THK KE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER If,. 101O. 1 36 "Vat V I li 1 OFFERED FOR RENT THREE nice room. furnished or ur.fur- t-Mtied. (or housekeeping. All Webster ret. ? jR RENT Two rwm for houlieep r, laundry. (, heat and rang. 2&7J M. ery'S Ave i!'ELY furnished apartment, walking mc. southeast Irinl. 4 fco. 2Kh ft. I OR RENT Two fine room for houae eping. no children, tls t. i4th Ave. FOR RENT Two modern, neatly fur ;fhfil room, gaa for cooking and light. .'hons and bata. 2714 Howard St. FOR RENT Nice large room, good loca ion. 2LUS Leavenworth ft. FOR RENT A couple nicely f'iml.hed iimi to coupl without children, private f4m,ly. X 3. Z4th Ave NICE light houeekeeping room and sleep ing rocm. 829 8. Z7th Avo. F'OR RENT Two mortem room, prlvata family, no children. wis Sherman Ave. NICE housekeeping rooma, gaa for cook ing. 11 Dodge. FOR RENT Nice front room for light Ht-uaekeeptng, gaa and stove furnished. 1717 Hurt ft. FOR RENT Two furnished rooma, gaa range, light and beat free. 20o8 N. lM.h Hnnt room, all modern hauM. No. 423 South 3fth rt . 10. ou. t room, ail modern house, south and east ' "" walking distance! No. IMA Dewey Ave.. " L. D. Spalding, Phono Doutas ao ihi Farnam St. FOR RENT. I room and bath iau per mo., at 32X Burt St. ; modern except heat, t block from two car line. Harney and Cuming; asphalt street, i-ee owner at Ui Burt bt., or Tel. Harney lib MODKRN, 7-r. house, near park. IMT Bouih 28th EL FIOHT rooma, strictly modern, MMO Maxcy, $30. Phone Harney 27U6. FOR RENT -Basement with heat, 13U7- Howard street. Inquire within or call ind. A-iz;?. FOR RENT T1 s-room brick houses, all newly remodeled, ail modern, north part of city. 28. . A nice (-room eottsjra, all modern except . furnace. 4aU6 Hamilton Su, tii. 4-rootn apartment (iat. IU3 No. Uth St., . I rooms, ISU Clark Bt. fl. , CM. HACHMAXN, I 4t Paaton Bit. 1 Of nee. R. K.. D. XMa, Free Kent Move tn now and your rent will begin the first of the year. Two all modern eight-room houses, located at 10JU No. iZd and i712 Caaa. Telephone Harney oO. Harry H. PL'TN AM. 6140 Hurl 8L NICE cosy seven-room house, all mod em, excellent furnace. Right on the Mib Bt. car lino, No. atot N. Mia 8t Will rent for Ua or will soli oo ku; term, lei. Hainey $25 Sl-room and reception hall; entirely modern. No. 2Hi N. lAta. Mhimer & Chase Co., aue 8. 17th t. RENT REDI CEU OX THESE. 00 o3 Dodge, I rooma water and gas. a" i'.T, Pratt, ( rooma, water and as. $15 uO ltVxl N. lith. rooms, water and a.' U1S S. J7th,'7 rooms, wat-r and gas. 17.ti0-a.J0 Sahler, t rooms; water and gas. tia.w aith and Pratt, 5 rooms, strictly modern. PAINE TNtntSTMrTNT CO., Phones Douglas 17S1; A-llhs. 7 ROOM, all modern cottage, nice lora imi, paved streot: on block from car. i4i4 Epailing. Phono Web. tbSL. 7-ROOM house, modern, walking distance, fancy, beautiful. Turner Park. Cor. Douga and So. Central Boulevard. Inquire leiu Dodge or Creo. Mc Bride, county purveyor. FEJtltm lUp. AJBtfja -i&U.C. i. iUk t-T, modern. keaMUXully located; easily heated; li. water pd. UJ d. si in. Web. "J. HOC8EHOLi OOCIlXi packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; movltig and storing. Expressmen s Delivery Co.. Tel Douglas lil' Maple 6U. Youia. modern. 17. NEW. ( rooms, all modern except heat. Sbbl d. joth Ave., I block south t Central ulevard and Vlntoc school. Tel. iyier ltU.. v .wia . ii new, i rooms, uiea cam. o&k finished, laundry basement, two blocks to three car lines, nice walk down town. Act quick If you want thia fin bom. 10 A. ui Awe. Phono, H. 4aU. , "s2D AND POPPLETON AVE. Elght rowin modern brick flat; on car lin; .w to good tenant. Wright U Dasbury, sot A. lih ft. P5-jne D. U3. 1 -Rt.MM cottager modern, except furore lnsautifui lawn and treea No. i& South Vd Ave. Rent only (26 per mo. Telepuoiie Douglas 4t40. Om. Van St Stork; Co. packs. moves, sture household good. Fireproof storage, M ti. Ulh. Branch, Mt B. 17U. Tel. D. 41tO. A-lu. A BEAUTIFl'D s-room, all modern bung alow; In excellent neikhborhood; on car line, reasonable rent tu good tenant. 4uuo Grand Avo. Phono Wbtr 4794. too T-room bouse, modern except heat, two lota m N. iXth Ave. 'Phone Web ster . COTTAGE. IMC N. Sth St. Tel. Harney 5Q&4. Z& Douglaa St., I rooms. tS! SA Incpo In ail parU of the city. auusra CTelgh S..ns tk Co.. Be Blag. ROOM 3 modern, good repalra tSQl a. au n, le. Harney THREE rooma, brick. Xiii 8. UttL MODERN -room houo, K10 Capitol Ave Cail Harney 14u4. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH HERE. And we ll make further special winter conceas.ons. -r , mod., host repa.r, 1"4 N. Slat $15 7-1.. mod., choioi-, 1.C5 S. LTih rjj -r., mod., choice. S7i2 Caldwell 13 i-r.. mod., close, paved St.. good location.: e-r , Llec lixht, S acre, liili N. 3t,m il Al several others Z to V rooma at ti to 4-W. RUSdEIX McKITUK'K CO., Rama" Bldg. Uth and ilrnoy Sts. TOR RENT S-room house, ail modern. io7 S Joth St., for tM. Also 7-room, new flat. 211 Dodge St.. for $w. Call 'Phone Harney 1'jfcJ. tor and Offices. FOR RENT Office room, 23. l.vate.1 on top floor. laoing court, JT'i square fe,t, tn cludlntf vault, rents for $23 per month. THE BEE BL1LD1NG COMPANY. OFFERED FOR SALE Fsrsltsrs. BASE BURNER, steel range, gaa range. furn.turc and carpet, cheap. N. 2ua. Tiste rltera. Bl'Y an L. C Smith A Bros, typewriter. II. F. Swanson Co., Itslrtbuters, UHi Par nuui St. YOU can rent ui Oliver typewriter with oak siaml. $3 monthly, irom manufacture: s, noat interested In satisfaction given. Oliver Ty?writer Co., ""Z, rjl MONARCH Tpewr1ter. perfect condi tion, lor faie cheap. Bee Bldg. SFfO.VD-hand tvpewtlters sol-1. repairei Ceiitrjl Typewriter Exchange. i7 Kaisam. sllx-elUaeoaa. E MAVF on hand a number of Ink els whtrh mm will sell ror 5o cent, ':. They are in for i tin water or a.-hes '. at prss room Bee Puhiiaiung Co. F'll PA I E New nd aerond-r.and hil- i. i. i in i pool tames we iee.i ir.e wo 1.1 I'i i''a;) lsr f il ix. asv i-avrneo.s. Lr .lix iia-t a.kf-C-llei.Ucr 7 d. Dm sl OFFERED FQrt S-LE Mlseellaaeoas oatlnaeri. CO T Reeder C'ivpt; housewife de 1))tht c a. Weiterfieid. D. liO SFI-.S overstocked wltn eeond-hard ssfes. ail !es and mak: btrx.n. Amer 1' an Supiy Co, l.Uu f'arna.-n ?t. About W fert of l-!nch d'arreter N J. tange, galvanised pipe, with four oV-lnrh eihowi and T. This w J for ventilat ing purpo-es and r'P" Is I" rod condition Trie Bee Publisnirg Co., 17th and Farnam. CALENDAR Pads, liurkley Printing Co. COAL Furnace lump, a too, i: QM ADDING MACHINES-Our own and otner makes, second-hand, rebuilt. Bur rouichs Adding Maciune Co.. South Ulh Street, Omar.a. TRY our own mined Klnvss coal. M.75 ton Bouthern Coal Co., Hat and Paul; Web. 2f4. DRT kind; ni. n per load deUvered. Weoster U47; Ind. B-iiol. Ft-R SADE H.) first-class mortgage on Nebraska real eMate. J. D. Isaak, Ameri can Falls, Idaho. J.500 CANDLE power gasoline lighting rvstem: good condition; one Cole hot biant heatinir etove; one Buck's range. US South Xth bt. F -P. llghtin syxtem, 4 I'ghts. 3038 Mere dith Ave. Phone Web. 4f94. ML" ST SELL my black lynx fur set. animal muff and large shawl collar, shirred satin lining. 11J 50. Worth t4i. Like new. Address C-wO, Bee OSTEOPATHY A lie Johnson. 3U6-S Brandels Theater bldg. KATHERTN NIKOLAS, SS4-4 Brandels Theater. PATENTS WILLARD EDDT, reg stered practitioner In U. S. Pat. office, bli paxtcn blk. R. -L D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. PERSONAL MECHA.NO THERAPY Drugleaa treatment of stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Haiioran. ZJi Neville Blk. D. 77tiL DR. EGGER3, private confinement home, 1516 Martha eH.. omat.a. Tel. Douglaa oO. STRICT Y private home for confinements; excellent care; babies for adopuon, Jtit Davenport. (iItWDvlew Maternity home, private home for women during confine ment. Address Box 117, Florence. Tel. Flor ence 3b- TUB SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-off clothing, in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and wagons will call. MRS SNYDER has opened maasaire par lors in The Dunsany, room d, lth knd Pierce Sts., where she gives salt glow, Swedish movement, vliira'or and radiator treatment. 'Phone Red 4DS0. THE OMAHA HOUSE and WINDOW CLEAN! NO CO., furnaces fired and base ment kevt clean: storm windows washed and put up. Phono Red 21X JOSIK WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores. Price, 11.50; PRIVATE HOME during confinement; bahiea for adoption. Good famarttan Sani tarium. 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffu, la. YOI'NO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and ft. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise asalsted. Look for our traveler' aid at the Union station. MASK SUITS to rent at L1EBPN'$. WTTPTTTRIP rlleo. etc., cured: no knife: Kfjri UXUl ok German Doctors. HM -Broadway, Counc a BLuffsH la . - t vrpiTQ Salt glow and massage, 1606 t5--110 podge, third floor, opp. post office, Mme. Allen of Chicago, ' Duug. 7M6. yini nd toupes for men. Griffith. ' 12 ana 14 J FRENZER BLOCK. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no loss of time, no Injury to the akin, work guaranteed; lady attend ant. 110 McCarue Bldg., 15th and Dodge. f VSi ( J M treatment. Mrs. Steele. Ill r ftVF,TTf! treatment. Mme. Smith. 522 S. lh, third floor. B. L. LOVEJOY re'lrs sewing machines and warrants them. Z302 N. 21st. Web. ti8. rp T;n Oriental Massage. 44S iui. Brandeia Thea. Ph. D. 863. OMAHA stammerers' Ins., Ramg Bldg. HINTKX) TABLETS will build, brace, Strengthen, 60c BELL DRUQ CO. MATJVPTTn Treatment. E. Brott. 7 AU.DllU 8 1Mn st Tel. Red 46 73 4608. MRS. A. HUSTER. Mllltnery. 221 N. Wth. DM tlTTRFvF SPe. Diseases of cor. 16th & Douglas. Omaha. Cad or writ. VIBRATORY MASSAGE Dr. Rtttenhouee. KK Old Boton Store, 4th f.oor, elevator entrance, !JU & Ulh. Open Sundays tiom I a. m. to U p. m. f SiS fiV. treatment. Mr. Steele, 1U 1.11UD lTUl st ,a noor room 5 PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. KUig, 1J.4 Nurtu 4th SL Web. 255. led. D-litJt. 4 TREATMENTS at hotel or residence Neuropathy, Swedish movement. Masaa and masnetlc cluropractice. Phone B-ls.'S. Dr. . Hansen. Switphp from "rnbirTS. ft 50. Mrs. S. on ill ill 9 Mathews. Hi Paxton blo.k. PRINTING ! Lew W. Raber, Printer r.T1,7,jn"n I-uusiiLS 1U1A. Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court MILLER & JAMIE.'HJN. 1,112 Douglas St. Both phones. PHONE IND A-2J0 for Kood printing Lyngstad Printing Co., lsth and Capitol Ay. RIFS-HALL Pig. C. lo S. 14th. Ind. A-3S24. POULTRY & PET STOCK BIFF Orpimrton cockerels $1 each. Harney four seven eight. Harney 47S. REAL ESTATE lTHt(T us TITLBL Midland Guarantee and Trust eompaa bonded abatractera 1714 Farnam St. I ETEH JENSEN. Jr.. Co. Tsl. Doug tStX HEAL EITATI UiLCRI. PEED ABSTRACT CO Ft IV nrnms service . git mir prices. JUS UraiMeis tneaier FENIAM1N R K CO. 477 hrn1l his REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. Flf taentn Floor City National Bank Building. CITY PROPEHTV FOR J1LI3 New, Dundee, $4,250 Large t-story bungalow (t rooms . Harrison & Morton 960 A. $60 an Acre Sarpy Couuty I All level.) Harrison (is: Morton REAL ESTATE CTTT PROPKRTT Kott AI.: (Continued.) I EAS T til MS First-class little house of 7 rooma and reth: smith front on pave, itrtt nnr North 24ih St. enr l:n: price only 82.100; th, la what you have been looking for. Payne Investment Company, Doug. 17SL A-UMi. TERMS TO SUIT Eight-room house, all modern, in good condition; east front; paving r-aid: close to two car lines. Attractive proposition. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 N. Y. Ufa. Douglaa or A-ZU2. roK lALt-Two lots. usxlW, eot Kth Bt near Vtntoo; ail pclal taxes paid, will 11 as n piece or divide. Willing to sell at aawitWek Apply at atf Moais list u FINE BUILDING SITE FOR A HOME Location, loth and Miami. 2M0 feet west, facimt south; asphalt paved street and con venient to two car lines; for uuick saie I Payne Investment Company, Doug. 17hL A-UM. FUR SALE House 1 rooma water, sower, touet, etc; nice troeo and aoruDoery. d kuuUk Xlst BU SIX-ROOM modern eottage. for aala on easy lrm by owner. U. alianu St. A SNAP Must sell to settle an estate. 7 roora modern house 11.00. ZiH N. Jsth Ave. Phone Webster wow. KOtlO buys i rooms and bath at 1220 Burt St; half block from two car line. Harney and Cuming; asphait street. See owner at 321 Burt ou, or Tel. Harney 4M. A NEW S-room Btrictly modern bunga low, built for a home; oak woodwork and floors, all rooma beautiiuliy decorated; furnace heat: good location, one block to treet car and one block to school. Inuuirs of owner. Phone Webster isei or Secretary at Douglas 772. REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RANCH LAND FOR SALE Arltaaaaa. ARKANSAS FARMS Big list: special bargains; tent free. Writ today. Captain Riegs, Fayetteville. Ark. Callforala. FOR SALE ro to per acre; 4 cash, balance long term; the last of the big ranches to be colonised and in the greatest Irrigation district In the world, where eaoh land owner has equal right to water and It never gives out; rich, level, sandy loam; grows from S to 7 crops alfalfa yearly; dairy products called for each day by the four big creameries: no land anywhere near so cheap, any where in district; will double in value In 2 years; Investigate thi. Turlock Garden Land Co., Modesto, Cai. SUBDIVIDE Have 1.15 acres of choicest land in Santa Crux mountains. 8 miles from Santa Crux. 6 miles from Gl;nwood; 'JO acres cleared, balance In timber and or chard; county road runs through land; deep rich soil; price $35 per acre; can be subdivided In small tracts at $100 per acre. John Dabuls, Santa Crux, Cal. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO SECURE a 1 to 5-acre home at Hayward at low price and on easy terms; we are closing up the Horry W. Meek estate and huyei s must act quickly; the electno from Oakland runs to the tract every 30 minute; P. and Western' Pacltic runs through the lands; only to minutes to San Franc. aco; on crop will more than pay tor the land. . Bean produce $300 per acre; pea (ear liest In the state) .00 per acre; garlic, S"00; tomatoes. 1J0; cherries and apricots, from tat) to l&io: local buyers have purchased over f 100.000 worth In last 60 days; they know Its value; only about 80 acre of the subdivision left. Come out at once; free Information: electric cars stops at our door. ROBINSON A GUNNING. General Agents for land of Meek estate, E33 Castro St., Hayward. Cal. 110 W0 down; 10 acres good level land, 4 miles from Merced; adapted to aUalta. fruit, etc.; 1 mile from school; aiail house, sheds, water right. KJvO j0 down; 20 acres good level land, i miles from Merced; adapted to alfalfa, orchards, etc; water right. J. E. RUSSELL. MarcaU. Cal. A HOME with an income cheap 240 acre, miles from Auburn; good houae, 6 rooms furniture, barn, sneds, farming toois, 1 wagons, harness, 10 milch cows, 30 acres bearing orchard and grapes, 60 acres grain laud, ' natural meauuws, & aitaifa. Daiance p&sture, a Uving springs; all under uiicb; finest climate on earth; 2 miles to H. R. snipping. Price $6,000. $J.ouO can, balance per cent. R E. Lee, Heal Estat Lioker, E. Auburn, Cal. SAN JOSE Income Homo Orchard. $6.5o0 i a., adjoining the city limit of Sail Jos; assorted fruit orciiard, pays $io per year; two good new cottages; rent for IM per month; mill and tank and ail outbuildings; land aujuunng seUng for $l,uu0 per a.; best proposition In Uie state. J. M. NELSON, 24 N. 1st St.. san Jose. Colorado. GARDEN SPOT OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY. Now Is the time to net ready and buy a choice garden tract for next spnns; have a choice lot to select from. fouie good Largains In ranches, chicken ranches. Call on The J. R. Hams Realty Co., lis Ma.n Sc. Littleton, Colo. 7Uj-acre tract, or part, plenty of fruit; also suitable tor chii ken ranch, a bargain, if taken at once; close to car line, cail or phone Ho i mi J A Hoffman, Real Estate, Arveua, Coio. Florida. FLORIDA LAND. i Florida You cajii.ot lone on any well i lelecteu properly in Florida, but are ur i of quick and substantial profits. We have u. any good pr,.peitiea for colonisation, ' fruit and vegetaole lands and improved ! farina. Pup & North. Ml Atlantic National bun. liidg , Jacksonville, hi a. Genrclsv. FOR SALE How is this: A lot 60x140 feet in a progressive city, and 40 acres farming land, ail fur JAW, on terms of $10 cah and 110 monthly. Address. F. L. Thomas, iJiub River road. Columbus, Ga. GREAT bOUTlI GEUJiGLA. TR-WERSED BY THE ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAlLRu.lD. Lands adaiteU to the widest rane of ! crops, a.1 the uK'tiey orops of tne Stut.i Plentifully produced. For iiteiatui's treat- lug witti ihis con,. r.g couulry. .l il, ci.- ! mate, cnurcii and scl'.ooi ail ar.tages, writ , W. H. LEAHY. Gen I Pasenyer Ag'-.. I 'ept. K, Atlanta, Ga. ' Ullaui. FOR SALE--.100 acres in Chevence Co Colorado; 'eel. gently rolling, al i. ir.s two towns. U. P. R. R fn ntase; t- Ifurvejed lor irr:Rat;on; own my own water; 'rights; all aifa.fa. wh-at and potato land.; I shallow water; country set' .(. i UU) . j ors valley land, grat or colunu- j Iiuk propowition . a.l fen-ed a:id cr'Sirnteu; ' greatest burea u in rauern Culurado. at ' lis for i,uii a -ale. liberal term. ,ow in-j I irot. Inquire iinr. Jas G. Ba:lry i l iavan. III. I FOR SALE r exchange a splendid ' sere w heat far:n In M initoha's must rat ored d:s:ru t. near town an4 school. Vv fa' ! ou to etjtr? . 1. i'ereuaon, Li, iiranm. LI. ! FOR SALE P-st 6o"-nrre tock grain! i farm In aie. K. II. Mat: n s ore end j ele-tor on farm, gravel r ad: will brsr j i -ii,-,t lr esti;atioii. I'rioe l.'Ai.Owl M. a. j brwek. Ciaii Par k. Ill ' REAL ESTATE rR.M AD RANCH LAU FOR 9AI.B Illlaola tlaaed. FOR SALE Corn farms; 1,3 acres In Pu reau county, Illinois. 111.'.', 8C acre. Ogle county, $m). O. A. Hoicoroo, Aurora. 1.1. Iowa. FARM LAND ! ACRFS FINE PRAIRrB LAND. Situated m les from a good county eat town in North Dako'a. Evu-y foot tillable, will trade In a town dwelling to amount of $'.' to $2.ouO. Address Lock Box 211. New Aibln, la. ISO ACRES in Anderson county. Kan.; SO acre pasture, baiam e new iand. price. $14 pr acre. Neai-Buwman Land Co., Harnett, Kan TWENTY QUARTERS for ale. every acre tillable, no sand or rock lie smooth, dark loam soil. prlc. Il.aou per quarter. Frank Muhek, Scott city, Kan. ALFALFA land; farm land tn western Kansas. I uuote. subject to previous saie, S, W. 1D-20-32. shallow water a.faila land, at per acre; 3t miles from McCue. N. E. 11-17-82. good wheat or broom corn land, $11 per aire, miles from Manning on Mo. Pac. G. D. Card, Scott City. Kan. Orfos. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND, so acres only $0.00 pr acr. Address L. D. Oakes. Gaston. Ore. llicktssa. MICHIGAN FARMS IN FRUIT BELT. No. L 40-A., all cleared, log bouse, frame barn, nice creek, $i. No. 2, 40-A., is sores cleared, new houe, level, good soil, $760. No. 4. 40 acres, all cleared, buildings. 4 miles town. peach, other fruit, li.uuO. No. 4, SO-A., acres cleared, baiauo cut ovbr, house, fine stream, $1,000. No. 6. to-A., unimproved, 4 mile town, good land. Vtou. No. . 40-A., unimproved, level, can be easily cleared, $JoU. No. 7, so-A., unimproved, level, heavy biack land. $1,000. No. . 170-A., unimproved, level, heavy black soil, $1,300. All on eaav terms, others, list free. TUB EYA-N'S-HOLT CO.. Fremont. Mich. FARM BARGAIN. Best 600-acr farm in Mich.; black sandy loam; It bldgs; 1 mile from town; net yearly earnings $6,u00. ti. Arbogast, Bloom field. N. J. FOR BALE 12.000 acre of unimproved fruit and farm lands In eight townships In Lake. Osceola and Mason counties, Mich igan; formerly hard wood timber lands; situated In well settled country; title per fect, abstract furnished. Representative at Land Show and at Hotel New Southern, where samples of soil and products are shown. IL W. Marsh. Owner, Man istee, Mich. Mississippi. MISSISSIPPI LAND Thousands of acres of the very best of farm and timber land for sale in Wilkinson county, Mississippi, at from $f to $J0 per acre. ' Wilkinson county is in the healthiest part of this country, with a climate unsurpassed; ail kinds of crops can be grown here, and horses, mules, csttle, hogs and poultry can be raised very profitably. Have tracts from 10 to 10.000 acre in one body. I can furnish splendid properties for colonisation at very low prices; also fine tin bar tracts. If you want land in any other part of tins state, or in Louisiana, I ran furnish It. If interested, rail on or write to G. A. Wettiln. real estate atcenr. and county director of tna Mississippi Lbnd Development Association, WooUvi... M.SS. MUsoarL , 160 ACRES 6 mile to town';. good, level, well drained land; on mail route and school house on one corner of the farm; 7-room house, new; Larn sUxdO; hog ana cow house; windmill, pieuty water, about s acres Umber. This 1 a good place, priced at $06 per acre. D. . CRUTCHKR, Drexel, Mo. THE "OZARK LAND CtK- offers the biggest bargains In land ia ..Tf &aa, Howell and Oregon counties, Mo.,v p; any concern lu the country. Send for our new laud list and descriptive circular. : Giaiing lands from to to $10. ' Farm lands, $10 to $40. Timber lands. $J.50 to $15.00. Fruit lands. $-3 to $75. ' OZARK LAND CO., 4D3 Bee JtJidg., Omaha, .Nab. OZARK LANDS. Ozark Land Co.. 403 Bee bldg. GRAZING, farming, timber and fruit lands In south Missouri. From $J.J0 to $25 per acre. OZAKK. LAND CO., 403 BEE BLDG. MISSOURI LANDS -or sale. 80 acres tn 1.000 acres; terms and prices to suit pur- l.uou acres; terms ana prices to si chaser. Writ for particulars. Stevens. Clinton. Henry Co., Mo. W. HALF INTEREST, 40-acr farm, under laid with xino and lead. T. Chapman, Webb City, Mo. St ACRES AND 4 ACRES IN OOOLI old Cass county; 50 mile from Kansas City both well Improved; fine black limestone land; bargain: choice, $45 per acre; good term, V. Burdette, Garden City, Mo. BARGAIN 60-acre farm: 4 miles from Warsaw, Mo.; 25 acres cultivated, balance pasture! near school and enurchi Dries $1.0u0; terms easy. Address T. G. Owen. Warsaw, Ma Minaeeot. FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND W bav over Ui.ouu acre Minnesota land to offer at foreclosure prioea; about one-half value; liberal terms; part or wools; grand opportunity for retailer. E. W. Taylor et son., Nat. Ger.-Amer. Bank Bldg., bU Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Best cut-over land In north ern Minnesota and Wisconsin; $2.75 per acre and up; farm, umber and iron lands. Joun Q. A. Crosby, Faiiadio Bidg., Duiuin, Minn. FOR SALF. BY THE OWNER hiO acres in Mower county, Minn.; well improved, ail tillable, i miles to town, na.f mile to school, li miles to Iowa Price, .J per acre, aeth A. Cheney, Grand Meadow, aunn. 640 OPEN MINNESOTA PRAIRIE at $15. Terms: U2.uutf haidware and implements and 4.M bu.ldinss tor farm to uiaica in corn Utli cum In,. Aurian, Minn. IMPROVED farm of about 100 acre In Coif ax county, Nebraska, all good level land, new buildings, 50 acre In wheat, ia. s ciose to town. U. P. R R. runs n the farm. Price, $jo per acre, would take sum city property. L N. Hammond. -12 Board of Trade. IN FINE country, DtiO acre of land; 174 acies cultivation. Ml acres pajiuie, it-ruuin iiouae. double granary and corn crib, 3 leet lone, barn for Is iiorses. windixuu, fenced, iand is rolling, 6 miles eat, 2 miis north of Creigiiloii, Neo. If sold soou. it. ju an acre; ea.y terms, vv'nte owner. Max, Pieroe, Neo. Pesssylvssls, -FOR SALE loO ACRE8 ALL EwUPPED, $1,200. Income $74a besides produce consumed by oaners lamily, tiO acres, juicy oast are for Is cows; l.uuu cds. hard wood can be marketed In Center at $5 per corl. orchard produces so bbis. In season, at tracuie ,-rooin painted house water; big barn, wagon .ned, poultry a .d sugar houses, owner, having oiner tus neas, will &acraf:cs for vtuica saie and will include pa r horses, t cows, sugar matting and tariii.rig euuipment, for omy -Oj, pa: : cdii; heies epiendid chance for a tuan tun a little money to gel out Into Go.i country, be t.appy, independent, maAs money and keep his faiuny in comfort ,nl pienty; rcuj a,, the retai.s of tu.s an.l a:i otner of 47 aces tor $. page Is. "(n)jt' B ggeal Fai :n Baignins.' copy free E. A t.rout. StaLon T.'l L'u.on bank bldg. Pmsourg. Pa. I0ItT O'COXXEJl, TEXAS Tie Garden spot of tr.e south. Fine w.nC ter and summer climate. Very best agri cultural anj fruit land. All close to rail road. One year s crop will pay for land Price $J to $50 per acre. One-tnird cash. WAUXEli & WILLIAMS, 4C Be Ulog. uu.a:.a. Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM A1 HIM II I. U FUR SALE Teas 1 eatleeed. WELL IMPROVED ranch cf seven sec tions lor ra.e by owner, in center of Gray couuty, Texas, wsil watered, priced rtgai. Appiy to li. U. Loveiu pauipa. lex. CHEAP RA NCH Great bargain; l.'.V acres, ntar roisom, N. M , s-rocm ranch bouse, outbuiiojiiss. fruit trees, acies can be pui in ailaiia ana uriaaied, U ppr.nKs. natural shelter for catue, control i.tmi acres in pasture, .t'-niiiS fence, 110 per acre, hail cash. 1. H. Pence, v tute- right. 1'ex. SACRIFICE enle to raise cash. 640-acr cliocoiate loam corn land, miles northeast McLean. neeier Co., 1 exas, o acre. Geo. W. Swarthout, owner, McLean, lex. Waahlaatua. FOR SALE Cheap, 10 acre go.d land, aboul 3 acies siasned, good welt, new pump and sued; for Kwo; mile to Suen uan dock; 15 minutes ride to Bremerton. Address Box 575, Btemorton, Wash. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres of good aider land, partly cleared, near good road, good new house and cbicaen house; tW laying hens, ducxs and a lot of pigeons, two miles from good new town, near boat landing; ten miles ficm city of 40,oio people. Pnce, $soO, Ijow down, balance $10 per month. See Mr. Morrison. 3.U Bond SL. Everett. N ash. TWO 5-acre tracts, fronting on Lake Che lan, Wash.; t- ear-old winter appies. fine oil. fine lake, fine climate, fine fishing and boaLng, low price to cios an eslat. Address W. H. Norrl 4701 L'th Av., N. E., seattlo, or C. P. Bennett, Lakeside, Wash. Wlaeoaalaw COME TO VILAS COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Good land cheap and on very easy terms form $10 to $15 an acre. 40 acres for $10 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH. No Interest, no taxes, insurance ciauso In the contract. Fertile soil, plenty of rain, good roads, good markets, good school and chun lies. Send for map and book to Dept. 2. O. F. BAN BORN CO.. Eagl River. Wi. DANDY LAKE FRONT DAIRY FARM; 12 acre, only miles from Centuna, Polk county, Wis.; excellent aoil. hardwood Um ber; 25 acre under cultivation; good frame house, log barn, small fruit and sliaue trees; quarter mile frontage on beautiful lake with fin beach; only $i,Ai0, on easy terma Owner, u. k.. C, Box A, St. Croix Fails, Wis. SO ACRES LEVEL LAND, 15 cultivated, l. . , . , , hmiid larva barn. M.ll' . fW.UIQ, M I W . 1, " , - . " , chicken house, spring and trout brook on iarm; s miles irom siauon, scnooi ou tv. $l,Soo, easy terms. Tom O. Mason. Island City Stat bank. Cumberland, Wis. TO exchange VO acre good level farm land. Oneida county, Wisconsin; near railroad and town; country rapidly eettilng up and prices advancing; price $1,800, clear; want good, sound young registered Perch eron or Belgian aial.on, to weigh no less than l.mX( pounds and a sure foal getter. Address Lock Box ouS, Rhinelandsr, Wis. A BARGAIN. 100-acr farm, stock machinery and all for $3,100; small payment down; 40 acres under plow; new modern seven-room house; two miles from Mauston, Wis.; act quick. Ad dress R. M. GRIMSRUD. Westby, Wis. BEST land In Wisconsin; any slsed tract; wholesale prices. Grimmer Laud Co., Marl, neete. Wis. FOR SALE Cheap, good Improved farm. $4,000; half down, ba.anoe easy terms. Geo. Ives. Mauston, Wis., R. a. Miscellaneous. Successful Fruitdale IS TILE PLACE FOR YOU Land In this extaollshed gulf coast colony 1 tne best Investment now being offered In the entire south; good land, not white sand; no negroes; flue market; big profit country; not a new tiling, but established for 18 years and success proven; healthful climate and beautiful winters; water pure; rairuall ample, no Irrigation required; $o per month buy a farm In this district, where 10 acre can be made to produce $a,O)0 a year; prices low now and makes splendid Investment, as land Is rapidly In creasing In value; nothing exactly like It anywhere; send for our big book of pan orama view. Agents wauled. Fruitdale Development Company, 647, 43 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. GOOD land for sale In North Dakota, Montana, and In many other states. In quiries cheerfully answered. Svea Real Estate Co., 714 New York Life Bid. WAIN" TED TO BUY There are thousands of people in Iowa that want to buy farms improved and un improved In settled and unsettled districts. Th way to best reach tnem is through the classified pages of THE DEd MulNEd CAPITAL. Average circulation last month 44.445 copies. Pubuahed tor twenty year at pes Moines, la., by Lafe Young. REAL ESTATE LOANS $bOV to $6.oo0 on Omaha homes. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., luls N. Y. Lite- Dougiaa or A-U5i. WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam boiitn at Co., IXM Farnam Sl WANTED City loan. Patera Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN Pay no Investment Co. GARVIN BROS., 2d floor N. Y. Life. $000 to liuo.ouo on impioved property. No delay. LOANS to homo owner and home build er, with privilege of making partial pay meats semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 013 First National Bank Bldg. $101) to llO.OnO made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBKRO CO.. 310-313 Brandon Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have CASH BUYERS for GOOD bus iness and residence properties. WE CAN SELL your property If worth the money. ON'EIL'8 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Tel. Tyler 1024. Jnd. A-iSO. 15o5 Farnam street, Omaha. 13 North 34tn street South Omaha. SWAPS IF YOU have anv kind of business or properties to trade for South Missouri land see uzark Land Co.. 403 Bee Bidtj, urnalia. WE exchange properties of merit. H. H Culver, al3-si3 N. Y. Life. Dougiaa 7siA. W want to exchange good North Da kota and Minnesota land for a few four and ftt passenger automobiles to use in our land business next seuson. Some cash will be required In eui h deal, and we will take mortgage for balance. State In your first letter what you nave and what you can do. SVEA REAL ESTATE CO. 714 New York Lite Bldg. C?E baud new K 77 Colts acetylene gas inaci.iiie and gas range to trade for good hogs, cows or chicksna 4oe5 Graad Att. piione Web. 4794. . THE hest 10-aiTe fruit and poultry farm in Douglas County F SC. Bee WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 3d hand furn:ture ra pets. ciou.iiig and shoes. Tel D. ATI. , 6EC(iND-HAND clothing; party after no,n d essea. Joi n Feldman. D. 3I3. A-:tSJo. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room in private family while attending cuiirge. Buy les Col.ege. Both phones. POSITION WANTFD-Marrled, 38 years old; experienced In furniture and under taking. Licensed Nebraska and Kansas. Addrr-ss Y .An. cate Bee. Mm and wife with baby wants place to work on a farm. A. vmith, 517 North Hist 1 : i eet. imiaoa. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Return. Yi.l'N'l WK1'I-H mm. WANT po-sit-on as nurse Kir I. Tei Harney ' o LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING - OFFICE of Le-G.a- Andreesen HaMwar com pany, oma m, Nebraska. levinler a. Die. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of Le-ttisos-AndT ee.en Hardwar Com pany that the annual meeting of th stock holders of the company win be held at the of'loe of the eald company, corner ef Ninth and Harney streets, in the cltv of Omaha, in the etale of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Janu ary, 10. A D., Dll. at I o'clock p. m., for the purpose or electing a hoard of directors for the cornnajiy to serve during the en suing year, and to transact such other bunnee as may be presented at such meet trig H J. LEE. President. tt-t W. IT r?T.AS 5e-r-tarv. RAILWAY TIME CARD ISIO.I ITATIOX Teat ss Xsrer. I nloe, r.rlflp. Pan Fran. Overland L..a (T15 am all SO pm China and Japan F. M..a 4.10 pm a 6 pm Atiantlo Express a I 46 am Oregon Exprs a 4:00 pm a 1. 10 pm Los Angeles Limited 13 46 pro a $ 30 P Colorado Special all 48 pm a 7-43 am Denver Special a 47 am al3 )am Colorado Express a 3 W pm a 4 u prn Oregon-Wash. Limited al3 50 pm a 8 ) pm North Platte Local a a i pm alO JO am Grand Island Local a i 30 pm alO am Lincoln-Beatrice Local b 13 40 pm b LA) pm tklrsgo, Hock Islaad Paelflc EAST. Rocky Mountain ttd...a'J M am alO Chicago Day Express, .a 6 46 am at Chicago Local I'ass....bl0 35 am blO Des Molne Local Paa a 4 oO pm ail Chicago Expree a 4 40 pm a 1 Chicago Limited a ( 0b put a 45 pm SO pm 19 pm ,J0 pm .15 pm .03 am 47 pm SO pm 20 pm .50 am WEST. Chl.Neb. Ltd., Lincoln.. a 8 am a 5 Colo. & Cal. Ex a 1 a pm a 4 Okl. cm Texas Express. .a 3:15 pm a 1 Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0.56 pm aU (hlraao, Mllmskc Jt lit. Pssl- Overiand Limited all:43 pm a 7 Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7.1 am b t Omaha-bavannah Ex...c 715 am c I Colo.-Cal. Ex a 8.00 pm a 3 Colorado Special a 7.57 am all Perry-Omaha Local b 5.15 pm, bll Ihlcsgo Great Western Chicago Limited a 5:48 pm .... Twin City Limited b 8 30 pm a 7 Twin City Express a 8 00 am a 8 59 am .30 am :W am 35 pm 33 pm .06 pm ri am 30 pm 4 piu II am 50 pm Chicago Expree , a $ Mluowrl Paeifle K. C. St. L. Ex a f 20 am a T K.. C. SL L. Ex., ex cept Saturday all. 15 pin a I K. C. gt L Ex.. Saturday only 13:00 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express Chicago Limited Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex.... Minn. -St. Paul Ltd.... Wssssk Omaha-St. Louis Ex.. Mail and Express..... ..a 7 00 am ..a t oo pm ,.b 7 0S am ..a (.00 pin ..a 8.30 pm a 3 a 8 45 pin oo am a 8.0u am a 9 all blO S3 am 15 pin 15 am . 7.30 am aianb'y Lcl.Urom C.B.Jb 5:00 pm thicsuco St Nortk western NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express..... .a i.oo am oloux City Local....... .a 3.4a pm Minn. & Danot Ex a 7:00 pm 1 win City ltd tex baj.a 8 46 pin Twin City Ltd (ex aaij.all.aO pm EAa'l ISO U N O. Omaha Express .,. (i.iAlim Chicago Local al:o& pm Colorado-Chicago ......a 5.10 pm alO a 3 a I a i a I al3 a 8 a $ a 7 a $ 412 a 7 a 8 alO a 3 all alO b 6 b 6 a 5 :20 pm :3s pm .is aiu :3o aiu .30 aui .35 am .in pm .38 pm .55 a u 3a pui .J0 pm 4e am .33 am uO am .35 pui 00 am :45 pm .M pm .30 pin :3o pm :00 am .55 pm Chicago special ..a 8.03 pm Pacific Coast-Chiuago .a b.oo pui Los Angeie Limited uveriana Limited ... Denver Special Carroll Local i Fast Mail ..a 8.oo pm ..all. 45 pm . .aii 40 am ..a 4.30 pm 8.30 pm WESiaOL'ND. Llncoln-Chadron .. .....a 7.0 am Norfolk-Daiias a 7:50 am Long Pi ne-so. Platte... b 2:15 pm Hastings-Superior b 3.1u pm Dead wood-Hut cprlngs.a 3:55 pm Casper-Lander a 3 55 pm Framont-Albioa b 6.30 pm a 1 Barllma-toa Ktatloa lOttt mm Has, Barllnston Denver 3k California.. ..a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Expreaa...a 4:i0 pm Nebraska points ........a S:2o am Black Hill ..a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mall b 1JD pm Northwest Express ....all 15 pm Nebraska points a 8:30 am Nebraska Express .....a 9:15 am Lincoln Icah .. Schuyler-Plattsmoutn ,.b 3:05 pm Lincoln Local a 7.26 pm Plattsmouth-Iowa a 9:18 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth al2:30 pm Colorado Limited all :35 pm Chicago Special a 7:15 am Chicago Expresi a 4:3) pm Chicago Fast El press, .a 6 :30 pin Iowa Local ' a 9:15 am Creston, la.. Local a 3 30 pm St. Louis Express a 4 30 pm K. C. & St. Joseph. al0:45 pm sl C. A St. Joseph. .....a 9:15 am K. C. 3k St. Joseph a 4:30 pm a 3:45 pm a 3 45 pm a 6 :10 pm a 8:45 pm al2:l5 pm a 7:00 am a 8 :10 pm a 8:10 pm b 9:08 am bl0:20 am a 7:50 pm a 8:60 am a 3:40 pm a 7:00 am all:05 pin a 8:55 pm a 8 00 pm alO 30 am al0:30 am aU 45 am a 8:45 am a 8:10 pm Webster Station IStk and Webster. Mleaowrl Paojflw e Auburn Local b 1:50 pm bl2:16 pm Iklcsgo, St. Paol, Minneapolis 3k Omaha Sioux City Express b 1:15 pm bll:45 am Omaha Local o 8 20 pm Sioux City Passenger b 9:3X) pm Twin City Passenger.. .b 8:30 am Sioux City Local o 8 35 am Emerson Local b 5:55 pm b 9:10 am Depart. Arrive. (b Dally except Sunday. (c Sunday only. American Foot Ball Puzzles Writers Across the Big Pond Did Not Enow How to Take the Game When Two Battleship Teams Play. Foot ball a played in America sorely puzxled the London reporter who went to th Crystal Palace on Thanksgiving clay to see the match between a team from the battleship Idaho and on from the Vermont. One writer in hla description frankly admits that to attempt to describe the game In technical detail would bo beyond the power of any English trained f'jot ball reporter. Another call it "the fiercest thing in game." Take, he says, two part Uraeco- Roman wrestling, one part catch tia catch can, season with a little French boxing, add a ball, and serve hot. That 1 the recipe for American foot ball. F. B. Wilson, a well known writer on sports, says: "Th American gam 1 en tirely different to English rugby or asso ciation. No doubt, after playing It halt a dozen times, the survivor, If he survive, would understand th thing properly One thing la certain, anyway; the game Is a game for men men as the Romans used the distinction between real men and just humans of the male sex." After the first three-uuarters Kohler of the Idaho team emerged with a bandage round nls and others were limping, but il did not matter, fur Idaho won with 19 points to nothing. Tbey received the challenge cup from the duke of Man chester. "It a great game." said Columbus, A. B. of the Iuaho. with his mouth full of sponge, 'but the ground's too soft to fall on here. Now, if it had been frosty and hard." he added meaningly, ' these fellow of the Vermunt ." WOMAN OF UNSOUND MIND ROUSES SLEEPING FAMILY I Held at th Matron' Department at the (Itr Jail Pending Htsrlsg, The family living at L"7C3 Norh Twenty fllth street was startled at 1 ocloik thl muriiing by a pounding on the front door. When the door was opened a woman said r.e wanted to come in and visit for a time. She is now held at the matron's derr.-ment at the city Jail where it Is thought sh is not of sound mind. When questioned. r.e Kv her name as M-s. Short and said she was 13. 15 and 17 years old. She appeared to be about U years old. SUBORNATIONJHARGES MADE Affidavit Filed Making Charges Against John 0 Yeiser. COUNTER AFTLDAVTTS FILED Yeiser Insert the Affidavit Werw Secured I ader I) arena aad an Taylor Make Otker Affidavits. Charees of ubornatlon of perjury In connection with the dtmage action of William F. Taylor aaalnst John Blanclt and th Title Guaranty , Surety company are made aarlnst Join O. Telser. attor ney for Taylor, by Tavior and hi wlf In affidavits filed tn district court Thurs day morning by A. t. Blllek. deputy county attorney and attorney for tho Tltlo Guaranty & Surety company. Th affidavit alien that Taylor em ployed Attorney A. 8. Rltchlo to negotiate for a settlement with Blanc and ' tho surety company; that Ritchie effected a settlement for 1(; that thereafter" Yeiser Induced Taylor to go Into court, f!gM tho suit against Blanck and to surety com pany, and commit porjury In repudiating; the settlement. Tho affidavits were filed at 10 o'clock. Charxe that tho affidavits of Taylor and hi wife charging Yeiser with ubornatKm of perjury were secured by coercion and threats of sending affiant to th penllee tlary are made by Taylor In on affidavit filed In district court by Mr. Yler At Il.SS o'clock Thursday morning. Taylor waa arrested on a statutory chargo last week. Detective Steve Maloney of th city police department say that ho so cured the avidenc against Taylor in th statutory case and also secured and deliv ered to Mr. Kilti'k tho information regard ing th alleged perjury. Th affidavit first made by Taylor and hi wlf recite that Yeiser originally wa employed by Taylor to represent aim in his suit against Blanck, a saloonkeeper, for damages suffered through drinking' in hi saloon, and tho Tltlo Guaranty at Surety Co., Blanck bondsman. Later- Rltchlo waa employed and secured a settlement, affiants state. Yeiser then told Taylor and hi wife that they could repudiate tho whole settlement on tho stand and they decided to do so, say tho affidavits. When th case waa tried th Jury returned a M! verdict for Taylor. Learning that Taylor and his wlfa had signed affidavits charging; htm with sub ornation of perjury, Mr. Yeiser went to Taylor and secured the affidavit repudiat ing th first one Taylor sinned. This affi davit recite that Charley Van Dusen, an other detective, and A. C. Elllck got affi ant under arrest, threatened that they would send him to th penitentiary unless ha made affidavit as they requested and told him that if h would make uah affi davit and Induce his wlf to make a simi lar one they would let hire off.' Tho affi davit ends with a statement that Mr. Yeiser never told affiant to perjure him self and never Instructed affiant to do any thing illegal or dishonest. Asked whether or not charges of con tempt of court wilt be mads against Yeiser, Mr. Elllck said; "That Is a matter for tho court to determine." Judge Willis O. Bears, before whom tho Taylor-Blanck case was tried, said tha matter has not been called to his attention, either directly or Indirectly. PLAN TO STRENGTHEN THE JURY BRIBING LAWS Will bo Takes mm Saturday Evening at tha Meeting; of tk Bar , Associativa. Jury bribing and plans for laws that may make corruption of Jurors more difficult and conviction of persons guiity of such actions mora easy will bo discussed at a regular meeting of tho Omaha Bar associa tion in the criminal court room Saturday night. Attorneys H. H. Baldrlge, A. C. Wakeley, C. J. Smyth and others will pro sent written suggestion of now state laws which might bettor condition. On law that has been suggested Is one providing; for tha employment of a Jury commls slonsr whoso business it would ba to pro vide Jurors and who would bo responsible for life character of tha men. Under tha present system county commissioners glv list of 600 name each and from thee th Jurors are drawn blindly. Tho association's consideration of thl matter at this time Is th result of tha re cent disclosures of Juror bribing In tha Douglas county district court Ben 8. Baker will submit written sug gestions for strengthening th bribery stat ute so that persons disposed to bribe Jur ors will tear rt mora. John P. Breen will offer soma suggestions along th same Una. If the Bar association approves th sug gestions recommendation that the State Bar association endorse them will bs mad. The matter then will bo taken up in tho meeting of tho stats association, which con vene in Omaha. December 27. If th stata bar approve there is Uttl doubt that th legislature will amend tha laws .governing Jurors and affecting bribery. NEW RETAIL JEWELRY SHOP OPENS IN BANK BUILDING Wolf Jewelry Company Take Qssrlsri la City National ssk Balldlaa-. Another retail store has opened Its doors In order to get the advantage of the holiday season, but will continue permanently af ter the Christmas trade ha ended. This new shop is s Jewelry stors. th Wolf Jewelry company being the proprietors. The store i located In the City National Bank building which now has rented all but on of the sixteenth street fronts. The Wolf Jewelry company formerly en. gaged in w holesaielng, has thus now opened a retail store in conjunction. Tha heads of the company are A. Wolf, who ha been tweniy-flve years In the Jewelry business In Omaha, and bis son, Joseph Wolf, who ai so ha had considerable experience. The reta.l store, while large enough for all convenience may not seem Impressively large, but a big slock 1 carried not only In the retail quarter proper, but In other rooms as well. The furnihlng are of mahogany and plate giiias and with the sheen of gold, silver aiid crystal, the shop presents th pecul.arly handsome and attractive ap pearance wlncn pertains almost exclusively to retail Jewelry snops. The company intends to soeclailxo in Jewelry novelties, but will carry a full line of all wares, and wUl conduct a watch-mlng and reta.r business. Open ing trade Wednesday and Thursday was large. A Simple Hslesssrd for Mothers. Mrs. D. CUkeson, 128 Ingles Ave.. Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by -perience. "My little girl Lai s severe cold I and coughed almost continuously. My siater recommended Foley' Honey and Tar. Th first doe I gave her relieved the Inflamatian ia her throat and after ' using only on bottls her throat and lung I war entirely fre from inflammation. iir.t a then 1 always keep a bvttl of Foley' Honey and Tar la th bous," Accept no substitutes. Hold by all druggist.