Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Mt Sort r-tnt It.
9. I. Crsadoa k Ion
Takt Tour Printing to taa Ttmsa.
aUashart, Fbotorrapher. Hth A F"ar'm.
W Cia Cat Ton 7 pat aaat on your
mMny in. amount of to H.o. my
length of tim wanted. Good security.
Mastlnas H-yli-n. Mil Harney St.
Fmld U mil SHarse of tha Neb. Salnv
A fjoan Aia'n. make an lii Investment,
tl) to 15,000 tys pr annum. Board
ef TraJa Building, 1405 Karnain Btreet.
Baaaloyar's Uabla m aocldaata
Juriaa alwiys say so. wnether negligent
or not. L.t Creigh, naldrtge A C writs
your liability Insurance. 'Phona Doug
las :oo
A FrlTat Safe m our burglar and fire
proof safe dj)' t vault for only t)W per
year. jr atoratra vault for silverware,
(. Entrance- at Uil4 Farnam street, or
through th Oniaha National bank.
XnM la Coming I f you want any
rubber toys you can gat them at tha Rub
ler etore. Rubber belli, rubber dulls and
everything else that la rubber. The Omana
Htjbber company, E. H. Spragna, pteel
cent, 1100 Harney street "Just around
tl.e corner."
efcednla tat Ola Club The Cornell
Oiaa, Knnjo and Mandolin club la ohfdil'd
ti arrtve at a. m. Monday. The college
mHMlclnns are rnmlnK In a special train of
five cure, a diner, baggage rar, a buffet
library car and two sl-ers on the Roilt
Inland line from Chicago, leaving there
at fi .Hi p. m. Sunday night.
Convtot Takea to I is so art Urnry
Vsshlngton. the man who was arrested
liere and bound over to dmtrlrt court on a
charge of burglary, was taken away
Wnlnomlay afternoon by an officer from
Marshall. Mo! Washington wa Identified
from a piuture In a detei tlve publication
as an escaped convict from Marshall. This
cl.aige huh Inst him In Omaha was dia
mlHSfil so thiit he could be made to a-rve
out bis Missouri sentence.
Omaha Hotel Man
Gets Wrong Tip on
a Lincoln Message
And Proceeds to Pile Up Trouble for
fcimself Until the Mystery
is Explained.
The manager of a big hotel should be re
sourceful. . That the manager of an Omaha
hotel possesses that qualification was
proved recently.
The local man received a telegram which
read: "Send package to :10 Burlington
The memiage was dated Lincoln and was
signed by a prominent Wyoming stockman.
Diligent Beareh by the hotel man. how
aver, and Interviews wtth the entire office
force, failed to lncatA a package belonging
to the Wyoming man. ?ut the telegram
said "package" and was dated Lincoln and
It was probably the combination of words
that suggested to the manager the explana
tion. "Ah!" he aald, "I sea how It Is. John la
at Lincoln. Lincoln la dry, and If John
has been there very long It's a cinch he la
dry, too. It's a relief expedition he wants
and a I want to aee him I'll personally
conduct It."
The hotel man waa at the station when
the 4:10 train came in. "He met tala
Wyoming friend and his friend's wife, who
was along, and a jleasant reunion was held
on the station platform.
;n JaaBWliM, yau-.aW.Y' m$ dress Atmt
down :o the train?" sweetly asked the
Wyoming woman. ! ''
"Irsa:" replied the hotel man. "I don't
know anything about any dress, but I
brought that pacKage that John wired for, '
and he produced a Quart bottle oX Old
I'rlvate Stock -
It was nearly train time before order was
restored. But th Wyoming folks re
covered sufficiently to explain to the be
wildered hotel man that the "package" re
ferred to was a new gown that waa to
have been left at the hotel by an Omaha
dressmaker and which was to have been
of some service on the trip east.
At any rata, there was no drouth for
John In the trip across Iowa.
City Attorney Says He Proposes to
Put Up a Tight
(ilrart Was Uliara sla Ike o.
rll Bealaa Uaardra I)o.r aad Af
terward atenee4 to Jail
tr ilnnpt of Coart.
The city w 11 not pay without question
the b II for atrt lighting presented to
the council Tuesday night by the Omaha
Gas company, and It sems very probable
that more litigation will result.
The bill waa the first attempt to collect
that the comtwtny has made for nearly five
years and amounts to li:.j.!l. Th.s is for
lamps ranging In number from 1. If7 to .T3
at a lamp, and includes IW.27 interest.
Frank T. Hamilton, president of the com
pany, added a note to the bill asking for
prompt and Immediate settlement.
The q'l.stlon of the amount that the city
shall pay for Its gas street lights has
been fought through several courts. The
contract was declared legal by Judge Ken
nedy ;n district court, and then was can
celed by the supreme court on the grounds
that It had not been properly published.
The gas company Insists that the contract
still holds good In effect.
"The city will not pay more for the gaa
lamps during these five years than can be
considered a fair compensation for gas
used at Its highest efficiency," said City
Attorney Rine, Wednesday morning.
"For months the gas commissioner baa
been testing the lamps and the various
conditions under which they work best
and we are prepared to show that although
the gas company may send any amount
of gas through Its lamps that It can
force through we are compelled to pay
only for too amount that will give the best
"At the same time we will not pay what
the gas company asks for this quantity of
gas per unit unless It is a fair compensa
tion. Mr. Dunn will probably handle the
matter for this department, as he fought
it through the courts before."
Fight Was Hitter.
The contract for gas lampa at 28 a lamp
waa one of tha most widely discussed and
bitterly fought pieces of legislation that
ever went through an Omaha city council.
Peter H. Back, Charles S. Huntington,
Ed Evans, Charles C. Dyball and i'eter
Schroeder were the majority that favored
It and the minority was made up of Harry
B. Ziruman. D. J. O'Brien, Fred Hoye an4
George T. Nicholson. The minority had
an expert come to test the gas at the
street corners, and It Is said that they
were forced on one occasion to defend him
from bodily injury from gas company em
ployes. -
At the meeting In which the contract was
passed policemen were on hand at the
order of the mayor to hold a quorum in
the council chamber and the result was a
wild and bitter debate between the two
factions in which attorneys for the two
sides took an active part. Judge Sutton
had granted an Injunction at the request of
the minority to prevent the ratification of
the contract, and when it was done in this
manner he sentenced the majority members
to Jail for contempt of court. They were
released on a technicality and never served
the terms.
Then began the litigation that waa fought
through the district and supreme courts.
The final decision of the supreme court left
the company without a contract, but In
spits of that the claim la for the amount ot
money that would have bjemiue anUar that
arrangement.' The bf.l has been- referred
to the city attorney, the gas commission
and the members of the lighting committee,
who will report to the council committee ot
the whole.
Carriers of The Bee
Guests of Brandeis
Theater Thursday
Will See "The Old Homestead" in
Becoynition of the Christ
mas Spirit.
Carriers of The Bee to the number of 140
will be entertained by the management of
the Brandeis theater Thursdav night. The
boys will he srtven seats In the very best
part of the houso to see "The Old Home
stead." All of the carriers of all the news
papers In the city will be given this enter
tainment during the week and Thursday
night was reserved for the boys of The
! Bee.
The newsboys that sell the papers on the
streets have frequently been given such
theater parties at Christmas time and will
get their chance Saturday night, but as a
new custom the Brandeis is taking care
that the boys who take the papers to
resular subscribers shall also get some
Christmas recognition.
Dana-ernaa Career?
in the abdominal region la prevented by
the use of Vr. King's New I-lfe nils, the
painless purifiers. C5c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Surety Company Sues
for Bond Indemnity
Action for Recovery of $3,300, Judg
ment Incnrred in Suit of In
ebriate's Widow-
The Rankers' Surety company of Ohio
filed suit in dlstrtot court Wednesday
morning for Judgment aga'nst Lewon A
Stroeh. saloon keepers, and Maria Marx to
recover r.. as indemnity for Judgment
rendered In sn action brought by tha
wtilow of an inebriate.
Mrs. Olive M. Harrison, wldost- of Loreng
Harrison, got Judgment against the saloon
keepers and the surety company for $li.ou)
In a suit recently tried In district court.
Marl Marx and the firm of Lwon A
Htmch am the sinners of a document as- !
surlng the surety company of indemnity In
event of Judgment on the bond furnished
the saloon keepers.
The aurety company suit asks for Judg
ment for, the sum of the bond, and
J3i for expeies Incurred In the defense
against the Harrison suir.
Choose Xmas Gifts for Men Folks in the
Biggest, Brightest, Busiest Man's Store in Town
Lea Ik a Valley Raises Dtvtgead.
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21. The directors
of the Lehigh Valley railroad today de
clared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per rent,
an Increase of 1 per cent over the divtden.l
paid la-st June. This puts t'ie stock on an
eiiual basis f 11 Is an ln-
rreasa of per cent per annum. ' "
Custer County Will
Exhibit at Land Show
Bi; Western Nebraska Section it to
Prore Up Fertility of Ita
Roy R. Barnard of Callaway. Custer
county, while In Omaha on business, ex
pressed surprise that some people still per
sist in alluding to his county as being In
the sandhill section.
"If they will look at the state and gov
ernment reports concerning the crop pro
duction they wilt change their notion," said
Mr Barnard. "Not only la the live stock
line, but In g'alns and grasses and alfalfa
Custer county dues not take a back seat
from any county In the state, all things
considered. At the coming land sriow we
will have some exhibits unless present plans
fail that will prove the fertility of Custer
county soil and the opportunity for diversi
fied farming by modern methods."
Mr Barnard was for years the editor of
the Callaway Queen, but recently sold out
to enter other business.
Omaha to Observe
Monday as Holiday
Banks, City Offices and Many of the
Larger Stores to Eemain
The banks of Omaha, the court house
and the city hall will be closed Monday on
account of Christmas. So will most of
the big atorea of the city. Among those
having agreed to ahut up ahop that day
are The Bennett company, J. L. Brandeis
A Sons, Thomas Kilpatrlck & Co., Thomp
son aV Belden Co., and Benson at Thome.
Hayden Bros, will be open Monday.
Some other stores will be open for half
a day. The Grain exchange will be open
Monday, but not Saturday before Christ
mas. Usually grain exchanges close the
day before and the day after Christmas,
particularly at the week-end, but this
yea too great stocks of grain would have
been accumulated by Tuesday morning.
Five Railroads Vt kirk re Part af tke
laloa Pacific System I'sder
Oao Masigeawat.
Five railroads which are a part of the
Union Pacific system on the Harrlman
lines aro to be Incorporated Into one road
at II S p. m. December 13. The new road
will Include the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation company, tha Oregon A Washing
ton, North Coast road. Idaho Northern.
and the Ilwaco Railroad company.
When put together the complete system
of tracks Is to be known as the Oregon
Washington Railroad Jk Navigation com
pany. The same orncers that now direct
the five roads will control the new corpora
tion, the management of the lines being
In the hands of the Harrlman powers. A
general manager and heads of depart
ments may be announced In a few lays
from the Chicago offices. Thn headquar
ters of the new company will be In Salt
Lake City.
Transfer of Jurymen
Questioned by Motion
Talesmen Sent from Criminal Court
to Hear Civil Action Now
Plaintiff Wants Rehearing
Motion for new trial of a personal Injury
suit In district court questions the legality
of the uae of talesmen called In a criminal
rase for service in the hearing of a civil j
Eva Belle Halght. ho lost a suit against
tha street railway company for SI.k on
allegations of personal injury, heard In
district co:irt December t-i raises this
question by making it the basis of a mo
tion for rrhearing. She sets forth that
five of the taeive members of the panel i court Wednesday morning. George Suohart
Wltacsa Is l aable te Tell by
the laatitattoa 'Was He
lag Raa.
The Inability of a witness to tell the
name of the corporation for whom a
bucketshop was alleged to have been run
caused Deputy County Attorney Magney
to dismiss the bucketshop case In police
rhlh returned a verdict against her
prayer for Judgment were called for service
In a criii. inal case and later pressed Into
service in the civil action.
Rftmrilnll't ( tke lirss
Paetrte Retaraa front t
aadlaa Trls.
.1 O. WlTloughby has returned
western Cgoada, where he has completed
arrangement U represent the Orand
Trunk lacit'a railroad in tha sale of town
lots In Nebraska. He will represent all the
towns along lh road from Winnipeg to
Kdmoaston and later on to Prince Rupert
as fast as the ra.Iroad Is built. There are
t'i be five nt division points established
Mr vn'.rmgr'y reports ail
nuiet prosperous euQd.tlon.
and Eamuel Jackson were the defendants,
charged with having conducted a bucket
shop. The first and only witness called to the
stand for the plaintiff quickly admitted
be was unable to say what corporation was
Involved. When asked who the defendants
had been employed by he said "a IJuooin
firm." kin-Judge Bon Bakr was attorney
for the defense.
I'ersistent Advertising
i J'.eturns.
William tilass of the Leo-GUus-Ajidreesen
oumpaay. who has bwen seriously ill for a
week, was refsirted much Improved Wed
nesday and so was Ben Barrows, surveyor
of the port of Omaha, who has been 111 a
week with bronchitis.
Austin Weich of Spokane, torme-ly of
I lirti h, Iw vlNlHnr him fnrm.T fr.v,i4 hra
the towns in a I while on his wav through to Missouri. Mr.
VS elch. who has ben nurnnl . and has
( entered the contracting business bince he
. was in omaha. is
.... iw.a w tll thjuu;s f,jr
I West.
very eiimosias ic
Bruepwruy in the
Gift Certificate
This exceedingly attractive Gift
Certificate ami Christmas Card,
which is executed in three col
ors, affords a very unique manner of presenting
A Caloric Fireless Cookstove
jfor Christmas
"Why not a "Caloric" for her Christmas T It will
save time, work and money every day of her housekeep
ing life a gift which wll be appreciated by and benefit
the entire household.
With the "Caloric" you can bake and Roast foods perfectly,
without heat other than that supplied by the patented radiators,
which are hated in the same manner as an ordinary flatiron, and at
a saving of fully seventy-five per cent in fuel. The "Caloric" steams,
stews and boils just as efficiently as it bakes and roasts. Let us
show you the "Caloric" and explain more fully what it will do.
The No. 11 "Caloric" is packed in a handsome, special package,
as illustrated, appropriately decorated to carry out the Christmas
spirit. The stove is carefully wrapped in white paper, tied with a
glossy red ribbon and enclosed in a crate that la stained holly green.
The panel, a reproduction from
a pen drawing, is very suggestive
of Christmas and provides a space
for the name of the giver and alao
line for the recipient.
A store? that's full of the) very Christ ma ;ifte a man
noMla and want mort. Thew arr a few of the many c
cplble and InerpenKive Rift yon will find la our Mors.
Xmas Neckwear in holiday botes it 4Ac, T.V and tt.OO
Knit Muffler; in holiday boxes at 2.V and 45c
Silk Mufflers in fancy boxes at 3.SO, ;U0,
2.00, ft. SO and fl.OO
Initial Handkerchiefs, box of 6. at $!.&, $1.30, I.(K
and 3or
Eiderdown Bath Robes, at $2.4
Lounging Robes, at $10..tO down to $4.(M)
Combination Sets Necktie and Hose to match... 75c
Combination Sets Necktie and Handkerchief, Necktie
and Suspenders or Necktie and Hose to match
at $2.9 to $1.00
Leather Collar Baxea, at 92.45 to 91.45
Leather Combination 8ets Collar Case, Handkerchief
Case and Necktie Holder 94.95, 9.1.85 and 92.05
Military Brushes 94.95 and 93 95
Belt and Watch Fob to match 91.00
Scarf Pins and Sets 92.SO to 50c
thi uovbm or Miom auurr
im xotrsa or a
n I, 74jrrU
. .. iv AL4i Yli jr
I ft- 1 IX-vlf
i tun a nmii
--" eiieV
it. i '
v ill
,1.'"' ii
Our Christmas Furniture
Has Sol?ed Hundreds of Difficult
Gift Questions This Week
Thursday Special TURKISH ROCKERS
Our Ilejfular $25.00 Rockers Upholstered In plain genuine leather; has tha
best oil tempered springB; a big Xmas gift special, Thursday
only, at
Our Resular $53.00 Rockers This massive pattern has the over stuffed, dia
mond tufted back, and has a wonderful balance; Thursday, C 11 9"
. an unequald value at w lssl
Sa e (I 1 .
: I
$18.00 miMm
Sale On the Third Floor
Make Bennett's Your Furniture Store
I j
Our Regular 940.UO Rocker Uphols
tered with diamond tuftedback, gen
uine leather, edges deeply ruffled;
Thursday a big value at. . .$30.00
Other Big Values to be found in thla
great sale. Everystyle Writing Desks.
Easy Chairs, Card Tables, Dressing
Tables, Pedestals, Hall Clocks, Music
Cabinets, Kitchen Cabinets, Parlor
Suites, and a host of other exceptional
Xmas gifts. Remember, these are all
specially priced thia week.
w Hanola All tha riaer and Mora Baanttfal ratasma la au-n-OraU ruultva
(Bon GUncB jU)7 fl
m i m.i,iiiiiiii..miii.ina a y-ur . i mnw n msw .ii.T""' iiiiiiuiisi i n iisj
Firm nil nzn By price
w i-j .W LJ KJLU Author of "England and tho English from
aj-.iL..-iL.a.L'i. " an American Point ot VIow" -
The first of a new (group of articles on THE WEST IM THE EAST
from an American Point of View, by the author of one of the most
successful and talked of books of recent years. While dealing
especially with what England has accomplished in India, these
articles discuss with great clearness America's new position in
the Orient, some of her diplomatic failures, and the fight for
commercial supremacy among the great world powers. Keen ob
servation, trenchant wit, frank criticism, and yet an evident spirit
of fairness make them most entertaining and instructive reading.
iho &Jl07nojh llc-,lr eg)
of LiLjlJ (t4J LJJJifrrilJ LjJ l
THE SAO SHEPHERD, a story by
Henry van Dyho
Sr Arthur Co nan Doyle's
Ernest Thompson Scion's
VinsJow Homer By christian
BRINTON. Illua. wltS many ml the artlsfa hsnus salnUnas
The Causa of Political
Corruption. By henry jones ford,
Prstaassr at Ptttiea in Prtouataw University
Experiments In Germany with
Unemployment Insurance
Tha continuation of F. HOPKINSON SMITH'S
ICcnnedy Square
Othmr ArrksAsss, aYavlsta, as a.
With now uhcfifttion9 accompanied by S3.00, SENT DIREQT TO THE PUB'
USHERS, tha November and Dooombor numb or containing tha flrwt chapter
ot the new meHal will be ment troom 93.00 a yaari 25 eanta numbar.
Give 'em a Fine
Talk'ng Machine
and make it a
"Bed Letter"
"They'll talk about your gift for tha
next 10 years."
JS-" - 1 1 1 L . ,JJ
, - try "pc
IT - J
I anamaasstavisi
Our Experience Our
Skill Our Time and Beat
Efforts have been concentrated
for years in the simple and serious
;ndeavor to bring to absolute per
:ction the actual physical merit of
arke's Pure Rve. In this pursuit we
e been unqualifiedly successful and faor
recognition accorded to us of such a de
that the immense patronage of Clarke's
Pure Rye give us the true title of the largest
distillery in the world.
L- At FirU Ooaa CIuos. Aira md Coa ' Ask For A
CLARKE BROS. & CO., Distillers, Peoria, Illinois
Lmrumm wtusksy diatilUmrm Im I a. awlsl
m r , r I i ,
y in i i raa,,
The "Victor'
Talking Machine may be had
as low as $10.00
at as low as $12.50
Machines shipped anywhere and
everywhere on FREE trial then
sold on easy payments if the outfits
suit perfectly in every way.
Supplies, accessories, repairs, rec
ords, etc.. In stock ready for same
day shipments. And we maintain
the most complete repair shop In th
GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager
15th and Harney Streets,
Omaha, Neb.
8;J t Broadway,
Council UJuffs, Iowa.
Of 10 i 1 1HF
h until rm ut rriMtk ftuniM r. , I VArmwi h K i . t a - .. .. -. . . k . .
7 - . . - 1. 1'
. .. . ... . .. kxu. in. mi i. Muv.rn.a uj ma sixa or tea ruotura
i.luliH to i. close i Tbs n.oncy may torn dxposii in s"iia rina la los niu
sf Ui patit or stiardiao. not 10 b paid unill tt. ours ta TOmpiaiafL Thousands ol
ruiiujj v""vm uv. iuiiiiw i nmmm unu surma "a baai lk yaara and ail urn com.
iwir.y Li.i'im. "i. w hu iuc I4n liar lUurBsuaiL sua raui
at. waar.