Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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n rnat it.
- Cmi A Sons Coal.
rratii( to ta
.iaeaet lfcM..4ri t- 111, A. V.-
. , j
Ca Bet Tew T y ent on yur '
-ut! i f v.'nt io Fi.i. iay .
-5 " rue .vsn'e-i. ;wi sfceeiiriTv
:; A ;'v.n :; Harney
Ove r Teaan Hvr damages
!e e-j Te.:i l-i-uranee cavers
r ' 1 .-ws;tnm v re. Fione '
' r' . .-""i A. -''., Ltig.e 2fj. '
.'oa-. ad jata&a -...u:j be laxed t'J
r u ( r . ..-. a M:, cvuiit
t:n . . r Uin a ii'. j
art yu :-.t. J .?! Kainain H. of T. B!4
rivt wf In our hur;ar and"f
..' lr,t vault for only S- pT
,,r La."ge 'ni:e vn i ror silverware.
Lnmnr t Hit Kumam arev. or
. l"i:tri -he mnma Naili.nnl ban.
Xma is Coming If rco want aa
ruul-er ta a yi... n get '! em at ths Hub- .
Ir store. Hjbtvr i,ijt r-iter du a aaJ ;
Tita-ac . nt la rubbet. The urcaaa ,
t'.ib.,rr iuiniaur. L H. iprtne. pieal-oe-
'. 15M Harder tueet. "J mt around'
rise for wmr.Urg rvine Judge ,
' -i'i j i:,-(wi w."in.rg imrxed a Cue
.' I '.I'M ATl.l
red ran t-atii i
i T Marry Mohn and
tae'ie irmaic i.f Mnhn i
I''" r.-m at yi N;.rt!i Sixteenth sireet on
a ci .a: fir ..f (jkn.biin." Th pool room tu
rr; f'.m ui.i.a n:nt and !h ..K-cupaill
--Tf ar?--;.-rt inwrii card tahirs artTh ail
i.i- tiu-aphfinalia of a gambling (imi at
i ar?i
8m.-ca for Irft V it i. Hunbur ap
.n 'tiini.a T )-mri and r-pin-d he
t m m u-t of f fiat-il liambor. IS yvara
on'. wl,o dia()pvr4 fYoro hi.m In Paa
ac. .V j., JUl- n. iir. Hainbor aaid he
I ad travrlrd a. I ov th country in eajrb
i . ti. yiucj rnjui. The boy mm hrr ik
t: tji jw jr.t of d-at)i. Vuun HatntKir aa
u. i .ifard :f in LrMarn. la.. t)rivbr !T.
. !. laink he may h in r-k.ii City
ir ( nuTi He ia a tKiakeper. about a
J- iniHr u,t and m-ejrhinif i3 pounla
BarUmftoa Tlaa (HULa Mure
t :" in itie Mit tahl.- of ih BuruDK
' -n i "ad arf acnouncexl effecuve J&noary
1 Tiaina and i. running bf aoen Wrmy.
( o'a . and O-rford. Neb., are to be taken
of for the ""itur. and a!ao Noa. and
1 between oml.M'd and Red T,oud, Neb.
In order to fill thaenrancr caueed by the
ti-aitia beang taken off trains 11 and 1. run
ning between Denr and St. Lju1. are
to run on a)oer or Wl time, aiopptnc at
vary ttJon aiid prk up the travel here
tofore carried, by liie train taken off.
Invest in Corn Land
is Advice from Otis
Sore EttaniA La Come from AgTicul
tare, Declarei Aent for
Weitera Tract.
O. W. Otla. land ag.-nt of Blunt, . D .
la In Omaha on a return trip from Texaa
where be went to open up a land office.
Before returning to Blunt. Mr. Otia will
make a trip througk Nebraaka. rtaitlng
the agencies under hi control.
"Til ere la still a great deal of activity
In farm land."' aaUd air. Otla "Before an
other st'rtng open eut the fanning popula
tion of the west will be greatly Increased
If the present rate of lnamirtioa kee;a
up. The Bw baa undertaken a great work
In Its Western land-Products exhibit In
aaaiatlng to tmlutia people to take up agrl
culloral purauita, lur triers la where lata
big money is ta be made. Land ia a sure.
. Investment for mony. now Just a tt has
been for ) ra-a. The corn belt ia limited
and auy land which will produce oora la
u to Increase In value."
Qrstla ta Cease Mefare That Mr
at lie nl Rrxalar
T!e Real Estate enhance intends finally
to dlpoe of the listing question at Its
meetjuf Wednesday. toinbera la favor
of the proposition declare that the listing
fees will pay for the clerical work in
volved. Members aopused rather doubt
thj and Use question Is likely to be de
bated at conslilemnle length for feeling
lur and aaamst. whxie not heated ia strong.
Tie aluauon baa already been
adopted and will be feaab. In
tiie opimtn of everyone. Tbe official valu
atine committee w:lf appraise all property
listed with it aiid will get a perorntage of
lie fee for the work. The committees
personnel wi.l be chanced front time to
Uaie and the several ibeinbara of the ex
cnaxuie will thus anare In the matter.
Mar t-aao Hla stafct trees Tkrewlag
a shell a the Side
walk. Because be threw a -caliber rifle cart
ridge on the BtJewalk. Jeme DeTmv. who
lives north uf Uriuua. Is in liae Mrlliodist
hospital. L-eviln had his ox pen en ce with
the cartridge Tuesday morning. He burled
the trestle on the sldtea.k near his feet
aad In tiie explosion that occurred, waa
struck in the right eye by the shell ef
the caiu-iilge.
lr. W. rL Loecbner attended Devlin s
Injury slid caused him ta be taken to the
hweujlaL Dein ia ZS years oid sod mar
nrd. It is feared he may lose the aight
of him wuAded eya
Life Waleae
at siifenrr with lun and triroat trouble
is quica.)' ci'mmulel tiy r. N
Vtm oven' it" and C
Txir sale hy
Uvaiuii Lt u Ca.
nUaa Niktl rail jr. Caeeelle err.
lary uf V. W. C. 'P
la (lauks.
VifcS Mj!I '"aiTy. serreiary
of the Naispaal Eoard irf th T Jung Wo
man's t'hneiian lmun. the higftent
set reta rial )x.iiin .a tbe aeeoaauon. is
new in Onaaa visiiing at the local a
i lmiua and oonferr.rig wun Mia Ltlli M.
tltrong. secretary.
As ex-y:a aetary Mils Orally vis is
liie vai nu r.ty iwa :al!oi. frum lime io
t-u.e. t Allying ir:e;r 1 -en uf work aud
Unking lLat aiih Ihe of other cue,
aai tne nauonal pian. She is now un her
swy to ILVeer and (.ham vities sou came
to oinaiia frura St Uuuia
Ta!a Care.
rieireinter that a aen iwr atlaers art
aftec'.eil year 14 11 liau-T Kt!iester. N. V.. ni
uout.e iiarted wiU a aiiai-p Kftootia
. n k, . wljU'li. rew
JUi.y I fait alULggina and tired,
kj-'tier act'ua was Irreipiiar ami
ami ln
fre-juer.t. I atartej aslng F-'-y K;arey
i .: r.rfc iou sermrl lu a as.r i.'
... i .eld ir.e. and ih.w I aa
New Burlington Freight Terminals
ii .H ,rl.nrt.-n freiht tr-nlnal
hu h -he r ai i build r.e in Omaha will
"t l-"'.,. and wien eomj.irted will be
the equal of any fr-rM terminal in the
'one try.
The terminal rwtimela of tw freight
houa, an out-bound and an in-bound,
witu ths lmernedlate; plaiffrma and
eia-ht tracka. the tracts bavins pai-e
enomh to accommodate 7 cars. The ln-
i bound house ha a freight flior apace of!
F. L. HUler Telli Legislator. About
UniTersity Conditioni.
lasaetiai tm Eir' Little, AW
rrs'r Crewded Tee and Oae-Hslf-Aere
Caaseee ta radeeirafele
Part ef Llaewla.
r. L. Hailer. member of the Biard of
Regr-nta toid rou-:as county's nwuiblr
men at the Commercial club Tuesday noon
lii essence of tii ueittjon of the removal
of tiie downtown part of the state univer
sity to the state farm two miles away, a
move nert satiated by lm;era!ive reasons.
After informing the senators ami repre
sentatives that "Nebraska has one of the
largest and best known state universities
In the land, with 4.3 student at the pres
ent tiros." Mr. Hailer said:
"Most of theee student attend the col
lege building located on a little ten and
, one-half-acre campus, located in an an
! desirable part of the city of Lincoln, and
j two mfiea from where the university owna
' 4 acre equipped with its ewn water
I plant and with trackage.
"Growth of the university ha made It
absolutely necessary to eettie future plana
at the present time. Here la what we are
confronted with: We must spend fl..-
m a short time to provide facilities for
the constantly growing university.
"Is It better to continue a plan which
keep two halve of an institution two
miles apart, or 1 It better to oonnolidate
it ail In one campus
"It ia agreed by ail that leas than Cfty
or sixty acre i abaoiutely impracticable
for the campus of a modem university.
The present downtown campu la utterly
unfitted for either beautificadon or expan
sion. Moreover to buy any adjoining
ground we ahail he mule led by exorbitant
J. D. Creighton Buys
New Country Home
Secoxe the Dr. Link Farm If ear the
Tillage of Millard for Sum
mer Sesidence.
John D. Oeightoa has purchased the Dr.
Harvey Link farm and homestead at Mil
lard and will mnke It his summer home.
Mr. Creighton paid CT.S In cash for the
property and the payment which wa made
Tuesday. 1 the largest amount of cash to
change hand Wi a farm deal In Doueiaa
county for earn time.
The deal waa made through the O Keefe
Real Eatate company.
Mr. Creighton tntenda to Improve the
place considerably. He will make structural
change in the homestead and enlarge vhia
considerably. A great deal of work aso
ia planned on the grounda. which are ex
teniave. Whew all the lmrpoveosent con
templated have been completed Mr. Creigh
toa will owe. one of the finest country
places ha this part of Nebraska. There ia a
large orchard on the tract, with paved
road nearly all tha way from Omaha.
wssretaw Will Gweeae ef Plsyksase
Maaaavaieal Perlsrawrs Ea-
weetsd tat Brsert Early.
Amateurs wfil bold forth at the Krug
Wedneaday night. Those who are to appear
1 are expected ta make their application at
1 the box office before T o'clock in the even-
I On this night the newsies are to be the
' gut-sis of the Krug and "McFadden Flat"
: managemenia
How to cure a cold is a quex'ioa in
which many are Interested just now.
Chamberlain a Cough Remedy ha won
it great reputation and immense sale by
ita remarkable cure of culda It can al
ways be depended upon. Fur ie by ail
Keep the Family Together
Chiistmaa day family ties are closer and home ties s ra t
and dvarer Uiaa at any other time in the fectirs year.
Tuu u.7 lire hundreds of miles away, aad are
unab.e to uet Lome n Chnsttnaa day. Tlien. t-",e
next t'est Hung la u tii-k huiiie io ywu 1411 hear voor
rrivJtiier'a voice and tiie il.i.ii:vr's a.ijfnter.
vate vrSv..-J -" eesL. I 1
7 v-Si
W:j From City
070 a-j-Tiaie f -T : nd the out-b'-und houfn
iuer !et r-f fr-iifht T.OfT space,
with a -cind stor- oftice attached wita
square fet for office Tine.
Earn butldtn ia ?3 ft-t lone, extending
from Farnam to Javkaon streets; the in
biund hi'UM being sixty feet wide and tbe
nut bound forty-two fet The buildincs
are "f bm k construc tion with heavy ce
ment found: iona.
Three eeotxin of the in-bound freight
Idaho Sees Its Big
Opportunity at the
Omaha Land Show
Telia People VTho Cannot Come to
Idaho to See the Display
at Omaha.
Tnder the caption of "Idaho s Opportun
ity" the Idaho Peak of it. Anthony prints
the following commeciatl -m of the 'West
ern Land exhibit to be held in Omaha next
By making an honest exhibit of the prod
ucts of the soil in Omaha. Xeb.. in Janu
ary, the business men who have had en
terprise enough to set behind the move
n.ent are-going to aid in securing hundreds
.if new settle! for this state. Mid-winter
land and agricultural shows have come to
be the place where the land btmgry go ta
determine whether or not they will get
land, and if they decide they want to move
from an eaetern farm or leave the city
they may determine at these show where
they will go.
Arrangement have been made for Idaho
to make a comprehensive exhibit at the
Western Lard Product exhibit to be held
in Omaha January l to 28.
"While it ia estimated that people
from the middle west will attend, the
Idaho interest spending their money to
make the exhibit In Omaha have requested
every citixen in the state to write to their
frienda in the east and say: "It you can
not come to Idaho and see that stale a it
ia. go to Omaha and see an honest display
of our products then you will be sure to
If this Work Is followed up a It ehould
be, many hundreds will go to Omaha with
the determination to learn about Idaho.
Other states will be represented, to be
sure, bm Idaho suffera nothing by being
compared to any of them.
The business men of Nebraska giving
this inter-mo ur tain exhibit are making an
opportunity for the western state to se
cure thousand of new settler, each with
a surprisingly large amount of wealth.
Wyoming Boosts
Omaha Land Show
Laramie Eepublican Says that it ia
One of the Eraily Big
That the Omaha Lan4 show la popular
in the west ia ahown by the many ciippinga
which are being sent In. The following
from the Laramie Republican I aelf-ex-pianatoryt
The state of Wyoming and numerous en
terprising land and development companies
have arranged an honest and comprehen
sive exhibit of the product of this state
which will be shown at the Western Land
Product exhibit to be beM In Omaha
January IS to 2L Thia la one of th really
big "land show" to be held In th United
Statiw and will give men and women of
SSlaeourl and Mississippi river valley al
most a good an idea of thia Mate aa a
visit to our farm and orchard.
Imagined Things
of Mother-in-Law
Sayi She Threw Blae "Vitriol All Orer
Hint and Then Stabbed
"They carried my wife out dead aad
then her mother threw blue vitriol i
over me and stablied me In the leg.''
Thia la what William Sauer told the
police wnn be waa picked up while waa
dering about demented in a barn at Twenty
first and Leavenworth streets. He will be
turned over to the county authorities for
examination before the insanity oumnua
&ion. Sauer home 1 at TtC South Sixteenth
to Country
: iim . '"t-n built ahd will be r-
cui'ifd Neir Year s day. Ear'y next srfna:
j wcrk on ficisiun the In-bound bouae and
; Ue comfiiein of tbe out-bound house will
' be started. At the same time the terminaJ
(rradina. which Is bung dne on Eight
street will be finished, making it an eay
r-4le from 'he freight house to the busi
ness ;artji of the citT.
Otna-ha, Is one of the largest freight dis
tributing points on the Une.
Eleventh Street
Viaduct Dispute
is Now Settled
EepTeieatatires of the Eoad and the
City Come to aa Under
standing. Representative of the" Burlington and
Tnlon Pacific railroads met with Assistant
City Engineer Cafnpen Tuesday morning
to confer upon the plan for the Eleventh
street viaduct which t to be rebuilt. An
ordinance waa passed by the council order
ing a new structure, but the plans that
were drawn up provided for spans that
seemed to some of th engineers too long.
It was decided at the meeting to shorten
them. James E. Keifcy. general solicitor,
and Chief Engineer Phelps, represented the
BurHnalo. and William Whittaker. attor
ney, and Chief Engineer Huntley, the
Union Pad fie.
Birth aad Deaths.
Births LKivd F. Whiteside, d South
Twenty-fourth, boy: Harry H. Leigh. 102a
goutb Twenty -second, boy; Waiter John
son. 30E11 Xonn Twenty-first, boy; E. C.
Eifteie, "IT South Twentr-Cf th. hoy; Charles
Foua !" liouth Fourth, boy; Georre M.
Smith. 1H South Seventeenth, boy; Charles
Nepndal. ."i Souui fcietenu, girl; Vaclav
Kroupa. 17J1 South Eleventh, boy; Andrew
Bacustrom. its South Thirty-first . girt;
S"ren Hansen. 2n Hamilton, boy; Carmela
Manfnmeii. ;) Pacific ri. L. i
pie. iT Parker, boy; William N egeuum.
Last (maha. girl.
Deaths Louis Le Febvre. ST. ioath
Omaha; Eva A Lurmon, infani. t Xorta
Sixteenth: William Kby . SKU Dougias;
Minnie I'mui. 114 South Thirteenth;
Frank Chieborad. S. IS South Fifteenth;
James EL Riley, 3S Duugiaa.
This Homm-Madm Coagh
Syrup Wilt Surprise You
tteps Kit Vkeaalag Cewh
T tsadesUy. A FaaaUy Batgodw
SaaaU Caw.
- - v
Her la a home-maje remedy that
take hold at a eeugii insnantly and
will usually cur the moat stubborn
case In 2 hours. Thia rvcip make
a pint enough tor a whole family
Tou couldn't buy aa much or as wood
ready mad cough syrup for tl-ai.
l&ix. one pint of granulated eugar
witn H pint of warm water, and stir
2 minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pioex
tttfty cent worthj in a pint bfttie.
and add U Sugar Eyrop. This keep
perfect. y and ha a pleasant taste
children Ilka It Braces up th appe
tite and la allghUy laxative. wUcla
telpa end a cough.
tou prtbably know- the medical value
of in treating- asthma, bronchit-
and other throat trouble, sore lunra.
eta. Ther 1 nothing: better. Plnex la
th bi1 valuable concentrated com
pound of Norway wane pine extract,
rich ia guiaicnl and ail th natural
healing pine elementa Other prepara
tiona will not work in thia formula.
The prompt result from thia inex
penaive remedy have made frienda for
it m thousands of home in the United
Ettea aad Canada, which explains why
the plan ha been Imitated often, but
never aucot-aaf uily.
A VJaranty of sbsolnt satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
taia recipe. Tnir drugerst has Pine
J ti,T Tou- I . send to
The Ploex Co, iX Wayne, lad.
net only cares
toothache' instasx
ly, but cjesaa tbe
canity .nrmoves a.1
o ur . tnd pi u 1 1 uia
onray. k'eepasep
p':v aad save akaay
s Aratit bill.
at an anasrM t wa at y awal,
c s. BCD a ca,
7 Larae Xt- Detrwe. shea.
ATI IP TP I rn!nir
hl 1 LibUKllUiXL
9cv -r''-
SA Smtii ASmw.
There sm tzn1ls
vv. s. s
So efficient an J so far reaching is Bell Telephone srvue tiiat
you can rtHih nearly erery on. in fifty ttoiiaand cit es and tawta
in every part of the country.
Nebraska telephone company
Now why
something in
THESE lines
be the thing
for a gift?
Water Color Ptcturen.
Oil Faintinr-
Etch'.ngs. Prints.
Craft Jewelry
Ptatuen. Pr-inre.
Prekfaat Chimes.
Freich Mirror.
Fra Candlesticks.
A Fine Fano,
Flayer Fano Victrola
A Superb V.ctor Talking Machine.
Violin. Mandolin.
Accorlion. Flute.
Guitar. Cornet.
Music Koi'.e. Drum
Music Stands.
Sheet Music,
Music Boxea
M-astc Book.
Music Folios.
Hammered Bras Oiitr.ts.
Stenciling Set.
Art Supplies.
China Painting Seta,
Drawl rg Set.
Used Piano.
Den Picture.
Picture Frame a
Piano Scarfs.
Metal Frames,
Service Tray.
Copley Print.
Piano Stools.
Bras Novelties.
MotUes. Greeting.
Mother Picture.
Holly Tape.
Holly Tag and Seals,
and a thousand and ona other
proper g'f'-a
The A.
1513-15 Douglas Street
rl Creea that deli- t ,
caue uamplexion
so difficnB; to
obtain m any
N Lit
B B . W f 3SB- F
a a.d.s.;:
ia pure, greaaclcaa tcalct
crtaxa ; fragrauit, pleasant
end harmless.
If you have a red, blotch
ed, pimply, coarse skins
apply a generous coating
of it to-night, and notice
tbe effect to-morrow.
Oetttatany AvOlB.
Drag brora
Oa Dallar Per Year.
at ziumcmu o
All VellKl irLrAO
One policy, i.ixiad and seneral, in which unl
f'THiMy of imifcod snd etWjTra".rn a. e ".he unutr
!yg rrm-Mi.M. but Tnmie Bel! fer 1. e -j,e etmnUird
of t;e-ptoae efricieacv
Why not give Xmas J
i gifts of Shoes or Slippers? n
Men Cavalier. Ilomeiv. Kau-t. tprra ami Krerrlt st.i. bjaok
or un; $:.50 down to Sl.CO
Women's Operas and Kur Trlmmril Juliet; brown, black, red
and gray; 11.50 and Sl.OO
WomeVs Aatolivrttrs, brown or gray S1.75
(T-.ildren's Red Jniirts, trimmed with, black fur. at 9 "c aad. SO?
"Regal" Xmaa Certificates
If you wish to ftive Shoe n an Xma gift, you ca fctiy
a "Regal" Xma Certificate, and give it. The recipient aWevt
the aooea himself and ive the r-ertiflctff in payment.' Tbese
certificate, am $3.50 S4.00 S4.50 nd ?3.00
Ttw Haass
Xmas Presents for Ellen
Plain or gold mounted, with or
without cases. $l.O0 to 15.(0
Fine quality and very popular.
Made of South African gourda
and color like meerschaum.
$1.75, '-MHl, $i50. 4.
W and M.oo
A largo assortment of briar
pipes, with rubber and cellu
loid mouthpiece, at .... 23c
Special values In genuine briar,
solid vulcanite stem, bent and
straight, large sites, some of
them sterling silver mounted,
at SOe
A large line of genuine briar
with amber mouthpieces, at
50c, 75c and 1.00
The largest assortment In the
west of gold mounted briar
pipes in cases, from $r-"0 up
to tlO.OO
When You Want
a Really Good Lunch
When your appetite craves
ity, one that will make
gry, come to the Boston
Hot Roast Beef or Chicken Sandwiches, drink
a cup of our incomparable Coffee, finish it oif
with a bit of our
be glad you came
1612 ram am Street
14C6 Douglas Street 14G3 Farnam Street
AH correct forms in curren; social usage engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised.
and other work executed at prices lower than usual! prevail
A. I. ROOT. Incorporated
1210-1212 HOWARD ST.
igyi? i 1--.-
fl I eof-larU riaitii.! II-'!"' ' 1 J
V'S, " 1 I Crtjod rhwr bnug- I I-.1 j '.
M&L iiiiif
I M m izn tow I I ;
L I 3K24 Bowth Bwca U 11 '
Doag". Ita. mad 3a. !
I Xa. T-tm. 1 1 ' ' i e -
7" in If. " -
Rcal" Shoes at $3.5C and $4.
Make rl odWJ HoliJar U'fts for
man or woman. Mar ! !)J ia sr.y
leather anj tie ",at. st I'ustoai :yka
"f tiie season ' Kerala ' are nia- ia
Quarter Siwv to ir:tire an "tuct i.t
and prfH-t cvtnfon for ev ry Tk-ot.
"Nebraska" Shoes at $2.50
An abtKlu:elT th h-t 13 5 1 Shoe;
vaiues in town They re matit esjec
!;ir for us. frc.m rnreftlJlr selifVd
Jfatiirs, by ti.inl i hoem.Af rs. 'v
have skill a :1 kno iAtv guinea1
by yegr?' of evirU nee in th-ir tra ie.
Perfect m fit and comfort, ihown in
ait leather nj siu-s. t - . $2.30
of Uih Merii."
Holding SO to !( cigars, por
celain and aluminum lined,.
S2JVU, 93JUi, 4.(M and .VIK
With or without cases, at from
25c u 3.O0
With or without ease. 75c
to tW.OO
lie, 50c, "5c. $1.00. Jl.ifl, 12.
1.50. J3.00. 14.00 3.Mf
10, 25. 50. at I5e. 5c. 11. 00,
11.75, $1 90. 11.00, I 50.
13.50, J3.75. $4.00, $5.00
$5.50 and up to $12.50
Our stock contains the finest
selections from Tampa, Key
West and the Island. Remem
ber the name TRACT Is a guar
antee of quality.
Lndie courteously Invited. We
tender our knowledge and ex
perience In aiding you ta make
your selections.
1415 Dourfas St
Next Door to Cahusw
a lunck of real qual
you glad you were bun-.
Lunch, try one of our
delicious Pastries, and you 11
and return without urging.
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