Health there were in Iowa in the month
of November a total of 1,30 deaths. The
cause of the largest number was heart
trouble. 162; cancer ca'rrled off 11$, pneu
monia 123, typhoid fever 35, accidents W
and infantile paralysis 15. '
To Oppose New Health Board Plan.
Secretary Summer of the State Board of
Health has announced that the board and
the doctors generally will oppoae the
plan which haa been put forward for a
complete change In the organisation of
the health board. At the last session a
bill waa prepared, which had the sanction
of the governor and leading politicians,
for abolishing the present board and mak
ing a board of three members, not neces
sarily doctors, to have charge of the
health department and allied bureaus.
This will be strongly opposed by the doc
tors. Investigation of Epidemic.
Dr. L. L. Lumaden of the marine hos
pital aervlce arrived in the city today from
Washington for the purpose, of making
thorough investigation of the epidemic of
typhoid fever on behalf of the State Board
of Health. He made tha Investigation in
Omaha early in the year. He found con
ditions here as somewhat Improved, but
having been very bad. The number of new
cases has been decreased and there have
not been many deaths, yet the local au
thorities have been unable definitely to
locate the trouble.
Heanlta of Factor laspeetlon.
Commissioner Van Puyn of the state
labor bureau will recommend some Improve
ments In the law relative to factory and
hotel Inspection; but he reports that In
general the laws are being well observed
and enforced and that owners are showing
a decided disposition to comply with all
the the reasonable requirements of the
laws. In the factories of Iowa more of
the eafety appliances are in use than ever
before. In tho large stores of the state the
law Is also observed carefully aa to the
employment of children.
Kspert Decision on Kapreaa Itatea.
A decision Is expected in a few days
from the railroad commission In the matter
of the application of the Iowa Manufac
turers' association for reduction in the
commission achedula of express rates. . It
Is confidently believed that a reduction
will be ordered, though possibly not the
2& per cent reduction asked for. The case
was prepared by Seoretary Wrlghtman of
the Manufacturers' association, and argued
by Attorney Qeneral By era, and It la said
an unusually strong case was made out.
Both Sldea Will 'lake Contest Over
Petitions Into Courts for
DECORAH. la.. Pc. 21 -lSpecl.l.)- 'i he
work of canvassing the saloon petition, the
petition of withdrawals and the other work
necessary on such an occasion, liio beard
of supervisors have taken a -est from
their labora without announcing toe re
sult. It is quite probable that this will be
done tomorrow.
The total number voting in the county
waa 4.832. The saloon petition as
sented contained the signature of Vi-I.
The board threw out forty tilit names in
making the canvass. The petition uf with
drawal contained 424 names when filed, but
It Is understood tho boa. i acalei tlj&
down to 214.
On the face if return ihe sal.uns have
wen out by twenty-eight majority and it is
ti e general ii mion that the ilecislon of the
biard will be in favor of tne sal-Kin petition
and that V I i i.-hiek will reniuin a xn-t
c nty. It does not now nivicr which wn
the decision goes, as both Me lonUhl de
clare that they will fight I'm mtuier In
the courts. If this Is dona It may keep the
saloona out after July 1st until a de ir.loti
can be reached.
Several Hundred Dullnrs Worth of
Loot Found In lert fnr
OSKM.OOSA. Is.. Dec. H.-Severa hun-
'dred dollar's worth of stolen property 1
, . '
.tored In a railroad culvert was found to-i
day by detectivea near Evan. Ia., a few
mile from here; The officers, after a
atruggle, arretted a man who gave fie
name of Dan O'Brien and who waa ap-
. . 1 . i . 1 . ... ,i 1
parermy guaraiua in i".". is ue, eu
th Proper,y ta ,,rt of Plumlr
bank and store robbers.
lornell'a Financial tanialan.
MOI'VT vithvov la lc ;.l -
tSpet-ial.) j
. . .
ine Itnanciai agenia or vornen coi:.KeiM
an getting along well In raising ..ieir;Sait Ijike t'ttv
endowment of $400.00. While they are not
yet ready to make any announcement t
the public It la the gen-ral understanding
unusually prosperous. One of the first
Improvementa to be made will be tha con
struction of a central heating plant to
heat all the buildings In connection with
the school. Some of the oldest bulld'nas
are still being heated with stoves. The
last term haa been the moat succeaaful. ao
far aa attendance la concerned, the college
has ever had, and they are figuring on
quite a little Increase upon the opening
of at hool on Wednesday, January 4.
FORT IKUXIE, la.. Dec. 23. (Special
Telegram.) II. B. Hannah, a well known
civil engineer retiring from a position as
chief engineer of the Cherokee. Omaha
division, went home to hia mother's fun
eral Instead of the Christmas celebration
he planned to attend. Mr. Hannah left
last night on tha ssd Journey to Barnes
vllle, o. Just before starting home for
Chtistmaa he received a messnge telling of
his mother a death. He had Intended to
spend a month with her.
Inarledne o Candidate.
MARRHALLTOWN, la.. Dec. tl-tr-p-ctal.l-Mayor
'O. f lnglodue, of this city
whose second term of two ei:s it drawing
to a cloe, and 'which bus bee-i one of
the, moat tempestuous administrations Ihe
city haa ever known, will not be cs'idi
dute for .lwyor under the commission plan
of city goverrment. He publicly announced
that he would not be t candidate today
The commission plan of govcrniiieni goes
Ir.ic effect here next-sprr.ig
Debating: l.eaane Formed.
CRKSTON, la.. Dec. 2J (Spocial.) Eight
of the high schools In southwestern Iowa
have formed a debating league. The first
four-cornered meet will be held January X
The schools Included are: Missouri Valley,
Denison, Tabor, Claiinda, Shenandoah,
Bedford, Adel and Wlnteraet.
Haak Examiner Healarne.
A LOON A. la., Deo. 2J. (Special.) Wil
frid P. Jones, who for the last seven
yeara haa been Rational bank examiner,
has reaigned hla poattlon, effective Janu
ary'!, mil. While Mr. Jones haa not an
ncunced his . plan It la understood that
he expects to go to California to live.
. Breach of Promise Case,
CLARION, la., Dec. tSpeoIal.) In the
breach of promise suit brought by Mary
Donahue against John McDonald for $20,
000, the Jury brought in a verdict giving
the plaintiff $1,000 damage.
lorra Mews Notes,
IOWA CITY-Over fifteen classes of the
University of Iowa are planning reunions
at commencement time next June. Randall
I'arrlsh of Kewanee, III., haa the affair
(n charge and great enthusiasm la being
worked up over tho coming events.
FAIRFIELD Oeorge "Shetley, aged 16,
of Sioux Falls, 8 D., escaped from the
county .tail here yesterday and had reached
Lorkledge, twelve miles east of here, mifoee
he was raptured by the aho:if. S.'ietley
had been committed for larcenv and waa to
be taken to the alate reformatory for boya
at Eldora.
IOWA CITY The work on the physics
hall at the University of Iowa has been
blocked by bad weather. The contract calls
for completion of the work by September
20, 1VL and as the aecond atory is now
passed there Is no doubt but what the
building can be occupied by that time.
It la being constructed at a cost of $160,0U0.
FAIRFIELD This town Is face to face
with a water famine. Tho Chicago, Lur
llngton dt Qulncy and the Hojk Island rail
roads have been notified thit beginning
with next Monday their at-r supply will
be cut off. Factories of the city are con
sidering the possibility of snuttlng down to
conserve the water supply for fire Hotc
tlon, IOWA CITY The' senior laws' of tha uni
versity of Iowa have been trying Ra.y
Murphy, Junior claaa president, and captain-elect
of the Iowa foot palL team,' for
assault and battery In their annual mock
trial. Adjournment waa taken today until
after the holiday a. Murphy la being de
fended by Attorneys Oakes and Jones,
while the state la represented by Miracle
and Schlarbaum.
MASON CITY-Mason Cltv boomers were
disappointed on tha cennus of tne c;t today
received. It waa expected thi the city
would show a population of la,. but it ltll
770 short of thla. The shoving, however,
Ik fine. In com: arlson wi b other citiea of
tho state, tile thirteenth cennu show In j
neurly douh'e wluii twnlfth showed.
One of the rea- na for the oily not show
In c up as wull aa was .xp.ted In
fact that both the Northwestern State and
the Lehigh cement plants are located out
side the Incorporation and moat of tha brick
and tile industries are nut Included.
Centera of Possible Naval Activities
Paget Soand, Pearl Harbor, t'or
realdor and Other.
WASHINGTON. Dec C Important
strategic points and centera of possible
naval activities, according to a statement
Seoretary Meyer made to the house com
mittee on naval affairs, In urging a $1,000,
000 appropriation for coal depots, are Puget
Sound, Pearl Harbor, Corregldor, Guan
tanama, Boston, New York and Hampton
Roads. Secretary Meyer has advised the
committee that there are no facilities at
any of these places for coaling a battle
fleet expeditiously and that It la des red to
provide them as soon as possible.
Coal deposits of a minimum Capacity of
100,000 tona are required at all these plaoes.
In his estimation. Puget Sound already haa
a depot of 24.000 tons rapacity, Gtiantanamo
13,1X10 tons, Boaton 11,600, New York $.500.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair,
For Iowa Fair,
Shippers' Bulletin Prepare forty-eight-hour
shipments, north and east, for tem
peratures of 1 to 10 above, and thlrty-alx-hour
shipments, west and south, for tera
pei attires of 16 to 20 above.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Des I
i a. m...
6 a. m...
' 7 a. m...
8 a. in...
a. m...
10 a. m...
11 a. m...
12 m
1 p. m . . .
2 p. m...
I p. m...
4 p. m ..
6 p. in. ..
6 p. m...
-u I
18 I
14 !
7 p. m
s p. m . .. Sib
Local Hecord.
iil'KH'E OK TilK WKAl'Hliil UhKHiic. rlfd Miss Cora M. Coleman, formerly of
OMAHA, Dec. 23. official record of tern-I this city. Judge C. B. Hradshsw, pre
peiutuiu and ptectp.Uitlon compared with i .i,iin i,i,. f riUtrlrt i,rC,rm.,l
the luri-eepoiiuuig period of the last tbrea
jeans; in;i. lfl. lssW i7 ,
HiShest today 21. 2ti tii tki
lowest today 11 hi SI ill I
tr?cmii-H nr,tUre r t i
Prtclpltatlon 1 .)! . . '1
I letup, rat ure and precipitation deptirturej ; AVHlAs Mich. Dec. Hi -Burglara who rLt t,,at r'trt:0c destroy not only
fr in the normal at ouiaha since Maich 1 I bw ,h(,' ;.,e of the People s riavlng ' r'r4u energy, hut the nerves theni
and coiupand with the last two yiars: (hank at Hrnton earlv today, fled from' ke,vs-. ,,lt It la only a question of
1 ftormm tempeiature a j
,' ' i"e o
..... .,.,..M m.. iiHnh I .if.'.
v . . '7 . ., , ,
t. . .iii,,iv.
1 leticien. for the uay olliv
Total rainfall amort .tiarcn I It.Si Incuvj .
Deficiency tonce March 1 14. u inches
r.xiesa lor cur. periou. lew f -w incite
Deficiency for cor. period, lis.. 4.M Inches !
Itevnrta lr.,m Station at T u. m.
Station and State
of Wiatlirr
( 'heye.nne. c -ar
1 'avetiport. clouiiy
Des Moiiu a, ci. ar ....
Temp. High- Km In
T p. m. at fall
;i. t)
T ,
w I
Dti'ae 'uy. clear
Ni rtn iiatte. cloudy
(imaha. clear
1 I
.... . rinu,iv
o i i ui-
J '
T 1
Shiiidan cloudy
Sinus tity. clear
.Oil '
Valentine, pi cloudy
T Indicates tiace o
, . ,. .1 I
f precipitation
it, Loal Forvcaaur.
Sumatra Ape Tries
Christmas Shopping
and Gets Bumped
Collision with Street Car Puts End
to Course of Big Monkey in
Lot Angelei.
IS ANUKLFS. 'al.. Dec. Big
"Ben" a huge, long-tailed Sumatra ape.
had a very human experience today when
he got a ay from a "J.inale show." on
ttouth Main street, Joined the Christina
hoppers on the street for a brief period
of hilarity., finally collided with a street
car and wound tip at a hospital with a
fracture of the skull.
Ben created quite a commotion when he
first Joined the throng and started to run
across the street. An oncoming car knocked
hlin senseless. The ape wan picked up and
carried Into a building where an Interne
from a nearby hospital, with bandages
and kneedles, attended to his hurts. It is
believed Ben will die.
More Than .Five Hundred Men Are
Indicted by the Grand Jury
at West I nlon, O.
WEST UNION. O.. Dec. 11$. Additional
Indictment to the number of 1T2 were re
turned In court here today by the grand
Jury of Adams county, which Is Investigat
ing traffic in votes at the November elec
tion. This brings the total Indictments to
$23 and It is predicted that some 1.600 more
men of the county will be named In true
billa before the grand jury Is dissolved, of
the men Indicted seventy-five have thus
far pleaded guilty, been fined $26 and costs
each, disfranchised for flv yeara and
given auspended sentences of six months
in the workhouse. Tha list Of culprits In
cludes republicans and democrata In ahout
equal number.
Denatr Federal Marshal and Brother
Killed hy Policeman and Sa
loon Keeper,
ton Allen, deputy United States marshal,
and his brother Walter. were shot to death
In a pistol fight here last night with James
Tfpton, u, special policeman, and Michael
Qlbbons, a saloon keeper. The battle took
place In front of Qlbbons' saloon.
According to witnesses Clinton Allon nnd
Tipton quarreled and when tha federal of
ficer drew a revolver the policeman took
H away from him and shot him dead. Wal
ter Allen then drew a revolver and was
killed by Qlbbons. Qlbbons and Tipton war
Former Treasurer of United States,
Convleted of Mlsnae of Malta, Ha
Another t hane.
WASHINGTON. Deo. 23.-Jam N. Hus
ton, former treasurer of the United State,
recently convloted of conspiracy to use
the mails to defraud, was today granted
a new trial by Justice Wright in ths orlra
tnal court. Harvey M. Lewis of Cincin
nati and Buffalo and Bverett Du Four of
Washington, convlcteTd with Huston, eaoh
waa sentenced to sarv two years In the
penitentiary. From this sentence tha lat
ter two noted an appeal to the court of
appeals and were released n bail pending
the decision of ths appellate court.
Charles Bear bam p la Paroled hy Gov
ernor Hadley at Bequest
of Plane.
first wedding ever solemnised in the Mis
souri penitentiary took place today when
Governor Hadley at the request of Mrs.
Ruth'Rltch of Kennett, Mo., paroled
Charles Reach amp that they might wed.
They were engaged when Beaohamp was
brought to the prison to serve two years
for assault with Intent to kill. The womai.
pleaded with the governor that she would
sen that Beachamp lived a proper life In
the future. The ceremony was performed
in tha warden'a office.
Aaaemblymaa Mylod Annooneea that
He Will Hot Tot for
NEWARK, N. J-. Dec. U.-Oovernor-elect
Wood row Wilson has made a suc
cessful breach In the ranks of James
Smith, Jr., candidate for United State
senator, against James E. Martins, choice
of the democratic party primaries. The
breach cams today In the announcement
by James P. Mylod, member of ths Essex
county delegation to the stats assembly,
that he will not rote for Smith. Mylod
was one of the signers 'of the Invitation to
Mr. Smith to become a candidate for the
scnatbrshlp. Mr. Mylod In a public state
ment repudlatea hla part In the Invitation.
Mrs. Bombay of Dover, N. J., Leaves
Little Onea Alone and Goea to
Bay Preseata.
DOVER, N. J , Dec. 23.-Whlle Mrs. Wil
liam Somboy wss shopping today for
Christmas, her two Children, on aged 2i
years, the other six, whom she had locked
in a room on the lower floor were burned
to death. Mra. Somboy'e husband Is serv-
lng a five-year term In states' prison, hav.
lng been sent there on a charge of shoot-
"" llsj wife last winter.
MARHHALLTOWN, la., Dec. 21-(8pe-!sl.)
Edwin N. r'arbrr. a well known
achelor attorney of thla city, sprung a
.irprlsa on the local bar yesterday after-
oon when be went to Toledo and mar-
" , .
the ceremony at his horns.
The Key to the Situation Be Want Ads.
... u .
uhout any booty, pursued by
ar(s posse of cltlxens with whom the)
i . i.. t -..j :
1 "?' ' . ,ur:
suers Dom seiaeo nanovara ana raeea ,
down the rallioad to a wooded tract near
Ma he where they left the railroad and
escaped! I
MW Vina...
sew viikk...
NKW YllhK..
Arilv,d Saiid.
G.a. ,ilniion L Touraln
ft", t.oul, hnelni.
Metoi UninTlvtnli.
M. Wiahinsion..
iuii, .
rtronl, -Ik,
Bll.mthon . . . .
. L L.rraln
LIVK.Ilf'Mll.. .
KiHT SAIO. ...
Jl I.IM7WN..
Sin I HAkir-rtlN. Adrlallr...
gAN khanciiI.'O rm.Tpri..
i-ohlA K. a. Sua...
. Btnn,,ka.
Activities of tmerlran Inventor H -
fleeted la the Patent Office
tn July the United States patent office
will at the present rate Issue Its one-mll-llonth
patent. July 31. 1790. the first patent
was laaued to Samuel Hopkins for a de
vice for making pearl and pot ashes. Since
then one patent haa been Issued for about
every 10 adult American men and women
who have lived or are now
The patent office Is an inventlonal chain- I
ber of horrora. It la a arave of il ad hopes. J
It la tragedy and comedy; It stores and j
guards the valuable Ideas of men whose
brain children have been atolen by ruthlesa
capital, ami the crnxy concepts of crank a.
It Is no place for an optlm at.
Patents are largely Indicative of local
temperament; the "Inventive Yankee" Is
not hlmaetf an Invention. South Carolina
In ID'iK took out sixty-five patents: w th a
straller population. Connecticut, the home
of the wooden nutmeg, called for 76. Texas,
with many more pe pie than Massa h' setts.
gives the patent office only a quarter as
much work. Knti'ns, teeming with Ideas,
geta leas than one-tenth as many of them
patented as New ork. But Oklahoma
nearly equals Virginia. Western and south
ern Inventors turn rather to snot el and
political than to mechanical Invention.
..It Is rhtan and easy to get a patent.
but often dltflsult and expensive to fight
Infringement suits. That Is one reason
why Inventors so pften yield valuable Ideaa
to mere capitalists and, after benefiting
the world, die mlsersbly in garrets. It
has been claimed that the ease of obtain
ing patents has worked to the advantage
of the United States ss compared with
Europe, where the process Is much less
eaay, but the system Is not Ideal. New
York World.
What Happened t Oklahoma Candl
date Who Slighted the tlrrat
A girl of the Cherokee nation In the hills
of eastern Oklahoma baked a pie which has
since become famous. She carried It ten
derly to tha town of two buildings which
wears ths somewhat suggestive nam of
Need mora. In the achoolhouse a pi social
was being held. The high rating of the
pie social among society events Is too well
known to require elaboration, and this oc
casion was made what is called more aus
picious because of the presence of the Hon.
Charles E. Creoger, member of congress
and candidate for re-election. The pies and
auxiliary delicacies cooked by the Cherokee
girls were packed In boxes which were sold
at auction by a Mr. Burk, an orator. Each
buyer found In hla lunch box the name of a
partner for the aupper. Congressman
Creager bought a tor But he didn't know
the rulea. He fal'e- .j hunt up his partner;
he didn't like pie; he clipped outdoors when
he thought no one wi.s looking and tossjd
that disk of pastry and pumpkin over ti.e
fere. And he Innocently supposed that
his duty had been fulfilled when ne re
turned th empty plat to th address en
closed in the box. When Auctioneer Jum
heard of this Insult to ths l le an I its cook,
he denounced th Hon. Ct eager In public
with some of the oratory 'or wn:;n tha
rams of Burke is famous. Anl -vlien this
hsd been cone to a true pumpkin pi
brown. Mr. Burk elaborated the speech be
fore th county chairman, who tccaro ag
gi it ved at th auctioneer's choice of Eng
lish and remonstrated by fir inn two shots
at hlnj with a revolver. It c Mineqiianc,
th story of ths pis that miiu I I s dos
tlny became a burning Iss is as wil as an
Insult to a proud and ancient nation. Elec
tion Is over. Returns, fairly accuiala
though unofficial, pay Crogr Is defeats
Collier's Weekly.
l.em John I Convicted at Centervllle,
la., and Henry C. Logan at
Lyons, Kan.
CENTERVILLE. Ia., Deo. tt.-Lem
John, 20 years old, who shot and killed his
stepfather, John Tharp, last April, was
found guilty of manslaughter today. The
tragedy was the result of a quarrel over
LYONS, Kan., Deo. 8 Henry C. Logan,
charged with killing William R. Miller, was
found guilty of murder In the second de
gree today.
Miller was murdered on his farm near
Great Bend, Kan., last summer. Ths case
was brought to this county on a change of
Jadsre Amldon Hales that Treaty with
long Iadtana Was Abrogated
hy Congress.
FARQO, N. D.. Dec. 23. -Judge Amldon
of th United States district court In an
opinion filed today ruled that ths treaty
of 1851, with the Sioux Indiana, was abro
gated by act of congress in 1863. The court
ordered the release of one P. J. Sullivan,
sentenced at Fergus Falls, Minn., to sixty
dsys In Jail for Introducing liquor Into In
dian territory.
Jndae for Missouri Supremo Court.
JEFFEHSON CITY. Mo., Dec. Mr-Governor
11. S. Hadley today appointed
Franklin Ferris of St. Louis. Justice of
the supreme court to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Oavon D. purges.
Four Year for Teaae Banker.
DALLAS, Tex., Dec. 23 In th criminal
court today Fred Fleming, president of the
defunct Western Bank and Truat com-
Business Hen
Refuse io lire
Drinking Hen
neaua aa wan a an ability to perform
manual labor.
The man who attempts to cceD his
menMi faculties whetted up to the uolnt
j brilliancy la making the greatest niia-
take of hie .Ife. lor 1: Is a
, V . ,"" " ' fc'"'ul"nS
' " "" " iouy e i.i mm
himself atrarderi with hM.lfi. l.r.b-.n
.,.. i ,.,,.70 ":.i 7.7." "JL"
r , t" .- - ... -., uuue- ,
sirable fro n tha employers' viewpoint i
' '1 n" ' ,,e unaui to give his set Ice,, i
sslde from expecting much of a compen-,
The Neat Three-day Cure haa perma- j
rently cured humlreda, regai jleia of how
much or how lung a man may hate drank ,
The tne'llclne i:sed is a xegetab e alter
ative ionic, which m a true untiiotn 10
alcct-.ol, :i,-e fttan narcotic di uga anU !
(iner objection. hie featuiea, ao that thtro
aie no daugera of any kuid to the patient'
takina- the Hsal Cute. Drug addiction,
uto treated. I
Ilia Omaha Neal Inatt'ute Is locutel
St livl South 'lent 11 atreet. Palleiita aie
received at all houra. The. genuine .Neal
(or '.a also aiiminlatai .j at l"0i West
( h.rlea street, tjraml laltud, Neo. l-'or
full lnf iiiiatlon a'Mre.a Neal institute
Co., u. U.. 1S2 SbUlb Ttnth at.
panv. which failed In January. !:. w i a.1
Jtidaed golltv of accepting deposits nf!er
he knew the bank was insolvent an.! iMveti
a four ear sentence In the iM-tucni ,it
The hank had ll.ibllltlea of $l.;n n... n lirn
It failed.
larlnda Man ;Iea In Kanaaa.
ANTHONY. Kan. Iec. 2S.- T. W. Pav
0 yeara old, a leveling esleaman (m-M
ria-ind. la., died tn a chair at a hot,.
here yeateroay. Ills relative have not
been located.
ON. fejALE
Karat 4U
Today, special, we place on sale a
lot of li-k diamonds at 90 only
They are beautiful white and blue
steel white, which have a value of
68 to 888 Our written guarantee
to refund the money within a year
guarnnteea its va'tis. Observe the
big bargains on Diamonds on sale
Vk. fine white ro
fine white gK
1- k, fine white SlOft
lSi-k, fine white il4S
2- k gaag
tS-V (380
2-k (iuater glTS
'-k Cluster flaS
Beautiful Tie line, from . SS to SITS
Beautiflu Sttnia from ....glO to MOO
Beautiful Broochea from $7 to S87S
Beautiful Bracelets from S30 to flOS
Beautiful Curr Buttona from
8 to SI 50
Alao Diamonds ant In lockets,
Charms, Oold Pocket Knives. Match
Boxes, etc. Don't in las the big cut
price aale on Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, Cut Glasa, Hand Painted
Japanese Wars.
Don't mlaa this great Out-Prio
sale at
BrcdkeyY Jewelry Co.
We are exclusive agents for
50c to $1.00 Per Pound
You want this for your Xmas
Oirt or Dinner.
DRUG 00.,
17th Mid Karanm.
"nSaat Say"
It Minns
Original and Sinclna -
Tht Foad-drlnk for All Ages.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, in vigor stag and nutritious.
filch milk, mailed. Rra'n. powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in t minute.
Take ao whttitnts, AtkforKORIICK'S.
Others arc imitations.
Yon can insur comfort and good
health for all your family against over
eating and drinking by seeing to It that
they take a CaSCARET at bed time
during the holidays. CASCAK.ETS best
nadlcina on earth for the little folks
Dad and Mother. MS
CASCAKRTa tee bog week's treat,
racnl. All druggist. Biggest seller
la Us world, htulioa sun a swala.
Ti j Ji and ssauUAw th, hate.
-m PrvinotM a laawiAut fruvth.
' -..' 4 7 'IU t Bettor Oray
W ' , XI.AO"f ip dMM4 a Iwt
Vrlcasi IS, I Ac, goo, a Ttw at 79e
Tonigbt, all Week and lCatlae,
and Ber Excellent Company la
"BIS Wiri'l T AT H KM."
Beat bow on sale for Beat weak,
"PETE Fig,"
Matin Every Day a gils.
Advanced Vaudeville
BOTE Oartaia Tonight. Sil5 nf.
ta SUnntss Earlier Than Usual
lon Ki tol, Mluu fi" Cooper and a
Tired suoi pers' Mat. Daliv. (.adlea, It.
Saturday Night Only, Dec 24. Edith Spen
cer Stock Co , in "Tha Straggle."
Bargain statin Today fl6o and SOo
Tonight 15o to $1.00
Knuday Bight Until Wednesday. aCatl
aeea Monday (Xmti) and Wedaeegay
ROJSEBT edesom
Tuts , Jin. Jd, 4 p. Ul . Mm Smbrlrb
Bsc 83d and abtto, LTBIO THBATEB
Wita tn 0lbrat4 Prima Suits
Friday uigbti "Das PuiteU-Tad.
Sua. night i "Th Storm of Life,"
By Count Leo Tolstoi.
Brlcas loo, it bo sad BO
Boa Offlo Opsa Afternoons.