TTTF. BEE: OMATIA, TITn.SDAY. DECEMBER 1010. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET I Bulls Continue to Suport the Wheat Situation CORN HOLDS ITS OWN WELL llrapllr l.fbrrnl Moinnml ti lol- rrlrr llolU ( p nhrtl Kaara Off Mlhflr. OMAHA, n-. a. Bull rnntlnu to mi'iort "vat In hop cf iin Improvement In the cin'imptlv de mand after the holiday. A prent nVal of mrfKs Ik Ix lnu laid on th la k of mnlntiir fur thn winter whri. which I aufficieiit argument to check Ii-ImIi operator The ctirn market Is holdlnK Its own despite the llbernl mtvennnt and dullness In the riuih i-onilltlonn. Shippers are re Irt Iiik" ptAKnnnt himlneHs. heat eaaril off sllnlitly without any feature nnd weather fiirt-ast predict aome relli f from drouth ttirnneh Kansas. With the drouth condition out of the way bulla are liable to find difficulty In auatalnlnK present prices t orn held firm with no material changes In prlcea. 8trenth was due mostly to buyinic on prospect of a lighter run and unfavorable weather predlctlona which will dclny shipments. Cash valuea were weak at c lower. ITImary wheat receipts were STfl.ftin btiah ls and shipments were bushels. aKalnst receipts last year of (VTO.OoO bushels nd shipments of 12 1,484) bushels. Primary corn receipts were 1 P7.ono bush els and shipments were 6." bushels, aaalnst receipts Inst yenr of S72,X) bushels and shipments of 20f,.v) bushels. 4'learanre were l.". "t tiushcls of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 2"7.onn bushels. Iilverpool closed unchanged to d hlirher on wheat and unr-liana-ed to d higher an corn . The follow-In cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 4 cars, fluo; 4 cars, poc; No. 3 hard, 1 car. 1 car, R'Hc; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, WH4c; No. 3 mixed, 1 rar. 0c. IOKN No. 3 white. 4 cars. 40c; No. 4 flint. 1 car, 37c; No 8 yellow, 1 car, S:t'e; R cars, Sjc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, :w'c; 1 car, 3Xo; No. S mixed, 1 car. 40c; IS cars. Jic; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 3,"4c; 2 cars (poor), 37Vc. OATS-No. 3 white, 3 cars, Sfc; No. 4 white, 2 cars, Sc;, No. 3 yellow. 1 car, 80c; 1 rar, Zc; No. 4 yellow, 3 cars, 2)c; no grade, 1 car, 20'4c Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No, 3 hard. ns92c; No. 3 hard, W'tfllV; No. 4 hard. HlfiMc; rejected hard, 71Vifc7c; No. 1 spring, 89'a'Jlc; No. 3 spring, Mfciicic. C(.'RN-No. 2 wdilte, Va)Vic; No. 3 white, 31W40c; No. 4 white, 3Wl!"e; No. 3 yellow, Xiifirtyc; No. 3 yellow, MMal BSHic; No. 4 vellow, 37Vqii8c; No. 2, 3XW Mr.; No. 3. SX'w&c; No. 4, 37Vj314c; no grade, acif!7'c. OATS-wHiiltiHc; standard. ?0!g3m4c: ,. a whlta. va-3i.c; No. 4 white, 29'-!6'-,Pc; ..o. 3 yellow, ifl'faOOc; No. 4 yellow, 2SV I9Vc. lMRLEY-No. 3, 7(Vij76c; No. 4. 649-0e; HYK No. 2. 77'4,g:7!m,e; No. 3. 76H4J77V4C. No. 1 feed, 66$ 70c; rejected, 64(gii2o. C'arlot Ilrrelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago W 696 M4 Minneapolis 3M ... ... Omaha , 35 67 31 Jjulutb 91 CHICAGO GRAI1V AND PROVISIONS Pea tares of ik Tradlnar aad Cloalac Prices on Board of Trad. ritTPAGO, Pee. 21 With rain . or snow predicted officially for the entire winter wheat country east of the Hockles fear of drouth disappeared today and the mar ket weakened. The cloao was easy at a net decline of H'llHo to Ti'alc. The end of trading left corn hro lower to a shade higher; oats 1-ltio down to Hli'.io up and provisions at 27'o to 47V4c advance. Wheat closed at almost bottom prices of the session. The market was fully as depressed as It had been buoyant the pre ceding day. A downfall of moisture that reached eastward Into central Kansas made even the hardleut bulls lose enthusi asm. According to the government forecast, the damp area was to be widely extended within thirty-six hours, so that no part of the fall sown crop would be without some benefit. I-arife quantities of wheat bought here yesterday by the Southwest were sold out today because of a belief there T?oult be a total breakup of the drouth. Furthermore no demand existed for cash wheat today. Primary receipts were liberal, and another flour mill at Duluth hut down, leaving only one small concern there running. Foreign news, too, was bearish. May after ranging between HiStic, closed c off at 9nVi'-Hc In corn the forecast of unsettled weather was thought to mean lessened sales by the country, but this had an offset in the light cash demand. May fluctuated from c to 47fj47c. and closed at the first namea price, a shade tinder last night. No. 3 yellow finished at 4WaH7c. There wu little selling pressure on oats. May varied between M7t,iS4c and 84lVfrfl4-"H1o, with last sales at 34c, the same as last night. January shorts and May Investors ad vanced provisions. When the pit was cleared pork showed 37 to 47c rise, compared with twenty-four hours previous; lard H7Vio to 30c, and ribs 27S4o to 27Vtf$ 3oe. In the last three weeks, pork has ad vanced more than 33 a barrel. Prices In Chicago furnished by The Up dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas 2473. 7C8 tirandels building, Omaha. Artlclea.j Open. High. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat Dec... May.., July... Corn Dec..., May... July... Oats Dec. . . . May... July.. Fork Jan... May... Lard Jan... May.. liibs Jan... May.. slHSlHeiSiHiJfHl 14 W I WtVaiu&Vatiaffa Hati 46fiii 46 45 I 45H 1U 47 47:47((.u 4m 48VI 4liVai4sl.ii.4 bih ,5TM4 93-VBVs, I Sl'a JlMffH! S1W 314icV an M !U'A 19 62 18 SI 10 67 10 17 10 47 V 70 34,, 34 19 85 4'.; 20 06 13 &S 10 90 10 46 H37ii 19 86 18 60 20 00 18 85 10 26 10 42 10 75 1 60-65 10 75-SO 10 76 10 26 10 30-751 10 72-75 10 77 9S-S7 10 (JO 10 72 B 80 I 10 03 Cash quotations were as follows: Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK riteady; winter patents, J4.0& 4.70; winter straights. 3.;; spring straights. K3u4.tiu; bakers, j.4ia4.4. KY K No. 2, K4c, liAHLK Y Feeu or mixing, 603-700: fair to choice malting, RK0116C. 8EKUS-Flax, No. 1 southwestern. $2.24; No 1 northwestern, 12.37; timothy, 110.00: clover, 115 00. 1'KOVltSloNS Mess pork, per bbt., S19.7B. Lard, per 100 lbs., lo !ai.r( 10 .Kt. Short ribs, tildes 1 loose 1, $rj.2r.g 10.74; short clear sides tlM-xl, $10 7ui( 10 7'. Total clearances 01 wheat and flour were equal to 1W7.000 bu. Primary receipts were WK.tMO bu., compared with CTO.OHO bu the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, Sos curs; corn. 615 cars; oau. mil cars; hogs. i!,,uyo head. Chicago Vash Prices Wheat: No 2 red JV!4v; No. $ red, 'JlVuSIc; No. '2 hard' V.t'u4c; No. $ hiu-d, Wtuim,c; No. 1 nortnl em Bprlng, $1.041.taj; No. 2 northern spring $1024)1.04; No. i spring, $l.iirl i3. Corn: No. 2 cas-li. 4VJj4;c; new. 4u'-'m7c; No. 3 cash, tSS'a-Mc; new. 43WMc; No. 2 white 4u'tj'47c; new, 46h,u4;o; No. 3 white 4'Wi 40. .; new, 434i44c; Ne. t yellow, 4tfvH7c' new. 4i4i7c. ivats: No. cash, 31,'ul"-' No. 2 white, SVVuitc; No. 3 white. X--ive'c: N . white. 8IVt.i.s2.o; standard, 32 HI TT Kit-Steady; Creanieriea. 'Wjc' dairies. SluSJc. ' ' L' KOtiS .Steady; receipts, 1.502 cases- at mark, ra,i Included, UM'aVJ'tc ; firsts 2o prime firsts. 81c. ' ' CUKKSW Firm; daisies, lVirljvc- twins 14-tiUV-; young Amerlcad, li:liuc: long horns. 1&.,( l.'i'ac. " Pt iTATuKS Steady ; choice to fancy 43 tltotv fair to good, is,4:v. ItHLTUY-Steudy; turkevs, live 17c turkejs. dreased. 21c; chickens, live, 10c: chickens, dressed, 11c; springs, live, uv VKAIa Steady; W to UMb. wts' S,il0c 0 to ej-lb. wts., ii(,i 11 Sc; to 110-lb. wts" 12c. ' Chicago Receipts Wheat. la curs; corn 45tS cars; oats. 314 cars. Kstlmated Tomor rowwheat, S cars; corn, 613 cars; oats LU cars. llllwaakta Urala Market. W II.WAI'KKE, lec. 21 FIX)1R Dull WHKAT No. 1 northern. $1.0T,(i 1 0l; No. 1 northern. $103il.l)4: May, 26s-UJ6ae bid 4 1 ATS Standard, 32ic BARLEY Samples, .yAc. Mlaarapulls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 21. WHEAT De cember, $1 (kiVi'ul.ooS: May, tl o); July II. u V Cash, No. 1 hard, 11.024: No. 1 northern. $l01ilo-.': Nu. j nrt.iern, U '"4; No. 8. K7(()H!h a" LOCK First patenu, $4 6636. 13; second patents, 14 n.'o .'.;,: first clears, 3.l4t2.4)u; Hr.,n'l clear. tZn2'K t- I, A V lused at :..14. ItiKN-No. a yellow, 41V41e. OATS- No. 3 vellow. 4IW'i41o. HVK-N.i 2. 7'W,T7c l,KAN-ln l' lb. sacks, SJ1 0i 21. jA. m;w i mk, MtiikKr ((notations of the liar on Various I nmmndltlfN. NKW YDUK. Iiec. 21. -KliOm Jiet; st'iitiu pat nts. S.VlMj."i.40; wlntnr straight. $t.l."'u4.S.; winter patents. I4 4."it4 7o; spring clears. 4 l'"i4 4i; winter extras. No. 1. !.40i:i.7u; winter rxttas. No. 2. I3.IS u 1 40; Kansas MralKht. $4.,''''j4 ."'. Hye flour, fiimet ; lair to good. S4 JOi4 3;.; choice to Inntv. I 4 K.4 'S Huckwlieat, dull. I2.2S. 'il;N.Mi:AI-S-tealv; fine white and yeltow, Ji.i.Viii.2.-,; coarse, Jl.Uxtl Ki'n dried. 2.9". U 11 1. AT -Spot market, easy; No. 3 red, 97c. elevator and 97-Sc, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Iniluth. Jl.lTS. f. o. b., afloat, r'utiires market was Inactive, but prices wcrr; lower under lluuliiatlnns due to rains In the southwest. closInK at n c tit de clltie. l)eci nilMT closed at !c; Ala:''. l "I 1; MC'V closed I1C114. .lulv ilosetl it !..".; receipts. 4!.-'lhj bu.; shipments. 31.91s bit. t Olt.N .-pot market, easy; new No. 1, filc. f. o. b. Futures market was steadier on covering, closing t i',c net advance, lietemher closed. ;t"ic; -May, fi'c. 4JATS Spot market. steady. Futures market was without transactions, closing unchancrd to i4e net higher. December closed 37c; May, 40c; July, ,WC. HA Y Quiet ; prime, $1.P: No. 1, 31.07V! 11"; No 2. JI .00; No. 3. HOK.". HIMKS-Steady; Central America. 21c, Hognta, 2J'iic. I.KATH Kit Firm ; hemlock firsts, 23M1? 2T.V; seconds, 2ivm23c; thirds, 19S20c; re jects, lli'fll.c. riiOVlsio.V.S Potk. firm; mess. 321 .OT'i 21 ': family. '.0rK,t 24.00; short clears. ILtHK) '(122.00. Heef, steady: mess, in.tXKa 14.00; family, JlS.OOo 1 &0; heef hams, $24. M 27.00. Cut meat", easy; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, $1.1 WVij 15.75; pickled hams. $12.50. I,ard, strong; middle west prime, $U.lA'(f 1125; refined, steady; continent, $U.3.'; South America, $11.76; compound. $8.b2lii8 9.41. M'TTER Steady ; creamery specials, 31c; extras. SiiiSOc; third to flnft, 23ti28"-c; held creamery, second to special. 24koOc; process, second to special, 22'n25Vjc; fac torv. .luno make, 22c. -KK.SK Firm; skims, 12fil2Vsc Id !S Steady ; western gathered, white, 3-Vd-loc; fresh gathered, extra first, H4.iX,c; first, 323:; seconds, 2,s31c; re fiigerutor. special marks, fancy. In local stores. 2")(!?2i)c; first, 234T24Sic; seconds, 22'i'( 2.1c. rol'lTTtY Dull; chickens, ll12c; fowls, lSVtj'Hc; turkeys, 20c, Dressed, weak; west ern thickens, 12feisvc; fowls, 12&15Vic; tur keys, 174j-Jl. 1 TIIF. Gil AIN IIEI.T Area of Illa-h Preaanre Kxtends Over (entral Section. OMAHA. Dec. 21, 1910. The western area of high pressure noted In the preceding report continued east ward during the last twenty-four hours and now overlies the central portion of the country, with Its crest over the lower Mississippi valley. Colder weather ac companied the eastward advance of the high pressure and temperatures are de cidedly lower this morning everywhere east of the Mississippi river. The change to colder was very marked In the gulf and south Atlantic states, and freeslng weather prevails throughout that section. A temperature of 2 degrees below freezing was recorded at Jacksonville. Fla, A trough of low pressure extends from western Canada south over the eastern Rocky mountain slope aid unsettled weather Is general In the mountains. It Is snowing this morning in Wyoming. Colorado, New Mexico and Utah and the outlook Is favorable for unsettled weather, with rain or snow In this viclnltv tonight and Thursday, with colder Thursday. Minimum temperature and precipitation as compared with the last three years: 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. lowest last night 26 2 23 14 Precipitation 00 T .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 26 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 14.76 Inches. Kxcess corresponding period In 1909, 4.46 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 4.27 Inches. L A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. 8t. Louis General Market. ST. IX3UIS, Dec. 21-t-W HEAT Futures, lower; December, 94c; May, ikHt!Wac; July, 1)1 Tc. Cash: Weak; track No. 2 red, 97(j'JHc; No. 2 hard, 93(99c. CORN Futures, weak; December, 45e; May, 4iiV((4'Hc. Cash: Easier; track No. 2, 45c; No. 2 white, 44ic. OATS Futures, weak; December, 31Tc; May, S3c. Cash: Lower; track No. 2, 8Hc; No. 2 white, S.1e. It YE Unchanged, Sic. FLOl'R Dull; red winter patents, 4.X?J 4.75; extra fancy and straight, J3.8oia4.30; hard winter clears, $3.2.V(j3.fl0. SKEI Timothy. $d.00&9.50. CORN MEAL $2.40. URAN Steady; sacked, east track, $4.05ffl 1.08. HAY Firmer; timothy. $14.00(8 18.50; prairie. $12.0114.00. 1'ROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing, $1m..o. Lard, higher; prime steam, $10.624'5 10.72V4. Dry salt meats, higher: boxed ex tra shorts, $U.37H; clear ribs. $U.37H; short ciears, ii.t.'. uacon. Higher; boxed extra Bhorts, 11.37l.; clear ribs, $12.37V; short clears, $12.t'.2',4. POULTRY Higher; chickens, c; springs, 10c; turkeys, lite; ducks, 14c; geese, 10c. PUTTER Steady; creamery, 25430c. EUGS-Hlgher, 29c. Receipts. Shipments. flour, bbls 8,1 14.400 V heat, bu 47,0(10 79,000 Corn, bu 73.000 42.0U0 Oats, bu 60.000 94,0u0 Kansas fltr Grain and Prnvlaloas. KANSAS CITY, Pec. 21r WHKAT De cember. We: May, 93Xc; Julv. f,c: cash unchanged; No. 2 hard, h&97c; No. S, 90 4j!Hc; in o. 2 rea, ii8c; No. 1, 94fs95c. CORN December, 43c; May, 45,c; July, 4Hrii4i;lic; cash unchanged; No. 1 mixed' 424t42Mic; No. 3, 42Sc; No. 2 white, 43c; No. 3, 42ic. OATS Cash, unchanged; No. 2 white, 22 iy,; ro. 3 mixea. 3liU32c. RYE No. 2. 7S(tt7Gc. HAY Unchanged to 60c lower; choice timothy, $14.0(U14o0; choice prairie, $11.60 BUTTER-Creamery, 28c; firsts, 25c; sec onds, 23c; packing stock, 19c. EGGS Extras. 81c; firsts. 29c; seconds, 20c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. . ... 6.0H0 4fi.000 ... 31.014) StS.OOO ... 9,000 11,000 Liverpool Grain Market. 1 .1 W. HI'l M II . TV. tl liiiuiq . steady; No. 2 red western winter 7s ivy); luiuira, i"ici, uecemDer, as a; Marcn, 6s llV,d; May. Cs ll'V.d. COitN Spot, quiet; American mixed, 6s 3d; futures, quiet; January, 4s 6d; Febru ary, 4s 3v,d. FLOL'R Winter patents, dull, 28s 6d. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111, Dec, 21. OORN-Lower; No. S yellow, 42V"4Sc; No. 3 mixed, 42V,c; No. 4 mixed. 41i41c; sample, SSiVic. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 32Hc; stan dard, 32'C; No. 3 white, 31Hc Dulnlh Grala Market. Dl'Ll'TH, Dec. 21 WHEAT December, H.00S; May, $1.04; No. 1 northern, $1.01'; No. 2 northern, S)V,Jjy9c. OATS 31c. Coffee Markrt. I NKW YORK Dec. 21. COFFEE Futures op,-iiea steady at a decline of 4'6 points under scattering liquidation and Liar pres sure, the latter b--lng accompanied by claims of a weak technical position through the accumulation of ail extensive long in terest Binct the beginning of the season. I'os.-iibjy the cables from Braxil reporting lower primary markets at the close yes terday helped the decline, but later bullish reports were receive! as to next crop pros pects, and tiie market here firmed up sharply oil a renewal of the demand from ltu'ling roasters, European and Wall street buing aii l covering of shorts. The close was steady, net uiichangrd to 10 point higher. Sales were reported of 79.0iiO bugs. Closing bids follow: December and Jan uary. lloc; February, 11 04.-; March, 11.07c;, April, ll.uuc; May. 10 93c; June, lo.VOc; Au gust. l"74c; September, 10.67c; October, 10?7c; November, 10 6c. l!are doeed 4 to 4 franc lower; Ham burg, unchanged to ' pfg.. lower; Rio 125 rei lower at 7 $'..45:, Santos. 50 rels lower, 4. 7 $eJ; 7's, $J0; Braxlllan ex chaiiKe on London unchanged at 13 ti-.G: receipts al the two Braxlllan ports Sii.OoO baus. aualnst IS ti baKS last year: Jun dlahy receipts, lo.xuO bags against 9 a) bags last year. A prixute cable late In the day said that the current crop of Santos would be under Mm' ii bags; that planters bad stopped working and another cable estimated the coming crop at under lo.onHiai bas. Spot, Head); Rio No 7. 134c; Santos No. 4., mild coffee, quiet, CVrdova, 134JliV NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Action of Lehigh Valley and Reading Directors Governi Market. BUSINESS IN LIGHTER VOLUME Dividend Increases lr l.ehlata Valley and kf Several Industrial and Financial Corporations C'loae I'naetlled. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. The course of todav s stock market was governed largely by the meetings of the Lehigh Valley and Reading directors. In the case of the former much surprise was manifested when the announcement was made In the early afternoon that common shares had been placed on a 10 tier cent basis. The news whs followed by an advanc e in the stock to ivm4. a full point below Its high price of the previous day. This was followed by profit taking In lehlch Valley and other stocks and the entire list reacted and re lapsed Inio Its dullness of the early ses sion. The market was mainly Irregular. Busi ness was In lighter volume than on the two preceding days, and while the demand for bonds was again broad, these issues allowed less strength, numerous recessions from the high prices of yesterday being recorded. In addition to the Increased dividend of Lehigh Valley, other dividend Increases were announced by several Industrial and financial corporations. Regular dlvldenos were declared by a number of the Vander bllt lines. Final transactions were generally below the best of the day and the tone at Its close was unsettled. The market for foreign exchange was weaker and local money conditions Were easier. On tthe present showing of the weekly money movement the local banks and Institutions are likely to make a further Increase In their holdings. Lon don s operations here today were very light and the demand for Americans In the Irfindon market was almost negligible. The outflow of goli from the Rank of ICngland was continued today, fl.OOrt.oiO being wlth dtnwn for shipment to Egypt. Gross sales of bonds, par value. $3,125.0110. United Stales londs were unchanged. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows; Bales. High. Low. CIom. Allla-Oalmara pfd Anaigamatad Pipper Am. Asrlrultural Am. Beat, Sugar Am, n Am. Car A K Am. Cotton OH Am, Hid A L- prd Am. loa Serurltlra Am. Llnieed Am. Locomotive Am. Smeltlns A Kef do pfd Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Twining Am. Tel. A Trl Am. Toharco pfd Am Woolen Anaconda Mining Co..!.'"" Atchison 31 B,(H 44 63" 4S, 42H 9 to 6,?no 100 4:s CO 4114 CO 2m I 17", II 6.0O0 74 744 -4"4 200 103 1H244 102 41! CH) 116i 11S4 II.M4 2.500 142 U2 U2 1 K 39 l.HW 10H4 101 101 103 100 lit 114 11514 700 106V4 106 KK,14 do pfd Atlantic Coaat Una B. at o Btthlehem 8teel Brooklyn R. T 1.100 74U4 754, 75T4. W 1K31, 4'aradlan Pacific Central Leather J1 1M oo m 100 104 do pfd 104 Cet tral of N. J Ctiea. A Ohio hlcago A Alton Chicago Great Western.... 1,00 "166 ' ) 22 44 22 ao pra C. A N. W 200 U2 142V, 1,1 C M. A St. P 100 123 123 122 C. t., u. A Bt. L Colo. Fuel A Iron Colo. A Southern Conaolldated Oaa Corn Products 6: .. 81V4 56 2.000 13414 133?, 114 300 lCVi 15V4 I' 1H2V, .. t 7Vi 700 84V, 84 84 00 884k 28 V, 28 46Vi 84 . Delaware A Hudaon D. A R. O do pfd niBtlllera' Securities Erie do lat pfd... do Id pfd General Electric 1M 123 56 ureat Northern pfd do Oregon ctfa Ullnola Central 1,800 12314 133 130V, 1.500 1H 19'4 UT, 8.(00 M bi 56 100 111 111 110 - 1SV, 12H 700 41 40 4H, 200 18 18 18 .. .. 30 64 100 105(4 10614 1 Inter. Met do pfd Inter.- Harvester. .. Inter. Marine pfd Inter. Paper inter. Pump Iowa Central K. C. Southern do pfd Laclede Gas L. A N Minn. A St. L Minn., St. P. A 8. St. M. M.. K. A T do pfd Mlaaourl Pacific National Blecutt National Lead Nat' I Ry. of M. M pfd.. N Y. Central N. Y.. o. A W Norfolk A W North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People'a Oaa P., C. C. A St. L Plttaburg Coal Preaaad Steel Cmr Pullman Palace Cmr 1-4SV, 100 'too 27 Vi 83 V, 87 V, 2AV, 1.1114 3 1 ' 4214 4Vk 114 C 200 47 100 117 300 U 47 117 56 '4 8.1 1.100 112 112 11714 40V, , 1,40 100 100 100 1 I4 1,300 114 114 llK'4 ( , SSVj . 1.600 12 128 128 100 97 ' 17V, 80V, ir.8 81 108.100 151 149 150 , 100 30V, 80 30 8 800 29 28 29 60 1 (00 40 39 88 100 26 23 K 41 4 , 8.200 11 llo 11514 700 i 2v -Sli 100 82 62 61 800 84 84 84 200 26 Ii 25 2I0 22 22 22 V, 400 52 82 62 , 21,800 171 170 170 100 2 3 2 a 300 34 34 84 , 40, 00 73 72 72 700 116 11 116 . 1.000 45V, 46 45 2o0 62 42 42 200 16 16 14 800 34 84 84 200 46 47 47 100 67 47 47 200 74 73 73 ( . G8.I0O 180 177 180 'Hallway gteel Spring iHepubllu Steel do pfd Kock laland Co do pfd St. L. A A F. M pfd St. Lould 8. W do pfd Slora-Sheffleld 8. A I Southern Railway do pfd Tenn. Copper Texas A Pacific T., Bt. I. A W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd. V. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel do pfd Utah Copper Va-Caro. CTiemlcal Wabash , do pfd Weatem Maryland Weetlnghouae Electric. ... Western Union W. A Lake Krle, Lehigh Valley Total sales for the day, 380,800 share. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 21.-MONET On call, steady; 2ir34 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bids, 3V4 Per cent; offered at 34 per cent. Time loans, dull with easier tendency; sixty days and ninety days, 84j4 per cent; six months, S per cent. PRIME MERCA-NTILE PAPER-66V4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 KSMuf 4o240 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8636 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.81M(4.U. SILVER Bar, 644c; Mexican dollars, 4&e. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. B. ret. 3a. reg....l0o m. Central lat r. 4s 86 do coupon 100 Inter. Met. 4Ve 79 U. 8. ta, reg 108 Inter. M. M. 4a.... t do coupon lot Japan 4s V. 8. 4a. reg " do 4Va 96 do coupon 115 K. C. So. lat 8a 73 Allte-Ohal. lat 6s.... 14' L 8. deb. 4a, liil.. 83 Am. A(. 6a 1"8 L. A N. unl. 4a ta Am. T. A T. ev. 4a.l0fM.. K. A T. lat 4s.. ; Am. Tobacco Ha v do sen. 4 Ha 85 do 4a K Mo. Pacino 4s 74 Armour A Co. 4a.. 2 N. R. H. of M. 4a 84 Alolilauo sen. 4a N. Y. C. (. 3l.... 8 do cv. 4a lo& do deb. 4a 84 do cv. 5a 108 N.Y..N.H A H e. 6a. 133 Atlantic C. L. lax 4a. 94 N. A W. lat a. 4a... 14. at O. 4a do cv. 4a 10v do S t:No. Paclflo 4a loo do 8. W. 8a 80 do 8a 7 Brooklyn Tr. cv. 4a. 8.1 Ore. 8. L r. 4a 83 Central of Oa, 6a. ...107 Penn. cv. $a, 1816.. 8 Central Lea,lher 6a... K lUadlnf (an. 4a 8 Central of N.J. I. &e.lX-''tUt. L A 8. F. fg. 4a 81 Chee. A O. 4a 1"1 do fen. 6a 84 do ref. ba 84 8t. L. 8. W. c. 4a... 75 C. A A. 8a 70 do let fold 4a 8 C . B. A U. 1U 4a.. at, Seaboard A. L 4a.... 7, do gen a V7 8o. Pacific col. 4a... 81 CM. A 81. P. (. 8e 83 do ev. 4a 87 C. Jt. I. A P. c. 4e 7i do lat ref. 4a 84 do rfs 4s ay-la So Hallway as KM Cok-.. Ind. aa 1 do (en. 74 Colo. Midland 4a ... tnioa Pacific 4a Inn, Colo. A 8oulheru ral. do cv. 4a 104 and ext. 4a 87 do lat and r. 4a... 87 Del. A H. cv. 4a Hi U. 8. Kubber 4a 103 1). A H O. 4a ' U. 8- Sleet 3d ea....l4 do ref. 6a Va -Cero. Cb.m. oa..l''4 nltlllera ia T7Wabah lat 6a lu Erie prior lieu 4a.... 84 do lat and ext. 4a. 44 do gen. 4e 76 Weatarn Md. 4a 8a do cv. 4a, aeriaa A 73 W oat. Kiev. ev. 6a... a tf rv. 4a, aenea B ', W la. Central 4a 2 Cen'l Else. cv. Va....lio , Mo. Pacific cv. aa... 81 Bid. Loral eearlllea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brtnksr A Co., 448 New Oinaba National bank build ing: City of Omaha 4a Mil t n, Nat I Hank Bids 4a. 1820 Packing Co. aa. lt t'ulurubua. Neb.. B. U aa M t .Ji.rado Tel. I'o. (par. Ml Kairmoiit Creamery let g. 4 per east tlenentl Mnlur ptd 7 percent luaa Portlaiid Cemeril lat aa Kariaa Cltv M Vel Co. aa. 1823 Itrt. St. Hi. aa, lull kUcalgaa Suit Tel. 6a, 1844 Bid. Aaked. 8a 8 67 8 8a "a aa 6a 88 ) T 76 88 10O ta 87 aa 88 ten Omh i.ia i;)7 74, M Omh Wlr hm. M M 'im,h St. Uv n. t'14 t "1 On,h o. n st Kr. K 1K ? "4 Omaha c. H si Hi. f.l. par cant U 4 Omana A I. II .-t. R . com a M Fa,ra Nat Flank So. Omaha. In 1 " ParlOr T T. Si. f7Vi 7'4 Mi. Hall. 1l Co M U'i t nl,,n Work ar,?a alo-k j 14 Waiar Fiata uaa and Klertrlc 100 London Stock Market. LONDON. Dec. 21 Amoriran securities 'f dull and featureless doting the errly trading todav, Pric-s nt noon ramied from nbovc to ' below yesterday's Now Y"ork closing. London closing stock quotations: C'enaola. mnnry . 7 7-IS lulFllle Nan..1": do arnunt 7? M.i . Kan A Teiaa.. SO, Anial. Copper fi New York Central... lit Anamnita ' Nrfnlk A Western.. I i Atchison HMV, do pf.l 91', 'In P'd . (mtarln Wfvbrn . 4:S I' A Ohio. I H pcniiFy'nanla ' l ana.nan Pacific .ls Kand Mines 4 heraprake (itiln.. kjv, ltcadlnx 7T'-j Chi. tlreat Western.. !1 Soutliarn Railway ,. !f' il.. Mil. A St. P..1! do r'd as Mcera 17", Sou I hern Pacific ....117 Iienrer Hlo 0 3n fnlnn Pa. lflc 174M, do Pfd 72a do pfd , Brie M i f. s. Sieel 75', do l,t pfd 4 dn pfd 10, do !d pfd Jit Wapaah 17 (Jrand Trunk t4 do pfd Jfi llllinla Central ... 1M Spanish 4 0 MLVER Hnr. steady at 2.rlnd per ounce. M iNEY-2f?3 p r cent. The rate of d.scount In the open market for short bills Is ?v per cent; for three months' bills, 3 T-K'aV.i per cent. Boston TtOQTnv T C'lnsltia, tocks 21 Closing quotation s on rtocks were as fo Hows: Allouer Am. Copper Am. Zinc Aria. Commercial.... Atlantic Poatrm A "C 4 RM. Bulla Coalition Calumet A Anions.. Calumet A Hecla.... Centennial Copper Rang Raat Butte Franklin ...t Glroua Con Uranhy Con Greene Cananea Inle Royalle Kerr Lake Lake Copper IaSalle Copper Miami Copper Bid. utohawk ta Nevada Con Mpleslna Mlnea 14'. North Hutle -4 North IJike IS Old Dominion l7aOaceola 4 Parrolt S"i (julncy ..j ltl'a Shannon 7 fipertor lli Superior A Ronton.. Superior A Pittsburg 4H 'Tamarack H. S f. 8. Smelting t do pfd 17 ftah On ,t'tah Csjper 83 Winona 7 Wolverine 19'.4j . 4(1 . 1S !. I9'v ' 12S 1H, I 7l"v I 114 42 Vi 51, 1J4 4(it, l.t 45 '4 Bfev Y ork Carh Market The following quotations are furnished by , members New York Stork South Sixteenth street Lotnn A Bryan exchange, 316 Omaha : Hay Slate Oaa boeton Ccna Hutle Coalition .. Cartua 4-hlno Chief Ccna Kroctlon Pavla-Daly Kly Central Ely Cor.a Kly Witch Fanklln C.lroux (loldflald Florence Goldfleid Daisy .. liieene Caranea . 81 Ineplratlon 7 V, Iaroee W Nev. 5nrul 23 Newhouae 2114 Ohio Copper 4S IKVk 88 IX 3V, lv nawhl.le Coalition .. 15'i Pay Ontri.1 IV, Swift Pkg. Oo 1 7 V, sea n-Roe buck O....I I X'7k snv, 1 18 8'4 4t 84 V4 34 Sliver Pirk 12 Superior A Pittsburg ir Tonopah Mining .... e Trinity Corper l-' North Lake 7'4 llohemla ., Ojlbway New York Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. Closing- quotations on mining stocks were: Alios 125 l.Htle Oilef S Com. Tunnel stock.. IS Mexican 7S do bonds 1 Ontario 1M Con. Cal. A Va 78 ophlr 110 Horn Silver 80 standard 80 Iron Silver 165 Yellow Jacket 83 l.e.dvllle Con. ..... 10 Offered. Aasesament paid. Rank Clearlntts. OMAHA, Dec. 21. Bank clearings for to day were $2,302,049.70, and for the corre sponding date last year t2.279.029.78. OMAHA W1IOLKS.ILE PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 2, delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 1 In 30-lb. tubs, 29c; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons, 2Wo; packing stock, solid pack. 19c; dairy, in CO-lb. tubs, 22if23c Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 164&n4e; young Amer icas, 18c; daisies, 17c; triplets, 18c; lim burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported Swiss, 82c; domestlo Swiss, 24c; block Swiaa, lic. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs.. $6.00 per dos.i over 2 lbs. 124c; hens. 124o; cocks, 104c; ducks, loc; geese, 13c; tur keys, 23c; pigeons, per dos., $1.20; homer squabs, per dos., (400; fancy squabs, per dox., $3.00; No. 1. per doz., $3 .00. Alive, broilers, under -Z lbs.. 15c; over 2 lbs.. 84c; hens, 9-i?9'c; Aid roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, c; turkeys, 13i3l&o; guinea fowls, 26o each; pigeons, per uu., ouc; uomers, per aos., $3.00; squabs. No. 1, per dox., $1.60; No. 2, per dos.. too. FISH-all frozen) Pickerel. 11c; white, 12c; pike, 14c; trout, 14c; large crapples, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 20c; roe chad, $1.00 each: shad roe, per pair, 66c; frog legs, per dox., 60c; salmon, 12c; halibut. 11c. BEEP CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 16; No. 2, 124c; No. 8, 84c. Loins: No. 1, 17c; No. X 134c; No. 2, 94c. Chuck: No. 1. 74c No. 2, 4c; No. 8. 64c. Round: No. L Do; No. 2. 7c; No. 2. 74c Plate: No. 1, 6Ac; No. 2, 6c; No. 3. 64c FRUITS Oranges. California navels, 96-128 sixes, per box. $2.76 ?i 3.00; small sixes, per box, $3.25; Florida, all sizes, per box, $3.25. Icmons, Limonlea brand, extra, fancy, 300 size, per box, $5.00; 360 size, per box, $5.60; choice, 300 size, per box, $4.76; S'.X size, per box, $5.00; 240 size. 60c per box less, urape. rrult, f lorlda, 4tj-54-64-80 Bizes, per box, $3.6off4 00. Bananas, fancy, select, per bunch. $2.202.60; Jumbo, bunch, $2.76 8.75. Pears, California Winter Nellls, per box, $2.85; New York Keifer, per bbl $3.75134.00. Apples, Home-grown conking per bbl., $3.fiO4.0o; Missouri Jonathan, per bbl., $5.26; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., $4.25; Missouri Wlnesaps, per bbl., $4.60; Missouri Gano, per bbl., $4.60; other varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Green ing and Baldwin, per bbl., $4.76; Colorado Jonathan, per box, $2.25; Washington Gravensteln, per box. $1.60; California Belle flower, per box, $1.60; Washington Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy, 88 to 125 sixes, per box, $2.26. Pineapples, per case. $4.60. Grapes. Malaga. 60 to 66 lbs. gross, per keg, $7.OO&8.00. Cranberries, per box, $3.60; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl., $10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle and Late Howe brands, per bbl., $11.50. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs, in boxes, per box, $2.50; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 4c Figs, new California, 12 12-os. pkgs., 85c; 36 12-og. pkgs., $2.40. 60 6-01. pkgs., $.00. Figs. Turklvh, 7-crown, per lb., 16c; 6 crown, per lb., 14c: 4-crown, per lb., 13e. VEGETABLES Potatoes, early Ohio, In sacks, per bu., 90c; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 75t)S5c. Sweet pota toes, Kansas, per bbl., $2.50. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2c; Indiana white, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.40. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg plant, fancy Florida, pel dox., $2.00. Celery. Michigan, per doz bunches, 35c; California Jumbo, per doz. bcha., 75c. Rutabagas, per lb., lc. Cu cumbers, hot house, 14 and 2 dox., per box. $2.00. Tomatoes. California, per 4-bnk. crate, $1.75. Cabbage, new, per lb., 14c String and wax beans, per market basket, $1.50. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dox, 40c. Tarsley, fancy home-grown, per doz. bunches, 4oc. Turnips, per market basket, 35c. Carrots, per market basket, 40c. Beets, per market basket. 35c. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts, black, per lb., 2c. Hlckorynuts, large, per lb., 5c; small, per lb tic. Cocoanuts, per sack. $5.60 ; per doz., 80c 'Honey, new, 24 frames, $3.76. Cider, New York Mott's, per 4-bbl., $3.75; per bbl., $6.75. Christmas trees. 4 to 6 feet, 12 in bundle, per doz., $1.60; 6 to 8 feet, 12 in bundle, per doz., $2.26; 8 to 10 feet, 6 In bundle, per doz., $3.25; 11 feet, each, 50c. 12 feet, each, 75c; 13 to 14 feet! each. $1.26 to $1.50; 15 feet, each, $1.75 to $2.50; 18 feet, each, $2.75 to $3.50; 20 feet each, $3.60 to $4.50. Wreaths, evergreen wreathing, natural or dyed, 20 yds. In coll per coll, 90c; in 6-coll lots, 90c; natural! extra heavy, 20 yds. in coll, per coll, $1.00; i coils or more, per coll, $1.00; evergreen wreaths, with immortal flowers, per dox , $1.50; with holly, per dox., $1.60; holly wreaths, fancy Delaware, per doz., $1.50; extra fancy Delaware, extra heavy, per dox., $21(0; Magnolia wreaths, per dox $1.25 to $1 60. Holly, holly branches, Dela ware, 10 lbs. In bbl , per bbl., $1.50; heavy weight, size of rases. 2x1x4 feet, per case $4.00; Mistletoe, per lb., ac; needle pines' per dos., $2.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 21. M ETALS Stand ard 4'opper. dull; spot and futures. $lj.a) to $12 4o; Ixindon market, quiet; spot, IS lKs. ltd; futures, 67, 13s 9d; lake locallv, $13 0O8 13.25: electrolytic, $12.75403 00; cast ing. $12wul2 7h Tin, easy; spot and fu tures, $:7.waXT..'0. Loudon market, firm; spot, C172 6b; futures, 173 12s li.l. Lead, dull; $4 4Vr4 ;."., New York: $4 36'n4.40 Kaet St. Louis; London market. ot, 113 6h. Speller, weak; spot, $6 Caau5 i5, New fork; $0 3'46.424 Ka&t St. Louis; London market, spot, IH. Iron, Cleveland warrants 4-s 104d in London; locally, dull; No. 1 foundry northern, $15 inH 25; No. 2. foundry northern. $14 7i'r L", ."5: No. 1 foundry southern, and No. 1 foundry south ern soft. $15 254916.75. ST. IXX'IS, Mn., Dec. 51 METALS Irf-ad, steady at $4 40; speller, steady at $5.45, OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Are Steady to Possibly Stronger in Spots. HOGS SELL TEN CENTS HIGHER Kit Sheep and l.nmha .lendv Karly, 4 loalna- Mow and 'Weak, bat with Practically Ktery thjlnat old la Heaaoii, SOITH OMAHA, Iec. 21. 1910 Tlecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. theep. Official Mnndav 4.570 4.41H S MJ Off clal Tuesdav R.22 7.XU 4 Estimate Wednesday.... S.h 7.0O Three days this week.. 12 "(4 Same day a last week 1S4I Same rlava 2 weeks ago. If. T'7 Same dnvs 'A weeks auo.2r.77:t Hntue dnvs 4 wei ks ago. 14 II) Snnie days last year 7.721 1S.7M 2l.4f.O IS H1! l.''-4 7..rx! 17,:t27 24.1c2 vm r7o iA17t 1..477 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with lutt year: loin ioq Inc. pec Cattle t.2o7V'B 1.104.17 V 2 f.S Hoks 1r,l 77H I.Oin.'Ol 247. S77 heep 2,367.913 2,1W.'J00 Rr.OIS The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omtiha for the last several days, with comparisons: rates. I 1910. 1!kl9.l!0.1907.l90fi.ll!ki6l19o4. rec. 12.. Dee. 13.. Dec. 14.. Dec. 15.. Dec. 16.. Dec. 17.. Dec. 18.. Dec. 13.. I ec. 20. . Dec. 21.. 7 W,l I $ 321 7 4041 2! I 7 3kil 8 2:;; 5 7 5fi4l 2 09' 6 371 7 f'2',1 8 141 6 S0 7 60V4I 8 2.M 6 341 I 8 31 6 32 7 RfiVt.) I 5 31. 7 47 8 & I 7 67 8 29 5 36' 4 711 081 4 491 OKI 4 261 0 ON I 6 111 4 23 I 4 471 11! 4 4i 6 1HI 4 54 I! 191 4 2i! 1S 4 iti; S W 4 K4I 4 43 4 Mi 4 41 4 So 4 39 4 SI! 4 W 4 76 ; 4 42 i -43 4 81 4 84 1 4 30 4 901 4 50 4 NX, 4 44 cundnv Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Cnion stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yes terday; RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogs.Sh p C. M. & St. P 9 8 2 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 1 .. 1 In Ion Pacific 19 27 4 C Ac N. W., east 7 5 3 C. & N. W west 27 30 4 C. St. P. M & 0 11 5 2 C. R. & (J., east 9 4 C. B. & y., west 18 14 1 C. R. I. & P., east 10 3 C. R. I. & P., west 11.. Illinois Central 4 2.. C. G. W 7 3 3 Total receipts 124 109 24 DISPOSITION-H EAD. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 4"8 1.2i3 F20 Swift & Company 622 1,915 1,11 Cudahy Packing Co 11b 2, Oh I 2.94o Aimour Al Co 4ti7 1,928 945 Cudahy Bros., St. Paul 48 W.. B. Vansant Co 1 Benton Vansant Ac Lush 20 Stephens Bros 4 Hill & Son 256 F. B. Lewis 64 Huston At Co ti5 J. B. Root & Co 68 J. H. Bulla 26 L. F. Hubs , 69 L. Wolf 7 McCreary & Carey 81 ' Rothschild & Krebs 9 Mo. & Kans. Calf Co 47 Cllne & Christy 12 McOonneghey 28 Other Buyers 622 425 Totals 3,558 7.1C5 6.738 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning footed up 124 cars, making the week s total 12,h00 head, as against 18.000 head last week and 7,700 head a year ago. The receipts, as wa the case yesterday, consisted latgely of warmed up beeves, with a good proportion of butcher stock. The supply of feeders Was not very large. The market as a whole did not show much change. Beef steers proved to be In right good demand and the market on such cattle as found favor in buyers' eyes was active and strong to 10c higher. Good killers sold around $il.26. The bulk of the receipts changed hand in fair season. Cows and heifers and for that matter all kinds of butchers' stock was not very active, while the market remained about steady with yesterday. The supply of stock cattle and feeders was far from large and as there was some little inquiry the market remained in a good healthy condition, with prices steady to strong as compared with yesterday. Quotations on native cst!s: Good to choice beef steers. $6.00&6.7o; fair to rood beef steers, $6.2o!ij.-6.00; common to fair beef steers. $4.25.r.25; food to choice cows and heifers, $4.75i5.40; fair to good cows and heifers, $.1.6T)''a4-75; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.00& 3.66; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4 5tS5.60; fair to good stock ers and feeders, $3.8tXf4.60; common to fair stockers and feeders, $?,.2i3.80; stock heifers, $3.00flN4.15; veal calves, $3.5&8.00; bulls, stags, etc., $3.304.90. Quotations on range cattle: Choioe to prime beeves, $5.&";t5.60; good to choice beeves, $5.0Or5.25; fair to good beeves, $4.40 OM.90; common to fair beeves, $3.70u4.0; choice cows, $4.5006.00; fair to good cows, $3.50&4.00; canners, 12.75 3.50. Representative sales: BEEF STEEU1S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8 808 I 80 38 1088 6 40 13 4 45 18 1163 f 48 4 870 4 80 V -1108 t 60 8 643 6 00 4 87 6 60 811 6 CS 14 1147 6 60 24 8X3 6 10 14 118 I 66 7 771 6 10 48 1000 6 80 13 856 6 15 7 1061 ( 60 4 861 6 80 6 1814 6 60 8 1034 6 20 6 184 6 80 1 876 6 25 17. -1347 I 80 44 8:16 6 80 18 UNO 6 66 J 630 t 80 16 180 I 86 IB 1101 t 44 38 124 6 05 10 1"8 6 40 4 1871 6 36 1 840 I 40 3 1830 60 HEIFERS. 16 773 8 80 8 783 4 85 17 813 I 85 6 1078 4 80 8 440 4 00 4 47 7 4 86 I b! 4 00 8 878 4 86 16 770 4 00 86 781 4 16 7 til 4 10 4 877 4 40 F.J8 4 15 87 Ml 4 46 6x6 4 16 8 440 4 60 6 710 4 80 6 4M 4 60 1" 770 4 20 80 807 4 60 6 637 4 26 4 760 4 60 7 6Vi 4 2S 10 880 4 40 4 621 4 25 6 7 26 4 66 8 431 4 36 84 833 4 80 COWS M 111 4 111 4 16 T 811 3 35 80 844 4 16 H4 Hi 1 lOt-4 4 10 4 XT 110 4 10K8 4 80 HM4 8 60 6 1864 4 80 7 M 8 60 6 10a 4 20 816 8 60 I Ml 48) 6 8f3 8 60 1 1067 4 J5 6 10)i5 8 60 1117 4 !6 4 8X4 1 60 6 1078 4 26 6 64 3 60 6 llt 4 86 4 10 2 66 4 1181 4 26 1 880 3 46 18 VitO 4 36 4 820 8 75 4 1060 4 13 liHO 8 76 , 4 1110 4 85 3 1075 3 85 10 1444 4 36 4 861 8 85 6 10H0 4 40 10 l'M3 3 80 4 1233 4 40 1 1081 4 00 13 till 4 40 4 830 4 00 37 1U15 4 46 J K0 4 00 4.- Ilu7 4 60 6 8!'t 4 10 6 124 4 50 6 93 4 10 8 1OC.0 4 60 7 109S 4 10 1 1070 4 60 7 1031 4 10 t 841 4 66 ll.U 4 10 17 7M 4 66 7 1148 4 10 BULLS. 1 120 3 40 1 15V0 4 25 1 nvt 3 H 1 1674 4 16 1 l; 8 80 1 870 4 ! lam) 3 80 4 1371 4 80 1 i,iao 4 oo 1 14:0 4 :w 1 1015 4 00 1 lew 4 30 1 476 4 00 1 li 4 S5 1 1M0 4 00 1 lino 4 35 1 16:0 4 00 1 177 ) 4 40 1 14'1 4 25 1 PUO 4 60 1 1410 4 2S CALVES. 1 100 4 00 1 140 T 60 II 410 4 60 6 164 7 75 4 460 4 60 1 1J0 7 76 4 440 4 7 i 4 11 7 75 J 31 6 U0 1 MO 7 7S ID 42 6 05 1 8"0 8 00 1 11.', 5 i, 1 2"0 8 00 1 6 60 I 115 6 01 1 l.v 7 10 1 1 6 00 1 v) J 00 1 160 8 60 1 130 7 00 1 1W 3 00 6 t r. 1 110 8 00 t 1-, 1 50 140 6 CO 1 i" 7 VI STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 ;) 4 in 1 746 4 8 1 70 4 60 8 72 4 65 7 (ixi 4 Wl 3 ll' 6 00 U 6WI 4 65 IT 697 6 00 M 6.U 4 4i 11 8"8 IW 4 6"1 4 70 8 7S4 6 00 16 7M 4 75 6 4J8 t 00 ..! 4 aO 7 673 I 84) 16 8.4 IK HOGS I'nevenness was a prominent characteristic of the market today, the Haine as externa- and the day before, lioits of the Haino weights sold at a wide range of prices depending upon quality, and just how they happened to strike a buyer's fancy, as well as upon the time of day when they were sold. In a general way the market might he quoted lc higher than yeaterday. There were active and strong spots as well as dull and weak spots, but still the hogs sold quite freely, ao thai the ar lolk of the receipt a chamt-il hsnds In verv good sr;ton. As showing the iinevenness of the market It mluht be ftated that while the prm ral market waa , tuoted l"c higher It ai po.lllo to point out sales thnt loitkcd oni 5c higher, while others were a big l.v higher. Heavy hogs sold lnrivlv at $7..'aaj7.V.; 87.50 being the popular prh e. A few rough heavies sold under $7..'. Mio,l nnd medium weights sold largelv at $;..VVi7.'a). while the light nnd butcher v. eights brought mostly $7 175.17 70. with pilme losd scIiIhk largely at the hitter price end as high an $7 7.'4 for the top. Rcprecntiitl e -alcc: N. A. 8. Pr. N. a. 8h. Pr 18 J2 .. 7 ' H ... 7 'i 18. .47. ... 4 .t j7 120 T ) 48 817 m 7 41 67 '.'M . 7 sn 88 304 If) 7 4". 67 J7 a.) 7 fin 6 : ... 7 IS 4 2n ;n 7 i J7 211 ... 7 4.-, M 174 7 0 63 8.'' ... 7 471, 4 ;;7 o 7 .i ! ao 120 7 47', 71 ;;7 60 7 ta 48 19 Ml 7 :! 8A 11 ... 7 ,! 44 51 7 40 1 2, in 7 t(1 67 8" ten 7 M 74 24.1 lm 7 At 61 17J ... 7 80 M !el ... 7 SO M 2 ... J M 74 Ml 1st 7 .i ."7 277 40 7 61 r. ?72 ;t 7 M 42 383 ... 7 M JI v,i ; a,t r.1 114 ... 7 14) f 217 1?0 7 0 8.1 824 40 7 60 74 1;; . ; tn 67 J"'i il 7 60 71 241 Jfill 7 M 45 27 8 60 7 60 78 ?v. . 7 a, 8" tvl . . 7 .V 67 .' ijo 7 fiji M 21 120 iH U J3 ... 7 -, 46 53 ... 7 "0 6. 40 7 67 8?I 80 7 SO 70 247 120 7 ss 62 274 ... 7 60 67 ;17 ... t ti 6 26 ISO 7 60 78. :"'-, SO 7 6 212 ... 7 60 75 22 J ... IS", 68 Si 1 10 7 S24 78 22S . . 7 fo 87 .271 ... 7 6.-, 80 220 1JS 7 67 14 81 tst 400 7 8A 8 1.-4 ... 7 70 68 270 RO 7 r5 46 208 ... 7 70 64 3X0 80 7 6.-, jn v ... 7 70 8' i4." ... 7 5.1 6 !2rt ... 7 7C 4 24 0 7 55 SI 2 l . . 7 in 82 2!4 R0 7 V. PO 4104 ... 7 70 f 814 80 7 r1 79 1 ... 7 70 68 27 . . 7 66 H 2i ... 7 7n 61 2S1 120 7 65 M 216 ... 7 70 24 2 ... T M 76 S53 ... 7 70 f 271 ... 7 58 f, 2ir7 ... 7 711 66 2H7 81 H5 2 21 ... 7 70 II 27! 60 7 65 6t 2'l ... 7 70 48 ?M 120 t 67t4, 224 ... 7 70 4 26 20 7 6714, 66 224 ... 7 70 69 246 ... 7 67t, 72 216 ... 7 7214 78 343 200 7 60 7. i2i ... 7 72', no . 14 110 ... 7 26 SilEK Today s receipts included be sides dally shipments about ten cars that were driven In, so that the total supply was quite liberal for tills Heanon of the year. More than that the receipts con futed almost entirely of killers, there be ing few If any feeders included. The mar ket opened In pretty fair shape, with de sirable fat sheep and lambs commanding fully Bteady prices, with some sales, if any thing, looking higher. It settled down, however, idto a practically steady market where the bulk of the more deMrahle of the offerings changed hands. The trade was not especially active, though farilv so, but It became apparent toward the last that buyers' requirements were not very urgent or very large with the result that the mar ket closed pretty dull and weak. Good western fed tnuibs sold up as high Ss $x 26. with the heavier and less desirable inds from that price down. Good year lings brought $...00, and a small hunch of good western wethers $4.15. A double of good ewes reached $3.90. As noted above there were no feeders of any consequence In sight and the feeling on that kind of stock continues firm, the same as It has been everv day. Quotations on hep and lambs: Good to choice light lambs. $f,.0Oj6.25; Rood to choice heavy lambs, ti.25rrio.75; good feed lambs, t5.25rg6.fjO; fair feeding lambs. $4.6041 5.00; light common lambs. $3.00rfj4.00; handy weight yearlings. $4.76'i5.26; heavy year lings, $4.00-g4.7ti; feeder yearlings, $3.7.Vi4.W; good to choice light wethers, $3.75(irj4.16; good to choice heavy wethers, $3.50a.t.o; feed wethers. $3.26a3.5; good to choice light ewes. $3.40r(3.9u; good heavy ewes, $3.0flra3.5O; feeding ewes, $2.253.00; canners. $1.5OrJi2.00. No. A v. Pr. 213 western ewes 104 3 65 399 shorn lambs 82 6 00 192 western lambs 72 6 20 30 western j lgs & wthrs 100 4 50 96 western ewee lotl 3 90 221 western lambs, feeders 60 6 76 115 western lambs, feeders 68 R 75 613 western yearlings 91 6 00 15 western ewes 92 4 00 60 western ewes 117 3 30 20 western ewes, culls 112 2 50 98 western ewes 17 3 60 77 western wethers 122 4 15 156 western yearlings 97 6 00 50 western lambs 79 6 10 41 western ewes 105 3 50 82 western lambs 70 6 00 225 western lambs 82 6 00 Kansas C'ltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Dec. 21. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head, including SOD southerns; market steady to 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, $5.7&iiti.7f; fair to good $4.85rfi5.iu; western steers. $4.60rfm.OO; stock ers and feeders. $4.00ru0.50; southern steers, $4. 504(6. 75; southern cows, $2.75rti4.25; native cows, $2.7Mr5.00; native heifers, $4.00ra'ti.00; bulls. $3.304i4.00; calves, $4.00rfi.2S. HOGS Receipts, 8,0u0 head; market KViTlSc higher; bulk of sales, $7.701f7.774; heavy, $7.70rit7.80; packers and butchers, $7.70tjj7.80; lights, $7.66fT7.774. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.000 mow At this season of the year, when the ground and street car platforms are apt to be covered with snow of ice, especial carr should be taken by passengers in getting on and off cars. REMEMBER Assist Us In Preventing Accidents Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company top! One death in every caused by Tuberculosis. You can help stamp How! - m . mi 1 r. .,8i;!V,Vi- Cost Anyone may Bell them. Everyone should buy them. Distributing headquarters for Nebraska: . 807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1687. ADDRESS TUBERCULOSIS SECRETARY. I head; inirVpl stesdt : latnl't r, yvir; I ); e.-irllnwf. 8 7:,f,r. t- i;hers I ewe I ti :i ; I :;.!; stockers itbd feeders, f i t 4 Mil (.t l ll: ST04 Iv AlAltlilM Demand for tattle and heep Jlr4in!-. Unas 4rll4C. f CHICAGO, Dee II. CATTLE Receipts IVrfio brrid Mmki't strong at advance; beeves, f f .:..v,i Yesa steers. $4 25lf .".; western MoTs. $4 to'utvOO; smekers anil feeders ,. :. o. cows nnd heifers, 22.."4ti t.J'; ciilte. $7 2..'ti 0.2.Y H04iS -Receipts. 24.000 head. Market ac tive at 11 V higher: light, 7.o0uT ; mixed. $7.5.".4ist4i: heavy. $7.u 7 95; rough. t7.54Vtf 7 7"; g,'od to choice beavv. $7 70 7 95 ; pigs. 57 lOiiT.v".; bulk of sales. $7,701(7 90. SHKKP AND LA Mb! Receipts. lf.l hen, l Murl; strong at advance; native, fjM,4 4H; west-in. $t.i?) 40; yearlliiks, 14 ;;. i'-, ni; tuitlve Inmlts, $4.50iir 75; west ern, $.vno.,t;.(. l. I onls I. Ire MncV Market. ST. J.ol lS. Dec. II.- CATTLE Receipts. 2 An" Vend. Including OH) Temins; market sitting to lite Metier: nntlve shipping nnd export sti ortt $ '. c J7.2T,; dressed beef anil butt her steers M2.Mj7.tin: steers tinder l.nno pounds. $:... 1 7 2": stockers ami feeders. 8!.7iVii.", 25; cow s iitnl heifers. $1 7rii45 50; can- tiers. 7V i.1 ;'.".: bulls. 8.1 5'Hi.v '.'.".; rslves. i ,"19 : Tcxps mid lntlliin steers, $4 5tMi ("t.'io: cows ami heifers J3H1ti4 40. HOtiS-Recelpts. S 4"0 I, end : murket IWflV hither, pigs and lights, $7 2T.if7.90; packers. 47 !", .00; butchers and best heavy, $7 X'l (,S n SHKKP AND T.AMHP-necHpts, 15.0iv head; mrlet IVaiiv- htcher: native mut tons, $.1 vM 25; lambs. $6 TT, ; culls snrl bucks. II 5041 3.40; stockers, 2I.25-fiS.2ft. M. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. Josri'it. Dee. 21. OA T I LK Ite cfipts, l.fioo head; market strong to shade higher; steers. $4 .Wo''. 45; cows and heifers, 2.7.-ro."t.I0; citUcs. 13 nKiS.25. nt H.S4 Keceipts. fi.imi t. ran; mai-Ket. itti 15c higher; lop. $7. 80; bulk of sales, $7 OVtt 7.V5. SHEEI' AND LA MRS Receipts. 500 head; market strong to loo higher; lambs, $..oii 6 40. Stork In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesterdav: e.l. 1 1 - ,i South Omaha 8.100 7.0Ot 4.5" st Joseph 1 l) 6.0O0 50) Kansns City 8.0"0 .m St. Louis 2.KO0 8.4i0 15(V Chicago 15.WX) 24.1N10 15,001 Totals 18.000 52.400 44.00) Totton Market. NKW YORK, Dec. 21 COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 15.15c; mid dling gulf. i5 40e. No sales NT. LOllS. Dec. 21 -COTTON Un changed; mltldllng. 15 7-lllc; sales, 610 bales; receipts, 6.3J9 hales; shipments, 6,508 bales; stock, 20,593 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished by Logan & Rryan, members New York Cotton exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Months. Open. High. Low. Close. Tei'y. Jan 14 841 14 91 14 87 14 87 14 84 Mar. ... 16 18 15 24 16 18 15 19 15 16 May ... 15 40 15 42 15 37 15 37 15 1". Julv ... 15 3 15 43 15 38 16 3 15 36 Aug. ... 15 08 15 11 16 418 15 08 15 03 Dec. ... 14 85 14 90 14 86 14 85 14 62 Oils and Hosln. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec. 21 OII-Turpen-tlne firm at 74c; sales, 73 Ttbls. ; receipts, 429 bbls.; shipments, 143 bbls.; stocks, 15, S39 bbls. ROSIN Finn: sales, 2.5S1 bbls.; receipts, 2.178 bbls.; shipments, 2.2(i bbls.; stocks, R1.576 bbls. tjuotatlons: 11, k"i.7Mr5.8ti; D. $t.774'(i 5.824; .E. $5.80; K. $5.85: O. $5,874; H. $6.90; 1. -rjfi.Oo; K, K75; M, $7.15; N, $7.30; W G, $7.40; W W. $7.50. HnaraV MurUel. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. SI 'OAR Raw. steady; Muscovado, 89 test, $.4S4c; centrif ugal, 96 test, 3.984c; molasses, 82 teat, 3.234c; refined, quiet. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 21. WOOL Unchanged ' territory and western mediums, 21ru22c; fine mediums, 17irl9c; fine, L'TtlSc. CITIES SEBV1CB COKLPAITT Tha Plrentora ot tha tMtlaa Srrvlra Company have det-larad a dlTltlanrl ot 1H on tha preferred atork and 44 ot 1 on tha common atork, payabla January 1st, 1811, to holdera o( racor4 on Dacam bar 30th. 1810. Thereaitar dividends on tha cratarrad atock will ba paid at tha rata ot Vt of 1 month to atorlt holilftra of record on tha 8uth ot aack pracadlng month. CABLE B. OXXBEBT, Beo'y. and Ice WAIT DNTIL THE CAR ST0PS1 GET OFP IN THE K GUT WAY! Think! ten in your locality is out this disease. Use Red Cross Christmas Seals on your Holiday Letters and Packages. One Cent Eiich.