THE BKE: OMAHA. SATriJDAY. DKl'KMHKU .'4. l!Mft. 17 I I FOR 1 i I ln. wit J J Bleeping I 6 OFFERED FOR RENT a pat-resents and Flats 4atlsjned. JW a-ROOM a r art men t In the moat attractive r a I' nnijw id ms euy. x). J( US W. RuBBlNr. lo riRNAM T. t "V k-ree rent until January i It HKW Al O.NCK. Nar high school, elesant K-wtn brick ft. modsm In every rp-t. Z12 N. 35th. STRICTLY modern housekeeping room a, c.oaa In. aiO liarney St. TOR RENT " nrraisned room f. right housekeeping: aso Bleeping roomt Dodge lit. Tyler Ids. 222 4 Strictly moaern. warm front room and alcove, en bath room floor; for re spectable ladlee or couple without children. KS month with urn ot piano; vacant after lath. 2A3 St. Mary's Ava. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; furnace heat. 511 rt. 25rh Ave. APARTMENT, four rooma front? cheap; train floor, complete tor housekeeping. J I. a van port Bt. 2682 HAR.NET street. Furnished double parlor for light housekeeping. WARM, cosy rooma. all modern. new furniture, gas, furnace beat and bath. r.iH Dodg. H UJVL. TWO or three front rooma, partly fur ftlahed for light ho us keeping . rent reason able. HHt N. Kta St. NICELT furnished room for light house keeotag, also sleeping rooma. 2uia Howard. ROOM and board, or furnished rooms for light housekeeping . reasonable. Tel. Dougiae 4701 or call Jul! Webster at. m M I v H t i n 1 1 mm L nlnr nn r pine tin... - J a very desirable; fine location; walking dis tance, sou b. ath Aye. TWO modern fumlahed rooma for light housekeeping; private family, walking dis tance; heat, light, laundry free; 16 per week. Ill So. Snh Are. Harney 5111. FOR RENT Room for light housekeep ing; heated. 2212 Oouglaa ft. TWO large front rooma, gaa. bath. 2GU7 N. 2Ptl 8t. FOR RENT Nice, warm, light house keeping rooms. 1814 Chicago 81. FOR RENT A nicely furnished room, gaa. bath, laundry privileges. 211s Chi cago St FOR RENT Single room, downstairs. 2fH Davwnport St. FOUR nice, clean rooms, complete for housekeeping. j Charles St. FOR RENT-Two comfortahla front rooms for housekeeping. 315 el Ueth Bt FOR RENT Three ftirnlsned rooms for houankaeplng, for man and wlla. 2414 Wflbster 8t. FOR RENT Two adjoining Trout rooms, complete for housekeeping; also sleeping room; gas; bath; phone. 2114 Chicago be FOR RENT Fumlahed room for house keeping. 1M4 California St. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing; gas for cooking and light. & si. 17th Av. FOR RENT-Housekeeping rooms, first floor. 1712 Jackson St. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooms; good location. 1MU Leavenworth tic RENT Nice rooma for houaekeeD- wlth range and atnk In kitchen, also rooma. liUl Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Two nice clean rooma. In modern house. 2401 Jackson bt. FJR RENT Ono large room for light housekeeping. 2413 Dodga St. NICE suite of rooma for light house keeping. im Oracs St. ONE suite south front modern rooms, for housekeeping, also sleeping rooms, ams Kt. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Two modem furnished rooms. 2573 tit. Mary's Ave. 81' IT E of light housekeeping rooms. 605 8. firth at FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; evry convenience; small family. 2222 N. 11I Bt 2 OR 4 furnished or unfurnished house keeping rooma In the front; also sleeping room, very desirable; price reasonable, good location. s46Va N. 2Sth St. "jH-u avaitakaal Reeiua. r 1 V THREE elegant rooms, modem, main floor, distance. J0 N. -tub. No aiaa on houaa. rOR RENT Two nice, warm, unfur nished rooms; gaa for light and cooking; private family. 2411 Hamilton at. THREE nice housekeeping rooms; .water m kitchen; gaa. 1714 Webster bt. FOR RiiNT Four unfurnished rooma; gaa range and ehadea; no children. 7li pierce tit- FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms. 4tlz N. 22d 8t NICE, large desirable, for two, for light housekeeping; private entrance. u5 Leav.nworth St. THRKR elegant rooms, modern, main floor, walking distance. S.U N. LHith. No sign oa bouse. FOR RENT Nice aulte unfurnished rooms; heat and light; good location; references. 2401 Caaa tl. Hae MODERN. T-r. South Ittn St. 4 Cwtiaaee. bousa, near park. 1507 Ora. Van Storage Co. packs.moves, scores) household goods. Fireproof storage, SV4 b. Win. Branca. 2US 8. 17ln. lei. D. 4itO, A-U. -ROOM cottage; modern, except furnace; beautiful lawn and treea No, douta 3-d Ave. Kent only C per mo. Teiep.ioue Douglas 4V4U. St DO CO LA 3 street, I rooms. tVT.SO. ROOMS' modem, good repair tsol S, Bd Ava, tA Tei. Harnay Utta. A BEAUTIFUL brwm, all modem bung alow; In excellent neighborhood, on car line; reasonable rent to good tenant, autia Urand Ave. Phone We bat si 74. EIGHT RilMS MODEHN for only 53 l.O . ' lot feet front: corner on Boulevard and paved street. W. H. GATES. 44 N T. Ufa. Phone: D. 134. FOR RENT Ti 5-roorn brick ha usee, sll newly remodeled, ail modern, aorta Karl uf rite A nice) a-reom rettaca, all modem except ruraarv. OU. tlamlltoD' St.. . 4 room apartmact tlat. lo3 No. Utn It-. t:; ml 5 rooms. Hi Clark St. lift C. M. HACHMANN. 4.eS PaaUta Office R- -a4. Hea. D. W4 CD AND POPPLETON AVE. Eight room modem brick flat; on car lino; l to good tenant. Wright Laabury. 6us S. loin St. PftrMtS) D. lid. NICK cewy seven-room house, all mod- 'u. eacelient furnace Right oa 'he ts ft car Una. No. 2K4 N. 2th St- Will rent for 8Je or will sad an easy term a l.i Harney 5258. 7-ROOM house, modern, walking diatancs. fancy beautiful. Turner Park. Cor. LhxIZ; and So. Central bo..ivarl Injure t'ii lodge or Geo. McUrlde. county surveyor ZOjux-B Cmlgn Sous A Co.. He Pldg COTTAGE 1MB N. ttth Bt. TeL Hamey 5tx4 - Here is what a newcomer to Nebraska says of Bee i.ut ads: ''That little ad I run in the Bee secured me a good servant quickly; MRS. CHENOWITH. Frt Crook." OFFERED pqr RENT i 'untlcied. MODERN" room house. 2710 Capitol At Ca.l llaruey 1H'. CtRRlN Eip. g'irMi 1611 Cap. D. XLJA HOUSEHOLD ".' KjDS parked, forws-ded; ' f 'tu freight rates; moving and etorlng. Expressmen a L'fcl'Wj Co. Tel Douglas 3. '112 Maple St.. 8-rocm. modern. (IT. NEW. rooma all modern axrept heat "i 3 y.ti Ave I block south of Central boulevard and Vinton school. TsL Tyler pa.". FOR Ft ENT -room house, ail modem '7 8. 2Stn St.. fur s.v. A so 7-ronm, nrw b'tra u Dodge bt.. for 540. Call Phone Harney l'ZJ. 8-ROOM. J.H. .mo Burt. Harney 249. J1 2W Dodge Pt .eJ rooms, water and gas. 115 l."-Vi N. 1'ith St.. 2 nxjms, water, gaa and toiit. SI.'i J:'.;o Spauldln. 5 rooma. modern x cept heat ll5oiir7 I'ratt St.. ( rooma, water and gaa 117 50 IV) Fahler. S rooma. modern ex cept heat. 1:5 ir. Tratt 5 rooms, strictly modern, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. D. 1781. A-liSS. SPECIAL. s-rnxmi. entirely modern; 1 block to 2 rar Itnea XXs no. O KF.F.FK REAL E3TATK CO.. I01 N. Y. Life. OouglA or A31X fterea a ad Offlees. FOR RENT Office room, 3. located on top floor; fa. lng court, 270 square feet. In cluding vault; rents for lUo per month. THE BEE BLlLDiNa COMPANY. OFFERED FOR SALE kfaalcal Inatrasaee ta. t HIOH-r,RADB Tiffany piano. X5; peo ple leaving city. 1H2 a. Uih St. Btevea. BASE BURNER, steel rang, gaa range, furniture and carpet, cheap. 3S N. 2uh. STEEL RANUE, -hole, wood heating Hove. Cheap for cash. G &i, bee. T J ttwrl tere. BUT an L. C. Bmith & Broa. typewriter. B. F. Swanaon Co., Lilauibutera, 1J18 Far nam Su TOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand, 12 monthly, from manufacturers, moat Interested In satia'aftioa given. Oliver Typewriter Co., Phone Doug. 2H1I. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange, 17 Farnam. BAliGAIN SALE Typewrltera. all makea. H regular prtces; greatest bargains ever offered. B. F. Swan aon Co., 131ti Farnam tit., Omaha. M larellaneoaa. FOIl BALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy pavmenta Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 407 8. luth fit. FURS leaving for Palm Beach; must sacrifice at once beautiful furs Just bought this winter In New York; beautiful genuine mink set. large shawl collar, open ruif muff, thirty heads, tails and pawa. cost Ji:5. aell for also gentleman a fur-lined coat, made of finest Imported broaiicloth, shell Persian lamb collar, cuffs and facing, lined with perfect skins, coat J1J5, sell for $40; also younit lady s 70 beautiful genuine black set of furs. lon;r silky hair, mads in magnificent shawl collar and muff, many heads and talis, sell tor 1-4. Call at once. Will be in until K p. m. L. Herman, suits 434, Henahaw hotel. PDATi Feeder Cooking; housewife's de vyju Ught. C. A. Westerfield. D. 1582. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which wa will sell for 50 cents each. They are fine for rain water or aahes. Call at presa room. Bee Publishing Co. About 40 feet of SH-lnch diameter No. gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 45-Inch elbowe and T. Thla waa used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe la In good condition. The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes: bargains. Amer ican Supply Co. lllu Farnam 8t FOR SALE 24.000 first -olass mortgage on Nebraska real estate. J. u. Iaaaa, Ameri can Fails, Idaho. DRY kindling, tl per load delivered. Webater &M7; Ind. B-51iL TRY our own mined KInaaa coal. $4.75 tost Southern Conl Co.. lst and Paul; Weo. 2MH. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 306-8 Brandeis Tbeater bldg. KATHERTN NIKOLAS. 034-5 Brandeis Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. ad 7117 W1LLARIJ KI'DY, eegiatered practitioner ln s pat- uftllM- st Paxton blk. R. 2rt. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. RheuniatisiK and stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Hallo.". Z-'o Neville Blk.. D. 7101. Lill. EOCiEKS, private confinement home, laiii Maitha at.. Omaua. Tel. Douglaa -lil 8THICTY private home for confinements; exceii. m care; babien for adoption, -nil Lavr,port THE SALVATION ARMY soih'lts cast-off nothing. In fart, anytmug you do not need We cullect. repair and sell at 134 N. Uta St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4Ui aud wagons will call. URS. H.NTDKR has opened massage nar lore in The Dunsany. ruom , loth and Plerae bl . where she gives salt glow, ewedteh movement, vibrator auu radiator treatment. 'Phone Red ititai JOS1E WASHBURN'S book. 'The Under world sewer. " at all book stores. Price. 11.50. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 70 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women a Christian Association building at Seventeenth atreel and St. Mary a avenue, where they will be directed to auitable boaidlng I lac Mi or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the L'nioa station. MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN'S. TREATMENTS st hotels or residences. Neuropathy. SwedUh movement. Massage and magnetic chiropractlca. Phone B U.'i Dr. Hansen. K. 1 LOVEJOT rpalrs sewing machines and warrants mem, ImI N. 21sl Wb. 5a. Will1-! "f"1 uies for men. Griffith. " luo U and 14 FKENER SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved. m pain, no loss of time, no injury to the skin, work guaranteed, lady attend ant. Jill McCague Blag., lln and Dodge. MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith. 522 S. liitb, third floor. V 1 1 5 1 L TU R V M A SS A G K Tr Rlttenhouae. w Old Ros'on Store. 4tb f.oor titviwr entrance. l-V a. lain. Open i.oas xroni s u. ui. to li p. m. PRIVATE maternity toma Mra. Dr. 11-4 North 24ih ol Weo 25.18. rd. D-1J. PERSONAL I' Vmiln ue-1. p-rf IVniinn Orlen'sl Massa. U8 OMAHA stammerers' Ins. Itimtt Bldg. HINIxxJ TABLFTTi will build, brlce, atrngthen. &";. LLL I'Rl'O CO. f A i 1 VTTTC TTeetment. E. Brott. iu..uwv B. Wh St. Tel. Red . DFi mTTiIvF "Peclallst. Diseases of or. liith gt DougUs, Omaha, call or write. Qtt-WM,,,. .from mm hinge kjr. i.uca Matne ws. ils Paxton Bik. D S3 J. MASiGE;r7;V ment. Mrs. Steele. Ill h Bt.. 2d floor, room 5. W E RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing marhlnes Ind A-ltW.1; LVmg aa lrtti NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. l'.th and Hsrney its. POULTRY & PET STOCK BONNIE VIEW White Wyandottes and Bourbon Red Turkeys. Mil. N. W. Bur bank. Bonnie View Poultry Yards, New Sharon, la. " C. W. and 8. and R. C. Brown lglorn cockerels for sale cheap. Barker tiros., Indlanola. la. Pl'RE-BRED 8. C. Rh'de Island Redi (exrluslvelyi. lm cockerels of the well known "Cottage Place ' strains for sale at U and 13 apieve, or 2 or 1 tor 25. hens and puiieta at II So each. Oeorge W. Dixon, Cottage Place, Watertown, S. D. MAMMOTH Bronse Turkey Toma. W.S0; hena, Ii50; pairs and trloa Thorougnred Tolouse geese, either sex. 12. Miss E. Bchlndler. Nebraska City, Neb. DUCK! Duck! Yea. Buff Orpington great layers. For prices, etc., writs Claiinda Duck Farm, CUnnda, lav BAROAINS now In all varltles Orptng tona. Wyandottes, Leghoma. H I. Reda, Roi ka. Minor, as, dm ka geese, turkeys, William Koell Co., box W, Hampuin, la. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer rTg'a.?ok Bee Bldg. i-ntrance on Court. MILI.ER g- JAMIESON, W.i Douglas St. Both phones. k n j . . ca i li rt-iiw) ior gooo printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Av. tl I T .1 X- T " T X' r. . I . . , RI ES-HALL PTg. C 14th. Ind. A-35?. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam St. PETER JESaEN. Jr. Co. TaL Doug. ZH. REAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO , Eat. lS5S;prompt service; get our prices. 3lJ Brandeis theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Flf teentn floor City National Bank Building. C1TT PROPERTY FOR SALE AN EXCEPTIONAL PROPOSITION FOR SALE. Seven-tenths Interest in a three-story prefixed brick building, with 40-foot front. In businesa district uf E3tcelslor isprinKH, Mo., leased to responsible parties. Annual Income of tl,S.i. or fl.lCtiu income on tne seven-tentha Intereat. price 5H.260 on the seven-tentha Interest, subject to a 24. 000.00 mortgage at 7 per cent, dune 1 or 2 years hence, leaving an equity of 14,250.00 which Is realising over 20 per cent Interest. Reason for this great sacrifice Is, I need the cash. Address P. O. Box 122, Excelsior Springs, Mo. INVESTMENT 4 brand new. strictly modem, 5-room cot tages: nicely located; on paved street; con venient to two car lines and paying big per cent on the investment. Price Jil.Ouo; only 54.OU0 cash required. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Phones Doug. lTsi. A-11S8. 7-ROOM, strictly modem, practically new. Built for a home; location good; one block from car line, 2 from school. Owner leav ing city; will sell at a bargain. Phone owner, Webster 401. t-R,. bath. 54.000. 2220 Burt, half block of 1 car lines. Harney and Cummlng; asphalt St. Owner. 3215 Burt St. Tel. Harney 24'Jd. FOR liALC-Twn lota. 123x1 M. ei suats Kth St Dear Vinton; ail special taxes aa. Will sell as ane place or divide. Willing to sell at aabrtflc. Apply al att Somis tut at. rOB SALE House f rooma water, sewer, toilet, etc.: nice trass and aaruobery. -H .-u. iit Sw For A Few Days Only We offer the Southeast corner of Fortv flfth and Franklin streets, size. 50x151), for i,,) cash. Tha lot is nicely located, onlv one block from car, street is paved and ail other improvements are in. The lot Is ac tually worth 50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Douglas 17M. A-USS MUST BE SOLD Owner will aell at cost, easy terms, brand new, 8-room. strictly mouern home In kountse Place. Tel. Web. 224. GET OUTDOORS Nice new cottage ln Benson with four large lots. Owner will sell cheap or might exchange for small cottage in Omaha, Payne Investment Company, Douglas 1781. A-11S4 SIX-ROOM moo err. eottage. for sals oa easy terms by uamtr. 21k Miami St. Persistant Advertising Is tha Road to Big Return REAL ESTATE FARM AN D RANCH LAID TOR I UI Ark.aasss, SEE our list of bargains in Benton. Madi son and Washington counties, Arkansas. Greatest apple couniy m ma U. S. Ozark Land Co , 4U3 Bee Kidg. ARKANSAS FARMS Big list; special bargains; sent free. Writ today. Captain Higgs. Fayetteville. Ark, California. FOR SALE 570 to l0 per acre; caan, baianca long term; the last of tne big ranches to be colonized and la tne greatest irrigation district in tne world, where eac.i land owner baa equal rigui to water and . it n.v.F rival oitr- rifli l.i.l 1 ' grows frum 5 to 7 crops a'l.'aira yeari ; ' dairy products caneo ior eaci amy by tne four big creameries, do laud anywheie near so cheap, any where in district, wilt , double in v.ue in 2 yeara, luveaugate Inij. rurlo.a ciardau Land Co., kuilou I Cai. SUBDIVIDE Have 155 acres of choicest I Isiui lu ienta Cruz mouittaina, 4 fro-u 1 isnta Cruz, s miles from Gionwood, ss ! acres cleared, baianca in timber and or -cr.ard. county road runa tur. ugh land: deep rlcn soli, price 5-i per acre, can oe subdivided in small tracts at per acia. Jotin DuDuia. fcauia Cruz. Cal. A HOME with an income cheap 244 I acrea. a muea from Auburn, good nou-ie. i looina furniture, barn. aaeus. iar.uiii tools. 2 waaoiih, haiueas. lu uii'.cn cow, 'M acrea Leaiiug urci.ard and giapea, 5ii 'aires g.a.n iaiiu. 2a naiurai nieaooAa, ' a.ia.ia. past. ire, 5 living springs, i a. i ondr uuen, finest climate on eai kii. 12 tunes ;o K. rt. na:ri.u4. rt.i-e lo.uuu. iai ' larii. Ca ajice t per cent. R. E. Lee. Real c-:ate botr, t-. Auburn, CaL A HOME AMONG THE ENGLISH WALNUTS. No finer climats in California, and only 4o minutes' ride troui euu l raooico. i.e- member the Cat. L-'eb. 1. 111, aJid not a fool uf land aold hetore. end for our wai ! nut folder aud map. R N. Uurgeas Co . ' Ml First Nat I l ank Bidg . aan Francisco. , i al I rA. j.-it. Income Home Orchard . 56.5.0 a a.. aUj." mn.-i li. c.iy i.ui.ts . .-n Joe. assorted Xi u.l or.-naiu. .an aHJ iT 4W, (do g(K U CW CUaVel, !u!- . ,e ie-a.n. iiJiii avua iis 4&e.U Jwi I REAL ESTATE 5'AHM A.D Rt.M II LAMJ FOR MI R Callfaraiae C natlaaed. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME T'" RECURS a 1 to 5-acre home at HrtM at low price and on eaay terms, we are closing up the Horry W. Meek estate and buye.s in ist act quickly; the electro from Oakland runs to the tract every 20 mlnjtee; . P. and Weatern Pacific runs through the lands, only M to s-an trine sco, one crop will more tnan pav tor the land. Beana producs per acre, pas, (ir- Heat In the atatei ton per acre, garlic, 5-OK. tomaloea. 1J0. cherries snd apr.coia. from i-'V to Hhj. lo-al buyers have purchased over I10U.0XO worth ln last -4) days, they know us value; only about 0 acres of tin ulKiiv i,m left. Come out at once, tree .nf urination ; electric care stors at our dour. Robinson gunning. General Agents for lands of Meek estate. 532 Castro t-L, Hay ward. Cal t0O down; 10 acrea good level land, 4 from Merced; adapted to aitaiia, fruit, etc.; 1 mile from acnooi; small bouse. I'.eds, eater right. I1.2U0 5-toO don. 20 acrea good level land, 4 miles from Merced; adapted to aifaila. orcbarda. etc.; wster right. J. E. RUSSELL. Merced. CaX Colerade. GARDEN BPOI OF . ARAPAHOE COUNTY. Now is the time to get ready and buy a ebolce garden tract for next aprng; have a choice lot to select from, c-onie good bargaina ln ranches, chicken ranchea Call on The J. R. Harris Realty Co., 21 Main St.. Littleton. Colo. 7Xj-aore tract, or part, plenty of fruit; also suitable for chicken ranch; a bargain, if taken at once; ciose to car line, cail or phone Roland A Hoffman, Real aetata. AJ'vada. Coio. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. Florldav You cannot lose on any well selected property in Florida, but are aura of quick ami substantial profits. We have many good prupertiea fur colonisation, fruit gild vegetable landa and Improved farms. Pop A North, ixil Atlantic National bank Bldg, Jacksonville, Fie. FOR INVESTMENT OR COLONIZATION. 307.000 acres very best black sandy pralr e land in southern Florida. Owner otters large tracta very cheap. For particulars addresa owner, 111 Chamber Commerce, O in ana. Neb. tteersjla. FOR SALE How la this: A lot 50x140 feet In a progressive olty. and 40 acres farming land, ail for 2200, on terras of 10 cash and 111) monthly. Address, F. L. Thomas, 2260 River road, Columbus, Oa. GREAT SOUTH UEOliUIA TRAVERSED BT THai ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM 4 ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops, ail the money crops of the bouth plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with thla coming country, Its soil, cll mate. churcn and acliooi advantages, wnta W. H. LEAHY, Oen'l Fasaangar Agt-. DaoU V. Atlanta, Oa, Illinois. FOR SALE e.100 acres In Cheyenns Co Colorado; H level, gently rolling; ad joins two towns, U. P. R. R. frontage; S surveyed for Irrigation; own my own water rights; all alfaifa. wheat and potato land; shallow water; country settling fast; i.OOo aeres valley land; great ranch or colonis ing proposition, all fenced and crosefenced, greatest bargain ln eastern Colorado, at 10 for quick sale; liberal terms, low In terest. Inquire owner. J as. a. Ballsy, Dtlavan. 111. FOR SALE Or exchange a splendid 320 acre wheat farm ln Manltoba'a moat fav ored district, near town and school. What have you to oflerT W. D. Ferguson, La Grange. 111. FOR SALE Best 500-acre stock grain farm ln state; H. R. station, stors and elevator on farm; gravel road; will bear closest Investigation. Price 5iut,000. M. A. Brock. Cissna Park, III FOR SALE Cora farms; 353 acrea In Bu reau county, Illinois. 5112.50; K acres. Ogle county. 5m). O- a. Hoicumo. Aurora. 111. AS YOU read thla ad. so will thousands read your want ad If It is ln Tha Bee. Iowa. FARM LAMPS. li ACRES FINE PRAIRIE LAND, Situated 4 m.les from a good county sent lawn ln North Dakota, Everv foot tillable; will trade ln a town dwelling to air.ouni ot 51.5oo to I2.J00. Address Lock box 211, New Aibln. la. 210 ACHE.-1.' Fremont county. Iowa, fine buildings; in w per acre, only t2.5A.ou caali. FRANK CRAWFORD. Ware Elock, Omaha. Kansas. 100 ACRES In Anderson county. Kan. t SO acrea pasture, balance new land, price, 514 , per acre. ."Seal-Bowman una Co., uarnett. Kan I ALFALFA land; farm lands In western I Kansas. 1 quote, subject to previous sale. S. W. 111-20-32. .hallow water alfaifa laii, ! at $25 per acre: 2H rnlles from McCue, N. E. i id" M r. u I hrmim p.ipn l.nil til per aire, 4 miles from Manning oa Uj. Pai. Al. D. Card, Scott City, Kan. MICHIOAN FARMS IN FRUIT BELT. No. L 40-A.. all cleared, log houae, frame barn, nice creek, tfil No. 2. 40-A.. li acres cleared, naw beuse, level, good soil, 5754 No. I. 40 acres, all cleared, buildings. 4 miiea town, 2uo peach, other fruit. 51.050. No. 4, SO-A., 5 acrea cleared, baianca cut over, house, fine str-am. 51.000. No. 5. 40-A.. unimproved. 4 miles town, good land. 1400. No. 5. 40-A.. unimproved, level, can bs easily cleared, 3uu. No, 7. K0-A., unimproved, level, heavy biack land. 11.000. No. I. 170-A.. unimproved, level, heavy biack soil. S1.506. All on easv terms, others, list free. THE KYANS-HOLT CO.. Fremont. Mich. Hlcklssif. FOR SALE 12. Ot acres of unimproved fruit and farm lands in eight townships In Cake. Osceola and Mason counties, :gan. formerly hard wood timber lands; situated in well settled cuunto ; i;ti per fect, abstract furniahed. Heprejrniau vos at Land Show and at Hotel New Southern, where aainplea of soli and products are shown. U. W. MiraL. Owner. Man istee. Micli. FARM BARGAIN. Best SiO-acre farm in . black eandr loam: 14 bidgs; 1 milt fiotn town; net yearly earnings li.uOu. K. Arbogaat, liiooui. f'.eld. N J. Mlaansta. FORECLOSl.'RE SALE OF LAND Wa nave over ..uuo acres Minnesota land t.j effer at forc.oaura prices, al.oui one-naif value, liberal terms, part or wl.oie. giaii.i opportunity for retailer E. W. Taylor .u S...1.. Nat Ger.-Amer Bank Bldg . St. Paul, Minn. IOR SALE BY THE OWNER-P4 seres In Mower county. M on , well improved, ad ttllaoie. 2 miles to town, ha.f t i schoo:, 12 m.les to Iowa price. 7j per a-ie. e.h A. Cheney. Urand Meadow, Minn. ' Ft)R SALE Best cut-over land in north j ern Minnesota and Wisconsin. 52. .'5 per ai ra I and up: farm, timber an I iron lauds. Joi.n I V A. Cioaijy. mJ Pa.iadio BiUg.. Uuiuiu Minn. IWI OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIE at 115. Terms 112 .'W Hardware and implement and PiM bu ld,ns for arm to matcii in turn beil tjox lt.. Adrian. Minn. xtlaaveart. M ISSi'I' Ri - "ni n county. Sal m! es from !Kanaas .t;. . acres, highly irr.o'-ove 1 , ; 12. ciiflh. I a aiice 4j per ear. hentei-'s . .ipp. rtui.i'v A rite for full den nption. It w I g con. Aldresa The Allen Cnurjtv 1 1 .es' :nrr I Co. T.r.iist' n. Kan wu crir.-J ianu; on nm.u ro:iit' una r.i.ol lo iir on yj? ct r cr -if t: e Ca; in. .-rcju ruL:4f now . taini ii iin hd t row twin iv aiu.Itu'.I. ptrnfT matter aijut k wi r 4irzi:r TLU i & (t-''l t -u . pruJ U L ClL I'CaaiUiX, Ul ta. -U4 REAL ESTATE FARM A'I RtM I.AM) FOR a.K M laeoarl- eatlaaed. MTSS'iURI I-N1 '! for sale. 0 acres to sitph. terms an 1 tr1ti? t- suit pu I chaser. Write for W. M. 1 Bievena. Clinton. Henry Co. Mo. I GRAZING, fsrmina-. timber and fruit lands in south Missouri, i'rni ...u to 1- per are. ! VZAH.K. LAND CO. 4l FEE B L. Ln. OZAPK LANDS. 0ark Land Co.. 4tJ Bee bldg. HALF INTEREST, 40-ecre farm, under laid with nif and lead- T. Cbapmaa. Vi abb City, Ui. 2H0 ACRjCS AND ACRES IN Ooou old Ca.-s .oJtity. 50 miles from Kansas City; both well improved; fine back limestone land; bargiun: choice. 5t5 per acre; good tern. a k V. Burdelie. oaraeu City, Mo. BARGAIN :0-cr farm; 4 miles from Warsaw. Mo.; C." acrea cultivated, ba.anes pasture; near school and cnurch; price II. On); terir.s easy. Address T. U. Owen. Warsaw, Mo. M Isalaalppl. MISSISirn IND Thousands of acres of tlie very best of farm and ti-nber land for saie In Wilkinson county, Mississippi, at from 55 to t-X .in acre. Wilkinson county la In the hea.thlest part of Ui.a country, with a climate unsurpassed; all kinds of crops can be grown here, and horses, mules, rattle, hugs and poultry .can be raised very profitably. Have tracts from lt to lo.'jon acres In one body I can furnish splendid properties for colonization at very low prices; also fine timber tracts. If you want land in any other part of thla state, or In Ixiulslana. I can furnish IL If Interested, ca.l on or write to G. A. Wettlln, real estite agent and county director of the Mississippi I.and Development Association, Woodvliie, Mine. Nebraska. FARMER oiriNVESTOR. The bt'St i-i section of land near Omaha for the money. Will subdl-vide into two eighties and sII either one or both. A set of Improvements on each. The soil !s ex cellent. A-l land, and i.iss first rate; good neighborhood; telephone; one-half miie to school, 5.-0 rasn. 51. "OO .March 1. w.U handle one of those eighties; ll.'ioo by March 1. balance 5 per cent, takes the other; $0 SO p. r acre n Ita entirety. A good bargain and should not last long. Come and see the oods. Kexurdlcss of there being snow on the ground. 1 can thor oughly convince vmi that the soli on the quarter throhirhout is A-U excellent, good. Young farmer, qlder one. or investor: You are making no mistake in buying this quarter or either one of the eiuhces. Within from three to nine miles of six towns. I have a large list of farms and a few bargains. Come. Orln S. Mcrr.ll Company. New location: 121.1-1214 City Nat. bank Bldg. IMPROVED farm of about 200 acres In Colfax county. Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, 50 acres ln wheat, lays close to town. u. P. R. R. runs through the farm. Price, sis) per acre, would take some city property. L N. Hammond. 233 Board of Trade. A BARGAIN MX) acres deeded land Im proved, lij milen from town. Well fenced. 60 acres cultivated, price 110 per acre. Easy terms. Address, Box U5. Whitman, Neb. North Dakota. WE own and offer for sals North Da kota farm lands at attractive prices. The Northern Trading Co.. Casselton, N. D. Oregon. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. W acrea only I'O.uO per acre. Addresa L. D. Oakea, Gaston. Ore. Pennsylvania. FOR SALE 150 ACRES ALL EQUIPPED, fl,20. Income 746 besides produce consumed by owner's family; 60 acres tillage; Juicy pasture for Is cows; l.OuO cds. hard wood can be marketed ln Center at to par cord; orchard produces HO bbls, in saaaon; at tractive 7-room painted bouaa with spring water; big barn, wagon shed, poultry and augar houaes; owner, having other busi ness, will sacraflce for quick sale and will Include pair horses, 2 cows, sugar-makini and farming equipment, for only 51,200, part cash; here s splendid chance for a man with a littls money to get out into God s country, be happy, Independent, make money and keep hla family In comfort and plenty; rend all the retails of this and an other of 47 acres for 5"00. page 1U. "Strout's Blgitest Farm Bargnine. Copy free. E. A. Strout. Station 272 Union bank bldg., Pittsburg. Pa- Team a. PORT O'CONNOR. TEXAS. The garden spot of the south. Fine win ter and summer climate, very beat agri cultural and fruit land. All close to rail road. One year's crop will pay for land. Price 125 to 550 per acre. One-third cash. WARNER & WILLIAMS. 442 Bes Bldg. Omaha. Neb. CHEAP RANCH Great bargain; l.Ot'O acres, near Folsom. N. M. ; v-room ranch house, outbuildings, fruit trees: 200 acres can be put ln alfalfa and Irrigated, 12 sprnga. natural shelter for cattle; control S.Ouo acres in pasture: 20-mile fence; I1J per acre, half cash. T. H. Pence. vV'hite wiltht. Tex. WELL IMPROVED ranch or seven m tlons for aa.e by owner, ln center of Gray eoonty, Texast well wateieo pr"-eu rigui. Apply to H. 11. Lovetu Pauipa, Tax. Waihlagloa. FOR SALE Cheap. 10 acres good land, about 2 acres slashed; good well, new pump and shed, for 5S50; miie to Sheri dan dock; 15 minutes' ride to Bremerton, Addresa Box 575, Bremerton, Wash. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acre of good alder land, partly cleared, near good road, good new house and chicken house: 60 laying hens, ducks and a lot of p.geons, two miles frum good new town, near boat landing; ten miles frcm city of 40.UO people. Price, 5"); 12-10 down, balance 510 per month. See Mr. ! Morrison. ZiiliJ Bond St.. Everett. Wash. TWO 5-acre tracts fronting on Lake Che lan. Wash.: 2 year-old winter apples fine soil, fine lake fine climate, fine fishing and boatinir. low prre to close an estate Address V. II. Norrts 475i 12th Ave.. N. E., Seaitle. or C P. Bennett. Lakeside. Wlseanala. j COME TO V1LA3 COUNTY. WISCONSIN 1 Good land cheap snd on very easv terms ! lorm $.') to Ha an sure. 40 acres for ; 810 DOWN AND 10 A MONTH. ' I No interest, no taxes. Insurance clause In i th- cuniract. soil, plenty ot rain, ! good ruaua, good markets, good schools an 1 ; courciies. eend tor map and book to Dept. 2. G. F. , SANBORN CO.. Eagls River. Wis. DANDY LAKE FRONT DAIRY FARM, 52 acrea. only 3 miles from Centuria. polk touno. Wis., excellent soli, hardwood llm br 25 acres under cuiCvatlon; good trams house, lo,- barn, small fruit and shaoe trees; quarter mile frontage on beautiful ih" wun (ir.e beacn: unii 12. Mt. on eas, terms Owner. O. E. C Box A. St. Croix lu is Wis. ID eiclisnge 128 acrea good level farm land. Oneida county. Wisconsin. near railroad an', town: country rapidiy settling up and prices advancing, price 8l.4. clear, want good Miund young registered PercB trou or i elgiiin aialiou. to weigh no less than 1 Vo piuniis Mnd a sura foal getiar. Adiress Lock l!ox vJ. Rtu nela.'der W.s. FOli ?ALE Cheap, good Improved farm. 5. ouo. ha.f d mil, l.a.ance re.iy trrrna. vJeo. les Vv is.. K. i. t-EST l.ind ln W Kconsin, any sized tract, siiuirula prices. On miner Laud Co., Marl, n- etc A u. A BARGAIN. ' I'.tt-ncra farm .lock m.ictuuery and all for ' 8 2ii'. ania.i pamer.t down, o-i acres under ',.iuw. new rr -leru sev i-u-1 oom house. Iw I miles 'from Hi -wi U is . act uu..k Ad 1 d.eaa M . : i .'n SilL D. U esiuy. W.s !liiarrila4r5ait. WANTED TO BUY There are i la ot people In Iowa war.t to h iv ta.-rns improvt-d hod un it ed .a ael'.ed ll'ld iiniet'.,1 d'"!I.CfS Ti e "a a y tu bei ra- I: tl,em a' 1 t'is '"'I I'ki.e of THE DE." Jl.JiNES C4MTAL AKiAiif di lation ia-t uiuutn 44 115 .'vi..,-. I'u.:. .k.d f.T I e" tv c.ll at Ui ilj.i-wj, la., uy Lala You.4. REAL ESIATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Cmitti A Co. ll." Farnam St. i WANTED City loana Tetsra Trust C . to go iJ en Omaha homes. O'Keefa Real Kstata Co.. lvi.s N Y. Lira Dougias or I'.'f) to ll.Onn made promptly. F. D Wead. Weed Bldg, lsth and r arnain. GARVIN BROS. M floor N T. Iafa. 550D to 5100.UU0 on Improved property. No delay LOW RATES. REM IS-C A RLBERii CO.. C0-.112 Brandeis Theater ldg. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually W. H. THOMAS. 0J Flea. National Bank Bldg. MONET T" LOAN-Fayna Investment Co REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have CASH BUYERS 'or GOOD bus iness and residence properties. WE CAN BEI.L vour property If worth the money. ONF1LS REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Tel. Tyler 1174. Ind. A-22U 15i Farnam street Omaha tlj North 4t!i street ""'I'd Omaha. SWAPS IF TOU have inv kind of business or properties to trade for South Missouri land see Cxark Land Co.. U Bee Bldg, Omaha. WE exchange properties of merit. H. U. Culver. U-13 N. T. Life. Douglas TtW. ONTJ brand new No. 70 Colt's acstylsna gas machine) and gas rsnge to trade tor good hogs, cows or chickena Grand Ave. Phone Web. 474. ENGINE, thrashing machine, corn abet ter, and aaw mill In good running orde-; will trade or sell for cash cheap. J. W. Engelke, owner, Missouri Valley, la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Omaha property, good 100-scre farm In Western Missouri; new 7-room house. 200 peach trees. 42 acres ln wheat Address G 521. Pee WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. 1). 3J71. SECOND-HAND clothing; party after noon d reuses. John Feldman. D. 2)2; A--'bJ. WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST-CLASS, practical nunw can be engaged at once. Douglaa 51H4. YOUNG man, aged 17. Just arrived from Di-nver, wishes position as grocery clerk or branch telephone operstor; experienced. Will consider other pualtluna. Webster 2021. TOl'NO man desires place to work for board and room ln private family while attending college. Boylea College. Botn phones LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OFFICE of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware com pany, Omaha, Nebraaka, December 9, 1;14 Notice la hereby given to the stockholder of Lee-Giaas-Andreesen Hardware Com pany that tne annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will bs held st the office cf the said company, comer of Ninth and Harney streets, in the city of Omaha, in the stats of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Janu ary, 10. A. D., 1H11. at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose ot electing a board of dirctors for the company to serve during the en suing year, and to transact such other business as may be prebented at such meet ing, tl. J. LEE. President. Attest: W. K. GLASS. Secretary. NOTICE. Stockholders' meeting of the Union. Land company. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of tha Union Land company, for the election of five directors and the transaction of such other business as may legally enme before tha meeting, will be held at the office of the General Solicitor. Union Pacific Head quarters Building. Ninth and Farnam streets. Omaha. Nebraska, on Monday, the eth day of Januarv. lull, at 10 o'clock a. m Tha atock transfer books will be closed 10 days previous to the meeting. ALEX. Ml LI. A R, Secretary. New Tork City. N". Y., Dec. 19, 1910. DliklWt RAILWAY TIME CARD lMO STATION Tenth and Msueuu. I alow Pacific Depart. San Fran. Overland L..a 8 Ul am China and Japan F. M a 4.10 pm Atlantic Express Aril vs. all SO pm a 5 45 pm a 45 am Oregon Express a 4 ') pm a 5:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...al2 46 pm a S ) pm Denver Special a 7:04 am Colorado Express a 2:50 pm Oregon-WaHh. Limited al2:W pm North Platte t-ocal a 8:15 am Columbus Local a 5:30 pm a 7:27 am 4 -SO pm . 8 20 pm . 4 45 am al0:30 am Stromsburg Local bl2:40 pm b 1:20 pm Chicago, Rock Island at Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...al2:58 am Chicago Day Express, .a i 46 am Chicago Local Pass blO 35 am Ies Moines Local Pass. a 4:00 pm Chicago Express a 4 40 pm a 10 46 pm a 4 (0 pm bl0:19 pm al2 30 pm a 116 pm Chicago Limited a 8.08 pm a 8:02 am WEST. Chl.-Neb. Ltd.. Lincoln. a 8:20 am Colo. Cal. Express. ..a l:2fi pm Okl. A Texas Express.. a I 15 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...alO:55 pm rhlrasro Great Western- a 5 :47 pm a 4 30 pm a I 30 pm a 12 50 am Chicago Limited.. Twin City Limited Twin City Express Chicago Express... Wabash ...a 5 AS pm ...b 8 30 pm 7 5! am ...a 9:08 am a 8 30 pm a 3:45 pm Omaha-St. Louis Ex a 8 90 pm Mail and Expresa a 7 30 am Sttinb'y Lcl. ifromCB.ib 5:00 pm ( klragn Jt Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7.45 am Moux City Local a 3 45 pm Minn. &. Iaaoia Ex. . . .a 7 :00 pm a 8 25 am all 15 pm blO.U am a 10 no pm a 8 28 pin a 9 15 am EASTBOUN D. Carroll Local oo am a 3 50 Dm Omaha Express Chicago Locul Colorado-Chicago Chicago Special Pacific t oaat-Chtcago I.os Annelea Limited.. Overland Izmlted Carroll Local Past Mail 7:40 am a 5 49 am .al2:(6 ont a R lw im .a 8.02 pin .a i o5 pm a 8 5o pm all 46 pm a 4 so pm a 3 28 am a 3 28 pm a 0 49 am a 3:28 pm a 12 22 pm a 7:45 am a 10 oo am a n 10 pm a 2 36 pm WESTBOUND. I.lncnln-Chadron a 7 50 am Norfolk-Dallas a 7 50 am Long Pine-So. Platte. . b 2 15 pm Hast ings-Superior 6 2 15 pm IeadwoMi-liot Springs. a i 66 pm all 00 am alo .45 pm b o -tl pm b 6 20 pm a 5 20 pm all oo am 1 pm Casper-lAnder a 3 55 pm I Fremont-Albion b 5 20 pm Missouri Pacific I K. C. St. L. Ex a 30 am K. '. ft. I.. Ex.. ex I ctpt aturday all. 15 pm a 7 40 im a 6 50 pm K. C. ft. L. Ex. Saturdays only Ihlrago, Mllnaakrc Overland Limited oniaaa-Chlcujco Ex... ijnialta-Savanna I-ocal 12:00 pm . Paul .1! 13 pm a 7 59 am a 7 15 am a 7 15 am all 45 pm a 3 25 pm a ti:5o am bio.uu am Colo-i'al Expraa i oiorado Special .a 8 uo pm .a 7 42 am Pel ry-oinaiia Local O 5.15 pm llllnoia Central Chicago Express : lurag i Limited 11 inn. -St. Paul Ex... llinn.-tt. Paul Lid.... a 7 OA am a iw pm . b 7 "u am .a 4 ou pm a 2 45 pm a 8 uu am a 8 oo am Marlingtoa Slnllon loth and Mason. Bsrllsgloa Depart. Denver A California. . a 4 lo pm Puxet Sound Express .a 4 1U pin Nebraska points a 8 2o am Black Hills a 4 !0 pm I.. noun .Nl.i.l b 1 ion Northwest Express all 25 pm Neliraska points u s jo am Nebraaka Lxpreaa . . . . a 9 15 ai'l I-incoin laical l.uvur-Pattsmouth . b 3 t pm Lincom Local a 7 25 pm P a1 1 iiuout h-low a a 11 am R. lievue-P'atismouth ..al2 i prr. Central Nebraska all 25 pin Chicago Siec al a 7 lo am In n. r ,"-ie-iai I''ii .a 4 ?'l pm Chicado Past Express.. a, 11 mn Iowa Ijj' ui a 15 am Creston 1 la I Local a I T". rt. liu.s Lxpress a i t pm K. '". . St. Ja,-ph al" 45 pm K .'. v St. J isnh a t 16 am K. C. A. l Joeepii a 4 2 pm Ar a 3 a 3 a a 2 al a 7 a t a f b blO a 7 a 8 a i all all a 7 a 3 a - a 10 .1 in all a 4 a 4 rive, tt pm 46 pm lo p 'n 4b pm loo 00 am 10 pm Hi pm (M a in 30 ru j'i pm 50 am Ml mil J5 pm 11 pm 'V in: :& p;n o ri'n 81 am ani 6 am 45 aiu 10 pm natleaeg. Webater e-talina- -ir.ta aad V4e hater. MI.Mirl Pnclflc Depert Ar-l-e. Auburn Ivcal h 3 . tm b;i ,5 am (klrsaa, t. I'asl. Mlanranolla Jk lma h a B.out Cltv Express b 2 15 pm hll sm 1 inialta lx-sl c . trn hioux Cltv Pussenitcr b 5.20 pm Tw-n Citv Passenaer . . . h 4 . am Piout CIin1 I.i'cnl c 5 am t.merson I. oral . h S VI pm h Vlo stn i M I 'niH- except Sudav ft Sundiv onlv OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Tho Royal Hail S"?J 4 f-nleee Se . ae Caba-Wet lndie.Pss-n-Benras,a aaTwSTIT 1IU' Rteerlenea la lh Wesl lo.l. etPT rrsda. R.MiS.Pt Vl,aIe.""lVOI( 'tela jaa. SI ST 4H M ee-SVk. IS ( ti ise Si n - JSae. S(isayat Ml A as. WseXly Saiiisss frexs ''w P'er . . ., . T. Cuba Jamaica Panama Colombia After Jannarr m Httn4 Tnp fc BERMUDA, $20 and Up IwluslTS Tnoraal hjoar szr . . SA!US4" S4I". -a 149 La Bare St.. Chicago. W. K. BOCK. 1524 Farnam Bt. AROUND TUB WORLD CRUISES tw o ohod rHiiiet I sf atHiat thrse sad so Sslf . m.atUii' itarstls hr tb lures l Trnt!sol'e atesmer CI.FV K- I.Avl). rnt rnls to leave New Yerk 1. mill , e-e..nd to lese gaa Frsselaea h. IT. 1S1I3. Also " to the Orient, West ladles, 1 a.ia Santa America. Oast. Iscladlag all aereararr aipee. Bd4 a Ham burs- ABivru in Uiiia. 1.4 liandulps St., V..U. ill . or Ag'-nia. Iron and Copper Smelters Are Held as Noncompetitors Interstate Commerce Commission Makes Decision Affecting Firms in Eocky Mountain Region. WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. Tn an impor tant rase decided by the Interstate Com merce commission, affecting smelters In the Rocky mountain region to the extent of many thousands of dollars annually, the commission holds that tt Is without Jurisdiction over shipments or rates for a period of more than two years beyond that fixed by the statute.' Complaint was brouaht to the commis sion by the Anaconda Copper Mining com pany of Montana against the Erie railroad and many other eastern carriers ot the rats on coke from the West Virginia and Pennsylvania coke ovens to tha Montana smelters. At the time of tha complaint the defendant lines maintained two rates on coke from the ovens to Chicago, a rate of 22.65 per net ton on coke and a rate of 52.38 per net ton "on coke for use In blat furnaces for smelting Iron from ores." In Its decision the commission further holds "the rate of $2.fi5 per net ton apply ing on coke was and Is a low rate for the services performed and that ths main tenance of a lower rate 'on coke for use In blast furnaces for smelting Iron from tha ores,' while Improper, did not subject the complainants to undue discrimination and la not tha basis for awards of damage In these cases " Further, It Is held that "smelters of cop per and of Iron do not compete In any proper or ordinary sense cf the term and the complainants have suffered no dam age." Tha complainant asked reparation upon the ground that ths maintenance of the two separata rates upon the same com modity at the same time from ths ovens to Chicago was an undue discrimination. PERSHING TAKES COMMAND Brisradler General I In Charge s( Amy at Philippines Pending Arrival of General Wood. MANILA, Dec. !3. The array Is ener getically pursuing the rebellious Manobos tribesmen In Mindanao Ij and. Troops of the Second cavalry are punishing the per petrators of the outrages on the planters in tho Davao district. Brigadier General Pershing, commanding thai Department of Mindanao, has arrived here and assumed command of the army of the Philippines, pending ths arrival of ths recently appointed commander, Major General Bell. Washington Affairs (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Special Tele gram.) Army orders: Majors Ira A. Haynes and Arthur . Chaee. :oast Ar tillery corps, are dttnned as members of the examining board as tha Presidio. San Francisco, vice Majors John W. Ruck mart and Thomas B. Lanioreaux, Coast Artil lery corps, hereby relieved. By direction of the president. Major John A. Dubpruy, retired, is detailed aa pro fessor of military science at the Peacock Military college, fan Antonio, and will report for duty accordingly. lieutenant Colonel Millard N. Waltx. Twenty-seventh infantry, now- In this city, will return to his station at Fort Sheridan. 111. First Lieutenant John O'Neill, Coast Ar tillery corps. Is relieved from his present duties and will sail from San t'ranciaco about February 5 for Manila for duty, re lieving First Lieutenant William K. Sliedd. Jr.. Coast Artillery corps. First Lieutenant V ,1 i:im E. Shedd. Jr . Coast Artlllerv cons, r.ow iinaaslgned. Is assigned 10 the 15,'th company and will sail from Manila about .March 16 for San Francisco snd Join the company to which he Is assigned. Second Lieutenant Harold I Gardiner. Const Artlllerv corps. Is transferred from the 157th corupanv to the P-2d company. Second Lieutenant Marcrll s. Keene. Coaat Artillery cort-s. Is transferred from the 141st to the 72d company. Captain V. Rukke. li-dical corps, bow ln this city, will return to his proper sts tiotl. Second IJeutenant Charles Mcllehv. Hec ond cavalry, la transferred to tho Twelfth cavalry. The president hss accepted the resigna tion of First Lieutenant Dills S. Connor. Medical Reserve corps, to take effect front December 21. Leaves of aen-e: Lieutenant Colonel John . I". Til, ."in. ElKhteenth Infantry, extended one month; Second Lieutenant Francis ". Marnnaton. Corns of Engineers, twelve days; Second Licitenant Gilbert it. Wilkes. Corps of r'ni::;i.i'ii. twelve iIumi: Flmt Lle'itenunt .ci. 1 N. Gibson, Artillery con h. flftc-n il iys. Culls from the Wire The RuHlan sovernmerit lia dei-lded f- extell all students dnioruer at uni versities. The leng conr.oiieil ronfli'-t hetjveen tiie . tiulacian ref-nera and tne acuo.-n il ci-in-, pany. an American co-icetii. Is nelleved I be neartng an end and 14 lil. ly to result j in a victor; for C.i Americans. I News of the attempted assassination of ; Prince Clung at Peking on December 1 1 when 011 his way to attend a meeting of ; the coun.-tl of mate, was brousnt bv tha 1 steamer' Kamaktn a Mat u. A man steppsd .frcm the side street and fired five shot from a pistol, none taking effect Progress in the taik of Inducing passage bv the va. ious slates of workingiuen s comfeiiaation iaw-s Htn retored by August ' Belmont, chairnian of the Civic Feuera I tion s departme- t on compensation for in 'd'jstrial ai-culenta ai.d thieir trevent;oti, at a spetlal meeting of the department la I New Yuik. RAILWAY TIME CARD '